Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 27, 1888, Page 2, Image 2

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Entbuslastlo Ratlflcntlons of tbo
Republican Nominations.
Trains Abandoned Mugwumps Re-
pcnt Ji Sterling Morton Sorry
Drowned Killed lly lightning
"Corsos" for Ncbrnskn. City.
The Summer City nt Crete.
Cnr.TK , Neb. , Juno 23. [ Special to Tun
DEB. ] The assembly groundsnro now In
readiness for the multitude of people who
purpose attending the seventh session of the
Nebraska Chautauqua , which convenes the
tlay after to-morrow , The vanguard of this
multitude has already an Ived nnd found com
fortable quarters In the Summer City. A
casual glnnco over the ample grounds shows
I that no pnlns have been spared to make them
as nearly ns possible nil that could bo rcuson-
tibly desired. All the buildings and additions
have been completed , the campus mown , the
prove cleared of surplus growth , nnd the
Icnts pitched. AVhat great Improvements have
been made In the appearance mm appoint
ments of the assembly grounds nro evident to
the observer us soon as ho enters the
gates. A material point In this regard Is the
pregcnco of so ninny now and handsome
buildings. The enlargement of the pavilion
and the dining hall add much to the appear
ance and convenience of these structures.
The Presbyterian headquarters nro especially
unique nnd attractive ; the Y. M. C. A. build
ing also presents a pleasing appearance nnd
the G. A. II. building will bo no less pleasant
to the eye when it Is provided with the broad
Ooublu verandas which the builders propose
adding to It cro another year.
The 500 tents now distributed over the
grounds hero In long , prim rows , ana there
la picturesque confusion--make n very pretty
picture and constitute n veritable city of
Icnts. It Is the well ordered encampment of
n great army , nn nrniy not of warriors , but of
seekers after physical , mental and spiritual
pleasure and prollt. All that Is needed to
perfect this popular nnd rapidly-growing
nummer city on the banks of tlio big blue , Is
the busy life that will soon surge through Its
nhndy streets , nnd illl its pleasant cottages
nnd multitudinous canvas residences.
Besides-tho 510 tentstho grounds now con-
tnui about thirty substantial frumebuildings.
Of thcso twelve are private cottages , seven
nro headquarters buildings , nnd the rest are
lialls. ofilccs , stores , luncheon rooms , etc.
These frame bulldlngs.ncnrly all of which are
Voth largo nnd attractive , give an nir of
thrift and permnnauco to the grounds which
they would not otherwise possess.
Ttirco car loads of tent furniture have ar
rived , nnd tent-dwellers can purchase it on
the grounds nt co&t price , or rent it nt roa-
nonublo rates. Those who have this matter
In charge have a largo aad well selected
Block of tent furniture , and will offer it nt
much better terms than could be obtained
last year. It is the object of the assembly
liot to make money on thcso articles sold or
rented to tout-dwellers , but simply to obtain
the cost price.
Several dozen row boats have been pro
vided , nnd are now swinging idly at their
moorings near the hall In the grove , await
ing the coming of the lloatlng population that
every year can bo found on the river at all
Boris of hours. The little steamer , the
jOollo of the Blue , has been newly cleaned
nnd painted , and presents a bravo nppoar-
nnce. It will do Us part to increase the en
joyment of voyagers , and its familiar whistle ,
Which has boon Jocosely likened to nn Alpine
tiorn , will rend tlio cars of nervous mortals
innd awaken the echoes that lie slumbering
nlong the willowy river banks nnd among the
Wooded hills.
It Is n matter of congratulation that the
assembly workers who coinu nero from
abroad will have comfortable apartments in
Uunning hall , that their meals will bo served
in the largo dining room oi the same buildIng -
Ing nnd tnat they will bo free from tlio in
conveniences und annoyances of previous
'years. The matter of providing suitable
ticcommodations for distinguished guests and
Workers has heretofore been unavoidably
toeglected , but now that the small out-of-the-
way frame building which has hitherto
nerved ns their lodging place , and which
1'rof. Frank Beard derisively dubbed
'Saint's Hest , " has given place to the hand-
EOino nail named in honor of the assembly's
popular nnd cflicicnt superintendent-of in-
Btructlou , there can bo no turtherlack in this
Quito n number of people have arrived and
nre getting comfortably installed in thuir
bsscmbly quarters. Among to-day's arrivals
nre Messrs. Culvert , AVelch , Lcavitt and
Gregory and their families , of Lincoln. Hey.
has rented Mr. '
Gregory Hardcnborg's cot
tage , nnd Mr. Lcnvitt nnd wife will share
cither the Welch rr Culvert cottage. These
four families will employ an experienced
cook , u largo . tent will serve ns their
Ititchon and they will form a jolly little
community modeled after the Shaker plan of
having everything in common.
A telegram Just received from Judge
Thomas M. Cooley , president of the inter
Btnto commcrco commission , reads its follows :
"Expect to leave Ann Arbor Friday and
tench Crete Monday afternoon. "
. So there is no doubt loft that Judge Cooley
will ba hero to address the lawyers on July
8. Every lawyer in the state should mnko
preparations to coma nnd hoar ono of the
soundest anil most eloquent jurists in thu
country. This day will bo equal to the day
that Tnlmngo will bo here , in point of num-
Viors.uml in point of the ability of the speaker.
A telegram received from Senator Mundur-
! ; 0ti this morning says that ho will bo hero
July it , and will stay but ono day and then
return to AVushington. The senator makes
thlo trip especially to give the speech on tbo
assembly grounds ut a p. in. , Wednesday ,
tluly 4. The ellort that ho is making to bo
Jicro ut that time is such that everyone who
can possibly bo hero should do so and hear
Ills speech.
