HysB ! \ 10 THE OMAHA DAILY. BEE : SUNDAY JUNE 24. JtSSa-SIXTEEN PAGES. HysBI I SPECIAL NOTICES. Advfrtlfemtntsunrtrfthls htad , 10 cents per line for the first Insertion , 7 cents for each snli- feMuent Insertion. nd t\M \ n Iln per month. No sdrertlscmen t tnkcn for Ices than 25 cents for the first Ins ortlon. Seven words will ho counted to the line ; they must run consecutively nndmiisl bo paid In odrnnce. Ml ndvcrtlso- inontfl must ba hn nded In before li-'M o'clock n. in. , and under no circumstances will they ho taken or discontinued by telephone. Parties advertising In those conmni ! nd hav ing the nnswcrs addressed In earn of TIIK ttr.r. r 111 please ask for ft check to enable them to set their letter * , as none will bo dell * , ercd except on lironentntlon of check. All answers to mlrcr- tUnnicntH should be enclosed In envelopes. All advertisement * In these columns aiupub. llshed In both morning and evening editions ot O'IIB HRP. the circulation nf which aggregates morn than I'SOOO papers dnlly , iind given the ud- Termers the benefit , not only of the rlty circu lation of IIIKIIKE. butnl o of Council Ilium. Lincoln nncl other cities nnd towns throughout fhls section otlho country. * B R A N CTTO F F fc'EST Advertising for the columns will bs taken. on the above condition * , nt the following busi ness notifies , who uro authorised agents for TIIK tlr.K opeclftl notices nnd will quote the same rates oa can bo lindnt the main onicc. _ TOHN wTllELL , Pharmacist , S South Tenth * J Street. _ _ HASH V EDDY. Stationers nnd Printers , 1U C South lUlh Street. _ _ _ CJ It. FAHNSWORTII , Pharmacist , 21 Ii Cum- P. inf Street. _ _ \\T 3. HUGHES , Pharmacist , 121 North ICtli VV . Street. _ . . . _ . GKO. W. I'AHlt , Phannaclst , 1 > W3 St. Mnr's Avcnuo. SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTKD Situation In n whoulsato house by young man of good business iiimllllriv tlons , first c liis reference , und bond or cash s > curlty. Address O CO. lieu olllco. _ 7W-S4 ? YOUNG mnn who lins Imd Rome experience A In the printing trndo wishes to complete. Care Win. Carter , Hlnlr. Nob. _ 7.30-24' ANTED-Hy n llrst class dressmaker , sowing - ing In prlvnle families ; best of cltj- refer ences. Mrs. Gcp. Mjers. 2100 Chicago St. * ' A sltuntlon by a llrst class mnn WANTED cook , hotel or restaurant , leferonces Hist t class. Address O 01 , lleo. 750 2i t _ situation ns baker In some coun try town. JL II. Martin , cor. 10th nnd Hartley. 785-80 * work as book-keeper or olerk , by n youiiK man willing to work nnd n graduate of an eastern comnioiclnl college. lan ! furnish good references. Address 0 01 , Heo. 781 2oj "TJIT'ANTED Position by peed stenographer ; IT have run Cnllgrnph nnd Standard t } ) > o- vrritor. Adcress N. U. box423 , J.lncoln. ait-fl * A YOUNO lady wIshes n plarn In nn olllce or inLas book-kcopcr. Address O CO. llco. OlM 24t WANTED MALE HELP. WANTKD-Good second cook. $40. fnro pnld : nlso 1st cook , J50 ; gardner. { 20 ; 4 farm Jinnds , J20 : a men to plrk berries , g0 : teamsters , 620 to iFl'i ; scraper holders , 81.75. Mrd. Hrega , B14K8. IB. 703 24t * A7ANTED Five young iniii , ix-school teuch- T ? urs prolerrcd , an correspondents. Good salary , references , Biimll capital icqulred. Cullen on M. Mason , 10CM Fnrnain ht. l > ! 5 24 ] "tX7 ANTED Hrlght young man about 17 > ears W of ago for olllco work. Address 1' . O. Uox 05. Oiniilm. MIXM ANTED Two energetic young men , ox- W teachers preferred ; halaiy J75.00 lier mo. ) Bmall capital required ; references. M.G.rouch , inn rnniam st bll--.it - stntrlmildcr Apply WANTED-Competcnt Co. . Kearney. Nob. " * 817-4 Immediately , two architectural WANTED . Address F , Paxton hotel. 8I7-24t TANTI1D A good all-round oftlco man. . . Must bo a good , rapid penman. Adrtiess bO.I-24" O.C8 lice. - 2 traveling salesmen nt once. CaUatll'HK'rthllithst. Room 4. 71021 * - honorable lightning rod WANTED-Good how much voucan nver- ngoper week and wages. Address ( ) W ) , Hco ofllc < > . CC ! " 1 ) Agtuts , rnnlo nnd femnlo to take onicrs for the Automatic doorbell , bal my 870 nnd expenses per month to good work- oiB. Send 2-cont stamps for ircuars. I' . Hoj t , 108 Wa , < hlugton street. Room 15 , Chicago. _ 24U-23 + WANTED Energetic men and women every- where for u genteel money-making busi ness S"0 weekly piollt guaranteed easier than 8M1 monthly otheiwise. Ex ] orience absolutely imiu'CfhHnry 1'ei nianent position and exclusiv o lerritt iv nssun-d. t-.OO Knmjiles free. M rlto for toaitlcufarH. AddrebS , with stamp , Meirill Ml'K Co. . H 5.1. Chicago. 227 Jy , reliable men wanted to solicit LUforn largo nmntifnutuiiin ; house ; no capital fequlroil ; lefeienco nocosa.iry. Address llox f.'Q7 : Uiiiulm. Neb. lUJ Jy7 "V\7AN'.1EO A boy with a hoise to carry a > route cm the Evening liee iij the north pait of tov.n. Thco. \ \ llllnms. bet. J i : 6 o'clock j > . m. \ AAN'liiJ ; Men for the west. Albright's T > labor agency. 1120 Famum st. 514 BOVb-Aiu. Dibt. Tel. Co. , 1304 Douglas. 250 OAUlbMEN Wanted 1'lvotinvollng salesmen. KJ fcalary nnd expenses. No experience ne cessary. Address with stamp. Palmer A , Co. , Wnonu , Minn , ! M'J J24 WANTED--FEW1ALE HELP. TXTANTED A girl to do general housework nt Y Y 1711 Douglas st , S1J T ADY Canvassers wanted for the Mine. Wll- J-JllamsonCoiBot. Fits perfectly , is healthful , gruc fill and ulves good satisfaction. Wllllam- ijoii Coisut&HiacoCo. , ISb. Uth bt. , St. Louis , JJo. "TTirANTKD 4 Jlrst-class waitresses out of Y > city , ifJU ; pnstiy cook , 30 girls for boarding JIOUSCM , ifMtor'J : 4 dining loom girls In citj , * 20 ; Cnthollo girl or woman na hoiisekeoper ; yefciences leimliod , good place Ntnt , compe tent gill tu family of J , wil. bo treated ns ono of theiuuolvoo , taken out driving , etc. ; 2 pantry glrlH,4 dlBhwashers , lauudiy girls nnd iu for ceneial housework In nud out of city. Mrs. iJiegn. ! I14 8. llth st. 70J 2W 1 \\7ANTED Experienced dining room gitf at Y ? onto. Also student going to school to Vrork for his board meal time. iU S. loth bt. 774-24 ; \\rANTKD-Glrls to pack crackuw. Apply to Y i Jon. Gnriiuitu Cracker Co. 7mi2i' IXrANTlJD DIuliiBroom girl and dlahwashor , T Y lUOi N 10th , 7 7 WANTED Girl for general housework : good \\ueen ; icfercncos rucjulr il. B. Trostler , D12 Ni-lll st. 7J33 > t COMPETENT fell 1 wanted for Ri > noialhoi o > woik , thue lu family , 1011 ri llth t > t. 7.'ii sot KTKn-rA Kin for geiieinl lioiiho'w drkTnt 7lBNoitti21s > tbt. KoSw ecus need apply. 74 2j 2jW. 7 ANTED-Glrl for g W. _ M . VutBH. 3107 California nt. 7UJ 21 'ANTED A Iliht-clash glii for geneinl houbowork at Dr. Jen en'8 , cor , IHth and eat nworth bis. _ r.'i si" ftO,0\iO lady agents wanted Immediately ; also Ouieii ; giandoat monty making linunUim of the ago : o\cr million sold ; loyal plciilo for ever } body. Mra H. F. Llttlo , Chicago. 111. _ _ _ \ \7 ANTHO-d dlnlucroom lrU. y sopond cirls. T a general houjowork , t hoiuekeepur. 1JOI \\T A NTED A few good nhirtTroneis nt cily t > atcain Lauudry. * V7 ! A NTKDLndy ngentw. "A" if lo ! combined r.nd 11. ) iosa supporters , Iloth now. Dig mullU. herura towns for wpi luij tiudis I adlos' Bupply Co. , 2b"i \ \Vauhlngton Bt. . ChlcnL-o. Ki.-jyi ? ! ' " " EMPLOYMENT BUHEAUS" VTEIIRABICA Fmplojment Olllco , No , 317 JJ.'orth lull si. Male and temala help sup plied , Prluito fninllk'3 u bjiiiriiilty. 