THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , .JUNE 2(5 ( , 1888. HARRISON LEAPS THE NEWS Calm and Collected Amid an Army of Excited Friends. INDIANAPOLIS WILDLY HAPPY' business Given Wnjr to 1'nradcn , Deo- orntlons nnd llliiiiiinntloiiH The IIooHiorH Hnppy Over Tliolr FllVOfitC'H SllOOOHM. \ At tlio Homo of'ttic Nominee. r iNHiiVAPoua , Intl. , Juno 2 , ' . A few mln- tiles after 1 o'clock , when It became ap parent , ns roll call advanced , thnt General linrnson'ft nomination wns probable , excite- > ihcnt In the streets became intense. When Tennessee made his nomination certain tro- tncndous cheers broke forth and the crowds Itl the bulletin boards became frantic. They In ml c n rush for Harrison's law oftlco In 'Mnrket ' street , shouting and waving hats , tiuibiclins nnd canes ns they went. In nn incredibly short npaco of time the broad etrcet was packed with thousands ' 6f excited , cheering men , many of whom rushed into Harrison's oftlce , crowding around him and cheering. themselves hoarse. The halls and rooms Vorc packed , nnd in front of the building were many people waving lings , lints , cunos and handkerchiefs. A continuous stream of people passed around the general as ha stood In the center of the room. ICach man gave him n hearty shako of the hand , but many were too excited to give nny expression of Kiolr feelings. Quito n number of General Harrison's per sonal friends had been nt his otllco during the day , but ho wus apparently the coolest per- Bon present , opening nnd reading dispatches and announcing vhcir contents In the calmest planner Dosslblo. When it became known on the eighth ballot that his nomination was an fissured fact those in the room began to Kl.ow great excitement , nnd when the fact of [ ils nomination was announced they rushed nroutul him with congratulations. Even then Harrison wus cool and collected , shaking every hand that was offered und giving n pleasant word to each. In less than flvo minutes the halls were filled with a cheering crowd und the street With n dense mass of people. Amid tumultuous Applause General Harrison appeared at the front wlndowbowlug nnd waving his thanks to the crowd. The pressure of people In the pQlco became so great that ho was conducted Into an adjoining room , whuro ho wns foiced dgain to appear on the balcony in response to the calls of the people. While the cheorim ; continued General Harrison's carriage diovo up Some friends accompanied him down ptalrs , the crowd fell back and ho stopped Into his carriage and was driven nway to his resilience amid tremendous cheering. As General Harrison left his office to take Ills carriage and drlvo homo ho looked somc- Ivluit pale from the momentary excitement. but his manner was cool und collected , Tlio crowd was anxious to haul his carriage. ( Thousands shouted : "Take the horses out , " find a movement was made to do this , but ( ricnds Interfered , the colored driver touched the horses with Ins whip and in a few min utes the general was whirling on his way homo. lie had hardly reached his hand- bomo residence in the northern part of the City before people began to Hock thither In great numbers , and the house nnd front yard wore soon llllod with u crowded mass Of men , women nnd children , all anxious to congratulate the candidate. 1 In u few minutes congratulatory telegrams begun to reach the general from prominent tncn from all ports of the country , including Bomo of the late candidates before the con vention , many delegates , senators and rep resentatives , leading politicians , representa tive republicans and personal friends. A few Of these were us follows : Accept my sincere congratulations upon R'our victory fairly won. [ Signed. ] R. A. Atonn. Congratulations real nnd hcartv. [ Signed. | O. H. Pr.ATT. Accept hearty congratulations. Maine ' \vill ratify tiio nomination in September. [ Signed. ! , J. H. MAM.KY. Wisconsin , standing firm in the line of reg ular htates , hails you us its tituudurd bearer , inscribed with protection to American labor , b free ballot and an honest count and justice lor Ireland , will bo berne forward to victory Us suiely and as grandly us the Hag of our country wus borne by the hobts of Sherman io the sea , [ Signed. ] J. M. UUSK. Mj Congratulations. The close states of Indiana und Now York will determine the contest. contest.Signed [ ] W. S. CAI > CI.LAII , Chairman Ohio State Committee. While hundreds of people were constantly caving the general's residence other bun- irodu continued to arrive , and the house and ; rounds were crowded all afternoon. Among , ho delegations that called \ \ us one or two inndrcd voters from Hcndiicks county , loaded by State Senators Campbell and rlogun , who came In on n special truin to ; oiiKratuluto the general and urge him to nt- .end u meeting of republicans who voted for Fremont In 1850 , which Is to bo held at Danville ini the 2&th hist. General Fremont himself is fexpoctod to bo present , and General Hurri- fcon promised to attend. In receiving the Delegation , ho said : "Gentlemen , I am very much obliged to ny Hendricks county friends for this visit. 'ho trouble you liavo taken to ninko this call ' )0'soon ) after Information of the icsult 'cached you induces mo to u word or two , , houvh you will not , of course , expect any 'efercnco to politics or any extended oforenco to the result nt Chicago. 