MEBiSAL AND SURGIC INSTITUTE I ' N. W. Cor. 13th and Dodge Sts , Omaha , Neb CAUTION Designing person ? , taking nilrnntnjrn of our reputation , nro constantly starting bonus incdlcnl cnlalUMinionta to deceive Btrnncors visiting the city. Tliceo prfitcmlcrs usually dlsnpponr In it few weeks. Bewnre of them or their runners or neon Is. The Oinnlm find Surgical institiuo In the only cMnbllshrcl tucillcnl lusil- tnto In Oinahn , Ur. MoMrnniny , Proprietor , When yciu make up your mind to vlnlt u , make n memorandum of our exact address , and save trouble , dclny or FOR THE TREATMENT OF ALL AND DISEASES OF THE EYE AND EAR. Pliysiciao and Surgeon in Marge. . TWENTY YEARS' HOSPITAL. AM > I KI\ ATE PRACTICE. Wed by a Number of Competent , Skillful and Experience J Physicians M Surgeons t'artlculnr Attention paid to Deformities , Diseases of Women , Diseases of Hie Urinary and Sexual Organs , 1'rhato Disease- ; , Diseases of the Xenons S } stem , LUIIK ami Throat Diseases , Surgical Operations , Epilepsy or I'its , Tiles , Cancers , Tiunors , Ktc. More money invested ; more skillful physicians and surgeons employed ; more patients treated ; more cures effected ; more modern improved instruments , apparatus and appli- ( mces than can be found in all other infirmaries , institutes or dispensaries in the west Combined. Largest and most complete Medical Institute or Hospital in the west. Fifty 1 pewly furnished , well warmed and ventilated rooms for patients , three skilled physicians always in the building. All kinds of diseases treated in the most scientific manner. U ! . i We Maiiiifacliire Surgical Braces for Detafa jj J. JL UUkJl/U ) Supporters , Electrical Battcries"and can supply physicians or patients any appliance , Remedy or instrument known. Call and consult us , or write for circulars upon all sub- nccls , with list of questions for patients to answer. Thousands treated successfully b\ Correspondence. We have superior advantages and facilities for treating diseases , per forming surgical operations and nursing patients , which combined with our acknoul- Cdpcd abi.ity , experience , responsibility and reputation , should make the Omaha Medical 0nd Surgical Institute the lint choice. The Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute is conducted upon strict business and Scientific principles , and patients here receive every advantage tl-at art. skill , science and liuman ingenuity , can bring to bear on their cases. Their comfort and convenience will Always be taken into consideration. Should } on conclude lo visit us for treatment or correspond with us , you will find ( hat these statements of our position , location and facilities arc not overdrawn in any particular , but arc plain unvarnished facts. Only Eeliablo Medical Institute Making a Specialty of " JrJktJLV " AI Hi All Blood Diseases successfully treated. Syphilitic Poison removed from the system Kvtthout mercury. New restorative treatment for loss of Vital Power , I'ertons unable to visitus may be treated at bome by correspondence. All communications confidential Medicines or instruments sent by mail or exprcs * . securely packed , no marks to indicate contents or fender. One personal interview preferred. Call and consult us or tend his tory of your case , and we will send in plain wrapper , our f BOOK TO MEN , FREE , Upon Piivatc , Special or Nervous Diseases , Impotency , Syphilis , Gleet and Varicocelc , With question list. . My Reasons for Writing a BooK Op Private , Special and Nervous Diseases , \ I have for many years made a specialty of diseases of the urinary and sexual organs , Imve become a rccogni/ed authority upon tlio subject , consequently 1 receive an immense number of letters from physicians and afllicted persons , asking my opinion and advice upon individual cases. For the benefit of such persons , I have written a book , giving a general description of the most common diseases and conditions , my treatment , success , advice , etc. After reading it , persons will have a clearer idea of their condition andean vrite me more intelligently and to the point. It will therefore be seen that our object in writing these pages is not to furnish reading matter to a class ot persons who read out of mere idle curiosity , but for the benefit of the many who are suffering to a greater or less degree from diseases , or the effects of diseases or abuses , of the sexual or urinary organs. Not a day passes but we receive many calls or letters from persons suffe.