Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 30, 1888, Page 8, Image 9

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    tfw < V *
r The Intcrnnl revenue collections yea-
tenliir amounted to $ ' 2,118.59.
The John A. McShnnc TnvinclbloH
erected a C'lovelnnil nnd Thurman polo
Insl availing on the corner of Sixteenth
nml Dorcns.
I. L. Vuiihorn , the carpenter who win
arrested on the chnrgo of stealing $ ( i.6
from the cigar Bland of n house near
Tenth mid Capitol nvonuo , WIIH tried In
the police court ye-jtordny and nc-
The Second ward republican flnmbcau
club hold mi enthusiastic meeting last
evening at Keller's hull on south Thir
teenth street. A number of strong
speeches wore made , all of them \\armly
endorsing the nominees of the icpubli-
can party. _
I'rrflonnl I'nrnirnpli < i.
Dr. Wonitburn has Ml for the Kotcbuil
agency , where lie 1ms boon appointed sur
Dr. LOP. who has been in lUtciutnuco nt the
stnto moment convention nt Lincoln , icturneil
lioino juitcrdny.
W. N Hitbcock , western passenger agent
for the Chlcngq & Not time-stein , hn < left fern
n tilp tin ouijli tin ) oust.
Mrs. Oco r Wi'st. wlfo of tno city pas
senger aRcnt of thu Chicago & Northwcstei n ,
left jcsteidnv for u vinlt to hoi foi met- home ,
Cedar Hapids , In
Mr. Hdvvaid Hoscwuter , editor ofTm : Hir : ,
1ms returned fioni Ills visit to Montreal ,
Quebec , and loner Canada , improved In
health ami In condition to ivsmnu his duties.
"Sputl" Kccovoi Injj.
"Spud" Farrish , the secretary of the lire
department , who sustained a frnctmcd arm
and other Injuries In the overturn of a hose
cart lust Monday , is able to ercop mound
4 With n c.uie , and was out .vestciduy for the
r Hrst time Hlneu thu accident.
SCIIVOJ'H Art Onlloiy.
t-'l Chief of Police Seavey had photographs of
.loo Loekwood , the Cauieau diamond thief ,
and his pu tncrs in crime , Solomon and licn-
Jninln Oioss , tnkcii iestcrd.iy to add to
thoalre.ulv ( 'lltteriinr galaxy of talent In his
jf- rogues'A
A iMidnlKlit Tire.
About midnight last night the shed cover
ing the bilclt kiln of the Hochcfoit-Gonhl
company , w.ts discovered to bo on lire. The
lire department was called out and e\tin
Kuished the flames nftci they had done about
$100oilliof damage.
'loiiLjli on the
The postmaster gcnoial has notllled Post
master Gallagher that in the futuic all
printed envelopes mid mail matter , intended
to impair or injure nnv one's credit 01 repu
tation , imiHt ho prolilhited fi out going tin oiijh
the mail , and destroyed when sent in lor
" \VIioO\vnstIip Horse ?
About a yeir .170 a horsesaddle and bridle
were stolen fiom this citv. Dcsciiptivo cir
calars weio at onto sent out , but until Thurs
day nothing had been heaidof the missing
animal. When Shot iff Coburn iccehcd
a lettnr staling that the horse had been
found mid asking who its owner is Ho is
waiting for some one to prove piopcity.
He Will Oo Tor Them.
J. S. Glean called at thi chief of police's
. vcstciday and stated tint his ofllce was
! 12-i Kamgc bloik , and that tie was no fraud ,
and that he intended to go down to Kansas
Citj mul piosce-utoE. G Sculois it Co. foi
saying tie was Glenn Is a collecting agent ,
and is said to have swindled numerous eiti-
7ens In the city on the ICaw.
Grnliliocl IIin Koll.
Walter McMlllen went into the disreputa
ble dive , 11J North L'lcenth street , Tluusday
mglit , and bueeeedcd in getting robbed. Ho
I had been "flashing" a loll of bills all the
evening , when suddenly Mattie Williams , a
coloicd siren , grabbed the bundle and lan
out the nack door with it. McMlllen put sued
the wuiich , but fulled to oveitalsc hci and
vcstcidav he lepmtcd thuiaso to thP)0 ) )
Ike. 'J he Williams woman came fioni Dos
Molnc * , and it is tlie opinion of the chief that
BIIO has made good hu escape thither.
ICccr and Illovvs.
