Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 26, 1888, Image 5

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tMoro Insane Prom the Country Than
From the Oltloo.
IOWA Farmers Not Covered "With a
Blanket or Mortgages ns AH-
i I sorted fly General Weaver
I I Carroll's Ghost.
A Plaiinlblo Theory For Insnnlty.
Dns MOIKCS , la. , Juno 24. [ Special to
Tnn BKK. ] It has been a matter of consid
erable Inquiry ns to why la a peaceful anil
rural state lilto Iowa the number of Insane
people should constantly Increase. The stnto
has three hospitals of largo capacity now
constructed and In oporatlon. When the
hospital at Mt. Pleasant was built It was
supposed that It would lost for many years
and furnish all tlio room that would bo
needed. Hut four years ago the trustees
asked an appropriation for a now wing to ac
commodate ICO additional patients , and two
years ago another requestor the same sort
was preferred , both of which were granted ,
nnd still the hospital Is crowded. A second
asylum was built at Independence , and it
was thought that this , with the Mt. Pleasant
asylum , would bo amply sufllcicnt for the
needs of the state for many tnoro years , nut
Us capacity was tested , and still the mnn'uur
of Insane Increased till the poorhouscs of the
stnto wcro sheltering unfortunata mun imii
\votnon wlio were BUfTorlmj for the cnro nnd
treatment of a hospital , So two years ngo
the loRlslnturo umdo an appropriation for anew
now hospital and It was located at Clnrlnda
nnd has now bccorao fairly organized nnd
ready for work. Hut tlio Indications ore
that In a few years at the furthest , another
hospital will have to bo built to accommodate
the Increasing number of the Insane.
It socms pretty hard to toll why. In a rural
state like this , nwny from tlio distractions
and the hurry nnd worry of great cities , there
there should bo a steady Incrouso in the num
ber of the insauo. People who nmko an off
hand RUCSS would say that the fewest kisnno
wcro to bo found among farmers , nnd the
greatest number among the overworked and
worried business men of the cities. Investi
gation shows that quite the reverse Is true.
Mr. L. F. Andrews , the assistant secretary
of tlio state board of health , bus bcon giving
special attention to this line of inquiry with
very interesting results. Ho flnds that overexertion -
exertion and nervousness are not the cause
of incrnuso of Insanity , but that it comes
from that class of tlio population that seem to
bo most f rco from nervous diseases. In other
words , the agricultural classes furnish more
inmates for the asylums In proportion to the
population than any other. In 1835 , with
a population of 1,181,071 pursons over
ton years of ago , nearly one-third
were engaged In agriculture , and yet the
statistics of last year show that there were
731 Insane persons from the agricultural pop
ulation with but 730 from all the remaining
population , or about three insane from the
farming populatiou for every ono Irom other
classes. During the biennial period ending
In 1633 there was in ono hospital ISO farmers
and eighty farmers' ' wives. At the same
time there wcro but four professional men
nnd ton wives of professional men. For the
period ending last year the farmers num
bcrcd 209 , their wives 153 , while the pro
fessional mun numbered but seven nnd with
but bt'vcn wives of professional men. This
is a remarkable and a surprising showing.
According to these figures tlio bulk of the
Inmates of the different asylums of the
state come from the farming classes , from
the men and wouipn who nio supposed to IIP
free from the special worries and nnnoy-
nncos that people who llvo in the rush and
whirl of lurgo cities are subject to.
Mr. Andrews , in studying these statistics ,
lias n theory by which ho explains the pheno
menon. Ho holds that while ovcrworlc and
business worry may break down men's con
stitutions It very rarely drives them insane.
In support of this ho cites the fact that since
the beginning of the Mount Pleasant hospital ,
the oldest ono in the state , there have been
but 147 patients there whose insanity was
attributed to overexertion , Oiily sixty-seven
to business anxiety and only fifteen to exces
sive niontnl effort. In other woids it is not
nervous disease or montul break-down that
drives men crazy , nnd to explain the cause of
so much Insanity among the sober industrial
classes ho suggests the fact of their isolation ,
lie holiovos that social intercourse is the
safety valve of the race , and that the
farmer's family , by being cut off from asso
ciation so much of the time , are loft to brood
over their own thoughts and their real or
Imaginary troubles till despondency is suc
ceeded by hypochondria , nnd that in turn by
Insanity. There seems to bo a great deal of
foreo In Mr. Andrews' generalization. It
certainly IB a topic of great interest in Iowa
and can well awaken a prolltahlo discussion.
Whlln on tlii'subji'rt of statistic * it is inter
esting to note that this , 1'ollc county. Is the
banner county In the number of divorces
granted in the last twenty years. Special in
vestigations have bi'nii carried on under the
direction of Commissioner Wright , of the na
tional bureau of statistics. Those show that
In lubuquo county , for instance , there have
been but 300 divorces granted during twenty
years , or a number relatively small. In
lilack Iluwk county , a county containing no
large city. ! 1M were granted during this time.
