Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 01, 1888, Part I, Page 3, Image 3
IN OMAHA SOCIAL CIRCLES , . How Society People Amueo Thom- aolvos In Warm Weather. POETIC MOONLIGHT PICNICS. MlM IVood'n Class Party Tin IVcd- illtiR-AVlicro the OmaluiTcucliciH "Will Spend tlio. Summer General Gossip. " \Vlicro They Will Hccrcntc. Italow Is given the various places where the teachers in the public schools will pass tlio summer , and It will bo of Interest to their many friends who may wish to communicate with them : Clara li. Mason , Burlington , la. ; Mary Lomax , Nampa , Idaho ; Jcnnio C. Salmon , Wisconsin nnd Minnesota ; Frances E. Sheldon , Oswego , N. Y. ; Dccio A. Johns- Ion , Xcnia , O. ; Mary E. Quackenbush , Mor risen , III. ; Mrs. M. H. Mclntyro , Albany , N. Y. ; Villa B. Shlppoy , Gowamla , N. Y. ; holla H. Lewis , Stocklon , Cain , i Clara B. Mann , Oakland. In. ; Helen Wyckoff , York , Neb. ; Gertrude Ellis , Austin. Minn. ; Mnttlo Ellis. Europe : Mrs. Jennie C. lOn-sor , Europe ; Virginia Victor , Hushville , Neb. ; Sadie Pillmnn , Mt. Pleasant , la. : Franc I. Mnroncy , Hloominutoni 111. ; Mattle L. Pow ell , Amboy. 111. ; Clara F. Corper , Austin , III. ; Prisclllu A. Ward , David City. Neb. ; Nelllo Ireland , PapiUlon , Neb. ; Hose C. Fitch , Elkhorn , Neb. ; Miss Powers , Inde pendence , la. ; EvniiKclino Sibley , LcMars. In. : Lizzie Eleoek , Van Wert , O. ; Barbara Hosteller , Mnrslmlltown , In. ; Hnlllcllickox , * Marshnlltown , lit. : Matilda Evans , Mill- brook. Canada ; Mngglo McCarthy , Cal ifornia ; Emma Wheiitly , Du Quoin , 111. ; Lilly M. Briiiiner , Sednlin , Mo. : Clara H. Duval , Salenc , O. ; MargaretOoss , Edliihurg , O. ; Mary B. Meyer , SaL'inaw , Mich. ; Lizzie M. Sheppard , Curbondalo , 111. ; Lydla A. Me- Cool , Lcllalnc , la. ; Mrs. Alice M. Williams , Hudson , Wis. ; Carrie M. Hartley , West Union. Neb. ; HoseC. Eddy , Thompson , Neb. ; Alice Hitlc. Omaha , Neb. ; Florence Baker , Seneca Falls , N.Y. ; D.Chureh , Pomeroy , O. ; Eslhcr Hcston , Mount Pleasant , In , ; Laura J. Bradford , Peru , Nob. ; Amelia Slmtluck , Eden , N. Y. ; Mary Murray , Denver , Col. ; Jcnnio Hodllcld , Denver , Col. ; Maggie Vin cent , Crcston , la. ; Myrn La Hue , Corning , In. ; Nellie Bennett , Kansas City , Mo. ; Emily J , Hoblnson , Exeter , Neb. ; Lizzie A. McAleese , Batav'a , N. Y. ; Mary A. Frazler , Chicago , 121. ; Mary E. Slmonds , Davenport , In. ; Mrs. A. B. Pcnniman , Lake Linden , Mich. ; Mrs. Mary E. Kent , New York , N. Y. ; Loltlo Gassetlo , Albion , Mich. ; Kale E. Crane , Brookfield , VI. Mlns AVoood'u Clans Party. The hospitable homo of Captain Wood , Capital avenue and Twenty-sixth street , was all ablaze , with light and alive with merry makers last evening. The occasion was a re ccptlon given by his daughter , Miss Nettie , to her classmates , the members of ' 68 , j'ist graduated. Besides her classmates there were also present n number of intimate friends and the event was a most delightful ono. The lawn was lighted with lanterns nnd was u favorite resort during the ovoning. Wllhin Iho house names nnd other social pastimes wcro engaged in. There is con siderable musical talent in the class , and 'BOIIIU beautiful instruincnlnl and vocal selec tions were rendered lo timoduring the ovoning. Ono of the features of the occasion wns the address to the graduat ing class by the Hev. Mr. Williams. It wns chock full of wholesome advice. Miss Nettle has inherited the hospitality of her genial father and mother , and proved herself a so cial star last evening. Among these present 5 were : Nathan rurnstein , John Nelson , Nina L. Charles , Frank C. Pclerson , Moliio A. Couoycr , Joseph Polcar , Fannie Groff , Eph. D. Pratt , Sarah Foster , Fannie M. Pratt , FlorcMo M. Fiost , Adda G. Hobinson , J. Hlrchstcin , Franccsca J. Hoedor , Edna V. Hobart , Herbert Milton Hogers , Mary G- Hogan , Mary A. Sherwond , Mary Krebs , Jane S. Smith , Claude V. Light , George Her bert Struiifr , Grace Lillie , Minnie Swart/- lander , LydiaS.McCagucNcllio L.Thompson , 3fijCharies S. Meyers , Nova W. Turner , Fred- ' * crick Montgomery , Blanche M. Van Ktirnn. Elizabeth C. Morrell , Catherine O. White , Miss T. E. Sheldon , Mr. J. Devris M. D. , Miss S. R. Davis , Mayor Broatch , Miss Dccio A. Johnston. Kev. John Williams , Prof. II. P. Lewis , Mr. H. Wohrcr , Superintendent Tames and wife , Guy Mead. Misses Alice nnd Ada Parker , Miss M. Woodman , Miss Bcssio and Moliio Stevenson , Lizzio Corby. Miss Emily Wakely , Prof. S. D. Beals , Misses Anna and Olive Foley , Miss Elder , Miss Florence Mead , Miss Stull , City Physician Ralph and wife , Mr. Ed. Fitch , Judge Uorka apd wife , Mr. Will Craiger , Captain Cormiek. Mr. C. H. Fitch , Mr. M. Whnlcn , Misses L. nnd S. McShano , Miss Anna Trulaud.Miss Virginia Patterson , Mr. nnd Mrs. C. Morrow , Mr. Will Stevens , Mrs. C. H. Tntch , Mr. Arthur East , Mr.Hag- pcrt Cochrane , Mr. T. C. Stephens , Mr. J. Hornstcin. Mr. Hector Murray , Mr. Albert E. Earlo , Mr. Wright , Mr. Al Beaten , Mr. Will Bowman , Mr. Frank Beaten , Mr. S. S. Lanyon , Mr , Wallace Hroatth , Mr.C. Wilson , Mr. Milton Darling , Mr. Frank Darling.Miss Helen Sharp. Moonlight IMcnla. Ono of the most delightful social events of Iho week wns the moonlight picnic given by MLss Georgia Shlpninn at Pries lake on last Monday evening. Early In tlio evening n 3ocn couples assembled at Miss Shipnmn'R homo , 030 south Seventeenth street , and at7 ( 'clock started for the picnic grounds in a largo carryall and two or three carrhiKes. The ride out wus a merry one. Six musicians from the Fort Omaha band wore taken along to furnish the music for Iho occasion. Mrs. Stephens an accomplished singer , who was one of the guests favored her fellow picnlc- crs with n number of splendid aon .s at in to ivals nt the plcnio grounds. A more de lightfully Hpent evening could not lie imagined. Dancing nnd boat- HdliiK and other pleasures wore in dulged in , nnd all wcro astonished when It was announced that it was 1 a. m. , and tlrno to start home. Without a single ex ception all pronounced the homeward rule a most felicitous ono. The Kay party consisted of the following young ladies and gentlemen : The Misses Bourdman , Lawrence * , Russell , Albee , Sampson , , Gould , May