Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 26, 1888, Image 6

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Delivered by Carrier In Any Part of the City nt
Twenty Ccnta Per Week.
ii/iTOK : , No. - ) .
New spring goods nt Utttcr's.
Now York I'lumblng company.
Additional Council Blurts on fifth page.
Olio republican drill corps will meet nt
headquarters tills evening for tlio regular
weekly drill. All members nro requested to
bo present.
Tlio work of InylnK the motor crossings on
Ninth street Is ne.irly completed , and tlio
motor cnrB will bo running through to Broadway -
way by Sunday ,
u. The Council muffs district conference ,
f of church , will meet
it at Glcnwoocl. In. , Tuesday , Juno ' . > 0.aiid con
tinue In session two ilnys.
If tlio snmo vigilance nnd enthusiasm
should bo shown by police ofllcors In hunting
up crooks that Is shown In hunting up aim
thumping reporters , property would bo safer.
City Clerk Hurlco has Issued building per
mits to the following named parties : Mrs.
EmitV Scott , $1.000 ; O. Cliristensen , $1,001 ;
F. li. Holland , $1,000 ; W. B. Unthanit ,
fl.OOO. .
A gnng of men were set nt work yesterday
morning tearing down tlio Washington avenue -
nuo school building. The material is being
piled up on the front of tlio grounds to make
loom for the now building.
Tlio agitation is being renewed for the
driving out of the gambling houses from the
mninl'001'8 uf piomliioiit business blocks.
Tin.10 Is no other city where gambling
l jouscs nro allowed to run sq open and reek-
' lessly as here. They should bo driven up
i Blairs nt least.
Mr. W. F. Inden , the I'nciflc Mutual oper
ator , has shown very commendable enter
prise during the Chicngo convention , in that
ho has , without charge to anyone , received
bulletins during all the sessions , and has
licpt tlio people of tlio Bluffs posted as to
every move.
A detachment of Dodge Light guards ,
under command of Lieutenant Dixon , will
npucnr in the gypsy scene of the "liohcinlnn
Cllrl , " which will bo presented at the concert
this evcnimr. The detachment will appear
through the courtesy of Captain Cowles , and
will ndd much to the setting of the scenes.
Chief Lucas spent a portion of yesterday
visiting tlio vailous saloons of the city In the
Interest of the "monthly fine. " Some of
them were found closed , others wanted a day
to consider , while a few paid promptly. This
order is "business" fiom the Jump , and tbcro
is no question but that its enforcement will
piovo n ilciuluncr on thn business.
* "
The newspapers of Omaha and Council
Bluffs are devoting much space to and saying
many good words of this city. If the boom
docsn t become a boomer it will not bo be
cause the newspapers fail to do their part.
There are several big cntei prises to be added
to Council Bluffs , which can be secured if
the citizens want them as badly as tlio news
papers do , and nro willing to work for them
as enthusiastically.
P County Supervisors Wnltc and Underwood
drove ever the road between this city and
Lake Mnnawa yesterday afternoon for the
purpobo of ascertaining its condition and de
termining how the $1,000 iccentiy appro
priated by the board could bo e.\pondcd to
the best advances. Tlio road is to bo graded ,
the bridge rcpaiied and otherwise improved.
The work will probably bo done by Owen
Bros. , who have already done considerable
work for the city , ai.d have earned an en
viable reputation for tlio thorough nnd satis-
lactory manner in which they fulfill their
The Chnutauqua literary circle hold its
closing hcsbion last ovcnlntr nnd now ad
journs for the summer. Next October it
will open a now year and thoio should boa
goodly number of members. The past year
hns been very Instructive and interesting to
all who liavu attended. Kov. Dr. 1'helps has
proved himself a very valuable leader. Hav
ing been HO long in educational work , and
being of such rjpo scholarship and rare at
tainments , ho is wonderfully well fitted for
this position , and should bo retained if ho
will consent.
There was a larger crowd ot visitors at
Lane Manawa Sunday evening than had
ever been on the grounds before. Odcll
Bros. Illuminated their bathing beach on the
south side with 1.10 torches after ! ) o'clock ,
nnd n largo lumber of visitors availed them
selves of the opportunity to talcu a bath in
Mnnnwa by torchlight. Tlio steamers were
well patronised , tliu visitors happy , nnd the
bnthing was declared to bo "simply im-
, mcnso. " The motor cars were taxed to their
full capacity ; and the road between the
city nnd the lake was lllled with stylish
turnout * . It was the most successful day
Manawa has seen.
