THJB OjVIAHA DAILlf BEE : SUNDAY , JULY 1 , 18SS.-SIXTEEN PAGES. . 15 THE RUINS OF H08TEZU1IA. Footprints of a Dead nnd Forgotten Raco. > / THEIR SILENT , DESOLATE HOMES A Day In tlio IlauntN of tlio Aztoos In NcwBlcsIco Itcllcs of Tliclr Works of DcCcnsc MUCH or Ijava Uftlfi A StrniiKO Itnur. Tlio Home ) T tlio AztccR. GltANTfl , Noxv Moxiro , Juno 2-3. [ SM.lnl | ( : CoiTospondenco ol TilK 1JKR. ] Leaving ( inints 1 rode fop Hovornl hours toward the south , crossing first a ruSKI'11IVV ' | | 1 > C(1 inJ than n long stretch of dry. sandy country that nppcnrud 111- ca [ : iblo of supporting : utiythinp save liot-o and thcro nstrugcllnir nnd dwarfed eudar or pinun tree , and n few sprcnd- iiitf cacti , whoso long , keen daggers 1 fancied wore capable of resisting even the elements. Directly In front , with its inasbivo , irregular outlines , rose a high HiuiO.slono mesa ( lablo land ) that from Its peculiar situation In an open country looked as though in ancient ngos it had been carried on the bosom of a gigantic iceberg , which on sud denly dinsolving loft it ti rugged , barren nnd precipitous mass of rock , sitting there alone. Indiana perhaps there are now that could easily indulge their miporstitlous fancies to such : ui extent as to bollovo iv certain watchful spirit , who over had an eye to their well-being , caused this particular inosa to spring into its present location , in order that it might ntlord a natural fort for the btifuty of their ancestors , for which purpose it was evidently used. From directions received from settlers there K < abouts I rocogni'/.ed in the giant walls and towering chlTs the objects that in- duri-d n lonely voyage , over a rough un inhabited country , and which , together with other features tire known here as the ruiiiH of MonUv.uma. After riding around , the base , the distance of about a mile , in search of u trail or break by which I could inako the ascent by ani mal and failing to llnd a place where 1 dared lead a horse , I dismounted and instituted all further explorations wnne- times on foot , but frequently on all fours. Scattered around the valley , at the b.-tbC of the mesa wore numerous old vuiits , the disordered remains of large fatono structures that , yielding from the accumulation of soil above tln'in , long ago tumbled into decay. .Judging from the dilllculty one must experience in reach.ii' , ' the more uiiimpregimhlo cit- dal on tin- summit , I should infer that lliL"io lower abodes were occupied cither by the people during their in tervals of pcauo , or that their origin dates posterior to the erection of the others. Stiil another theory worthy of acceptance regarding them would bo their utility in fahelteriug such live stock ns tho-e aboriginal riginal people possessed. Although un acquainted with any history relative to the origin , customs or avocations of the A/tecs I can , from practical observa tions , safely ah < * umo them to have been n. race of untiring energy and thrift. Kvcty result of their labors remaining at the present day , even though shat tered and rendered incomplete by the inroads of time , bears indisputable evi dence of the vast power of phyhical force ncce-sary for the continuation of such durable nnd pretentious stone buildings , while each structure remain ing upright at the present time is a inonument in itself to the rare mechan ical ingenuity possessed and displaced by the erectors. stone is shai > od w and rounded to a nicity. The corners it of Mime buildings are turned into tin ; almost perfect half-circle , while in one instance I discovered iho lower portion of a deep lire place , the cap-stone of which had been cut into an areh. As old Mexican settlers have found a num ber of stone hatchets among these ruins it is reasonable to suppose them to be the instruments Used in cutting or chiseling the rocks. Tlie hatchets are made from a hard while or light blue Hint of the same nature as wo lind in the ordinary Indian arrow-head. What tools were used in shaping those is not made very satisfactorily apparent , but the gen or'- ally