Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 01, 1888, Part I, Page 8, Image 8

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mm . ' M * * * mm * * * w uj-.Miu-rM.wr.lmjrjrijiuBnjjjij _ L j Ix r. n T j ! _ L _ H
i i jitii-iijijfj TLIUJ-I i r. 1.1mmm i nnr Jjmi n Ji LJ L ujLEj-jiJijinrrTj.Lr J2 : _ 1. _ ! . _ - - j L isv * +
Seventh y Jar For tlio Orcnt Gnsollno
Quick "Meal Stove.
Over 050 wore In use in Omnha Jnnu-
dry 1,18SH. Ncnrly leO luivo been sold
tins spring. Not & > 00 worth of repairs
Imvc been needed for the whole lot.
Never nn accident luis boon reported
from one , \vhon Jill other R.isollno stoves
have cnuEod accidents. The ren&on tlio
Quick Meal has never caused nn nccl-
tlcnt , is because it is so arranged that
it filriclly punrds against accidents.
It will take only two-thirds the fuel
of nny other gasoline stove , and will do
nil your cooking , washing , baking mid
ironing with two-thirds tlio expense of
n coal stove.
You feel bolter in the fall after using
n Quick Meal through tlio summer , be
cause you have not perspired yourheallh
away during the summer over a hot cook
stove In thu cxliomo hot weather.
Hclow I give the names of 100 who
have bought the Quick Meal this spring.
Look over the list may bo some of your
acquaintances are among themto whom
you can refer for information.
F. 1' . Stone , . ' ! 4i.'a Hurt ; O. W. Van
Dorn , Walnut Hill ; George 1' . Mongoii ,
real estate , I'axton block ; C. A. Ahor-
cromblo , 1713 Chit-ago ; T.V. . Richards ,
Continental Clothing company. Mr.
Thnxtor , 27iW Hamilton ; M. IJ. i'owcll ,
druggist , M. 1) . Hickey , 120th and liar-
noy ; W. K. Rockwell , 127l > < ) Hamilton ;
Mr. Songorcn , l.'lth and Howard ; Will-
lam Utilrd , < > ; ( ( ! and 1'ncilic ; L. M. Sauls-
bury. SMlh and Pierce , George ICooglo ,
loll Saunders ; Mr. llcmple , ! 2llh and
Pierce ; Dan Shaunahan , Hti ! ) and
Lcavenworth ; C. O. Tulleti , Kitli and
Lcnvonwurtli ; W. Long , llth and Jlii'k-
ory ; Mr. Hurnen , U715 Charles ; Pied
ICrello , hatter , UO" S. 13th ; L. Kum1 on ,
E08S. JMth ; M. K. Muiihon , 1514 iJurt ;
Miller Bros. , rest'nt , IbOl St. Marvsiiv. ;
Mr. Horton. IMSM Decatur ; Mr. William-
BOH , Sillth and Douglas ; C. F. Kuhlmun ,
SIfllh and Jackson ; A. C. Redman , hOII
N. 21th ; D. W. Roberts , 11281 S. llth ;
M. A. Comstock , HUIU Burl ; F. M. Ellis ,
architect , 4id ! and Farnam ; Rev.
Rcckor , 1021 S. llth ; .1. F. Ilamlin , 511
Picr < : o ; G. Mcssmor , 12020 Pierce ; 1C.
Hann , 1520 Jaekhon ; Knight , 2ith ( and
Ames ; Wright. 421 Center ; J. K.
Strong , 1715 California ; Mattson , 2020
Dorcas ; C. Mudsoii ; J. I ) . Green , 415
Popploton ave. , Ely Clayton , N. E. cor
ner 27th and Pierce ; U. Finloy , 510 N.
10th ; G. R. Armstrong , 5)00 ) Saunders ;
C. Johnson , 2122 Pierce ; W. F. Loren-
zen , 717 S. 10th ; W. Preston,502 S. 21bt ;
P. MoArdlo , 201 : ! S. loth ; T. K. Sud-
borough. 100 S. 2ith ( ; . ) . .1 Johnson , 1410
N. 18th ; G. E. King , 1)07 ! ) Douglas ;
Ilcv. D. R. Kerr , 1)01 ) S. 20th ; John
Parson ; Clms. Nun land , 811 S. 10th ;
II. Weiss , 20th and Pierce ; J. S. Trim
ble , Wakelield Lumber Yard ; J. Weil ,
2515 Caldwcll ; J. E. Crisman , 2221
Leaven worth ; Chats. Groscurth , 15M ! N.
10th ; W. A. Saunders , 15rl N. 111th ;
C. E. Maekbeo , HIS N. 17th ; II. L. Ax-
Inter , 717 N. ISlh ; II. St. Felix , 1200 S.
