i IM l-HA ' MAiII.V > j' ni - . . - > . . . - . . - . . . _ m . , , . , * * fem SOCIAL , PART I iHE PAGES. 1-8 EIGHTEENTH YEAE. OMAHA SUNDAY. MOliNING , JULY 1 , 1SS8.-SIXTEEN PAGES. NUM13EE 13. A SCANDALOUS MESS , Stirred Up By the Kaiser's English Physician , Mackenzie. -QUEEN VICTORIA TAKES PART And Carries Off the Dead Kaiser's Anto-Mortom Statement. PERTINENT PRESS QUESTIONS. Was Frederick's Lifo Out Short By the Anti-Regency Plotters ? A BUDGET OF GERMAN GOSSIP. Sonic Cnrlons KlTect.s of the Death ol' Kmpcror Frederick SlfinH of n Brilliant Court Under tlio New Kaiser. t A Iloyul KoW. ISSS litl Jnincs notilnn BIIIII.IN , Juno 30. [ New York Herald pablc Special to T-JI : line. ] Doctor Mac- [ Kcnzlo's parting shot In the Tagblatt Inter did moro damage than over ho couli { tinvo hoped. The gorgcousncss of two great ifourt ceremonials , the presence In Berlin ol ! ill the princes of the empire and the excite Wilt caused by the political court changes merely delayed Mackenzie's row without it [ any waj ler.senlng Its bitterness by this delay. "Was Frederick the third , then kaiser not by the grace of God but the grnc ; of Mackenzie ! " asksono paper , and it uses it : the asking typo so full-faced that there fiavo been n dozen Inquiries as to whether it was cast especially for the occasion to give n fina touch of interest. Bismarck's persona organ , the North German Gazette , came ou with Us column of bitterness to prove that ir ' /pretending / to tell state secrets to the tagblat Mackenzie took Ills choice of only two course which Ilk-professional conduct had left open jj ; , ; vU niin , namely , n fool or a knave , but that h t ' jwas n fool to adiblt ho was u knavo. No : ( , Sjlho Gazette seldom goes gunning for anyouo i' ' grower than a minister of state , and the use of heavy artillery on such a small fry d endless gossip. story most commonly told is > hat Kaiser Frederick left behind itn an autograph account of his Illness , of jo regency negotiations at San Rcmo and of latter political troubles during the B.it- tenburg marriage crisis , etc. that to prevent the scandal of such a publication Frieder- ichskron was put under military law the in stant the emperor died , after having been previously watched too closely for the Im portant document to bo smuggled out , but on search it was discovered Queen Victoria , during her Berlin visit , had carried oil the manuscript , nnd Mackenzie , according to popular belief , was released from a six-hour imprisonment , and a confidential prince , so to speak , was sent off to wheedle the the queen into giving back the document , not that it was feared she would advertise herself by permitting its publica tion , but that her confidence might bo abused by thosj * having moro to gain. This wild hints nt an amount of dirtv orthy an unrovised Arabian Nights , to have been founded on the following hut Frcdcrichskron was closed by troops , _ fore the emperor's death is generally 'unown ' , and also that all its inmates for some unknown reason were kept practically pris oners for several hours , and also that some important papers were left by the kaiser and that on the day of his accession the pointed omission of his name In the ministerial communication to the Prussian legislature caused a threat of a great popular demon stration if a similar omission was made to , ho German congress. Otherwise the whole ! tory , with its insinuations and threats , is robably uicro gossip. Ono bad result of the revival of the Mac- [ ttcnzio controversy lies in the plainness with which high class loyal papers have begun to upcak out. Summed up briefly , their ques tions nro about as follows : Was Kaiser Frederick's lifo cut short by the determina tion of two or three persons to prevent a temporary regency , even if by so doing they risked their muster's lifo by bringing him in March from Sunny Italy to bleak Berlin ! If his transfer to Berlin was excusable was it mere petty splto -M\o \ part of others which kept Frederick i hU father's bcdsldo after the old man's Vh was certain and after imploring tolo- ins hud been sent by the father to his son ! lils weakness did party Intrigue make him , o head of a party instead of the head of tlio iition , and Is his grave now to bo used 1 1i merely as the source of now attacks on his eon nnd now advertisements for people ho trusted ! This is nil us unfortunate us It would have been had Colliding permitted himself to bo taunted out of his silence - lenco after Gnrlleld died. Tlio bit terness with which the row is carried on is admirably shown by the sneer , apropos of nothing in particular , of ono of the crcnt Gcrniun journals , that under Kaiser William thi'io can bu no camarilla , the tlmo 'vlion tbeio was loom fo. % that unhealthy nppcrruuco being past. As signs of the times coming , the an nouncement that the cinpuror will livu in Fricdcrlck's gicat valuce in summer nnd in the gi'7iit elector's palace in winter is significant , and u brilliant courtU foreijli1 by tUn probable .ont > idcrnbic increase of the