The committees having in charge the Chau-
tauqun cnterprlso arc crowding along the
subscriptions pretty well , but at tlio best It
Is too slow. Citizens who can and who
ought to tuko stock , compel other citi/ens ,
who are unfortunate enough to bo putting In
their time in soliciting , to call and call again ,
they not having made up their minus. Coun
cil Bluffs citizens need to learn to decide
moro quickly. If they intend to give or take
stock they should decide nt onco. Moro en
terprises dlo from inactivity , nnd procrasti
nation , thun for want of needed support.
By all taking hold promptly twenty-four
hours would see the Chautauqmi started.
Buy \Vhito"HOw. . much. 20 N.Mnin.
Buy miuitcls , grates and hearth fur-
mshingfa of the Now York plumbing Uo.
Union Abstract company , 3fl Main street.
Tlio engineers falriko for Durltn Bros ,
for their groceries , fi33 Uroiulway. Ed
Lloyd will tuUo your order. Tel. li'JO.
Itcmoinboi * the bi'iiuilt concert for
Miss Mnmio Fleming ut the M. 1C.
church on Friday evening , June 2 ! )
Admission 25 cents.
Tipton has bargains in real estate.
B. B. Wuilbworth & Co. loan money.
Mr , nmlMix. J. R Kvunsaud son Gcorfo
liuyo letui'iicd from Chicago ,
United States Deputy Marshal Duncan was
a visitor In the city yesterday.
Dr. Surah A. Smith Is expected to return
from Chicago to-day ufter a. thrco week's
Judiro Carson went to Harlau yostordiiy to
nttoud to the clobiui ; nmlteis of the tcTm
Mr. Henry Swan rnturned yesterday from
Chicago Uccompuiilud by his iioleo. Mil.
Klrby ,
Miss Belle P.irkinson , of York , Neb. , who
lias been visllhiK her brother , Mr. Al. Par-
liinson , of this city , left yesterday for Plum
Greek , Nub.
On Wednesday evening tlio grand secre
tary of the Not thwestorn Legion of Honoi
will bo in the oily mid attend tha bcssion of
thu local order.
Oinnli.t l'rloi-8.
"Ono weak only" nt SclnnUU'tf photo
grnpli yullorv , 220 Mutn st.onodo7.
cabinet bizo photos for only $2.00 , war
rantoJ to suit. Don't ' like them , don1
tuko thorn , uiul sit n iiin.
E. II. Shcafo loans inonev on chattel
security of every description. Private
consulting rooms. AH uusiness strictly
confidential , Olllco 600 Broadway , cor-
ncr'Wain street , up-btnirs.
Travelers ! Stop at the BoehtoU.
Undo Snm After Another Illicit
Whisky Seller.
How the muff hot. Tnlk A I > PH Molnes
Mnn in Sonrcli of Ills Wlfc-Tho
City Marshal SUCH tlio Coun
ty A UeportcrTliumncd.
On Thrlr aitificlc.
The disturbers of the pence monopolized
the attention of Judge Aylesworth In police
court yesterday morning. Sunday had
proved n very prolific day In the way of
furnishing pugilistic amusement , nnd several
of the nmnteur "pugs" were trotted into
court to settle for their fun. John Miller
Imd refused to settle for his hash In n Lower
Hroiuhvny restaurant , nnd had made the
atmosphere rather warm for the proprietor
when ho Insisted on Immediate payment.
Ho was fined $10.10 for his diversion , and
jcing ahortof collateral , was relegated to the
cobox for a spice of seven days.
Tlio next cnso was against \VilllnmJoffrlcs ,
Harry Jeffries , John Mnher and Mike Kll-
dane for rioting at the "Turf. " The two
Intler did not make Ihelr appearance , and
their money was declared forfeited. William
Jeffries pleaded guilty , and wns lined f'J.OO.
His brother pleaded not guilty and his cnso
was continued Until afternoon. Klldane and
Mnher showed up later , and ashed to have
their cases heard , as they did not wish to
lose their il5 apiece. The three cases were
tried In the afternoon. The court concluded
Hint it wns "a very lively little dlftlculty
while It lasted , " nnd Jlncd Harry
Jeffries and Mnhcr each S" > and costs. It was
conceded that Mahcr had a right to eject
Jeffries from his place of business , but the
Judge thought there was a few unnecessary
blows struck , and Inflicted the flno for the
gilt-edged manner in which the work was
James Mnplcton was the only name pre
sented on account of liquor guzzled , and the
usual tonic prescribed In such cases , $ r,03 ,
was chalked against it.