The First regiment of tbo Knights of
PythUis nnd the Flambeau club , of Lincoln ,
and a largo delegation of thu G. A. K. of the
Btnto will bo present and partieiputo in the
proceeding * . On the evening of the 4th the
Flumbomi club will give ono of their llnest
displays of llroworks. ns they did last your.
It is said that Colonel llotchUss has made
this club bocond to none in the country.
A Flour Store ! Altiioliinout.
DEWirr , Neb. , Juno 20. [ Special to THE
J3ui : . ] Coiisulorablo oxcitomunt has boon
created In DoWltt by the arrest of C. B.
J3uilpy , an ox-saloon koopcr , for selling
liquor without a license. Ho was brought
to trial before Justice Hancock and found
.jollity on one charge. Another suit was bo-
'gun , but continued until 4 o'clock. There
nro six or seven more charges. The princi
pal witnesses In the case nre two detectives
from Lincoln , who know what whisky It.
Some of our most prominent business men
eworo tbov could not tell lomonadu from
whleky. The law had been very well en
forced up to the past two weeks , when the
defendant opened a Hour uiul feud store with
u whisky attachment. AVe understand ho
will get the full penalty of the town ordl-
nani'o , $100 und costs on every elmixe.
AVe were visited by n heavy rain last night.
The crops tiru looking fine ana tlio fanners
are hapjiy.
AVnRhoiitHou tlio It. iVM. .
SrriMiion , Nob. , Juno 20. [ Special TolO'
pram to TUB Bui : . ] Last night's rain was
the heaviest ever luiown in this section of the
country. Old B ttlcrs who have lived hen
for eighteen years say they have never seer
the Republican river as high at. It now is
Thcro unf great fears that the bridge at this
placu/tvil ! go out , as it bus been gradually
BPttKug all day. Although ouo oMhu llnesi
" "brliUot , on thoKopiibllejw it seems that iti
strength is not suttlrlent to withstand tin
grout pressure of the water. Trains ra
abandoned between hero and Itod Cloud , am id
a portion of the tr.ick U reported to bo olxh
feet under wutor. Our mails are cut off in al
" directions. AVashouts are reported all ulons
the B. ft M. line. Very llttlo damage U dom
to crops.
Uttuu Kpciii Ncb. ( June 8/1 / , [ Spocia
cKrara lo TUB Bur.J James M Fai'lam
- i-eorgo Tracy , t.wo yoncjf stva.ngcri
blow open the safe of A. Garber here last
night. They were arrested here to- < lay and ,
brought before E. O. Parker , Justice of the
pence. They waived examination and were
bound over to the district court.
The republicans nro ratifying the nomina
tions mrulo nt Chicago aud will roll up a big
majority for Harrison nnd Morton in No
Nearly four Inches of rain fell here last
night. Crops never looked better.
Crops , Politics mill Patriotism.
Ei.Kiiontf , Nob. , Juno 20. [ Special to Tun
BBR. ] Formers In this vicinity are Jubilant
over the present crop prospect. The outlook
for a bountiful harvest wa * never more flat
Extensive preparations linvo boon made to
let the proud bird of freedom soar hero on
the Fourth of July.
Hon. A. .1. Popplcton and family , of Omaha ,
have taken up their summer residence nt
Oakland cottage , ono milo noith of hero.
Republicans hero to n man are enthusiastic
over the choice of the Chicago convention.
The Clinroli Hnbt MHrcl.
BiiAts'AHD , Nob. , Juuo : J3. [ Special to Tim
HBB. ] The M. E. church at this place was
dedicated with appropriate scrvico.s Sunday.
Uov. Bean , presiding older of York district ,
delivered the dedicatory sermon. Mr. Bean's
financiering ability was effectual In liquidat
ing the Incumbranco on the church , having
raised In small subscriptions ? S10 in twenty-
live minutes. At the evening service enough
money was raised to pay the pastor's salary
for ono year. Thus the church begins Us
good work under very favorable conditions.
A 1'roiircsMvo Town.
COZAD , Neb. , Juno 20. [ Special Telegram
to TJIK BKE.I Co/nd has now a good brick
yard in full operation , a man by the name of
Baldridgo having opened up ono last week.
The quality of brick made Is excellent , and
before snow flics several brick blocks \yill
have been erected. Our business men have
again put their shoulders to the wheel. This
time it is n creamery und cold storage rooms
for handling eggs nnd butter , costing ? 7OiX > .
When completed the establishment will be
second to none in the stale.
I Jr Id BOS AVnslicil Awny.
Nnt.sox , Neb. , Juno 20. [ Special Telegram
to Tun Bun. ] The heaviest fall of rain over
known horooccurred atUo'clock this morn-
Ing. Elk creek is out of Its bank , ami nil the
bridges in Its course are swept away or
greatly injured. The loss to the county will
be nearly $10,000. Tbo B. & M. bridge was
rendered unsafe. Crops nro not badly dam
aged exccut n llttlo rye that was nearly ripe.
Lightning struck the horse of Kev. A. A.
Uandnll , killing It instantly.
A Switch man Hurt.
CoLUMnvs , Nob. , Juno 20. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BCB. ] George Benson , who is
in tbo employ of the Union Pacific as night
switchman in the yards , met with qulto a
serious accident late last evening. AVhilo
standing on the platform of n caboose the
cars came together with such force as to
throw hint violently against the car , striking
his head und causing unconsciousness nnd n
number of bruises. The company's physi
cian pronounced the Injuries as not fatal.
Chcorlnc for Harrison.