present f3,000.0fl. annual vote for tUe rojal family. Probably two of t.o ! most unexpco o-1 straw * are tliu ompcar'a ' strongly emphasized deimw } tf at moro chuixlies shall bo built In Merit' * , andlhi iuUvordinary ovation tc thjkl.igof In Dresdi'ii P.I his return frrn .Stuisclf as n Juy.i ! vassal of ( ho J.lbtrr-i ! pcrura ulur tins as I merely a conscivntivo demonstration , but It was undoubtedly a spontaneous demonstra tion of popular thank's to the king for his loyalty to Germany ; nnd , coming as It does from those who would naturally dislike Prussia most , It may have an Important effect on n few princelings who would like to bo Jealous. The American church In Dresden held memorial services for , the latts kaiser last Sunday , Among the inusic\ \ was an anthem written for the occasion by the American composer , Whitney Coombs. There is great interest shown hero In the report from New York ot n German count having shot _ himself. The inference , in de fault of names , seems to bo that it Is a son- in-law of the famous German financier , who , after breaking a Jewish wife's heart , eloped to America with her maid soon after the honeymoon was over. Kaiser Frederick's death has had several unexpected effects. Among tncm is a fhmlno among minor actors nnd singer ? , who have lost nil chunco at earning their living during the greater portion of this yo.ir , It has made his coins among the rarest of the modern collector's ' gems. It has also nearly raised again the whole anti-Catholic movement , for some Blundering Catholic priests refused to obey nn order to read n notice of the emperor's death , their claim being that the civil power cannot und shall not dictate what Is to be read In Catlr olic pulpits. It Is commonly said by German papers , among others by the Stnatsburqcr Zcitung that tickets to the opening of the rcichstag were regularly sold , not , of course , by the rcichstag bureau , but by persons who were wrongly entrusted with them. It Is widely rumored that the rciehstag , at its next session , will pass the revised tobacco monopoly bill. WILLIAM AND TUC CZAH. Proposed Visit of the German Hmpc ror Danger From Socialists. -Sliu the N. 1' . . .IssocfnfcdVcw.l June 30. The proposed visit o the emperor to the czar is a personal mattei nnd gives proof of hU desire to maintain tin friendship which has existed between the wo reigning families for over n hundred " * Public opinion" ! ! ! Austria "as grown alarmed nt the rcapproacliment o the empress. It appears to d oad tin breaking up of the alliance lnwbicl event Austria would have to fnco Russia alone. These fears are not shared the Austro-IIungarlan ministers , festl advices state that an autog'XOpl letter of Emperor William , presen by General Wildcrsec to Empo or Francis Joseph on Thursday hinted 'aat initiative proposals would bo shortly taken to Russia. Tills agrees with reports from other sources that the czar has a new scheme lor the final settlement of the eastern ques tion involving the partition of Turkey. In official circles her chances of any such radical overthrow of the Hcrlin ticaty are regarded as hopeless. Count Kalnoky is known to huvo u close under standing with England , conjoined with Italy to listen to no overtures from Russia unless they are addressed at the same time to the other signatory powers. Much is whispered privately , though the press does not venture to openly refer to it , as to an anarchist plot against the life of the emperor. The official circle take the affair seriously , and the extraordinary and in creased precautions taken to guard the person both of the emperor and Prince Bismarck suggest that the report has a solid basis. Hefcirlug to these measures of im perial orotcction the Reichhoto ( conserva tive ) says the guards around the marble palace at Potsdam have been so greatly rein forced thnt the building is practically iso lated. According to the Tageulatt an increase in the Prussian civil list will bo proposed. Tno donation to the imperial household amounts yearly to 15,000,000 marks , drawn from the Prussian state treasury. The increase of the imperial family and of the expenses of the household is the ground for the proposal to incrcaso the donation. Fires in Sweden. LONDON , Juno 80. The propei ty destroj cd by the recent firca at Sundsvall and Uinea , Sweden , was valued -15,000OJO uroner. Twelve thousand persons were rendered homeless by the flames. % King Oscar is visit ing the districts and is cnngod In relieving the wants of the suiferors. Houses , forests and standing crops on farms In other districts also burned. Another I'ltriiellllo J-JIcotcd. Duiti.iv , Juno : )0. ) Mr. FH/gerahl , a Pnrnollito. was elected to day without opiwiition to fill the vacant neat in the house of commons for County Longford. Illinois DcmocrntH. CHICAGO , Juno :10. : The executive commit tee of the democratic state central commit tee held a meeting this morning , at whivh John C , Campbell , of Strcutcr , presided. Them was a full representation present. The resignation of Krskino