Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 23, 1888, Page 8, Image 8

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The intornnl revenue collections yes
terday ninountod to $ loi58.88. :
Among the vnprnnts In the police
court ycfclcnliiy was a darkey with
hnir cut short but showing the color of
a tow head.
To-day will bo the last day of the
Plnkerton police force in Omnlm. At
( ! : /50 / the entire crew will board the train
for Chicago.
Only one marriage license was Issued
yostcrdny by .ludgo Shields , the con
tracting parlies being Rasmus P. Kite-
inuson and Eniila liorgqulst , both resi
dents of Omaha.
Itapmus P. KivBinusson and Miss
Amelia Borgqulst were united in mat
rimony yesterday by Justice Anderson.
I3oth of the contracting parties are res
idents of Omaha.
W. P. Clark , . John Rtuld and A. M.
McCarRor wore arrested yesterday and
flnnd $5 and costs for violating the sign
ordinance. There are KM ) names of
other violators of thisordinanco against
whom warrants nro to bo sworn out.
F. II. Johnson , the I'inkerton hireling
who made siteh an unwarranted os-sault
unon I'on HM/.lor , the assistant yard
master of the Union Pacilie on Thursday -
' day , was given u trial in the police
court yesterday afternoon and lined &H )
and costn. On Monday Johnson was
guilty of a similar brutal attack on Pat
August Lipdol , the absent-minded in
mate of thu insane department at the
county poor farm , whoso peculiarities
were fully dcbcribcd in a recent issue of
TllK HKK , died suddenly at the farm on
TUura'livv and was buried yesterday , lie
was an old boldior , and but very little is
known of his ancestry.
Chief Seavoy has been invited by the
Cincinnati superintendent of police to
co-operate with him in calling n na
tional convention of chiefs of police.
The object is to organize a. system
whereby the police bodies of dilToront
cities will better co-operate for the ftp-
prehension of fugitives. ( Jhiof Sotivoy
Is heartily in favor of the project.
A test of the lire alarm in the .Long
school was made upon the scholars yes
terday afternoon. In just one minute
and one quarter the rooms were cleared
of the 000 pupils , who marched out with
the greatest of decorum , not being
aware that the alarm was a'falbo one to
test their proficiency should an emer
gency arit-o.
.7. A. Sparks , of Valentine , Neb. , Is at the
P. K. Fuller , ol Sioux City , In. , is nt the
H. 1' . GrllUUi , of nincrstn , In. , is at the
Paxton. %
Mark M. Coatl , of Fremont , Neb. , is nt the
P. T. Hlri'lmrd , of Fremont , Nob. , is nt the
\V. M. Cole , of Sioux City , In. , It at the
.1. D. Moore , of Grand Island , Neb. , is at
the Mlllnrd.
L. I' . Vnu Slyttc , of Fail-mount , Neb. , is at
the Windsor.
E. W.Ticknor , of North Hend , Nob. , is at
the Windsor.
Theodore Hnhe , of Gnuid Island , Neb. , is
nt the Windsor.
Mrs. K. Mix , of Aurora , 111. , Is visiting
friends in the city.
Frank P. Ireland , of Nebraska City , Neb. ,
Is at the Paxtou.
G. .T. Terrell nml wife , of Oskaloosn , la. ,
nro nt the Windsor.
Mrs. E. D. Mead loft yesterday foi
Kansas ( Jily to visit her sister.
Clerk Stront ; , of the Millnrd , is rusticating
at ICansas City for a few days.
Messrs. .T. 13. IJaiun and II. C. Outnlor , of
Lincoln , Neb , are at the Paxton.
Mrs , J. A. Uruner lins returned from a two
months visit to Philadelphia and dthcr cities
in Punnsylvunia.
Mr. Hioliard Littick and wife , of Galena ,
111. , are visiting O. H. Swimjluy , of the Mo-
chnnics' and Traders' bank.
Mrs. Dr. 13. W. Lee and family left last
evening for Now York , whore they will pass
the heated term. The doctor will remain in
Gcortfn B. Kiiiff , Crom I3nwcn and C. A.
Uawsoii , all of Uos Moinus , are at the
Piuclnn. They caino to Omaha to look after
bridge and tiling contracts.
At the Hotel Marker : E. A. Morgan. Lin
coln : II. Stoddard , Marshalltown ; il. F.
Hubbard and wife , Hloomington , Neb. ; G.