The case of Ofllcer Nick O'Brien wns then
called. O'Brien ' was charged with an assault
with intent to do great bodily injury on the
person of W. J. Carter , the local representa
tive of the Omaha Republican. Ho waived
an examination and was bound over lo the
grand jury in the sum of $500. J. J. Shea
became his bondsman nnd ho wns released.
A warrant was then issued for the urres > t of
James Madden O'Brien's father-in-law
, - - , for
threatening Carter , and ho will bo put under
bonds to keep the peace. Tlio attack of
which Ofllcer O'Brien stands charged was
most cowardly and brutal. Ho took excep
tion to an at tlclo that Carter bail writa-n ,
and because the latter i efused to retract ,
gave him a terrible beating and kicking.
Carter offered him the use of tlio columns of
the paper if he wished to icply , but lie did
not accept it. It is claimed that O'Brien
made numerous Ihreats against Caller , but
this O'Brien ' denies. The feeling of the
citizens against O'Brien ' is very strong. His
assault was entirely uncalled for , and the
popular expression is that ho must be made
to suffer severely for it. Ho has tamed
down considerably sinc3 the affair took
place , ns he then insisted that ho would
"lick Carter seven days in a week if ho did
not let up on him , " but now bo sees his mis
take and fears that ho seriously overstepped
his bounds. The man Madden wns also
quite loud mouthed over the affair , nnd
threatened to finish the work that O'Brien '
had begun. Ho pulled in his horns
yesterday and was rcmarxnbly submissive.
The mayor Is quite indignant over the affair
and censures O'Brien severely , thinking that
an oftlccr should be the last one to so
grieviously disregard the law that ho is sup
posed to enforce. There is considerable talk
of celling up a petition to have O'Brien's 11-
cense as an officer revoked , and it is quito
probable that the request will bo granted.
Jt Is said that ho is possessed with the idea
that the city cannot get along without his
services , and an etiort will be iniido to con
vince him of his serious mistake.
Comments on tlio Bulletin.
The bulletin boards were watched moro
eagerly than ever by Council Bluffs eyes
yesterday. When the result was declared
theio was liltlo hurrahing. The republicans
seemed strongly in favor of Blainc , and they
showed Iheir disappointment somewhat.
Still the largo majority of those who were
heard to express an opinion , suoko very
favorably and with increasing enthusiasm of
"If wo can't have Blaine , why , Harrison's
tlio man. He's all right and he'll bo a win
ner. " The sentiment was repeated time and
again by republicans , though differing some
what in the language used.
A democrat , prominent in sporting circles ,
voiced the sentiment of many of his party
hero in remarking. "I don't believe anybody
can boat Cleveland. Harrison's u good man ,
though , and will pull strong. Tlio betting lias
been $100 to10 in favor of Cleveland , but I
don't believe it will bo many days before it
will bo oven money. "
There was very little disappointment ex
pressed among the local republicans hero in
regard to their own stale's candidate. It
feooms that they were rather burpriscd that
Allison .should develop as much strength as
ho did. "Allison could Imvo had it if he hadn't
been from Iowa. They're sure of Iowa any
way. "
AV anted His Wl To.
A DOS Moines loafer applied to tlio police
yesterday morning to assist him in recover
ing the wife of his bosom , who had ran nwny
nnd left him a few days before. Investiga
tion showed that the woman had been sup
porting him until she became tired of it. and
liiul coma to this city to get rid of him. Chiol
Lucas i of used to lake any slops In the mut
ter , nnd told the fellow to Jump the town
immediately or ho would run him In , The
police nro not disposed to mnko life anj
imrdcr than necessary for a woman whose
worst falling is a disinclination to support a
huy husband.
AVnntH His FCCB.
The case of Marshal Prank Gunnella vs
Pottawattamlo county was tried before Judge
Aylcswoith in the biiperlor com t yesterday
afternoon. The suit Is biought to recover
ccitnln fees amounting to over ? GOO. Attorneys
noys Holmes nnd Mynster appeared for
( iiiiuielln , and County Attorney Uailuy con
dueled tlio defense. The case was argued ut
borne length , nnd was tukcu under advise
meat by the court.
