Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 25, 1888, Page 7, Image 7

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    i T " ysi f " > H
AYivtrtlsdnf tits under this head. 10 cent * per
line for tlio llrat Insertion , 7 cents for each sub-
Heqnpnt Insertion , nnd JI.W a llm-pennonth.
No ndvcrttsemen t taken for ICM tlmn 2. ' ) cents
for tlio llrst Insertion. Pevon words will bo
counted to tlio Hue ; they must run consecutively
nnd muH bo paid In advance. All advertise
ments muni Ira ha nded In before 12W : ) o'clock p.
in , , nnd under no c iraimstnnces will they betaken
taken or discontinued by tclcphono ,
Pnrtlos advertising In these columns nndlinv-
Inn tlio nnsw cm addressed In cum of 'Innfrn \
will plen o Rfk. for a check to enable them to get
their letters , n none v 111 be delivered except on
presentation of check. All answers to adver
tisements Klmuld be onclo Bed In < nvelopes
Alladvcrtlftcmcntslit tlu-so columns are pub-
Hulled In both morning nnd evening editions of
Tin : IIPK , the circulation of whlclmggregntrH
more tlmn IK.UW paper * ilnlly , nnd Rltlio ad
vertisers the benefit , not only of tlio city rlrcu-
Intlon of Mm llrr , lint also of Council Illtilts.
Lincoln nnd other cities and towns throughout
thl < j section of tlio country.
Advertising for these columns will be taken ,
on the above conditions , nt the following busi
ness houses.who are nutliorl7cd ngonta for TIIK
I\KK special notices nnd will quota the same
rates ns can bo hud at the main ofllce.
JOHN W. HULL , Pharmacist , 820 South Tenth
Oil ASP .V EDDY , Stationers and Printers , 111
Hotith inih Street.
S H. PAHNSWOHTH , Pharmacist , 2111 Oim-
, Inp Street.
W J , HUGHUS. Pharmacist , C2I North ICth
SI reel.
P.O. W. PAKH , 1'harinaclst , 1809 Si. Mary's
WANTUD A situation by n nrst class man
cook , hotel or restaurant , references llrst
class. Address O 01. lleo. 7502. ' > t
ANTUD-Sltuatlon as baker in somn coun
try town. M. II. Martin , cor. 10th nnd
Harney. 78.1-20 *
\.VANTKD-Olllro work ns book-keeper or
V > clerk , by n young man willing to work nnd
n graduate of nn eastern commercial college.
Can furnish good references. Address 0 ni , llee.
\\rANTUD-Posltlon by good stenographer ;
V > hnvo run Callgraph and Standard type
writer. Adcress N. 11. box 4r , . Lincoln. 2J4 30 *
\\7"ANTUD A boy for garden work. } 10 per
V > month and board. P. Llss , call nt saloon
Wontl'aiiiaiiiHt. 747 23t
TXMNTUD A clerk In grocery ; must bo ox-
VV pcrlenccd. Inijulro'ttlN Ulth. 753 23t
\\TANTI3I ) Atoncc , nvo llrst class stonecut-
i tors , wares lOc per hour ; steady work. Ap
ply Win Hortop , employment agency , 700 4th
fit. . Sioux City. In. llri ? !
\\fANTHD- 20 tracklayers at Albright's Labor
> Agency , 1120 Parnam st. 723-83
\\rANTUD-IUirbertotako nhop on install-
menlH. good location , cheap lent. Address
OIH. llee olllce. 60 Kl *
\\rANTHD-Uxpcrlonccrt liolp. Cascade Lnun-
drjIlroadway , Council lllutrs. Highest
wngi-spald , IBiSJt
\\r AIM I iiJ ; Agents for best soiling nrtlclo"i
> > the U. S. among buslm-ss men , county
rlalit ! , Tor sale. Call St No. luufl Soutn inth st. ,
niter Un. in. 05023 *
\\rANTKD-1Vo energetic young men. ox-
teachers preferred ! halmy J75.W ) per mo. ;
small capital required ; references. M.G.Konch ,
1W3 rarnnmst. 814-ft > t
1 AT" ANTKD-Good honornblo lightning rod
1 > salesman , state how much you can aver-
ni/o per week Mid wages. Addiess O r,0 , llee
olllco. W ST
Agents , male and female to take
oiclers for the Automatic door bell , bal
nry $ TO and expenses per month to good work
ers. Send " -cent stamps lor particulars. F.
Hoyt , \Vashlnston stieot , Hoom 15 , Chicago.
V\7ANTID ! Knergetle men nud women everywhere -
' where for a genteel money-milking liusl-
ness. $ 0 weekly piollt guaranteed enuler than
SlOnionthi ) otherwUe. Uxporlcnce absolutely
ENKHtiUriC , reliable men wanted to solicit
for a largo manufacturing house ; no capital
iMtilicd | ; rufeienco nocossary. Addro-ss llo <
gCT. Oilialia. Nob. 103 Jy7
WANTUD A boy with n horse to carrj' a
louteon the P.veiling llee In thonoith p.iit
of town. Thco. Williams , bet. 3 i : 5 o'clock p. m.
. KB
VY / ' .Men for the west. Albright's
labor agency. 1130 Fainnm st. 514
> OVB Am. Dlfct. Tel. Co. , JJ04Douglas.
> 2.X )
JJALUS.MUN Waiitcd-Kivotraveling salesmen.
> J Salary nnd expenses. No experience no-
cp.-snry. Address with stamp , Palmer A Co. ,
Wlnona , Minn. L'4l J24
WANTUD A girl to do general housework at
1711 Douglas st , b3 !
\\rANTUD-Two glrl , slstois , must bo first
T > class. German or Danish preferred. WUJ 8.
" 1st t. , elf St. Jlnry's nve. n05 2ot
" \\rANTUD Two skirt tllinmcrs , liilO Doug
> l Ins , upstairs. 178 2 ; ) *
* \\AN'JUD 35 glrlwtowork tn prlvatoTonTlT
Ii les , 2 dishwashers. 1 elinmbermald , d.nlm ,
roomglilK , huuulry glils. out the city 1 mid
dlengi-d womiiii lu timekeeper. 1 cook. Ponder ,
Nob. , O week ; 1 for Arnpnhoo , * 7 ; 2 dlnliu
room glils , Norfolk , J week : I for Ill.ilr.jl5
month ; cook for private family nt Illalr. no
washing. 5 week , Omaha limp bureau , 110 J
JOthht. Tel. 1112. 757 2J
11HL for general houiowork , 1417 llowaid st
l.'J7 2I >
" \ \ It ANTKD 2 girls for dlnlngroom nnd chain
I ber work. Arcade hotel , 1215 Douglas Bt.
\VANTKD , 4 lira-clans waitresses out of
> T city. t'M ; pastry cook , DO girls for boarding
liouscs , * 2o to tJ" > ; 4 dining loom Kills in city
I'M ; Catholic girl or woman as houHokecpui
refiU'iicesieciulrod , good place. Neat , compe
timt gill in family of a , will bo treated asouoof
Uienitselve.s , taken out driving , etc. ; 2 pnutrj
Illllx , 4 dishwashers , laundry gills and m foi
KcnnM housework lu ami out of city. Mis
liic'ga , awt a. inth st. ,112v ?
Dlutugroom girl and dishwasher ,
1UOI N Ibth. 727 J
'lA/AN'THI ) Girlforgenoiul huusewoik ; gooi
Ji wuges ; rufurciiCKH lecjulred. S. Trootlor
CI 12 N24ihs .
: _ _ _ Tittait
OOMPF.TUNT gill wanted for gem-mi house
w 01 K tin eu in family. IDHBllthst. T.'U 2'J
MfANTinr A gli Tfof genei aThoulowo ? k."n
Tib Noith 21st at. No Swedes need apply
K , 'M ) lady agent n wnnted Immediately ; nls i
u ; giandest money making Imuntfon o
tlin URU ; over million sold ; iiijul plcnlv for
iioi ) ) body. MIB. H. F , Little , Chicago , 111.