1 very ilghly appreciate the wise , discreet lud affectionate Interest which our dclega- ton nnd the people of Indiana have displayed ( i tlio cuuviihs which has just closed at Clil- : ago. I accept your visit to-day us an ex- irc-bsion of your confidence and leaped and thank you for It. " Whllo these scones were transpiring nt Iiirrlsou's residence far moro exciting ones vero being unacted down town. From the line it became known that General Harrison , vas iioiulnatcd it is hardly exngerat ing to my tlio city went wild. Its business was not u i > cmlcd , but it might us well have > oen. A piece of artillery was hurried o the Circle , when n salute was ( ireil , Thousands of men and boys with horns uldcd to the din. Processions mulched in arlouti dlicctloiiH , witn 541 , the number of lunisoii's ' votes on the eighth ballot , written u chalk on ciach man's b.ick. HnndrudH of mllduigs weio gaily decorated with llagii uUl Harrison's pictures. A variety of IKW : ampalgn badges suddenly made their up- > aininco : nnd wore eagerly purchased > y the crowd , A number of iicn and bovb drove a big trade in Harrison ( lUtures. Wujjons , open carriage ! * und tully- { 19 com lien lailen with enthusiastic shouters paraded the streets. The excitement wus general and the on- thuiijsm contagious. A number of railroads Jiuvo oidcred excursion trains run to the pity to-morrow , ns people in ull purls of the plat" are anxious to coma and congratulate luu rundlduto. Arrangements art ) making for General Harrison to hold u reception at pnu of tjto lending hotels. Lut r In the afternoon u delegation from Plat n Hold , Heminck's county , called nt the gem lul'n homo and were uddioj&cd by him Cs "Ucntlcmcn , I sincerely thunkyou for this Ovuience of friendliness. That bo many of uy Hendrlek'a county friends should mvo reached Indianapolis so > eon ufter icaring the result ntChicugo U very grati- 'ying. The people of your county nave always given uio their most hearty sup- vort whenever 1 have appealed to them for mppoit. I have n most affectionate interest n your country and its peonlo esjicciully bo- zausu of the fact that it I'uniislu d two com- tuiiios of the regiment which 1 took into the lolil , Some of the best and most loyal of heso soldiers guvu their lives for their country in battlo. Those Incidents have attached mo to the country , nnd I trust I liavo yet. oven hero among this group , some Df my irlcndb of the Seventieth Indiana sur viving who will always bo glad to extend to tno us I to thorn u comrade's bund , I thank Jyou for this call , " In the evening a meeting was hold tit the criminal court rooms , at tlio adjournment of [ which a crow d , about six thousand strong tmm hod to the general's ' residence nnd culled for him. Ho appeared und said : " 7s"tKhbora und friends , 1 am profoundly pen L < il < of the kindness which you evidence to-iutl.t ; in gathering in such Jargo numbers to extend to mo four congratulation on the rc ult & \ i Chicago , It would be altogether Inappropri ate that I should say anything of n partisan character , Many of my nolchborn who differ with mo politically have kindly extended to me ns citizen ? of Indianapolis their congratu lations over this event. Such congratula tions , ns well ns these of my neighbors who sympathize with mo In my political beliefs , are exceedingly gratifying. I have been n long titno n resident of Iniliannpo- Us , over thirty years. Many who nro hero before mo have been with me during nil thcso years , cltl/ens of this great nnd growing capital of this mugnlilccnt state. Wo have seen the development and growth of this city. Wo uro proud of its nosltlon to day , nnd wo look forward In the future to n development which slinll far outstrip that which the years behind us have told. I thank you sincerely for this evidence that the < o who have known mo well nnd long give tno still their confidence and respect. Kings sometimes bestow decorations upon those whom they dc.slro to honor , but that man is most , highly decorated who has the affec tionate regard of his neighbors nnd frionds. I will only ngnin thank you most cordially for this demonstration of regard. I shall bo glad from time to time , ns onportunlly offers , to meet } ou nil personally , nnd icgict that to-night this crowd is so great that it will bo Impossible for mo to take each one of you by the hand ; but wo will bo hero to gether , nnd my house will open Its dnori gladly in nny of you when you may desire to sco me. " The excitement continued Ull Into nt night , street parades , bands of music mid noisy crowds of pcoplo being the chief features. Many buildings wcro illuminated , nnd banners nnd transparencies were sup plemented by the inevitable ear-splitting horns. A meeting of citizens was held , nnd committees wore appointed to nrrnnge for the reception of visitors to-morrow , and also for a ratification meeting to-morrow night In the largest public hall in the cltv. Hun dreds of telegrams were received during the evening , showing nn unprecedented enthu siasm. THE lUjAINIAC SCHKMU. The rinn Knocked Out Ily tlio Second CnlilKgrntn , CincAno , Juno 25. Chairman Cooper , of the Pennsylvania state committee , who lias ull the time during the convention opposed Senator Avery In his efforts to nominate Sen ator Sherman , to-night gave some interesting inside views of the Ulaitio movement , nnd says thnt Inst night the Hlnlno men had as surances of 000 votes In the convention and the plan to nominate Hlnlno to-day was fully arranged. At that time the managers of the Hlalno movement had received the llrst of the cablegrams which were read in the con vention to-day. It was decided to nominate Diaino notwithstanding this dispatch. This morning another conference was hold , and It wns definitely decided to force the nomination of Hlnlno on the fourth ballot to-day. This agreement was reached upon Coopor's own motion. It was also agreed that If this plan Buccocded , of which the managers had no doubt , to have the conven tion adjourn and nwnlt n reply from Hlnino. Hut before the convention met the second dispatch from Hlaino was received and the scheme abandoned. It wns agreed to throw the Hlaino vote to Harrison , which was done and resulted in his nomination. "BOWS TO THE VIC11DICT. " The Chicago Tribune Will Support Harrison Reservedly. CHICAGO , juno 23. Tlio Tribune tomorrow row morning will say : "It would bo sheer hypocrisy on the part of the Tribune