7,1 SJ * V 1ANlAjIAN Emiilf7yin7iTt and V/femule help sent tu ull purts If faro la ad- Tnncod. Refiuvucu , Omaha Nutiouul b.ink. Mid. Jlrega , 314'5 S. ir.th. Tel. Ml. _ Ij DMAIlA Emp. llureau , UU NTloth Bt , ow and most reliable ollluo lu city , If you nuod lelpAll tir write. Tel 1112. _ .tfj j ) U WANTKn- en nd bo > h out nt woik to call Ht Iho L'lty liuellgence cjlico ( Ciiiiuhton tiki r o-n r Uth ami ; > oualaa sn. 615 . . . ) watvrwotM , W. F. CiilUl.uu , u.utrnetor. _ _ _ _ _ ' . .oii * m L t ' ' TNr.'lT.CTiyi'J'-We wuut'n roiiiibjt. man in JLrv ry lo lily Uiact n-t jjudil ] > rvatt | > 0 > ) - tectln ii.u'.pr'o.ir instuutt'juNo iinrjabi i hlp fte. btc(17 lu j.tanii'3 fur [ aitliHiUr * . Ail- itr M MolivivK DotorUve Hurvtfu. ' LuoV Dux in , Til hit * , Kan. t ( Tu7n'.L..ul j , l'X-7 1 ro w st. WANTRD Thre persons to Instruct In took- keeping ; HltiiKttont in July. J , H..Hmlth , exjicrt accountant , room D4.3 , Ramgo block . CM 2f "WANTED It you have any lands , lots , or T T houses and lots to sell or exchange for other property , call on me or write , I can find you a customer. C. O. Spotswood , 30JH S. Ifltn. ENOAJE\fKNT3 to do dressmaking In fnml- lies solicited. Ml Sturdy , WW S. 2nd st. Wl Jy7 WANTED The public to make good usoot Iho Hco's message boxes throughout the WANTBD-To buy or trade tor n good build ing that can bo moved. Pleass call on or address George J.Storn'idorIT ' , room 0 , oppo- Bite P. O. 2:11 : BOARDING. W - hoarders , 1615 Dodge.iVH WANTED-TO RENT. BO.III ) w atiti d - lly young lady stenographer , room , breakfast nnd tea , on or near cable. Terms reasonable. Address O 05. Hce olllci1. 7SW-27 * WANTKU-Hy Kcnllcmnn and wife , two furnished rooms for light housckcciiln ? . Aildrrss O 70 , Ilee. S'JJ-'lt WANTI'.I ) Torcnta 10 to n loom house ccntiully located ; stnto rent. Address OOJ Hot. 74'J 2"if KOR RENT-HOUSES. T71OH lir.NT 8-room house on ) th St. , south of JL ? vintoust. 7tii-3oa moil HiNT-2ncw : 10 room lints OKVS. inth st. -t ? Kent rens'onnblo 2 : i-room lints on N. 17th st. Dcslrnblo for small family , fi-room cottaco on 8.12th at. : ill per month. , si-room house In Konnt70 1'lncp , * ' 0. 12-room house , with all modern coin entoiiros. 2520 Capital avc.j rent SV > . ( IrcLii X Wllllums , Urst National Hank building. 701 21. W have several fir si-class houses , centially . ) located , rents reasonable and furniture for unlo < iit smnll cash pnj ment. nnd easy terms for the balnnce. Co-Operatlvo Land If l.ot Co. . SOTiN.inthst 77525 "TjlOH HUNT 1 four-room house , southeast cor- Jj ucr4thund I Woolwortu ave. 1'red ICIoo. 7W26 * "T71OH UKNT Tivo 0 room liot'sos. Inquire cor. -V lth ) nud Vliitou , John I , . Hill. 704 23 ? POK HUNT T > 5 room houses , 21st nnd draco sts. . 751 8-J * POIt UKNT House 4 rooms , 27th axenuonnd 11 ow ard st. 7ii2 ' > * IPOH Hent-.W per month. 7-rcom ho'isc. in -1 ? excellent repair , cor. 2iJth nndVoolwoith live. 1'rod W. dray , cor , flth and IJouglns. 7 1 24 TO lenso for ono or moro years an 8-room house , ftunlshed or unfurnished , with all modern improvements , such ns furnace , gas. l > ath , HcreoiH , etc. . .1 blocks from court hotiae. Address F II. S , No. 12111.eavenw orth Rt. 430 EOH HUNT 3 7-toom llaU , 10)7 ) and 1GOJ How ard st. Cochruu Ilroa. , 40 , IJarker block , Gsn 26 * HOUSE for rent , furniture for sale. 1 block trom P. O. Addicss O 67 , lleo olllco 099 24" FOR HENT 10-room house , furnace heat , bath , hot and cold water. 100-tmtrel cistern , cverj thing modern nnd first class. 18 nud Gracu sts. It. McConnoIl. K-2ir TJWIl HUNT 8 room house , 2"th and Bouanl ; Jj nlso5 room cott age , 2Jd ! nnd Hurt. ( leo. J. Vex , lloom 1 , Contiuuittal blk , 14-0 Douglas. 7US 21t FOR HKNT 8-room house and barn on 23th a > o. , " , block from I'oppleton nve. J3J per month. C. E. Jleugher , room 2 , over Havmond's jewelry store. 017 24t TT'OU ' HKNT Cottage , 7-rooms , near high JL ? school , only Fi > per month , with furnlturo for bale ohe.ip. Don't apply unless } ou want to taiytho fumltuie. I'ottor & ilucleod , room3 , 1417 1'aruam st. K7 ! FOR HKNT A .1 and 5-room liouse. 2023 Dor- ens st. Frank O. Olson. 007 T710U KENT Two elegant homes on Sherman Jt ? atemio In mile limit to good parties , on year lease , very icasonnblo. AVright & I.aabury , 213 S. 14th st. 5'Jl ' FOK 11RNT A flne 10-room l > rick house with nil modern improvements , line lorntlou on stieet car Hue. It. M. Genius , 14W ( Douglas st. TT1OU HUNT line cottage , largo barn , beautl- JL' tul grounds and Hlnulu trees , { 10 per mouth. H. C. Patterson , ! 1I8 S. loth St. 517 FOR HUNT 7-room house on paved street , 0 blocks from court house , $ .W per mouth. E. I\ Sent er , room 40 , Darker block. 4JJ TT10U BALK Two iew , 8-ioom hoiisos in Or- JL1 clmrd Hill nnd I'oppleton I'nrk.Vill soil cheap for tash , or will take good llrst or second mortgage paper. Any reasonable terms to lion- cst partleU. . C. Spotawood. JC'/j ' S. ICtli. 44J FOK HUNT B-ioom cottage. 10th nnd lilt orv. Knqulio 4th door north o lllckorv. 1011 HKNT 10 room house 17th St. . SU > ; 9- room house J.J3 , 8-room house 5.K , 7-ioom house 125 ; 0-room house Howard stand other houses ( J. I ! . Tnompsou. bheeloy block. 3.1) ) TT'OIt illJNT 1 8-room house and burn. 11)17 ) JL' Webster St. ; 1 n-room house , 2bth nve. and Wubstor. Inijulro itoom 0 > Xi , 1'axton block. P. J. Creodon. 257 FOR HKNT 7 room cottage on 3 28th st.bath loom , hot water , heating apparatus , 3 stall bain , apply D. O. MoKwan. illU 8 IBth at. 017 TT10R RUNT A desirable nine-room house all -L' modern Improvements , half block from cable line on west Dodyo st. All Improvements , cheap to good tenant. F. J. IJothw ick,221 H 14th. fllll TTIOH IiHNT fl-room modern improvea houso. JU Apply M. r.lguttor 10011'arnam &t. 61J "IT'OR ' RENT- Furnished house , good location , JL ? for particulars call at the olllco ot 'Ihos. llrcnuun & Co. , room 3. Chamber of Commerce. 404 I1IAV13 a four-room house on 10th street , two blocks south of Vint on , that 1 will rent to a Rood tenant for $12 per month , o'lerj thing in good repair. George J. tterusdorff , Room 0 , opposlto 1' . O. 2111 rPKN room house with ynid , uenr Karnnm and JL 24th bt , steam hent and all modern 1m- inoveincntn. $05 per month. Cull 2U7 8. 24th st. 710R RENT An 8 room houso. with bath , ono JL ? hlockfrom cnr line , { . ! ( ) per month. II. E. Cole , room 0 Continental bloc ! : _ 028 FOR RltNT 8-room houso. North Saunders st. Enquire of 0. W. Beall Ic Co. . Ills 8. 10th. _ _ BIT TJ'O'R ' RENT When you want to rent a houso. J ? store of onico co to II. E. Cole. tlS- Tpo'li RUNT A neat ISO cottage. Apply at JU once. C. r Hurrison , 4'.8 S 15th st. 6IU FOR RENT ROOrVlS FURNISHED. FOR RENT Nil ely furnished IOOIIH on car line ; ilOraoiith ; board If ic-qulred. llil a. 21th. TOR RENT rnrnlshed rooms one block from JL } 1' , U.mlc'o yard , blmde treej ; terms HMIHOUH- ble. 10JJ Dudgo at. bl J 24 ; _ TIWR RENT. New 1 } " furnlEhed s. e. front room JL ? with alcove and nay window , private h iisi , modern convfiileiii.es , board ifd slred , Terms le.isouablo * . - . ' ( leoilaa\o ( ( S. 2Jth bt ) . 7IW 25 * JJ10 R RENT-KimiUhea room. 2101 Torim m , TTIURNISHED rooms for rent , 1701 Cjpltol uvo. -L1 t77 2iit I OR HENT riiniUhed rooms , 70J N IflthY TT10R RENT Nicely furnished rooms en suite JO or blugie , with or without board. 