Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 24, 1888, Part I, Page 2, Image 2

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Washington Hoped For a Nomina
tion on Yesterday.
Blicrmnn and Allison Not IMonscd
AVI Hi Hie Situation MeKlnloy a
Favorite AVI III HI" Fellow
Adjoiirnment DlHplcnncdTltciit.
51l ! fot'iiTKUXTii STIIKKT , >
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Juno 33.1
Everybody was disappointed when the
Chicago convention adjourned over this
nftcrnoon to Monday. It was universally ex-
] iectvd that a nomination would bo mndo
within at the most thrco or four ballots. It
was conceded on all hands that , with Blalnc
out of the question , the contest stood be
tween Harrison and Allison , with McKlnloy
and Porter as likely dark horses. Shortly
nf tor. the adjournment n dispatch was re
ceived and posted , announcing that Mo dele
gates had had a consultation and had ar
ranged for adjournment , so as to organize
ngalnst the threatened attempt to run Mr.
Ulalno Into the convention , and that It meant
the placing of Blaine beyond the possible
) > ale of becoming n compromise man.
This was refreshing to the great bulk of
republicans in Washington who want a now
candldate.f The friends of Oonoral Harrison
nro yet conlhlcnt of success. They hold that
the logic of the situation points to their man ,
nnil that time will only make him stronger.
AVlicn the bulletin was received at the house
of representatives this morning announcing
that Representative MeKinlcy of Ohio had
taken the platform In the convention , to with
draw his name and renew his fealty to Sena
: tor Sherman , it was Instantly whispered
about that Mr. McKlnley was to bo put up to
defeat Harrison , and that McKinley would
likely bo the nominee.
The announceuiont caused considerable
surprise in some quarters , while in others It
was received In n matter-of-fact way. Sen
ator Shei man , who spent the day in his com
mittee room nt the capitol was not greatly
pleased with the htatement In the bulletin
nnd shrtigKcd his slioulders significantly.
Senator Allison , who also spent the day in
in his committee room , sighed nnd these
imout him remarked that McKinlcy's action
meant moro than an appeal for Sherman. It
was the almost universal belief that McKin-
Icy would bo nominated on the ballot which
Senator Sherman stated to a friend In his
committee room that if a ballot had been
taken last night General Harrison would
liavobeen nominated ; that there wore other
states than New York and Wisconsin which
were ready to go over to Harrison. It is be
lieved that ho had In mind Pennsylvania.
Michigan and possibly Ohio. But he added
that ho did not now believe Harrison would
bo nominated , although the Now York
delegation would have great influence in
naming the nominee.
About 13 o'clock it was re-
jjortcd in the corridors of ' tlio
house side that HeprcBcntative Per
kins of Kansas and Mr. Burrows of Michi
gan had circulated a telegram , addressed to
certain prrfmincnt delegates in the conven
tion , advising the nomination of Major McKinley -
Kinloy , and that It had been signed by nearly
nil of the republican members at that time on
the lloor of the house. I made diligent in
quiry as to the truthfulness of this report ,
and could not trace it. The two gentleman
denied that any such telegram had been sent
u.v them.
Hero are at least two men whoso names
have figured prominently before the conven
tion and who are immensely popular with the
people about congress Senator Allison and
ilepreseiitatlvo Melvlnloy. Their ovcry-day ,
unaffected and uniform courtesy to every
body have made them popular with every ono
Who comes In contact with them.
Al Eaton , of Ottumwa , Ta. , is in the city.
Senator Paddock is in New York.
Pisuitv S. Ilii.vrn.
How the Mexicans of Old California
Captured Ilg Game Alive.
The native Californians , when that
Btato waa a Mexican province , seldom
did anything which they could not do
on horseback. They were famous as
good riders , nnd a story is told of a
horseman of San Jose who won u wager
by his extraordinary horsemanship. Ilo
started at full gallop , holding a salver
on which were u dozen wine-glasses
filled to the brim. Riding fifty yards ,
lie stopped suddenly and handed down
the salver without having spilled a drop
of the wine.
Thcso men were , moreover , so export
wllh the lasso that two men would lasso
a boar on the , plains , and , holding him
on opposite si'dos , drag Bruin into the
settlement , whore ho was retained to
furnish sport by lighting a bull.
Manuel Larios , an expert with the
Insso , had u singular adventure with a
hear. II. II. Bancroft tolls the story in
his "California Pastoral. "
\Vhilo riding ho discovered a bear
iligglng at a squirrel hole upon the sum-
jnit of n hill. Ho lassoed the hour ,
which rushed at him , aud Lurio.s gal
loped on * with the bear close to his
liorso's heels.
On reaching a small tree , lie threw
the end of tlio lasso over a branch , and ,
catching it without stopping , drew the
bear up until his hind feet scarcely
touched the ground , Thou ho took tw
turns round the trco with the lass
tightly drawn , alighted , and secured
the end to a strong shoot.
Having tied ono of the bear's hind
legs with ono end of n. rope , ho lassoed
ono of the fore logs with the other end ,
drew the rope taunt nud thus fastened
the animal to the trco. With a sash ho
tied the two hind legs together , and
with u rope the fore logs.
With iv stick ho then worked off his
lasso , which ho had loosened , and rode
oil to a neighboring ranch , where ho
told the story of his adventure , Larios
"nnd the ranchmen rode back toward the
tree where ho had loft Bruin tied.
While passing a rye-Hold u largo she
boar , with three cubs , leaped up in
front of their horses , The men pur
sued and lassoed her three times , but
she throw oil the las co each timo. At
last they abandoned the mother for her
The horseman leaped from his Jiorso ,
eoizod u cub , and , tying its legs
together , throw it on the front ot his
saddle. Larios run down hill after the
Fccond cub , overtook it , let hhnsoll
j'irtly down over the horse's side , seized
u log of the cub , lassoed it while gallop
ing. lot it go and pulled it ulong. The
third cub escaped.
The bear was found tied to the trco.
TIe was lassoed with two lassoes , and
thui drrgged into the village , whore
ho kjllcc. ono bull and was gored tc
dentil by another.
Oneral Patrick Collins , who
ovc : % thiJ St. Louis convention , got his school'
ing In Ohio while working hard in a coal
ml DO and on a farm. At sixteen ha became
nn apprentice la Boston , and on the oxplra-
ttj'i ' of his apprenticeship had $1,100 to bis
credit. The same weak he was elected tc
tb ? Massachusetts legislature.
