Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 28, 1888, Image 1

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Formal Opening of the Soldiora'
Homo at Grand Island.
Grnnd Island ClniniH the
lon l-'or tliu Konrth and Itcscntu
the Proposition to Draw
'I hem Away.
Dedicating the Soldiers' tloinr.
On < v. ' ISI.INMI , Neb , , Juno 27. [ Special
Tclr gram to TUB llr.n.l All Grand Island
took n liolidny to-ebiy , and decked In her puy-
cst attire she did evciythlng she could to
make hnrsolf attractive lo the old vetcinns
ofNctiiaska. Thousands of yaids of bunt
ing were fastened from building to budding.
Every business house was covcied with ban
ner * and while streamers were crossed fiom
fttreet to street. Special trains were
r.un for the occasion from Hastings.
/.cnrnoi , St. Paul and oilier neighboring
towns. The Industiial School baud of
Kearney came down to ufl"ist in the festivi
ties. Governor Thaver and stuff null the
state board of public hinds and buildings
came from Lincoln. Mis Manchester , pres
ident of the Woman's Relief corps of Nc-
brnska , and Mrs. Ilattio Painter , the ' -Nuiso
of the Potomac , " were hero to represent
their sr x in behalf of the w Mows and moth
ers of Nebinskn veteians.
About 1 : : ) the prro"sslon , bended by
C. L. How-ell , marshal of the
day , started up Thiid sticct. He
was followed by Lyons pest martial dium
corps together with Major Hendcisliott ,
Uio celebrated drummer. They were fol
lowed byKK ) old veterans on fool , after
which came the governor and staff anel Iho
stale hoard. Then came the mayor and
city council , ladies of the Women's Helief
coips. Next were the Germaina cornet
band , who mulcted some vety line selec
tions The Grand Island tire dcpaitmont
followed , after which came the Nebraska
Industrial -ohool bund , local societies and
citi/i ns.
Arriving nt the homo at about 3 o'clock
they found a crowd of fully S.IWO people
had gathered to help In the dedii-nt'on. '
After n few selections from the bands the
assembly was called tool-derby Hon. Charles
Keif , who introduced Uev. George Williams ,
chaplain , and nil lowered their heads to
thnnk the Almigbti for bis blessings. Then
A. Y Cole , deputy adjutant , led the bo.\sin
singimr "Marching Through Georgia "
lion W. H. Platl , mayor , next delivered the
address of welcome , thanking the visitors
for their pro cncc ai.d bidding them welcome
to Grand Island and the Nebraska Soldiers'
mid Sailors' Home. He wis responded to bv
Governor John M. Tinner , who stated how
industriously ho had worked fora soldiers'
homo , what a great necessity had been tilled ,
for ono year ngo twenty-four old soldie rs lay
wailing death in the poor houses of this
i ' fatiito ; how grateful he was to Grand Island
for its beautiful location and for the cnthusi
asm her people showed towards an instilu-
tlon for those who had given their
all to their nation and their Hag.
Ho closed by thanking the major and clly
council on behalf of himself and slnff and
the stain board for their grand reception.
Captain E. M. Caiiem next spoke of Ne
braska's Hdelity. The gentleman was con
cise anil to the point , and stpoko in u vcrj
pleasing manner.
Afleraocal tolcilion from Uio Lieder-
kraii ? society , Captain W. C. Henry pave tbe
dedication oral ion , which showed very much
V talent , both in composition and eleliv-
crj' . M. ny an old soldier lookcel into
space , and when the time was most favora
t ble for bun not lo lie seen brushed away a
' \ lenr The captain has a peculi ir talent for
entortumg the boys , and if be over exorcised
that talent it was tins afternoon , lor compli
ment after compliment was showered upon
him. Major Hcndcishnt next entertained
the vast assembly witli a drum M > lo , an inii-
tntlon of battle mid \er.y line offoi t. Aftci a
selection bj the band , S. 1' . Dillon , chaplain
of the depart meat , gave the benediction.
The oxcic ss being successfully concluded
and the institution formally dedicated lo the
purposes for which il was intended , the1 vast
crowd , numbering thousands , depaitcd foi
Ihcir homes , cheering for the Nebraska in
stitution. In the evening the following en
tertainment was .11 ranged and successfully
curried out by Lyons post. G. A. H.
P.iit Hist Selection by the Germnnia
band ; rcc'tatlon , "Tho Drummer Bof of the
Htippahnnnock , " by Miss Hcrn'cj ' II ill ; in-
tioduction of Major Hendcrshot and son , b.\
Governor John M. Thajcr ; U. S. ( limit's
lax onto nun ch by Major Hcndershot and son ;
recitation by Miss ICccly S. FraiiKlm ; Dr.
Gillian's fax oi ito march , "Como and Get
Your Qiniinio"by Major I ipiidcrshot and son :
vocal solo , by Miss Kiltie C'aik ' ; Gram
Island quickstep by Major Hendcrshot am ]
BOH ; song , ' 'What is It I'1 by Majm
Hendeishot ; Lyons post favorite
imn eh by Major Hendeishot and son ;
vocal solo by Miss Laura 'lnjlor ; Chaplain
Williams' fax onto march by Major Himder-
Bliot mid son ; sung and tableaux bj Tootsy
Ackeiman ami Major Hendeishot.
Pint second Imitation of engine numbei
505 , Sam Hindmmi , engineer , pulling ox cur
sion train from North Plalto to Cuind Is
land , by Major Homlershol ; voeal solo bj
Miss Kx'ii Murph.x ; Captain John D. Moore-'s
favonlo march by Major llcndcrshot am
son ; piano solo by Miss Mao
Hanson ; "Tho Girl I Left Behini
Mo , " by Major IIcnder.-.liot ane
son ; "Othello mid Dars Do Money , " bj
Hans Cbiistejami Patrick Booth ; song
"The Old Fashioned White Army Beau , " b.x
Major Ilen.leishot , with Iho followine
" 'TIs the bean Hint x\-o incnii ,
And we'll eat as xx'oniivcr ale before ;
The nt-'ny ' bean , nice ami clean ,
We'll stick to our beano over moro ; "
vocal duct by Miss Murphy and
Miss Pease ; imitation of battle
the picket Hi ing. iho attack
Iho raltlo of musketry , the roar of cannon
thu bursting of shell and thoc-hargoby Mnjoi
Tno audicnco xvas very largo and a vcrj
appreciative oneh.cli could bo hoen by tlioi :
Vigorous cheering. Thus closed the dediea
lion of an iiutitnunn inteiided to care for the
old , to heal iho sick , and to instruct Hie
young. _
The NelirnsUii Cliniitaniinn.
