Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 27, 1888, Page 8, Image 8

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.Tohn IIui6on ( ( a brnlcotnan in tlio
Union Pnc-lfic yards , fell from n freight
car yesterday and sustained a broken
tirm and a badly lacerated hcnd.
P. M. Duncan was arraigned yester
day in the police court on tlio charge of
assault with intent to kill , but managed
to sconro a continuance initll the 27th ,
nt 10:80 : a. m.
William Hart , a suspicious character ,
was turned over to the United States
marshal ycstcrdii.fon a charge of
counterfeiting. Ho bad a considerable
quantity of the "queer" upon his pcr-
eon ,
Nellie Unard , the prostitute arrested
for robbing a "gentleman caller" of a
largo roll of money , was given a trial in
the police court ycstouday , was found
guilty and bound over to the district
Thomas Patz , of Crete , Is In the city.
M. B. Irvln , of Kearney , Is nt the P.ixton.
G. H. Cook , of Blue Uaplds , Kan. , Is nt the
O. G. Morton , of Nebraska City , is nt the
W. H. Fisher , of Kcd Oak , la. , is m the
city to-day.
A. Bunllck , of Davenport , In. , Is at the
Hotel Barker.
Frank P. Ireland , of Nebraska City , is reg
istcrod at the Paxton.
H. F. Kirk , of Independence , Mo. , 'la In
the city , nn J is nt the Paxton.
Thomas Price , of Bennett , is In the city ,
nnd is registered at the Paxton.
K. W. McMahon , of Beatrice , Is in in the
city , nnd is stopping at the Pnxton.
Officer Bloom returned from Chicago last
evening , where ho has been passing Ijis
week's vacation.
AtthoMlllnrd : F. Powers , Now York ;
C. H. Davis , Now York ; F. II. Chisholm ,
Toronto : T. C. Hand , St. Paul ; L. Benjamin ,
Kansas City ; W. S. Wright , Chicago ; E. C.
Harris , Council Bluffs.
At the Hotel Barker : F. G. Dance , Col
umbus Neb. ; A. .1. Lorey , Cedar Hiipids ,
Nob. ; H. Bears , Hawley , Ills. ; John W
Dykins , Evnnston , Wyo. ; K. Y. Cronkor ,
Kvnnston , Wyo. ; J. A. Fulschor , Wichita ,
Kan. ; G. W. Osterhaus , Davln City , la.
Mr. Oscar M. Anderson , of Nellgli , Neb. ,
- known us "Franz Scpol" through his charm
-r ing letters some months ago to Tnr.Bni : from
Boston und Europe Is In town. Mr. Ander
son Is on his way homo from Harvard col
lege , where ho bus just completed his Junior
year.Mr. . W. E. Annln , who has boon doing the
Chicago convention for Tun BKB , and whoso
reports by far excelled anything telegraphed
our Omahacomnetitors , arrived hero yester
day. Ho has the appearance of a man who
has been doing the work of two men for u
Koccrs-Deei'ln r.
Mr. Warren F. Uogers , son of Milton
RogerSjOf this city , was married yesterday to
Miss Decring , daughter of the mayor of
Portland , Mo. The bride was attended by
Miss Ctirrio IJams , of this city. The bridal
party will return in about tun days. Miss
Ijams will remain for some weeks in the east.
More Money.
John GIsh , the representative of tlio Lom
bard Investment company , is in the city to
make arrangements' for the opening of a
branch of institution in tills city , the
quarters selected being those in tlio southern
end of the First National bank building on
Thirteenth street. Tlio company has hereto
fore loaned money here , perhaps as much as
$ riOO,000 m this city alone. Its new move will
give employment to about a dozen experi
enced clerks anil accountants.
He Gave Ills Clieolc.
O. Woisman was arrested yesterday on
complaint of Newman & Co. , clothicrs.charg-
ing him with obtaining money under false
pretenses. Woisman purchased a suit of
clothes of this lieu o and in payment gave
thorn a check on McCaguo's banic for ? r > 0. It
was later learned , on presenting the check at
the bank , that Woisman had only § 5 to his
credit on deposit , and Newman & Co. at
once had Woisman arrested.
Sells' Great Circus.
Sells' great circus and menagerie gave two
performances in Omalia yesterday , afternoon
nnd evening. The mammoth pavilion was
crowded to suffocation , and the vast throng
attested to their appreciation and approba
tion of the wonderous exhibition in loud and
frequent applause. The show is a good ono
from opening to close , a decided improve
ment on some of the former achievements of
this celebrated aggregations. The ridiny ,
tumbling , leaping , vaulting , ' trapcso per
formance , rac s and all were of n character
well calculated to cxclto and thrill the au
AViokct AVitlierspoon.
