TO FIGURE WITH THE SIOUX To Bo Conducted By a CarofAilly So- Icctod Commlttoo. SOME TROUBLE ANTICIPATED Mills Thinks Ills Hill Will Not tie I'lnnlly Acted On at This Session to slp Aliout Hlicrtiinn Mis cellaneous Items. Tlio Sioux Itcscrvntlon. WASIII.VOTOX HUIIKAU Tin : OMAHA line , ) 513 FouiiTnnxTiiSTiiRKT , > WASHINGTON , U. U. , Juno 30. 1 The president has been giving some con sideration the past week to the selection of n commission to negotiate with the Sioux In dians for their consent to throwing open to settlement n portion of the great Sioux reser vation. The commission hns not , however , as has been stated throughout the west , been appointed. Secretary Vllus left yesterday for Atlantic City to bo gone Until after the Fourth of July , nnd ho had mndo no recom mendations to the president up to that tlmo. The work to bo accomplished Is delicate in Its nature , for there Is nn element permeat ing every band of Sioux on the reservation Which Is opioscd in every way to a division of the reservation or thu allotment of lauds in severally. It Is necessary to pacify this clement In order to secure the rciiuircd con sent , and us the bill passed by congress only allows n year in which to secure this consent , the authorities nro desirous that there shall bo no hitch In the negotiations nflcr they nro begun. For this purpose the president Is selecting his commission with great care nnd Is using some caution In mak ing It up In order that It shall contain no per sons objectionable to the Indians. It was at first thought that n commission composed en tirely of civilians would bo appointed , but it is now believed that the commission will con sist of the agent nt each of the agencies , a civilian and an army ofliccr , The interior department people are very reticent regarding the commission , but It is known they have been in negotiation with the war department authorities for some time on this subject , and it is believed that Major General Cook or some prominent officer of the Department of Dakota will bo made chairman of the commission , Meantime Iho people of Nebraska and Dakota , especially ot the Black Hills region , aru dancing with appre hension over the delay In appointing the com mission for fear a year will expire before the consent of the Indians can bo obtained , and they have again sent Mr. John H. King , who spent the winter hero urging the passage of the bill , back here to Impress upon thu presi dent the advisability of an curly appoint ment. Silt. MILLS ON' HIS HIM. . Chairman Mills said this afternoon that the commltteo on ways and means would muko an effort on Tuesday next to agree upon n reasonable limit of debate of the tariff bill , and thut ho believed that tbo day for taking a final vote would bo fixed not later than Saturday. July 14 possibly n week later. Ho thinks the bill will bo passed with but throe or four ncg.itivo democratic votes and that it will then go to tbo senate , ho re ferred to tbe committee on finance and that the republicans will report a bill they are preparing nnd permit thu democrats to re jwrt on the part of the minority on the Mill's bill , that both measures will Do then on the callcndor of the senate mid that congress will adjourn about the second week in August without any further action on the tariff. I have stated Mr. Mills' views to several republican members of the bouse and senate nnd they generally agree with him. There is not much prospect ut this tinio of any tan It legislation nt tills session. Both parties seem to bo willing to lot the work rest where it is and after an expression from the coun try at the polls tins fall moro intelligent ac tion can bo taken. SltKIIMAN IS NOT SOUK. Senator Sherman's friends , coming direct from him sny that he Is becoming reconciled to his defeat and that ho no longer talks of attacking Algcr's campaign tactics in which bo alleges the use of money , and that ho pro tests tlmt the reports of Governor Forakcr's Inconstancy is a matter between himself and Lo refuses to talk about it. Koprosentative Thompson of Ohio who was at Chicago two weeks working for Mr. Sherman , says the latter will make no statement for imbllcatliA. affecting cither Algolor fo > ' \ " r n ia satisfied und is true to his par * 7'nj"i.g icaii. era. .s' BHKUMAN AVfr < , ! W YOI1K- . In connectloi ij , , KomtOr Sherman's campaign rj/j tlio nomination nt Chicago I ? Vlcarnod how it came that Now / orK * Jkl not support him. At that time , bo- loroj j , , Shernmn loft tlio presidential chair " The senate , Charlie Farwoll , of Chicago , - xa o Into the senate to succeed General / " Logan. Mr. Farwoll very much desired n place on the committee en finance , being a man of wealth and extensive business con nections , und ho set about to secure thu place. Ho begun by advocating Senator Sherman < Mor the presidency , and sent some of his friends to tbe Ohioun to tell him that Mr. Farwell could undoubtedly deliver the Illi nois delegation. Nothing was said , however , about the place on the committee on finance for Mr. Farwcll. It was supposed that , Bbcnnan would take a hint when it caino to filling up the committees , Mr. Sherman turned his attention toward securing the delegation from Now York , and with that in view put Frank Hiseook on the committee and loft Mr. Farwoll olf. This cut tbo Chicago senator to the quick and ho quietly went about making combinations. He whlpsawcd Sherman and made it impossible for thut gentleman to secure the Now York delegation and Instantly ho began to work for Grehjiam. Ho made a combination with His- c ok , Whereby that gentleman hud his hands tied and could not work for Sherman , oven had lie desired to do so. JOHS O'Nr.ILL'S AMTUTION. John J. O'Xfllll , of St. Louis , who is chair man of the house committee on labor , is mak ing an offurt to sccuro nn appointment to the oltlco of commissioner of labor and there Is going to bo. a light made against him which will not only defeat him for tlio appointment , but which will likely leave him out of con gress. The Woman's league of this city will make n protest against thu appointment and will prefer charges against him relating to Ills notoriety with n woman who was recently in St. Louis , but who Is uow In Washington claiming to bo his wife , ami matters of u similar general character. O'Noil has not made u success of the chairmanship of the committee on labor and bus managed to make tiimsolf unpopular in almost every circle. Till ! 