nnd Lulu Callalmn , Wilson , Shlpmnn and Mrs , C. F. Stephens. The Messrs. YiuiKhan , Clark , Godfrey , Schnnf , Pegram , Dunmire , Bar- rowclouKh , Mcrrium , LlttlelleUl , Engo and Solomon TowiiHcnd , i As un entertainer Miss Georgia was unanimously voted a grand success. Holron MtiBlonln. Ono of the most fashionable- events of thu week was the second soiree muslealo given \j \ i < t : by Mrs , Fannie Kullogg-Bachcrt at thu MH- lard on Thursday ovcning. Mrs. Buehert again proved herself u charming hostess und made all her guests feel perfectly at homo. Bho wus ably assisted by Mrs. J. M. Wool- worth. Among these present were noticed the following largo number of our most fiihhloimblu beeiety people : Dean and Mrs. Gordon , Mayor und Mis. liroutch , Mr. and Mrs. Ad'ilph Meyer , Mr. and Mrt. , Thomas Bwobe , Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Hitchcock , Mr. und Mm. Mctealf , Mr. nnd Mrs , Henry Esta- brook. Mrs. E. Estabrook , Mr. and Miss Col lins , Mrs. J. A. Harbach , Mr. and Mm. Buchanan , Mr. nnd Mm. Edgar C , Snyder , Mr. und Mrs. W. J. Council , Mr. and Mrs , T. M. Orr , Judge nnd Mrs. Groff , Mrs. T. M , Kimball , Mr * . Clark , Mrs. Anna M. Tales , Miss Garllchs , Mrs. General Whcalon , Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Dickey , Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler , Mr. and Mrs. L. P. FinUhouso , Mrs. Dr. Denies , Mrs. J. W. Gannelt , Mr. and Miss Pound ! , the Misses Buttcrfleld , Arnold , lur.aes , Kok'crs , Superintendent James , Prof. Itobbins , Mr. Julius Meier , George Squires nud many others. Plcnio Parly at tlio Park. The picnic jinvty given at Hanscom park Thursday evening was a brilliant success. Dancing was the order of the evening and rofrcshmonls wcro served nt U o'clock. Among these piosent were ; Mr. nnd Mrs. R. L. Poltlt , the Misses Pcttlt , Franklin , Adams , Maggie , Sadie and Moliio McGon- Igle , Lizzio and Carrie Pound , Frances and Mamie Cusack , Emma and Augusla Gibson , May and Lulu Caluhan , NeUpn. F.rleksou , I laid , Norgreon , Carlson , Hendershot , Krelcer , VclU. Viggors. Henderson , Craig. Wio Messrs. A. If. Pelt it , Smith , Broad- hurst , Hall , Philbln , Craig , Cronk , Curtiss , Flanlgan , Woodard , Santa , Barton , Butetr- v.-orth , Potter , Jowctt , liurns , Scofflii , Page , ICocn , Glbion , Pcct , Craven , Parrel , berg , Uoicr , tiodmnn , Ueaih , Stecic Untn , .11 nnd IJ , Lcnfgrecn , Kcllop , ? , Pn dsun , Wcston , llurl , Terrace , Benson , \ \ cibcrg. Kotnmers In Honor of ' 'Iioc. " On last Tuoiday evening the members of the Turnverein held n social session called n 'Kommcrs" in honor of Dr. J. M. Wood- burn , who wns to leave Iho cily permanently in n couple of da.vs. Doc. lias been n promi nent member of the hinhcst turner class for some tlmo nnd has won the esteem of the entire Turnverein society. As a slight token of their esteem for him they decided to present him with n solid gold watch and chain. A number of the order of Elks , of which "Doc. " Is a member , also wished to show their regard for "Doc.1 nnd they had made to order a beautiful and unique watch charm consisting of thrco elk's tooth set in solid gold. The presentallon was made by Phillip Andres , the - pcnlus of the Turnverein. "Doc" ' was too much surprised nnd overcome with emotion to reply with his usual fluency , but the boys applauded him to the echo. Later he seated himself nt the piano and played and sang some beautiful selections In Ills usual accomplished manner. On Thursday the doctor took his leave for the Rosebud agency. Tin Yesterday was the annlvoisury of the wed ding of Mrs. Fred Engell , Saunilers and Commercial streets , and about ono hundred nnd twenty-live of their friends assembled In their pleasant homo last evening to celebrate the event that marks a decade of matrimon ial felicity. The gathering was ono disting uished for Its social success , and games , music , lefrcshments and general cnit.v were the features of the occasion. MKiNje , of Chicago , who Is the guest of Mrs.'i-11 , was delighted with the ppioni slio met last evening and tlerliircs the Omaha people the most sociable and lively parsons she had met unywhcro In society. He-ward ol' Merit Parly. The teachers of Walnut Hill school , the Misses H. Hamilton , . ! . Carter , G. Valentine , J. Harringlon and Mrs. L. 1) . Mann , guvo a party to fi number of thnlr pupils lint week who had not been nbscntor tardy during the year. The faith fill ones wcro Lester Wilson , May Shoemaker , Katie and Hello Hyun , Bessie lirown , Maggie , Annie and Hicluird Hauler , Earl Ilerby , Harry Vim Horn , Elmer Garner , Stewart Gwyun , Lucy Crowding , Gustu Marsh and Lulu Edwards. The parly was most pleasant in all Its fea tures , ami will lotitf bo remembered by all these who participated. The Major Will" Not Marry. Tin : Bci ! of last Wednesday published an announcement which it thought reliable that Major Mott MeMahon of this city , well known in military , real estate and life insur ance circles , was to bo married lo a Hannibal lady on the -1th prox. Tlio announcement has since been denounced as unfounded by Iho gentleman himself. It has been a source of serious annoyance to him and in defer ence to liis wishes tills denial is cheerfully made. Surprised Mr. and Mrw. Daley. A most enjoyable party was given at the cozy residence of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Daley , in the northwestern part of the city on last Tuesday , at which a merry gathering passed an evening of varied and most delightfully pastime and social converse. At the conclu sion the pleasure seekers enjoyed a happv drive to the city. _ HYMKNIAIj JIAPPKXINGS. Mr. Warren P. Hogers , son of Milton Hogers , of this city , wai married on Monday to Miss Deering , daughter of the mayor of Portland , Mo. The bride wan attended by Miss Carrie Ijums , of this city. The bridal party will return Iho latter part of the coin ing week. Miss IJiuns will remain for some weeks inllio cast. cast.Muu : - > -iniitc : ! . A very pleasant social event took place on Monday lust when the Hev. Father Glauber united in marriage Miss Annie Elbow and Mr. Fred L. Mures. Miss Elbcrg was born in this city and is the charming daughter of Mr. Andrew Elbcrg , an old resident hero. Mr. Marcs