Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 01, 1888, Part II, Page 16, Image 16

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January 1st , 1888 ,
Ficmltim ro clpts Tor Die jour $ ( M " , .
882,051 } Interest refc tc , Sf210r,55.8ij
nnilfront other sources ; $ l3ijS.7"5 ! ( ! nink"
Ingn total Sl,175),021,70. ) During this
Borne time llure hns horn paid for death
losses , ninliirod cndonmenly , dividends ( o
policy-holder ? , mid surrendered policies ,
$ jt,817.10 : ( ! slio\\ii-.r ! again In net ledger
assets at par of $ . ! , ' . ) ( ! .12 , and of gross
assets.Tnmntry I , IW , oier $ V > 00,000 ,
H B I Roast 8 U B \ * #
est Company to Insure In
A tkX
\m \
Facts for An Insurer to Consider. Advantages of the Installment Bond.
An ordinary Life Insurance Policy provides an estate
for your dependents after your death.
An Installment Bond Policy IB free from the claims of
creditors , piovides for death and also for one's advancing
years.Tho National Installment I3ond Policy olTers both ad
vantages combined in one , and at a much reduced cost.
This Hoiul Policy is superior to ordinary Life Insur
ance , because you need not "die to win. "
Superior to ordinary Endowment Insurance , because
much less expensive.
"Tontine" Insurance
Superior to :
1st. Becaufco the results are not estimated , but fixed
In a nositlvc contract.
id. ! Because there is no forfeiture of payments on dis
continuance of the policy , a Cash Valuebeing Guaranteed.
THIS NATIONAL Lin : is the only company , which , issuing
a bond policy , guarantees a cash return if you wish to dis
Buplnc's men appreciate the advantages of this now
form of insurance , ami nro largely Investing in It because :
The annual deposit is practically saved , while it se
cures needed insurance during adesignated period ami isii
good. safe , paying investment. Every intin who desires to
protect his family and himself , should buy one of these In
stallment Bonds , while ho is in good health , as this com
pany selects its risks with great care , but when they issue
an Installment Bond Policy it is incontestable and good as
The Installment Bonds are Issued from ono to twenty
thousand and run from ten to twenty years , payable an
nually , scmi-annually or quarterly. For instance : You
buy a $1,000 twenty-year Installment Bond Policy payable
semi-annuiilly. Tills bond then becomes payable to you for
$1.000 cash at the end of the twenty years , or your heirs
will receive the $1,000 cash at once in case of death , or you
can withdraw any year without loss , thus combining a sav
ings' bank and insurance that is exempt from creditors ,
taxes and reverses.
young ladies of the en t to ronie west , to llnd a
market tor their piecious f elves , for there will
be no room for Ilium here. Mr. iind Mr.U. . II.
1'rlce. iMr. and Mrs. I , . N. Lonnsbery mul Mr.
unit Mrs. ( "htries Tompkins luivu daughters ot
recent arrival.
( ircnt scheme they Imvo in Phillips to pro
vide wives for western young men.
From Elsie , Neb. :
Horn To Mr. nnd Mrs. Jos ph Missell , on
June I. ) , a son.
II.V. . Ten-Ill la wearing u smile because It is a
.Milton Crass , KIslo's blacksmith , Is the happi
est man In the town. It Is a girl.
And the climate in Elsie is not very extra
for babies , either.
From Quickville :
William IlutUilnson wears u broad grin these
duys on account of the arrival of a bran new
girl at his ho'
Most anybody is liable to grin over a matter -
tor of that kind.
From Kcncsnw :
A week ago lust Saturday a little daughter ar-
ilvuil nt Iho homo < > ( Mr. M. IWhite. . On the
sumo d.iy 11 son arrived at Mr. S. ICrelble's.
Will they never stop ? Look hero from
Majors , Nob.
A now boarder at Mr. and MM. , T.V. . Car
penter's on .lime ii. : lie has como to stay lor a
number of years.
Once moro for luck. This time from Stark
Valley ;
Horn To Mr. nml Mrs. William ICLsor , Juno
IS , niiuvea pmmlgtrlj mother and child doing
And yet some people wonder why Ne
braska goes icpublican. Hut this is not all.
Listen to the following from Sutton :
Mr. nnd Mrs. ( Jrlco me happy over thu safe nr-
rlviil ot a bov baby. Coming In the weukof the
great republican convention wo suggest tlmt
llio youngster 1/U,1U > named until thu Chicago
convention nanli'S fhe next president. Greslmm
CJrlcc. Sherman Grleo or lllnmetirlco wouldn't
sound badly.