While Geoiiro M. Striagfellow was cn-
JojiiiK the icfrcslime'iil * ) on t ip in the middle
of Out Oil Ibland je.itcul.iy , two follo\vs
named Charlcj Fragci and Liwience 11m-
sen , who had been patronising the bar veiy
ficely , attempted to pick a quart el with him ,
and failing , jumped upon him , aujwav , and
poundt'd him unmcioifullj Stungfcllow
was so baiily beaten that ho found somes dif
ficulty in lowmgbaelv to the mainland. lie
tlAm took a bee line foi up town , and in ,1ns-
tiio Andoi son's com tMvoro out a vv at rant
for the aucst of his assailants
Oroatnriety of campaign goods at
Collins' Gun Co. , l.ili ! Iougli uticct ,
The Omnlia Ciu'iinpo tinci Sleigh Co.
me up to the times in prices on liug ict ) ,
hurne&s , etc. They msiko thuir own
goods mid can s-uvu jou money. One
them a cull. The } laKe plu.isuru in
bho\\ing tliuir Moelc. 1101 Doiljro .
"Carp" in Omaha.
Mr. Ttaiik Cm punter , widely known in
tnctiopolitan citclcs " "
newspaper as"Caij ,
i ctoinpnnlcd by his wife , is in the citj. lie
Is ono of the most pi eminent , , coi respondents
la America , and is now bound for Japan.
Mr and Mis Cat pouter will visit out of the-
way places in Asia whiih linvo not been
coveted by tomists Their Joinni'i will bo
nn extensive one , lasting many months. Mr
Cai pentIT has been ciif-agud b\ Tin Hi I tn
vvttto use-lie" , of ten li-ttcis , di's.-iiptivr of
his ti.nels in foieigu lands. Iho flint of his
lettetswill ptobibly appear some time In
Croquet sots , olotrant mid cheap ,
Collins' Gun Co. , liilli Dotighw utieet.
Do not fail to call on the Omaha Car
ar ; riage and Kloigh Co. , 110 } Pod go , if
AOU are in need of anything in the
buggy or liai IIPM. lino. Their prii e
mo e'M-eodiiitfly low.
Cnhlo Cnri * on Nurlli Twentieth Street.
The c.ibloc.irrt eomiuoiiee-d to lun on North
Twentieth to Lnko htiee-t icstciditi.
Suve-n trains have been put on the linn , i un-
nluc ; ut uiti'i v.Us of llvo minutes and making
the louiul trip In foity-four inlii-
utes. 'Jhoy uro run , how over , only
nt the into of six miles tin hour
and this hpced will ho Kept up until oveiy
thinjr Is in ilist-chibs shape Two nioio tiulna
will bo put on the io.ul today When
these nlno tialiiH get to iiinnliic'at tno rate
of eight miles per hour it vvillp.iv people
t to walk half a dozen blocks to
catch H car inthor than wait for
u hoi so car on their own btront. The people
seem to appreciate this fact boeMUbo the
caldo trains jestoidnv c.uricd as hit-'h us
sixty | msbcn0'iHH , and uono of tlieuilmvo
BOIIO lovvcr limn thirty on utiip.
Best block of snorting goods in tlio
wobt at Collins1 Gun Co. , 1.1112 Doug
las sti cot.
C. Sluub , Aielmeet mul Supl. ,
olllco 11119 HovMiril ; 10 yours1 oxpori-
onco. Kino , nUlibb buildings u buo
Coiiiinlttocs IViToe-iiii ! ; ArrnucunioiitH
Tliocitlzciib'coiiunlttt-o havltit ? in hands
the prcpaiatious for a Ki''ind coinuioniorntioii
of the florious Fourth Uy uu JCnlKhts of
Labor mot tit Julius Mojory rooms.eoincr of
niovcuth and Painaui 8ti\jCtSi just night.
There vvns u very largo attcmiauce and nn
liiimcnso umount of iulscelluucoui ( business
transacted. Amoiij'other tiling , n icsolu-
tlon was passed requesting all r\c city nevvs-
l > ajicfs that Will ii > s > U ( pu tlif svuiug | Of thut
dav to mnVo arrangements so that all their
cmplojcs can take part m the grand parade
cr witness the same. If this cannot bo ac
complished the pi ess are requested to sus
pend publicatioa on that day. The Missouri
raclflo railway will run special tr..lns from
the Webster , street depot every twrflty min
utes , and the horse car and cable lines will
constantly run n full complement of cnrs All
the business bouses arc requested to close up
during the passing of the parade and give nil
who doslro nn opportunity to participate In
the demonstration. The pj rotechnlc display
in the cvcnlmr at the southeast corner of the
high school grounds will bo the most mag
nificent over scon In this cltv A large plat-
foi m will bo erected , from which the beau
tiful display will be made At the fair
grounds the most adequate arrangements are
being perfected for n merry good time. A
dancing platform 100 feet square has already
been constructed , and the festive devotees of
Terpsichore arc assured of an abundance of
sport , nvcijbody go , nnd take evervbody
with you. It will bo an event memorable In
the city's hlstoiy.