Cltr.Ti : . Neb. , Juno 27--tSpecial to Tin
HUB. ] The heavjmm of yesterday e-auscd i
temporary cessation of the intense aclivitj
that for several xycekB bust clgncd supreme
on the Ubsrmbljgrounds. . This moinmt
being bright and clear tlu > activity has begin
with rencxvod vigor , ns if to make up for los
tlmo. Tlio rain was badly needed , und ha
not only cheeicd the hearts of farmers , bu
lias disposed of the dust which luul begun to
bo quite dlsagiecable. The road leading to
the assembly grounds has been traveled st
much of lute that it became even dustier
than the public hlghxvay. Pot- the past xxcel
vehicles passing over it have been constant ! ;
accompanied by a siillocatnigclond of "matte
out of place , " but this was effectually icino
died by the abundant sprinkling furnished bj
yesterday's rain clouds. At a meeting of the
assembly diiectors last Saturday ovenmi ,
IJIroctor Boxvlby was instructed to piocuro i
eprlnklcr for ust on thu assembly ground
und on the roads leading thesteto and to pro
cure It cheap. At the meeting last eveninc
lie very gravely repotted that tlio hcav.x
ehovvcrs of the nftciuoon bore to the
fact that ho had procuied Iho sprinkler ami
bad procured it chi'ap. Tlu'ro is now con
tiidcrablo curiosity ns to Just what relution
ship exists bctxx'een Director liowlby ijiiil
Old Piobnbilitics.
This mornJng Hmls business ou tbe ussem
) lv prounds in a vcrj' active mid promising
ondltlon. A nuinborof bnpgago wagons arc
mplojed in e-onvcj Ing to tlie pi omuls the
) CloiiRlngs of visitors , xxho ore arriving by
X'cry train , ( uito n number of tents and
ottnges are already occupied , but the great
mik of visitors xvlh not begin arriving until
0 morroxv. Among to day's arrivals nro
ibout a scoroof the tiustces of Doanc col-
eg" . Thc > came early xvitb the double
mrpnio of being piesont at thooneulng e < -
irclscs of the assembly and of holdimr a col-
ego business meeting this afternoon. Mr.
'Vinan nt.d Colonel IJoxvns , of Lincoln , also
irrlvcd ihis morning. The latter gentleman
ms to dny pureIm'ird several lots for a locn-
ion of an i ssembly licndquarturs for the
< nlKhts of Pythias. None of the assembly
vorkcrs xvdl arrix'o until tomorroxSupcr -
nletiilcnt Duuninir , Colonel Bain , Prof ,
lobnes and Mrs. Kennedy xvlll urrixo on the
1 o'liing tnun.
The CoiiKrcgational churches of several
cities of the state hax'c generously umter-
nkcn the xvork of furnishing Dunning hall.
I'he st Mary's nx'onuo church of Omaha has
furnished curtains for all the xvindoxx-s and
ill needed fuinituro for the parlor and
mo chamber. The churches nt Asli-
aml , at Aurora , nt Fairmont mid
it Fremont have each furnished ono
oom. The C. L. S. C. of Lincoln have
dso furnished one room. About half the
looms arc yet to be provided for. It Is lo bo
lioped that oilier chinches xvill teen manifest
us much aelive interest in assembly mailers
as Ihe CongregationnllstR bii\-e done.
The mat irity of Cretins xvill dxvell in dark-
ncus for the next fortnight , ns most of the
. Icctric lumps have been taken to the assem
bly grounds. The advantage of having the
grounds supplied with electric lights Is grcal ,
ami Iho major and councilmen of Ciete linx'c
conferred a gicat boon by voting lo donate
Iho cleclrlc apparatus lor use upon the
grounds. The lights this year xvill bo free
from the "pasmodic , uncertain habits xvbicb
characteri/ed them last j ear , as the appa
ratus xxill bo managed by cxpciicnccd men. a
Among the tents re-ccntlv pitched nioiibout
one hundred 1 Ixl I , xvhich have been rented
of tholi. &M. r.uhoad. These xvill bo re
served for guests from abroad.
The gioundsarc now looking their best.
I'hi'.V are in excellent order , and the bun-
ilrcds of tents , together xvith the many gailj'
painted Irnmo buddings , give them the np-
pcaiancc of a veritable citj- . Various booths
are going up , and n fin nilure tent is being
stoied ivith all kinds ol lurniluro nc't'dcd by
t -nt dv-ellei-s. Among oilier recent miprox'o-
uienls are two iiexv xvclls and pumps.
The Knights of Pythias will take
possession next Momlny of the iiuar-
tois nsblgned Ihcm , and xvdl remain
el imig the rest of iho session. Their ihill
xvill include guard mounting ex'erjmoining
and diess p-iradu exerjexcuing. . Their
maiieuxcrs xvill bo eiijoyed bj- those xx-ho aic
fond of military display.
The grounds xvill bo supplied xvith a tele
phone uflleo , a good baiher shop and the in
evitable photographer.
Chancellor Creighton , of Lincoln , and Dr.
Duning , of Boston , xvill preach in tbe pa
vilion next Sunday afternoon and evening.
'I he folloivmir is tlio for Thurs-
d ix , June Hi :
2 Uil Opening cxeicisos. Grcctingsandsboit
I (0 ( Normal class , Colonel Hobert Coxvdcn.
"The World of the Bible. "
1:0 : I Advanced normal , Prof. H. S. Holmes ,
"First Truths Kcvealed to Men First
Principles of Touching. "
1 00-Clmrus. Mr .1. P. Vnnco.
bLU : Lcctuie , Colonel Giorgo W. Bain ,
"Among the Masses , or Traits aud Trials
of Clmrauter. "
Gt-anel Island W.-u-ns Omaha.
Isi.xNM ) , Neb. , Juno 27. [ Special to
Tim Hir. : . | The Omaha licpublican of Mon
day , June 'J"i , says that Grand Island is not a
lit place to hold the Nebraska traveling men's
celebration of the Fourth of July , and sug-
gesis Om.i.ia as Ibe only lit place in Hie slate ,
saxing that nine-tenll'R oi the "b < \\s" xvnuld
lather snend their Fourth in Omaha than
any other place , and also saving that iiVlmcn
\\holesale houses have their hoadnunrtcrs
there. So far so rood. Grand Island lias ar
langcd and jnepaie'd a programme that cost
the merchants of tins citx , > : < , iHH ) . We xxouldask
if Omaha xvould give ? . ! , lit't ) or { .JOO to help a
celebration ol Uio trax'clmg men.
Not a thing has been lelt undone to make
thu most glorious and brilliant cilebra' inn
has ex-er been undertaken m this bioad slalo
ofNebiaska. One month ago xx-e sent invi
tations to each and every traveling man in
Omaha to come and join xvith us in our fes
tivities. We not only said "Come , " but said
"Come and xo xvill pay all your expenses. "
Wo have noxv nn example ofxbat Omaha
xvislii s for our xxelfare. Ono month from
iioxxxvlicn Ihe traveling men of Omaha conic
for their icgiilar orders from our merchants ,
thi'j- will ( if they go on xvith their prepara
tions in Omaha ) sco how x\-o e-an throxv
( ir.ind Isl md sand if xvo have no sticky
Omaha mud.