accepted theory is , 1 believe , thai they were formed by similar pieces ol Hint , only larger , and held while in use by the hand. Going into a deep , rocky canon that penetrated on an incline into the main body of the mesa , and the three sides of which , after entering about one hundred feet , wore smooth. ) mpu : > sablop. < ri > oadicular walls , I found a small spring of water that tillorded but a very feeble How indeed , which oo/.ed out of n small crevice between the boulders. The liquid was quite cool ant refreshing , howovortluugh heavily im- pregnatea with iron. About the spring the water had formed a soft , bandy mud in which were sunk a number of deei tracks , showing , conclusively , that those timid creatures had found this solitary haunt , where they came , no doubt , to enjoy its quietude and drink unmolested , of the water. Retracing the canon and mounting . - Ptoop bank overgrown wi'li ' n dcn-,1 under-brush of mosquito , sage ant cedar , ' 1 came rather npruptlj against another almost perpendiculni muss of sand Mono , bleached nearly white from HO long facing the elements In the very bosom of this massive wall numerous indentures , following one above the other , still remained. Thej had evidently nt one tune been miicl deeper , and wore undoubtedly valed by human hands. By the aid o thuK ) uncertain foot-holds I was onn ulod to progress higher , and furthot examinations brought to light unmis- tnkublo evidences of an old , well do lined nnd much used trail , Itemnants of this pathway , which of cour&o load from the top , to the spring below , Iw came conspicuous at short intervals and the nearer the summit the better it retained its original shape. Some o the btpps wore formed by blabs of rock being rolled into place justsulliciunt distance apart to facilitate an ordinary btrido , while others were cut into snlii Btono. A cloao scrutiny proved the hollow places to bo worn quite smooth BO much fco as to completely obliterate nil traces of the stone hammer. While the action of time has , as a matter o course , been instrumental In producing this effect , it requires no grea stretch of the inm&inalion to discori numberless imprints of moccosiued fee of young Indian braves , or buck-akin clad inuidens who , centuries ago , la bored up the winding path bearing huge "tinnjos" of nvator upon their head from the spring below. And , by the , way , curtain it is also that in form3 times this-banui water source yielded a stream i-ntllaieiitly Inrgo to supply' the needs oi many people , as it is now.t well-provou fact that the Aztecs , whoi Iea7ing any' stamping .groun'd , eitlie from necessity brought about by liiMtil.o races or voluntarily , indo'uvored-to e6n 'ccul all tinces of w.uur , tuul.yovored th ' ' ' C * . . prlngs first ( as I bavo personally found ) with'a thick layer of cement made from and nnd wood ashes and then by in , numerable stones , which they piled ibovo , nnd often lo such an extent as to onn large mounds. To accomplish this equlrod much labor , but by reason of o many worker * \vn * no doubt quickly completed. Their reasons for such nn tction becomes at once apparent when vo consider that pursuing parties would > o greatly hindered , if not entirely bafllod , by having their water supply hut oil along the line of march 'ausing about midway the ascent to gain breath and viow'lho surrounding country , I could but note how great and tad the change unknown circumstances md wrought nbout this once thriving ) ucblo. Here on this same precipitous rail perhaps , in past nnd busier times , nany an ardent lad and dusky maiden mused on their respective \\ays. and , while the sun sank beyond yon distant ) oaks and gentle twilight spread apace o'er the quiet valley oelow , breathed , ho oft-lold lalo of love and nIToelion whore naught could have heard their Htssionnto whispers save the mtito , cold rocks. And those rough , beetling crags , htt : now look so formidable and reach jut into space as though ready lo como crashing down to blot one out of exist ence , in the dim long ago perchance ang loudly