W. Hatch , Dubuquc , In. ; F. G. Lockwood ,
Grand Island ; Miss Annie Evans. Lincoln ;
E. C. Cumpbull , St. Louis ; II. Howell , E.
W. Nelson , Mason City , In. ; C. O. Miller ,
Wahoo , Neb.
Army Notes.
lirlgndlcr Brooke , accompanied
by Lieutenant Hoe , will pay a visit of in
spection to Forts Nlobrara , Robinson , Kus >
sell , Sidney and old Fort Casper.
Lcavo of absence of twenty days has been
granted to Lioutunant Williams , twenty-
lirst infantry , Fort Kidney , Neb.
Dent h of Airs. Itrookn.
Mrs. D. C. Hrooks died of cancer at St.
Joseph's hospital yesterday Mr. Hrooks
was for years prominent In Omaha news
paper and political circles , and the dcceaseil
was well known hero. Of recent .years the
Hrooks' homo has been in Chicago , but Mrs ,
Hrooks was brought to Omaha some time age
for treatment. _
Stole a U'aloli.
A laborer at Thirteenth and Vinton streets
loft his vest , containing n watcii and
some money , on n fence near by yesterday
nnd while at his work was surprised to ,
FCO n man take thu garment and ski )
Special Policeman Farr gave chase , but was
unable to capture thu thief. lie will doubt
less bo apprehended , as all the ofllcers have
hlb description. _
Omaha and the A. O. U.V. .
The claims of Omaha are once moro recog
nized , The delegated from this city to the
supreme lodsro of the Ancient Order of
United Workmen , now In besslon at Louis
ville , Ky. , have sutured thu next annual ses
sion of that body for Omaha , The llrst news
of thuir bucccbs was in utologramto Mayoi
Hroatch signed by Jnniea W , Carr , J. 1) . Tutu
and S. U. Patten.
IiOUUl'll OlH.
A man named Morton who lives at 1214
Capitol avenue or r.xtbor did hvo there-
was looking for n Justice yesterday in
order to obtain u writ of replevin for his
goods which are In the building which is
owned by u goat named O'Neill. The for
mer forgot to pay his rent and the lattei
locked him out , ncnce there is music in UK
air. O'Neill clmiiiB that Morton broke in tin
door nnd proposes to awcar out a warrant
for forcible entry.
An I-'iu'oiii'JiuiiiK Turn-Out.
There was an encouraging turn out yi-stcr-
day afternoon of the manufacturers , whole
salers nnd merchants committee appointed
at the board of trade meeting last Wednes
day night , to complete arrangements for the
purjioso of going before the board of Mate
transportation at Lincoln on the ii-Stli lust
to st-curo nn equitable rate of freight tarill
for Omaha and points west of the Missouri.
Mr. W. F. GriQitts presided and n map ol
procedure was laid out , nftcr wblcli tl'.e
mooting adjourned until Monday afUrnoou ,
when t'.nothcr committee will bs s-clcetcd.
Klrfct Call nt tlic Pollen Court.
When Court Oft'.ecr ' Wlralcn opened tuc
gate yesterday mornlug twenty-two prisoners
trooped into the prcsauoo of Ills honor with
alternate hope and apprehension pictured on
their faces. . Eleven of the numbc.r vero
Vagrants , anil coven drunks. For the dally
scrubbing of the JaU Klls W.illlams , Frank
Laycd jiud Gcor o Ilanlon were seVctc 1
from among tlio' vugs , , and the othtr uixht
were told to "gH" someof them to work
otUsrs out oi town. Of the drunks ,
Tom Murphy , William Pcltynnd John Koncli
were a < s csscd from f 1 to t5 each. The oth
crs were turned out with n admonition to
go sin no more. Tom Fcncy got $7 nnd Pat
Conway $10 for fighting. John Horill of the
Bluffs whoso Gorman was glibly Inter
preted by Sergeant Hnzo , wns taxed $10 for
carrying n revolver , nnd John Hrockhow
paid M for the Satisfaction of firing n gun
within the limits corporate.
Thomas Fccncy is one of the shipwrecked
soldiers of the General Terry , but when ho
got drunk the ] > olico run him In just the
name and the Judge lined him $ " .60. On the
plea of his captain the mayor remitted the
fine and the soldier will bo shipped south
ward nt onco.
Puderal Iliiildlni ; Supplier
The bid for the supplies for tlio govern
ment building for tbo ensuing year were
opened Thursday by K. C. Jordan. The
lowest bidder for coal wns Mr. Ucdford ,
? I2.50 per ton for 2,240 tons. Klmball fc Hun-
cnlo and Wcstberg wore the bidders for the
let } . Thnir bids were to near the same that
they will both be sent in to the department
of supplies in Washington. Thuro were no
competitors for the water nnd gns supplies
nnd street sprinkling. The contracts will
all bo forwardnd to Washington nnd reported
on in about tlirco weeks.