Without health llfu has no sunshine.
Who could bu happy with d.vspopsia ,
piles , low spirits , ho-ulncho , ague , or
diseases of the stomach , liver or idd-
ne.vsV Dr. .Tones' Hod Clover Tonic
quickly cures the nbovo diseases. Price
CO cents. C. V. Goodman.
Tinveling men will llnd good looms
and ulegnnt mcaln nt the Glebe hote.1 ,
l.'ilU Douglas Htieot. Ucst iU hotel in
Full line of bttbo ball goods nt Collins'
Gun Co. , rtll2 Douglas bttoot.
Tlio Glebe hotel , Ittll ! Douglas slreot ,
is tlio bc&t * 2 liotibo in tlto city. Try it.
Harrison or Clevi-lniul.
It don't iniiku nny diffcrenco which is ) '
elected , the piiiahiiOtiiTiagoand Sloigb J
Co. will continue to undoi'-oll nny botibo
in Oniabii in buggies , liuruohs , etc.
Buy lawn tonins outfits of Collins' Gun
Co. , 13112 Douglas struct.
Ilonl Instate Transfer1 * .
John McDonald to S H MrDonnld , 11 ' , lot
ft. blk 111 , Pliull'K "nil add. vd $
I ) IIMeDonald to.l Ade-Ise-i , mul 15 lot 7 ,
blk A , Mtilfoid > V ( Jiosamnn's tub , w d. 2.-.0
VV K Audi rionnm' wife-to VV II McCnr-
fciv ntld vvlie1 , ptlot7. Cupltol mid , i , e il 50
J .1 Wlilttiiiglinin and iiusbinil to II W
Diirno. lot fl , bin. 5 , Oirlmtd Hill , vv d 1,000
I ) Ij'llioninsanil vvlfo to A It Dnritiie- ,
lots 1 nt.d - ' . blk Meit ) I.nd , nml HIx
10' , ' , n'lj lot - ' . nnd e10J ft ofv U'JO H on
1 uiluim and Iruln MM , w ct . 1B.OOJ
S I orc > nnd vv Ifcto f-uniiu 1 r < ncej , jr.
tinil "s lot It , blk 111 , Ploieni i' , H.e d 1
( , eo I , Miller , nubile plat ot Sc-jmonr
J ) I. Jliomn' nud VMfu to.Iolm I.ursiMi , lot
II , blk" , I'ulte-iSHU'S Kill ) , vv d 7f > 0
.1 I , Vllles nnd vvlfi'tn Jnlin I iirsc-n , lot 11 ,
blk L' , t'ottier .V. Archet s add , 'N d. 4",0
Win I .mil ) to Mniy l.umb , hit 11 , blk a ,
( otne-i v AiclHi s.utd , w d 800
JI d Murtln iinil luisbiinil to n t- Hood ,
loto , oik 7 , Albilght's iiiniev , bOmulin ,
v % d fijO
C K Mayne nun \ \ tfe to .1 .Mnson , lot n , blk
I , C Jj VInj tie s 1st nild , v nllov , vv d 175
II a Clarknml vvife to M f Uojs , lot 17 ,
bin 1 , 'Mnillson siiuiilcd COO
J i : Vandercoo'iC to M 1' , M A. O Ity , pint
lot I. blk'J.VI , 1 lotfiiee . vv il 1
.1 M \ \ tilt mid w Ifu to P H C.iunett. lot 12 ,
blk 11. Itt-e'd's 1st aid. vv d . 530
i : i : rre-nch to r. t t .uy. e' H lot 11 mul H > ,
blk l , Le-iitLilpuk. vvd 800
i ; l' rn nch to I , I ) ( mlot.s Oundil , blic
17 , Ceiitml paikv d i.noo
Scvente'Cii tiansfcrs , nKBri-gntlntj $
- Permits.