with the echoes of merry laughter Under a projecting ledge , near Iho ummit , nestled n small house , which , from its position , I took to he a sentinel or look-out post. It certainly was an unlinprognnblo structure , as two walls forming the back and one side were part of the main mountain , just as na ture had fashioned them , straight and solid. One amnll aperture barely wide enough to admit u man , answered for both door and window. The interior walls were plastered oyor quite smoothly with a line , clinging mud , and cemented Into the wall on one side some inches from the roof wore short , straight frag ments of a peculiar wood that appar ently was ns sound as the day placed there , which must have been nt least GOO years ago. The view from the little window was varied and grand , the elevation being sufficiently high to bring miles and miles of dark , burnt lava beds into fight on one side , and long sloping , sandy valleys on the other , and year after year perhaps , a watchful , keen-eyed sentinel sat in this small , rock-bound room anxiously scanning the surround ing country for signs of the enemy. The place had a very dry and musty odor about it , ( us though the inclosed air was lauon with the breath of dim tradi tion , a circumstance which called to mind , in a strange , wiord way , the mountain-backed domicile or a long- robed monk or world-dispising hermit. The tumbled and shattered remains of buildings scattered around the broad , level summit formed a scene both wild and picturesque. In some instances only parts of an ancient edifice had col lapsed , leaving one or two tall , grim walls that stood inanimate sentinels over the ruined pUo. Largo mountain rats scampered in nnd out among the rocks , nnd eagles have their nests hid den in the dark secluded nooks. Frag ments of pottery , the gla/.e on which time has not worn , are scattered quite numerously about the ground. The for- mer'Thvellers must have been experts at pottery-making , as the specimens found are superior in finish to that made by existing Indians. Mo-tt of it is striped with vnri-hued colors , red and black being the most conspicuous , With the aid of a pick was unearthed an excep tionally large piece on which , portrayed in black..wore the outlines of a gigantic bird , with legs so long as to leave part of them ( this is merely guess work , however ) , clinging to the remaining portion of the vessel and buried no doubt beyond recovery. The outer edge of the musii curved into a rude circle , and arounu the entire circumference the distance of about a mile a high mnsssive wall built of small stones once stood , to defy advances from an enemy. Part of it yet remains and part htis fallen hun dreds of leot , into the yawning abyss be low. Pinon and cedar trees' have sprouted , grown and decayed upon the ground once trod ab the lloor of a family mansion and oven since the fall of the walls. It scorns almost incredible that on this desolate mount , where nothing breaks the silence but the screeeli of wild birds or the mournfulomtnoushowl of a hungry covoto , a colony of human beings existed and made the giant rocks ring with their activity. All now is quiet and tomb-like , tall , rank vegetation grows upon the family hearth , and the graves of. men ttnd women are destined to remain forever hid to mortal eyes and are covered per haps , by the shattered ruins of the very houses their mouldering occupant's helped to build. U. D. HXI'OSITIOX ItUlljDl.NO COMI'hK- TKI ) , And lU-nrytliinj ; in Kcadlnot.s for tlic Centennial Imposition at Cin cinnati. The Centennial Exposition of the Ohio Valley and Central States will be opened to the ] ) ublie.lulv4thlSSSatCineinnati , and continue until the 27th day of Octo ber , day and night. The most exten sive preparations have been made for this event , the oili/.ens of Cincinnati alone guaranteeing its expenses to a mil lion and fifty thousand dollars. The buildings , covering forty acres , have been erected in a central portion of the city , accessible by nearly all thu street car lines , and as easily