Charles Harm hunc himself early yesterday
morning nt his homo in Park Forest , which
is nt the southern end of Thiitecnth street.
Ho was found by his family hanging by the
neck. Ho is supposed to have committed the
deed about : > :30. : Harm was abaakctmakcr
nnd n man of about forty-five. Ho has been
crazy for some time having nn insane fear
that somebody was trying to kill him.
An Inquest was Ircld last evening over the
remains. The jury gave a verdict of death
by suleido while laboring under n temporary
fit of Insanity. The funeral exorcises occur
at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon nt his Into
homo in Park Forest , and will be conducted
by the German society of which ho was a
member. He will bo buried in Laurel Hill.
Death In the
Behind In nothing , Omaha had n death
Thursday evening as the alleged result of an
Intomper.ito use of cigarolts. The victim is
Fred Hark , living at 417 Williams street. Ho
wns only nineteen years old but smoked sev
eral dozen cigarettes each day. His death re
sulted directly from blood-poisoning from an
ulccnitiou in the cheek , which is supposed to
have come irom the cigarette smoking. Do
t-eased was ( v truckman nt the Union Pacific
express oflleo. His father was telegraphed
nt Lincoln and arrived yesterday. The
Knights of Labor , of which young Hark was
n member , will probably participate in thu
luncrnl. .
Not n ItcKid House.
OMAIM , June 23. To the Editor of Tun
Hnu : I notice in the report of the city coun
cil proceedings that n putiUon'has been re
ceived against my kceepiiig n road house ,
signed by seine worthy ladies.
jfow I wish to say that I never have kept
nor expect to keep what is termed a "road
house. " The premises where 1 huvo lately
resided , Elmwood Park , have bceii rented to
parties for ten (10) ( ) years. T hey nro going
to expend a few thousand dollars in beauti
fying the grounds with drives , walks ,
fountains and buildings , making it n beauti
ful park for the north part of the city , where
all may visit , whether saint or sinner , with
out fear of being offended. The parties are
under $ . ' 1,000 bonds not to use the promises
themselves or re-let to others for immoral
purposes. Geonai : W. Fouucs.
Smoke Seidonborg's Figaro and got
the best 5-ccnt cigar in the world. Mux
Mover & Co. , wholesale depot.
Auction Sale.
Monday , Juno 25 , will bo offered at
public auction , at No. 114 South Nine
teenth street , household furniture , con
sisting of pi-rlor furniture , hut rack ,
book cases , library , table , bedroom
suits , sideboard , dining table , chairs ,
china , glassware and kitchen utensils.
Sale commences at 10 a. in.
C. Leo Staub , Architect and Supt. ,
oflico 1019 Howard ; Hi years' experi
ence. Fine , stylish buildings a spec
The Union I'acille Hallway.
Has arranged to stop all suburban
trains atQ street , Soutli Omaha , to bet
tor accommodate the constantly increas
ing suburban travel.
A IJride of a Kow Days Skips Out with
Available KiuulM.
The stagnation which pervaded the matrimonial
menial bureau of .ludgo Shields' yesterday
was enlivened by the romping in of an
Italian who was in a high state of agitation ,
nnd Clerk Ed Morearlty had Ills afternoon
nap greatly disturbed By the demonstrations
of the dark skinned son of sunny Italy. Ho
demanded to know thu name of the woman
he had married n fuw days ago , making it
known between his sobs of grief and display
of agitation that she had skipped out before
ho lnu\ become thoroughly familiar with her
name , taking with her the proceeds of the
sale of several bunches of doc-ayed bananas
and cl07ons of rotten poaches which the
Italian had palmed off nn an unsophisticated
public. The name of the inconsistent and
dishonest brhlo was disclosed , and the out
raged Garlbaldlan rushed forth to llnd a
policeman to run down thu runaway.
Absolutely Pure
This powder never varies , A inarvo ! of purity ,
ftrciifitli amt whoIfHomoitoss. Mnvo ucononno
tlmu tin ) nrillnary klnils , unit cannot liu fold in
competition with tlio niuUlUulcot luw test.bliurt
\M.'iglit alum orphuapliatu puwiloi-b. , Sdb < mily In
rfiiin. I'OMUimCo. , 1M Wall St. ,
New Vork.