T\7ANTUD < ldlnlngroom Birln.2 borondgirls
? 2 general housework , 1 homekeepor , 12u
I'urnam Bt , MSit
\\7ANTKD-A few goo < l shirt U-oners nt CUy
bteain Laundry. ( XS )
* VV ANTKU-i.iijy ( agents. "A" skirt and \ms. \
J ' tie combined uud H , hose supporters ,
lloth now , Hlgprollts , Seems towns for pilut ;
trade. J.iulU'S1 Supply Lo. , 2bl \Vii8hlngton
PI. , Chlcngo. KW-Jyl.l *
TATKIIHABKA Umploymcnt Olllr-e , No. 1117
J- > North llith fct. Male and tenmlu help sup-
piled. I'rlvalBfmiillU'S u iiprcinlty. 771 2U *
/CANADIAN Umpluyment"OiTlce jruTo and
V'fiinnluhelp bent toull paits if faro is ml-
Tudrod. Hefeience , Ouiiiha National bank. Mu.
llivga , ai4V | f. IDth. Tel , pH4 , 7t5Jj 11 *
OMAHA Ump. llurc-nu , 11'J N , ICth M , oldest
nnd most rollabl olllcu In city. If you need
liclpuill orwilte. Tel HI' ' . ! L"J Jyl'J
W ANTKD Men nnd boys out of woiK to'uall
nt the City Intvltgence olllco ( Crflghton
lilk ) coi ner Uth nml IlougluH sts. fin
/ E :
\\rANTKU-a ) teams at Florence , Neb.on th
i ) waterworks . P. CalhUiuu , contractor
Wl Si *
"XVANTr.D- " Students in Ehoithaud'niidTFpT
_ J > vijlltng , 1CU7 Fninum et. ? J'J-i > !
\ \7ANTED If you have any lands , lots , o
11 housed and lots to Bell or exchange fo
other property , call on me or write. I cnn flm
you a customer. U. a bpotbwood SOjy , S. liltu
& 16
"I7INGAGUMKNT8 to do dressmaking In fauil
Jilllcs BOllclted. Miss Sturdy , bi'J 3 , ld st.
Wl JyT *
" ( WANTKD The public to make good useo
> T The Hen's uiessace boxes throughout the
city. 100 _
* 1\7 ANTUD to boy or trade for a good bulk
T lug that can be movnid. Ploaan call ou
oraddie&s Uoorjjo J.Steiuadorlf , room Q , oiipo
BO A HI ) M nntcd Dy young lady stenographer ,
room. breakfast and ten , on or nenr cable ,
Terms reasonable. Address O Co. lice UUCP.
WANTED To rent n 10 to 15 room house
centrally located ; ntnto rent. Address OR !
lee. _ _ 749 2. " > t _
WA.VTUD-Torcnt nIO to H-room house , 6
blocks of lloy ds opera house : must Imro
modern ItnprovcJiicnts. Address O CO , Ilee olllce ,
"lllOlt HUNT 6-room house on 20th st. , south of
JL1 Ylutonst. 71H-3UJ
1POH HUNT1'unilshed 0-ioom house on Corby
JL1 8t , near ICth. A. II. Comstotk , 312 S. loth st.
_ _ _
ITIOU HUNT 53 room boarding house , corner
JL1 llth and Dodge sts. 474 XP
\\7R hnve sovernl HrBt-clnss houses , centrally
i i located , rents reasonable and furniture
'or snlu on small cash payment , nud easy terms
or the balance. Co-Oiicrntlvo Laud &t < otCo. .
AC , N. lOlli si 775 M
"I/lOll HUNT I four-room house , contheast cor-
J2 ncr 4th nnd Woolworth nve. rrcd Kloe.
7tti SC *
Foil HUNT Two n room houses. Inquire cor.
13th nnd Vlnton , , lohn J , . lllll. 764 25 *
"TOH HUNT CD-room houses , Slsinndflrnco
JL1 sts. 751 8 ! ) *
T71OH IlKNT llouso 4 rooms , 27th nvonuo nnd
J3llo\\nrd t. 75325'
rjlOleaso for one or more yenrs nn fi-room
JL house , furnished or unfurnished , vlth all
modern improvements , Mich as furnace , Ras ,
Imth , wcieens , etc. . a blocks from court house.
Address K II. 8. , No. 121,1 Lcavenworth ht. 43fl
TT'OU ' ItrNT-3 7-room lints. K.17 nnd l n
-L llo\\nnl Bt. Cochinn llros. , 40 , llnrkor block ,
GVJ i'0
FOIt HUNT 10-room house , furnace hont ,
bath , hot nnd cold water , 100-tmiiel clstvrn ,
cvurything modern and drat class. 18 nnd draco
sts. It. McConncll. 7lli-2Sr
FOH HKN'JJ Cottngo , 7-rooms , nenr high
school , only * - ' > per month , with furnlturo
for sale cheap , nou't apply unlvM jou wnnt to
buy the furnlturo. Potter & Mnclcod , rooms ,
1417 I'ttrnam t. C37
FOH IlKNT A .1 and C-room house. 2ftM Dor-
ca jst. Trunk O. Olscn. l 7 JylBf
FOU HUNT Two oil-Rant honio on Hhonnan
n\enuu hj mlle limit to good parties , on year
Icasn , very leasonablo. Wlight ii Lasbury , 21B
S. 14th st. 5'JU '
FOIt HUNT A line 10-room brick house with
all modern Improvement ! * , llni ) location on
Btieot car llnu , 1M. . Ucnlus , HIM Douglas st.
"IjlOH IlKNT Vine cottage , largo barn , beautl
JL1 till grounds nnd shade trees , $10 per month ,
11. 0.1'nttorson , HIS B. iflth st. M7
FOH HUNT 7-room house on paved street , 0
blocks from court houso. * ; ) per month. U.
F , Scnvcr , room 40 , Ilaiker block. 4.W
OH SAIiK Two > .ew , S-room houses In Or-
clmnl Hill nnd Poppleton 1'nik. Will sell
cheap for cnsh , \\llftnke gooil llrst orsecond
mortgage paper. Any leiveonablo terms to lion-
est p l ties. U. C. jjpotswood. iitt'.U S. ICth. 4f >
FOH HUNT u-ioom cottage , 10th and Hick-
on' , liuqulro tth door north of Hlckorv.
TjlOll HKNT-in room house 17th St. . { C00- ;
JL1 room house $ , ' " > , 8-room house S.R , 7-iooni
hou'-o Ku ; 0-room house Howard stand other
houses. O , 15. Tnompson , Shecley block. KSi
POH itUNT 1 fi-room house and burn , 1917
Webster St. ; 1 n-room house , a-th nve. nnd
Webster. Inquire Itoom OM , Pnxton block. P.
J. Cicedon. 2 , ' > 7
FOH HUNT 7 room cottage on S 20th ht.l > ath
room , hot water , he.Kin ; ; nppaiixtus , Ustull
barn' , npply 1) . O. SlcUwnn. illU h Kith at. Cl"
"IT1OH HUNT A ilcsirnble nlui--room house nil
J modern Improvements , half block from
cable line on west Dodge st. All improvements ,
cheap to good teunnt. I ? . J. Ilothwlck , ' . " ; ! S 14th.
FOH HUNT 0-room modern improved lion&o.
Apply M. Ulguttcr 1011 Varnnm st. On
1JIOH HUNT rurnlshed house , good location ,
a ? for partlcillari call nt the olllco of 'Jhos.
llremmn & Co. , loom ; ) , Cluimber of Commerce.
III AVU n four-room lioti-e on KHh stieut , two
blocks .south of Vlnton , that 1 will irntto a
good tenant for J12 pur month , everything in
good repair. Oeorgo J. btcriihdoilT , Itoom 0 ,
opposite I' . O. _
room nouse with yaid , near 1'arnnni and
' 'lth bt. , steam ami ull modern Im
provements. W3 pur mouth. Call SOT S.1th st.
FOH HUNT An H room house , with bath , ono
block Item car line , 830 per month. 11.11.
Cole , room U Continental bloct 028
FOH KENT 8-ioom houso. North Saunders
. st. Enquire of C. W. Iloall &c Co. . . UI9 S.
mi. r.i"
10th. 517
FOH IlKNT When yon vrnnt to rtut a house ,
store of oHlce go to II. 15. Colo. CIS-
F I OR IlKNT A neat ? 20 cottage. Apply at
once. C. P. Harrison. 418 S 15th st. 61 ! )
HUNT Nicely furnished looms on carline
line ; J10month ; board if leqnired. 11.1 B.
21th. 81S-25'
AJ1CH rooms for rent , 1017 Chicago st.
JJS tC323t
"I71UHNISIIRD rooms nnd board for gentle-
JL' men , lS13.Clilc.Tgo street. ( illK
TT10H HUNT Nicely fiirnlslmd room torgen-
J.1 Human nnd wife without chlldien.also small
room for gentleman , modern coin euiences , l'J17
Cans bt. 4011 1U
looms and board , 11W1 Farnam ,
23U J 2Ut
" 171011 HUNT. Newly furnished t. c. front room
-I1 w 1th alcove and bay w indow , prl\ ate hoii e ,
modern conveniences , board if desired. Terms
leuDouablu. 022 Georgia nve ( B. aith bt ) . 7US 25 *
" 1TIUHNI311ED rooms for rout , 1701 Capitol avo.
Jj 777 2St
TT10U HUNT Furnished rooms , 70j N 1'Jth.