reached by a few minutes' walk. The preliminary ar rangements have been < omploted.overy- thingisin readiness , and Iho time fur allotting space and receiving exhibits is near at hand , Thus far there 1ms not been a single hitch in the execution of the plans of the Commissioners , The buildings , secure , capacious , and , in point of architecture , marvels of beauty nnd strength , wore completed within the time specified , and were erected at a cost of fi'SO.OOO. ' The fur nishings and fittings are nearly all in place. In a word , such has been the or der and energy displayed by the elllcien t Hoard , that the must extraordinary to * I ; of covering forty acres of territory , not with temporary structures , but with edifices which are in every point an honor to the city , has been accomplished without attracting ordinary attention. The board of drainage of the valley of Mexico has nuulu u contract for the building of the ToiuiIxiiuUc tuanql It will bo 9,55) ) metres long , unil will huvo a brick lining with mi inner coating of cement. The coat to bo f i.lCio.OOO , and Iho Job is to Uo com- in two unil cue-half years. An Absolute ( 'lire , The ORiaiN'AL AUIBTINB OINTMENT ; Is only put up ! ; > large two ounce tin boxci , and Is an absolute cure for pltl sorcn , burns , wouitl , ilmm ! > o > l hnti-if , . and nl ) skin orup- ALL ABOUT PROMINENT MEN. The Funiiy Situation's In Which They Have Found Thomsolvos. WHAT THEY WERE THERE FOR. How Jnckson Got His NIck-Nnnie He Was Liberal Fltx Simmons' Urcak Ho Wns No UiiMncfis Man A Dutch Indian. Ho AVi\q No Ilnslnosi Man. Bonator Hoar of Massachusetts was lingering nbout the corridors of the Lc- Ituul hotel the other day , says the Chicago cage Herald. Ho was apparently ab sorbed In his own meditations and was not paying the slightest attention to the excitement surrounding him. Dur ing one of his lengthy walks mi Ohio man stopped up to him , and extending both hands oITusivclv. greeted him : "Why , Mr. Uaskcll , how do you deV I haven't seen you for the hist ten years. " "That's all very well , " said the dig nified Mr. Hoar , "but Massachusetts men are perfectly acquainted with the bunco methods of Chicago , and you had better seek for Mr. llaskoU elsewhere , " and Mr. Hoar dignifietlly withdrew , while his would-be acquaintance mur mured to himself : " his imperti nence. I've been in business in Boston for twenty-live years , and I don't think I look much like a confidence man yot. " And another Blnino vote was lost from the Ohio delegation. On tlio Governor. The Now York Tribune's Washington correspondent relates the following of ox-Lieutenant Governor Brokmoyer , of Missouri : "When Thomas T. Crltten- dsn was to bo inaugurated as governor of Missouri the senate chamber was , of course , crowded with people. Mr. Urolc- meyer was in the chair. As the hour for the ceremony drew near expectation among the .spectators was at its height , .lust as the hands of the clock indicated the hour the doors of the senate cham ber swung open and a pompous door keeper in a deep voice announced : 'Mr. President , the governor of Mis souri approaches. " Lieutenant Governor Brokmeyor looked up la/.ily from the piece of paper on which ho had been scribbling. "Veil , let him como right along , " said ho , "dut'a what we're here for. " The roars of laughter that greeted this an noun cement some what in torfcred with the solemnity of the occasion. There were u number of Indians at the state capital. .IcITeroon City during Governor Urokme.