TJnfcrmcntcd ami not
intoxicnting. Acts like
a charm in all cr.Kea of Dlar-
rhcca nnd ] ) ysentcry and nil
stomach and bowel troubles.
Grateful alike to women , chil
dren nnd convalescents. Gives
.1 delicious flavor to ice-water ,
lemonadu or soda-Waler.
Imported and bottled by
- . - Cincinnati , O. .For Ealo-by
Ibc following dculoiB lilrbiitilioii Drug < "n. lllalco
, lruceCe. ! . , AilliTi Holler , lllnditonu Uro > \ Co.
l-'nink' I ) llime & l' , U. lUUrulte. and nil vhclctalu
and total ! Orui'sUtj' , Uuuur utu. r aud vtltie iu r- waok wo have supplied thouBauds of Oustomcrs witli thin Coats and \rcsts ;
they are going oil with a rush and every day's business , especially last Saturday , has
taxed our capacity sorely ; but success only stimulates us to stronger and more liberal
efforts , and while we are just now having the biggest run in Summer Clothing , wo do
not neglect our other departments. Wo open to day and place on sale for this week
two new styles of very fine Men's Casshntere Suits , which at the price we have marked
them will make a reputation for us , as the cheapest clothing house in the United States.
Ten dollars for a good suit having become siu-h a popular price with us wo have decided
to mark them so , although this is just one-half the value. Bolh styles are excellent ,
ono a diirk.lhe other a lighter shade of greyelegantly trimmed and made , and the goods
are of fair weight , thus making them suitable to wear along in the fall. They are the
biggest bargain ever shown and are in ovcvy respect equal if not superior to the other
Ten Dollar L nits of which we sold so many this season.
AVe have just opened an enormous assortment of fine pants , which we marked
$2.50 , $3.00 and s3.ii5. Every pair is unquestionably a big bargain , as they are very line
all wool goods in splendid patterns of stripes ; they lit as well as any you can have made
to order for three times tile money , and at the price wo have marked them , you buy
them actually at 50c. on the dollar.
In our Childrens' department we offer this week , some extraordina
ry bargains in Blouse Suits , just the thing for hot weather , for boys
from 4 to 1O years. One blouse and pants at95c ; a good looking and
strong suit , another fine blue flannel suit with silk embroidered col
lar at $1.35. Still another extra fine flannel of a beautiful shade of
chocolate color at $2.75. None of these suits could be had at any
other place for less than double these prices , Another big offering in
this department , is a strong and good wearing knee pant suit , in
beautiful checks which we have marked down to $1.50. This suit is
a big bargain and we have only marked it down so low because the
largest sizes are sold out.
One PriCe Only. No Deviation ,
Cor. I4th and Douglas Streets , Omaha.
Louisiana State Lottery Company ,
Incorporated liy the leijlslatiir ; ' In IMiS for Kil-
iinitloiml nnd Clmrltalilo purpose1 , anil Its fran
chise niuilo a part of thi < pro-sent State Constitu
tion , in 1S70 , by an ovcruiul'jitng popular vote.
take pliu o Semi-AiimiaUy , i.luno niirt 1 ( i-roml ) > r )
and Its OUANI ) SINOI.i : Nl'MllHIt DHAW-
IN(1S ( takopli'.co on o.ichof the other ten inoutljs
In the year , and nro all drawn in public , at the
Academy of Music , New Orleans , J.a.
"Wo ilo hereby certify that wo supervise the
arrangements for all thu Monthly and Peml-An-
inial Drawings of The l.imliluna State Lottery
< ompany , and in portion immune and control
tlio Drawings themselves , and that tlio biiniu
nro comliictul with IioncMy , f truest , and in
Kood faith toward nil iiavtles. nnd we authorize
tlio company to iu this ci-rtlllcatc , with f.ic-
hliullcs of our aiKiiatuioi attached , in its adver-
titeinents. "
Wo tlio nnderhlRiied Hanks nnd Hankers will
pay all Prizes drawn in Tlio Louisiana Stale
Lotteries uhlch may be presented nt our coun
U. M. WAtiMFUJV , Pros. Louisiana Nnt. Ilk.
1'IKUUi ; I.A.N'AUX , Pros. Stut Nnfl Ilk.
A. IIAhDWIN , I'les. NcwOrleiinNat'l ilk.
CAUL KUIIN. 1'res. I'nlon National Dank.
In HID Acntloniy ) ! ' SIiiHlc , New < . ) r
loans , Tucsilny. .July 1O , 1KHH.
CAPITAL PRIZE , $300,000.
