Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 27, 1888, Page 3, Image 3

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Arrival of the Long-Expootod Re
action in Wheat.
Corn Continue ! ) Strong nml Scores n
Fair Advance Onts Quiet Pro-
vlftlon * ) Improving-- Cattle Dull
Ciiic no , Juno 20. [ Special TelcRram tc
THE Hnn.1 Tlio long looked for and some
thno despaired of reaction In the wheat
market arrived to-day. July wlicnt , nftci
scoring nn advance of } { c from yesterday' *
Html prices closed tlio morning session Jnsl
Jc higher tlmn yesterday. The reason for
the up turn Is not to bo found In sensational
bull news , for there was none .It appears to
bo the legitimate nnd natural outcome of the
short selling of the past , few weeks , nml the
resistance which the bears encountered for
the first tln.o yesterday with the hope and
expectation of seeing 7Gc wheat In the neat
future. The bears hnd sold it right down to
the bottom , and discovering yesterday that
It would ( , ' 0 .no ' lower , started In to-day tt
cover their short sales. News was almost
entirely bearish. Early cablet quoted a do-
cllno of } { A in spot wheat , and from the same
source came accounts of a brilliant outlook fein
n Russian crop , of Uusslan wheat being of
fered in the English markets for September
nnd October delivery on the basis
of current cash prices , of an Australian
crop of 8,000,000 bushels larger than last year ,
of farmers' deliveries In the United Kingdom
keeping up so well as to indicate that the
crop of 18ST had been under-estimated. Then ,
too , reports from California indicated n inucli
better crop than was expected weeks ago ,
This was the nature of the news received ,
nnd yet all domestic markets wcro strong and
higher. It appeared ns If short selling liaO
gone too far , at any rate It was the covering
by shorts that put this market up , the most
anxious buyers being July shorts. ' 1'liU
circumstance made the course ol that
delivery very erratic as compared witli other
months. July , which was yesterday J e
lower than August , at ono time to-day sold at
% c premium ou that month , then again was
almost on a par with it and closed the morn
ing session Jfc higher than August. Theo
ries to explain this circumstance were nuin
orous. Ono was that largo holders of August
who wanted to unload were bidding July Ui |
to muko a strong market to sell their August
on. Another was that the elevator men who
own the most of the cash wheat wcro trying
to keep the grain heic. Another was that
there was a July "squeeze' ' la prospect and
that Cudah.v & Linn were preparing to take
Hutehlnson's scalp as the latter trader was
believed to bo short more July wheat than
any ono elso. Color was given to this last
theory by the fact that Ilutchinson was qui
etly buying as much July wheat us possible
during the early lurt of the session and it
was this theory which caused the shorts the
most anxiety. After all , with less than
5,000,000 bushels of wheat of all kinds in
Chicago and speculative trading as enormous
as it has been for the past few months , it is
no matter of wonder that July holders should
bo anxious as delivery day approaches. July
wheat opened at & 0c , which was J41' higher
than yesterday's eloe , and advanced to Sl'c
in a very short time , Jumping ' 4 c at n time.
Then followed u decline to W ditOc , an ad
vance to M)4c ) ; ) , a decline to S0'4c ' , an advance
to SO @SOJfc and the 1 o'clock close ws at
bOJ c. August wheat opened at MIc , sold up
to bOXe , declined to TSIJ o and closed at bO ) e.
December opened at 62J e , sold at
8.1 > jc and S'Jj > 4o ana closed at sc. : )
There was a continuation of yesterday's
strength in the corn market and a fair ad
vance was scored there also. The receipts
were sixteen cars under the moderate esti
mates for two days and estimates for to
morrow wcro still smaller. These things and
large charters yesterday and to-day put cour
age into the believers in corn , and there are
many of them loft In spite of the drubbing
they have received in the past few weeks.
Cables were easier but large exports more
than offset their effect. Hutehinson was n
moderate buyer early , but checked the ad-
vnneo by larpo ollenngs. July corn opened at
ISJ c , sold up to llcthfiiilownto-l ! > ' ; ltfl\ ( ; ' c ,
\ipto-l' > ' 4c , and closed at 1 o'clock at T.IL- .
September corn opened at fiOc , sold at oUjfe ,
down toWJMc , and closed at .f0jc.
There was only a modcinte speculative trade
In oats , but the market was strong and ad
vanced a little for the nearer months. Theic
was no special feature and the strcniMh
seemed to bo duo to sympathy with the oilier
grain markets. July oats opened nt III ' ,0 ,
Bold at 307-fte. up to and closing at Hl e. Sep
tember o.Hs opened at ! ite ! , sold down to Jojj'c
and closed at - . " > J e , which was the saino as
yesterday's close.
i-i Provisions claimed a little moro than ordi
nary attention. Not nuii'li mt reaso w..s noticeable
\ ticeable in outside trading , yet more general
Intoiest was munifostcd ana bi twcoii pro
fessionals transactions reached rather a
fair aggregate. Products were also
quite strong. At the opening , prices wcro
higher , being influenced by the moderate run
of hogs. Later , however , the movement fol
lowed an easier turn nnd in lard and i > ork the
morning improvement was more than lost.
Ktioitribs closed at 1 o'clock at u nut ml-
vancoof 2Ji ( 5e. ' In hird tlio actual decline *
was aj < C'Zr : and in pork r < > ; v.jc Kiillered.
Amnxnox : \ heat easier ; Juno
closed about Ml4e ) , .fculy opened at S0 , c , sold
for a time at Mi'jCzS ' ; ) c. then at i-O c , clos
ing at0Hc ! sellers. Corn opened til 4Sc ,
July cold toWhC and eased off , closing at
4SJ < c ; AugiiHt closing nt WJi : Oats quiet
but steady Pork wan advanced 'J jtitRi * anil
closed alSUU'iT'j for June and July , fl'i.'T'J
for August and'j for i-'opteinbor , moil-
crate trading. Lard Bold moucrntcly ami
closed a shade easier , or at t-s/it ) for June ,
iS.S'JJi hid for July , SS.IttJ , ' for August ,
Si DT > ; ( 'TS.4 ( ) for September and October , and
J O'J.Ui for year. Shoit ribs were steady.
CHICAGO lavn srocii.
CIIICAOO , .lime 'Jii. | Spccinl Telegram to
TUB Hni.l-u.iTri.r. Suitable dry fed native
cattle , jiucli as shippers and the dressed beol
trade want , wcio again scarce and may bo
( motcd lEJ'chli.'her : than last week , all such
Helling quick at the : Medium , half
fat , grassy and green m.tives wcro In largo
numbers , and sold duwu as low us at an.v
time. 'IVxnns formed moio tlmn two-thirda
of the number on sale , and in addition there
wcro fr.WKl tu 11,000 in Kansas City and St.