opened the lirst Bohemian drug store in Omaha at 1715 South Sixteenth street , und is well known to many. A num ber of their frieds met at the residence of Ihe bride's parents , Twenty-first nnd Boli var avenue , in tlio evening to wisli the young couple many yearn of life , happiness and prosperity. The evening was passed in de lightful social enjoyment. Guttural Go lp. Mrs. Burniin and family arc in Boslon. Mrs. Byron Heed has gone cast for the summer. Hnlpli HIchardson returned from college Thursday. Mrs F. J. Honors and children will spend Iho Hummer in Boston. Miss Dui v Doane is spending Ihe summer visiliiiK in West Virginia. Mrs. Barney has returned from an ex tended visit to Vermont. Mrs. George N. 1 licks and son have gone east to spend the summer. Mrs. G cargo A. Huagland has gonclo Man- kuta , Minn. , for the summer. Hugh G. Chirk moves into his new resi dence at Florence this woclc. Hov. J. A. Hobmson returned from Cleve land after a three weeks absence. Dr. Conkllng and C. J. Cumin have gone to Lake Madison , Minn. , on a tlshing tour. Mrs. Samuel Burns und children nro at tending the Chuutauqna assembly ut Crete. Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Pcrrimi have returned from their trip to New York mid Philadel phia. phia.Mrs Mrs , C. S. Haymond and family have gone to Mnquoketn , la. , for a mouth's visit with friends. Mrs. E. C. McShnno and family leuvo this evening for Buffalo , N. Y. , to pass the heated term. Miss May Bullcns , of St. Joseph , is the guest of Mrs. Ellen S. Beall , 2JJ North Nine- iccnlh street. Mrs. Wendell Benson nnd daughter will spend the summer ut various points on tno coast of Maine. Mrs. John Hcth has been called lo Iho deathbed of her mother , Mrs. C. I. Miller , nt Hichmond , Ky. Dr. Joseph Neville , who has been absent in thu east for the three months , returned homo Tci'sday. Miss Jessie Sehlmer , of Villsca. In. , is in the city visiting Mr. and Mrs. William Woods , ! 17U ! ) Franklin street. Miss Florence L , Baker , teacher in Iho Pleasant street school , hits left for Seneca , N. Y , , to spend the summer. Mr. Edward Hosuwuter , editor of Tun Hue , hns returned from his brief Canadian , trip greatly improved In health. Mr. J. J , Monnell and his mother will probably leave for the west the hitler part of this week for a prolonged trip. Mr. und Mrs. D. J. Colllim loft Thursday evening for Philadelphia , whcra Mr. Collum was called by the death of his brother. Dr. O. P. Chub , onu of Omaha's pioneers , but now a resident , of California , has been in the city the past week visiting old friends. Mrs. Captain Simpson and daughter , Louise , left Wednesday evening for Now York , where they will spend the summer. Mrs. C. B. Hlggiiison has returned from Cincinnati , wlu're she bus been pursuing her study of puiutliig ut thu Academy of Design. G. A. Hatltbun , who has boon attending college at Cornell the past scholastic year , bus loturncd to Omaha for the summer vaca tion. tion.Miss Miss Fannie Abrams has returned from a four months' delightful trip through Cali fornia , Texas , Mexico , Now Mexico and Arizona. Mrs II. L. Hall returned Homo the lirst of thu week from Notre Dame , Ind , where she had goiio to see her sister , Miss Lulu Doauo , graduate. Mrs. J. J. Bliss leaves next Sunday for a two inoiHhs' irip lo England and Franco. The greater portion of her time will bo spent in London ane Puns. Miss Dora Parker , of Garrottsville , O. , who has been visiting her uncle and aunt , Mr. und Mrs. Churchill Parker la Walnut Hill , returned homo. Mr * . Adam Stigor goes to the White Mountains shortly. She will yiMt her mother before returning to Omaha , thu latter part of the summer. Auioug the Omaha physicians 'who at- , tended the session of the St.ito Medical so- ilety the past week were DrA. llinrt , Merrinm , Carter nnd others , They all took apronjiuint part in the exercises. The Km nut Monument association , fn liter ary socittj i meets every Thursday evening at their hall on Douplns between Thirteenth and Fourteenth strocls. Hev. Thomas McCneuo has returned from tour of Kp.v tit and Palestine- , where helms been for eight months. Hois Improved in health , nnd took great pleasure in looking over the field of Ids early missionary work. Mr. Oscar M. Anderson , of Ncllgh , Neb. , known us "Franz Sepel" through his charm- Int letlers some inonlhs mro lo THE Hun from lloston and Europe is In this town. Mr , Anderson is on hi * way homo from Harvard college , where ho lias Just completed his Junior year. Miss Amy L. Hughes , of St. Louis. Mo. , daughter ot Mr. John C. Hughes , of tills city , and niece of Major Williuai B. Hughes , chief quartermaster depattment of the Pintle , arrived m the city Thursday morn ing for a short visit with the family of her brother , Mr. George L. Hughes , of No. 1 111 Vinlon street. The Hev. Willard Scott , who hns been very 111 the past fortnlghl , threatened with spinal meningitis. Is nboul airain. Ho leaves next week for Scotland to ba absent about three months. His parish arantcd him a leave of iibscnee , and a few of the gentleman of the congregation have provided for the complete Irip. Morning S"rvces : will bu continued under the eire of the pulpit committee , and it is thought the new church will b ? com pleted on his return , which will b. about Oi-- tober I. Mrs. Scolt will remain in Omaha during her husband's absence. A .tAI'AXKSK FVIKY STOHY. The M Co ol * u Moon Maiden Vlsltlm ; tlio Kurti. ! Ouo of the best of thu early stories of the .lapanoso if the "Takelori no Okiim no Monocular ! , " or , as translated by Mr. Victor IJk'kctis and publishi'il un der the title of "The- Old liamlmo Hewei-'a Story. " The midorlyiut , ' ideas in it are obviously ChinuM ! . sajs the AUiominitii. but the tresitirii'iit hears the iniprobs of a moro hiuik'itmtivo rare , and ; told in the words of Mr. Dickens , it becomes a jinieeful nnd interesting story. Of Ihu bamboo huwor , litUu is said and no hint tfivcjii of the hidilon virtue which marked him out as ti favorite of the tfods. Hut just as the glory of ISuddha appears only to the oy ' * of the faithful on Iho ho-oiu of the nmts which spread over the valleys bonuath the mountain temples of the ROI ! and the relics which to ordinary mortals