Last evening at a mectlngof our merchants
mid business men Uio folloxving resolutions
xx uio adopted by a unanimous vote , ox-cr
tin eo bundled of our most prominent busi
ness men being present :
Whereas , We , the mm chants and business
men of the cil.of . Grand Island , Inix-c spent a
large sum lo assist the traveling men of Ihe
Hlatoof Ncbiiibku to celebrate our national
bill ) . day : mid
Whereas- , Omaha is ondeax'oi ing lo pro-
cu'-e a like cclobrnlion m Hint citx' , only to
cause Grand Island n diaxvback ; bo it
Kesol\-ed , Bx the mei chants and business
men of Grand Island , that if Omaha pcisistc
in iroingon xvith n celebration on.lulj- I , Issb
xvo pledge ourse-lx'cs not to palronuo auj
Omaha , and d- > all in our pox\cr to
have our neighboring tu\vas also denounce
A meeting of the Slate Tiaveling Men's
association was a'so hold in the spacious e-or-
udois of the Palmer hoiisu , but Iho crowd
being BO laivo it adjoarnod lo Iho G A. H
hall , xvhere over lxx-o hunilreel traveling mei
resolved to LO lo Grand Island , to dmounco
the coU'hralion al Omaha and do ad m Ihen
poxxur to help Cj tuml Island in her Icstivi-
Caltlu on Iho Keset vatioiiH.
liAN'uicnr , Neb. , Juno 27. [ Special to
Tin : Bi r. ] The noiiiliii.tion of Hainson ur.d
Morton xvas recou-ol hero xvith onthusiasm.
Sovcial Unilcd States soldiers are camped
here. They xvern Sv-nt to loidc alter the nutlo
ranches on the Wmnobiigo and Om.lin i--fer
viilions There are about tWviilj-Hx'o thou
sand head of cniilo being pastured on iheio
iCfvci vnlions this year ,
Prep.iralious are being made hero for a
grand Fomtli of July celebration. Judge
Norris oj Poiicu xvill deliver thu oration.
To Hclmild Hit' Groanii'ry.
PIXXMK Cm , Neb. , Juno 27. [ Special
Telcgiam lo Tin : Bm.j To-night decided a
big thing for Pavx neu counly fanners. The
stockhohlois of Ihei creamery which burne-d
down nl Ihis place Jasl xxce-k have tletei-
iniiicd to icbuild. The old management had
just put Die business on a good pajing basis
xylicn burned out , but a ncxv building goes
up ni.incdiatclj- the loss will boon bo i'o-
pail cd.
A Hlu Windfall.
NinuusKA Cm- , Neb , Juno 27. [ Special
Telegram to Tun liiej A. J. Klepscr , of
tlii-i e.ty , to-day received word that the go\-
einiiient had nlloxvcd his claim for $7,001
back pension and monthly alloxx-aneo fet
xxoands rcicix-ed in the army.
Hog rhuloi.i is raging to a tcrriblo extent
In Berlin precinct , xx-cst of tlio city. One
farmer has lost over t\\-o hundred head , and
othcis have sutfeicd very n.'ji ti ,
A Thousand Pai-adcrs.
\VESI- POINT , Neb. , Juno 7.- [ Special Tc-lo.
giam to Tuu Bii : : . ] A meeting xx\is held
to night un.ler the auspices of iho Young
Men's Hopub'dcaii club to ratify the nomina
tion of Damson and Motion After a parade ,
in xvhich moro ihun a thousand people joined ,
the croxx-d adjourned to thu hall and xvas ad
dressed by many pi eminent cituens. The
town is xvild xx-ith enthusiasm.
Steamship Arrivals.
NEW YOIIK , Juno 27. [ Special Telegram
to Tin : Unc.j Anivcd The State of Pcnn-
RVlrunla , fropi Gliwgoxv ; the City of Colum
bia , ( roui Havana ; the UiifUnd. fiom Livci-
The Now York "Sun" Analyzes the
Political Outlook.
Mr. Unnn Discover * it Striking 15c-
semblance Between tin : I'rc'-cnl
Republican Ticket and That of
1H8O Washington Nc\VS.
Have GlnntH to Fight.
WASHINGTON Hunmu TIIIOM\U\ : linn , )
fiU ) FontTKKXTIl ftTllKGT. f
WMllNoroN. . 13. C. . June U7. I
The democrats of the IIOUSD who seemed so
anxious lo exptoss their I chef that Harrison
will be defeated in November , now that they
have had tlmo to think over the situation , nro
not so brash In their predictions as they
were on Monday. They have begun to
realize that the republican ticket Is an cx-
coGdmirly strong ono In many essential par
ticulars , and an editorial which appears in
to-day's New York Sun has not served to
allay their feats in the slightest degree. The
Sun po ut.s out that Hlaino and Logan car
ried states that yielded them lb'4
clcctorial votes In 1SSI. It also
calls attention to the fact that
thu democrats lost Indiana In IS O by3a.'l
votes , and that the Hfteon votes of Indiana ,
addeil to the votes of the slnto carried by
Hluinc and Logan , woulel leave Harrison and
Moi Ion within four votes of the number re
quired to elect. It also calls attention to the
fact that the vote in Connecticut has always
been leniarkubly close , anil that the prohibi
tion vote there , which was moio than Iho
democratic majority lit ls > 4 , is likely to fall
bacu Into the republican column , and that
tlio stale on Ihe tariff issue is cjuile likely to
go u republican. The Sun concludes
its editorial in these words : "It will
not do for the democrats to umlcrrnto
the political importance of the llnirison and
Morton ticket. Wlulo Its nomination makes
Indiana and Connecticut , from This tnno on ,
the veiitablo battle ground , New York is not
withdiawn Irom tlio question ; for while it is
absolutely indisponsible to the SMCecss of
Cleveland ami Thuimanits loss would by no
means deprive the lopubbeans of their
chance , or render the light hopeless lor
them. They won the election of isiis without
New York and mlu'lit be able to do it again.
Underlying tins all is the lact that General
Harrison , bUe General Garllcld , is an Ohio
man , a native of Iho Buekc'yo stale , mid that
Moi Ion , like Aitliur , the ) > i evidential noiin-
neeot isso , isti New Yorker , indeed. The
republican ticket of Isss , has mum points of
resemblance to iho republican ticket of ls > o ,
and all democrats well remember the latter
event. About Ihe best thing which tlio dem
ocrats of the doubtful states can now do is to
cease contemplating the weakness of the
ticket which their opponents put up , and to
dovelopo what strength and stability nppei-
tmiis t ) their own. "
'J he Sun editorial has not served to tin ill
the democrats in Washington with hikrity.
Few ot them aio followers of the Sun's pe
culiar tenets but they are all willing to ad
mit that the editorial in question is founded
on good sense , anel that , it shows the true
situation in its real light , and although this
is not in accordance with their ideas of what
it should be , they aio all constrained to ad
mit that the advice is we'll timed , and that
they must do something more than sit still
und point out thu weaic places in the ropub
Mean ticket if thc > y arc to win
m the light which has just opened
Republicans are mowing moio eonlldent
evoty day , and while they wore not all
enthusiastic Hinnson men at the start , they
believe' , and with unml reason , that iho ticket
has nil that character which will grow in
populaiily , and that the tune when the ticket
is in its weakest slngo is at the beginning of
the i ontost , with every prospect oi gaming
strength day by day.
Tin : m'MoiimieCOMMITTII : : OIIOIM/CD.