Louts , making ut least 12UHon ) sale in the
three maikcts. Tim surplus from St. Louia
will reach Chicago to-morrow and that o (
Kansas City on Thursday , hcnco there will
bo n BUniciunl number for at least throe days
without the addition of fresh receipt * ; . From
this it is plain tu bo hcon that Texans not
only sold lower to-day and that low pi < ccs are
liable to rule for the remainder ol the week ,
hence country shippers having common or
grassy stock should hold the same back or
expect to get about only Tcxiis pi ices when
the Mime. In placed on turn market
in competition with Texans , as they
tire at all limes preK-rred at puces over na
tlves. Tlio run of butchers' stock light
yet salesmen complained of thu dilncnlty of
helling the same agumsi the largo number of
Texas cows that \vor\i \ ofTcicd at low prices.
Good cows and heifcis iiro worth moie mon
ey in the country limn in Chic.igo at piesent ,
The stacker and feeder tnulo icnmins dull.
Good to choice natives , inc. higher.
0.00 ; common to fair steady at M.OO .i&i
cows and mixed $1 fOC' < ' .1.4U ; sleeken , ami
feeders * 'J'5 ( < i3.75i Tcxans , 4 , SOU. lower ;
cows * 1.UW.U ; > ; steers .40@3.1'0. '
Hous llusiness continues fair and prices
remain steady. Jlcst selected heavy made
(5.70 ( < iS.T5. Three loads of fancy made
13.77 ; prime mixed sold at tt.CiO&'i and
light borts at ? 5.5oif5CU ; a few lots of com
mon mixed sold us low us (3 50 ,
NEW YoiiK , June 'JO. [ Special Telegram to
THK HEB.I STOCKS The Times' ( .evero ar
ticle on the Hock Island road this morning ,
declaring that overbuilding , reckless com pa
tllion and grungerism had ut last wrecked.
Iho road ami that Us not uurnlugs the past
ycarwcrc-but'.lGSporcc.nton it
stock , created a sepmtbn | In Wall street this
morning. It also produced a decidedly nerv
ous feeling nmqng the already -credulous set
of traders and resulted In a drop of 1' in tlio
stock , it elling down to 103l < w'thonly ' thrco
sales. This break , coupled with selling by
London , Chicago , Saratoga nnd Philadelphia ,
created a weak feeling throughout the entire -
tire list nnd although only f C.OOO shares wcro
traded In during the mornlmr , declines of Jf
< 2X were recorded. St. Paul led In point of
activity and dropped % . Northwestern
dropped % , Omaha broke K on the decline of
$110,013 In May earnings. Itcnding dropped
\i. \ Changes In the rest of the list wcro un
important. The cut to 40e in dressed bcol
rates created a weakness among the Vnndcr-
bills and n decline of if. Traders took hold
of the market before the clo e ami n better
feeling developed. Lake Shore advanced J .
The appreciation helped other stocks nnd n
general rally followed. Most of the early
decline was regained nnd In many of the
nctivo properties slight advances wcro se
cured. Pullman headed the list of gains
with I point , Lnckawiinnn % , Canada South
ern } , Lake Shore % , Cotton Oil Jf. The
principal losses were l on Kock Island , J > {
on Hurllngton , % on St. Paul , J on North
western. Money , 1@1J percent ; bar silver
S Government bonds wcro
dull but steady.
tl. P.4srcRlMerc l.lS7 1C. & N. W . lOrOj
IT. P. < coupon. . . 128 do preferred . 1BH
U. 8. 4'Js rostral. I07i ! N. V.Ccntrnl . I
U.S 4i'Hcouon..ltl7 ] > i t ) . It. N .
I'ncltlcfisofu : . lli ! I > . T .
STIIIMNO : ExcittNon Dull but steady nt
$ I.S7 for sixty tiny bills : fl.SSJi for duinuiiil.
. .luno 20. Following arc the
2:3(1 : ( closin > rrlccs ] ) :
Flour Quiet unit unclinngcdi winter
wlieut , in sucVs , K.TSIM.SS ; in
rols. ? i.00J4.7r ; spring wheat , In sncks ,
$ l. ? : > @ -.f ) > 0 ; in barrels. $3.W4.0 ) ( ) ; rye , in
sucks , t2.K ! ) < wUO : ; In barrels , 3. 10@i.iO. : :
Wheat Active , unsettled nnd nervous ;
opc-ned ni@ olilBbor for July anil closed j < o
lUKbL-r tlmn yesterday : cash , SOkc ; July ,
80 , 'c ; AuKitst , 601-lCc.
Corn Unsettled but pcncrnlly firm ; opcnoJ
fiii u bit-her and closed J < r-5' ( < c above the
close yesterday ; cash and July , 48J < c ; Au
gust , -JKK'-
Oats Weak early , with n decline , but
later became linn and close'il a slmdo 'c ; July , 31' c : August ,
Kye Dull tit 5(3c.
Barley Dull at ( Vic.
Prune Timothy S2.2o@.30.
Flax Seed $1.30.
Pork Unsettled ; fluctuated considerably ,
closing steady ; cash and July. § lu.G7j ; Au
gust , ? 13.7t .
Lard Quiet but comparatively slcady ;
cash , fS.2U ; July $3.22)4 ; August , S3.32 > .
Dry Salted Me.its Shoulders. $0.0t ( ) < n.2.'i ! ;
short clear , $ > ( 5S.OO ; short ribs , $7..VJUJ.
IJutter Steady ; creamery , iiJ @lSJ < fe ;
dairy , l.'i l e.
Cheese Firm : full cream Cheddars ,
TVifrTVe ; Hals , T4ii7Jfe ; young Americas ,
Ejrjra Steady ; fresh , .
Hides VncliiuiKod ; ( jrccn salted calf , -\yt \
waited , H Wtic ; salted bull , il c ; dry Hint ,
So , dry calf , 8c ; deacons , 20iiJ5c ( each ; dry
salted , ( ! ( ( 7c.
T.illow Unchanged ; No. 1 , solid , 3c ; No.
2 , yc , and cake , 4c per lu.
Kecoipts. Shipments.
Flour , bbls . 12,000 0,000
Wlieatbu . 10lXi ) : 11,000
Corn , bu . I'.l-I.OOO 301,000
Oats , bu . 1-MOJO 153,000
Uyebu . 2,000 2,000
Uarley , bbls . 5.0JO -
Now Vork.Juno 20. Wheat Rcceints ,
72.000 ; exports , none ; spot prices r.itlirr bet
tor , in siicfiilation movements rather moro
active and closing prices Indicate an advance
closing atMi-Vc.
Corn Hecoiptu , 1538,000 ; exports , 113,000 ;
spot closed llnu ; options inirlv nctivo ami
strong , closing firm and l'i'jHe ' ( hiplior ;
ninrnuled mixed , f > ; iJi'S-ei ( No. a , & 2) ( * r)3c
delivered ; .luly closing at 55c.
Oats Heceipls , 172,000 ; exports , 10,0,10 ;
market hiphiT nnd firm ; mixed western , 32 ( !
U''c ' ' ; white western , 40@4iiu.
