Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 23, 1888, Page 2, Image 2

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Senatorial Aspirants Eagerly Scan
Convention Bulletins.
A 1'olnonlnjr Cnso In Jtnlttmnro in
AVhluli Kormcrlownrn nro tlic I'nr *
ties Xho Jp | > nrt merit's Ilcport
on lotva AVIient.
Tlirlr Minds on Chicago.
WASIII.NOTOX , I ) . C. , June 22 , )
Although the senate was not In Bossioti
lo-day , Sherman , Allison nnd Hawley wore
nt the capitnl as early as 10:80 : o'clock. Alll-
Ken hnd to uttond n meeting of the commit
tee on appropriation , of which ho is chair
man , nnd Sherman nnd Hawley wont thcro
because they could got the convention news
much quicker nnd more easily than anywhere -
where else. Sherman was accompanied by
his private secretary , who prepared n tabu
lated Rchcdulo for each ballot , giving the
vote of each state for the several aspirants
for the nomination. Other than these thrco
Kcnators nnd two or thrco members of the
appropriation committee thcro was not n sen
ator to bo seen about the capltol. The day
was Intensely hot , nnd those who took an In
terest In the bulletins arranged with the ser-
Rcanl-at-arms' ofllco to have them sent
lo their residences by pages , mounted on
horseback. About n dozen senators , both
democrats nnd republicans , took advantage
Df this arrangement and the page boys were
ordered on duty and extra horses hired for
them to ride nnd deliver the manifold copy of
the convention bulletins as they wore ro-
colvcd at the capltol. A half dozen or so
bulletins would bo allowed to accumulate
L ; when u mounted page would start over the
B M town to deliver them at the residences of tlio
various senators desiring them.
During the afternoon Mr. Allison Hat with
his committee considering the salary appro
priation bill , and when the bulletins wcro
ffcnt into the committee room , Allison would
Interrupt the piocccdlngs to road them
Beck , Plumb and other members of the com
mittee jibbed the chairman , and nftcr n little
interruption .Allison would call his committee
to order and business would go un till the
next bulletin , when the same thing would bo
repeated with Blight , variations , according to
the character of the news contained.
Hawley spent most of the time in Don
Cameron's committee room , but after the
bulletins began to come with more frequency
lie went over to Sherman's room and sat with
him. Ho carried the sumo serious and gruvo
nir that has characterized him ever since Ills
liooiii began to bo talked about , It is said
that ho received a private telegram from
Chicago last night telling him that every
thing pointed to Blainu's nomination , nnd
that It was no use for the Connecticut dele
gation to hang un forhlm. His friends hope
that some western aspirant will bo nominated
for first-place and that Hawlcy will bo tukeu
Up for second.
About an hour before the convention met
Mr. Sherman was in communication with his
managers over a special wire which runs into
the olllco of the secretary of the senate. Dur
ing the afternoon the wires wcro kept busy
With private dispatches to nnd from
both Sherman nnd Allison. It is
Bald that when the bulletin
nnnounclng that the state of Arkansas gave
Alger fourteen votes was received Sherman
wi § very much surprised. He had confidently
expected to get the bulk of the Arkansas del
egation on the second or third ballot , and ho
Vras greatly concerned when the third ballot
was announced that Arkansas stuck to the
The house puttered away with the consid
eration of the sundry civil appropriation bill ,
completed It , and took up the naval bill , but
thcro was more interest taken in the bulletin
business than in legislation , The bulletins
received by the press associations nnd the
tolcgruph company , in the reporters' gallery
Wore dropped from the galleries on the floor
of the house nnd distributed to members on
both sides. In addition to these there wore
bulletin boards up in a half dozen places in
the corridors , around which congressmen.of-
llcluls nnd employes congregated as long as
Iho dispatches were received.
Mrs. George It. Johnston , late of Villlaca ,
Montgomery county , Iowa , Is in Jail at Bal-
limoro , charged with poisoning her husband.
Johnston married his mother-in-law. Ho
tvas n laborer nnd his wife took in washing.
Two weeks ago ho sickened and suddenly
died. The doctor thought ho had a bilious
Uttack , but about the time of his death de
tected poisonInp. Ho called another physi
cian , and they agreed that the symptoms
ivcro'thoso of poisoning. A post mortem ex-
buiinution was held and it was shown
llmt the man had died from
"Uough on Uats. " While- the post mortem
Examination was In progress Mrs. Johnston
Ivas discovered secreting the box. which was
icarly empty. Kho hud been heard to re-
nark that her husband was no good , nnd
hat she would bo belter off without him.
The coroner's Jury declared that poison was
hocausoof death , but did not specify as to
ho poisoner , simply saying that the poison
vus administered by a person or persons un-
mown. After the funeral Oscar Johnston ,
irothor of the dead man , swore out an in-
'ormatlon , charging the widow with admin-
storiug the poison. There was a prelimi
nary examination , nnd the woman bus boon
liold to answer the charge. She Is45 yoara
bid , small in stature , sharp In features , with
eyes that nro restless nnd keen. She is bold
In her demeanor. Johnston was her thin ]
husband , and she his second wife. It 1 =
f tatou that her other husbands , who died in
ICansas , caino to their death under circum-
tftances Urn } puzzled thephysicians. . II
oks as though the wornuu would e ° to the
Ipenltcntiary ,
A special bulletin has just been issued at
tha department of agriculture on the condl
lion of the growing wheat throughout th (
country , from which the following , rolatlnp
lo the crop in Iowa , is taken : The month o :
May was cold and wet and frosts have boor
Irequcnt. The last week of the month wu ;
more fuvorablo and corn planting was bnsl
In all northern Iowa. Winter wheat lias 1m
iirovcd considerably iluringMay , although no1
brought forward as much as usual , and reports
ports show its condition quite spotted. Tin
condition of spring wheat is fair , and will
good weather from now on the crop will fai
exceed that of last year. The acreage o ;
Cuts is disappointing , but the condition I :
cenorally good. Clover is doing better thai
untlcipatcd a month ago , It has spread am
Is making a fair stand whore it looked thin
Frosts damaged the fruit crop , but the nroi
Hill promises fair. PJJUHY S. HBAIII ,
* .