JU 755 2U *
FOH HUNT Nicely furnished rooms rn suite
or hlnalc , with orwlthout boaid , 1701. ) Dodge ,
760 2J
FOIt HUNT A small pleasant room , 17W (
Chicago Bt. 741) )
"IT10H HUNT Two nicely fmnished looms
JL' with modern convenience * , with or without
boaid , ftltoW , ut W.'IN. Ibth at. , ou2 car lined.
_ J OS7
" \TICU pallor loom for man nnd wife , nnd
-L > biiiull room for gontlomnn. t-K lUthst.
SJK'ULY furnlsod rooms with modern con-
L > vonlenc-CH at 016 S. 17th st. 72
T71OH HUNT-3 fin nlihed rooms lor light house-
JL' keeping In now Hat ; f .Jl S. Ihtlist. 63.12.1
TTIOH HUNT Furnished room , C07 N. nth st ,
JU 5-.K ) S5t
\JICU front room , llrst lloor , suitable for 2
> gentlemen , Ills Dodge. 7UWO ?
" 1710H HUNT 'fwn nicely furnished rooms ,
Jwith board , 1'naulro 1014 Puruani Bt.K .
K l-2i *
"ITVHl HI'.NT A nlee front room wlthllrtclass
-L boaid tit n reii&onablo 1U311'lirnnmiit.
077 2'J *
IT'OH HF.NT Furnished or nntumlshed a suite
-L of lotims jit 3311 Capitol avu. KIS2ilJ _
TWILLfiiinlsh.inoit delightful rooms during
thu mimmer to respectable parties , nnd if dt > >
lrod , board , or breakfast nnd suppor. 3503
corner Pleasant and St. Maiy'savo. UIU 20'
J > .VHI.OH lloor , now finiiUhod , cool , elegant
( iiiiutors for 4 gontlcmc-n or family , all con-
\ euiences , 1 bile from P , O. 1015 Cupltol live.
657 21 *
HUNT l"urnlshcd rooms. UW Dodge , B
VT1CHLY f urnUhcd rooms , il per w eck or W.IO
L > luomh , M ! . Wl nmlGflt ) S. IMH st. 403 Jyllt
FOH HKNT-A nicely furnished fiont room ,
biittuble for two gentlemen. Kno.ulro at
SMI. ht. Mary'sn\e. 411
01I11AP looms for rent , 701 8.17th' .
| 78381 * _
"VflCULY fiirnlHhuil room : ) , tabla for two
Jgentlemen. . KOi Douulns St. . 151
"ITlOH HF.NT iiixjms nnd front rooms en suite ,
JL' at 1 31 I'urnnm bt. , near court houbo. UCT
IOYULY * . e. loom , aho suite of front rooms
J and uufurnlbhed rooms , high , bummer lo
cation. Kefereuci' * 252U Farnutn.
KOOMS including bourd in the Young Wo
men's home WO Dodge bt. Keferciicoa ro-
VJ1CUI.Y furuUhed rooms , with or without
-t > board , 2013 DougUs Bt , 131 Jy 1st
IT1OFH gentlemen can bo accommodated with
-L1 a utcnsulto of roams and first-class bourd al
M St. Mary's avo. , Graddy block. bVi
T71OH HUNT Furnished room with board for
J ? two gentlomen. 2020 bt. Mary's ave. Wi
JAHOE nud small room sultablo for gentle-
inau. with pr without board , 1BU Dodge. '
rnOll KENT Furnts&ert rooms in ( ireont bit
J.1 cor. Uth * nd Dixlye stj. Intittire of Oto. H- .
U ls. WUlard hotelIiUltlrd room. jaji
liUJlt III..NI' nit-untied rooms , witn or witn-
* } outboard. 2089St. Mnry'snvo.Grflddy blk.
FUHNI91IUD room for ono or two gentlemen ,
Lo'llo A Leslie. ICth nud Dodge sts. 107
TJIURNIS1IKO rooms , in S 20th. 620 Jy 3 *
EOOM to rent , all modern 'inprovenientfl. i7t
Dodge st. 77ft
"iron HUNT S furnished rooms sultnblo for 4
JL ? eentleinen. Inquire Hoom C , 3d lloor , IIWJ
Douglas. SB
T71O11 HUNT Hooms furnished nnd unfur-
JL1 ni ! icd-ir 4Cap. nvo. f " > 8
'lTm rooms. 702 Webstorst ! 2o"o5
1'onr (4) ( ) rooms , 415 S. 10th st SOW )
Two(2)rooms. ( ) 1CII Howard st 80il
Three(1)looms ( ) , 101BN.20th st U08
rlhrco(3)room ( ) , 1IJ2 N 21stst 1100
Eleven(11)room ( ) house , uth and Dodge , . . . 1260
Pour ( I ) room house , 4M ( N. llth st 18 ( X )
Four(4) ( ) room * . 41118. Iflth st SOW )
Three < : ! ) rooms. No. HOS'J S.7thBt 11 U )
Three 0)room ) house. No. 410 N llth St. . . . 1260
One ID barn , 7th and Pnctllc sts ( SCO
Apply to .1 nd go Hentlng Agency , Herald
building. 8 W. cor.ot Kith and llnrney sts. 01
Ti OH HUNT 3 unfurnished rooms for house-
JL1 keeping , with bath uiul gas at 420 S. tr.ili . st. ,
Hat 7. 7C32ot
TTMjUGANTunfurnlshed rooms , single or en-
Jil suite , southeastern exposure. Dr. Ottor-
lK > urg. luthnnd 1 nrney. 70H 28t
TJ1our ) rooms , 1702 Webster st $20TO
J- ' Four (1) ( ) rooms , 41.1 S. lllth st 20 CO
Two(2) ( ) rooms. 1H14 Howard t 800
Three pi ) rooms , 101 % N20thst 15 00
Three (3) ( ) rooms , 1122N. 21st st II 00
Three fjrooms ) , H20N.21st st 12 M
Klovcn (11) ( ) room house , Oth nnd Dodgo. . . . 7f > ( W
Three(3)rooms ( ) , 1038 North 21st street. . . . . 11 00
Four(4)room ( ) house,40BN llth st 1800
Pour (4 ( < rooms , 411 South lllth Nt i 00
Three CD rooms. No. 1HWH S. 7th st 11 (
Thrift piroom ) house , No. 110 N. llth St. . . . 13 60
Ono (1) ( ) bnni , 7th and Paclllc sts . . . . r m
Apply to JudRo Iteming Agency , Herald
building , 8. W corner of 15th nml llnrney st.
rpWO unfurnished basement rooms to family
JL without children , 1123 N. 17th st. )7 )
Foil KENT 3 new store rooms , 1 six room
lint , 3 ten room new houses , i fourteen room
new house ; nil supplied with modem conven
iences ; rent reasonable to good tenant. Kred
It. Smith , lilO iN ICth st. 739 Sot
FOH IlKNT The largo basement nlllcft or
room , 1.1S1 Dodge , suitable for barber shop
or saloon. Knqulroof It. L. Snoilgrass , cor. iBtn
nml Dodgo. Olllce J. 11. Muhlor Htiggy Co. 07820
S TOHU for icnt. N. Ifith. Iiuiuire of
Henry OsthoIT. 131:1 : California st. 158 -
O Shouly block G. U.
Thompson , room 212 eia
OPPICU Tor ( lent Ground lloor ollice. No.
! KO S. loth St. Apply room HI , 1st lint.
bank building. 761
TpOH HUNT Desirable store on Parnnm , for
wholesaling , etc. Leavltt Ilurnlmm , H.I ,
Crolghton blocK. J17
"IjlOH HUNT Hrtck store with basement , No.
-1 ? fi07 S. 13th St. ; 2 olllcos on second lloor No.
lffl'1 Farnnm St. , by Paulscn & , Co. . 1511 Parnam
st. , room 8. 4.'ll
Fi I OH HUNT Hetall business roomonlutn st.
0. P. Harrison , 418 S. lotlr st. 123
HOTUI , for rent The two Storv brick tn No-
ola , Iowa ; built especially for hotel pur
poses , newly painted nnd papered , everything
cnmcnlcnt ami liist-clnss , city water in build
ing. Address with references , Drawer H , Neola ,
Iowa. 153 27t
HOTRIi for icnt 2-stoiy brick In Neola , In. ;
built especially tor hotel purposes , nouly
imlnted and p.ipeu'd , eveiytfilug convenient
nnd tlrbt-clnss , city water In building. Addn-ss
with loferencos , Dr.iwortt , Neola , la. M' > 25
STHAYUD or Stolen A daik bay horse in
hands high , short and fat. A liberal toward
will be paid for his return. A. Cm lisle. TJ20
Jones stieot. 772 23 *
LOST Last Tmirsday , ono cow , spotted with
white lace. Iluturn to Hod Kulser , Ploionte ,
Neb. OC4 211 f
F.K . SM1T1I-010 N. loth.