But In 1'olk county the cllvomu mill has
ground a larger grist , for the number has
reached T''i ) . Tlio worlc was not carried to
completion , only ilrty-oiio counties having
been canvassed , owing to n lack of suftlcicnt
appropriation to carry on the inquiry. When
the losulta are all tabulated they will form
Rome very interesting statistics upon which
to make an argument , point a moral or adorn
a tale.
Carroll , u ploasunt llttlo town in the county
of that iianii' , 1ms been trying for a few
weeks to attract attention to itself by adver
tising u haunted house ) . The inmates of that
dwelling insist that n ghost is In the habit of
visiting tliom on cloudy or moonless nights ,
accompanying the appuur.muo with tornhlu
cilcs uinl groans. The spook , as usually
Identified , emerges from nb.isoiwnt window ,
goes to u iiurUfttlar spot In the garden and
slowly ilisjpnears. As near as could bo rec-
\ ogni/ed the ghostly visitor seemed to rosom-
bio the form of n woman dressed in the com
ments of tlio tomb. It begins to look as if
Can oil has become Jealous of Hello I'luino
with its big well and JolU'i-.sou with its nat
ural gas , nnd was determined to have a curi
osity of itsulf The society for prj oienl
research U respectfully invited to turn its
attention to Curroll.
Seine thnu ago General Weaver tried to
create a sensation in congress by asserting
that nearly all the farms of Jowa wcro cov
ered over with mortgages. It was stated
that the people of this state were carrying
mortgages on their farms to the amount of
S.Ti ( > , < X > 0,000. A little Investigation of olliolal
figures at the sl.Ho house showed how udicu-
lous and untrue was the asscition. Tlio
entire value of all the real estate , including
farm and uity property , in Iowa Is loss than
the alleged amount of the mortgages upon it.
lushed of tlioro being MIO.OUO.iMX ) of farm
mortgages it is estimated that there is not
inor.1 than ono-tcnth of that amount at u liberal -
oral allowance.
A Small Tenement Ilouso Totally De
A small tenement house Just noitli of the
Swedish church , on tlio corner of Nineteenth
and C.iss streets , was destroyed by flro yes
terday morning shortly after 7 o'clock. The
house was a story nnd a half double
frame building , and was the
property of the church. The south part of
the building , No. 500 Nineteenth street , was
occupied by MUs Gustavo Jensen , who kept
boarders anil routed rooms in tlio second
story of tha building. The llro was discov
ered in the roof and ceiling of this part of the
house by Miss Tillio Vyfolo \ lives
nrt liOVS out of work to CRll
la the north part of the house.
She was on lior way down to her work when
she saw the flames bursting out of tlio roof.
She gave the alarm nt once and a depart
ment alarm won turned In , but by some mis
take Ilia department made the run to Cum-
mlngg street , and before the inistako was
discovered the ( lames had made unh head
way in the old timbers of the buildIng -
Ing that no further attempt was
made to save the building Rnd the people
who hnd collected about the plnco devoted
tholr energy to saving the furnlturo of the
building. The property of the four young
mon who wcro rooming In the second story
was almost entirely lost. Tlio greater amount
of the goods In the first floor was saved but
was very badly damaged and broken tip.
The loss to goods nnd furniture In that
part of the building will roneh about f'JOU. '
Airs. Johnson had her property Insured for
The north part of the house. No. fill , was
ocuunlod by J. W. FyfoMiss Tillio Fyfo and
nnd Miss lintcllff , who roomoil on the first
tloor , and Mr. Ira 1'ickctt , his sister and
Miss .Icnnio Dillon , who had rooms
on the second floor. All the
goods belonging to the folks occupying the
llrst floor were in a flro saved condition.
The loss will hardly roach $100 the folks who
roomed on the second floor were not able to
save anything. Their loss will bo between
$300 and * 100.
Ttio loss to the building Is but very slight
as It was the Intention of the members of
the church to remove It and erect u new
building in Its place.
There Is no means of discovering how the
flro originated , ns there was no ( Ire In any of
the rooms nnd the lire had died out in the
kitchen steve ,
Thcro was no Insurance on the building.
The flro department met with a brace of
very serious accidents while making the run
to the Nineteenth street flro this morning.
Tlio extra wagon belonging to hook and
ladder company No. 1 was upset wlnlo
rounding the corner of Fourteenth and Dav
enport streets , nud the seven
firemen aboard were forcibly dashed
into the gutter and against the curbing. All
were more or less Injured , "Spud" Farrish
being the greatest sulTcrer. Ho sustained a
fracture of ono of the small bones in liis loft
wrist , besides a dislocated knco-cup ami nu
merous bruises and contusions. lie was ta
ken to No. 3 nud a physician called to attend
to his hurts. Driver Dwyer suffered n badly
smashed knee cap nnd some pain
ful scratches ; .loo Louk numerous
bruises , nnd .Too Marvin a sprained hip. Harrison
risen Miller received several ugly cuts about
the face , whllo Captain 13urdish had his
cheek badly lacerated and one eye painfully
Injured. Frank Karasok was generally
bruised nnd shaken up. No blame is at
tached to the driver or any of the crew , the
cumbersome vohielo simply getting unbal
anced hi rapidly going aiouud the corner
and upsetting.