NelirnwUix nnd I own 1'onnlonB ,
'WASHINGTON , Juno 23. [ Special Tolegran
to Tiis BUB. ] The follow ing pensions wen
granted Nobrusknns to-day : Original in
valid John O , Wagoner , BennettStophoi
Mnrcoy , Omaha ; Phillip Wochorslwin , Wooi
ailvcr ; James II. Wolkor , Wavorly. Keissu
lllchard Buoy , Qloncoo. Original widows
t-U ) . Minors of Frank Flynn , David City
tioorgo , father of George Stuco , jr. , Nc
lratta ! City.
Vcuslons for lowans : Original invalid-
TjCwfs Wulls , Kamrar ; Jerome Seaburj
Union1 Thomas B. Hendricks , Yalloria
"Warren Hogors , Marathon ; Joseph \V , San
1 orn , Center Point ; Jnme H. Iteoves , Chcs
twlli Id : AlonzoO , Abby , North wood ; Will
iiia : P. Park. Alluntown ; Michael Chirk , Ml
S'lflcsant ! William H. King , Farley ; J. 1) )
riau Ren , Qrocn Mountain : Lorenzo 1) . Bates
O'in ; Aaron O. Barncll , Sliellsbui-y ; Andrm
i ) . lumusr , Washington. Incroasu Churlc
A. Foot , Mt. Etna. Uoissuo George 11
DavU , Fort Madison. Mexican widows-
Mai y V , , widow of. Uobcrt J. Boyle , Contei
An Expensive Full.
BT , JosBfn , Mo. , Jiuio 23. [ Special Tel <
pram to TUB BEE , ! A Yordiot for ? 10,00
Was returned today against the city of St
C'oroph nnd in favor of W. H. Meyer , wh
loll into the excavation of the power hous
lit Fifteenth street and Grand avenue o
July 91-1837. ' Mayor broke both kips , an
Vvcvivcd internal injuries.
A Meeting Held l > j- the Stockholders
In Denver.
DKNVEH , Colo. , Juno W. fSpcclnl Tele-
grain to Tnn Br.n. ] At the annual meeting
of the storkholdcts of the Nicaragua Canal
instruction company , held hero Inst night ,
t was decided to wait no longer for congress
o grant them n charter , but to Incorporate
mmcdiatcly under the laws of Colorado.
This decision was arrived at for several
reasons , ono being that the laws of this
state give them greater scope under which
o work than they could expect to get from
congress , or from nny , other state , and
another important fact Is that the rollwny fa
cilities of Colorado are better suited to them
ban those of any other state in the union ,
leports from engineers now in
ho field wcro received giving the
estimated cost of the canal ,
at S.V,000,000. ) In order to have stifllcicnt
noncy to cover nil expenses the company do-
idod to double this amount nnd Incorporate
vith n capital of $100,000,000 with the head
ofllco in Denver.
Among those present were Hiram Hitch
cock , owner of the Fifth avenue hotel , Now
York ; Frederick Billings , ex-president of
ho Northern Pacific ; J. F. O'Shaughnessy ,
ho southern cotton oil producer now of Now
York ; Charles P. Daly , ox-chief Justice of
court of common pleas , Now York ; Horace
j. Hotchkiss , a banker of Now York ; J , W.
tllllor , manager of the Boston and Provi-
lenco Steamship company , New York ;
Colonel H. C. Taylor , of vho United States
lavy ; C. Uldgloy Ooodwin , Baltimore ;
Uoxnndcr I. Mason , of the law firm of Dally ,
White & Mason , Now York ; Allen' F.
ledges , of New York ; H. A. Lan
caster , representing Louisiana stock holders ,
\ . C. Cheney , president of the Garlleld Nn-
lonal bank. Now York , and Francis A.
Stout , president of the Nicaraquu Canal
company. The directors chosen were 113 fol-
ows : Francis A. Stout , Hiram Hitchcock ,
Frederick Billings , J. F. O'Shaiighncssy ,
Charles P , Duly , Horace L. Hotchkiss , W.
Miller , H. C. Taylor , C. Hidgley Goodwin ,
Alexander T. Mason , Allen F. Hedges , U. A.
Lancaster and A. C. Choroy. The officers
elected were : President , Francis A. Stout ,
Now York ; vice president , H. O. Taylor ,
United States navy ; .r. W. Miller , New
York , secretary ; H. H. Hotchkiss. New
York , treasurer ; attorneys. Daily , White &
Mason. The company decided to begin work
m the canal September 1 , nnd calculated to
mvo it completed and in operation in five
, 'cars. A meeting of the directors to tnkcppo-
iuiinary stops and act upon the reports
ilaccd upon lllo at this meeting will bo hold
n the Now York ofllee in u few days. The
route of the canal Is from Graytown on the
Caribbean sea to Brito on the Paclllc coast.
: t goes up the river San Juan and thcnco to
Lake Nicaragua. The total length is almost
nil water with the exception of forty miles of
excavation. Its superiority to the Panama
route has already been demonstrated in the
iress through the government reports and in
.ho discussion in congress. The directors
noted witli satisfaction that u platform intro-
luecd in the convention at Chicago about the
lour they themselves \\ere in session favored
the construction of their route.
Commencement at Columbus.
CoujMnus , Nob. , Juno 22. Special Tele
gram to Tun Bii : . ] Sixteen students gradu
ated from the Columbus High school this
evening. The opera house , where the grad
uation exorcises wcro held , was cora-
ilctcly filled. The salutatory address
was delivered by George W. Whalcy.
Walter Henry spoke on Julius Caesar , and
Albert Porker eulogized Hoscoc Conkling.
"Tho Bud and Bloom of Life , " was the sub-
cct of a well written essay by Nettie Andcr-
ion. "Memory" was the subject of nn essay
> y Jennie A. Sacrider. The character of
Napoleon Bonaparte was discussed by Wilk
apeico. In her cssuy on ' Sentiment and
feeling , " MInnie Mcagher did the subject
u slice and received great applause. KtTti
M. ' "Fashion"
Beardsley's essay on was
well delivered and well received. Abbio
Dinno obtained the warmest appluuso of the
evening when she delivered her essay on
"Cranks. " Ono oi the best things of the
evening was the speech of Eddlo Ballon on
"Writing.Education" was the subject of
T well delivered oration by Earlo PcurMill.
"The Dawn of History" was the subject of
an oration by Bert Galley , which showed
deep penetration of thought. In his s ] > eech
on "Words" Jesse Bcchcr won rounds of
applause. Ernest Gorrard chose as the sub
ject of his oration , -'The Study of History , "
which was well unlivered and well received.
