Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 23, 1888, Page 7, Image 7

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X . \i nb-tmriits uOTerlliislieaiT , Iff cnls"per
line for the llrsl Insertion , 7 cents for em h sub-
nnritient Insertion , and tl.50 n line IK r month.
No advertJsotnMi t taken for ICM thud ascents
for Hie llrst insertion. Poven words will bo
counted to the lln e ; they mutt ran ron ecutlvely
nnclinuJt bo paid In Advance. All ndvprtlgp-
inohts must bo handed In before 12'tO o'clock t > .
.11 , . nml tinder no o Ircnm-tances will they betaken
taken or discontinued by telephone.
Parties advertising In th < < i columns nndlmv *
lnclh answers nil < lrefi ml In earn of Tun IlKK
v 111 plrnio ask for a cherk to unable them to get
Iholr lettrrs , as none will bo delheml except on
Tirt * entatlon of check , A 11 answers to ndver-
ilsr-mcnts nhonld bo enclo sed In envelopes.
All advdrt'Moments ' In thp o rohimus nrtpul > -
IKII | ! d In both morning nnd evening editions of
TIIF. HUM , the circulation otliith aggregates
inore than lixio papers dally. ndKl\i t he nil-
Vertls thobei.ellt , not nnlof ( ho city circu
lation of Tn - HJK , bntal o of Council HlulTs ,
Lincoln nnd othrr cities nnd towns throughout
this soi tlon of the country.
Advertising for these columns will lx taken ,
on thn nbovo conditions , nt the following busi
ness houscs.who nro authorized ngents for TUB
Jlr.i : special notices nnd will ( junto the snino
rates na can bo had nttheninlnolllce.
' '
South Tenth
/ 1 HASE& EDDY , Stationers nnd Printers , 113
South 10th Street.
Q H. PAHNSWOHTH , Pharmacist , 2113 Cum-
\J Inr Street.
\\T J. HUn I IKS , Pharmacist , 021 North 10th
> V. Btroet.
EO. W. PAHH , Pharmacist , 1809 St. Mary's
TV7 A NTUI-srt\mt lirn "by IlrHt-chTss biead nnd
T cake baker ; uato wages ; address O. II. Hoc.
| 673 '
_ _ _
A YOUNG iimn who has had some experience
In the printing trade wishes to complete. O
'X. lloo olllee.
A YOUNO Indy wishes n place In nn ofllco or
_ ns book-keoper. Address o CO. Hoc. TOU lt
\\rANTKD-Bltnntlon In dry goods store by
i young man who ti anxious to learn the
dry goods business. Will work reasonable :
bent of references. Address O4tf , Ileo. _ J52 *
\\rANTUl ) Sltuntloplflrst - < Tirss tinner and
' furmico worker , romputent to take charge
of shop ; temperate ; good references. 440 South
lath U. , Unco In , Nob. GMt -3 *
WANTIJD lly nn oxperlnceil dnlrymnn n po-
nltlon us nup't or foreman of n herd of dairy
cattle nnd farm , largo experience In feeding
nnd handling dairy cuttle , gen. farming , .silos
nnd ensilage , also butter nnd clu-uso making ;
best icforrnies. Address ( Inrcnco 1' . Hunt ,
J'rt'inont house , I.lncoUi , Neb. ( " > 5 'XX
) Situation by n young mnn to
work In private family , tnko charge of a
farm or In borne business house ; cjin tnlk Ger
man and English. Address O HI , Ileo olllcc.
615 'XX
\\rANTiu Situation In store or olliro by
TT young man ; cnn funilsh good reference.
Address N. F. O. . llxfiOO , Omuhn. KU- &
WANTii-ao : trnculayersnt Albright's I.nbor
Agency , 11 Ji ) Fin unin st. T l--l
ANTEI > Five youngmen , ex-srhool tench ,
ers protericd , ns coricspondents. Good
salury , refei-i'iiccs. ( .mall rnpltal reiiulrcd. Call
on M.Maaon , iuoi ; Fnrnnm .st. tBISL'IJ
' \\r ANTKD--lood lioy fronk 12 To 14 years old ;
> I mUbt give luferencea , 1717 St. Jlury's nve. 6
l\ANTIJI ) ; i strong boys , ngod from 14 to 18
* > jears. Oniiina Ink ilauufucturlug Co. ,
SUWV4 S. 13th St. 702 ± 't
\\7 ANTIID IS men for steam shovel work
T nnd ! iS for surfacing track , llenson's Km-
ploymont Agency , saa S. 10th st. 71H-22 *
W ANTKIi 3 traveling salesmen nt once.
Cull at llll north 10th st. Uooni 4. 710 SI *
\\rANTKn-Ablncksralthto do general Job-
f blng : also good stout boy who wants to
leiun trade. Call tilth nnd Ylntpn sts. 043 2Jt
P'l ' WANTRI ) Good hononiblo lightning rod
salesman , state how much you can nvor-
ngo per week and wages. Address O r > D , llee
ollico , ( .03 27
" \\rANTBn-Threo good Installment ; agents.
new article , good commissions , easy sales.
Stontgomery , 1717 St. Mnry's nvo. liw 22t
"W ANTED Harbor to take shop on install-
V ments. good location , cheap rent. Address
O 48 , Ileo olllco. OCU23"
"VATANTHO Experienced help. Cascade Laun-
dry. llroadway , Council illulfs. Hlchost
wages paid , C34 23f
ANTED A good man as runner , nlso first
class waiter , at European hotel ( KM S. 10th.
( ili ! 22
\\rANTIJD Agents for bust selling nrtlcle In
Tr the U. S. nmong business men , county
rights forsnle. CallntNo. 1000Soutu 19th bt. ,
nfter Oa.m. ' 650 23 *
\\TANTii : ) Local nnd Ocnernl Agents , to
T > represent us In the introduction nnd snlo
of the fastest selling nrtlclo on the marKet.
UVrtltory free. Kxcluslvo control given. 850 to
810) per week , to good llvomen. KuclosH t conti
IIOBUIITO for free snmple , terms and full par
ticulars. Address The Nichols Mfg Co. , Una-
Inakn , WIs. CBS I !
A GKNHHA LA gent wanted for the 8th won
der. Positively the fastest selling article on
earth. Address Umpire Co. , 381 Canal St. , Now
York City. 615 22t
"ITfrANTHD Agents , mnlo and femnlo to tnko
TT orders for the Automatic door bell. Sal-
nry J70 and expenses per month to good work
ers. Send 2-cent stamps for particulars. F.
Jloyt , 108 Washlugtoh street , Hooni 15 , Chicago.
\\rANTMD Kncrgetlc men nndromvneiery -
TT where for a genteel money-making bual $ iO 'weekly prollt guaranteed onslcrthuu
Kill monthly otherwise. Kxperlcnce absoluti-Iy
tinnecessury. Permnnent position and exclusive
territory assured. } 2.00 samples freo. Write for
particulars , Address , with stamp , Merrill Mt'g
Co. , It 63 , Chicago. 227 Jy Ut
iriNEHGETlC , reliable men wnnlcd to solicit
JU for u lurge manufacturing house ; no capital
required : icferenco necessary. Address llox
. ' 07. Omaha. Nob. 100 .1y7
* \ \ 'ANTEDCarpenter to do the work on 0or
T 1 8-room house , uiul tuku house and lot In
Bomb Omaha as pay. Apply C. C. Spotswood ,
"H S. Itith st. IW7
\\rANTED-A boy with a horse to carry a
T > joule on the Evening llee In the north part
of town. Thco. Wlllluuis , bet. 3 & S o'clock p. m.
CANTED Men for the west , AIbright
labor ngi'noy. HJU Funium Mt. 614
List. Tel. Co. , 130-1 Douglas.
OALFSMENVautedFlvo traveling Palosmen.
O Salary nud expenses. No experience ne
cessary. Address with utnnip. Palmer \ Co. ,
\Vlnoiui , Minn. 24'J > J2I
UfAn J l.D A Kirl lor utmurul housework , nt
718 North Slat st. No Swedes uuuil npply ,
GIHL housework , 1417 Howard st.
M)7 ) 2 ; > *
7A.NTEl-Hlrl for guttural housework W.
M. Yntes , 3IU7 Calllornla st. TOJ 21 *
IV ANTED 25 girls tow oik In private famli ;
TT lex , 2 ilishw ushers. 1 chambermaid , dining
room gills , laundry glrlu. Out the rlty 1 mid-
dleauml woman hoiisukoeper. 1 cook , Pendur ,
Neb , , $5 week ; 1 for Arnpnhoe , J7 ; 2 dining
room girls , Norfolk , 8 woi > kfor ) Illatr$15
mouth ; cook lor private family ut Hhilr , no
wnshlng , (5 week. Omuha Emp bureau , 119 N
ICtlmt. Tel. 1112. ' ' . LrJL _
* \\rANTED Germnu BOCOIH ! girl ; nlso Ger-
TT man first unit second girl in same pluco ;
( llnlngroom girls fur In nud out of city ; hum-
ilicssc's , chumboriiiulils uiid lOOglils forhuu > < o
work. International , cor 15th nud Douutas ,
1\il 1WB. 711 22.
