Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 30, 1888, Page 6, Image 7

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. . *
TifllTcreu TV ) fnrrlir in Any rsrtof the City at
T cnlv Cents 1'cr Wiek.
rrM.NF. " omen , NO. n.
NMilli KUlTOll , No. a * .
New spring pooils at Hcltcr's. '
Mow York t'lumblng eompnny.
The inntor crnsslni ; over the Knnsns City
track \va put In yesterday.
A bulldinp permit for a itiK ( ) rcslilonco was
issued ycstcrdny to A. M. Hchiilt/ .
The now freight depot of tliu Union Paelllo
nl Tenth avuuuo will uo used next week.
I'ermit to wed was yesterday ( 'iven tC. > .
Christiansen and Annie M. Unwson , both of
this city.
The funeral of Mrs. Marshall will take
place Sunday lit 3 o'clock p. 111. from the res
The tramway recently laid for dirt Imtilltif , '
into the Fourth Ward has been taken up , it
having served its mission.
Owhif. to the death of Mr. Maitin Volcy ,
brother of Mr. Isnne Voluy , thu Star wile
stabler will not bo open lo-duy.
All members of the I" . K. O. society nro re
quested to meet at 'J o'clock th Is nf ternoon at
tlio residence of Mrs. Horace Evans.
The Missouri river is still on thu rise. The
water Is about two feet higher than tlueu
days ugo , mid Is filled with driftwood.
Th6 ( , 'old watch for the benefit , of St. Her-
nurd's hospital will ho disposed of on thu
4th of .luly at the Manhattan. 1'iirtlcs will
pleasu hung in their returns bcfoiu that unto
Twoiouthful disciples of Isaac. Walton
were dumped into Hi ; , ' Lake Thursday after
noon by the upsetting of their boat , and but
for the assistance of spc etalors would have
A lively row occurred nt the transfer
Thursday evening between a "hcab" liruiiian
and a stranger. 'Iho latter dicw a knife and
chased thu lircmun around the platform until
ho was disarmed by strangers.
Marshal Guunella liled achargu of Insanity
ngaiimt Hlluy Urailshaw yesterday inorning.
The chsu Is ono of Idiocy , and the unfoitu-
V.5 iiato victim will piob.ibly bu sent to the hos
pital ut Davonpoit to keep him out of harm's
There were two boomers In the cooler yes
terday morning , being double the whole num
ber pulled in duiing the preceding ten tlujH.
They were booked as William Dick and
Frank Collins , and were bled to the amount
of 'T.COeach.
A. E. Avery and M. 13. Urown will shoot
nn off-hand rijlo mutch with Oeorge Metealf
and \V. C. Oliver nt S o'clock on the morn
ing of the Fourth , for ! -r > 0 u side. The dis
tance will be ' . ' ( JO. Muds , and the contestant ! )
Will have twenty shots each.
The motion for a now trial in the Jonathan
Jones case was not decided yesterday. Colonel
Scott , the attorney for the defendant , was
nnablo to come over from Omaha , and Ju > "gc
Deemer postponed the matter until to-day
when ho will render his decision.
The Council UlutTs team will meet the J.
J. Harilins , of Omuha , un thu Manawa diamond
mend to-morrow afternoon. The motor line
will bo in condition for cars to run through
to Uroadviny , and passengers may embark
at the dummy depot. A line game is antici
Married at the Methodist parsonage Thurs
day evening , Mr. Philip M. Jellries to Miss
Huth Hostwlek , of llonej Creek. Mr. JclT-
iics is a prospeious farmer of I'ottiiwuttauuu
county , and his undo will udorn thu home to
which they at once repaired. Kev. W. II.
W. Hcus outdated.
A delegation ol Omaha "Klks , " numbering
about litty , came over to the UlufTs lust
n evening and took Landlord Davenport , of
the Ogdcn , by storm. Everything wont for
"iiOthmg was the matter'1 with anybody. A
portion of Dalby's band was called in to add
to thu pleasure of the evening.
All parties desiring to take part in the pro
cession this evening will be at republican
hcadquiutcrs at promptly a quarter past six.