What is the matter with Harrrlson Grice ?
Tlio sumo paper says :
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Scott have added a girl
baby to the population of Button. Thu boom Is
coming lather Into In thu t-eaMin , but It Is doing
us proud. Let thu good woik go on ,
From Pierce wo got the following :
Horn To Mr. and MisC. U Wnttlns , on Mon.
day hibt , a daughter ( ' . I.'s liupplness was
complctu nnd the flagrant wtedus biuoked to
his health all d.iy.
Thu arrival ot an Infant stranger at the Mi own
m.uiMon la.-t Tuesday was thu causeof the cap
tain's friends bulng no well lurntMied with
cigars on Wcdnehday. Thu young man comes
to Htuy , and will bo known as Captain J. 11. , Jr
Comtrutnlutlons are In ordi-r.
Shake ! Captain , shako !
Amora next.
Horn 1'rld.iy. .luno IB. 1B5C. to Mr. nnd Mis.
Travis , ofthlH city , n Klrl. At thl < writing the
mother and daughter uiu doing Ilnoly.
May they prosper is the wish of nil good
From Oreply , Neb. :
Mr. and Mm. J. 1 * . Iteam arc the happy ones
this tlmo over thu arrival of n bright and Inno
cent ilniijihU'i Monday morning. Mother and
child nro getting on nUoly , so bays Dr. Sloan.
Hurrah for Or. Sloan.
Later Information from Orceloy by wire , :
Mr. and Mrs. Chailes Kwlft nro the happy
parent H of a line boy Hit arrived yebtordny ,
and Charley bays ho'.s the ItiU'&t boy in the cuuii-
Mr. nnd Mrs , Twomey can now rojnlce over
the arrival of a charming heir , whose tender In-
fi.ucy claims , slneo yesterday morning , the pro
tection of 11 fond father and mother.
How long is this going to last !
Special from Scribner :
Mr. and Mm. A. M. CooU have a bouncing baby
girl at their house.
Still they como. This time from Fre
mont :
Ii. l > . HIchards received a telegram from T. W.
I.yinun , of Hooper. ye teidny , announcing the
arrival of a boy at hi * house.
A partner for the young Miss Cook. Hut
thank heaven this Is all. As the Teuton said ,
" don't had better dis
"Mitypo you stop plsncss
pcfore wo gets as mooch us urooin-ful ain't
PUICKLY Asn Bin-nits is an uiifail-
iug euro for all diboases originating in
biliary derangements caused by the
malaria of 'miasmatic countries. No
other medicine now oa stile will BO ef-
factually remove , the disturbing ele
ments , at'uV at the same time tone up the
w iolo byblcm. . ' It is sura and gafo in Us
action ; . . . .
Tn cnso of death your heirs receive the full amount of
the bond. If you live you receive the full amount of the
bond with Interest.
It protects against adversity in business.
It is an Investment and a protection combined.
It guarantees that a certain amount of money , with in
terest will bo accumulated within a specified time.
The Installments paid are like deposits in a savings
bank , and are returned to the bond holder at his option.
The bond matures at a speclllcd time or at previous
death , for its Face Value , and guarantees a definite sum in
cash every year.
The bond is not hampered by any conditions or restric
tions , and its cash value cannot boimpairedor jeopardized.
' .The bonds alTord the very best security , and arc negotia
ble the same as any other bond or stock.
The Old Saying Again Verified on
the Pacific Coast.
Itomantic Ml tie TJOVJ Affair in n
Los Aiifjeles Hotel How Cliina-
ineii KimiKKlc Themselves
Into ( lie Country.
SCIMIPH in San Francisco.
SAX FHAXCISCO , Juno 20. [ Corres
pondence of Tim UBU. ] That "blood is
thicker than water" has just been veri
fied again in San Francisco in the heart
history of a lady who was ono of the
principals in a very fashionable wed
ding at the Palace hotel on last
Wednesday evening. The sixth lloor
has long been known as the abode of
the fashionables in the Palace. Among
the oldest residents on the lloors are
W. E. Brown , who is connected with
the Southern Pacific railroad company ,
and her daughter , Mrs. Dollio Brown.
