HE OMAHA "DAILY EIGHTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA. SATURDAY MOURNING , JUNE 30 , 1SSS , NUMBER 12 : THE SALARIES OF ODRSASBYi A Substantial Increase In Almos Every Instance. THE REUNtON AT GETTYSBURG Indication Tlmt It Will He ; Grand Success Mlulsteirs' Sons In 1'ollt low Democrat H Hedging ( Jonslp. 1'ny or Nolirnnkii I'ostmnfitors , WAsmxeJTox lluitEUj TiiBQwvttv HRB , BIS FofiiTF.iiXTit STIIP.ET , WASIIIXOTOX. D. C. . Juno 2'J. At the poatoftlco departmeml to elay the n adjustment of the Nebraska postmaster s.i nrles was completcel. They will bo as fo lows for the fiscal year beginning July next Sunday' Alusworlh , from $1,100 I $1,200 ; Alma , from $1,10. ) to SI.2CO ; A rapt hoc , $ l,100lol,200 ; Ashlnnd. from $1,100 t $1,500 ; Atkinson , from $1,2)0 ) lo $ l,3w : Auburn , froml(00 ( to $1,100 ; Aurora , froi $1,500 tt $ lC.Oo ; Hlalr , Irani $1,500 lo $1,001 Hlno Hill , from $1,20) ) to $1,00) ; Hreiku Uow , from $ l.i > OJ to 1,001 ; Ciunbrldgc , ftoi $1,000 to fourth class ; Central City , froi $1,500 to $ lao ; Chadron , from $1,70) t $1,000 ; Creighton , from $ I,1UO t $1,2)0 , ; Culberlson , from $1,0)0 ) t $1,100 ; David City , fiom $1,100 t $1,500 , ; Edgut , from -51,20 , ) to 5I,10 < Falrbttry , from $1,000 to $1,700 ; Falls Cili from $1.1' .b $1,700 ; Fremont , from $2 , : IO t $2,41T , . rlctid , from $1-IO ( ) to $1,1100 ; Fullei Ion , from $1,109 to $1,210 ; Geneva , froi $1,100 to $1,200 ; Grand Island , from $2,200 t $2,300 ; Harvard , from $ ! , : < ) to $ l,2JO ; line tingB , from ? 2,100 to $2,500 ; Hebron , froi ? l,400to $ ll)0 : ! ) ; Holdrcg" , from Ji.doti t $1TCO ; Iiidiunola , from $100 ! ! to $1,200 , ; Keai nuy , from $2,000 to ? i,100 ; Lincoln , froi $3,100 loV-0)Loup City , from $1.100 t $1,200 ; Madison , from $1,000 to 51.200 ; Nc braskn City , from $2,000 to $2,2)0 ) ; Ncligl from .51,000 to $1,10J ; Norfolk , from * lM)0 ( ) t $1TW ) ; North Hend , from $1,200 lo51,10 , Ogallaln , from $1,100 to $1,200 ; Orel , froi $1,100 to $1,310Oilcans. ; fromM.irO to $ l,30t Plallsmoulh , from $1MX ) to $3,000 ; St. Pan from $1,500 to fel/iOO ; Schujlcr , from $ l"iO to$1,000 ; Seward , from $1,500 lo Sl.TtH ) : Sie ncy , from ? 1IOO to $ lfi'iO ' ; South Oniuhi from $1,700 to $1 bO > ) ; Sterling , from * 1,1IK ) t fourlh class , Slromsburg , fioin $1,200 t & 1,10J : Button , from $1.200 to ยง 1,300 ; Tcki limb , from $1,100 to 51,000 ; Wuhno , froi 1,700 to $1C > 0 < > , Weeping \Vutor , freim si,1C to $1,100. West Point , $1,200 to fl.J'.OO , Wi bcr , from 51 , 00 to 1,100 ; York , from $1K to $1U < K > . , TIII : ttr.t xtox AT enn : i snuitn Arrangements are being made for nn in : iiicnso e-ulebrution of the battle of Gutty burg , Pa , becinnlng nc.\t Sunday and lusl ing over the Fouith ot July. Several scni tors and rcpiesuntatlves In the house will b theio anel a largo number of the men an officers who fought in tlio battle on hot sides will bu present. Theio will be tegiilii camp lifo and the gruy and the blue in again to commingle together. The Unite States troops furnished to take part in tli reunion arrived theio ye tui day. There ar Jlvo batteries of heavy aitillcry under tli command of Colonel Gibson and of these two are from Fort McIIeiiry. The othc , three heavy batteries are from this citj ' , AVith them wns one battery of light urtillerj Major Turnbull commanding , and two eon k panics of the Thiret cavalry from Fort Mye : under Major Caipcnter , with their horse : W In nccoidance with tliu iee'cnt resclutum o congress , leave for Hie 2el and 3d tl.ij s r , July without loss eif time fiemi their annul luavo bus been giuntcd to nil employes ei Ihu government who paiticipatcd In Hi battle of Gcttjsburg. A large nuinbur i : old soldieiH will avail themselves of till opportunity. DlMK ( HVTS nrnoiNO eS' mi : rum r. The democrats in the house aio hedging , i fust ns possible on the Mills tariff bil Whenever tlio Intelust of a e-loso democrat ! congressional elisliict is nmtcii.illy afleetc by the measure , tlio member reprcsunltn that district is pcinnttud to propose- amendment and it is adopted by a .solid den ocratlc vote. If a lepnblicau ptopoM-s a iiinenelment il is voted doun by a iiraelluall Hollel democratic \oto , und with gie-at rcgt larily. FOUTtXVTi : MI.VISTnts' MJXS. This is a pi city good year for minister ! sons , President Cleveland is a son of Methodisl clergunan , Mr. Moiton is thu so of a Congiegutlomil elurg\inun , and Genoiv Harrison is the sou-ln-law of n Prcsb.vterta clcrg.vman , us well as being an eleler m th.i c'nuich himself. Judge Tliurman is the so of a Methodist clergyman. Hov Dr. Scott , who was u professor n Miami college when General Hurriseni was student theio , was afterwuids the prmcip , of a Tumalo seminary in Indiana and is now elurk in Iho pension ofllcco here , u noble lool Ing and lovable e > ld gentleman , who rcslek with u wieloucd diiUKhtur , and although e : an advanced age , is still in vigorous lieultl and performs his duties with punUunllty nn ability. General Harrison has another sistor-in-lu' In Washington , whoso daughter , his niece Miss ICato Scott , iccently eloped with Washington Journalist and is quite prominci and popular us a vocalist. She bus u tin soprano voice , carries thai p.nt in tlio ipiai tolto of Calvary chinch , and appears al a the aniulcur conceits of any account given i Washington , Her brother , aemng mane twenty-onu or two. is employed in the Chus Nutlonul bunk at New York. ANUNAirilOKUI.il \ \ OX SlIKHM VN. The publishers of General Sherieliin' ' book appealed to his brother , Colonel Slier dun. regarding tliu annouiiceinont of lit publlcMtlon of another lifo of th general , whuli appears to bo ii tended to elccelvo this pi-nplo ami t bo sold upon the strength of th boom which his inemons will create Thu.same uuthoiR and the same puhlicutio liouso Issued a life of Piesnlcnl Giunl unek similar circumstances , and fen a similar pin pose when Grant's memoirs wuro published and the cunvusseis solel a good iiian.v e'opie by mlsiepreseiiting It as the work whic Giant wrote himself. Colonel Shoriela ItnouBof no means by which tlio fruiiel cu bei prevented , ns any onu 1ms a right to pul lisli n Ufa of the genural , anel his career is s well known , and so far a matter of publ ! record that It would not be dllllcult to do se The only recourse Is to adveitisu the Impos lion and wain people ugulnst It , which th general's friends hope the newspapers of th country will do. The general's muinoirs cot tain upon the title page suflicient evidence t identify them , but people will still bu Imbl to deception by dishonest agents. MISll.l.LAXCOl'tj , In the senate to duj Senator Mandcrso icported favorably the liouso bill uxteiidin the leaves of ubsunsu of omployes of tlio guv eniment printing ofllco to tlinty days niHtca of tlftcen. In order to curry out the piovis iou ho submitted an aineiidinciit to thu sur drv civil hill increasing the npproprlatio from $ W,000 to $ lli.,000. . It will bu but short time till Unity d.ijs leave will b t-riintcd in each year to all employes of th t'ovcrnmcnl Thu bill granling a pension to Hattie K Hni'ntoo , of Nebraska , 1ms been sent lo Hi president ntiet will likely be signed. 