\\7"ANTED-A flret-i'lnss pill ior gofiernl
TT housework at Dr. Jensen's , cor , Ibih and
l.eavinworths U. 72l21 _
\ \ ' ANTUII .A good girl. Hood wages pail. |
> T UefiTi'iK-ra lenulml. Mrs. It , 0. Pattvr-
ou , 2 413 Farnam. . -SSI
\ \ ANO'ED 4 women cooks out of city , ! 25 to
> 1 ta\ faro paid ; 4 nice girls In the coimtry ,
on farms ; fl dining-room girls. I15tat-l > ; luun-
dtvnr. f 18 ; I washer In steam laundry , ? 4 ; cook
nnd tecoml plrl In hame fnnilly , fl each ; litre
cook in family of 4 , no wnsnlng , Jl. Girls wish-
Jug places- out of city plcaso como uiul leave-
their address , ai theie are many rails that h vote
to bo filled too quickly to admit of advertising.
\\Vnlwuy8 linvu plenty goon places In private
fninllli'S. Mrs , lliega.aHVi 8. lath. U7022'
\\f ANTED 2 girls for dlnlugroom and chain-
TI bt-rwork. Aicadu hotel , 1215 Douglas st.
uii a ; >
ftO.OKJ lady agents wanted Imnuullately ; also
t'mon ; grandest money nioklug invention of
the age : eMir inlillon sold ; royul plcnlo for
everybody , Mr . H , F. Little , CiiUago , HI.
GI 11L wanted for general housowort at Oil N ,
25th Jt , 041 22f
_ _
VVANTKD-Two glrli. sKttrs , must be first-
T class. German or lUnUh preferred. SOUS.
Plst t , , otfSt. _ Mary's uve. COS 23t
Y ANIED-S dTnlHg-roouTtllrls and I laundry
_ _
\\rANTED-0 dlulngnxjui girls , 2 second s'rls ' ,
KBUerul , Uousaworic , 1 housekeeper , ll |
Alj .dt
JL. _ . . _
WANTED A few good Shirt iruncrs nt City
Steam I sundry. CDS
\ f TANTKn airt ifor BenerflThoTwe"\vwrl : . rm
T T CumlUR. Btl 2K
r ANTED-Two good glrH to do ewliifc 219
N. llth st. 704 * J *
A OCiOH plrl for general hon * ork. ( lermnn
or DanUh preferred , ofS51I DoiirUi st.
_ MJ7 !
AVANTED-Chambermnid at 01' . Douglas.
T T ( SU
"VVTNTFD Lady notents. "A" Mtlrt and bun.
. T T tlo comblneil nnd II. ho e supporters.
Hoth new. Illg profits. Secure towns for spring
trade. I miles'Supply Co. , 2s' . W. Washington
N' T mplnl-ment OmceMnfe"ami
_ 'f.nnnlp lu'lp sent to nil paits If fnre Is nd-
vnnred. Ik-fetenco , Omalm .National bank. Mrs ,
llrcKH.ai44S.JBth. Tel _ - _
OMA'llA Kmp. Unreal ! , 119 N. 18th st. oldest
nnd most reliable cilice In city. If yon need
help call or write. Tel 1113. _ KM Jyl3
V\rANTKD Men nnd boys ont of work to mil
nt the City Intelljtence ofllce ( Cielihton
blk ) corner 1.1th nnd Douglas sts. M. >
ir ANTTD-Table boarders , 1015 Doilgo.C34
> C34
17"ANTKD-20 teams nt Florence , Nob.on the
I waterworks. W. F. Cnllahnn , contrnctor.
701 27 *
Tliree jwrsons to Instruct in bonk *
keeping ; nltuatlons in July. .1. U..Smlth ,
expert accountant , room 649 , Hnmco block
CC3-23 ?
WANTED Students In shorthnnd nnd type
writing , HW7 Fnrnam st. 6U1 25t
yon have nny Inndi , lots , or
houses and ilots to sell or exchange for
other property , cnll on mo or write , lean Ilnd
you a customer. C. C. Spotswood , 305H S , liltn.
r > 45
ITiNO AOEMENTStododressmnklnir in faml-
Ol-IIes bollcitod. Mist Sturdy , 8UU 3. SM Bt.
Wl , ly7 *
"ITTANTBn The public to make good use of
T T The Uce's message boxes throughout the
- ioa
i To buy or trade for a good build
ing that cnn bu moved. Please call on
or address George J.Sterns > dorfT , room B , oppo
site P. O. 231
T71OU I1KNT-2 7-room tints , 1017 nnd 1009
JJ Howard st. Cochrau Ilros. , 40 , Ilnrker block ,
OS-J26 *
H : OUS15 for rent , furniture for sale , 1 block
irom P. 0. Address O 67 , llco ollico.
ciu : M *
Ill'NT 10-room house , furnace heat ,
bath , hot and cold water , lirl-bairel cistern ,
everything modern and llrst class. 18 nnd ( liace
stH. H. McConnclI. 71l ar *
" 1T1OH KENT 8 room house. 2Uh nnd Sownrd ;
X'nlsofi room cottaue. 21d nnd Hurt. Ceo. J ,
Fox , Hootul , Contmentul blk , U'M Douglas.
filOU Itr.NT ,1 room house , S. E. cor. Sid nnd
Jj Half Howard. 70S
POH ItKNT 8-Toom house and barn on 2'ith
nve. , y block from Poppleton nve. S32 per
month. C. 15. Mtngher , room , over lln.vmond's
Jewelry store. 017 "It
FOH HKNT Cottage , 7-room ? , near high
school , only * i" per month , with furniture
for sale cheap. Don't npply unless you want to
buvthe furniture. Potter Ac ilacleod , looms ,
1417 rnmum t. IM7
1 A-HOOJI boarding house one-halt block from
IV postolllco ; rurnlture tor sale on time. 11-
room boarding house on Farnam ; locution No.
1 ; rt'ntflir ; furniture , tl.IUO ; bankers nnd mer
chants occupy ; nuylug big prices. Co-oi ) . li. it
1 , . Co. , 2Ltt N. Kith st. ( Kb-U" '
HUNTFunilshed 0-room house
FOIl - - on Corby
ht , near 10th. A. H. Comstock , UW S. 10th st.
M1KN-KOOM new brick house on 18th , near
JL California , nil conveniences , rent $ iil ) , f tiriil-
ture S.V > 0 Jiiuo cash.
10-room house on n.ivenport , near 10th , rent
IS ) , furulturo 8400 $100 cash. This Is full of
10-room house on 20th , near Douglas , rent and
furniture reasonable.
It-room house on Hint , near IDth , rent and fur
niture rens-onablo.
li-room house on Chicago , near 16th , rent and
furniture reasonable.
0-room llat , centrally located.
Co-Oporatlvo Land A : Lot Co. , 20 > N. ICth st.
POIl HUNT A ! I and 5-room house. KKS Dor *
cusBt. Frank O. Olson. 007 .Iyl9r
FOIl HENT A cottage of three or four rooms
on Chicago st , bet llth and 15th sts. Inquire
Thos. Swift. 405 N. 15th st. Cl 1 22
T710D HENT Two elegant homes on Sherman
JL1 avenue la mile limit to good parties , on jcar
lease , very reasonable. Wright & Lusbury , 215
S. 14th st. f/jy
FOH HINT : A line 10-room brick house with
nil inoilurn improvements , line location on
street cur line. H. M , Genius , HIK Douglax st.
I neil KENT Fine cottage , largo barn , hcnutl-
1 fill grounds and shade trees , J40 pur month ,
It. C. Patterson , 318 S. Inth st. Ii7 !
F HF.NT 22 room boarding house , corner
1 llth and Doilgo sts. 47123-
TpOH HUNT 7-room house on paved street , fl
X1 blocks from court house. iMO per mouth , i ; .
F. Scaver , room 40 , llarker block. 4 9
F OD BALK Two new , 8-room houses In Or-
-1 chord ; Hill nnd Poppleton Park. Will sell
cheap f "r cnsh , or w 111 take good first or second
moitgngo paper. Auy reasonable terms to hon
est parties. C. C. Spotswood. S.15H 8. ICth. 415
T7UH UKNT o-rooui cottage. ] 0th and Hick-
J. orv. Knqulro ith door north of Hickory
TjlOH HUNT 10 room house 17th St. . J009- ;
J- room house M8room house f3 > , 7-iooiu
house (25 ; C-room house Howard st and other
houses. O. li. Thompson. Slieoley block. 33:1 :
FOirilKNUVtrgood houses , all weiriociited"
O. F. Davis Company , 1503 Farnnm st. 317 S3
FOlt itl'.NT 1 R-room house nnd barn , 1H17
Webster st. ; 1room / house , 2 th ave. und
Webster. I mmlra Hoom OJ5 , Paxton block. P.
J. Creodon. 257
FOIt HKNT 7 room cottngo on S 2flth st.bath
room , hot water , hentlntr niipnratus , 3 btall
barn , npply I ) . O. McKwnn. 319 H 15th st. (117
F DENT A desirable nlnn-room house nil
- modern ! improvements , half block from
cable line on wt-nt Dodge st , AH Improvements ,
cheap lo t'ouil tenant. V. J. Hothw k-k.-'l s llth.
DENT ' . ' -room moilei-nlmproveu houso.
. Klgiittijr 10 1 Farnam st. _ M.1
inOH : DENT Furnished house , good locution ,
JL1 fur particulars call nt the olllco of Tlios.
Hrcniuin X Co. , room 3 , Chamber of Commeroo.