luivo the snmblunco of dusl < y beads shine in the sight of tin ; devout believers as lustrous tear drops , so to the ijious bamboo bower nlono was rovealcd in the heart of n bamboo stem a shining light < jn- conipa ing a lovely llguro of a tiny infand. With reverent care the woodman carried home tlio child , who irrew into a maiden of such surpassing loveliness- ) that all tlio nobles in the laud bought her in mar riage. With her pros3iieo canu for tune to her protector , whoso only dread was that the time would arrive whoii ho should lose the delight of her society by her marriage. But lo his joy ho found that hho was us unwilliiii'to accept tho1 lionmgo of her suitoras ho was un willing to bestow her hand. Five of her noble lovers , however , so persistently urged their suits that she had recourse to the expedient which in fairy tales of all nations is invariably adopted by unwilling brides. To each she seta task as ditllcult to accomplish as "nuni- boring sands and drinking oceans dry.1' The lir-l she S'-nt in quest of the Holy ( trail , the sacred bogging bowl of Liiuklha ; the second was ordered to bring anil lay at her hvt a branch from the tree whoso roots are of silver , whoso trunk is of gold , and wlio-so fruitage i of pure white jade , which grows on the sacred mountain of Horai ; the third was commanded to present her with a fur robe of the pelt of Ihe llaiuo-proof rat ; from the fourth she required "the rain bow hued jewel that hides its sp.u-Klo deep in the dragon's head1 ; an.l the fifth was charged with the search of the cowry shell winch the swallows bring over the broad Mja plain. It is nefdle-s to say that one and all failed lo fulfill Ihe required conditions. Meanwhile Ihe milcado- heard of the buanty of the inaidon , and. like the ' kings' in the Gorman forests , the Htis- siau wilds , and tlio Indian mountain' , he , under the pretense of hunting , approached preached the woodman s cottage and succeeded in catching a glimpse of tlio lovely form of the lady Knguya. So enamored did be become of the vision that he besought her to share his throne. Hut no better did he faro than the other lover : ! , and was fain to put up with an occasional letter in reply to the missives which ho con stantly' dispatched to the woodman's hut. 'At length the Lady Kaguya an nounced to her protector that the time bad come for her lo return to her homo in the moon , whence she had originally descended to earth. And , though on the appointed night a strong guard was posted around the house by order of the mikado lo prevent the Might of the maiden , a troop of heavenly being , es corting a chari'iot. descended through the air and bore away tiieir pri/.e to her celestial abode. HE PLAYED THE GIRL. Donning Female At tire to Il His Sister atal'ariy. A certain light coinple.xioned young man. with no visible signs of a board , and his charming sister , Fannie , look a treed deal alike , says the Albany ( N. Y. ) Telegram. A pink domino parly was given at the house of a lady on Stallord street , West Troy , and Miss Fannie was invited. She was im full of fun as her brother , and when the latter requested that ho bo allowed to take her best dress and attend the party .she readily conbonte.d. Wednesday evening Fannie assisted Jlarr.v in gutting the tonmlo toggery on , anil arranged the bustle to perfection. When thu jaunty little hat wasp ) HOLM ! upon h is hoailgoar of switches and frontpicco , ho looked too sweet for anything. Ho looked exquisite , and she cautioned him to bo careful about crossing his logs at the party or bitting down all ever llio. bustle. Harry promised to bo careful , and af ter the last bit of powder hail been aji- nliud to his cheeks lie sallied fortn. Fannie ( or Harry ) was the boll of the ball. Ho was kissed by a score of fair maldoiiB , which caused the red blood to How to his powdered chocks and made him look moro lovely , Harry was al lowed to outer the dressing rooms , and it was all lie could do to talk as near like liis sibter as possible , He was en gaged for every dance , and was escorted to biippor by a prominent young citizen who now is curbing his stupidity in not knowing that ho was ] K > uring his love into the car of a mini. Harry was es corted homo nnd those who atlondud tlio allair would never have known the secret , but Fannie could not keep it , and just told it to ono young lady who attended the party. The story is now all over town and there are a do/.cn young moil who would line to punch liis head and any number of girls who feel like scratching his eyes out for the things that they &uid in his hearing. " W 'clily Buulc Ntaleinont. NEW YOIIK , Juno UO. Tuo weekly bank statement shows that the reserve decreased STS'J.OJd. The banks now hold * . > rOirOOJ iu excess of legal requirements. Tlio Uiittlibli Turf. Loxnox , Juno 80. At Sandowu Park to-day the race lor the Wellington stakes was won by Satiety. ECHOES FROM HIE ANTE-ROOM The Past Week Among the Goat Koopors. THE A. O. U. W. MEETING. The Snpr.Miie Iiodgc Mcctlnc nt St. 1/oiils Annual Olllcors 1'ytliiati Ouniinlttcc Ueport Society His tory Elks' Kioiirslon. Annual At the regular meeting of Omaha Ledge No. 18 , A. O. U.V. \ . , the following wcro elected as ofllecra for the term ending De cember 31 , 18-8 : P.M. W. , M. H. Heebo ; SI. W. , W. J. C. Putnam Cr-uncr ; F. . C. O. Hoomer ; O. , C. A. Goss ; U. , W. H. Dyer ; Hec. , C. E. Hovuolds ; Pin. , N. W. Charles : U. . A. S. Mitigold ; I. W. , J. L. Wilklo ; O. W. , J. E. Webb ; Trustee , G. H. Hamilton ; Medical Exams. , J. U. K.ilph and P. Hos- totter. Tho'e gentlemen will bo installed at oftlcers nt the regular meeting next Thurs day night. 