1IAII1UCKS JU'I'IIOI'IIIVIION , Senators Paddock and Mundorson and RepresentativeDorsoy had n conference yes terday fm the subject of the appropriation for -tno completion of tha barracks , quarters , rh1. . , for FortsNlobrara und Robinson , It was decided to offer an amendment to the w.irdry civil appropriation bill , now under ri i ildoration by tbo same committee , which I * tl'O substance of the bill passed by the son- 11 aomo time since providing for uu appro- i atluu of $100,000 for the work. Senator > i\udorson being a member of the jiiillttry committed , nnd having hail i''imvo of the original measure , prepared the iimondincnt and offered it in the senate , It was referred to the commltteo on appro priutions , This course seemed necessary bo < i-nusi ) the condition of the public business in ttio house was such us to render the passage t f tlm original bill through that body neurl ) in Impossibility. Senator Paddock has been in fuvor of this plan from the first , bay's ' ? , when In the senate before , been Successful li : scouring the only Isigo appropriation oh ti .i ; ' for quarters ut Fort Omaha undoi Kiuiimr action , and tbo original appropriate lor the establishment of u post ut Fort Nlo brnni by the same means. Fqrt Sidney wll bo provided for fn the general npproprlatlot for the repair and improvement of orruj TENSION BOARD roil NIODIIABA. A nu nber of prominent citizens of Nlo bruit ) , have urged upon the pension ofllci through Senator PaiUock , the necessity o establishing of a board of examining sur icons ; a ) thut placo. A robTHASTEll'3 NOMINATION HUNO Vf. The appointment of J.F. Willlugton tob postuiRitor at Sidney liiu been hung up li lUo icnato corniuittuQ on jiostotttc'e * aad pos roads , pcndmgnn Investigation Into protests against his confirmation , MISCBM.ASEOUS. Senator Mnndcrson left to-night for Crete where ho will deliver the Fourth of July era tion. Ho Intends to return to Washington by n week from next Monday , when it Is thought the conference committee on the Omaha public building bill will bo ready to report. The conferees have reached an agreement , nnd It only remains for nil of them to bo In congress nt ono lime in order tlmt the report bo received by the two bouses and formally adopted. Secretary Whitney will entertain the cm. ploycs of the navy department at Grass- welds , his country home , west of Washing ton three miles. A larce crowd of ncoplo eathcrod around General Sheridan's house this mornm ? when ho was taken In the ambulance to the navy yard for'departuro on the steamer Swatnni for his summer place at Noquittmass. Ho looked emaciated nnd extremely weak. As he was being carried out on n cot n pho tographer attempted to got a picture of the scene , but nn ofliccr deliberately put nirf lint over the camera nnd shut out the view. The distance to bo travelled by the vessel Is ( ! 00 miles , nnd It will bo covered In fair weather by Tuesday next. In cnso of bad U'cnthcr the vessel will put Into the ncfir- csl port. There was n great crowd at the wharf tq.sco the general placqd on board ntid to silently nnd solemnly say good byoto Mrs. Sheridan , who accompanied the here. The vessel started at 1:15p. m. m.1'Kitur S. Hn.vTii , F1PX1I2TU CONOUESS. Senate. WASHINGTON , Juno UO. Tlio senate re sumed consideration of the river and harbor bill. The following amendments , among others , were agreed to : Inserting nn Item of $10,000 for the Mississippi river above St. Anthony's falls ; striking out the provision appropriating $15,000 for the examination and survey of the Mississippi river at Hock Island rapids for a canal around them ; In serting an item of ' $ , " 0,000 for strengthening the Sny Island levee ; Inserting an item of (1,100,000 for the Missouri river from the mouth to Fort lion ton ; Inserting n provision In lieu of the ono struck out , for nn examina tion nnd survey at Hock Island rapids for a canal around the rapids , but making no ap propriations , and a provision for a like exam ination and survey of the Mississippi river at Clinton , la. , in relation to the removal of sandbars. An amendment directing a survey lor a ship canal from La Halle , III. , to Luke Michigan , near Chicago , 100 feet wide and fourteen deep , was opposed by Mr. Sherman on the ground that its principal utility would bo to provide sewerage for Chicago. No canal , bo thought , ought to bo constructed by the United States except to cut olt some im perfection or obstruction us on Lakes Michi gan and Superior- on the Ohio river at Louisville. He also expressed opposition tea a similar provision as to tbo Hcnnopln canal. Mr. Teller advocated both propositions as being in the Interest Of trade nnd commerce. Great metropolitan Journals , influenced or largely owned by railroads , had been in tlio habit of speaking of the Hcnncpin "fraud. " The railroad companies had been the sturdy opponentsof water ways across the continent. If there was a meritorious thing in the bill it was the proposition to open ship canals from Lake Michigan down through the Illinois river , und from Lake Michigan across the country ; which would accommodate the people ple of the upper Mississippi and the extreme west. west.Mr. . Dolph expressed doubts as to the prac ticability of the Illinois river scheme , but saw no reason why the survey should not be made , Mr. Vest called attention to the fact that the survey of the Henncpiii Ciiniil bad al- reauy been made , the estimate of cost hav- Jug been ? 1,1)00 ) , and that the present .proposition was not for n "survey" but for a "location. " He had persistently and consis tently opposed putting canal projects to tbo river und harbor bill. If the friends of the Hcnnipln canal wanted an appropriation made they should bring it before congress as a sep arate bill and have the matter freely discussed , but the putting of [ such projects into river nnd'lmrbor bills would bring tbo whole sys tem of internal improvements into odium. Mr. Sherman spoke of the magnitude of the proposed ship canal. He said that the dis tance from Chicago to the moutn of the Illi nois river was 250 miles , n greater distance than the proposed Nicaragua canal from ocean to ocean , and the estimated cost of the Nicaragua canul was $05,000,000. The discussion was further continued by Senators Toller. Vest , Call and Allison. Mr. Allison stated that as far back as 1SJ-I a ship canal between the lakes and the Missisj ur - was regarded by military laeiVAV.'i' bji- the people as of thojitoji sfeportance. . If thu . bill was worth the paper on written , this was the most im portant water-way project in it through u densely populated region , teeming with in dustries and commerce. And was congress , he said , to appropriate $ , ( iOO,000 for harbors and rivers and to higgle about the proposi tion , which was Intended to connect the great lake system with the Mississippi rivorl lie regarded the two propo.sltinnti as two of the most important in the bill , und if thov were to bo "whistled down the wind" while the Uttlo streams of the country were dug out and enlarged , ho would feel very little interest to "swab the guns'of the bill. Ho warned the senators that if they run the bill on the mere local idea that all that was desirable was to get f5X)0 ( for a little creek orJ,0)0 ( ) for a little harbor , they hud mls- talten the feolingof thopC' " ) ! . ' . as respected internal commerce. Mr , Gorman favored the proposition for tlio survey of a canal from La Salic to Lake Michigan , but moved to strike out tbo words "and capable of carrying not less than 000,0i)0 ) cubic feet of water per minute , flowing at the rate of two miles per hour. " Tlio motion was agreed to and the amendment so modified was agreed to. It rends : "For the purpose of securing u continuous navigable \yater way between Lake Michigan and thu Missis sippi river , having a capacity and facilities udciiuato for the passage of the largest Mis sissippi river steamboats and of naval vessels suitable for defense In time of war. The secretary of war is authorized and directed to cause to bo made proper surveys , plans ami estimates for channel improvement and locks and dams in the beds of th.i Illinois und Desplalnes rivers from Lu Sullo to Lockiiort so as to provide u waterway not less than 100 feet wide und not loss than fourteen feet deep und to huve surveyed and located a channel from Lockport to Luke Michigan at or near the city of Chicago , sueh channel to bo suitable for the purposes afore said , the necessary expenses of such sur veys , estimates , plans und locution to bo paid out of tlio sum heroin appropriated for tlio improvement of the Illinois river. An amendment directing the secretary of war to locate a canal from tno Illinois river ut Henncpln to the Mississippi river ut the mouth of the Kock river was then agreed to , after a protest by Mr. Vest that it would commit the government absolutely to the construction of the canal. Senators Gorman and Beck denied that It aid so. and Mr. Allison declined to commit himself ono way or the other. The lust emciidinoiit to bo acted upon was the insertion of n provision abolishing the Missouri river commissioners. The amend ment was agreed to , Th sonuto then proceeded to executive business. After the doors wore reopened the conference report on the diplomatic und consular appropriation bill was presented and agreed to. Thu only question between the two houses had boon tlm benalo amend ment for the appointment of a commission to visit and report upon the Congo basin. The result of thu conference is a substitute for the amendment appropriating $4XX ( ) for the salary and expenses of u commercial agent at Homba in the Lower Congo basin with authority to visit und report upon the ccnv incrcial resources of the Upper Congo bnsln , Several bill * ysro taken from the calcudai Siu passed , und the suuato adjourned. HoilbO. WASHINGTON , D. O. , June 80. The house opened this morning with S | calcor Carlisk in the chair. The bill for the payment o : Fourth of July claims was taken up am passed. The houEO then went Into committee of thi whole on the tariff bill. The motion to iu crease the rate of duty on flax seed and lln scod oil from 10 to 15 cents per gallon ws agreed to. Mr. Perkins , of Kansas , offered on ataond ment forcing the rate at SO cents pergalloi after Jan. 1 , 18S9. Hejeoted. ' Mr. Hrerkenrldge , of Arkansas , offered ai amendment increasing from i to S cents pe pound the duty on Ucorico or roll ? , Agreed An amendment was ndoptcd fixing- the duty on llcorico Julco nt 35 i > or cent ad vale rem. rem.Mr. . Dingley of Maine moved to reduce the rate of' duty on bi-chromato of ixrtash from 2 } cents to 1 cent per pound. Ho said bi chromate of potnth was controlled by n trust In Haltimoro , which had secured control of every bed of Orein country. The amendment was rejected. An amendment offered by Mr. Fanpihnr of Now York , Increasing the rate of duty on acetate of lead , white lead orange mineral nnd red lend , was rejected. Mr. Hayno of Pennsylvania , moved to In crease from V cent to x cent per pound the rate of duty on Salsoda. Lost. Mr , Unrrows of Michigan , moved to re store the present rnto of duty on hydrate of caustic soda. Lost. The China section was passed over for the present. On motion of Mr. Hynum of Indiana , the duty on glared orenameled tiles was reduced from f > 0 to 4.1 per cent ad valorem. After disposing of four pages of the bill the com mittee rose and tno house adjourned. Monuments. Gnrrvsarno , Pa. , Juno 30. Wisconsin dedicated her seven monuments on thu Gettysburg battle Held to-day. MET HIS FATE. A null Who Owned tlio Vlllnco 1111 He "Met n Unllronil Train. Mr. Otter , a farmer of Gnrrclson'a StationS.I. , always keens good stock , but ho is unfortunate in tno temper of hit ) -bulls , says a New York dispatch. Dur ing the past few months one of them , a beautiful animal , developed symptoms of pure bovine cussediiess. IIo begun by terrifying children , chasing women and crumbling if men. During the hot weather of the past few days he became dangerous , llail or barbed wire fences were of no import to him. IIo would break through and go wherever ho nlcased. One of his hobbies was to go out on the railroad track and keep olT trespassers. In this voluntary service he forgot himself. Last Sunday even ing ho planted himself squarely' in the centre of the track , evidently bent upon slopping Sunday tralllc. A train ap proached. The engineer saw him and blow his loudest and wildest whistles. They were received with contempt and answered with snorts. No rapid tran sit bullgine could scare the old fellow. IIo was in for a muss , and ho was bound to have it. So was the engine. The engi neer whistled down brakes and sent out car-splitting steam screams. It was all tone no purpose. T'io ' hull put himself in a fighting attitude anil pawed the dust into clouds , while he accompanied the fatoum whistle with the loudest and rich est kind of base notes. The locomotive struck him and rolled him about sixty feet , the train slowing down all the time. With the agility of a cat ho regained his feet and furiously charged the engine. 'This tiuto ho was crushed under the whoelsaud half the train passed over his bod\v , Jf the train had been derailed a crowd of excursion ists might have been 'thrown down an embankment. ' The news of the tragic death of the bull was received with joy by 'all thu children of Garretson. A Tennessee Kanntlc. A dispatch tea Chicago daily recently from Soddy , Tcnn. , states that half a humlrod armed men patrolled the streets the previous night to prevent an at tack on the house of G. W. Pnttcr.ion , in which was lodged -Second Christ. " For six months Patterson has boon preaching tlmt a wonderful thing was about fco happen. Three months ngo he announced definitely that Christ , was about to appear a second time and would do so in the persoii of A. J. Brown , an assistant of his. Strange as it may ap pear the two fanatics sccurpd . , a , large following and crowds thronged to hear them. Outside this one heresy .their doctrine was orthodox enough. They proposed to forgive all sin and hdul all diseases. At last Brown announced that in order to fully prepare himself - , self he must fast fortj -J ' faithful declared "uTftisting in the mountains. Last Sunday was the day