M. Phclps , who resigned on account of his appointment to n membership on the national committee , was accepted and General Walter C. Newberry was appointed in his stead. After bomo un important business the committee adjourned Hubject to a call of the chair. Itcccptiiin to IliNliep O'Connor , CoM'Miirg ' , Ne'i. , Juno 80. [ Special Tele- pram to Tnu Bun. | liishnp O'Connor of Omaha , arrived in the. c'ly this morning at S o'clock , nnd was mot at the depot by a band nnd a vast concourse of pcuplo numbering more than a thousand. Ho was escorted to tlm monastery , whcro cor.linnallou will bo administered to thirty-live persons. A Love I'Yast , Gn\r ; , Neb. , Juno ; iO. [ Spo"ial Telegram to Tin : Hr.i : . ] The meeting Held here tills to ratify tlio republican nominations was a love feast. Several rousli.g endorse ment speeches \\vro made nnd preat enthus iasm ere itcd. A .Now Otvll Service itiile. WAMIIXUTON , Juno 3) . Tit ) president has Issucu an oxcoullva order extending the classification of tlio c.vll service , fioing Into ciTect this ii.inutu * . The order places all ' citlicuro , clerks and olhsr employes of all the cxcculivo Department < vuJcr the same regu- lation& in regard to civil service rulea. TORY BACK SUFFER. The Sallgbifiy ; Ministry Encouraged to mug 011 Yet Awhile. THE THUNDERER'S BIG BOMB ] _ _ Ready to Explode Startling Sousn- 1 tlona Upon the Parnollitos. TRYINGTO INVESTIGATEPARNELL * Preparations For O'Donnoll's. Libel Suit Against the Times. EXPOSING LONDON'S TWEEDS j Experts AVhoso IJvtcnslvn Cor- riipf liSns Show Thnt They Have tin- nrovcd on Their American Model Gossip. lie Tories Tnlcc Ilcnrt Ajnln. < * ' ' il S Jitmcs ( / ' . l } "PH'ftf'it tin Vonfcmfi'wicl.1 LONDON , Juno 130. fNcw York Hcrnlil * Cubit Special to TUB Bic. _ : ] Fate is very kiml\o the Salisbury ministry. Whenever n scries'of mistakes has landed it iu dlftleul- ttcs And it begins to think seriously of mend ing Its way , just enough good fortune befalls it to make it harden- its heurt midge go 6n in the old lines. The Ayr election wa a. staggering blow , and It led to that ex traordinary meeting at the foreign office , whore Lnril Salisbury so loudly lamented the influence nnd power of the left wing. Had Kent gone the same way as Ayr the family party ' must have uacn broken up. A demand would have arisen for the reconstruction of a ministry whose In1 mill weakness is now generally recog nized , and the conservative party itself might have been saved froln a great peril , but Kent remained faithful to the lories in "P'toof tremendous efforts to cutlco her to the other side. Kent is one county which sends solid bodies of conservatives 10 parliament , and tnu Glad- stonian "poppicking" ranks have been disap pointed. The majority gained by Leather in about sixty less than at the election of 18S3 , and largely below the majority of 1SSO. The ministry will now conclude that all previous reverses were mere accidents , and that this election represents the true opinions and wishes of the people. Every seat is worth trying for , no doubt , but the price that is now being paid is alarming , and unless "t&O homo rulers get help from somewhere they will atbo _ _ able to fight many moro battles on the same terrr-- . Are they about to receive a blow in another direction ? Reports are rife that the libel suit of O'Doiinall ' against the Times , tobctrm on Monday , will load to some startling reve lations. This rumor has long been afloat , but I hear it confirmed from sources which it is impossible to distrust. The Times has been keeping back some sensa tional icttcrs and evidence for this trial , and its whole sticngthis to be expended in the effort to prove its case and incidentally to smash the Painollites. There can bo no doubt thnt the leaders of this party are wroth with O'Donncll for bringing the action , altbough ho professes he is anxious only to .servo them. His friend ship appears to be of n very dubious kind. Tno Times will uo represented by one man at least who will bo n thorn in the side of the Parnellites. If Sir Henry James Lowe , the most formidable cross-examiner at the English - lish bar , should succeed in petting Mr. Par- nell into the box there will bo some sharp passages at arms , and even the recent jockey case full of scaudall as it is , will bo thrown int- > the shade. Sir Henry James is not likely to spare the Irish lender from any magnani mous motives. On the other hand Parnell has generally shown that tie knows how to take care of himself. His Impassive manner , his Blow , cautious utterances , his skill in parry ing the thrusts of an adversary all will stand him in good stead next wcolc. He has been summoned , and I presume will attend unless illness intervenes. The other chief counsel for the Times is Attorney General Webster. O'Donnell had engaged Loekwood , but I learn that this rjueen's counsel positively refused to touch his brief until ho saw the fee , and down to this morning that win not forthcoming. It is htill Just possible that when the case is called