TUo. order of Qood Templaw has been
firing special attention to Jeqturo work in
L'alltorula sicco their last Grand Lodve.
Colonel Hlckmah , from Kentucky , has just
closed a llvu months' engagement with the
r.ler. During ul - work ho Initiated lute
the order nearly 9,000 new members. There
have been forty now lodges organized In this
Jurisdiction slnco last October , anil tbo ordei
tj occral\y \ prosperous.
"Washington fnrk Meeting.
CHICAGO , Juno 23. The overwhelming
reputation of Baldwin's great colt Emperor
of Norfolk , made the field to-day for tlio
American derby the smallest that has over
Rtnitcd for the event. The result had been
discounted In ; sporting circles for some time ,
the Emperor being regarded as n sure win
ner unless the track was very muddy. The
track to-day was In good condition ,
Mile Valuable won , Volanto second , Mac
beth third. Time 1M3H >
Three-quarters of a mile Carnegie won ,
Santollno second , Orderly third. Time 1 :15. :
American derby , mile and a half Em
peror of Norfolk won , falcon second , Los
Angeles third. Tlmo 2 : ( ) ) <
Mlle and one-eighth Birthday won , En-
Iqtio second , Lela May third. Time 1 : f > 01 ( .
Five furlongs Monsoon won , Gakma
second , Chllhowln third , Tlrao-1 : ltt f .
Kvents at KhccpHhcnd Bay.
Nr.\v YOIIK , Juno 23. The record was
broken la the fourth race by Terra Cotta ,
who ran a mile nnd a furlong In 1:53. : This
Is ono quarter of o second faster than the
record made by Itosllo with only eighty
pounds up , while Terra Cotta carried 121
Three-fourths mile- Cousin Jooins won ,
ITitzroy second , Grlmaldl third. Time 1 :15. :
Ono mile and a furlong Bella B. won , An
omaly second , Golden Heel third. Time
1 : ii7.
Three-fourths mile Diablo won , Tcnny
second , Sam Wood third , rime 1 : lii f.
Ono mile and h furlong Terra Cotttt won ,
Klreiizi second , Linden third. Time 1 :5t. : :
Ono a'ld throe-eighths mile Belvulero
won , Lelogas second , Brother Ban third.
Tlmo 3:22. :
One mile , on the grass Camlyses won ,
Tattler second , Lancaster third. Time
Nebraska nud lown Pensions.
WASIII.VOTOX , Juno S3. - | Special Telegram
to Tin : Bnn.1 The following pensions were
granted to Ncbraskans to-day : Original in
valid Kobert Growcrcek , Valley ; Kobert
Coates , Carisbrook ; Alexander Calvert ,
Lincoln. Increase Wells McCoolr , Salem.
Original widows , etc. Francis A. , widow of
John II. Hnlns , Verdon ; Caroline , widow of
William Watts , Lincoln.
Pensions f or lowans : Original Invalid
Dixon M. 'Parsons , Lo Grand ; Owen B.
Kelstor , Goldflold ; James O. Koborts ,
Aftou ; John Vogolbach , Buffalo ; Martin
Cramer , Corning ; James M. Fletcher , Bloom-
Held ; James AVorlo , Mason City ; Henry
Kail. Eariham : Charles G. Newell.
Wtilkor ; Allen Fowkcs , Montlccllo ; David
Dunkle , Crescent City ; Lorenzo H. Ponti-
cus , Marshalltown ; Ashcl Ives , Wnukouia ;
George H. Gray , ICasson ; Norman Green ,
Menlo ; Joseph Gregory , Osecola ; William
Jameson , Alliia ; John C. Williams , AVhat
Cheer ; Wandlo Pulvcr. Klrkinan. Increase
Ilczekiah Llppett , Fairlleld. Hclssuo
Abram T. Smith , Hcdflold. Original , widows ,
etc. Minor of Daniel Seliaofer , Burlington ;
Sophia , mother of Henry C. Hebbard , Mus-
c.itiuc ; Nancy M , , mother of Edward M.
Dougherty , Mount Pleasant ; Abner J. ,
father of William Sawyer , Central City.
Mexican survivor Nathanial Thomas Belle-
Death of a Lady Journalist.
Nr.w YOIIK , Juno 23. Mrs. Lisle Lester ,
the journclist , died hero to-day of pneumonia.
She was the daughter of the late Major
Lyinan Wakor , of Fond du Lac , Wis. , and
graduated from Lawrence university In li-DS.
An Act Extending Time of Payment
to Purchasers.
An net for the relief of the Omaha tribe of
Indians in Nebraska , to extend time of pay
ment to purchasers of land of said Indians ,
and for other purposes.
Bo it enacted by the senate and house
of representatives of the United States
pi America in congress assembled : That
in view of the advanced condition in
civili/.aliou of the Omaha tribe of In
dians in tlio state of Nebraska , and to
enable said tribe to further im
prove their condition by making im
provements upon their homesteads by
the nnrohiiso of stock , cattle , agricul
tural implements , and other necessary
articles , and in accordance with thei'r
wishes , there is hereby appropriated
out of any moneys in the treasury not
otherwise appropriated , the sum of
seventy thousand dollars , being the last
seven installments of ton thousand dollars
lars , each unappropriated , and secured
to said Indians under the fourth article
of their treaty dated Mnroli sixteenth ,
eighteen hundred and fifty-four , to bo
paid pur capita in two annual install
ments of thirty-live thousand dollars
each ; provided , that payment of the
second installment shall be made con
tingent upon their advancement and
improvement , and in the discretion of
the secretary of the interior : And pro
vided further , Unit said money shall bo
paid to said Indians per cuiritu by a
special agent appointed for that pur- _
posp by the secretary of the intorjor ,
which agent shall in person direct and
advido the expenditure of the same by
btich Indians in the manner most con
ducive to their present welfare. Ilo
blinll give a boat ) for the faithful per
formance of his duties and bo paid for
his services out of said money such
reasonable compensation as shall bo
determined by said secretary. lie shall
report to ssvid secretary , in detail , his
doings hereundor.