28th ; Albert Summer. Wilson's Boiler
Works ; F. II. Stratton , McClurg
Cracker Co. ; J. L. Black , 1011 N. 2iid ;
G. F. Jones , 2522 Charles ; C. C. Quig-
glo , 010 S. 2d ; : : P. Peterson , 1022 N.
10th ; W. W. Harding , Oil S. llth ;
Thomas Burrell , 313 N. IHh ; G.
C. Potwin , 1511 S. 20th ; Mr. Chad-
wick , Omaha M ill and Elevator Co. ;
W. M. Bushman , ( ill S. 17th ; O. P.
Lundin , 822 S. I&th ; Mr. Borgie , USlh
and Parker ; S. W. Clark , 1100 S. 2vSth ;
E. Lcavorton , manager street car line ;
John Widnor. 8110 S. 21th ; Mr. Kretoh-
mor , llth and Williams ; George Tut-
berg. 1309 California ; John Mack , 1313
S. Oth ; II. A. Wilko , 28th and Pierce ;
J. II. Hurlburt , 501 ! S. 21st ; IIolu1500
S. 20th ; M. B. McBcth , 1022 Saundeiv
T. Ilamlin , 1319 S. 5th ; G. W. Stone ,
1712Corb.y ; Hacker , 3110 Emmet ; J. D.
Geibt , 1811 St. Mary's avenue ; O. P.
Strait , 2121 Clark ; II. Mayo ; J. Stoft ,
Oth and Division ; II. E. Seaman , 2117
Maple ; W. J. Smith ; M. B. Patrick ; F.
McQtiadc ; II. F. Lilly ; Fisher , & 24 S.
Ulst ; G. Gardner , W. R. Wilcox , 1113S.
8th ; C. J. Carpenter.
The Quick Meal is t-old in Omaha only
by W. F. STCETZEL , 1021 Howard street.
There are several stove stores on How-
nrd street that are often mistaken for
mine. Bo sure that you got the name
and number.
Special I'liecH Tor Monday.
160 pieces surah silks in all new and
staple shades in short lengths from 2 to
10 yards , worth up to $1.25 yard , your
choice Monday 50c yard.
100 ladies' black bilk 21-inch sun um
brellas $1.50 each , worth $2.50.
100 ladies' black bilk 2-1-inch sun um
brellas with fancy gold caps , nlbo silver
caps , on sale Monday $2.00 each , worth
$3.50. Children's lace covered parar-ols
60c each. Fine crinkle seersuckers ,
worth ISc yard , oil sale Monday 11 yards
for 08c. Fancy figured batiste cloths
Oc yard , worth 12je. 50 pieces white
India linens Oc yard , \\ortii 15c. Fine
white goods in plaids , stripes and
checks , worth up to 40c yard , your
choice Monday lOc yard.
10 pieces only , hnoited zephyr
ginghams , worth 15eyardon sale Mon
day 8c yard. 25pieces American salines ,
dark colors , 60 yard ; they will not hu > t
long at this price. Ladies' brilliant
Lisle gloves in blackt > and colors , IBc
pair , worth ! ! 5c. Fine ruching in cream
and while , 5c yard. Fine silk niching
12jo , worth tile. Special prices next
week -in embroideries and Swiss lloun-
cings , albo lace llouncings. Do you
want a earptft ? If to , now is the time
to buy. We are anxious to unload and
have cut thu prices away down to rock
bottom. BENN1SON BROS.
Fair CiromiilK TrnliiH.
For the accommodation of those desiring -
siring lo attend the Knights of Labor
celebration tit the the fair grounds on
July 4th , the Missouri Paeilic railway
will run trains every half hour from
their depot , 15th and Webster streets ,
commencing tit 11:30 : a.m. Round-irip
tickets only lo cunts.
C. Leo Staub , Architect and Bupt. ,
ofllco 1019 Howard ; 10 years' experi
ence. Finn , btylish buildings a spec
_ _
' Hummer .School.
At the Omaha Commercial college.
English branches , short-hand nnd typewriting -
writing taught. Public school chiluroti
can enter any time. Call and hoc Itohr-
bough Bros. , 1111 and 1110 Farmtin.
s l > or Halo ,
I have 150 to 200 head of Oregon
horses and mures at the Union stock
yards , Council BlufTs , which I will seller
or tpado for cattlo. Parties wishing to
purchnsu will plunsu call at yards , or at
iny ollk'o , 213 S. 1 llh st.
J. II. McSiiANi : .
SiMiil-Aiiiiual Hale.