1CO,000 , Tickets at Twenty Dollars oioh.
Kahes $10 ; Quarter : $5 ; Tentha $2 ; Twen
tieths $1.
i PHI/.B orwiu iis . j.'ioo.rm
iPni/.noK i' ' 0,00 1 . KIU.UX )
i PIII/.I : or wiiKiiis , ) . ffiiw )
i iMti/.i' or r.uiois . B'I.O u
a i'iti/.is OK 111,1 ( uuio . auKKi
fi I'ltiy.KS OK fi.WiOaio . i.Uill
2,1 1'HIXKS OK l.UH ) niu . , " , { *
KM 1 > U1X.IS : OK M ) are . Wl.OOl
aKI Pltl/.BS OK SUO are . Ml.OUil
NX ) IMtl/.US OK " > hl aio . lOO.tXX )
ICO Prizes of j.MWaro . * . WKO
100 do. illXInru . a > .UM
1UO do. UiUnro . Ml.OW )
do. lOOiiro .
WJ do. lUOnre . .
a,131 Prizes , nmountinp to . flnif ( > 00
Nure. TIckelBdrawlnv Capital i'rl/ca lire notea-
tilli'il tnternilniil'nnf. \ .
tI ! l'Oii ' 1'i.uii , < ) r nny liirlhcr Information
( H'jUL'ilvrlto li'iilbly lo tlio uiiclc'iTli-'iH' ! ! . clearly Milt-
Inii your rvfelilfiiiv , IIIi Mitto , Comity , Street Mini
Number. MDIU nipUl return niiill delivery will buns-
tuiutlby your uncluslni ; uu Knveloio | licallui ; your
lull itdtireM.
fcml I'Ohl'AI. NOTICE , Kinross Money Onlers , of
New York lixcuiiiiiioin uiilliiury letter. Currency | jy
lut our ux | > en oi " ' ' " '
New Urleaiu , Ijt. ,
or M.A. DAfl IIIV.
\S'liliinliiii , 1) . G.
Address Registered Letters to
Now Orleann , J.a.
" * 1. l ? Tluit Iho iirexeiiro of ( ion-
) 1McriilH lleuiireHanl nml Kar-
ly.uliiiinu in charge < il tint ilnnUiiK" . Is uuaranleo
'it nli.ultilu liilrne anil InliiKrlly , thai llm I'lniiKea
nroalleiiual. anil that nn unu can iitmluly Ulvluu
\\luil number will tliaw a 1'rUe.
UKMiMlliial : : ( > o.tliat tliu pnynipntot I'rUpa Is
New Or t'Uiii ) , anil Iho TlftclH uri < xlvni'il hy Iho I'icsl-
( tent of mi limlltullo-i , whui-o churlcreil rUhta ru
ri'counl'uil In Iho liUliofl CourU ; tlieri'fnio , bonuro
ot any luiltatloim or anun ) uioim nclit'iiiea. "
Or tlio Liquor Hubit , L'osltlvely Cnrcil bj
AdmlulstcriiitrDr. Ilalues' Golden
H can bo given In a cup of coffee or tea with
out the icnou ledge ot the person taking it ; abso
lutely harmless , und will etlfct n permanent and
f pei.dy cure , whether the i > atlent la a moduruto
Orlnktroruu alcoholic wroc . Thousands ot
druDlcurdi h.ivo been made temperate men who
have taken ( Jolclen Speclllo In their colfeo ulth-
out their knowledga ami lo-day bcllevo they
ult drlnklne of thulr own fiea will. It never
Ulls The Hjnem once Imnreunatvd With the
Bpeclflc , It becomes uu utter Impossibility for
tbo liquor appotiu to exUt. I' ° arnulw by Kulia
A ; Co. . Uth and Douglas BIS. , ana Ibth and Cum-
Ing MS. , Omaha , Neb. ; A. 1) . Tester & iiio.
"ij' Illuffs. Iowa.
For th.e Deaf
\\liohavanrgertmeto visit Omaha , that they
Hituiis , 1 have arranged to Uo nt Cozzens
011 Mondav , Juue > > th , unt-1 - & p. u. , nnd should
bo ) ) leasi u to meet any who arc lu search of a
n lief frtim d af ucbs.
11. At WALKS , U lilyeiiort , Conn.
jr. j. UAT.nn.iiTn , '
Surgeon and Physician ,
01Ec N.W Corner lUhaciUjualas St. Offlc *
The Grandest Triumph ol Electric Science
Made and Practically Applied.