. OlOJy 20 *
GU. THOMPSON , Hoom 112 siiccly block.WT .
! WT
TF YOU want your houses lentcd place them
JL with licuawii iVCo. , 15th , opposite postollleo.
rpIIU Omaha Commercialcollogu gives gram-
J-mnr , writing nnd spelling free to all Its
shorthand and typuwrulng utudents , tuition
very low. situations turnlsiied when possible.
About 110 students now In attendance , Write
Kohrbough llros. for particulars. Ylsit the col
lege , 1114 Fainnm. U7i : Jy7
pFHSONAL-Prlvato home for ladles during
JL conllnement , htrletly conlldentlal , Infantb
ndouted. Addicss U 4V , lieu olllue. 5W ! JylKf
F yon want to buy , sell , rent or exchange
call on or address George J. Sternsdoill ,
room 0 , opjioslto P , O. 231
I > l'HSONAIj If you have n personal item , or
any communication , drop it in ono of The
Heo's message boxes. 100
IJEKSONAL Laaios and gentlemen deplrlng
correspondents , address. Corresponding
Clrib , Kiui ui city , Mo. , for information. In
close stamp. U2J J 25 *
rpo the ladles : Mrs. M V. Delp , with the orlg-
-L Inul Parisian method of dross cutting and
designing nnd ull of Its wondoiful impiovo-
ments to facilitate learning , will bo at the Hir-
ker hotel In this city two weekbtowult upon
culleis , and teach the only I'm Islam motnod
tauvht In Ameilca It is easy to loam , and tits
ull pupils for good paying positions. Mothers ,
w lcs nnd duughtcis , this Is an opportunity for
you. Agents wanted In all towns In Nebiaska.
Mrs M.J. Delp.l'iopiletor and Munufucturei of
rmlslan Methods. Pattorn.-i cut to measure.
_ KJl-Jy ID *
" 1710 H adoption a baby boy of good paicntagc.
JO Addicsa O 07. llee olllcu. KB 80
"I7UHI SALU-Ulipnp , nice waidrobo with fold-
J- ' lug bed attached. Nice open lounge , dishes ,
c > te , Wnuteil to buy a lurge bocond hund trunk ,
Inquire Ut2ij21 Giant st. TRVU''it
TflOK SALU A line family maio 4 years old ,
-L perfectly fcnfo ; nlso an almost new Mi > der
buggy nnd harness Inquire L. D. Hurnctt , cor ,
Uth and Funiam , ut Holmnii s , Wi ) .
FOH BALU-Oood baddlo horse at Kdwln
Davis' btiible , Davenport st , but. llth A. IMh.
_ _ _ _ _
FOH8ALU Trlcyclo. seat for lady or gentle
man. Inquire at 2122 Ohio bt , Omaha. Clip
this. Ol tt
FOH RALU Good her o and phaeton , suita
ble for a ladv with children , cheap ; must
bo sold by July 10th , account ot leaving the
city. Call at 41)11 ) NeUon bt. , Walnut Hill.
| bU7-27
rPHH host window screen In the market. Call
J. at S. U. cor. t'th ' and Douglab and 1 will prove
it lo > ou. Fred W. Gray. 7U ) .lygj
TTUm SA Li-Prettiest pony in city , dark
J' sorrel , w lilto mane aim tall , also buggy and
harness. 71C t < . li'th ' st. tr. 27t
1T10H BALU A few eholco milch cows. 0 , P.
JJ Hnrrlsun , 418 S. 15th bt. Cjii2.1
_ - BALK Pine single horse liurness and
buggy , Charles A. Guts , 413 > th st. U15 20 *
BAHN to be moved I have u barn that will
ucroniniodate fonr horses and Is In good
repair that 1 will undo or sell very cheap. Ap
ply * to G. llnrth , proprietor Maunders Btleet
muiket , between Culd/vvll / and Hamilton
SOMK 1st mort. notes for sale , one nnd two
_ jenro in mnull auius , Addwss O2 , Hoe olllu.
" 171011 SALU One Hall s largo improved lire
Jproof safe. Inquire room 411 Ibt tut bank
bulldlnu. 75.1
FOH SALU The furniture , carpsts , llxturos
and lease of a pleu&nutly locatud. newly
furnlehod house , near her i and cable tara ,
house heated by steam , furniture , etc. . in uaa
less than a year ; muu be sold at once. For par
ticulars apply to Hurtmun It Gibbon. 1013 Far-
pain si. KS
" 17IOH HALU The leaio nnd furniture of the
J- only hotel in town ; for particulars apjily
Undior hotel , Stromsburg , Neb. J. U. r ' -
CALL early and investigate our business
chanced , they .are ull denlreable. Oinaba
lluelneiis exchuuyo , S.W. cor. l&tU aud Douulus
_ _
OLUAN1NO and Dyolng-All kinds of llrst-
clnbA rloaiilng and dyelug done ut the Omuha
Btenm Dye Works , li'illlowardbt. a' lcphon U47
_ fa JylU
\\rANTUD-Two second bund c'uriuln desks
t > torctuh. Must bo reasonable price. Caller
or address 11W rurnarn , ttlepho&e W , 700 3J.
and r om lor Tsentlcman and
not to ercccd 110 po % weck. Address 1
llecojlke. t 81P-84 *
Fur. Oi.-TIS-VII-TIP1 N. 10th
rpIIH Furguson . - - - *
JLst. , hnveestnbllshediAn auction nnd commu
nion department In connection with their rogu
ar business. They have two auctioneers nnd
nro prepared to handle stocks of nil descrip
tions. The standing of this firm Is a suindent
guarantee that all trusUplaced with them will
Ite handled with Judgment and care. 743 Si
" "
llFF & CO , 117 N Ifith st. sell furnlturo and
stoves less than am * ether house in Omaha.
O HIT A Co. , at 117 Ndrth IGth St. , pay the
highest prices for fnrplturo , carpets , books
andjtoyos. _ J
PAON'T waste your moid-y by buying Ice boxes
JL/or common refrigerators shipped here , but
cotnoto FniltluV PotterH factory , whore you
can get the t > est pAtentr Hlry atr , refrigerator ,
Ice saver and w ator cooler ever invented. Manu
factured and for sale ut No. 110 N. 14th st , ,
Omaha , Neb , 7KI2.-.J
TKHSUY bull for service , cor 31th and Jack on
riMIE banjo taught as nn art by Goo. f. Gollon-
JL beck , H J Harney fit. IS !
H OME for Destitute Women and Children ,
2718 Hurt st. UIU
HO1ISKS and rattle taken to pasture , apply
to Henry Ostholf , 1B1J California st. TDUjylif
"WOMAN'S Kxclmngo. 1617 Farnam st. Lui
dally , supper Saturday nights. 1)10 )
GJ. B. ST15KNSDOHFF. room C , opposltopost-
olllcowlll trade you a good farm or city
property for a horse , buggy uifu lianies0. 1J3
TmOlTsAI.i : A top tmggy , nearly now.U olum
JL' bus make , also good single harness. A. H ,
Comstock. 312 S. I0th st. _ 5)1 ) _
IP you nave anything to trade call on or nd-
dress George J. Stcrnsdortr , HoomU , onpo-
slto postonico. 107
A good horse , buggy and harness
In cxch-ingo for South Omnha lots , George
J , BteinsdoifT. room 0 , opp postolHco. 2JO
SHOHf-HANlfaniTTj-po writing tiuight" lit
Remington Stnnaai a Type-writing agenoy ,
1007 Parnam st. D'.U-2. ) '
SHOUT-HANI ) Have cimiloypclMlss ( lurdncr
ns teacher ot short-liana nnd type-writing.
Flic has had 3 years' experience in teaching ;
have.plenty of machines ; students can practice
ns long as they choose. 150" rnrnam st | f > til-2o
' Shorthand Institute Is the
only practical , exclusive shorthand school
In thn west. All Hi graduates nro In good sit
uations nud giving ontlro satisfaction. Students
ran enter nt anytime. No summer vacation.
Send for circulars to Valentine's Shorthand In
stltilto. New PaiLtonHnlldlnsrOnialiaKeb. 4'l')12
"VA7ANTUD Anything or something to put in
T > the empty store room over our uciv store.
AVe have more room than we need In the best
Ktoinge building lu Omaha , M > wo will store
cheap , any valuable or personal property , from
n pluno or Melgli down to a trunk or vnlUo.
Diop ns a postal card nud wo will call for your
things. Ulevntor Mf'B Co. , 1118 Howard Ht.