The other ncccidcnt happened the chemical
engine , also en route for this llro. In the
neighborhood of Sixteenth mid Cnss the nxlo
brok off square up to the wheel , and the
machine came to the ground with a sud
den bump , which partially throw her
over , nnd throw the incti into the street.
John Sidoner , the driver , was cut and
bruised about the legs , and his right hand
badly gashed. Mike llanlou , Miku Huiiiion
and Joe Murphy wcro also considerably
bruised and scratched up. Hob McIClttrick
and Frank iMczok escaped uninjured.
Captain Windhelm , during the llro nt the
Planter's hotel last night , fell from the
chemical engine nud suffered a dislocated
shoulder _
"Cnshmuro Bouquet Pcrfnmo
is remarkable for its delicate fragrance
which is mo-it skillfully blended. " San
itary Record , London.
The Dwellers on tlio Slioro of Cut-OfT
Ijnkc Opposing the U. 1 * .
The Union Pacific track extends north
ward by the side of Cut-Off lake almost to
the northwestern extremity of that sheet ,
its last extension having been to the mam
moth dual icc-houso of Swift & Co. , at the
point indicated. A short tlmo ago the
company set its engineers to work
to extend a now line northward from Locust
street. This line was run through a number
of enclosures upon which were several
shanties and small cottages , and in some
cases it was extended through the domiciles
themselves. The stakes were laid
and were followed by KOIIIO of the right-of-
way agents of the company who served
notice upon all the residents in the way to
evacuate the ground , because , it was alleged
to bo the property of the Union Pacific road.
None of the occupautshowevcrlcft the place.
Accordingly about seven of them were
brought before Justice Wade , on
action for forcible entry and de
tention. One of the defendants showed
that ho had held the ground for over a year ,
and in his case , the complaint was dismissed ,
because such action must bo brought before
the expiration of a year. The suit will ,
therefore , have to be brought before the dis
trict court. Several of the other defendants
claimed that they had not had suflleient
notification , nnd their cases were
continued , while in n few , the
point of the company was sustained , evi
dence having been adduced that the ground
in quiutlon really the property of the
The interested occupants of the ground ,
however , claim the land does not belong to
that corporation , mid that they own it by
having been residents upon the same for
many years.
A liKi : reporter , however , Investigated the
matter this morning and found in conversa
tion with Uyron Heed , A. J , Popploton and
tlio division engineer of the Union Paclllo
that the company owned the right of way fern
n hundred feet along the west bank of
Cut Off lake nnd that the
track now laid was almost on the west line
of the same , leaving the balance of the road
way to extend toward and in many places
into the laku. This territory was purchased
from Uyron Reed , A. J. Poppleton , O. F.
Davis mid Herman Kount/o. The part
tin ough which the track is being straightened
is the western boundary of a tract compris
ing about , flfty acres , which is now covered
with Cut Off lake , and which was bought
from O. F. Davis for tMO un nno This
would seem to Indicate that thcro is no hope
for the residents on the shoie. of Cut Off liilto
CM ept to get out of the way of the line or
tuko n lease from the Union Pacillu.
Living Witnesses.
Abk anyone who has used Dr. Piorco's
Pleasant Purgative Pellets as to their
merits. They will tell yon that pimples ,
blotches and eruptions disappear ; that
constipation that breeder of disorders
is relieved ; that the appetite is
restored ; that the whole , system is reno
vated and roguluted bovontl any concep
tion by these little womW-workors. Bo-
ing1 purely vegetable , they are perfectly
harmlt'ss ; buinfj composed of concentra
ted , active ingredients , they uro power-
full Purffo and purify the bysUjtn and
disctibo will bo unknown. Of all drug
Patsy Kallon Scores Anotliur Triumph
In Pugilism ,
Patsy Fnllon , "tho king of sporting mon , "
the chief exponent of "tho manly art of self
defense , " the man who alms to put sporting
matters on their proper footing In Omaha
and raise thorn from the level of ordinary
humanity , has added another choice , Juicy
laurel to his already heavy wreath. It was
a woman he beat this tune. Ho knocked her
out. Not sclentillcally but brutally.
Hut it wa& a knock out Just the same.
The details are as follows : Fallen has
been quite familiar with a young , good-look
ing prostitute whom ho had taken to the
opcru and various places until he imagined
ho had a mortgaga on her. On Saturday
night she fell in with n young man , a banker
from an inland town , and was on a small
i Pfttis. MMaru lbi ? i ouuuru nxnu.