FOIl DENT 7 room lint , 2nd lloor , NMI How
ard street , or will rent 4 room * arranged
for housekeeping. 3IU
11 AVE a four-room house on Kith street , two
blocks south of Vinton , that 1 will rent to n
good tenant for tl'l per month , everything In
goodropalr. George J. Sternsdorir , lloom 0 ,
opposite P. O. 231
rpKN room house with yard , near Parnnin nnd
J. 24th tit. , steam heat nnd all modern im
provements. fGj per month. Call 207 S. 21th st.
FOIl DENT All 8 room house , with bath , ono
block from car line , CXI per month. H. E.
Cole , loom 0 Continental block. ii-3
TiUll HUNT 8-room house. North Saumlors
JL1 at. Knnulre of C. W , Huall & Co. . 3l'j a ,
lyth. BIT
"IjlOH HUNT Whou you want to rent a house ,
JL : storu of onico go to 11. K.Colo. CIS.
ir\0ll \ HUNT A neat 120 cottagn. Apply at I
JU once. 0. F. Harrison , 418 a 15th et. 613at
Yh6ii HEXT Two nlcwly furnished rooml
JL ! with modern i-CMivuiilencoj. with or without
board , id to * h , ut 1321 N. luth at. , on 3 cur lines.
< W
TTWIt DENT -Suuth front room , suitable for H
JL' geutloiuuu , modern convouteuceg , 2212 Fur.
llUlll M. Cfi (
rilOIl DF.XT lhnndsomely furulshea rooms ;
JL' location tplfiulld. 1707 Dodge st.7 1U-2U
"VT1CE parlor room for man and wife , anil
i > feinnll loom for t'entleuiau. t ) S IDth st.
CBj 27 ?
VT1CELY furnlsed looms w Ith uioUcrn con-
i > VCUleiU'Cl mClfl a. 072
If Oil HUNT Very deslraUo furnished front
room , uioueru cunvonieute. ir ± ! Cunltol avo.
I DENT Neat furnbhed front room. 813
23d at , taa 2i
NICE roouia fur rent , 1017 Chicago st.
603 git
TJTOH HENT Tha nlc4st furnished rooms In
JL' Omaha at 317 6.10th t , half block from I 'ur-
nani st. Kood ventilation , new furniture and a
iisw building ; no bed bugs. Will ruut en nultu
or aingifront rooms suitable forolijces. J'ricoa
very reasonable. am 2
TTIOn TH'NT-Nenly fnrnbttml front room.
JP10I5 _ Casi t. _ _ 0)1 22 _
itHNisiIRn rooms nnd board for gentlol
men , lSl2.Chl < ago Mrett. _ 014 23 }
[ /ion HUNT A nlw front room Withfirst-rliiss
I ? board at a reasonable rate.nt 1021 Farnam st.
C77 3i *
TWILL furnlih Jnoit delightful rooms ( luring
the summer to respectable partlef , nnd If d -
Mred. board , or breakfast and suppor. 2SB (
corner Pleasant and St. Mary s ave. 01320 *
pADl.OH Floor , new furnished , cool , elegant
4. emnrters for 4 gentlemen or family , all con
venience ? , 1 bit from 1 * . O. IfllS Capitol arc.
KKNT Furnished room * . 18M Dodge.
, BtiJyfl
rpHHEF nlrcly furnished rooms. first-class
JL board , modern conveniences , luio Dodge st.
5.M 2 It
17IOH KENT Nicely furnished from parlor ,
JL1 iirsttioor , 521 1'lea-nnt st. an si *
"VTIC15 lar e front room , suitable for two gen-
Jtinmen. . Nicely furnished , bnniitlfm loca
tion. Modern conveniences. 2107 Douglas st.
F ° n HENT-rurnlshed room , COT N. 17th st.
r. : 25t
UDNlSIIED room M , MO S. 2ud.
_ _ _
TflUDNlSIIED room , 1112 Howard.
FOH HENT Nicely furnlshml room for pen-
tletnnn nnd wife without ehlMri'ii.also small
room for gentleman , modern conveniences , 1U17
Casa st. 40tl 13
lCKIjY furnished rooms , $1 v > cr week or JH.nO
month , OK , 604 and&oo S. lsth st. 402 .lyl t
NICELY furnished rooms table for two
gentlemen. 1TIH Douglas .st. I'd
"fiUH ) HUNT-/looms / nnd front rooms en suite ,
Jat 1R1 ! rnrnum st , , neur couit house. IW7
LOYELY f. P. room , nlso sulto of front rooms
and unfurnished rooms , high , summer lo
cation. Ht'feiencix 2523 Fariiam. 5SljM :
"IJOOM8 IncludlnK board In the Young Wo-
JV men's homo 1'JIO ' Dodge st. Deferences ro-
quired. UIO
"VT1CELY furnished rooms , with or without
1 > board , 2013 Douglas st. 431 Jy lit
IjlOUK gentlemen can bo accommodated with
J. n nice suite of rooms nnd tlrAt-class board txt
! iV59 St. Miiry's avo. , Giaddy Work. tM
1J10H HUNT Furnished room with board for
JJ two gentlemen , 2U20 St. Mary's nve. ftri
A HOT. ami small room suitable for gentleman -
I man , with or without board , 1812 Dodge.
FOIl HRNT Furnished rooms In Grounlg bit
cor. 13th and Dodno sts. Inquire of Gco. It. .
Davis. MlllurU hotel billiard room. DW
" 171011 HUNT A nicely furnished front room ,
JL1 suitable for two gentlemen. Enquire at
2H ( ! , St. Mury'snve. 411
T71UDN1S1IED rooms and board , UKX ) Kixrnam ,
JL ! 2311 J Z )
TTIOH KKNT Furnished rooms , with or with-
J out board. JSoKI St. ilnry'a nw.Graddy blk.
FUIlNlSHED room for ono or two gentlemen ,
Leslie & Leslie. 10th nnd Dodge sts. 057
i"roonn. 113 S 20th. KO Jy3
K OOJI to rent , all modern mprovcmeiits. l
Dodge st. 775
TJ1OH HEXT 2 furnished rooms suitable for 4
JL1 nciitlcmon. Inquho Hooin C , 3d lloor. I'M !
Douglas. S !
T71OH HKNT llooms furnished nnd unfur-
JL ? nidhcd , lJ4Cap. uvo. r > T > 8
ELEGANT unfurnished rooms , simile or n-
suite , southeastern exposure. Dr. Otter-
bourg. loth nnd llarnoy. 70 ! ) 2 > t
Four (4)rooms ( ) , 170J Webster st $20 00
Four (4 ( > rooms , 415 S. lllthst 20 DO
Two(2) ( ) rooms , Isli Howard st 00
Three C ! ) rooms , 1015 N 20th st 15 CO
Three ( : i ) rooms , 112iN. 21st st 11 00
Three (3)rooms ) , 1120N.2I t st 12 f > 0
Kloveu ( Hi room house , llth and Dodgo. . . . 75 ft )
Three ( .1) ) rooms , 1110 Pierce street 80.1
Three (3) ( ) rooms , No. 1412 Pierce street 10 00
I'ourdlroom houso. 400 N llth st 18 M
Four < 4 ( rooms. 413 South Hith st ! V ) ( W
Thiee CDrooim. No. IKlsijS. 7th st 1100
Three CItroom house. No. 410 N.llthst. . . . 11 m
One (1) ( ) barn , 7th and Pacific sts 50) )
Apply to .ludge KentliiK Agency , Herald
bulldlug , S. W. corner of 15th nnd llarnev st.
rPWO unfurnished basement rooms to family
JL without children , 11U2 N. 17th st. : W7
TT'OH KENT Tlio largo basement ollice or
-JJ room. 1.121 Dodge , suitable for barber shop
or saloon. Kiiqiiliuof It. L. Snodgrass , cor. Inth
ana Doilgo. Olllco J. 11. Alahlor Huggy Co. 07820
JTOHE for rent. 51 ! ) N. Ifith. Inquire of
) Henry Osthoir. 1513 Callfoi nla st. 453
IOHHKNT-No. lltl-ltith st. Wm. Fleming &
Co. , 1501 Douglas. 401 SI *
FFICIIS nnd stores In Sheuly block G. E.
Thompson , room 212 t ? > °
OFFlCi ; For Dent Ground floor ollice. No.
320 B. ! 5th St. Apply room 411 , 1st nat.
bank building. 751
FOH KENT Deslraulo store on Fnrnam , for
wholesaling , etc Leavltt Uurnhnm , It. 1 ,
.Crelghton WOPK. 417
1/1OH DHNT-llrlck store with basement. No.
JL' 507 S. 13th St. ; 2 olllci'3 on Recond lloor No.
irflO Farnnra St. , by Paulsen JtCo. , 1511 Fnrnam
St. , room 8. 4'il
"I7AOH HUNT Storeroom , lfina.1 lownrd street ;
JL' best location In city for grocery or furniture.
L fid It DKNT Detail busliiosH room on 15th st.
1 c : F. Harrison , llrt S. 15th st. 12S
JJASKMENT for rent ono bio-k from post-
Jolllce where a number of boarders ore kept.
Address Hoom 1 , Continental block , O. .1. Fox.
C'JS 21 *
HOTEL for rent The two Storv brick In Ne-
olu , Iowa ; built especially for hotel pur
poses , newly painted and papered , everything
convenient and llrst-chiss , city water In build
ing. Address with references , Drawers. Neola ,
Iowa. C58 Sit
1 I OTI'.L for rent 2-story brick In Ncola. la. ;
J I built especially for hotel purposes , newly
painted and papered , everything convenient
nnd Ilist-class , citv water In building. Address
with refeieueeg , Drnwori1 , Neola , lu , MB 25
rpo lease for ono or moro years an 8-room
J- house , furnished or unfurnished , with all
modern improvements , such as furnace , gas ,
bath , screens , etc. . 3 blocks from court honsi .