1'EI.UV S. HlUTII. ( Army Orelern. WASHIXOTOX , Juno 19. [ Special Tolegrat lo Tim IJur. ] The suporinlcndcul of the i cruiting soivlco will c.uiso thirty colore cavalry recruits to bo unsigned to the Nlnt cavalry and for winded to such pom tor point in the Department of tno Platte as thu con mandmg general of the department shall dt Elgnnto. After their arrival in tiintdcpuri inent Iho rccrutts will bo distributed n e/iuitubly ns pructicablo 11111011 ; ; the troops o the icgimcnU sciving therci.n , . JPirbt Licuicnutit F. J. Patten , Twenty ttis Infantry , Is relieved from the further oppra tion of paragraph C , pee-lal orders No s ] April , KSSyith llto approval of Iho seetc lary of wnr. The extension of leave of absence grantc Firsl Lieutenant F. J. Patten. Twenty-firs infantry , in special orders No. 10 , January K is still further extended one month. First Lieutenant John 1C. Warring , Soewi Infantry , Is iclloveel from elutv as n tnonine of the general e-ourt martial convened n David's island , New York harbor , by specif orders No. 2.51 , October T , Is r , from till ofl'ce First Lieutenant James A. llutton , Kiphl Infantry , IH detailed for duty ns a member e the general court mart lal con venM at O.ivieV Island , New York harbor , by special order No. 24 : ? , October 7 , 1 7. a Postnl Chniinc , Juno 2'J. ( Special Tck gram to Tin : Hun 1 A postofllco has bee cslabllslicd at Presser , Adams county , nn Samuel W. Smith appointed pastunstor. The postoflkes nt 1 Inner , Pierce Mimtj and Indian Creek , York county , will hu dl1 continued ftom July 1. Tliu following postmasters have been it | pointed : Avery Hutler , Lattin , Ke.vu Pah county , vice William II. Lattin. icsignoel H.M'on ( iilinnn. Hedington , Che.\cniiocounl\ \ vli-o ICuireno U. Vanolcneiu , resigned ; II. lie gats , Lindsay , Plattc county , vice Charles I Field , resigned : William L. ( jritnby , Nat tasket , liuffalo county , vice Sidney .V Walker , resigned ; William Hitchcock , Whl ney , Dawes county , vice Charles L. Carte : resigned. \VnltliiK KenClonr Wcntliur. Wi niNOTON , Juno 21) ) . It is stated i Qenortil Sheridan's liouse this nioinlng tin ho slept well during the nighl and was res ing quietly this morning. Theio wns a lieav rainfall during the morning , and llm wcathe was cold and damp. The removal of Cei oral Shendun , it is stated , will be postpone until it clears up and the conditions ni more favorable than at present. General Sheridan had some Indigestion i the earlier part of the ilny. With this e : ceptlon his condition Is better than at an time during the week , llu will not bo take to thu Swatara until all conditions aio sail factory. _ NKW YOUK lUJ Aletropeilltnii Ojiern HOIIHR Crowtlc with an nntlmsliistio Auellenocr. NKW YOUK , Juno 20. The Metiopolitn opera house wns croxvdeel to night with i publicans uho had assembled under the m apices of Hie republican club to intify tl nominations of Hairison and Mo'ilon. Tl : presiding officer was Edwin d T. Hintlett I opening the meeting ho spoke in warm prai1 of the icpublican platform and of the canel dates. Ho alluded to Han ison ns : i pattu and statesman , and refei red to his service in the field and in the senate. ' ' * Of Lcvl P. Motion lie s'l'ie ! the bankin liouso of which ho was the head had largol aided in the resumption ol specie paymoi and funding of thu public debt. The first speaker intioduced wnsCongro i man Uoswcll G. Dorr , of Michigan. 11 said : "I come to you from the fur west fo the purpose of saying to you that wu inluni to Join hands with you in redeeming th United States of Amciica. I sat as a dele gate in the convent ion and , although it ell not select the man 1 favoicd , it did its wor fairly and well. It gives us the clear-cu issue of iirolection to the industries of An erica The issue has been nan owed do\ui t the question , Winch had better innnaf. this nation , the lepnblican clubs of tin country or the Cobden club of Knglanei ; " At this point General William T. Slierma enteied and was greeted with cheers. Continuing , Mr. Hun said' "When w nominated our ticket Gre.it Biitain had n cheers for us "General Harrison may be moudof In ancestry , but wo depend moie upon the ma for what he is himself than what Ins unce- tors wero. The democrats have told us tin is not to bo a personal campaign , that nolhin. is to bo said as to personal elmiaclei They admit nothing cun be suid against th -personal chaiacter of our c.indiel.ues. W lire going to carr.v tins election for protee tion to American industries. Tins Mills hi the'y want to saddle on us is not \vhut will d for Michigan. Wo in Michigan raise 1 1 000,0(10 ( pounds of wool Uisl \ ear. Wu cu many million feet of lumber. This they wan to put on thu f ice list. It is the ! sumo wit our irem and copper , mid je't they s.i Michigan may go democratic. Michigan hu been taken out of the list of doubtful state' Man.\ other states will bo given up b the elcmocrats before November. What w want is piotoctioi. for our mdiislries. W must retain our tariff to enable our working inun to cant ( . .oodvajies. . "There in u manica , onsliv the dcme crutic party can not be kept in power. Thu have not told the truth in anj thing sine1 tluiy went into peiwci over thifo ye-ais aur 1 went to Chicane to see that the truu p.nt of Ibis counlr.x heiieled its ticket with th nanio of u man who foucht mid emlungcrc his life for tins grand nation. The tell mo 1 should not talK ei the past ; llial I should not fan to life slumbering boring embers. If 1 weiu a democrat should like lorgctfulness and consider it divmo attribute. Now my friends wei ar going into tins light a united putty. H.thu . ticket wo have taken Indiana out of th doubtful states. Indiana we have witliout doubt. Now how Is New Yoik going ( "Republican , " cried many voices. ] Let tli east and west unite and wo will win as sui ns the ticket is in the field. " Colonel H. ti. Ingersoll was then Intro duced and was warmly gicrtcd. Ilo said ' When a presidential camlnlato