on next Monday , O'Dounell will permit judgmentto go against him by default. In that case the Times will have spent a vast sum of money In getting up evidence , retaining counsel , etc. . to no purpose. This is onoof the penalties to which the present libel law subjects a newspaper in England. Another sensation must shortly bo pro vided iu the shupo of a prosecution of some corrupt officials connected with the metro politan board of works. It is impossible that they can bo let off scolt free. Cu street im provements , corner lots , liquor shops , new buildings , In short , upon every new work In London. They have levied toll. and Jobbery robbery have gone hand in hand. The royal commission has already found out enough to Justify the sus picions everywhere entertained for years past concerning the bond. How long London Is to bo left at the mercy of such a body it wiU"booiV Co the' duty of parliament to determine. Of course if the local govern ment bill should pass the question would at onoo bo settled , but dcubts grow stronger ev ery day on that point. The government is all behind with its money votes , und it must have them before the session ot parliament closes. Over borne there will be a hard light. The prospects of iinUhing nny ambitious schemes already before parliament are dark. It looks as if there would bo little to show at tig cud but Goscuen'b conversion bill , which s not popular , and his budget , which Is dis tinctly unpopular. Mr. Smith feels his linrd work severely nnd there are whispere-of bis retirement to the other house at the close ot this session. Tnkcn altogether , the ministry needed all the consolation which Kent has kindly of fered It. A MKMniiu OK PAHLIAMCXT. IOAVA XKWS. Important Original I'nclcnKC Decision Kr.oui-K , In. , .luno 30. ( Spot-la ! Telegram to Tin : UKIJ. ] A new decision was given to day in what Is known as the "Original package case. " Judge Bond in the superior court g.ivo the decision ( n the c.isc of Collins vs. Hill , involving the sale of liquors in the original package in which they were brought into the state. The dofi-udannt had received whisky in n box containing twelve separate packages , each of which had a bottle ot whisky and In this form sales were made. The court held that this was not permissible under the prohibitory laws of the state ; that the de fendant , by aliening the Writer puekaite , had so acted upon the articles imported that they became part of the mnss of property In the state and therefore subject to its laws. The Condltli 11 of Crops. Dr.s MOINE * , la. , Juno 30. The secretary of the state agricultur.il souiely made public to-day his oniclal report on the condition of crop * , as gathered from over 1OJO corre spondents representing ninety-six counties of the state. Tho-arca of spring wheat sown , compared. with last year , shows a decrease of 17J4 per cent , or13 > , UOS acres. The total acreage , In cluding an area In winter wheat , is placed at 3OU1 , < 03 acres. The condition is 101 per cent. With favorable wont hot- for u few dajs "nirer and In harveittimo the estimated pro El .ct is t)7.Utl)0 : : ) ( Imttuuis. The condition of wheat is W pur cent. Dr. I'cck iuKi - . i he Stand. IOWA CITV , In. , Juno 80. In the university investigation Dr. Peck was on the stand to day. He denied the charges of "bossism,1 "one man rule , " or that operations were evei performed without using antiseptic precau tions. The death per ecntago during the last olL'ht years was less than per cent. Out of l.OdO cases there were only thirty-two deaths. The elinlc.il record proved that the railway cases of Hairly and Gibbons were operated upon two years apart , so that no ulood poison could be transform ! trom one to the othci as alleged by Dr. Hcinnchs. Drowned U'liile Hattiinj ; . PoiiD , lowt , Juno 80. [ Special to Tiir UEI : . ] This afternoon , Charles , the oldest son of Representative C. L , AndCrson , was drowned while bathing in the middle of the river , a short distance from this place. The body was recovered after a two hours search An Iowa Ki/Itor Married. WATBUI.OO , la' , Juno .10. [ Special Tele gram to TUB Bui : . ] Prof. A. N. Felton editor of the Lu Porto City Hoviow , was married Thursday night to Miss May Phil lips , of Shell Rock , la. , by Hov. W. S. Skin ncr , ofdanesvillc. ji SHU Burned. Sioux CITY , la. , Juno 30. f Special Telegram gram tjo Tim Bci ; . ] Uicu & > Lower's'planlntr mill was destroyed by. flro about 4 o'clocl this morning. Loss , t&500 ; Insurance , $3,500 , The lire was of incendfary origin. . f l In-Wno. PI.UM CHEEK , NeS - uno SO. [ Special Telegram to THE BEE. ] Amo republican ratification meeting was night , attended by n largo concourse of pee ple. Housing speeches Were made by Hon. A. M. Sinclair , S. L. Wurrington and Captain C. W. McNnmar. 