There was a gieat deal of difficulty en-
couiitereu in reaching a conclusion in the at
tempt last night to orgam/e the democratic
national committee. Mr. Barnum Hist re
fused to bo chairman mid then it was ex
tended to Heproscnlativo Scott of Pennsyl
vania. Ho stated that be would positively
not rive up his tnno to publics tin * summer ,
ns hu would hu\o to look alter his business
and affairs in his own district Then Colonel
Brueof Ohio was begged to take the chaii-
imiiishipinul hellatlj le-fuse I even to consider
it. The c mii'iUeo was in a dilemma , and
and again tin nod to Mr. Barnum and told
him that ho must , lake the chairmanship ;
that nobody competent would accept it , aim
that it was a duty ho owed to his party.
Finally Mi. Bamum , with rcluctancy , ac
cepted the position , and the affairs of the
pint y will Lc connoted in libS on the plan
that they were four years ago. Senator Got-
inmi. of Maryland , will apain be chaiiman of
the executive or campaign committee.
\HIIS : wn.i , in in ujjot ix (
Anticipating the adjournment of congress ,
membeis of both parties say the discassiou
in the Iiouso to-day on the question of limit
ing the tariff debate bear ) moro than ordi
nary mteiosl. The republicans flatly refuse
lo lix a date when the debate shall close mid
a Ilnal vote be taken on the Mills bill. They
also gavn the democrats to understand that
they do not propose to olfer a hubstiluto bill.
Ueinoci.its say that this moans that the re-
pubheans do not believe there w-i'l ' bo any
action in the senate on Iho subject of tarilt
dining the present sossiou. In puna ol fact
the iironos.tion of.lucUe Kelly to postpone
f m tin rncUoii on ttie Mills bill till the next
session of congress so as to allow fie
people of iho country lo puss judgment omit
at Ihe jo'ls in \vtnber , indieuU's clouly
that the republicans do not bolieyei there will
be any Haul action at this session. After the
ropuhlirunr icfuhtd lo limit debate on the
b'lt ' on Ihe ground Unit tbuy bud no voice in
the compilation of the muasuru m c munition
and their constituents can only be lioird
through Iho pre-sont piociss. there was a
good deal of talk about when confess is
likely lo adjourn. The general bulicfia that
the veto will bv ? taken on the Mills bill about
tin ) last week m July. It will then go to the
Konato committee on Hnanco , mid there is
litllo piospcct that It will bo repot ted in time
for action in Iho tfonato during Uio present
session. Them is a grow ing nervousness , on
the ii.ii t of member.s on both sides lo get out
of Washington mid to tticir constituents.
The weather is extiemoly warm mid tlio
campaign is rapidly opening. From the best
opinions to bo gleaned now it looks as though
congress would Hnally adjourn about the 10th
or 1Mb of August.
After this week changes in the time sched
ules of slur mail routes in Nebraska will
lake place as follows :
Bohccl lo Columbus Leave Bohcct Tues-
dafs , Thursdays mid Saturdays at 1 p. m , ,
arnvo at Columbus by li p m ; Icuvo Colum
bus Tuesdays , Thursdajs and Saturdajs at 7
a. in. , nilive at tjohcol by I ! noon.
Uivido to Loup City Leave Dlvido Tues
days ami Saturdays nt U a. m , nirivo i > t
Loup City by 11 a. m ; leave Loup City
Tucsdins and Saturdays ut 10 p. m. , urrivo
nt Divide by ! ! p. in ,
Itcdington to Ashford Leave Kotlington
Mondajsand Tuosdajs at 1 p. in. , arrive at
Ashford by ( i p. m ; leayj Asbford Tuesdays
ami tJuturdius al 7 u. m . urrivo at Hcding-
lon by 1- noun and permit postmasters to deliver
liver mails m advance of tchcdulo , providce
nil connecting mails be in and no complaint
Dunning to Hrewotcr Lcavo Dunning
daily ixccut Sundays at 7 a. m. , arrive iv
Uicwster by U noon ; lotvo Hrewster daily
except Sundays ut 1 p. in , nrrivo at DUIIIIIUL ,
by U p.m. PKHIU S. lit ITH.
Nebraska and Iowa Pensions.
WASHINGTON , Juno 27. ( Special Telegrnu
to THE BEr.l Pensions ) \ero granted Nebraskans
braskans today as follows ; Original in
valid-Isaac 1 \ Picrstn , Fnciidj William H
Puimington , Lebanon ; Harrison A. Itacka
fellow ( deceased ; , Fremont ; Claude L
Crosby , Itivcitcii. He&t&itttiouWiluam A.
' * * ,
Hentloy ( doce s d ) . PaVvnee City. Increnso
Joseph Pritts , Nelson ; Alexander J. John
son , Plum Creek. Getj-pe II. Galer , Har
vard ; Benjamin S. Vrasler , Chapman ;
iVnllaco Herthier Honywell , alias Wallace
Icrthier , Hustings : 3corgo W. Splebley ,
21k Valley. Original widows Mary A. ,
vidow ot William A. Pcntlcy , Paw-nee City ;
, ue\v W. , mother of Austin S. Bradley ,
incoln ; Nuncy A. , mother ot Henry
I. Slinul , Oninil Island ; Mcxl-
an survivors Jaaics O. Foster ,
Tor lowans : Original Invalid Ruinnel
linnpshtrc' , Knlnnn ; Arthur O. Gelgcr ,
Juilinptoti ; Abraham Kdwnids , Fort Mad-
son ; Cliarles H. Jennings. Newton ; Abra-
nun Knout ? , Uniotivillbi Hlrnm Davis. Coal-
Icld ; Holla Ull'B , Corbon ; Hiram Middlo-
cautT , HllUdat" ; Charles I. Mnitin , Plain-
leld. Inciease Loren/o Dean , Uutlund ;
llram Koster , Guthrlo Centre ; Charles B.
Inrris. Cedar KapidsVillio ; L. Stirkey ,
' " "ait-Hold ; James M Powell , Scarborough ;
iVillium A. Hunt , Logan ; Elijah Galbnn ,
I'oledo. lieissneGeoigo C. Miller , ( Hold
ers' Home ) , Miirslialltown. Oilginal wid
ows , etc Mary M. , widow of David I ) .
.each , Honirpnte ; Maltha , mother of
William Cluflin , Webster City ; Charles ] . ,
'ather of Charles W. Lcsan , Lcsanj Samuel ,
father of Albert Hussell , Ljons.
Sheridan to take n Trip ,
WV.JIUNOTON , Juno 27. Tlio United States
steamer Swatara arrived nt Washington nnvj
yard nt noon to-day from Norfolk , for the
mrpose of taking General Sheridan to Mon-
quitt , Mass.
General Sheridan will bo accompanied by
Mis. Sheridan , Colonel Sheiidiin , Drs.
D'Ueilly and Yarrow . .ml n trained nurse.
:2very : arrangement hill been made for the
care and comfort of the patient , mid It is ex-
tccted that ho will derive great bcnclit from
.ho trip. i
_ _
Postal Cliannc .
WASHINGTON- , June 27. [ Special Telegram
to Tin : Um.l : The following Nebraska
lostofllees weie established to-day : Kiege ,
Jherry county , Pelcr Kiege , postmaster ;
Hosecrans , Sheridan county , Patrick Moran ,
jostnmstcr ; Nodino , Clelry county , Charles
II. Nodme , postmaster.
1) . B. Conncllo has been nppnintcd post
master at Victor , Iowa county , vice W. L.
lickhnrd , resigned.