It is about seven years ago since the
latter married Daniel Brown , her
cousin , the wedding having taken place
in April , 1881. Right Rev. Bishop Kip
olllciating. Rumor has it that some
years before she formed an attachment
for an Italian army lieutenant , whom
she met while traveling in Italy , and
whom bho married. A divorce followed
soon after , however.- Lavish entertain
ments wore given by Daniel Brown and
his wife after their marriage. Only a
short time elapsed before the young
husband began giving strong evidence
of tlio fact that his habits wore ox-
trcmoly convival , and the ( lowing bowl
was not exactly unknown to him. This
sort of thing wont on until Ib85 , when
the couple wont east together. While
residing with his family in Philadelphia
ho disappeared ono day very suddenly.
Days wont by and no tidings came of
his whereabouts. Ills distracted wife
firmly believed that ho had been foully
dealt with , or that something equally
terrible had happened. She per
sistently refused to bollovo that ho had
willfully deserted her , hut hearing no
tidings from him , finally returned to
her family in Han Francisco. It was
not long afterward that she heard ho
had been seen in New York city ,
remarkably well and healthy. Slie
soon ascertained that ho had deserted
her in the most willful manner , and she
thereupon took steps to obtain a divorce
which was finally granted. Last Wed
nesday evening nor third wedding took
place , the bridegroom being another
cousin , Winsor Brown , who resides in
Oakland. After the ceremony the happy
couple loft the city for a brief honeymoon -
moon , Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Brown , the
father and mother of the bride , are also
divorced. Mrs. Brown is at present liv
ing in Rome with two of tier children ,
A rathpr romantic little love affair nt
Los Angeles has just como to light.
Some two months ago two young gentle
men who , having been college chums
together , olferod a very fair modern
presentment of the Damon and Pythias
falory , arrived in Los Angeles from the
cast and engaged apartUienta at a fash
ionable , private hotgl. The house iii
question is tomcwhat noted -for the
arifctpyniic tendency of its patrons , and
a'sj. the Arjus-oyud old ludy
> vho presides oVcr its dus-
KII Pitorrrs. "
The National's Is the simplest form of policy in exis
tence. This coii.pany , now in active business for over
forty years , has always been in tin advance in liberal
dealings with its policy holders.
The National is the only company in the country issuing
Incontestiblo Installment Bond Pol icy.
This bond bo cither semiannual
can purchased by annual , -
nual or quarterly installments.
If the purchaser at any time discontinues his install
ments , the company will icdeomtho bond for Iho stipulated
sum expressed on ita faco. Should the purchaser bo unable
to pay the installments coming due , the company will ad
vance the amount desired andcoatiinie the bond in force.
It is absolutely Free from Technicalities , and the Simplest Form of Insurance Contract in Use. Safe as a Government Bond. Good as Gold.
STJQ FIRST That the amount of $1,000 with all surplus shall be paid should death occur within twenty years.
SECOND That the Bond shall bo Paid up in twenty years , that it shall then mature , and the Sl',000 paid to purchaser
with all the surplus accrued.
THIRD That the cash value guaranteed on margin of Bond shall be paid to purchaser at any time lie desires to discon
FOURTH The Bond Policies arc as safe and the returns larger than a U. S. Government Bond.
Jt intei-fist alomittitircort/anlsatton have paid all death claim *
2/jis fs//ic / f'i which to Injure. it combine. tll , # receipts /
Coiiiixtnil ' f > * < the and Ifft a balance of item-In 80OO ( > . T/tfs / ( .s bucn the result of tltill JFarconwratli'imtHJ ivlsc nutnnittmrnt , jinnniial strcnuth , careful HK-
tugen of Aye , ' J utye Hint Select ' Mcmliernliiit , financial strcnytlt and ab- and in'itdrnce in Investment , combined with car -fal medical select Ion of lecl'on oj rixks , tlbi-ralitn to the atnurcd and l < ii'i/n dii'iitindu ' tit nolle'/
folntc It Ittis stoth'ltolilcru to claim f/ie
The tinsels spcitrl'if. and surplus no all belony to llic insured. any part of , Life so jie Insurance { healthn j'/.xA-.s Compiinti. / , and moat important points in a well manancd holders the National Life , of fcrinont , has no superior in the world.
DiviDKN'ns Its large dividend returns the cost of insurance
: men of the hif/hcst financial and professional The. National Life Insurance Company is entitled to uonrjir.ii conttd- . reducing below
that of other Since its , hundreds of
standing , men of national reputation for their thmud , t > < ntnd business eration , since it holds the foremost place amona the Lift ; Insurance In- any company. organization policies , taken
, ,
National but the
ndfinitnt , and loluw imlrimatte and indorsement is in ltt > clf a t-trony , siltationsoflhetrorldand ojjers superior advantages with unequalled out in the are not only self-sustaining insured are receiving
annual income them. List of holders
. an upon policy mailed on application ,
convincing aryttment in favor of its excellence. led financial security.
whose policies are more than paid by the dividends.
for rales and other information rcyardiny our installment bond Policy , and other plans , address
iDl H. L ROEDER , Manager Western Department ,
Rooms 401-2-3 Paxton Block IGtli and Farnam Sts , "
Omaha , Web.