3 no hitter's talk was principally upon the ifsue of tariff and free trade , and was greeted with pronounced and long continued applause. A largo concourse of people assembled , who heartily applauded all the speakers. Republicans hero are awake mid alive to th'j vital issues at stake with respect to the national platforms as enunciated by the respective parties and many democrats are ' 'fernmst" ' the platform and nominees. "Ti'ipccnnoo nnd Morton Too" is tbo cry the republicans raise. At tlio close of the meetio the enthusiasm was unbounded. A Great Demonstration. GORDON , Neb. , Juno 80. [ Special Tele gram to Tnu Bcc , ] The greatest political gathering ever held in northwestern Nebraska took place 'lore to-day to ratify the Chicago convention nominees. The town was handsomely decorated , in fact such a demonstration was never before attempted by the people of GoWon. The citizens of Uushvillo turned out U great force , bringing a band with them. Sjircchcs weio made by Messrs. Ulnnchard , Wood and Edmunds of Kushvillo , Judge Tucker of Valentine , nnd Messrs. Graham and Bcamahcrn of Gordon. The judge particulary stirred up the democrats , and as a result they are now making great preparations hero for a demonstration on the 14th of July. Fully fifteen Hundred pcoblo attended to-day's meeting. A Log Cabin in Line. AvituitN , Nob.June , SO. [ Special Telegram to Tin ; HUB. ] A grand ratification meeting was held at the theater to-night. A log cabin ' on wheels and with a'livo coon chained to it , the whole biirmounteijl with banners reading : "Tippecanoo and Morton Too , " "Protection to American Labor" and "What's the Matter With Harrison ( " was drawn through the stieets , headed by n band. Mayor Hausflold presided ut the meeting. Judge James Church , und Hon. Church Howe entertained the hundreds congregated till u late hour. licv. Tibbitts and Kufus Leach responded to calls with a few very appropriate remarks. Dakota lIcinocratH. DIUDWOOD , DAK. , ' Juno 80. [ Special to TUB HBB.I The democratic coounty conven tion of Lawrence county met in this city to day to elect delegates ! to the territorial con vention ut Jninestou , July 17 , which will nnmo a delegate to congress. Colonel Huger Wilkinson was chosen permanent chairman , The convention was harmonious , and the St. Louis platform and candidates were en dorsed. Resolution * were passed favoring the admission of Dakota us a s tit to , and dele gates to Jamcbtou we're elected , Madrid Approves. MADHID , Neb. , Juuo 80 , [ Special Tele gram to Tun HER. } A rousing republican meeting was licUl this evening to ratify the nominations of the Chicago convention , The attendance was not very largo on account of a rain-storm , but ttioho present manifested gi cat enthusiasm aiul uro well pleased with the selections of the party , A HlgMKht For Thorn. PAWNEE Citr , Neb. , Juno 80 , [ Special Telegram to Tin : HUB.The ] republican club is ratifying to-night. Anvils arc flrine , and people are shouting for Harrison. The best bund in ttio state is leading the ratification with fln i music. It is u big eight for republicans , on Harrison , s , June 30. A delegation rep resenting the Marquette club of Chicago called on General Harrison this afternoon nnd presented resolutions congratulating him on his nomination. A body of veteran soldiers and representatives of the Harmon. club , a colored organization , also called. The general welcomed each of the orgauizutions in a brief address. TURING SEAWARD. Paris Society Begins Its Miff ration to Summer Resorts , BOULANGER AGAIN IN THE SHADE Indications That "Lo Bravo Gen- oral" Will Seek Retirement. HIS FOLLOWERS FALLING AWAY The Mad Dog Season Once Moro In Full Blast. RIVALS PRANZINI'S FAME Paris litijoyiii ! ! Another Story of Love , Murder nnd Mystery Sirs. Pot ter DcelnrcH She Will Never Quit tlio Sta e. In the French Capital. ICopyrttiM IKSS'tty Jatncs Oonlnn JfcmidM PAUIS , Juno 30. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to TUB Bcn. | The spell of heat which sot in last weak only lasted a couple of days nnd left us a legacy of grey skies and dull , disagreeable weather. To relieve the monotony of this strnngo June , however , wo have had heavy storms , sev eral people have been struck by lightning and serious damage has been done to crops. Day by day the look of Paris is changing. The fashionables and semi-fashionables are rapidly migrating , and the Spa , Uoynn , Contrexevllle , Dieppe , and Etretrut will soon bo the real centers of French , society. Many familiar American faces have como and gene within the last few days. Mr. U. Ingalls and family liavo left for Holland. Mrs. Cutting and Mr. Brockhulst Cutting have departed for Hamburg. Mr. and Mrs. McLane with Mrs. James Brown Potter are meditating n flight to Ironville. Mrs. Edward Scovillo has just started for Carlsbad en Revanche. Mr. Arthur Pndelford has returned to the Hotel du Rliin. Mrs. Robert Cutting has settled down nt Mirabcau. Mr. and Mrs. J. Henri Harper and Mrs. Hoe are at Chatham. Mrs. Thomas B. W.inamakor has settled down at ii ! ; Rue Richter. Mr. Edgar Sands DoWolfo sailed from Havre to-day for New York. Miss Mildred Leo and Mrs. Polk follow next Saturday. General Do Trobreand is at the Hotel des Deux Mondes. Miss Grace Wilson sister