M7 , lyl3
GU. stoinge. lowest lates. W. M
itusliman , 1311 Lo.ivonworth. 503
"VSTANTUD To buy nil kinds of household
> V goods for cn h. Pnrgusoii Fnniltmo Co. ,
7V717 mid 71'J ! ) N. 10th Ht. b."J-jylO
Good nouso and lot m desirable
jartof the city ; will give llrst-class bar
gain to anyone It suitud. Oco. u. Stcvns'lorlT ,
Itoom 0. Trcnzcr blK. 818
ILI , buy furniture oCsi nouso or Hat csn-
W trully located. Co-Op. L. & L. Co 'vTO N. Wth
m i 50J
IF yon Have Improved , business or leslrteuco
property that joulsh to sell , call and see
me. George J. Btenibdorll , room 0 , opposite
postollleo. 2J1
SUVUHAL store bulldlmis or houses that c.m
bo moved. Will pay good price if suited.
George J. Steinsdoru" , i-oom 0 , opposite post-
olhcc. , Vi )
MADAMUAjfNAALPANALH. the celebrated
Hungarian gypsey , palmist and iortnno
teller Is still ntlOJ IN. aiitli st. Fee HI. Ladles
only. No one receUed on Sunday. 71'7-'io ' ?
ADiMUCCLF.S , clnlrrojnnt. Powers nro
inoitiomarknble n-jls testllled by all who
have met IIP ! ' ; her reputVition us a clatlvoyant
has long bi i-n estnbllshen. and she Is one ol the
best fortune tellers In the w orld. lloom I , ii2' N
lUh st. Oil ) 27 *
rut. NANNIU V. Warren , clairvoyant , iled-
JLJ jcal , business and medium. Diagnosis
free. Fumalo diseases n specialty. Ill ) N. 18th
St. . llopuis 2 i 3 _ TeU > ! t r > Jt
MADAME Winters-Gifted dead trance
clairvoyant nnd ustrologist ; can bo con-
milted on nil affairs of life or death ;
re-unites the separated , causes luck and
speedy marrnlgos. shows photo ot future wife or
husband , locates diseases and cures them oy
mossugu and magnetic treatment , has the celii-
brated Hindoo charm for luck. All those In
trouble will do well to call on this Kitted heoriss
give you n correct written reading through
mall for 2.110 , with lock of hair. TUH madame
hns taken parlors at 417 South llth St. , 2ml 1'oor ,
Fnrlor ! ! audil. 4f-2-B (
SHOUT time loans made by D. K. .lolinson.
Into pres't Hank of Mernn. Hefercnees 1st
Nat. bank , Omaha. H. 535 , Now 1'axton block
7MJy2 *
MONUYTo Loan Ily the undersigned , who
has the only property organized loan agency
in Omaha. Lo.msot J10 to tlO ) made on furni
ture , pianos , orgain.horses , wagous.machlnery ,
etc. , w Ithout removal. No delays. All buhlnoss
strictly conlldentlal. Loans so made any
Sart can be jiald nt iinv time , i-aeh payment 10-
uclng the cost iiro rata. Ad\ances made on
line watches and diamonds. Persons should
cniefully consider who they ore dealing with , as
many now concerns nro dally coming Into exis
tence. Should you need inou'y rail and hoome.
W. H. Croft , lloom 4 , Wlthncllbulldlng.lSth and
Hainey , KU
MONUY to loan ; cash on hand ; no delay. J ,
W. AK. L. Bciulio. 1310 Farnam ut , First
Katlonalbunlc _ bullillng. 53H
DON'T boriow money on furnlturo , horses ,
wagonn , etc. , until you have seen C. II.
Jacobs , room 410 , Fliht National bank building ,
cor. 13th and I'm nam 571
MONUY Good commercial paper and hhort
tlmo mortgages bought. Heal estate loans
negotiated. S. A. Slomun.Uth and Furnnm ,
MONUY loaned nt C. F. Hoed it fo.'n Loan
olllce , on furnlturo , pianos , hoisos , wagons ,
porsoiial liroporty of all kinds , nnd all other
at tides of value without lemovnl , 31''S. ' 13th.
All biHliivai strictly conlldentlal , 510
MONUY to loan. Mortgage : , bought. Klmball ,
Champ i Uyiin , U. 0 , 17. S. Nut. Hank.
3 ; 1 J12
fl lIK Omaha rinanrlnl Uxchnnge , Itoom 11 ,
X Darker block , southwest corner of Fur-
nam nnd Bts.
Makes u Hpceialty of short-time collateral and
real eatato loans.
Money ulw ays on hand In sums of { 100 and up
wards to any amount , to loan on approved se
Secured notes bought , sold or exchanged.
Clear real estate and cash to exchange for
good llrnt or nucond mortgagos.
Loans made upon land contracts , stocks ,
bonds , trust deeds , llrst or second mortgage HU-
ctirlty , w Ithout publicity , dolny or i ed upo.
Financial business of any kind transacted
promptly , quietly and fairly , Hoom 15 , Darker
block , Coi'bttt , Manager. L'M
MONUY to loan on chattels , w Itnout removal
or tiling ; financial i.mislnchii of all kinds
transacted without publicity ; money ndvuncud
on jew oil y , notes , etc. It w 111 pay you to see us.
Pooplo's Flntimlal F.xi hango. 0. llousrareii ,
inuiiuger , It.fjOSJ laikurblk,15lnand ! Pnruamsts
251 jy lit
M1 "oNUYtolunn. G. U. U'liompion , Sheely blk-
51 ONUVto loan. Lowest rates. No delay. J ,
L. Hlce ACo. . , over Commercial Nnt'l bunk.
MONUY to loan Long tlmo. George J. Paul ,
1IVH Fiirnam bt , 3JO
T OANS madu lu all tliti principal additions to
J-Juuilm ( ut lowest ratni. * D. Y. tJhole.s room ) ,
llai ker block. _ _ WJ
MONUY loaneu on furniture , pianos , organs ,
her i > - < . etc. low ratos. J. J. Wilkinson A ;
Co.'II17 Fiiriiaiii. IM
IPN8 made to parties desiring to build. D.
j V. fcholus , room I , Darker block. D02
JUU Harris HK A : L Co. for loans , room 411
Hut Nat Hank. 220
M ONUY to logii on leal o tate ; mortgages
bought and bold. Wallace , Crelghton block ,
MONUY to loan in any amount , either for
building or otherwise , at lowest rates of In
tel est and on short notice. D. Y. Slioles. room
1 , Darker block. VG
HI ) . IHKY WOn.OOO to loan on city property
mid Improved farm land. Fronzer block ,
MONKYlo loan ou hpfdoa. furniture nnd other
personal projiorty or.collaternl. Hates mod
erate ; business confidential. Otllco B. W. cert
ner IMh and Douglas uU. Kutroncu ou Kth bt.
The Falrkaiyk Investment Co. 634
\fONEYtoloanbn improved realeMale ; no
ill commission- charged ; . -LciVitt ljurnham ,
room L CnlgUtou block- . . Wj
MONEY to loan on horses , funilturo , pianos ,
land contracts , and other personal prop
erty. UuMness coulldcntlal , lloom 3 , Omaha
Nal'l bank ' 6C2
MONUY to loan on furniture wagons , etc ,
w Ithout rcrnovnl or on collateral cecurlty ,
Iluslness ttrlctly confidential A. U. Greenwood
& Co. , It I , Cunningham block , cor 13 .V Jackson.
. loannt ft per cent. Ltnnhnn * Mn
Phoney , lloom 6 < X ) , Paxton block. 607
LOANS made on Improved nnn unimproved
cltv property at lowest rates of Interest ,
special rotes on large loan * on lusldo property
Odell llros. .V Co. , 312 S. ICth st , 4U3
JOANS made on real estate and mortgages
bought. l < ew 1s 8. Heed & Co. , 1W1 Paniam.
HU.COLH loans money onimprotad city or
farm property. Itoom 0 , Continental l > lock.
GPUH CUNT money to loan , Patterson K Ilnr-
urml ills S l.'th si. Wi'J
MONEV to loan. O. r. Davis Co. , real estate
and loan agents. m 1'nrnam st. 670
A. WOODMAN Money to loan on real cs-
I tale In sums to suit. 220 8 13th st' 572
T OANSmadeon real estate. Cash on hand.
. M , Harris , over 22J S llith st. f > 72
$ WX(0)to loan on Omnha city property ntO
per cent. G. W. Day , se cor Kx. bid. 6711
MONKV to lonn on furniture , horses , wagons ,
etc , , or on any approved security. Low rntos
J. W. Dobbins , 11)1) ) ) rnrnnm. B7i
tUlLDING loans. Llnnlmn & Mahonoy.
> 675
ave some rare chances for parties wishIng -
Ing to engage tn a desirable business , oma-
1m lluslucss cx.SW. cor. 15th and Douglas.
ot drugs In n thriving Nebraska
kJtow n , invoice about ? J,000 ; terms i { cash ,
balance easy with approved security. Co
Operative Land & Lot Co. , 305 N. ICth st.