-ing from this class of diseases , or their sequel. Many of them are ignorant of the cause of the difficulty that has wrecked their constitutions , thrown a cloud over their bright piospecU and is shortening their da ; s. ' Surmcal operations ( or the cure of Hare Lip , Club Feet , Tumois , Cancers , Fistula , Cataract , Strabismus ( Cross Eyesj Varicoccle , Inverted Nails , tt ens and Deformities cf the Human Body performed in the most scientific 'nannei. ' , _ , . _ . _ , . We treat Chronic Di eases of the Lungs , Heart , Head , Blood.Skm , Scalp , Stomach , Liver , Kidneys , Bladder , Nerves , Hones , etc. , as I'aralvsU , Epilepsy , ( Ms ) , Scrofula .Jlright's Disease , Tape Worm , Ulcers or Fever Sores , Dyspepsia or Oastntis , Baldness jjczcma , etc. DISEASES OF WOMEN. Treated carefully , skillfully and scientifically by ; the latest and inofct approved methods. WHITE FOR BOOK ON DISEASES OF WOMEN , FREE. Dr. McMenamy has for years devoted a large portion ofhis time to the study and treatment ot this clas * of diseases , and has spared neither time nor money to perfect himself , and is fully supplied with ever- instrument , appliance and remedy of value in this department of Medicine and Surgery. EYE AND EAR DEPARTMENT We claim superiority over any oculist or aurist in the west , and the thousands whom we havecuted , after others have failed , substantiate our claims. To those aflhcted with Eve and Ear Diseates , we simply say , call and consult us , get a scientific opinion , then visit whom you like , and if you are an intelligent person you will return to us for treal- ment U cure. . de6cr.w lje | and Ear and their diseases , in plain language with numerous illustrations , are written for the benefit of patients and physicians who write us in regard to cases : by reading them carefully ph ) sician and patient will have a clear understanding and can describe case * to ui more intelligently. WRITE FOR BOOK ON DISEASES OF THE EYE AND EAR , FREE. nil Idler * to OMAHA MEDICAL AND SURGICAL INSTITUTE W Cor 13th & podge Sts Oflialia.Neb BH , j.WMcMENAMY , , , , , , , . THE PART TIIE LADIES PLAY , A Now and Expensive Style Of Riding Habit. STRUGGLES OF AN AD VENTU RESS A New Hniplormoiit Tor Wofncri , DC- tunmlltiK Hcnnty nml Avol rtlu- pols Some Girlish Vul garities. A Bail Plnce for 2Uonpy. The American street car or the ticket window ot a railroad station frequently offers thin unpleasant spcctnclo : " * A well-dressed , nnd , to nil outward nu- > iiranccs. n well-bred ' woman , opens 5K poclfotbnok , picks out n pioro of money nnd deliberately put3 it in bar mouth nnd holds it there while she closes her puivo , readjusts her jrlovi-s and arranges her many packages. If f-nmo modern Smollct would lay before ' her pyes "The Adventures of n'Dlmo ; " if she could dimly conceive ol tlio unutterable - uttorablo foulness through which the coin she holds between her dainty lips has probably passed , a loathing horror would overwhelm her. Hut iu blissful unconsciousness she oaros.sos that which is the embodiment of all fllthinoss. Aside from the view of cleanliness is the question of conlag.on. That this nasty habit is often _ responsible for tlio spread of infectious diseases cannot bo doubted. SomcGlrlHIi Vulgarities. All unpleasant habit of our young ladles is that of munching candles at miitinecd , concerts , lectures , at all pub lic places , in fact , sometimes not oven c.set'ntlng church , the vulgarity of which net In any public place \vhntjvor is npp.iront at 'a glance vulgarity of bad taste , of appetite , and of the display of eating , as well as of the scattering of the redolence of the candies upon the atmosphere in many in-tUnccs , the habit being one which has inspired the witty pencils of many among our eminent caricaturists. A custom as much