THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY. JUNlfi 2b ; F * - THE CITY. ! The hiternnl revenue collections yes terday nmounted to $9,771.02. ! \VllHnm Hart , n suspicious character , wns turned over to the United Stntca marshal this morning on n charge of counterfeiting , lie find a conslderablo qttnntlty of the "queer" upon his per son. I'crsonal Paragraphs. O , M. Anderson , of Ncllgh , Neb. , Is nt the Paxton. J. 0. 13ush , of Sidney , Nob. , la nt the Mlllnrd. W H. Kelly , of Lincoln , Neb. , Is nt the Mltlrtrd. A S. McKay , of Friend , Is registered nt the I'nxton. Charles E. Hanson , of Kearney , Nob. , Is nt the Pnxton. John M , Hagan , of Hastings , Neb , , Is nt the 1'rtxton. J. Fred Anderson , of Ncllgh , Nob. , Is nt the Pftxton. Plerson D. Smith , of St. Edwards , Nob. , Is nt the I'axton. T. 1' . Livingston , of Platt-smouth , Neb. , Is nt the Mllhird. J. .T. Dunn , of Kansas City , Is registered at the I'axton. C JUdpo Little , n leading attorney of Kansas , is In the city. C. N. Urough , of Salt Lake , la on a shoit Visit to the city. John C. Hipby , of LJcatrico , Is In the city and Is nt tliu Paxton. .1. H. Hollows nnd wife , of Weeping Water , Neb. , nro nt the Mlllnrd. O , U. Thompson , of Grand Island , Is In the city nnd Is stopping at the 1'nxto.n. Charles Conner of Chicago , representing the Detroit steve works , is in the city. Colonel John Douiphnn , of St. Joseph , is in the city and Is registered nt the I'axton. F. Q. Crnndnll , formerly called "Shorty. " who peddles pills for lilakc , Hruco & Co. , In Town , was In the city yesterday. C. F. Little , editor and proprietor of the Insurance Messenger , ut.lunction City , Kan. , is In the city in the interest of his paper. A. J. Lewis , formerly with Hlnkc , Hruco & Co. , but now with L. F. Hess , of Ked Oak , In. , took In the citj yesterday in n mild and becoming .nanncr. Hon. O. H. Looker , secretary of the Mich igan Mutual Lifo Iiifttminua company , of Detroit , Mich. , Is in the city on business con nected with his company. Councilman William Kiorstcad has re turned from Chicago , having been absent from his neat during the consideration of no Important business in the council. O. A. Knthbun , who has been attending Cornell collcgo for some time , arrived homo yesterday nnd will spend his summer vaca tion in Omaha , returning in September. James McNnvin , agent for the Tcinplcton opera company , arrived in the city last night. The organization tippers in the Grand oper.i house one week , commencing Monday , July a. J. E. Strong , one of the popular and happy clerks of the Mlllard , has resigned and leaves to-dny for Krnsns City to 1111 the chief clerk ship of the St , James. Mr. Strong has the best wishes of a largo number of friends in his now position. Ho has chartered one box car to carry his effects to his now homo. His brother , W. A. , succeeds him , nnd has already adopted that genial sirilo and win ning way of Jim's. Stopped tlio Union Pacific. The extension of the tracks of the Union Paclllc westward from Twenty-fourth street j through the property of the Omaha tile nnd f brick company has been stopped by an inJunction - * ' Junction and the road will bo extended fur ther to the north. Knrly Closinj * . C. E. Slfsbco , of this city , is working up a movement among the storekeepers looking to ' } a general closing of stores nttJ.-30 or 7 p. m. g > every day of the week except Saturday. He jg is meeting with signal success , thcro being hardly a man who will not agree cheerfully to close early iu case the reform can bo made general. Farewell IVirty. In honor of the departure of Mrs. D. Ulack to her former homo , Mrs. A. Brown and friends gave Mis. Blade a delightful picnic at Pries lake. Among those present wcro Mr. and Mrs Blnck , Leah nnd Hey Ulack , Mr. and Mrs. E. Simons , Mrs. H. Kcllner , Miss Carrie Kellncr , tlio Misses Gladstone , Messrs. Gross , Huttenstnin and Gladstone. A Pleasant Atfiilr. A largo pai ty of friends of Mr. and Mrs Benjamin Edholm gathoro.l at their rcsi denco , No. 