My semi-annual uleanuien sale of odd
tuid cut pieces of carpeting will com
mence July 2 < A and continue during thu
week. Parties wishing lo furnish
single rooms can secure great bargain ? ,
as I shall ollor Wcltons , Moquottos ,
Bnibouls and Tapcbtrics at grcally re
duces prices. S. A. Oiifii.viiu.
I'nclJlu Railway
Will sell tickets at ono faro for the
round trip on. July 3 and Uh , good to
return until July 5th. to Kansas City
and St. Louis inclusive.Ticket olllco
N E cor 18th and Farnam sts.
Howe's London ll'c ' uircus comes to
Omaha 611 July 0 for ono weolc. Loca-
16Ui auil Charles bis'
I.cttintt DOMn tlio 1'rlccs.
Morio ftlik in nil shades 'iOp , Value Soc ,
Jlist reeei vd , 21-inch surnh silk in all
shades at 55crcgular price H-5c ; brocaded
silk at 3'lc , worth Ooc. Extra flno satins ,
all now shades , l c.'awful cheap. Lyons
colored gro1 ? grain silk at ! l c , worth
SI. 15. Black silk at Oflc and 89c , worth
$1.2. ) and $1.3-5. The celebrated Regatta
eilk We , value * 1.50. BJack Toulon silk
81 , reduced from $1.0" ) . Lyons black
silk SI.10 , $1.15,11.55 , $1.95 up to $ . ' 1.2-5
per yard , guaranteed 40 per cent under
value. Tremendous bargains in Henri-
olla. 5-5c , reduced from ! t'o. ) at ( We , value
$1.0-5 and $1.15 , quality reduced to 75o ,
all II inches wide. 41-inch silk warp ,
Henrietta , at OSc , regular price Sl.lo.
44-inch French cashmere at lOc. cost
( ! 7c to import , all oilier grades equally
low. F. F. cashmere lOc , worth 3-5c.
3S-ineh English cashmere now 12jo a
yard , fully worth 22c. { 27-inch challies
all shades 15c , worth 9c. 27-inch pinhead -
head checks 15c. worth 2'c. ) Gilbert ? all
wool suiting 21Jc. nevnr sold less than
50c.lOincli largo checks 2c ! ) , worth
ISe.andr.S-ineh novolly smling , all wool ,
38c , cost 58c lo make. 52-inch Henri-
olla , new shades , OSc , usual price $1.75.
Bo"l kid finish cambric i'.Je. 27-Jneh
check suiting 5c , worth 12c. } 20-inch
brocaded suiting lOJo , worth 22c. Silk
velvets and silk plushes in all colors at
50c , worth 05c.
Wo are giving the greatest bargains
over known in strictly lirst-class goods.
1817 Roger Bros , knives or forks. $1.50
per sol ; Win. Rogers' knives or forks ,
? 1.50porel. . Why pay others $3.00y
Do you imagine you can get any better
goods ? Wo are showing quite a good
line of Meridian BritUmia Co.'s silver
plated ware at10 per cent under regu
lar prices. Steel knives and forks 50c
per hot. Hogor Bros , teaspoons 75o per
sol , worth $1.50. Roger Bros , desert
spoons $2.00 worth $3.00. Imported
Hint tumblers 5c each. Soda and lemon
ade tumblers in best Hint glass 75c per
do/ . Engraved water glasses lOcworth
25c. Real cut glass berry dishes 75e ,
$1.00 and $1.2-5 , worth $2.50 and $3.00.
Iron stone china cups and saucers 35o
per set. Moakin's or Booto's English
deeoraled china cups and saucers at OSc ,
75c and b-5o per sol. Largo Jnpaned
slop jars 35c. Ironslono china slop jars
Too worth $1.50. Immense bargains in
wall paper. Awful reduction in every
department. It pays to got our prices.
"llAVDUN BltOS. ,
Dry goods.
lottliii ( Down Hie i'rioen For Monday.
Just received another line of sample
parasols to bo closed out on Monday at
one-quarter the usual prices. On Mon
day we commence our grand clearing
sale of ladies' and gents' furnishing
goods to reduce slock at once. Goods
will bo sold regardless of cosl.
100 do/ silk jersey mills only 12Jc ,
others ask 2-5e. Ladies' line silk jersey
mills only lc ! ) , others ask 40c. Ladies'
plain pure silk mills only 25c , olhcrs
ask 50c. Special ladies' licavy purosilk
milts , all colors , only 30o , worth (55c. (
1 cat-o of children's cotlon ribbed hose
only be per pair , olhers as-k 20e. 1 case
ot ladies' black ingrain hose only lOe ,
good value at 20c. Ladies' balbriggan
hose , double heels and toes , our 25c
quality on Monday only loc. Ladies'
b.ilbriggan hose , fancy .stripes , only 15c
per pair , others ask 2 c. Children's
lisle thread hose , blacks only , at 25c ,
worth 50c.