17n9 Dodge , FOR RENT A small pleasant loom. 1700 _ tl' tuyo Ht. 74H TT OR RENT Nicely furnished rooms , 81S pci JL ? mo niii. Call ntjll N , Uth at. 702 2i * TnoTTTl ENT-liiiTTw o of thos well \ontllafed JL ? fuinlshcd sloi'inng rooms left out of 2.'i , nl tfO Hu.Muq utioa , H.M a month. 7'lf 21 * ATl'ltAOTlVE , pleasant rooms , wtt'.l homt ( omfoil1 } ; parlor. Ivnkfabt and biipper 11 d lrud. OiV , care of the Ilee , 7.1s 2U _ R REMT Newly furnlshc'd fr6nt loom. idiscassbt. Wl v TT OR ItE.Vl Two nicely furninhed rooms JL1 with model n conveniences , with or wltlioiu board , Wton" " , ut Wl N , Itth St. , on 2 car lines _ _ _ _ _ jtyr | 7 0R HHNl a handsomely furnlKhccJ looms ; -i. locatioaaplviidld. 1707 Dodgu at.7 l'i-2U T \riCK pariur room for mtin nndtltu. . and -L > hiiuill loo.n for centtvman. 2J S 1'Jth st. _ Vril'F.LY funilsnd rooma with modem cou ith at. H72 RUNr-Very rte lMbla furnUhetl front I J- room , ir.uueni con > uultfu"e 1722 Capitol avu. * RKNT-Jf cut rumUhad front room 6U rniUlllH nl'-oly furnished rooms. Urn-class JL l > ard , iiiod'-ru ct'iiVcnleincs. I'M Dodga t. F0--1.1' ' ' l' " < ; * uinl leiJjioMwf ) ir light house- T710R HUNT Nicely furnUhod front pnrlor , J ? nr t floor , 531 Pleasant st. ( Hi 24 * r'oil HKNT Furnished rotnn. 607 N. 17th at. BS6 23t TplMlNISIIKI ) room , 1412 Howard. a JICR f rent rot m. first floor , suitable forS , HIS Dodge. 793-.W [ 7UR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms , L ? with board , Unqulr * 11)14 ) nianifit. IJ10H HENT A nice front room with first-class L ; board at n reasonable rato.at 1021 Farnam st , 077 ! T710R RENT Fiirnl he < l or unfurnished n suite JL1 of rooms ut il4japllol nvi- . 60S 2 J _ T WILL furnish most delightful rooms during JUlie Hummer to respectable parties , nnd If de sired , board , or breakfast and supper. I'M corner Plensunt and St. .Mniysnve. till 2rt * PARLOR lloor , now fiunlshod. cool , elegant JL quarters for 4 sentlemon or family , all con- \cnieiicos , 1 bin from P. U 1015 Cnpltol nvo. 65T 25" T7IOH llllNT-Furnl lied rooms , 1810 Dodge , JU OJ2Jy 0 " \nCELY furnished rooms , * ! per week orW.50 J- > month , C02 , 504 nnd5Uil S. IKh st. 402 JyUt i , ? 00 S. 22nd. 1)33 ) ! 0 IIKAl'ioom * for rent , 7018. 17th st. 7K12' . " \TICifi : \ " furnished rooms , trtblo for two Jceiitlfincn. . 171H Douclas st. I'll POK IlKNT ( looms nnd front rooms on sulto , at IKil Taruam st. , near co\irt houso. 0.7 LOVULY B , P. room , nlso suite of front rooms and unfurnished rooms , high , .summer lo cation. Hefrirnccn ! i > VKl ramam. BS'iJH ' 1 JOOJ1S Including board In the Young Wo- JLV men's homo ll'lO ' Dodge s > t. Hefercnccs re- gulled. _ 1110 N Y furnished rooms , with or without board , 201.1 Douglas st. 411 Jy 15t filOUR gentlempii can bo acrommodatod with JLV anlcosultoof rooms and llrst-class board at a')1) ) ) 8t. Marj's nve. . ( Iniddy block. MB TOR HUNT Kunilshed room with board for JL } two gentlemen. 2020 St. Mary's avo. b07 AKUi : and small room sultnblo for gentle- J man. w 1th or without board , 1812 Dtulgo. NlCEfiY furnished rooms for respectable poo- pie. Mrs. llnrber , HIJ near IBtli street. 71)9-24 ) * T1OR RENT Furnlshert rooms in Orounlg blk - cor. 1 ) th and Dodge stj. Inquire of Goo. R. . Davis. Mlllard hotel billiard room. ! MO FOR RENT A nicely furnished front room , suitable for two gentlemen. Enquire at "Oil , St. Mary'save. 411 TJIOR RENT rurnlshed rooms , with or with- JL1 out boird. Soo'J St. Mary's ave.Oraddy blk. 1M1 FURNISHED room for ono or two gentlemen , Leslie & Leslie. 10th and Dodge uta. ft'i7 113 s20th. 020 Jy 3- II' OOM ' to lent , all modern improvements. iOJ Dodge st. 775 OR RENT 2 furnished rooms suitable for 4 JL ? gentlemen. Inquire Room C , 3d lloor , 1302 Doutflas. o02 POR HENT Rooms furnished and unfur nished , 1724Cnp. avo. K8 FOR RENT ROOMS UNFURNISHED. FOUH(4) ( ) rooms , 70J Webster st 1'our (4) ( ) rooms. 415 S. 10th st 200J Two(2) ( ) rooms. 1814 Howard st bO ) Three fJ ) rooms , 1015 N. 20th st 15UO 1 hreo CD rooms. 1122 N. 21st st 1100 Ele\onllroom ( ) liouse. Uth aud Dodge. . . . 1J50 Tour (4) ( ) room house , 10-JN. llthBt 1800 Four (4) ( ) rooms , 4133.1'ithst : ! 000 Thrco (3) ( ) rooms. No HOS'J ' S. 7th st 11 ( M ) Three ( .Dioom house , No. 410 N. llth&t. . . . 12HO One (1) ( ) barn. 7th and P.iclllosts fiOO Apnly to Judge Renting Agency , Herald building , S. W. cor. or 15th and Huincy sts. Oil T710R HUNT n unfurnished rooms for house- JL7 keeping , w ith bath und gas at 4-1) ) 8.15th St. , Hat 7. 70525 ? rn\YO unfurnished rooms on suite or .separate- X $ d and $1 per mouth , 4l'J south I'Jtli ' street. 781-21 * ELEGANT unfurnished rooms , single or en- suite , southeastern exposure. Dr. Ottei- bourg. 10th and lianioy. 70'J 2ot Tjlonr (4)rooms ( ) , 1703 Webster st J20 00 J ? 1'our (4) ( ) rooms. 415 S. 11th ht 2000 Two(2) ( ) rooms , 1814 Howard st H 00 Tlueo ( ! ) rooms , ion N 20th st 1501) ) 'Ihreo CD rooms , 1122N.21stst 11 00 'Ihreo (3) ( ) rooms , 11-MN. 21st st 12 50 Eleven (11) ( ) room house , Oth and Dodge. . . . 75 Oil Three (3) ( ) rooms. 1028 .North 21st stieet 11 01 rour(4)ioom ( ) house , 400 N llth ht IK 00 I'our (1 ( ( looms. Hi South I'Jtntit 3000 Tineo ( .ilroonn , No. lWS. \ . 7th st 11 00 'llirto (3)loom ( ) house. No. 410 N. llth st. . 12 50 Onod ) barn , 7th and I'liclflests . . . fi 03 Apply to Judge Homing Aponcv. Hciald building , S. W coiner ot 15th and llarnevst. 740 rp WO unfurnished basement rooms to family JL without children , 11J2 N. 17th st. : ! 07 FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES. FOR RENT tf new store looms , 1 s > lx room lint , ! > ten loom new houses , 1 fourteen loom now house ; all supplied with modern con\en- ioucosrent ; lensonamo to good tenant. Fred H. Smith , 010 is 10th st. 739 25t IfOR RENT The l.irgo basement olllco or room , 1")21 Dodge , suitable for barber shop or saloon. Enquire of R. L. Snodgrass , cor. 15tli ana Dodge. Olllco J. II. Mahler Huggy Co. 078 20 3TORE for rent , fil ! ) N. Mth. Inquire of Henry Osthoir , 15U California st. 458 S'FOR FOR RENT-NO , no-iothst. wm. rieming& Co. , 1501 Douglas. 401 21 * OFFICES and stores In Shooly block G. E , Thompson , loom 212 K)3 ) OFFICE For Rent Ground lloor office , No. 320 B. 15th St. Apply room 411 , lot nat. bank building. 754 FOR RENT Desirable store on Furnam , for w holt-silling , etc. Lenvltt Uurnham , H. 1 , Crclghton MOCK. * 17 POR RENT llrlck More with ba-sement. No , fi07 S. Uth St. ; 2 olllci'3 on second lloor No. ITO I'nrnam at. , by PnuUen A , Co. , 1511 Farimni Bt , , room tf. 4'il FOR RENT Hotall business room on 15tn st. C. F. lluriiHon. 