The Very Latest Events Occurring
Throughout the Stato.
Clmrllo Swihart'H Ijctter From His
ttest Girl A AValklnjj Match
A Heavy Ualiy Crop
Oilier Ituiiis.
The pnst week has been nn eventful one ,
not only throughout the entire United States
but in Nebraska. As everybody has heard of
the nomination of Harrison and Morton , ref
erence to that important affair Is omitted
Iroui this article , nnd only st.ito news
touched upon. As will bo seen thu sublccts
mentioned are of the greatest Importance.
From Kennardcomes the inform.ition that :
Churllo Swihart uot a letter from Ins uo-it Kir !
thoothorday undin less than half an hour he
Vi'dt ) all uroko ui ) tth hick headache , and went
to bed before biindown.
Judging from the above , it is dollar * to
douRlmuts that Charlie's girl has thrown
him overboard , and that the letter mentioned
contained the Information. Hut the young
jnna should remember that there is as " good
fluh In the sen , " etc , , and brace up. While a
letter like the above-mentioned has a ten
dency to up ot a man , there Is no UBO gricv-
'i'ho same correspondent , who , by the way ,
writes over the title of U NO MU , says
tlmt :
Bomo of our hoys walked threw miles Into the
country Saturday night to a dance and gut M >
full at Jletz Ilros."nr.ive5ard riplenlnher i.ncl
headache promoter. " that whoa they canio
home Sunday morning they thoiiKlil there were
four rocks to walk on ,
Why the boys should have thought that
there wcro four rocks when they might have
Imagined there were three or tlvo or htivcn is
somewhat odd , but it is fair to presume that
the quantity talien was Just enough to make
four the proper number.
From Fowler it is learned that
Jlr. Campbell and Mr , linker are each feeding
a line lot ut Hteers.
This piece of news , cotnlnir as it does so
BOOH after the accession of William II. to the
throne of Germany , is very gratify intr. War
nt any tlmo is liable to : out in Kurope. ,
and as HUmiirek hn * tabooed our American
linrn and sldo pork , mid wo have to have
money from some souire , it is Indeed a pleas
ure to know that wo have CampbuH's and
Baiter's steers held in icservo us it were.
And they are good steers , too. This muues
the Hituation all the moro appreciable. Long
xnoy they continue to feed steers.
The Kilt Creek reporter Is evidently on the
nnxious seat , for ho pertinently inquires :
Wu wonder why grandpa it BO Interested In
JJlk Creek , whether it Ih soiling binders or Is
it .omethlngmoio attractive'/
It may bo possible that the old man Is try
ing to nmko a mash , but , coiihtderlng his ad
vanced ago , this is scarcely probable. Or ,
perhaps , to quote the venerable Joe Harding ,
the great Pennsylvania humorist , ho goes
over there to get n drink of liab-Shl , Ids own
town being "piohlbitton. " It is policy , however -
over for the Kile Creek mun to investigate
thu mutter ana satisfy the cravings of mi
nnxiou public , und at the same time get on
to Uio instdo workings of grandpa's actions.
A.paragraph m the X1-XL1. items says
that :
Mr. WenillliiR has a bull that ought to be at-
tendertto. It has attacked Ml. Kd llurrlonii n
tlmo or two , the bull U lunnliu at large.thero-
fore you should b i u HUle ( aielul , Mr.end -
' "
orv proper advlco Is that embodied in the
nbovi > r A gooxl , healthy bovine of the mule
Biieclus U u nulsanco about this tlmo of the
year when nt any time a democrat in cross-
loir the pasture aud has occasion , to wlpo his
aosal protuberance. Hod baiubuuis are an
abomination in the eyes of a gentleman cow.
Tuku the critter to the stable , Mr. \ \ end-
ling , and kcep-hlm tl.iovo. '
The siiniq column cohtuins the statctilcul
that ! . . ' ' . - . . '
Ola Johnson'.te Just pfailtlnif hU broom corn.
It Is tlluo enough yet , OUsays. .