' . ' / . Scientifically
Gtntlcmca's T j.-i'/j.
Belt ! t q
t , Kxhnurtlon , KmliMtloni , Artdnin , Ill-art l j.pcr ln. "oiHlputloi , J.ry l : > i-lu ,
' 1'llrn , ' . . Dumb Auc lllcbcte Uldrocclc.
IndlffrKtluuVinlnicr * , IninatTiur. t'ntorrti , fi'.llcpir. (
M lllouil DlAouec * . l > rep y. etc. . then tUU licit In Just Wnut you DCCS <
i Eltctrloitk Instantly t'tltt Can he applied -
nnrr B r-nnn D n p
fltoany | iart ot the body. Wliolo tamlly can 5E KEViLIL ,
. the blood and cures
wear It. It cli-ctrifl j
TCOTIMftMIB I O Every one cenwlno and used ay i cnnliFlon. T.OTE tbo foilowinR wno narnlioon
u ! C3 > > lN > lifA ! > d ot'HES l A. J. HoapInnU , H. K. 1'arkirnml J. M. lliinlot , all oil lloixnl or Traito ,
* j Clilcafrot A. OrrporT. conimlpalon ini'rchftntjHiuplc VRrrts ; Uudd Do'jlo.tlio rcatlioraoinan. f'ul. Connelly.
$ ot the Intrr Orrani Q. W liollus , II. ! > . . Mormontown. lowai Lmuil Milk , KHiikaUo.Ill i Jurlcro I. n I ! r I , Abbott. uit."llTw. > tcrwork , SouthIicmt.InS.i Itoht it.BntniisonCliloafo
i.ostotace ; L U. lIcMlcliacl. M l.nuToi.N ( y. "Yourlioltlmsacp.iniplUhtilwhat nuntlicr rM.'mly lias :
itvady norroa ftnd comfoi-taLlc t'.tt'pat iii bt. " ItuLt. Hail , aldcruiui , JtO ICaii MlhStreetMo * York |
nnd thousanrtofothtr * . . . . „ . , . , ,
Ur MiiOttE'C O CLt&llHu * [ tlAUr.&tl'o USLI ISTOperlcrioallott'crt-currentunfelertrlcl- tynroi.tronBor mlldaitho.wcarcrinaydo-
ilroi produces a continuous cui-rcnti ronrc/k electricity thrcUKh the body on the nc-rvei , it curua UUoaEcu
by ( ronoratlnt a contliinous rurn > nt of electricity < 1O or jahouraoutof 4 > throujfhoiit tbalniinnniyitcni ,
orrini > iic immediately , mid pradiieln * mew circulation of thu Ilfu force * tha Mood , Im- .
partlnif vl .ttrongtlieneriryiiiidre lth , lienallcllicrtre ! > tinontlia fall3d. ThoinurlU of thlnaclcu.
tlnolleltarrt b ' c rtcorfnUtHi and Indorsed by thousand * * whom It haj ourud.
Any bank coinmcrcial nsrency or wluilecalo hojso In Chloagoi vtholccalo
Ban KrantUi-i ) aud Chlcan-i- ST Send i\inp for 118 I > * KO llluttraUHl | inlupMrt.
TTF3w. . JT. 33CO3ajru"EI. InventoraiidUanufacturcr , 1'JlVubnsb Avenue i
Will biif ono of
our nobby Hflriug
Huith inVortccl , '
line1 Ciishimuro. or
Si'otc'h ( Jhoviots ,
in nil tlio popuUir ,
color.- , and btylo.s.j
He-ill liiirgnius that' '
cannot full to bo
appreciated by tho1
di-forniiig , W o
nro nwarn thnt IN- |
nro laryely ndver-i
thi *
but nil of thorn
fa n no t stand tlio
_ of clo-o in
spection. Wo U'sk our customers to
cxnniino our stork , nnd thus s\iUfy. : .