418 S. 15th Ht. lit FOR RENT--miSCEL NEOUS. T > A8EMENT for rent ono block from post- JJotllco where a number of boanlers are kept. Address Room 1 , Continental block , G. J. Fox. OIW 24 * HOTEL for ront-Tho-twoStorv brick In No- ola , Iowa ; built especially for hotel pur poses , now ly painted and piperod , o\orythtng convenient and first-class , city water in build ing. Address with icfeiencos , Drawers , Jveola , lown. 5 27t f.I OTEL for rent-2-story brick In Ncola , la. ; J 1 built especially for hotel purposes , newly painted and papered , everything convenient and tlrst-class , city water In building. Address with references. Drawers , Noola , la. 6 25 RENTAL AGENCIES. F.R S1I1TI1-010 N. Kith. . OlOJy 20 * -l E. ' 1HOMPSON , Room 1U' bbeely block. "F YOU want your houses rented place them - with Hetinwa & Co. , 15th , opposite postolllco. COrVIMERCIAL COLLEGE. rPIIEOnmlm Commercialcollugu gives gram- JLiunr , writing and spelling free to ull its shorthand and typewriting students , tuition veiylowsituation ! furnished when possible. About 14' ' ) students now In attendance , Wrlto Rohrbougli Hios for partlculuis. Visit the col- Icge , lIUFaniam. U7Jj > 7 PERSONAL. " 1DFRSONAL PHvate homo for ludlcs during J- confinement , btrlctly conlldentinl. InfantH udouted. Addi oha E 4 ? , llco ollico , &CU J ) 1M 1DEHSGNAL Decorated dinner sets for small families for W 'U and upw ards , at Moody's Chlnii btore , U02 Noi th 10thbt. _ _ _ 7b7-24 'ft' you want to buy , sell , rent > r exchange JL- call on or address Uoorgo J , bternsdoiiT , loom 0 , oppoiito P , O. 231 If you have a personal Item , oi uiiy coiumuuli-illou , clrop U in one of The 'H mci i. o iMios. 100 "OEHbONAIrLaniBs and gentlemen desiring .L correxpondnats , address. Corresponding Club , Kansas City , Mo , for information. In close stamp , _ ! ta > J - ' > ' fTIO the ladles ; Mrj. M. V. Delp , with tha orlg- .L inul P.nlfilun ir.oilunl of dross ( .uttlngund ileslgnlng nnd ull of its womlerful improvo- incuts to fftc-tlltnte learning , will be at the Har- kur hotul ii1 thlb city l\o weeks towult upon uiIK'id , nnd te.iclt tlio only Purlnlau met nod taught In America It b easy to learn , and tits nil implls for good paying positions. Mothers , w iVWnud d uightvi , tUfl is an opportunity for jou * Ax nts wuntoa In all towns in Nebrnxka Mrs. M J. Delp.l'romlotor anil Manufacturer of Parinlau Mvlhoda. Pattern * cut to meubun ; . 631-Jyli * - - buy a set of Roger's Jtrlpioplatod knives at iluody's Chlnti btore.tuSXor.mi'lth Street , - . . \i87-21 , PRRRONATi-WlfTKlffel Lossy send her ad- dress to J. W * T. IIox.O 30 , Heo office. 570 24t TTIO'R adoption n tJnli'yTioy of goocf paroiit"a"gc7 JL ? Address O 07. lied ofll.ce. 7i 2a "I7lOR8ALK-Chc < np,7iIcTwnrc1robo with fold- JL ; incr bed attached. JJce open lounge , dishes , etc , Wanted to buy A Ilftgo second hand trunk , Incnilro nt2Kl ( OrantTst. 7H3-25t _ FOR SALK cheap-AI bunch of fresh mllrh cows lust 1irou htUi from Iowa , nnd are being sold at bed rwk prices. Como nnd see them. Inquire ntSJS NSUhnvo. C. J. Wnlker. 741 24 * "TTIOIl SALE A fin * filthily mnre 4 years old , JL1 perfectly sate ; also nn almost now Snyder buggy nnd harness , Inquire L. D. liurnott , cor. l.itli and Farnnin , nt lUl-mnn'.s. C3J. "filOR SALK-A splendid carriage- team of J-'matched horos , well broke und flno rond- stcrc. For further pattlculnrs nddrfsior call on Hugh Percy , Room 435 , Paxton building. T710R SALK-Oood lioiHe nnd phnelon , sulta- J. ' bio for it Indy with children , chenp : must bo sold by July 10th. nccount ot leaxlng the city. Call nt 4J14 Nelson St. , walnut Hill. t.07-37 * WANTED-Tosoil halflutorest Incomplete set of abstract books nf Cheyenne county , Kansas Address J. W. C. , 18W Ainpnhoo St. , Denver , Colo. hstl 2lt " 1710H SALE Furnlturo In a first-class board- -L Ing house , wltn three-Near lease at J.W per month. Twnntv-Hvoboarders nt S > ' > per week. Good opening for any Il\o man or woman. It you mean business nddress ( with htamp ) C. E. Rouse , Norfolk , Noi ) . Furniture all now sick- novs icason for selling. 780-24 irit'RNITL'Rl'forsalo cheap. I Imvo the foi- JL ! lowing forsalo cheap : 100 yards Hrunsels carpet , 40 ynrds liigmln , bookriso , bed , lounge , l ockliiL-cliah-K , two olllco chairs , renter table , rtp. , which 1 will sell very cheap. Mrs. Ifor , 141 Sherman nM- . 723 SI rplIE best window screen ill the mnrKct. Call JL nt 3. E. cor. Uth and Douglas nnd I will pro o It to you. Ficd W. Gray. 7i.iJ.ly 22 IHR [ SALE-Fretttost pony In city , dink soirol , white mane ancl tall , also buggy nnd harness. 710 S. loth st. illi , 27t TjlOR SALE A few choice mlicll cowa. C. F. JU Harrison , 418 S. 13th st. 04823 EOH SALE Flue single horse harness and buggy. Charles A. ( loss , 41S S.15th st. 04525 * BARN to bo moved I have a barn that will accommodate four horses and Is In good repair that i will trndo or neil very cheap. Ap ply to G. llarth , proprietor Blunders stioet market , between Cold null and Hamilton 231 SOME 1st mort. notes for sale , ono nnd two years in small sums. Address O 2 , lleo olllc. FOR SALE One Halls largo impioved tire proof safo. Inquire room 4111st nat bank building. 755 "T710R SALE The furnlturo , cnrpets , fixtures JL ? nnd lenso ot a pleasantly located , newly furnished house , uoar horse nnd cable cais , house heated by steam , furniture , etc. . In use less than a year ; must bo sold nt onco. For par ticulars apply to llartmun & Gibson , 1C1J Far nam st. 5JS FOR SALK The leaio and furnlturo of the only hotel in town ; for particulars npply Windsor hotel , Stromsburg , Nob. J. E. Crook. MISCELLANEOUS. CALL early nnd ln\ostlgnte our business chnnces , they are all dcslrenble. Omaha Huslnoss exchange , S.W. cor. 15th and Douglas. 811 _ " /"tOHNER lu Orchard Hill for a good team" vAvagon and harness. Active Real Estate and Piopi rty Exchange , 1 > 24 Dodge st. 717 24 /CLEANING nud Dyeing-All kinds of llrst- v-/class cleaning nnd dvulng done nt the Omaha Steam Dye Worksli23Hdwaidst. Telephone ! ) ! ? . CJO JylO pvON'T waste your.monpy by buying ice boxes JL/or common icfrlgornVors shipped heio , but como to Smith A , Potter's factoiy , where you can get the Dost p itout , dry air , lofilgerator. Ice saor and watei cooler ever luvonteil. Manu factured und for sale at No. 110 N. lith nt. , Omuhtt , Neb , , ( VJ ) 23 ] M US. E. W1NTON , nVofcssloiial mid-wife. . S. 10th bet. Ceiltcr und Dorcas. bOO 21 * { IIAIOR Umbrellas and paiasols.repalred ' and co\ercd. 217 Sf 15th , Hoyd's opera house , basement , first-class woik guaranteed. COS 21 * TEHSEY bull for Ben leu , cor 31th nnd Jackson Htreot. , S11J12 * T HE banjo taxight as an. art by Geo. tOollea - rOME for Destitute Woman and Children , 12713 Hurt M ; . Did HORSES and cattle tnkon to pastille , apply to Henry Osthoir , 1513 California st. 7uyjJf W P OMAN'S Exchange , li"17 rnrnaniBt. Lunch dally : , slipper Saturday nights. 1)4I ) GJ. S.STEHNSDOltrr , room 0 , oppositopost- ofiicewlll trade > ou a good farm or city property fora horbo , buggy and hunifss. 1 fJ FOR SALE A top Diiggy , nearly new.C oluni bus mukn , also good aluglo harnt'ss. A. H. Comstock. JU S. 10th Ht. Wl 11' you nnvo anything to trndo cah on or nd- clre.ss fieorgo J. Steriisdorlf , Room 0 , oppo slto postolllro. 107 A good horse , buggy nnd hnrnosi in exchange for South Omaha lots Ooorgo J. Steinsdoiff. room 0 , opp postollice. 2W : SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING LjlIORI-HAND and typo-wilting taught nt Wj Remington htaudard Tjpe-wiiting agency , 1007 1'arnam bt. 6125 * ClIIORT lTAND Have emplojedMlbs Gnrdnor C5 ns teacher of sliort-haud and typo-wilting. She has had : i years' iXerleuco ) in teachiiiK ; ha\o plenty of machines ; students can piactlco as long as they choose. 1007 Farnam st | 5H4-25 ' Shorthand Institute Is the VALENTINE'S only practical , exclusive shorthand nchool in tin ) west. All Its graduates are in good Hit- uatlonsaud giving entire satisfaction. Students can enter at any time. No mnnmor vacation , fend for circulars to Valentine's Shorthand In stltute. New Paxton Hulldliig. Omaha Neb. ' - STORAGE. \S7ANTED All } thing or something to put in T the empty htore-ioom over our new store. We hn\o moio loom than we need In the best Moragu building in Omaha , HO we will htoro cheap , any \ uluable or perbomil property , fnini a piano or sleigh down to a trunk or > allt > o Drop us a postal card und wo will call foi your things. Elevator Mf'g Co. . lllb Howard Ht. 2U7 .lyl2 rpRACKAGE , storage. lowest ratoj.V. . JI JL Itushman. 