The following bulldln ? iiermits wcio Is
sued yesterday by the superintendent of
buddings :
U. C.Cluiy , cottage , tiriml nveiiue , near
lllidi . $ 1,000
Henry Hlcck , tv\ story nail husumcut
bnek stoie , l'opl ] .ton avoauu and
Twentieth . 2,000
' 1 wo permits , nggiegatlng SJ.OX )
, Tis unwtso .vouthtut fiiends ,
To disiegmd tteth
That are i unnitig to decay.
So /.O/.ODONT brush
Or tKoj won't be worth a tush
And speedily decompose away.
Diink Malto.
Tremendous stock of Pouitli of July
goods , including the latest and best , a't
Collins' Gun Co. , 115112 Douglas street.
Dr. McGrew. kidney , Itcctal , .t iiriv-
Koom lit , Bu hin in block
Sinoko Scidenburg's Fig.iro and get
the bcbtG-cont cigar in the wotltl. Max
Mover & Co. , whole-bale depot.
Goes ( o Ft cmont.
Miss L Kivvson , of this city , wi'l ' on July
1 , suecced Mi. H Uuihini , the Westetn
Union opoiatoi at Piemout , who has te-
signcd Slio isiijwat the place indicated ,
familial izmjr hct- lf with thi duties of the
ofiico The b tiiiu ss of tin. ollke is said to bo
quite heavi
Absolutely Pure.
' 1 his now di-i nc-v or v arioi A mine'lef pntlty ,
btlcllfjtll Illlll Ullllll-3 I'll' III H v | lie economic
tliun tliuoidln u v KimlH , anil niinot be-sold In
( i-mpetltloll v\tth tlifintiltltiii'u of low te-st.hliott
VMlglit iilum 01 pliuspbaii p milu K SoM null ; 1/1
riniH. Itov AI. IIAKIMI I'owni II Lo. , KMS .ill t-t. ,
ev Vork
Hinont lontd uinul dur l > le. and POKMM tbo nnljr ab-
iliilclycurr < < cliic le Wurraulwl to H nd in any
clinmte A V liiur dealer fur Ilinm t\anl a > a fnt ,
Bed Bugs , Reaches , Ants , Fleas
And mi ) other Insc'cH , use
r. oHsiimitmciiKii's
Infallible Insect Powder ,
tH taken fin clean
liotc 1 , lios" Hals mid prlviit o i c'utdc nc cu from
vormtn. SatUtuctlini Kiiurnnttid or no tiuy ,
ritlKlpllllklicit llUhuutll tilll .Street.
E.T.Allen , M. D. ,
llomiuopatblo Spoclalfst ,
EpocUclM Accurately Prescribed.
Surgeon and Physician ,
OU.ceN.tN c-r ltlj ur.,1 OUIc
, ti ; UuiUcuco tel i > UQU ,
No cut or mark down by ; niy house can approach our prices , simply for the rea
son our prices are made right to with. '
begin AVe don't start the season with 100 per
cent profit , reduce to 60 per cent later on , and at the close mark down to a profit of 25
per cent ; this is not our way. WE STAKE WIGHT AT FIRST ; that's what sells our
Clothing. The prices are always the lowest at ihe beginning and the end of season alike.
As the season is closing , we find good sound reasons for marking clown some of our goods.
Some lots ddn't sell well and again such lots as have sold well are badly broken up. It
is no good policy to carry them over ; it is better to reduce the price and get rid of
them. Thais the way we do it and when wo reduce the price wo put it low enough
to accomplish the object.
AVe ofler this week a genuine mark down in many lots of Children's , Hoy's and
Men's Suits and Pants ; when you see them you will roali/o how much of a mark down
this is. AVe will let you judge of the vahies.
Boy's and young Men's Jlannel Suits , a splendid color and warranted Indigo blue
at $4.50.
I3oys and young Men's all Wool Ca simere Suits , a neat dark stripe and a pattern
which will please anybody , honest goods and of fair weight at $4.9O. This is a Suit
which ordinarily can not bo bought for IPPS than $8.0O.
Boy's and young Men's Scotch Cheviot Suits of elegant light color , tasty and
stylish , well made up at $6.75 ; a suit that is selling right along everywhere for from
$ IO. to $12.
All these Suits run up to $18.
Boys long and knee Pants for summer wear , at one-half their value
AVe offer this week a big lot of goorl Seersucker Coats for large boys and young
men , at the extraordinary price of 25 cents a piece. These Coats are worth $1.OO
and would not be sold for less if we had Vests to match them , as it is wo want to close
them out , and otfer them at % their value.