Will H. Witherspoon , a traveling fakir ,
representing himself as n runner for a largo
Chicago millinery house , succeeded in duping
several milliners In this city Monday. He
said ho was getting out nn ad
vertising circular lor S. P. Morse & Co.
and received immense orders for
space , for which in several instances ho col
lected the sum in advance. A patron of
Withorspoon's called at Morse's store , where
the fellow was denounced as a fraud. The
police were notilled , but have as yet failed to
tuin him up.a _ _ _ _ _
Hoard of Ktiiall/atioii. |
The proceedings of the city council last
night wcro opened by the members sitting as
n board of equalization. Protests wore read
from Hugh G. Clark , C. F. Goodman and
others protesting against the payment of
taxes levied for sloping banks. Mr. Good
man says that Contractor Stuht , who was
sent by the board of public works to slope
the bank , had charged double for the work
contracted for by Mr. Murnn , who was
driven oil by Stuht and his then. The pro-
testa worn placed on llio , and there-pott of
the committee on equalisation was adopted ,
after which the council adjourned.
A Tim-atoned Milk AVar.
OMAHA , Juno ' . ' . " > . To the Editor of TUB
BBBJ I am In hearty sympathy with THE
Bun in itseffoits to improve the finality of
milk sold In this city. But you should not
cease the good work until moro has been ac
complished. Much of the milk now sold is
wretched. I will venture to say that not ono
quart of fresh , unskimmo.l milk is sold from
u milk wagon In this city. Milkmun should
bo prohibited from slthninlni ; their milk , or
from soiling it , If skimmed. They would say
lo this , of course , that it would be the ruina
tion of their business. But why is it that so
many poor men start with two cows and one
can of milk delivered on foot , and Inside ot
three years llml themselves owners of largo
herds and good teams <
Last Saturday morning n friend sent mo
ono quart of cream Iroin his farm , nine miles
from Omaha. 1 jmt it on ice and kept it
sweet until Monday morning , when it was
Just as good as the moment it was skimmed.
The cream I gut from the milk wagon is
delivered every morning , and there has not
been u day this spring that it has not soured
during tlio night , although It is kojit on ico.
The people nf Omaha will stanu this impo
sition just so long , nnd when all patience is
exhausted , wo may expect to sco as stormy a
milk deluge us that in Now York a few jenrs
since. X.
Dr. McGrow , kidney , Rectal , A- priv
ate discuses. Room 18 , liushtmui block
Smoke Seidonborg'a Figaro nnd got
the best -cont eigar in the world. Mux
Mover Jc Co. , wholesale depot.
The Glorious Fourth In Omaha ,
The various trades unions of the city have
decided to celebrate , the Fourth of July iu a
fitting manner this year. Monday evening at
the oftlco of Julius Meyer a inceti ng of rep
resentatives from the different unions was
hold and arrangements muilo-tor celebrating
the day. A number of committees were up.
pointed to perfect all arrangements for Die
occasion ,
Tlie following was decided upon as t'ao
proper disposition of the different partici
pants In thopnrndoi
First Division Detail of mounted police ,
grand marshal nnd their nldcs ; chief of police
nnd force ; second Infantry band ; Crcighton
guards , Omaha guards ; Durnnt engine com
pany , chief , nnd the fire department of the
city ; city nnd county officials nnd orators of
the day In carriages ; liberty car.
Second Division Union Pacific band ;
Brotherhood of Carpenters , No. M ; Gorman
Brother hood of Carpenters ; Wood Ma-
chinlstsnnd Helpers union ; Brotherhood of
Painters nmt Decorators ; Tin nnd Sheet
Iron Workers ; Cignrtnnkers union ,
Third Division Musical Union band ,
Bricklayers' union , Stonemasons' union ,
Plasterers' union ; Plumbers' , Stcnm nml
Gasnttcrs' union ; Stonecutters' union , Iron
Moulders' union.
Fourth Division Guard band ; Switchmen -
men s' Mutual Aid association , of Omnhn
and Council Bluffs ; Local Brotherhoods of
Engineers and Firemen , nnd all railroad
men.Fifth Division Knights of Labor bnnd ;
Tailors' union ; Storcotypcrs , Elcctrotypers
nnd Prcssmans' union ; Typographical union.
Sixth Division Excelsior band ; Knights
of Labor assembles 1,9411 , S)2rt ) , 729.