The line of march will bo down Uroadw.iy to
thu dummy depot , to meet thu Omaha delu-
gallon and Hon. .1. M. Thurston , thence back
to the hall in thu Masonic temple.
An attempt is to bo imulu to organize a
press club in this city. A meeting is called
for 10 o'clock this moniing at the parlors of
the Ogden house , and all gentlemen con
nected with the press of the twin cities , re
siding in the city of Council liluffs , and
connected with a newspaper In an editorial
or reportorial capacity are icquestcd to bo
Ha/el camp , No. 171 , M. W. A. , held n
meeting and elected the following olllcers for
the ensuing term : J. It. Carruthcrs , consul ;
J. O. Jones , advisor ; 13. E. Adams , hanker ;
J..L. Gillett , clerk ; George W. Fauble , cs-
cert ; John Gilbert , watchman ; John Johnson ,
sentry ; W. II. Ware , K. K. Helknap and W.
C. Estop , manugers ; J. H. Cleaver , medical
examiner ; W. S. Swaiifon , organist ; J. ,1.
Stewart , delegate to head camp. The camp
Is in n thriving condition , having n member
ship of 137 , and is constantly increasing the
list. e = a
Buy iv "Wliilo"bew. much. 20 N.Main.
Buy iminU'ls , grates and hearth fur
nishings of the New York plumbing Co.
Union Abstract company , v3i ! ( Main htreet.
Go anil hear Tannage at Crete next
Saturday evening and Sunday.
iU a Plru.
Ofllccr Martin , of the Merchant's police ,
found a kerosene lamp bhmng in thu Jewelry
store of A. Wohlnmn on Upper Broadway.
It had reached n stage whcro prompt action
was necessary , and the ofllcor kicked in the
door , and hurled thu burning mass into the
street. It was very fortunate that it was
discovered just at that time , as it would soon
imvo set tlio place on lire , and the result
could not have been other than disastrous to
tlio cloiely built frame structures in that
Notice is hereby given that the part-
ULTBliip horoloforo existing under the
firm name of. ) . W. & K. L. Squire , was.
on Juno 18th , 1SS8 , dibsolvod by mutual
consent. J. W. Squire will nBaiimo all
liabilities of , and collect all indebted
ness to said linn , and is alone authorized
to sign the iiiuiio of said llrm in Buttling
up its apTaira. J.\V. HQIMIIH ,
E. L. SQtriun.
Council niufTs , In. , .Tune ill ) , 188S.
Having purchased the entire interest
of K. L. Squire in all property , both
real and peooiml , belonging to the Into
ilrm , J shall continue the business in all
its branches , as heretofore , at my olllco ,
101 Pearl btrcot , Council Muffs , la.
J.V. .
Tlio Kcpiilillean Itnlllleallou.
This evening the republicans will have a
grand ratification meeting in the Temple
hall. Hon. J. M. Thurston. of Omaha , is to
speak , also lion. John Y. Stone and J. J.
Stoadman , of this city. Everybody invited
and tlio ladies as well.
CJilldrcn I'lilertiiln Their I'ldors.
Tlio audience that assembled In Hroadivay
Methodist church last evening was well en
tertained In ( ho conrcrt given for the benefit
of Miss Mamie Fleming. In numbers and
character It was decidedly complimentary ,
and us the numbers upon the programme
was Jirescnial uppluu&g wna ticstowrd with
out stint Numerous boqucts were presented
to tlio little performers by admiring friends
The entertainment was constructed of mus
ical numbers and recitations , and was given
mainly by the pupils of Miss Fleming. These
ranged In ago from eight to fourteen. The
proficiency Miown in both yotal and Instru
mental numUMs by the Tittle ones was an
oYiilcnco of able tutorship. I.aek of space
forbids extended Individual mention. All
did remarkably well , but if ono moro than
another bora away thu honors of tlio evening
that one was Miss Stella Muxoii. Misses Hel
and Vradcnburg also deserve , special men
tion. Sufficient to say the cntcrtaiumcni
was In every way a succebs.
The C-hautauqua excursion to Crete
will give you the advantage of hearing
j'almago next Saturday evening und
Sunday ,
\l \ \ fr
The Bollof That Mrs. Marshall Accl-
dontnlly Shot Herself.