And wliut Olu doesn't kuov about planting
broom corn Isn't worth talking about. Ola
has been known to plant broom corn in
August and raise n peed crop. This may be
n sweeping assertion , but it is a fact that can
be corroborated.
From Elsie , Neb. , wo lenrn that :
Mr. lluclmnan steps the highest of any man
in Klblo. Ilo bus just taken pos oislon of the
hotel and Is no longer a bachelor.
And why shouldn't a man step high under
these circumstances I .lust got a new wife
and now in a hotel. Just think of it. Com
mercial traveler registers , ships him on the
back , says "Huck , old boy. shako ; let's gj
take suthin' " No wonder HucU is liapyy.
The Stark Valley scribe who signs himself
"Cano , " says :
Warm weather has como at last , aud 1 have
the spring forcr.
Cano is in a bad fix , but with proper care
he will probably recover. Ho also maizes the
following announcement :
William Simmons has been trying to hlio a
bov to cook for him thlu summer. I hhonld
rather biro n housekeeper. Will.
Hero are two natures that are diametrically
opposite. Will wants n good boy ono whom
ho can depend upon to unhitch his horse nnd
milk his eow in an emergency , while Cano
would prefer n big , buxom woman who would
be continually scrubbing , and whoso chief
occupation would bo to shout "wipe your
feet" whenever Willie came near the house
Will prefers u boy because ho could sit down
evenings with him und play high live , while
Cune. would rather huvo u woman because
she would Insist on cioiiuot. Will's head is
the moro level of the two.
"Ah , there , "u youth from Quickville , Neb. ,
says :
A would-bo dildo was oboervablo on our
Btieet.s last Sabbath. Ho was artistically attired
in ui-nmbru suit ot gray , which hud lather u
ghostly appearance , and reminded ono of u
gui\eyaid. Poor Iludyl
That dude is all right , Mr. "Ah There. "
Ho belongs In Council HhilTs and is oil' tak
ing u vacation. The young man ( Mr. An
There ) is evidently jealous , and bets
uro even that the dtidu has succeeded In
ulienutiiig the ullcctions of "Ah Thero's"
best girl.
"Skipper , " the Hedington representative ,
Informs his readers that
I > . 1' . llcndrlcks has n tine prospect for n peed
cum of onloiiH , and that caltlo are fat and but-
t-r IK cheap.
( ilud of It. With good crops of onions ,
cheap butter and fat cattle , the bllrzard of
next winter may howl and howl , but every
body will como out right in the spring.
From "Kvorywhero , " u town out west ,
comes the following :
A. It , Davis bought a line team of hor.-es of O.
Munuuvo recently. It begins to look as if Link
\uis llxlhK to eaten a c on.
1M Coon has moved cm his claim. I'd don't
have to batch , his mother nnd sister are living
\\lth him.
And It looks as though the sister mentioned
in the lust paragraph was the ono which wtis
going to bo caught. Glad to hear that Link
is doing well.
The sumo writer says :
John CasMidy fenced In forty nnea last week ,
John , all you need now Is \\unmii. .
Kininently proper. After a man has forty
acres fenced in it Is high tlmo for him to
bethink himself of getting a woman. If ho
cannot keep a woman on forty acres of
fenced land ho never can hope to do so under
liny circumstances.
From "Hero mid Thero" comes the Information
mation that
Jeir McKinley milks ( Iften cows.
Malar Vocky has been making hay.
WuiNeoMrs. tirover Kiibt in Oordon , howe-
back ildlng ,
U is wonderful how industrious Jeff is of
lute. Some years nga he wouldn't milk ono
cow , and Mrs. Jeff had to do it. There uro
several people who will bo glad to know that
Mular has been malting hay , but no extraord
inary interest attaches itself to this state
ment. Mrs. Hust riding horseback is very
strange indeed. Some years ago she refused
to take u buggy ride , but perhaps it was on
account of thu fellow who was going to drive.
Qulen snbc.
And now comes moro information ns to the
next census-taker's prospect for business.
Just giuo on these llgurea. From Kennurd ,
the foliowlngi
A tlno young son tirrlv 4nt Iho home of Mr.
and Mrs. Uliltng last Saturday afternoon. The
Dr Mrs. Allen olllclutlng . ' lieguteUgu welgjij.