Sot * . 2. That the secretary of the
interior bo , and ho is , hereby , anthor-
iy.ed and directed to extend the time
of the payment of the purchase-money
duo for land sold on Omaha Indian res
ervation under the sales made by virtue
of an act to provide for the sale of a
part of the reservation of the Omulm
tribe of Indians iu the state of Ne
braska , and forothor purposesapproved
August 7 , 1S8U , as follows : The time of
each payment shall bo extended for the
period of two yearn beyond the time
now llxed : Provided , That the interest
on said payments shall bo paid annually
at the time said payments of interest
are duo : And provided further , Thai
the act above mentioned , except at
changed and modified by this act , shall
remain fn full force.
Sec. II. The secretary of the inlorioi
is hereby directed to declare forfoltec ;
all lands sold under said act upon which
the puri'fiusor shall bo in default , undui
existing law , for sixty days after the
pabsago of this act , in payment of anj
part of thu purchase money , or in the
payment of any interest on such pur
chase money for the period of two yours
previous to the expiration of said sixty
days. Tlio hocrotary of tbo intcrioi
shall IfTeroupon without delay cause al
such land , together with all tracts ol
land embraced lu said act not hereto
fore sold , to bo sold at pifblic auction
after due notioo , to the highest bidder
over and above the original appruitit
tnorcof , upon the terms o
payment authorized in said not
And the proceeds of all sucl
Miles shall bo covered into the treasury
to be disposed of for the solo use of suu
Omaha tribe of Indians , in such manner
us shall bo hereafter determined by law
See.1. . That the secretary of tno Interior
torior , with the consent of tlio Oinnhi
1 tribeof indians/oxproasod in cut-h manner
nor as he may determines ho and ho
hereby is authorised to sot apart fron
the unallotted and umissigncu lands o
batd Omnliu Indians , in the state of lie.
brasUa , not to e.xcood live acres nf luiu
for the use and occupation of the
WOIIUIU'B National Indian association
to bu used by the tuul association foi
missionary and educational'J
among the Indians ; ii'.id the use und oc
cupancy of the land so sot apart toinUro
to bald association and Us successors coon
\on \ s 'W ' tho. same , is used for the pur
poses herein specified.
Muy 15 ,
A Hastings Wife and Mother Do-
Borts Her Homo.
Convicts CnRlo nncl AtlliiRCr Ilccnn-
turcil Norfolk introduces the Kit-
Ison Light Hiii'Klnrs nt Krc-
inonl The Prohibitionists.
Gnno to tlic llnil.
HASTINO ? , Nob. , Juno 23. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun HUB. ] Mrs. Larmor recently
amo hero and established a millinery store.
Icr shameful llasoas during her husband's
requont absences , brought her under police
tirvclllanco. Her husband went to St. Paul ,
Minn. , on business , a few days ago , and the
Misguided wife prepared deliberately to dls-
) ese of her business , desert her family and
abandon horsplf to n life of shnmc. Her son ,
gcd seven , was sent to relatives in the
ountry , and a bill of sale was made out for
ho pretended consideration of 8700 to an
ther woman. Mrs. Larmor traveled west
laying Friday night at Minden. An Omaha
raveling man had previously checked her
baggage to Omaha , to which place she jour
neyed yesterday. A brother of the husband
ms arrived upon the scene and obtained pos-
csslon of the goods. Tlio husband is much
ittachcd to his wayward wife and is expected
wck. Ho is determined to revenge himself
ipon the author of his misery. Further rich
developments , arc "expected.
Tlio Nebraska Oliiintniuinn.
Ciiin-n , Neb. , Juno 23. [ Special to Tun
llr.i : . ] Of all the Improvements made on the
nssombly grounds this , probably those
nado on the pavlllion will bo most apprccl-
ited by the general multitude of assembly
b'ocrs. This queer structure , which , In shape ,
s not unlike a huge tortoise , has been en-
argcd by substantial frame additions on
hroo sides sixteen feet on the cast and
vest , and thirty-two feet on the north. This
loublcs the seating capacity and makes the
ntlro building 112x123. The ground thus
covered is nicely graded and smoothed , and
vill be filled with comfortable new benches.
Six thousand people can now find ample
oem In the pavillioifc and , by the use of
chairs , and as much expert crowding as was
) ften Indulged in last year , another thousand
night bo sheltered under its roof.
2As the time for the beginning of the as-
icmbly draws near the prosnects for lin 1m-
ncnse attendance daily brighten and multi-
ily. .Iteports of tlio intended attendance of
ndividuals or companies are received in
arge numbers by every mail. Kov. Lind-
soy , of the Congregational church , of York ,
ms , while in Crete attending the commence-
ncnt exercises of Donne college this week ,
engaged ten tents for member * of his church
who propose attending the assembly. Ibis
s a fair instance of the active interest now
being manifested by churches all over the
state. Lodjo No. 11 , of the Independent
Order of Odd Fellows , of Lincoln , has lately
mrchased a lot on the assembly grounds and
ilmmcd to erect a ? 2,000 headquarters. As
t will bo impossible to erect their building
joforo the beginning of the coming session ,
they will pitch a largo tout ou their lot for a
leadquartors this year , and have their build-
ng ready for another year. The Y. M. C.
A. headquarters , although begun but a few
days since , are already well under way and
will be finished 'ere the required timo. All
the buildings now under process of erection
will bo ready for occupancy at tlio begin ning
of the session. The grounds are now being
mowed , the trees trimmed and everything
jot in readiness for the pitching of tents and
.ho accommodation of numerous guests. The
worth and attractiveness of the musical de
partment will be increased not a little by the
addition of Mrs. P. V. M. Raymond , the
elliciont and well known organist of Lincoln.
This lady has long been the valued organist
lor OUQ of the. largest uuurcncs.ui the capital
city , and tier rare talent Is admired by all
who know her. With such leaders as Dr.
Palmer and Mrs. Raymond loyors of musio
iinticipate a rare treat at the asseulbly _ ibis
Norfolk'H Electric Light.
NOIIFOUC , Neb. , Juno 23. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun Bui'-l The Norfolk Electric
Light company made the planting of thollrst
[ mlo of the first city system of the Edison
Mmpany's incandescent light in Nebraska
the occasion of a formal demonstration this
Afternoon. Tlio polo and the procession at
tending it were escorted to the head of
Cooley avenue by a band "of music which
played while the polo was rising to position.
A flag staff bound to it carried up the star
spangled banner. After the raising there
were exercises at which John H. Hays pre
sided , consisting of music by the band and
the Arioa quartette and speeches by D. A.