Mr. Fred Iludlcr lias been in the city
for two weeks or so , belling torritorv
for " \Yobber's patent grazing miuzlo , '
one of the best things for the farmer
ever seen. Tliib numlo allows the nni-
niul to run loose in tlio corn Hold , and
prevents injury to the growing crops ,
while it allows it to grano freely upon
the ground or grnbb crop. A calf can
run with its mother , cat grass but cnn-
not sunk. Horses , colts , etc. , can gnvzo
in orchards , but cannot injure the trees
by eating limbs or leaves , ns the muzzle
is cloaoif when the animal's head is
raibod from the ground. A cow can eat
grabs , but cnnnot suck herself. We
can nnd do cheerfully recommend the
invention to the pubfic generally. Mr
Iluiller has sold while hero the right to
several counties to coma of thojboat citi-
sseiiu and still ho is negotiating for other
talcs. For territory apply to Fred Ilud'
lor , general agent , at Bochtolo hotel.
See in this issue Chautauqua special
There .are hundreds and
thousands of places where you
can spend your dimes and dollars
lars , but how few where you
can save them ?
You can save not only
DIMES , but DOLLARS , by
attending our Six Days' Un
loading sale , commencing to
Each and every department
will be full of the best bar
gains ever offered.
Grand special sale of Para
Grand special sale of Laces
and Embroideries.
Special bargains in Hosiery ,
Gloves and Corsets.
Tremendous clearing out
sale of WHITE Goons , LAWNS
Special bargain sale of Silks
and Dress Goods.
All must be sold during
this Aveek at Half Price at
KOS. 218 , 220 , 222 & 224
Mr. and Mrs.Vadsworth are welcomed
heartily to a permanent residence in this
city. Tlio following details of the happy
event aio from the Houbton , Tex. , Djily
Post :
One of the prettiest weddings of the sea
son occurred last evening at OiliO o'clock at
Major H. Hvntt's residence , No. 144 Travis
street , when Miss Hattie Hyatt , a popular
nnd charmiiiB young lady of this city , and
Mr. S. D. Wailsworth , a prominent young
business man of Council Uluffs , la. , were
united in marriage In the presence of n few
friends. Tlio parlors were beautifully decor
ated for the occasion. As the clock pointed
to 0:30 : , tlio handsome groom with
his pretty bride cntcn-l the par
lor while the inspiring strains of n
beautiful wedding inarch pealed forth under
the guidance of the well-known musician ,
Mrs. 13ujac. The groom wns diessed in the
conventional black and thu bndo wore an
exquislto cream-colored satin with a hand-
homo bridal veil. Looped at her corsage was
a bouquet of pure white llowors. Kov. D. F.
C. Timmons , pastor of Shearn church , per
formed , in an impressive manner , the mar-
ri.igo ceremony after the ritual of the Metho
dist church. After the ceremony the bridal
couple and a few invited guests repaired to
the dining room where a sumptuous wedding
supper was served. The couple left at ' . ) : ! IO
last night for their future homo in Council
Hlu Ifs , followed by the good wisnes of a host
of friends in tills city. Tlio bridal presents
were numerous and handsome.
Chautauriuti train to Crete Friday
Xo Whisky on the Quiet.
Deputy United States Marshal Duncan ar-
i Ived in the city yesterday morning In charge
of n man from Shcuaudoah , charged with
selling liquor in violation of tlio revenue
laws. Ho had a hearing before Clerk F , II.
Hunter , and was bound over to the Septem
ber term of the United States court in the
sum of $300. Ho furnished the required sum ,
ami was released. Ho Is charged with run
ning a little sldo booze counter in connection
with his restaurant , and the authorities
"tumbled" to his racket. Marshal Duncan
gives these little matters prompt attention ,
this being the second cnso of thu kind din-
pobcil of in the past four days.
Look In this issue for "Say , Look
Hero ! " notice.
Say , Jjonk Hero ! !
If you want to pot a correct nnd an in
telligent idea of just \vhutu ( Jlmutuuquu
assembly is , then go with UB on the ex
cursion to Crete , Nub. , loavinj , ' Hrond-
way U. 1' . depot nt 0:15 : n. in. Friday ,
Juno 20 , wo will have throuffh cars
nnd tickets. The faro from Council
131ulTs to Crete nnd return , including
admission to the grounds , will ho $2.75 ,
good for ton days , returning on any day
nnd train the holder may choose.