DHOG store for sale , or will take part real
estate near Omaha. Address lock box 75 ,
North Loup , Nob. 733 SW
TT10H SA LH For MOO a clgnr store , cheap ren t
JL1 good location. Address O 59 Hoe. VJil 23 ?
FOH SALE A now restaurant In a good loca
tion ; w 111 soil cheap If nold before next Mon
day. Address O 5. ) , lleo op.lciv OS2 22t
PAUTV will bo hero from the cast soon with
SU'.OX ) worth of dry goods nnd notions to exchange -
change for city property. Co-operative Land &
Lot Co. . 2C5 N. lllth st. 714 2U
AGHUATbargaln.nixl2)fton Harney st near
21st. two story Ill-room house with basement
well , cistern and shudo tioes. at n great sacrltlo
f sold soon. Hopper te Wlllinuis , room Ml ,
Chnmbcr of Commerce. 753 ! U
I710H SALH Saloon. InqulloCXM Douglas.
JL1 7U1 28 *
IF j ou Imvostocks or business for salexir wish
a good partner , apply at Omaha Business ex
change ; they nro reliable. 8. W cor. 15th nnd
Douglas. 811
TTlOll SALE News nnd cigar store on prlncl-
X1 pal street In Omnha , on account of 2 busi
nesses , cheap for cash. Addiost O 51 , Hoe.
FOH SALU A flrst-class saloon , In central
location , nenr P. O. , doing a huge and piollt-
nble business , 'Good reason for soiling. Kent
$141) ) , long time lease. Pilco $4,0 0 , terms reason
able. Co-operatlvu Land and Lot Co.,20. > N. llith.
71 531
. ) H SALU Hoarding house and saloon nt a
bargain. II. Mauuw oiler M14 S llth. 031201 :
"iroil SALU Hotel and restaurant in good lot -
-t ? cation. Inquire U. A. Maisn , ( S N. Kith Kt.
CU 20 *
"IT\OH \ SALU or i\elmnge-Hotel and meat
JL'maiket in liny Sprlmts , Nob.nt a bargain.
Aderess It. McNafr , Trow ford , Neb. ( llljj 1 *
171OH SALU Illacksmlth mid wagon shop.
J-1 AddroHS O 4) , Hue ollico. 012 2S *
IT1OH SALU A class dairy witn goodwill ,
J-1 iKtures and pasture sold If desired , fromfij
to 150cows. liKjulio J. P. lloch , Uinahal'.O.
"I7IOH SALU Fixtures , good will , etc. , of a
Jllrst'Cluss In cvntinl location ;
well established trade and doing a paying busi
ness HentJ'f ) , pilieJ'HH. ' terms easy. Co
operative Land & Lot Co. , 20 > N. l thbt.
775 2"i
BHICKYAHD I'or Salo-Tlio only brickyard
In city of 12,000 Inhabitants , making a net
annual mollt of over 81,000 : will well either part
or whole Interest to light pal ty. Addiess/ .
GrnndJIsland , Neb.IV _ ( > . _ box a ) . UOO
ri'TO close consignment , for sale cheap , 50 bar-
Jrelh ciigluo oils. Morrison A : Uly , 1 'M Leaven-
worth st. 373 23
FOH SALU Lunch counter In a saloon.dolng
good business. OWN 18th st. .Ill 27f
ill SALU At Kearney , Nob. , the furniture
nnd lease ot Grand Central hotel. The second
end best house in tha city , and the best located.
being opposite depots. Doing a pa > lng busi
ness. Will bo sola at a bargain. ImiulieT. C.
Hrnlnnfd , Midway hotel , Kearney. Nob. 1137
FOU SALU Cheap , stock of notlons.tlxtuies ,
also soda fountain in goodoider , together
or separate. Inquired S. 10th. CS428i
T JOLLUH mill for sale ; flrstclass roller mill of
JifiObbls capacity , with elevator of Ift.dOO bush
els capacity attached , and nil lu good running
older , almost now. A good and substantial
exchange nnd merchant ti ado established. Will
bo sold at a bargain. Address C. A. nickel ,
Uxoter , Neb. 731) ) 2St
" \\7U have for sale n longtime lenso of the best
t > location for fancy retail business in the
city. Fearoii , Cole & Hobertbon , aiO S. 15th ht.
f 77
EXCUPTIONAL business opening at Gaylord ,
Kan. Storeroom iX'xfcO feet , shelved lor
dry goods , etc. , $ A ) nor month ; only two other
dry goods stoics In town. A line chance for the
right man. Address F. II , Orcutt , Council
llluirs , la. . %
mo THADK or For Salo-An equity ot * , < WO in
-L u j7.tji now ll-rooni , slate roof dwelling ,
modern Impiovements , ono mllofiompostolllce ,
Omaha , Nob. , tor n general Mock inviclmndlsu
or diy goods , boots and shoes , or clean htock
grocuiloa. Addicss C , 2,1 lleo olllce , t'omirll
lIlullB , In. HU ) 3D
FpO U.\THANGi-81ots : 4n Kearuoy , Neb. , to
JL nxcliaiigo for a good team and buggy. Co-
opoiath o Lund A ; Lot Co. , SOj-N 10th st. H03-2. >
$ fi.iTO Mock of clothing , boots and Mioes nnd
huts mid i aps , to exclinngo for jiai t cash ami
good olrar or sllghtlv Inuumbnrvd land. Cooperative
erative Laud and Lot Co. , 20. ) N. lothht. 77.12 j
rpHADU A InrKospan of Boirel horses , 10'i '
Jbunds hlirb. weight27iK ) . To trade for smaller
team. C. M. Union. HO N. H tli. 741-Jly 2- .
riU UXCHANOU Two good houses with lull
L lots , in Omaha , and 40 acres clear land in
Iowa , for Impioved laim lu Iowa or Nebraska.
Will assume borne incumbrnnco. W. A. Spencer ,
1,121 Dodge st. KUI-2.r >
WANTUD HOISB , buggy , etc. . as llrst pay
ment on lot In Who \ P. add , bal four an
nual payments. Paul , 1009 Furnum. U-j
rpo KXCHANGK- City lots forclear lands and
JL farms. Paul , IMX ) 1'nrnam. 451
IIYUHY block to oxi'lmiigo for patt cash and
Jlmlanco In i ity property. Priru J14.0QO. Co-
Olieiuthi ) Lund \ Lot Co. , 20 > N. Kith bt.
\\7ILLglvoyona good trade for an eight or
> > ten i oem house and lot. George J , btoriu-
dorlf , Hoom 0 , opposite P. O. 2U1
\\71IAThave you to olfer for l.'sO acres ot
> > timber hind in West Virginia , clear of in.
curabiance , porfe < t title , George J , Stcrnsdorlf ,
Itoom ( ) , opjiosito P. O. 2:11 :
BHfriC Wanted-lCO. ( 0 bricks In ercliaiij e
for good Inside Omaha property , H. A.
Blonian.ioom22und23 llellmun bldi ; . Ii7U
NKW 2 beated carriage and now slnglo top
buggv to trade for long time real udtate
mortgage. W. L. Selby 1531 Farium bt. 5i3
1 1IAYK a well Improved SO acre faim In Har-
Inn county , Nub. , about H miles north of Al
ma , county scat. Any ono wantlnca good small
farm will do well to lot l inuKnuw wiiat they have
to oQcr. Goortjo J. Sternsdorlf , It oem 8 , opn. P ,
GJ. STKHNbnOHI'P , roomfi , opposite post-
t olllce , hug en mo good land In Holt county ,
Neb. , to trade for Omaha property. Will assume
light incumbranco. -"Jo
" \\rHAT have you to trade for largo double
> 10 loom house , modern impiovements ,
8 nith front , largu barn Very dosirublu
Kountz Place. C. M. Uutun , BU N. liltli.
71'Jly23. .
i , corner 23d and Douglas sts , to trade for
an eight to ten-room house and lot. Goo.J.
Bttrujdoril room U , opposite P O , ' W '
T\7II AT have you to trade for 8U acres ot mna
i > imlncumb red in Junaau county.Vls. . ,
3 miles fioin county G. J. Sternsdortr.rooia
6 , opp Postofllce. . , 107
" 1710H UXCHANGE-Houseandlot. Neb. farm
Jor South Omaha lot for vacant lot In Carthage
thago , Lincoln Place or West Cumlng add. W.
L. Selby , isai Farnam at. -(118
TTtOH KXCHANTu Neb. fanu or t o South
J. Omuhulou forbpanof mares oronultn. W.
U Selby. U.'l.Furnsm t. o78
V7ANTUDClear' lands 'for libido city prot > -
11 crtjM'aul , JCW ramam. I'.i
/3 J. STKHNSDOIIFF , Hoom ft. opposlto P.