2930 Charles street , on Saturday evening for the purpose of having a good time , and in this they were not disappointed , The host nnd hostess , evidently taken by sur prise , were nevertheless well prepared and a pleasant evening was spent in dancing and other amusements. Fare-well to tlio Doctor. The turnverein hold a koinmers this evening , In Gcnnnniu hall , in honor of Dr. Woodburn , who has been n member of that organization for some time and who is nbout to leave for the Hosebud agency where ho is to net ns physician. Ho leaves hero on next Friday morning , reaching A'lilcntlno Satur day where an ambulance will give him a ride of forty miles to the agency. St. iToo'ri Ite.sponsllimty. The turnverein of this city will take no steps to secure the turnfest which Kansas admitted its inability to hold , the objection being that the time in which to prepare is too short. The burden of straightening out the dilllculty will probably full upon St. Joseph , where the vorxvort is now situated. At all events , the local turners will call no epeclal meeting , the regular one for the pur pose being held on the second Monday of next month. Tlio Fire llcportcr. There Is nothing now under the sun , hut licro is something never befoio introduced In Omaha. It Is the llro reporter , to whoso hcndriunrtcrs all alarms of lire come. In- Bluntly the horse is hitched to a light f xvngon and driven nt great speed to the resi dence of the owner of n burning building or stock of goods , xviio is notillcd and taken rapidly to the lire , that ho may give tlio lire- men information ns to the Inside plan of the building. Tliu llro reporter will bu found of 1 great service In a tluio of need. The I'lnkioH are none. 4 The Plnkcrton police ( I ) have departed , i They have pulled their freight aud are noxv 'f' ' sunning themsolx'cs along the docks nt Chi- jfc cago. That Is the men nro the ordinary re uicn , Captain Foley nnd Lieutenant Watson f ? nro now ilshing on Lake Michigan while i Cajitaln O'Connors is at hciulimnrtoni on j , Fifth avenue tolling Btoilcs ubout the blood thirsty Inhabitants of Omaha , Sergeant Bhalloy is exhibiting the notches nn his club to shoxv how ninny men he has whuckcd over the head while absent , nnd Johnson is writ ing out nn oxpeiiftu luvount in order to draw the fM which ho paid in JudgoBerha's court. Mcnnxvhile Stove Molio is ull the protection the H. & M. have Ion. Dyiinniltn For tlio Piers. The payment by the Union Pacific of the damages to personal property subtnlncd by the officers of the Fifth Infantry has Impelled the transportation companies to feel that the road Is icsponsibla for the same nnd they have accordingly hired Mr. Woolworth to look nf tor their Interests. The Union Pacillo company is in a quandary how to get rid of the sunken piers In the Missouri. They are ofraid to use dynamite , which would shatter the obssructlons in a shoit thno , but not without Injuring the piers of the new biidgo. It looks to them us If a caisson would have to bo erected around each , which menus n great deal of expense. AVhy Hryant ID Sail. "I see by rending TUB HBK nnd liavo It from a man on the inside that General Loxvo has sold that corner on Sixteenth and liar- jiey streets for nearly $200,000 , " remarked John 0 , Bryant as he meandered into the office of the secretary of the bord of tiado yesterday. John looked a plcturo of disgust , ' ilch he heightened by'remarking , ' 'U theio Lundy A ho would like to maul , < iek and mnko n foot ball of mo In general ust trot him in. In 1S.7J I did n month's work for the general nnd ho owed mo WO. Ho proposed that I take two of the loU ho is rei > - rcsentod to have Just sold In payment for the debt , nnd I went up anu looked at them. I tore my clothes In the bramble bushes , nnd was so thoroughly disgusted with them I de manded my money , which was promptly paid. Hut such Is life ana the world Is full of fools , " ejaculated Mr. Bryuntns ho started for his homo in Waterloo , No Itoycntt. The announcement of a boycott of the beer of Metz Brothers of this