fixed for his return. A vast multitude assembled and watched , ho hills for the new Messiah. Suddun- y ho appeared , robed in white , holding lis hands toward heaven. A mighty shout wont up and the throng rushed .oward him. Women and- children bis feet and hands. Men bowed downed to him and sielt people declared Lhey wore healed. Ono 'young girl , Lulu Me Lung , declared feho , was ready to die ant1 the fanatics prepared to sac rifice her , when the outsiders inter- icrod and a free fight ensued. Pattor- ion am ] Brown narrowly escaped with thuir lives , and other followers wore roughly handled. Brown , Patterson and lOino others reached Patterson's house mil barricaded the doors ajici windows , ljut the crowd lingered until far in the night , stoning the house and uttering threats. Next day letters ornamented with skulls , crossbones and cofllns were sent to Patterson and his followers , tell ing them to leave by Thursday on pain of death. Patterson at once sent for ShorilT Connorof Chattanooga , who ar rived Wednesday. IIo looked the ground. OVLT. and became gatUlIod that the fa natics must leave or blood would bo shed. lie placed a number of men on guard and returned. Yesterday a story liecnme currpnt that two young children had been olTored as sacrifices , and the fooling boeamo so intense tlmt it waste to bring a largo extra force hu'ro. Brown nays that if attempts are nitulo to drive oil' his followers next Thursday ho will open the heavens and kill all tlio disbelievers. . . Tli Stale and Sixjlnl Organisation. y'ojwfnr Krlenrc Muntlilii. It would probably bo hard to find an expression around which so many false and confused ideas have gathered as wo Ilnil clustering around the term "tho Btato. " In the course of an otherwise excellent article which wo read lately in ono of our educational contemporaries find "tho stato" described ries , wo ns being "simply society organixcd. " Now wo can only undcratand by that , apart from political government , there is UG social organi/ation ; yet surely nothing could bo wider of the truth. The fact is , that true social organization is seen at its best precisely where the state is not that is to say , in these regions ol social activity with which political gov ernment does not interfere. Think ol our churches , our charities , our clubs , and institutions of ono kind and an other , our commercial system , with its constant tendency to higher and , more complete organization , the nowspupe * . ] > rob3tho railway and telegraph systems our multitudinous social arrangements and the thousand and ono purely volun tary agencies by whinh human inter1 course is facilitated and improved ; ant at once it becomes obvious how mislead' ' ing it is to speak of "tho state" as boinfj "society organized. " It would be nearer the mark , in our opinion , to saj that true social organization begins jus whore state action ends. The cssontiii functions of the central power is to preserve servo the integrity of the community hi shielding it from external attack am internal disruption , and BO to providi the conditions for social organization In other words , the state maintain order as the condition of progress ; bu progress , if it is to be worth anything must result from the innate power am aHlnitles of tbo units composing th < social juusi. SOCIETIES OF MANY LETTERS W , O.T. U. , Y.M/O.A. tvncl Others Ruled the dfbtb Olmutauqun , LOG CABIN AND COON PARADE , Two Patent iUgl ) ) wlntllcrs nt AVorlc NcarVlyBsca IJ'PIXVC Unpaid Uilla \ Girl Disappears From Teknnmli. Tlic Nebraska CliniitniKim. June 30. [ Special lo Tun Hnij : The assembly workers nro congratulating themselves on the comfortable quarters in Dunning Imll. This building Is now swept and garnished niul provided with suitable furniture throughout. The parlor Is n Inrpe , well furnished room. Its furniture consist * of n beautiful largo rug , n sofa , a number of easy chairs , u table supplied with papers and magazines , a chandelier , pretty porticrs. and dainty whlto curtains. This room was fur nished by the St. Mary's avenue CoiiRreRa- tional church of Omaha. The dining room nnd kitchen aru well equipped , and the chambers , eleven In number , have been pro vided with suitable furniture by various Congregational churches nnd C. L. S. socio- tlos. Altogether Dunning hall is a very sat isfactory building ono that "supplies n long felt want. " At2 o'clock yesterday afternoon , a largo audience assembled In the pavllllon to listen to Colonel Haiti's lecture. On being Intro duced Mr. Haiti said ho would not commence ; the thetno of Ills lui'turo any more definitely than to say ho would talk about temperance. Whether the theory of the evolution of man kind were true or not ho did not know , but he was sure that in this country the liquor trsllle causes a great involution of mankind. Instead of examining evolution to see where men came from , lie was inoro disposed to examine involution to sue where men go to because of the influence of liquor. That men should come up from the brutes Is not so bad , but that they should go down to the brutes Is quite another thing. Down at the bottom of crime , the social problems and the strife be tween capital and labor lies the liquor trunk * . Overproduction is not the solution of the labor and capital question. What the conn- try needs is to get up a circulation of the money and goods stored away in banks and btoro house1. . The men who ircuuciit saloons are laboring men , no t capitalist ! * . Annually the workingineii of tins country spent ! millions of dollars that should go to the proper maintenance of their wives and children. If the worklngmen would turn the results of their labor into legitimate trade it would revolutionise the business of this coun try. There would then bo no overcrowded batiks and storehouse * , and no wives and children destitute of the comforts of lift * . Men are getting the affairs of the country into such u llx that it is no wonder womeii aru getting impatient and wanting to have a hand in regulating affairs. Hut somebody suys : "If a man wants to drink , let him dose so and take the 'consequences. " The trouble is that men < 1o the drinking and their wives and children fhkb the consequences. As God smote the country1 for African slavery , so ho will again smiltjilt if we do not soon right the wrong flu ! ) ' liquor trufllc brings upon the women and children of tins i-onn- try. There is not u'ro..c in the cheek of the wife of the liquor st'llcr but costs the roue in some oilier wonmn'.v'choek. There is not a jewel on the llnjjer lit Iho wife of llio liquor seller hut costs the jewel on some other woman's linger , unit the beauty andsunshino in the liquor wllur'S'liWme ' cost thu beatttv and sunshine of solnd > other home , There arc in the stateof New York to-day more saloons than there are-'In the entire country , south of Mason and' ' Dlxon's lino. As the north freed the smith from