\er'3 stay there. Ono day some one informed the bar keepers at the hotels that they must not sell any liquor to the Indians because there was a federal law agaitibt it. That evening Governor Brokmoyer strolled into the Madison house. There was anew now bartender behind the bar. Gov ernor Brokmoyer rested his elbow on the counter and called for some whisky and water. The barkeeoor looked closely at the dark skin and straight black'hair of the strangnr for a minute , and turning his b : ckon him said : 'Go on , now. You can't get anythin here. " "What's the matter with youV" said the governor , rather warmly. "We don't .sell liquor to Indians. " "Why , you tain fool. I'm a Dutch man , " said the governor , angrily. "Perhaps you are a Dutch Indian , but , all the hiunb , you can't get any liquor here. " And lie did not. Poor Miss Antlinny. Miss Susan I > . Anthony was one of the callois upon Governor .1. B. Forukor , says the Chicago Herald. The vener able female siitlragist desired to inte rest the magnetic Ohio governor in her life work of woman suffrage and desired toeciirc his assistance in prcbcnting an independent resolution in favor of suttrago to women before the conven tion. The governor , however , was tired and excited. Ho had made a speech ami had been lioni/.ed on that account. He was , therefore , a great man , and ho imperiously refused to see the venerable lady who' had. done him the honor of a personal visit. As .Miss Anthony , not in the least abashed by her treatment from the youthful apostle of republicanism , swept'from the room , an acd Ohioan , shaking bis Mead sig nificantly in the direction of the precoc ious governor , sorrowfully uttered the words , ' 'Whom the gods wish to destroy they llrst make mad. " Development of a Small Potato Patch. Fifty years ago , says the Pittsburg Dispatch , Ignacio 1 ne/ lived in a little cabin on the bank of a creek in Santa Clara county , California. Ignacio kept a pig and raised just enough potatoes to support life. There was land enough lying around loose out of doors to raise ship "loads of potatoes , but that would have required work and Jgnacio never suspected that providence nut him hereto to work * So he rolled his cigaritas and watched his few plants grow. Potato tate patches like Ignacio's wore called ' jnilpas" in the Greaser dialect , and Spanish law permitted the governor to issue grunts to the holders of milpas in order to protect thorn from the cattle barons , who were in the habit of driving their herds across the country and devastating little farms that might be in the way. So Ignacio asked for a grant. The Alcalde looked at his inilpa , and found it so small that in derision ho ne- seribed it in his " " report as a "milpitas , or little potato patch. In a facetious spirit ho called t ho ditches "crooks , " anddosuriljed | the lines as running from a certain tree to a point on a creek , from one creek to another , etc. Gov ernor Michael Toreno approved and icsued to Ignacia Inoa grant for the Rancho Milpitas , and Ignacia was pro tected from the arrogant vaqneros and their lowing herds. When the terri lory came into the possession of the United States this country agreed to protect the rights of all landholders. Ignncio's grant said "from creek to creek. " The facotiousneas of the Al calde was not appreciated , and Inez milpitas of two or three acres grow to the Knncho ' Milpitas of 18,01)0 ) m-res. and was BO 'patented under the laws of the United States. The heirs of Ignaeio , the cigarita-rolling Greaser , became wealthy hidalgos and their daughters were sought in marriage by Gringo ad venturers of enterprising spirit. Passes llclil Over. "Did you hear of General Fit ? Sim mons' break at the convention on Sat urday afternoon1" ; asked a Chicago rail road man of a Herald reporter. "No. What was it ? " "Well , after the convention had ad journed , the general mounted the stage and in a loud voice announced : 'Gen tlemen , on bohulf of the railroad com mittee 1 bog to state that your passes will all bo renewed uiul made good till after the convention. ' " This , was received with loud applause , and then the general corroded himself. "I said pas.ios , gonllomenj but I meant tickets , " and then ho jumped from the stiigo."Ho came pretty near giving us away , though , " added lie } railroader , "and If ha hadn't made the .correction wo'd have hud ; the inter-state commis- bion dqwn.ou n.s like a pilo'drivor. " And tjib yontio'nan walked away to' bo pro- pared for HJD armv of pass-hbldora whom ho cxjKjctod to' call upon him during the evening. He tVns Iilucrnl. The late Jadios Freeman Clarke by his very tolerance