The patterns are nice but sues are from 32 to 3-i only. Come early if you want
one , as they won't last long at the prioa.
One Price Only. No Deviation ,
Cor. I4th and Douglas Streets , Omaha.
I Oral ) Orchard
rarz x-czi
Dyspepsia , Sick-Headache , GoDstipition ,
Crab Orchard Water Co. Lomsville , Ky.
Kasllydlgi'stcd : of tlio Illicit Ilnvot. A honrty
brveiiiKi' tor u sttonn appetlto ; u ( U'lUatedrliiK
foi HiosiMisltivp 'Iliotoughlj testednullitlniia ; ;
p.ilitabUmiexrclUd : 111 puiit } ; no unplcusaiit
lifterfllocts. Requires no boiling.
Marlon Ilnrlind , Pliristlno Terltunc Ili-iilclc ,
DIMII A. It. 'Ihomns. M I ) , pionoimci1 It th be t
of fill the poweiH'ied rliocoliitts. Nootln rciiuuN
It In tluvoi.ptnitj mid wri iivsi'i flit iitilltii | : s
tsuhlliudincci * . Samptr mmlcil ( or 10
'I o liiv o j our f i ti ndoino teAs
As llaFtcrn lines will ' -c-ll tickets nnd rim
Union Pacific
"The O\crlau l ICotilu. "
Until Julv 1 , ! * , tli kot noli ! for those PNPIII-
hloiis will lie K < > d thirty dajH tor tlu > loiind
trip and enn bo uncil tun diijs KOIIIK.V lien pm-
cliusfiHiue uaily to return , tlicbi ItiKotHlllbo
c-ood llvodnjs for Unit jwipose1. If juncliiisi'is
wish loMoiihluntot ili stliiutlon on our lines ,
dKPiitH will stamp tlcke-ts goo-l to return fiom
micli tolnt. . . , . . . .
.1.8 l 'J 1,11111,1. . ( ' < 'n. I' . & 1. A ent.
j : ) UMAX ) Aa , tO. P. 4. 'I. A.
Unfcrmt-nted and not
intoxicating. Ads like
la cliaim in all cases of Diar
rhoea and Dvoutcry ( and all
stomach nml bowel troubles.
Gmtiful ahko toomcn , cliil-
tlren and convalescents. Gives
a delicious flavor to ico-v\atcr ,
Icmonado or eoda-vvatcr.
Imported and bottled by
MIIIAUIVITCII , I'lrrtnni & Co.
Cincinnati , O. For ealo by
llioloilnwliiK in-iiU'M Itichurilsiiii llriiu l > . Illnko
ltrucudi Aillir.V Ili'llir lihiimmio lln ) .V ( "
1 riink llu'liinu.V. Cn U U drnltu ( mil nil wlnili tulu
Hint nlull ilrntk'itU lliucir ] ihnlcirs .mil nlnu luff
- MADl , l\\ \
it TIII :
wivnu.\ :
eotro epetio Belts !
The Grandest Triumph of Elcclrio Scicnco
and Applied.
II mod IMHeaocA * Propny. ttr. , then thlc b IA Juat what you DOv4.
JCitctnctttf Inttontltf Icltl Can tic applied
K * n D n tf *
, A OrcKory , comiubntonniorcliant.Hiock YMTlsi lluilil Uoblo Uiofrrcat horsjumn , eel lomiiillr
of the Inter O-ran , O VV llcllU9.Il 1) . Mlrnonton , Iowa , I.oniuil Mlik , EtinkskcP 111 Juilifo I N
Murray.hApcrtlllo.Ill . V I. Albott.uptlty ; t < rworVn , Boulh tlenil Iiid i Kohl H B riiii un Chlrairo
pniloracc.L 1) McMlchncI M I > Iluffa.n K Y ' lourlielt * < iapi < iiinilMiiit | what no nihcrrcnudjr IIM
ilcikdy ncrri'd and comfortable tlccpat uuht " llolit. Hall , ulJcrwalii l&U Kast S81U Street , Ke" 7ork
ilro , proc'cof a contlnjou curronti COHTI v electricity trroui/h tlio body on the It cures i
by Ktntratlnit , contlnniii current of cloctrlclty ( HI or IS hours out nt * t i throueliout the human HJIIUIII ,
II y1r alliiei-riUBii < v tmmfdlntely , and producin n niw circulation of the llfo forcoa-iho bloul.lm
, itrenpth , onersry tinii ijeslth , Mhcn all ctlier treatment ' AS filluii. ThumsiiU of tltld scion
.lie licit ai. ) liclnif rocomiliedand tndonc d by thouaud > wKomltliai jurod
Ut > hHCNCU < Any hank iommun-l l apcjcr or wlioluanlo IIOJBO In e'hlcagoi wholesale arucglsta ,
Ban KrancUen nd Chtcaifu tSTSind ef\oipior 118 p io Illntrftteil iinmphlct
' liiTcntoraudManuracturcr , IUI Wuboali Avenue Chlcocu.