Coffee grades were ciulet at SH.Tfi ;
for spot full1 ; options quiet nnd easy , closing
at u decline of f > ( ' < 2.points. . Sales , f.'f.OOJ
bags. June , ? 12.00.M3.20 ; July , HO.bOte 11.05 ;
August , SO.x'W 10.05.
Petroleum United closed week at 725/0.
Kt'gs Western , 15G15'fc.
Porlc UiU'lmngcd.
hard Spot , tinner ; western steam spot ,'MJO.
iliitier Moderately active ; western , 13@
10)j .
Cheese Finn.
Cincinnati , Juno 20. Wheat Dull ;
No. 2 red , fc5c.
Corn No. 2 mixed , 51 c.
O.Us No , 2 mixed , 34) ) 0 ,
Kye No.a , OJc.
Pfirk JI4.2J.
Lard- . 10.
Whisky- l. 14.
MimiciipollH , Juno 20. Wheat Firmer ;
receipts , 120 cars ; shipments , 2S cars. Clos
ing ! No. 1 hard , cash and July , bOo ; August ,
h2e on track. No. 1 northern , cash and July ,
We ; August , SOo ; on track , M > } r < iSlc. ; No.
2 nortlicrn , cash and July , 75o ; ou truck , "tio.
Flour Unchnnttcd ; patents to ship in sacks
iiic.irlols , $ J.i5tl.l5. : ( !
Milwaukee , Juno 20. Wheat Steady ;
cash , 77 i- ; July , 1 V ;
Corn Dull ; No , ! l. 4te.
Onts ( Juiot ; No. 2 white , 35' e.
Hurley No 2 , fise.
llye No 1 , 5 li' .
Provisions Steady ; mess jiork , cash and
Juno , $13 til' ' .
St. hoiilx. JunoSO. Wheat Higher : cash ,
S'JKQvjJ c ; July , boifu.
Corn lllgher ; cash , 45 ® 45foi July ,
O.its Higiicr ; cash , 82(332 ( } c ; July , 2rj e.
Pork-Quiet at ? 11 ft ) .
Lard 1'uiet ' at * T.75ui".b"- ! J ,
Huttcr- Quiet ; creamery ISffMSc ; dairy ,
Afternoon Hoard Wheat Easy , Corn
Quiet. Outs Stoutly.
KaiiMaH City , June 20. Wheat Steady ;
No. 2 red , July , C c bid.
Corn Steady ; f > o. 2 cash , 3io asked ; No. 2
white , cash , HI ' 40.
O.tls No. 2 cash , no bids nor offerings.
Juno 20. Wheat Flat ;
oers oer reey ; aiorna o. , h o
Os 7d per ceptul ; red western , spring , Os 5Kd
( ifi'.s | U'd per cental.
Cornineal Lower : new mixed western , 4s
New OrleniiH , Juno CO. Corn Firmer ;
in sacus inixed , 02o ; yellow , O'ic ; white ,
Oats Irregulnr ; No. 2 , 40 < 5 ? > ! lc ,
Cornmcal Uuclianged at fi.80.
Hog Products Unchanged ; pork , f4.75 ;
lam , retined tierce , f7.2K-
Hulk Meats Unchanged : shoulders ,
fti.M > $ ! long clear fS.OO ; clear ribs , $3.70.
ChlcnRO , JuneSO. Tlio Drovers' Journal
reports as follows :
Cuttle Receipts , 7,500 ; market Irregular ;
natives , $4.00@awj ) co wb and mixed , Jl.tO ®
3.40 j stockers nnd feeders , f2.25M3.75 ;
Texans , H.OOS3.W ) .
Hogs-Heceipts , 11,000 ; market strong ;
mixed , f5.5005.70 : heavy , * . - > .f > 5@5.bO ;
light , f5.50C n. 7K ; pips and culls , * 4.10SS-40.
Shoei UeceiptB , 4MX ) ; market slow ;
muttons , 3.70 4.tiO ; western feeders , M.BO ®
5.40 ; Texuns , * l.75a3.75 ( ; lambs ' per head ,
Natlpuul Stock VardH , Hast St.
I/on IP , Juno CO. Cnttlo Receipts , 0,400 ;
fthlppionts , 1,100 ; innrkct steady ; cholco
heavy nntlvo steers , $4.40(35.25 ( ; fair to Rood ,
f- } . X'M.W ; butchers' steers , ? 3.50@4.0 : ! ;
Rtockcra nnd feeders , $2.30 < S3.GOS rangers ,
Hogs Ueccipts. 2,000 } shipment ! " , ncne ;
market strong ; cholco heavy nnd butchers'
selections , e.-.00rf5.70 : packing , $3.40g5.CO ;
light grades , $5.30frf5.40.
Kansas City , Juno 20. Cattle Uccelpts ,
n.KX ! ) ; shipments 2 , 00 ; cholco fat steers lOc
higher ; common to chblco corn-fed , ? l.0 ( ) @
B.50 ; stockers and feeding steers , $2.03 3.00 ;
grassera , $2.lOC ) < 23.40 ; cows , $1.40.J3.IO. (
Hogs Keceipts , 7,000 ; shipments , ! 0 ;
market 5 < W10o higher ; common to choice , $3.10
( VJo.M ; skips and pigs , $ i.5DM5.00.
Tuesday , June 20 , 1SSS.
The cattle market opened slow with mod
erate rcceipls on sale. Very Hltlo trading
was douo in the morning , but later there was
n little moro life lu the market nnd quite n
good many cattle changed hands. There
was no quotable cnungo in the market , al
though the feeling on good corn cattle was
better. _
The hog market was active at an advance
of Gc , and the hogs were all sold early. The
top was $5.55 , which was the highest price
paid since n week ago. Good heavy mixed
lions sold at 40 and 45c , and light hogs mostly
at 35e. _ ,
There was only one double deck here.
Cattle . 910
Hogs . 0,700
Horses . , . 040
Prevailing I'rloui.
The following is a U1 > lo of prleas p.\ld hi
UusinarKct for the gradJJ of stock men
Prime steers. 1300 to 1500 lbs..M.OO
Prime steers , HOO to 1300 Ibs. 4.WI
Fntllttlo steers. UOO to 1050 Ib3. 4.03 ; JB-l.7r >
Common to good cows . 1.50 063.00
Choice to fancy cows . 3.00 ( H > 3.f > 0
Common to choice bulls . 2.25
Fair tochoico light hogs . 5.50 W5.U5
Fair to choice heavy hoes . 5.45 ? 5.f > 0
Fnirtocholco mixed hogs . 5.40 @ 5.45
Representative Sale * .
Ijivo Stock Sold.
ShowliiR the number of. cattle , hoijs nnd
sheep soltl to tlio leaillng buyers on to-tlay's
Switt&Co 102
Noyse 78
G. II. Hammond & Co 125
Crone 2
Vaiibaiit 35
Underwood 2
UurnsideJv : M 200
lion- ) .
G. H. Hammond & Co 4'7 !
Omnha 1' . Co 7ti (
Armour-Cutlaliy PaeUinu Co 20l : !