tin * stigma of African slavery , so thb south may yet have to free the north"'ffom the slavery of the liquor trafllc. MrBain is a southern man but he is willing'to'Ivt the dead past bury its dead , while north'nnd south untto in con quering this great evlh The most dangerous phase o , ' lilli- ' the piling up of revenue from thi-YiUoi' | trafllc. Vlrglrlu once stoodtir iiinoiiK the states , but slip foil fr r-fier hiph position because "lAfne.y'-Smvory , because she trot revunup p > "f unrighteous business. The HUMWmnuiit that cumo upon the south be cause of slavery may come upon the north locause of Intemperance , llcvoniie and per sonal liberty are the lines that liquor men Ighum. But few people can properly dc- : lne personal liberty. His alone is free who .Ifts himself above the power and taint of vice. "Close the saloons of country. " said Colonel iJ.iin , ' 'and it would bo to the country's poor ike opening the g.ito of a corral and letting lungry , winter-starved cattle loose on a ) oumlle > s prairie , its free grrscs waving waist deep. Take the money spent for drimt , lot it go lor that which is bread and clothing iiul comfort , and in live years this willbo the most prosperous , the happiest generation of the swroti'st century of the grandest coun try the eye of God over looked upon. " At 4 o'clock Prof. Holmes' normal class met in the hall in the grove to study Iho books of the Bible. This lesson covered the bonks of .loshua , Judges and Uulh. 1'rof. Holmes ; ul the lesson in story form , and made it very interesting. The members of his class will doubtless derive much benefit from his instruclton In Hiblo study , and the W. C. T. j. had u cMifereneo at ft o'clock. The sub- | oct for discussion was "The New Civilisa tion. " The meeting was opened by scripture reading and prayer by Mrs. Iliscock. Mrs. Jerome Holmes then Introduced Mrs. King , of Lincoln , who spoke of "Woman's Political Place in the New Civilization. " It is neeitless to say that she thought it would bo equal to man's. Mrs. Higlow spolui of woman's relation to the church in the new civilisation. Prom the tlmo of Christ , bho said , woman's work has over been nuignillcd in the church. Women have ever been the most faithful followers ofChriit. In the new civilization , as in the old , women will bo Christ's truest trionds and will noglcct nothing that will advance his kinudoni. fn the future , when a woman's opportunity for good works are greater , her work will be greatly increased and thu re sults of her labor muro manifest. Mrs. D. Pr.itt spoke of woman's relation to tin ; nicJi- cal profession. Woman's efforts lo enter tills profession have met with bitter oppo sition from the beginning. Lady students in medical college ! , sullor many slights and oven open leers. Dr. Pratt spoke eloquently of woman's ability in hick rooms and of the lives of work in the medical pro fession that should bo followed by woinnii rather than by men. Mrs. Lnthrop of Michigan then spoke of child culture In the now clvlluatlon. Who said there are three things on which Cod ! built his government , thu family being the principal one of the jjireo. Child culture is an important foature/.pf / the family , and In the iH'w civilization it > ylll receive far greater attention than at present. The llrst clement of child culture isto , Jonch the child obedi ence to the proper 'uuthorrity. What wo need to-day is parents governing their chil dren instead of chjhljren bossing thmr pa rents. Koveronco for rightful authority is n great need of the prl-sent day. Mrs. Luthrop Is an able , ilo < | uclit''iiml ladylike speaker. At the close of her addressn number of ques tions were asked by. , the audience. The re plies given by Mrs. I athrop were both in structive nnd amusing. At 8 o'clock the Y,1 M. C. A. took posses sion of the pavilloni > Addroses were made by the state secretary ; Mr. > 'asli , Air. Dum- mct of Lincoln , I'rutifiout Hingland of Has- tiugs college and others. Thuorigin , growth and aims of the organization wore thor oughly discussed ami the great need of such work 'for young men was made plain , The speakers were thoroughly earnest und very enthusiastic and hopeful about the success of their work. During the evening Dr. Dunlng announced thatTaluiago would not keep his written agreement to come to Nebraska. It was evi dent to all that Dr. Dunlng was bitterly dis appointed and suifered greatly because of the failure of the principal part of the pro gramme ho had prepared with such care. He read tun telegrams that hud been sent and received In the futile effort to find Dr. Tal- mage und bold him to his contract. This is indeed shabby conduct on the part of Dr. Talmogo. The management of tha assembly and the people of Nebraska will not readily excuse such slights and such utter disregard of a lawful contract. Tal > mage several months ago made u written contract to deliver three lectures for the sum of 1500. The management allowed til in tc dictate his subject , his hours and his price Prof. Holmes met hint in Ottawa , 'Kan. , ot Friday of last week , \vnsasjurodllmt Tnlmnga would bo nt Crete tolny * . it Is in order for the freat ? preacher UxTWotip txnd explain the cause of the unprecedented con duct of which ho Is guilty < At the stockholders' tnocUiiR "yesterday afternoon nil the trustee * were re-elected. It was also recommended Unit tlrt)7 > rcscnt oftlcers nil bo ro-clcctcd. ffllo cause , gf this l evident. A bettor prcdbnthan F. I. Foss and u better superintendent nf.-fcroum'U than Mr. Waterman could ilot welt bo\ found , Dr. Dunning , as an assembly lender , IsVUh- out an equal. To this peed ifinn the Nebraska assembly owes more thatl ciiii bo expressed , nnd he hns the unqualified respect nnd love of all assembly-goers. The Stockholders un animously passed n hearty vote of thanks to the three above-mentioned yftutlenieu , and doubtless they will re-elect t&lii fofc.tSc next nnd for many succeeding ji-aU.l' At the 0t'0 : prnycrmeetiRUhlii mornlijg the subject for consideration trus "GloryllJg in Hedetnption. " As usual tno incctingnrus marked by a spirit of devotion ! f ' Saturday's programme was f IQ of interest , ' nnd nil the classes and lectures ) were largely attended. I Mrs. Kennedy arrived on jtho morning train , nnd at 0 o'clock organ lied fa. children's class. At 2 o'clock there wni a children's meeting with songs nnd addrosw. Thoehll- eron met at the Normal hall and formed n procession. It was a proltv sight to see the long line of llttln folks filing fito the pavi lion. Kvldently there nro matiyl qioro chil dren at the assembly thlst ycdr lUi'ui over before. * I This evening Colonel Uattn Hcllvcred his brilliant adihvss on "Tho Goklii Gate. " His lecture was u tribute to this ! ago nnd country , bused on a Journey fromim'oan to ocean. He contrasted the Ox-team' travel of thirty years ago to the speed nnd slcndor of modern civilization , nnd paid n tribute to