U would huvo been very 'mauslntf if that
had been a tlno "old" son pf regulation
weight , eb < ' ' . ' , v-
From I'hilJIps , Neb. : '
' .Hie time-Is not fur distant uheA U Mill bena
longer uecvBsary ta iqvltptip | marriageable
tinies. and , as might natu
rally bo inferred from such conditions ,
everything is very proper. Shortly af
ter the two easterners had settled
themselves in their new domicile , nnd
had become accustomed to their new
surroundings , they noth discovered that
one of the waitresses who attended to
the mundane wants of the guests was a
remarkably pretty girl , and one who , to
judge from appearances , wa calcilated
to adorn a position in life very much
superior to that which she then occu
pied. The admiration of the ono col
legian was simply that of a connoisseur
in beauty , whose artistic sensibilities
were gratified by thcsightof the grace
ful young girl who Hilled about the
house in the course of her
duty. With the other , however , the
case was altogether dilTcrcnt. From
the oycs of the shy and modest little
maiden Cupid's dart had been launched
and had penetrated to that soft and sen
sitive spot under his left waistcoat. In
other words , before he himself realixed
it he was madly in love. True love
never runs smooth , so it is said , and this
ca o proved no exception to the rule.
When the young fellow intinvitcd to his
friend how matters blood there was ( juito
a row. Remonstrances against his folly
were of no effect , and the love-lorn
swain consoled himself with the thought
that if the Damon-aml-1'ythias act was
played out at least lie was making a
good running with the girl. The bettor
ho got to know her the better and moro
lovable she proved to be. Hy this timo.
however , the matter had been bruited
about through the hotel ; everyone knew
the little love storv and how the friends
had fallen out about it. As is usually
the case , all the lady guests
voted the girl lla sly , design
ing little minx , " and did their best
to stare the girl out of countenance
whenever opportunity oflcred. The
proprietress , when the alTair had
reached this point , incontinently IIrod
the pretty waitress out of the hotel ,
hopin- that by taking such a step har
mony mightbo restored and such an im
proper proceeding as a man falling in
love with a woman , and vice versa , bo
nipped in the bud. Easterners may bo
tenderfoot , but they are not all fools ,
and the ono in question , though ho did
not do much talking , about the tlmo his
girl was discharged from her situation
ho did a heap of thinking , and as an put-
come of his cogitations lie and the dainty
little woman of his choice were married
last Friday evening. Of course ho is
mad , cnr/y , clear out of his head. That
is the correct thing to say , and almost
everyone acquainted with the facts of
the case Is loning no opportunity to say
it. Mcantimo the young couple are as
happy as turtle doves , and If they are
crazy , at least it ib a very delicious
phab'o of insanity.
That the heathen Chinee is peculiar
and also understands a good game wlieti
ho sees it is attested by a Chinese doc
ument , soi/.ed by Inspector William
Johnston , from ono of the Chinamen
who came hero from Hong Kong as as
alleged prior resident. It has proven
to bo a letter of instructions as to what
ho should bay when examined , after being -
ing taken oil the ship on a writ of
habeas corpus. A translation of it ia as
follows :
Leung Chuno Wun's changed tes
timony sot forth below :
How old wore you when you returned
to China ? Nlno'years old.
Who returned to China with you ?
My undo , Loung Chew , wont back
with mo.
What-Is the surname and name of
your father ? Surname , Leung ; name.
Shay Keot. ' . .
Where wore you born ? . I was born ou'
vegetable } garden in Sacramento.
Wlmt ib your nsr.n.e and surname ?
Leung i ? my surname and Chuno Wan
is my name.
Where is your uncle , Leung Chew ,
now ? My uncle on the Mth day of the
thira Chinese month of this year re
turned from China by the steamship
Now York and wont to Sacramento.
As to anyotherovidcnce the foreigner
a'-ksyou. the best way will bo to answer
in accordance with the evidence taught
you in IJong-konf.
If the foreigner asks you in what
vegetable garden in Sacrumcnlo you
were born , you must also answer in ac
cordance with the evidence taught you
in Hongkong. Say in such and such a
garden I was born. By so doing you
will make no mistake.
Written by Leung Seong to the Sam
Keo man's nephew. Leung Chime Wan.
Since the beginning of the year , ac
cording to a statement prepared by Inspector
specter Kuadell , ' 1,1218 Chinese have
been landed bore on cu-.tom-hou re
turn certificates , and ! ! , 'J01 on writs of
habeas corpus. The latter are princi
pally Chinese who came under the guar
antee system as prior residents. The
figures by months show how they are
rushing hero now , fearing that the new
treaty will soon shut them out alto
gether. They are as follows :
Ccrtillcntes. Corpus.