TjlUKNiBHBD roomK 8MS.Sad.
toar. In the course of tholr peregri
nations they wandered Into Hlgglns'
and were making things very merry when
Patsy doughty , bravo , manly Putsy en
tered. Ho squared himself and began oper
ations nt once without wailing for the call of
"tlmo. " London , Marquis of Qucensbury
and revised Police Giuetto rules were laid
aside , and Ihoso of the bull-dog , the most
brutal code known , wcro adopted. Ho
kicked her , knocked her down , beat her In n
shameful fashion , nnd when ho had con
cluded the worjnn was a mass of blood and
bruises. Agontloman who saw her a few
moments after the transaction sa < l the front
of her dross was completely soakca T.'iUi
blood , and that her face was In n horrible
condition. The youth from the country had
neither courage nor manhood enough to In
terpose , but Is reported to have said that
"woro It not for the notoriety ho would have
Fallen arrested. " Could his name bo ob
tained at this writing ho would have notor
iety enough. Hut ns the girl Is only n prostitute -
tituto her assailant will doubtless bo per
mitted to chuckle to himself over the great
In the combination , proportion and
preparation of its incrrodionts , Hood's
Sarsaparilla accomplishes cures whore
other preparations fail. Peculiar in its
peed naino at homo , which is a "tower
of strength abroad , " peculiar in the
phenomenal sales it has attained ,
llood's Sarsaparilla is the most success
ful medicine for purifying the blood ,
giving1 strength and creating an appe
City Council Proceedings.
The city council met last evening In special
session. Present President Lacy , in the
chair ; Aldermen Mctcalf , ICnephor , Weaver
and Waterman.
A communication from Mr. Taylor , of the
"Q , " was read. It proposes to raise the two
bridges of the company two fcot and leave
twenty feet of waterway In each case , and
that now bridges shall bo built when neces
sary. Heforrod to the committee on streets
and alloys nnd city engineer.
A petition for the continuation of Thirty-
third street from block 5 , In Urynut &
Clark's ' addition , to Hroadway , was referred.
A protest was read from two-thirds of the
property owners on Plainer street against
grading and improving that and Grace
street at present. Koferrcd to committee
of the whole.
A request for correction of assessment
ngains4. the personal property of M. M. Bradley -
loy for the years 1S34 and 1S8T , ns this per
sonal property was doubly assessed. Also
n statement of the county treasurer to Unit
effect. Granted. Ayes , Knepher , Weaver
and Watorman. Noes , Lacy and Met calf.
A petition for the opening of Thirty-third
street to Bfoadway was referred to commit
tee on streets and alloys.
T. S. Gregory states that in 1837 ho had
not $1,3)0 worth of goods , coffees , teas , spices ,
etc. ; that ho had not more than $500 worth ,
nnd asks for n change to the latter amount.
Laid on the table.
Request that the water standing at the
corner of Avenue C and Eighth street bo re
moved. Referred to street commissioner.
Petition of Hiaird Hlshton that Pacific avenue -
nuo bo completed to Hroadwuy. Referred.
The various petitions for remission of taxes
and changes in assessments were read and
ordered llled.
Property owners on Franklin avenue from
Beach street to Plainer street petition that
that street bo not paved or otherwise im
proved until Pierce street is improved. Re
ferred to committee of the whole.
The official bond of Arthur W. Stank as
special policeman without expense to the city
was approved.
The estimates were read on property val
ues in the condemnation open
ing a street from Graham aveiiuo to Fair-
mount park. The c are as follows : .lohnT.
Stewart , sjM.IO ; Hathaway , S' > 3 ; Charles
Keith , $ SO ; W.S. Cooper. $ . ' > 0 ; Charles Dodge ,
5 > " 0 ; .lames Keith , $50 ; C. E. Anderson , j5J.
Referred. Messrs. Dodge , Cooper and An
derson donate this amount and 550 ? each addi
A grading resolution was presented for im
proving Park avenue from Pomona street to
the north line of Fairmount and North
Second street to Avenue O. Ordered pub
lished , bids to be received until July 0.
By resolution Fifth avenue from Bluff
avcnuo to Glen avenue and the alloy in the
rear of the court house were ordered placed
to grade.
The matter of changing the cradc on Story
nnd Blult streets was roicrred to the com
mittee on streets nnd alloys.
Bids were received for furnishing names
of property owners. Pottawattamio County
Abstract and Loan company , 30u and "Uc ;
Union Abstract company , lie and lOe.
Four others were lead. All referred to
llnuncc committee.
Petition of properly owners on Bcnton
street for change of grade was granted on
report of committee. Same on petition of
owners on Seventh avenue from Bluff to
Glen avenue. Also grading Damon street ,
and paving alloy in rear of the courl house.
Committee on streets nnd alleys report
that petition of property owners on the loucr
part of the city for sidewalks bo granted
Received and concurcd in.
Strcot Commissioner Graham asked that
Baylcss park bo properly illuminated. Re
ferred to the lire and gas light committee to
confer with the Klectric Light company with
i oferenco to placing a single light at that
California CjU-K-Ciire.
