" WS fiitjvZ t THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FRIDAY , JUNE 29. 1888. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , In Spite of Bull Novs Wheat Rules Rather Weak. VERY LITTLE TRADING IN CORN. OnlR Quid nml Tpiullni ; Downward I'i'inlfloiis Ijirelrss The Cnttlo . Market Still Overrun With TexmiH HORN Actlvs. OIIICAOO 1MIODUCR MAUKHT. CHIC too. Juno 2 . f Special TclcRram to Tun llrt.l : Thcro wa plenty of bull news In the whcnt mnrkct this tnornmff nnd there were believers In It nntl buyer * orlicat , but for the renter part of the session they wcro unable to talco nil the wheat which Hutchtn- son nnd Cudnliy had for sale , nnd so prices Bought a lower lovcl. With the receipt of each piece of bullish Intelligence thcro xvould bo a small upturn , but In every Instance , ex cept the Insl , earh ndvnncc was followed by a greater decline. Kven with the lust nd- vance AiiRUst wheat closed the morning ses sion V" ) | C lower than yesterday. That the correct reason was a local ono of large olTor- Ings by the two local traders named above mny bo Inferred from the fuel that other do mestic markets did not follow the weakness here. New York nnd HI. Unils , Indeed , were sometimes higher than they closed yes terday. Kvidcntly the same Inlluencos wcro not at work m those mar kets nnd In this the New York firmness was explained In dispatches fiom there by the fact that Spool sent buy ing orders thcro this morning. The llrst public cable quoted sput wheat steady , but the second , which cnmo Just at the I o'clock close , quoted nil advance of J < M in California club and No. B spring , with ted winter nn- clmngcd. This Information was Riven by private cables an hour before the ofllrlnl re port came. H helped srcatly to steady the market and when posted caused the last ad- vnnco of the morning. July wheat opened tit 8l ) ' e. sold down to 10f , nnd closed at VJj e. August n-lieat , In which thcro is now the most trading , opened nt 7UXe , sold down to 70'jc , up to ! ) % , down to 79' c ns.iin , then up to 70 c , and closed at 7c. December wheat opened nt Kffc ! , sold down to 81 , % , up to and closing nt 8ii ) c. Opening prices In the speculative corn market were about the same ns the closing prices of yesterday , nnd for a time held fairly firm , then broke nearly 1XC and only recovered a third of the loss buforo the close. This course of the market wus a decided surprise - priso to most people , and is only to be ac counted for by the fact that few bid. The bears wcro willing , even in the face of bull ish conditions , to sell more corn than buyers would or could take. It was said that the same crowd Who earlv in the \vcek so unsuc cessfully attempted toputpricesup.weronow putting out shott lines quite ns freely as they then took on long ones ut much higher prices. Cudnhy also was ciedited with heavy selling. Thcio wore reports that the recent licnvy rains had done great damage to the growing crop in this state nnd the weather hoic wns cold enough to make coin shorts want to cover but it did not. On the contrary i . trary they said the railroads \\ero now getting gicat calls for cars to load corn in , and largo receipts wcio predicted for the Jlrsttcn days in July. The lowest point , however , was i cached on the announcement of'--Ocaib estimated receipts for to-moirow. August eo111 opened at 4'Jtc , sold immedi ately atl'.lJ4c , down to I9@M ' > < | C , up to ' % then down to 4b'4c ' , up to and closing Jj ii-l c. September corn opened at c , sold down to lsc and closed nt l'Ja ' } < tf i'J c. The speculative oats market was very quiet nmt had a downward tendency early in 'sympathy with the weakness in coin , but recovered later , and closed at ns good as opening prices or bolter. Autust oats opened at lfl ! } e , sold down to 2rt 4i0 ( JO c , up to nnd closing at CCAje. September oats opened nt J.35 e bid , sold nt ' X ° il"d closed at 2ie. ! In provisions there was no life in specula tive trading at any time. For cash delivery sales showed an increase , but in the future product transactions wcio largely confined to the changing over of outstanding con tracts. In pork tlie premium paid on changes was lOc , niul in lard and short ribs 7J ( < MUc. Anuit.NooN SIISMON Wheat stronger ; July opened at TflJ c , sold at 7c ! , oft to ! % , up to 7'J c , closing at 7'J'H ' ( < < < 79Kc. August sold at TV ft/Ml'dC , a sale or so nt EOJfc , off to Nc ) , closing nt Ml' c. September closed utb24b'JJ ! ( < c. Corn sold nt t ! ? ( ( 4bj < c for July , closing nt 4Sc. August .sold ut 4 * > > 6 ( jf-lOe , closing at ISJ c ; September closing at about Illl1)c. ; Onts steady. Pork was quiet and unchanged. Lard was quiut but a little stronger ; Juno closed at fs.li\ijs ! ( 15. July nt fs.iti , August at $ M 2,1 , September ami October at f b : ' .H > " ! i' ar at * T 5 % . Short ribs wore u Mmtle better ; Juno closed ul J7.SO. Jnlj closed at $7..r > 0 , and August ut $7 OJ ; Septcmbor closed at ? 7 07iij7.7U. ] ( CHICAGO ItlVK STOCK. Ciuctno , Juno OS. ( Special Telegram to TUB Ilur. I UVTTI.K Hutinow was very slow nt the opening , with u straight cut of loc on good cattle and 20o on medium nnd grassy stocks. Twenty-four thousand cnttlo in two days , oven if half are Texans , is too mnnj for the market. Good Toxnus served the purjioso of keeping down the price on fair to medium natives and poor Toxiins wcro usci to hammer down values on common natives Thin Texans ai o down to ns bad prices as at nny tune last summer , and all native cows are nlso down to us low prices as nny time lust year. Shippers should bear in mind Urn native cows and heifers , ulso bulls , an worth moro money in the country than ii Chicago this week , nnd such will be the state of the market until tbe run of Texaus fails , There were 12,000 to Texans In sight at Chicago , Kansas nnd St. l.onis this morning , Kansas Cilj showing up .1,500. Thin , coarse and catmint , TeuitiH nro about down to the lowest point they can go nwny below their cost nm best Tuxnns uro very near below the cost o : production , Texas is also pouring into the market veal calves In nuni bcis never hoard of before. With 1.IXXI ii Kansas City this morning and IJOO to 700 it Chicago , of course prices aio away down. Them is little or nothing doing in stockcrs nnd fcedeihj prices , especially on light little cattle , uro as low as at any time in the his tory of the trade , dull and inti(2. ( ' > c lower good to choice beeves , f , " > CUdifi si ( ; medium $ MO4.W ) ; InfoiiortofairWi.'idM.lf ) ; stock era nnd feeders , $2 ( Ki ( < ? ; i riO ; cowti and mixed , * 1.60@i.2 : ! > ; Toxiib steers , li.OOO , fS.lHft ) : J.6t ( cows , $1.40. Hoiib Trade was active and prices ngait about steady , ns compared with the past dnj or two. At the opening values ruled a hliadu Ftronpcr , yet , ns is usual , utter urgent outers were tilled and shippcih out of the way packers wcro disposed to hold off , and as i consequence late sales were barely as big ! us at the opening , llcst heavy sold at 5.70 ( < | 5.75 ; few loads of fancy at $5.M > ; bcs mixed nnd packets , fYf > ri ( < ? .ViV > ! common f5.45 ( o.5Uj light sorts , fi.Su S.W. l-'INANCIAIj. NEW Yoiuc , Juno2SSpecial [ Telegram to THE IiUK.1 STOCKSTuidlng in stocks is no particularly nctivo and is of the spasmodic order. St. Paul , Heading mid Missouii Pa cjllc wria the most animated dining the morning , First sales wcro made at stead ) figures , though Heading was off ? s per cent nnd among leaders thcro wns some rccci-sioi during thollrbt few minutes , but the jiinrkr soon bccumo strong and everything in wliicl there wus nny dealing began to rise. Mis sourl Paulflu wns the only fc.ituio of the trading , being strong nnd advnuced ) < poi cent , Tlio gains of the rest were confined to less than > j per cent , liurlington rose IJs with little tlading. About noon a weaken ing set lu. Coal stocks wcro strong on a re port that on July 1 and 20 rates would bo nd vauced 20o to all uoiuta which increase the s. The strength In Gould properties came from Uio action of tlio Misaouri Pa cific directors to day In ngrcxMng to pay all taxes , wages nnd other minor debts of the Missouri , Kansas & Texas. It wns expected that the Union Pacific funding bill would como up before congress Monday and bo de feated. The stock , however , only moved * Jcspito the unfavorable outlook for rates in eastbound business , there wns n fair buying of Vnmlcrbilts nnd prices were fairly main- nlned. The principal buying was by the shorts , who , seeing no long stocks coming out and being afraid that \\cstornroads would apply for nn Injunction to prevent the granger commissioners from carrying their o\v tanlT Into effect , decided that it was bet ter to get out while their profits were In sight. Hence , their purchases , coupled with these of the room tradcis , gave the market ts s iong tone nnd caused It to close at nearly .ho outside prices on the majority of the ac- : lvollsl. Missouri P.ieilic was an exception , uut last sales were nt n net pain of J per cent , St Paul was up H , Noithwcstcin jltf , Missouri , Kansas it Texas J , Kric % . The rest of the list was steady , uut cotton oils wcro down J . Total Bales were S2,5't ( > shares , nearly 50 per cent being St. Paul nnd Kcading. The transactions wcro : St. Paul , 20G ) ; Heading , 17,010 ; Missouri Pacillc , fi.SX ) ; Northwestern , -1,30,1 ; Lnko Shore , V.'iX ) . Money , 11J4 ; bar silver , 93 f. Go\nnsMr.NTs Government bonds were dull but steady. ILSTISIIIMY'S QfOTVTIOVS. C..VN. w IK\ U. 8 , 4sroupon. . . li'M do preferred ins JT. S. 4 . < . Jc . rcgl'troil. . . . . . ifl7 , , > . t N Y.Vntral ( 101'i V. S 41isciitpon. ( .10714 O. It. N. . I.'acIllcllHOf'lt'i. . . .llll il > . T. . . , ! TJ i Southern 4l ! I'arlllr Mall. ( Vntral 1'aclllc : l o. i > . A i : . . . . is' , Chlc-npo A : Alton Ul Pullman 1'ulaceCat IW1 C. . 11. AcQ 11- , Heading f > S' < I ) . . I , . .VW U'l' , Itock Island Itel'i St. I , . \S . K 1 > U doprcforreil . . . . ( ! 1'i o ji . . . . fill ( ' . . > t. .V St. I'aill . nT , lllinciisOntrnl. . . . ilo tirofcrreJ irytj I. . II. A : W . llli st. i' . tti ) : HU K..VT . IJJ' do prpfcrred ltH ( ! I.nkoHhoro . ! K ) Toxns 1'aclllc "OH I'lilon 1'aclllc B.P ( Mlchlgnn ( Vntral W. , St. I , . A : I' I2i { Mhsourll'.irlllc iloprcfcireil Missouri I'ncllic. . . . SIV. " | . U" Telegraph. . 7614 < lopn > fvric < l. . . . rl I MONEY ox CiM < Easy , closed nt 1 } per cent. PUIME MERCANTILE PAPERKgCJ per cent. STI.INO : | [ K.xciHN'or. Dull but steady nt Jl.siyf for sixty day bills ; j-I.SS1 lor demand. PUODUCn JIAIUCHTS. Juno 28. Following nro the 2iO : ! closing prices : Flour Unchanged ; winter wheat , insarts , $2.ifig3.srj ( ; in bnrrcls , $ JK4.r5 ) ( ) ; spring wheat , in sacks , $1.7.rfiI.SO ; in barrels , W.OOWl.UO ; rye , in sacks , * 2.l)0.f ) 11.10 ; in barrels , U.lOCfCl.ilO. Wheat Unsettled but active , within fre quently nnd rapidly lluctunling prices ; opened nt about yesterday's close niul closed about ' < c lower ; cash , 7'Jc ; July , 79 c ; August , bO' > , c. Corn Opened at about the close of yes terday and was steady for some time , fluc tuating within a small range and closing about % c lower ; cash , 4ic ; July , 4S'b'c ; \ugust , 48c. Outs Quiet and steady , with no material chaime ; cash , 32e ; July , ai c ; August , 2ll'c. Uye Dull at 52c. Barley ( > ' ! c. I'nmo Timothy $2.30@2.3j. Flax Seed fl.IiO. Whisky fl.20. Pork Easy and dull ; cash and July. 3.r r' ' ; August , $ iui"K. : hard Fairly netivo but easier ; cash , .l2'j ' ; July , * s.tr. ; August , ? > io. Dry Salted Meats Shoulders. ( i.00 u.25 ; short clear , 57 ' .C > ( < ( S.l)0 ) ; short ribs , sr.oll. lluttor Active ; creamery , iSV l'Ju ' : dairy , Ulieesu Hiuher ; full cream Cheddars and Hats , 7JCc bc ; young Americas , bjfttb c. Eggs Steady : fiesh , I4nc. ( \ \ . Hides Uncnnngcd ; frrcun s.iltcd calf , IJ- @ .V ; heavy green salted,5jii59clightgreeu } ; mltcd , r > % ( rtic ; salted bull , 'f/c ; dry Hint , be , dry calf , Sc ; deacons , 20it ( > ioo c.ich ; dry salted , G ( ( ( > 7c. Tallow Ilncliangcd ; No. 1 , solid , S. c ; No. 2 , : ic , and cake , 4c per lb. Hecuipt" . Sliiinncnts. Flour , bbls 17,000 1(1,0(10 ( ( Wheat bu 15,000 rJ.tXM ) Corn , bu tl'.OOO 17i,0IO ( ( Oats , bu 101,000 12.'i,0H ( ) Uyobu. . . . . . 