January 1H ! li-'ll
February UO -III
March 115 I''H ' '
April I.IM ( ) fliO
May 1S 1 (517 (
Juno l,7il 1.07J .
There arrived on the overland train
last Fridav a carload of lobsters in
charge of Prof. Kills of the United
States lish commission. They wcro
shipped from Wood's Hole , Mass.bix
days ago. There wore ( iM ( ) of them in
the shipment , but only H" > 0 were alivo.
This , however , is considered a very
good percentage by I'rof. Kills.
When the train reached Sacramento
Dr. H. W. IJnrkness , president of the
Academy of Sciences , nnd .1. Hcdding ,
agent of the United States Ilsh commis
sion on this coast , mot 1'rofet-sor Kills
and accompanied him to this city.
Shortly after the train arrived at the
Oaiiland' pier the car was transferred
and sent down to Monterey. The three
gentlemen mentioned wont down with
the car. It was the llrst intention to
take the lobsters to Santa Crux , but tlio
change was made to .Monterey bccaus'o
the water there wasthoughttobo better
for them.
The toy pistol is just now very popu
lar with the youth 01 the const , and the
combination liasngain narrowly escaped
the taking of human life by no fault of
its own. About " > o'clock Thursday
afternoon , while Mrs. Hollander and
inombers of her family were preparing
dinner at tneir homo , No. HMO Lllis
street , a bullet came crashing through
a wooden shutter , and , shivering a pane
of glass , fell upon the lloor of the
kitchen , having spent its ferro before
reaching the vitals of any of these In
the room. A howl of joy went up from
a band of small boys who stampeded
from an adjacent vacant lot and passed
a policeman who was quietly sunning
himself at the corner
During the past ten days several cases
of smallpox have developed in this city.
Most are traceable to Ihochisap lodging-
houses , though bomo cases have been
brought hero from the cast.
The llrst installment of the 15,000
teachers who are expected to visit this
city during the teachorV convention
arrived yesterday and registered at the
rooms of the local executive committee.
Hon. Eiizur Wriiit
The KnilnrntiHtmoirfl Actuary
of Massachusetts , upon fliv
Issued only bji thr Rational.
Gtn'l Aycnt AcifiVwa ? Lift f Vcnwtnt. :
Jmr Sir : 1 congratulate the
tlmt your Company nnd 1 do not know
a sounder ono otters a
to which no prudent man who needs in *
surancc can object. It meet * every"
contingency , combines ondownmon
with insurance , and does not contain
any possible trap. His good for It.sfaco ;
at maturity or previous death , and for ti
precisely stipulated sum , after two yoarai
Tills stipulation of a dellnlto , fair and
Cultablo ( | cash surrender value , la wlmt
life insurance has generally lacked , and
the want of it has disgusted the public
with the business , oven as conducted by
the most solvent and economical comV
panics. That a company which has fou
forty yours maintained the hith- <
estelmractor for economy , conservatism ,
prudence end cntegrity , and weathered
every storm without ti leak , should nlTor
such a bond , is pretty good proof of itg
It will certainly bo preferred to any
other form of life insnrnnco by any ono
who knows the fact that at thirty ho
has a greater chaiicoof livingto be sixty
than of dying earlier ; at forty a greater
chance of living lobe sixty-live than of
dying earlier ; and at fifty moro than an
oven chance of living to bo seventy.
How much better , then , to luive a bond
payable to oneself at an ago when ho ia
more likely to bo dependent than to
have others dependent on him , and on
which payments may cease at any timo.
without loss , than to have a policy on
which nothing can bo received till
death , or at the arbitrary discretion , or
want of discretion of the company ?
Providing in the contract only for the.
contingency of death , and leaving1
wholly unprovided for an equally im
portant contingency , that of living be
yond the insurable interest , has proved
a sad trap to thousands , and the Nation
al Life Insurance C'ompany of Vermont ,
in issuing this admirable bond , which ia
wholly free from any such Iran , has
taken the grandest step in fair dealing
within the history of life insurance.
'Phis bond , becoming after two years ,
a really negotiable security , will bo offl
great use to ono who wishes to own in
stead of renting a home , for it will fadl-
itato procuring a long loan by which
that object can be otl'ected. And it will
never bo a piece of property of indeter
minate value , as is the case with nearly
all life insurance policies heretofore is
Miss Stella II. Wilson , Denver , Col. ;
Miss Ira A. Mtinn , On ray , C'ol. ; Mrs. A.