tlionibolvcs of its ( ( Utility nnd our
JtemarVabhs for jiowerf ul tyinpt-
thetli tunj. jillabju ctlon andjob
toiuttraurJblllty.jHycarii' rffciril ,
tha best tniar n ecot | Ilie cacel-
leoce o
Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y ' ,
The ItCht Iloiita from Omilii ; ; anil Council
UlnlTs to
= = = THE EAST :
AND Milwaukee ,
SI. Paul , Minnciipllsj ! | ( Cedar Itnpids ,
Itiiek Ihhuid , i'reepurt , Jtovkdml ,
Clintuu , Iiiliuiu' ) ) | ,
I'.lgln , Madison , Jnncstillc ,
Ilclult , Winunn , La Croste ,
Anilull other Important paints Ka t , Korlbcuit and
iuh tloknti cull nn tlio ticket ncfit at 1W1
Kiirnum In llnrktr lllock , or nt Union 1'uciau
JJcuot. '
I'ullman Slccri'm onil the fluent Dlnlnu' ( 'urn In Iho
wnrhl ururiiii on tlio muni line ut llm Clilcaxo. Jill
wuukiu > * > t I'uul Hnllwuj , and every allcmlun U
| iulrt to imsn'iitcrs by luurii'ou , uui loyo ci Uie
U. Mil. I.Kit , nencrnl Mauu cr.
J. K Tl CKKlt , Anlntunt lii-ncral MiinajTCr.
A. V. II CAlU'UNTliK , OciiLTttl l'a unger nnd
Ticket Agent.
liKo.K. IIKAl'KOUI ) , AnsUtant General 1'aiiiiLge/
anil Ticket Avtnt
j.T. t'liAHK.Ucncralfcupcrlatcndent ,
11 f
Wamntril iihinliili/ [ pure
Cor on , from wlilcli tlio cicc-ts of
Oil lias U'cnruninul. Itlutthnt
limit il.e ttrettyih of Cocca inlxol
will ) fctarcli , Arrowroot or hiigar ,
iiinl la tin rrfore far tnoro ( Couoml-
cal , cvslwy ten lK > n fnt etnl < *
cup. It la cUlltlouj , nourUlilng ,
flreiigthoninp. i-j llyUliitttilaiiil
admirably aiUptiil for Invalid * na
\u II HI/or utrboni In In-allh
bold L ) tirocrri i-rvrjnhcro.
W , BAKER & CO , , Dorclieslei ; Mass ,
mitur ll ch oaK i.Monld . .
d ricuitd < lo < tilcnitcU
EctlcdTieitlieientfreeon a
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N. W. Cor. 13th and Dodge Sts , Omaha , Neb.
CAUTION DoRl | nlnc pcrsniiR , tnldnc nilvnntnirr ofotir rnnutntlon ,
nru constantly ctnrtliiK IIIIISHH Mcitlunl I tn1 > llnlnnoti ( * to ilocelvo Htrnti-
Kors vlsltliid the city. ThcHO iirntcnUcr * usually disappear In n few
weolts. Jlewnro or them or iliclr runners uri\K < 'ins. The Oinnlin itlntl-
Icnl nml Murulcnl Institute is tlio onljoHtnlillshed Mcdlonl luittlutn In
Omnhn , Dr. MuMcnnmy , Proprietor. When you innko up your mind to
visit its nmlce n nicinnrnndum or our exact address , mid thus RIXVO
trouble , dclny or inlmnkcs.
Oil J. W. McMENAMY , Physician and Surgeon in Charge.
Assisted ly ) a lliuicr of Competent , Skillful and ExflGriciiCGl Physicians and Surgeons ,
rnrtk'iilnr Attention paid to Deformities , Diseases of Women , Diseases of tlio Urinary
and Sexual Organ's , J'rhale Diseases , Disuses of'tlic Xenons System ,
Lung ami Throat Diseases. Surgical Operations , Epilepsy or
-Fits , Tiles , Cancerg , Tumors , lite.
More money invested ; more skillful physicians and surgeons employed ; more patients
treated ; more cures effected ; more modern improved iiutnimcntf , apparatus and appli
ances than can be found in all other inliimnrics , institutes or dispensaries in the west
combined. Largest and most complete Medical Institute or Hospital in the west. Fifty
newly furnished , well wanned and ventilated rooms foi patients , three skilled physicians
always in tl'U building , All kinds of diseases treated : n the most scientific manner.
faifacliire Surgical Braces for Deformities , Trusses ,
Supporters , Electrical Batteries , and supply physicians or patients anv appliance ,
remedy or instrument Known , Call and coimilt us , orFrite for circulate upon all sub
jects , with list of questions for patients to answer Thousands treated successfully by
correspondence. We have superior advantages nnd facilities lor treating dinjafes per
forming surgical operations and nursing patients , which , combined with our acknowl
edged ability , experience , responsibility and icputation , should make the Omaha Medical
and Surgical Institute the first choice.
The Omaha Meclica' and Surgical Institute is conducted upon -strict business and
scientilic principles , and patients here receive every advantage that art , skill , science
and human ingenuity , can bring to bear on their cases.Their comfort and con
venience will always be taken into consideration.