Seventh Division Independent bnnd ;
Knights of Labor assemblies 10.703 , 10,0-Jfl ,
o.r.w , unro , , r.-iwo , ri4i , 4.54 ! ) ,
4OS , , : iM , 3ril7 ! , : i , Jt4 , SSI5 , 3,1M ! : Flambeau -
beau club ; trades display , wagons , etc.
The other features will bo the same ns last
year , with the exception thnt prizes are to
bo offered for the lirst and second best par
ticipants in the race of 100 yards.
An Absolute Cure.
Is only put up In hirgo two ounce tin boxes ,
nnd is an absolute euro for old sores , burns ,
wounds , chapped hairls , and all skin erup
tions. Will positively cure all kinds of piles.
MENT. Sold by Goodman Drug Co. at 'J3
cents per box by mail 30 cents.
Great variety of campaign goods nt
Collins' Gun Co. , 1312 Douglas street ,
C. Leo Staub , Architect and Supt. ,
ollleo 11119 Howard ; 1(5 ( years' experi
ence. Fine , stylish buildings a spec
Pull line of base ball goods at Collins'
Gun Co. , I.'JIU Douglas street.
Two crooks , rcglsteied as L. A. Anderson
and Charles Brown , are In cells at the
central station for robbing a man named
Levi HIto night before last. Hito was a
boarder at the European hotel on South
Tenth street and the two thieves discovered
in some manner that ho had considerable
money on his person. Accordingly they
tilled him up with drugged liquor and taking
him to nn obscure street robbed him. Brown
held Illto's bauds while Anderson went
hrough his pockets. Hito complained to
, ho police of the matter and yesterday aftcr-
eon the robbers were captured In a Iwuse of
restitution where they were freely spend-
iig their ill-gotten money. When the
hleves wcro taken to the central station nnd
earched a poekotbook was taken from An-
lorson that Hito immediately recognized ns
.ho . one of which ho had been robbed.
"Tho best on earth" can bo truly said
f Griggs' Glycerine Salvo a speedy
uro for cuts , bruises , scalds , burns ,
iorcs. piles , totter and all skin orup-
ions. Try this wonder healer. io ! cents.
uaraiiteed. C. F. Goodman.
Best stock of sporting goods in the
.vest ut Collins' Gun Co. , 1312 Doug-
Itiiilro.-ul NOWH.
On Thursday the Crete Clmutaunua begins
md with its commencement the B. & M. will
begin running big excursions. A train load
3f people from Council Bluffs go down Thurs-
lay and n largo crowd is expected to leave
Omaha on Sunday. Hev. T. Dowitt Talmago
.peaks on Thuisday and on Sunday.
General Agent Stevens , of the Hock Island ,
who is visiting in Lower California , will re-
, urn homo in a wcok or two.
Mr. Harry F. Itngcr has boon appointed
soliciting freight agent for the Burlington
route. This is a position only recently
created , and in the selection of Mr. IZugcr
ho Burlington has acted wisely. lie has
been for a long time with the company , and
's a man of large experience.
Croquet sets , elegant and cheap ,
Collins' Gun Co. , 1812 Douglas street.
Vmii Woman.
Mike Ha.ynor , a butcher who lives near
Shccly's , had some trouble with n female'
icighbor of his yesterday morning .on ac
count of his charging her with pilfcringsome
boards. As the light waxed warmer Mike
had to soiro an ax to defend himself with.
He struck her with the barbarous weapon ,
; mt fortunately it was very dull and indicted
> i bruise instead of a cut on her shoulder ,
where the blow took effect. A number of
the woman's friends came running to the
rescue when they beard her scream , and
Mike also got reinforcements in the person
of his brother bill. A general free-for-all
light was the result. Mike and Bijl wcro
both arrested , but on the promise to behave
themselves hotter in the future were let off
with the light line of iii and costs each.
Buy lawn tennis outllts of Collins' Gun
Jo. , 1312 Douglas street.
A Good Work Commenced.
The policemen have declared war against
the lipnds who either thoughtlessly or ma
liciously throw banana peels upon tlio sido-
wsiks , and the good citizens of Omaha lift
up their voices in devout thankfulness for it.
Two arrests were made yesterday for this
flagrant offense and the perpetrators passed
the night in a cell at the central station for
it. Their names are registered ns Antono
Hcetzo and Peter Popn , and by those assumed
names they will bo always infamously noted
in Omaha as thollrst banana peel illends who
met with Just retribution. Throw your
banana peels hereafter into the gutter unil
not on the sidewalk.