to pretend tend that it thinks the convention placed in nomination the strongest candidate , for its readers would not believe such an opinion sincere. What hns boon done is beyond recall , direction or chnngo. There is nothing left for straight party men who had different first choices but to make the best of Jt by supporting the nominee. The can didate himself will be found to possess much to admire. Ho has belonged to the republi can partj' since its organization nnd been true to its fundamental principles. He has voted its ticket , represented it in the senate and risked his life on the battlefield in defense of its principles. Ho is n man of clean character , highest conduct , correct morals , und Intellectually an abler man than his competitor for the presidency. The dele gated rcniesentativcs of the party having selected General Harrison , the Tribune bows to the verdict of the convention nnd will give such support to the nominee as his record bhall justify. Further than this an honest party journal is not bound to go. " THIS I-'lllST CIjUIJ. A HcpubUcnii Hal mention To-iilcht at the .Millard. Tins evening there will bo n grand ratifi cation meeting by the republicans of this city hold nt the Millard hotel , corner of Thir teenth and Douglas streets , ntfe o'clock. At it will bo organized the first Harrison club in the United States. There will bo present a number of excellent orators who will make short speeches on the occasion , the candi dates , the platform and the glorious chances which the party has for success in this cam paign. This demonstration is made in ro spouse to a number of appeals from leading republicans in the city and , in attendance upon it , will bo the Nebraska contingent now in Chicago. To add to the occasion , Walt Secloy was telegraphed as follows , by Major Chirkson and several other prominent republicans : "Send nil the Hags immediately to us. Going to organi/u the Hist Harrison club , in the United States , to-morrow ( Tuesday ) nluht , Koekots , torches , tircworks , etc. " These tiojihios will reach hero to-morrow evening and will bo used to decorate the rotunda ot the Millard , where the gnthciing will take plac-o. Every republican Is invited to attend. The guthcrlnjj will bo un im- incnso one. Democratic Clubs. This afternoon nt - o'clock there will bo a convention of democratic clubs from nil paits of the state , the Intention being to organize a state league. The meeting will bo hold in Exposition hull. Each club will also select delegates to the national convention of dome eratie clubs which Is to bo bold in Haltimore , beginning on thu Fourth of July. The rep resentation of clubs In tha latter is ns fol lows : Five delegates for clubs of 100 mem bers or less ; seven for of 101 to UOO ; nmo for clubs of overiX ! ) ) . A Slstor oftho Nominee. OITTMWA , Iowa , Juno 23. The nomination of Huriison nnd Moiton was received herewith with gi eat enthusiasm und u halutu of onu hundred guns wus llred by the operatives of the Ottnmwa Iron works. Pouglilan's drum corps was called out and hundreds of our citl/ciiB formed In line nnd marched to the residence of Mrs , Thomas Dovlno , n sister - tor of Gonerul Harrison , where congratula tions were oxU-'iuled by the crowd to Mrs. Dovine. . The streets nro full of people rati fying the nomination , CiilU'orniii ItiitlfyliiK. SAN FHAXCJSUO , Juno iio. General Hard- eon's nomination is received by republicans hero with satisfaction nnd by many most prominent mombois of the pnity with ex pressions of marked enthusiasm. Althougl Harrison was not their llrbt choice for president they nevertheless look upon him us ono of tlio aiilest oxpon cuts of the principles of the republican party , and uro willing to accept him ns their lender , A procession of nil the local clubs it the city took place to-night amid thu ilring o cannon nnd a dUplay of fireworks. A mass meeting gheld at Mechanic's ' pavillion wns adjrecbeii by some of the most piommen speakers in the city and the state. . Thi Harrison Datum. Dick liorhn enjoys the distinction of being the first Omaha man to don the Harrison button. Ho put it on In Chicago last Sunday on the sticngth of the indications in favor of the Indiana candidate. Ho thinks ho is the only man at the convention wholuul the cour ugo to wear the button before the nonunutloi actually took place , but as there were sevora other icpubllcans there ut the time , ho Isn' cei tain about this. The button is ot bronzu about us largo as a five cent piece and bean tno legend "Protccliou to American Labpr.1 Are .vou weak tfud weary , ovenvorlcei ahd tired ? Hood's Siirsniiarilla is jus the ineilii'inb to purify your blood and ' glvo joustrenjth. IN SOLID PHALANX FORMED , Republicans at Woshlneton Unaii- im ouely Eudoreo the Ticket. CANDIDATES CLEAN AND STRONG Slicrmnn , Allison ntul Ollirr Lenders Spcnk In the Jllulicfll TorniH of Harrison Tlio 1'nolllo Const Is KnCc. nt the Cnp'lnl . WASHIJUITOX Urnnir TUB OMAHA .1.v line , ) filO Fofr.Tr.iiXTii STiiiim ! : , \ WASIIIXOTO.V , 13. C. , Juno 25. | There is n great , and universal satisfaction in Washington to-night over the nomination of General Hen Harrison of Indiana nnd Levi [ ' . Morton of Now York to bo president and vice president of the United Sinter. The so- .cctlon of Gcnnral Harrison mndo it natural that Mr. Morton should hnvo the second lilaco on the ticket. It Is understood Unit this was arranpod at tlio tiino New York wheeled Into line for the Indiana fnvorllo. Morton , it Is conceded udds grout st length to the ticket. A grand sccno was presented In the liouso of representatives when the selection of Gen- cinl Harrison was announced. Tnero were ibout sovcnty-llvo republicans In their seats and lounging about tlio cloak rooms when .ho bulletin announcing the nomination of jencral Harrison was received. Instantly Lhoro was a. rush on tlio lloor and every re- inbllcan member took from his