and broadness of thought , caused the only secession that his church has ever experienced , lu 1845 ho wa& bold enough to exchange with Theodore Parker. Ho had no sympathy with his theology. Mr. Par ker himself said that no two men in the Unitarian body differed more in this respect , bnt Mr. Clarke said that ho communed with men on account of their character , not on ncconnt of their creed ; and as everybody agreed that Mr. Parker was a religious man , Uni tarians had no right to exclude him. A small number of the church seceded and established another society , which was afterwards united with the Second church. A few years ago , however , Mr. Clarke reallirmcd the principle pn which ho exchanged with Theodora Parker by inviting representative clergymen of all the prominent denom inations orthodox , Methodist , Baptist , Episcopalian , Koiimn Catholic , oto. to preach in this church on successive. Sumlay evenings and , expound the cardinal principles in their respective creeds. _ fJcncrnl .Jnik. . ) n 4 Nickname. During the Creek war , when General Jackson was suffering from u bad cold , his ollicors improvised a tent for him , covered with llakes of hickory baric , under which he slept comfortably. Next morning a drunken hanger-on of the camp came across the tent , and , not knowing who was in it , gave it a kick that tumbled the structure over. A3 the angry old hero struggled out of the ruins the toper cried out , "IIollol Old Hickory ? Como out of your baric and join us in a drink. " The general could not himself help joining in the laughter - tor at the incident. As he rose and shook the bark from him ho looked bo tough and stern that the spectators gave him a hearty "Hurrah , for Old Hick ory ! " and the name clung to him over alter. _ He Wouldn't Do It. A good story is told in the St. Paul ( Minn. ) Pioneer Press on Superinten dent Nash , of the railway mail service , who has just tendered his designation. Fault has been found with nim becnuse his desire for an otllciont service led him to be very slow in making remov als. In the early part of his senatorial career , Bate , of Tennessee , called upon Nash with a friend to ask the removal of a republican postal clerk. "What charge have you to make against him ? " asked Nash. "None , except that he is a republican , " said the senator : "I want his place for a democrat. " "There is a rule in force hero , " said Mr. Nash , "that no clerks are to bo removed ex cept for cau < o , and I can not comply with your wish , senator. " Bate turned in a da/.ed way and walked out , and the fncnd from Tennessee , who had como in to bo impressed with a sample of sen atorial power , whistled and then said : "Well. I'll be1 d - d , Bate , if I was a United States senator and couldn't get a republican postal cleric fired out I'd resign and go homo and get elected justice of Uio'pcaoo. " A Joke On Sir. Springer. A Washington special to the New York World of a recent date says : A local paper tails this story of John It. Thomas , of Illinois , one of the grittiest men in the house : Mr. Thomas has been a very sick man for several years , and on more than one occasion his friends have bought he bad made his last appearance on the floor of the house. But he has no idea of giving up , and if strong will and energy can carry him through he will bo on hand again to take part in the debates. Last Sunday was a critical period in his illness. Mr. Thomas lay in what was believed to be a semi-conscious state , and the gravest fears were expressed by his physicians. One of them asked Mrs. Thomas to get a damp cloth and bring it to him. He said he wanted it just as thin as posi - blo. Mrs. Thomas brought the cloth and the doctor , in a low lone of voice , thinking the patient could not hear , said : ' Is this the thiiincat you have , madam1 Mrs. Thomas replied that it was , when tlio hick man beckoned to his wife to come to his bide. "My dear , "lie whispered , almost inaudibly - dibly , "if you want something very thin' , get one of Bill Springer's tariff. speeches. " Imperfect digestion