'ilit ! A. O. U. \ \ " Lodge MiMMlni ; . Mr. S. K. Pallon'mid Mr. J. W. Carr , of Hits city , IWJ of the Nebraska delegates to the seventeenth nnnu U moot ng of the supreme lodge of Iho A. O. U. W. which was hel 1 in Louisville , Ky , , last week , returned , home from Hi it Citv last Thursday. The best news the gentlemen had to bring with them was the fact fiiit the next supreme session is to bo hold in Oiiuhn the third Monday of Juno 18 U. When Mr. Carr and Mr. P.ittou left this city to attend the annual meeting. They weal with the Intention ol hav ing the next nioatiiiK hold in this city if pos sible , and fioui the tini.j they arrive. ! in the blue grass capital until aitsr the vote was taken and the decision rendered in favor of Omaha they talked of the advantages of the Nebr.uicn metropolis as the phu'e lor holding the meeting. The only live competitor in the Held for the prl/o Uos- ton , She proved too slow and when the vote was taken the b.illot stood ini for Omalm and ninty-six for Hc.iutown. Tlio Omaha repreamitatives who sec'ire.l ' the moatinj ; for Ihls city foci very proud over their la bors from the fact that the supreme lodge in this state has only been oiyi'ni/.eu a little over throe yo.irs and the nii'inhership of the order In this city is only n little over three hundred. The supreme lodge meeting nt Louisville convened last Tuesday and in session si.v days. The principal legislation work tr.msai'to'l or disciiFse.l in thu .session in rt'g-ml to the relief law of thu order , which was not changed , and the abolishing of the supremi ! lodge Jurisdiction which takes effect after October This is iiLVOinpllshed by the betting apai tot the ( litferent states Into Roptrate grand Juris- ( livtiuiia. All those Juri .dictions having less than 0,0)0 ) ineM.bJrs arc thus compelled to pay beni'llciuries only in the sum ot $1 for tin ; death of nicmbcrs in good Vnjfcil' within the Jurlsdu-tion. The question oTTl corpor.itiiiK the supreme lo.lgo also dis cussed at length , bat p.issed without any llnal action bomg t.tken m the matter. It is. of course , well Known by thu members of t le order that the supreme lodge is acting as a voluntary assoiciaU'iu. The incorpora tion ( | iioiiio.i li is bacii d so used b jfore , and at almost every uicotiiiir In the past three years. It was the incorporation business and ivhof l.iw that caused all the trouble in Iowa that has utTcclcd tlio order so in that st to. On election day the following gcntlrtncn were eloi-ted us nupri ; uu ofil/cis to serve : P. S. M.V. \ . . \V. II. Jordan , C.ililoraia ; H. M..W. , ( J. M. Mast.-iN , \VK-nnsln ; S. F. , W. U. Or.ihim , low.i ; S. O. , W. W. Wils3.i , Mu-iK'an ; S. U v. , i\I. \V. SiAott , Penn-.ylv.unji ; S. K. , J. H. Lou- hart , 1'Oiinsviv.inU ; S. § / . , J. A. Child , ilDrnm ; S. W. , W. M. l , tu , Mir.vl.uid ; S. M. E. , Ilivh DohertjTjMassacliusctt-s : su- ] ) i-cme trustees , L. L. , 'Jl1" , Illiuoi" ; Warivn Vi-i'tter , Ont.ino ; II. llrLoomis , New Vork. Accirdiug to the repo wjf the various coin- mitteoi the worlc of tls o.1 0 tor the past year h 13 boon voty suS'rti-tory. Over two huiidro 1 the is in-j m ° ll3r'j' n uns are eu- rolled up ) ii the books of H'.io or.ler in this country and C inaJa. Mr. C it-r an 1 Mr. i'.ittou nth tpn'tin the hijhmt tjrnn of tlii-ir ci e-t lui.iunt at Lousville : , an 1 will do everyttilnsr in their power when the dele- fr.itjs nu 1 mouibeiM of fie supreme lo Igo coiiie to tlnseity to give them the grandest w 'lcome they have ever received. * l-i Hi 4 I'iVy Chair. Simuel Morrison , an n cd veteran of the voluntjsr and city lire department of Coun cil lilull i , has bocjtnj blinil an.l almost helpless , w.u proiJiitu.1 with an elo.'iut eisy chair last Thiii--d ty by his brother inenitur.-t ofCmnsil llliilllojjj , No. 4) ) , I. O. O. F. It boars upon it the initials of thu motto of the nrJcF. . L. T , " friendship , love and truth. 1'he kind rcmcmbrunro will be au'reat source of cunifort tj Mr. Morrison in his old Tlie presentation was llttlnirly in-ade and the recipient was i-inpet3lv ! ovoriMtno with Kiirprise and gratitude. The following gcnllcinrn were the donur : Thoains Uow- inan , S. S. Keller J. Cochran , T. J. Allison , II. Slemkiipf. L Hledem in , N. II. Smith , 11. \V. Pu'Ien ' , G. II. lirown , J. II. Pliimor. John DodKiierty , I' . C. DJ Vol , G.M.VM F. S.iuth , Kaiuuel Uwlov , E. U. GarJiur , E. Ilimt- inirton , W. .SiuJeatopf , II. S. West and Ed .1 offers. * * * Annual l-x'ssidii. The annual session ol thu Dakota grand lolgenf MastuH cinvein 1 at Dj.idwojd last TuesJny. About twj liundrej me nbcrs of the or.ler , to ether with tlieir wives , were jiresent nt the mooting besides delegations from all thu lol es lor miles around. The citi/ens of Ihu dea 1 timber and mining town did everything in their power to eiitcrtuin tlieir guests wliilo they were not in session. Excursions to tlio surrounding villages nnd visits to the mines uilde I u very pleasant feature toward the entertainment of the visitors. Wednesday evening n ball was given that eclipsed in Its elcgaiu-u anything in tlio so.-ial line that was ever Kivcn in the lilnc'.c Hills iv.-'ions. Over three hundred of the most prommunt pur-ioim nnd personages in the uttilo nnd capital were present - sent to eug.iiro in the foitlvltUM. The moat ing of the no it-koeijrs will long bo rommn- uercd in Deadwood as the crowning event in the social history of the city. * * A NViv ( Jrilcr. Alo.lffoof the Or.lo.-of Foroitjri wasj in stituted In South Oma'u Wodnosd.iy night under tlio name of thu Migic City lodge , and the following insuibaiM wow appointoil tem porary olllcji-.s : For president , J. Atherton ; secretary. Dr. Kelly ; treasurer , Thos. Uocl ; ; and medical examiner , Dr. Ensor. The benclits uro ? 1,0011 ut death , und the entrancu fco W , 4 4t & Tlio I'ciiiiHylvnnin Troiihln. The special committee at the meeting of the supreme council , Knight of Pythias , to whom was referre.l the Pennsylvania mat ter , report , first : To sustain the supreme chancellor ; secondly , to reinstate the grand lodge of Pennsylvania , provisionally , for tiio purpose of making amendments that are re quired ; thirdly , "that thu Institution of the 'loyal' grand ledge is not approved , and is declared null und of no effect ; " fourthly , "thai it is hereby imperatively unjoinod upon Iho lodgo" to refrain from any pun ishment of any subordinate lodges loyal to the supreme chancellor , but all shall bo on the same footing ; llfthly , that the reprcscnt- ntlvcs from the two grand lodges who came to present the case bo paid mileage and per diem the same as thu supreme representa tives. In a supplemental rcpjrt the committee , wnich included Hon.V. . 