desk a hand- torchlcf In the shape of the American Hug , nnd springing ujmn their desks they waved ho stars and strikes over their icnds nnd yelled HUe mad , It was n perfect din. The pcoplo n the galleries flaunted their handkerchiefs and Joined the Hood of voices on the lloor. [ Business was suspended for fully three min- itcs mid when the cheering on the floor died out it was taken up in the corridors , wafted over to the senate nnd out on the streets. The > onpla about the bulletin boards throughout ho city were thrown into the wildest excito- nent. About 0 o'ulock members of the National Republican league planted cannon on ho Whlto lot immediately south of the exec utive mansion and llrcd thirty-nine guns , ono 'or every state In the union , including the tate of Dakota. All of tlio gentlemen in Washington whoso immos were presented to he convention for the nomination heartily endorse the woric of the convention and pro- lict success. Senator Sherman was greatly disappointed ) ut ho was soon Jhlmself nnd declared the lomlnatlon to bo first class nnd predicted success. Ho will give every support ho can 0 the ticket. Senator Allison shows himself to bo the ; oed and true man and loyal lopubllcnu that have always told THIS BEE renders ho was. iVhen I saw htm just after tlio announcement nont that Harrison was the nominee , ic said : "Harrison is a grand , rood , able man nnd his nomination s extremely and peculiarly strong. I am glad that our state voted for him nnd I nm uro our people will join uio in helping to > ring about success. " General Hawley is very much pleased over ho nomination and is delighted with the act Unit Connecticut was early wheeled into Ino and joined the solid phalanx of doubtful states to bring about the nomination. Ho says that it is especially slgnlllcaut that nil of the doubtful states were the first to pro claim for Harrison. He holds that this makes it obligatory upon them to turn in heir electoral votes for the republican nom- nccs. I have interviews in my hand to-night with every prominent republican in Washington , aggregating over ono hundred and fifty , and 'rom them I send Tins' Bin those touching : ho salient points involved in the nomina tions. I llrst present Senator Ingalls nnd then members from the Puciilo slope , who have forever quieted what there may be said of General Harrison's soundness on the Chi nese question. Senator Ingalls , president pro tcmporo of the senate , t > aid : " 1 prefer not to make nny observations at this time. It's too curly nnd 1 have nothing matured in my mind. " Harrison and Morton , Harrison a'ld Mor ton , " repeated the senator , "that sounds ounhonius. I will liavo something to say and will try to make it to the point so that it will havu a tendency to do tlio ticket some good If I can do the ticket some good later. " "In viewof the letter which you wrote nnd which has been so widely published it might seem significant if you should have nothing to say about tlio nomination , " suggested Tin : BKH correspondent. "Oh , I think not and hope not , " said the senator. "As I have said , it is too early now to gather forcible conclusions. With refer ence to that letter I have only to say that it was the most villainous thing to publish it that I can imagine. I wrote it as u private note to n friend out in Illinois nnd he has tele graphed me that ho did not give it out lor publication , but that It was stolen from him by nn enterprising newspaper icporter. It's a deplorable thing to have such rascals in the newspaper profession , because It embarrasses all honorable men in it. I don't think that letter was especially significant ono way or another. I am sure that 1 did not intend Unit it should over bo seen except b.v the gentle man to whom it was addressed. I nm equally sure that ho did not intend that it should be come a publitt document. I wioto that letter us ono Iriend would write to ono of his most intimate acquaintances , nnd did not hesitate to express myself upon the impulse without nny second thought and without the least suggestion that any other mail than the one to whom It wns addressed would BOO it. Senator Paddock of Nebraska said : "Ho is a good one. He Is a man of ability and a man of high character. He is u good pro tectionist and n good lepublican in every way and I have no doubt of his carrying In diana. It is an excellent selection.1 Messrs Mitchell ami Dolph , the two Sena tors ftoin Oicgon , nro the bet > t authority on General Hanison's Chlncso record to hu found in Washington. Senator Mitchell said : "Tho nomination of General Harrison , to my mind , was the best i > osslble solution of the problem presented to the convention , I am pleased beyond measure. I know the people of the Pacific slope will bo , Tlio fact that California wheeled solidly in line , and was followed by Oregon , for Hmrison is prima facie evidence that the charges against him on the Chinese question were not only satis factorily explained but disproved. They would never have voted for him had they not been convinced that Harrison's Chinese record was not porfoctablo. I leinombiir very well to have talked to General Harrison at the time ho voted on the two anti-Cliincsa meas ures and ho stated to mo that both of his \ otcs were cast against the proposition ! ) be cause they were in direct conllict with exist ing ticatios and would never htond the lest , they would bo subjected to in the courts. Ono of the bills was vetoed by President Arthur upon the ground taken by Mr Harri son. There is no question in m.