Holmes aud George P. Moore , the company's
secretary , and thus was marked another
stage in Norfolk's progress towards a city of
tlio first class. Tlio festivities of tlio occa
sion wore continued in the evening.
A Democratic Demonstration.
O'Ninu. , Neb.Juno 23 [ Special Telegram
to TIM : BKI : . ] A great demonstration in this
democratic stronghold is going on this
evening. A party consisting of thirteen
men , three of whom wear Cleveland hats ,
carrying Chinese Iantcni8followcd by thirty-
nine curious small boys , march mechanically
through Main street , and repair to tlio rink
which is illicit by a vast throng of perhaps
seventy-live pcoilo. The meeting is addressed
by ono small-bore local speaker and mug-
wumpian ox-county oflleials. The drift of the
talk is for state rights and free trade , of the
party's love for drover and admiration for
the bandana. The speakers frequently pause
In anticipation of a demonstration which re
minds one of the elc.iring of an April shower.
A move is on foot to organizs a Cleveland
club if a suniclent number of the party is on
hand to Illl the ofllces. They will probably
adjourn spontaneously soon , the hall now
being nearly empty.
Cngle and Allln cr Captured ,
TKCU.MST.II , Neb , , Juno 23. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB Binj : The two convictsGeorge
Caglo and / T. Alllnger , who escaped from
the penitentiary this week , were captured
to-day fifteen miles south of Tecumseh by
the sherllt of Johnson county , and will bo
brought hack to the penitentiary Monday.
Since the escape Warden Hyors and Deputy
Warden Hopkins have prosecuted a vigorous
( search for the parties and left nothing un
done to effect their capture. . The country
has been flooded with postals and circulars ,
and as a result the men have been caught
after three davs roaming in the country. Tlio
capture was elfected with the assistance ol
Sheriff Grimes , Deputy Sheriff Kelley and
Countable Con way after a lively race of aboul
six hours ; The convicts whoa captured were
lying in the water with only enough of their
heads above the surface to permit them tc
brcatho. They are now safely lodged in Jal
at this place. '
Conutinncniiipnt \Vlllior. .
Wn.UEit , Juno23. [ Special to Tiij ! HUB. ]
The third commencement of the Wilbcr
high school teen place at the M. K. churcl
this afternoon. The church was beauUfull >
decorated with Jloral emblems and ever
greens. The class was coinx ) > sed of
Goodell , Leon Anthony , Fred Guild , Llllio
Wohn , Loner Anthony , Anna Fiko , Archie
Lane and Clarence Wild , The exercise's
were very Interesting and were enjoyed by a
Urge and appreciative audience.
Sold Out.
KfuiiNnr , Neb. , Juuo 23. [ Special Tele
gram t" Tan BKE.J Ueechor & Co. , furnl
turn dealers , sold their entire block to-day to
W. C. Tillsoii , cashier of the Kearney Na
tional banlr. It has been rumored that thej
wpro in trouble financially. TUolr casteri
indebtedness is .nbout $3,500 , mostly in St.
Louis ; assets , nothing.
Fremont Prohibitionists.
FUEMONT , Neb.r Juno 23. [ Sn'ectal to TUG
BuB.Tho ] prohibitionists of this city have
begun an aggressive campaign. They have
organized n campaign club with ofacbrs as
'ollows : Rev. T. 13. Tilton , president ; P. E ,
Lumbard , vleo rfrdtfidont4 Chris Thomsen ,
secretary ) Allen Marshall , treasurer. The
executive committee is composed of these
officers and Mcsdamqs Balding , Hitchcock
Meredith. The cluiJ Is preparing a cam-
> agn ! pennant and the prohibitionists will ho
as terrible as an army \vlth banners. The
club starts out with a membership of twenty-
Ivo. There are nbout ono hundred ana fifty
n the county. _
A Iinlior Demonstration ,
BEATHICE , Neb. , Juno 22 , [ Special Tele-
jram to Tan Hr.B.J A largely attended la-
jor meeting Is addressed hero to-lilglit by
ISx-Urakcman Rogers and a Mr. Kllroy of
Lincoln. The chairman of the meeting was
Mayor ICretslngcr. The occupants of the
stage were locomotive engineers and Knights
of Labor. State Master Hubbard of the
{ nights of Labor yesterday Issued a circular
"rom hero asking ofllcinlly the Knights of
Labor to boycott the "Q. " road and the mer
chants and the patrons of the road generally.
5x-Hraketnnn Rogers is a smooth talker , and
won many sympathizers among the
.aboring class to-night. Mr. Kllroy said
.ho "Q. " owned nearly the entire press of
.ho state and the laboring people called on
hem to call off their dogs of war , the great
est among which was the Lincoln Journal ,
ilo complimented Tun HKI : by saying should
dare say a llttlo In favor of the laboring man ,
iut not enough. Kllroy advised the people
o boycott the papers that advertised In an
editorial way lu favor of the "Q" and against
organized labo.r. The coming political paity
nay well look to their laurels , because the
aborvojo will docldo the question of the
iropor man , not party.
Two nurRlnrs nt Fremont.
FHKMOXT , Neb. , Juno 23. [ Special to Tan
3cK. | Two burglaries were committed in
jYemont last night. The boarding house of
Sir. Schultz , on Third street was gone
through and about X ) in money and a silver
watch was secured. As the windows and
doors were all locked this morning , and no
signs of a forcible entry were discovered It
s suspected that some ono of the boarders is
-ho guilty party. Tlio second ono was in the
I'etcrson boarding house , south of the track.
This ono was broken into and about S1T > was
the amount of booty secured.
Johnstown's Glorious Fourth.
JOHNSTOWN , Nub. , Juno' 23. [ Special to
Tin : Bnn ] Extensive preparations are being
made for a grand Fourth of Julycelebration
at this place. A large number of Long Pine
icoplo will bo hero , besides n great many
ii-oni Alnsworth. An elaborate programme
las been prepared , the principal feature of
which arc orations , music by two bands ,
race * ! , base ball , dancing and a line display of
Ire works.
Crushed lltn KliiKor.4.
HASTINGS , Neb. , Juno 23. [ Special Tcle-
fram to Tin : UIE. : | Fred Quiiin , a brakeman
on the Missouri Pacific road , had his lingers
rushed while coupling cars this afternoon.
One or more will have to bo amputated.
llobbed an Old Man.