3. A. Sheldon's well written oration bad for
its subject "War. " The valedictory address
was delivered by Willie Coolidge.
Tlie Ornnd Lodge Adjournn.
LINCOLN , Nob. , Juno 22. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BCK.J The grand lodge of
Masons adjourned this afternoon , having
concluded one of the largest and most inter
esting sessions In the history of the order in
the state. In addition to the elective officers
reported yesterday , the following appoint
ments were- made : Grand chaplain , Uev.
Jacob A. Hood of Schuylcr ; grand orator ,
Henry H. Wilson , Lincoln ; grand custodian ,
Leo P. Gillette , Beatrice : grand marshal ,
Samuel P. Davidson , Tecumsch ; grand
hcnior deacon , Lewis A. Kent , Minden ;
grand Junior deacon , Edward C. Jackson ,
Blair ; grand tiler , Jacob King , Papillion ,
The- attendance at this session of the graml
lodge numbered some of the most prominent
mon in the state and was a notable gath
AVnndcrcd Away.
Lour CITV , Neb. , Juno 22 , [ Special toTm
BIK. : ] Oliver D. Whltjnoro , a young farmci
who lives on Cobb creek , about seven miles
from this city , left lib homo last Friday nni
has since successfully oiudod his friends whc
have been searching for him. Ho had become
como very much interested in the subject o :
santitlcatlon and his actions for a couple o :
hours before ho loft homo convinced hi !
friends that his mind was deranges. H (
borrowed a small sum of money from tin
First National bank and wrote his wife from
St. Paul , Neb. , advising her of the transac
tion and stating that no hail now gone "tc
work for the Lord. " Ho has been tracei11 (
Omaha but thcro the trail is lost. He ha !
been married only about eight months ant
his wife is greatly distressed over his disap
pearunco. _
A .Sudden Heath.
GBAND , ISLAND , Neb. , Juoo 22. ISpecla
Telegram to Tun BEE. ] Mrs. Allison Ocn
nison , the wife of a prominent photographo
of this city , fell dead on the sidewalk 01
Thiul street at 4:30 : this afternoon. She hai
been shopping , and as the afternoon wa
very hot was thought to have faintod. Bt
Stinyfrllow , on arriving , pronounced Ufa t <
bo extinct. Her deatli was duo to pamlysl
of the heart. Mrs. Dennir.ou leaves n hue
band , two children uwt a host of admiriiij
friends , who tnuuru her sudden death.
Voted Honda.
HASTINGS , Nob. , Juno 31. [ Special Tel <
gram to TimBjtc. ] The special election her
to-day on the proposition to issue f 15,000 i :
city bonds for the extension of the wato
mams carried by a nearly unanimous vote
No special interest was aroused , owing t
lack of opposition , and the vote was vor ;
light. _
Burglars at Columbus.
Coi.ujinus , Neb. , Juno 22 , [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BKB , ] Burglars entered th
roftldenco of Dr. Hoclmn , In the eastern par
of the city , last night , nnd took a valuabl
watch , f-JO In money and n number of srnal
articles , A number of other houses wcro oi ;
torcd , but With small losses.
An Kscnjicd Murderer Captured.
MINUEN , Neb. , Juno SJ. [ Special ToU
gram to TJIU BEE. ] John Golnn , who brok
jail at Cheyenne , Wyo. , Sunday evening
was arrested by Sheriff Hill , of Kearno ,
county , ono inllo east of Mlnden. Shcri :
Hill was asiUtod by the sheriff of Buffal
county. Gehra's crima is thai of murder.
. .
i. i
Drowned M'lillo Bathing.
Pnii.inr.i.fuu , Juno i3. ! Thrco boys wer
drowned to-day vrhllo battling in the canal.
DriuU Malto , 25 centsabottlo.
Blalno RofXisos to Answer Pointed
Political Questions.
The Interview With CnrncRle. In
Which Ho Admitted "Jlnrkls Wns
AVillliiV' Deulnrcd nri Uiunltl-
lntcd Falsehood.
An Interview With IJInlno.
[ flnpirfiMSSS dJamc | / * ( Jordan H'mielM
MrMto'r : , Scotland , Jutm 22. | No\v York
Herald Cubic Special to Tnr. Unn.J I saw
Mr. Cnrncglo this ovctilng. I nsUpd him
whether the interview the Sun reporter
cabled to London reporting him ns having
s > nltl If lilnlno was nonilnntcd he would nc-
ccpt was true. Mr. Carnegie replied : "I
? lvo you my authority to say that I cinphat-
oally deny havlnp made any such statement ,
can scarcely buliovo that the Suu corre
spondent could have sent any such message ,
ns I never conveyed such meaning. On the
contrary I may toll you that since our
rip began , Mr. Ulaino and myself
mvo not talked n word of politics. AVe of
ho party have observed a courteous silence
on the subject. Mr. Blalno has not tempted
us to break It. What I have said all along ,
especially to the Herald correspondent
recks ago , Is that under certain circum-
lances I thought Ulnlno ought to and would
accept , IJliuno has seen that interview , in
ho Herald mid has never , said ono word
igalnst it.
"I asked Mr. Carnegie , "Who do you
hlnk is the likely man ? Is it Sherman. "
"Well , 1 really cannot say , but ho has
rained ten votes you sec over the second
lallot , but it looks to mo very like some dark
torso. I urn in hopes that everything will bo
ottlcd to-morrow. "
The coaching party will start at 9:30 : to-
norrow. Hlnino was presented at Jedburgh
vith a real Scotch plaid , us was Mrs. Car
negie , by two admiring citizens , and Ulaino
ooks highly _ presidential ns , wrapped in
t and looking over the folds , he ro-
ains his sphynx-liko silence on the
loliticul situation. Ho is kept well informed
> y cablegrams at every place. "VVheii the
coach stopped hero todayhe said , "I have
lot seen any member of the press to talk to
and I am not in a position to speak at pres
ent. " I asked him whether in case ho was
nominated to-morrow ho would accept. Ho
leroinptoHly refused to answer this , but his
lenieanor suggested that ho would accept if
ho convention became unanimous. Game-
do has been also generally silent on the sub-
cct. Mr. ttlalno is silent to personal friends.