Should yon conclude to visit us for treatment or correspond with us. you will find
that these dtatenients of our position , location and facilities are not overdrawn in any
particular , but are plain unvanislicd facts.
Only Keliablo Medical Institute Making a Specialty of
All IMood Diseases successfully treated. Syphilitic Poison icinovcd from the system
without nicicury. New restorative ticatmcnt for loss of Vital Power . Persons unable
to visit us may be treated at home by correspondence. All communications confiden
tial. Medicines or instruments tent by mail or express , securely packed , no marks lo
indicate contents orsendor. One personal interview prcfenccl. Call and consult us or
send liibtory of your case , and we will send in plain wiapper , our
Upon Private , Special or Nervous Diseases , Impotency , S.iphilib , Gleet and Varicocelc
with question list.
My Reasons for Writing a BOOK Upon Private , Special and Neryons Diseases ,
I have for many years made a specialty of ilibL-ases of the military and ccxual organs
have become a recognized authority upon the Mibjcct , consequently 1 leccive an mi-
mente number of lettcrH from physicians and nlllicted persons , abkin ; my opinion and
advice upon individual cases. For the benefit of mch persons , 1 have written a book , giv
ing a general description of the most common diseases and conditions , my treatmentsuc-
cebb , advice , etc. After reading it. persons will have a clearer idea of their condition
and can write me more intelligently and to the point. It will therefore be seen that our
object in writing these pages i not lo fulnisli reading matter to a class of person * who
read out of mcie idle rurlosity.biit for the benefit ol the many who are suffering to a greater
or li-.s ( dcgi ce Irom dUcatcx , or the effects of diseases or abuses , of the sexual and urinary
organs. Not a day pastes but we receive many calls or leltets from persons buffering
from this class of diseases , or their sequel , Many of them are ignorant of the cause of
the difficulty that 1ms wrecked their constitutions , thrown a cloud over their bright proi
pects and is . .hoitcnmg th'jir days.
SnrKlcal operations for the euro otllaro flr > , nub J'oet. Tumorn , Cancers. I'lstula. Cntnrnct ,
Btrnlitsimiginnnh-JIycii1. Varlt-ocolo , luvuiad XulU , Wens aad Deformities of the Human body
In the most hrlcnililo imimier.
performed Wi' treat Chronic dlsfuouj of thu I.un . He.irt. Mead. Illooa. Sltln , Scal | > . Stomach. I.lver. Kid.
nuys , llluilder. Nerves , bones , etc. , as 1'aralyala. lnllpp y (1'itnt. ( Hcrofiilu , Dropsy , nrlgafa Diseaae.
Tupu Woim , UlLCis or Tovur aores , DyapujHlu or Oastritla , llaldiiejs , KIMIIIH. etc.
J , tesij11"1 mn < lt approved methods
_ _ . _ . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - . . - . , I'-REti. Dr. .Mi-Mcuuiiir 1m * for
yenrsilovoted u liirxa portion of lila tuii t' the tulv and tiuatmniiiur tillscluss of ilise.iacs and
UiiH npnred noitlior tlino nor nuniey to perfet t tumm-lf , nml li ful'.y iiiilloil | ] wltU uvcry lustrumeric
mijillauto uiul reuicily of viiluu iu thisUe itwunt or Moillcluu nil Surrie
We claim buperlorlty over any orcullst or aurlRt In the WOBI , nnd Iho thonsandn whom wo hnvo
purod. alter othi-rn huvo fulled. aiib-i'imUatu ur i Until. To thoao alllicled wllli H > o nnd Kar ells.
i" , u Klmuly say , call and < ouaiilt u * . W u n'-lcntlllc opinion , then vlult wiioin yuu like , and if
jou hro nn IntcIllKeiit ufiiion you nlll let urn l us fur tii-utineiit and euro.
our bi > ul.doicrlbinKtlio Myoand KM .inij ihflr dihuihoi l-i plain Unuu.i e. with numerous illus-
( rntiii > , are written fur the bt-ne'lt of p itioiiU and pliynlLluna who writy us In rfS' > rd to cases : by
readlw ; tliom ( Uirfullvpliysicmn B'lJ inti'tit will l Imvuucljur I iiiiiler < > luiiillu4 and can descrlba
ca-.e. t..HHinorolntflli . ; ully. WRITE FOII BOOK ON DltiliASEb OF THE EYU
Ailtlrciis ail letters to
DR. J. W , MCMENAMY , H. W. Our , ISIIl&DoilgB Sts. , 0Haia.N6il ! !