Itisliop Coxo Upholds tlio Traditions of
Hie Galliciati Cluti-uli.
U'opi/i / fu/if / I'M ' i > n Jum-vf Gmilin llcnnctt \
Puns , June 'J7. [ New Yonc Herald
Cable Special to Tun line. | I have obtained
> i copy of the letter addressed by Bishop
Cox-o , of western Now York , to Monsigneur
[ { ieard , archbishop of ParK informing the
latter that nn investigation will bo made by
the recently appointed commission of Anglo-
rVmcrican bishops of thu complaints made
l > y the priests and laityof the ave-h-dioe-oso of
destitution and being deprived of tbe arch
bishop's paternal care. After explaining the
doctiines and dogmas adhered to by the
'omplaniniits ' , and afllrinlug that they arc not
contiary lo the teachings of the church ,
Bishop Co\c says :
I have resolved to administer confirmation
and to celebrate the oftlccs of the church
imong tbcso Gallleians unless your
grace shall charitably Inform me that
you i have by no means disowned
Ihem , and have not failed to up-
[ irovo their fidelity to the traditions of the
church of France. A ? one who has long
studied and admired the doctrines of u church
so ancient and so glorious in the past , as an
American profoundly sensible of tlio debt
my own countrymen owe to the French peo-
| ilo for timely aid in the historical crisis of
then- birth as a nation , and as a bishop deeply
sympathizing with the cares and anxieties of
tine catholics in France , I hnvo felt these
explanation1 , to be duo to your grace
mid to Iho Hock over which you
preside with Godly siiic-crity and simplicity.
1 los-o all my fellow Christians , but among
those of this brilliant capital my catholic
mpalliiCi are with those , iiowovor humble ,
who will not suffer ecclesiastical Franco
with their consent to bo i educed to a mere
satrapy of what Bosiuet has called n foreign
domination , i venerate these holy witnesses
to Christ and to His apostolic church who ,
when others forsook Him and lied , were re
solved that tlio illustrious Galbcian church
should not become extinct , mid that her free
muxiins and splendid traditions should never
be forgotten. Accept , I pray you , mon-
blgnour , the ussuranco of my profound re
spect in Ciir.sto et in ecclcsia.
A. CI.I\EI : , VXD Cox'i : ,
Bishop of Western New Yoik.
Tlio Kniperoi- Berlin.
Brm.iN , Juno 27. The municipal authori
ties of Berlin wei o received by the emperor
t ) day in the imnblo hall of the castle , llerr
Poiekonbock read an . ddrcss. The emperor
thanUcd him for expressions of loyalty. Ilo
said that ns a native of Berlin he fol
lowed attentively the developoments and im
provements imido in the municipality. Ber
lin had only recently become ono ol the lead
ing cities , of the world , but henceforth it
would hold its own. Jn e-om hiding ho do-
clarcd that besides schools ami hospitals the lun of placvs of woiship ought to bo
a part of the duties of municipal govern
Ills ( ii--indl'.ttlier'ri Legacy.
BUIU.IN , Juno U7. The lantag met to-day.
In his speech opening the session King Will
iam said that his government , like llmt of
t'io ' Into ICintr Fiedonc'f , would bo cvorcisud
as a legacy Irom hai grandfather. Ho would
equally guard Iho rights of his people and
e-iown , and protect a'l ' religions.
The king elid not lomovo his belli et while
reading bis sp 'cell. * lho hief passage's of
the address wore lo'iflly npp'audcd. When
he hail Unshed the kin1 ; exiondol his band
to Prince liism.ii ckylio , bomg low. kissed
it After bowing lo the assembly the king
left the hall amid enthusiastic cheering ,
KeprcsontatfvoH 'of tlio Kcichstng ; .
HI.IIMV , Juno 27. T..ho dowager empress ,
Victoria , to day received the president anil
v.oo president of the roichstug , who pro-
touted her with an address of condolence ) on
ii' cuiint of Emperor FioJorick. The empress
in loply thanked thorn for their \mpith.v. .
The president and vice president afterw.uds
waited upon Iho cmpcf or and prcsenled him
with the reply of the rcichbtag to the speech
from the throne.
Identified tlio ilewclH.
Loxnox , Juno ST. The owners of the es
tablishment at .Munich , fiom which Hilb
Porter and Frank Buck , the American
cracksmen , made their largo haul of jewelry ,
have arrived in London and have iduntillej
nearly every aiiiclo of plunder found in Pur-
tor and Buck's residences.
William Mill VlHilSi. Potc
L.OVHOV , Juno 27. The Berlin eorro-
spondent of tlio btandanl telegraphs : "I'm-
peter William , with an imposing suite , will
ciiib.nk on the imperial yacht , Hohcnzollern ,
on July ia ami pioceod to St. Poteisbuiv ,
whe'io ho will remain for days. "
A Thousand Bilicn ( Heoovcrcd.
EL PASO , Tex , Juno 27. A tclo ram fiom
bdas sa.\b stciis aio be-ing taken for the re
lief of the suffereis by tlio terrible overflows
along the line of the Mexican Central rail
road. It seems that at 1 aH Hfte-cn hundred
people were di owned .n L"on al no. Over i
thousand bodies have already Leon roeoy-
cr d. In some dUttlis the drifting watei ; is
full of dc-ael bodies Ilo ititife' us driftwood , and
the stench pci vading the eountry is fright'
fu ) . Measured are. being taken all over Mexico
ice to raise fut.ds fur the sufferers.
How Gonorn.1 Black's Vice Prosldon-
tial Boom Was Killed.
Ho Din't Kunuy n CollcaK'io Who
Would Ho AVnltliiB to Stop In
HI * Slioes Wliy Governor
GrnyYiiH Dropped.
A Victim of Hie 'Miiclilne.
'WASHISOTON , Juno y' . [ Special to Tin :
-Ir.n. | Ono ol tlio most widely known demo
cratic members of the house told mo the
other day , how It came that Inter State Com-
nissloncr William U. Morrison went out into
Illinois and Indiana and worked with so much
vigor , apparently in direct opposition to the
spirit and letter of the civil service law ,
igainst the nomination of Pension Commis
sioner John C. lihirk for the vice presidency.