I'iwi ll lloevcH.
UPTTI : , Mont. , Juno 27 fTo the Editor of
Tun Biu.J : Powell Kecvos , the alleged doc
tor whom Tin : Br.i : exposed some time since ,
is doing a big business hero and lias bcon
pntronUingtho newspapers liberally. The
Minor hero has in Its possession copies ot
your paper cont. lining the exuoso , but for
obvious reasons d jn'tinalce Uao of them.
_ Scti.rii. : .
All Hands Wcro Lost.
Lospos , Juno " ( S A vessel supposed to
havobeenan emigrant S'HP ' foundered inn
storm off the C'apo of Good Hope June 4. All
hands were lust
Absolutely Pure.
This powder iovi-r varies. A marvel of purity ,
Mrenjitu aud vlioUtoinfni-S'8 JloVo economic
than the ordinary kliidn. nnd cannot lie suUI in
competition\\ | the inultltude of 1" " ' test.stu rt
weight alum oriihc.-phaU' jinNViltirn. .SoWi ololij
f.lllf. lillVAl. IlAKJMt I'UWlU.ll CO. , ] UO Wllll ct. ,
New Vorlr.
Last week wo liavo supplied thousands ; of Oustoinora witli thiu Coats and \7csta ;
they are going off with a rush and every day's'business , especially last Saturday , has
taxed our capacity sorely ; but -success only stimulates us to stronger and more liberal
efforts , and while wo arc just now having tlio biggest run in Summer Clothing , wo do
not neglect our other departments. Wo open today and place on sale for this week
two new styles of very fine Men's Cassimore Suits , which at the price wo have marked
them will make a reputation for us , as the cheapest clothing house in the United States.
Ten dollars for a good suit having become such a popular price with us wo have decided
to mark them so , although this is just one-half the value. Both styles are excellent ,
one a darkthe other a lighter shade of groyolegantly trimmed and made , and the goods
are of fair weight , thus making them suitable to wear along in the fall. They are the
biggest bargain ever shown .and are in every respect equal if not superior to the other
Ten Dollar b'uits of which we sold so many this season.
We have just opened an enormous assortment of fine pants , which we marked
$2.50 , ? 3.00 and 3.25. Every pair is unquestionably a big bargain , as they are very fine
all wool goods in splendid patterns of stripes ; they fit as well as any you can have made
to order for three times the money , and at the price wo have marked thorn , you buy
them actually at 50c. on the dollar.
In our Childrens5 department we offer this week , some extraordina
ry bargains in Blouse Suits , just the thing for. hot weather , for boys
from 4 to 1O years. One blouse and pants at95c ; a good looking and
strong suit , another fine blue flannel suit with silk embroidered col
lar at $1.35. Still another extra fine flannel of a beautiful shade of
chocolate color at $2.75. None of these suits could be had at any
other placefor less than double these prices , Another big offering in
this department , is a strong and good wearing knee pant suit , in
beautiful checks which we have marked down to $1.50. This suit is
a big bargain and we have only marked it down so low because the
largest sizes are sold out.
One Price Only. No Deviation ,
Cor. I4th and Douglas Streets , Omaha.
The test and unrest Remedy for GOTO of
all dlieafics canned by any derangement of
the Liver , Kidneys , Stoaneh and Bowels.
Dyspepsia , Sick Headache , Constipation ,
Bilious Complaints and Malaria of nil kinds
yield readily to the beneficent influence of
It la pleasant to the taste , tones op the
system , real/ores and preserves health.
It la purely Vegetable , end cannot fall to
prove bcncilcU , both to old end young.
As a Blood Purifier It la superior to all
others. Sold cvcrywfccr * at 81.00 a bottle.
Haslly illgcstcd ; of the finest llnvor. A hearty
beverage for a i-tronir nppi'ttt ; u tlollentoil rink
for thp sensitive. Thorniifihly K ted ; nutritious :
paliitiibli" iiuuxcclleil in imrlty ; no unpk-asant
afterullurts. Roqulros no bblllnff.
Marlon Itarland , Clirlstlno Ti-rlnmc Ilerrlck.
Ui-iin A. It. Tliomim. M. 1) ) . , iironuiinco it the best
of all thu jiowedurod rliocolutus. Noiitticrounuls
it In iiuvor , purity iiinlANTi-liVbi'KiTiciiualltws.
Kuldby ( linccii. Siimj.Ie mailed for 10 * ( < iw | .