1111 Lenvoiiwortlu 50J WANTED-TO BUY. Second hand set of Nebraska re- portu for cash. Address Hex 10 , Cnllaway , Neb 7t021t WANTEI-Good , sound family horse anil single harm's iCall Monday and Tuesday afternoons. Jl' E. 1 leebe. 1114 Haineyst. 77U 2tr WANTED To buy cottage of fi or 0 rooms , nud good-sUed lot , south orhouthwcst iiart of the city pioferred. must bo a bargain. Gha full duhcrlptlon , location , price and if HUB. Ad dress O 27 , Heo. 655 24 * "X/ITANTED / To buy nil kinds of household VV goojls for cnHh. Furguson Furnlturo Co. , 715 , 717 und 7Wi N , l h bt. iKU-jyl'J \T7ANTED Vorn feeding farm , near line of VV Union I'aclllo It. R. , fiom one-flghth to u whole section of land. Addruai Slock , euro May llros. 1'rnmont NHD. M7 24 TSTANTKO Good 'houilo nnd lot iude/lrabla / V > part of the cltiyt will give llntt-class bar- iraln to anyone If muted ; Geo. j.dteriudorlf , RoomO , Frenser ble.i ' HIS buy fiirnlturoofu House or Hut cen trally locatod. C0-opfjl * . & L. Co BJM..WtU 50J IF jou imv < > improved , business or rosldenco property that you wish to eell. call and see me , George J , htcrnsdorir , room < ! , opposite postolllce. ' _ 2Ui SEVERALstoio buildings or houses that can O be mo\ oil . Will puy good pilce If HUited. George J . faternsdorff , room 0 , opposite post- ollice. CL/IKVOYANT. ADAjfEANNA ALI'A'NALII. ' thTceiubroted Hungarian gypsoy. palmist and fortune teller it Htfllut IdilN. in Ht. IVe tl. Ladles only No ono received , on Sunday. 7U7-25 ; MADAM ECCLE8 , clalrvojant. Powers arc most remarkable us Iv tc&tltlcd by all who have met her ; her imputation ns a clarlvoyunt has long been established , und she Is one of the best fortune tellers lu the w orld. Room 1. l > 3i N Ibth bt , 01D 27 * DR. NANNIE V , Warren , clairvoyant. Med ical , business and test medium. DlagnodU free. Female disease * a specialty , 1)8 ) N. leth 8U Ilooms S i 3 Tel.U44. _ 6.H MADAME Wlntera-GKtod dead trance clulnoyaut and nstrologlst ; can be con sulted ou all attaint ot llfo or ( Icatb ; ro unites the sujmrutocl , causui luck and uKc | ly marralges. bhou b photo ot f uturo wife or husband , locates diseases and cuiea thum oy massage anil loawetlc trcatuient , has the eelw- brntwl Hindoo charm for luck All thosu In trouble will do w H | to call on thin girted ueorlhs give you a correct wTltten reading through mall for W.UO , with lock of hair , 'i'w mudamo ha < Jakeu parlors at ilT South llth St. , 2uu iloor , 1'ajrlur S nd J. MONEY TO LOAN. QJltORTtlmaloahs made by 1 > . B. Johnson , kJlate pres't Hank of M ( > rn . References 1st Nat. bank , Om&lia. R. W3 , Now 1'nxton block ONEY To l/onn liy the tinderirBiiedirwho has the only property organized loan agency InOranba. lX5ansor JIG to ( lOJmndo ou furni ture , plnnos. orKans.horses , wnpons.maphlnery , etc. , without remoTaU Nodolnjs. All business strictly confidential , l/jans so mndo that any part can bo paid nt nnv time , each payment re ducing the cost pro rnta. Advances mndo ou flnewHtchos and diamonds. 1'crionsshould carefully consider who they are doallim with , as innny now concerns arc dnlly coining Into otls- touco. Kliould you need mon y call nnd soome. W. It. Croft , Room 4 , Wlthnoll bulldlnt,16tli ( nnd llnrnoy. 635 MONEY to loan ; cash on hand ; no delay. J , W A E. Ii. H < iutr6. 1218 1'arnatu * t , Klrst National bank building t36 WANTED-.V Jew 'holco loans. Klmballi Champ & Ryan , room 0 ; U. S. Nntl Ilk Hldg. 71124 DON'T borrow money on furniture , horses , wagons , etc.until you Imvo seen C , II , Jacob" , room 4in , Klrst National bank building , cor. Utn and rnrimni 671 MONEY Good commercial rapcr nnd short time mortgages bought. Real estate lonns negotiated. S. A. Slomnni3th ; and remain. MONEY loaned at C F. Rend .V Co. * * Loin olllce , on furniture , plnnos , horses , wagons , personal property of nil kinds , and nil other nitlclcs ofalue without remo\al , ,1in f. Ulh , AH business strictly confidential , filO MONEY to loan. Moitgnges bought. Klmbatl , Champ & Itjun , R. 0 , U. S. Nat. Hank. lIK Omaha rinnnclal Exchange , Room 1" , Harkcr block , southwest corner of 1'ar nam and 15th sts. Makes a specialty of short-time collateral and real i-stato loans. Money always on hand In sums of $100 nnd up wards to any amount , to loan on approved se curity. Secured notes bought , sold or pxclmiiged. Clear real estate and cash to exchange for good tlrst or second mortgages Loans made upon laud contracts , stocks , bonds , trust deeds , tlrst or second moitgago se curity , without publlcltv , delay or red tape. Financial business of any kind transacted promptly , quietly and fairly. Room 15 , Harkcr block , Coibelt , Manager. 'i2D MONEY to loan on chattels , w Knout reiuo * . n ! or tiling ; llnanclal business of all kinds transacted without publlcltv ; money advanced on Juweliy , notes , otc. It will pay you to see us. People's Financial Exchange. O. llouscaren. manager , 11. uiSJJ llaikerblk.luthnnd rarnnmsta 251 Jy lit M ONEY to loan. O. E. Thompson , Hheely blk- 6.K ) I ONEY to loan. Lowest lates. No delay. J. LL. Rico iV Co. , over Commeicial Nat'l bank. C3'J MONEY to loan. Lone time. George J. Paul , 1009 Farnam st. UJO T DANS made In all the prlnclpil additions to JUomnhn at lowest rates. D. V. ShoU-s , room 1 , Darker block. SUJ EASTERN money The Phllndelplna Mort gage & Trust Co. oiler unusual Inducements to wed borrow era on Improved properj. rlty nnd country. Apply to Gto. W. I1 , Coates. Itep- rcscntatlvo 11 Chamber romiiiurco , 255J.4f MONEY loaned on furnltme , plnnos. organs , horses , etc. , lo\v rntes. J. J. Wilkinson & Co. ' 14171'txrnam. iva T OANS made to p irtles desiring to build. D. Uv. Sholes , room 1. Uorker block. 102 QEEllarils R Ei ; L Co. for loans , room 411 Olst Nat Hank. 220 MONEY to loan on leal estate ; mortgages bought and bold. Wallace , Creighton block. MONEY to loan in any amount , cither for bulldlngor otheiwlM ? , at lowest lates of In terest nud on short notlco. D. V. Sholos , room 1 , Darker block. ! KK MONEY to loan on horses , furniture , pianos , land contracts , and other personal prop erty. Iluslncss confidential. Room U , Omaha Nnt'lLank. 50J MONEY to loan on furniture wagons , etc. , without removal or on collateral hccurlty. lltislness strictly contldentlnl A. E. Greenwood & - Co , U1 , Cunningham block , cor 1. ) i : Jackson. Cl"OO.l ; < X ) to loan at ii per cant. Umiluui ir Ma- 'Plionoy. lloom 501. Pax ton lilock. C07 OANS nnulo on impnned and unlmpro\od cltv piopoitv nt lowest rates of Interest , hpci Inl rates on large loans on Inside rropertj' . Odell Itros. A , Co , 3U S. IGth st , 4W H.II. . I HEY $500,000 to loan on city property . and improved farm land , rrcnser block. 511 ] \I ON'EY to loin onhoises , furnitmo nnd other J.'l personal piupe.itv or colluteinl. Rates mod- viate ; business contldentlal. Ollico H. W. cor ner 15th nnd Dougl.is.sts. Entrance on l" > th&t. a ho 1'alrkank 1m estmcnt Co. 504 MONEY to loan on Improsed real estate ; no commission charged. Leavltt Hurnlmm , loom 1 , Lieighton block. 