The only guarantee cure for catarrh ,
cold in the head , hay fever , rose cold ,
catarrlml deafness and sore eyes. Ko-
htoro the soiiBO of laslo nnd unpleasant
breath , resulting from catarrh. Easy
and pleasant , to use , I * allow direction's
and a cure is warranted by all drug
gists. Send for circular to ABIKTINK
MKDICAL COMPANY , Orovillo , Cal.
Six months' treatment for 81 ; sent by
mail , $1.10 , For sale by Goodman
Drug Co.
Drink Malto , 2o contsnboltlo.
A Volcano in tlio Slreel. & " Vt
Residents of Capitol hill experienced
a novel .sonfcation roconlly , says the
AVahhlngton ( D. < , ' . ) Stars , and a bril-
liunt illumination at the ox pen so of the
gas company last night. A deep trench
had Ih'eii dug along the north side of
the railroad track on Pennsylvania , avenue -
onuo cwjt. At Fourth btrout u six-inch
gas main croe - > the excavation a few
foot below the surface. Some time Sal-
nrday niglil tlio bank caved in nnd
broke this gas main , Yoatorduy the air
for many bquarus around was charged
with gns , and many pot-eons in the
neighborhood mudo 'it an excuse for
spending the day in a lazy manner ,
claiming that the gas mudo them
drowsy. A little before dark
the wati'hmnn at the Fourth street
crossing lighted a lantern , hung
it up over the excavation nnd wont
uway.Vhilo ho was gone the gub
took lire and u roaring mass ot ilnmob
shot out of the oxciuation to a hoighth
of eight or ton fcot above the ground.
This continued until one hour after
dark , making a brilliant illumination.
Futile oilorts were made at Ural to
chock the llnmoa by carrying water in
a buukot from a neignboring pump.
Then a laborer wont to work bhovuling
dirt into the oxeuvation. Meanwhile
hundreds of people gathered around en
joying tlio fine sight and giving advice
to the laborer. Occasionally uomo one
would raise a "scare" by luggosling
thatun explosion was imminent , nnd
there would bo a general scuinpini'.ig
away from the hole. The srus worked
its way out tbrought the loose aarth
and made fifty jets ni&teud of ono ,
Finally the ( he deparlmout was called.
I , VJU&.c ; > ( UUJ.
PKUSONAI * It you have ( i personal
/-mnrnMnlcoHnn ilrnn It In nnn M Tno
\T < m'Y-toI ° anoahorAe . furnlturo. pljno * .
Jk > ll ml contracts , ami otherjpersoniir prop-
Cbiitinental Clothing House ,
To the "Wholesale and Retail Trade of the West. The opportunity of a lifetime for cash buy
ers throughout the west. Extraordinary closing sale. Unapproachable bargains to close
Hpmn.rt.rnevnt. . l l *
Our limited space prevents us mon
tlonlng but very few of the bargain lots
offered , but wo guarantee from now un
til July 4th , greater bargains in line
Romly-Mado Clothing , Furnishing
Goods , Hats and Caps , than wcro over
Iwjforo quoted by nny firm in the cloth
ing business in the west. No old goods
nluny prlco. The goods oflorod to you
at this sale nro all new , made up within
the last ninety days.
It will amply repay the expenses of a
trip to Omaha by any man , woman or
child wantingSlO worth of clothing.
As specimens of the different bargain
lots comprised in this lot , we mention a
few ns follows , with a guarantee that
the small number specially mentioned
nro no more attractive or desirable bar
gains than hundreds of others to bo
found in every department of our estab
lishment during this sale.
Lot 4187. On Monday wo will place on
our counters 400 plain black pure all
wool imported Whipcord Suits in full
weights , suitable for use in this climate
ton months of the year. These suits are
absoluloly now , fresh from the work
shop , anil never shown on our counters
boforo. Suits made up in the very lat
est style 4 button cutaway frock , which
wo offer in all sizes from 33 to 41. Wo
shall offer this frock suit at$15 per suit.
Wo have not another word to tmv about
this lot , excepting this , that we have
Hold precisely the same suit ever since
our store was opened for $22 , nnd never
less.Lot .1530. Wo offer 150 Mcns' Double
Breasted Sack Suits , regular sizes from
35 to 3-riof the celebrated Slater Flannel
all wool nnd guaranteed full indigo.
Goods mtulo by the celebrated Slater
Woolen Co. , \Vcbstor , Mass. Made
'andtrimmcd in llrst class manner nnd
perfect fitting. Wo offer this lot to
eloso nt the unheard of price of $0.60.
Remember this lot is all in double
breasted Suck Suits.
Lot 8650. We offer 100 suits , which
will positively bo tno last of this lot of
the celebrated Sawyer Woolen Co's
goodl of which wo have sold hundreds
during the last two months. Wo offer
100 of the neatest styles of these famous
goods to close at the remarkably low
price of $12. This suit is retailed by
every house in the country at $18. We
have never offered a bargain that has
given such universal satisfaction as this
suit. All sizes at the same price Sl2. !
Lot 3. Wo offer 500 pairs best fancy
Cassimero Pantaloons , goods that wore
made to sell for $7.50 and $8tills season.