PLAIXVIKW , Nob. , June 20. [ Special to
THE BEK.J Tlio telegram announcing the
nomination of Harrison was promptly placed
on the bulletin board amid cheers. The
town Hag was hoisted nnd the peat of the an
vils recalled , to the republican breast the
thought of certain victory with such a noble
statesman nt the beau as Harrison. Bon
fires loomed up at night and there was great
excitement. _
A Brnkcmnn Killed.
ST. Josui'ii , Mo. , June 20. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BKI : . ] Ellis Tully , a brakeman -
man on the Kansas City , St. Joseph &
Council Bluffs railway , fell from the brake
of the car on which ho was sitting us a
freight train was passing Rubhvillo about 11
o'clock last night and was instantly killed.
Tully was a married man aud lived nt No.
1011 Frederick avcnuo , this city.
Putting on Frcneli Aim.
NnuuvsK.v. CITY , Nob. , Juno 20. [ Special
Telegram to Tin : Br.n.J The city council last
night passed another ordinance again chang
ing the names of the streets and adopting
the Stuvvart system. All streets north of
Central avenue nro to be known ns avenues
and south as corsos. Colonel Stewart granted
the city the use of his svstcm for 10,001) ) years
for § 1. _
The First Oracltiatos.
ST\XTOX , Neb. , Juno 20. [ Snccial Tele
gram to Tun Bin. : ] The graduating class of
1SS3 of the Stan ton public schools consists of
two members , George Ebcrly and Miss Eva
McFarland. The exercises were conducted
in the M. E. church and were witnessed by a
largo audience. Thcso nre the llrst com
mencement exercises hold in Stanton.
Ordaining a Minister.
WATKKI.OO , la. , Juno 20. [ Special Tclo-
Kram to TUB Ben , ] Delegations from about
ilftccn Baptist congregations in various
p.irts of the state are hero to-night to talco
part in the ordination of Hov. G. T. Holt , the
tiuwly elected pastor ot the First Baptist
church of this city , ono of the largest par
ishes in the state.
Killed by Ll
HOI.DUKOI : , Neb. , .lunoii ! > . [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tin ; BEB. ] A young man of twenty
by the name of Shelburn , living fifteen miles
south of this city , was struck by lightning
lust night during a rain etorm. He was
standing in front of nn open window in the
house and was instantly killed.
A Floater In tlio Bitr Muddy.
RUM ) , Neb. , Juno -Special [ Telegram
to Tun Br.ii.j The body of a man was found
in tbo Missouri river this morning. Ho was
apparently about forty years old. The body
was nude and in nn advanced state of decom
position. _ _ _ _ _
Two People SiillncnCntl.
ST. PAUL , Minn. , Juno 20. By the burning
of a small house occupied by Lnd Burolstcr
and family this morning. Bureistor's thirtenn-
year-old daughter and Mi's , Maggie Hess , a
relative Irom Cinppuwa , Falls , U'ib. , wore
sui'foL-uted. _
Sl\ Killed mill Four Fntnlly Hurt.
SIIAMOM.V , 1'a. , Juno 20.This evening at 5
o'clock a wreck occurred on the Pennsylvania
fi Hehuj Hull Valley at t'ublo City by which i
six laborers were killed amlfour _ fatally
That Tired Feeling
The warm weather lias a debilitating effect ,
especially upon those \\lio are \\lthln iloora
most of thu time. The pcoiillnr , yet common ,
coiniilalut known as "that tired feeling , "
is the icsult. This feeling can lie entirely
overcome Iiy taking Hood's Saisaparllla ,
\\hlcli gives new lifo and btrcngth to all
the functions of the body.
f"I could not sleepj Iiatl no appetite. I
took Hood's ' Sarsaparllla and soon began to
sleep bouudly ; could get upftliout that
tired and languid feeling ; and my anpctlto
' Improved. " 1 ! . A. SAM-OUI > , Kent , Ohio.
Sti'cnytJicn tlio System
Iloctl's S.wnparllla is characterized f
thrco peculiarities : 1st , the comllnatlon ot
remedial agents ; 2d , the proportion : 3d , the
proceii of securing the active medicinal
qualities. The result Is a medicine of unusual
strength , effecting cures hitherto unknown.
Scud for book containing additional evidence.
" Hood's Sirsararllla tones up my system ,
purifies my blood , bharpens mv apiii'tlto , and
pe'cms to innko mo over. " .J , J * . Tuoiti'so ,
UccUs , J.o\vell , Jliiss' .
"Hood's S.irsnp.trilla beats nil other * , and
1sworth Its nciglitln irold. " I. lUliliiNaiov.
.uo JUuU btrett , Kcw York City.
JHoods SarsaparHIa
Sold by all druge'std. $1) ) * ix for $5 , Mada
.only by 0.1. IOOO It CO. , Jewell , Masj.
IOQ Doses Ono Dollar.
Pat IClllon Knocks Patsoy Cardiff
Out in Short Order.
Tlio lownTown SttccectlR to St. Ijoiilft'
rinee Minneapolis llonts St.
I'ntil Clilcngo Detents Mil
waukee Spurtlnit News.
