Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 23, 1888, Page 6, Image 6

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Delivered uy Currier In Any Tort of the City at
Twenty Cents i'cr Week.
TKM'.l'llONUS :
JltiMNE.i" ! Omen , No. 43.
NlOMTHDlTOtl , NO. 23.
N .Y. I'lumblnp Co.
New sprltip goods nt Heller's.
Hnyliss park Is nil rcmly for that $1,000
fountain. It ought to be put In nt once.
The commencement exercises nt Tnbor
collcRO oien ) to-morrow , and close on Wednes
day next.
The regular weekly shoot of the Mannwn
gun club win hold at the lake yesterday
Patrolman W. A. Hayes has resigned and
Special Oniccr Fowler has been assigned to
regular duty In his place.
. ! . II. Hcigonfus , of this city , and May Pom-
ory , of Wuukoma , Fnyclto uounty , have been
( ranted license to marry.
The funeral of Mrs. Mary C. Davis will beheld
held this morning nt 10 o'clock from the rcsi-
dcnco , No. 810 First avomte.
K < s < ) uiro Hlgps was called on Thursday af
ternoon to perform the marriage ceremonies
for Horace Clark and Sally Early , both of
The funeral of Mrs. .T. S. Dnvls will take
plaoo at 10 o'clock tills morning from the
residence1 , H12 First nvcnuo , with Interment
at Falrvlow.
Mr. I , Scars proudly bears the cake won
by him nt the Catholic entertainment Thurs
day evening as the most popular young man
In the Kepublicau clubs.
The city Js sorely in need of some BCIIV-
cngcrniul garbage system , by which citizens
would bo enabled to comply with the laws ,
nnd the city hcalthfulness protected.
District court convenes hero again next
Thursday , the ! 23th , with .ludgo Ueomer on
the bench. The remaining cases on the
docket will bo disposed of in short order.
The infant son of Peter Clarcdatachcn
died Thursday evening nt ! ( o'clock , ugcd llvo
months. The funeral will ho held to-day at
U o'clock , from the residence , No. 1102 Sev
enth street.
The United States inspector of marine ves
sels has examined the bo.its on Lake Man
nwn and found them se.i worthy. The re
spective owners have been granted licenses
The } 011113 folks of the First Baptist
church delayed their observance of child
ren's day , their service to tnko place tomorrow
row evening. An interesting programme
has been prepared.
The wholesale liquor store of Mr. Keating
hat closed its doors for business. The
"Omaha , " on llroudway , lias done likewise.
Temporary injunctions were issued against
them and they gracefully bowed to the in
One of the handsomest residences on First
avenue is that now in process of erection by
John Danforth , located between Seventh and
Eighth streets. All the fences in the block
are being taken away , and the beautiful pri
vate parks thrown open to the public. It is a
great improvement.
Mrs. Louisa , wife of Charles" Ilatnmcl ,
died at 4 o'clock yesterday morning of con
sumption. The funeral will take place nt 2
o'clock this afternoon from her late home ,
1018 Fourth avenue. The remains will bo
interred in Fairwiow cemetery. The de
ceased was twenty-live years of ago.
The majority of the visitors from this city
to Chicago returned yesterday morning.
Some of them had to return , and ns the re
mainder were unwilling to bear the expense
of keeping a sleeping car. and nccoinmoda
tions In the city were limited , the others re
turned with them. They report un enjoya
ble time.
At the concert next Tuesday evening Mr.
Long Vv-ill sing "Tho Lost Chord , " which ho
does with raio effect. Thib is by special in
vitation. Mrs. O'Neil is unable to appear ,
nnd Miss Inu Toitovin lias consented to ap
pear in her stoiul. Mrs. F. L. Haydcn has
also consented to ap ear in a number. A
special programmeis being formed and the
concert should ho liberally patronized on this
account , but namely because of the object
for which it is to bo given.
Chief Lucas yesterday received a letter
from Phil Uoitsch , superintendent of police
of Cincinnati , asking his co-operation in es
tablishing lunutional association of chiefs of
police , to hold annual meetings in someof
the larger cities of the country , much the
same us was held nt St. Louis n year ago.
That meeting was productive of much good
in the way of perfecting arrangements for
the bettor suppression of crime , and it is
thought that i early meetings would bo very
The park commissioners yesterday axvardcd
the contract for iliiishing the fountains for
Falnnount park to the Now York Plumbing
company. There will bo two drinking foun
tains , one nt the entrance to the park , on
Graham avenue , the other near the urtillc-ial
horseshoe lake in the park. There will bo a
handsome ornaiiK-ntea fourtaiu in the center
of the lake. The contract for laying the
water main to the lulca lias boon lot to the
Ramo company , ami work on the whole will
bo commenced at once nnd completed in a
short time.