1 case of ladies' Jersey ribbed vests ,
only olic'cach , good value at 50c.
Ladies' Jersey ribbed vests , only 30c ,
actually worth OOc. Ladies' Lisle thread
vests , only 50c each , others ask 7oc.
1 case of corsets , perfect lining , only
3c ! ) each , worth 50c. Dr. Stone's elastic
sides , and perfect lilting1 , only 5u ! ) each.
Special drive in our La Rosa French
woven corset , Ibis corset is retailed all
over at $2.50o have just received ono
case from auction , and will place them
on sale Monday morning atSI. . 2-5 each. bargains in muslin under
wear for Monday. 100 do/en gents' un-
laundricd shirts , well made , on Monday
only 35o each , 3 for $1. Gents' celluloid
collars , onlv 15c eaeli. Gents' white
embroidered suspenders only 25c each ,
worth 50c. Genl's fancy halbriggan
underwear , only SOu , others ask 75c.
Genth' fancy percale shirts , laundricd ,
only 45c , worth 76c. Our low prices on
wall paper still prevail.
Kith st. , near Douglas.
Tlie Union Pacific.
Will sell lickcls to all points within a
dibtanco of Iwo hundred (200) ( ) miles
July 3d and 4th , good returning until
July 5th at
o'nc faro for the round trip.
The oldest performing elephant on
earth is with Howe's lOo circus , which
opens on July 0 for one week at 18th
and Churlui sis.
A. it. Flush & Co.
20 ! ) So. 12th st.
Between Farntun and Douglas.
If you have a gasoline stove that docs
not work well have it repaired or ex
change it for ono of our Perfect Penin
sula Gasoline stoves. Omaha Stove Re
pair Works , BIO N-ltUhst.
Pianos luncu al Ilospe's 1513 Doug st.
Heal Kstato Transform.
JnincH Vciro mid % \lft > to II I'oiunmn , lot t ,
lilk I. SOiimlu jwik. wcl . 10 * .
( ] W A > cu til ft ul ID. I ( , l.oviHt ft ill.
Lot ft , Ink 4.11. lot III. bile ill , lot s
lot 17 , blk ) .V > . ( inuiil Vlnw , ii u il . . . . ( C
J I , Mile's t-t lit to .Mis I. T U llll.'UUB , lot I.
2 , > mill 'M , blk - , Cot nor \ Altlivi a atlil
wil . 1.80C
A KMuifi mill ullulo I. TWllll.uus , lot- ,
blk : . ' . ll.nulioino mill , w il . M
' ' lliiHiii.iu .Sov.cilt lot 4
O U I ! \ ! Co to , ,
\\a-hliittolii ! > aiiaru. il . " , " 0t
Ii I AmlrmvH to lloinu luv't Co. lot I , blk
5 , llrookliiio mill , \v il . 77"
S II II Clink to SSendqiiest , lot 11 , blk 5 ,
Wi > st Mill * , w il . . 30C
H II II ClilktuCJollllbOil , lot 14 , blk U ,
Wi'st Plilo , u il . tKX
L'nHuil Kl.iti-a to J ClHlj , ' , w ! i 11 u ittul II W
or u Vl't-ID , o p.ili'ilt . -
K llt'liiuiillfitol. 11 llacr , lot llblKll.Mel-
n u hill , w il . 271
I , lli.iilfiuil mill ulli ) to Win l.atuy ut ill ,
lot I , ' - ' , .1 , 4 nuil 5 llt'lisoiib mil ) i | c il . ]
1' Mfllvo ) to , ) II , lot 15 u ml It ) bl U
l.'Orihiiiillilll. w tl . U.dOC
] ' Siiuili'ra : HlHlnifu In ii 1'etoison , lot 3
liihUWll o , w il . WC
II A Trillium to Woit ritlliillil Street
linliuiiiK' atbocltitlon. lot 1 , - ami ; i blk n
lllglihiuil pltico , o c tl . . . . lc
Wt > t raiiiiuil hticet llullilluc assorintlOU
to J 11 i-hPif ) , lot Jblk ISIIlKblaiul
itliKi' . \ \ tl . . . . . 75C
\\fst I'm num Struct Ilulllinustoclatiuu
to IU ll'Uunolioi' , lot 1 blU lj UUhlitiul
jiliiie , \ \ il . . . 7W
\\i" > t I'm-nuiu Suct't lluililint ; .issocliuion
U > : itC CuslltUi ; , lot - blk 15. lllgliUlul
jilait' , \ \ il . . . 75C
J li Met'ratb mill tf to II A lilillnKs
U tutof. lot ul , U. ,1 1. ,11 and ID foct of lot
l'i lloib.tchs \ * \ mill . 1
I , Si-liroo.lcr , triiAtue , lo M Donnelly , lot
21 blk II , lot l | blk llrowui > aifc w il . . 7
C 1' IliurUoii lo W JVllliains , lots 1 , U
aiul u blk 7 IVeinian jilucu w il . I-/
Mut'l ln\t. Co to U. I Hollander , lot IS blk
7 ICilbyiiUcKWil , . . 3,0
Uvioii Het-il nuilUfo In II N ' 1'ranp , lot 1
blk 4 Itf eil'h .M mill u il . . . l.&OC
I < A llei.sDil uiul wlfo to C U WoJley , lot 1
blk J Mnyiie nluro \ \ il . . . " ,5U.