The Klllon.UnrdllT ! l ht. , .funo 20 , [ Sporlnl TeloRrnm
toTun UiR. : ] Tlii > lotoR anticipated glove
contest bulwoon tlio t\vo bitter rivals for the
championship of the nortlnvcst ( Pat Klllon
nnd Patsay Cardiff , entile oft In the Wash
ington rink this evening. The nrrnngctnrnts
were for fifteen rounds , revised Marquis of
Qucensbury nile * . for 75 nnd 2o per cent of
the Rate nifino.v. Kvory scut In tlio liotiso
was oe cuiii | > d , tlio nudlcnco numbering 4,000
people. Tlio bnltloinou had been trying
hard nnd wore In good condition. Klllon
tipped the sculcs at 1S5 pounds und
Cardiff wolgbcd ISO. The articles of
agreement called for tlio selection of a rot-
orco thrco days before tbo light , but there
was no agreement until this afternoon when
a Minneapolis newspaper reporter was sel
ected1 Thuro were no preliminaries nnd
shortly after 9 o'clock the two principals ap
peared In the ring. Cardiff was accompanied
by his partner , John Donaldson , and Klllcn
by his train or , John II. Clark.
First round Cardiff pushed the fighting
and forced IClllcn to the ropes. The round
ondcd with no advantage on cither sldo.
In the second Cardiff again opened , landIng -
Ing on his opponent's chin and following up
the blow with a series of rushes , sending
Klllcn against n post with torrlblo force.
Third Round IClllon got In his first effective -
tivo blow , landing with his right on Cardiff's
face. After a little tluio wasted In sparring ,
Cardiff forced Killon around the ring , land
ing several times on his face nnd chest.
Fourth Round Cardiff led , striking ICillcn
In the breast nnd following with one In the
stomach , but Killcn landed a terrlilc right
hander on Cardiff's neck , sending him to the
lloor on his face. Cardiff failed to rise before
sixteen seconds had elapsed nnd the light was
given to IClllcn.
Sioux City Secures St. Kouls "Whites
CHICAGO , Juno 20. [ Special Telegram to
Tun lien. ] Tlio directors of the Western
base ball association hold n meeting in this
city to-day and selected the Sioux City base
ball club to fill the vacancy caused by the
withdrawal of the St. Louis Whites. The
directors decided that the game won by the
DCS Moines club from the Chicagos in this
city May S , shall stand us a championship
game instead of an exhibition game as stipu
lated when the game was played. This was
done with the consent of Manager Morton.
There were present , James A. Hart , Milwau
kee ; A. M. Thompson , St. Paul ; Jim Sher
manDCS Moines ; 33. E. Mcngcs , Kansas City ;
S. O. Morton , Chicago. The clubs that ap
plied for admission were : Denver , repre
sented by W. H. McClintock ; Lincoln , repre
sented by E. E. Mcngcs ; Davenport , by E.
Lischernnd James Donahue , nnd the Sioux
City club , represented by the manager , AV.
C. Urynn. The Sioux City club is consid
ered the best located geographically and Mr.
IJryan states that the stockholders , who
comprise some of the wealthiest men of the
city , have told him not to spare
money in geUlncr a good club. He
has already picked out a p.irt of
it and will be ready to play the DCS Moines
club at Dos Monies July-i. A bond of § 10,000
was given by the Sioux City club not to
withdraw from the association without the
consent of all the other clubs. Tno club.will
bo on an equal footing with the other associ
ation clubs and will not bo required to take
the standing which the St. Louis club has so
far made. It will play fourteen games each
with all the other clubs and the schedule
will bo the same as that of the St. Louis
, IMihvnukcn JJ.
CHICAGO , Juno 20. [ Special Telegram to
Tin : Urn.J Five hundred buffering mortals
sat through the Western association game
to-day. It was poor base ball weather but
the teams put up a good game that trembled
in the balance for nine innings. Captain
Henglo changed his tactics nnd sent the vis
itors first to bat. They were within one of
tying the icoro nnd their hopes ran high in
the sixth inning , but they were dashed by
the brilliant woik of Long. Cusick was on
first base when Mushrey hit the sphere a
ringing blow that sent it off to the left of
center for what fOJ people thought was a
homo run ; but Long thought differently.
und after running jumped for the ball and
not only stopped it but caught it. Cusick
had been making tracks for the home plato
so fast that he was at third , amUpng before
ho could get to first the ball was n ;
SchoPiiick's hand and a double play complet
ed. The score :
Maroons . 0 4
Milwaukee . 0 a 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 a
13asc hith Maroons 9 , Milwaukee. 8.
rors Maroons f > , Milwaukee 3. Pitchers
Coughlm and Stephens. Umpire lircnuan
Minneapolis 1O , St. Pnul : i.
MixxnAi' , June ' . ' 0. [ Special Telegram
to TUB Utii : . ] The St , Paul ball players tonight
-night are linn believers in the proverbial ill
luck of the number thirteen. After winning
twelve straight games they fell down to-day
nnd lost the thirteenth. Iloth Sowdcrs nnd
AVlnklcinan did great work In the pitcher's
box , but the former's support was wretched ,
while the latter' * was all that could bo de
sired , hence the one-sidedness of the score :
Minneapolis . -1 0-10
St. Paul . 0 U 30 a
Earned runs. Minneapolis 4 , St. Paul 2.
Two-baso hits-Winhlmnan , Slmfor , Heily.
Double play Walsh , Hro.-timn nnd Hawos.
liases on balls Minneapolis I ) , St. P.iulil.
Struck outHy Winklcmaii 9 , by SowJers
7. Passed halls Earlo ; i. AVild pitch
Sowdcrs. Stolen basus Hnwos1) ( ) , Tobcau ,
Carroll , Earlo. Loll on bases Minneapolis
4 , HI. Paul 4. First base on errors Minne
apolis 8 , St. Paul 0. Time 2:00. : Umpire
Gnmcs To-Pay nnd To-Jllorroiv.