of Mrs. Ogdcn Goclct , lies ill at the Hotel Bristol. . Boulangcr has gene to slecp'again nnd like .most of his political fellow cole britics .will shortly DO seeking rest nnd vigor in the country. Hi will leave his party in aprettymuddlethougl and if he stays nwny long may find on his re "TUiJ2Jiuas gone" nil to pieces. The radicals who did""Tu ! much to force him into promlnencer"Jfjer his dismissal. , from tho' command ho hold at Clermont-Ferrand are rapidly de serting for fear of being confounded with their temporary allies , the Bonnpartists. Tno latest defection is that of M. Mayer , di rector of Lo Lantorno. M. Michclin nnd his friends in the Paris municipal council are wavering. M. Laisants' zeal is wanting. Ere long Lo Bravo General may have no following at all but the reactionary factions which two years ago ho was combatting. The hydrophobia scare has begun again and Pasteur's laboratory is fuller than ever. Tlio police are doing the best they can to thin the canine population which is frighten ing so many timid people and gettingroundly abused for their pains by all dog owners. A mad Uog caused a panic in Mont Martro this week by chasing down the avenue Trestaino biting its can i no brethren. Most of the victims have been slaughtered but several are still at large , each being , of course , a source of possible hydrophobia. The police are not confining their attentions to dogs. They have Just begun a much needed crusade against the par ! mutucl agencies which swarm in Paris. Since bookmaking was protiibitcd two years ago these agencies have spread nnd spread till now every street in the city has ut least ono where shop boys and clerks may indulge their betting inunin. Not less than JXJ ( agencies advertise in ono sporting paper , all professing to make their profit only on the paltry commission on the bums invested. As a matter of fact the ngentb invest little of the money entrusted to thorn. They arc disguised hook- makers , The Pradoa mystery is the latest Guborlan sensation in Paris and promises to prove almost as interesting us the Pranzlnl cnso which kept us talking for twelve months. Pradoa is u Spaniard who was arrested some months 030 for the attempted robbery of some diamonds. Since then ono revelation after another nan been made which lead the police to suspect that ho is the murderer of Marie Aguetant who was assassinated in the Rue Comuritan four years ago. The case Is almost parallel with that of Marie Regnault , but the mystery has lasted longer. Prada , like Pranzlnl , was .a terrible lady killer. At ono tiino ho is known to huvo carried on throe intrigues to gether. ' 'There is not n word of truth in it , " said Mrs.Jarncs Brown Potter yesterday afternoon on her arrival in Purls in response to the question whether there was any truth in the statement alleged to have been made by Mr. Potter that she would return to her homo whenever she would leave the stage. Her eye flashed flro when she was told that cable dispatches had been received In Paris while she was on the ocean , to that effect. "Mr. Potter never made such a remark , " she said , "aud you have ray authority for it. On the contrary , ha has given his consent and approval to all my dramatic plans , " Mrs , Potter , whoso beauty does not suffer , were u dress of brown clotn trimmed with told. SLo was slightly sunburned. She colored with pleasure whoa she snw her nnny friends ready to welcome her return to Franco. " "I cannot Imagine how the absurd state ment could have been made , " she continued. 'Mr. Potter was with my family to see mo off. Ho is perfectly reconciled to my plans and projects for the future. I am very nuch interested In our Tuxedo homo and am going there from hero so that I can enjoy my leisure ttnio before returning .to my work. "And will you continue in your profes sion ? " "Yea , until the dny of my death. " "How long will you remain abroad ! " "Only six weeks. Mr. Potter and I are building a cottage nt Tuxedo. As soon ns It Is completed I shall return and remain until I open my engagement tinder Mr. Abbey's management in Philadelphia on the 1st of October In "Twist Axe and Crown , ' by Tom Taylor. " " 1 shall not piny 'Loval Lovo' next year , " added Mrs. Poltcr. "My repor- tolro will consist of 'Sho Stoops to Conquer,1 'Rouico nnd Juliet,1 the ' of ' ' Bins ' 'As 'Lady Lyons , 'Ituy , you Llko It , ' nnd a proJuction of 'Cleopatra , ' which will open n Now York engagement on December 2 < ) . Although Mrs. Potter was tired and suffer ing from a sovcro headache , she received n few special friends.In the evening at the Hotel Bellevue , where she were n palo lav ender foulardc , elaborately trimmed with lace llouces and a horse-shoo pin of rubies and diamonds at her throat. After leaving Paris Mrs. Potter will spend ten days in London and then go to the Normandy const. THIS IUON S Several fllaniifnetnrcrn Dcclds to Sls-n the Scalp. MiMVAi-ur.i : , Juno HO. The failure of the iron manufacturers and the Amalga mated association of iron nnd steel workers at Pittsburg to agree