\ mind but that Harmon will muko u good nice. He will be elected. Ho will curry the Pacllio Mope , Indiana. Now sforlt mid the doubtful New Knslund states. Morton is a splendid scc- om. " Senator Dolph said : "If Harrison carries Indiana , n * he undoubtedly will , ho will bo our next president. Ho is Btiong and clean and will niulco us good a president us the country has ever had. As to his Chinese record I know nothing in it that will bo ob jectionable to the people on the Pacillo slopo. The ( Juiueso question is not lib Important in Oregon as it once was. It hus been buttled , for the present nt least , in a way that pleases the people tlieie. Harrison niuy have vetted against one or two anti-Chinese measures but I know that lie hus satisfactorily ex plained why he did so I may add that there uro as good men us ever pecupied | wstion& ! in public lifi ) who havn not at all times looked at the Cfiinoyo question just as we on the Pacjtlc ; coast , " Mr. Morrow of California said "It is a mhgnlflcentiiomiuatlori. on n un i-x collent man whosa military rod will cat ry the boldierb1 vote with Iwn. As to bi < Chit- ese record ho has voted with tis on every thing subsequent to the ratification of the treaty. I have mndo nn examination nnd I uii satisfied Hint ho can carry the Pacific slope on the Chlncso question. " Mr. McICcnna of California said : "I hon estly think ho is the strongest candidate wo coulrt have nominated. Ho has nn absolutely clear record everywhere on the Pacific slope. The California delegates are representa tive men. They were satisfied with his Chinese record , and that would indicate their belief that ho could carry the const , and in this belief I heartily coincide. I have not the slightest doubt on the subject. " General Urowno of Indiana said : "Tho nomination of Harrison will bo received with enthusiasm in Indiana , nnd wo will have a repetition WflHo campaign of 1S-10. Ho Is known to beti cUVm man In his public nnd private life. 3'horo is no flaw In his armor. Intcllectunllynho is the peer of nny innn in the nation , , , Vvilh Porter for gov ernor , republican success Is nssurcd. I have talked since the nomination with all the republican representatives now here , and all express the opinion that his nomination wa.s a happy solution of the presidential question. " General Hovoy of Indiana said : "General Harrison hns been plural on n soldier's plat form adopted by the Chicago convention with the soldier vote. He cannot fail to swoop the state In the coming election. " Representative White , of tno fort Wuyno district , said : "I consider it the best poli tical move that the convention could have made. It makes sure of Indiana for several reasons , nnd one most important reason Is this , thnt the democrats hnvo undoubtedly slighted Indiana nnd thnt makes it nil the more certain thnt Urn nomination of Harrison risen will secure it to the republican party. " Mr. Cheadlo of Indiana said : "Tho nomi nation of Harrison Is , In my Judgment , a most fortunate ono. It secures beyond question the electoral vote of Indiana for the repub lican ticket next November nnd will enable the full republican vote of Now York to bo polled for our ticket , and when this ticket Is done the electoral vote of the Empire state will bo republican , An intimate personal friend ship of almost twenty-Hvo years hns enabled mo to form an accurate estimate of his char acter nnd ability nnd I do not in the least disparage nny of his competitors when I say thnt In all the elements of the truly typical American ho stands without n rival. Ho is the greatest lawyer Indiana over produced. Ho is a life-time republican of whignntccc- deiitsthoroughly grounded In the faith of an American industrial policy. XEII1USKA MKASUlim IX COXOIIKSS. The house committee on commerce has made favorable reports on the bills making Lincoln , Neb. , n part of entry and delivery , and authoring the construction of a bridge across the Missouri nt Plattsmouth. PKHIIY S. HUATR. The National Tlckotllcart ily indorsed Over the Stnte. Lixcoi.xNcb.Juno 23. [ Special Telegram to Tim Bin. : ] The nomination of Senator Hen Harrison was received with good feeling In this city to-day. General Harrison ad- drcsBOd the republican clubs in this city n few weeks ago ; ho madco n number of friends and the personal acquaintances thus formed have caused more than the usual in terest in his candidacy. These are no repub licans in Lincoln , but that will give a hearty support to the candidates. Among these who are especially jubilant are a number of Indi ana men located here , and none feel more enthusiastic than Horir , A. W. Scott. Mr. Scott was n member of tlio legislature two years ago when Harrison was defeated for ro-clcctlon by Turplp nnd his democrntle ma jority of one. In thnt long and memorable light Mr. Scott was a staunch supporter of Mr. Harrison. At Fremont. FBEMOKT , Nob. , Jjino 25. [ Special Tele gram to THIS BI'.E. ] The republicans of Fre mont held a grand ratification meeting to night thirty minutes after the nomination of Morton was known. A cornet band wus se cured , and while it played n great crowd gathered. The mooting was hold on the Tribune corner nnd the streets in every di rection were n sea of faces. H. G. Trnlcott , J. E. Prick. Uoss L. Hnmmona nnd C. D. Marr made vigorous and enthusiastic speeches. The ticket creates great enthu siasm among Fremont republicans. At Gordon. Gonnox , Neb. , Juno 33. [ Special Telo- gr.un to Tin : iiic. ] The choice of the Chicago cage convention meets with universal satis faction at the hands of republicans in this portion of Nebraska. Preparations nro be ing made for n grand ratification at this point on Satuiduy next. At Columbus. COI.UMIU , Neb. , June 25 [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Br.c. ] The nomination of Harrison risen and Morton wns ratified this evening in front of the public square by 2,000 enthu siastic citi cris. Housing speeches were made by L. Gerrard , J. M. MncFarland , S. S. McAllister and others. Honfires are burnIng - Ing , bands are plnymg , fireworks nro being displayed , and the city is wild with excite ment. _ At Pni > llllnn. PA.riLi.ioN , Nob. , Juno 25 [ Special Tele gram to THK DISK. ] A grand demonstration was bold here this evening in