Yesterday morning Artie Held , a Hun car
rier , met with n Berious mishap , which will
conllno him to lus homo for a beason , if no
more serious iVMilts follow. Ho was re
turning homo from his route when in sumo
inimnor his foot became entangled In the
btirrup and ho was thrown heavily to the
ground. The Heal ) ) was cut quite badly , be
sides which other injuries were sustained ,
the extent of which cannot , at tills writing ,
ho ascertained. A few weeks ago Artie met
With a similar ni-ciilont , from the effects of
Which ho rapidly rpcnveicd. Ho is a plucky
little follow , and probably his crit will pull
him tlirough.
Every one is , or ought to bo , interested in
the umlntominro of St. Ucrimrd's hospital.
An opportunity is to bo given Tuesday even
ing next to show this intcix-bt in a practical
way. An evening of opera is to bo given nt
the opera hou o by Mr. and Mrs. S. Massey
Howard , assisted u.y the Omaha St. 1'hllo-
mcna cathedral choir. The proceeds aio for
the bcnellt of thu hospital. The Omaha
friends having kindly consented to give their
time and talents t6 this worthy enterprise ,
Council Hluftd should respond with oven
heartier generosity. The entertainment itself
will bo n rich treat. The tickets are oiily 50
Travelers ! Stop at the Bochtolo.
The Kicknpoo Indians' , with their
womlwful medicines , are lioro , corner
Urunilway and Eighth sta.
Tijiton lias bargains in real estate.
The Injiinoilon C.WH.
Arguments In the second "Manawa" in
junction case will bo heard by Judge Carson
in the dhtrlct court , hero to-day. The do-
cislon In the Jlrst case w s expected from
Judge Thornoll ycateiday , but nothing wus
received. _
Union Abstract company , 23(1 ( Main street.
The onglncors blrilco for Durlln Bros ,
for tlioir groceries , 63:1 : Broadway , Ed
Lloyd \\lli la ! o your order. Tel. iiOO.
Grand balloon ascoiibion by the
Klcltapoos , Saturday evening , 8 o'clocit ,
cor. iJruudwny and Eighth sis.
Manuwa anil Milwaukee.
The city council will meet this morning nl
11:110 o'clock to consider the Manawu Motor
line matter. Division Superintendent li. 1) .
Campbellof the Chicago , Milwaukee & St
Paul road , will bo prison t. The situation
will bo fully dlscubscd , mid without iloub' '
the dltilcuity will bo settled to the satisfac
tion of all concerned ,
E. II. Slioafo loans money on chattel
Eocurity of every description. FMvata
consulting rooms. All l-usitiess etrictlj
conflileutiul. Ofi'.oc 600 Uroml p.y , cor-
utr Main street , uji-vtiilvs.
Buy " \VhttoMFow. mach , 20 N.MtxIn.
J3uy iiwntclfJ- grates ail ( * ieirlh : fur-
iBlungs til tlio Nevy tfgrk pUiiul'inj , ' Co.
The Oakland Crooks Can't Got Oat
By Habeas Corpus.
Uncle Snin dots After n IIootlcR Klro
JLmls 1'lnyliiK With the Truck
A Sent ) Engineer in
Must Stnncl Trlnl.
Judge Carson rendered his decision yestcr-
loy morning in the habeas corpus case of
Vamlcrpool and Stanley , who wore arrested
'or ' the larceny of $1,500 from a farmer nt
Oakland. The motion'for the release of the
irisoncrs WOT argued before him Thursday ,
and ho decided to remand thorn to jnll to
vwait the action of the grand jury , which
meets in August. Hon. Frank Shinn , of
Carson , appeared for the prisoners , and
Colonel Ditilcy argued the case for the state.
Ono liar Always Hunnlnt ; .
Prohibition docs not prohibit , yet the booze
assessments in police court nro much fewer
low than before the recent term of district
court. Yesterday there was not n boozer
icforo "his honor. " Three vags were towed
n , but thu court ordered them nil loaded
ipon the catapult and thrown over the cfty
vulls. The mandate was obeyed , nnd they
voro ruthlessly "iired. "
The case of .T. Hell , for disturbing the
icaco In a Madison street bagnio , was con-
limed , ana the young man's lather went his
security for his appearance. IS. Lanbow was
Iroppcd into the scales to see how much ho
owed the city for leaving n dead muleso
icar the surface of the ground in the western
) art of the city that It spoiled the appetites
> f all the residents of that neighborhood.