11. Gulo und Hon. John Van Valtcenberg , I' . S. C. , takes the ground that the supreme chancellor's anxiety to give an impartial hearing to the Pennsyl vania brethren led him to consent to the charges by Past Grand Chancellor Huttcr- lleld , eto. , but "tho whole proceedings had iu that regard wore without buillcicnt war rant or uulhority of law. " A furlher report directs the Buprcuiu chancellor to losuo a new charter to Pennsylvania similar to the other grand ledge charters , if it so requests , and further that the representatives from the luJibo admitted as such. DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THE SCHOOL Your son or daughter attends ? IB it equipping them to hold their own in the rapid rush of living nowadays and tocomo ? Old methods wore good , no doubt , but times have changed and progressive schools chnngo with them. They ask : "Whnt knowledge gained nt school proves In afterlife of the greatest "utility ? " They answer : "That which otmblosono to us * nnd write good English with case accuracy tuul elegance. " To impart this is a difficult task. They find they can best do it by using a Typewriter. WHY. HOW. It adds nn unwonted charm to " By dally exorcise in Its use in the unwelcome- task of "writing n composition. the school-room. Its use makes the mechanical I3y making U the moans of illustrating part of composition pleasant. It rouses the pupils energy and ustrating forms of business uso. The product is so like tho. makes him a co-laborer with his printed page errors are moro teacher In the work of his edu easily discovered nnd. pointed cation. out. The mintl anil muscles working \ The pupil instinctively attends ing together secure a more complete - jto the rules of form , ; ; 'iiaragrapH- pleto training for each other than would bo possible if either Ing , punctuationetc. , from thtf. . worked alone. set before him. Sliort-liaiicl and Typewriting Taught. Hadn't you better see that your children get this training ? , observation , and a wide questioning of distin guished educators has shown that the introduction , of the Typewriter In the schools has been of great practical utility. A good stenographer can always got high wages. UKST OF ALL , skill in the use of the type writer affords a moans of livelihood and opens the way to higher and moro trustworthy business positions. Situations furnished free of charge. WHAT IT COSTS-HOW IT "WORKS Fully explained on application. We shall bo pleased to send an illustrated pamphlet to any address of persons intorost- cd. Always glad to answer questions or to receive visitors. We guanuilee the superiority of our intu'hiues and give purchasers the right to return them if not satisfactory. TYPEWRITERS RENTED. Jos. P. MEGEATH Sole Dealer , , 1 1607 Farnam St , Omaha , For Nebraska and S. W. Iowa. These reports , it should bo borne in mind , have not yet bicn adopted. Captured ( ho HlutTs. A large delegation of 11. P. O. lodge of ElUs No. 311 , of this city , visited Council HljlTs , Friday night , to pay their respects to tlioir chief officer , A. H. Davenport , now the proprietor of the Osdeu house in that city. They completely c.iptured the genial hotel proprietor , and before he could ejllojt ; him self the house in the Kossessjjjf- the gentlemen of the order. It was Tominpnly reported on the streets of the piohibition city yesterday , that before the boys got out of the town old "Hud" htid been put on ice and later his neck was broken. The entire hostelry was at the disposal of the company and a more pleasant evening was never ex perienced in the city. Dalby's baud was summoned to the hotel to add sweet music to the evening's pleasure- and at 11 : iO the visi tors , headed by the band , left for their Ne braska homes. * * * A lllstor-y of ttucrct Societies. A number of years ago , says if writer in the San Francisco Examiner , wo investigated somewhat i-ito the origin and history of fra ternal co-operation , aid : were surprised , gratified and , in fact , astonished at thu ago and success of scores of such organizations throughout the world , and us recently there have been published some articles denying that fraternal co-operation is of any ugi1 , or has any stability , or can be permanent , the following facts and cjmments are j'iven : The oldest fraternal bencllcinl society in the w.'rid is the Count doVinton society , nrjranUiid In ll l , and is still in existence. The next oldest is the Loyal Kvanus society , established in IMS. The registrar of Eng land ivp.cts eighty-nine friendly or bene ficial societies in ex stance that were orga nised in the seventeenth century , and over 1KK ( ) such societies thill are over fifty years old. In England Itl.T.Vi friendly societies are reported , with 7OJO,000 members. Tlio Liver Friendly society , organised in l-fiJ. reports S ! > "iOTi , ( members. As the old world for many years has proved the value of these organization ! ) , it lias gone beyond any experiment and meets the patronage and i o-'opi-ratiou ol the people. In this country tlio co-operative feature is comparatively new , but as years roll by the great practical value and necessity of sucli organizations will be manifest to all. For a time there was a great spirit of hat red and jealousy on the part of life insur ance companies toward the secret benevolent association. * . The life insurance companies liave connto see and know that these fra ternal societies have educated the people up to life , and especially endowment insurance1 , and almost abolished the objections made by wives and children. Peonlo have learned that taking out u policy deus not necessarily imply that a man is Koing to dm immediately , or Hint the paying of it premium is equivalent to a dose of strychnine , and thousands now hold life and endowment policies that before these fraternal societies liimlliari/cd the pub- lie with the idea , won d have looked upon a iifo insurance agent as they would some fore runner of a pestilence. Tlio feeling toward Iho benevolent as sociations has not hecn of recent date. In Ib.Yi the leading actuary of the world said it was impossible for the Odd Fellows to pay ? . " > per week sick benefits und $75 funeral benefits on f ! or W per year dues ; hut at the end of thirty years that mime act uary Is now ono of thu foremost advocate ? of the truth that co-operative endowment Is feasihlo and pc'i-mam'iil. The public gen erally are coming to know these