the bravo pioneers without whoso resolution and hardships there would be nothing trtfcnjoy In this wonderful west. Ho oskod to b'd.ixcusod if he seemed to cherish a little sontiinnntbn the Indian question with which his 'n'udlenco might not agree ; that they once ha'il some sentiment on the colored question which ho did not appreciate , but was taught bo nnd owned Ins mistake ; that ho was like tho'Uttlo pig who "when ho lived ho lived Irt clover , but when ho died ho died all over. " Ho pic tured the beautiful scenery of the west , whoso mountains , sun-dyed , hunts' n % rich embroideries of ouc sky. Ho gave n stfiko at the Mormons , wliorfu liot springs wow jsug- Restive of punishment of Mormon inlMilty , whose family bibles were likb hotel registers , " and ho hailed a coming diyr when this" grave yard of love will no longer curse ourcoilntry. When ho reached Cnpy nrn hrf fiivo n beautiful dc.scriptlon of a scene , wbqro look ing up was to see winter on its wlhVrald and looking down was "to see summer on dress parade. As his descripto'u.Jie'ro ) swept the country , bo iravo ujj riotio-'jlllusfon to the wedding of , .li.lJiprly'n'iJit ColWutiSii/itho / cere mony perfifriited/Jby Qt.'orte'iyVnsliing'.oii , -umgtsj.iutqUie only ? capital of the conpio beincf WJB , and Ihtitln .confldcnco ; how one ht trvSflr.VcfiicM tilil nioro had not broken t,1ip'uniou how fnujily qu.nnvls had come aiidVmce , jr % < ? ttiiU9 rnmlly 1'ow , but as a sone of tlii > sonlAtft Joined the sons of the north in tlmakiiy Cind'lho appllcutibn for divorce - vorco was ntn gnVatcd , and that the old ling never went down oyur a divided country. Ho ni\\t Hktvo omWlragemcnt to the poor American boy wlturHmugh the child of jer- ) Jury , could by .wljijie/ty , industry and econ omy bo the ; it fortune. Out of tile Chinese queVflgiuho drew the sad picture of thc want of hmfu ) life among them and paid a tribute'tb the 'Amerii'iui home , which lie declared to bo the cornerstone eternal wisdom placed under the republic. The lecture closed with a touching reference to his own Kentucky home , where memory had gathered golden sheaves and stored them away in hi heart. The following is the pro gramme for Sunday : S)0 : ( ) n. ni. Ssrvico of prayer and song. 10'M : a. m. Public service. Sermon by Colonel George W. liain. 4:00 : p. in. Society of Christian Ethics , led by Kov. O. li. Dunning. ft : 00 p. in. Vesper service. C. L. S. C. TiIHl p. m. Public service. Sermon by Chancellor Crcighlon of the Wesleyan uni versity. _ l ) ' ! ll licill.S HIclp , - Ui.YfSi : * , Neb. , June n. special to Tin : 13iiK. ] About th.e.-'luth of > fay two sliek- tojip-i . Wuows , named A. F. Miller nnd - tence , came to Ulysses , and made our town the base of operations while selling farmers' latent blacksmith tools. After successfully vorking the rich territory they left last week without paying a board bill of SITO , duo .1. W. Van Gordon nnd a bill of 10 , duo Wolf , the ivcryman . They also took a buggy bolong- ng to Wolf , which they returned by freight 'rom Madihon , Neb. It is not known whether or not they have succeeded in lloecing our 'armors , but their transactions look queer. They caino hero from Grafton , Nob. , but were formerly in Keoknk , In. Ulysses will not celebrate this year , but will assist neighboring towns. The recent discovery of a valuable clay deposit near Ulysses , mention of which was made in Tun 13in : last week , is attracting eonsUterablo attention. It is u big thing for the town , us it is thought that brick and lottery of the very bust grades can bo made with it. A good brick manufacturer is wanted to work it up. The old reliable Uin : still continues to take the cake in these parts. It is the paper for ; he people of all claSM-s , and its strong light n support of the laboring man is giving it additional prestige. lonrti HIT ltintrl clans. > IJnATiiici : , Neb. , Juno ! ! ( ) . [ Snccial Tele gram to Tin ; HII : : . ] Five liiindrsd red hoi re publicans boarded the Union Pacific train Itcro to-night to attend the rally at Hluo Springs. They were accompanied by the Plymouth band and thu Hcatricu zouave drummers. The band consisted of members , all elegantly uniformed nnd two of the numhor colored. About one hundred will go to Crete . haii- tanquii on the early Sunday morning train and return at midnight. Over thrco hun dred would have gone had not the - formeil us that Tiilmngo would nut bo there. The uiutterfngs hero are loud and deep over the disappointment. They blame up one but T.ilnmgo and sny the nssembly ought to sue him for damage. Ueatrieians think the as sembly developed considerable blue stocking when they voted no Sunday excursions to the assembly grounds , A Croiuiuiry Huriicd. Lotil1 CITV , Nub. , Juno RO. ( Sjicelul Tele gram to Tun HKH. ] About 5 o'clock this morning the building of the Loup City creamery was discovered on lire , but before anyone could got to it it was entirely envel oped in flames unit soon consumed. The building contained about one hundred and fifty tons of Ice , besides 1,201) ) pounds of cheese , and .WJ pounds of buttor. Thu ori gin of the lire is a mystery , ulttioii h by sonio it Is thought to have been a case of spontaneous combustion in the coal shed in which a car of "carbon slack" had been un loaded thrco duys previous. This is n severe blow to the farmers In tins vicinity , nnd to Loup City business men. Wo could have better afforded to have lost any of the other busliioss houses In the city. LOJS is fully but f'J.OOO insurance. Cnnn to Mod Her Kollow. OAKIAXK , Neb. , June 80. [ Special to TUB HKR.J The ilftcen-.year-old daughter of Henry Stark , who resides near Tekamah , mysteriously disappeared Tuesday. Nothing is known of her whereabouts , although it is currently reported she has gone to meet u young man who was formerly employed on her father's farm , Fred. Hcnard , ono of the wealthiest men of Oakland , who has been in the banking business with E. A. Wells , of this place , lor several years , retired from tno bank to-iluy. His son Ed. has taken his place , und tha bank has been moved into the Humes' brick building , the finest In the city. The bunk's capital has been doubled. Alila/.o With KiitliiiHlasin. CESTIUL CITV , Neb. , Juno 30. ( .Special Telegram to TUB UBE. ] Central City is all ablaze to-night with republican enthusiasm , the occasion being the ratification of the nomination of Harrison , and Morton. The evening's programme commenced with the loudest noise anvils could uiako. This was followed by a liberal display of fircworka and a torch light procession. Among the speakers was Judge John L , Martin , who , if ho lives till November , will have voted foi two Harrisons. The nominations take well hero , and the party majority will be in creased , BEYOND THE ALLOTTED TIME , People Who Htwo Hold Long Iionsos of Llfo. Sh- HAS CHEWED NINETY YEARS. A HumlrcaYonrOMVUncss A Venerable Hostess Know the