: "or instance , Mr. Joseph Cowen , late M. P.
for Newcastlo-on-Tyno , nskcil him for views
about politics for publication in his paper ,
the Cnroniole , when passing through New
castle , but he refused and added : "Any ac
counts pu fished purporting to represent In-
erviows with mo nro purely iictionnl , " Thus
n his own words hu must not bo credited
with expressions purporting to como from
Another of the coaching party said to mo
to-day : "Blaino does not talk a word about
) olitics to any of us , ex-cept possibly Carnc-
; ie. Although very loquacious on other sub-
octs , by common consent politics is taboed
among us , "
The drives the few past days have been
short , each day an average of only fourteen
miles , but to-morrow will come n very heavy
lay's work , thirty-six miles to Edinburgh ,
, ho longest day's travel so far. Then the
lorses will have to show what
they are made of. After Edinburgh's
-oads have been traveled the route is very
illly all the way up to Cheny castlo. If in
Edinburgh Hlaino should receive and accept
.ho nomination it would seem that natural
ized Scotsmen should ewe him their ballot
of allegiance. Then what a send off to a
campaign could there not bo evolved when
: ho well coached candidate should cntorNcw
York harbor.
This Dally Itoutlno of Dimdnlk Irk-
Homo to tin : Purncllitc.
ISSSIii/Jinnct donJun Ihnnett. ' ]
DUBLIN , June 22. [ New York Herald
Cable Special to TUB UEE. ] Mr. Dillon
took three hours' exercise In the grounds at
tached to the infirmary of Dundalk jail. Ho
took his exercise nlone and at ono time ap
peared In a very thoughtful moou. The doc
tor of the'inflrmary paid him an ofilcial visit
and chatted freely with him. Mr. Dillon
made no complaint , but spoke cheerfully and
kindly of the ofllcials of the jail , among
whom there is naturally a desire
to treat the distinguished prisoner with the
deference becoming his position. There
does not appear to bo any intention on the
part of the authorities at present to remove
him to any other prison , but it Is difilcult tc
say how long ho may bo permitted to remain
in Dundalk , since some of the local justices
have shown an interest in his wolfiu-o. Mes
sages of sympathy and indignation continue
to arrive from every quarter of the empire
but they do not reach Mr. Dillon.
The ofliclals have strict orders to prevent anj
communication being made to him except
through authorized channels. The prison it
self is situated in a healthy district and Is
considered one of the best in Ireland , but tc
n man of Mr. Dillon's habits , delicate- consti
tution and sensitive nature , the routlnu ol
prison life must bo very irkfaomo for sii
Drink Mnlto at soda fountain.
GUIIQ to Glory.
L.OUISVII.LK , Juno 22. William Patterson
was hanged this morning at 0:10 : in the yard
of the JutToMon county j.ill. Ilofsn colored
man and was convicted with another colored
man , Albert Turner , for assaulting ami
fatally beating Miss JenntoHowman on Aprl
23 , Ibs7. Patterson protested his umocenco ,
Beware of Scrofula
Scrofula is probably more general than any
other disease. It is insidious In character ,
and manifest ! . Itself in running gores , pustular
eruptions , bolls , swellings , enlarged joints ,
abscesses , sere eyes , etc. Hood's Sarsaparilla
expels all trace of scrofula from the blood ,
leaving it pure , enriched , and healthy.
" I vras severely afflicted with scrofula , and
over a year had two running sores on my neck.
Took are bottles Hood's Barsaparlil.i , and am
cured. " 0. E. LOVKJOY , Lowell , Mais.
O. A. Arnold , Arnold , Me. , had scrofulous
sores for seven years , spring aud fall. Hood's
fiarsajiarllla cured him.
Salt Rheum
Is one of tbo most dUagreeablo diseases caused
by impure blood. It Is readily cured by Hood's
Sarsaparllla , the great Mood purifier.
\Yllllara Spies , Klyrla , O. , suffered greatly
from erysipelas and cult rheum , caused by
handling tobacco. At times Ms hands would
crack open andUecd. Ho tried various prep
arations without Hid ) finally took Hood's Bar-
Baparllla , and now says : " I ara entirely well. "
'My son had salt rhcnm on Ms hands and
on tha drive * of Ms legs. Ho took Hood's
Sarsaparilla and U entirely cured. " J. B.
ttauton , Mt. Vernon , Ohio.
Hood's Sarsaparllla
ColdI > 7alldrvggtiti. fl | liforfJ. lUdeoolf
17 a I. UOOD & CO. , Apotbic&rlu , Lowell , Mt * .
IOO DOSOB Ono Dollar
Chlcnrto'12 , PI It Mm rg 0.
CttiCAflo , Juno 23. The game to-day be-
twoori Clilcngo and Elttsburg resulted ns fol
lows t i
Chicago 1 0 0 0 0 11 0 0 0 12
Plttsburg 1 0
Pitchers Hrynn 'and Gnlvln .Uino hits-
Chicago IS , Pittslmrg 0. Errors Chicago 0 ,
1'ittaburg 0. Umpire Lynch ,
Detroit 8 , InillnnapollH 7.
DnrnotT , Juno 2-JTi-Tho game to-day be-
twccn Detroit nnd Indianapolis resulted as
follows :
Detroit 0 S
Indianapolis 0 7
PItchers-Grubbr'imd Moffett. Haso hits
Detroit in , IndirtiinpolU 0. Errors Do-
trolt 7 , Indianapolis 5. Umpire Valentino.
Host on 1 , New Vorlc 2.
BOSTON , Juno 22. The game between Bos
ton and Now York to-day resulted ns fol
lows :
Boston 0 00100000 1
New York 0 10000001 2
Pitchers Madden and Welch. Bnso lilts
Boston 2 , New York B. Errors Boston ,
New York 7. Umpire Daniels.
Cincinnati j ( ) , Ijoulsvlllo 8.
CIXCI.VXATI , Juno 83. The tramo between
Cincinnati and .Loulsvlllo to-day resulted as
follows :
Cincinnati. ! ] 200001200 2-10
Loulsvlllo. 3 0 1 100 00300 8
Athletics n , Brooklyn .
Piin.uiKi.riiu , Juno 21. The game bo-
twocn Brooklyn and the Athletics toliiy
resulted as follows :
Athletics 1 00001000 G
Brooklyn 2 01010000 4
Kansas City 1 , St. Louis 8.