is put u most people e-laim that they weio with bin ft om the start. Generally they claim thn Ihoy discovered him. They ui anxious lo Do with the processioi : 1 will be fiank with \ou and < < tiy that I wa not weritmg for the successful Ucke-t bu when Mie convention was thioutih , till wet for the ticket. Some people said I made mistake , but I alwajn know who I am fo and why. When this great body caino tn gether in Chicago its lint act was t honor the mimes of the gieatcst mei that this country has produced - Lincoln and Giunt. Tlio next rcsolntloi adopted by the convention was , 'We em neatly hope thut we shall soon congratulat our Insti fellow citt/ens on the tccovori e > home into in lu-hunl.1 Wlioievor a liunia buingeiars n clmm ( hero is whuio you wil finel the sympathy of the republican p.iit \\ithliim. " The speaker the-i dwelt at e-onslderabl length on the position of the two patties 01 the tariff question , and argued in favor o protection to American industries and big ] \vnccs to American worknigmcn. Warner Miller was the last speaker. H < said the Chicago e'on vent ion htul given th grnnde- ! , ! declaration of principles ever givoi to the American people an Amniicau jilut form from top to bottom ; a platform npoi which any Ameirlrnn could stand , and tli ticket was us good us the platform. Nntlointl Democrat in lleinliinnrle'rt NIH : VKIIK , Juno ' "J.-In confoiiiiity wit the vote of the natioual democratic commt too emtpoworln , ? tlio chairman to appoint , tu executive committee , the chairman has nji pointed such committee. Among the name are thu folljwing Illinois , K M Phelps Iowa , J. J. Kichardsiin ; Wisconsin , j. L Mitchell. The coinnntteo jipjum'oil to pro e-uro headquarter * have Relucted house Na 10 , West Twenty ninth street , New Yoik. Valentine' Itatifles. VU.KXTINK , Neb , Juno -Special [ Tele gram to Tnu Hpe.-Thn | republicans held i ratification meeting to night , endorsing Hat risen and Morton , which included u torcli llcht procession heudol by thu Kighth infar try band from Foil Niobrara. Specchc woiu delivered by J. W. Tuokui- and others Tlio Hanihiu n LONDON , Juno 23.The Samlown park lira summer meeting was opened to-day. Tli race lor the electric stakes , purse of 2ou bovcreigns was won by Bullion. r i ; Shabby Exctico For Dls appointing the Ohautauquaus. TOPAY THE DEACON'S THEFT ! A Pontoon Uriel go on tlio 3Ilssouil- An Immigrant's Suicide Killing tJliuidei-ed Horses Cfops and Untlllontlons. Tlio Nebraska Clmiitntiiiit.i. A'SUMlll.Y QltOlNIH , ClIITn , Neb. , Jlltl O'J. ( Special to Tim Ur.i : 1 When the lieu appointed for the opening exercises arrive yesterday afternoon , such a smalt audienc assembled in the pavilion that it was thougl best to postpone the ex jreises until an earl hour In thoovenlnu. Or. Dunningpleasantl dismissed the small audience by nssurin them that the gentlemen who were to dellvc the nddiess of Axclcomo and the icspons had taken so much trouble to prepare som < thing \\orth hearing that it seemed n pity m to wait for a larger audience to hear win they had to say. The cause of the snia audience was not that there were so fe' ' people upon the grounds , but that poop ] seemed to place business before pleasure an therefore prefcricd to see to the saferv c their baggage and set their household uffali in order before giving their time to publi exercises , however good they might bo. It is no light task for twelve c lUtcon hundred people to get their gooil and chatties neatly an anged in tents tin cottages. Especially is this the case who there is so much delay of baggage us has 01 eurred to day. All trains comnm ftom th east and west have had extra b igpago cm attached , but a surplus of luggaireis reporte to have IK cumulated at Lincoln and i Hastings. Thu depot tit Cietc is also crowdo with uaggngo , which teamsters arc convoj ing to the niounds ns rtiindly as possible. 1 is no uncommon spectacle to seopaiticssi ting disconsolate in the doors of their cmpt tents , signing wearily , and often quit angrily , for the bagfiugo which is ho Blow t come. A few parties there arc who arc i even a worse predicament ; that is , they ar for the time utterly sans baggage , sans ten However a larco force of workmen moon ployed in putting up tents which arnve to day , and all will soon be comfortably es tnblished in satisfactory quarters and wlllin to excuse the petty discomfiture of thei first day in the city of tents. At I o'clock jcsterdny the chorus class me in the pavilion. About forty singers Joine the chics , and the number will piob.ibly b twice doubled when Ur. Palmer arrives Hver.y singer will bo desirous to avail him self of the rare oppoitunity of being ii structed by such an eminent and able mi : sical diiector. At S o'clock an audience of about 2,00 gathered in the pavilion to hear tu opening exercises and the lecture b Colonel Hain. After the auditois had rise and sung "Old Hundred" Colonel UobortCo\\ den , the United Brethren Sunday-school sect c tnry , lead the ld ( ) ) psalm , beginning , " 151cs the I.oid , oh my soul. " Dr. Dunning the oftered the opening prayer , thanking Cod ! fo all the assembly has done for us , for ou children and for our state , and praying tlia this session may influence all who attend i to lead pmer and nobler lives and be moi nctivo in all good works. The uudienci joined with him in repeating the Lord' pr.ncr. Thu hjmn "All Hail the Power o Jesus' Is'amc'1 was followed by a comet sol with piano accompaniment. Supcrintcndcn Dunning then uavo a. bnof opening address expressing gie.it pleasure at seeing so man , familiar laces , and so m my that were ne\\ He believed this session would be ono o unii.ir.ilclled .success. The b.isis of all ou happiness is good homes , good churches am good govcinmcnt , and the basis of all thcs is the bible. While the bible is the basis o all our work on the us-embly grounds , w give.i place to history , literature , music , ait and all good learning. Kvervbo'lv ' will liiul a the assembly something that is woithcomin , for. Dr Dunning then introduced Presided Kossho gave tlio people a coidial welcome congratulated them upon the excellent prc gramme they woio to enjoy , and hoped tlia all would like the assembly so much this yea that thcj would be glad to icturii the next Colonel Main was introduced and gave hi lectuie on "Traits and Trials ol Character.1 When ho began preparing his lecture he hai thought it would bo easy to analy/o and dc scribe human nature. lie could .simply nar rate his observations of the masses of peopl he had met between Castle Garden and th' ' ( iolden Clatc. liut human nature , he iimlu Hsodiveiso and many-sided that it is c.