Tickets can bo hud , commencing Wed
nesday morning , nt Harkneba Bros , '
Union Ticket olllco , corner Broadway
Pearl fcts , ; Piicillo housoWubabh Ticket
otllco , corner liroudwny nnd Main bts. ;
Camp & Ellis , Oporu Iloitbo Drug
store ; U. P. Broadway depot , O1H-
cor & Pusoy's bank , liushnoU'u
book store nnd J. B. Atkinb'
drug store. Let the people of this city
turn out us becomes the occasion and go
and hoar and see , returning thoroughly
infused with "Chuutuuqua" Ideas Lot
not your neighbor rest until ho or she
lias personally bocoino informed of the
great adxnntagcs that are sticured by
having an institution of this charwtor
iu our midst. The crowd attending Ihis
Largest Stock , I METCALF BROTHERS. Furnishing Goods ,
Lowest Prices , . Clothing , Hata {
Wllll&m SlndontDpf *
JU ,
J -Denier In < " Hardman , Evcrdi < 0 Fisher
City&.Countj REAI/ESTATE = . . * A
' Main St. Council ni ( T $ .
1314 St.
V ) 3S
Largest Capital and Surplus Your Patronage
of Any Bank in the city. , Is Solicited.
XX & O
c > o xv < Js ,
H , & R. D.Foster , " , -SMDKE , '
Painb. Oil Glenn Go , Poregoj & Moored Abstracts of THte
* . ; Wholesale. Santa
No. 8. Pearl St. ARE THE BEST.
M" ' i"iBuaMBMl M aaVMMai3BBC > 2HMHH MQMMUBeREi lKni BEWMBBlHMl HttaHl 'fMnr\tiiriT \ viTirraravTiwraiii ii IIMI.IH 11.1 n mi , j i UuLliy uJiJJ-L imi-LJIII
Manufacturer of Fine Cart luges and Buggies. H.F HATTENHAUER - I always Iceoj ) In stoclc n Inrpo variety of eastern
I Imvo always a full stoclc to select from. . , soli
, malco Cnrruif'ea , which 1 atu very low rule.
Call nnd examine. Prices Low. Xo . U7 lo ! Hj roiirth Slrcot. I nin always rciulv to show poons.
assembly is so great that cars could not
bo promihud us for Thur&day or Satur
day , but for Friday only.
.1. M. OlTIlSliKU ,
Recording Secretary C. B. C. A.
Musical llccltnl.
Mr. CUarlcs Hnctcns' third recital will tnko
l > lnco on Thursdny ovcniiiR next nt Mueller's
hull. The following will bo the programme :
Selection from Mpiulolssolili's work by the
Stryk en bhuisluH Club.
Vocnl ducttlno ' 'Carlo is Muojd" Verdi
Mibs Amundii Knrb.iqh aiid , Mr.
Arthur Karb.icli.
Solo ( piano ) Songs without \rords. . . .
, . . . .Mendelssohn
Miss Pearl Chamberlain.
Vocal "Ctivntlno" "Una rocu ilocofa. ' " . .
. . . . . . Hosslni
Mis. Orphu Meyers.
Violin solo "Scene do Uiillct".f . . .DoHcrlot
Mr. Hurbcrt Ko-iers.
Vocal song "Voi clio bapetu" . s Mozart
1'iano solo "Invitation to nance" . . . .Weber
Miss Olla L. Cook.l
Vocal aria "Qui S dcgno" ( Mapic
Flute ) Mcwni t
Mr. Arthur K.irb.ich.
Sonata No. 12 , o Hat for piano mid violin
First Movement ' Mozart
Miss P. Chamberlain and Mr. B.iotcns.
Vocal romance "Thou Art Mine"
Tito Mattel
Mrs. Orpha Meyers.
Vocal duett "Evening" Otto Nicolal
Miss N. Karbach and Mr. N. Kiirbach.
Evening recreation , No. 3..IJ. 0. Faulconicr
Stryk en blasslust club.
X. B. Programmes for admission to be
had at Mr. linctcns' conservatory , 1''U Seventh
stieet , fice of charge.
Tlio "Woman's exchange will enter
tain the bociable of the Presbyterian
church , Tuesday evening , at the house
ot Mibs VVoirich , 1112 Fourth fatreet.
Everyone invited.
The Unity guild sociable will ho entertained
at tlio residence of Mr. Hobert Hain , No. b2j
Pierce street , by Mrs. B. Ilatrg , Miss Mo-
Cloud and Miss Phu'bo Damon Wednesday
evening , Juno'J . Agoodtimo is expected.