VJ o , hns some rholco farm land to trade
for city property. Will assume light inrutn-
branccs. 2:11 :
EIO1ITY ( BO ) acres of land adjoining
Mnnawnt Council. IllulTs , la , This tract
will mnke 4Mbenutlfin ( lots nnd Is free from
encumbrance. What hare von to offer ? Oeorga
J. StcrnsdorlT , room fl , opp P. O. lt > 7
rpllADKS made In real cstnto nnd porsoml
JL jiroperty. fee exchange book. Co-on. I *
and U Co. 205 N. loth st. IM )
MiniiANl ) Guarantee nnd Trust CoM 1505
Farnnm street Complete abstracts fur'
nlthed , and titles to real estata Sjxnrulneid. port -
t > cted and guaranteed. 61
Abstracts South ( ) mnha-IM. Johnson , t
Co. , agents South Omnha Land Co , hate
the only complete sot of abstract books in
South Omaha. Comnluto abstracts furnished
on short notice. Ofllce opposite depot , South
Omnha. 6S1
BKNSONfcOAHMtCHAKI. furnlsn complete
and guaranteed abstracts of title to any
realcstato In Omaha nnd Douglas county upon
( hortnntlco. The most complete setot nbitrnot
books lutho city. No. 1S10 Farnam st. Mi
Al HIJSINKSS property , Cfl ft. couth front
on Capitol nvo. botw eeu loth nnd 10th stt > . ,
with houses renting for $100 per month. Owner
is n non-resident , now In city , nnd bound to sell.
Unmilroof .lohn W. Taylor , Merchant's hotel ,
or J.1I. Melkle. aboard of trndobdg. 7X1
DI ) . 3MKATON. Hnrker Illock. Omnha , hns
following in South Omnha for sale ; N.WW
Improved corner property. 111 per cent income.
Corner on L nnd 25th street ! , f-C.ner foot , at
about K cash , balance easy. ( X Tcr on Ii Bt. ,
ni'i\rl\Induct , ! with no cash down , lluslucss
lota on Lst. nt JSOOnndJI.UlK ) . ono nnd two block *
fromdcirot , which will doulilo In six months.
Lot 10 , block MI on 21th St. , 4WO. Lot II , block
00. on 271 list , . * la50. Lot ( I , block 66. J3.UOO , 'W
cash , balanca 2 years. House and lot on west
side , KM ) cash and $10 per month. 11111101. 10
minutes walk of "ArmourV , " f ( > r * ' 1 " ) , 'I'3 ' ro
cnnh , balance yearly. Also other bargains on
humu 7 < i"
FOH SAI.U-IJeautiful east front lot In Ar-
cado place on iWith nt. . Just south of Leaven
worth , for $1,700. Tills Is KKXbelownctunl ) value
nud will bo in the market n short tlmo only at
the prlcolimited. M. A. Upton > V Co. 31
ONIVY n fowlotricft l7i"7V MTpark nddltlon
to South Omaha. What hnvo you to olfer ?
George J. BtornsdorlT , lloom 0 , opp. V < O. 2:11 :
FOHSALU. Farms on long tlmo. Co-Opora-
tlvo Land and Lot Co. . B N. Will St. 83T
FOHSALU Two line South Omnhn lots , ono
n corner , cheap if sold w Ithln u \ \ eek. Ail-
dress O K , lleo. C83
HUK hundred and twenty nrrcs Joining to
thocltyof ( Irnnd Islninl ; 40 acres in cltv
for sale. A. II. Perkins , Grnud Island. 312 2 ( ,
DON'T miss this Lot Hi , ClarKo'8 nddltlon ,
just north of St. Mary's avo. , til feet front ,
worth R400. Wo will sell for a short tlmo for
JTvWO. M. A. Urlon A ; Co. a" > 0
GJ. STEHNSIJOIUT. roomO opposite post-
olllco , v 111 sell you a good 4-room house
on inth street , " blocks south of car line , by pay
ing SiW CASH , balance monthly payments to
suit. Tills Is a splendid oppoitunlty for any
one wanting n cheap homo. 2 < )1 )
A HOME nt a Hiugatn Ulcgant cottnife , f nil
east front lot. All modem improvements.
2 blocKS fiom Hauscoui park. Address the
owner , O CJ , llee. 7tti 2 ! )
FOH SALU Cheap if hold ( .0011 , hou e , line
law n , city w atcr , well , cistern , barn and out
buildings. Guiding done and over ) thing in
good repair. Immediate possession. Apply nt
Ullicer & 1'usey's bank , or on premise ? , cor , 4th
a\o . andl'th St. . Council llluirs. In. KM27
POH SALU A new U loom house , all modem
conveniences , lot WH12I , Did lot 1Mb. on
Lnthiopst , Kount7o place ; price S 1,7(1) ( ) , Jl.CUO
cash , bal. if 75 n month or ns dcslicd. Hamilton
Hios. , builders , 401 So. 18thst. 74SJyl ,
FOH BAM : House nnd lot. lot rXKlfiO. .Tetter's
Mist mill. South Oiunlin , $1,250. InqnUo 70. ) N
luth. 7M 2JT
BUSINESS property , 44 ft. , Capitol nve. be
tween Iflth and 10th Et . ; Itnigaln for a few-
days nnlr. .lohn W. Taylor , Merchant's hotel ,
or J. I ) . Molkle , 2 board of trade l > dg. 7. SJ
TilOH SA LU or trade on cnsv terms Lot 10 blk
-L1 ; ts , Albright's choice. Iots 13 , 111 , 17 blk 2 ,
Hoppo hub illv , Albright's choice. Lot 7 blk 1 ,
Biuindcr-i X lllmobnugh's add. Lots 1 ami 2 blk
I' , HiIggs-place. Oeo. It. Iu\ls , Mlllard hotel
billiard room. SJSJyll
FOH SALU 10,000 acres good farming land In
Ktnnton , rinnklln. C'ustur and Cheyonnu
counties. Nob. Geo. II. Peteisou. C1SS. 13th bt.
C-HOOJI cottngo , clo oK pantry , well and
tJoutliiilldlngs , w est part of tity , small cash
payment , ana balance monthly or to suit. K.I' .
barling. IKil K.irnam. _ 77IJ20
FOH SALU Or trade : SO acres , Harlan couu-
ty. Neb. , imp.
1GO acres. Holt Co , Nob. , Imp.
KSJ acres , Knox Co , Neb , Imp.
icq.ncres , Greoley Co , Nob.
40 acre" , adjoining Lake Manawn.
Lots in II. & JL Parjc , South Omahn. clear.
" lots. Mchoso Hill , encumbered , i.W ) .
1 lot. Konntru Place , encumbered , SI.45J.
( ilots , Arnold Park , oucumboiod. iW.WU.
1 lot. Orchard Hill , encumbered , HOI.
1 lot , Cumlng st , cor. 31st. unencumbered ,
1 lot , rnrnam st , bet. 3Sth and 3jth , uncncum-
I ncic , Solomon's add , encumbered , ? 150.
1'resh stock cigars , invoice JJ.l/OO.
Span hoi sex , harness and delivery wagon.
II lull's combination safe , nearly now.
Also business and residence property In all
parts of the city , for halo or trndo for htocks of
goods , good farm property or city pioperty.
S. A. Sicilian.
Ilcllman block. Omaha , Neb.
. 07
TTOH ical estate call on Goo. J. Paul , 100 ! ) Turn
J-1 ys'J
$1,000 buys a fulhot nnd good 4-1 oem cottage
In a good location. 1) . V. SlioltH , room 1 , llar-
kcr block. 1XM
T L. HICE A : CO. , Heal ICst.ite. 681
"T710H SALU Lookl Lookl ( W footsoutli Iront
4on Hiirnoy Just west of 2 th Ht. U room house ,
nil modern Improvement-Mine lot and home , we
hnvo oxcluslvo sale of this and can olfor It nt u
price below Its real value. M. A. Upton ACo. .
fliMO buys n full lot nnd good 4-room cottage ,
T'easy terms and good locution , i ) V.bholo
loom I. llurkor block. . ! Kti
"J L. KICK & CO. , Henl Ustato. utl choice. Inside , lull lots , upon
which 1 can build houses to suit puichaseu
upon their owu selection of plans , and on t 'ims
to hull. This will pay to Investigate , 1) ) . V.
Shales , room I , llurkur liloclc. ! ' - ' _
BAHliAIN fern few days a 10-room house ,
coiner lot , good locality , house In perfect
condition , all modern improvements ; price
Stl.iXKJj $ . ' , IKIO cash , bnlani'o one. twouud three
years , G. I , . Green , 31J S. 15th st. Ml
OH ! nil-Lots ! 8 and ti , block n , lloyd'H ad
dition , one block oir State street , only J''o ' )
foi both lots , 10S\l2'toims ' ) easy , M. A. I'ptou '
& , Co. , KO
J.L. . HICE & CO. , Heal Kstaie.