The Oinahas will play the Crane Hrotliors'
city league team this afternoon , and the La-
fayettoft , the champion colored team , to
morrow afternoon. Uoth games will bo
called promptly at 4 o'clock , nnd but 2" ) cents
admission will be charged to all parts of the
grounds. _
AVcstrrii AssouliU Ion Staiiillim.
Appended is the standing up to and In
eluding yesterday's games :
Plavcu Won Lost Pr Ot
DCS Moines . .W 23 13 . ( UJ
St. Paul . 40 25 15 , ( W5
Milwaukee . ! 1S 31 17 . ? > W
KaiifusCitv ' . 40 21 1'J ' .525
Onmiia. . . . . . 'J 10 20 .4b7
Clue-ago . 9'J ' 19 20 .4 1
Minneapolis . 45 17 ! M .JITS
St. Louis . , .4'i 14 23 .IKiJ
Ganio ? Hciriliiltil ! for To-day.
Chicago vs. Milwaukee at Chicago.
Minneapolis vs. St. Paul at Minneapolis.
DCS Monies vs. Kansas City at DCS Mouics.
Tim National I
DBTUOIT , Juno 2tl. Itcsult of to-day's
game :
Jjotroit . 0 0000 0000 C
Clncaeo . 1 0000010- ! .
Pitchers Conwa.vand Van Haltren. Uasc
hitsDolloil 3. Chicago 4. Errors- Detroit
0 , Chicago 3. Umpire Valentino.
IxpuNAl'Oi.u , Juno 0. ttesult of to-day's
Kuino :
Indianapolis . . . . 3 00-OGOOOO-rl
PlttibuVg . . . .0 -
Pitchers -Uoyle and Morria. UtSse V.t-i
Indianapolis 11 , Pittsttirg 3 > Errors-In
dianapolis 2 , PittsbT > rg,0. Umpire Lynch.
Pnii.\nKiniiAJun , < x2l. ( Thorosult of to
day's game :
Philadelphia. . . . ! 0 Oi 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
New York 0p , o 0 0 3 I 1 * 4
Pitchers Casey nnd Koofo. Uaso hits
Philadelphia 4 , , New York 0. Krrors-
Philadelphia 0. NowfYdrlc 2. Umplro-Kolly.
American Association.
ST. Louis , June" ' 20. Ilosult of to-day's
game :
St. Louis 1 t i 5 2 0 0 0 0-10
Cleveland 0 00-010100-3 -
CINCINNATI , Juno 20. Result of to-day's
game :
Cincinnati 8 0 3'0 ' 0 0 0 0 0 5
Baltimore 2 4
LOUISMU.I : , Juno 20. Result of to-day's
cramo :
Louisville 0 00 100000 7
Brooklyn 3 0
A Row Over n llnoo t tlio Sheens-
hpnd liny Course.
SiiKKpRiiRUj WAV , Juno 20. Winners of
the riices to-day : " *
Nine furlongs Tattler won , Klnc Crab
second , Grover Cleveland third. Time
1 insif .
Three quarters of a milo Diablo won ,
Sam AVood second , Aurnmn third. Time
1:17. :
Ono and three-sixteenth miles Trcstan
first. Tea Tray second , Charley Druox third.
Time 3:00. :
Trenton nnd Tea Tray had n terrific fight
nil the way down the homo stretch. As they
jmssed the judges' line Tea Tray appeared to
bo n head In front of Trcsttm , nnd there wore
loud cheers and shouts of ' 'Ton Tray wins. "
A moment later Trcstan's name was hung
up and immediately the cheers wore changed
to hisses.
An angry crown surrounded the Judges'
stand and clamored for a reversal
of the decision , which was denied , and aid
from the police had to be Invoked.
Appleby Is reported to have won § 30,000 on
the race. In consequence of the Judge's de
cision the Dwyors scratched all their horses
in the following races and it is reported that
they intend taking all their horses from the
Mile and n furlong Eurus won , Favor
second , Dunboyno third , Time 1:53. :
Milo and n quarter Lologos won , The
Bourbon second , Kaloolah third. Time
2:11. :
Milo nnd three-sixteenths , on grass Lan
caster had a walk-over.
I'arlc Races.
CHICAGO , Juno 20. The weather was chilly
nnd the track good. Attendance 0,000.
For all ages , one and one-sixteenth miles :
Badge won , Santolcno second , Trust third.
Time l:49Vf. :
For maidens , three-year-olds , ono mile :
Yum Yum won , Montpclier second , Rccluso
third. Time l:43Jf. :
For maidens , three-year-olds , ono milo :
Bohemian won , Koynotn second , Kaugc
third. Tune 1 :44tf. :
Lnkeside stakes , sweepstakes , for two-
year-olds , $1OOJ added , rive furlongs : Prin
cess Bowling won , Sonoma second , Minnie
Palmer third. Time 1 :02 : ' .
Ono and one-fourth miles : Gary won , Ed
Mack second , Lcla May third. Time 2:0'J. :
Three-year-olds and upwards , three-fourths
of a milo : Orderly won , Luke Dart second ,
Jacobin third. Time 1 :10. :
Ijocnl Sporting Notes.
A delegation of th6 Ontaha wheel club will
go to Blair on the glorious Fourth to partici
pate in the races there.
The Omaha gun ciub and the Omaha rifle
club hold their regular weekly shoots this
Pugilism is tnklngn , long and much needed
rest in this city.
At the fair grounds on the Fourth Jack
Prince will ride his whets ) in a ten-mile race
against one of the speediest horses in the
The Omaha cricket club goes to Chicago
shortly for a match game with the Chicago
eleven. / >
Gastfleld , the catcher , 1ms signed with
Jack Ilealey is farming near St. Louis.