IE. < > . WiB.iiaJlt A : SOXS ,
'llIA. PA.
A Concentrated Liquid Extract of
Aid * Dlycsllini ,
Cures Diispciwla ,
SlremithtHs the Ifiju
Jtcstorc.1 tioitnd , Jiefrenhtiif/
J'rlcclcsti tit Iftii'Hlnji Mother * *
Reconiinended by Eminent Pliysiciaiis.
F < tr Kale li/ ; all Itrni/f/litsand Jilcli-
Di'ttfj Co , , ll'lioltmiila lr\m- \
_ Warranted < tl > solittt ly jiure
Coetxi , from which tlio excccs of
OH IMS K'cn n nun cci. It lias time
limit lie ttrenyth of Cocoa mtxrd
\\t\li Suirch , Airouroot or Sugar ,
and Is tlii'rufoiu far more icouoml-
cal , celling tttt than one cent o
cai. It Is dillciuuu , nourishing ,
etri'iiRtliuntng. easily dlgtsttd , and
admirably iul.ii tul fir in\atlda as
cll n fur IH rsons In liuillli
Suld lijr ( hoiura
BAKER & CO , , Dorcliester , Mass ,
To Olu MV , Uelfiist , Duhlln and Livcrjionl
From Naw York Evsry Tuesday ,
Caljlu na-s.i e $ 'A nnil w , aix ou'lnt ; to location
of btatti loom. I'x uibii'ii Jtto twi.
Stocrn e to ami fr < in IHiropt. at lx > cbt Hatos.
AL'fTl.N IIAI.UVVl.N i : i O. . Oou'l Agent.- ,
fit llromlwiiy. Now 1 orls
JOHN HLIXjI'N. tien'l NNVcti'm Aecnt.
li > 4 Hai tloljili St. , CUiiii u
HAItltV K , > H/ulil > , Aduiit. Oinnlm.
Deduced ( . 'ubin Hatus to Ghu-yow J2x-
-nnaJrimtl ! V q
Fllll mrn llNl Y l ° ' " ' . or
uADhood. pervousnew ,
wtaneb * . unnatural lottes. lack of ( trcnrith.
dovtloi.jnent. aitcil by Jndtsrrotioa ,
vlBor or c
exruHCB. etc. I'aluollt * .l . ! f.f.Kr.O/ ' .
Dit. K. 0. M'EST'B Nr.nvn AND THEAT-
URNT , aRiiaranteeil spec llio for Hysteria , Dizzi
ness , Convulsions , Mts , Nervous Neuraltftu ,
Uerulncne , Nervous Prostration , caused by the
H5o of alcohol or tobacco. Wnkeftiinoss , Mental
Depression. Softening of the Itraln. rpsnltliiKln
Insanity , and le.-viitne to niisorv. decay und
death , 1'rematuro Old ARC , Unirenness , Loss of
J'owor in either sex. Involuntary Looses and
Fjirrmntorhipn caused by over-exertion of the
bniln.self-auiisoor over-lndulpenco. Ksichbox
contains one month's treatment. $1.00 n. box. or
hlx boxes for $5.00 , sent by mall prepaid on re
ceipt of price.
To euro any cnso. With each order received by
Us for six boxes , accompanied with Jo.OO , we
will Ecnd the purchaser our written Rtiarantco
to refund tlio money it the treatment does not
effect a cure. Guarantees IsMieil only by C. ! ' .
GOODMAN , Drugfdst , Solo Ascnt , 1110 1'aruain
Street. Oraaha. Nub.
The luructa , liiBti'i-t and In tlio world
I'ns.'enu'cr iiccomuioiliitlonw unexcelled.
.MA Jtrvr.'iOt'i ' IIVOVIA : Jn.v 21st
AVIIOIIIA . . . Jfl.V lltll
The Culctmitp 1 , LnrKPst unit finest I'ns-1 Jl'l V Mill
Mi'iuuii1 Ip fcuniicr sti'iimiT 111 Aid. nil
Cl'1'VorUOMHl tlioWorU. I Sept. Mil
Jiiiw Voiik ro l.ivnii'ooi , VIA QI'IKNMO : NC
TlHKVlflTatiMl Lurju'st und lliiesl i'lis.ll'Ml Uth
siiMim hip tier sto.imcr Iu Jn.v nil
riTVOI HOMI3 iliu Wurlcl. Ai'o. Mil
i-aloiin PIS : IIII' lnita"iiin. Dprry , Mvorpoul , lit'lfiist
ory.HTii-i' un Oiinil upwar.ln pc'r ( i aivnv st ( > iiiu-
IT . SVinncI iii | nnli lorclty of Itiinio K-coiul-iliis-
, - . 1. Ui'linn tlil.utsnl ruliiceil niti-i. iniiilu uv.illMlilc
lor oIlliiT r utiolli'nni ; uxriir tonl tD thu juivilcvc
nl ai'clim Ihu Norlli anil Minth ol llcliilnl , the Itucrs
Mi'rry anil pii'tnro-iiuo t'lyilc. Stui'ravrc $ .11 Ani'liur
Lint1 ilntts payntilu ireu nl ( hiiriie , ol l at In\\L' > t
rale's. V 'f boon of tours , tickers or turtliur Informa
tion apply to
HENDERSON BROS. , 72 La Sa'le St. , Chicago.