worse than this as mikimlnesj and wmit of consideration are worse than vulgarity is that of regarding the lat -comors at theater or concert who enter quietly , anxious to make as little disturbance as may be , vexed with themselves more than any one else ( "in bs vexed with them as if Miey wore something only short of murderers , ris ing the while with an air ot unspo-ik- able hauteur , and drawing back .i > if the touch of their garmaats wore doille- mcnt , -turning a scorn of the proceed ing and the nrocncdera which really is only anger at being disiturbed. Of course it is disagreeable to gather up all one's gooJs and rise in this w.iy , but the tardiness is so mui'h an si.-cidont that may happen to us all that it ought to bo t'ikeu in a democratic spirit , and according to the treatment that it would be pleasant in turn to receive , our lu = t numners , after till , hahig but the expression of true Christianity. She Sliunncil Publicity. As he was up Trcmont street recently says the Doston Transcript ; , a man in ti wagon driving rapidly along , ran into an old lady who was crossing the street and knocked her down. The victim of the accident was well drcs-oJ and well- to-do in appearance , but the collision left her in a shocking - > tate. Hlioas covered with mud and foemed to be hurt , as for the moment sha w.ii unahlo to rise. Tlio driver had pulled tip his upon running into her ; ami just at this moment a lady who was p issing a positive alert looking pcr.aii stepped up with prompt p.'ej.'ti of mind , iind taking out a little mein-ir- tindum book , demanded the drhc"'s ntimcan'l address. lie gave it tn 'lor ' s-pmewhut reluctantly , nnd drove o'l'.and thoii slu approni'ho 1 the old lady , who had by lhi- > lime been hulpe.l to a s.'it on the "And now , " said the lady with the momorand'iui book , "will yea piu nj gi\o me your name , madam ? " ' No , indeed , I won't1' ! g.upjl 110 old ltid > . "I'm not going ton ivo mv in the p'iporn. and all the ropjrtor.- , run ning after mo. ' ' "l ut I'm noi a rnportor , fid I'm not going to nut your irim.2 i'i th ? PI iv.'s. I think it is time that tins fast dfvlng was btoppnd , and thi > driver should bo followed up.1 " \Voll , " oaid the old lady , "mv mini would got into the papers nnyw.iy , if I gave it. " She put one hand to her biuk and propped hcraolf on the ourb-stoiu with the other , as she began slowly to rise And then she said : "Tliis is the second time I've been Knocked down on the street this wool. . and I guc--1 1 can stand it. And 1 don't want my name in the newspapers ! ' ' She was on her feet by this time , and , brushing a little of the dirt from her clothen , she1 ilartoil o'l slowly the street. The crowd which gathered round wn- . greatly inturcitort nnd half in doubt whether to laugh or ehuor. 15ut the incid'Mit did not figure in the accident columns of the nowsp qnro. Skin Tl < ; ) it Clotbinu. A patent has boon taken out , for elot'ung at a pirt of woman 'n fig ure precisely as decorator's cover walls , wilhout ti wrinkle or a supcrll'iity. a pouch or an extra jot or 'itle of cloth. The principal ladies' tailors have imi tated the patent , anil to-day their lake- measures and needles are buay ov < > r an avalanche of the new ntylo suits. They cost n great deal , and are meant only for corl.iin ones among the well-to-do. The now garment , that fits Ilka p.ipcr on ti wall , is the latest riding-habit. To hnyo one made a lady has to mount a theatrical hurao , and bo measured while in precisely the same posture she will assume upon a genuine bleed. The tailor's hor-ie has a l.uiy'.s saddle strapped upon Ha back. The lady mounts it by a llttlo portable flight of steps , it being pre sumed that she may not Have yet taken any lessons in mouting a real horse , Hoing in the seat ano crooks her left knee so ns to hook it on the bent leather-covered arm of iron pro jecting there for the purpose. Ifor right leg is then bent in much the game position it would bo if she bat in a chair. The tailor then has a peculiar duty to perform. Ho must get the measure of the upper part , or torso , of the lady , us if he were going to reproduce her in