All all are coulmllj invited.
Miss Elllo Moon will take classes in
the common s-chool branches during
the summer months at reasonable rates.
Further information can bo obtained by
inquiring at 018 Sixth btreet during the
coining week.
Engineer Brodbcclc is to survey tlio Man
awa road to day und make an estimate of tlio
amount of Jilhng icqmred previous to the
letting of the contract. The woric of im
provement is to bo begun immediately , and
will bo completed in two weeks.
The finest bread at C. J. Swan's bak
ery , 215 Main ; frc&li cakes and confec
Mis Mary Boll and Miss ICatio Bushel ] ,
two of the teachers in the school hero , went
to Omaha .vchterday. While there Miss
Bushel ! lost tier pockctbook , containing be
tween $45 and t5J.
The Kickapoo Indians , with their
wonderful medicines , are here , corner
Broadway and Eighth sts.
Tlio republican club will meet this evening
at 8 o'clock sharp at its rooms.
Without health life has no sunshine.
Who could bo happy with dyspepsia ,
pileb , low bpirits , headache , ague , or
diseases of the stomach , liver or kid-
noysV Dr. Jones' Red Clover Tonic
quickly cures the above dibcascs. Price
60 cents. C. F. Goodman.
, ,
A I'ull ABsortmont o ( Hiirnoas Gooili Con-
fctantly on Hand.
Itcimtringr Xcully and Proiliplly Done.
NO. 205 MAIN ST. ,
SPKCIATjaclvcrtlsoinen's , such as Lost , found ,
To I.onn. For Snip , To Kent , Wixnts , Hoarding
etc. . will bo Inserted In this column nt the low
rutoof TBN CKNTS 1'KH UN15 for the first In-
sertkm nml Five Cents 1'er Line for each subss-
ijueut Insertion. Leave advertisements nt our
olllcp. No. 12 1'eixrl Street , iiear Hrondway , Coun
cil HUHts I own.
IIKSSMAICINO Also plain sewing done nt
No. IK Third avenue , or by the any.
" 1710H HUNT ( ! oed house of eleven rooms.
JKent tit per month. Pleasantly Mtuatort
lawn , gulden ground uud fruit. Apnly ut olllco
of llor.ico Kvorott , Council lllulls , IOWA.
FOlt HUNT Furnished and unfurnished
rooms , with modern conveniences , nt 11
FOR HUNT For flip summer only , one of the
lilt-as.inti'st Email residences In the city , nil
furnished , liath room , city water , centrally
located , excellent neighborhood. Family KOHK !
past. limiK'dlnto possession given. Addiess
Kesldence , caio Hee olllce , Council llluirs.
rilO HHNT Tnuncdlately , for the summer , n
JL good furnished house , 10 rooms ; closet and
until room ; city water. Apply on premises , 8U !
Cth avo. _
"Vl/n IIA"\n : twolO-room brick liouscs to trndo
forincrchandlse. Johnston tVViin I'attcn.
" \\7ANT-To exchuiiKO Nebiaska or Wisconsin
i T fnrm lands for I'ouncll lllulls or Omaha
propel ty or inerchiiiullHU. O. I1. McKesson.
I WILL buy Rood fccoud-band furniture , stov
and carpets ; will pay full cash value. A
Mandel , IK ) Ilroadway.
\\7"ANTKD Stocks ot merrlmndlse. Have
' Omaha nnd Council llluirs city property ,
nlto western land to exchange for goods. Cullen
on or nddross .lohusoii .V Christian , Itocm 'Jj ,
Cliambcr of Commeice. Omaha. _
SAI/K At a bargain , W acres near stock
yards. South Omaha , Neb. , Johnson &
Christian , Hoom 35 , Chamber of Commerce ,
WANTUI ) V nrst-chiss cook at the Crestoa
You can get it hi niiy amount , on either shorter
or long time , ouchattal or real estate security
Has real estate of all kinds. Call on or address
L. 11. Ciaftb , US Hroudway , Couui.ll lIlulTs.
Instructor of Music
No. IHStntesman street , foundl Illnirs , anil
Jleinberg's .Music Store , Dodge s > tioot , Omaha.
NO. 211 imOAIMVAY.