1IK)0 ) UaHey , bbls 3,000 2KK ( ) Now Vork , Juno 28. Wheat Rccclnts , 24,100 ; exports , -tO MK ) ; spot , advanced a shade , closing steady ; options quieter and very irregular , closing steady , with July showing JiC advance , no change in August und later months ' ( , ( [ Jjfe lower ; No. ' - red , quoted nominally at v di'J'.i-'sC delivered ; Si'jfe In olovutor ; bbj@j" ! > J.ie f. o. b. ; July closing ntSMHhC. Corn Hcceipts , 01,200 ; cxpoits , 1,100 ; spot closed easy ; options cull nnd ' 4fiC ! lower , closing weak at n shade alxne tlio lowest llguies ; ungraded iniscd , 5HJf ( ' § > ! Jfc ; No. i ! , 54' ' , c delivered ; July closing at jlc. Oats Heccipts , 76,000 ; expoits , 52i ( ; market llrm ; mixed western , yy ( : bc ; white \ \ csternI0ii4ic. , ( ( . ColTeo ( Jinet ; Hnwil growth nominal at lf > c for fair ; options iiHuleiatel.\ active ; Juno weak , closing at a decline of 15 points for the day ; other months linn , closing at an advance of'JUoEyo points. Sales , 70,500 bags. June , $12 Ml n 1215 ; July , ill.05y 11.25 ; August , Peti oleum United closed steady at72jBc- Eirgs IJull ; wcstein , Hful.'i'jC. 1'ork Mess ( | uoted at $ l5.0U ( li > 25 forncw : S14 Oll.i ( II. 25 for old. Ijiird Lower ; western steam , spot , $8.50 , llutterQuiet but nteud.\ ; western , HJi ( < ! 1'J'jC. ' Cheese Strong and active. Cincinnati , Juno 2S. Wheat Steady ; No. 2 red , We. Corn -Dull ; No. 2 mixed , 50 ( $ " > lc. Oats Easier ; No. 2 mixed , J4ii35c. ( Kyo- Steady ; No. 2 , We. Pork $14 25. Uuil.MO. . Whisky- Steady at $1.14. Miimeii | > ells , Juno 2S. Wheat Ho- colpth , 250 cars ; shipinents , 22 cars ; early trading was made at about yesterday's range , but later the market became extremely dull , and bollcis nmdo concessions to move grain. Closing' No. 1 hard , cash , 7l'c ( ; July , 7Skc ; August. bOKo ; No. 1 northern , cn.shand uly , 7fu ) ; August , 79o ; No. 2 northern , cash and July , 75i' ; August , 70c , 1'lour Unchanged ; patents to ship in sacks incarlots , f4.15ji4.4"i. ! ( IMIlwnnkco , Juno 2S. Wheat Firmer ; cash , 77J r.luly ; , 77c ; August , 77'4c. ' Corn In light demand ; No. ! ) , 4r > lac. Oats Steady ; No. 2 white , on track , 3c ( ! ; 37 ' 4 c delivered. Uyo Nomiual. H.irlciUm hanged ; No 2 , 5Se. Provisions -Steady ; iiork , u.tsh and Juno , f 13 ir , , St. Imuli. Juno 2S. WheatSteady ; cash , K 4@-U' ; July , bOJ c. Corn A shudo easier ; c'.ish , 45K0 ? July. 5fe. Uuts Strong ; cash , 32 c bid ; July , 20Vc , Pork-Quiet at t4 ! 5J. Lard bull at 7.b5. Whisk } fj. 14. MutterSteadj ; creamery , 15(3'lSoj ( dairy , . Afternoon Hoard Wheat ' .C'C c better ; Corn -Firm , but slow. Oats Steady. Liverpool , June 2S. Wheat Steady ; holders , olTor moderately. CornSteadj , demand fair. ItiuiMiN Oiiy , June 2S. Wheat Weaker ; No. 2 soft , July. 70e bid , 71'4c asked ; No. S i l , Julj , 0\s > ic bul , ti'Jo asked Corn-Steady , No. 2 cash , 40o bid ; 4IJfo asked ; No 2 white , cash , 4. ' > > ; i' bid. Oats -No. 2 , August , 'Ji' ' 'o bid , 20 < o asked. Now OrluniiM , Juno vis. Corn Firmer ; in b.u-Ks mixed , C2o ; jellow , OJi ; white , Me. Me.Oats Oats Irregular ; No. 2 , ( OiJMlc. Cornmcal Unchanged at f J.MJ Hog Products Unchanged ; pork , f4 75 ; laru , i t'llnc J tiorci' , i * 72'i ' , . Hulk Meats Uiiehaugod ; shoulders , $ ) . ' . ' ) - longcleui fs.OO ; clear ribs , 5.70 , ItlVK hi'OCK. Chicago , Juno 23 The Drovers' Journal rciiofts ns follows : Ualtlo Kcccijus , 12,0)0 ( ) ; market lD(325o ( lower nnd dull ; beeves. $3.05@5 30 ; stacker * aid ) fecxlorH , $2.03.60 ) ; cowx nnd mixed , Sl.CO@d.I5j ! Texans , 51.iOCi3.50. Hops Hcceipts , 17,000 ; market steady ; mixed , * 5.4.V 570 ; heavy , WCOrir.VSO ; light , $ .V40t .V ( > 5pIp nnd culls , $4 25frt.V85. Sheep- Receipts , 5,000 ; market slow nnd 10c < U5c ld cr ; muttons , ti.75a4.75 ; \vcstcrn feeders , W.10C'(3 40 ; Texan * , 5JOOM 375 ; lambs , per head , Wcfrtf 3.00. National Stock YnrtN. Kntt St. iMiulo , June 2S Cattle Receipt n , l.SOO ; shipments , none ; market slow ; choice heavy native steers , $4.70(35.00 ( : fair to good , $1 Wlfrf.YOO ; butchers' steers , $ ) .70iM.liO ; stockers nnd feeders , $2.J0i ! ( < 3.70 ; rangers , Ji.20iJ I 25. Hops Receipts. 2,400 ; shipments , none ; market stiontr ; choice heavy nnd butchers' selections , f5.twa5.70 ; packing , $5.40g5.iO ( ( ; light grades , * 5.30r5 ( 50. Kansas City. Juno 23. Cattle Receipts , n.001 ; shipments , none ; corn-fed firm ; com mon to choice corn fed , $4 ( Xf ) 5 50 ; stockcrs nnd feeding steers , f2 00rt3 50 ; grass range steers , ? 2.WKa' ) 50 ; cows. 1 60 3.40. Iloits Receipts , 5.00J ; shipments , 4SO ; market 5c higher ; common to choice , $5,10 Q5.CO ; skips nnd jiigs , ? 2.50i5.00. ( OMAHA lilVK STOCK , Cat lie. Thursday , Juno 2S 1SS3. The receipts of cattle wcro very light to day. 1 he market wus slow , although moro cattle changed hands than during the past few days. A good deal of trading was in u small way , a few head nt n time. The gen eral market wns about steady. The receipts of bogs were the heaviest of nny day this far tins week. The market was nbout 5c lower , the decline being moro on llcbt and mixed bogs than on the best heavy. The market was active at Uio decline and the pens were cleat oil nt an early hour. Sheep. There were no fresh receipts here to-day , Hcceipts. Cattle . 451 Hogs . iiiiii.- . " > bW I'ruvnllnii : I'rlcu ? . Thofollowln ? is a table of prices paid In tlnsmarKct for the grades of stock men tioned. Prime steers. 1300 to I BOD Ibs..f5.00 ( o > 5.75 Prime steers , 1100 to 130,1 Ibs. 4.50 f ,5.0. . ) Fatlittlo steers. OJO to 1050 lb ? . 4.01) ) < o > l.75 Common to gooil cows . 1.50 ( * 2.75 Choice to fancy cows . . . . 2.75 ( : )00 ) Common to choice bulls . 2.25 ( it'5.50 Fairtochoicolighthops . 5.25 M5.83 Fair to choice heavy hops . 5.50 ( i 5.iO ( Fairtocholco mixed lie s . 