upon a wages scale for the coming year necessitates the closing down of the North Chicago rolling mill company's plant at Hay View and the few mills Unit have not yet ceased already will shut down tonight for an indefinite pu- riod. Tlio single blast furnace that has been in operation will continue working. Tliero is no issue between tlio local societies of the Amalgamated association and the proprie tors , but as n part of the whole organisation they must do as the others do and await the outcome of the struggle ut tnu scat of war. Tlio best of feeling exists between tbo Bay View mill men and their employes. The old scale of the Amalgamated associn lion expiics this evening , and as no agree ment was reached tlio mills have all closed down. Oliver Bros , .t Phillips , the largest firm In the city , signed the scale to-night , and their four mills will continue in operation. Tlio firm employs over three thousand men. D. B. Oliviu * , who nlllxcd his signature to the scale , stated that they were forced to sign the scale on account of the contracts that had to bo filled. The action of tlio manufac turers in the matter is awaited with interest , TTs it is probable the firm will bo expelled from the association. , , , , , * , /t lit&TKP AVI Til GUNS. A Youit Farm Hand OittrajjcH n TwHve-Ycar-Old Girl. CANTON , Dak , Juuo iiO. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : UuK.J There is great excite ment hero over the crime of a young farm laborer named John Richardson , who com mitted rape on the twelve-year-old daughter F. Davis , who llveb three miles The young girl was re turning homo about ( J o'clock young man made his appearance nnd few words dragged the girl into the bush and accomplished his fiendish desire. Far mers In that vicinity were hunting him with shot guns all night , but it was learned ho took the west bound train for Paricer , where ho was arrested to-day. The shoritt will return with him to-night. Army Mnttcrn. WASHIVOTOX , Juno 30. [ Special Telegram to Tnu Biu.l Private William II. Rafeit , Light Battery D , Fifth ui tillery , now with his battery at Fort Douglas , Utah Territory , is transfer ! ed to the hospital corps as a pri vate. vate.The The leave of absence on surgeon's certifi cate of disability granted First Lieutenant Robert VV , Dowdie , Seventeenth infantry , in special orders No. 50 , Juno 18 , 1S-S8 , Depart ment of the Platte , is extended five months with permission to leave the United States. Brigadier General Juincs C. Duane , chief of the army engineer corps , was placed on the retired list to-day under the ago clause of the retiring act. General Duuno is sixty- four years old. Ho entered the military academy July 1 , 1814 , and upon graduating Was appointed to the engineer corps , on May 14 , 1801. When u first lieutenant ho was tendered the position of captain in the line but declined. On October 11 , Inbii , ho was appointed chief of engineers succeeding General John C. Newton , who was retired. Genoi al Duunu will probably bo succeeded by Colonel Thomas L. Casey. Frolght Knton. CHICAGO , Juno ill ) . The general managers of the lines in tlio Western and Northwestern freight associations hold a brief session to day. No important business was transacted. The Iowa rate matter has passed out of the hands of the associations , and the most that can bo done is to await the decision of the court us to whether the temporary injunction against the promulgation of the unsatisfac tory ttirilt shall be grunted or denied. The other important question with which the associations have to deal is the low freight rates in effect between Chicago and St. Paul. No decisive action can bo taken toward the readjustment of the St. Paul intes until it is settled whether the Iowa tariff is to bo im mediately enforced or not. General Sheridan on tlr ; Swatara. WASHINGTON , Juno 30. Five minutes before fore 11 this morning General Shcrida * was moved from his house , arriving on board the Swatara about an hour later. The whole transfer was accomplished without tlio slight est obstiiclo or delay. General Sheridan rested well last night , bore removal excel lently and Is now inat least as good condition as before leaving his homo. The Swatara sailed at 1:15. : I'nhllu Debt .Statement. WASHINGTON , Juno 30. It is estimated at the lieasury department that there has been a decrease of $1" , 09,000 In the pub lic debt during the month of Juno and a tn- * crease of tll'.yjOO.OOO for the fiscal year ciukd to-day. The total receipts for the year 1110 estimated at f3Tl,000,000. ) and total cxpendi- at jara.OOO.OOO , leaving a surplus of y-oooooo. Postal WASUIN&TOX , Juno 30. The following fourth-class pnstofllecs will bo raised to the presidential class July I : Coledcn , 111. , Fur- inington , 111. , Booncville , Ind. , Worthington , Iijd. , Foiebt City , Iu. , Manson , In. , Rush- villf , Ind. , Cumberland , Wis. , Washburn , Wis. . On the Itiillrcil List WASHINGTON , June ift. The Brigtxdk-r General James C. Duunc , chief of cnginciU-s , was placed on the