Goods made by the Globe Woolen Co. ,
Rock Manufacturing Co. , Hockanum
Mill , Broadbrook Mills , and other man
ufacturers of equal reputation. They
are in regular sizes , and as nice styles
as wo have in our stock nt any price.'We
find that wo hove a surplus of these line
goods and wo do not wish to carry them
ever , and have consequently made the
uniform price of $5 per pair for the entire -
tire lino. Those goods are of the very
best workmanship , and equal to any $10
custom pantaloons. Price during this
closing sale will be $5.
In our Boys' nnd Children's depart
ment wo offer an EXTRAORDINARY
line of bargain , particularly in Short
Pnnl Suits. Our space will not permit
of our enumerating Iho different bar
gains in tills donartmcnt , however , wo
will mention ono , n lot of 250 Boys'
Sample suits of any of these lots will bo sent C. O D. with the privilege of examination to any address in Nebraska , JLovra
Colorado , Kansas , "Wyoming , Dakota and Montana.
Freeland5 Loomis & Co.
Corner Douglas and 15tli Sts. , Omaha , Nob.
argest Clothing House West of the Mississippi River , '
out and nt labt the fiery monster wus
overcome by throwing1 water on tlio
earth and packing the mud thus imulo
down into the excavation , completely
choking oil the gas.
Ilorsforils Aclil Phosphate
Kor SiniMtroki1.
It Relieves tlio li ostrntion anil Ner
vous Derangement.
lie Was Polite.
A northern man who recently re
turned from Texas , after living for some
months near General Albert Sidney
John&on's old plantation of China Grove ,
thirty miles from Houston , tells omo
aimibing stories of the railway service
in that portion of the Lone Star state ,
says an exchange. One road running
out of Houbton possessed one locomotive
and a single train of cars. The train
would go to Houston one day and then
would go to the other end of the line
the next day. The train would run oil'
the track occasionally , and then the
passengers would have to hoard with
the nearest planter for a few days , while
the cars wore lifted back on the rails.
There being but ono train of course col
lisions were out of the question. Tlio
conductor considered it a matter of only
ordinary politeness to stop tlio train
whenever a lady desired to gather a few
wild lloword along the way. Though he
aimed to be obliging , this conductor one
day got himself thoroughly disliked by
u lady who requested him to stop the
train all night at a small station , whore
she had some friends whom she wanted
to visit for a few hours before going on
to Houston. The conductor told her
that Iho train would wait long enough
to let her go and dine with her friend- ;
but , as it was already four hours behind
time , she would have to take all the
other passengers to dine vtith her in
order to keep them from making com
plaint to the superintendent of the road.
This proposition , however , was rejected
by the lady , who rode on to Houston ,
nursing her wrath.
Itshuperlorrxcollenco proven in millions of
liomu-i for wnto than n ( itiai ti""t a century 11
Isused by th L'nltiHl btnto Ou\irniiiuut. I'.n-
( liiripil liy tlioliftnU of tliujjiuut nuiri.iltU - as
Iho htii > i > K i + . purest and mt inaiihful. 1'r ' ,
I'llruiriuam flak ntf I'o\\il < u < l"i > not luntuin
ummonla , liiiidio ultini 8 < "d < ni \ lncini. ;
I'ltlti ; IIMv'INli I'UWUI.U CD.
Yoik , 1'hlcagM ' , St. I.uuU
Ilooin G3 Trader ' -
* ISulUlIng- ,
HcffrenccB-MetronoliUn National Hank
U , O Dun i Co. The llradstrcst Co.
A QUICK , permanent rur
FOR MEN ONLY/ lor toil or falllnir
manhood , orvou > ue ,
weakneu , unnatural IO J B. lack of streujlh ,
TiKor or rtevalonment. raut d by InJUcreuuu ,
xcevtei. etc. rafwjt// / book tint < i ilrJ ) fret ,
UBDICAL UO. . BUi' AJ.0 , N , T.
TKIfbnin his r I.IY and S
tout TS11FB.KI ) Axfay hit VZGOK of 1IO1 > Y ,
nrahiB upon Iho roUXTAIHB ot MFK.
HI K A DA THE , BACK At' HE , Prendltii
Dronms , WEAKNEHM of Memory. tl/VHU.
HOOIETY , Ji'llill'i.F.W upon
the FACK. and all the EI'FECTH lending to
EAHI.Y UKOAY Mid perhaps COMHl'MI' ' .
TIOX or INSANITY , should consult nt once
the EIKnilATKD Dr. ClarVe , Eslubllnhcd
1RS1. Cr Clarke ha made NKKVOUN 1 > E-
BII.ITY. CIIliOlVK ) and all Diseases of
the 49F.NITO IIItlNAHY Orcnnx o I.lfo
fl dy. It tnakui WO dllleroncB WHAT you
nvo tnkon or WHO hu fulled to euro you.
W-rEMA5iS suffering from dUuiiscapecu.
liar to their > ez can consult with the asiurnnco
of ipeedy relief and cure. Send 1 cents postage
for works on your diseases.