KANSAS CITT , Juno 32. The game between
Kansas City and St. Louis to-day resulted us
follows :
Kansas City 0 0000000 1 1
St. Louis 0 2012003 * S
Ilnltlniorc n , Cleveland O.
BALTIMOHI : , Juno 22. The game between
Baltimore and Cleveland to-day resulted ns
follows :
Baltimore 0 0000014 5
Cleveland 4 0010010 0
St. Louis O , DOS Molne.s 0.
ST. Levi < , Juno 22. [ Special Telegram to
Tin : Knn. ] There was n lively row at the St.
Louis-Dcs Moincs Western association game
to-dny. When DCS Moincs took the flold
they were surprised to BUG Dovlin , the left-
handed pltcner of the Browns , make prepara
tions to Captain Muciillar immediately
asked Umpire Hogan to call "time" and tolil
Malinger Loftus that Des Moincs would not
piny if Devlin wus allowed to play in the
Whites. Loftus replied that it was not in
tended to pitch Devlin , but he would cover
left field. Mnnngor Morton then took part
in the discussion and backed up Mncullar.
they wrangled for fifteen minutes , and then
the DCS MoiiicS team loft the tlold. Umpire
Hogan decided the gaino in favor of Des
Monies , because Devlin Is an American asso
ciation player. Vori Der Ahe says ho will
put Devlin in again to-morrow.
No Game nt Knnsiis City.
KANSAS CITV , Juno 2i [ Special to TUB
Bin : . ] Muddy grounds again prevented the
Kansas City-Omaha $ rame.
Invents nt Sliocpilicntl liny.
NEW YoitK. Juno1 lij. To-day's result of
the Shcopshead bay races :
mill Boss Telie Doe
Seven-eighth ) > won ,
second , Balston third. , Time l:2s' : .
Threc-qimrtcr mile Auranin won , Harrisburg -
burg second , , | . A. IJ.ithird. Time 1 : li ! .
One mile and a hull Prince Hoyal won ,
Sir Dixon second- Defense third. Time
Ono mile and .in quarter Favor won ,
( " rover Cleveland bocond , The Bourbon
third. Time 2liJrj. : )
Ono milo and a lurlong Swift won , Inspector
specter B second , Choctaw third. Time.
1:54)4. :
Three quarters of a mile , on crasi Volun
teer won , Victrcbs second , Iris third. Time
IjaBt Day nt Cedar ICupklH.
CKIIIU UAI-IIIS , la. , Juno2J. At the last
day of the races there was a small attc nd
ancc. Owing to the ruin the track was
heavy and slow.
Two-fifty trotting Henry II won , Fagle-
mnn sccaiid , Forrest Wllkcs third , John G
Fourth. Best time-2 : ! ! ! % .
Two-twenty trotting class MeLcod won ,
Black Diamond second. Bust time 2:21) : ) .
Only two starters.
Tjoonl Itnsu Hull
Kansas City , too , hull rather a rocky oxpo-
riunco on their trin.
The northern teams will till take u tumble
within the next two weeks.
The Sporting Life snys Oinnhu is weak at
first , third and behind the but.
Manges' cowboys will bo hero for n braro
of games on the Fourth.
The Oniahan have been unable to play for
four duyti on account of rain.
O'Connoll hopes to bo able to resume his
place on the team by Tuesday next.
An immense crowd will assemble nt the
ball park Tuesday next to welcome the boys
Secretary Worloy says that no expense
will bo spared in strcngtiicniiiK u | > the team
and giving the people the kind of bull they
were so confidently led to expect this season.
The cnorKctlo secretary is in no wise discour
aged over the team's stumlnitf nnd nvers that
when onca upon their own cellar door a ain
they will pull up rapidly in the liRht.
The John J. Hiirdms and the Cranes play
at the ball park Sunday. Ifardin says bo's
goin' to smash 'oui.
Harry Salisbury and Frank Handel will
constitute the C. J5. Mtiyno battery at tlio
ball park this aflernodn.
Oin'ahu'fl weakest point is behind the bat.
She must huvo nt least one more class ,
reliable catcher or kiss her hand to the pun-
The team will bo homo Monday evening
for u month's slay. Tuesday they open up a
Boricsof tlireo games with the emasculated
St. Loui9 , Whites.
"That's the Way Harry" Crooks , of the
St. Louis Whites , has boon purchased by the
Onuilia management , and will probably ho
played at third. Dor.ui will bo lele.ised. en
Omahu is after the veteran catcher , Tom
Dolun. When nut playing ho would bo a
Kood attraction for the Kden Mtisoo us "tho
man almost us old us Orator Shafur. "
Lop off all useless timber and put mono
in new nnd good material. Tlioro nro at
least thrco men at present on the Omaha
pay roll who uro of no earthly benelit to tlio
Jnck Mossitt writes Tnc BEU thut ho is delighted -
lighted with London , but not to the extent
ho was with Omaha. Ho bemoans the boys
hard luck , but predicts that they will yet redeem -
deem themselves.
The Crane Hrothers and C. K. Maynes , of
the City league , play this afternoon nt
the ball purk. JJotb tcauia buvo been recently -
contly strengthened , and u stubborn contest
may bo looked for.
Jack O'Connor , of the Cincinnatis , is the
kind of u catcher the Omaha'a need. The old ,
played-out veterans of.a . ( juurtor uf n cen
tury tipo are not the wtuff to ini'uso renewed
lifo and energy in u team in hard luck.
Plttsburg has purchased both JJuckloy ,
first base , nnd Staloy , pitcher , of the St.
Louis Whites. Ueckloy played in Thurs
day's gamu with the Ciiicagos.and his timely
hitting and great playing did much toward
winning the gamo.
A game was plavcd yesterday afternoon
between the Clark * and the North Onmhns ,
which was won bv the North Omahaa by ti
i. : ' n * . und Austin
score of 27 to ( < .T Young
tin for the Oimi'uaa , und Springuto and Trail ]
for the Ulurlis.
Two Younjr Jjaillcs Hob a Jcwelrj
Store One Arrested.