CJcorRC Ilutllo Appeals I'roiu n De
cision In Ills Own Favor Tlio
Coining Hnuns Almostix
Fire Itnt Ideation.
Hnnl to Satisfy.
During the llrst opening of tlio real estate
boom a dealer In Omahu tunned Peterson
gave Georpe Kudio , of tlio Manhattan , it snfo
as commission for selling a piece of property.
Afterwards 1'cteison denied Unit ho ever
govo tliu wife to Undiu , mid a suit followed.
The legal battle was n lint one , and the case
was taken under advisement. It was decided
yesterday by Judge Dcemer. The decision
was In favor of lludlo. Jerry Shea , the dep
uty elurk , telephoned Hudlo to como down to
the court house. When Umllo put In mi ap
pearance he was Infoi incd Unit the case had
gone against him. A longer face was never
woni by mortal man. Ills closely clipped
hair bristled up with indignation.
The pcrsphation stood forth on Ins
manly brow mid ho was as
teacly to swear us any Christian could be. Ho
dropped into a chair and thought. As soon
as ho could rally from his despair lie swore a
big swear that ho unvor heard of so unfair a
decision , and hi' would spend a thousand dollars
lars to carry up the case , and win it. Ho
told tliu clerk that ho wanted to appeal it , for
ho wouldn't stand it. Tliu clerk told him
that it would be necessary to lllo a bond of
JtJiM if ho wanted to appeal it. File it ! Of
coin so he would. Ho had the bond made
out , and signed it , and just then his attorney
came in. The bond was handed him to look
over , and a smile came over the barrister's
face , as lie asked George what In tlio world
ho was doing appealing a case which had
been decided in his favor. The truth was
out , and George turned himself around and
invited everybody to kick him
George rushed to the telephone oftlco and
.sought to square it all by telling his partner ,
Hears , to send down to the couit house right
away a box of thu best cignrs in the place.
After a little waiting , during which time the
crowd , as well as the plot , thickened , a box
of cigars was brought into the ofllee. Tltero
were no takers when the box was opened ,
for rcvcuiU ! stamps were never wasted on
wore horrible smellers. George was mad.
Ho couldn't sec why his partner should send
down any such things as those. Ho went to
the telephone and expressed his mind pretty
freely , antt insisted on having some eigais
sent down which gentlemen could smoke.
Soon after a box of fragrant ones arrived. It
then leaked out that the offensive box was
one of the election supply which was
brought up from down stairs and was not
sent down from the Manhattan. It was an
afternoon of perplexity and trial for poor
George. Ho has made his record as being the
only man in the city who takes an appeal
from a decision which is just as he wants it.
E. II. Sheafo loans monov on chattel
security of every description. Private
consulting rooir. . All business strictly
confidential. Oll'.ve ' 600 Broadway , cor
ner Main street , uj'-stairs.
Tipton has bargains in real estate.
Full line of sheet music at Council
Blutl's Music Co. , Uiil Broadway.
An Accident , Not Suioiile.
The death of Mrs. George Marshall lias
brought out , as i.s always thu case , tliu latust
words and acts of thu victim of this tragedy.
Iturlifo for mere than thirty years is before
the community , and In it all does not appear
a reason sullicicnt to lead her to an aet of
bclf-dcstruction. The more the matter is
canvassed by the friends of the deceased , thu
more apparent is the absence of any possible
motive. This fact , with others that appear ,
impel a strong belief that the death was not
only entirely unpremeditated but purely acci
dental this , notwithstanding the fact that
the coroner's jury returned a different ver
dict. These facts appear : Her home and
other relations were congenial. She was
preparing for a prolonged visit to her
daughter , mid anticipated this event with
much pleasure. There exists nowhere any
evidence of insanity , except In the
supposition that this last act was
a willful one. Khe was performing
her household duties in the ordinary
way. The dust cloth was found near the
body , showing that she was doing this part of
the work when thu accident happened. In
dusting this room her linbit was to cleanse
the bureau and the articles upon it , including
tlio revolver which caused the death. It is
believed that while she was doing this the
wer.pon in some manner was accidentally dis
charged. This conviction is very strong in
the minds ot those who have sought for a
probable explanation of this tragic termina
tion of a noble life.