O-Dond 4 cents poetago for Cololi rated
Worjta on C'lirouie , NvrvouN and IH'll-
onto Diseases. Consultation , personal.'y or by
Witter , fro p. Consult the old Doctor.
VlioninndH cured. Oftlcr * nnd nnrlom
prlTnto. Kflhoio contemplating Marrlairo
tend for Dr. c'lnrhe'8 celobrafcd guldo
Mnlo and h'cmulo. each 16c. , both 2Ac ,
( stamra ) . Befora conUdlnn your cneu , consult
Dr. < 5l.ARKK. A friendly letter or call may
snvo futiiro suOerins and ahamc , and add golden
yoare to Ufo. s-Book " t.ltv'H ( Secret ) r.r-
ror , " 50o. ( stamps ) . Medicine and writings
sent ovciynhoro , secure from exposure.
noun , B to 8 : Sundnjrs. 9 to 12. Address ,
P. D. OLAAKB , M. D.
atx. ciuoaao. ILL.
MENT , a guaranteed specific for Hysturln , HI7Z1-
ness , Convulsions , Kits , Nervous Nuiii-algm ,
lleailnuie. Norvoua I'roatrntlon. caUHM liyl'ia
use of alcohol or tobacco.Vnkufnines < < , Muitnl
Depression , Boftcnlnj * of the Drain , resulting In
Jniaultv. anil Ipailln ? to misery , decoy and
death , I'rcinatnre Old Ace , Barrenness , I.osMof
J'ower In either Hex. Involuntary I.osias anil
Bpcrmntorhu-a paused l > y over-exertion of the
brnlii , Holf-abiiio or ovcr-lndulKenco. llnch box
contains ono month's treatment. $1,0) ) n box , or
BX | boxes for tt.OO. sent by mall prepaid on ra-
colpt of price ,
To euro any case. With each order received by
1:3 for HX | lioxos , accompanied with (1,00 , we
will send the purchaser our written ijuar.inteu
toiofundtlio money If the trcat.nunt do-inot
direct a euro Guarantees Issued only by P. F ,
(5OOOMAN. nrntrslat , Solo Ajont , 1110 1'arnam
Street. Omaha. Neb
S. K , FELTON & CO , ,
Water Works Contractors
And Maimfnrtuiers' Agents for
Of all descriptions.
Hydraulic Engines , Surveys. De
tail Plans and Specifications ,
Furnished on Short Notice.
Correspondence Solicited.
Office , Straus's ' Building , Fourth Floor ,
A party H < ) I > FO.eofor tlio Smith nrntAM'K ,
lTAIYtilUIYaiid othei iUlij < liiriil rusorts.
Mpj&BniEKra A Herond I'ari , for the
BUB VO S IIOI.Y IAM > , ( iiuicK. : :
II § S IB ! 'Jl' KiVTli : Ml.II.and
BaV * B a K tjiothlefconiitrleiaiiUcitloi
of Knrojio , sails same date. Send fur Circular.
E.TOURJEE , Franlilln Set. , Boston.
BvufTorlnvfrnM tli * tf *
\trclt cfjroulUIlM "
. . . j I nr , i-arly dixujo.t
J.iti * , . -uiii > alii tileirrallwiM-tedi
rotitAlnmr full particular ! fur huino cur * . ( ru ( .f (
'PROF. F/c ! FOWLER , Moodu * . Conn * ,
mOTltAnr.otrdr ftlo-AncqnUrot .mpln'l J
" .iT' . - ir.j j p'.riV. ? . . ! . ! 1" ' ! ? ' I fj" ? * "
Knco Print Suits , ombraclnrr. three dlf-
foront styles , which wo have mnrltod at
the oxtnummmrlly low prlco of 82.50 to
close. Sixes from 4 to 11 yonrs. Stand
for sample suit. You will l > o better
pleased with thorn thnn nnytntng wo
have shown you at this prlco boforb.
Lot i ll and 2830. 13ovs' Lotitf 1'nnt
Suits. Wo offer in this lot which om-
bracca two styles , Boys' strictly all
wool cassimord sack suits , coat , pants
mul vest , In dark and medium colors
for boys from 10 to 14 years of ago. This
suit was made to soil at 310 but wo wish
to reduce our stock of them immediately -
ly and offer them at this sale to close
for only $0 per suit. Every irarmont is
warranted strictly all wool now fresh
Roods. Hemombor the prlco $0.
In this department wo announce the
sale of 301) dosion Gents' Fancy Shirts.
This entire lot was manufactured ox-
prcssly for this season's trade , wo have
a larffo stock of them on hand and offer
them at 60 per cent less thnn the overage -
ago price to close them out. All now
oattoJns , most desirable- styles , fast
colors , perfect fitting1 and perfectly
made in every respect , regular prlc6ir
which were from $1 to 31.75. Thisontl
lot in all slyes from 14 to 10 and 1 nock
wo offer at 75 cents each. Order for half
do/.en lots no loss.