Family Alive niul Still Kick ing At < 1 Still Another , , Know tlio 1'ainlly. President Clcvulniul never saw hia prront-crandfathprbiit a Nor ivii'h ( Mttss ) Bulletin renresontnlivo lias hud the pleasure oi oli'itllng with t\ dis tinguished citizen of Norwich , wjioe [ memory stretches like n compass across four genertitions. nnd who receives his culls with u linn grtisp of tliu same hand Unit held that of President Cleveland's great-grand- father. Tills gentlomnn , as every local resident and many of our readers may know without telling , Is the venerable Colonel George L. Perkins that won derful impersonation of longevity which rewards a good constitution preserved by a temperate life , a man who will round out a full century of existence on the 5th day of August , next , who was born before George Washington was president and has outlived all the pres idents of the United States except Mr. Ilayos and the incumbent , who , with his six feet two inches in stature , is as straight as an arrow , whoso mind Is as clear as his clear blue eyes , and who is as active as u man twenty-live years his junior. It la n delight to converse with him of times gone by , and some of his reminiscences of the president's ances tors possess great interest. Aaron " 1'lovoland was born at Kast Haddam , Conn. , February ! ) , 17-11. but he lived and carried on business in Nor wich the greater part of his life. His reputation was due less to his success as a hat maker than lo his talent as a preacher , writer , and politics of his time , lie was distinguished for his patriotism in the revolutionary davs , and he wrote many ringing articles which had much inlluenco. Ono con tribution , which may bo cited as an illustration , toolc the form of a sermon upon the text : "Touch not mine an ointed : " ( Psalm ev. , lo. ) Mr. Clove- land's argument reversed the common interpretation ot the text , and main tained that it proved that "not kings , but the people , are the anointed of God , and kings are forbidden to touch them. " That idea , was elaborated with Cleveland's peculiar keenness and force and in a manner to prove that a free people when "touched" with their rights of civil laws were infringed or violated. The application was obvious. C'oloncl Perkins has never mot the president himself , although in past years ho has enjoyed either formal ac quaintance or immediate relations with Presidents John Adams , Madison , Mon roe , John Quin.Vi'iUp'i ; ; , .V..ti'iftoii YTm Huron , fierce' , Lincoln , Grant and Hayes. / And Still Atiolher. Lortx tta Citillcgas , a venerable Mexi can , ; 'of Canada Alamosa , has for the past , week been visiting a great-groat- graiiddaughlcr of his , who is married and living in this city , says a San Manual ( N. M. ) dispatch' . Learning of tlii < j great ago attained by Scnor Gal- it-Vas , the writer bought and obtained at interview with the aged gentleman. He was found comfortably resting in a lingo arm-chair in ono of the coxiest rooms of the neatly-furnished adobe dwelling of his lineal decondant. The old gentleman was quite courteous , and greeted the writer with a cordial shako > f the hand. He said that ho was born in the state of Chihuahua , Mexico , whore ho spout a great part of his life , lie was a resident of that state when the war between the United States and Mexico occurred. He did not take up .irins in that contest , boeaur-o even then lie was doomed by the Mexican govern ment too ageti ip withstand the hard ships and privations of active army life. Ho was at that time , ho says , a .grand father. He related several anecdotes of those stirring times , which proves that ho is possessed of a wonderful memory. Ono of them is that ono evening during that period an American , presumably in the service of the United States , rode up to his house .mil requested permission to stay for the night , which was gran tod. The American dismounted , unsaddled his liorso and picketed it out , after which he entered the house and was given a room. Ho did not lie down to rust , but pared his room to and fro. About ! ! o'clock in the morning the in mates of the house were aroused by loud pounding on the doors and cries for that "Gringo" to conic out and surrender - render himself. The Amovican opened the door of his room and wont out , though the old man couldn'lsa.v whether to Mirrondor himself or to offer resist ance , but anyway , ho had scarcely stopped beyond the threshold before bo was literally riddled with bullota from Iho Mexican dragoons' ( for they wore boldiors ) guns. After the war was ended , and this part of Mexico became a territory of the United States , the old man moved to the now territory , where ho has since resided. Huing questioned as to his age , ho said lie could not toll exactly how old ho was. but puts it at ll'j years. Dur ing hi * lifetime lie lias been married six times , and his last wife has boon dead a number of years. Ho lias no bens or daughters living. Ho has a grandson yet living , who is the grand father of the woman ho is now visiting. Thu old man's general health is good , but of Into years his hearing and eye sight have boon slowly failluir , and now it is only by loud speaking that ho can hear , and with the utmost difficulty that lie can sou nt nil. IIo will spend a week or so more with his relatives before re turning to Ills ranch in the Canada Alamoaa. Dlnd In Time. Word has reached hero of the dnath of Mrs. Mary P. Hennoinun , at her homo in Amos , Ta. , at the extreme old ago of 110 years , Mrs , Hcnneman re moved from this county about u year ago. She was for many years a resident , living with her son , Peter Coulter , near Kussiavillo. She was born in Maryland and removed to Circlovillo , O. , when that country was a vabt wil- dernoas. There she hulped to eruct the first House of lojrs and lived to raise a largo family. Then she removed to this county , where she has resided bincu , till her removal to Iowa. For sovonty- live years she was a faithful Methodist. Ho AViia n WltnosH. Somewhere about thirty years ago the towns of Warren and North Urookliold , Mass. , wore in litigation about the set tlement of a pauper of the name of Chickoring. It was , discovered that the Chlckering family once lived in Stur- bridge , and in BOIIIO ancient archives , legal or municipal , was found a docu ment setting forth the claim of the town of Sturbrldgo on a neighboring town for the support of one of these Chickur- Ings. That paper was dated llfty-nlno years before and bore the signature of John Phillips as one of thtM electmon. John Phillips wjis. j-liil living and was summoned as a witness ! but us he ago , his Ust.mony wns ttioti for fear thY .no would not live until the trial. H did live , however , nnd nppe.u-od . on the stand to testify. When the docu enl was handed mm ho was able lo road it without glasses , ami In answer to question by counsel ho said clearly and firmly : "Yes , that Is my