Address P. H. H. , No , 1S1J Lciivonnorlh st. 4.KI
Tp It. SM1TH-010N. Itith.
MOJy 20 *
H. THOMPSON. Hoom 11J Sheely bU k.
LF YOIT want your houses rented place them
with lleu.nvii & Co. , litli , opposite postoillco.
rPHE Omaha Commercialrollcjju gives granv
JL. mar , wilting nnd Hpelllug five to nil Ha
shorthand nnd typowritlng students , tuition
very low , situations furnished when possible.
About 110 students now In attendance. Write
Hohrboiigh Hros. for particulars. VUH thu col
loge. 1114 Furnam. t rJJyi
TOST Last Tnursday. one cow , spotted wit h
Jvvhlto face , lleturn to 1'reil Kaiser , I'luronce ,
Nub. GCi i'Jf
STDAYED or stolen Dray horse , from South
iiinuha. Deturii to Central Park t > J.D ,
Wampler unJ receive reward. CIO 2it
TPAKEN I'l' liny mure pony with halter on.
J. Enquire at Claus Uiebbo see 23-1V12. West
Omaha precinct. in 31J 7 142128
pKHSONAL Private home for ladles during
_ 1 conllufiiu-nt , strU-Uy conllilentlul. infants
HdoutBil. Addrt-ssJ' 4V , lice ollice. M Jjl
JF yoTa want ? to buy , nell. i.snt or eltchaugo
call on or adilieM George J. Stemsdurir ,
room d , opposite I' , O. 231
IJEDPONA- you have a personal
nny communU-atioii , drop It in ono of The
lie e' mednage boxes. ion
IJKHSONAIi l taioa ami geutltunen desiring
correaiHindents , addro i , Corroaponilliig
Club , Kun-a- city , Mo. , for Inforinntlon. in-
close stamp. 3.-J J 2i
rpO the Udlej ; M rs. M. V. Delp , with the orls-
JL inul ParUlanmvthod ofdresa cutting and
designing and all of its wondmful Improve-
iQt-nts to facilitate learning , will be at the llar
hotel in thin city two woukstowalt upon
rs , and teach the only Parisian method
tuught In America. U Is easy to learn , and UU
all pupil * fur goo.l paying ixMUom. Mothers ,
wlxea aod daughter * , this U an opportunity for
you. Agents wantoJin all Nebraska.
Mrs. M. . ' . DiIp.Proprletoranil Manufacturerqf
purlsl&u Meuiodi Pattortis cut 'to measure. '
ofl-y , send her ml-
llee oflli-c. C70"t |
171011 PALK A splendid carriage Uain of
JL : mntched horses , well brjke nnd linn rond-
tier * . For further parttrulars ndilre s or cnll
ou Hugh Peri'v , Doom 425 , 1'axtut
\\7ANTED-Tosell half-interest incomplete
TT set of abstract bo"M f ( heyenno rountv ,
Kansas. Address J. W.t. , 1800 Arnpftnoo st. ,
Denver. Colo. | OM 3U
T l'HNrriritEfor fal8f'eap. 1 have the fol-
JL1 low Ing fir sale chenp : \ hO yards Hrussels
carjx't , 40 yards Ingrain , bnrokcnse , bed , lounge ,
rocking chairs , two oflito Hialrs , router table ,
rto. , vliich I will sell viry cheap. Mrs. Ifor ,
] l"0 Sherman nve. tyl 72224
Foil RALE A fine famuy mare 4 years old ,
perfectly safe ; also nn almost new snyder
buggy nnd harness. Inqnirc I D. Hurnett , cor.
13th and Farnam , nt Helinan's. c-iJ.
"lOD SALE-I'nrtly furnished flat of seven
-JJ room * , will lense. cheap rent , good location.
Enquire X.lmmeruian A Kramer , N. E. cor 10th
nnd Hartley. CM ' - ' .
TPOH SAMV-Prettiest pony In clty. d.irk
J- sorrel , white inane and tall , nlso buggy nnd
liamess. 710 S. mill 8t. 013 Bit
lilOll SALE A few choice milch cows. C. F.
JL' Harrison , 418 S. lath st. 01025
5 SALE Fine slnglo horse harness nnd
1 buggy. Charles A , Go .s , 418 8.15th st. 04125 *
T7U1H HAM-Oood : sadillo horse nt ltd \\lti
J.1 Duvls' stable. Davenport fit * bet. Hth .V 15th.
C < H ) t
TjlOU S.M.K Trlcyclo. seat for lady or gentle-
J man. Iniiulront" ! ! . " Ohio st , Omnhn. Clip
this. CH SB
TTlflll SAIiK rurnlturo of n 10 room house.
Jt'nll or address SOJJ Douglas st. G0 ; > Sit
BAHN to bo moved 1 hnvo barn that will
accommodate four horses and Is In good
repair that I will tradu or sell very cheap. Ap
ply to U. llarth , proprietor Saunders street
nmtkot. between Culdn-ell and Hamilton ,
_ gnt
SAI.i : Fifteen tlrst-clnss tlrlrine nnd
Foil horses some good bargains , nt Omaha
Ptnbles , cor 14th nnd llownrd sis. llenrv li.
O ens , proprietor. 41U
s IOMI * 1st mort. notes for sale , one nnd two
years : In small suiud. Address O - ' , llee olllu.
" 171011 SATjE-Ono Ilnlls largo improved lire
JiirooC s.ifo. Imiiilro room 411 1st nut bank
bulldlnp. _ 7itt
T710U PA f.K The furniture , cnrpots , fixtures
JJ nnd lease of n pleasantly located , newly
furnished house , nonr horse and c.iblo cars ,
house heated by steam , furniture , etc. . In nse
less thnu n year ; must bo sold nt onco. for
tlculnrs apply to llaittuati& Ulbbon , ItillJ Far-
nnm t. _ _ _ r > 'M
171OU SAT.n-Tho lease nud furniture of the
JL1 only hotel In town ; for particulars npply
Windsor hotel , Btromsburg , Neb. J. K. Crook ,
/ 10HNRH in Orchard lllll for n good ti-nni ,
\-Avngon nnd harness. Active Heul F.stntc and
1'roperty Exchange , 1524 Doilgo st. 717 21
I.r.ANINO nnd hycing All kinds of ilrst-
clnss cleaning nnd dvelng done at the Omaha
Steam lye ) Work3,1523Howardst. TclephonelllT.
CW ) Jyl
B 11A1O It Umbrellas nnd pnrasi > lsrepalrod
and covered. 217 S. 15th. Hoyd s opera
house , basement , tlrst-class work guaranteed.
W8 21 *
" \7"OU will lose money If jou buy furnlturo
JL without getting Sorcnsou fc Wuhlstrom's
prices , 171S St. Mary's n\ & II'M ' 21
TKHSB Y bull for service , cor Illth and .lackson
J street. nl" 2HIJI2J
riT HK bnnjo taught as an art by Geo. f. Gellon-
JL beck. tOJ Harnoy t. 1SJ
HOMUfor Destitute Women nnd Children ,
2713 Hurt st. UIO
HOKSKS nnd cattle taken to pasture , apply
to Henry Osthoir. 15VJ California st. 7WJ > : i ?
OMAN'S Kxchnnge , 1 > " 17 Farnam st. Lunch
dally , supper Saturday nights. UU )
o IIFF iCO.,117 N Icth t , sell furnlturo nnd
stoves less than any other House lu Omaha.
" ' 230 J 23
OKri' & Co. . nt 117 Nprtn ICth St. . pay the
highest prices for furniture , carpets , books
nnd stoves. * ' 2i5 : ! J23
GJ. S. STKlt.VSUOHFF. room 0. opposite post-
ollicewill trode you n good farm or city
property fora hois-e , biiiy ( ; and harness. 132
FOlt SAIiK A top Duggy , nearly new.C oluin
bus make , also good sltiglo harness. A. U.
Comstock. 312 S. llith st. Ml
IV you nave anything to trade call on or ad
dress GeorgoJ. Sternsdortf , Hoom 0 , oppo
site postolllce. 107
A good horse , bugpy and harness
In exchange for South Onmlm lots. George
3. Steinsdortf. room 0 , opp postolllce. 230
SHOin-HANI ) and type-wilting taught nt
Kmulngton Standard Type-writing agency ,
1K)7 ( ) Fnrnam st. u'Jl-25 *
S"IIOia'lTA Nl-Hnve employed Jllss Gardner
as teacher of short-hand and typo wilting.
Phe has had 3 j ears' experience in teaching ;
liavo plenty of iiini'hlnes ; students tail pr.n tlco
us long as they chooie. 1007 Farnnm st. | MU-iti
VAI.r.NTINK'3 Shorthand Institute Is the
only pructlffil. exclusive shorthand school
inthuwost. All Its frr.iduates nro In good sit
uations and giving entire satisfaction. Students
can enter ut any time. No bummer vacation ,
pond Tor circulars to Valentlmt's Shorthand In
btltute. Now Paxton Hiiilillng. Omaha Nob. 4 ! 5JSJ
" \\7ANTKD-AnythIngorsomethlngto put In
the empty store-room over our now store.
We have moru room than we need in the best
storngo building lu Omaha , so wo vlll storu
cheap , any viiluublo or personal property , from
n piano or sleigh down to u tiuuk or vulise.