The Morrli Typo \Vrlter in a practical , well
nuulu nnd tlnojy Hnlshed miulilnn. and combiner
thu perfect lettering , exact nlllgnim'iit , and
rapid \\ritliiKofii hiuh piicad wilier. The HIM-
WIN .MIMIXKIHAI'II. the beht mndo
for manifolding autogiaphlc ami IVIHI writer
\\orc : Jl > ) copies can be taken. TVI'K WHITI5U
supplies for sale S nd for circulars. Tlie Kx-
celslor Co. , Counill lllull , la.
Mention this paper.
M. B. SNYDBR , A. M. . M. D.
Physician and Surgeon
Difacascsof Women and Children ,
'Ml Jiioa&way , Council IllulU.
co. ,
SIZES FROM Ksppclolly Adapted fo
POWER , Mills and Elevators ,
Specltlcntlous and estimates furnished for complete steam plants. Ilegnlntlnn , Dnrnblllty Ouar-
nutced. Can show letters fiom liters whcic fuel I'conomy Is cipial with Corliss Non-Condenslnir.
isi.rrrs , IOIVA.
Send for Catalogue , E. C. HARRIS , Manager.
Wrought and Cast S ! FOR
\Jiuildiitgs \ , Automatic lliyhcst Economy ,
Repairs. JYcw < 0 'M Hand Simplicity nnd Dnrubtllti/ ,
Nos. 1100 to 1200 , Tenth Avenue , Council Blulfsja. Telephone ICO.
HDI Dl/1 M Dl W C" Hydraulic and Sanitary Engineer. Plans , Estimates
" "
Dl m\l IN Dl ML. Specifications Supervision of Public Work. Brown
Building , Council Bluft's , Iowa.
ITIMI TV Dl lD/r ! Attorney at Law , Second Floor Brown Building , lid
T I IN LL T DU riiXll" Pearl St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
MMKMBMV WMMWfl V B * B " "i " * M * " " < ' " "W1 " * " * * " N " P BOi H H i MMM Ka aHiaM iBH >
justice ol the Peace. Olllce over American Express , No. 410
NQpMMp7 ' Broadway , Council Blullb. Iowa.
O OIR/IO / Attorneys at Law , Practice in the State anil Fodera
66 OlIVIO' " Courts , onice Rooms 7 and 8 , Shugarl-Beno Block ,
Council Blufl'b , Iowa.
p UAVCM Dentist. Cornsr Main Street and First Avenue , Counci
. L , rmZ.LIN" muffb , IOWB.
/ MAh/inmi I IVI ft/I / rSpocliilUt In illsoascs of Kyo , Kur , Nose nnrt
Mil I HAMKrn N M I ) Tliroat Cil hs ArcurntPlvI'nbcrlbcil. ; Cat )
> I li \J\ \ mill L UI IL.I I lj IVh Ui nurll ticutedbviiliill aCtcr tlrat consultation ;
Olliciicor. .Main stioct ami Ilroadway. Itebldeiice , CIO lllull st. IIourt > t'jto ' li , atoC , 7U :
Council lilulls Iowa. I
DR. C. B. J U D D ,
No. 6O6 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
WANTED Good Salesmen onliirge commission or salary.
Call on HI. I > KOIIM ; il , AtiN llroiulwaj , u'horc > ' < MI will rceelvo
tlio Highest Cahh Price
- : - : - ,
& . ' ' .
CAItTUIt&SO.N , I'rop'j.
All Kinds of Steam nailers & Sheet Iron Work.
Orders by mall for repairs promptly attended
lo , batlsfiictlcm tuaruitet'rt. Oth Avenue Ad-
drcfcuOfe'deu Holier \ \ orlts. lilulti.Iow.i.
D. H , McDAIIELO & 00 , ,
Hides. Tallow , Pelts ,
Wool and Furs.
Highest Market Prices. Prompt
t2o aud V.-S Uttln fitrcctCouucll JJluils.lOHM.
Star Stables and Mule Yards
UiuaUnu ) , Hl.ilU , 0,1,1 Dojiot
Ilorfii-s nml innlo.t ronntuntly on band , tot
tu\vnl \ utiill oi m our lou < l loH.
Unlem promptly Jllleil by contract on nUorl
nutu ! .
n'L hold on commUxlon.
o III. bflll.lTHU .V IIOMJV.
&ltti Dummy Depot Council
H. ( iUAUL , .
\0. 101 U. JIKOADWAV.
' '
tWIiroadway DiuuUl llluttn , Iowa. U