Or to any of our aitpntn.
Unfcrnienled nncl not
intoxicating. Acts like
I a charm in all cases of Diar
rhoea and Dysentery and all
stomach and bowel troubles.
Grateful alike to women , chil
dren and convalefccents. Gives
delicious flavor to ice-water ,
lemonade or fcoda-water.
Imported nnd bottled by
MIIIAIOVITCH , Ki.nTC'iirn it Co.
Cincinnati , ( ) . For Bale by
the f- > 'lo\\Ini ' , ' ilealcrii lili'litirI § in l > n\K \ Co.Klako
lliuiv\ > A'll.TX Ili'llur. ( ilailfti'iiu llroi \ Co.
1'rank | ) < > i"iu' jj i „ It | ( drntti * . niul ill ulioU-mili-
niul retail ( riitk et , llquur iKuluru anil uio HILT
Certified Checks , Payable al Sight on Iho
Pugct Sound National Bsnli Given as
Security for Money Invested ,
'lo lliii iMii > Mr' < u8 < if Im > inu properly on Him1 , wo
nfliTllii- < illi > uiiii ! \Ve nil alluw fnim 1 iininihb
\Vt > ilniiw iiuitlui pii'iiiuiiii nur Inn rum nn tlniu
iiUMitttin. . ) iil i-l 'y"11 * * wananis tlt'i'il \ \ < t
IM lutnl I'm in tiivl f < i'i.i l that aru nltlini a rudina
of two niul u half inlh" . tif tin' punt-ntlliu MO
gutrt'unl ) lUi'orcout HH an curni t inoni > > wo
wlllilv < luriilliMl cliuik tin thu lull amount ol null
AinlcitT ) ruti vjiifiit paiu Mil 'J I't'clirtkIndrawn
In thu 1'iiu'ut buuiid Nallonal bunk undl > nmdupaj.
iiblunt uliiht tiinl ton i an ilrnw jour n nm-r utuny
tliui'thiiuuli liy fi Hloliitf 3111 furfilt ) uurriKhth to
imri'liuso Ittiitl. Make your liummc , iKMimtU'rhi'MT
biuall. uarn MiiiMithinir TraiufoiititM'iitalrallroafU
uriiluuilini : for Svattlu. anil niuiinlui lurinnlnlour-
Iklimi ; ( ionpral rmnnirrii' h In u Huti-ol mli > liui-
lial prucruxniii. "jhe ilally pi > x > > - uru lllli- null
mciiiinlt'if new ftituriirlnef I nhln iin-iinil Imrnj
rur ; lrUBbi-altli Aililr < C 5C.V MOOICf : .
Who Imva llio I VlUJKsT I'JtOI'KllTY J.lfcT in
tal ( .ausfactlun In tlie
cure of Uunorrhct * nnd
Lilcot tjin scribe Itmnd
fed safe iu recummend *
lue it to all sufferers.
I.J.bTOXKIl , M.n
Decitur , III.
rnion si.oo
JHENI > and MANHOOD. causing exhaustliif ;
drnlin upon the FOl'NTAIKH ' of LZrK ,
IIEAI A1'HK , ISACKAt'JUi : , Dreadful
Drpnmc. WEAKNUSH of Memory , IIANil-
the PACK , andairthe KFFKVrH leading to
EAtU.Y maiAYnnd perhaps CONHWJIP-
1'IOM or INSANITY , should consult at once
tlio CKLKRIIATKO far Clarke. Established
IRM. Dr. Clarke has made NEltVOl'S I > .