M J Jones mul wlto to 0 K Wooluy. lots 3
to 10 uiul H to ID blk 3 , uiul lot II blk 1
' tl . -J.UX
JIuyue plai'u w , - -
Win (1 Albrl Utiiil wife to Jotm I'felfur ,
lot 10 blk 4 Miitthowa' ub w il . . . K > (
T K DarlliiKloumul w lit ) to J F Manilla-
uvy , lot 1 nmk'bubwa . S.OX
sijc transfttis
liny 'en
Letting down the prices. Special
bargains for Monday , July 2nd 200
pieces India Hnonaand Victoria lawns ,
some of which are slightly damaged , at
6c , Oc. Sc , lOc , 12e and loc yd ; extra
good value in this lot. Wo have an im
mense stock of wash dress poods , con
sisting of saloons , Scotch zephyr ging
ham , batistes , tigurod lawns , col'd ,
chucked and striped India linens and
ehambrays , crinkled teorsuckors , etc.
The prices on all of Iheso have been re
duced in order lo make an interesting
sale on Monday. All our box suits must
bo cleared ; wo are going to sell them ;
cost outs no figure ; they must go. The
largest and best assorted slock of lawns
in Ihis city at 2Jc , 5c , 7e and lOc > d. 5
special lots of lace curtains to bo cleared
outon Monday next at $1.10 , * 1.7o , S2.2-5 ,
$3.50 and il.oOa pair. 5 foot polo and
host brass trimmings free with every
pair. This you will llnd n big bargain.
Turkey red table linen at lOc , 22c , 2-V ,
2'lc. 'We , 45e and 50e yard. Unbleached
table linens 15c , 20c2oc , . " > 0c , 3-jc. 80c ,
I5c , 50c and 0" > c yard. Sec the bargain
wo otter in bleached table linen at
5c ( ) yd and the 2 yards wide lublo
damask at 85c , worth SI.2-3. Napkins
of every des-criplion from 20c : i do/.en
up. Just received another case of our
one dollar white bed spread , the best
spread for the money in Omaha. 10
yards 10-inch checked glass toweling
for $1.00. 40-inch colored lace striped
curtain scrim worth 15c , our price
Monday Ce per yard. On Monday wo
will place on sale Hfty pieces of soft
finish yard wide bleached muslin at 7ie
per yard , worth lOc.
( i foot window shades with fancy dado
and fixtures complete at 50c each.
Great reductions on striped mid checked
shirtings at Oc , 8c and lOc per yard.
Look over our remnants of India linen ,
white dress goods , sateens , table linens ,
shirtings , muslins ele. , and you will
find some cxlra bargains. Wo luue
some odd lols of wall paper which wo
are giving away at about i their cost.
Hurrah for the Fourth of July.
2,000 yards of red , white and blue
bunting at 5o per yard. Our store will
be closed on Ihc Fourth.
C. T. AVclicr.
Monday we commence clearing up all
oddsand ends and remnants of silk left
over from our sale of last week , lengths
from 1 to 14 yards , will all be placed as
remnants and sold at half their original
price , will bo worth your while looking
20 silk pongee suits , varying in price
from $2.76 lo $7.75 a suit , this is a bar
0 pieces of all wool grenadine in tans
and ecru at 87JC , marked down from
75c.A full line of summer shawls in
cream , light blue , tan , Cardinal , $2.00
reduced lo $1.50 , 82.50 reduced lo $2.00 ,
SIt.25 reduced lo S2.50. Black cabhimcre
shawls from 81.50 to $10.00 cheap.
A new line of albatross just opened in
cream , tans , navy and black. See the
quality and price.
We oiler some big bargains in para
The inducements wo are offering in
all bummer goods you cannot o-ITord to
pass , call and examine.
Next to post olllce , 111 S. loth blreel.
151 1 JO < IKC Street. Don't Forget
tlie IMnce First Door West
ul' tlie 1'obtolllec.