5.10 ( 5.45 Itcpresontativo S CATILE. No. Av. Pr. 2 cows . 1070 $1.05 10 cows . 1C02 1.70 21 cows . r. . 1KKI 1.77K 27 cows . IIIC 2.00 2 cows . HO 2.15 4 cows . S(13 ( 2.00 1 stag . SSO 2.00 4 cows . 1050 2.05 21 cows . ! ' 53 2.70 4 cows . 1-10J 2.75 15 cows . 10.13 2..iO ' 1 bull . laOO 2.IO ! 8 steers . 1144 3.00 20 steers . 10U5 4.15 10 steers . 1040 4.15 0 steers . 1091 4.25 3'J steers . 1130 4.15 1 steer . 1050 4.50 IS steers . 1055 4.05 30 steers . 124 515 4 steers . 10 > r 500 21 steers . 1155 525 2stecis . 12110 5.-5 Slstceis . 1222 5.25 IS steers . 12t ; 5.25 37 stccis . 13JS 5.35 nous. No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr. 05 . . . . 1 HI ) 1 ' . ' 0 $5.20 77 . . . . 20'J ' 1 20 ? 5 35 51. . . .148 bO 525 bi..HS ( KiO 533 79. . . 1)0 ! ) bO 5.25 70. . . . 201 120 535 07..20J ll 0 527 1(5 ( . . .270 2sO 535 75. . . . 203 3.0 527H O'.22l ) bO n.M 70. . . .H.2 bO 5.27) ) 70 _ 243 210 5.37 > 70. . . .15)9 ) 240 5.iO : 70. . . .2JI7 3'JO 5.3K 7S _ 207 210 5.0 ! ! 70. . . . 211 bO 537 } l'l _ 200 120 530 ( . . . . 2 (5 ( SO 5371J 77..VJI 2 < IO 530 05. . . .205 200 5 U7j 75. . . . 2111 bO 530 OS. . . . 250 bO 5.40 00 . . .211 120 530 715. . . . 22 J 5.40 71. . . . 225 bO 530 01. . . . 205 40 5.40 n _ 220 400 530 07. . . . 254 bO 5/40 77. . . . 20(5 ( 240 5.30 05 . . .251 100 5.10 SO. . . . 175 120 5.iO : 70. . . . 211) ) 120 5.40 H2. . . .203 120 530 07. . . .219 100 5.40 b7.'JOO 120 5.30 ( JO..L50 200 5.40 b7..22) ) 100 5.30 55..2s'J & 0 MO 7S..202 120 5.30 70. . . . 2.13 200 5.10 157. . . . 203 300 (532K ( ( > . . .23S bO 540 (17. ( . . . 219 103 532M OJ..2IO 120 540 71..221 1(10 ( 5.3'iH 7-J..2-I2 120 540 54..2.U 000 5.3JK 55. . . . 207 200 5.40 70..2J3 200 535 74. . . . 2.18 120 5.40 77. . . . 2-12 240 535J ( . . .25't SO 5.40 72 _ 220 40 535 OS . . .259 200 5.40 ( ill _ 255 IGU 5.35 5S..2U5 KM ) 5.40 114 _ 240 3t > 0 5.35 Ii7..2ti4 bO 5.40 70 _ 23b 100 5.35 05. . . . 241 120 540 71. . . . 210 120 5.35 W5..247 bO 5.10 70. . . .234 2)0 ) 535 74. . . .253 190 5.40H 54. . . . 2.10 t'0 535 71. . . . 239 10Q 5.40 o 73 _ 19J hO 535 70. . . . 244 b ( ) 5.40 Ob. . . . 219 120 535 71 . . .24 ! ) 210 5.40 $ 00. . . .210 100 5115 01. . . .21.0 bO 5.10 C.9. . . . 230 bO 535 M..2CO 2JO 540 77 _ 213 120 535 ( V5..250 60 515 00. . . . 214 1C.O 535 01 _ 255 545 WI..2C45 210 535 ( ii..2l.7 bO 5.15 51. . . .201 200 5.35 71..2i0 ! 40 515 05..2,1 , ) 120 535 77. . . . 272 21)0 ) 545 70..2I2 21)0 ) 535 53. . . . 2(5(5 ( ( 100 545 7.I..2W bO 5.35 72. . . . 242 120 545 ) . . . . < J 100 535 ! ) . . . . bO 545 M.1HS ) 200 535 ( ill. . . . 259 KiO 5.17' 137..2.J1 2 0 5.35 0 . . . .2 < H SO 5.17' ' , 77. . . . 224 200 5.35 I.2..2H 40 550 154. . . . 228 40 535 37. . . . 4(50. ( 5.50 75..2J2 120 535 55. . . .305 555 73. . . 231 1(50 ( 5.35 59. . . .3.M 5.55 bO.,237 1(50 ( 5.35 02. . . . 27(5 ( 120 555 (57. ( . . .221 200 5.35 57..31S bO 500 Live Ktoulc Sold. The following Is the number of cattle , hogs and slieep bought by the leading buy ers on to-day's market : cirn.i : . O. H. Hammond & Co . 219 Swift & Co . 77 Underwood . 1) ) A. L. Williams . 4i Cionc . 22 IMwards . 2 lions. f ! . H. Hammond & Co . SUS Omaha P. Co . 1,03(5 ( Armour-Cudahy Packing Co . 4,10 ? Swift &Co . ( .25 J. P. Squires .t Co . 771 ( libbs , t White . 2C4 J. Doud . 352 Hurpur . , . 7(5 ( unit LIUVCHI. The following nro the highest and lowest prices paid for mixed and heavy loads of hogs on tins market during the pist few dnvs and for the corresponding period m ISsTand IbbiS : Live Silicic Notes. J. W. Jowctt , Maxwell , was in with a loud of cattle- . Slater & Fnuler , Way no , sold a load of IIOL-S nt fi & ' . B. M. Vc.itoii , Lyons , Neb , , was In with two loads of cattle. Samuel Kobmsoii , Clarinda , In. , wns nmonfj Uio visitors nt the yards. Martin lianott , lunl.ii > , la. , wns on his llr.st visit here to the yaids. llr. Hirnoy , of Sidno.v , Xeb. , was the guest of his brother , of the Hun of Wnt'trunur , lisr- i joy A : Co. M G. Owen , CrclKhton , topped the ho ' market to-day with a priino load of huu\y hogs , whiih sold at ? 5 liu. J. Ljnn , Union- . I'lllnrs. U\s ! . < iL'sHuiiry ; lumc'iClmlco ; Levi Cox. Phillips ; L. 1C. Hehovplober , Valparaiso , N M. Goodoll and Klmor Goodell , Wcston : Spikor A : 1'rvey , , Ulwr ; C.V. . Lemont , O'Nc'il , and Mr Os- born , Noolu , la. , wcro amoiih' tlio bluppers who t'uuio in with ho s. OMAHA AVHoTlTsAT.1'3 MAIIKKY , I'roiluce , I'rullhIIIH , iic ; , Thursday , JaiioSJ. Trailp was fair to-day , Poultry was. in ! demand nnd prices for liutterunetuinped. A delto In-the cany morning Missouri Pa- cillc train demoralized the berry market , as it throw a great many on the market nt ontc. Such as wcro in condition sold at W per case , nnd other grades for whatever they would bring. Home gro\\ cnbtwk'O Is now " Inking the place of California nnd" is quoted at 7.V per doz , Hi-TTt n r.tncy crcamcr.v roll butter , 20@ 21c. with solid packed nt 15 ( < UGc ; choice countiy butter , 13 ( Uc ; common grades , 12c. 12c.LIoos LIoos Strictly fresh , 14 > . Ciir.itinns Per case of lOlbs , Jl. Southern cherries S300 ( < ul.23 per 2-rqtmrt case. SnuwnnimiES ? 2 .V > ( fW.7o per 16 qt case. liLvrKiiiMiuirs ? . ) 50fiM ( X ) per case. Hunt HvsiinuinitE * M.ooXjill50 per case ; red raspberries , l.i > iv.u.1i.'i0 per case. CnnKsn I'ull crc.un , lUrtHe. ( ) PoTATors Choice homo grown , 7 , ' > @VC ; Utah nnd Colorado stock , I'OQOjc ; low grades , r5 ( 0V. Pori.Tin No dressed fowl In the market ; live chickens , $ MoOi ( J75 per doz ; spring KTIIIMJ HI\NS : $1 . ' 0 jicr bu. TOMATOES f'J.oO per cratoor ? 1. 75(22.00 ( per bu. H \svv\s Coin mon medium , $ ( ! per bunch ; choice , WOO iaW ; low grades , JS.OO. Tt-nsir * California , 2' ' . Ol''e ' per lb , Uvtcs I'crslnii , ( il ( rf7c per lu. Cmrii-Choice Michigan cider , per bbl. of : gal. OMONS Jfntlvo stork. ? ! 2.iM..Vl ) ( ; Spanish , per boxof , * > Ibs , $1.7oii2.0U ( ; California on * ions , 'I'/itlc per lb. LI.MOSS$7.lXS ( oo per cnse. OIUM.KS California Riverside , $3. 