.7. P. Squires & Co isll
Hrninard Hros. , 25(5 (
Giubs& White. 13. .
K. TJ. Litmbert. 201
G. U.Wilson. . . , 123
G. V. Hartlett. . 53
J. Doud 503
Highest anil
The follo\vini | uro the highest nnd lowest
prices paid for mixed nml heavy loads of IIOKS
on this in.ifltot during the past fuw davs and
forthocorresiiaiuliiiHiioriod in Iba'and IbSO :
ShowltiR the IilKliest and lowest prices
paid , for thp kind of i-attlo indicated , during
the past few days and the corresponding
tltno in IbhT nml ISsd :
1,100 TO 1,300 I-OUXD stnuits.
100 ! rOUNIIl AMI OVEIt.
Ijlvo Stock Notes.
Hogs higher.
Cattle about steady.
F , Nutzinun , Areca , topped the hog mar
J. P. Lntta , Tokamah , came lu with six
loads of cattla.
J. Sichl , Pullerton , was In with three
loads of cattle.
D. A. McArthur , Ord , came In with two
loads of cattle.
S. D. Fredericks was in with a train of
cattle from Gibbon ,
Frank Sanders , Watson , Mo , , was iu with
two loads of cattlo.
W. H. Jones , Wllcox , Neb. , was hero with
a double deck of sheep.
J. N. Jarrott , Scio , was hero with n car of
cattle and and a car of hogs.
.Tohn Pnyne , Mftdison , was hero with n
load of hogs nnd thrfcd loads of cattlo.
F , J. Halp. Hattlo Creek ; J. J. Mathcrson ,
PilKer , and Emley Bros. ) Wisnor , sold Wo
John Moss , cattle buyer for G. H. Hammond
mend & Co. , hus Returned from n visit to
F.V. . Mattoon V < ? on the market with n
load of cnttlo ami oha load of hogs , shipped
from Uluo Spring n ,
Silver City. In. , wn represented by J. P.
Fall and W. C. Swnrtr , who wcro in with
five loads of corn fedjimtlvcs.
G. M. Carlcton , Pullerton , nml Joseph
miss , Schuylor. wcro among the shippers
who were hero looking over the market.
Thomas Mortimer cntno in from Mntlison
with two loads of dehorned cattle of his own
feeding. Ho is n firm belluver in the advan
tages of dehorning.
Swnn Peterson , Chnpuian ; W. T. Uickloy ,
Columbus ; J. .Icrnborg , OcnovnV. ; . L.
Willis , Mntlison , P. M. Colby. HriidMmw ,
and J. J. L-lgntboily , Ocncvii , wcro among
those who came In with hogs.
Produce , Fruits , Nuts , Ktc.
Tuesday , Juno 20.
There was rorxlly no market to-day , nnd
prices ruled unchanged at Saturday's quota-
HUTTUU Fancy creamery roll butter. 20 < Jt >
21c ; with solid packed nt lliCftlik ) ; cholco
country butter , 18C'iHcj ( comtnun grades , 11 ®
Koo i Strictly fresh ,
Ciinnnins Per case of It ) Ibs , fl.7. > @ 2.00.
Southern cherries ? a.75 per 21 quart case.
STiivwitiintii : : ? 'J.r > : iiiiJ.7ri ( per 10-qt case.
Hi.u'Kiiiuuu-i ! ! fiSivcl.tX ) per case.
Ui.Ai'K Kvsi'iiiititius : jj.txidj1 ! CU per case ;
red raspberries , ! f4.tW(4.r ( > ( l per cnso.
CIIKKSI : Full croini , litD14o. ( )
PoTATor.s Cholcu homo grown. 75@S."c ;
Utah and Colorado stock , H0ji05ci ( low
grades , TOyCifM' .
Pofi.Tin No dressed fowl In the market ;
live chickens , $3 2.i per diu ; siu-ing chickens ,
2.50 .2."i
-$1.50 per bu.
Test ATor.-i $2.50 per crate or S1.75@2.00 per
Pixc AiTi.ns ? 2.25@'J.r > 0.
U * x Common medium , $2.fiO@3.00per
bunch ; choice , ? 8.0H5i3.r > 0 ; low grades , $2.00.
l'r < California , 2 > 1lft3c ( per Ib.
D.VTIJS Persian , OJ27c ( per ll
Cinnu-Cholco Michigan cider , $4.50@'J.3U
perbbl. of 82 gal.
O.VIONS Native sloek1.25@l.50 ; Spanish ,
per box of 5 Ibs , $1.75(0)2.00 ( ) ; California on
ions , : i } < j ( < $ lc per It ) .
LEMONS $7.l'.CivS.OO . ( per case.
OitAN-mis California Hiversido , $3.75@t.OO ;
medium sweet Uivcrsidos , $4.50 per box ;
Messina , $3.50i ( < > 7.00 ; Los Angeles , $4.00f < fi
4.50 ; Los Angeles Navals1.00 ; Uivorsldo
Navals , $0.00.
CtniiAnns 2X ( < 13c per Ib. for California.
Cvui.iri.owmt Good stock , $1.5UQ 1.75 per
Porconx Choice rice corn is quoted nt 3@
4e per Ib. ; 6ther kinds 2) ) < fct'3c per Ib.
CutitOTS Now block. 40Vl4. ( > e per doz.
Hcvxs Good stock , 52.00 ( 2.75 ; California
beans , $2.25ij2.40. (
Fiob In layers , 13@15c ; cake , lOe per Ib.
NUT * Peanuts , raw , G4@7c ; Hrazll nuts ,
13e ; almonds , Tarracoiia , 22c ; English wal
nuts , ItttvlSc : lllborts , iSe ; Italian chestnuts ,
15c ; pecans , 15c.
HOMV Klii21c for 1 Ib. frames ; canned
honey , 10@12u per Ib. , .
PI-III : MAI'I.K Svnri' $1.25 per gal.
SAi.sin 25e per bunch.
WATUIMLI.ONB $ .15.00 per 100.
Grocers Ijist.
SroMI Granulated , OJ < ( < 7c : conf. A , 0 < ( ? < 3
OJjic ; white extra U , 0 ? ( < il ( ) < fc ; extra C , GJ4 ( < fi
GV ; .vollow C , 5 fyi5e ; cut loaf , 7J ; ; ( < c
8c ; powdered , 7Jiat > f4ii' New Orleans , 5 % ( !
I'orrnn Ordinary grades , 10Jt > l7c ; fair ,
17@lsc ; iiriinc , l $ ( 10 * e ; fancy green ami
yellow , 2-tf23c ; old government Java , 2bri )
! IOe ; interior , Tuva , 25fi2bc ( ; Mocl.n , 2t > vr30e ;
Arbucklo's roasted , 21'fc ; McLaughlin's
XXXX , 2U4e ; nllwortli's , 21c ; Hod Cross ,
21c ; Aluromn , 21J4c ; German , 20 c.