NnmiASKA'CiTV , i'ftb. , Juno 23. [ Special
Telegram to Tim IJHK. | Andrew Laytou
was arrested this morning aud bound over to
the district court'fir robbing an old man
nnmcjd James Duu'can from Jones county ,
Iowa , of a gold > Wjitcli and considerable-
A Woman WhoJfns AVnllctl Thirty
YearnIn Vnin.
Manchester ( N. II. ) Union : Shortly
after 0 o'clock last evening a woman
took up her station near the southeast
corner of the passenger station. She
was not far from itty years of ago. Her
form waa bent , ht-n hair was silvered
with age and anxiety , and her face was
wrinkled and caroworu. Her round ,
gray eyes wore deep set , and seemed
weary from conijaht watching. Tlfe
woman's complexion must have been of
the fairest blonde typo years ago , as it
was still white and well preserved , con
sidering her years. She was clad in a
dress of dingy , brown material. Closely
wrapped about her shoulders wasavusty
plaid shawl , and upon her head rested
a hat of faded black material , of a style ,
or rather lack of style , unknown to the
woman of present day. In her chibped
hands she grasped a well-worn leather
traveling bag. The sun was almost an
hour from setting when she toolc up Im
position. It had sunk into the west and
twilight had long given place to dark
ness when she ceased her weary vigil
and sadly turned away.
And not hist nigh't alone was the
woman at her post. She has been there
night after nitrht , not for weeks and
months only , but for long weary years
The frost and blisward of winter' have
given place to the sunshine and show
ers of spring , and the seed-time lias
been succeeded by the harvest many
times over hinco she first took up her
station is almost the solf-saino spot that
she did last night. Babies have been
born , passed through their infancy , en
joyed the sports and pastimes of child
hood , grown through youth to maturity ,
married , and seen children of their own
come to gladon the homes which they
have made since this woman first be
gan her weary vigils.
Nearly thirty years ago this woman ,
then young and fair , was courted and
admired by many. But upon one t > he
lixed her alToetions , and to film through
all the year. * that intervened she has re
mained as constant as the needle to the
polar star. Tier lover followed the s-eii
iwa means of livlihood , and ono day ho
lolt her and wont on a voyage. Before
fore ho loft they had plighted
their faith , and when ho returned from
his perilous journey in the glad spring
time , when the buds blossomed and the
. birds caroled , and all nature seemed to
rejoice , lie was to lead her to the altar.
But when the spring came her bailer
lover did not return and no mess-ago
came to explain his absence. Whether
disaster or death prevented , or whether
ho proved false and porlldous , is not
known , but lie uovor came back. The
grief and disappointment caused the
woman a long sickness , and when her
bodily ills were healed her mind , alas ,
was diseased. She became posset-sou
with the hallucination that her
lover was coming back , and
as BOOH as she was able
hho wont to tlio railway Elation to greet
him homo , and almost every day since ,
winter and summer , spring and autumn ,
in fair > voathqr and foul , bho lias
been there ou the same errand ,
Shu is retiring in hoi1 disposition , and
boldoin over frequents the waiting
rooms or mingles witli the crowd upon
the platform , but just outside the sta
tion bhe takes up U position where hho
can see the trains as they draw in , and
there she waits and waits , in vain.
Eagerly she scans the face of each
btrangor who passes her way , but when
any. ono addresses her which is
seldom , shu sUucs at them
vacantly and makes no reply. When ,
the last train had cofno and gone
for the night , and the oaiployos about
the station nro extinguishing the lights
she generally walks wearily away , only
to return and resume her vigil ou the
succeeding day. Since she begun
waiting the population of Manchester
lias doubled and trebled , a score of
trains now eomo where thrco or four
came forincrlythe oil lumps have given
place to gas , and gas in turn to eleo-
trioity , a generation 1ms boon born and
grown to manhood and womanhood.
But , seemingly taking no note of the
passagq of time , the poor creature daily
seeks the railway fetation , and will
probably ootitinu'o to do so until disease
and death shall release her from her
Bolt-imposed task.
Plan on Which England's Institution
io Conducted.
How CoiiRrp.oqmnn O'NcIl ICxprcsscd
His Contempt For the Hulwnrk of
Our Liberties Captain Thomas
and Hill Springer.
PlittltiK Uy the Pennies.
\VA IIISOTON , Juno 23. [ Special to Tnr.
Bnc.-Mr. | Wllloughby Walling of Indian
apolis , consul at Lolth , Kngland , has sent to
the department of state an Interesting sketch
of the postal savings bank system of Great
Britain. This Is made especially valuable nt
this tlmo in view of the various propositions
which have been made to congress for the
establishment of national savings banks in
the United States. Should this eountr
adopt a postal savings system It will bo based
upon that of Grdat Britain and will bo
much in the same general line ns that de
scribed by Mr. Walling. Kngland has gene
farther , however , in this direction than the
United States proposes. She has Included a
life Insurance branch of the iwstal system.
The propriety of this Is very gravely doubted
by the American statesmen , and if it Is over
adopted it will bo generations hence. The
following from "Mr. Walling's description
gives a very fair otitllno of Great Britain's
postal savings banks system :
"Deposits of ono shilling ( lie cents ) , or any
number of shillings , are received , subject to
the limit of 30 ( . lt > 0) ) in ono year , or 150
( J" > 0) ) in all , cxclusivcof interest. When the
principal and interest together standing to
the credit of any ono depositor amounts to
the sum of JC200 ( $1,000) ) all interest ceases
until tlie amount Is reduced. Interest at tlio
rate of 2l per cent per annum Is allowed on
every complete pound deposited , and is com
puted from the llrst day of tlio calendar
month next following the day on which a
complete pound shall have been deposited , oren
on which deposits of less amounts shall have
made up n complete pound up to the llrst day
of the calendar month in which monies are
withdrawn. The interest is calculated on
December al , and at that ttmo credited to the
account of the depositor. Additional deposits
arc also received for immediate Investment
in government stock for the payment of
premiums on insurance and for the purchase
of annuities. No account is opened for a de
posit of less than 1 shilling , but a person
wishing to save aa little as 1 penny can do so
by the purchase of a penny stamp , which is
to bo ulllxcd to a form that may bo obtained
at any postolllce. When twelve stamps have
thus accumulated an account may bo opened.