\ cocdmg diflletilt to deal with. It is folly U Judge a man by ono trait of his character , fo out of the most divers-i traits often come tin beit man To study human nature wo inns put aside all piejudice. Had wo hadchaigi of the cication of the world wo piobabl ; would not have mndo a negro or tlio Chinese but God niiidu all races for sonii purpose , and in prnpoition as wo hone and help them all wo aid Clod n cairyiiiK out his pmposo. Little things un suggestive of great things in human nature They are like n'.itelics struck in the dark which burn bat an instant yet show us mucl that 13 about us. Hisour duty to study char noter You can't bo long in the presence o a man before he stnk"S a match that give jon an insight into his character. Many i woman lushes into matiimony without i careful study of the man she marries , am the result is much domestic iinhnpplncss Next to Intemperance Colonel Haln believe1 lliu cause ol tlio greatest evil of our countr1 is electing men to otlico without studying their character to asceituln whether the ; have heart and brain and conscience to rightl' and honestly perform the duties of their of llics.aof all the tvnits of character cultivate most tlio trait of principle , Pimciplo is tin gie.it engine made to fit the track o life. Never use a policy that wil inalto you get oil the track of prlncipli to u.so it. If n thinu' is right , stand by it , evoi if jou are tlio only man in the woildwiii does so You can n fiord to stand by a thiiii that is light , for when jou are dead a thoii sand j oars the gieat car of principle wil still bo on the track. Ilo who .stands by tin right never fails in the sight of Uod mid Hn angels. Peonlo who are not Interested u good works should begin to do something ti help them along and interest will come wilt the doing. Wimt could not God do tor thr gieat audience if all would go to work as H < would have them t Young people should llm out what they are fitted for ami then do it Most of the failures m lifo come from peoph tr.sing to ill ! place- , they aio not fitted for The greatness of this world docs not all belong long to the Sampsons , the Caesars , the Na poleuns , thu Washington * and the Grants Down in the obstuie walks of lifo are nuiir heroes and heroines who will bo rcioginsct as such on thn great d.i.of . reckoning , ( 'olonc Hain has loit none of his oloquenci or his power over ins audience since las year. His address was full of witty storiui and illustrations , and was iiituriuptcd b' ' frequent laughter and applause The hirgi audicnco fully appreciated and enjoyed hi ready wit , his studies of chaiuctcr and hu flights of oratory. Probably the assembly grounds * never lool better than in the evening , when the Ion ; rows of white and blue tents and gaily paint ed cottages tilling the grove , and can p * an clothed with the glamor of electric light The canvas icsidences umko delightfu sleeping places , but las' night the slumber o the tent dwellers was distill bed by the rum bio of bagg.igo wairous until long past mid nifht. The amount of belongings that U.ou people choose to bring into camp with them i astonishing. This mof-ning dawned cool and cloudy. A 0 : * ) about 'JW people attended tlio pra\e mcetint' . which was led by Dr Dunning Alter tor singing "Hock ot Aues" the audienc Joined in repeating tliu llrst psalm , whiul was followed by the reading of th third chapter of Kpheslans and prayer Ir Dr. Dunning. "Tho IndweJling of the Hoi Spirit" w j , the subject of the meeting. Th leader felt hiiro that Christ makes Ininsol felt in every ono of us ; that lit ) llnds ou what our real wants arc and supplies then In a very kindly way. Ho had the conscious ness that these who Itfvc Christ arc here those who love Him sp njuch that they wl surely spur others to' love Him. Man took port in the meotlsnp by brief prajct and the recitation of 'tpm-flpHato texts c scripture. These uiornl'ig meetings are it variably Interesting am helpful. Ur. Dm nlng will le.ul them tint this nlono assure their being well attendea. To-morrow mort In ! * the subject will be "Glorying in Hcdeini lion , " At S o'clock the Intern edlate class met I the normal hall and w is organized by He\ I. 1) . Stewart , about on' hundred and lift children and the same n nnber of adults b < Ing present. At the same hour the choru class met for the sect nd rehearsal. Thl class has already gnnOh so largo that th platform of the pavilion 's ' crowded. The ni vaneed normal class had for the subject o its llrst lesson , "first Truths and 1'rln clples. " Prof. Holmes oiscusscd the subjcc In his usual efficient and interesting mnnnci The professor is ono of the ablest Chautai qua workers and his elus-ios are always we' attended. At 11 o'clock a largo ( jidenoo ! gathered I the pavilion to It-ar Prof. Holme ; llrst lecture on Ungllsh Mslory. His subjcc was to hive been "Alfrc I the Saxon , " but n the manuscript of this lecture is lingcrln somewheio with his bolt ted trunks , he posl potted the lecture until { . -morrow and npok on " 1 ho Claims of Christianity. " Chrlstlat ity , hosiiid. makes four claims : First , th supernatural is not only tfosslblo but probable second , Christianity claims that nn uttlrunci into a supertnitui id life is possible to all b the process of ledctnptlon , which the Savlo calls being born from aboyo ; third , chrlstl anity , claims that a lifo based on the st pcrnatural Is Just as logical as is a lifo base on tlio natuial ; fourth , Christianity claim that it is d coming down to us from the si pernatural to lift us up > i.4 of the nntura These four claims weio BO aptly illustrate ami made so easy and simple that even child could understand and follow the lei turer through his entire address. The arrivals are so numerous that it seem useless to begin giving personals. Colonel Hain delivered his second Icctur this afternoon nt t ! o'clock. The many friends of the popular solois Miss Cora Gates , will bo delighted to lour that she will arrive next Monday and ussis in the musical department during the n mainder of the session. The coming of MU Gates and Dr. Palmer en the same day wi bo glad news to the lovers of music. 'J ho clouds of the morning at noon gav place to bright skies and sunshine , and nlt < gether the second day of the assembly wti all that could bo desired. The following i the ptogrammo for Saturday , JuueUO , Chi dron's Day : 0.HO Prayer service. " S.K1 ( Chorus. S.CO Intermediate class. 1)K ) : ( ) Children's eliisf. 