Drop us a postal caul und w e will call for your
things. Klevator ilTg Co. , 1118 Howard st.
2 7 JylS i
rpHACKAQH. storage , lowest rutoj. W. M
JL llushmaii , l.'lll Lenvonworth. &J4
\\rANTKD Two second hand curtain desks
T > tor rash , Must bo reasonable price. Caller
or address lltxl Farnam , telt-phoim 5H ) . 700 2.1
" \\7ANTED To buy cottage of 5 or ( I rooms ,
T T nnd gooil-sl7pd lot , south orsniithwest part
of the city preferred , must boa bargain. Glvo
lull rlptlon , locution , prku and terms. Ad
dress O 27 , He" . _ CM 21 *
\VANTKD-TO buy nil kinds of household
> T goods lor cash. Fiirguson Furniture Co. ,
7 Pi , 717 and 71 N. IMh bt. _ iKU-JylU
"XS ANTI h Per 11 feeding farm , near line of
T \ L'nliui 1'iicllic U. H. . 1 ru in ono-elKhth to u
whole section of hind. Addica-j S > < < jck , care Muy
Ilros. KiHiuunt Nee , M7 21
WANTED An Al farm of from ono to two
hundred litres , partly or nil ImproveJ.wIth
good billldlUKS. Stntupiiu ) . Address K. A. Hob-
crts , 7U1U Pennsylvania uve , South bt. Louls.Mo.
_ To buy a bunk or open ono in
T T some live town. Address 1) ) , Harvard , Ni'b.
4.5 22
" \\rANTii-ood : ( ! nousp and lot tn deslrabl.i
TT part of thoclt y ; will give llrst-chiss bar
gain to anyone If suited. i Gco , j. Sterusdorir ,
JtooniB , renzur bile.
"VWlLLbuy furnlturoofn house or flat cenT -
T > trully locatud. Co-op. L. & L. Co W5 N. mtU
_ 5iiJ _
IF you hnvo improved business or rcsluenco
pronurty that jou wish lo will , cull anilen
me. George J. bterusdurtt , room U , opposlto
postolllce. i : 231
SEVEHALMorohulldinga or houses that run
be movi-il. Will piy good pllro If suited.
( ioorgo J , StvrnsdarU' , room 0 , opposite po > * . -
olllco. 12J
xrADXAI ELTLKS. chUrvoyunt. Powers ani
J'-mostreinurkublo asls teutllled by allwhu
have met her ; her reputation us a ulurlvoyunt
hus long been established , and she id ono or the
best fortune tellers lu thu w orlil. Hoom I , ' . " 'J N
lUthst. Oil ) 27 *
DH. NANNIE V. Warren , clairvovunt. Med
ical , bUHlmiss und teat medium. DUgnoeU
free. Female diseased a specialty. 119 N. Idth
tt. . llooms 243 Tel. U4I & 'll
MADAME Winters-Gifted dead trance
cUlnoyftiit and ustrologUt ; can bo con
sulted on all uuulr.s of life or death :
rt-unltos the separated , cnujcs luck und
speedy mnrrulges. shows photo of future wife or
husbuml , locates ulseases and cures thnm oy
massage and iiiatrnttiitieatmunt , huj the celo-
bratrd Hindoo chunu for lu > k. AH those In
trouble w ill do wall to call on this gifted f erlss
give you a rorrcct written reading through
mall for f-.U ) . with lock of Jmlr. Toe muilamo
has tuWcii parlors at 417 South Htb st.,2nit Hour ,
Parlor and U. 4H2-SI ;
DON'T borrow inont-y on tiiruitiir , hersm ,
wagons , etc. . until you Imve 3 < vu C. II ,
J cob . room 410.1-trat National bank buililleu ,
cor. IStft and . ' 'amain 171
"ATONKY Good commercial paper ami uhorl
JJJ-tUnu mortgaged bouvbt. Heal t
bi A. gaouiuui3tU : ana
MON'EY To Oan Hy the undersigned , rrho
Im the only property onrnnlre * ! loan ncency
InOmaluv. I/nnsoftlOto OOJnlnde on furni
ture , pianos organs.horses ( wjigoni.mnt-hlncry ,
etc. , without removal. No delays. All business
strictly confidential. Ionn3 so mnde that nny
part can be paid nt nnv time , oacli payment ro-
iluelng the cost pn ) rnta. Advnnces mndo on
flno watches nnd diamonds. Persons should
carefully consider who they nro dealing with , ns
many new concerns nro dally coining into exis
tence. Should you need money cnll nnd * eome.
W. It. Croft , Doom'4 , WUhncUbulldlng.lJth nud
Itaruey. cu
fONEY loaned at C. F. Deed .t Co.'s Loan
office , on furniture , plano . horses , wagons ,
pn > n l property of nil kinds , nnd all other
ai ' "sorvnlue without removal , 81i > S. 13th.
Ah i > .isluess strictly confidential , 611)
SHOUT time lonns mnde by I ) . E. Johnson ,
late pres't Hank of Merna. Deferences 1st
Nat. bank , Omahn. D. KM , New Paxton block
_ _ _ _ _ 7iv. Jy 2'
MOlffiYtolonn ; cnshon hand : no delay. J.
W.A-E. L. Sonlro , 1211) ) Farnnm st , First
Natlojial bunk building Mil
\UANTED-A few" choice loans. Klnibnllj
t > Champ A Hyan , room 0 , U. S. Natl Hk Hldg.
713 21
M ON15Y to loon. Mortgages bought. Klmbnll ,
Champ & Ityau , 11. 0 , U. S. Nnt. llnnk.
Omaha 1'luanctnl Kxctmnge , lloom 1.1 ,
. Marker block , southwest corner of 1'nr-
n am and IMli sts.
Makes n HpeclKlty of short-tlmo collateral nnd
real estnto loans ,
Money nlwnys on hand In sums of HOO nnd up
wards to nny amount , to lonn on approved so-
Rerured notei bought , sold or exchanged.
Clear real estnte and cnsh to exchange for
good first or second iiioitgngcs.
Loans made upon land contracts , stocks ,
bonds , trust deeds , llrst or second mortgage se
curity , without publicity , delay or red tnpo.
Financial business of uuy kind transacted
promptly , quietly and fairly. Kooin 15 , llnrkor
block , Corbett , Manager , b.t
MONEVto lonn on chattels , without removal
or tiling ; Iln.inclnl Imslnes.s of all kinds
transacted without publicity ; money ndvnnced
oujewolry. notes , etc. It will pny you to see us.
1'ooplo's Financial Exchange. ( ) . lloliscaren ,
mnmigor , U.uli ) ! lnrkurblk,15thnnd ) i'ftrnanists
TV rONE Y to loan. G. K. Thompson , Sheely blk-
MONKYtolnan. Lowest rates. No delay. .1.
I * lllco .V Co. , over Commercial Nnt'l bank.
MONEY to lonn. Long tlmo. George J. Tnul.
NW.1 Fnrnnm st. IWO
JOAN'S mnde In nil the principal additions to
Omaha ut low eat rtitcs. D. V. Sholes , room 1 ,
llarker block. WJ
T ASTnitN money The PhiladelphiaMort -
Jligago .V'J'rust Co. oiler unusual Inducements
to good borrowers on improved property , city
nnd country. Apply to ( ! ro.V. . P , Contos Itop-
leseutntlve 13 Chamber Commerce , -MJ24t
MONEY loaned on furniture , pianos , orgnns ,
horses , etc. , low rates. J. J. Wilkinson &
Co. ' 1117 Farnam. KW
L tOANS made to pnitles desiring to build. D.
Y. Sholes , room 1. llarker block. WB
S El" Harris H Hi ; L Co. for lonns , room 411
1st Nnt Hank. 220
MONKY to loan on real Cstato ; mortgages
bought and sold. Wallace , Cielghtou block.
MONHY to loan in nny amount , either for
bulldlngor otherwise , at lowest rates of in
terest and on short notice. 1) . V , Sholes , room
1 , llarker block. IHt !
MONKY to loan on horses , furniture , pianos ,
land contracts , and other personal prop
erty. Ilusluuss confidential , lloom ; i , Oinahii
Nut'l bank. 6U2
MONKY to loan on furniture wagons , etc. ,
without removal or on collateral security.
Huslness.strictly conlldentlal. A. 13. Greenwood
i ; Co. , It 1 , Cunningham block , cor 13 & Jackson.
$ ! lonnnt d percent. I.lnahnn A : Mahoney -
honey , Hooin BOB , Paxton block. 6ti7
T OANS made on Improved nnd unimproved
JUcity property nt lowest rates of interest ,
special rates oil largo loans on Inside property.
Odell Hros. As Co. , 3K S. 10th st , 408
H H. I UK Y f5iV1.000 to loan on city property
aud Improved farm laud. 1'reuzor block.
MONi : Y to loan on horses , furniture and other
personal propel ty or collateral. Hates mod
erate ; business conllilentlul. Ollico S. AV. cor
ner 15th and sts. Kntruuce on 15thst.
The Fiilrktink Invuntment Co. DOi
MONRtolonnon Improved real estnte ; no
comml.sslon charged. Leavltt liurnhuui ,
room 1 , < 'relghton block. DV >
LOANS mailo on real estate and moitgagcs
bought. Lewis S. Heed & Co. , 1521 Farnam.
HR. COLK loans money ou Improve it city or
farm property. Itoom 0 , Continental block.