Die court concluded that a $10 gold piece
would Just about make things balance , and
defendant deposited the amount and do-
mrted. Lanbow rather gave himself away
n testifying as to the burial of the mule.
ilo said ho dug n hole three feet deep , put
, ho inulo in , covered him over with dirt and
ovellcd oil the ground nicely. "How much
lirt did you put over him ? " nskcd the judnc.
'About thfeo feet. " The Judge concluded
lint thu mule must have been quite thin.
'Yes , ho had bacn sick , and lost tlesli. "
Another Seal ) in Tronlile.
Another "Q. " scab engineer , by the name
of S. McDonald , was in trouble yesterday ,
and was lauded in tbo "jug" by the rclcnt-
css minions of the law. Ho was walking
along the streetwhen a party of the enemy's
sympathizers , who were in n house that ho
assed , referred to "his scabship" in rather
mcomplimcntnry terms. McDonald thought
ic could not allow the insult to pass , so he
mllod a gun on one of the party , named
lack Cussick , although not the .lack who
Igures promincntlv among Council Bluffs
'iincst. " Tim police were put on his track.
nnd ho was quickly gathered in. Ho claimed
ih at the others a tacked him , nnd lie drew
lis gun in self defense. The charge placed
igainst him was assault with intent to com
mit murder. The court continued the case
until Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock , and
) laced the prisoner under § 1,000 bonds to ap-
) car nt. that time. The local Hurlington of-
ieials furnished the required bond , and Mc
Donald was released.
Thu scabs are not possessed of spirits of
meekness nnd humility , and they find their
lath-a hard road to travel.
Kmptying a
Deputy United States Marshal II. J. Dun
can arrived in the city ycstcVduy morning in
charge of Milton Scarlcs , of Page county ,
who was charged with selling liquorcontrary
; o the prohibitory law of the state. United
States District , Attorney Finch came up from
DCS Moincs to hear tlio case , but Searlcs
wahe.l an examination , and was bound over
In the sum of 5.100 to the next term of the
United States court , that convenes here on
the ' 0tli of September. Ho furnished the re
quired bond and was released. It is charged
that ho has been running u "bootleg" saloon ,
ind the law-abiding citizens in his vicinity
bocninu tired of it and lilcd un information
against him that resulted as stated. Deputy
Marshal Duncan will remain in tills city a
day or two to see how things are going. lie
says that the prohibitory law is being en
forced all over the state , and that in the
smaller places no liquor wnatever is being
sold. In the larger places the druggists and
"bootleggers" deal out limited supplies to
the initiated. Ilo thinks thai the people of
this city are making a very good showing ,
considering ttie fact that the ofllcinls arc all
trying to help the saloons along.
Iliili .School Graduate .
The commencement exercises of the class
of ' 88 of the high school wore held at the
opera house last evening. Tlio house was
compli'toly lllled , every seat below the gallery -
lory being sold long before the doors were
opened. Tlio sale of reserved heats amounted
to $11'J ! , and about $15 was taken at tlio door.
Kvcn standing room was at a premium , and
the stairways lending to the balconies wcro
packed. Tito stage was beautifully decor
ated with cut ( lowers and potted ulants , on
cither tudo being a mammoth lloral bank ,
and Just in front ef each was a handsome
pillar of cut ( lowers. Suspended over the
the class motto ' - not
stugo was mottoRowing ,
Drifting , " in white letters on n green backj
ground. ISeneath it was a lloral wieatli , in
which were tlio figures " "jb" in white. The
"sweet girl graduates , " of whom there wnro
eight , werp tastefully dresbed in white ,
c.ii-li wearing a hunch of ( lowers , and
tbo three young gentlemen wcro
dressed in the conventional black.
The essays and orations were all of a high
order ol merit , but lack of spuco forbids ex
tended individual mention. There was much
originality to the majorilyof tlio productions ,
and tlio numerous stereotyped expressions
that are BO painfully common on muny sim
ilar occasions wore entirely wanting. The
exercises consumed considerable ) time , but the
cbb.iys were each quite short and satisfactory
to the audience- . The ilorul tributes wcro
very elegant and numerous.
Kiich member of the class was abundantly
remembered by admiring friends , and ro
reived many beautiful tributes. The occasion
was in very way a grand success and the
class of ' 8S may well bo congratulated ut the
highly commendable iminnur in which they
conducted their closing exercise of local
school life.
Frco Indian show every niglht for
three wooku , corner of Droadway and
Eighth bts.
Tlio lorriniii Illoolc.