The arrest of Kitty Hammond yesterdaj
brings to light tt rather daring diamond thof I
perpetrated at S. Frackmnn'a Jewelry store ,
Thirteenth and Howard streets , on last Fri
.day. Ou tlio aftcruoou o.f that dajr Nor :
Brown and Klttlo Hammond , two dtylUhly
Sressod nnd nttractivo nppcnrintr youiiK
ladles , stepped intd that Jewelry
store and nskcd to sco sotno rings , The ac
commodating clerk showed them n number
of trnj's , nnd nmong them ono containing n.
number of diamond rings. The clerk was
called to nnother part of the store , nnd on
returning the young ) Indies told him that
they could not find any to suit
them and loft the store. Shortly
nftcrwiirda the clerk discovered
tlmt two diamond rliiRS were missing
from the tray nnd informed Mr. Fraekman oi
their disappearance , and also who the lR t
persons were to whom they wcro shown. Mr.
1' rackinnn , fearing a recourse to law would
bo too expensive a luxury , roiolvcd to work
the matter out himself. . Yesterday after
noon n third young Inily named Mrs. Sarah
laird , mid nn Intlnintcfriend of Nornh Drown
cnmo Into Frackmuns Jewelry store to get
some work done , when the pro
prietor discovered on her hand ono of the
stolen rings. Ho in formed the police of the
matter , and the ofllcers , on hunting Mrs.
Izard up , discovered that Kitty Hammond
was with her. At llrat both ladles denied
nil knowledge of the missing rings , but
finally confessed that each of them had ono
of the stolen articles. The rings , they said ,
hnd been taken from .tho trny by Nornh
Hrowu , but before leaving the store
she had given ono of them to Kitty Ham
mond. The other she hnd temporarily loaned
to Mrs. lard. The ofllcers decided to nrrcst
Kitty , but Mrs. Izard insisted on remaining
with her nnd nnd the two wcro locked up to
gether in the woman's apartment at the cen
tral station , A warrant has been Issued
for Nora Urown's arrest , but as
yet she has not been found. Only
night before last she was married to Prod
Lobold and on ono of her lingers sparkled
the stolen Jewel. Yesterday she loaned the
ring to Mrs. Iznrd. Hoth rings are now in
possession of the police.
Kittle , who is a girl of about eighteen , has
other trouble on her mind , ns it is wild she Is
to become a mother shortly. The follow who
ruined her is a railroad man , and ho has de
serted her.
"Mnoolii Traveling Men. "
LINCOLNNob. . , Juno 21. We hereby accept
your challenge to play n championship game
of ba < o ball , ns published in Tun OMAHA Hin
and Lincoln Journal , nnd naino Saturday ,
July 14 , and Hustings , Nob. , the date nnd
place of meeting. None but traveling men ,
actively encaged on the rend , to constitute
players in either club.
The St. 1'niil & Kansas City MiiHt
Moot tlio Commission.
WASHINGTON , Juno 22. The following
Important orders were to-day promulgated by
Iho inter-stato commerce commission in the
matter of the Chicago , St. 1'uul & Kansas
City railway company.
Whereas , A communication has been re
ceived from the Chicago , St. Paul &
Kansas City Railway company informing
the commission that rates have been put
in effect on its line between Chicago nnd St.
Paul which are loss than tlio rates in effect
from said ofllccs to intermediate points on
the sanio line , the same being a prima facie
violation of the fourth section of the act to
rcpuluto commerce , it is therefore ordered ,
that said company bo notified that a public
session of the commission will bo held
nt the United states court house in
Dubuqtto on the 25th of July , at which time
and place siiid mutter will Do Investigated
and opportunity bo given said company to
introduce evidence , and bo heard in Justillca-
tlonof said rates. It is further ordered
that opportunity be given them for that pur
pose nt said time and place , and that they
are notified thereof of tlio publication of a
copy of this order in certain newspapers to
be hereafter designated : und
Whoreus.Otherrailroad companies engaged
in traftic between Chicago and St. Paul nnd
Minneapolis , urc also interested in tbo mat
ter above stated , and the basis upon which
rates may be lawfully made in respect to
such tmfllc , it is further ordered , thut oppor
tunity be given them at such time and place
to bo heard thereon and notice thereof be
given by mailing u copy of this
order to the following named compa
nies : Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul ,
Wisconsin Central , Chicago & Northwestern ,
Minneapolis & St. Oouis railroad companies ,
and it is furthermore ordered , any other per
sons or corporations interested in the matter
iifojesaid , by reason of residence upon said
lines of r.iilroud or otherwise , may also bo
heard thereon at the tiuio and place above
JI(1IIX ( > .
WASHINGTON , Juno 25. The conference
report on the bill increasing the limit of the
cost of the Wichita , Kan. , public building
was adopted. It accepts the senate amend
ment flung the limit nt 5100,000.
The house then went into committee of the
whole on the sundry civil appropriation bill.
The committee ros > o and the bill passed.
The house again went into committee on
the naval appropriation bill.
Without making any substantial amend
ments the committee roio and the bill passed.
At tlio ovenmir session the house passed
thirty-seven private pension bills.
LONDON , Juno 22. In the commons this
afternoon the chairman announced the im
prisonment of John Dillon , member of the
bouso , for violation of the crimes act. John
Morley gave notice to the house thut ho
would Introduce a resolution declaring that
the operation and administration of the
crimes act would undermine rcspjct for law ,
estrange the minds of the people of Ireland.
nnd deeply injure the common interests of
the United Kingdom. Gladstoneg.ivo notice
thut on Monday novt ho would ask the gov
ernment to appoint a day for discussion of
Morlcy'n resolution. Smith , government
lender in the house , said the government hud
listened with the greatest attention to Mor-
loyis notice , feeling thut it wus a challenge
of the government's conduct in every re
spect and would forthwith place Monday at
Morley's disposal. [ Loud opposition , cheers. ]
Pi-nei-fiil I'olltiual Situation.
llr.iiMN , Juno 32. It is stated that at yes-
tordny's meeting of the bmulc/rath Prince
Hismarck laid special stress on the peaceful
character of the political situation , and in
timated that the government would adhere
to the principles which hud hitherto guided
its policy.
_ _
Ijost a Ijir ; > iP Itoll.
CIIICAOO , Juno 22. John S. Snydcr , of
Dccorah , la. , had his pocket picked Thurs
day evening while listening to a political dis
cussion near the Grand Pacific. The thief
was captured , but threw away the pocketbook -
book containing f.YX ) , nnd it has not been re
covered. The prisoner was hold to the crim
inal court in the sum of ll.V'OO.
A Ijltllo Presidential Jaunt.