Every depositor , on making his llrst deposit -
posit , is icqulrcd to specify his full name , oc-
euDation , and place of residence , and make
and sign a declaration which ple'dges that ho
will abide by the regulations , and that ho
has no deposit in any other pDstcfllc .savings
bank iu Great Britain or Ireland. This dec
laration must be witnessed by the ofilcor who
receives the deposit , the minister or church
warden of his parish or a justieeof the peace.
Deposits may be made by or for the benefit of
any person under twenty-one years of ago ,
and.rcpayments are made to such minor nttcr
tlio ago of seven yc.irs the same as if ho
were of full age. . Under the ago of seven
the declaration must bo nmdo by ono of the
parents or a friend on behalf of the minor.
Deposits and withdrawals are allowed to
bo made by married women separate and dis
tinct from the control of their husbands. Deposits -
posits may bo made by a trustee in behalf of
another person in the joint names of such
trustee and the person on whose account
fauch money shall bo deposited ; but payment
pf the same , or any part thereof , will not Ifc
made without the receipt of both of said part
ies oj the survivor , or the executors or ad
ministrators of tlio survivors. Trustees of
any charity , provident , or friendly society , or
penny or school bank , may deposit their
funds without restriction us to tlio amount In
the postolllco savings bank , provided always
that such deposits shall not hoof less amount
than ono Hhllllngnor of any sum not a multi
ple thereof. Deposits are immediately entered
in tlio depositor's book by the ofllccr receiv
ing it , said olllcer atllixing his signature and
the stamp of his ofllee to each entry. In ad
dition to this each deposit is acknowledged
through the Post by the savings bank depart
ment of London. This acknowledgment will
bo addressed to any designated postollleo to
bo called for.
Once in each year , on the anniversary of
the day on which the first deposit was made ,
if possible , the depositor Is expected to for-
wanl his deposit book to the controller of the
savings bank department in London for com
parison with the books of that department ,
and for the adjustment of the interest.
When n depositor wishes to cliccic out or
withdraw the whole or any part of the sum
standing to his credit ho must make applica
tion for the same on a printed form which is
furnished him. This form , properly filled up
is forwarded by post as if an ordinary letter ,
to the department nt London. In return ho
receives a warrant for the amount required ,
which warrant is cashed at any postolllco
savings bank. Thcso forms , as well as tlio
deposit books , arc passed thrmich the mails
without any postal c larges or postage stumps
"The limit of the deposit of any ono person
being llxod at i'20 ( ! is supposed to be made
through the indispoaition ot the government
to put Itself in competition with the banking
community. No very great amount of com
plaint is mailo against this restriction , as
some relief is found in the Investments al
lowed in government stock , annuities and
life insurance. The regulations governing
those are to bo next mentioned , Depositors
can become hold rs of government stock
through the medium of the postolllco havings
banks. Not less than i'lU can bo invested atone
ono time , and not more than 100 will be
credited to any account In one year , or X'DOU
in all ; for the purpose of these in vestments
deposits may bo nmdo to the valup of 10U.
Those sunix are altogether Irrespective of tlio
limits of ordinary deposits.
The postmaster general Is empowered to
insure the lives of persons of either sux for
not less that i'3 or moro than JU10J. An in
surance may bo effected by any person not
over the at'o of sixty-live or under the ago of
fourteen years , or if the amount dom not ex
ceed 5 , not under the ago of eight years ,
The postmaster general Is also empowered
to grant immcdiato or deferred annuities for
not less than 1 or moro 100 to any person
not under the ago of Jive years.
"All pursoiiB whoso lives are insured , or to
whom annuities are granted , have direct
government security for the full payment of
the money at the proper time. All premiums
for life insurance or annuities are payable
through the medium of the savings banks deposit -
posit accounts , and will bo accepted in addi
tion to ordinary deposits and deposits for im
mediate investment in government stock. "
Tim Campbell , ono ot the Hibernian mem
bers from Now York , made himself famous ,
if not ridiculous , la the house a year or two
ago by pleading in extenuation of the privi
lege that a measure ho advocating was
unconstitutional that "tho constitution
should have nothing to do with matters bo-
tweea friends. " Tim is not to wear tlio hon
ors of being the foremost constitutional
smasher. John O'Ncil , of St. Louis , who is
chairman of the. house committed on labor ,
is also u Hibernian , and a believer that tlio
constitution should not interfere with n
proposition between friends. O'Nuil was
recently a member of u conference commit
tee on a labor bill , and during the meetnm of
the conferees the question of the constitu
tionality of the measure was raised , Ouu of
the senators on the conference committee
buid that ho did not cure to take part in the
adoption of a law which would bo kicked out
of the courts on constitutional grounds ; that
It was a shame to build up the hopes of the-
laboring men on u law which was clearly un
constitutional , and whlcn could not stand
the test of even the lower courts.
' Unconstitutional 1" exclaimed O'NcIl in a
dlsguestcd tone. "Only demagogues bring
up the question of constitutionality when a
popular measure Is under discussion. What
wo want Is the law , and to get it on the
statute books. This is no time to discuss
ihy cpn titutianality of the proposition : let
it bo settled in the courts. You always hear
men lu thy.houau and senate talking about
the constitutionality of this thing and that
thing , ns though it was n serious or Im-
jwrtant matter. 1 'would llko to know what
lap constitution has got to do with the labor
bill. Now , wo want to como together and
ngreo on this thing , constitution or no con-
stltutlon , nnil then if the courts want to set
Itnsldo-jtist to bo smart let them set It
aside. \ \ o can establish n principle and bo
governed by it without tailing into consider-
ntlon its constitutionality. The men who
will bo guided by the law know no more
about the constitution than wo do. "
Captain Thomas , wlio Is ono of the oldest
republican members from Illinois , has been
making u most courageous fight for life
during the past two ycnrs , his enemy being a
complication of diseases In the throat , which
amounts to llttlo less than cancer. Captain
Thomas has made trips to the Burmudas and
other climes every spring for several years ,
amt has been treated by the most celebrated
physicians In the country , and during the
past two years has been almost constantly
out of his seat in the house , fighting for anew
now lease of life. On Sunday last thcro was
a consultation of his physicians , and it was
believed that dissolution was nt hand. The
doctors gave up all hope of his recovery and
told the family that ho would probably die
within a few hours.
The captain has pi-eat mental as well as
physlclal vitality. While one of the physic
ians was at his bedside ho told Mrs. Thomas
to bring to him in haste a wet cloth to bo
placed over the captain's face. "Ketch mo
something very thin , " whispered tljo doctor.