ii y rn 11 11 Inko for ! > < * VliilnOH VlarMialt nn
( i 'in ( | > , ( liiuui III" n ( limn. Vhlniiiliu
n i l il I IM in I u-l I i Hi | n | i'i ' il No rmku l I i
rul V mini. I lull liliili ' Ncv i In ii i L uiV \ i Ii
111,211111 in I I itltirnia it II * i > MIJH n ir i Ivnntu t i
HOI pnhMtlli I ) IIIIV tlllT Illll
Vlli n > ! t luw i 1 Iliu nliiai i I'll" ' ( mints nl vupi n irlty
nj > } i it l j Un imtr im nt UIIK mil I I ulni i n I'm ' ill i
ia I lliliiiiii mo Its Hi tunni n May nf II Vv
11 At III s nhli h an llu llm xt Hi it limn in ait an I
1,1 unit ) c ui i n am ll I'VI V < I l.i l.l'IM. i Vlts
; lii < Ii arc in i li > N i 1 i nil irl anil i lu.iiiii } t * iin 1 Vlt
llilt IIKAVMM , 1IUOM ( Alls miMmii ul hi am.
anil Us H | Ii l > u Id nili'il I' M V 11 VI IIIMSi. ( vll >
HUM iii | il < if vvliii h i.tniint lo tmiii 1 iNtnic VL
( niinill Illnlt * tin iialim ul Iliu I innn I'ullli Itnl-
a > i 'limit mum n ilciiol wHIi HU/M ul Ihc I In
( IILII V NI nlivvi tti rn lt > In I liKiij" HIM irains nf
IhU Han maki' l I.I-L' IODIIK.UIHI uitli l.uibu n | all
ollu-r I'nsli rn llm
I in licirnlt , I "liiinliiin In llm ; iiiiiiu ( Inilniintl ,
Miuiirn 1-alN , llunalo. I'ltltlmri ; 'I'lirmil > Minimal ,
HliMun , Nl'W Vulk I Illlllill IhlllU , lilllllllliiU' . \\.l-ll
Int'luii , un I nil iiiilnls In llio I .an Abk lor UcktUvlu
" ' "
IT ; nu wl > li thu In't uuinniu nlulion All ticket
ncc'nl"I'll Hi kcls \ m tins line
11.111 oiiin i : i' . V\M ON
< ii.ii I Vlunater I.LII I | 'M > r ALCIU
W N 11AIH I Hi ; l.en I VVmtirn Au-c-nt
I ) I KIMIIAI I. luku Vcnt
( . I VVlsj i ID I'uaotnttur Accnt.
JIUl liiinuiubt , Unuili.i , .Neb ,
UMtliH UUUUll ,
VV rrantMl < it > solii < < Iyuuo ;
iKi , from whlcli HIP c > CH ct
Oil li.n iK'C'ii re Hum 11 It Ii ia three
( im tltt Krrtujth teornt inixul
villi Smrch Arnavrimt ur Su ar ,
unil U then foru fur mure ccunuiijl
cftl coiling leu thuit ane cent a
cup It Is 'Iclltloug , nuurlililn .
itrciiKtlicniiig cosilyillgibticl ami
ailnilralily mlipti-il ft r IniiilliU us
flla fur | . . rnjus In huillli
bold bjr Grorrri , lurjnlitre.
V , BAKER & CO , , Dorcliestcr , Mass.
Advcrtltliit' h.13 ulvviijs piovoa
succetsfnl. licforo placlntf nny
Nc simper Aa > vrtUlntr consul
H U 19 lU. li.11 iltt.U CHICAGO.
huy one ol
our nobb ) Sprnifj
Suits , m Worsted
fine Cassimcre , 01
Scotch Selicviotf.m
afl the popular col
hnr mns that cannoi
f.ul to he apprectat- '
ed bj the discerning
\\carc aware that
Ine'xpe-n-ive ( ood'-i
me laif-eh adver-l
used thif heat-on 1ml
a 1 of them cannoi !
start ) the test ol.
clo-e iiiKpcctioiiWt |
k our customers |
to examine our btoeU , nnc ) thus satttit
themselves of its quality and out ve
i a city.