Fire works of all kinds and Hags of all
We will sell and dp sell the best goods
at the lowest prices in Ihc eily in hoti'-e-
hold goods , linwaro , cookery , glass
ware , ironing boards , washboards ,
wringers , clothes-racks and baskets ,
cutlery and table wear.
We sell only the genuine W. Rogers
in tea and table spoons.
Wo have the largest oil paintiiur in
Omaha for $1.50.
Call on us for bargains , and don't
forget wo are the lowesl priced house
in the city.
And we also have a few baby carriages ,
which wo will sell at cost , in order to
close them out.
Don't forget we arc the cheapest
house in trunks and traveling bags ,
pocket books and jewelry in Oniaha.
Call and bee us before buying else
1511 Dodge street.
Go to Pries lake for family , club and
school picnics.
Death and Iturial of Unfortunate
AValtor I'arker.
Walter Parker , the yount ; man who wus so
scvcioly scalded at Armour's packing house , buried m Luurcl Hill cometcry yester
day. Funeral services were read by the
Hcv. Mr. Eddlcbluto of the M. E. church ,
and the funeral itself was in charge of
Mcssis Hcafy & Hcufy. Quite a number of
his fellow-employes were in attendance , and
they , with his friends , wish to pay n public
tribute to the generosity of the linn for
which the dectnscd only worked a day and a
half. No expense was snared to save his
life , and when medical skill was of no avail ,
the linn charged themselves with the entire
cost , and then favo orders that the remains
should bo buried in a manner bellttlng a man
who lost his life in an honest attempt to cat n
a living. 1'uikcr wns all tlie moio deserving
of it , because it has coino to light that he
was ono of the striking engineers on the
Hurlington , and that ho chose rather to earn
his living by working at u business with
which ho was unfamiliar than to bo u burden
to the brothcihood to which ho tiulonged.
AVnnloil A Health Inwpootor.
"If no ono else will tell the city council
Tun Hii : ; tniRlit as well have the credit for
doing it , and say that the Stock Yards com
pany have no intention of letting the city use
their sewer , " said ono in position to Unow.
"But I don't Id.niii ) them , " ho added , "for
if the city once got in tliero is
no knowing when they would be willing to
quit , mill thu ( oniiianvhas now in contem
plation the building of tuo other mammoth
packing houses , which would tax the capac
ity of tno present sewer to the utmost.
There Is no duubt , however , that the com
pany would , on payment of a fair rental , al
low the city to use the tunnel at Albright ,
and that is all they should ask.
Protracted Ily the Meat.
Several cases of heat prostration were repotted -
potted yesterday. Two of tlio victims are
Berry and Christ Friek , laborers at work on
the Hewer fiom Eleventh to Twelfth streets ,
between Howard and Jackson. Their cases
are rot serious. The water boy for the pav
ers at work on the county court house
grounds was taken with A lit , probably
bi ought on by the heat. His name is Law-
lunce McKcnncn.
The Hoc i\l ; 'inln Tlmnkti.
THIS lire acknowledges the receipt of a
handsome photograph from J. A , llidwell ,
Now Yoik ity , with compliments of George
Francis Train. The picture is a scene in
Central Park , New York , with the hoary-
headed sage and Omaha boomer m the back
ground. On all sides of him aio his favorite
friends- children , each holding in his or her
hand a New Year's number of Tin : OMUIA
lir.c , showing plainly the inagiullccnt struc
tures lately erected in the Nebraska metrop
olis. The photograph is an unusually hanU-
sumu and striking ono.
Fewer "Utility. "
County Attorney Sltneral saj s the severe
sentences of Judge Groft has had the effect
largely increasing the number of cases In
whii h the accused plead not guilty. Tlls ) in-
cu-asea the attorney's work , but ho thinks it
whl ultimately have thu clioct of reducing
thu amount of crime ,
The dress goods slaughter still con
tinues. 1200 pieces more of those $1 nil-
wool dross goods at 30c ; can't bo dupli
cated in the United States. ,
C,000 yards curtain scrim ot , Gjqworth
fully UOc. . '
13 yards of satocn lor $1 ; this is no
sateen calico.
11 yards of good unbleached muslin
fo60c. .
Remnant ! ? of best dress ginghams at
ISc a yard.
Lace i yard wide at fio.
! ! 0c buttons at L'e a dozen.
Apron check gingham at 5c a yard.
50c towels at l > 9c.
25c Turkish towels at 12Jc.
75c table linen -15c.
200 napkins $1.10 a dozen.
Safety pins He a dozen.
Dress shield lOo a pair.
Black pins lc a box.
Sateen dross stajs 3c.