a plaster cast. After that her right side , from the waist lo the Knee , must bo just ns carefully measured , for the idea is to Imve all that is possible of the lady rider on the side on which her skirts do not fall modeled to the view like a bit of carving , and on the other side to show tin equally clearly defined perfect tlguro and a slvirt not too lee o and not too long. In consequence of this necessity the tailor calls in a lady assistant , and leaves her and the customer on the dummy-horse nlono together. The measurements nro then taken which are to produce a jacket or waist that tits like liquid in a bottle , with the skirt over the projected leg , hugging that member down us far as the kueo more closely than ivy oaa church wall. of an Adventuress. writer In LinpUicptt's Magazine : Sometimes I go to a party or a ball. Then fitiroly It would wring any other than an ntlvorfturing heart to know to what straits I am put. It Is no uncommon occurrence for mo to Wash out my one lace trimmed nnd trained petticoat In the basin with running water In my dressing closet nnd to wear it without ironing , rough dried in my tiny room. My faded slippers are re freshed by polish , my gloves chalked or Inked , my tlre 3 is the concrete fusion of a dozen abstract remnants , my ruches and ribbons the pMco'of ' more anxious thought than a .review of Posnett's "Comparative Literature. " I often wonder , when I am dre'ssed and said to prc ent u stylish appearance , what the feminine verdict would bo upon mo wore I to die In that very rig. Would my miraculously darned silk stockings , my patchwork dress , and my rag-bag laces gain mo the praise of a suffering , tolling saint , or would I bo flouted as a dead fraud ? Once upon a time I was bidden to a marriage feast. I had no wedding gar ments , only my ubiquitous black silk , with its protean changes of lace , velvet and nun's veiling. Uosides , the invita tion reached mo tardily , nnd gave no time for mv usual preparatory strug gles , I had no dress , no gloves , no fichu , no trnim tTpeUieoat , no anything. 1 hart even no money. In the morning my.prosppct of going to that marriage feast looked very like the schoolmas ter's definition of nothing a footless stocking without n leg ! Only an adven turess under my than condition could adventure to bo a wedding guest that night. I was a wedding guest , nnd ) wore an elegant white silk trimmed with lleocy tulle. My trained petticoat was rhinesoly laiindried , my gloves im- innculato ! How did I do it ? There was the family silver , of which a fifth came to my share. 1 wore that. The way I wore it was lo send it by one of my brothers to a certain safe place. This safe place is distinguished by a sign of three golden balls. When my brother came home I found my.self in sudden funds. I took a portion tion of my funds to ticostumer on Fifth avenue. There I saw a white silk , fleecy with tulle. I conquered the scowling fate that strove to prjvont my presence at Ihe bridal. New Employment J'or WDIUOII , A fresh denvmd for hnndsiy.n women inihopj : has sprung up and beauty and avoirdupois are al a premium. " They conu high , but wo must have 'em..lid a big Broaiway cloak manu facturer to a Now York Telegram re porter. " In our line of trade we em ploy the finest appearing women we can get , regardless of expense , providing they are as good as they loik. " Tor heaven's sae ! , explain. " " It is just this way. When country merchants come to New York to buy cloaks for thuir fall and winter trade they want to 10" how the nrliele , look. Unles-n man is tin expert in MICH mat ters he can't tell the collect of a Hoik from seeing it hanging on a dummy. There must bo life and beauty to sul , it off to perfection. I'pr Vhi purpose we employ animated forms. ' o.