Mr. N. Merriam , of Omaha , was in the
city yesterday on business pertaining to his
now block on Main and Pearl streets. The
question of material was being considered ,
and the gentleman visited Wickliam's brick
yard , and al&o inspected sovnral buildings in
the city constructed of St. Louis pressed
brick , ruid homo of homo manufacture. A
few Council Hluffs gentlemen with utter dis
regard for local enterprises wore' trying to
indiico htm to use the St. Loins material , al
though it costs much inoro than that miido
hero S-10 per l.uoo. This is a rather ques
tionable manner of working for the upbuild
ing of the city , but it has been noticed on
several occasion ! ] . Mr , Merrium has not yet
perfected all of his arr.ingeints , but is get-
tint ; ready to begin wurk very shortly.
"Ono wcok only" at Schmidt's photo-
praph gallorv0 Main Bt.ouodoz.
cabinet bizo photos for only W.OO. war
ranted to huit. Don't lilco thorn , don't
lalco thorn , and sit
For sale cheap. Lots near the bridge
to parties who will build ut onco.d -
dros ? or call on J.f It. llice , No. 100
Main street , Council
An Kxpeiihlvo Plii.ytliliitf.
The lire lads gave the bi ? truck a trial yes
terday ( corning ut the City mills , und han
dled it very.wi'll. A line of hose was sent
up the ladder tmd water turned on. It was
the firtt' test olthn k'nd ' thut the laddev hud
received , aud1 the retu'Jt was very satisfact
ory. The truck was stationed In the middle
of the street , nnd the ladder was perfectly
firm , with no support except at the base , ns a
heavy stream of water was thrown from the
norzlo nt an elevation of scvcnty-Avo feet.
With what little practice the boys have al
ready hod they can handle the hugo np-
pnrntus in line shape , and make very good
The finest bread at C. .1. Swnns bakery -
ory , 213 Main ; fresh cnkcs and con
fectionary. _
t'crsonnl i'arnjjraphn.
Mr. and Mrs. C. It. Hnnnon have gone cast
to spend the next two month * .
Thomas Unrrv and Leo Smith of W. W
Chapman's establishment , arc on the sick
Mrs. M. J. O'Neil will Icavo for California
within a few days to spend the balance of the
heated term.
Miss Uortha Miller , of ICcokuk , la. , is
visiting her sister , Mrs. James 11. Watson ,
No. 717 East Uroadway.
E. B. Harvey , representing Dopgett , Has-
sott ft Hills Co. of Chicago , returned homo
yesterday from n three weeks' trip through
the northwest ,
Airs. H. Durgan loft last evening for Chllll-
cotlie , Mo , to attend the graduating exer
cises of St. Joseph academy , her daughter ,
Miss Josle. being one of the class.
Mr. II. P. Harrett , who has been "doing1
the Council Bluffs local for the Omalm
World for the past week , returned to his
iiomo In Lincoln yesterday afternoon.
Last evening Mrs. George F. Wright nnd
daughters , Llla and Xellie , arrived hero from
Iowa City. They will probably remain until
September , the beginning of the school year.
J. Evans , manager of the Council Bluffs
nnd Omnhii Hrldgo company , left for the
east last evening on business connected with
.ho electric motor line that is to be operated
in connection with the new bridge.
Keg Creek had qulto a delegation yester
day to the city where kegs are boycotted.
Among those at tlio Crcston house wore Has-
inus Campbell , Charles HamUcy , John Hest
and J. Hoack.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Dan William' ! , of No. 1C.19 .
Ninth avenue , are happy in the arrival of n
very young lady at their home. This gives
the title of grandfather to Jim Hums , the
old reliable engineer of the Hock Island.
William Patterson and daughter Grace of
Central City , Neb. , are in the city visiting
Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Hazelton. Mr. Patterson
was formerly connected with the linn of
Kcclinc & Felt of this city. Ho now hoiils
the responsible and honorable position of
mayor of the city of his adoption.
Tlio vacation time causes a number of
youthful but familiar faces to appear here
again. Among those who are at homo from
Notre Dame university , South Ucnd , Ind. ,
are John Keating , Philip Paschel , Johnny
Million. From the college at Atchison ,
Kan. , John J. Hughes and Joseph Dutngcr
linvo returned home.
Mr. Emil Durr leaves to-day for a visit to
nis old home in Switzerland. Ho ha.s
planned his trip so as to reach his old home
on the same day of the same month ns that
on which ho bade good-by and started for
America. Twenty-four years will have
passed , and the meeting of his aged mother
cannot but bo an affecting one. When Mr.
Durr came to this country he took passage
on the "Iowa , " little dreaming that the state
of that name would be his home. Ho was
eighteen days coming over. Ho will cross
now in half that time. Such is one of the
changes brought about in these years. He
has risen in prominence in local business
circles , bcingono of the wholesale iirm of L.