city , nnd Anhouscr- Uusch of St. Louis , because both of thcso firms nro putting up buildings on which cur rent rales of wages and not these demanded by the bricklayers' union nro being paid was entirely without foundation. This fact was attested by President Frost , of the union , as well as IJan O'ICcefc ' , who nns boon acting ns chair man of the conference committee of the bricklayers' union. The ofllcers above referred to wcro eager to make the denial mentioned. Both Anheuser-Busch nnd Mctz nro nutting up beautiful buildings , that of the former with others already built , costing about SIOO.OOO , while that of Metr. on Thirteenth street , on the slto of the old Bohemian hall will cost about * 10,000. These buildings will ho n credit to the city , nnd their projectors liavo always been known ns willing to pay the highest current rates for labor. Wotlc on the Metz building was resumed to-day. Savs the Mont , Waw Good. J. J. Heal , the meat market man nt Tenth nnd Uodgo street , called at TUB Bir. : office this morning nccompinied by Meat Inspector Farr , and stated that ho desired to correct an item in Saturday's line relative to the condemning of some meat in his place of business on Friday. As will bo remembered n reporter accompanied the meat Inspector on Ills rounds Friday. At Beal's was found a liver hanging in the ice box together with n liieco of meat , both of which had green mold upon them. When the Inspector loft ho told the young man who attends the shop that "lie should attend to that right away , " to which ho replied "all right. " The inspector supposed , of course , the meat was spoiled. Now comes Beal and tlio inspector and say that the piece of meat in question was not spoiled while the liver was , owing to water havtni' leaked upon it. They also state that the liver was removed immediately while the meat was sold , and to prove that It was good they offer in evidence the following let ter : To the Editor of Tun Hen : I want to say that your article in Tin : Br.i : of the 2id ! does J. .1. Boal great injustice and In jury. The meat alluded to I know was not spoiled as I have ordered tea pounds of saino for my own use. I have bought meat of J. J. Beal for six years and have been almost daily in his meat market and grocery store and can safely say that n more honest and conscientious merchant I have not met in my fifty ycatH experience. H. N. WILSON. Please to bear in minil , more particu larly if you nro n lady nnd superintend the culinary department of your house hold , that Vtin Du/.er's llnvoring ex tracts arc not only pure , being derived from sound , ripe fruit , not of chemical origin like many others , but also eco nomic , because they tire to highly con centrated that it requires only the smallest appreciable quantity to impart the right lltivor. Besides this , these extract bottles contain a surplus in quantity , another item in their favor. Grocers everywhere sell them. Dr. MeGrow , kiunoy , Rectal , & priv ate diseases. Room 111 , Uushman block Smoke Soidouborg's Figaro and got the best 5-cont cigar in the world. Mtix Mover & Co. , wholesale depot. AN ODOlluUS GANG. Oltl Man Kerns in the Role of Kidnap per. The Kerns and the Woods of unsavory memory are laboring again to make them selves conspicuous. Mrs. Woods , the wife of John Woods , who was recently sentenced to the penitentiary for four years for attempt ing to blow his father-in-law's head off , made her appearance in the police court this morning and filed information against her foster-father James Kerns , the identical individual Woods tried to bounce over the Jasper wall , charging him with abduction. She alleges that Kerns nnd another disreputable character mimed Gal lon LSarr c.imo to her house on South Thir teenth street late Saturday and forcibly took from her bed her little si\--j ear-old daughter Ottie , and despite her pleadings and remonstrances , carried her off. The child only had her nightclothes on , and Mrs. Woods seems greatly worried as to her welfare in the hands of such a reprobate