Some other alleged ball tosscrs should fol
low suit.
Dos Monies papers say they will take thrco
straight games here , commencing with next
St. Paul's ' long run of victories was broken
yesterday , when Minneapolis put it into the
Saints 10 to 3.
Cnsslan and Wilson will pitch and catch
this afternoon.
Testimonial to Dr. AVoodlmrn.
After the regular exorcises of the Turn
vcrien classes last cvenlntr , the members
held In celebration of Dr. AVoodburn's in
tended departure from Omaha , n session
termed u "Commers , " which consists of a
convivial programme in which excellent
lager nnd German soups nro dispensed at
regular intervals. In tno midst of this merrymaking
ry-making Philip Andres , the superintend
ent of the classes , and who by the way has
done much to give the Omaha Turn vcrcln
the prestige It enjoys , stood up and in behalf
of the members presented tlio popular young
physician nn elegant gold watch and chain.
Afllxcd to the latter was n unlquo watch
charm constructed of three elks' teeth ami
which was a testimonial from his brothers
in the Elk lodge. " Doc " was taken com
pletely by surprise and for the Hist time the
elegant and accomplished young gentlemen
was almost at a loss for words. Tears sprang
to his eyes as he accepted the beautiful testimonial
menial and the few words ho spoke were
greeted with a storm of applause. The re
mainder of th < > evening passed gaily in sang
nnd general gaiety.
An Unknown Man Killed.
The last dummy into South Omaha , shortlj
after midnight this morning killcd an un
known man. The wheels of tlio locomotive
and those of the train of three cars passei
over the body of the unfortunate , mnnglint
it Into nn unrccognUablomass. The nccidcn
occurred near Hammond's meat packing es
tablishment , nnd the remains were rared foi
until Coroner Drexel visits the scene this
morning. It is bolii-vt'il that the man , who in
not irom nppcarances more than twenty-five
years old , laid down on the tracks nnd fcl
asleep. Thcro was nothing found on his per
son to disclose bib identity by.
Attempted Kldnnp.
A tough looklrg customer , giving the name
of John AVindruff , was caught In the act o
trying to abduct a six-year-old girl last oven
ing. Aftortho circus pyrfonniinco was ovc
her parents missed her Just after they lof
the tout. They apprised Ofllccr Ellis o
the affair , nnd n few minutes later ho founc
AVindruff loading her down Twcnty-fourtl
htrect to ( 'uming. The kidnapper was nr
rested and the child returned to it $ mother.
The Burlington takes tlio load.
It was In advance of all lines in developing Nebraska.
It was in advance of all lines , in establishing dining-car
service between Missouri river points and Chicago.
It was in advance of all lines in giving the people of
Omaha and the West a fast mail service.
It was in advance of all lines in running its trains from
the East into Omaha propar.
It was in advance of all lines in reducing the time of
passenger trains between Omaha and Chicago.
It was in advance , and is the only line by which you can
feave Omaha in the morning and arrive in Denver the
evening of the same day. , * ' *
It has been progressive in the past. I * . w'I ' . I
It will lead in the future.
Travel and ship via the Burlington.
Ticket Office , 1223 Farnain Street. Telephone 250.
Depot on Tenth Street.
Fearful Itcturns From the Mexican
TOWIIH Devastated By Floods.
Cm-OF MEXICO , Juno .20. Telegraphic
communication , which had boon interrupted
for several days by the flood , has boon re
stored and the particulars of the terrible dis
aster on the Mexican Central railway , par
ticularly nt Leon and Silao , nro obtained.
During the past ton days the table lands bo-
, wccn here and Zacatocas have boon visited
jy unprecedented ruins , which have flooded
nil the stroatns. M.iny cities nnd towns
lave been inundated and Leon and Silao
liavo been partially destroyed. The first
intimation in this city of the ilood was tele
graphed from Silao , dated the ISth , inst. It
said that rains have Hooded the low lands
and the town was being Hooded. About IUO
udobo houses have been destroyed. The
station buildings arc occupied by homeless
people , who are unable to obtain anything to
eat except fruit floating on the w.Uer. The
rain has been general , nnd while the country
around Silao is Hooded , several dykes have
given way.
The Hoods have been moro destructive in
Leon than in Silao. Monday night brought
the city ono of the u.ost ternblo
scones ever witnessed in this country.
The people believed themselves secure
from the Hood , and went to bed in the unHeeded -
Hooded parts of the town without fear. Tlio
steady downfall of rain caused the river to
overllow the greater part of Leon. Houses
tumbled in rapidly and loss of lifo com
menced. As the buildings fell tbo unfortu
nate sleeners were either crushed to death
or drowned. A night of terror followed.
Men , women and children fled to the strcots
in their night clothes , some to find shelter in
higher ground , and others to bo swept away
by the Hood.
Wednesday afternoon the rain ceased fall
ing and the waters commpiipoa to recede.
People recovered from their fright , though
the water was still covering a portion of the
city. Ono hundred and cloven bodies have
been recovered without moving any of the
ruins of IIOUSPS. where are supposed to bo
hundreds of bodies buried. The number of
destroyed houses is estimated at 2,000 and
the loss at $2ODOOJO. Many other towns
have boon badly damaged , but the loss of
lifo is only reported from Silao and Leon.
The Mexican Central has suffered very
The state of Guananjunto nnd the federal
government nro doing much to succor the
victims of the Hood. Furthermore , sub
scriptions of money , food nnd clothes nro being -
ing sent from here. The last reports from
Leon nro heartrending. The whole popula
tion is busily working Into the ruins of the
fallen houses. Nearly everybody has lost re
lations or friends.