5 > ! 8
GI'KU CKNT money to loan , Patterson .t Ilar-
11:11 : il HIS K 15th st. WJ
TVJONEY to loan. O. F. Davis Co. , real estate
-LiI anil loan agents , ITiOil Fuiiinm st. 57U
rA. WOODMAN Money to loan on real es-
tate hi sums to suit , 220813th st' 572
T OANS made on real estate. Cash on hand.
JW. . M , Harris , over 22J S 1 jth st. 572
$ .MXiOto ) ) loan on Omnlm city property at 0
per cent. O. W. Day , be cor Ilx. bid. 573
MONKY to loan on furniture , horses , wagons ,
etc. , or on uuy approved security. Low iiitoa
J. W. Dobbins , 1U13 I'lirnaiu. 574
"OC1LD1NU loans. Lir.ahan iMahoney. _ _
IJMJK SALI < A new restaurant in a good loea-
JL1 tlon ; will sell cheap If sold before ni'xt Mon
day. Address O K ) , Hue ollice. OS2 22 ?
aying rostauiunt for sale. Apply
"IT r HAT have you tooirer for 2(10 shares in the
T > Standard Oil Co. Wyoming ? O 65 , Ileo oflico.
CU1 2l
F 1011 BALE-Saloon. Inijulro DOS Douglas.
705 2J (
"I710H SALE News nnd cigar store on prlncl-
J- ! pal street' In Omnhu , on account of 2 busi
nesses , cheap for cash. Addres.1 O 61 , Hoi * .
YTHMt SALE A llrst-class saloon , in central
JL ? location , near P , O. , doing a largo nnd profit
able business , "Gooil reason for selling. Hunt
If ltd , long time h-a'-e. ' Pi ice J4.0jii , terms reason
able. Co opuratlvo Land und Lot Co.,205 N. lith. :
71 Ml
SALE A neat , profitable businoss.stock ,
fixtures und lease , on iKcount of 111 health ,
liujnlio nt 117 N. ICth st. UT52I
Olt SALE Hoaidliig house ami nuloonn
' bargain. II. Manuwellerllll S llth. ( HI
Foil SALE Hotel nndestaiirant in good lo
cation. liumiro E. A. Muish , 1Kb N. H < th st.
( if ) 2i *
"TjlOD SALE or Exchange Hotel and meat
J miiikft In Hay Siirlugs , Neb.nt u bargain.
Adereas D. McNufr , Crowford , Nob. U51Jyl
T71011 SALE Tlie best located nnd best
J- equipped wholesale and letuil bakery In the
city , including huises nud' wagons ; IUIK leuso ;
must be sold , o 10. Ileo ollice. 070 21 *
17IOH SALE HUicksmlth and wagon shop.
JL ! Address O 43 , Ileo ollice. 12 2d >
FOlt SALE A llrst class dairy with goon will ,
tlxtnu'S und pnsturo sold if desired , from 6J
to 150 cows. Inijulrc J. 1' . Hoch , Ouinhu I'.O.
_ _
BEST opening in the Btiita for a genein ! mer- stock ; storo-rooni 20xV ) , with
good celTur ou best cornerlnfown ; will bo kept
\arant fur the light man n short time at : i rea
sonable rental. Dorr HetUumnn , Aus lm < > , N.
W. ijuur. Custer Co. , Nob. 5'J1
7IOII or TTodo i'lrai-chibb re
1 miulro31USo. list. 625 24 ;
\\7 E take pleasure In bringing before the pub-
T T lie the Omaha Huslneas Kxi-huniro whlrh
hits been established for * omo tlmo. They hnvo
nothing for snlo but legitimate bualiu-js , or
piii-tnerxtilp interests which will baar the closest
inspection , 'llioro nro a great many snaps or
money mnkliiK schemes ottered for sain us busi
ness chances , but this firm oirers nothing ot the
kind , for eveiy business they huvo for sale bus
been thouronghly investigated nnd guaranteed
aiiey furnUh the best references from banks
and merchants nnd tire reliable in nil their deal
ings. S. w , cor. 15th und Douglas , room 5 ,
in deal-
ruble location , doing u paying business.
Omuhu Huslnosii l xchauge , a w corner IJtli and
Douglas , room 5 , 47 j
\\rASTEO-A liitm of small capital "to tutco
T T agency of the best llltur made. Omaha
Huslnvs * Kxcliuiiio , s w cor 10th and Douiil'as ,
room j. 4"J
_ _
" \ \7E have a spiendil ouenlng tor a mairwitu
IT good i I'ffivnces ami Hinull capital Omaha
Huslntss Exchange , s w cor 15th nod Douglas ,
room 6 , 473
ilATNEll with 85,0 ) cash in a well-eitub-
llshcd business ; will bear thorough invtistl-
gallon. Addrois O61 , llee. i'/2l
'IY10H SALE-Cheap. stock of uotions.llxturesi
-1 tlsosoda fountain In gu < > d order , together
or Ei'i'MiUu , Inquire a.-J S. llllli. ( VM2i ;
rpo close consignment , for eale cheap , Wlnr.
Jrej.i untluo oils. MurrUon & ily. UJIU LeaTBr
worUi st , a Si * fl
1OH SATfcOooa'reslfttiran'Jjolnft good
JL : buslnosou principle street , AddrTss 0 Z9 ,
"CO. 65124 *
"T710H SAI.K Lunch eountor Ian saloon , doing
JL1 good business. 619 N Ktu st. OU 27t
TTIOU SALE At Kearney , Nob. , the furniture
J.'and lease of Grand Central hotel. The second
end best hon o In the city , and the best looMed ,
being oiiposlto depots , Dolmt n pnylne bu t-
ness. Will bo sold atn bargain , InnulioT. t\
Hralnnfd , Midway hutel , Kearney , Neb. Iffl
BlllCKYAHD Tor Salo-Tho only brickyard
In city of 12,000 Inhabitant * , making n not
annual prollt of over f I.WX ) ; will sell either part
or vrholo Interest to right party. Address 7. S ,
Grand Island. Neb. . I1. O. box 20 , wi )
V\7 K havfl for snlo a long tlmo len-e of the best
T ? location for fam-y retail business in the
city. Fcaron , Cole & Robertson , 310 S. 15th st ,
"IfXCEPTIONAI , business opening nt Oaylord ,
Ji ; Knn. Storeroom 22XS ) foot , shelved for
dry goods , etc , J2D Her month ; only two other
dry goods stores In town. A line chnnrn for the
right man. Address F. II. Orcutt , Council
Hinds , In. at )
"IDAIU'Y will bo hero from the past soon with
JL JlO.OJtl worth of dry goods nnd notions to ex
change for city property. Co-uperutholAiul &
1/rt Co. . J.TON. Idth st. 714 8,1
k ) GHOCEH Y stocks to exchange. > $ rash , bal-
< J.iuce lu fnini laud. Co-Op. L. & L. Co. , Att N ,
HUli st. (0023
AKAIIM of 740 acres , near Grand Island ,
Neb. , finely Improved , well feiirnd , etc. . will
trade for good Omuhn property and pay differ
ence In cash. A. G. Inghram. MO 24
" \VANTEn-llorse , bucgy , etc. . ax first pay-
T T ment on lot in Wise .v P. add , bal four an
nual p.iyments. _ Paul , lWJFnrnam. ( 1125
rpo EXCHANGEcfty lots fofclcnr lauds nnd
JL. farms. Paul , IGOa 1'nrunm. 451
WILL give you a good trade for an eight or
ten room house nnd lot. George J , Morns-
dorIT , Doom C , opposlto P. O. 231
" \\niATlinvo you to offer for l,2t < ) acres ot
T T timber land In West Virginia , clear of In-
curabrance , perfect title. GeoiyeJ. Sterusdorlf ,
Hoom 0 , opposlto P. O. 231
BHICIC Wanted-100,000 bricks lu exchange
for good Insldo Omaha pniporty. S. A.
Slomau , room lii and 23 llollmnii bldg. 57 ! )
"VTEW 2 seated carriage nnd now single top
-L > Imggv to trndo for long tlmo real estnto
mortgage. W. 1 * . Solby 1521 Fnriinm Bt. 5711
I HAVE a well Improved B ) ncre farm In Hnr-
Ian county. Neb. , about 8 mlles north of Al
ma , county seat. Any ono wanting n good small
fnnn will do well to lot me know whnt they have
to oil or. George J. Sturusdorll , Doom 0 , opt ) . P.
GJ. RTEDNSoOHFK , room n , opposite post-
ollico , hns some good land In Holt county.
Neb. , to trnde for Omaha property. Will nssumo
light Incumbrnnco. 2D5
G0x132 , corner aid and Douglas sts , to trade for
nn eight to ten-room house and lot. Gno.J.
Sternsdorir room , opposlto P O. U
\\711AT have you to trndo for BU ncros or tnna
t T uiilncumbered In .luneau county. Wis , ,
.1 miles from county seat. G. J.
6 , opp PostolllCB. 107
FOlt EXCHANGE House nnd lot. Neb. farm
or South Omaha lot for vacant lot In Car
thage. Lincoln Place or West Cuuihig add. W.
L. Selby. 1521 Furimm st. 013
171011 EXCHANGE-Nob. farm or two South
JL ! Omaha lots for spauof mares or mulc.s. W.
L. Selby , 1521 Fnninin st. 578
VX7"ANTED Clear lands for iusldo city prop-
> T erty.Paul , 1009 Farnam , 4 > l
GJ. STEDNSDOHFF , Doom fl , opposite P.