IIII.1TY. OIKONEO and all Diseases of
K'ltdy. It makes WO dlllcrenre WHAT you taken or WHO has failed to cure you.
asr FEW AB. EH suireritifr from diseases peculiar <
liar to thuirMix can consult with the assurance
Of speedy relief and euro. Send 2 cents postage
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JWOeni 4 cents postage for Oleliruted
WortiN ou Chronic , Nonotifi and licit'
cato Diseases. Consultation , porsonul'y or by
latter , frc < . Consult the old Doctor.
a'houiiumlH cured. OKIccw and piirlnrM
nrUntc.Those contemplating JIarrinKO
end for Dr. Cliirkc'H celebrated guide
Siilo and Fciuulf , each 15c. , both 25c.
stauipj ) . licfoit ) confiding your case , consult
Jr. fl.AKCIK. A friendly letter or call may
five future BU&eriiifjand shauie , and add goldcu
ears to life. as-Book " I.lfc'M ( Sec'ret ) Kr-
r r , " BOc. ( stamps ) . Medicine and writings
ont everywhere , secure from exposure.
lluurs , 8 to 8 ; Sundays , H tn 12. AildrrES ,
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.138 SO , Olsi'ls St. . CHICAGO , ILL.
Vill buy one of
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rtZ ' * ! ors ' ' ' .v'-3- ' eal
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fail to be appreciat
ed by the discerning
We are aware thai
Inexpensive fjoodf.
ai e largely adver
tised this season , but
all of them cannot
stand the test of
close inspection.We
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to examine our stock , and thus f-.itisf )
themselves of its quality and our ve
For Young Ladies.
Tin OP conr-os of study. Thoronnhness in eve
ry di-iuirtmenr. llulldiuvH I'mmmily furnished.
Healed with steam , lighted with jjtiautor
f-"in M. ( lair jj er Nipi rlor advantages in
luuMc und art. Ail < iren.t > n' in ular ,
M.Miuviu : < i : sc nooi. , tt.ciauMIC. : .
$ Tru * , comtlnrd. OuuraDtocattio
ronly ono fntte worldKtJneratlntf
0cuntlriuuiia Klectrloir Mnanetft
"currtrt , brlcntlUo , Fowvrful , Iwruwe ,
cfurluljlo mid KUccllru. Avuld ( raudi
Oviirll odilcuri d. Hendht impfoi patiil hlet.
in. ilURNE. iKVENicn. lOi WAU ; I AYE. . I-'IIICACO.
Bed Bugs , Roaches , Ants , Fleas
Anil imy other Ini-ecta , use
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Alt > " ( uiitm * IH tiikpn for ilci
Inc hutelB , liusrs ItuN und prtvutc rosldi-m cs f ruin
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I'llncipal Depot llo South btieet.
E.T.Allen , M. D , ,
lloaiccoiiathlc Specialist ,
Bpecttcles Accurutoly I'reeerlbed.
liL'K , , OMAJ1A
II" . J , U A WRAITH ,
Surgeon and PhysicianS ,
twice N \S C > iuer mli ui t lJi i.l.i33C. OlUce
t ; , ( dot o t-1 - \
N. W. Cor. 13th and Dodge Sts , Omaha , Neb. '
CAUTION Deslgnlnc person ? , tnkliii ; advantage of ur reputation ,
nro constntilly Htartlnj : bouttN mcdtnnl CNlalillsliinontR to dcoelvo
Btranircrs vlsltlnu iho oily. Tlieso pretenders umiully disappear tit n
few wi'i'kq. Hrware of tlioni or their ritmicrn or nuciitH. Tlio Oinnlin
Mrdlual and Surnlcnl Innttlmo In the only CRtaullHticd inoilienl luotl-
tuto In Oiniilin , Dr. MoMiMuiinv ,
Proprietor , \Vlicii you iniiko up your
mind to vl lt tia , make n memorandum of our exact nddrcNS. niul tints
save trouble , dnlnv or i
NAMY , Physician and Surgeon in Ckrgo
Assisted liy a Number of Comucteiit , Skillful and ExD3ricncBl Pliysiciaiis and Surgeons
" * * *
I'nvllcnlnr Attcntlnn paid ( o Dt-runuiitos , Discuses of Women , Diseases of llio Urinary
nnd Sexual Organs , I'rhatc Diseases , Diseases of tlio Xenons .System ,
Lung ami ThnJftl DNeasc * . Surgical Operations , Ityilepsj-
Pits , Piles , Ciini'crs , Tumors , Etc.