J.JOUSUaudlotln South Omaha forsalo only
tjyj ) , small cash payment , bal monthly , or
tei ms to suit , D. D. euieaton , room U , Darker
hlocK. _ f/i'i
"I JjlTAliJ XCO. . , Heal Uitato. M
JjlOH HALI'-Or exchange. Wo have BOIIUJ
good Omaha nml estate nnd Nubraskn
farms , which we will t < ell cheap or trade for
Htock of clothing , furnishing goods , dry goods ,
boots amUhuu& , giocuiius or Inudnaru. bchlea-
Inger llros. . ( IM B. 10th st. _ U _ _
"I71OU SALU A IIKO east front lot InVliull > ( ) V
- Dliicu , new H loom lioiihO w ull , cistern , co *
mentcd cellar , vtc. A line homo , only fO.TOJ ;
t.VX ) ciihh , im in one year , bal In three years ; wo
1m u the exclusive ualu of tUU , M. A. I'pton A :
Co. _ _ 71KI
rpHACKAfJU property McCaguo'H add , 2fT ft
J front by ' "lit average doi. th , S15.UW. Hobert
Yntus , Hoom t/01 Paxton bulldlni ; , _ ' 7i03U * _
1710H HAI.K-Bx14i ) ) , foutli and i-a'st f tout on
J cor Hh and Dorcas : an elegant lot with K.
room hoiisa mow ) for J.1WJO ; JI.IOO caoli. Wo
huvo uxclublvu snlo of this. M. A. I'pton A , Co.
This lot adjoin * Goodman's line giounds. 7&7
illCl CO Heal sstat
T \ D. 8MKATUN , exclusively South Omaha
JS nul utitato. llargulns alwuy-i on hand ,
liurler block , Omutia. UJ7 Jy 1
IVotico to Contrjustors.
Sealed bids will be received to buill school
building In school dUtrlct No 61 , up to June ti ,
Plans and hpc-cttlinitons can bo Heun ut the ollico
of MouiltUsohn , 1 itiher i : Luurlu. P , D.Milllun ,
director Ko. 61.
llemarkable f or jpowerful _ ym2 ;
tlicilo ttinv , iiliabln HCllou upd ab-
toluta Uurnlilllt y. aj ycara' record ,
tha bent guarantee ot tlio excel'
IfUce oTtlTeso Instruments.
lrom nl < i.
Rented propo als w 111 bo rocolvrrt by the clt
of Chadron , J * ob. , until 7 o'clock pm..lnno2UU
IMS , for the furnishing and er > rtlng of n system
of wnter works for the city of I hndron. Neb.
Said syi tern to bo furnished nnd built In ac
cordance w Ith plans ivml ypvrltu atlons prepared
by A. A. lllclmnlson , engineer , nnd on lllo in
the city clerk's olllce , Clmilroii. Neb.
Pr ipo alscftn bo made wholeor In sepurato
pni ts on tlie follow Ing Items , > | ? -
I Put nlslilng and building engine house nnd
oXo stack ,
S nirulshlng nnd building ( liter and well And
approach from the cieek ,
.1 Furnishing pumping 'unchlnory. hontor
nnd connections belonging thctvtolusldo of tlio
4 Furnishing boiler nnd connections.
f > I'tirnl'-hlug cnst Iron pipe.
n Furnishing special castings.
7 ntrnlsliltiK Knlamelnplpo mid special CAJ-t-
Ings fornnme.
8 Furnishing hvdrnnts , gates nud gate Imcs.
n Uxtavntlngtronchcs , making bell holes and
tilling bnck after pipes arc Mid nnd connected.
10 niriilshlnumnionry nnd Hitting nud wallIng -
Ing in boilers nnd setting machinery and mnk-
Ingnll connections belonging thereto.
II Excavating nnd furnishing nnd building
13 Teaming pipes , opeelal castings , hydrants ,
Rates , boxes , lend , oakum , etc , , from cars to
place of u o.
1:1 : Furnishing lend , oakum , and InylnR and
connecting all pipes , hydrnnts , nates , setting
boxes , nnd doing all work pcitalnliig thereto
outsldoof engine house.
14 Teaming bull CIR nnd mnchlnery from cars
and placing on foundation nt ciiglnu lunuo us
All the material to bo shipped In euro of city ,
w ho w 1)1 ) pay freight and charge to contractor.
limit ho city reiittest that all material bo shipped
via Chicago over the Chicago nnd Northwestern
llntlrond ns fnr as It Is practicable to do so.
No bids will tm considered unless strict ! r in
accord w Ith plans and specifications on fllo in
the city clerk's olllco.
The clt y council i eserves I ho right to reject any
or nil bids , or nny parts of bids.
Proposals should bn directed to the city cleric
nnd mnrked "Proposals for Water Works. "
lor copies of speculations , drawings mid
other Intornmtlon npply to city clerk of Cliad-
ron , Noli. , or to A. A , Iticlmruson , consult Ing on-
Blneor. Lincoln , N b.
Ily order of city council of thocltyof Chad *
ron , Noli. , this 23th dny of Mny , A. I ) .
0. O. 1 1 UU1 IKS , Mayor.
JOHN W. SMITH , City Clerk.
Proposals for Wntor Bonds ,
Chndron , Nob. , May 2fl , s.\ \
SKALUDblds wilt bo received at this onic
untilItinoStlth , 1B8H , nt 7 o'clock p.m. , for
the pmchase of { , liR ( of Water llonds ot the
illy of Clmdnin. Said bonds 1st ,
18Ss , nml w 111 become duo twenty years after the
date thoicof. but payable nt the option ot tha
city after llvo years from date , according to
Htiitute. The bonds nroln the Riim of M.OOU each ,
and bear Inteieat iroin date thereof nt thtrato
of lx per cent per annum , payable souil-an-
nnally on ( U-st day of month of December
nnd .lime In each year. The principal and in
terest aio pajublo nt the Nobinskn State Fiscal
Agency. Now York City , N. Y. Tlieso bonds nro
Issued by authority of the vote of the cltyot
Chndron , allot the votes cost being In favor ot
said issue , and are for the purpose of the orco-
tlou and construction ot u njstem oC water
w orks.
Uaeh bid must state the amount desired to bo
purchased , the pilco to bo paid , with accrued
Interest , nnd should bo marked "Proposals for
Water liomls , " nnd must tttato full nnmo nnd
address of bidder. The light Is io-crved to re
ject iinv nml all bids. J. W. SMITH ,
JSliilt City Clerk.
Dally. tKxcept Sunday.
HunnliiKlJotweon Council llluirs and Albright.
In nddltlon to the btntloiis montloiic'd , trains
stoji at Twentieth and Twenty fourth btroots ,
and at the Summit in Omahn.
Leave , Arrive ,
A No. H . . . 4:00p. : in. I ) No.2 . .8:20 : a , m.
II No. 2 n-.l't p. m.ANo , 111 1IW : a. m.
C No. tl . . . . 11:15 : u. ni.O No.5 . 5:45 : p , in.
A No. 4 . . . U:40 : n. m.lA No. II .0:0) : p. in.
C DCS Molnes Accommodation.
C Du.s Molnos Acc-ommodatlon.
ANo.n 0:10 n , in. A No. u 8:15 : a.m.
A 'No. 0 4:00 : p. m. A "No. 7 11 : . " * ) a.m.
A No. 4 0:45 : p. 111. A No. 5 0:60 :
A No.2 0:2.1 : n. m | A No.3 0.31 a.m.
A No. 4 . . 0:10 : p. m.lA No. | . .OM p.m.
B10UX ClTi' A. PACIl'10.
A No. 10'A ' No,0 SManu :
A No.13. . .7tOp.m.A : | Ko.Jl . . . 0:00p.m.
No. 8 . . . .9.49 p , ra ! A No. " . . 11:35 : a.m.
No. 14 . . . .C.V : ) a. m. No.r . . . . 0:40 a.m.
No. 4 . . 0:41 a m , I ) No. 15. . . 0:45 : a.m.
No 8 . 4 : < p. in. A No,7 . . . .tOJ : p.m.
A No. C p in ' No. U . 7:00 : p.m.
A dally ; II dally except Sat ; C dally except
Sun ; D except Mon. ; fiist mall ; 'Limited.
E.T.Allen , M. D. ,
iluraccopathlc Bpoclultst ,
Bp ct olea Accurately Pieierlbed ,
1C , J. U.lLllll.llTII.
Surgeon and Physician ,
Office N W ( .4)1 ! < 1 it u al 1li.iujjliudt. O.Tlsi '
'Uyne ' , ij ; UcjU au U-leujvat , G3A ,