7r.iT4 ( 00 ; medium sweet Hivcrsldes , Sl.fiO per box ; Messina , fcViOyir.UU ; Uos Angeles Jl.OUyJ I.MI ; Los AngeTes Nuvals. ? I.OO ; Klversldo Navals , $11.00. CAHIIACIS : Homo grown 7 * > e per do/ . CVUI.H'LO\MH : Ciood stock , il. . " > UOil."i per do ? . Poi'coiix Choice rice corn Is quoted nt U@ Ic per lb. ; other kinds 'J' ' oi He pur lb. CVUIIOTS Now stock , -\0iii \ I.V per do ? . UIHSS Good stock , < l'iiis'J.75 ! ( ( ; California beans , fj/i'ifti',1. 10. Fm In layers , lHQ7I.ic ; cake , lOc pcrlb. NUTS Peanuts , ruw , C'liftiTe ; Hrnzll nuts , Uc ! ; almonds , Tnrr.iironn , 'c' English walnuts - nuts , inrftlSo ; lllberts , Ibo ; Italian chestnuts , liV ; pcnins , Ifie. Hovin Hifi'Jlc for 1 lb , frames ; canned honey , lOyZl'Je per lb. Pi ui : MAi'i.n Sinn' SI.S5 per gal. Su.im 25e per bunch. WATCIIMUI.OSS ? a5.oo per 100. Grocers List , Sfcuit Granulated , liT < t 7P ! conf. A , 0c ; white extra C , ( ild e ; extra C , O'ae ; yellow C , f > } f ( 5'c ; cut loaf , 7 ; t-c ; powdered , " ( ( ( s o ; Now Orleans , 5 . Corrnn Ordinary grades , 10tfl7e ( ; fair , 17@lSc : prime , lx IC c ; fancy green and yellow , -J'il'ilc ( ; old governnicnt Juvn , S tg ; iOc ; interior Java , 'JoC'tSSe ; Mocha , SsmUOc ; Arbueklc's roasted , 21 ' e ; McLaughlin'9 ' XXXX , 'Jl'4e ' ; Uilwortli's , -Jle ; Red Cross , 'Jlc ; Alnroimi c ; German , "Oj c. WOOIINW\UC ) : Two-hoop pails , per doz. , 81.10 ; three-hoop pails , Sl.liS ; No. 1 tub , ? 7.K ( ) ; No. 2 tub , iO.Od ; No. a tubs , S5.00 ; washboards , electric , $1.50 ; fancy Northern Queen washboards , $2.7.5 ; assorted bowls , $2.75 ; i\"o. 1 chut ns , ) . & 0 ; No. 2 churns , JS 50 ; No. 3 churns , $7.50 ; butter tubs , $1.70 ; spruce , in nests , 70c pettiest. Toii.vtco Pi.uii Lorillurd's Climax , 5o ; Splendid , -I4c ; Mechanic's Delight , 4lo ; Lcggett * c Meyer's Sfcir , 4 mi Cornerstone , 30c ; Urummoiid's Horseshoe , 4.ric ; .1. T. , 42c ; Sorg's Spearhead , -l.V ; "Cut Kate , " 20o ; "Oh , My. " 27e ; Piper Heidsick , We. Ton vet o SMOKIXU Catlin's Meei hchaum , nie ; Catlin's Oltl SUle , 2c : ! ; Sweet Tip Top , 32c ; U. N. O. , 17c ; Hed , White and llluc , ISc. Jn.l.li s HO lb pails , ? 1.2.-iM1.50. Svi.r Per bbl in carload lots , Sl.-H. Horn Soven-sixtcantlis , 10y Ii'4c. ( ' C\vi > \ Mi.\cd , ( t-ttlc ( ; stick , ! ) ( ! ! < c\ PICKI-I > Medium , in bbls , > ii.li ( ) ; do in half bbls , < : t ,5il ; binall , in bbjs , > 7.00 ; do in half bbls , $1.00 ; ghurkius , m bbls , Ss.OO ; do in half bbls , 4.r > 0. IIii.i.\Mi Hcuuixii'5 CSi70is ( per keg. M \ri.i : Si ( . ui Mrielcs 12'c . ner lb. : penny cakes , lildgl-lc per lb. ; pure inaple syrup , > l.5 per Bill. JlnooMs Bra , 1-tic , S7.IX1 ; parlor , 3-tie , painted handles , > 2.23 ; No. 1 , t.J.00 ; No. 2 , ? 1 SIS ; heavy stable broms1.00. Sr MIC n Mirror glo s , o e ; Graves' corn , CMc ; Oswego gloss. 7c ; Oswego corn. 7c. 1'nvs , Ia.ins ] , 20iSSc ; Gunpowder , 20@ COc ; Young Hyson , 2'Jy < . " > 5c ; Oolong , 2liJ.'JOc. ( ( Pu\Miiit : VN'n.Siior Shot , $ ! . : ) ; buckshot , $ I.5 ; Hazard powder , kegs , W.OO ; half kegs , $ J.7S ; one-fourths. 1.50 ; blasting kegs , 42.33 ; fuses , 100 ft. , 45a7oc. ( CIICKI.IICM IS : , ETC. Prices subject , to change. Soda , 51 ? ; ( city goods ) , "c ; soda snowllako ( in tins ) , Klc ; soda candy , 5V ; sodu wafers ( in tins ) 10c ; soda zephyis , s > c ; city ojstcr , C' c ; excelsior , 7c ; farina oyster , 7c ; gem ojster , 5c ; monitor , 7o ; Omaha oyster , 7c ; peat 1 oyster , 5c ; picnic , 5c ; snow drop oyster , 7c ; butter , 5c ; Hoston , sc ; Omaha butter , 7c ; sawtooth butter , fl'/c ; cracker meal , Ti'jc ' ; graham , Sc : grabam wafers. lOc ; graham wafeis in pound pack ages , I'.Jic ; hard bre.ul , 5c ; milk , 7J c ; oat meal , c ; oat meal wafers , lOc ; oat nie.il wa fers In pound p.iekages , 12c ; animals , I2c ; Holiver ginger ( louml ) , 7c , cream , S ; , Corn- hill , lOc , cnicknells , 10e ; frosted cream , t. " , ginger snaps , V ; g'nger snaps ( eitj l , c ; home made ginger snaps , in boxes , 13c ; home made ginger snaps , ( lib cans ) per do/en , 52 SO ; lemon creams , Sc ; pret/els vhand made ) , ll'ijc ; nssortcii cakes and Jumbles , ll'n'c ' ; assorted iinceis , ISc ; afternoon tea ( in'tins ) , per box , > 7.0l ( ; banana fingers , He ; butter jumbles. II1. . ; llrunswii'k , 15c ; brandy snaps , ISc ; chocolate diops ( new ) , Uc ! : chocolate wafers , ISc ; Christmas lunch ( in tins ) ] > ir ito/eii , M SO ; cocoa tally snap-s He ; colleecako , 12c ; Cuba jumbles , 11'jC ; cream puffs , : ic ; egg jumbles , ll'jc ' ; ginger diops , lie ; honey jumbles , llj c ; jelly lln- geis , j.le ; jelly wafeis , ISijcllv ; tait ( new ) , ISc ; lady llngois , inc. ; vanilla bar , He ; va nilla waters , lie ; Vienna wafi'is , l do/en packages in a box , per do/en , $2.jiO. All goods packed in cans Ic per lb advance except snowliako and wafer soda , which arc packed only in cans. Soda in 2 lb and : ( -lb paper boxes , 'j'c per lb advance ; all other goods Ic per lb advance. Koda in 1-lb paper boxes , lc per lb advance. The 2-lb boxes are packed in cases holding lb In a case. The 2- Ib boxes arc packed in cases holding 12 in a case. The 4-lb boxes are ( lacked in eases holding ! i ( ! in a case. Ono-lb grahiitn and oat meal wafers packed 2 doIn a case. Show tops for boxes , with glass opening to show goods , 7ie. ! Cans for wafer soda , § JI ( HI , not icturnablo. Cans for hiiowllakc soda , $5.00 per doTill C.ISCH with Klass face to display the goods , JSc each. No charges for packages except lor cans and returnable goods. Glass fiont tin cans and "snowliako" soda cans are rctui liable at pi ices charged , Dry Goons , PKINT-J SOLID COI.OHAtlantic , Oc ; Slater , 5'4c ' ; Ileilm oil , ll'jc ; Garner oil , li ( ( § 7c. PisnMI KOIII s Ith'limond , < i > e ; Al len , li' ' jc ; Hiver Point , 5c ; Steel Kivcr , lie ; Hichmond , tic ; Pacillc. ( l'c. ' IMIK.O lli.i i : Washington , 0'4e : Ccntuiy , digo blue prints , Sic ; American , li'jc ' ; Arnold , li'/e ; Arnold H , 1(1' ( ' jc ; Arnold A , 12c ; Arnold Gold Seal , 10'3c ; Dm s Charter Oak , fie : Kanmpo , P c ; Lodl , fie ; Allen , lie ; Hieliinnnd , lii" VlnJsor , 0 } c ; IMd.x stone , II1 ji1 ; Paeille , li'jC. IU i rh Standard , Sic ; ( .Jem , lOo ; Heauty , l'e ; Hayoiine , He ; U , cased , $ li 50. ( Jiui'KT Wnr Uibb , white , lOc ; colored , 2'c. 2'c.Mi Mi ( ri.MM ( it1Table oil cloth , M'sB : plain Holland , bV'ifSiKo ; Undo Holland , i'o\iroiniits : 5.1 . ( X ) ( < 4.5 ! 