O , has some choice farm land to trnilo
for city property. Will usaumo light Incum-
brunces. 2U ;
T7 1GHTYSO ( ) acres of land adjoining Lake
J Maiinwn , Council , Illull.s , In. Tills tract
will make 400 beautiful lots and Is free from
encumUrniieo. What hnvo vou to oiler ? George
J. Sternsdorir , room 0 , opp 1 * . O. 107
TIRADES mndo in real estate nnd personal
property. See exchange book. Co-on. U
nnd L. Co. 205 N. inth st. uM
MIDLAND Gunranteo and Trust Co. . 1505
Jh'nruam street Complete nbstrncts fur
nished , and titles to real estuU examined , per
fected and uuaranteod. 5 1
Abstracts South Omaha ltd. Johnson &
Co. , agents South Omaha Land Co. , have
the only complete sot of abstract books In
South Omaha. Complete abstracts furnished
on short notice. Olllco opposite depot. South
Omaha. GS3
TOENSONAcOAHMTCHAKL furnish complota
JL > and guarantoud abstracts of tltlo to uny
real estate in Omaha nnd Douglas county upon
short notice. The most comnloto set of abstract
books In'tho city. No. 1519 Parnam st. 532
BEAUTIFlTLnoiniiror sale l olfer my resi
dence on corner of St. Alury's avenue and
25th street for sale for a few days. This Is ono
of the plcasantest homus In the city ; larco
grounds , beautiful shaded lawns , ami a nicely
nrianged 10-toom dwelling , with ull coin en-
lem es inul In perfect repair.
WlllmOlnt a bargain for all cash , or will nc-
cept In part payment other good city propeity ,
uiiini'iimlieri'd. Tltlo of tny property perfect
and not cut umbered.
For terms nnd particulars call at my house.or
at ollico of C , Ilartmuu , Hoom 200 , Sheely block.
.J. S. Gibson. GW ! ! ! 4
L. HICE i CO. , Deal Estuio. iSl
\\71LL sell you a lot In 11. & M. Park addition
to South Omaha by paying ? 20 down , bal ,
auco f > per month. Those wanting to make n
small Investment will find It to their ndvuntnRo
to purchase ono of those lots at the prcseut
prices. George J. Sternsdorir , Doom 0. oppo-
bltoP O 231
"iriOll SALE or tradoon easy terms Lot 10 folk
JL1 IW , Albright's choice. Lots 15 , IB , 17 blk 2 ,
Iloppo sub dlv , Albright's choice. Lot 7 blk I ,
Suunilcrs .V Hiinebaugh'a mid. Lots 1 and 2 blk
U , HrlggH pluce. Geo. It. Duvls , Milluid hotel
blllluraroom. 288Jyll
Foil SALE Or trndo : fiOncres , Harlan coun-
ly. Neb. , imp. ,
inOncios , Holt Co , Neb. , imp.
: < 20 acres , Knox Co , Neb , Imp.
ll'il ) ncres , ( Jreeley Co , Neb.
40 acres , adjoining Lake Mannwa.
Lots tn II. & M. 1'nrk , South Omaha , clear.
2 lotf. Melrose Hill , encumbered. J55I ) .
1 lot , Kountzo Place , encumbered , $1,450.
n lots , Arnold Paik , encumbered , t,4JJ. !
1 lot. Orchard Hill , encumbered , f Ilk ) .
I lot , Cuming st , cor. 3lst. ununciimberod ,
J2.KX ( ) .
1 lot , Fnrnam st , bet. JlSth and 3th ! , uncucum-
bt-rwl , ? , ' , ( ) .0.
I am1 , Solomon's add , encumbered , $330.
Fl sh stoi k cigars. Invoice t2 , ) .
Sjmn home * , harness and delivery wagon.
1 Hall's combination sate , nearly now ,
Alxn business and resilience proneity In all
paits of the city , forsule or trndo lor stoi k of
foods , good furin pioperty or clfy properly ,
H. A.SIoinau.
Hollman block , omuhn , Nob.
"I71ODSALF. Two flno South Omaha lots , ono
J n cot ner. chvup If sold within n w eel ; . Ad
dress O 62 , Hen. OSS
FOIt SALE WoolTerthe following bargains ,
all on very easy terms :
Lot I. , block n , Horbuch's 2nd , fronting on
the cabin line , with two houses 50,000
Lots 1,1 und 10 , block ! ) , J. I. Dodlck's subdivision -
division , with large Id-room house und
Lot H. block ! ) , Iledtord 1'lace , south front
Lot5 , blink 8 , Lincoln Place 760
Lo : 5 , block 5V est fuming 760
Lots 2 | and 2.1 , block 4 , llnwthuin 3.0UO
Lot 22 , block 1' ) , Hanscom PIac 1'JU )
Lois u and 7 , block 10 , Hitchcock's 1st add. ,
I'ui'ii nno
I it 15 , block2 , Mt. Pleasant itnu
Lots MX 130 feet in Spring Vnlloy , oarh. . . 200
78 lots In Northlleld nub-division of Solo-
mon'H , ench 125
A f w acres In Spring Vulloy.-vory cheii ] ) ;
some tholco lots in Suuth Omiilu at a bargain ,
Marshall & Lobcck ,
4T , ' 20 Hoom 9. Chamber of Commerce ,
rpll HEE hundred and twenty acres Joining to
-I the city of Grand Island ; 40 acres in city
for Bulu. A. H. Perkins , Grand Island. 3122 < . <
AT E8room \ house , ' { folix-k from car line ,
X > clty water , bath und all ronvonhmies , WK
to SI , ! * } ) cash , bal to suit uiul prltc bed roi k. A.
O. Inghraiu. CIO 24
IfloTtTenrestato cull on Goo. J. Paul ,
flLOOO buys a full lot and good 4-roorn cottage
Pin u good lucutlon. D. Y. riholos , room 1 , liar-
kur block. VU
I L. HICK dc CO. , Heal Estate. Ml
* J
f ? . FEET on Park nveuuo ; you want this , as it
< ' will be sold nt a bargain. A. G. Inghraui ,
room I , Harher blo k. 610-24
171OH 8ALli lTtmutlful east front lot in Ar-
Jrado place on Jiith st. , Jutt south of Leaven
worth , for 11,700. Tills is I'M below actual value
nud will bu In the market a short time only at
the prlco quottd , M , A , Upton & Co. 81
ONLY i fiw lota left In H. & M. park addition
to South Omaha. What have you to. otferi
George J , Btorna Jorff. lloom 6 , opp.i' ; . O. gJl
1 rni HAL ? : . Farms on longtime. Co-Opora -
-L tira J iuJ ana Lot Co. . 'M > N , lUlh St. 837
ANINK-HOOM cottaga In Hanscoin pUce for
14.000 : uasl ( rout , w6rtU , WJ , A. U. iDjfh-
tttffi , room J , Uatkei Cloclc. U9-24.
I. . I
"I710H SA f.tv10.0M ncrcs gooil farming Und tit
JStnnton , rranklln. Custor and Cheyenne
counties , Nob. qeo , II , Peterson. 013 S. at.
1710D SAl.K-l.ots 41 nnd 42 , block 1. SaundoM
JL ! ft llclinhAiiKh' i addition to Walnut hill. Any
enns to suit purchaser. No cash required , T.A.
ilnthnwny , Grnnd Island , Neb C58 2f >
S.VLKoocook ) ! W footsmti trent
on tlnnioyjust west of Srtth st. n room house ,
ill modem Improvementslino lot and home , wo
inve exrlusU e snle of this nnd cnn olfer it nt n
irice below its real \ nine. M. A. t'pton.V ( } o.
UJWO buys n full lot nnd good 4-rootn eottAgo ,
Pea y terms nnd good location. 1) V.Sbola
room 1 , llnrkor block. VU
L. HlCi : & CO. , Heal Estate. 531
IHAVUsoverAl choice. Inside , full lots , upon
w hlch I cnn build houses to suit purchasers
ipnn their own selection of plans , nnd on terms
o suit. This will piv to Investigate. D. Y.
Sholes , room l.Jtarker block. lig
A1K1A1N for n few days n 10-room liouto.
coiner lot , good locality , house In perfect
condition , nil modern improvements ! price
< \K)0 ) : WOW cash , balance one , twonnil three
ears. G. L. Green , 310 8. 15th st , Ml
OHIOlM-IxitsHnnd H. blork R.llnyd'a nil. ,
dltlou. onobloekolf State street , only tCOO i
for both lots , 108x120 , terms easy. M. A Upton "
V Co. nM
DON'T miss thls-Ixilln. Clarice's niMltion , \
Just north of St. Mnry's nvo. , 01 feet front , y
vorth K400. Wo w 111 sell for n short Urn * for
J3riou. M. A. UrtonACo. mo
J. STKUN8DOIIFK , room (1 ( opposite post-
VJ olllec. will sell you n good 4-room housa
on inth street , a blocks south of car Hue , by par.
ng .1)0 ) cnsn. bnlnncn monthly payments to
suit , 'tills Is n splendid opportunity for auy *
one wanting a cheap home. S31
HOUSE nnd lot in South Omaha fnrnnto only
W , Hinnll cash payment , bal monthly , or
erms to suit , D , 1) ) , Sinealon , room 43 , Itarkor
) locic. ran
& CO. , lloal Estate.