The last statement received places the
number of houses destroyed in Li-on at 221 ,
nnd the homeless famines nt moro than n
thousand. Moro than two hundred and tlfty
bodies have been recovered from the ruins ,
and there is no probability that the cutiro
number of dead will fall short of TOO.
Ei. P.v-o , Texas , Juno 20. Information is
received hero from thn Hooded districts in
Mexico saying that 1..100 lives were lost by
the inundation and that u thousand bodies
bnvo been recovered. Leon is a city of
100,000 inhabitants , and a largo part of it is in
ruins , It is stated that 100 miles of the Mexi
can Central road is impassible , nnd that jt
will talco ten days before the mails can get
through and twenty days before freight can
bo moved.
Advice or Biillotu.
AVhilo F. M. 'Walters was Intoxicated last
evening he endeavored to give Sells Bros ,
some instructions in rogurd to running n
show. Ho became very indignant because
those gentlemen would not listen to his ml-
vice and pulling out a revolver ho com
menced firing through the ticket wagon.
After ho had fired the second shot ho was
stopped and turned over to the police before
his bulletb did any uorious mischief.
B\vcs a Havishlog
Skin. Aj
Or any other Mineral Poison ,
It IB N.ituro's RornoiljT , made rzcluslir ly
from Hoots nnd Herbs.
It Is perfectly Harmless.
It U the only remedy known to the world
that has oer yet C'tirrtt ounfupfou * IHuoJ
r\ioii ( in oil Us ttaoe * .
It cures Jlcrcurlil nhouinntlsm , Ctine-cr ,
Bcrofuli'on > l oilier Wood dlscaspi Iicrotofore
conquered Incurable. It cures nny riliens *
r uscU from Impure ! blooO. It Is na\vj > rej-
crllied by thousands of the test phjilflani
In the Unltoil blatcs , na o tonic.Vei aiijiend
the Ktatenii-nt of n few :
I have iKi-d S. 8. S. em patient * convnle5c-
Ini ? from fu > cr and from meM-lpi with th
Lest results. J. .S. CiiKNm. Jl. IJ. ,
Klla\llle , On. "
TlnrMFv. QAVllllc Wbllo was anilctnd
ltlificpifiila .e-vsn > P.IIS. I pre-'L-rllml S , B.
S. , mid lu duy ho Is a fat nnd lolmu ln .
O.V. . I'ARKtn , Jl D.
RiniMOvn , VA. , Pfc. 13 , IIKI Ihivo tnltcn
tiii' ) heiUlcH of Su-lffaSpei Illc for sccoiulary
tlooil put-on. It acts muuh better than potash -
ash or an ) other n-medy I li of > i-r n.dl.
II \VI\KILI.P , II. I ) . ,
Furnuily of aufi ot Co. , Vn.
Dn. F. . J. Hti.K , ( lie welllcnown IUU KX *
Bin ! , ( it Nnihvlllp , Howard County ,
Ark , wrllci. : "IU liiRe > mo knowlcdt1 an to
nliat S. 8. S.i \ cniiise'd ] ( e > f. I can fnhfT
recommend It us the remedy fdrall Bklu ills-
ca > e , It matters not what tlio name ) inuy las. "
Wo hmo n book RlUnK u liMorr of thl
wonderful ii'nirdy , nnd Iti ctircn , from all
over the worldwhich will cnnvlni-o Jem that
all v\o wiy It tine , and lilcti ei will innll
tren on aiillcatloii. ] | No family Bhould ba
without It. Wo lu o finothi-ronCoiitaBlous
UDO.I ! I'uHoli , scut on eamo Irrins.
Wrltn u * o history of your case , nnd our
fih > ile'lau will odvUo v.llli you liy letter , la
strictest rontldonco. Wo will cot decelv *
. i'or tuloby all ilrilgRlstB.
TIIC swirr Srncino Co. ,
Druwpr a , Atlanta , tlo. 1
% New York , ISli Ilroadw > . J
i T l ouJon , Euu , S3 Buow IllU.
For The Nervous
The Debilitated
The Aged
fuRU3 Nervous Prostration , Nervous Head
"ncheNei > rslEla , NcrvousWr ikness
Stomncri and Liver Di3case .nnd all
affections of the Kldneyn.
AS A HERVE TONIC , Jt Slu > icm
Md Quiets the Serves.
AS AN ALTERATIVE , It Ilirlflcs and
the Blood.
AS A LAXATIVE , It eels mildly , but
nircly , on the Bcnvcts ,
AS A DIURETIC. It Itegulatcs the Kid
neys nnd Cures their Dkcnus ,
Kocoinincudoil by prufcssloiinl anil bmlncssnien.
J'riccico. bold Ly drut ut . Send for circulars.
WELLS , RICHARDSON & CO. , Proprietors ,
llhicago , MilwaukeB & St , Paul R'y ,
Tlio Hest Routs from Oiniilut anil Conndl
Illnlfs to
COl'.Nt'IL ' Ul.UlTd
{ 'hleasjo ' , AND Mlhvaulccc ,
St. , Minn-uiolls ( | , Ccilnr IJajilils ,
Ituck Iilnnd Itockfurd
, rrccjiort , ,
Clinton , liiliiiiiif ) | ,
KI 'Iu , Mailibon ,
JU-lolt , Wlnono , La Crosse ,
ll ulher Impuitint : | > blnti Uait , Northeast ind
. . . . ace-itat
Korthrouib tlckpti rail oalho llckot
uuiu < ti.lln lUrker ll.oci , or at Union
1 ifiilman Bleopors uad the U ct lu IhB
v.u/li arurutiou tuo main lluu of tlio ( bla < < > > ' '
VHUICB .1 Bl I'uul llalUur , und every uUii.ii > iiU
pud \mneafer \ by co'jrteuun Biuplojci tf ti
' "il'lP&Kri. . ficneral ilanaior.
j f 'IICKEU. AtilitnnHicnarnl Manneiir.