as she considers Kerns. It will bo remembered that Kerns claimed during the trial of Woods that ho was the father of this child , and while Mrs. Woods acknowledges that she had been crim inally intimate with him , she docs not know whether ho is the proprietor of her off-spring or not. Lot that he as it mav , she deems herself the only lawful custodian of the little girl , and she wants Kerns hunted down and sent to join her husband in the pen. She fuithcr informed the police that she has information that the old man has gone to Bellcvuo or somewhere in that vicinity. "The best on earth" can bo truly said of Griggs" Glycerine Snlve a speedy cure for cuts , , scalds , burns , sores , piles , totter and till skin erup tions. Try this wonder healer. " 5 cents. Guaranteed. C. F. Goodman. C. Leo Stnub , Architect nnd Supt. , oflieo KU9 Howard ; 1(1 years' experi ence. Fine , stylish buildings a spec ialty. Tlio Union Pacific Hnllwny. "THE OVKHLAND ROUTE , " lias arranged to &top all suburban trains ntQ btroot , South Omaha , to bet tor accommodate the constantly increas ing suburban travel. CD III ) , Til 12 IMIUTI2. Tins Fellow's Fatlicr-ln-lii\v Tjnocni ! ! ; 1'or Ills Child anil Graiiiluhlldrcn. Tin : lii ! : : some tnao ago published an ac count of the suspicious burning of J , C. Curd's photograph gallery on the corner of Thirteenth nnd Williams streets , of the still more suspicious settlement of the insurance upon the same , and still later , the villianons desertion by Curd ofliis | wife and escapade to Denver with a prostitute known as May Vaughn. Mrs. Curd , with her two children , beautiful little ones , was compelled to go to her husband's patents in lown. She Is deaf and dumb , though verv beautiful. Her father is Colonel It. O. , president of the Burnlmm Loan and Investment company , of Waco , Texas , and almost a millionaire. Ho op posed the marriage of his daughter to Curd , and since their marriage has contributed sev eral thousand dollars to enable them to llvo when the Inability of the husband to make a living threatened them with starvation. When Colonel Burnlmm heard of the futo of his daughter , ho came to this city to bring her homo and on Saturday night last loft for Iowa \\hcra ho Is in hopes of finding her. Ho will return hero with his child and grand children on his way to Texas. Curd is now in Colorado with his unholy compan ion. DrinK Multo. Tlio Indies of Hiuiseotn Park M. E. church ill hold u strawberry nnd buttermilk - tormilk soeiublo in their church par lors corner Woolworth nvonuo and 29lh street , on Tuesday evening Juuii 2'3. ' An interobting programme has Leon prepared for tlio occasion. SOUTH OMAJfA NRWa " -.Notes Aliout the City. South Ouuilm democrats will rally about 7:30 : to nfht ul tha police station , hctu-r known ap tuo city council chamber. Aitci1 Last week wo have supplied thousands of Customers with thin Coats nnd Vests ; they are going oil with a rush and every day's business , especially last Saturday , has taxed our capacity sorely ; but success only stimulates us to stronger and more liberal efforts , and while we are just now having the biggest run in Summer Clothing , we do not neglect our other departments.Ve \ open today and place on sale for this week two new styles of very fine Men's Cassimero Suits , which at the price we have marked them will make a reputation for us , an the cheapest clothing house in the United States. Ten dollars for a good suit having become such a popular price with us we have decided to mark them so , although this is just one-half the value. Both styles are excellent , one a darktho other a lighter shade of grey.elegantly trimmed and made , and the goods are of fair weight , thus making them suitable to wear along in the fall. They are the biggest bargain ever shown and are in every respect equal if not superior to the other Ten Dollar uits of which we sold so many this season. Wo have just opened an enormous assortment of fine pants , which wo marked $2.50 , $3.00 and $3.25. Every pair is unquestionably a big bargain , as they are very line all wool goods in splendid patterns of stripes ; they fit as well as any you can have made to order for three times the money , and at the price wo have marked them , you buy them actually at 50c. on the dollar. In our Childrens' department we offer this week , so me extraordina ry bargains in Blouse Suits , just the thing for hot weather , for boys from 4 to 1O years. One blouse and pants at95c ; a good looking and strong suit , another fine blue flannel suit with silk embroidered col lar at $1.35. Still another extra fine flannel of a beautiful shade of chocolate color at $2.75. None of these suits could be had at any other place for less than double these prices , Another big offering in this department , is a strong and good wearing knee pant suit , in beautiful checks which we have marked down to $1.50. This suit is a big bargain and we have only marked it down so low because the largest sizes are sold out. One Price Only. No Deviation , Cor. I4th and Douglas Streets , Omaha. they rally they will chose delegates to repre sent the Magic city at the North Omaha dome ci atiu blow-out. Ilobcrt Stewart , a twelve-year-old Al bright boy , cut himself severely on Saturday , and will probably loose a foot. About twenty-live ears of hogs and eleven of cattle were received at noon to-day. Hog * were about 5c higher and cattle a little slow. The Ancient Order of Forresters ha\v now a foathold in South Omaha , and those inter ested are asked to meet at the Knights of Pythias hull next Wednesday evening. While fishing for drift wood at Bellevue yesterday , homo South Omaha men found u llo.iter. The body was liadly decomposed , and the ijndcrs at once telegraphed the cor oner for instructions. Peter Hanson recovered from Hess & Flynn this morning in Justice Levy's court. It was for the use of sc rapors and other ma terial loaned by the plnmtill. James Sullivan , charged with the theft of SKI fioin Ed HoHon , was allowed to go this morning as there was not oulllcient evidence to convict. Thomas Ilurk , charged with being a vag rant , but supposed to have been implicated In the theft of homo hams , was dismissed this morning after having been in the cell since Saturday night. He was lirst arrested on suspicion Friday , discharged Satuiday after noon and immediately re-arrested. As ho could 11 ml no bondsmen he remained in jail until this mornins when ho was allowed to go for want of evidence. Father Moriaity is sparing no pains to make his Fourth of July picnic a success. A special tram has been engaged to bring out the Hibernians and other friends from North Omaha. Tom Ilannon , contractor , and Mike Fla herty , bar tender , have gone into the grocery business , and open out on Twenty-sixth sticet near H. o Complexion Powder is an absolute neecbbity of the refined toilet in this climate. I'o//.oni's cointiincb every el- oinont of beauty and purity. Kiiilroiul N'otoi. The Union Pacific road on Saturday last ran a fruit tram of fourteen car" fioin Chey enne to Omaha at a rate of forty miles per hour , the fnsto-it freight time ever made west of the "Missouri. Tlio run from Grand Isl and to Coiinctl Blurts was made in fourhours and four minutes. II. Johnson , general freight agent of the Union Pacific , goes to Chicago to-ni ht. Mr. E. McICeon has been appointed travel ing passenger a cnt for the state of Kansas for the Union Pacille , to talco effect July 1st. The freight agents' annex to the transcontinental tinental association meet in Chicago to-mor row. Provided , of course , that the members can bo dragged away from the convention. An Absolute Cure. The OHIGINA1. AHIETINE OINTMENT Is only put up in large two ounce tin boxes , and is an absolute euro for old sores , burns , wounds , chapped ban Is , and all skin crui > - tions. Will positively euro all kinds of piles. Ask for the OUIGINAL AUII3TINI2 OINT MENT. Sold by Goodman Drue Uo. at ! ! o cents per box -by mail ! ) U cents. Drink Malta for the nerves. Ward There will bo a meeting of the Eighth ward republican club at Hchrocder's hall , corner of Saundcrs ami Cnmmg sticets , this ( Tuesday ) evening at 8 o'clock. Important business is to como before the club. A full attendance Is desired. .TIMIS AM.IN , President , Sir.