The finest bread at C1. J. Swan's bak
ery , -115 Main ; fresh cakes and confec
tionery _
Kverythiug from a Jewsharp to a
piano at C. B. Music Co. , ± 21 Broadway.
Tlio Coiiiinn Uncos.
The track at Union park is in splendid con-
dilion. It has been thoroughly harrowed
and rolled , and is as smooth as a floor. It Is
in use nearly nil the time at present , and
witnesses daily several line exhibitions of
speed. New arrivals are constantly com
ing and the stables arc well llllcd. Thoraces
races are extensively advertised and the
prospect of an unusually largu attendance is
very Haltering. The programme , which Is a
very Interesting ono , Is appended :
First day , Tuesday , July : i. Uacc No. 1 ,
2.411 trotting , purse tOO',1. Uico No. 2 , 2:25 :
trotting , purse ? OJU. K-ico No. 3 , 2:25 : pac
ing , puisofHOO.
Second day , Wednesday , July 4. Uace No.
4 , 'J"J : trotting , pun > o "OIK ) . H ice No. 5 , 2:155 :
pacing , purse $ TiU < ) .
Third ; day , Thursday , July 5.Uaco No. 0.
2 : fW trotting , purse frdoo. Uaco No. 7 , 2'U :
trotting , purse * ( > Ml. Uace No. 8 , free-for-all
pa-ing , purse iOK ) .
Fourtii day , Friday , July ( I. Uaco No. 9 ,
2.W ) trotting , purse fOJU. Uico No , It ) , 2 : ' . ' ( )
trotting , purse Jinx ) .
There will bo clniKot races every day , and
in addition to this on thu Fourth , there will
bo a milo race between four riderless thor
oughbreds , and an exciting umbrella race.
The engineers htrilco for Durlin Bros ,
for their groceries , 63S Broadway , I'd
Lloyd will take your ordor. Tel. UO.
Travelcrsl Stop at the Bcchtole.
Sociirinir tlio Hotel.
The hotel committee of tliu board of trade
held a meeting yesterday afternoon to dis
cuss tlio situation. On looking over the subscriptions -
scriptions , it was found that several of them
were to bo doubled In cao tliu Pacific house
bite was selected Several parties have
promised to give , hut their names are not yet
on the paper. Two or three wealthy and
public-spirited citizens huvo been out of the
city and have not yet been seen. After can
vassing the matter thoroughly , it was de
cided that the remaining sum could bo raised
by this evening , or Monday evening at the
least , so that the Chicago syndicate can bo
notified during the early part of next weuk.
The solicitors will start out this morning
with renewed vigor , and it is hoped that the
matter will be shortly settled.
Artists pTofor tlio Ilallett & Davis
piano , at C. B. MtisleCo. , 4 Broadway.
S. B. Wudsworth & Co. loan money.
The New Directory-
It is a very neat little volume published by
D. O. Uunbar ft Co , of Omaha , and a cursory
examination indicates that , while not free
from errors , it is above the average by quite
a percentage. The general directory shows
7,40'l names listed , an increase of nearly two
thousand names over the last directory , in-
dicutlng that at least Council IJlults has
thirty thousand population , There1 arc so
many changes being rmulo as to make n
yearly directory a necessity , and this comes
when the necessity is greatest. It is revised
up to the 1st of May.
Personal Pnrriiirnplii.
C. Hnldanc , Esq. , has returned homo from
Miss Mary Hazard Is homo for the summer
C. M. Wcthcrald , of Hebron , Neb. , was In
the city yesterday.
J. I ) . Wancn. of St. I.ouis , is looking after
his real estate interests In this city.
Mr. Sanndcrs , of Avocn , one of the early
settlers of the county , was in the city yester
Horace Everett has rcttirnnd from his
eastern visit , accompanied by his son , Master
Mrs. L.V. . Tnlleys , with other Council
IJluffs people , is spending a season at the
Crete Chautauqtia assembly.