\ in other words , good-looking woavn with per fect figures. "A second-rate cloak on a shapely woman will make an Indin'Kipolis man want the whole invoice , bsp elally when the 'form' knows the art of posing. The sale of cloaks depends altogether on their nltractivo'nesS. II may be argued th'it ' the country merchants don't \\ear the cloaks. That's true enough : but he knows w'.htu his custom er j will buy , and nt tiny rale we have no one to please but hfni. Even la.di.'s of fashion right here in the > ity when iHiyinjr a wrap or uloa.k ask to so1 it on a 'form. ' Now the customer may b > short and dump. , , she will intigino that if the nrV.i'lo looks well i n our 'form , ' who it- tall , graceful and gen erally beautiful , it ought to look just. : is well on her , and so shebuyiit. Why. borne of the milliners ha o ; \ or. ' 1 tint it pays to h i.-o tln > lojci ! ig wo.n MI eii' ! > ! ovt"i toet < iY ! their j.-cods. "We p.iv - OHof our 'forms' high ns $ i ( ) : i week nnd give them a vacation fora month in the sunnor : tirjj , yes wo iMn ovo.i pay thMr e ; ' ) 'iijjs a * sono : fashionable resort , knowi.ig t'i 't < liey will bring hack lots of tr.ide by lying to the acquaint ino - , they make that llie.i buy their elo.ihs of us. 'I tell you , my buy. to succeed nmv-a- days you 'must keep puua with the times ' or'c'lhfe shut up shop. If you don't be lieve it try it and bac how soon you h get loft , and 11 n i yourb.igrago ohockoJ for the sweet by and by. HO.NiJY KOIITHK IiYDIKS. Ho vinw. > l her wall atony . " , His voice liui'ia and piull , As. lotidmc her nsti'e , lie b.xid : "ray , ' > til14 hit enough i" She r nu ? H woolly , Hjr vuico W.H lilco a l.vro : 13ut on S.iu.l iv slu ntu ouuus An 1 bujtoJ up t'.ie choir ! Tlry worJ lUt'n.uji in tlio parlor To the music ol th rum , Anit be kis .i > d bur on thruploti To the patter uf llio In lingerie nothiui , ' is bott.T ttmn pare while liiun ornamented wiui dainty hem- Btitfbing. Pattern gowni nlruudv braided are won derfully cliMp .inJ morowonderfully | irott > for tlio price. Velvet ll nw , HtiiT with emVo'.dory in gold , silver und coppr. . will bo inn.M worn with thin Wiiii'miKplacj ; ? owns. About the protliest of now rn-.tic lint * are intulu of tine corn liniUs , di'limtely braided and neither bloadiod nor colored. New Kuld-Mi arrows for t'jJ liulr have the point removable , to bo put in place tifier the hbiitt is thrust through the coiltuiv. Tiny acorns lor lunnoi pins and a chiMcr of llligioo morning glorlus for Ihu Imir uro anioiif ; thu hut mvuct tiiuigj in silvur. A velvet fowu with bund-wroiKht dragon tiles , lifo ai/o , drapaJ hhupuly over It , ii iiinong Wonli'fl latest notable creations. Two htout fellows cuiTiiiih' a Soilaii clniir betwixt ttititn , iill mudf unJ b.ikod of tl-o fin est bisiiuo , fowii the caao of a now Kronen UlOL'K. Mis. Jaiuod Drown 1'Otter has n nuw claim to famous thu lirat ultra-fnshioimblo to iip- puur not with u subdued bustlu , but abso lutely without OHO. tsoinersot county , 1'oiiuivlvnniu , has a fo- mulu llcrculus who can tmouldor three ols of wheat und wallt uway , with it. She bust new soeu A youiiK liidy tuaehor was completely proi- tr.itod hut wook. aiio asUod i > llve-year-olil girl what the plural of troupers was , and llio Uid unbworcd , " 1'ants " ' Wide muslin tins are seen on nearly all headgear for the woetolU , and will doubtlubb occasion inaiii teais nnd inui'h diacoiufoil when the sun slimes hot. High authority annouiu-oi that the lovely but trying ubsintho KI-CCII will bo oven moro the rau'u in tlio fall nnnartatioas thun in tuuso of tlio present season. Ho "Why Is a girl of the period oxpcri- eiiciua' her lirst kiss lilto a utcamcr about to leave port ! " She "Well ? " Ho "IJeaiUbO she is all bustlu and confusion. " Mra. Shaw , tlio American whittling woman , has made a great success iu Lomlou. Shu baa whistled for the prince of Wales , und , of course , whistling is the prcv'ailiua crazo. riower bonnets , it is said , will rage more than ever this bcason. with uiignouotto in green and gold bhadu * , Ivj leaves , furgct-jno- nota arbutus , long favorites for Uieii1 sub stance. Chicago Is crowing over a couple of baby girls that beat the record for minuteness. They are Miw Flo Ellison , weight ouo pound aad threoHiuartCM , and Miss Uanzko , weight- Jual one pound. ' la braiding'tlio Greek pattern divides lion- pra with Uic pompadour' , yet , if you would PICNIC PRICES ON P We will Celebrate 4th of July Week with a Great Clearing Sale of FINE UPRIGHT AND SQUARE PIANOS Following1 Instruments on the market and sell them for cash , or easy monthly payments. Piano , fine rosewood case , 7 1-3 octaveslat est pattern , cost $80O ; sale price $275. Tp Piano , splendid rosewood ease , full size ; cost $650 ; H Lil Sale price 150. Piano , full scale , pearl front , in good order , coat $450. IA Sale Price , $100. Piano , ebony finish Rosewood case , cabinet grand cost $700. Sale price ? 