honor of the nomination of Harrison and Morton. S | > eecncs were made , canons fired nnd n largo ban lire illuminated the streets. The repub licans are alive to the issues and will roll up a Dig majority for the republican nominees. Howard Nob. , Juno 2. . [ Special Tele gram to Tin : HII : : . ] The nomination of Harrison risen was received with much enthusiasm , and immediately ratified by a largo proeos- Hion am ) great cheering , with Hags and bunt ing flying. The party is united , und a seed feeling pi cvails. * AN OMAH AUIChATlVK. How tlio No\vn AViiH Itouulvcd nt Gov ernor Saiinilcr * ' Hi'HldencK , Mrs. H. H , Harrison , wife of the son of the republican choice for the presidency , with her little baby , Is nt present in the city , the guest of her mother , Mrs. Sounders , the wife of the ox-governorandex-senatorof the state , nt No , 1505 Sherman nvcnuo. The handsome residence was visited last night , by n HIE : ropoiter , who wns received with hospitality , by tlio nmlublo wife of the ex-governor. "Wo all think in this household , " said Mrs. S min ders , "that Senator Hsrrlson is u good man and should bo elected. " Huing invited into the reception room the repoitcr wus formally Intioduccd to Mrs. Harrison , uho ussuied him that HIO was proud over the icsult of the convention , and moro BO over the number of congmtulutory dispatches that hud been received during the day. Among the number were ono from her hus band In Montana , congratulating herself und their lovely little uaby , nnd one from Mrs. H. Park , of Buffalo , N. Yt "The telegram notifying us of the romina- tlon of the senator , " broku in Mrs. S lunucrs , "rumo too Into to bo of any cheerfulness , for wo know of the noimnUtion lung buforo It reached us. Wo heard of it over the tele phone before the tologiiun i cached us " "Who was that tolugium fi urn I" broke In the reporter. ' "From the governor , nnd ho simply said thnt General Harmoa WUH nominated. The boy hurried to our homo with all iiossiblo speed. I gave the 'littlo follow u pruo that will inuku him remember the nomination of Mr HarrUon " Continuing , Mrs. Saunders iud : "Tho telephone in our housu has been ringing all day long with congratulatory messages. Mr , Holbrook was the llrnt to notify us of Mr. Harrison's nomination , nnd felt awfully good over the result. Ho was quickly followed b.v City Clerk Southard und Mr. Drake , of the Merchant's Natioiml bunk. Soon after our nclshbors cumo flocking in , mid wo gludfully iccoivod their congratula tions. " "I'm not nutting rapself before the coun try as a political ptophet , " baid Mrs , Sauil- dcrs us the reporter tookJns departure , "but I think the republicans have nominated the winning ticket this time " During all the visit of tlio rcpoitor Mrs. Harrison spoke but vei v lUtle on the possible result , an ! remained silent oxcc.Hlitn . ad dressed hho ih u verhim.Urmo itvJy , an.d in i'1'vitly ndnurcd by ui'vxMvho ' 1 uve the pleasure of her acquaintance. mim Burlington c.B.sqnn The Burlington takes the lead. It was In advance of all lines in developing Nebraska. It was in advance of all lines in establishing dining-car service between Missouri river points and Chicago. It was in advance of all lines in giving the people of Omaha and the West a fast mail service. It was in advance of all lines in running its trains from the East into Omaha propsr. It was in advance of all lines in reducing the time of passenger trains between Omaha and Chicago. It was in advance , and is the only line by which you can feave Omaha in the morning and arrive in Denver the evening of the same day. It has been progressive in the past. It will load in the future. , * Travel and ship via the Burlington. Ticket Office , I223 Farnam Street. Telephone 250. Depot on Tenth Street. Burlington ROllfB FOR SAILORS AND SOLDIERS , Programme of the Dedication Exor cises at Grand Island. A MONUMENT TO PATRIOTISM. After Ills llunnwny Daughter Mr0. Lormor Returns to Her Domestic Duties Commencement at Cen tral City State News. A Grnml Dedication. GntND ISLAND , Juno 23. [ Special to THE BUG. ] The main bulldhiR of the Ne braska soldiers' and sailors' homo is nt last completed. It Is a beautiful three-story building tnado of pressed brick , stone and iron , built in the shape of nn old fortsltuated on 5IO acres of the most fertile land in Ne braska , about one mile from the city , nt the end of the West Lawn street car line , com manding a beautiful view of Grand Island , nnd is furnished with all modern Improve ments und conveniences , such as electric light , electric call bells , steam beat , cold and hot water , etc. It has a line library and an excellent labratory fully equipped. Apart ments have been set apart for the widows. They have also separate dinlnp rooms , recep tion rooms , etc. Tills excellent home for the old veterans , their wives and widows , has been fitted up at an expense of about $ )0,000. Wednesday , Juno 23 , has been set npaitns the day for the dedication of this beautiful home. According to the programme Mayor 1'latt issued the following proclamation. Giuxn ISLAND , .lunoSI , 18S3. Whorens , Wednesday , Juno 2" , IbbS , has been chosen M the day to dedicate the sol diers' homo of Grand Island , and Whereas , This beautiful homo has been erected for the purpose and boncllt of old soldiers and their families , nothing would bo moro lilting than that the people regardless of weather , rank or station turn out en masse to assist in the ceremonies nnd to dec orate the buildings , residences , grounds , streets and avenues of the city. . Therefore I most respectfully request that the dny bo recognized by the citizens of this city as n day of thanks and celebrated by rais ing nil Hags , bunting nnd decorations that can bo obtained , and to close nil places of business during the hours of the celebration and ceremonies of this event. That his excellency , Governor Tbaycr , and