It was not believed that Captain Thomas
heard the remark , or Unit If ho did ho was
sufllelcntly conscious to know what It meant.
When Mrs. Thomas returned with the clolh
she noticed her husband open his eyes mid
Indicate that ho wished to speak to her , and
she put her carat his mouth , and this Is
what ho whispered in tones almost Inaudi
ble : "If you want something thin , dear ,
get ono ot Bill Springer's tariff speeches. "
A Section Fireman Killed.
STIIVTTOX , Neb. , Juno 2' > . [ Special Tele
gram to Tan Bii.j : Daniel McConn , n sec
tion foreman at this place , was run over and
killed by the east-bound passenger at fitl ; ; )
to-day. McCann has boon on a protracted
spree for several days , and lu attempting to
Jump off the train while In motion was caught
under the wheels and terribly mangled. Mc
Cann was u single man and leaves no rola-
Her Klniicc'H Brother , hut She Never
Knew It.
The death-bed confession of Edmund
Davies , who died recently in Carroll
county , Maryland , has just boon made
public and is a sequel to a strange
Twenty-two years ago Edmund Davies
was a young man in his twentieth year.
Ilo wits not a handsome man , neither
was ho ill-looking. Ho had a younger
brother , just eighteen. His name
was Frank , and ho was an ex
act , double of Edmund. The two
brothers lived alone , except an
old n egress , their housekeeper. Tlio
parents of the boys had died many years
before. It was early in ISO I that Ed
mund Davies began paying attention to
Fuimio Forbes , the young daughter of
a neighboring farmer , says a corre
spondent of the Chicago Herald. The
brothers were very much attached to
each other , and Frank also was a fre-
tiuent visitor to the Forbes farm dwell
ing. The girl often took the ono for
the other , and some time afterward
agreed upon a signal with Edmund , so
that she could readily kntfw to whom
hho was talking. The neighbors could
not identify the brothers , and they
wore known only and referred to as the
Davieb boys. It was the girl that sug
gested to Edmund that when ho came
to her ho was to use the Latid word
"idem" ( the same ) . Time passed ,
and after a courtship of six
or seven months Edmund proposed mar-
riago. Faniiio accepted because she
had learned to love him fervently.
Then it was she asked him whether lie
did not have some mark on his arm or
hand by which she could readily dis
tinguish him ifi case of sudden dcn'th or
serious accident. He told the girl that
on his next , visit he would dibclo.-c a
mark by which .sho would recognize him
in any case. Edmund went home , his
mind fraught with pleasure because ho
was to marry the girl of his heart. lie
loved his younger brother very much
and intrusted his secret to him. Frank
in his innermost heart , too , loved Fan
nie Forbes , and the confession of hss
brother stirred his jealousy. ' lie was
bright of thought and possessed an
active mind. Ho wanted to marry Miss
Forbes. The day following the brothers
came to 'Westminster and Edmund pro
cured a marriage license. Frank's
mind was euolying a scheme by which
ho could thwart his brothorVniaiTiago.
Ho proposed a trip to Baltimore , per
suading Edmund to dispatch a messen
ger to his sweetheart that they had
gone to the Monumental City for the
especial purpoioof having a tattoo m-irk
placed between the firs ; and second
lingers of his right hand. While in
Baltimore they mot mi old friend of
their dead father , Captain Akcr , of the
ocean steamer Franklin. The captain
said ho would sail the next day for Aus
tralia , and was very solicitous that the
namesake of his deceased friend should
ai'compitny him. It was Edmund. Ilo
hesitated. The captain told him of the
pleasures of the trip and the line coun
try to which lie would sail , and being
urged by Frank , Edmund yielded to the
inllucncod and consented. That even
ing ho wrote a farewell letter to his in-
tondcd wife , bidding her to await his
coming , and that ho was hopeful of gain
ing fortune in the distant country. The
marriage license was enclosed in the
letter , "Homomber Idem" were tlio
last words. The next morning , Friday ,
August ' . ' 4. the Franklin started on the
trip , Now Frank had an open Heldand
ho improved time wonderfully well. Ho
did not hesitate , His first work was to
read the letter. The word ' 'Idem'1
seemed to pu//.lo him , but he roniein-
bdrod hearing his biother use it when
approaching the girl , and ho hit upon
tlio correct meaning at once , Next ho
had his right hand tattooed. He would
marry tlio girl ho loued , ho thought ,
and assume the name of Edmund. His
return homo alone caused some talk ,
but when the mail brought the weekly
newspapers announcing the departure
of ono of the Davies boys of Carroll
county for Au&traliu , , in the Franklin ,
all was well. Thenceforth Frank wan
was known as Edmund. Even though
ho gave the correct word-signal , Fannie
Forbes scorned to doubt bin identity ,
but after' the marriage had boon
postponed for a mouth , which was very
acceptable to Frank , she felt assured he
was Edmund , and they were married.
The union wan a very happy ono , in
deed , but no children were born to bless
their happiness. Years went by and
they prospered , and by strict economy
saved a good amount of money. Ten
years after they had been married the
nu&bnnd was in Baltimore , and tin-re
ascertained that his brother had died in
Australia and hud willed all his earn
ings to Frank. This knowledge the
husbaud imparted to his wife. The
woman never know until the day before
he died that her hubbaiid was Frank
Davies , But she loved him just as deurly
as if ho had been Edmund , and forga\o
him freely , Ho died apparently happy.
There are tea shoe peg mills In the United
States. They employ H30 persons A.N < 'W
Hampshire Jinn make -1U.OOO bushels per
year. Knglaml used to send us a great deal ,
but our factories export largo quantities to
A law has bcjcn passed at Toronto , Can. ,
which compels the closing of all stores at 7
p. m. . except furniture , boot and nhoo , hot
and fur , uud dry goods stores , including mil-
inery , cents' furnlahuigs , rc.uly m.tdc cloth
ing uua goats' furuUblnj , ' houses.
Sirmll Sumo of Money Gontlnuo lu
Moclornto Request ,
New York KxchntiKo littles Weak
With Only n Moderate Demand -
Stoekfl More Active Proilneo"
Speculation Nervous.
QCtncvoo , Juno 22. [ Special Telegram to
Tun BEE , ! Local llnnticinl affairs rotunln In
about the sumo condition us noted for seine
time past. Banks nro well supplied wllh
loanable funds , anil tlio demand for money
from all sources was fairly active , though ap
parently no very largo sums were wanted.