\ V , U UAUI'KNTEU , Oeutral l-nuoozn onil
J'jlSO ' K IIKAKFOIU ) , Aiititant acneral l'
0 j' ' . 'fLf"AUKuaer ? ! | EurcrtateciJtBt.
Tlio only rend to tnl > o for Dos Molnos , Mnrnlmltown
Ciiilnr KiinMx , Cllntmi , Dl.xon , Chlcneo , Milwaukee )
uml ( ill Points Kii" ! Tntlmiinnplo of .VobrnoKn , Colo.
PI Jo. W > oiuliiu. I I h , Mnljii. Nurmlu. Ore urn , Wa li-
Inuion unit ( ' .illfonihi. It om.-ra superior uUrnutagcs
not ixisMbto l y any oilier ll i * .
A mini : : u low of the iiiiineroui points of superiority
( 'Jij' > . -r < l I'j tlio patrons of Hilt ruuil bctnotmOmaliii
iiml ( "hlo.itm nro In Ihrc-ii trains n Ony of DAY
( OAl'lllIS. nlikli are tliu Hnokt Hint liuninn nrt nnil
Ingenuity aim ritmte. Ila PAI.ACUm.UKl'lNOUAHS ,
M lilcli aio mmp4 ! ] nt rnmfort nnd t'lOKiiuco. Its I'AU *
l.nlt DKAWIMJ UDO.M CAHS , iinMiriui < r < t by nny ,
mid Us Minlyn. | | > li > lr.iti > ilI'AliATIAI < lININ ( > I'AUH !
tlio oqunl nfilil > Uc iinnt bo found cl. < o licro. AC
Counvll llluir-i. tliotrnins of tlio Union I'acitlo Hall.
nn > omiiKM'i In union depot with tlnno ot tlio Clif-
IIIKOX NoilliMo-ti'in lly. In Clileaun the trnliiH of
tills linn innko u ! < u connccllon with t.'ioso of nil
i ilicr Liit < < rn lint's.
Ki.r . Detroit , r.ilumbm. Indlnnniiolli , Cincinnati ,
Miifor.i I .ill , llnilii'o. ' I'lttslinri : , Toronto , Montreal ,
lloston. .Neiv York. I'hllitiMijilii , lliilltinurc , Wuuli"
Irt.'Um , nn I nil points in tlio h.i-t. Ask for tickets via
" ' °
It > oiMi tlu > liexi Hi"inmuiliUlon. . All ticket
uiiuntx sell tl.l.utM.I llil * line. .
II. linillllT. M. 1' . WILSON ,
< ; < ji'l ) M.tnn er. ( luu'l 1 MaVr Agent.
i iur\iio , 1I.I/ * .
\V. N. HANCOCK. I.en I Western Acent.
1) . K UI.MIIAI ITicket Ak'Ont
( I I. Wifl' : , City 1'anienKer Agent.
J401 1 amain St. , Oiualui , Neb.
Ha main Urea and branchoa Include CUIOAOO ,
nn'fl ccoroa of Intonnctllute cltloo , Cliolca of
routofl to and from the Paclflo Coast. All trnru-
fern in Union ilopcto. Fast train * of Fine Dty
Coaches , rkziint Dining Cam , umgnlflcent Full-
man Palace sleepers , and ( tiotv , eon Cblcaeo. Be.
Joseph , Atchleou and Kansas City ) llocllalcB
Cbalr Cora , eoatu Free , to bolders cl lluoutU
flrat-clasa tickets ,
Chicago , Kanaaa & , Nobrastm H'y
"dmit Hock luUinci Routo. "
rxtouto West and Bouthwcat from Kanea0 City
onttUt Jouoph to NELOON. IIOUTON. , 1JELIJJ-
and boyond. Entlro p-issonBor oijulrment of the
celebrated Fullruim manufacture. All softly up *
pl.ancfjf ) und modern improvement * ) .
The Famous Albert Lee RoutO
IB tlio favorite totwoon Cblcngo , Hock Island.
Atchlscii , Kansuo City nnd Minneapolis and St.
IVuL Its Wntertown branch travereon the great
of Northern Iowa , Southwestern Mlnneeots. ftta
Eayt Central Dakota to Watortown , Bplrlt Lake ,
Bloux Falls and many ether towna end cttlss.
Tlio Short Line vln Boneoa and Kankakee offorf
mperlor facilities to travel to and from Indian-
apolU. Cincinnati and other Southern pplnte.
Vor Tickets. Kapo , FilderB , ordoilred Informa
tion , apply attmy CouumTRkotOfllcuoroddreai
Uuu'l Wanueer. Oun'1 Tkt 5 i'WU.
JteraarknWe for
tlii-ll t"- , < . " pliable actlon"iunnil >
oluu > ilurulJiuTy. M year ' record ,
the be t Kuurantoe of tb tic l-
In. t ot iiu'
Advurtiilng 1ms uliniys pruvoj
successful. Uefote placing ai7
Nowspnper Advertising consul
13 It 19 IU J U.I > iiuti. CHICAGO.
Ji iff rlnifrom ! > > rl
fr i. r ' "
" ' ,
fit V " ' 'I , C tA * - - - - , % , Jl
< i-uii full | > * rtlcuUiU fur iu < t. ' > * '
' ' * ' ' ' '
'p QF. F