00. Hi.r.i 1 111:11 : Kin.i.nsd lierltley cambric No. ( Ml , Si > < Jc ; Host Yet.41 , OV , butter cluth , OO , 4'.e ; Cabot , 7J.e , , rarwull , si.c ; Kruit of Loom. 0'4c ' ; Frceno G , II ; Hope , 7Jie ; King Plilliji cambric , lie , Lonsda'e ' , ll'4o ' ; Lonsdalo , b'c ' , ; Now Yurk iinllb , lO e ; Pcp- perell , 4J-in. . He ; Pcim-rcll , 4(1 ( in. , 12c ; Pcp- perell , l ! I , Hie. ; Pcppciell , 8-4 , 21c ; Pepperell , SM , 2tc : , Pepperell , 104 , 2.V. Canton , M , Uenfiow dibs * , TH us Lcwifcton , 'M in. , I''Jv'c ' ; LowUtun , : m. . 13'3c ; York , ; U-m , He ; Swift nvor , 7' ' c , Thonul.vke , OO , ' „ ' ; Thorndyko FK , * V ; Thornd.vUol20 , U jf ; Thorn.lyko . XX , l.V ; Coidm , No 5 , Si'jC ' ; Uuiuhs , No I , lie. Du.MMn Amobkeug H , 0 oKic ; Kverott , 7-oz. , I8c ; York , 7 ui. , Wlw , Havmaruct , h'c ' : Jutliuy , .XX , ll ci.lalliey X.NX , 12'.c ; Heaver Creek A A , 12i ; Hi'.uer Civelc UH , lie , Hejiver Cieek ( ' ( ; , Hie. , 20cGoseon : , . JXv a"VVmilsor , 23 > ioKcd'XO , , at-m. 15 > ioj B 24 in , 21c ; GO , 24 In , ISc , H A F , K , 25c ; J HF,8 * , 27cO. ; h toe. Ciusn-Stevens' U. fie ; bleached , 7c ; tcA'cns1 A , 7'jc ; blenched , S'sc ' ; Stevens' P , > jc ; bleached , D * c ; Stevens' N , blenched , IOHc ; Stevens' S K T , 12) ) c. AND riMnnn. " 'r/'ft' . 't ' fl.Mft.sn ! | ! 24ft. IT I 17 Ml SO W 2ft \ ) 22 IKIIiJ IM . 17 M > .H ir > 21 l ) 23 00 2:1 : ( .17 WM ) ! Ml 21 W'J2 ( lOi-- (11 Ixlfl 17 W 20 1X121 IK ) S3 IK ) .11 l ) 2x12. 10 V5 ) (021 ( ( H1S4 0024 (10 ( 15 MI in HIJBI nast msvo \ \ IIOAUI" ? . No. 1 com , s 1 . .S1S.50 I No. 3 com , sis. $ li > SO No. 2 com , s 1 . . 17.00 | No. 4 com , s 1 s. . 13 50 rn.vi-iNO. No. 1,4 & 0 In 12 .til ft , rough $1050 No. 1 , " " 10 " Ul.SO No. 2 , " " 14 " K'.50 No. 2 , " " 10 " IbOO SIIIINdS , A , 12 , 13 & 10 ft.21.50 I C , 12 , 14 & 10 ft.flS 50 13 , " " 20.50 | D , " " 12.50 Cnlt.INO VNII VAUTITION' . Silcom Jfin WhltoPino ceiling 400 11 * * * ' ' * ' . . . ' * . 2 .00 Clear Rf In Nonvay" " . . . ! . . ! . H'OO Sdcom ) i In " " " 1000 l-I.OOHINO. AOIn White Pine * 2050 HO in " " : u.50 COIn " " 110.00 DO In " " 21.50 130 In " " ( Sol. Fencing 1U.OO 0 In Drop Siding 50c. per M extra. MiiTiiiiiisii.t.ow I'isn. Star , 4 Inch Flooilng -$31.01) ) 1st and 2d clear 4 inch Flooring SM.IX ) Clear % inch Ceiling 'JO ( H ) Clour Jf inch Partition 21.00 Clear % inch , Partition $2 nbove % inch slill'l.u1. $10.00 No. 1 Plain Sand 10 In No. 2 " " " 17.50 No. 1 , O G. Sin 1SI.50 II\TIINS : , WKLI , TUIIIXO. IMCKKTS. O G Haiti , 2' in ? 70 " Jj'\3 , sis 35 3 In well tubing , D fi M and bev 23.00 Pickets , D & U Hat 1 ! " 50 " DHsii 10.50 risisiiis'ii. 1st nml Sd , clear , 1 , Hf , in s 2 3 $51.00 " ' " 1) ) ,2 51.H ( ) 3d , clear , 1 In s 2 s H.fX ) " I'I' ' < in2 40.H ( ) A. select. I in s 3 s 10.00 A , ' l' ( , 1J , Sin sUs 41.IX ) H , " Iins2s BO .00 13 , " l1 , ll ,2in s2s 37.00 13 , select , nil 10 ft , 51 extra. Ceiling CHICAGO'S HARVEST. Over Sl.oOO.OOO Dropped Daily by Visitors nnd DclosnteH. "The convention is u gootl thinp for my business , " Miiil a hir c dry needs nierchiint the other dny to a Chicago Mail roporloi1. "Doso cleleijiitcs coniin' is ! i sitni ) fur mo , " remnrked the news boy. This ibhow the extra swnrm of visitors has atlccted the two samples of our business representatives. livery- body , from the great merchant to the little newsboy has been benclitted. The city can bo reached by rail at half faro on all the roads , and each dny the people ple como and go. Every visitor has money , nnd these who remain during the entire session spend an average of $10 a day. "My receipts for Monday. * ' said a prominent State street merchant , "amounted to more than I received in two weeks prior to that time. Tuesday and Wednesday they wore still greater , and to-day I am doing as good a bu'si- noS's as I ever have done in a day. it is not only the strangers who traile with us , but the people from the rural dis tricts surrounding Chicago como to us to get value for their money. " U is estimated that at least SI.500,000 is left in Chicago every day during the convention by non-rcfideiits. At the bar of the Grand Pacific the net re ceipts since last Sunday evening have averaged $ . " > . ( )00 ) for every twenty-four hours. "I cannot say tliat.J wish it would last very long- ' saitlfrte ) of the bartenders at the hotel to-day , "because wo are worked to death. No , the visitor or- , are very easily pleased. They take anything they can get. In the rush they aio glad to drink anything. " "We arc prohibitionists clown our way that is , we are prohibitionists in theory , " said an alternate fiom Florida , as he'drair.cd olT a clirct punch. "The weather is so hot hero that wp have to take something cool to keep alive. "Oh , no , it is not hot in Florida like it is here. Wo got the athuUic and gulf bree/.o , and when it is hot the air is not so oppressive as it is in Chicago. ' ' The visitor from North Carolina ap pears to sutler the mo-t from the sum mer-resort weather of the Garden City. lie1 is always to bo found in the coolest " spot in tho"hotel he is stopping at , and oven then ho seems to be sweltering. "Oh , this heat hero is 1" said a member of the republican club from North Carolina. "Tho only thing that I can find to kcei > me up is artesian-well water. I like the taste of it , and the bar don't make much profit by my pat ronage. Our climate down there can not bo compared with this. AVhy , it is never nbovo SO there. There scorns to bo boinc'thing about the atmosphere of Chicago that exhausts a por-on. J have perspired more during my short stay in Chicago than I over expect to in my state. " Uut the newsboy don't mind the