Face powder 4c.
Hair pins He a box.
Needles He a paper.
Hooks and eyes 2c n paper.
Dress reeds lOc a sot.
Elastic web , ' ! o a yard.
Sl.'ii kid gloves OOc.
SI.00 corset l'c. ' )
Children's hose Oc , worth 20c.
Ladies' ho < o 25e , worth 60c.
Sl.oO black silk OSc.
$1.2-1 China silk OOc.
SI.00 surah ilk OOc.
, ' ! 0l ( jerseys $1.10.
75c lace collars ISc.
$1.00 muslin underwear 50c.
50c ruching 12e } per yard.
20o niching 5c per yard.
Wire bustles 4c.
H row wire bustles lie.
5 row wire bustles Kic.
Hemstitched handkerchief 5c.
Embroidered handkerchiefs 17c.
We will till mail orders of SI.00 or
over , none under.
Grand sale ofH yards remnants ol
embroidery. Greatest slaughter on
record. STONEIIILL , 1515 Douglas.
Only Half Fare.
The Wabash railway will sell tickcls
on July 3d and -lib , good to return July
5th , at the above rale. For lickels and
information call at 1502 Farnam st.
Howe's London lOc circus comes to
Omaha on July 0 for one week. Loca
tion Ibth and Charles sis.
There are more performing ponies with
Howe's London lOc circus than all other
popular price shows combined. At
Omaha one week , 18th and Charles sts. ,
July 0 to 12.
Proposition to the City for Olllces In
the Court HOIIHC.
At their meeting1 yesterday the county
commissioners adopted the report of their
committee on court house and jails , which
embodies a proposition to the city for the
continuance of its offices in the courthouse.
It is as follows :
"Your committee to whom was referred
the communication of the county cleik rc-
ganung the expiration of contract with the
city of Omaha for basement olllces in court
house respectfully report that said city bo
allowed the use of tlio olllces already occu
pied by them and also a portion of the ofllco
of the county surveyor for the use of the
city auditor for a term ot three yeais from
this date , provided said city of Omaha shall
pay lor all the water used in said couit honso
and grounds or for all the gas used in said
court house building or to pay to said county
as rental the stun ol $75 per month. "
Tlie commissioners approved the contract
made with Cunlield & Fleming for grading
Thirty-sixth sticct at 13 8 lOc per cubic yard ,
no over hand. Also approved thoboml of the
contractors , which was for J-.VOOO with .1. A.
Cioighton and Henry A. Koesters as en-
An application from Owir C. Ludlow to bo
reappointcd justice of the peace for tlie sixth
ward was referred to a committee with power
to act.
A petition was received from persons using
Military avenue1 , that it be cut , tilled and
widened at certain points.
County Attorney Simeral submitted his
rcnoit , audit was accented. Ho repotted
criminals tried at the February term of the
district court and twenty-throe at the May
term , exclusive of cases dismissed or
' nolhel. " The grand jury called at the Keb-
raary t"rm indicted for gambling. These
\\cre ai n sled and lined $ : ! " )0. Tlio attoinoy
iccommcnded tlio commissioneis to take ad
vantage of sections S31 and 5.U of the com
piled statutes and work prisoners upon the
roads of the city and county. Following is a
summary of the convictions at the February
and May terms of court :
Hurglnry 9
Hobbery a
Grand lai ccny 10
Forgery 1
False pretenses 1
Mm ker , second dcgico 1
I2mbo72lcincnt I
Assault to kill 2
Illegal voting. 1
Kapc 1
Crime against nature 1
Total 80
Sentenced to county jail ( i
Paid lines a
Total 39
Acquittal 1 . * >
Total M
The $500 bond of Simon McCaity , load
supervisor , was appioved. His suietiesare
Charles .1. Mailman and Bruno Wagoner.
After.1 illy 1 the ice for the court house and
jail will bo furnished by Kimball & Hungate
instead of the Arctic lee company. The com
missioners declined to give the reasons for
the change.
Tlio now boilers and machinery at the jail
have been placed in the charge of Mike
Lahey , the engineer of the com t house.
Kabul Ucnson asked the commissioners to
pay the faro of Ad. Schloss to Chicago , lie
stated that Kclilctts is an invalid on Ins way
from Missouri to Denver , but is in danger
ous condition and should bo sent to his homo
in New York. Ho is without means , and
thoiabbi otters to furnish transportation
cast of Chicago. The io < | ucst was refcui'd
to tlio lommitteo on charity with power to
Lieutenant Thomas Wilson , Second infan
try , who has been attending the United States
military school at Fort Leavenwoitli , Kan
sas , is now at the garrison and will spend n
week with his old regiment and then return
to Leavcnworth and resume his studies for
another year , after which ho will again join
his regiment.