\s U. Liur , Seeiutiiry . Absolutely Pure. This iiowiler never varies. A marvel of purity , ntrcugth < nd vf.olC30inene s Moro ecoiwmio than the ordliuiy kmds. ukul cannot bo sold m on petitionT.lih.hoinultjtudeif ! low tmt.bliort elnlit alum or ph-j pUul puv der . .Sold iiuli/iri tnnt , KOVAI. UAK U I'onuEU.Co. . . , m Wull i-t. New She Tried and Knows , A lending chemist of New York says : " Xo plastci-s of iticli mciit as tlie A th-lo-pno-ros Plasters hnveurur before hccn produced. " They tire n novelty bec.iiisithey nrc not innde simply toell che.ip , tliey arc ( lie best that science , tkill and money can pin < luce , and will do what is claimed for tliuin. For bprains , nche"ieakncss , lameness , etc. , tliey aio tincqualcd. tat Fiitlun St .Rindiitkr.O , J > 'ov.21 ' 87 'lliu Atbliii'liiiroH ' lila tfr nctril Ilka inairlp. It Is the > > nt I ever tiiut nnd I li.ive nwil many klndc. Our itruirrist said "nl'ihteiM ' nrcalluliout the PTMIO" but 1 Oim'r think t-o nov , i gpnriTu-d my ai in nnd slumliltr In .luly. nml it lion bien pnliiful Hluce , but it cUxR not piln inuat nil now. Mrs. AMtus MAGIIJ. ASTSend G eents for the Ix-iintlfnl roloic < l [ Jo ture , " JIoorNh Maiden. " THEATHLOPHORO iCO. 112 WatlSt. H Y. And for this very reason there Is notto-ilay a remedy within the TRUE reach of the public more highly pjlzo.l for Its value In the house hold , in MERIT hlilp and fa-torj. than HK.N'-OV'S I'l.IKH as a remedy for uch"s and pains of OM-ry kind. In I'uiiKhs , C olds , lloai'sciii'sx , pleu WILL risy , Cncst l'iilii , Illu-nmutlhin , and llackiuho , li.v-oVs { : I'l.tsn.ii Is lei utilized by physi cians and public us an external ALWAYS ifinedy with out an equal. It nets piiiniptly. pic is.intly anl effect ually. TO secmo Kooil ivsiiItH always a k lor HL.N'-O.S'S nnd WIN take no other plaster. Many woithicks plasters 1110 olfeied on tlio rupntitlon ol UI.NMIN'S. but caret ul bnycis w on't be ileceh ed. rn OF THE Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y ' , Tlio Host Honte from Omaha and Council UlnflV ( o = = = THE EAST TWO TUAINS DAILY lllsrWIKK OMAHA AND COUNCIL IILUITB AM- ) Milwaukee , St. Paul , Minneapolis , Cedar Rapids , Koi-I ; Island , Freeporl , Kockford , Clinton , Dnlniqne , Dau'iiport , Elgin , Matlihon , .lanosvllle , Belolt , AYinona , Li : Crossc , AnU all other Importniit jiolnts Kail , Norlboast nnd boutbcapt. Fortlirnuzh tlckutu mil 0,1 the ticket aijeitiHIY ) ! PuniHui itrtvt , In llarkur Illock , or nt Union 1'nciac I'ullmimFlccpcr and tliu im ! > st DinlnKCars In ( lie world nru run ou I IIP main line of lue Cblru o , Mil wiiukiu A. M rnul ItullHH ) , unit evt-r ) utu-ntlon It pulil to imsteiik'i'rs by luurlvuua euiplOca ci Ujo company. H 1IIM.KII. Cencral Manoycr. J. K ' 1 l.l.'Kint , Aiilftaui ( ji nornl M.inucr. A. V. K. UAKI'KN'ffcil , iin ) ral I'nuenjer anil ( HCO lUWlCAriOKI ) , Amlitiint General 1'uueuRfcr and 'llclet A c'Ut J.T. CljVUIi.OrncrnlSupcrlatc-ndcnt. U. S. DEPOSITORY , 01IAHA , HE3. Paid Up Capilal . $ 'jr.)00 ( ) ( ) Surplus . r > 0,000 II. W. Y\Trn. I'rpRldent I.uwihS HIMI : , Vlco President. A. i : . TOU/.M.I.N , "ml Vliol'icblilunt. W. U. K. llL'Olli > , Caililo Dilll.c/ioiiP : W. V. JIOIISK , Jltll S. COM.IN'S , II , W , YA'ir * . I.UVMS S. ItKbll , A K. TOU/AM.V. THE IRON BANK , Corner IStli and I'umnm Pts. A Generul ItanKlnu llusliifshTransacted Grab Orchard WATER. _ NATURES' GREAT REMEDY. ammrurr .iyiv m n" * iTi-vor ertT-jcs : srcrj Dyspepsia , Sicli-Headaclie , ConEtipaiicn , OLD BT AIL DHUCGIT * PAMPHLET BY MAIL fntf Crab Orchard Water Co. Louisville , Ky. E.T.Allen , M. D. , Ilomoionutbls Speciallat , EYE AND THROAT NOSE , Bpecudw Accurately I'rescrlbed. JtAMGE UL'JK. , OMAJIA\ \ w. j. Surgeon and Physician , OlEceN d lJ"'t.-i < sSt. . OfB , 515. HAVE yOU SEES THEM ? 