" 1710H SA 1,15Or exchange. Wo have Homo
JL1 good Omaha real estate nnd Nebrnsku
'arms , which we will sell cheap or tratlofor ,
itockof clothlm ; , furnishing poods , dry goodi ,
loots nudshoes groceries or hardware , Schles-
tiger Hro014 S. 10th st. 03
1J1OU SAI.E-A nice east front lot In Windsor
J-1 nlnce , new 8 room house well , cistern , co-
iionted cellar , etc , A Hue homo , only W.71W ;
' . "ilio cnsh , $ , "iUi ) In one vcnr , bal In three years ; we
mvo the exclusive Bnlo of this. M. A. Upton A
Co. 7VO
Foil SA liE (10x140 ( , south nnd. east front on
cor 8th anil Dorcas ; nu wlegnnt lot with H-
room house ( new ) for & > r > 00 ; $1,500 cash. Wo
inve exelustvo sale of this. M , A. Upton K Co ,
I'lils lot adjoins Goodman's line grounds. W
J L. 1UOE & CO. , Deal Bstato. & 98
, *
BEST east irout lot in Hanscom plnco , e2,600 ,
$1.1XKI rnsh ; must bo sold. A. G. Inghram ,
room i , Harker blo.'k.
"T1) ) . SMEATON , exclusively South Omaha
IV.roul estate. llnrgnlna always on hand ,
llarker block , Omana. 6'JT Jy 1
Army Supplies Olllco of Purchasing nnd
Uepot Connmssary of Subsistence , U. S. Aruiy
Jniahn , Nob. , May 1. IWHSealed proposals lu
ilpllcate , subject to the usual condltloiH , will i
10 ipcelvcd nt thUolllru until U o'clock a.m. ,
central standard time , on Monday , the 2 > Ui duy
of .Mine , IS , " " , nt which tlmo and place they will
) p opeiu'il In tlin pri'seuni of bluileri' , for the
'urnlsiilng and ilvllvi'ry nt Omaha , Neb. , the fol-
owing urmy Miiiiplles. viz : Vinegar ; bucon , .
bifiikfnsf flour , family ; hams , s. r. , nnd lard.
The right Is re.-en oil to rejort any or all bids.
ftlaiik proposals and speclllcntious showing la
letnll the articles nnd ( lunntltles reiniircil and
jiving full Information as to condition of con
tact will bu-fiirnlslu'il on nppllcatlou to this
. .1.V. . IIAUHliKItMnJ.and ( < J.8. , U. S.A.
Proposals for Water Bonds.
ClTV Cl.Kllk'8 Ofl'ICE , I
Chadron , Ni-b , Jlny M , IBSS.j
QEAIiEDbids will be received at this ollico
J imtllJuuo2iith , 18SS , at 7 o'clock i ) . m. , for
thopuri'lmso of JM.VHH ) of Water Honda of the
city of Clmdroii. Said bonds nro. dated .luno 1st ,
INS.S , and 111 bei'omo due twenty years after the
date tlieicol' , but paj able at the option of tlio
city nfter live years from date , according to
statute. The bonds are In the sum of $1,0 0 each ,
and bear Inteivst from date thereof nt the rate
of nix per cent pi r annum , payable b ml-au-
iniiilly on Ili-ht day of month of December
and June In o.ii'li yrnr. The iirlnclpal and In
terest are payable nt the Nebraska State 1'ljcal
Agency , New Vovk City , N. Y. These bonds nro
Killed by authority ot the vote of the city of
Chadron , nil of the votes inst being In favor of
s.ilil issue , and are for the purpose ot the erec
tion nud constitution ot u system of water
Each bid must state the nmotint desired to bo
purchased , the price to bo paid , with accrued
Interest , and should bo marked " 1'ropostals for
Water Iloiuls. " and must state full mimn and
address of bidder. The light Is reserved to reject -
ject any nnd all bids. J. W. SMITH ,
jiMdlt city Clerk.
Pealed proposals will be roeolvecl by the city
of Chadron , Nob. , until "o'clock p. m. , Juno 2UU
isss , for thi ( furnishing and erecting of n system
of w nter works for the city of Chadrou. Neb.
Snidsyttcmto bo furnished and built In nc-
cordnnre with plans ami specifications pi ciinrcil
by A. A. Itlclmtdson , engineer , nnd ou lllo In
tlie city clerk's OLI | | > , Chndrou , Neb.
1'roiiusnlncanbo made whole or In separate
p.irts on the following items , viz
I runiHilin ; and building ciiglno house and
t > moke stiii k.
'A nirnlsblng nnd building filter nnd well and
approach fi om the cieuk.
J Furnishing pumping machinery , heater
and ronneitloiiN belonging thereto iiisldo ot the
engine liminc.
4 I nrnlshlng boiler nnd connections.
r > l''iiinl hlng cast lion pipe.
0 Furnishing special castings.
' 7 FiiinlshliiB Knlamelnplpo and special cast
ings foraame.
H Furnishing hydrants , gates nnd gate boxes.
! i ICxuivatlng trenches , making boll holes and
lllltng buck utter plpns are laid and connected.
10 riiriil.shlug masonry and Hitting nnd wall-
InglnhollmHnnd setting machinery and mak-
imall connections belonging thereto.
II Kxcuvutlng and furnishing and building
reservoir. .
12 Teaming pipes , special castings , hydrants ,
gates , boxes , lend , oakum , etc , , from cur * to
place of use.
III , oakum , and laying and
connecting nil ptpui , hydinnts , gates , netting
boxes , and doing nil wcnk purtiilulni ; thereto
outside of imgliib house.
14 Tiiamlngbollcisand machinery from cnrx
nnd plai'lngou foundation nt oiigluo houto as . <
All the mnti'ilal to bo Rhlppedln careofclty ,
who will pay freight nnd charge to contractor ,
nnd thorny rcquii t tlntnll material ho Hhlppou
viachlciigii over thiL'nlrago and Northwestura
Itallruail us fur as It IN practicable to do RO.
No bids will 1m considered unless fitrictlr In
artord with plans and fcpuclUcnlluus on Ule lu
thocltycloik nolJIce.
Tin-1 Ity i oiinrllri-st'i VCR ilio light to reject nnjr
or nil btilH , or any iinrtHof bids.
1'ioposals shiiuld bn illrectod to the city clerk ;
and marked "I'roposah for Water Works. "
I-ur copies of Hputltlrntlonx , drawings anil
otlier Intorinatiiin npjily to t-lty clerk of Clmd-
ron. Neb. , or to A. A. UlUiuia&on.tonsultliigcU'
gineor , I.lncobi , Neb.
Hy older of citv council of the city of Chad-
roii. Nub. , this iiith duy of Muy. A. I ) . IHHH.
C.a. IIUGHKS , Mayor.
JOHN W. SMITH. City Clerk.
Notion tn 1'nxpnynrH.
Tlio board of county commlsstonnm will elk
an a board of cqunll/ntlon In their ollice at the
court house daily fioni .limn 11 to Juno 25 Inclu- ,
sl\o. All protests or loquosls for ndjustmentot J
tuxes must bo Illod on or before Juno 25th. Hjr ' <
oidorof the Hoard of Cominls loiiorn. > *
County ClurV.
J Department of the I'lattu , Chl f Ouurtur- \ \
master B Olllco. Omaha. Neb. . JuiiH&'nil , IWH. '
Buuled I'ropoouls , In triplicate , mibjoct to the
usual conditions , are invited and Mill bo re
ceived nt this ofliro until ono o'clock I * . M. ,
.Inly ld , IHsd , for the delivery ut Omuha Qitur *
tvrniustur'H Depot , of 110 tons of baled hujr , und
iriK ( Ibs. of w bent bran Delivery to cumnienra
August 1st. IHBM , and completed , If required , by
December Hist , 1 8 ' 1 ho hay must bu propurly
cinvd , by belim s-wrixtci ! In black before ballm ' .
of best upland gra s , and nocunOy Ixiund in
bali-s weighing not oveyWH ) Ibs. each 'I'll u bran
dtdlvored In stout burlun sacks. The ( Jovoru * "fl
ment rustsrvt'ii the rlxht to reject auy or all pro- ' jjlJ
jioauls. rrclorence will bo glvun to urtlcloa o J
< lomostlo proiluctlon , ronihtions of prlcu uml J
quality owing equal , nill conditions and blunlu -
for Llticling mn > bo obtained on uppllcntlou to
tills olllcc.Vil. . H. IlUOIIKy , Clilef Ouartcr-
Epps's Cocoa I
"Dr thflroueh knowledge of the natural Uni - ;
which ifovtm ib cmniou of dltuitluu duouuliU i
tlon , tail br careful pv.lkallon of fh * en * proptilloJ -1
of wefl-ieUclua Coco * , ill. ; > pi bu troldea our
lir * kiMt tablet wllb a aalloatwr flaroruJ loT r c
vrLldi mar IITS u manr Lbavj doctor's fclllt. ICli
brtloludltluB * m * o ( > uoh articleof dlat Hula
coniUlulJoii taar l > a grkdualli bulll uu until ilruol
ooas to rosltt § f rr Uodrncr lu dl > ua > a. Uun >
: aor r lL"r6 ti a wt k | iulaUVe lunr
mnrftfalal balklij k , " .n ouiiolres el |
- UJLUI * blovd i 'J ' j.twpenuOurl tie4
nil berries ( lliolto.
Ukd ( UuplT I" ) boliipi : ktcr or milk. BoU unlr
In U u POULK ! tint u/lioc nUboeil : ibui )