his stall and tlio btato oflieers will bo pieaont , I therefore desire that wo show duo honor to these Individuals by meeting them in u body at tlio depot. In behalf of this city I do sincerely hope and trust that the citizens will attend to this mutter with energy so us to makj it a grand success. W. II. 1'J.vrrn , Mayor. At a meeting of the board of trade O. Jj. Ilowell was appointed marshal , and Hon. S. N. Wolbach president of the day ; Hon. Charles lilof , Juines Kwing , John L. Meuns , O. A. Abbott , T. O. O. Harmon , J. I ) . Moore , Georso F. Galdwoll , vice presidents ; George Williams , chaplain. A reception committee , consisting of Hon. S. N.Wolb.icli , W. H. Plait , G. V. II. Williams and twenty other prominent citizens , was also appointed to see that all guests were cared for. The following programme will bo can-led out : Music , Gcrmunlii Hand 1'ruyer Clmplnm Geo.Villltiuis Address , \Vnlcomo Mayor W. II. Platt ( Gov. .Ino. M. Thujer Ucsponscs -MuJ. { H. U. Uusbell ( Hon. Geo. 10. Uorsey Vocal Music Selected Choir j Mai. Hendersliot , the Drum Solo < drummer boy oftho ( Huppahunnock. Dedicatory Addresses dipt. W. Henry . . . I Drum Corps A' " " " iGermiinia Hand Uoncdlctlon H"v. A. H. Crane The programme will conclude with a grand bull and banquet ut the homo In the even ing. All Grand Island is lojolcmg ever its success in securing this ilnu stuto institution. Husmcss men have decided to floso their btores during the exercises. Tlio N'rliriibka Central Coincnllun. ONTIIU. CITY. Neb. , Juno 'Si. [ Corres pondence of TUB Urn ] Commencement week of tlio Nebraska Central college passed off with moro than the usual interest. Sun day morning , President H. S. Hilton preached the baccalauicato sermon to a lull house ut the MothodUt tabernacle. Monday evening Ucv. J. U. r.nslgn of Omului , gave before the literary societies his lecture on "The Last Analjsis. " The locMra is a hno ono. full of thought , pleasantly and forcibly expressed. A reunion of students and friends eume off Tuesduv uvoning , and u food time was enJoyed - Joyed by all. Hov. Hilton has given the best of satisfaction us president and the school year has been crowned with success The prospects aio that there will bo u largely m- cieased number of students hero next year. Tlio NCIWH at Central City. CINTIUI. : CITINob.June -'Special ' Tcl- pgramtd TUB Uws . The dwtnct court tin ishcd up its wurk last wtsuk N Harnos was tried for embe/i'-Bii"iittind the jars hruupht in a verdict of guilty of X ) iiobleiu. . nt , but Judge Harnes s < t nsido th verdio und Hume * is free The judge's i\i twn i * ver severely censured by u number pf people hero The Grand IslUnd dmrict confuiciu.e wiu hold n camp meeting on their grounds near this place next month. The grounds are llt- tcd up and nicely improved , und being in a beautiful location on the bank of the Platte river , a large attendance is expected. Two now experts nro nt work on the county treasurer's boohs nnd Colonel Web ster expects to show that ho Is not short with the county , but It Is generally believed that the work of Expert Dean was correct which mauo a shortage of nearly (33,000. L. L. Ormsby with men nnd outllt has gone to Soda Springs , Idaho , where they take a drove of about I,0K ( ) ( ) sheep which they will drlvo hero for feeding this winter. The prospect for corn and oats was never bettor und with n largo increase in acreage this point will make a very desirable place for feeding block. Appointed. LTXCOI.N , Neb. , Juno 2. " > . [ Special Tele gram to THE Bun. ] The following is a list of delegates to the national conference of charities and corrections to bo held In Buf falo , N. Y. , the llrst wcuic in July , 18S3 , appointed by Governor Thayer : Mrs A. 13. Slaughter , Mrs. A. M. Davis , Mrs. Dr. Lane , Mrs Dr. W. S. Latta , Mrs. L. M. G. Bald win , of Lincoln ; Mrs. Dr. C. 1C. Chubbuck , Tecumseh ; flMrs. 9 M. C. Pollock , Paw nee Citv ; Mrs. B. V. Berry , Humboldt ; Mrs. Aggie Nowinnn , Washington , D. C. The above persons are ofllcors and members of tno homo for the friendless ut Lincoln. The others appointed are. Dr. A. F. Sherrill Pi of. J. A Gillespie , Omaha , and Charles O. Whcdon , Lincoln. The following are the delegates to the na tional prison acsnciation to bo hold in Boston fiom the 14th to the lllth of Julv : 13. Hoot , Lincoln ; Hov. Lewis Gregory , Lincoln. Colored MIIHOIIH at Fremont. FIIKMONT , Neb. , Juno 2o. [ Special to Tun Br.n.J Another train of Omaha picnickers an ivcd in the city to-day about 10 o'clock over the Union Tacillc road. They came un der the auspices of tlio colored lodge of Omaha Masons. They were escorted to the park under the supervision of the gallant Mayor Stouffer , where they have enjoyed them selves during the day in : i hearty and whole- souled manner. Two ball clubs cumo along nnd n series of games were played on the grounds in the northwest part of the city , one contest being wiih the Fremont club. To UstahliHli a Flour Mill. HASTIKCB , Neb. , Juno 25. [ Special Tele gram to TUB BKB. | The organization of a ilounng mill company was completed to-day. L. Ilabli was elected president , Ficd Bene dict vice president and H. W. Lewis secre tary and treasurer. The capital stock is .10,000. Convenient and ample grounds were olloied by the St. Joseph it Grand Island railroad und a ninty-nino years' huso was accepted. The stockholders meet the rail road leprcsentatlvcs in Omaha to-morrow to make up the papers. The mill will be built this season. _ Sent to tlio HH'orm School. DAVII > Urn , Neb. , Juno S3. [ Special to Tun BKB.I On Saturday last Sheriff Dar nell , of Butler county , took to the reform school Miss Jennie livuns of this place. She was an orphan girl and boomed determined to go to the bad ever the protest and kind admonitions of numerous fi lends. Her ease was fully investigated before Judge oling- inun , and this step decided advisable. She