1 buy ono of our nobby Spring Suits , in Worsted , ' flue Cnsbiinoro , or1 Scotch Cheviots , in till the popular colors nnd styles. Henl bargains thnt cannot fail to bo appreciated by the dihcorning. W e are nxvnrc that ix- I'lM'KX.sivi : goods are largely adver tised this season , but all of them cannot stand the' i ' © test of close in- | spcction.Vo aslc our customers to examine our stock , nnd thus satisfy thunifcclves of its quality and our veracity. NOW'S THE TIME To liavo your friends como to KANSAS AM > MiSitASKA. : As Kustern lines will bell tickets and ran SEMI-MONTHLY LAND EXCURSIONS OM-.ltTllB Union Pacific "Tliu OvcrlaiKI Koulu. " I'ntil July 1 , IPS'1 , titkuts mid for these excur sions will bo good thirty duj'H for the round trip and can l > e uncil ten ilaH going. When pur chasers are ready to return. tlius tickets will bo good live daj-s for that purpose. It purchasers wisli to stop nhoit nf destination on our lines , ftgentswlll stamp tickets good to leturn from MH'h point. J.S. TiaimU'S. G n. 1' . &T. Agent. i : . II.OMAX. . Ass't 0.1 > . & T. A. ( JMAIIA NI3U Or the Liquor Hnliit , 1'ositiu'ly Cured bj Administering Dr. Haiue.s' Golden Specific. U can be given In a cup of coffee or ten with out the Knowlcdgoot the person taklnu it ; abso lutely Imnnluf-K , und will ellect a permanrnt nnd speedy euro , whether the patient U u moilrratu drinker or nn alcoholic wreclf. Mhoiisumls of clnmkiiids have been made tcmpcruto men who IIHVO taken ( jolden Specific In their coffee with out their knowledge and today bellovo they ( litit drlnkliic of tlmlrown flee will. It never fulls. 'Uio hyMem once impregnated With the Spec illc , It becomes nn utter Impossibility for tlie liquor upprtito to exist. Kortalu by Kuhu & . Co , 15th and Domjlus tan. , ana Ibth aud Cum. Inubts. , Umiihafb , ; A. I > . I'obter & IIio. * V > utcil l-iluUi > , Iowa. GIUTIU'UL COMrOUTlXG Epps's Cocoa "llr a tlioro\ik'li kniiwiedfo of itio nittural ruiue. i mi torTifeuniiiiu Mudu limply wltb bulling nuter or tnlllc. faolJ Duly i bull pounit tint by Growers lauelea tbui . / . oimthlt Chemists II J.O.SUUN , li.MJLi.NO. "Tlic OvcTlanil Home. " Has so arranged its Family .Sleeping Cai service , that bcrthfc can now he reserved upon applicat on by any ticket agent to M. J. Greevi , Passenger Agent , Council Blulls , Iowa , The reservations when mads are turned over to the train conductors taking out suci | cars , so that passengers can now tccurc berths ordered , the fame as a Pall- man berth is reencd and tcciired , J.S TKUHKTO , 15. 11 liOMAX. Gt > . iV.VT Aeent. AsVt 0 I' , \ T A. AND SURGICAL INSTITUTE N. W. Cor. 13th and Dodge Sts , Omaha , Neb < CAUTION DcslK'iliiK iiof niis , tnlcltic ndvnntiiirn ofoitr rnjiutntlon , nro constantly ptartlnu UOKUS Mcillonl KstalllnliinciilH ) to tipcolto Htrun- Kt'iM visit lot : tiiu city. 'IhuHo protentleiN ustinlly tllMnin | | < nr In n. few \vockc. JliMvnro of tlii'in or iliolr riiimorn tip IIUCIHM. The Oinilin : fllntl- Icnl nnd Stinrlonl Institute is the only ontnblHIiril nicillcnl litMtluti' lit Onuilin , Dr. iMcMi'iiniiiy , l'iojuictor.Vlicn you make up joiniiiliul to VIMH us uinlcu a iiioimtrumhitn or urn- exact adUrcHS , nnil thus snvo trouble , ( Irlny or iiilmakes. FOR THE TREATMENT OF ALL AND DISEASES OF THE EYE AND EAR. DR. J.l \ McMENAMY , Physician and Surgeon in Charge- - Twcvrv vnAies > HOSPITAL AJVI > vitit ATE PKACTICJB. Assisted iiy a Number of Competent , SM111 and Excellence ! Pliysicians anil Surgeons rurticulnr Attention paid to Deformities Discuses of Women , Diseases of the. Urinary nntl Sexual Organs , 1'rhatc Diseases , Diseases of tlio Xenons Sstcm , Lung nutl Throat Diseases , Surgical Operations , rpilepsy or Tits , 1'iles , Cancers , Tumors , Ltc. More money invested ; more skillful physicians anil surgeons employed ; more palients treated ; more cures effected ; more modern unproved instruments , apparatus and appli ances tlian can be found in all other inliimaries , institutes or dispensaries in the west combined. Largest and most complete Medical Institute 01 Hospital in the west. Fifty newly furnished , well wanned and ventilated rooms foi patients , three skilled physician ? always in thr building. All kinds of diseases ticated in the most scientific manner. ffc Manufacture Surgical Bra for Supporters , Electrical IJatterics , and can supply J physicians or patients any appliancci remedy or instruimnt known. Call and consult us , orritc for circulars upon all sub * jccls , with list of questions for patients to answer Thousands treated successfully by correspondence. We have supeiior advantages and facilities lor tieating diseases per forming surgical operations and musing patients , which , combined witli our acknowl edged ability , experience , responsibility and icputation , should make the Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute the first choice. The Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute is conducted upon strict business and scientific principles , and patients he-e rcccixc every adxantnge that art , skill , science and human ingenuity , can bring to bear on their cases. Their comfort and con venience will always be taken into consideration. Shouldon conclude to xisit us for treatment or correspond with us. you will find that these statements of our position , location and facilities are not overdrawn in any particularbut arc plain unvanishcd facts. Only Reliable Medical Institute Making- Specialty of PRIVATE DISEASES. All Hlood Diseases successfully treated. Syphilitic Poison removed from the system without mercury. New restorative treatment for loss of Vital Power. Pcthons unable to visit us may be tieatcd at home by correspondence. All communications confulcn- tiiil. Medicines or instruments sent by mail or express , securely packed , no marks to ) indicate contents orscndor. One personal intei view preferred. Call nnd consult us elf send history of your case , and we will send in p'ain ' wrapper , our BOOK TO MEN , FREE , Upon Private , Special or Nervous Diseases , Iinpotency , Sjphilis , Gleet and Varicocela witli question list. My Reasons for Writing a Book Upon Private , Special aufl Nervous Diseases , I have for many years made a specialty of diseases of the uninary and sexual organ * have become a recogiii/ed authority upon the subject , consequently I icceive an im mense number of letters from physicians and nfllicted persons , asking my opinion and advice upon individual cases. Kor the benefit of such persons , I haxe written a book , giv ing a general description of the most common diseases and conditions , mtreatiiient uc- ccss , advice , etc. After reading it , persons will have n clearer idea of their condition and can write me more intelligently and to the point. It \\i\l \ therefore be seen that our object in writing these pages N not to furnish reading matter to a class of person * who read out of mere idle curiosity.bnt lor the benefit ol the many xxho aie sulfciing to a gi eater or less degree Irom diseases , or the effects of diseases or abuses , of the sexual and uiinary organs. Not a day pastes but \\ercceivc many calls or ietteis from pcn-ons hi.flcrinj ; from this class of diseases , or their sequel. Many of them aie ignorant of the cause of the dilliculty that has wrecked their constitutions , thrown a cloud over their blight pro * ; peels and is shortening thir days. il . ' m ! ± Vr ! ! ' lh"i"ni. ! ! . Heart. Moid. Illuo.1. . Skin. 8-alp. , Btomeli. Wver. KI.J. . rNiiv m . . 't- , in 'Yiufj M- , l.pll-p.y 1 1 ItHcruf ; ulu. lrjny ) , | , Ililtflifh DUoaw , Tape nos n ; iMccra or Tovur Wei , DjHiwUorOdbUUH. HaMuo . li Jiau. etc. DISEASES OF WOMEN. " - " Hi ! l mid ti itm nt of thUi lu-i nf illbuuaes. and U tlmi-l" EUH M dited ur nei ther a HruaiiortloiioJ " " .u. . . . > torfeu hli.- if. an 1 iM'ly ' < 'U'i.H ' ' I with < nery lustrum oppHunce aiiu Turned" valu" In ihU ih.pait.u.-nt . . of iluUlUno tiad Sur ry. EAR DEPARTMENT un ullht or ( vui M In the \t i st. and the thousands i AND EAR. FRRE. all lulfcr * ( < > OMAHU MEDICAL AND SURGICAL INSTITUTE -opt DR , J . W , McMENAMY , N , W , fior , 13th & Dodge Sts , , Omaha , Nofi