0.00 Advanced normal class , "Tho MCI siah Foretold the Sacnlice. " 10 00 Normal class , ' "History in th 13ible. " ; 10.00 Temperance cinss , "Sabbath Sehoi ' Work" 'J 11 OJ Lecture , Prof , Holmes , "Willian the Normnn Legtslatlcn. " 'J 00 Clnldten's ' meeting. Songs and ai dresses. 4 00-Chorus. j 4.00 Normal class , "principles of Instrui tlon Methods of Instruction Attention , " 1:00 : Advanced normal class , "Tho Mcc siah Foretold Through Types , and Throug the Jewish Kingdom. " 1:1)0 : ) Primary teachers' class. 5:00 : Conference , " \yiiy Young Men nn Women Should Go to Collcgu. " Short ac dresses by President Perry and others. Up to yesterday morqng ( no doubt cxlstei in the minds of the managers of the asscm bly that Dr Talmago wpultl 1111 his engage incut. He was positively engaged severa months ago at his own tonrib. lie has Jus tilled an appointmentnt'Lexington , ICj Fiom tlio hitter plsic , , . . a telegram was re ceived from him this mth'ning , addressed t Mr. F. J. Foss and reading as follows : "Cannot come. Unforscen circumstance make it impossible. Very sorry. Hope ti serve you some other time. 'J' . Dr WITT TM.M lot : . " Repeated telegrams addressed to him a Lexington failed to bring a reply. Last even ing a dispatch was received from Lexington saying : "Don't know whoroTalmagc went. A telegram was then sent to him at Urooh lyn , N Y. , saying : "Thousands waiting for you. H won't d to disappoint them. You must give us Hire lectures during the assembly. Our reputj tion and youis at slake in this section. A : U. DfvsM\o. " The managers hope ho may .yet 1111 h.s en gagement before the close of the assembly Colonel Georsw Main , appreciating the situa tion , arranged by telegraph to postpone hi ne.Mengagement , and will lecture Saturda evening on the "Golden Gate , or the ago am land inhich we live. " On Sunday moriimi he wi'l ' speak on "The safe side of life fo ioung men.1' Mrs. Mary A. Lathroi : of Michigan , will lecture on Mon day evening. No blame for Dr T.ilmngc's failure attaches to the manager of the assembly , as tlio eimagetii'-n' wac positive and unconditional. Colonel Han has been received \\itb the greatest cnthu siasm eat h time ho has spoken , and whei the announcement was made tins evunini that ho would 1111 Dr. Talmago's place th' ' audience responded with great applause. Tlie Flour City of Nebraska. MINDEN. Neb , Juno 29. [ Special to Tn HIT 1 Flour City Is a title well deserved b , Mindcn. She has to-day two line roller pi a cess flouring mills , each with a capacity o 12(1 ( barrels per day , and , what is more , th grade of llour produced is of such a clmracte that eiders fiom all parts ol western Ne braska , northern Kansas and eastern Colorado rado are dully received. Tlio tine stone front building of the Firs National bank is piogressing well. This is i two-story structuio with sixty-six feet fron and ninety-feet depth. Jensen Hioiliers have commenced work 01 another line In tck building eighty by eighty eight feet , two stones , to bo used for hole and iiiciehamlise purpo-,03. , This gtowtli ot Minden shows that it is i city whoso boom of last year was only the in tiiiduetion of a steady projrruss. The cagl will stream miglitily on July -tta. To Settle tlio I0ilile//leiiienl. ) NiimriCm , Ncn , Juno 2' ) . [ Specin Telegram to Tin : Uuu.l Work was com iiienccd to day on thu proposed pontooi bridge across the Missouri at this point. Tin stiucttiro is to be completed this summer o fall. fall.C. C. H. Lewis , of Sytacuse , New York , i brother-in-law of Deacon Cole , thocinbez/lci is m the city and announces that nil claim against the erring major will bo satisfied i criminal proceedings uro stopped , A Icttc has been icceived hero from Colo's youni son , dated at Poillaud , Ore. , stating tlia Cole had dc.seitcd him at that place and lef him penniless , and ho knew nothing of hi father's whereabouts. A Hiilly For tlio Stai'H and Stripes. Gnvoi , Neb. , Juno 2U. [ Special to Tn Hu.J-Tlio : Genoa Hepubllcan club met i the open air in front of the National hotel las night to ratify the nomination of Harrison an Morton. The meeting was impromptu , but c > ceeded our most sanguine expectations , con sulcring the lateness of the hour. It was sai by persons at the hotel who icsidu in Omali to far surpass in numbers and enthusiasm th democratic ratification meeting at Julforso : square in Omaha. Speeches were made b , L' . V. Clurlison and Hon. M. V. Mutidy , Hung * llorspU. U'lillo IIIHIIIIC. ST. PAH. , Neb. , Juno I'J [ Special Tck gram to THE Hiit.J Sheriff McDonald wa culled to Howard t ty to-day to hold an in quest over tlio body of Mrs. Wahlcn , wh committed sutcido by hanging hctsclf whtl temporarily insane. Shu had been hoiubu ten days , coming from G irmatiy. She leave a husband and eight ; children. Crops Point : WcJI. lUiintkOx , Nob. , Juno29. [ Special to Tn Uii.J Corn , wheat and oats and all otlm crois ) did UNccllciitly . last vear. There wa about 200 per cent more planted this season and it is doing \\cll. /wn ixpppvntM rr n PA PTP OUR DErENSELESS COAS1S Lively Debate on the Subject in th Senate. ALL READY TO BE PLUCKED Senator Hnwlcy Points Out tlic Dnn e of Undo SIUII'H I'dNltlnii Cock * roll Grows Knectlous Tlio Tni til' Discussion. Senate. WIMUXOTOX , Juno 2'J. The senate to-da resumed consideration of the army nppropriu tion bill , the pending question being Mt Hawloy's amendment offered yesterday. Mr. Sherman said ho did not believe tint the terms of the amendment were sufllciontl , guarded to protect the interests of the coun try In beginning such a great enterprise. I proposed to place the whole $ < VOJOOJ ! in th liands of an ordnance bureau , a system wide : was generally regarded as vicious and sure t result in disaster. Its officers have no re spcct for the rights of people outside , am have always failed to recognize a valuabl n vcntion when It was brought to their alien Ion. U Is a crying shame , and every Ameri can should be ashamed of It. Mr. Hawley said the amendment morel ; proposed to do for the arm ; exactly what hod been done for th navy. The proposition of the senate from Maryland , if ho ( Hawley ) undorstooc it , was that private concerns should bo in vitcii to make a perfected gun but he ( Haw ley ) asserted that no largo stool manufac turcr in the country would undertake on an.i teems that the government would listen U or the people sanction , to build a 14-inoh gun in Its own shops purely for an e.xperi meat. After the harrassing experience o John Hoaeh not one manufacturer woult spend a million dollars in making the gun. Mr. Hutler supported the amendment , bul did not sympatht/e with the disposition t criticise the ordnance bureau for the errot of