WASHING rev , Juno 22. The president will
visit ClinrloUusvillo , Vn. , next Wednesday ,
for the purpose of attending the commence
ment of the University of Virginia. Ho will
bo accompanied by Secretary Hayard , and
possibly ctlicr members of the cabinet.
Fatal Jtollor Kvploslon ,
CuMiiniiiANi ) , Mil. , June 22. The shifting
engine on thu Hultimoro & Ohio railroad ut
Korsor , exploded at 0:80 : n. in. , killing Kngl-
ncer JoHcph Hell , of Grafton , und injuring
fatally John McNubb , of Winchester , con
ductor , und William Baylors , or Kurser ,
foreman. _
"Woatlirr Indication * .
For Nebraska and Dakota : Stationary
temperature ; fresh to brisk northwesterly
winds ; fair weather.
For Iowa : Light to fresh westerly winds ;
stationary temperature ; folr weather.
Children Cry for Pitcher's ' Castorla.
When Bftby was tick , wo pare her CotlorlA.
When she tru a Clilld , she cried for Costorio ,
"VVTieu git * became MUo , the dune to OactorU ,
\Vhuo cheh4 CliUdrep , sbecaTU tlieui CostorU.
Cnrrtngci and IlncRlos , Jmti Strrrt.tilttrconBlband
_ loth , Om.ihn , Ncbrnskn.
AgricnltnralIninleinents , aEonsCarriaEes ,
. Eto. WboloaMp. Omttin , KfbrmOtn.
Wliolc nlo DcalM * In
AEricullural Implements , Wagons SBnigies
nil.lxn , 005 nnd OT Jones Street , Omfthn.
p7 p. ' \Asr \ sTco7
Manufacturers of Bnctoyc Drills , Seeders ,
ntoM , liny Ilnkf . Clilor Mills nml I.nhnn Iul-
Torltcfi. Cor , lull and NKholas Stroeta.
W fNONA TrvTpUE I M EN T C O . ,
AgricultnraiIinnleiiientsWagons&Bnggies ,
Comer 1 4 Hi Mul Mclinlan StrooH.
Akron , Ohio.
Hamsting Machinery and Binder Twine ,
\V.K. Monti. JUnnircr. 13l31x < avciiirorthBt.Omaha ,
MnnufActurcra nnd Jobbers la
Wagons , Buggies , Rafces , Flows Etc ,
Cor. Dtli nnd rnclllr struct. * , Omnl\n , Noli.
Artists' NlotorlnlB.
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1.M3 Doudns Street , Omahn. Nebraska.
Boots and Shoos.
i to Llood , Jones i Co. )
Anonts lor Hoston Uulitier 8tion Co. lie110 & 11W
_ llnrncy 81. . OnmliU. yobniakii.
W. V. MORSE & CO. .
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes ,
1101 , 1103-1105 Douglns St.Oiunlm Manufactorr , Sum
mer t _ lliston.
Booksellers and Stationers.
H. M , & S. W. JONES ,
Successors to A. T. Konyon A Co. , Wholeiila 4 Ilotnll
Booksellers and Stationers ,
I'lno Wodillng Slntlornrj , Connnorclal Stationery ,
lil-J Douk'lna Street. Oin.ilui , Neb. w
Coffees , Sploos , Etp. _
Urunbn Coircu and Sl'lcu Mllli.
Teas , Coffees , Spices , Baking Powder ,
Klavorlnii Kxtrncto , Ijiundry lllun. Inks , Ittc. 1414-
UlKllurnur HtnicU Oinalin. N'ulinmkn.
Crockery _ and
Apont for the Manufacturers und Iraportois of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys ,
itc. Offlcc. 817 S. UtU tf U , Oiuabn , Nebraska.
ImDonom nnd Jobbrrs of
Greenery , ( Hasswarc , Lamrs , Silverware
Etc. 1514 1'lirnnni bt. , New Pa\ton Iluilillng ,
Commission and Storage- _
' "
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
oclaHIc Uuttcr. KKHS , Cbeo e , Poultry , Game ,
1113 Howard Street. Omaha.
Biiccc sors to McSliano ft. Schroedor. )
Produce Commission and Cold Storage ,
_ Onmba. Ncbrnskn.
Flour , Feed , Grain aud General Coiinnision Corn"ponilt'nccBollelteil. 10111'ortli ICth
Street , Umnlia , Nch.
Coo ! , Coke and
Johte of Hard and Soft Coal ,
JO ) So n Ui l.ttb Street , Omfilm , Koli
J. J. JOH NS orcO
Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime ,
And shippers of Conl , Coke , Cement , PJn ter Llmo ,
Drain Tile , and Suwcr 1'lpe. OKlcp , rnxton llotul ,
_ Itamam St. , Omahn , Nob. Telephone 811.
Shippers of Coal and Cote ,
_ 211 Soulh nth Ft. . Omfthn. Nob.
_ Dry Goods and Notions.
l\lTE SMITH & CO. ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions ,
UK ) and 1 101 Douglas , Cor. llth St. , Omnbn , Neb.
Importers and Jobbers in Dry Goofls.Mons .
UcrUs1 FurulshlnK Ooo < l . Corner llth and llaiuey
httf * Oniuhii , Ni'brasVii/
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
Fnrnam Street , Omaha , Nebraska.
Onmlm , Ne
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
'i05.707 , T09 nnd 7118.10th St. , Onmtm , Nub.
MccoRD. BRADY" & co. ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
t Hi and I.caTcnirurlh Streets , Omaha , Nobra ka.
' _ _ _ Hardware.
Wliolcsale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate ,
Metals , Silent Jiuil , 'U' ARontfi for HIIWB
illuuil l'o\Ml'-r undl.yuian 'Harbed wliu ,
t'liiuhu ' , NubrnaVu.
Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop ,
Mechanics' Tools and llurralo Kealcs. 1405 Douului
titruut , tlDmliu , Neliruxka ,
Wholesale Hardware ,
lOtii and Harney Hta . Omaha , Ni'bVcilcrnAROnU
for Auaclu Ivnilvr U > , Juirenon htcel Nails ,
Fairbanks btatidurd ScaKw.
\Vluilesala Miinufactiirurs uf
Saddlery & Jibbers of Saddlery Hardware
And 1-oallior. 14IU , 1 10.1 niH UI7 Itaruvy at. , Omaha ,
Hayy _ Hardware.