240. One FINETONED PIANO MADE by III & KINDT 7 1-3 octaves , coat $500. Sale Price $150. One GOOD SQUARE PIANO Made by cost now $000. Sale price $100. ed Piano Go A Bargain in A PIANO MADE by Hallett & Gumston for only $150. Used only one Year , for $165. an MO tic For Churches or Sunday Schools. Have only one. I 9 1513 DOUGLAS STREET , OMAHA. put thu very best effect , the lir.iul must not | H > ] i it on , but 0:1 elge : , und mterni'xcd wltn cord and cinbroi .ory stitches Th < j to > ) : eicp'oyrd by .1 Pitts imrg rp'stiui- ' IMIlt kl'O'JV Jl.13 } 1I' . ' confessed to bl'iULT 11 in ninle attire , which she H.I. , > slu * r.tlopto.l partly ns n protection tunl partly ais > iii EtiMds of Kuttm < ; bettor w.i ot Tneio tiio ladles iioiv in fashionable society .v'no have thuir brUU walk uiul thuir slow w.itk , cold hiti : ! and er.isli towels , and all tnatso'-tof thinir. Tiio temiiime nuncio noKM'l.iyi ii not found .iltogoMior in the ro- iiou of : lv mouth. 1'erhini t'ij wsilUnost vvjiiun in hnr own lUht wcj ; of tno Mississippi is Mis. War- ivii , a ( o July , v.'lio rt.illy destMVOi llio title of cattl > > queen A correspondent says her fortune is ut least ? 10. < hKU. ) ( ) ) in ' 'hard , silii' * ish , uvcry font of which hlio made on lMtt > . " "No " id the housemaid "I don't , n | , apolo- KZO to n 111.111 wlu'ii I throw a bucket ol watei dow n the front btups to wash 'em , and * .iloiik' and gets drenehcMl. I've tviod apilugizuig , but I've found tlioro'b nothing \ou c.m say to n in ciso : vlll b.itUf.v linn. " AIT AMATEUR DETECTIVE. 1 have had many strange adventures during my thirty-two years of lift1 , and ( ino of the moat notable incident.- briny ; to mind is mv experience as tin amiilcur detective in the singular Rowland - land murder eas . Aurin Itowland wns a decrepit old man , living in n. ruinous log cabin in a lonely spot on the outskirts of the vil lage of L'lninllold , 111. , whore 1 then resided. Among the gosai ps and tliero tire 11 wa.v si number of thnso rattle brained nondescripts in o\nry com- iniuuty Rowland wtis reported to bu very wualtlu. but miserly , thu story being Hint hy liti'l numerous l > a > iof gold coiu'o.tliul about the prciniico. ' 1'liis report \vtirt bruited nbout freely , smd ua& generally believed to bo true , na the soiluuneo ] u-o\od ; for one morn ing the old iniin'ti corpse wai found lying upon the floor , with an ugly giisli upon the skull. That ho hndboon inurdored for his money wa evident from thu fact that a. largo hole had been dug in the eontor of the earthen lloor , and the bottom of this cavity wtw foOnd n gold eagle that had probably been dropped by the culprit in his nervoui to ecni o from the bcono of hib crime. Of courao all 1'laintleld was in u fer ment of excitement , and the little , but - - the theories impurtant , ncw-flp-ipcr giivu of reveral pru ninent citixeiii who em phatically disagreed upon ovorv debata ble point. However , it was universally coneoi'.cJ that no one living in the im mediate vicinity had committed this atrocity ; for surely there eould bo no one in'the village depraved and vile enough to porp.jtr.ite such n erime. All transient guests at the two hotels were strictly examined , \\eiik-ininded joulli who \vaa traveling for his health Wabimitriaoned in the ealabooso because he had three revolvers about liin person and could not tell where he had been the night of the murder. Dutuulived from Chicago umvod , but failed to liiul a clew that would lend to the identilic.ition of thou a in , I had always been credited among my friends with being an adopt at reading the human countenance , and some men assort that 1 could interpret their in most thoughts. I . to a certain extent the gift