WOODI-.NH uti : Two-hoop pails , per doz. ,
SI. 10 ; three-hoop pails , $1.05 ; No. 1 tub ,
7.00 ; No.J tub , $0.00 ; No. 8 tubs , $5.00 ;
washboards , electric , $1.50 ; fancy Northern
Queen washboards , $2.75 ; assorted bowls ,
$2.75 ; No. 1 chums , $ .1.00 : No , 2 churns , .
$3.50 ; No. 8 churns , S7.5-J ; butter tubs , $1.70 ;
spruce , in nests , 70c- per nest.
TOIHCCO PII ; < I Lorillurd's Climax , 45c ;
Splendid , 41c ; Mechanic's De-light , 44c ;
Leggett & Meyer's Star , 41c ; Cornerstone ,
! lc ! ) ; Dnimmond's Horseshoe , 4.1o ; J. T. ,
42c ; Sorg's Spearhead , 45c ; "Cut Hale , "
29c ; "Oh , My. " 27. : ; Piper Hoidslelc , ( Vie.
Toiudo SMOKINO Catlin's Meerschaum ,
81 e ; Catlin's Old Stile , 23c ; Sweet Tip Top ,
32c ; U. N. O. , 17c ; Hed , White and Uluc ,
Jcu.irs 30-lb pails , $1.25@1.50.
SALT Per bbl in carload loth , $1.45.
Koi'B Seven-sixteenths , 10 f$10 > jc.
CASIIV Mixed , Oyile ; stick , 9 ( 9) ) .
PICKI.I- : * Medium'in buls , yl.OO ; do in half
bbls , $ : i..r)0 ; small , In bbls , $7.00 ; do in half
bbls , $1.00 ; gherkins , in bbls , $3.00 ; do in
half bbls , $ } .5 ( ) .
lIoi.MM ) Hiiuixns GS@70c per keg.
MAVI.I : SIT. MI Hrleks 12' < c nor ib. ; penny
cakes , 18 ( > cil4c per Ib. ; pure iiiaple syrupl.'J5
per gal.
HHOOMS Extra 4-to ! S2.CO 8-tie
, - , ; parlor , - ,
painted handles , $2.25 ; No. 1 , J2.00 ; No. 2 ,
$1.95 ; heavy stable brornst 00.
STAKCII Mirror gloss , 5 e ; Graves' corn ,
Gye ; Oswego gloss. 7e ; Os\vego corn. 7c.
Tms Jup.ins , 20S55c ; Gunpowder , 20@
COc ; Young Hyhon , 22@55c ; Oolong , 20 ( < Z50c.
POWDKII ANI > SHOT Shot , ? 1.30 ; buckshot ,
f 1.55j Hazard powder , kegs , W.OO ; half kegs ,
$2.75 ; one-fourths. 1.50 : blasting kegs , $2.35 ;
fuses , 100 ft. , 45@75c.
* , CAUKS , ETC. Prices subject to
change. Soda , 5c ; ( city goods ) , 7c ; soda
snowllako ( in tins ) , lOc ; soda candy , 5 } < c ;
drop oyster , 7e ; butter , 5c ; Boston , So ;
Omaha butter , 7c ; sawtooth butter , 0c ;
cracker meal , fij e ; graham , be ; graham
w.ifer.s , lOc ; graham wafers in pound pack
ages , I2) c ; hard bread , 5c ; milk , 7 > e ; oat
meal , 8c ; oat meal wafers , lOo ; oat meal wa
fers in pound packages , 12 ; < c ; animals , 12c ;
Hollvcr ginger ( round ) , To ; cream , So ; Corn-
hill , lOe ; craeknells , lOe ; frosted cream , 8 > e ;
ginger htiaps , be ; ginger snaps ( city ) , Ue ;
homo made ginger snaps , in boxes , 18u ; homemade
made ginger snaps , ( Mb cans ) per dozen ,
$ 2.50 ; lemon creams. So ; pret/els ( hand
made ) , ll'ijc ; assorted cakes and Jumbles ,
ll'ae ; assorted lingers , 15c ; afternoon tea
( in Hub ) , per box , J7.00 ; banana lingers , lie ;
butler Jumblos. ll c ; Hrunswick , 15e ;
brandy snaps , ] 5c ; chocolate drops ( new ) ,
lOc ; chocolate wafers , 15e ; Christmas lunch
( in tins ) per do/en , f 1.50 : cocoa laffy snaps ,
14c ; colTeo cnko , 12c ; Cub.i Jumbles , ll'c )
cream puffs , 30c ; egg Jumbles , llj c ; ginger
drops , lie ; honey jumbles , ll e ; jelly lin
gers , 15o ; jelly wafers , 15.jellvlart ; ( new ) ,
Ific ; lady lingers , 13o ; vanilla bar , 14c ; va
nilla wafers , lie ; Vienna wafers , 1 dozen
packages In a box , per dozen , $2.50.
AH goods packed In cans le per Ib advance
except miowllako and wafer soda , which are
packed only in cans. Soda in 2-lb and 3-11)
paper boxes , ' < o per Ib advance ; nil other
goods lo per Ib advance. Soda In Mb paper
boxes , lo per Ib advance. The 2-lb boxes are
narked in cases holding 18 in a caso. The 2-
Ib boxes are packed in cases holding 12 in a
caso. The 4-lltbox s are packed In cases
holding 8il in a case. < Onc-lb graham nnd oat
meal wafers packed 2 do zin a caso.
Show tops for boxes , with glass opening to
show goods , 75o. Cmis for wafer aoda , $8.00 ,
not returnable. CJans for snowllako soda ,
fS.Oi ) per doz. Tin cases with glass face to
display the goods , ? 5o each. No charges for
packages except for cans nnd rolurnablo
goods. Glass front thi cans and "snowllako"
bodu cans are returnable at prices charged.
Dry Roods.
Pni ! T * SOLID COI.OHS Atlantic. Go ;
Slater , 5' c ; Merlin oil , GUc ; Garner oil , ( HsS
7e. Pixn AXII Hones Itichmond , GKc ; Al
len , 0)ic ; Hiver Point , Co : Steel Hiver , Ce ;
Hlchmond.Gc ; Paclllc , 0) ) e. IXDIGO HI.UI :
Washlngion , 0)/c ) : Century , digo blue prints ,
[ ) c ; American , G > s'o ; Arnold , HKO ; Arnold H ,
10)fe ) ; Arnold A , 12c ; Arnold Gold Seal , 10' < ' fo ;
DitEss Charter Oak , 5c ; Uamapo , 4) ) c ; Lo'dl ,
5c ; Allen , Gc ; liichinond , ( to ; Windsor , G ej
ICddystoiie , G > tfe ; Pacillc , CVfc.
HATTS Standard , 'Jc ; Gem. lOo ; Hcauty ,
12Kc ; Hayonnc , 14o : H , cased , M.SO.
CAISI-ET WAISI' Hibb , white , 19o ; colored ,
Ml8cui.iA--Eou3-rablo oil cloth. J2.S5 ;
plain Holland , SK JKe ; Dado Holland ,
. -Uerkloy cambricNp.