Parties at a distance ordering these
lots will please nivo us size of collar
worn and tnis is all that Is necessary in
order to get a perfect fit.
Men's Half IIoso 75 cents per pair. Wo
offer S50 dozen of Men's Fancy Half
IIoso at 75 cents per dozen to closo.
tiogular 81.50 goods to be sold only in
dozen lots at the remarkably low prlco
of 75 cents per dozen , in sizes from 0 to
For Medicinal and Family Use.
Bs Deatlt to Sure Cure for
SolJ Only In Bottles. For Quart Bottle.
For Salt t < / OreceH
For Sale
by Wlnt tterchaatt
Drugjlsts Eocrjuhere. Everywhere ,
Thl la to certify that I liivo examined the t&mplo of BELLE OF IJOOUDOS WHISKKY reeelred free '
Lawrence , Ostroin & Co , and found the same to bo i * > rfuctly frvo from Fund Oil and all other delt
fubstaucut and strtuly pure. 1 cheerfully roccmmend tku umo fur family and Mmllcinnl imrjmicj.
J. 1' . lUie < i-n. II. I ) . . AnalrUiJiI t tuuiilxt. Louuvlllo. U < r.
< .iHAC . > STOVK : liUOS. & < > . , A culs for Oinalia , Nob.
T gJKgyaa&mTCEEMa S iemaM
Electra-Magnetie Sells !
The Grandcsl Triumph ol Electric Science
Gentlemen' ! Belt StltnMt Scicntificn"y Made 2nd Practically Applied.
with Klectrie
S * I8 D Hu.'o you In tl. ria.V. rip ! , ltE < l or Limb. ,
, B&.Ka. NITTOU. OtMlllT. ( Lnernl 1) . Ullllr. Itheu-
mitUrn. lv r l , lA , Hplutlfu , Itljtuv * t.r Klrtucji , Hi.lnul Dlirntrt , Tcrnld Liver ,
Unul , Kxbauatlov , Ilrft-t l > l ni > e. DjipriiMa. < 7uK llpult < m , kr/tlp lrt
I poit ninety I , . 1) . ilcMlcnan , If U , Uultaio , N. V " Yuur bf-lth&iiaccomplUhuil what no nth rrnidr ba i
JiVtidr narrra and com to rta bio tKcpatniubt. " ItaLt. Uall , aUcnuan. JtO Kast JVlhitrixjl-.tlcf Xork
I anil tboufl&ndi ofnthert
priKiuooi K continuous currant ) roniojn i-lcbtrltlty Ihrou'ifh tfco'buiijTon tliuY.ii vV > " "it curoidl 6 o
J Ij Ktntiollnif icontinucniirufrmior tioc. city (1O ( or IVi hjurtuut of U-li throughout Ilio human uri -
, nd producl circulation of thu Ufo fon'oi tli * Mood , Ira
hi n nlfothcr troXt in n"t ; i iiVroliei"Ti. iii rlU it till icicn-
[ tnolicltnr lolnKri-cocniliniI nillnilot > Bltiy thoutitnd < tthom ltl. _ . - _ . _ . . . . .
M.fKHKKMJi. Anjr l. nk.eoiumorcUlutrenoT "r wholowlo Jiojeo InChlcixgO ! wnoluajo dnifruu |
3 n rrAncUcu i\u4 ( 'hlcagu. tiiTH&iKibtunprur 119 ptvo llluitratoil pamphlol. (
XD21L. "W. < V. XXOXUDVXO , liiventorfcud&liiiiuracturcir , JB1 Wabuh Artuno OMcMCO.
AHDTAKtHJOriltHStt iUNiTU-tC ON tVtRY BOX. „ . . . - TU N MA"
CHiCHtiTEHC'iiMiCAtn icumr.vmscNsg.PHiu.pA Vsrc
nnn .yy-aEDWRrrrtNTnTiupwAisMso/iitrBOM SWHOHfVEuic
Bed Bugs , Eoajhss , Ants , Fleas
Andanyoiierln ! c"tH1 ua
Infallible Insect Powder ,
- - A Isoccutiutts taken for clean-
Ins : hotsl * . nowlUIiianilprltttte rualituiicunfrom
vermin. K.ulsiuctlimiiurantixHl or uu tiuy
I'rln'-lnalOopot lltt South ritliHIreet. "
I.oitVlror iHM n > oir.e.loio < l | 'i .
rntluit llxllno "nil Kji.rllon l duor.
' ihUfr s'irs I" John f ) .lucobs. )
i Undertakers & Embalmers
At tliu uld dt.iucl , Ii/7 luiimm fit. Orders br
tcIeBraplii < i < liclt d nml promptly attended
Telethons to.No 2/
Aclvurtiilui ; hug nlwofa proven
succresfiil. Itcfora placlntrftsjr
Nun epaper Advortlslnir consiA
illttUTIKUg iU T ,
O u ( B iu..ik u.u CHICACO.
jjjiSgiijfflKjjjTiwI ji