Second Lieutenant .1. M. Arrasmlth , Second
end infantry , who was gianted a leave of ab
sence , has taken n trip cast to visit his rela
Edmund Duller , esq. , eldest son of Major
IMmund Huller , u now at the garrison visit
ing his home. Mr. Uutlcr is a piomising
young lawier , and at piescnt ofliciatcs as
judge of the polica court tit Miles City , M. T.
The monthly "muster11 of the Second in
fantry took place Saturday morning at a
o'clock , which was preceded by u review
and inspection.
Acting Assistant Surgeon F L. Hender
son will proceed to Hcllevuc title laiifio and
report to Lieutenant Colonel Joshuah
Fletcher , the commanding ofllcer , for duty
with the battallion of the Second infantry
now at the rillo tango , in tnno to relieve
Acting Assistant Surgeon H. S. Huskln on
July 1. Doctor Haskin , on being relieved ,
will return to Fort Omaha and resume his
former duties as garrison physician.
A .ooi ) many shoo * are made in Lynn ,
Mass , ( that's the place where they put the
brass nail into the shoo swlo that -always
Btu-Uing into your foot insto id of tending to
the I usincss of keeping the shoo bottom to-
L'Cl'ier ) and thu-workmon have b en rusn a
lackct about wages. Tito stale commuted
has tinally settled the nutter by , ilouiug !
tncm enough to keep sole ( spell 'it s-o u 1 jf
joti vatiV tbj and body tofcthcr , and they
are | ) c't ( > 'nl ' > u vay
1518-1520 Farnam Street , Omaha ,
We have taken from our different departnientstlie following
goods , which we shall sell
l !
At less than cost. All goods are in prime condition and oi
the latest styles. The quoted prices are only for the
two days.
quality French Imported
laivn tennis Flannel , latest ( fcs fis ,
French Lamb's ' Wool Serge
in different shades , OSc ; rc/tilar { ,
Some of our famous
JL3c ; rcyulur fiSc.
About HO pieces of extra fine nlaid-
cd while
Satin effects , IGc ; rcynlar
These are the latent noi-ellies , mad
of Albatross cloth , and braided le
Irish point style , § 7.80 ; rci/ular
$ 'J.SO.
Good quality , ( S4c ; regular S , " > c.
Very Fine
Swiss Flounces
7 ini'hcs wide , beautiful patients
( ic , USc , 7c , Sic.
Pique ,
JO inches wide , $1 ; rcuulai' fX.SO.
Black Cliantilly
10 inches wide % ltfi. $1.8O ,
etc ; WJi'th one half more.
of Span Mi make , Stilt ami Tinsil ,
( i'Jc ; rcfiHltir $ J *
A complete assortment of
Dress Trimmimgs
Too numerous for description , at
less titan lo clear.
100 dozen ladies' and misses fancy
drop stitch hose at lOc ,
These J/ have been tried and
found excellent in wash and wear ,
23c , 5Oc , 70c , Etc.
Corset Covers ,
25c , 35c , 45 , 59c , 69c ,
79c , Etc.
35c , 45c,50c , 75c,80c ,
Striped and Colored
38c , worth 60c.
48c , worth 75c
58c , worth 85c.
68c , worth 95c.
78c , worth $1,15.
95c , worth $1.25 ,
$1.15 , worth $1.6O.
Gauze Vests ,
J9e , worth itSc.
Balbriggan VESTS
Three for fl.
Egyptian Cotton I'Cftg , lOc. , etc.
Excellent flttintj I rench
Of superior quality , in all colorsi
dressed and undressed , with hcavi
embroidery , VSc. Would be vcrn
cheap at $ l.XG.
100 pieces fancy ribbons ,
rcyular Jo.
One Lot White JUmbroidircd Suits ,
$3.73 ; worth $1O.
One Lot U'ltito Embroidered Suits
$7.JO ; worth $11.50.
One Lei White Embroidered Suits ,
$9.75 ; worth 9J.i.
One Lot While Embroidered Wrap
pers , f-'i.'JO ; worth ? .
One Lot While Embroidered Wrap
pers , $ -l.7r ; worth $7.
We will also add a small lot of
atJ.7 ! > . Some are worth double
the money. And , 'ilots of Children's
Lot 1. White ifJ.t'J ; icorlh $ H.
Lot X. 11 hiti ; tf/.US ; worth $ -l.GQ
Lot H. Colored.frit.Hi ; worth fS.
215 doxen ladies'nnportod , in all
colors , extra quality cloth
and braided , $2.10 ; regular , ;
Same in plain , $1.08 , regular ( '
Dozen r'-jclra Fine .
[ niwj