Dit.B a WEST'H Nrnvr. A > n nnuv
MtNT a guaranteed 8n riuc for Hjsterln IJIzzl-
ntfss. ConvtiUluns , Tits , e r oul. NfturalKU ,
llcailncnc Nervous 1'ioatratlon caused Vy tUu
HKOof alccholor tobacco WnWHulness. Mental
iKpruaslon , SoftcntnB of the llrntn. rr ultlnBln
lusanltv , nml leaning to niife-rT , deeay end
death. Premature Old ARC. llarrennesn I < ons ot
l'o er In cltliei c-x. Involuntary IXIMCS nnd
hntrinatorhcracaused by ovrr-ixerUqn of Uio
hr.iln , self Uu o or over Imlulpf nco hnrh bor
rontHlilH one month s treatment tl W n box. or
* U boxes for * j 00 , sent by mail prcpnw on re
ceipt of jirlce.
To cure ny case. With each order received ty
Ki for Blr boxes. Accompanied with tiOO , wo
\\lll mnd the pnrctiuEcT our written ( rnarantca
to icfuuil tlie money If the treatmunt does not
etr rt u cura ( iujrantecs Issued ouly by C1 1' .
( iOOUMAN , DniguUt , bolt Aseut , 1110 FtttTJim
6tr tl. Uwaua. Neb-
N. W. Cor. 13th and Dodge Sts , Omaha , Ne )
C AUTIOV-DoHlKiiinuprrHoiiP , tnUliij ; ailvuntn o or our roiulntlon ,
tire oonslnntly ntnrtlim IIOUIIH mcdlonl cstnlillsliiucnlH to dcoolvo
HtrniittcrM M ltlnK tlin . Tlu-so
city. protoiiitorH imitnllr llHnj > l > oir in i %
tow weeks. Hcwaroor tliem or tlie lr riinncrH or nuoitiH. Xho Oiunlm
AloillcMl nml surgical IiiHtituio Is Hie
only cstnDllNlicU iniullonl Instl-
tutp In Oninim , | ) r. aioaiuiinnn ,
IMoprlclorVlni. jou make up your
iiilnil lo visit u , make u iin-iuornniluiii of
our exact nililrcHs. mul thus
HH\C tronllo , Uclny or
DR. J. IV. MclNMf , Physician and Surgeon in Cliaiiv
AM > ATI ;
Assisted iiy a Number of Compelcnt , MM and ExDeriracs I Physicians and Siirpns ffl
J'urlicniar Attcniion p.iid to Dcfoimitlpv. , DispasM of Wniiton , II ) ravrs of ( lie Urinary-
and Si'Minl Oiiruiis , Piiv.itc DiciM's ! , Diseases of the Ncrions System ,
Lung aud Tin oat IHvi-imcs Surginil Opcralions , Kjiilepsj or
Tits , Tiles , CiiiavrTninur > , Itc. ! !
jrorcmone iti\cstcd. morcskilllul plnsitiansand Mirgions employed , more patients
IreatcJ , "norc cities tflcctcd , mote modern improved instiumciits , apparatus , and appli
ances than ean be found m all othet infii miric > , institutes 01 dispensaries m the weqt
combined. Laigert and most complete Medical Institute or Hospital in the west. Fifty
newly furnished , well wanned and ventilated rooms for patients , three skilled phvsician ? >
always m the building. All kinds ofdisease ; ticatcd m the most seieutiflc manner.
Maniifiicliirc Sorgical Braces for Deformities
Supporter1' , Klcctncnl Hattcne , . .ml can Mipply physicians or patientin. . ) appliance ,
remedy or instrument known. Call and consult i-s , or write for iiiiulirs upon all sub
jects , with list of questions for patients to answer 'i liousandn treated successfully by
eorre'pondeucc We have superior advantages and facilities for treating diseases , per-
foiminfi sinical ( operations ami nursing pilicnts , vvlnch comhmed vxith our acknowl
edged alMt > , experience , icsponsibility and teputatioii , bhould make the Omaha Medical
and Sur Instilute thetlitt choice
The Omilia Medical and Institute is conducted upon strict business and
scientific principles , and patien's l.eic receive every advantage tl at ail. skill. Bciencc and
human iie'niiitean _ htitiH to I cti on then cases Tlicn comfort and eonvcnience will
, Uua\s he taken into consideration.