It will bo remembered that a short time be
fore the St. Louis convention , mid while
Colonel Morrison was in Illinois whooping It
up for Grav and Jumping on to Hhtck , that
some friends ot the latter went to President
Cleveland and complained npiinst the pro
ceedings. They thought that Morrison was
treating lilnck unfairly , mid that ho was violating
lating the civil service reform pahcy of the
administration in leaving his ofllcial duties
mid participating offensively in politics. The
president pretended not to know nn.\ thing
about cither the whereabouts or work of
Colonel Morrison , mid said that in the ab
sence of any oflleial information on the sub
ject he had no power or desire to take action ,
"I have it , " said this democratic member of
Iho house , "fiom the most direct mid reliable
soui ccs , that President Cleveland not only
know where Colonel Moirisoa was , ami
what ho was doing to defeat the nomination
of General Hlaok , but could have anticipated
everything that Morrison did , and everyplace
he visited , because Monison wascirrymgout
the instructions of the president. I do not
say that Morrison received Ins instructions
fiom the lips of the president , because the
chief executive is too smart to do that , but ho
convoyed to Colonel Morrison Ins dcsnes on
the subject ol ISeneral Black and the vicj
presidency , and Morrison was deputed to
bring about the defeat of his colleague. "
"The president's dislike to General Ulack , "
continued the member , "came from n ic-
markablo and , viewed in one light , rather
ludicrous incident. It came from an nulis-
ci eet observation made by Mrs. Black. Some
months ago Mrs Black was talking to a
friend about General Black and the vice
presidential nomination , when she obsoned
that she hoped General Black would be nom
inated , because the prospects were that
President Cleveland would not live loiifr , ami
General Black ns vice piesidont would suc
ceed to the chief executive. This lemark
went directly to the eais of Mr. Cleveland ,
and ho resolved at once to defeat General
Black's nomination for the vice presidency.
He did not want a man on the ticket with
him who expected to see him peg out , and
who would bo constantly on the anxious
bench wait'tig for a promotion. The president
told one of bis advisors , who is n member of
the house , and known to the people at largo ,
that Black must not be nominated , and that
the machinery must bo brought into instant
acquisition to put him on the sbclf. This
member went to Colonel Morrison and laid
the whole matter befoie him. Morrison docs
not like Black for several reasons , principal
among which is the fact that Black is Morri
son's i mil m Illinois politics , and the lact
that ho has bent handicapping Morrison in
procuring spoils for the democrats of
Illinois. The piesident knew that Moriison
would go into the work with not only a prtdo
inspired by the wish expressed by the chief
executive , but with a personal pride at down
ing his rivt.l. The prcsule-nt argued well.
Morrison took his msti notions , went out into
Indian-land began woiking for Gray. The
president and Morrison and other men closely
connected \ \ ith the administration at that
time thought that Giayas the most availa
ble man \\iUi which to Black.
"The Hist thing that Moinson did to handi
cap black was to become a candidate for the
nomination himself. Then General Steven
son , Hist assistant postmaster general , who
was also in the sc beine to a more or. less de
gree , IK u candidate. This made three
vice aspirants in ono state , and
tins lact alone did a great deal to complicate
affairs and put Black beyond the palo of the
possibilities of nomination.
"Now , 1 will tcil you how it come that the
admmistintion weakened on Giay mid took
up Thiniiniii. The lepoits that Gray was the
llrst choice ol the president and that ho was
uidctratked for Thurmnn mo true. Morn-
son in Indiana encountered n gitai deal of
opposition to Gray. Ilo visited Gray and
si/ed up his man very c.uefully. Mor
risen is not a well educated manner
nor is ho a philosopher , but he
is n vciy good judge of human nature. After
lie had heard much against the private and character and capacity of Grui ho
called upon the man and sued him up care
fully. Cray did not stand the criticism of
tlio author ol tlio horri/ontnl tariff bill as
well us was expected , and his report en Gray
was not scry eheerlul. However , the ma
chinery was at woik and it was decreed that
Gray should bo the vice presidential nomi
nee. Moirison put sued his journey into
Illinois , and there began an active canvass
lor l aao P. ( .ray Hist and himself as second
choice. Meanwhile Assistant Postmaster
General Stevenson wiote a lot of lette-rs to
his ft lends in Illinois , ono or two ot v. Inch
jou will remember to Imvo published , mid
earnestly called upon his friends in the state
to stand by him. This increased tlio com
plication and lessened thu chances of
Black very rapidly. It must bo re-
memliorcd that Black has a strong hold on
ins p'oplu , and had ail immensely enthusias
tic lollowmg thioughout the country. No
man has over used hh position foi his
pcrnoiml pio'qrenco 10 a greater extent and
Hi'ro successfully than Genoial Black ,
livery pension boaid in the United States
was ( ji-gani/ed with a view to booming Black
for thu vice presidential nomination , and it
must bo admitted that ho laid Ins founda
tions well. These little district n aclnnos
had been grinding out Black bonus for
months and months , torous , in lact , mid
the fem es were built high and strong , Mor
risen found it very hard work tearing down
J Shirk in Illinois , whcro Morrison himself Is
a great power , mid whoio ho
has much machinery which ho constructed
when ho ran lor the scnatu against General
Logan only two tr three years apo. Bctuoon
two and tbrco weens bolmo the convention
met , Morrison reported that his ejiitaet with
th j people had led him to the conclusion that
Gi ay's record was unsafe , and that theio
were dissensions in tlio patty in liidiunaon
account of the governor's nttitudo towards
certain of tlio old leaders which would make
a split mid likewise lose the s-tnto to the
democratic ticket , and that Gr.ii s recird
and personal qualifications would make him
very weak in New Vont. I expect if William
L. Scott would tipc'iik as Irankly to you ns 1
am doing ho eould hero take up the story and
make it thrilling in the extreme. Not to
mention names , it is enough to say that the
president took into consideration the state
ment made l > i Morrison , und the conclusion
was instantly reached that Gray should bo
put , on the shelf' and Allen G. Thur-
maii substituted The boom
bewail on the Pae-ilio slope ) . It
was stalled through federal oflkc-holdera ,
and they got t'aeir Up as quickly as electricity
cun taUo it. A good many ledurnl olllce-
1 aiders throughout the tountry also received
tips. Thurmnn was to bo the man and the
oillco holders wheeled into line like well-
drilled regulars. Secretary Whitney anil
S crutari Fan-child were each given the
\\suit , and Now York came out with a yell
for Thuiman. A well known democrat wenl
into Ohio and organi/cd theiv for thu Oh !
ivoimui. You Know the rest. "
"Now , in conclusion , " said this astute poli
tician. "I want to make ono piediction. Gen
eral 131.ukill not bo in the uiujigu oftieo
ono year from to day , even If President
.Men-eland Is re elccte-d. 1 think yon will find
before ninny months paragraphs tu the news-
mpers stating that General Black Is tired of
iftlcliil life and desires to return to bis homo
u Illinois mid resume his largo mid lucrative
irnetleeof the luw. Nobody knows better
linn he that he ! is In bad favor at the white
louse , and with the administration In gen
eral. Hut mind you , the disfavor with which
General Black is received by the ndinmistru-
lon is not by any means solely duo to the
ndiscreet observation mndo by Mrs. Black ,
scores of democrats connected with concress
lave repeatedly none to the president and
complained that General Black was runnlni ?
i political machine in the pension oillco ,
which would bring the administration
nto disrepute , and which would
ikelv scandalize it before the elec-
, lon in November , The president has been
wained npnin t the head long cour o of Gen
eral Black , mid I am committing no breach
of tinsl when I say that General Black ,
either through the president or the secretary
> f the Intel lor , has moro than ouco been cau-
loned ag.iinst the nso of his ofllclnl position
for the promotion of the political aspirations
of any man , not excepting those of tno presi
dent. 1 think that it I would add that Plrst
Assistant Postmaster General Stevenson
mis , In the estimation of the president , gene
i bltlo too far in his guillotine work on the
necks of fourth e-lass postmasters 1 would not
make a pi edict ion far amiss. "
THI : cuop'ouri.ooic.