Mrs. Wells , daughter of Mr. Gcorgo Mar
shall , arrived In the city last evening 'o at
tend the funeral of her mother.
Mrs. J. C. Mitchell returned last evening
from her visit to Martinsvillc , Ind. , where
she has been for the past three weeks.
Phil , son of N. P. Dodge , has returned
from Kiisthampton , Mass. , where ho has been
attending school the last iear at Williston
It. S. Hichardson , of the Itevero house , has
returned from his trip to Chlcapo. where ho
took in the convention , and can tell just how
the thing happened to go us It did.
Mrs. H. J. Chambers and children , Miss
Clnribcl and Master Freddie , left over the
Northwestern yesterday morning for Mason
City , where they will spend several weeks
visiting relatives and friends. They will
pass part of the season at Clear Lake sum
mer resort.
An AtiHolmc Cure.
is only put up in largo two ounce tin boxes ,
and Is an absolute euro for old sores , burns ,
wounds , chapped him Is , and all skin erup
tions. Will positively cure all kinds of piles.
MENT. Sold by Goodman Drug Co. at 23
cents per box by mail 30 cents.
Celebrate tlio Fourth.
For the coming Fourth of July tlio
AVabasli Western railway will tell
tickets between all btiitions. Including
St. I.only , Kansas City , St. Joseph ,
Council BlttlTs and Dos iMoini's , at one
faro for the round trip. Thc-jO tickets
will be on bale July 8 and ! , not peed
returning until after July 5. For fur
ther particulars apply to J. C. Mitchell ,
corner of Main anil I'earl streets , or
to the nearest ticket agent of the
Wubnsh Western.
Drink Maltoutsoda fountain.
The Jjeatlcr of n Gang ArreslcU
What is regarded by the police as a most
Important capture was made last night be
tween 11 and 12 o'clock. It has been known
for some time that a gang of cracksmen were
operating in the city , and notwithstanding
thp police have been on the constant lookout
for them they have succeeded in getting in
their work in several places and getting
away without detection. For several days
past a number of suspicious characters have
been shadowed with the hope of nailing the
whole party. The fellow now in the toils is
about forty years of a-jc , short in stature , of
dark complexion , with a full beard. He is
agreeable in conversation and apparently
well educated. Chief Lucas , who made the
arrest , is satisilcd that these nocturnal depre
dations have been committed by an organ
isation of thieve" , and that ho now has the
leader of the gang.
The fellow was found in the neighborhood
of Deere , Wells & Co.'s warehouse , and when
arrested offered little resistance. He claimed
to be a highly respectable gentleman and was
greatly insulted at the indignity thus put upon
him. He was taken to the station , where he
was thoroughly searched. Ho gave his name
as John Pepper , residence Chicago. Upon
his person were found a variety of books ,
papers , etc. , such as usually constitute an all
around crooks outlit. Among tlio more sus
picious was a sketch book , Illled with hasty
and partially finished drawings of several
buildings in this city. Some of these were
ho well executed that they were readily rec
ognized by the oftlccrs present. These are
herewith given that our readers may see
what kind of a man the law has in its grasp.
The first is crude , and gives no definite idea
except when taken in connection with the
vgos METCALF BROTHERS Furnishing Goods , ft
Lowest Prices , , Clothing , Hats , Caps , oto. v jj
3VT , F. ROHRBR , William SiBdontapf ,
iA.xi rejs'r.A.'r _ . Dtftler In- < , ffardman , Emrdt & FisTicr
a ; mwwt Cfty A.Coutitj REAL ESTATE
. . . 103 Mtln St Council ninfTt.
MUTUAL LlFt IK3. CO. Naw York.
_ _ 1SU St. Manr'iAv..Omkhf.
Largest Capital and Surplus CITIZENS STATE BANK Your Patronage ,
O of Any Banh in ihooity. , Is Sdlicltccf.
I .
A , D.Faster , ' \t \
Paint. Abstracts of Title
* , , Wholesale. Santa Rasa
No. 8. Pearl St. . ARE THE BEST.
q p K
Manufacturer of Kino fan iagrs mid Unties. H. F. H ATTENH AUER I iihvujs Id-op in slm-k pt'lur o variety of eastern
I luivo always a full stock to select from. . . , make run-win's , whio-'n 1 boll situ vi-rv low rato.