BO. 0 > fc ; Hest Vet. 4-4 , 0c , butter cloth ,
DO , 4) o ; Cabot , 7K i Farwell , 8 > c ; Fruit
af.Looui , 8 > fc ; Frceuo G , 0- , Hope ,
King Philip cambric , lie , Lonsdnlo , A.- * * . *
IwOnsdftlo , 8l et New York inlllo , lOUo ; Pep *
perell , 42-ln. , lie ; Peppcrcll , 40-ln. , lie ; Pep-
pcrcll , 0-4 , IGo ; Pepperoll , S-4,21c ; Pcpporell ,
i"-4 " , 23c ; Peppcroll , 10-4 , 25c ; Canton. 4-4 ,
SJjc ; Canton , 4-4,0'ac ; Triumph , Go ; Warn-
suttn , lOc ; Valley , be.
GixnitiM Plunkclt checks , 7rc ; Whit ten-
ton , 7c ; York , J c ; Normandl dress , 8 > , c ;
Calcutta dress , S } c ; Whltlerulon dress , S.'fcCj
Hcnfrew dress , b)4.al2l1lc. ) (
TICKS Lowlston , 80 in. , 12i c ; Lowlston ,
82 in. . inV ; York , M-ln. , 14c ; Swift river ,
7ke ; Thormlyke , OO , S'tf ; Thorndyko FF ,
Skc ; Thorndyko 120 , OUe ; Thorndyko XX ,
15c ; Cordis , No. r. , O&e ; Cordis , No. 4 , lie.
DrxiMi AmoskeagH , 0-oz , lOc ; Kvcrctt ,
7-oz. , IBi" York. 7-oz. , 13)ie ) ; Haymarkct ,
S'ic ; Jaffrey , XX. ll c ; Jntlrcy XXX. 12'ie ;
Heaver Creek AA , 12c ; Heaver Creek UU ,
lip ; Heaver Creek CC , lOc.
FHXXEI. Plaid Unftsmnn , 20c : Goscen ,
32 rc ; Clear Lake , 32H'o ; Maple City , .W.c.
While G H No. 2 , Jf , 21c ; C H No. 1 k
BOcQucchcr No. 1 , 2c Qurchcr , No. 2 ,
; , ,
. . . . . . , . . . .
US * ! S * * /\l r. \ * t RS > .I1 / 4 > .n > * < *
UIIASH fetovens15. . uc ; uienciicti , < c ;
Stevens' A , 1) 0 ; bleached , 8 < e ; Stevens' P ,
J-HO ; bleached , ifc ; Stevens' N , U e ;
bleached , 10 > c ; Stevens' S U T , 12J e.
Divr.xsioxs AKII riMiinn.
No. 1 com , s 1 . .SlS.fiO I No. 3 com , s 1
No. 'J com , si. . 1T.OO | No. 4 com , s 1 s. . la.fK )
No. 1 , 4&0ln 12 & 14 ft , rough . SlO.fiO
No. 1 , " " 10 " . Hi. fit )
No. 'J , " " 14 " . K.r ! > 0
No. a , " " in " . is.ou
A , 12 , in & in > o I c , 12 , 1 1 & 10
n , " " 2o.r.o | u , " " 12.50
2d com / in White Pine ceiling . 84.00
u u u u . 2s. 00
' ' ' ' ' * '
Clear JIn Norway " " . . . . . i. 1400
2dcom J in " " " . 10.00
AOln White Pine . JM.r.O
UOin " " . JU.M )
COin " " . 0.00
Dilin " " . 21.WI
EOin " " ( Sel. Fencing . 10.00
0 In Drop Siding BOc. per M extra.
Star , 4 Inch Flooring . ? 21.00
Island 2d clenr4 inch Flooring . 23.00
Clear % inch Coiling . 20.00
Clear 4' Inch Partition . 24.00
Clear inch , Partition ? 'J above % Inch
The Usual Iilvcly Mcc
Aldcrinaiitc Hoard.
The City Council met again last night , and
had a lively time. The cells were empty ,
nnd there was no prisoner to interrupt the
proceedings , but the members had it out
among themselves. Councilmen .letter nnd
Feano were absent and inisscd the fun. It
started with the report of the ordinance
Committee when Councilman Uaylcss report
ed in favor of giving away the fifteenth .year
"Exclusive" franchise to a home company ,
to light South Omaha. Councilman Rafferty
Bald ho was a member of the Committee , nd
he would never sign any such document , so
it went In on the signature of IJayless alone.
Then all the members said something and
said some hard things too. Councilman
LSnyulss moved that his report bo adopted ,
and on being put to vote , KalTerty , O. Kour-
bio and liurlk voted against it , McMillan ,
Smith and Bayless voting in the affirmative.
That made a tiu vote , and Mayor Sloan gave
his in favor of adopting the report , nnd the
ordinance was accordingly read for the Jirst
time , Councilman HalTerty becoming dis
gusted and leaving the room. Then ordi
nances 05 and ( > ii wcro read , relative to the
vacating of certain lands in the neighbor
hood of F street , nnd wcro referred to the
ordinance committee. The city engineer
was instructed to draw plans for the L street
viaduct , and , at the request of the mayor ,
the committee will examine the bonds
furnished by members of the police force in
order to see that they meet the requirements
of tlio law. Tlio city attorney xvas instructed
to draft tin ordinadco compelling citi/.ens to
keep their premises free from lllth , and also
ou regulating the placing of lire plugs on Q
street. J. A. MacMurphy , one of the school
board , asked for information. He had boon
informed that if the present board paid
the existing moitgngcs on school property.
they would do it at their own risk. He did
not want to see the amount charged to the
members of the old board , as they had evi
dently u'led for the best , but he did not want
to bo charged with the responsibility of pay
ing them himself. The new board did not
want to repudiate thu debts of their prede
cessors , but if they paid them they wanted
to do it according to law , and not render
themselves liable. He was heard throughout
ami then , nfternppointing IJayless , McMillan
and O'Hourko a committee to investigate the
cost of electric lights in North Omaha , the
Council adjourned.
Notes About the City.
Ninety-three cars of hogs nnd forty of cat
tle were received up to noon yesterday.
Cattle steady , heirs 5c higher ,
Top price for hogs , fo.ns.
J. S. Minncss got ? 3 and costs for being
drunk and disorderly.
Widow Cunningham gained her suit
against the city , nnd the jury awarded her
in.OOO damages for the death of her husband.
The city attorney will apply for u new trial ,
or else appeal flie case.
, The rain yesterday did considerable
damage to the basements along II street ,
and hulls for damages are spoken of.
Walter Parker found work in Armour's
packing house Monday morning nnd yes
terday received injuries which , if not fatal ,
will at least conllno him to his room for
months. While engaged in cleaning out some
vats ho accidentally fell into ono half lilled
with boiling water and was scalded from the
neck downwards. Frank Ofllcor at once
removed him to his boarding house , where
ho now lies in u critical condition in the care
of Dr. Kelly. He is n young man and came
from Pcoria , 111.