attributed to mo , as I hud frequently proven , one test being that I could hear people converse when out of ordinary hearing distance , no matter lowthoyripokoor \ whispered , by bimply concentrating mj thoughts upon them. Tins being the fact I deter mined to act upon the buggustion made by sen-oral of my Jrienda that I bhould ondea\or to ferret out the criminal und bring him or her to justice. In the first place , I concluded that the deed had been penetrated by soiao one living in or near the locality of Plain- Hold ; beeauso u stranger stopping a day or two in the village would not be likely tp hear of euch u retiring and. in significant per-on ns Anrin Hovvlnnd. Therefore F devoted considerable time to attentively studying thofaces of those about me , and if si particularly evil- appearing person parsed mo on tlio street , nntl I wibhed to gain an intimate - mate knowledge of his character , F UHiiall.\ encountered no trouble in strik ing an acquaintance. Hut in all whom 1 thu- ' interviewed , there was invaria bly some redi cining quality that led me to'believe them innocent. Sometimes I would shadow a man an entire day to note his habits and individual peculiar ities but to no purpose. 1 had about given up the search in despair , when my interest wab again stimulated. One evening at a social gathering I was introduced to n local school master iiiimed Vallance Morton. IFis manner nt once prejudiced me against him. lie was excessively polite to every one , a fluent talker nnd palpably a morbid lover of scandal. Tie did not once look mo fairly in the eyes , but kept his glance , which was a side look , oxelu- hively upon my face. In appearance ho was well formed , of medium height , black hair , black imibtacho covering honsutil , ; slightly feminine nose , an oval fticu and .somewhat sallow com plexion , lie impressed mo as being n cold , sinister scoundrel , who would not hesitate to commit the most revolting crime to further his own welfare. 1 re solved to know more of this man , and , with that purpose in view , used my ut most endoawir to bo entertaining. I succeeded in eliciting from him an in- \ itation to call at his home , whore , he assured me , I would bo heartily wel comed by himself and family. Although decidedly impatient to call upon the school master , 1 did not dare to appear in haste , und allowed u week to p.iss before taking advantage of his invitation. I had heard that ho worked late nt night as book hooper , whenever opportunity ollorcd , to increase his monthly earnings , and was consequently quently surprised when I saw how sumptuously his house was furnished , and how richly IIIH wife and children \\oreattired. Ho evidently expended all ho could raise to appear on an equal footing with bin superiors in wealth and social position , and had an inborn hatred of honest poverty. Tlio more I beheld of him , the more positive I became that my first mirim&o as to hio real character was correct. People whom ho greeted with marked cordial ity he ridiculed wlion they wore not pro-cnt : , nnd related all bo know of them that \\as in any wav derogatory to their good standing. No wonder his low. broad forehead resembled a rep tile's ' ; I believed that I read beneath his polished exterior a nervous fear of some oxposuio ; but ns bis hourly exist ence was a lie , this did not boom extra ordinary. The problem I sought to bolvo , how ever , I unriddled in u way which I had not at first remotely planned. I became acquainted with a professor of mesmerism and was fortunate enough to win his regard. His regard for me , seemingly , was sincere , and ho finally admitted that ho was attracted toward mo because he perceived that I. too , was endowed with mesmerio influence. In proof of this assertion , ho instructed mo in the passes uecosary to produce obo- dicncoof will in others , nnd the first ex periment made was successful. I practiced tins art often among my fricndg for their amusement and bo- eamo quite expert. One evening I in vited a number of my acquaintances among whom wan Morton to come to my bac.helor apirtmonts to while uway tiie time. During the evening , us I had ex pected , one of the guests requested that I should to mc&morizo seine one pres ent. To this I gave an apparently re luctant consent , but in reality I was eager to get the schoolmaster under my control. I purposely failed in my first effort upon a i ourtg follow , alleging that his force of wili wai too fitrong to bo ov ercome. I then jestingly asked Morton if ho had any will , and if HO , whothoB ho wore willing that I should try to eubv duo it. He scorned to place no roliancd whatever upon my capability , and gavq n ready assent. 