signir- turo ; I signed tlmt paper , " though ho hlul not seen it for more than half a cen tury. His recollection was elenr , ho had no tlifliculty in hearing , and ho an swered clearly and promptly all ques tions put to him. His testimony \\as by far the most Important in the trial , ana t eventually won the case. The cir cumstances of the trial made quite an impression , for it is not an ordinary occurrence that centenarians are called to the witness stand. There was the same skepticism then about the authen ticity of the claim for loiigevltv , but nn attested copy of the birth silenced it. It called up associations of the warmest and tomlcrest ehnrcctor to sec nnd hear a man whoso momorv went back bevoml the birth of the republic , .lohn Phillips was born a subject of King George II. . and yet hero he was , just on the eve of our civil war , which docs not scorn so long ago , giving clear and concise testi mony which carried a case in court. Mr. Phillips died at the age of 101. Him ClioxvH Ijlke n Mnn. Ono of the oldest persons in the state , if not in the south , says an Orlando ( Kla. ) exchange , has been a resident of this city for some time. At the Eman cipation day celebration hero some days ago she appeared in the processionand was treated with great deference by the ' negroes generally. Her name is .Jonnlo Jenkins , and she lives in the negro not- tlement just east of town. She hns well authenticated documents which prove her to bo more than ono hundred nnd live years old. A reporter called on the ancient no- gress Ihe other day. She was found seated on the front porch of the RinaH but comfortable house in which slul lived , vigorously chewing tobacco will j evident relish. She certainly nppearcif in excellent health for a damsel of HUj years of age. Uer face was old ama wcather-boaten , weazened and puckl ered up , while her scanty wool was perfectly white ; her eyosJ though somewhat bleared am/ sunken , were keen and intel-i ligont. nnd at times snappy. ShoJ had not been on her feet for about throe years , but otherwise her vigor scorned almost as good as people ot half her ago. That she still had a temper was evinced by the vigorous manner in which she boxed the ears of troublesome picka ninnies ( her youngest daughters grand children ) when they got too near her in their pranks. Her teeth lire all gone and have been for the past forty years , but she makes good service of her gums in chewing her favorite "line cut. " "O , Lawdy , Mas'r , 1 sunh does feel old , an' no mistake , said she , in reply to a. question concerning her age. "Wlion I wit'long 'bout seventy or tA' hty J t'ought I wux gcttin' old , but my Law&y chile , dat want nullln'/tfbory day wlici ] 1 yds uy I Si'.1.1. ' . h'Ulcvs dat'll be my liisl day. In cose I wants to lib' as long as Ji kin , but I'so ready to go any diy d | Lawd calls mo. She seemed very religious and pcntcd many passages from the Baying she was ready to go tit any time. Jennie Jenkins was born in lialeigh , N. C. , in December , 17SU , and is there fore well on in her 100th year. She wufj a girl of seventeen when George , ington died , and was a matron well sol tied in life when the war of 18112 broke out. She remembers very well seeing the red coats of the British soldiers gleaming through the woods. In regard to tlio remarkable preser vation of her eyesight , she said that she had never used spectacles. When ever her eyes became irritated or weak she washed them in hot salt water , and to this she believes she owes her pres ent clear vision. Slip can even now thread her needle , without assistance , as wcil as any one. For about ninety years she has used tobacco in some form or other , and oc casionally takes a dose of spirits mixed with about one-third of beef's gall. "Hit's a mighty bitter dose , but hit's do bory ting for my rheumatics , and strengthens mo up powerfully , " ob served the old creature , worry ) fresh chew. The old lady's career has beeil checkered. She has had lliri' ' bands , been sold four times and bill twenty-two children. Of all thfi only ICIIOWH where the seven yountl ones are , having lost all trace of \ ( others when she was sold to dilToroM pni'tH of the country. She mourns then at times and speaks of them all us if alive , but she tays she never expects to t-eo them till they sill meetin"houbeii. " The negroes in this section all pay a good deal of attention to her , and many come from long distances to visit hor. Tlio Latest Slide l > nilgo. Seattle Post-Intulligence : A stranger bound for Seattle was robbi d of $140 by a. confidence operator on the train l)0- ) | tween ICalama and Tacoma last Sntui day. Shortly after the train lefl Ktilnma a well dressed man stoppocl into the smoking car and took a scut b.\l the side of an immigrant. Tlio tw " men became slightly ai'ijuaiiitM us th train sped along. The well dresnoii man was supplied with good cigars , and occasionally , as ho lighted a m-uli one , treated thu stranger by his side. Grad ually quito a friendship sprng up bo - twoun the two. The immigrant gave an account of his trip across Iho contU ncnt , and related u number of hair breadth escapes ho had from confidence men. The well dressed man repre sented hliiiholf us a Seattle merchant on his way homo from San Francisco , lie said there were no confidence on the sound , but a great many | > k pockets , and advisud the strange ] look out for the light-lingered goal "Hero is where 1 carry my moiu said ho , showing the stranger a bul skin pocket on the inside of his vil * "and the slickest of them cannot got mv wallet. " By thin time the stranger was bocoml ing'vcry fearful that ho would have his poekcts'ph'kcd and was almost trembling with fright. His companion had com passion on him and said : "Supposo you lot mo have your money to take euro of till wo reach Seattle. It will bo safe in my insiilo poclcot. " Thankful to his newly made friend for this kind of fer , the immigrant turned > | 10 ! ! in greenbacks , till tbo money ho had , ovur' to the keeping of his benefactor , who placed it in his vest pocket. The friendship between the two continued to grow , and before- the train reached Tacoma tlio merchant IV ) had invited tlio gentleman from Missouri to make his headquarters with his family in Seattle until ho found a situation to suit him. At Tacoma the two loft thu train together and walked up town , and had a drink at the alleged merchant's espouse. On thuir way to the boat the hit tor turned lo his friend and said ; ' By the way , I must telegraph my wife that I will bo home to-night. Take my cano und valise ami I will meet you at the boat. " The two men separated , ono with cuiic and valise headed toward the boat , und the other making for up town to change his clothes and lootc for another sucker. Aunt Betsy McKay recently celebrated her IffJd birthday ut Spem-or , Kan. Manj of her old friends called to congratulate good old Christian lady.