The Knights of Labor met again Monday
night to complete arrangements forthoFouth
to.Iuly celebration. So fur the following bodies
have signified their intention of being pres
ent , and will inarch in Iho following order ;
Police , clly council , board of trade , Catholic
Knights , A , O. II. ( three divisions ) , Knights
of Pythias , Odd Fellows , A. O. U. W. , Ho-
licmian society , gun cluu , Knights of Labor ,
citiiciis on loot , reproscntallvo industries
and riti/cns in carriages. Tlio committee
then adjourned to meet again Sunday at ! i
p. m. _
The Union I'nclllo Hallway.
Tins arranged to stop all Hiilnivbiin
traiiib ntQ btreot , Soutli Omaha , to bet
tor accomnindnlo tlio conblantly inereas-
inpr suburban travel.
TromondnuB stock of Fourth of July
ponds , including the latest and bebt , at
Colliiib' Cu'n Co. , 1312 Douglas btreot.
t. PAL-USi ! A I' lUCilMAS. J. 11. \.NCIIAItll. .
Liyc Stock Commission Merchants ,
LiYB Stock CoDmiissioii Merchants ,
Market f uniltUuilrut ) on application. Htockcr and
fee < 1er f imiUhiMl on ijooilU'rim Uc'erunci't Orau-
naJS'attonul Hank unit bouUi Omaha Ntuloum. Uulon
block Yi-nli , buutti Oiualiu.
Live Stock Commission ,
Room 15 , tCicbiriEO Ilulldlnif , Unlou Block TarOa
_ t > ouui Oiuuliu , Nub.
Commision Dealers in Live Sock ,
&ooiaV2 , Opposite Kichaiice Uulldlng , Unloo Etock
_ T ril , Boulu Oiuatiu , N L.
Of Omaha , Limited ,
Joka f Uojrd ,
_ Agricultural implements , "
DealerinAgriCultnrallmplonients , Wagons ,
Carriage * unit Ht'cclri. Jciifs Stroct , between Vtlmni !
_ luth , Omaha , .Nct.mika. _
AgricnlturalImiilenicnts1WapnsCarriages ,
o. Kte. Wholoffvlp. Omnlia , Nrbra < kn ,
Wholesale. Dcnlcrs In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons &Bnggies
Ml. itn. < M nnOTJonc ! Street , Omaliit.
Mannfactnrers of Buckeye Drills , Seeders ,
Cultlvntors , Hay HaVen. CWer Mills nnd l.ubin I'ul-
\erliiT ! . Cor. lltli nnd Nlclitita btrcvtu.
C <
AgricnltnralImplementsWagoiis&Bnggics ,
_ Ctirnyr.14 thnml Xlcholii Plroct > .
Akron , Ohio.
Harvesting Machinery and Binder Twine ,
W , H. Mrnd , Mntin : er. 1211 Lcnrvnvroith > t. , Omnlift.
Xlimufnctnrcrsnn.1 Jobbora la
Wagons , Buggies , Rakes , Plows Etc ,
Cor. mil nn t I'nctric streets , Omnha , Neb.
Artloto * M n tori n la. .
A HOSPE , Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1M.1 lluimlas Btrvot , Omalia , Nebrnrkn.
Boots nnci Shoos.
( Mlcce. fur til Hci'il , Jones ItO. . )
'Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots and Shoes
Anenlafor llooton Hutihor Phoo Co. tllB , 1101 A. IKIC
_ Hiirnvr t > ( . . Uinalia , Ncbraaka.
W. V. MORSE . \ : CO. .
JoWers of Boots and Shoes ,
1101 , 1103-1105 DoviflnK St. , Omnliii M auu factory , Sura-
mar M lllBUIII.
Booksollora antl Station ore.
Tl. MT&'s. W.'JONES ,
Succcssomto A. T. Kcnyon A Co. , WhuUs-ilo illotall
Booksellers anil Stationers ,
Fine Wcildlng Stationery. Comincrilat fctntloncry.
U ! Doutlasatiect. Uiuabu ub.
CoffOOB , SplCOB , EtC. _ _
Omalia CofTou nnd yplco Mills.
Teas , Coffees , Spices , Baking Powder ,
Flavoring Kitrncts , l-iuindry Ilhio. . Int. * . Ktc. lilt-
14ir. llnrnoy Stri'pt , Oinahn. Nchrn kn.
_ Crockery nnd Claasvyaro _
Afcnt for Iho Manufacturers nnd Importers of
Glassware Lamps Chimneys
Crockery , , , ,
Ktc. Offl ce , JIT S. 13th tit. , Oranl.u , Nebraska.
Itnuortor" nnd Jobbers of
Crcc'fcry , Glassware , Lmi-s , Silverware
Etc. 1M4 Fiirnani St. , New I'nxlun llulldlni , ' .
Commlaolon and Storcgo *
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
Specialties-nutter , KKI ; * , Clici'Ke. Poultry , Uamr ,
111Howunl Htrcnt. Oinalm ,
6ucce * era to McSliano & Schrocdcr. )
Froflnco-Commission and Cold Storage ,
Ouiabn , Ncbrnaku.
Flour , Feofl , Grain anil General Coiiiinision
Merchant. Corrc' pen < lenco sollrltiMl. 10U North ICth
fctroct , Um.iliu , Nub.
CoaJ.jCoUp and i-lmo. _
' "
Jotes of Hard an * Soft Coal ,
WO Fontli 131h Street , Omslm , Nebrniikn.
J. J. JOK NSON & CO. .
Manufacturers of Illinois fie Lime.
And shippers of Coal , Toke , ConiPnt , I'liistur , I.lino ,
IJruIn 1'ilcnmlfewur 1'liie. Office , I'muin llotvl ,
1-uruum t-t. , Uninlni , Neb. TuleplionuGlI.
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
SH Sonlh 13lh bt. , Oinnlm.Ncb.
_ _ _ _ _ _ Dry Goods and Notions.
' ' ' "
M' E SM'ITH i cor ,
Dry Goods , Fnrnisning Goofls and Notions ,
1102 anil 1104 DouRlai.Cor. lltli Pt. , Omahd , Net ) .
Importers aniUooliers in Dry GooflsMioiis ,
Gents' l-'iirulnhlnK ( lootln. Corner llth uud Ilojuuy
Wa. , OiuuUa , Nebrr.fcl.ii.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
Kurnatu Street. Omalia. Nelinttka.
CHARL'ES smvEmcK ,
Omttlia , Nebraska. *
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
706. " 07 , ' 03 and 711 fi. 10th St. , OniRtm , fteli.
f Mosaic Grocers ,
t 111 anil Leitvonwortli Streoti , OmnUa , Nobrnikn.
Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate ,
MetalB , Phfi-t Iron , ctiApcuts for flowo Scales ,
illnmil'owiler anil I.yniau ilutbed wire ,
Omaha , KubrueLu.
Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop ,
JH'Clmulcii' Tools HIH ! IlulTulo Hcalos. ItW Douullll
Htrt'Ct , Omuhu , Nubrnnia.
f holesale Hardware ,
10th and Harrier bu. , Oumlm.Nth. Wi-ttfrn ARcnti
lot Austin powilur Co , Jefferson html Nulli ,
Wliiilt'bulo Mmiuncturer < of
Saddlery SJahbers of Saddlery Hardware
And Ixjatliur. 1IOJ , HOe ami 1417 lliirnoy Bt , , Ouiulia ,
Heayy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
fiprtngi , Watfon Stork , Iloniwaro , Lumber , Itc.
und 1211 Hurnejr blrett.Uiuuliit.
Hats , Capa , Eto.
w. L. pAnnoTTE & coTi
Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods ,
HU71IriicrSlrc tOrni > ha. Noli.
Office Fixtures.
Manufacturer ! of
Bank , Office and Saloon Fixtures ,
Mantle ? . BliUboartU , Hook CunDrue FUturot.Watl
CftHeM.I'artitiuiiH Itttllrtui ( , Counter' . Heorand Wine
* kjolir , Mirrur .etc , tttrturr anil omce. 17JO nod 1H3
outh ( ytJtl tMOUllUtli 'IVIffiihnnn H'21.
Lumber. _
_ _ *
" " "
All Kinds of Building Material at Wholesale
ISt I Street mid t'nlon raclflo Track , Omnhn. _
Dealer in Lnmber , Latb , Lime , Sash ,
Doors , Klo. Ynnis-CofnorTMi nnd Doufflmj Cornet
ttth ami Duuelai.
" " "
cr N. bnrrz , "
Dealer in All Kinds of lute
l < thnn < l California Street' , Omntin , Nebrmlts.
Lninlier Limo Cement Etc Etc
, , , , , ,
_ Corner nth nml To\ign | tl . . Omnhit.
To Dealers Only ,
Oflleo , Uffl Fnrnnm Street , Omnhn.
Wholesale Lninlier , Etc ,
Imported nml Amcrlrnn 1'ortlniul Cement. 8tMt
Agent lor Mllnniiknp I hclrnnllc Cement unil
_ _ _ QiilncrVlille Mine. _
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood C rpct miJ l'i > M f t Kloorlng ffth imrt TVi'tglM
33H , Millinery nnci Notions '
" "
Importers & Jolitein Millinery & Notions
_ _
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jcntu rants , Shirt" , r.te. lUCntul 11UI DouulaJ Street ,
Omnlm. Nvb.
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods
403 nml 405 Bnilli lOtli 81. , Omnlm.
Wholsale Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
Axle (7Trn e , Ktc. , Omnlm. _ A. II. Ulthnp , Mitnnier ,
Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods ,
oet , Omuhiu
Wholonli > DoalcrB lu
Paints , Oils , Window Gla < s , Etc ,
111" ! Fnrnn'u Mroot. Onmlm , Nob.
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
Carry n nice ntock of Printing , Wrnpiilue nnd Wrltlnc
I'lyer. Bpoclal attention Klvun Itn'ar fouil imlir *
Proprietor Omaha Paper Box Factory ,
Xos. 1117 nml IJl'J Uotulua Bt. , Ointihu , Neb.
3 , Etc.
M. A. D1SBROV cT/CO. .
Wholesale Mnnu. .rturcrs of
Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings ,
llrnnch Uffloo , lUtli iiml IzuM Htroet , Oraulm , Nob.
aiiufactiirers of Sash , noors , Blinds ,
t ; uUluai , Stulr Work nml Interior lliml Y.'uoil Flip
au. K. U. Corner fill nml Lrnvouworlli btrceti ,
Omtilin , ( i'ub. '
S&iafectarers of Moulding , Sash , Doors , llltmln , Turnlnc , Stair-work , ll.lnk nml Ottlco lit *
ilntf . liUth aatl 1'opiilutun ATOIHIO.
Printers' Malorlnla.
Auxiliary Publishers ,
P tcrsln Tyre. I'renjei nnd I'rlnti'rii'Buppllcs. KJ
i-outli I''ili Street. Oiuttlin.
Rujjbor Goods.
Manufacturers and Dealers in Ruhlier Goods
Jll CluiUIng uiul U-aiber llplllnit. 1000 fnrnam EtraoU
Etc. , _
A. L. STRANG CO. , 1
Puiniis , Pipes and Engines ,
" " "
Vholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Steam una Water Buppllei. ni-ruiunrtrn ! for Maik
Koo t A Cu' gmiila. 1111 1'iirneiii M. , Omuba.
u. s. WI'ND ENGINE & P'UMP co. ,
Steam and Water Supplies ,
[ Ullldujr Wln < l MlllB. BIS and MO r rnarn St. , Omnht.
_ 0. 1 . HOBS , Acting Munaser.
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery ,
Ehootlru.Myor Men.n M , , . , , , . How MJH. . lmm
Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds
Oil nnd I'll ' Jones Strc , t Omitlm.
Storage , Forwarding & Comtnlaalon
Storage , Forwarding and Commission ,
tinmen hoiirnuf thn Heminy IIUKCr Co. lliiKuleitt
wbuleaalu unil rt'tall. 1 KM UlClnii'i ril'J Itnril tilieet ,
OIUKIU. | 'I'ulfiitionu No.Tni.
"MllUllBlU ) ,
Smoke Stocks , Bollora , Etc.
Manufacturing Dealer in Smoke Slacfe
UrltclilniEH , TnnkH and ( jcnunu Ilnllcr ltop lrlui ( . 131i
Doilan Mrr-i'l. Oiniili.1 , Neb
Lager Beer Brewers ,
1521 North Hkllilountli Htrcct. Oinahn. N'i h.
Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Cornice ,
John Kpciiclur , Proprietor WO Doilae nnil 1UI and UK
North lutli strei't. oniKlm.
Iron Worko.
Curler X hou. 1'rnp . .MniuifucturiTii of ll llndi
Steam Boilers , TdiiS and Sliest Iron Work
Worii > Soalti Mih mid II. X M Croimlni ; .
Wrought and Cast Iron Building Wort
Kiittlned , llran Worl. Qenornl ri'iiii.lry , Mnc'.ilne end
UlucLniiillli Wink iJllliiinnit W < irk , U. 1' . Itr.
unu Kill btreel Uinuliu ,
Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings
Man'frs ' of Fire & Burglar Proof Safes
rault . Jnll Work , Iron and Wire KuticlnK. Slum , llto
U Aiidraun , 1'roii'r Cor. lltli ana J ci.uu bin.
Iron and Wire Fences , Railings , Guards
mil Hcrccru , for biinkt , oni 3 > , iiorci. reildoncei , etc.
Ituprovvd AvrnluuiIxcktriilili Murhlnerr UDd
lllacttmltUorkB. . lIMboutli lull 81.
Fire and Burglar Proof Safes , Time locks/