D. Wilson , Washington , I ) . C. The
party will spend the time before the
convention meets in visiting various
points of interest throughout the state.
"Salvation's free , " but front pews on tlio
center aiilo in u fashionable church cost
I'uro and umlcllled rchtrlon will go a JOUR
way toward nmkiiifr a man's politics purebut
politics us a purilier of religion Is no good.
Minister I um Roinj , ' up to Chicago to-day ,
Deacon Jones. 1 had a cull lust niRht , ami -
Deacon .loncs ( absent mindcillyj What did
j-ou hold I
"I nay , old mini , can j on toll mo what Is
the tirst present mentioned in the bibleC
"Give it up. " "Why Jive presented Adaia
with n cane , stupid. "
Having got the orgnn out of the church at
Winiicld , agitation will begin to rcmovu the
stove next winter , anil thus return to 1'url-
tun simplicity ami galloping consumption.
MmihUT 1 umlcThtniKl tlmt you do nut ho-
Imvo tlmt a person is sulllciently punished Of
on earth for Ins misdeeds. Neighbor O ,
yus , 1 do now ; but 1 didn't until 1 houid you
Ashcatli knife , disguised as a fun , wan
found by u sexton among things luft by the.
congregation , but it was not , us might bo
supposed , in Texas or Arkansas , but in btuid ,
unit peaceful 1'hiludclphiu.
A country divine , who was opposed to the
usu of violins in church , having been over
ruled by bis flock , commenced his services of
the Sunday following with : "Von nmv llddlo
and sing the first three verses ot the foillulh
I'sulin. "
" 1 have to announce to the congrcg.itlon , "
said the deacon , "that the contiibution
amounts to just $ U.f > 0. " And u traveling
mini turned his houd over on the back of the
pew and murmured diowmly : "Well , I'll
open 'or for live "
High-church Kector I Imvu concluded to
abandon the confessional. Vestryman
Think It savors too much of Homo * "No ,
that isn't it ; hut no ono over comes to con
fess except \\uinon \ , and I can't waste thira
hours every day to listen to smuggling
stones. "
"Purhon. " Mini nidur Plulnspcech. ' 'that
sermon of yours this morning wasn't up to
the mm Ic. It didn't unVet me in the usual
way. " "No , " said Parson ( 'Ubhiuiiducter ,
"J saw tlmt bv . .Minifnm. . " "Mow could you
tell I" iihla-il the < Ider. "You hept awiilto all
the time , " said thepaihon.
Urothcr Simpson ( examining a neighbor's
horeu behind the church shcdnj "J ain't a-
tryin'to work up no hess trade on tliu holy
Sab'th. 'Tiim't ' my style o' iloln' business.
Sunday's for relig'ous doolies , lint I say , if
you'll bring tlmt thur mure o' yonrn round
txnorror mornm' , I'll swap even , and throw
in thui old ram o' mine. "
At the mining vill.igo of Shoddy , Tumi , ,
ono Andrew Jackson linnvn , coloied , pro.
dunned himself Christ newly como Into thu
world , and alter a jirctended fust of forty
days stirred thu feminine poitlon of bis con-
giegation to such riotous excitement that
the men bccumo angry and gave the pio-
tended prophet notice to "quit or cutch
hell. "
When Deacon Program visited the theater
for the tirst time ho was greatly sliocurd at
the b.illet for u little while. Ho thought
better of it after a time , however , mid wills-
pored to Mrs. P. : "Maria , it's awful , J'll '
allow her ; but mi I if we could havetiuthiii1
o' the kind down to ono o' our parish hocln *
bleu , wouldn't wo draw the folks ! Wo'il
wlju out the church debt quicker' ! ! scall"
It was u little girl , who , going to thu ICpls-
copal church , mid happening to turn around
lust at the moment when the congregation
bow their adoration in the creed , took it into
her head that they wcro all bowing to her.
Ana so , ut blic was u polite little gill , and riot
inclined to receive a salutation without re.
turning it , she bowed very respectfuly und
exclaimed. "Clood morning people I"
Queen Victoria recently celebrated her
sixty-ninth birthday. Only four Kngllsh
sovereigns huvo attained a greater uga
Queen Kliiubolh , hovtfnty years ; George II , ,
ievcnty-sovenj George III. , , eighty-two ;
William IV. , soveiity-two , Victoria him
reigned lontej- than tiny of her lu'cderessora
excepting Henry Iir.-Wlio icigned tlfty-vix .
-.vein's , and Guorgo HI , , who wahkingfo *
sixty \ears