1 was terribly in earnest , nnd sufii nioned my reserve will to bear its ut most upon his mind. In five minutes' ho was in a mesmeric trance , and com * pletoly in my power. i "Now it will bo shown whether yoil can speak truth for once in your life ! " X thought. v I first asked him the name of the per * son who murdered Aurin Howland. Tha company were electrified wlioji 119 answered promptly : JF i "I did ! ' * V/ / I then extracted from him nn nflms ! sion that ho had hidden three bags o gold in his collar.and that ho had spent some of it in Plainfiold. lie also stated that ho had thrown the club with which the diabolical deed had been committed into a thicket near the cabin. Ilnvlnp gained this evidence of his guilt J | placed handcuffs upon his wrists , and at once restored to him the usoof Jiis facula ties. I bhall never forget how his face blanched and his dark eyes rolled with terror when ho was made acquainted quaintod with his predicament. Foe once , tit least , no sneer was upon liity lips. 11 flis admissions wore vorifieu * The bloodstained club was found where ho acknowledged ho had thrown it , and the gold was unearthed in the collar of bis house. persons testified that ho had paid bills for largo sums in gold coins , and an old farmer distinctly remembered having been him loitering nbout the cabin on the evening of thu murder. Link was lidded to link in the chain of evidence , until , when the time of trial by jury arrived , Vallanco Mor ton was adjudged guilty of murder in the first degree. L. L. Dresser. / American Minerals. The enormous agricultural wealth of the Unitid States has always boon con sidered ns far over-shadowing the value of the mineral resources , but it would seem that only u faint conception of. the value of American minerals exists. An ofllcial report recently issued bj' the government throws a limo-lignt upon the the importance of native minerals and the possibilities that generous de velopment will accomplish. A list em bracing seventy-three metal lo nnd thirty-nino non-mctalic minerals ha < ) boon published , and the figures glvou are almost incredible. An average an nual output for five years from 1HS2 to 1887 of $150,000,000 has boon reached , with good reason to suppose by applica tion of the rule of ratio that the next IIvo years would see the annual average doubled. Coal leads in the totals with a value of 8 ,110,021,782 , iron , gold and silver combined not quite oqmling this amount. Pig iron is second with a value of 6710,153- 802 , silver third with $211,100,000 , nnd gold is fourth with $100.101,000. The production of crude petroleum was 3103- 8I1U05 , that of coppr 8S7,020a05 , with borioiii delays within the last year tote to the great cabinet and Hue la mine anil $59,021,101 worth of load mined. The grentmt increase within the period of five years has boon in natural gaa which in 18S2 was rated at $215,000 , nnd in 1887 at 410,000,000. The statistics for southern states , including Maryland , show n wondoiful proportionate increase in fact , the greatest , for it has boon onl.\ recently that duo efforts have been made to develop the vast mineral deposits - posits of that toction , und it ifa in the southern states that the greatest future output of minerals is looked for , In diversity of mineral deposits , cheapness of handling and easv ncceptibilily. Maryland yields the palm to few states , and it is very evident that the deposits of this state are in their infancy so fur as development und sale are concerned. i Smoke Seidenborg's Figaro and get the best fi-cent cigar in theworld / Max Mcvcr ft Co. , wholesale depot , .