Kirscht & Co. , of Omaha. His many friends
hero wisli him a happy voyage , a joyous re
union and safe return to his homo hero.
The oft-roi > catcd question , "What's a
peed book to read ? " is bcinjr success
fully answered for Council BlulT 's in
quirers by D. W. Bushnell , the well
known bookseller stationer. Hd has re
ceived a number of ne.v books published
by Bedford , Clarke & Co. Among thorn
is one which , while of mitlonul interest ,
is especially so to every western ad
mirer of the gifted Illinois orator , Em
ory A. Storrs. It is a collection of his
famous political orations from the time
of Lincoln to that of Garliold , covering
twenty of the most eventful years of the
nation's life. No one can fail to be
stirred by the matchless eloquence of
this man. who during his lifetime was
so actively engaged in discussing great
public questions.
"Rents in Our Robes'is from the pen
of Mrs. Frank Leslie , and is a sparkling ,
witty and charming review of modern
faociety and manners. It is a helpful as
well as entertaining little volume.
Everything from the pen of Julian
Hawthorne is largely read. His latest
novel is among the numerous publica
tions of Bedford , Clarke & Co. It is
"A Dream and n Forgetting. " If not
Hawthorne's best , it iscertainly not ex
celled in interest or manner by any of
liis others.
The Hotel mi the Move.
Last evening Messrs. Secrist and Wells
of Chicago arrived in tlio city. They repre
sent and are members of the synidicato who
are to erect the new hotel. A meeting of tlio
hotel committee- tlio board of trade was
attempted , but for some reason it did not
malcriali/.o. The gentlemen who are hero
came for the purpose of arranging the details -
tails in connection with the matter and the
business must bo attended to without delay.
A meeting of the hotel committee is called
for 1:30 : p. m. to-day. Every member is earn
estly requested to bo present.
< r
S. B. Wudsworth & Co. loan monoy.
Twenty YcarH Married.
Last evening Deputy Marshal John 13ar-
nyte and his estimable wife celebrated their
twentieth anniversary of wedded life. Their
home on lienton street was thronged with
relatives and friends who came to pay their
respects to them. The hours of tlio evening
were passed in social Intercourse and other
pleasurable ways. At the departure of the
guests muny mementoes in China were loft
to attest the esteem in which the worthy
couple are held.
I'ollco Court.
Business was brisk yesterday. John
Hoyen was given six days in jail us a vag ,
and Put Noonan paid $ tt and costs for being
drunk and disorderly. Dan McCormlck paid
| 5 and costs for the same
privilege , and John McGoncgh
was discharged. Ho was found
sleeping in one of the Armour buildings , but
explained that ho got lost. John and May
Wallace of Albright wore also run in on a
charge of drunkenness. Thomas Uurko was
charged with being u suspicions ! character.
Not en About the City ,
Mrs Llmo Wurbritton , of Ashland , Neb. ,
is a guest of Mrs. John F. Hitehhart.
Miss Mary E. White , of Mercer , Pa. , is on
a visit to her brother , who is foreman of the
In the court of Justice Wells , liowland and
Hr.idford obtained u verdict of f 15 ugaiiiHt
John Clark and William Pierce ,
.1. P. Hayes ; the recently appointed city
sc.ivcngcris ; already nt work , und yesterday
morning went down to the nvei-hido to lo
c.ito a dumping ground.
Another team of hand ball players Is coin
ing up from Omaha on Sunday , bud Michael
Tighe , Jus DuiT.v and Mike Uurko will repre
sent the northerners. The South Omaha
team has not yet been named.
In a scrimmage on Twenty-second street
Thursday night Thomas Smith wus stalboU
by Ins iirothcr-m law , Dan Flaherty , but was
not badly hurtand thpre have been no arrcsls.
Dr. Wilton dressed the wounds.
Tim 1-o'clock dummy train was delayed yes
terday by u number of cows that hud strayed
on tlio truck near tha Summit , and quietly
watched the cup-incur ns ho tried to frighten
them uwiu' . The train was brought to a
standstill , but probably the owners of the
cows would louU for damages if any of them
wcro killed ,
I cheerfully recommend Rod Clover
Tonic to thoao suffering from troubles of
the utuniuch und liver. I am now on
my second' bottle and it nuifcos.ine feel
like' now . man. Cl M. CoKNOH.
Nashuu , ' la. Goodman Drug company'
Largest Stocft , METCALF BROTHERS Furnishing Ooods ,
Lowest Prices , , Clothing , Hats , Gaps , oto.