retired list to-day. MR. ELAINE'S ' OUTING ; \ The MaJno Statesman aud Party at Oastlo Oluny. INCIDENTS OF THE PAST WEEK Unknown Admirers of the Knight aivo Him an Ovation. BOATING ON UOCH KATRINE Happy Manner in Which the Tour ists Pass the Tlmo. MRS. CARNEGIE'S PHOTOGRAPHS Some Very IntcrcsllnjjGronps Itlaino Grown Uneasy and Shows nu Anxiety to Got Buck to Work Onuo Moro. The Lnnd of the Thistle. tPopi/rfitfil ISSS l > il Jamtt ( lonlim'Jtennctt. } CumCASTI.K , INVKHNKSS COUNTV , Scot- r.iNn , Juno ao. | Now York Herald Cable- Special to Tun Bci.J : Here the great Cur- ncgic-Blaino coaching trip has now ended with the close leafy June. Before narrating the Incidents of this I will give a resume of some of the phases of the lust few 'days of the wheeling. On Wednesday last the coaching party visited Loch Katrine. After rowing some time they landed nnd finding a > handy hlrlocko proceeded to lunch. Presently , after removing the coach , an American voice rang out "Jim Blaine of Maine. " Mr. Blaine looked down nnd took oil his hat to u party , evidently Americans , on a drag returning to their hotel. "You ought to go home , " cumo another voice. " "Three cheers for Blaine , " said a third , and three hearty rounds were given ns the igo coach drove off. er Some idea of how the Curnegio coaching 38 $ party pass the day is instructive. They rise * ut S : i)0 ) , breakfast , and at 8:30 : the couch is in- tlio door. At 10 a cold lunch is taken in n 'cli hamper , is cntcn under the shade of soma tree or under tlio wall of any farm , where horses arc halted. In these latter case Mr. Carnegie invites the farmer to join in and he and Mr. Blaine ply him with i-ues- tions on agriculture and politics thus finding out tlio feeling of the district. Atthcso lunches the servants never wait and the ladies do all the work nnd tlio gentlemen open the bottles. From one to twox hoursis * given to lunch " " "and rest Srffne read. Mr. Damroseli , may be , sings a Scotch song or-pluys n solo & on the coaching horn , then once again the conch starts , and if possible the day's Jour ney ends at about (1 o'clock. Mrs. Carnegie has taken photographs of ulino't cvo'-i object of interest ajong the road. At ono time a ruined abbey , t n-.tuer a group of highland polled cattle , n mare with her foal , or a group of wild icklng children. She has also reproduced jn the most amusing attitudes and she has cnough-S 1080 to fll1 fair sized album. Mrs. Carne'jW"8 ! with her an in stantaneous camera and alaTgST instrument with sensitive plates. > . The evenings ( to not hang at nil. j * lo Mr. Waller Damrosch sits down nnd plajfi'a Wagner , or sings. "But , " says the musician' sadly , "the English pianos nio not equal to our American ones ; " Often Mr. Bluino will' ' give u masterly dissertation on English Scotch - American history or tHb" " drama. Bed well , there Is no fixed hour in these north countreo twilight nights. The party often stroll out , tempted by the beautiful weather. Mr. Blaine drew my attention to the particular V ) ular light nights , asserting that print could.nt ( ) oj bo read out of doors at 10 o'clock in the ovcn-ysinca ' " ( ? . .or' At ( ilK ; this evening the coaching party'd came in sight. In the same moment two iry ol cannons fired a salute of 'wcnty 'ji'tha ' rounds , while the hills around echoed /mud / , the reports to an extent , reminding ? eiut ono of a battle , Next the team that had ' * - . il driven 700 miles in twenty-four days cqino bowling up the tree-embowered avenue from the lodge gates where servants arid towns men were assembled cheering. Mr. and Mrs. Carnegie seemed tnueh affected at'tho heartiness of the reception. Mr. Blaine im mediately descended , "Just look at tliofio horses. Not n mark upon them " said ho , "And how do you feel ! " "Splendid. Never had an ache or pain the whole time. " Mr. Carnegie said : "I think it a great triumph. " Another of the party said : "Thjs will show the English what Amcrler.ns con do. " " " " * " Mrs. Carnegie clapped her hands with delight when she got oft the coach. The day's journey had been very cold , for there is snow on the mountains from which drivu cold winds at the threshold over which hung the Scotch , English and American ( lugs , Tlio party was met by the champion piper , Mal colm Macpherson , arrayed in the full dress of his chin , who played on his pipes , with great animation the tune , "Highland Lad die. " Dinner was served at half past 7 , The feature of the table was the center piece , a huge SwU'Ji.tnistlo , several feet high. The Blaine family \rii ! leave Cluny about the middle of July for tha statesman yearns for work. Mr , arid Mrs. Phlpps , after a few days stay , will start on a trip through Norway , and Dr. liatoi ) will uway to the continent. Walter Damrose.li , however - * > . ever , will pass the bummer at Cluny and there have an op portunity to further study music. The whole party is in the best of hci.ltli and send Uie message to their friends in America that they have had u tplviidid lovely trip. . ( Li-