and assimilation produce disordered conditions of the system , which grow and are confirmed by neglect. Dr. .T. U. McLean's Strengthening Cordial and Blood Puri fier , by its tonic properties , cures indi- geUion and gives tone to the stomach. $1.00 per bottle. Kcliuion. M. Tfiakni , a Russian writer , has just published an interesting work upon cu rious religious sects in Uussia. It ap pears that in the empire there are no less than lo , 000,000 of devout followers of insane and cranky notions of Christi anity ; and new religions or .sects are constantly springing up in sprite of all the efforts of Russian authorities. One of the sects is called the Runa ways. They fly from their villages or towns. They believe in returning to a wild state of existence , destroying their identity ns much as possible , mid living like savages. Civilisation they regard as the great eurso of hutn.tnity. They also carry on a sort of brigandage , and one of their most sacrot duties is to rob churches. There is another Reel calling thom- bolvos Chrbts1. They adore one another. Cra/.y dancing forms part of their roligioub ceremonies. The Skoptays , another religious body , bcliovo in ntjlf-mutilation. They are also export duncois and tumblers. Bar- num would bo proud of such a sut of acrobats. There is another sect that never speak. They muko signs skillfully. Bloody jjiicrjflcos form part of the re ligion of other fanatics , and the butch ering of sons and daughters to appease the wrath of the Lord is getting rather lee commo/n. . There arc also missionaries who go around preaching the glorias and beau- tics of buicidq and its absolute necessity for salvation. r A Mr. Souekholl is the leader of tjio gang. lie was arrested for murder spine time ago , but managed to escape , find turned up in a village where ho preuched so hard in favur of murder and buicidu that several of his followers cut each other's throats , and others shut themselves up in their houses and burned themselves to death , ALL AiMetes m If. Kj omit comileti Wittwt it Sprains , Strains , Bruises , Wounds. oif ! by Jr\,9. \ . . . _ _ . - . - TheCtns. A.VtcelvrCj. . . ! ! ! . , * . Builington BUflinglflll C Mp ft The Burlington takes the lead. It was in advance of all lines in developing Nebraska. It was in advance of all lines in establishing dining-car service between Missouri river points and ChicagOt It was in advance of all lines In giving the people of Omaha and the West a fast mail service. It was in advance of all lines in running its trains from the East into Omaha proper. It was in advance of all lines in reducing the time of passenger trains between Omaha and Chicago. It was in advance , and is the only line by which you can foave Omaha in the morning and arrive in Denver the evening of the same day. It has been progressive in the past. It will lead in the future. * Travel and ship via the Burlington. Ticket Office , 1223 Farnam Street. Telephone 250. Depot on Tenth Street. WinM Who iJ WEAK , NKBVOUS. UKBII.ITA- . has TIUFLEn away hlx VIGOR of IIODY , UIND and MANHOOD. causing emanating dralni upon the FOUNTAINS of I.IFC , HEAI > A Hi : , BACKACMK , Dreadful Dreams , "WEAKNESS of Memory , HASH- FUI.NEHS in SOCIETY , PIMri.EH upon the rACK , andalltbo EFFECTS lendlncto EASILY DKOAY mid perhaps COJfSUMP. TION or INSANITY , should consult nt once the OELSIIRATCD Dr Clarke , Ectablltbcd 1861. Er. Clarke has nmdo NEItVOVH DE- BII.ITY. CIIKOXIC and all DUcatei of the ( JENITO UKIA'AIIY Uranus a I.ifo litndy. It makes NO difference WHAT you titve tnken or WHO has fulled to cure you. CSJ13 WAE.E8sufloring from discuses pecu liar to their 101 can consult with the assurance or speedy rollof and cure. Bend 2 cents postage for works on your diseases. < 03-Uend 4 cents postage for Cololirntcd WorliH on Chronic , Nervous and Ucll. en to Diseases. Consultation , pcrsonal'y or by latter. IVop. Consult the old Doctor. IThnnitnuils nirccl. OBIcokaud imrlorH prlxnto. s-Tboso contemplating Marriage oemi for Dr. Cl.irSto'n celebrated guide SInle and Fvtnnlr , each 16c. , both ' > c. ( stomp ! ) . Uefoiu conDalng your case , consult Dr. CI.AJIKK. A friendly letter or call may jave future suRcrlnKand shame , and add colden years to life. ft3-Boolt " I.ife'n ( Secret ) Er. per , " JOc. ( stamps ) . Medlclno and writing rent everywhere , secure from extoKurc. Hours , 8 to 8. Sundays , 9 to 12 . Address , F. D. OLABKB , M. D. RGB SOU Claris St. . CHICAGO , ILL. IT IS A PUREiy VEGETABLE PRCrV&AIiriN SEHItA-KAIJDRAKE-BUCHU It hao stood the Toot of Tears , in Caring all Diseases of the BLOOD , LIVER , STOM ACH , EIDNEYS.BOW- EL3. & : . ItPariflcstho Blood , Invigorates and Cleanses the System. BITTERS DYSPEPSIA.CONSTI- CURES PATIOH , JAUNDICE , UlDtSEASESOFTUE SICKnEADACHJE.BIL- LIVER lOUSCOMPLAINTa.&e disappear at once under KIDNEYS its beneflclalinfluecce. STOMACH It Is CTtly a Medicine AND an ltd cathartic proper ties forbids iti u e as a BOWELS bevorage. It IB pleasant - ant to the taste , and as easily taken by child ren as odultB. ALLDRUGGISTS PRICKLY ASH BITTERS CO PRir.ElDQLLAR Bole 1'roprlbtora , ST.Loms anil KiNflls Om WEAK _ . . .fTfrlnff from tlm t'f TQ | . J IV. u or ynuthrul i r n"nhooi ] , ttc. I wliT"n"Ta , ilu.-ilil'i trratl u Iwult-Ji ruutaltttntr full imrtlculurs fur liomu urt , fiti ) uf "pfiop. F. C.'FOWLER ' , Moocluo. Conn. DEWEY & STONE , A magnificent display of everything useful and ornamental in the furniture maker's art , at reasonable prices. CHICHESTER'SENGLISHADIAMOND BRAND JHE ORIGIN AL.THE ONLY CENUIN BEWARE OF WORTHLESSlMITATIONS ASK DRUGGIST FOR ( HICHESTER'S ENGLISS ? ' SAFF.AIV/AYS RELIABLE TO LADIES DIAMOND BRAND.TAKE NO OTHER fl 'INDISPENSABLE.SOLD BYAIL DRUSEISTS ' , ORINCUOSE 4f ( STAMPS ) I ASK FOR DIAMOND DnAHD.CHICHEnftrStHtlISM' , FOR PARTICULARS ! . _ . ' ANOTAKENaOTHERSEESIGNATlffiEOIIEVERYBOX IN LETTCR DT HETUBN MAIL CHICHCSTERCHEMICALCOSOUPitOf MADISON SQPHILA.PAVstt SI6NATUREOH EVtRY BOX , c nnnuNSUJCiTED WRITTEN TESTIMOKI IS AND OVJR FROM t ADI ES WHO HAVE USED d.UUUtmUIESTTJQCAiUSll.DlAMONOCKAKaPEHNYRarALI'ILLSWnHSUCC lS , CALIFORNIA ! TOE LAND OP DISCOVERIES. Co OROVILLECAL Circuljr.3ptirkrtlt.3li.r9.fl- . Santa Abie : and : Cat-R-Curo For Sulo by G-oodman Dru ° - Go , I lias obtained u reputation wherever in troduced for "COKUKC" ! STYM"Pjin IMCCT KIT , " ' C'oaii'oiiT AND DunAiur.- ITY. " They have no superiors in Hand Turns , Hand Welts , CoodycarVolts , mid Macliino Sowed. Liulles , nslc for the ' LrDicnv" HIIOK. Try thorn , mid you will buy no other. To ( jlasgow , Ik'lfif-t , Dublin nnil Liverpool From Naw York Every Tuesday , Cabin PUSHUKO Wi nnd $ , Vt , acronMng to locution of htaio i oem , Kx'-ui .lon gUo to { 9J , PfcriiBO to nnd fiom I'uiopu at I.ouost Jtatcs. AUSTIN llAl.mVIN & CO. , Oeu'l Aguntw , fi'l llioivhv.iy. Now York , JOHN HUJOUN , ( Joii'l \\Vsti-i-n ABHIU , 1U1 Ilumluliili Ht. , Uhlcngo. IIAltliV U. JlOOItr.AKcnt , Omalm. licduccd Cabin Hnlos to Glasgow Ex hibition. TAPE WORM PROF. BYRON FIELD. TOPEKA , KANSAS. Attend our great Semi-Annual Clearing and Mark-Down Sale , as everything lias got to be sold , and gives powons of moderate means an opportunity to l > uy good reliable cloth' ing and furnishing goods , for what you would have to pay i r cheaper goods at other stoves. Below are a few of our bargains. and llnu'a Hummer Coat a , % R centi , Jinjl'a lfln < > Itlaclt Alintm Coat a , atjei t to 10 years , SOc ; worth $1.30. Jinu'a Nitlt ! )3c ; ivorth $1. > 1I , Mrn'n Flannel Hindi and fetls , 7fic. Ulan * ' Sea Hero tnclier ( oats and feats , O.jc. Jletm' Fine fcuster Uuata anil I'et.sJfV. / . /.5. JriFine Frt'nch Flannel /'lain and Minwt Stripe , % , 'i.0 anil1 ; ivorth fJ lo $12. jreiis'-lll ll'ool ( Jlierlot bulls , $7.2 , " ) ; worth yl'-t.HO. j/ic/i ' All U'ool lllne Flannel ' iult.i , color auarantecd , at ? 7..VtI. 1OOO itair of Men * ' U'ool J'anti , at $1.7,1 ; ivorth "fit. Our Men * ' Gauze and Itallirltjiian Shlrlit , lOc , JJi : , vf.Jc ( Uitl ! i , > r , Can't be beat , , lean * Drutrera , Voc nndloc ; worth double the money , nnd thousand * of oilier buryiilna , ut the Farnam Street , Omaha , A , POLACK , Manager. ;