the army and navy. After further debate the discussion wa ( suspended for the transaction of other bus ness. Committees of conference were a | pointed on the legislative , the diplomatic nn consular and the District of Columbia apprc priutlon bills. Mr. Allison reported back the Joint resoln tion extending the appropriations for tin present liscal year for Unity days from Jutn yo in the dcpai Intents of the government fo : which appropriation bills for the next j ca shall not have become laws and the scnat proceeded to consider it After a long dis cussion the Joint resolution was passed with out division and the senate resumed consld oration of the army nppiopriation bill , tin question being on the amendment offered hi Mr. Hawley. Mr. Hawley stated that if the America ! people wore driven to war and were huinil nited then the men who argued against tin policy of providing guns would hldo them selves aud would call upon the mountains ti fall upon them. The country with its 00,000 , 000 of people , was a monstrous mass of po litical power , but against modern steel guns it was no more effective than a dead whale. Mr. Stewart spoke ol the United States as belntr a good fat goose to bo plucked by any body , and referred to thu alarm felt at Sai : Francisco two years ago , when trouble will Chili was appiehended. Mr. Cockroll snoko sarcastically of tin fruiizy exhibited bi the senators from Con nccticut and Nevada. Ho could iilmos1 imagine the Hritish red coats coming dowi. . fi oin the skies , landing on American soil , driving back the timid Yankees and levying contributions on American cities. "They burned this capital , " Mr. Hawlej suggested. "Yes , they burned this capital once , " said Mr. Cockrell , "and they regret it to tlns day. " "Dowel" was Mr. Hawlcy's laconic re- Joinder. "No , sir , " said Mr. Cockrell , "the Ameri can people do not regret it. " In thu couise of his fuither argument Mr , Coclsrell was asked by Mr. Stcwait whether ho approved of Germany taking tliuSainoan islands. "That has nothing to do , " was the teply , "with the fortifications of the United States. " "What has the Samoan islands to do will thu turnloiiiil integrity of the Unitct States " "Answer my question , " said Mr. Stewart "It's none of your business whether 1 do 01 not. It's not the question in issue , " said Mr. Cockrell. In continuing Mr. Cockrell said that the American people feared nobody ; that H worshipped at thu shrine of an everlasting almighty Jehovah and not , that 01 any single power on earth or of nil of them combined ; that i bid them defiance and that the talk about the necessity for formications was not only un manly but childish. The senator from New York might have no fear. He would novel seu a foreign power levying contributions on any city of thu United States. As to Canada the militia of the bordei states could take care of her. f ! Cumuli should cross the border in hostile array ev > cry foot of that country would bo under tin jurisdiction of the United Stites within sixtj days. And as to Great Hritain , a wni with the United States would bo the doutli knell of that power. Without having como to a vote on the bil ! or amendment tlio senate adjourned until 11 , m. to-mono w. House. W\-in\fiTOV , Juno 20. The house went into committee of tlio whole on the tariff bill. Mr. Dingley of Maine moved to strike fron the free list , rags. The motion was lost. On motion of Mr. Hreekenrid.0 of Arkan saspaintings in oil or water colors and statu nry , not otherwise provided for , wen btiiekeii from tha free list. An amendment to the postollloj appropria tion bill appropriating-Jl.OJO.OJO for an ad ditional force of letter curriers made neces- hary by the extension of the eight hour law to that branch of the public service was con curruii in by the house committee on post- offices and post roads. All the rest of the senate amendments were noncoiicuricd It and n conferencu will bo nskcdt Mr. Lehlbach of New .let.sey moved t ( strike from the free list stones , unmanufae tuied or undressed , frco stone , granite , sand stone , ami all building of monumental stone , Kojccted. Mr. Marker of Kentucky moved to add pho tngraphic print paper not albuminized or sen tisucd to the free list. Lost. Mr. Hiichanan of Now York offered an amendment providing that whenever any ol thu articles namca in the trco list aio im ported in vessels of foicign registry thoj shall pay thu duties imposed by the act o : IbM. Lost Mr Kussell of Massachusetts moved tt pl.uu primulmo on thu frcu list. Ho said that it was n ilyo used m the manufacture of cot ton goods and it was not produced in thii country. Agreed to. Tins completed the consideration of the free list section , and the cleik proceeded k read the dutiublo portion of the bill. Tin clause providing that thu changu in the rate of duty shall take effect on the 1st of July next , was passed over. Mr. Dingley of Maine moved to levy a dutj of 15 cents a cask on lime. Lost. Mr Adams of Illinois moved to strlku oui the clausu fixing thu rate of duty on refined glicermo ut .1 cunts a pound. This led ton long discussion in which Mr Kec.l of Maine and Mr. Wilson of West Virginia weic the principal spuakcis Mr. Heed criticised the majority of the wujs and means committee for attempting u miftltsud the country by statements madu ute < to tlio effect thu hill would huvu upon icvc nues. Thundmuads amendment was finally re jcctid und the committee IOKO. The Uousc concurred m thu sun.te amend menl to the Joint resolution extending apprc priations for thirty days dujs and then too ! n recess till s p. m. The house nt Its evening session pnssei forty-seven pension bills and at 10 30 ad Journcd. _ _ IOWA UA1LUOADS t'OOIi. To Fljlit the Now Fi-elglH Sclicdnl In the Courts. 11ns MOISTS , la. , Juno 20. [ Special Tele prnm to Tun Hi i.j : To-day the railroad com inissioncrs were served with an Injunctioi Issued by Judge S. H. Fall all of the distric court of Johnson county , icstralnlng then fiom promulgating the new schedule o freight rates. This is additional to the in Junction issued by Judge Hrewcr of th United Stales circuit court , but it is b.