* " ' "
W."j' . BROATCH ,
Heayy Hardware , Iron anil Steel ,
Springs , V1aton Stork , Hardware. Lumtior , Ktu. 13V.
ana Jill llarnvjr Htn ) tOoiaha.
_ , Caps , Eto.
' '
Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods ,
1107 Uarncy Strcol. Ouiahi. Neb.
Offoo [ Fixtures. _
'TUK smwosus MANurACTtTuiNO co.
lUnufactr.rvri of
Bank , Office aud Saloon Fixtures ,
Mantles , Sideboards , Book Ciscs , I .
Catct.ruitltlons , ItalhuKS.Couutor * , llocr and Inu
Coolers. .Mirrors eto. Factory and imc , ( TS ) nuil 1 >
Soutl ! Utli dt.Ow bii
All Mi of Baling Material at Wholesale
18ta Street anil Union Pacific Truck , Omnha.
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
Jeer , Kto. Yards-Oornrr Tlh nnd DotvtlM ! Cotau
ytiinnJ Doming.
" *
C. N. DiETZ , " - "
Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber ,
ISth nnJ California StreeK Oninlin. Nobrmk * .
Lumber Lime Cement Etc Etc
, , , , , ,
Corner h find DouBlinPU..Om tn .
To Dealers Only ,
Office , tTOVnrnnm Street Omnhri
Wholesale Lumber , Etc ,
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood mrpeM anil lnrq et Flooring Pth fin
_ _ _ Notions. "
Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions
3H. ? tf > nnil 212 innlli lltli Slri'i'l _
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jeans I'ants , Shirts , Ktc. IKHuml 111)1 ) Douiilns Street ,
Uinnlui. .Ni'Li.
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods
4X ( ) nnil lOJRi nth 10th St. , Onmlm.
Wbolsale Refined and Lubricating ; Oils ,
Axle OroMic , Itto. , Omaha. A. II llliOiop. Mannger
Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods ,
ll < V > lnrm'Ts < tr < > Kt < > m 1
PaThts arid
"curviiviirJcs" & NElusoN
Wholo'iilo Dealers In
Paints , Oils , Window Glass , Etc ,
HIS F.irnam Street , OmahaNob.
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
Carry n nice stock of Printing , Wrapping unit Wrltlni
t'n ttr. Spuclal HlUiotlon ulron to car mail nnl r <
Popor j'oxos. .J333
Proprietor Omaha Pancr Box Factory ,
Nos. HIT nnd 1319 Douglas St. , Omahu , Keb.
Sash , Doors , Etc.
Wholesale Mimuf urturcrs of
Sash. Doors , Blinds and Mouldings ,
Ilranch UClec , l''tli anil ItarU Streets , Omaha , Nub.
Manufacturers of SasL Doors , Blinds ,
aVuliUn , htalr Work anil Interior HiirJ Wooil Tin-
an. N. K. Comer 8th anil I Mivenworlh btrueta.
Omaha. $ eb.
Majafacturers of Moulding , Sasu , Doors ,
And Illlnrts , Turning , St-ilr-worK , Hank and Olllco Kit'
Unif . 'AJUi aua i'opplcton AYUUUO.
Printers' Materials.
Auxiliary PnWisncrs ,
Dealers In T ' '
Rubber Goods.
Manufacturers and Dealers in Rubber Goods
311 Clothing nml Leather llultlnir. 10UB ruriiHin Btreeu
Sto rn FininBB , Pumps , Eto.
Pumps , Pines and Engines ,
Steam , Water , Ilnllwiy nnd MlnlnB Puppllos , Etc.
_ triU.'j.'nnil Kit barnam btruul , Oninlin.
Wholesale Pumns , Pipe , Fittings
Steam and Water Supplies ,
llallldny Wind MlllB. OIHimdfQnriirnain SUOmalia ,
G. V. llosstlnx \ .Mnniiner.
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery ,
Sheet Iron Work ftcnm I amp , Saw MIHs. UIJ-IJIS
iH-nvonworth Stioet. Umalm _
_ Soods.
- v -
Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds
Vll nnd PlI.loni'H Mri'i t Onniliii.
StoraRo , Forwordlng & Commission
S & CO. ,
Storage , Forwarding and Commission ,
Branch hoiiso of Ihn IliMtnny lluntr ( p. HucKleital
wliuluBiiiu mill ri'lul ) . I ' " lilOnnil HI2 liunl Btrvut
Omahu 'IMPiihoim NIK 1't\ _ _
Smoke Stacks , Bolloro , Eto.
' "
Manufacturing Dealer in Smofcc Slacks.
UntcUluKU , T nk nml ( icni'rnc Holler HopalriUL' . UU
Doilgo "trprt. OmHiia. Neb
_ r _ Drowors. ' "
Lager Beer Brewers ,
lUl Nortli Klvlhlvontli Slrert. Onrnhn. f\ \ ,
Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Cornice ,
Johu Kiioiictur.rwprlBtor MO Doilau anil JUltuJ in
Nnrtli lUlti tilrout. Oiimlia
' -l JTI7 'ron ' " Works. 77. rj.JW
CUIUT A t-oii. l'rup Muiiufuclurers of all kinds
Steam Boilers , and Sheet Iron Wort
Works South SAM nnrt 11. A M Crosilny.
Wrought and Cast Iron Building Wort ,
l iiitlno , Ilnm Wnrk.Oonornl Foundry MacMnnnuJ
Illuckumltli W ik out. u mill Work , i ; 1' , lj (
nail nili Mrect.Otunlm.
Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings
llulli , Window f5u rfli. Klnwer Htitndi , Wlrt
flitiii , Hie.U Nona IttU
O M A H A SAr E a nd I R O N WO RKS.
Man'frs ' of Fire & Burglar Proof Safes
Caulli.Jull Work. Iron mid Wlro Fouclnit. Plgnt. IClc ,
O. AiiJr un. 1'rup'r Cor. lull un.1Jo.c uu Hit
Iron and Wire Fences , Railings , Guards
* ad .Screen ! , for biuki , offlrof .iiqrx. roild acu > , ate.
T'irucl Awnluvi , I.oukinUtu Muclilnurf > ud
lliackiniliU Worki. Bfeaiitli Uth HI.
Fire and Burglar Proof Safes , Time Locks ,
General Aifooti for Ilob ld B fo A Ixck Co/ >
Vuolu a J Jkll Wuik , llli i uramu blie t , Oui4tuw