Call ami examine. Prices Low. \ON. ar t : l * INmrlli Slveoi. 1 atunlwius K-adv to show floods.
To these acquainted with the buildings of
this linn the above sketch will bo recognized
as the third story of the main building. The
second and ground floors follow in order. K.
indicates clovatois.
? „ rn 3
ir ;
i i § Is
O ui If
13 ) ri.oou.
as ;
O n' 5"
5"n 5"O
O S 3 CAn
: Stairs :
An imperfectly executed outside view of
the grounds and buildings was also found.
Having an excellent cut of the baine it is
here given :
NO , 1.
In this diagram , as In these following , 1)
evidently means door and \V window. This
is a very correct outline of Deare , Wells &
CO.'H 1101 111 building.
NO ,
rnI I
I'pon another another paper was found a
full list of the specialties earned by this firm.
What use the fellow intended to inane of
this is a mystery. Nevertheless hero it is :
John Dcero plows , Deere spring cultiva
tors , Deere parallel beam cultivators , Colum
bia riding cultivators , Queen tongueless cul
tivators , New Deal plows , Gilpln sulky
plows , Ucero combined listers , 1'rairlo gem
breakers , Prairie Queen breakers , Victor
bcalos , corn planters and check rowers , stalk
cutters , Moline farm wagons , Moline moun
tain wagons , Moline dray wagons , Crown
mowers , Holiublo hay rakes , Little .Buckeye
feed grinders , Slaver's UucUeyo feed grind
ers , Kclipsc seeders , I'raino city t.cedors ,
Kcllpsu fanning nulls , I'owcr corn shellers ,
liand corn shelters , powers , binder
Upon another slip was a list of the vehicles
carried by this concern , with the suggestive
words : "Send for catalogue. "
After viewing this lay-out of this memor
anda , the reporter wasot thooninlon that the
fellow was a iiair-lmiiiied crank , and ho do-
tcrmmed to interview him. Jailer Uarbyto
opened the door , and Pepper came to the
" .So they have got you at last , " said the
"J suppose they think they have , but I'll '
give "em a turn yet that'll make 'em bald-
headed , " responded Pepper.
"You had your arrangements all made to
'crack' Deere , Wells & Co. , didn't you ( "
"Oh , you're so smart I'll lot you llnd
that out. "
" What have you done with Morgan's
watch. "
" ' all . "
"Morgan's watch is right.
"Ibii'l that the ono the police found on
you I"
"Morgan can tell whether it Is his or not. "
"An implement warehouse is a curious
place to rob. You wanted to 'harrow' up
some one's feelings , eh I Or perhaps you
wanted to 'cultivate' a wider ; acquaintance in
tlio city. How many threshing machines did
jou have in iour poc-Kels when you were
arrested ! "
"Don't get funny , young man. 1 know
you are a reporter from jour cut , but you'll
get nothing out of mo. "
"Tlio oftlccrs think you intended to steal a
freight car , load it up with agricultural im
plements and run it into the country to
bell. "
"Perhaps you think that couldn't bo done ,
but I'll tell you btnarter tricks than that have
been turned. "
Seeing nothing could bo got out of the
fellow the reporter gave up and ictircd. Ilia
examination will probably take place to-day ,
and on this showing of evidence- there is no
rpjo&tion but that ho will bo bound over.
Oecro , Wells & Co. are fortunate in that this
contemplated r.ud upon their establishment
was ni ] pid in the bud ,
A Childi'Cii'M Jtocltiil.
A very enjojablo chiidrn.'i roc-ita ! was
given nt Mui'llci's music Imll last evening
by the pupPs of Miss Julia Ofllecr. 1 here
was n large audience pi emit , who thor
oughly appreciated tl.c fine milliner in which
thu pi ogi ammo was iciideicd. The young
musicians acipiittcil themselves very credit
ably , hot h to their teacher mid themselves ,
executing several diflicult pieces exceed
ingly well. The following is the programme :
I'UtT I.