heat. Ho rather enjoys it. lie sells paper * from the early morning until late at night. IIo sees all the pirades. : the great men of the day , and all the sights there are during the busy comenlion week. Ho don't go home to bleep ho might miss a drum corps or a visiting band. After selling the last copy of his lit o'clock j ) . in. "extra" ho wander * around the hotels. After he has KCCJII all that ho can ho llnds a bed under a sidewalk and ho is glad that it is warm. In answer to a query as to how many paper * ho sold in a dny lie said : " 1 sell between 000 and 700 and I don't have to husllo to do it , either. Yon can hot 1 am living high on poaches and bannnas now. I am saving up for the Fourth and I'll have a high old time then. I wish the convention would last a month. " It is almost needless to say that every hotel in the city is jammed. At the Grand Pacillc alonu lJiW ( guests uro ac commodated. A cane made of part of the Fremont and Dayton polo erected in New He bron , III. , in IKVi , was presented to Gun. John C' . Fremont by Mr. John Kaloy , of New Hebron , The polo wns dug up in IhSI , after being in the ground twenty- cight years. The general pri/es the gift very highly. .11 I'A Milt S 1' IUIMMAJ II lit ( MIIAUK. PALMER , RICHMAN A ; CO. , Live Stock Commission Merchants , Ofllcu Ituiini . ' ( OMIIUHO Kxilmnpu Mini. UUK , union _ Slui * \ uriluntil oiuulm , .Ni.li MoCOY BROsTi live Stock Commission Merchants , .Miirl.it furu.iliwl free . , a I\II'H | | iitiii | Sim ki m nml fit lorn lurn a'li'it i n i'i otl ii rum llirrcni t * ( mm * in NuUiui'il Hunk ami South OiuuUu Nuiiunai , Luiuu bl.uk \ , tilt , -uutli Omnhn. Live Stock Commission , Itouni 15 , ixituiiitc : lluilitin- I mull Stock Ylirds. South Oiuuliu Ni. | AEXANDER f FITCH Commision Dealers in Live Sock , . ' , op | . in , * inlinur-o : It-illtlmi : , Uutuu btook Vurit s.utli Omulm Kelt , l/NUJN STOCK YARDS CO. , Of Omaha , Limited , Implements , CHURCHILL PARKER , Dealer in Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Cnrrlngo nnJ linenlm. JMIPH HiredbetwocnlKlitnil lutu , Om LININGER & METOALF CO. . AgriciiltnralImiilcmentsWa , onsCarriages ) Kto.Vhocfnlo. ! . Omnliit , Nctirit kn PA R LTiN , OR ENDORF & M A H T I S7" Wholesale Dealers In Agricultural Implements , Wagons&Bnggics Uil , nn , IU5 nn > l ( W Jones Street , Onmhn. P. P. MAST & CO. , Manufacturers of Buckeye Drills , Seeders , Cultivators , llitf Unkrs. Cliler Mills nn.I.utmn 1'ul- vctlter > . Cor , lllhntul Nlcliolm streets , IMPLEMENT co Agricultural linDlenientsWasons&BiiE , ies c'onier lltli iml Nlrliulu * flrcct . OMAlIAllHASrlt. J. F. SEIBERLINO A. CO. , Akron , Ohio. HarvestiiiE Machinery and Binder Twine , W. K. Mend. .Manager UKItearcnworth si lOmnlm. MOLINE.MILBUR'N&STODDARDCO Mnnufnctiirt'rs niul Jobbers In Wagons , Buggies , Rates , Plows Etc , Cor. Mil an 1 I'ncltlc s'rocts. ' llninlin , Neb. Artists' Mntorlols A HOSPE , Jr. , Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs , 1513 DouitliK btrcct , Onialin , NebmtVn. Boots nntl Shoos. KIRKENDALL. JONES & CO. , s lu Kecil , Jones A to ) Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots and Shoes IlOHtnn ll tilier Shoo Co 1U2 , 1IOI& 11W3 llnriify hi. , Oiimlm. tsobruukn. _ W. V. MORSE .V. CO. . Jokers of Boots and Shoes , 1101 , MttHUli Uoiiclns St. Oinntm Mnnufnctory , Sum- luer" ! lualon. Bookaollors nnd Stntlonors. H. M. & S. W. JONES , Succofforsto A , T. Kcnyon A. Co. , Wliolcailo iVItctnll Booksellers and Stationers , Flno WoiMhift Stntloncry , Commt'rdnl btntloncry li.Douflus Street , UuialmNi'b. . Coffees , Splcos , Etc. CLARKE COFFEE CO. , Omiilm Coffee mid tf pico Mllli. Teas , Coffees , Spices , Baking Powder , Flavorlnit llilrucls , Inunilry llluo , Inkf , Itlc. nil- nilllnnicy Slrnl. Oiiii\hn , Nrbrmku Crookory nnd Clnssvvnro. " " W. L" WRIGHT. Ascnt forthnMnnufRcturersnnil Importers of Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys , Ktc. Ofll cc , J17 S. 13tli fct. , Omalin , Ncbrnskn. PERKINS , CATCH & LAUMAN. Imi > ortL'r nml lolibunof Crcckerj , Glassware , Lamis , Silverware Etc. nil I iiraaiii St , New I'axton IliillillnK. Commission nnd Storage. ' " RIDDELL & RIDDELL' Storage and Commission Merchants , SrcclaltlC'-Hultcr. 1'ee * , C'liec"in. 1'oiillry , Gnmr , 111llow.ird Stici > t. Omaha. GEO. SCHROECER & CO. , Siicie9 orn to Mc bane & Schroetler ) Produce Commission and Cold Storage , Omatiii , Nebraska. FREDERICK J. FAIRBRASS. Flour , Feed , Grain and General Commision Merchant. Corri'Tondpiico solltllc'il. 1011 North lull frtruet , Um.tba , Nub. Coa ! , t3oko nnd Lime. _ _ OMAHA'COAU COKE & . LIMECO" Jolers of Hard and Soft Coal , S09 South IJtli Street , Oinnlm , Ncbrfttkn. J. J. JOHNSON Ac CO. . Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime , Anil hhlpppn of foal * Coke , ( Vniunt. I'ht tur , Llinc , Drain Tflc. nntl Sewer I'll'-1 , ( jnicc , I'ltnon ll Kuru a in r t. , Oinulia , Neb. Ttleiihunubll. NEBRASKA FUEL CO. . Shippers of Coal and Coke , 5H South IStli M , Uiimha , Neb. Dry Goods nnd Notions. M. E SMITH .V CO. , Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions , 1102 nml 1101 Douxlr. , ( . or. llth St. , Omnba , Neb. klLPATRIckl KOCH D R Y G O O DS Co Importers and Johhers in Dry GooflsNotions , Ucnts' 1'urnlsliliii : finol f'nrnor lltli and IluJuuy MtOiuaba , Ntb-u&kn. Furniture. " DEWEY & STONE , Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , Hirmun blruct , Uinnlm , NcbraHka , CHARLES SHIVERICK , Furniture Omalm. Ncbiuika Groceries. " " PAXTON , GALLAGHER Tco.7" Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , 703,7lff,703 and 711S. _ 10th fct. , Omnba , Neb. MoCORD , BRADY & CoTi Wholesale Grocers , I 111 and I/envunwortli Slrceti , Omaha , Ncbrafka. Hardware. LEE , CLARKE , ANDRriEbEN HAHD- WARE COMPANY , Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate , ilutals , Hii'c-t Iron , c'ttrcuts for II mi' Si .Miami I'owtler and I ymiin Hiirbud ( inuh.i , N HIMEBAUGHTAYLOR , Builders'Hardware ' and Scale Repair Shop , Jlfcimnlca1 Tools nnd llullalo Sralt'i 1106 Duuulai blrict.Oiualiii , NibntHka. RECTOR , WILHELMY & CO. , Wholesale Hardware , lOtlinnrt Harney bin , Omulm , Neb Wi'ilern Acenti Tor Aintln Powder c'-o Jpirrrsnn Meet Nalle , rulrbunki stumtunl riculu , MARKS BROS , SADDLERY CO , \S'M"luMi'o Manufiutari-'ri ul Saddlery & Jibbers of Saddlery Hardware 1I9J , U'lTi nnd lll7.Uurnvy 8t. , Omaha , Honvy Hnrdwnro. " " * " ' w. J.'BROATCH , Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel , Springe , Waximi.ik ; , Ilurdnare , Lumber , Etc. K'Jl uiid Ull liar/icy btrtol , Onialia Hats , Cnps , Etc. _ _ ' " "W. L. PARROTTE & CO Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods , 11U7 lUrnuy blrciit. Umuba , Nob. _ _ _ Office Fixtures. THK blMllll.M ) MAMJ AlTtltlSO toT Mnnulifi inr of Bank , Office and Saloon Fixtures , Mantlet Ktdebuarti IloukCnien Druii IIHim'i Wall Cu > u I'lutitiuui. HtttliniiCtiuatOrii , ( luirauU Wuio c iblurs , Mrror | ctc. h.actory ninionue , 17 1 a J IT J boulUlJiU t > t.OmabA. 'lulsp ono U . Lumber. _ " " " r * * "OM"AHA LUMBER co.i All Kinds of Building Material at Wholesale ISUSlrfct unit Union t'nclflo Truck , Omaha. LOUIS BRADFOHD , Dealer in Lnmlicp , Lath , Lime , M , Dovrt , Klc. Ynnl Corner 7lh niul Uouclail Corn * ! Mil niul ir - Dealer in All Kinds of Lnmlcr , loth unit C.ihfoniin direct' , Onmlm , Nebtnsta. FHlib W. G AV , Lnmlier Lime Cement Etc Etc , , , , , , Corner fth nnd Douclfti S . . Omiiho. T. W. HARVEY LUMQCnCO. , - To Dealers Only , Ofllco.llMrnrniHn Street Omnh * . _ " JOHN "XT WAKEFIELD. Wholesale Liniilier , Etc , ImportPil niul American IMttlniul ( Vmcnt. Sl t ( .AKeiiiror.Mllvmiltp UrOrniilloCciurnt ana _ _ Oulncjf White Mine. CHAS. n. Dealer in Hardwood Linte Wooil Cnrpoln nnil t'nrqnct Hoorlne Wli nml * ,1 _ Mllllnorynntl Notions. _ " * " I. OUERFELDER > V CO. , Importers &Joliliers in Millinery & Notions 3I < Jin nml 212 Vnnlh 11Hi M Ovornlln. CANFIELD MANUFACTURING CO. . Manufacturers of Overalls , Jcntu I'nnt , ' , Shuts , IClc ll'TJniul 1101 Uoiwlaf Street , Uni.ilin. Ni'li. J. T. ROBINSON NOTt ON CO. , \7flolcsale \ Notions and Furnishing Goods 4(0 ( nntl n-.Bcuth 101 Ii St , Omnba. CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO. ; Wholsale Refined and Lubricating Oils. AxloClicnio , Klo.Onmlm. A. II Hl'hop , Itannger , > 7lNYARD"i SCHNEIDElfi Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods , lllVi llnmoy Plroct. Omnlin _ Pnlntsnnd _ " " " " " CUMMINGS & N E I LSO N Wliolo'nlo Ii'nlcr ) In Paints , Oils , Window Glass , Etc , _ 111 Firnnm Street , Oiiintm , Kcti. -p " . r . - . - _ Pnpor. _ CARPENTER PAPER CcT Wholesale Paper Dealers , Cnrry n nleo stock of Printing , Wriipplni : nml Wrltlna l'i - r. fiaxlal aHonllon given to car loail nnl ni , Paper Boxes. JOHN Proprietor Omaha Paper Box Factory , oi. 111 ? niul UW Uouglui St. , Umiibn , Neb. Doors , Etc. M. A. DISBROV f CO. , Wholesale Mnnur tcturcrs of Sash. Doors , Blinds and Mouldings , llr.ilich bnlce , I''lli nnil Izanl Mrocts , Oiuiilm , Neb. BOHN MA NUFACTUnirufcO. iVanufactnrers of Sash , Doors , Blinds , \ ulillnm. Sfilr Work mill Interior lliirtl Wood Flu < Hli. N , U. Corut'r Mil mill I'Viuonwurtu btreoti , Omalm , .Ni'l ) . OMAHA PLANING MILL CO. . M-uafacturers of Moulding , Sash , Doors , And llllndx , Turning , Slalr-woik , Hank nnd Office Fti ) tliitfa. 'JuUi aud I'opplBton Avtnnc. _ Printers' Materials. _ " ' "WEST'ERN NEWSPAPER UNION ? " Auxiliary Puhlishers , " " " " ln T lubber Goods * OMAHA RUBBER c"6" Manufacturers and Dealers in Rubber Goods 311 ClulbliiK and Leather Uultln . KlUS hiirnam Btreot. Fittings , Pumps , Etc. A. LrSTRANG CO. , Pumps , Pipes and Engines , ilCamWJfe1nd ! > ? rniiii.gr ! ! italC"0' ! ; ! CHUHCHlLL PUMP CO. . Vliolesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , Steam nnt Vfnirr Runpllni Tlpniliiunrters for Matt , I o > lA ( . 'OH gooilB. nil 1 nriiiiiiiI , Oinnlin. U. S. WIND ENGfNE .V PUlviP CO. , Steam and Water Supplies , lldllldajr Wlrnl Mills 913 nnil MO rnninm bt.Omaba. _ _ < i I1 UDIII , Aitlnic MnniiKt-r. BrJOWNELC & CO.7" Engines , Boilers and General Machinery. sbiiulJruiiVork , strum PIIIIIIM. MKW MIK . 121HJ1S liMivc'nHortli MIPI I ( Imiiliii Seeds. PHIL. STIMMEL \ CO. , " Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds till nnd .i.IJoiu'nt-lri' | ( t Omuhii Stomgo , ForvyardlnB & Commission ARMSTRONG. PET1IS A : CO. , Storage , Forwarding and Commission , Umncli liiiimiint tliu HPIHIIHIIKBJ Co llucKlciat wliulUMuluiinilri'luil.UH Ultliinil 1IU liunl Utruut , Omabit. Tfli iiiiiino No OMAHi MANPACT01RS , Smoke Stacks , Bollora , Eto. H. K. SAWYER. Manufacturing Dealer in Smoke Stacks , Urlkliliik'n , TunkH unit 'JIMIITHI lloiicr ltuitilrlli | | { , 1315 Dii'ltrn Mri'nt Oiuuliu. .Sub Browora. " " " " " STORZ & . ILER , Lager Beer Brewers , U21 Norlh KiKthtounlli blrci't Oinnlin. . Vf h. _ _ _ * ' " E AGLlf CORNICE'w"6 m < S , Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Cornice , . Jubn Kjieuc'tur. Proprietor ' .W DudKu und 1UI and 1C4 Nurtli KHIi Mrcut. Omiilia Iron Works. STE'A'M BOILER WORKS , " Cntlor fi Kinliuiiifiaturcrs | ( if uli klndi Steam Boilers , T-n - s and Sliest Iron Work \V"rl. ' outli Wli unit II \ M CrnriliiK. I'AX'HiN A. VIUII.IVO lltO.VOUKU. . i Wrought and Cast Iron Building Work , Knt-'Hifs , llram Wurk Qono ill 1 n indr ) MuoUlne nud lllutktiuUli W"ik il II. i mill \V irk . II. I * . Jljr. anil 1.Hi Mri'i'l Ciiiiliu. "OMAHA WIRE fc IRON WORKS , ' Manufacturers of Wire anil Iron Railings Dusk lUllr.S'lridovr fliiarli I lower MnmliYlro bUui , Ktc. Ill North 1'tu ' . - Irucl. ( ; iouU . "OMAHA SAFE and IRON WORKS , " Man'frs ' of Fire & Burglar Proof Safes Vault ! InllW'irk ' Iron und W r- > lVnlnu Hlgni. Kto. _ < i Aiidreun.l'nipr Cur lull and Jntkten bit. CHAMPION IRON and V/irth. WORRs Iron and Wire Fences , Railings , Guards Und bTii'nn firbniik * Mtn.pi.io iuulcil"0 > , clc. jiruvti.v7nu ) ) ; ' l.oi kmniiti M ttblnery uud lllaikimiiUurk > . lUi uutb lull r-t. Fire anil Burglar Proof Safes , Time-Locks ; ( jenwai Aiteutt fcr Dtebald H lu , V I/Jek Co ' Yttullij uud Jail \ > [ k , itlCi.taraaia fcltccl , Quaba