Willl&m SlodBntopf Music , ,
, t >
. . . U nlcr tn- t fj ffardman , Evtrdl & Fisher
MK.H1 GUy & .Count > UEAI , ESTATE - I
. . . Main St. Councfi Binds. *
INS. CO. Naw York. . .
No.B M. mMa ; 1Ji _ . _ 1914 St. M ry'i A . .OtftHi .
n mm BIIUB riirrufci TManiPiCtll > ilti > * * rf rf Tf " - " /-YI1
Largest Capital and Surplus Your Patronage
< } of Any Banlt in the city. , Is Solicited.
Torcgoj ,4' , KooroH
Pqinb. 011 2j Gloss Go Abstracts of Title
- Wholesale. Santa Rasai.
No. 8. Pearl St. . ARE THE BEST.
, 'lSUl.
< v y4A Between > .A pxv _ a\es ; : f g > |
S KPttgJJgMHICSiM ? ! 3WCTggglrrry j7'T7
Manufacturer of Fine t'ariiajres and liuggiea. H. F HATTENHAUER I always keen in stock a larco variety of eastern
1 have always a full block to select from. . , , make Carrlaj'os , whioli 1 hcllatii vorj low rate.
Call ami examine ! . Prices Low. Aos. ar lo ! II4 E'onrlli Slrvut. _ T am iilwiiys ready to show frooris.
In nuttonliiK a Glove
For the first time do not begin nt the
top button , but with the second or third.
Go on to the lowest button and then ro-
turil to the top one. The strain will not
eomo by this means on the kid of the
upper wrist , si part which it is impor
tant .should lit snugly. Exports say that
you should take oil'a plovo from the
wrist always and never by the finger
tips ; rather iieel it oil , turning all the
fingers inside out. This helps to re
move the slight moisture , and the glove
is better dried and in better shape when
it is turned again to the right side out ,
which should be done before l-.iying it
away. Keep a long box for kid gloves ,
that should never bo rolled into each
other nor lott in a ball , as the moisture
then dries into them and makes them
still and hard. A good lace glove that
is pulled into shape when taken off the
hand and laid neatly away in oven a ,
common corset box , will always look
well while it holds together.
An Abs.Mutc Cure.
Is only put up in Ifirce two ounce tin boxes ,
and is an absolute cure for old sores , burns ,
wounds , chapped hands , and all sltin erup
tions. Will positively ctfro all kinds of piles. '
MENT. Sold by Goodman Urus : Co. at Uo
cents per box by mail til ) cents.
Hallway IlelYcHliiuonts in England
Pall Mall Gazette : Railway refresh
ments in England are proverbially dem
and bad , but they are certainly getting
worse. The sit-down meal is respect
able , and the plates ol eggs and cold
meats are eatable , , but the buns and
sandwiches ( and there is. or would b'o ,
an immense bun and sandwich public )
'ire ' simply atrocious. As a rule , every
thing under a glass cover is stale. Is it
possible that the great linn which con
tracts for so many of our railway sta
tions can bo aware of the disgraceful
way in which the hand-to-mouth re
freshments : ire thrown on tlio public ?
Why do not they appoint periodical inspectors
specters charged to taste these wayside
buns , etc ? Perhaps no onp can bo got
to do tlio tasting in the present state of
aflairs. It would bo no light ordeal ,
Anyhow , the sandwich market is simply
being ruined for want of a little butter-
mustard and fresh bread. The two-penny
sandwich is a fraud dry and taste ,
less while the bun is altogether leath
ery. The sooner this penny-wiso-pound-
foolish policy is checked the better it
will be for the reputation of the contrau
tors and the pockets and palate of the
long-siilToring commercial and uncom
mercial traveller.
When you need ; i.friend select a lure
one. Dr. .loncs' Ucd _ Clover Tonic is
the best friend mankind has for all dis
eases of the liver and kidneys. The
best blood purifier and tonic known.
60o. Goodman Drug company.
To expel mosquitoes , tnko of gum
camphor si piece about one-third the
size of a hen's egg , and evaporate it by
placing it in a tin vessel and holding it
over a lamp , taking care that it docs
not ignito. Tlio smoke will soon fill
the room and expel the mosquitoes ,
and not ono will bo found in the room
next morning , oven though the windows
dews should bo left open at night.
Distress after eating , heartburn , sick
headache and indigestion are cured by
Hood's Sarsaparilla. It creates a good
When stung by a boo or wasp make a
panto of common earth and water , put
on the place at once , and cover with a
Complexion Powder is an absolute
necessity of the refined toilet in this
climnto. Pozzoni's combines every ele
ment of beauty and purity.