Corn Greatly IJenelUtcd Uy Kecenl
llaltiH Ullicr Grains Improved.
CINCINNATI , Juno 27. ( Special Telegram
to Tin : Bi.r. ] To-morrow's Price-Cm rent
will say : Needed rains have fallen to n con
siderable extent the past week In the central
west , giving impoitnnt relief to corn and
other crops , but moro or less detrimental to
winter wheat In the limited ureas where
the harvest pcrioel has been reached. North
western crops have made good progress. Coi n ,
the condition of which was being threat
cued in the Ohio valley , is In good general
condition , making satisfactory progress In
all the western states , with unimportant ex
ceptions. H is still backward in giowth in
Iowa , Nebraska ami other stales. The
oats crop maintains a good outlook. Indica
tions as to the winter wheat yield from the
Ohio valley district and westward where har
vest ing has been in progiess or completed
arc not such ns to tnaleriall.x change the general -
oral outlook. So far as can bo judged from
the returns spring wheat , which got started
considerably later than usual us a rule , has
been favored the nnst month , and there Is
but little at this thito prejudicial to its gen
eral outlook.
Stranjjo Action's of a AYoiiinii Who
Says- She Killed Her Ilimlmml.
Evu Ci.vinn , Wis. , Juno 27. ( Special Tele
gram to Tin : Uuc. ] A woman wcaung n
heavy black veil , which she never lemoves ,
appeared in this city about two weeks ago ,
and after stopping at a hotel and taking
three bouses in succession , rented a cottage
in the midst of the residence poition of the
ICnst Side. She bought and placed in the
house n quantity of line furniture and was
seen to display a heavy bundle ol green
b.u ks. She seldom came out , except at
night when she on the piar/a for horns
with her heavy veil drawn close ,
while in the dajtimo sbe placed lighted can
dles in the windows mid remained indoors.
She had allowed nobody to see her face.
The neighborhood was already wild with
curiosity , when ono evening the veiled
woman was hcarel walking abouthcr cottage ,
moaning , cursing and shrieking that her htr
bandvwhom she bad b.ixoly inuidcrcd , bad
como for Ins revenge. The neighbors made
complaint to the piobate judge , mid last
night two physicians examined the woman
and pronounced her insane , she is a Mrs.
Bennett , aged about foity Her home is in
Milwaukee , wheie sue savs she has a son.
She was placed in charge ot tlio sheriff.
I'ast Bound liutcs.
Cnicu.o , June 27 The cutting of cast
bound i.itcs continues. At a meeting of the
Chicago 1 1 eight committee to-day thoieprc-
sentativcs of the Pennsylvania road admitted
that the rate on provisions fiom Chicago to
seaboard points had been i educed
fiom 'iO to 5 cents by their
lines. Other lines promptly met the
cut. The10 cent rate * on dressed
beef is now in clleet on all lines exe-cpt the
Grand Tiunk , which still maintains its 1" >
cent rate. The oflicials of that road nro np-
paiontly awaiting developments , and it is
believed they will eventually cut beiow all
the rest. A conference of the V.indeibilt
lines resulted ina deleiinmation to apply the
10 cent rateto Boston as well as New Yorlt
and Philadelphia ,
C.uliolio Knmlits ol'St. .lolin.
Lois \ n.i c , Ivy. , Juno -J" . Thu Catholic
Knights of St. Joint adjourned their tenth
annual convention last night. They will
meet next joar on St. John's day in Wash
ington. Before adjourning they voted icso-
lutions thanking Pr < iident Cleveland for
the ion shown the church in his
present to Pope Leo , and pinying for the
tecovcr.v ot General Sheridan. Colonel John
Dunn , of Cleveland , O. , was re elected supreme
premo commander with the military rank ol
general of the nruiy.
AVcMei n Itnlcs.
Cim-it.o , Juno 27. The general managers
of the western and noith western lines met
here to-day ami discussed the lata situation.
In regard to the Iowa t.n nt to bo put into
foice July 5 it was de.'ini'd advisable to de
fer action until the icsult of the conference
now m progress between thu piemdonts of
tlio roadH and the commissioners is known.
It was also agieed that nothing could bo
done in the matter of establishing pornmnont
rates hoi ween Chicago and St. Paul until it
is . tiled what rates nro to become
oflectivo in Iowa Another meeting heio
will bo held on Saturday.
V.'ont 'I lirongli a H itlye.
MONR.OMKHV , Ala. , Juno 27.At 2.15 this
moining iho south-bound train from this city
to .Mobile wont through a small bridge a nulo
north of TCIIS.IH. The engine , baggage ) car ,
express , two passenger cars and ono sleeper
were totally wrecked. The engineer , lire-
man and two tramps were killed. Mini
Agent Davm was dangctously hint , and thu
buggagonmster and four passengers slightly
injiiied. The biidgo WUH over a small
bticani , and was undermined by heavy rains.
Tlio Coming Hniiiilon nt Gc
Oii : nsntmo , Va , Juno -7. Gteat prepa
rations aio being made for the coining ic-
union. One thousand tents arc being put up
lit the Spring's hotel for the Army of the Po
tomac ; in 0 on Kasl C 'inetcry hill for Penn
sylvania fi , A. K men. Goyeinor Beaver
will encamp in the college campus , and about
one thousand tents stand in the wheat Heli !
to be occupied bj New Jerse-y veterans am !
llllnolH SOMH ol' Veterans.
HOCK Isi.tND , Juno 27. Tno Sons ol
Veterans statco encampment was In session
hero und ut Molinc to-day. Colonel 1 < \ Me-
Cnllie , of Chicago , was te elected colonel ,
und Captain M. M. Piurkncy , of Husliimll ,
lieutenant rolonel. The competitive drill b.\
the camps for a stand of colors was decided
in favor of Cnmo camp No. 4 of hpringHeld.
Sergeant T. A. Kobcits , of Springfield , won
the Ill-it prUc in the individual drill.
Wilts Murderer Hunt ; ,
fociiKbiin : , N. Y- , Juno 27. George Wil
son was hanged m Albion , Orleans county ,
this morning for the murder of his wife in
January of lust joar.
I , eft For Wuhliinuton ,
NEW YOIIK , Juno 27. Mrs , Cleveland , hoi
mother , Mrs Polsoui , and Benjamin Folson
loft tUis city lifiWubh.uftou tu day.
jmnam ' tuL'
Chairman Olarkson Talks Freely
About the Late Convention.
Indiana's Candidate n Man Upon
Whom Alt Could Cordially VnitcIQ
A Cheerful Outlook Tlio
Political Plotd.
Harmony mill Stro-imth.