505 LOANS made on real estate and mortgages bought. Lewfs S. Reed A , Co. , 1521 Fnruam. 5CO H E. COLE loans money on Impiovod city or farm property. Room 0 , Continental block. 508 G PER CENT money to loan , Patterson & Har- 'nnid.IllB15th ' st. UWJ M ONEY to loan. O. F. Davis Co. , real estate and lonu agents. r > 03 Fainnm st. t > 70 I A. WOODMAN Money to loan on real os- Into In sums to suit , 220 S 13th bt' 572 OANS made on real estate. Cash on hand. JW. M , Hairis , over 22) 8 lith st. f.7. $ rxfl(03to loan on Omaha city propoityntfl per cent , G. W. Day , ho cor Ex. bid f > i.l MONEY to loan on furniture , horses , wagons , etc. , or on anv appioved security. Low rates J. W. Robbhib , H > l.i I arnam. 574 BUILDING loans. Llnahan $ . Mahonoy. 573 BUSINESS CHANCES. \J \ E have homo i are chances for pnrt leg w ish- ing to engage in a desirable buulni'if. Oma- L Hiisliu'ss ox.b.W. cor. llth and Douglas fill STOCK of drugs in a thriving Nobinsk.v town , Invoice about i-.OOO ; leims > , ' , casli , balance easy with approved mciirilj. Co Ojiei atlo Lund & . Lot Co. , SB N. 10th st. 77523 DHtTfl store for sale , or will take pnitreal entato near Omaha. Address lock box 73 , North Loup , Nob. 7.1- Sit A GOOD paying lebtuurant for sale. Apply 117 N. 12th st , ( /U2f \v 'HAT have you to oiler for 200 shares In the btaudnrd Oil Co , Wyoming ? O 53 , Ilee ollico. O'Jl SI * I71OH SALE Saloon. liunilroUOJ Douglas. i1 7U5 2h * 1 F } ou hao stocks or business for sale or w ish u good partner , apply at Omaha Huslness ex change ; they aio reliable , a. W cor. 15th and Douglas. 811 FOR SALE Newhiind cigar htoio on princi pal street In Omuhu , on account of 2 busi nesses , cheap for cash. Addiom O 51 , lleo. 1,91 FOR HALE-A IliHt-clahs saloon , in central location , near P , O. , doing n Inigu and prollt- able biihliiess. Good reason for Dulling. Rent } I40 , long time lease , Piico $4.0 , ! ' , tenns loaoon- able. Co-operatlvo Land nnd Lot Co,2ll'i N Hith , 71 CS4 _ _ 1H SALE A m't , piolltablo businebs.stock , JLJ llxtures und lease , on account of ill health. Inquire ot 117N. loth st. 075 24 _ SALE Hoiiullng houto and huloon ut u bargain. II. Jlaniiwullc-rMHS Hth. Wl I.tJf FOR SALE Hotel and /ostauiant In good lo cation. luuniru E. A. .Miirali , IHJd N. loth st. OIJ20 * _ _ FOR SALE or E\cliango - Hotcil and meat market in HUN bluings , Neb , at a bargain. Aderess R , JlcNuu , Ciowford , N b , t > ) ljj4 * FOR BALE The best located" * " HHd best oo.ulpiied wholesale and lotull bakorj In the city , including horse. , and wagons ; long leano ; must be bold , O It ) . Hew ollice. 070 21 * 171OH SALE Hlacksmith and wagon shop. JL' Address U 4J. Heo olllco. MJ 20' _ I71OR SALE A llrst class dairy w n oed w III. JL.1 llxtureti and pasture sold If duslrud , from 5) ) to 150 cows. Inquire J. F. Hoch , Omaha P.O. | UlsjylJ * _ _ _ _ _ _ IjlOR SALE or Tiudii riTst-cTaoS icitiuiant. i1 EnquhoJlUbo. list. _ titbit OR SALK-FUtmos. good will , etc. , of a llrst class loktiuirunt , In rcutral location ; well establlnhi d tr.ulu and duna' ! a paying bunl- ness RentlVi , price * KJO. ttinii easy , Operatlvo Land .t Lot Co. . an N. 10th bt ; _ , JHshed businebs ; will bear thorough in vostl- gallon. Address O 61 , Hoe. u'J'Ji4' BRICKYARD For Sale-T e only bi . lu city nf 12'XiOlnliuljltiuumiUm ' ' , u net immml jix | > tlt of oicr H uju ; will * > ! ! cither part or whole iutuuAt to right pnity Addrcst / b. Grand Island , Nvb , P. O. box iV. _ _ rpo close conMgntiifUt , forsalo ilie-i ) ) , 51bar J- rub engine ( /jl * . .Mcnclwn i. ill ) , l.'U L-.IVOII- worth st. J7i2j TTIOn SAI.R-I.unch countsr In a snloon.dolmt JLA good business , GIB N 10th st. ail 27t 171OI.8ALK-At ! Kearney. Neb. , the rnltura J-1 and Icftfio of Grand ConlrnI hotel , nio second end bosthou < ! 0 In the city , nud the best looatcd , being opposlto depots. Doing a paying busi ness. Will bo spin at n bargain. InmilreT. C. IJrnlnafd , Midway hotel. Kearney , Nob. K17 OH SALK-Clu-np. stock ot notlons.flxturp , nlsosoda fountain In good order , together or separate. Inquire 3S 8. loth. Ml 28 ? 130LLER mill for salet'r tclass roller mill of J\CO bbls cnpiclty , with elevator of 1H.UOO bushels - els cap xcltx' attached , nnd all in good running order , almost new. A Rood and substantial exchange and merchant trade established.V111 bo sold nt n bargain. Address1 C. A. lllckol. Kxeter. Neb. ft ) 2St " | ? OIl.SAIiK . " ( food restaurant doing gooci -L business , on principle street. Address o Si , Dee. 654 21 * "V\715havo for alon long tlmn lease of the best location for fancy retail business in the city. 1 curon , Cole & Robertson , U10 S. 15th st. ] 577 EXCEPTIONAL business opening at Gnylord , Kan. Sloieroom Six SO feet , RheUod for dry good * , etc. , SJ ucr mouth ; only two other drv goods stores In town. A tinn chance for the right man. Addiesa F. II. Orcutt , Council llliilM , , - rpo TRADE oi For Snlo-An iMjultyot { 1,000 In JL a J7.500 new ii-roojii , Hlnte roof dwelling , modern Improvements , one nillofrom ixistofilce , Otmibn , Neb. , foi n general stock mciclinmllxo or dry good , boots nnd shoos , or clean stock gioceiles. Addles j C , 2.1 Heo olllce , Council Hlllir.s , In. 8102(1 ( FpT ) EXCIIANOT.-HlotH In Kcmrnoy. Neb. , to JL oxchnnito for n good team nud buggy. Co- opeiativo Land V Lot Co. , 205 N 10th st. C02-25 SG.WOmoclTotlTotliTtijrrboots nud shoos and hats and c-ups , to oxclwngo for pint cash nnd good clear or slightly Incumbored land. Co-op- cram e Land nnd Lot Co. . 80 * N. lull t. 773 23 rpRADE A largo spun of soircl horses , injj JL hand" high , w eight 27 > U To trade for smaller team. C. M. Knton.Ml ) N. Hth. 744-ly22. ] TTKHE.VCHANGE-A ) llrst class fonu of 240 J-'acres in Iowa , with line house and three largo barns , to oxihnngo for Mock of goods or land In Kansas or Nehnisko. Also hind to ex change for hotel property Write to J. L. Irvln , Waterloo , la. 7,3:1 : 21 * A FARM of "MO acres , near Gramt Island , Neb , finely Improved , well fenced , etc. w 111 tradu for good Omaha property and pay dl'lei- cnco In cash. A G. 1 light nm. 51021 T3 EXCHANGE-TWO good houses w ith fun lots , In Omaha , aud 40 ncros clear land lu Iowa , for Impiovod farm In Iowa or Nebraska. \ \ ill assume some lucunibrauce. W. A. Spencer , 1324 Dodge St. Rll-25 WANTED Horse , buggy , etc. . as llrst pay- mcnt on lot in Wlso A. P. add , bal four an nual paj menu Paul , 1009 rarnnm. P35 rpo EXCHANOE-Clty lot Trclear lands nnd JL farms. Paul , 1000 Farmim. 451 I i un V stock to exchange for part cash nnd JLJbal'ince In city property. Price $14,000. CoOperative - Operative Land i. Lot Co. , 205 N. Iflth st. 77523 WILL give you a good trade for nn eight or ten loom house nnd lot. George J. Steins- doi IT , Itoom 0 , opposlto 1' . O. Sll T\niATlmvo vou to offer for 1,280 acres of Y > timber Und In West Virginia , clear of in- cuinbrnuce , perfect title. George J. Sternsdorir , Room 0 , opposite P. O. 2IJ1 B 1UCK M'iuited-100,000 bricks In exchange for good Inside Omaha property. S. A. Sloinan. room 22 and 23 Helhuan bldg. 570 NEW 2 seated carriage and now. single top buggv to trade for long time real estate mortgage.V . L. Selby L > 21 Faruam Bt. 573 I HAVE a well Improved 8) ) ncio fnim In Hnr- Ian county. Neb. , about 8 miles north ot Al ma , county seat. Any onowantlngu good small farm will do well to let uie&now what they hnvo to oirer. George J. Sternsdorir , lloom 0 , opp. P. o. an GJ. STKTcNSuORFF. room 0. opposite post- ollice , has some good land in Holt county , Neb. , to trade for Omnua property. Will assume light lucunibrauce. 