" March " Two Pianos
"Wedding , ( )
Missrs Hrekwcll and Orrcn. Giaco
McKoii/io and Grace Heebo.
( i. "Uemhraace , " ( Piano and Cornet.Lango )
It. "Minuet" Mozart
Carrie and Willie Murphy.
"The Hrootn and the Hod" Hcinecke
Helen French.
"Mexican Scrr.nado" Langley
Gussio Honn and Jessie Heche.
. "Hetour Uu Printcmps" Moelling
Grace Heebe.
"Polka Fnntasio. " ( Two Cornets.Steinipcr )
Mr. Perry Hndollct and Willie Murphy.
"Through Forest and Field , " Lange
Giisslo Honn.
"Scrcnata , " Mos/kowski
Hessio Siiuirc and Grace McKuurlc ,
"Happy Farmer , " opS ( Schumann
Jessie Heebe.
"Stephanie Gavotte,1' Czibulka
Hessio Squire and Frankie Uailey.
"The Good Old Cock , " Keinecko
( With Cackle Accompaniment. )
Hessie Squire , Hell Hnyder , Frankie Dailoy ,
Carrie Murphy. Jessie Heobo , Helen
U.ddwin , Mabel IJrowii and
Gussio Ilonn.
Make no Mistake.
Hy dispelling tliu symptoms so often mis
taken for Consumption. SANTA AlillS has
brought pladnpss to many a household. Hy
its prompt tibe for breaking up the cold that
too often develops into that fatal disease.thou-
hinids can be saved from an untimely grave
Yon make no mistake by keeping a bottle of
till" , pleasant rimr-dy In your house. CALI
FORNIA CAT-K-CUHE Is equally effective
in eradicating all traces of nasal catarrh. Hoth
of these wonderful California remedies are
sold and warranted by Goodman Drug Co.
SI a package , It for " -li.fiO.
SITClAIi advertisements , such ns Lostround ,
To I.oiin , rorSsile , To KentWants , Hoarding ,
etc- . , will be ItiM-ite-l in this column nt the low
rnteuf'ITNtTNTS'M'lt I.I.Vi : for the tlret In-
t-urtlon and live fonts Per Mm1 for each subse
quent insertion , l.ravo ndvuttlscmt'iits at our
ollii e , No. 1 I'eurl t-trect , near llroailway.
Coimi II lllulls. ] imj\ .
I \lis.SMAKIXJ ( : Also iilnln sewing done nt
J.J No. 1TJ7 Third nvunuu , or by thu day.
FOH HA U" Tlio best smiill fruit anil vt'Kfta
bio farm la I'ottawattamlo county , two
miles from Council lllulls jinstollict' , ntaprlco
Hint will " -ell It , on ri'imirkably easy tt'rias.
Title perfect and pioperty in good i oncllllon.
"osseshlou glvt'ii any timt1. ( Jood it-as-on for
SM-lling. H. 'I' , llryiint A : Co. , O S HroaiUvay ,
Conni 11 lllulls , la.
POIt TKADI" Povcrnl ctoi-ks of mvrrhantllxe ,
als lmpruvi > d and milmprovvd farms. John
ston A Van I'utU-n , ! -Main st.
] OST A fiinnll breastpin , design of Kitten ,
Avith it'll oyi-s. I.L'iivo at lloo olllcc.
FOK SA IK Tliivo year old hoi-hc. ( ientle
nnd t-oimd. IMu' Ninth ht.
" \ \ 7"A.N"I ii : > A middle nye < l wimian , to keep
> V lioiisu. A. llezulllno , IKCI Ilioiuhvay.
o HUNT Immedialely. for the summer , n
- . good furulshi-it house , HI rooms ; closet unit
bath room ; city \\uter. Apply on premise" , kK
Mb uvo.
AIDANT To exchange Nebraska or Wl consln
form lands for Council lllulls or Omaha ,
jiroperly or ineiehandlhe. o. 1' . MuKeHSou.
EWI1.I. biiyKoodseeond-hand furniture , stov
nnil carpets ; will pay full cash value. A
Manilel. ; K ! llro.ulwiy.