Owing to tlio Inllux of visitors to the city ,
trade In all departments has been active , es
pecially , among wholesale merchants , The
movement of currency to the interior was
moderately largo , though not as f roe as during - "
ing the last three weeks , us receipts of grain
and livestock were not as liberal. Commis
sion houses forwarded considerable money to
their customers In some sections , and re
ceived fair amounts in return from others.
Speculative trading was fairly active , and
attended with some excitement , at times , but
operators were only moderate bor
rowers and chlolly in the way
of placing margins. Shippers of
grain and provisions seek very few favors
from bankers and packers nro virtually out
of the market. Lumbur merchants presented
very llttlo paper for discount and were
readily accommodated. Wholesale mer
chants were not disposed to borrow much
money , as they are not increasing their sup
plies to any extent and collections nro quite
good. Hates of Interest are well supported
at GQriJ-f per cent on call and 5Vf ( ( < 8 per cent
611 time paper. In eastern markets the sup
ply continues liberal , moro than tlio usual
supply seeking Investment. Interest rates
are lower at HsUif per cent on call and ! ) @
fi per cent on mercantile tlmo paper. Advices
from European financial centres indicate an
easy feeling In monetary affairs. Hank bal
ances nro stil enlarging and unnoy U offo-cd
by bankers at very low rates of interest.
Now York exchange was in better supply
during the past weak and the de
mand was moderate , tlio market was
weaker and prices declined. Early sales
were made at 2T c premium per $1,000 , but
later In the week shippers' bills changed
hands at par toou discount and the market
closed quiet. Foreign exchange was inclined
to quietness and the market exhibited very
little change. The , offerings were light and
the demand soniuwlmt limited. Shippers'
sixty day bills on London changed hands at
$ > 51 ; ! , and closed steady at
The Now York stock market exhibited
snmo activity during tlie week , and the fuelIng -
Ing was stronger in n general way. Prices
have improved .somewhat on leading proper-
tie" , though the extreme figures reached
wore not fully supported. The earnings of
principal railroads were a little moro satis
factory and operators claim crops are moro
promising , owing to moro favorable weather.
The "shorts , " too , were inclined to purchase
to some extent to provide for outstanding
contracts. Wall street operators weve the
principal buyers. Foreign speculators traded
moderately but Western operators were not
inclined to do much. Trading during the
week was largely In specialties. The aggregate -
gate sales on the Now York stock exchange
for the week were 1,000,000 shares.
Considerable interest was manifested in
the speculative market during the week
but the feeling was unsettled and nervous
during the greater portion ot the time , ao-
comp.iniod with rather moro than the usual
irregularity In prices. The record of the
week's trade indicates that the bear interests
have virtually had control of the situation ,
and lower prices were reached than for
some weeks past. Under the influence of
very good weather for growing crops , and
rather unfavorable advices from foreign
markets , and a general .slackening in tlio
shipping demand , there has been a little
moro prosbure to sell grain of all kinds
for future delivery riud a corresponding slack
ening In the demand. The trading was
chiefly done by local operators , orders from
the outside being light. Tlio rccciptsof grain
have not boon quite as largo as during the
previous two or three weeks , but this had
very little effect in a general way , as ship
ments also linvo decreased. The export
movement was only fair , and the receipts al
the seaboard were somewhat enlarged. Tim
visible supply of wheat and barley has de
creased , while supplies of corn , oats and rye
wore somewhat enlarged. The approach of
harvest tmio with rather favorable reports
in distant sections , had n weakening
inllui'nce mi the course of the market. Crop
reports from abroad arc not quite so cncour-
ugm ; , though u chief complaint m the back-
wnrdiipss of the season and a rather slow
growth. Supplies abroad are gradually de
creasing. Provisions have sympathized to
some extent with the weakness in the grain
market mid lower prices were accepted for
the leading speculative articles. Arrivals of
live stock were moderately five at all west
ern points. The packing of tlio west s'hows
littlu change , about the average change ,
about the average number Of hogti being
slaughtered at the principal points ,
Loathsome SlnIilH in India.
A Calcutta dispatch to this London
Times says : Tljo advanced school of
Anglicized nativoH is booking to con
struct a political edifice of oleutivo par-
lininuiits in India. The leading Bom
bay newspaper draws attention to two
recent revolting incidents as conclu
sively proving tlio imperious necessity
for social reform and enlightenment
before it would bu possible to concede
electoral privilege * . Jn the one
rase a tenant farmer , in the presence
of the assembled villagers , amid
the Kinging of tongs anil boating
of drums , deliberately gouged out
the nyea of his young wife , who waa
pinioned for the purpose by tlio neigh
bors , because bo bad been told by a
demon Unit they would bo replaced by
gold eyes. Tills fatipc-rbtition was
shared by tlio whole village and
neighborhood , including the police ,
who alleged that the unfortunate )
woman had perished by cholera. In
the second case , the Hceno was a temple ,
midway between Chudilorgiiut and
Sccundcrahad. Three buffaloes wora
hacked and hewn into pieces , which
were strewn all over the road , and the
people in the immediate vicinity of the
lacerated animals wore dabbling and
( lancing about in their blood , while
others , holding tlio yet bleeding liigrf
and joints , were whirling thorn round
about their heads , and gesticulating
furiously , A fourth animal , which waa
being eat up or wounded , was still
alive , and added his painful bellowing *
to the horrible din. A little further
on some two or thrco men with bodies
naked and painted held a goat by the
legs , while from the still living and
quivering body they were tearing away
with their teeth mouthful by mouthful
the bleeding Ilosh , squirting and bprink-
ling it over the adjacent crowd. Other
goats ii'id buffaloes were close at haml ,
waiting for their turn to supply the hoi 3
rid sacrilico. To complete thc o Bacchanalian -
chanalian rite ? , a crowd of women , ap3
parcntly intoxicated with drugs , with
hair disheveled , wild in mlon , and bu-
bin.eaiT.d with blood , performed a kind
of satanic dance , accompanying each
movement with violent shrieks. The
object of all those loatliB.ini ) orpfeH ,
which were witnessed and participated
in by hundreds of persons , was. wo jiro
told , to the Hindu goddess \\lio
liglds in her hand the fccourge of small
The knights pf Kansas City mil have a
big lal'or meeting on July I.
' faTiibfafoi : y | M 'J Vi