-isci on substantially the same ground. Th petitioners in this case me tlio Chicago Hock Island & 1'aclllc and the Hurlington Cedar Kapids ft Noi thorn railroads. Hotl of these companies are incorpor atcd under the laws of Iowa Hence they seek relief through tin state courts. The principal reason given it the application for an injunction Is that tin proposed schedule is not n "te.isonublo" rate as requited by the law , but is so tinreasoua bio and severe as to cause the roads to di business at n loss if put in force. C nnpari sons of rates with those in other states an set out , showing that the Iowa rate i1 lower than all. It Is understood that all tin Iowa roads , Including the trunk lines cross Ing the state , have agieed to pool their is sues and make a common test of the case ii the com Is. A Slecji-AVnlkliiK I'nsseniicf. CMNTOX , In. . Juno 20. [ Special Telegran to Tin : Hr.n. ] C. Klekman , coming from i town In Nebraska , while asleep last nigh stepped from a rapidly moving express trail on the Northwestern railroad about tci miles west of Clinton. Ho fell upon soft earth and was not cut or mangled In ati.v way. The Jar Htunned him so that ho was still insensible when the train backed up ti him. A lady having seen him walk oft tin platform gnvo the alarm. Mr. Klckmnt stopped at Clinton for medical aid , and win able to walk , though complaining of pains it his oaclc. Ho loft this morning for Marietta Ohio , his homo He was not conscious of hl involuntary act , but says that ho was verj tired , having been up three nights. This i : his llrst somnambulistic adventure. A Slou.Cliy Failure. Siou.x Cm , la. , Juno 29.-Special [ Tele gram to Tin : Hii.J David Hradley & Co. , o Council HlulTs , to-day attached the stock ol the Hankins Implement company , of this city , for nn indebtedness of $ t , ( o ) . The Kan kins company this evening assigned , and it : indebtedness is said to bo from ? 12)00 ( ) tc $15.000. The assets are estimated at SS.OOO W. H. Wight man , thu Junior member of tin tirin , reached this city from Maine a weel' ' ago and found the affairs of the company n confusion. W. A. Kankins , who has con ducted the business , is absent , and hi- whereabouts aio unkown. There is believcii to bo crookedness in the failnro. Iowa's University Scandal. IowCITV , In. , June 20. In the State uni versity investigation to-day n number of wit nesses wore ox limned. The sister superioi ol the hospital swore that her institution was well cared for. Dr. Hcnnelis went on witli his testimony , arraigning the medical school and Dr. Peclr. lown Republican Convention. Drs Motxr.s , la. , Juno 20. The republicar state central committee met here to-day anil fixed the date of tlio next republican state convention ut DCS A' HIPS ' for Wednesday , August 22. LONDON TO CHICAGO. The "Jlosrilnle" Rliikew the KiKirc Trip Ily Water. Ciuc\nn , June 20. [ Special Telegram to Tin : Hcu.l The Hosedulo , the llrst Hritish steamship to cioss the Atlantic and sail into Chicago harbor , lay anchored in the river at Sixteenth street this morning. The name of the shij ) floats tiom the mast head on a crim son streamer , while in the rear the Hritish lion was savagely lashi.ig thu bruc/es with his tail. Had it not been for this emblem nobody could have told at a glance that the vessel belonged to thu subjects of Queen Victoria Tlio Kosedalo is a beautiful vessel , teceiitly built in Sunderland , Knglancl , anil its keel is ISO feet long. Tliu hold is twenty-one tcct dc"p and the structure cost tb.1,0 10. The ship , in charge of C. plain Kwait , left Lon don May 25 , bound for Chicago , Ion ded with cement lor the ICmpiro Warehouse com pany. It arrived in I'nicago eaily this morning The Kosedalo had un exceedingly tempestuous vago. . Two thirds of the. cargo had to be lightened lo let the vessel pass through the shallow canals , but at Kingston thu ship reloaded and sailed tri- uinphantlj into the Garden City. One week ago yesterday the KosaJalo loft Montreal. Knginccr Hilis did the talking and said : "Talk about Friday's being an unlucky day we left Sunderland on Friday , loft London on Friday loft Kingston on Friday and ar rived in Chicago on tlio sumo day. " "Is the Uosedale going back to London J" "No. Sim will ply between Chicago and the cities on the St. Lawrence for u ) ear , buing especially constructed for tliu grain trade. Onu year from now thu lioscdalu will bo fitted up for d pasBunger steamship and will ply between C.ncago and Kingston. Theru she will connect with oilier lines' , taking her pnssongciB direct to London , so you see in one year Chicago will have a direct water loutu to London. Thu Uoscdnlu has all the nindurn improvement ) ] und can go twelve miles an hour You see she has Jusl eon- eluded a Journey of 5,000 miles , and ot course our cargo impeded her speed somewhat. Then wo started fiom London and weiu do- laycd one clay by a storm. The Kosedalo will accommodate ii K ) passengers and is owned by n company in Montreal. " Captain ICwatt and Hneinei > r Lllis feel very pi end of having brought into Chu ago thu first English steamship. Fearful Itiiiinway Accident. SoMi'.itM-.T , Pa. , Juno 20. Mrs Grift ) th and Mrs. Dr. Walker , of Junu'stown , stalled yes- tcrelny In a buggy to visit relatives in the countiy. Kaeh lady was accompanied by a little daughter. While descending a hill the horse inn away. The ( iritlith child was in stantly killed by being thrown from thu buggy and both ladles weru fatally injured. The other child escaped uninjured. Tn StuelyVllh Moody. New YOUK , Juno 2'J. A delegation of students fiom the Knglish university ol Ox ford , Cambridge , Dublin and Utiecht uni versity , Holland , in rived hero to-day from Liverpool. They route to this country to tuku pait in thu e'onferenco on methods of Chi istiiin work and in bible study at thu res idence of D L. Moody at Northtlcld , Mass , July 1. _ A Father's Terrible Mistake. KNOX\ 1,13 , Tenn. , Juno 2'J ' Last evening near Marly , while Wendcl Whitcomb was at Ids bain shooting rats with a shotgun , ho ac- cidcntly shot his two young daughters , who were sitting on the porch ut the house , in bluntly killing ono and fatally wounding Iho other. Only fiiii n Loxnox , Junci 29 The trial of the libel suit of Jockey Wood against the Licensed Victualler Gazette , which accused him ol pulling horses , ended to.duy , a veullct being returned awaulpig one farthing to the plaintiff. Troubles Nnw YOUK , June , " . ' . Goodenough & Wag- loin , book publishers and dcaleis In Sunday school uitilio3 | , madu u geneaal nsslgnment to day with pi uTeruiuxs amouutiji } ; to oxer i\TA \ Hronok Llvca His Last Nfghti Amidst Scenes of Rovolry. THE WIFE MURDERER HANGED , He Hmllc.sVtillo 11m Noose Is llclni ( Ad.liiHtoel Tlio I'Mfiloulnrs of tlio Itrittnl Crime For Which Ho Wan ICv St. .JOO'M Murderer Pnvs tlio Icnnlty < ST. .loit'.i'ii , Mn. , .Juno 2ll. [ Special Tolo pram to Tin : HIM : . ] Peter Hronok mot hU death on ihu scaffold this nftcrnoon lit 1:30 : o'clock. The e-ondcinned miui was cool anel collected , aiuyxvhcti led fiom Iho Jail no sign of terror