More money invested ; more skillful physicians and burgeons employed ; more patient )
treated ; rnoie cures effected ; nioio modern improved instruments , apparatus and appli-t
ances than can be found in all other infirmaries , institutes or dispensaries in the west'
combined. Largest and most complete Medical Institute or Hospital in the west , Fifty '
newly famished , well wai ined and ventilated rooms for patients , three skilled physicians
alwain the building. All kinds of diseases tiealcd in the most scientific manner.
Manufacture Surgical Braces for Deformities. . Trusses ,
Supporteis , Klectiicnl Datterics and can supply physicians or patients any appliance !
remedy or instrument known. Call and consult PS , or write for circulars upon all sub
jects , with list of questions for patients to ans > vcr. Thousands treated successfully by
correspondence. We have superior advantages and facilities for treating diseases , per
forming suigical operations and nursing patients , which combined with our acknowl
edged iibi ity , cxpciicuce , icspon'-ihility and reputation , should make the Omaha Medical
and Surgical Institute thcilr.-t choice.
The Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute is conducted upon strict business and
scientific piinciples , and patten's here icccive every advantage that art. skill , science and
human ingenuity , can bring to bear on their cases. Their comfoit and convenience will
always be taken into consideration.
Should you conclude to visit us for treatment or correspond with us , you will find
that these statements ol our position , location and facilities aic not overdrawn in any
particular , but aie plain unvainishcd facts.
Only Reliable Medical Institute Making a Specialty of
> "s * " " 1 * " A tTV Vl * J'V * Wft TH A f * l "W 1 f * 4
All Blood Disease's successfully treated. Syphilitic Poison removed from the sysletn
without mercury. New restorative ticatmcnt for loss of Vital Power , Persons unable
to visit us mav l-e treated at home by correspondence. All cotmr.unicitions confidential
Medicines or'instiuments sent by mail or express , securely packed , no marks to indicate )
contents or fender. One personal interview preferred. Call and consult us or send his
tory of your case , and we will send in plain wrapper , our
Upon Private , Special or Nervous Diseases , Impotence , Syphilis , Gleet and .Varicocele ,
with question list.
My Reasons for Writing a Book Up Private , Special and teens Diseases ,
I have for many years made a specialty of disrates of the niinary nnd sexual organs ,
have become a recognized authority upon the subject , consequently 1 receive an immense
number of letters from physicianb and afflicted persons , asking my opinion and advice
upon individual cases. For the benefit of such persons , I have wjittcn n hook , giving a
general description of the most common diseases and conditions , my treatment , success ,
advice , etc. After leading it , pcisons will hiive a clearer idea of their condition niidcau
write me more intelligently and to the point It will therefore he been that our object In
writing these pages is not to furnish rending matter to n clash 01 persons who read out of
mere idle curiosity , but for the benefit of the many who arc suffering to a grcaier or less
degieefrom diseases , or theelfects of ditcnsub or abuses , of the sexual or itrinai y orgnns.
Not a dav passes but we receive many calls or letters from pen-out suffering from this
clats of ilisc.Tses , or their sequel. Many of them are ignorant of the cause of the difficulty
that has wrecked their conbtitutiont > , thrown a cloud over their bright prospects and is
shortening their days ,
Surgical operations lor the cure of Hare Lip , Clul. Feet , Tuinorb , Cam-eis , Fistula ,
Cataract , btrabi-imw ( Cross Byes ; Varicoccle , Invcitcd Nails , Wens and Deformities
of'u ? ic ! . ± E ?
liver Kidneyi Madder , Nerves , Hones , etc. , as I'araly.U , Kn.lcr . , v , ( . ) Scrofula
Ijfigla'rniscaseVTl.po Worm , Ulcers or Fever Sores , Uy.pcptu or Uailntit , Baldness
mcur ; : ; n
McMenaW has for vea.b . devoted a large portion of l.s , . time to the btudy and treatment
o th bS ofdi a L-s an.l . ha- spared neither time nor money lopuifect hmue f , and Is
fully SJ 3 , . . . and rcincdyol value in this department
of Medicine ; nul Siirj'L-ry.
vn--rtr *
. . e claun , nrnliht or in the \\Ckt , and the thousands whom
" " " 'nllrloo ' 'dctcrlbln- ' the Kve and Rar and their dheatcB , in plain language with
Uur of and physician * who wnto
-n , trationp aPe written for the patients
" ' , i-y reading them carefully phjdclan and patient ill have a clear
undei.unding ' and ran flewribe can-i to u * more intc Imently.N IU J C I OR HOOK
i all Idlers ( o
DR , J. W , McMENAMY , N , W , Oor , 13th & Dodge Sts , , Omalia , Nefi