295 " \\7HAT hnvo > ou to trade for large double 10 room house , modern iiiipio\cmcntsl south front , largo bam. Very desirable. Kountz Place. C. AI. Eaton , Sia N. 10th. 743-Jly22. OOxlS ; , corner hl and Douglas sts , to trade for an eight to ten-room hoif > o and lot. Geo.J. Slernsdorir room 0. opposite P O. 2 ; > 0 " \\7'1Arr ' 'invt ' ! you to tiado for 80 acres or lana > > unlncumbered in June.in county.Vis , , H miles from rounty seat. G. J. bteinsdorir.room 0 , opp Postolllcc. 107 FOR EXCHANGE House and lot. Neb. faun or bouth Onnha lot ior vacant lot in C.u- thairp , Lincoln Place or West Cumlug add. W. L. fcclby , IIJI Fninam at. 018 EXCIIANGE-Neb. fnnn or two South JL ? Omaha lots for spauof males or mules , w , L. Solby , 15J1 Fiirnam st. 578 I rANTED Clear lands for lusldo city prop- Y eity.Paul , IM > Fainam , 4il GJ. STEIINSDOR1T , Room 0. opposlto P. O , has homo choice faun land to tiado for city property. Will nssumo light Incum- brances. 231 EIGHTY (80) ( ) acres of land adjoining Lake Mitnnwn , Council , Illulls , la. 'I his tiact will make 40'Jbonutif at lots nnd la free from cupumUranee. What have vou to oner ? Gooiga J. Sternsdorir , room ( I , opp i * . O. Itf7 rpRADES made In real estate and poisonil JL pioperty. See exchange book. Co-on. L. nnd L. Co. art N. 10th st. KO ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. MIDLAND Guarantee and Trust Co. , 110J Fnrnam street Complete abstracts fur nished , and titles to real estate examined , per fected and guaranteed. D1 > Abstracts South Omaha Ed. Johuson .v Co , agents South Omaha Land Co , have the only complete set of abstract books in South Omaha. Complete abstracts fiirnlshud on short notice. Ollica oppoalta depot , South Omaha. 5S3 BENSON iVCAHJIICHAEL furnlsri complnts nnd guaranteed abstracts of tltlo to any realoitatti in Om ihi nnd Dougl n county upo l short notlco. The mosteomnloto s"tot nbstraut books In'tho city No. 1519 Karnum st. Ml -REAL ESTATE. Al IH'HIN'EbS pioptity , ( ( I ft. houth front on Capitol n\o. between 15th and luth stb. with hoiibes lentlng lor ! 1W ) per innnth , Owner Is a non-reftldcnt , now lu city , and bound to hell. J'miulru of John W , Taylor , MIT. hant'H hutnl , orJ.ll Melklo , 2 board of trudobdn 7i-8 D"D. . SMEATON. Hiirker IUwkTomahn. has following In South Omaha for wale : flOJ Improved coint-r ptonerty , I' ' ) pur cent Income. C'lincronL uii'l 2 > tu stroitj , $12 per foot , nt about'i cash , balanro easy. Coiner on L St. , ncaij viaduct , ' with no ca h down. HUHlnesx lotion Lht utj.SXIiindfl.UJJoiKjiiniHuobic-i-kH from depot , which will double lu nix monthx. Lot 10 , blockMloii2ltliHt . g.MiO > l. Loll' ' , block Ht , ous7thHt. . Ji.aw. Lot fl , block rn , . ' , ooo , tm cash , balaiK o 2 yearn. House and lot on wi'nt 8ldr > . tvi riwh aim * 10 per month. 1'ull lot. 10 inlnutcHwalk ot "Armour * , " for 8 < 2" > , ? I1-0 cash , balance jearly AIi > o other baigalm on hum ) . 707 1710H BALE or Lensollulldlng nnd le.iso of J1 Houthwi'st coi. 21th and I'ruiiUlu HtK. Om'iha Saddleiy Co. 7'J'2I ' rTX FEE I1 on Pat k avenue : you want this , in It 'J will bo Hold at a bargain , A. G , In hrum , 1 , llarki r block , D1D-2I P OR bALE-Ilemitlfiil past fiont lotlnAr- cadnplntiioa.Knh ht. , just south of Lo.ivun worth , for f 1,7110 ' 1 his la t'M below actual vuluo and will be In the mutlcet a shoit time only ut the price uuotod. M. A. Upton & Co , 31 ONLY a fnw lots left In II. , V M. imric nddltfon to South Omaha. What luivu > ou to uirur/ George J. Sterusdoi ir , Room f > , opp.p. ; O. 211 TTIOR'SALE. Farms on Ionrtliiui. ; Co-biitfta- JU tivB Land nnd Lot < V > . tftri N. IhthSt. 1 7 TTopJlLE Two line H'jut'i Omaha Iota , one J-1 n corner , cluup If sold within aooii. . Ad- drcsa O W.Heo. M _ _ rpll REE hundred and tW' nty ucics joining to JL the city of Grand Island : 4' ' ) acres in city for sale. A. II. Perkins , Grand 1 jlund. ULi 2' ' . * XTE\V 8-rciom house , V5 bU > 'k from rar lino. - > city wutei. bath and all tonveuloiicos , } 5i)0 ) tolUOcash , bal to suit and julco bcdro k. A , ( ; jnahrum. 61U 21 _ _ ON'TmUs this Ixitl' , CIuKii'4 addition , Juxtnoithiif St. Mary's ntrt. , ' ) ! foot fiont. worth JC.4W. Wo will neil foi u Hhoit time for VVX ) . M A. irrton & ( > ) . _ .KU rJ. . bTERNdDORFF , room-l oni-o ito post- VJ. olllrn , will sell you u good 4-ioom IIDHSU on lUth street , blocks south of car Hue , by ji iy- liu i * > i lasli. I'alanrn monthly pa/nunts to suit 'I his Is a .splendid opportunity for any. one vMiiitln , ; n cheap home- . _ 231 ljLhINEsSlot,22 "it. fcouth front on ciipltol Jj n\o butw fun Pith and lOlhfatK ; b.iruv n for a ft - < 1 yn iion-roiident bound tobell Jnhn vi l.ijl-r , Meri'iiunU' hotel , orJ H , Melfclp.S liuard < > ( trudu bdg. TMSm HOME at u llargaln Elc-jant coltHio , ffil A oust front lot. AH moduli JiuprovuuuJt-J. j Mxics from Ildusoom p.m. . AdOr - < the o.uer. . ( J 13 , Hoe. 7i Si N1NE-UOOM cotUsVlu lTaiu. > m pi1. for H.lWj ; tu t front , worth 1' , 'M. A. ( J. Iii rem. ro"1 1 , Harker Ulojk , &W-21 TT OR SALR Cheap If sold noon , nonsti fine IInwn , city wMor , well , cistern , barn and out buildings , G roiling done nnd everything la good roiialr. Immodlata possession. Apply nt officer A Pusey's bank , or on premises , cor. UU nve. nnd I'th ' St. . Council lllurfii , la. _ POBgT , "RIOH SALK A now 0 room house , nil modern JL1 r onvcntonres , lot 60124 , Brd lot cast 18th on Lathroast , Kuuntre place ! price W,700. 11,000 cash , Iini. Its n month or as desired , Hamilton Hros. , builders. 403 Ho. 18th st. _ 7 43jyl TO HAITI KUIj homo for unlo I offer my r * I- JJdencoou corner of 8t. Msry's avcnu * and 25th street for sale fora few day * . Tills is one of the ] ) lonsnntest homos In the city : Urea ground * , beautiful shaded Inuiifsnnda nicely arranged 10-room dwelling , with All conr n Icncc * and In perfect repair. Will pell at a bargain for all cash , or will o cept In pnrt payment other good city property , unlncumbored. Tltlo ot iny property perfici and not encumbered. For terms nnd particulars call nt mjr hotmeor nt oinco of C , Hnrtman , Room 200 , Sheely block. _ .I..S.a Ibnon. _ C Q 24 FOlfSALE-ltouso and lot , lotCOxlN ) , Jctt r' llrst add. South Omaha , $ l,2uO. InnuUo 703 N IBth. 753 85 * \\riLL sell you a lot In II. , t > I. Park addltloa IT to South Omaha by paying 120 down , bal. anco5 per month. Those wanting to make a Miiall Investmo nt w 111 find It to their advantage to purchnso ono of thosn lots nt the present prices. George J , StcrnsdorlT , Room 0 , opposite - site P JO. _ 831 BrsiNF.S9 property , 44 ft. , Cnpltol avo. be- twcon Ifith nnd 10th sts. ; Itargnln for a few days only. John W. Taylor , Morchant'i hotel , or J H. Molkle , 2 board of trade bdg. 7KV 7I10R SALK or trade on easy terms Lot 10 Tulk JL1 .Tt . Albrluhfs choice. I/jts 18 , 10 , IT blk 3 , Iloppo sub div , Albrlghl's choice. Ixt7blkl ) , . \ Hlmcbnugh's add. Ixits 1 and 2 blk | i. Hilffgs plnco. Uoo. lUUavls , Mlllnrd hotel bllllanTroom. SiS'yll FOR 8A LE 10roofracres"goodannlnnr land In" Stnnton , Franklin , ( 'ustor nnd Cherenno counties , Nob. Gco. II. Potorsou. 