was about iiltoun years of ugo. Hho had made her homo with her grandmother until In the present year when the giundmothor died , and up to which time she had nn un questioned reputation. A Now llolol Opoiioil. DAVID Cirr , Neb , Juno 'Jo. [ Special to TIIK BKI.J Tlio now Porlcins hotel of this town is now open for business and is ono of the most commodious und bust furnished houses west of Omnliu , equipped with ull the modern improvoinontH belonging to a ilrst-cluss hotel. Messrs. Uilloj und Dildino , formerly of Hustings , Neb , , are the pro prietors. The building is of brick , three stories high and contains sixty bedrooms and two double parlors , ull of wnieh 1110 ele gantly furnished , Hioko tlin Cow-Cntolier. FIHTII , Neb , Juno 25. [ Special Toloijrain to TIIK Bun.The ] II. & M. going north was laid out at Firth to-day. The scab engineer broke u pilot off the engine by running into a freight car. The pilot was stored on the end of n baggugo ear. delaying the train un hour and thirty minutes. Everj thing was "running smoothly , " and with the cowcatcher - catcher fn its novel position the baggage was safe from the ravages of cows. The Nuv Town of Columbia. COMJMIIU , Colo. , June 23. | Special to TIIK Urn. ] The now town of Columoiu , on tlio Hock Island railroad nnd the beautiful coun try mound It hud a line rum OB the lth ! ) Inst. Hams sue-in to be as seasonable hero as in othoi countries. At piusenttho pcoplo und the mulls come hero via Cheyenne , WolU or Wray , but when the track ii > Iliiishod to thib place thfio will bo u grand ruah for land uud town property , us there 1st no better on the hue of the road. After a Iliinnuny „ NHUIAJKA t'Ju , Neb , Juno 25 , Spedal J'.ivratn toTnn BPK.J-W. H. Hoberts of biunion , la. , proprietor of u paper at that pluco , wan In the city to-day , in search of a runawav daughter who loft homo Saturday night with an unknown man fiinco which time nothing had been heard from her. His tcarcb hero wus fruitless uuct ho loft lor Omuha. Mra. fjormor Returns. , Neb. , Juno 23. [ Special Tele gram to THIS Bic. : ] The published report of Mrs. Lormor's recent cscnpndo brought back the husband nnd wife to-day , the former penitent , the latter forgiving , nnd it is sup- jwsed n reconciliation has taken place. Mrs. L. enters a general denial nnd says she will live down the vile slanders. Democratic Delegates. KI.KIIOIIN , Neb. , Juno 23. [ Special Tclo grain to Tun Bun. ] The young men's demo * cratic club had a meeting to-night to elect delegates to the convention at Omaha to morrow. The following delegates were elected : John W. Goodhard , Dr. O. W. Baldwin , William Whltmore , II. B. Joffera , A. Bierbach and Dan AV. Canon , Killed by a Saloon Keeper. Wr.n Ti.nCiTy , la. , Juno 25. [ Special Tel- to Tin : BKB. ] A cold blooded murder occurred bore Saturday night. James Richard * son , or Mons Diavalo , ns he Is professionally known , u circin attache , was shot by a drunken saloon keeper named Thos , Basket. Basket had already had several quarrels dur ing the day , and ho came to the circus grounds in the evening with the Intention of cleaning it out. Hiclmrdson was trying to maintain peace and order when Basket shot him. Hiehard rm died last evening nt 7SO. : His parents live in Providence , H. I. , wbero bis remains will bo sent. Basket is in jail aud excitement is running high. An lown Central Hmnsh. MASOX CITV. la. , Juno 20. | Special Tola * gram to Tin : Bii.j : A serious accident oc curred this morning at 7:10 : on the Iowa Cen tral. Freight train No. 8 going south , R. B. Voorhls , conductor , Jumped the track about a mile north of this city and the engine and live freight cars rolled over a ten foot om- bankmcnt. The train is a complete wreck. Engineer Smith and Fireman Galby Jumped from their engine , the latter sustaining seri ous injuries , the former being but slightly hurst. The accident was caused by on open switch left by Vurdmastcr Billy Dwyor. Yard employes say that the force has been BO reduced that it lenders efllclciit work impos sible. Ho Desires Penoo. . . Br.iiu.f , Juno 25. The reichstagr tvn * opened to-day , mid nftor divlno service In thu court chapel tli emperor was escorted with great ceremony to the whlto hall of the old castle where ho declared the session open. Throughout his speech tha emperor dwelt upon memories of pacillo disposition , The emniio , ho declaies , desires peace and tha good will of ull nations , The Dentil lloll. PnoviDKXci : , H. I. , Juno 25 Hon. no\r- land Gibson Hiuanl , the noted financier , llt- or.ilcur , mathematician und metaphysician , died sudiluiilv at his resldonco in Pcuuodula jestenlay. He was In the eighty-sixth ycur of his ago. ( irnln In Slulil nnil Htoro. CHICAGO , June 21 The vislblo supply for the week ending June 'U , us compiled by the secretary of the Chicago board of trade , is us follows : Bushels. Wheat 24tmm Corn JZ.WJ.OOO OatH CO.VJ,000 Hyo Will-ley _ _ _ A Hall'Million Illnre. NHW VOIIK , Juno 25. A lire occurred la the largo cigar manufactory at First avenue and Thirty-eighth utrcot this morning. The water gave out nnd only the nrrlvul of the lire boat * huvod u gieut coiiUugratloii. Losses : George JCliol , on building , flOO.OOOj Liubtenslo BIOS , ilOO.OOO ; Foster , HlCiOn & Co. , * iSO,000. Drink Multo ilia pleasant , , Tis unwUo youthful friends , To disregard teeth Tlmt are running to decay , So with X.O/ODONT brush Or they won't bo wortli n rush And speedily docomjwso awny. Wentlior Indications. For Nebi aska und Dakota t Light to fresh southeasterly winds , slightly warmer , local niiuu. For Iowa : Light to fresh southeasterly winds , wurinor , occaslonnl local ruins. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Wlien Il&bjr TM elek , we fr re tier CuatorU. Whto ihe via ft Child , ttho cried for CutorU , When thobecopiaMl j , eh&cluing to Carter ) * , Vf'iicn sJ-fhid Children , the gar tUiua CastorUl