SI'nciALnilvcrtlsfinon's , snchas I/ost , round ,
To I.oiui , I'or Sale , To Ui'iit , Wants , llninltni ;
etc. , will bu insertoil in this column at the low
ratoof TF.N UK.S'TS IT.Il i-INK for tha flmt In
sertion and I'JvB OntK 1'er Unu for u.icli subj *
fluent Insertion. I.unvo advoitlsumcuts at our
olllcc. No. ] J I'eiirl Street , near Uroadway , Coun
cil Illutrs Inwu.
- thoi ] \ : * > dummy KrliViy the ! ,
j pocketbooki-ontalnln ; ; thro-bllN , and sil
ver , pair cltihsi-b , und paper * . .Suitable reward
for letnrii. Mis T. A , Clark , S10 HaiTbOii St.
lliSBMAKNi : ( Alco plain hewlni ! ilone nt
J ) . ll-'T Third nvvnuu , or by the ilay.
ItnNT Good liouso of eleven rooins.
ITOIt 1 - t'.J per inontli. I'lt-ubantiy biliiutvil
Inwn , pardon grotmil anil fniit. Apply utolllto
( if Iliiruro liverutt , C/'unncll Illlltla , low.i.
3OH HUNT-l'iirnlblicd and iiiifuriilbliod
roonib , \ \ Itli inoilt-rti convtnlcncus , at Sil
Illiiirt.1. _
IJ'OU HUNT I'or the suniint-r only , ono of tlio
JiilciiBuiitOkt niinll renlili-nrfb In tlio illy , nil
fuinUlied , butli romn. city water , centrally
lociituil. cxrolleiit noljiliburhooa. rmnlly u-jlim
c-a t. Imiiu-'llato i 'h osHlon K'vi'ii. ' Adilicas
Kt-Hldeiu-c , care Hoe oil ce , Coiiiull Illutrg. _
rpo HUNT Immediately , for the summer. 11
X good furnished lioube , 10 rooms ; tlotet ami
bath room ; city water. Apply on premise * . Bli
6th avo.
\ \ U IIAVi : two ID-room brlrk houbes to trade
tor iimrchaiulite Jolniaton ty Van i'utteu.
\\f ANTTo t-xilmiife'0 Nebraska or Wisronsin
i > furm luiuU f r I'uuni'll Ithills or omahii
property or mcrchaiidlbe. . | ' . .McKebbun.
TWII.L buy Rood * second-hand furniture , stov
and carn U ; will pay full Lath value , A
> Iuudcl , UiJ Uroadway. _
\\7ANTii : bto'-ts ol iiioreljAndlao. lhiv
> . Ojnuha and Council Illutrs city property.
alto u vatern laud to exchange for KQods : L' U
on or uddreas Joli'nsou , V t'Hristlau , Kocm ' 33 ,
Cuwuler of Uimiuci-co , Umuba.
"IT OIt SAIjlJ At nlmrKnln. in nrros near stock
4' yards , South Oinnha , Neb. , Johnson it
Christian , Hooin 35 , Chamber of Commurco ,
TANTI2D A llrst-class cook at the Creston
WAXTI2D A place to cnro for horses , milk
and ilo other work In private family , J .K ,
Ileo cilllce , Council HlulTK.
uuii'i ! mimMt
The Roberts Portable and Adjustable
Store shelving is now on exhibition in
J. Noumayor's new building on Broad
way , Council BUilTs. The patentee so
licits your careful investigation , rely
ing upon your judgment and exper
ience with "different systems of helv-
ing. We believe it lo be the bc t and
most practical arrangement for conven
ience ever put in a building. Please
erivo it a thorough examination. The
shelves are neat in construction ; can bo
put up quickly and cheaply ; can be
taken down , moved and set up without
the aid of a mechanic. They adjust
nieoly to the distance desired between
shelves and give the goods a grand and
beautiful display. Every possible ad
vantage is combined in this svstem.
Every merchant should call and see us
for we have the MuuniAXT's FIMKXD.
$15 ,
ThP Morris Tviio Wr.ter Is n pmrtlral , wtll
11UKR' an.l llncly JlnKlii (1 luai liinc. ii nl < o.nliiiuM
the i ) rfi'i t Ii'tli'iMijr , i'xa > t iilllt'iiini'iit , nnd
riijildilMiii. . ' .if . i lilull in licit \viitcr. Tlic KDI-
HN ) MlMI'-O'lUAI'll. ' tiiobpst npiur.itm iniulp
for maniliilillat ; aiituKruiihle ana U.i | > writer
\\ork ; , 1,0 NU-diiies can be taken. TYI'U WltlTlMl
fiujiiilles for sale Send for circulars. The Kx-
cufslur Co. , foiin-ll Illulls.I.i.