013 B. lith at. K-UOOM cottage , closets , pantry , well and 'Joutbulldlngn , west part of city , small cash pnj ment. ami balaucu monthly or to suit. K.l\ Darling , ir > 21 Fariinm. 770 SO moil SAMS Or trade ; 80 acres , liar Ian coua- JD ty. Nob. , imp. IfiO acres. Holt Co , Nob. , Imp. S2i ) acres , Knox Co , Neb , Imp. ItjOncrcs , Grooloy Co , Nob. 40 acres , adjoining Lake Mnnawa. Lots In II. , t M. Park , South Omaha , clear. 2 lots. Mulroso Hill , encumbered. tt > Q. I lot , ICountro Plnco , encumbered , JI.4IW. 0 lots , Arnold Park , encumbered. 12,409. 1 lot , Ot clmrd Hill , encumbered , tin , ) . l lot , Cuuilng Bt , cor. 31st. unencumbered , 'l lot , rnrnnm st , bet. 38th and 39th , unencuiu- beu-d&JXO. ( 1 acre , Solomon's add , encumbered , $330. 1'rosh sUick clgnrs , invoice & ! , I W. Hpnn horses , liurnosa and delivery wngou. lllnll's combination safe , nearly now. Also business nud renidenco property m alt parts of the city , forsalo or trade for stocks ot goods , good farm property or city property. B. A. Sloman. Hc'tlman block. Omaha , Neb. t)07 ) POR real cstnto call on Goo. J. Paul , 1000 Tarn IW9 Ojl.OOObuysa fulltot nnd good 4-room cottage Tin n good location. D. V. Sholes , room 1 , Har- kcr block. 002 J L. RICK Je CO. , Keal KsUte. 681 TT10R SALIf Look ! Look ! IX ) foot south trent JL ? on llnrnoy just west of SOth st. 0 room house , nil modem Improvoincntfl.lluo lot and homo , wo have cxcluslvn sale of this and can offer it nt a price below lu real value. M. A. Upton & Co. 715 ( BPOO buys a full lot and good 4-room cottage , T'eafty termnnd good location. D V.Shole room 1 , llaritor block. . 002 J U RICE & CO. , Heal Estato. 63 * III AYE several choice , Inside , full lots , upon which I can build houses to suit purchasers upon their own selection of plans , and ou tiirin * to suit. This will pay to investigate. D. V. Slioles , room 1 , llarker block. 125 BARGAIN for n. few days a 10-room house , corner lot , good locality , house in perfect. condition , all modern Improvements ; prlco ea.000 ; 12,000 cash , balance one , two and tbroo years. U. L. Green. 310 8.15th st. 031 Oil ! OKI Lots 8and n. block 5 , Hoyd's ad dition , ono block oil State Htroot. only 8000 for both lots , 103x120 , terms easy. JI. A. Upton &Co. aw T L. KICE & CO. , Real Estate. . 31 HOUSE and lot in South Omaha forsalo only , fSjO , small cashpaymont , bal monthly , or | t rms to suit. D. D. smoaton , room 1J. Uarkor blocs. C9i r L KICK & CO. , Heal Estato. 681 TT1OR SALE Or exchange. Wo linvo sonio JL ? good Omaha real estate and Nebraska farms , which wo will sell cheap or troaoiorl stock of clothing , furnishing goods , dry goods , boots and she is , groceries or hardw aro. Bchlos- lliger llros. 014 a. 10th st. 2011f "ITIOH S A LE Amro east front lot In Windsor JLJ place , now room house w oil , cistern , co- mcnti'd cillnr , etc. A line home , only JJ.70J ; SMJO cash , JWI in one j car , bal in thrco years ; w o h ivotho exclusive sale of this. M. A. Upton X ( o. 7WJ rpRACKAGHpioportyMcCnguo'sndd , 239 ft 1 front byJ2 > Haveiago denth , J15C'00. ' Robert Vatus , RoonilXH Paxtoubuifdiug. 77020 FOR SALE fiO\UO , south and'cast fiont on rorMli und Doicas ; nn elegant lot with 8- room Iioiii3new ( ) for $5500 ; Jl.WO cash. Wo hnvo exclusive said of this. M. A. Upton & Ccv , U his lot adjoins Goodman's line grounds. 707 J L. RICE & CO. , Heal Estato. C98 V BEST east Hont lot /lanscom place. $2,500 , $1,000 cash ; must bo sold. A. G. Inghratn , loom 1. Hatker block 610-24 | DD. SMEATON. oxcluslvoly South Omaha leal estate. Uarguliis always on hand. Itaikor block , Omaha. ffJ7 Jy 1 Notice ) to Contractors. BenlcdbldH will be received to build "school building in school district No 64 , up to Juno 30. Plans and opcc-illciitlons can bo seen at the ofhco -Mendelssohn , 1 ishc-r \ . Lauilo. F. D. Mllltus , J' " ' ' f ' " < I'rnpoHnlN. Sealed prooals ] ) will bo rocclvea 1)y the city. ) of ( hud-oil , % eb , until 7 o'clock p.m. , Juno 2Ctlu 1fffor the fuinibhlng and electing of ft system I of wnt > i w oiks foi thoilty of Clianron. Neb. ( Puldsyitem to be fiiinlshed nnd built in uc- ( udi lu EopaiatO ) paits on thii following Hems , > lz 1 I'm niching and building engine house und MnoKoHiark 2 rmnlxhtngnnd inilldlng flltor and well ami appiuachfiomthe cieek. . ! I'liinlslilnu iiumiiins mnchlnoi-y. hontor and romux iloni belonging theioto lasldo of thcj eiiKlnu lioustt. i 4 riirnlHhlng boiler and connecUons. n ruinbhlngciiNtlioiiiilpo. 0 I'liinlHliliigb-peiinUasUiiBH. 7 riiinli-liiiiK Kulamelnplpo nnd special casl IngH forxame. t 'I ' H I'm nUlilnj ; hydrants , gates nnd gate boxes. I > i U Fxra\ntlngti ( > nclies , making boll holes und,1 ] IIHIiiK buc'k after pipes me laid and connected. I 10 Fin nlshiiig mahoni-y nnd Hitting and wall- InginbolleiHund hotting machtiieiy nud mule * ing all connections belonging thereto , l 11 r < ciavuilng and luri.lshlug und bulldlnj K'Rervolr 1"J Teaming plpiv , Kperlnl castings , hydrants , gutcs , ) ) o\tn , lend , oakum , etc , , fiom caw to Iil.uoiif UKO. U I'm iilhhlng lend , oakum , nnd laying nn < l ronnootingnll jilpo'i , lijilrunts , gates , f-ettlliK box 01. and doing all work pertamlng therotu outnlde of engine linn , o , 14 Training b ill eni and machinery from rara and placing on foundutlou at vngluo huuiu M diiodud. All tln > matciliil to bo shipped In earn off I ty , who will pay fnlght and chttrgo to contractor. nud thx city rcijuust that nil umtoi l .l bo shipped \UCIilciiKO over the cult ago and Nortliwra'.urn Rnihond as far ns H 1 * practicable to do bo. Noblilu will ID cousldeied unliisu strictly In with iilaim und upeclllcatloua on Ulela tin1 cltv c lei k > > o'llci . Thti < Ity counc lliei.oiviM Dm right to reject any or ull hid s in an ; , iiurtn nf bidH. I'lojMjH.ilH hiiul | ) , . illrtcio.l . to the city cleric nd 111,11 ked "I'roniwalH for \Vnter Works. " lor tvijili-s of bpec Ideations , drawings and other Infoi nation apply to city clurkof Clmd- ron , Neb. , or to A. A , Hlthuidbon.coubultlugou-1 glneoi , Lincoln , Neb , / lly order f < lty council of the city of Chad * ron , Neb. , tliU2jth day of May. A. D. 168i / C.O. HliOHES , Wayor. ' JOHN w SMITH. City Clotk. Proposals for Water Bonds. CITY Cf.miK's Ovricx , Chudrou , Neb. , Jlay so. im , qiULED bids will bo received tt'ttfUBOrtlc * fj until. lunu 2ijlh , last ) , at 7 o'clock p. m. , for thoiiiinhuso of lMu.n of Water liond * of th < ll > of I hadrou. H lid bonds urodmed Juno Ut , 1MJ , mid w III become duo twenty y ar wftf r tha dnto I Inn uof. but jia ) able at the OKtloucf the city after Mire years from date , occordliiy to statute. TJio bonds are In the sum of JI.OA ) cac'j , iind bear lntor t from datethureof at thu rail of lx per cunt par aunuin , pnyublo Bcial-nn- uually on Hut day of month of December and Juno In each year. Tim pilnclpul and la- toiDfcl aropn > ii.blo at the NcbrusU Jituto 1'Ucal AKciicy. New Ymk City , N. y. UUcsd bond * ara Ifcsmd by authority of the vote of tins dt > of ( .Imdrpn , all of tlio votes cast being In favor ot eald lb ue , and aia for Uiu purpose of tliucrco- ' Urn and coustiuctlou of u system pf LV h bid must state the amount desired to b * piirciiiiied.tUo price t j bo ji | . | , wjh ] nccruoa inlciit'Kt. mid should bo maikvd "PioponuU for UutiT lh > mlj. ) " p.nd must r.Ul full natiio a-id ndmvvdf biddar. Tha ' light I * rcf-sru'd Jl'a."X.UIiaaUblli * J W.SuiTH . : , , . , ,