Should v on Loncludc to visit us for ticatmcnt 01 correspond v\ith UB , vott will fiijd
that theestatcincnts ol om position , location and facilitieb aic not overdrawn in any
paiticulai , but : .ic plain unvarnished lacts
Only lleliablc I\reclicil \ ; Institute Making a Spi-rialty of
All Ulood Disease' , succetsfullj ttcatcd S > jlnliiic Poison removed Irom
without meictiry New tcstoiative treatmeMit foi loss of Vital Powei , Pereoiin'imoble
to visitub ma } Le treated at home In toneipondciicc. All comir.unicatiu/is confidential
Medicines 01 instalments sent ! > } mail cr c\press sccmeU inarkb to indicate
contents or sender. One pcisonal mtcriievv prefeired. Call and eoneult us 01 tend his
tory of } our ase , and vxe will send In plain w rapper , our
, ,
Upon Puvate , Special or Ncrvom > Diseases , Iinpotenc ) , Syphilis , Gleet and 4VaricoceW |
wi h question liat.
My Reasons for Writing a Boole Upon Private. Special and Noras Diseases. .
I have-lor manv cait made a specialty of duc.ises of the uimary and sexual organ ? ,
have become .i icco iii/ed authority upon the subje-et , consequently 1 receive an immcnto
niimhei of lettrih fioni ph siciaiib and aOheted pcrsom , . asking in } opinion and advice
upon individual cases. lor the benefit of nu h pei sons , I have wuttcn a book , giving a
gencial dcbcription of the most common and rouditioi s in } treatment , huccesj ,
advice , cte. Aftei leading it , persons VM ! ! have a clemcru'ci ' of Ihcir condition andean
write me moicintclli ciitly and to the point It will thcieloic he scin that our object in
w ritim ; these pages is not to lui nisli reading matter to a t lass ot persons who read out of
mere idle emiosit\ , but foi the benefit ol the mam who are tufftiing to a greater or lets
device from diseases , orthcc'fecls ot disease * 01 .ilnitci , , ol the sexual or urinary organu.
Not a day pastes but vve reei iv e man } calls or letters fioni pui-ons mffe-iing from this
class ol disenses , or their sequel Mali } of them arc ignorant ol the cause of the difficulty
that has w reeked their coiibiitutio-is , thrown a clcml over thtir bn lit prospects and fa
shortening their dab
Surgical opeiationK lei the etiie of Hare Kip , Chili l\-.l - , Tumors , Cancers , Fist-1 ' * *
Cntaniri , btiabimmib ( Cross i : ei > ; \ancocclc , Inverted Nails , Wins and JJefqr liUe
of thy Human Uod > perforned in tin most tcie-ntific inaiincr
We tie it Cluoiiic Diseases of the Lungs. Heml , Iliad , Illood.Skii ) , Scj-'l'-otomacli ,
Live. . , Kiihifjc , Bladder , Nerves Hones , etc , as 1'aiaU-is , Fpilcpsv \e\lf \ ) > ° " ° *
IJnght'b Disease , Tape Worm , I leei. or J'cver boie-i , , li , vp-- > - uastriiu , Ualilneis
Cl/BMBi ° tC <
m.fflrw , : Ei i KnrtS
ol his time to the study and treatment
McMcnamv has for v cars de-voted a laiKe jmition
ol this clab'ofuVcabci. , and ha . spared neither time noi money to perfect liiinielf , and It
remedy of value in this department
fully supplied with evci > m-tiumeiil , applianeeand
of Medicine' nml burner )
We claim superiority over an ) oculist or aunst in the vvcht , and the thousands vvhottt
we havceuied , alter othcifc have failedsuhstantiate our claims 'Jo those alllicted with
Lve and har Ui eaies , we- simply sa > tall and consult us , jjet a seientific opinion , then
\uit whom ) ou like , and if > ott are an intelligent person ) ou will return to u/or / treat-
lntl > '
O\ir \ , the Hje and Har and their diseases in plain language witj
numerous illustrations , are written for the benefit of patients and plijsician * who write
us in regard to cases , ! > readnuj them cmefully pbvsician and patient illhave [ a clear
understandini ; and can describe catch to us more intelligently. WRI1E l-OK BOOK
DR , J.W , McHEHAMY , N , W , Cor , 13th& , Dodge Sts , , Omaha , ) ! ! !
- 4l