facts , and for this reason , if nothing else , the growth of all tlio orders having benevolent endowment associations connected with them is no rapid and permanent. io Senate. Thu annual meeting of the senate of the A. O. U. W. was held at Cleveland , Ohio , recently. In addition to all the old senators the following members appeared ut their first annual meeting : Messrs , J. DoWolfo , Columbus , Ohio ; L. K. Parks , Toledo , Ohio ; F. K. Smith , Saginaw - inaw , Mich. ; J. N. Study , Hichmond , I ml. ; G. H. lliifgins , Warren , Pa , ; G , W. Dexter and John Fairbanks , Chicago. The senate now consists of twenty-tivo members , eight een of them having been elected by assem blies duriiiK Iho past four years , which indi cates thu cltaniro that lias been made in the composition of Iho body. Among Iho important nmtterH brought before the meeting might bo mentioned the regular monthly assessment onihelOth ; another , requiring that a copy of thu application bo attached to the benefit certificate , in order to conform to thu laws of some of the suites in cases where fraud maybe bo siiK.ecteil. | The article rclatluc to hiuard- ous occupations wus thoroughly recon structed , and passenger conductuis wcro ex- ceptcd from the list. A niiinbur of important propositions came before the meeting , but were voted down. Among them wore- The reducing of the maximum benefit to ? 3,000 ; ono calling for u biennial cession of tlio senate ; a proposition to strike out the suicide clause and u number of minor changes , F. N. Gage , of Chicago , was elected presi dent for the ensuing year. Lakeside , near Sunduaky , O. , was selected us the place for holding the next meeting. Tlio Pennsylvania Cane. When the meeting of the supreme lodge , Knights of Pythias , was in session at Cin cinnati the supreme council to whom the Pennsylvania dlttlculty was referred took tlio following action ; It approved the action of Supreme Chancellor Howard Douglass in suspending the grand lodge , agreeing that Ihe grand lodge charter should be restored conditionally upon their complying with the orders of the supreme chancellor heretofore issued. The grand ledge is placed under the order of the supreme chancellor until such action is taken. Tlio supreme lodge refused to admit the representative from tlio old or loyal grand ledge until the orders originally issued by Supreme Chancellor Douglass were obeyed. At the following day's session it adopted the report of the committee on en dowment rank , authorizing the board of con trol of that department to levy an assessment in addition to one per month , as licretofoie , when necessary. The ledge adopted a reso lution declaring explicitly that no authority has ever been granted for the creation of a ledge of colored knights , and that no colored man can lawfully bo admitted to any lodge. * Good Templar Oflteers. At n meeting of the grand lodge of Good Templars held hist week at Bui on , D. T. , the the following ollicers were clceled for Iho ensuing year ; G. W. C. T. , S. P. Wntkins , of Ashtnn ; G. V. T. , Mis. Ida G. Fox , ol Valley City ; G. S. . A. C. Folsom , of Woon- becket ; G. T. . C. H. Hjberts , of Madison ; I * . G. C. T. , T. U. Kniibuz , of Woonsocket ; (3. S. J. T. . Mrs. Bella Barnes , of Aberdeen ; G. C. , W. 11. Mitchell , ofMinto ; G. M. , D. Cree , of Chirk ; G. C. . . Mrs. E. E. Ailowoith , of L-mford ; M. S. , N. Williams , of Lisbon ; A. G S. , Miss Briggs , of liroadlund ; D. M. M. , Mrs. L. McDonald , of Huron ; G. M. , W. Whidden , of Cooperstown ; truslee.s , Colonel Lewis , Bristol ; D. W. Smith , of Huron , and C. 1C. Durbin , of Lisbon. The following named delegates were chosen to represent the grand lodgent tlie ritrht worthy grand lodge : John ( J. Keim , of Woonsocket , and C. 1C. Durbin , of Lisbon. Alternates , Mrs , Bella Barnes , of Aberdeen , and S. P. Wnt- kins , of Ashton. The meeting was ono of the best in the history of the order. Picnic. The colored Masons of the city went to Fremont last Monday to attend a picnic and general day of festivities in thai city. They arrived at their destination about 10 o'clock in the morning and were met by Mayor Stouffer nnd n large delegation of citii'iis. They wcro escorted lo the park by the mayor and the reception committee and Iho day was very pleasantly spent in amusements and seeing the sights about Fremont. Two ball nines wcro in the party and amused them selves as well as the largo company in n scries of games on the local ground. The company returned in the evening , after having experienced a very pleasant day's sport. * * An Honor ol' a Life-Time. An honor , almost without precedent in the annals of Freemasonry in New York slale , says un exchange , was conferred upon Grand Master Fnlnk J { . Lawrence , at tl.o annual meeting of the Grand , lodge in New York city hist week. lie was elected to a fourth term as grand master , a distinction which has been enjoyed , it is said , by only ono man before him , Mr. Lawrence has dovotcd his best energies during hm three years as grand master to the payment of the big debt upon the Masonic Uiinplo , und has been so far suc cessful that only about $75,000 remains to be liquidated. The debt has been decreased f 100,000 during the past year , and there is ovcry reason to believe that another year will see the temple free from debt. All of thu old oIllecrH were re-elected at Ihu same lime wllh Brother Lawrence , and every past grand muster living was present , except two. * Alioul OdtPillown. ( The nioomington , Mass. , Horuld has the following to say of the order of Odd Fel lows : From a somewhat wldo observation wo hnrurd nollimg saying Unit ladies make iood olllcers in Kcuckah degree lodges and are moro deeply Interested in tliu work of the led c than the brothers. Ono prominent featuio in Odd Fellowship la that it helps members- and families to help themselves. This IH the very best und most practical kind of benevolciico in u world Ilka ours. Candidates under twi'nty-ono years of ago were eligible to membership into our order up to .September , IS'jit , but after tit's ' , for a while , they are admitted only by dispensa tion from thu grand lodge. The teachings of Odd Fellowship are towards temperance , and one of the funda mental laws of thu order is that no Intoxicants of any kind shall bo allowed , not merely Jn the lodge rooms , but within Iho pveciucts of uny hail dedicated lo Us uses. * Grip Notes , The lota ! mrmberbhlp of the A. O. U , W. on May 1 wus 203 , ! > 31t being a gain of 1,019 in thirty duys. Several tribes of the Improved Order of Hed Men , have adopted moro than 100 palefaces faces this term. There is one Odd Fellow to ovcry 120 Inhabitants - habitants In the United States. Thisincludes men , women und children. The largest encampment , I. O. O. F. . in the world is Eaitern Star , No. 2 , ot Port- laud , Mo. It has 5,0 members. It is staled that over 100 members of the I. O. O. F. were suspended for non-payment of dues in Canada during last year. On the roll of one 1. 