Clllc AOI ) , .hino'-T J. S. Clnrhson , of the
intionat sub-e-omiulttoc'xxhloh lutil In chnrgo
he details ot tliu republic-ail nuUomil con
vention , XXMS soon befcro leaving for homo
o day mill questioned concerning the success
of the convention anil Its results When
piesllonod us to xvholhor the nomination oC
Harrison xvns the result of n combination
n.ulo before the convention met on Monday
10 said : "It wut not. Tlio sharpest politician
could see no attempt to mnko any eom-
binatlon. When Harrison showed u rising
pulse of strength the light cumo
After two ballots the Io\vu delegation ,
which was governed more bv party Interests
tlian over for Senator Allison , wixv that the
situation could be unlocked and u favorablu
ticket reached , u ticlict which New York ami
Indiana , two necessary slates , had askud for
mid the nomination of which would make
those states responsible for party success In
"Senator Allison had Instructed to subor
dinate his Intelests at all times to the party
inteiostH.Vlen 'ho revelation cnmo wo
felt that this the tlmo to give up Allison
in the party's intoi est. Heforo doing so wo
went to several of the strongest
status mid told them that solely
for . the party interest mid still
realising that Allison had good chances loft
wo were willing to gixo up mitt unite on
H-irrisoti If they would go to him ulso. It
was a patriotic appeal , unselfish and purely
in the intcrostof the juitv. The.v at cepteil
it and Senator AlhS'Hi was withdrawn ami
his entire following transleviud to Harrison.
It is a fact that Iowa made tins elioico , wllllo
at heat t 1 think must ot its dolei'iiles pro-
lened Greshmn. Tlio ticket commands and
repicsents tlio full strength of the ropubli-
cim party. No republican cmxcution has
adjourned since the war with oven body
accepting the result us unanimously n-s this
convention adjourned. "
"General Harrison is i\s strong as his party.
Now York demanded him , Indiana offered
him , New Jersey accepted him , Connecticut
approved him and California adopted him.
'I'licsc are Iho states that c.iu elei t bun. They
have piven a bond to go republican and 1 bc-
lievo they will do it.Ve can make iv
campaign on ) ) rinciple.Vo shall
have to meet n campaign of
boodle , fraud and bulldo/ing on the
part of the democrats. I bebevo wo can
make a winning light on principle , without
money.Ve aio going home for a hard light.
\Vohiivoiin unscrupulous , determined and
powerful enemy to meet , who have 150 elect
oral votes in tno south to begin with and who
have nn org.inUiilion of ft and and force
in Nnxv York City. The strength of the
piotcclivc tniiff plank will draw many rc-
ci ults from the democratic pnit.v The
\\ is going to light for his own
home and his interest this A ear , mid the line
has been squarely drawn. This will give the
party 1011,1101) ) now votes this year in the nec
essary states.
Tlioy Ijiku this Tlrkot.
ONAXV.X , In. , .luno 27. [ Special to Tun
HIM : . ] The nomination of Harrison for the
piesidencv was quitou surprise to the people
of this locality and u ( treat disappointment
to the Blame men. They are all coming"
over in good shape , and themoie the position
is discussed the more the ticket appears to
be just the thing , livery one ngiees in thu
statement that the convention oerciscd tlio
highest possible device of wisdom and judg
ment. The lenipcimice people are for Gen-
eial Harrison to a man mid they are all satis-
ikd with the platform. The old holdieis ami
sons of veterans oxpi sb their satisfaction
and sav tliev can vote for Harrison mid Mor
ton with n clear conscience.
lilalno AfVnld of ItoiKclIc.
vdo , Juno 'Jr. [ Special Telegram to
Tin HIM : J Another story about the Hhiino
tclcginms , which told to a reporter j es-
terday evening , was that Hlaino feared that
Honlellu and Manly would use their owu
jiidi'inent and lofuse to read the dispatches
to the convention , and that in order to guard
against tins possibility Hlamc cabled his son ,
Walker Blame , instnictioas to have these
telegrams demanded by some frn ml in tin )
( on vontion if tlio balloting was persisted in.
It was added it was only under Walker
Bluinc'H threat that lie would do this that
Boulellc road the messages.
Vermont IlcputiliuniiH Nominate.
MOM i-Ki.i 1:11 : , Vt. , Juno 27. The republic
can Btnto convention was called to o-der this
morning by John Hatcheldor , who irndo u
short speech. In the course of his speech ho
iiidd Harrison was not nominated houiuso
ho is Uio grandson of Tippocanoobntbccnuso
ho \\orthy to bo the grandson of that no
bleman. Hon.V. . P. Dillmglmm was then
nominated for governor. Urban Woodbury ,
lioutenniit-roxonior ; W , II. Dubois , for
slate trensmer ; Cliarles W. Porter , for
secretary of htato ; and L ! . K. Powell , for
The platform heartily endorses that of ttio
Chicago convention as u cloai1 nun forcible
pi usonlat Ion ol the prmeiplcs of the pat ty.aml
willi Han ison and Motion niKcribed on the
banner as t hu personillcat on of high character
and clean politics and a Miru guai-nnteo that
the pledges will be kept. Tlio plat form also
favors the long ami tlioit haul provisions of
the inter state cumineivo law. Thu conven
tion then adjourned uftor tlio it-solutions hud.
been uimnimoubly adopted.
Tim .Miohir.nn Prohibitionists.
Diniiorr , Juno 27 Tlio prohibition state
convention reassembled this moiiung. Hes-
( diltions were adopted endorsing the platform ,
and ciuiOidatcs plucvd in nomination by thn
Indianapolis contention ; dic'iimm that all
iiionc.x should bo issued and Its volume con
trolled by tl.o mitlomd governim nt . invitlnt ;
the eo operation of xx'oikingmon in mi effort
to nb'jllsh the licjiior tr.itlle , and li.voi ng
buifnigo without distinction of sex or i. co
A lull stnt" ticket x\-iis pl..ced in the Held.
headed by Hon. A. 1) ) . Cheney for governor.
Flooded \Vitli < 'oni-itiilnl IOMH.
I.NnM.NU' , Juno 17. It had been ar
ranged that a largo body of e\ union soldiers
should pay ( Harrison acall this even
ing , but the weiither xxiiBsounpropitiousthat
Iho umh rlaking was abandoned. Theio Is a.
diminution in the number of calls from | jer-
fional friends and aciunintaiieon | , mid the gcn-
cral'H mad in bomctlnng enormous , xvliilo tlio
Hood of congratulatory telegrams continues
to How.
HcpnlilhMii IC\cuiitl\o Coiiiinlttec. '
Ciuc-xcio , Juno 27. [ Special Telegram to
Tin : UI.B.J It is stated hero that Ucnorul
Harrison has chosen ex Pension Commis
sioner las personal lepresentativo
on the n1 1 uijlicuu national extcutivn comniit-
tee John C. Now will also bo a member of
the committee , and. I. S. Clurkson , it Is un-
dcrsloud , will bo chairman.
New Yurie JVuliiliillonlhta.
StKAcisi : , K. Y , Juno ii7.Tho prohibi
tion convention tlu.s afternoon noinmntcd a
state ticket , selected elccto-s for the national
tickut and udjuurned. W.Martin Jones , ot
Kochester.hcads the tiukut for governor. ,
Illoodj Itovoliition In
SiiiN'.iui , Juno ' . ' 7. - Government oflicials
ut Seoul have b cn beheaded in the streetu
by the populace. KoielKiieis Imvo taken
refuse nt the consulatod. The outbreak U at
tributed to Chinese