or remorse was tlctocteil on his face. Tlio noose illil not cvnctly lit his neck mul It , required about three-epmrtcrs of u inimito for Sltorlff Aiidrluno to adjust It. llronck mulled mul stood per * fcctly still until tlio noose was adjusted ami the drou was sprung , the. full being seven foot. His neck \vus not brolten by Iho full and It was fouitcoti minutes before death cuino to his relief. Hronek's last nlnht on earth \vas probably such as no other man ever experi enced under similar circumstances. Ha ashed to bo allowed to reniuin In the Jail with the Kangaroo qtmrtetto and permission was given I'lni. Until 2 o'clock this morning the ( iii.iitetto entertained him with thelif lilnntiition and e-omie SOUKS , Jokes were oven Indulged in , and whenever the obtuse Hoheniian would see the point he would ap plaud and Imu'li heartily , He had a wrest ling match with a deputy sheriff , who canto to bring him some luminns , and HIIC- eecded in Hooting him. He then distributed the bananas among the quar tette and newspaper reporters. A Polish priest visited him nl0lhis ( } : ! ! morning. Thes priest hus visited the jail at least every day for a week. Hronok , of course , said ho was prepared for death. Ho ate n hum ty break fast. Thecrlmofor which Peter Hronek paid the penalty to-tlay was ono of the foulest murders ever committed On Sunday even ing , April 17 , iss" , after vMtnig u dozen saloons , and drinking heavily , according to the evidence olTeied at the trial , at each of ! them , Hionok went to his home , a little one- story brick house nt No. ii ) . " > Olive street , and deliberately shot down his joung wife , emptying three chambers of his revolver in her body. There were no witnesses to the shooting , the only persons who could throw any lighten on the murder at all being Tony .Augustine , a Hohcmian , and his wife who lived in the same house. According to the evidence offered at the trial , Augustine was startled by the report of three pistol shuts lircd In rapid succession , and hastening to the room fiom which the firimj proceeded attempted to open the door. It was locked and listening for a moment ho heaul llronek exclaim : "There , you've got it , you b h. " lly tins time u largo crowd had congregated at tlio place , but it was some minutes before enough courage could ba summoned up to go to the window and peer in. It was n ghastly sight that met the eyes of the visitors. The body of the murdered woman lav on the lloor in n pool oC blood , and the husband clad only In his under garments with a pistol in his hand ami a cigar between his teeth , was pacing up and down the room like a caged wild beast. Thciewus blood everywhere , on the walls , on the lloor , and the two occupants of the room weio covered with it. The pool of blood on the floor coveted a space four feet s < | U are and was nearly one inch deep As the crowd gn/eel they saw the murderer suddenly tin ow away his cigar and walk to the cradle in which lay his sleeping babe. Me kissed it and then de liberately lay down in the pool of blood by the side of his victim. Ho caught her in his arms and kissed her a hundred times and finally sei/ingtho corpse in his powerful grasp , rolled with it over and over on the lloor , shouting and moaning nil the time. Ofllcers iinall.v arrived. but Hronek paced the room , with his levolvcr in his hand and defied them. Strategy was finally icsoitcd to and ho was sci/ed by a neighbor who went to otter him some beer. The only ground for the shooting was Hionek's un- cnlk-d for jealottsj of bis wife. The wife mindcror is n Bohemian who can scarcely understand the Knirlish language at all. Ho is iv powerlully built man , llvu feet eight niches in height , bmad slioulelcied and has a nmnillcent physique. His lace is intelligent and hand some and ho suppoits a line mustache. Throughout the trial and his subsequent , confinement Ins face was the pu lure of btoical iiulillerencc and ho pent mnntliH in preparing a history of himsell , whu h was cnt to a IJoliemi.in paper in St. Louis , but which was refused publication. ANOTHKIl IONICSI V. Feii'be'H of IllinolH Dlq- cnverH Another G'nrn Destroyer. Sl'KiNrni.i : > , III , .luni'2) ) . [ Special Tolc- jinm to Tin : Hi n J State Entomologist Forbes reports to the state board of ugri- nilturo that ho has dihcovered in the swamp and now being drained and cultivated n dc- itrtictivo foe to the corn ciop , not hitherto eeopni/ed us injurious , a common wnmp icetle or "bell bug' which feeds on rushes iml iceds and attacks the coin \\hen planted .vheie . these grasses have ) been plowed up. Many fields of corn have been repeatedly do- > troycd by it , and farmers mo compelled to ) limt some other gram. 1'rof. Forbes udV , 'isc.s planting such ground in other grain the Ir.st year. iiN Itutlfy. WASIIIXOIOV , .lime 1W. A republican rat- ! leatlon meeting was held at the headquarters ) f the Kcpublican National league to-night. Speeches were iniido by Senator Hawley. ? ongrossiimii Johnston of Indiana , Utltterwotth of Ohio , and others * I'lio hpealcers all commended the ticket an .horoughly representatwo of republicanism , letter of i egret was read fiom Senator Sherman , in which he pays n high compli- nent to the nominees and pledges ins hearty > U | > port to the ticket. Kidnapping In Culm. New VOKK , Juno i' ) . I Special Tolograni LoTiin Hu : . ) Ad vices from Havana say thy jpidemie of kidnapping has broken out again. Two or three prominent residents near Glen Fuegor have been kidnapped and their rela- lives notltlcd that if largo ransoms nro not liaid they will ho murdered in Jive ehoa , Largo bodies of soldiers ute scouring the country. Kin o Now York. NrYOUK , Juno 2'J. ( Special Telegram1 lo Tiir. lir. $ : 1 O. O. Mills formally presented yesterday the * liOXK ) building to the city for the education of inulu nuibcs. Depow , acting ! - ing us spokesman for .Major Howm , received Iho gift on behalf of the city. Many prom inent persons were piusenl. Keillor .JIIIICH and ( lit ; League. Niw YoitK , Juno ay.- [ Special Tolegrani to Tin : HEU.J The icporl that Kditor Georgej Jones of the New Yoik Times and his sou to bo read out of the Union League because the paper supnoitii C'lovelunil mid turill refonn , Is denied by Chuuncey Dcjiew and other memliciu of tno league. t'nal Advanced in I'riuo , is'iw YUIIK , June 2U The coal companies ( MVO notieo jestvid.iy that they would ad , Viinco pi u e about 25 cents a ton on interior ; uid western business July 1. 'Jhc | 'ir Kcooiel. Foxn ntr LAC , Wis. , Juno 2.9. Moore Sa Galloway's lumber mill burned lu&t The loss reached : , < JW5 .iaburcd.