0. O. P. SoiVo Jn Maine ate lo be found thu names of lifty- thrco living members , Initiated prior to 1850. TUo craud master of the I. O , O. P , of Louisiana reports a gain of 'M per cent Id the membership in the slale for Iho past I yonr.A . A larco dclcpation of Odd Fellows of Mnsi saehusetts will attend the sovereign ledge incctinunt Los Angeles , Cal. , In September. The supreme lodge , 1. O. G. T. , at its last session , decided that the order should taUo no Imnd in politics hereafter as an order. During the month of April Ontario in creased to the A. O. U. W. older U1H , whlctt outstrips all oilier Jurisdictions. She had 309 applications in May. Nearly every ledge of the order of Mutual Protection bus held the soini-nnminl election ; of olllcers. Installation will bo held on the ilrst meeting in July. Tlio prophets of tribes of the Improvca Order of Hed Men , instituted this term , nro past sachems by appointment and have the right to vote for great chiefs. The fees for admission to the conclave ol the order of Heptnsoplis are as follows : In troductory degree$5 ; lirst and second de grees , $ 'J each , and third degree , § 3. Aconbtitutional communication of Gourgas Or.ind Ledge of Perfection was held last Sunday in Pittslmrg , the occasion being the festival of St. John the Unptist. Three hundred und twelve applications for new members to the United Endowment as. socmtion have up to Tuesday last been llled in tlio grand becretiiry's oftlce for the month , of Juno. There was no death assessment in this state either in April or Mny for the A. O. UJ W. A number of members of the order froni other states are talking of coming to Ne braska to live. Tlio I. O. O. T. orderatono time had nearly twenty thousand members. This number dwindled down to 10,000 , but is now on the up-jjr.ido move. Politics are saia to have been the cause of the falling off. The twelfth annual session of the national camp of tlio P. O. S. of A. was held hisft week at Heading , Pa. Tlio session closed with a grand parade of the order , in which l..OOO Sons of America participated. At present the Odd Follows uro closinga term of unprecedented success for the order In Massachusetts. The strength of the or der in the state is fully 35.000 , and when the returns come In at the close of the year the iigurcs will bo nearer 8(5,000. ( Tlio annual meeting of the Chicago Odd Fellows' association of Cook county was held at the roouib of the association , No. 40 Dear born street , last week , when tlio olllccrg for the ensuing year wcro elected. The grent chief of records of the Order of Hed Men of the United States intends to ba piesent at the ( 'ieat council on Iho 2tHh of * next moon , and it is proposed to tender bin ! * - a complimentary banquet the preceding HUH. The supreme council of tlio Hoyal Leagui has issued an assessment bearing date of June 21. This Is the third assessment ninco January 1 , 16--8 , and is called upon the death of Urothcr Allers. n half rate member ol Welcome Council No. SO. According to the icport of the secretary ot the Western Now York Mnsonlo Kellef UBSO * elation there was received ? ' 11,11U.W , am' the disbursements $10nru2 ! ; balance ou hand , fl.iMl.Hl. The expenses during the yca were $1,121 f/J. The Masouio craft In Minneapolis are mak ing every preparation for erecting n new Mabonio Uiinplo this year. The estimated cost of the building and ground In JTIO.OOO. 1 ho trustees of the association have accepted a bid for the construction of Iho building , At a regular communication of Kane ledge held in the commandery room , Masonic temr pie , New Voik , Tuesday. Ocneriil A. W. Urpcloy , chief signal oftlcer of the United States , present cd to the lodge the ArctiO Masonic Hag muilo by him at Port CoiiKCr. Griunoll Land , in ibSU. " ' Work Is being done in behalf of the Im proved Order Knluhts of Pythias In Massa chusetts , Maine , New Hampshire , Connecti cut , Hliodo Island , New York , Pommy ! , vama and Ohio. In all these states the peti- lilions are in the luimls of prominent citizens nnd active workers in other orders , Grand lodge assessment No. 10 , of the Unlu-d Endowment association , has been called to date July 1 , and subordinate lodco assessment No , ! iO on the membership. This assessment pays two death losses und six coupons to mature in July. The lust assessment - ment paid in , up to May 1. showed 2,820 mom- beis , and the amount of the assessment BK- grcgaled over < 0bOO. b The Important event of the wcok in the ICnlKhts of Pythias was the restoration ol Duboto lodge No. 21 , of lloston to its place lu the order. This was done by the Krand chancellor Thursday ( ivonlng. Tlio number reported present early In the ovi-nlng was Iti'J , but a lnr.0 number i-ainu in later , brliiK- ing the mcinbarship to moro than 2.'itl , This event will bu hailed with great delight by all loyal members of the order , not only in this state , but throughout the country. Iowa Postal Changes. WASHINGTON , Juno 30. [ Special Telegram to TUB JUi.JA ; postoftlco was established to day at SaxonWayne county , Iowa and Samuel - uel Wheeler appointed postmaster Kluhard Oliver was appointed postmaster atScranton City , ( Jrccno county , Iowa , vice Isaac II Jories , resigned. AVlial Cleveland Man Dono. WASHINGTON , Juno HO. The president haa signed the Indian nppropriatlou bill. Ho has also informed Iho CmclmiaU Dxposillon com. mittcothaton account of IhoproHnuro of bus iness ho cannot accept the Invitation to at. tend the exposition ut thin'time.