" \"ANTED . StocKs ol merrhandlso. llavs
IT Uinuhn mid Council lllulls city property ,
alfo western lund to exeluui o for good * . Call
on or address Johnson A ; Christian , Itoom 35 ,
Clmmberof Commeiee. Omaha.
Foil SAU" At i bargain , 40 acres near Mock
yards , South Omaha , Neb. , Johnson is
Clirlstl.iD , Itoom 35 , Chamber of Commerce ,
Omaha ,
W ANTKU A first-class cook ut theCiestoa
OUST * E "XT ®
Vou ran get it In nny amount , on cither shorter
or longtime , on clmttal or real estate security
Has real estate of all kinds. Call on or address
L. II. CralU , K5I llroadway , Council lllullH.
Instructor of Music ,
No. Ill HtuteMiian Mreet , Couin ll Illulfs , and
Meinbcrg's Mus.le Store. | ) < IKU street , Omaha
Star Stables and Mule Yards
UroaUuio , totiiK.l llhiird , Opp. Dummy Depot
Ilnrbt-s ami mules constantly on hand , for
fcalo at ret all or I near load lotn. . , , ,
( Jrdcrs promptly tided by contract on short
on commission.
111 bCIIU" ! Bll i WtlMY.
Dummy Uupot Ikjuni il UlulTJ
M. B. SNYDER , A. M. . M. D.
Physician and Surgeon
DiscJifaOBof Women and Children ,
1AI7 llroa&\vay , Council llluUa ,
CO. ,
Especially Adapted foe
Mills and Elevators ,
pa * aHmmtfatt + s * * * mtm * mm * *
- : - - .
Spcclllcntlons ami estimates furnished for complete steam plants , llegulatlon. Durability ( ! uiu >
outced. Can show letters from nserrf where fuel i'conomy Is equal with Corliss Nou-L'ondciislnij.
HOUSE , coi'iVcii , HM'rrs , IO\VA.
Send for Catalogue , E. C. HARRIS , Manager.
Wrought and Oast FOR
i , Antomntic r IfBI TO Jltf/hcat Economy ,
trlvlGqB I w B" * \
r. New cO 2d llnrnl B.lvUII'SLiU ' Simpltclti/ and Jnritbilit// / ,
Nos. 1100 to 11"00 , Tenth Avenue , Council I31uTsIa. ! Telephone 100.
II. ( ilt.VUL , Miuiufnuturpp.
XO. 101 C. mCOAUWAY.
- : - - : - ,
CAR'ITK Si SON , Veopi.
AH Kinds of Steam Boilers & Sheet Iron Work.
Orders by mall for repairs promptly attended
to. Satisfaction Miariintevii. Uth Avenue. Ad-
dicsbOgden Holler Works. Council llliiirnIo\\a.
WOUroaaway Council Illntra , Iowa. Ustabllihoil
NO. rt'JI SIIN ST. ,
cot'.vcit , m-tri's , : IOWA
4 '
aicsT j *
A Full Assortment of Harness Gooda t'on
fctantly on Hand.
Hcpnlrlng Neatly nnil rroinplly Done.
NO. 205 MAIN ST. ,
0. H. McDAHELD & CO , ,
Hides. Tallow. Pelts ,
Wool and Furs.
Highest Market Prices. Prompt
KSJ and KS Main Klroet.Councll
Main St. , Council muffs.
Only Hotel In the City with Fire Eecapo
and Electric Call Uel'.b.
Accommodations First Class ,
K.'ites Always Keasonable
$15 ,
The Mori la Typo Writer In a practical , wel
inailu mill llni'lj llnl lied muchaio , andcombliul
tin' pcrfeil letterlni ; . exact ullluuuicut , unl
iUini wiUiiiKol iihlMh nrlied willur. The HI > 1
fcd.N Ml.MioiHAI'll. : the debt upparutui madl
foi iiianlfuldliiK iiutoKiaphle itiul typu wrltu'i
, rX ; .I.OilU copies an be taken. TVI'K WIUTK1
fciippiii'8 for siila Bi-nd forcirculuis. TUo Uj :
colMor ( 'o. , Count II lllutls.lii ,