Mention tills iiapiT.
Star Stables and Mule Yards
llrowlwny. lountil Illuirs , OM ) . Uu.uniy Dcjiut
Tlorsrs nnd mules constantly on hand , for
ealeut retailer Incur luu > l lots. ,
Unlois promptly lllled by contract on shoit
Stuck Mild on committal' ' > n.
U'eu iiiiunu in. bi iiLf nu s , norj'.v.
Ol'l'ositu ' lUiiaiiiy Duiiut t'umi'il llluir.-i
ttSz "
A Vull Absurtiiii-nt of Ilarnoas Goinla Con-
fctantiy on lluinl.
Keniilriii' Neatly ami I'rmnpHy Done.
NO. 205 MAIN ST. ,
" "
Instructor of Music ,
No. IU Stutpunan strei't , founr il niuUd , anil
B'a .Music Store , JoJ 'o bt cotJiiiuha.
D , H , McOANELD & CO ,
Wool and Furs.
Highest Market i-Tices. Prompt
KSnmil 8. . ! Main Htreei.Cittini.ll
way Conanl lUuda , lo\vx Hbt-
From 15 to 25 Per Cent.
tr" "
Nos. II & 13 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs.
1842. 1878
CO , ,
Kspcclally A lai ted for
25 TO 300
POWER , Mills and Elevators ,
- : - - .
Ppeciflc.xtlons iitul estimates furnished for complete steam plants. KegulRtlon , Durability Guar
anteed. Can show letters from mers wheie fuel Economy Is equal with C'orllss Nou-Coiidvusiiig.
si ; , < > r'iE , ICMJITS , IOWA.
Send for Catalogue , E. C. HARRIS , Manager.
HDIRl/IWPINF - Hydraulic and Sanitary Engineer. Plans , Estimates ,
, Dinm nDlnu. Specifications. Supervision of 1'ublic Work. Brown
Building , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
CIMI CV Dl IDUT Attorney at Law , Second Floor Brown Building , 115
T I IN LL Y DU I ll\L" Pearl St. . Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Justice oi the Peace. Olllcc over American Express , No. 419
NOPUMD7 - Bioadway , Council Blnllb , Iowa.
Si QIMQ Attorneys at Law , Practice in the State and Fed era
06 OIlVlO" " Comts. Onice Rooms ? and 8 , Sliugart-Beno Block ,
Council H hill's , Iowa.
P HA7FNPcnt'st ' > Corner Main Street and First Avenue , Counci
- -
Bluffs , Iowa.
CA \ \ I\/IDF / DI I M 1\/I / P HiioclnllHt in illsi-nsps . of live. . Hur , Nose nnd
Mil LHAVmrm N VL U ' " 'r-nt. ( iIuss , .A imit..lvl'ivvriled. Cut-
_ ,
, I ! \J I ir\IM LJl-l lil I 1 , Kli u nnrh treated In mull all i r lr.t ! consultation.
Ofllrpror. Main' ttci-t mi'l UroaiUvny. Iteslilent e , 010 lllull St. Jlouih K , ; . ' toO , 7XJ : ! toBW. ;
Coiinuil lilulliowa. .
DR. C. B. J U D D ,
ES § Tff&Tfi$3P PKB TC ( I3SSTI KB BJ TESSI * " 5s
L tbiiiallU E'j Li Mil &L .uBrdali . B
No. 6OG Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
WANTED Good Salesmen on large commission or salary.
ir vow aiAVfl ASV
Call on M. MICOIII.ICII , 5t8 : Itroiulu'ajvliurc you will receive
lliw Iliuliesl faili 1'rho.
'S '
Wrought and .llltollKltic'S I -FOR
.llltollKltic Jllf/liciit Kcoiioniy ,
H. Xcw a1id Ilinid EJDS5J I I ! LJ tilmitUellu and
Nos. 1100 to 1200 , Tenth AVI nuo , C'ouucil JMulTu.I'i. ' Telephone 1 0 ,
3XXC O 3ST 33
You can gut It la any amount , on fitlier s'uut '
or long time , omhaital or real < , uJi > M < rliy
jlu.rcjl ) mute of nil kinds. LVjl 01 : i au
I , J ) . Crutu , M } JJroadway , touuul lilu.Uw
. .
t4 SP w.i.W * * * * *
II. ( iltAl'L ,
SO. 01 i ; . ItltOADUAV.
Alt Kinds of Steam Boilers & Sheet I'on Wort ,
61 ders by mall for repairs promptly tittendod
to , SatUfuctlun iiiuraiUeeii. Oth Avenue. Ad >
dttii O dco IJollvrVorlu. . Council lllJJ