Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 22, 1888, Page 6, Image 6

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Delivered by Carrier In Any Ttrt of the City at
Tw cntv Cents Per Week. . „ ,
„ „
JlcBiNKPs Orticr. No. W.
UDlion , No. S3.
t H.Y. : Plumbing Co.
New spring goods at Keller's.
" "Tho members of No. 270 , A. O. U. W. , are
requested to bo present at the meeting this
evening as business of Importance will bu
The Hock Island and Union Pacific ticket
ofllco on Broadway Is undergoing extensive
improvements that will add much to Its at
The hoodlum wagon was called to the Wabash -
bash freight house last evening nnd on its return -
turn brought In three more to swell thecount
of the "Immortals" in the quay.
No cases have been tried In tlio superior
court this week. Several cases against the
county are sot for trial on the 'JUth Inst , The
majority of them arc for ortlccrs' fees.
The Latter Day Saints are holding n
tpcclnl season of religious services in Streets-
villo , nnd D. 1C. Dndson will preach this
evening and to-morrow evening.
Excelsior lodge No. 2.V.I A. F. & A. M. ,
will hold a special communication this even
ing nt 7tu : ! o'clock. Work in the third de
cree. Visiting brcthien cordially invited.
By order W. M.
On account of the entertainment given by
the sisters of charity on the evening of the
27th Inst. , the concert for the benefit of St.
Bernard's hospital will bo given on the even
ing of the'JOth.
I Mr. 1' . M. Knlpporbcrg. n soap manufnc-
turer from Jnncsvllle , Wls. , was In the city
yesterday and conferred with the manufac
turing committee of the board of traele in re
gard to moving his plant to this city.
A fetter from London , Eng. , announces
that Frank Pusoy and party have arrived
safely at that metropolis and will proceed
immediately to the north of Scotland. All
are well mid enjoying the trip immensely. -
The fixtures nnd gambling outllt of the
"Palace" were taken out yesterday and the
doors were closed forever. The "bays" say
the "lemonade" trade Is hardly sulllcicnt
to maintain all those who profess to bo en
gaged In It.
The marshal was ordered to servo notices
on all of the saloonkeepers yesterday after
noon that their lines for the present month
are over due and that unless they come to
time promptly their places of business will
bo closcel forthwith.
The festival and dance given by the ladies
of St. Francis Xavicr's church last evening
was a success , Templet hall was tilled with
lovers of the dunce , and the amusement was
continued until n late hour. A neat sum was
realized to the church.
Mr. Henry Miller and family desire to ex
press to their many friends a profound grat
itude for the many acts of kindness shown
them during the last illness and death of
the wife and mother. Members of Western
Star lodge No. lil ) are remembered with
special thanks.
Mrs. Henry Ogden , living at No. 7 East
Washington avenue , visited the police sta
tion yesterday morning to see if the police
had any trace of her two-year-old daughter ,
who had wandered away from home. The
little ono was found about 2 o'clock in the
afternoon near the corner of Eighth street
and Brouelwuy , having traveled nearly u
mile. It was restored to its parents.
There were but two cases baforc Judge
Aylosworth in police court yesterday morn
ing. Both were for assault and battery , and
and the defendants were lined i'J.'JO ' each.
Kichard Harris was the coon who had the
row on Mam street and led Olllccr Olcson
such a chase , and W. \Voodward was
locked up for kicking up such a racket at the
Northwestern hotel.
Dan Carrlgg mourns the loss of his gray
trotter , which came to nn untimely end yes
terday morning. Dan drove out to Big Lake
on a lishing trip , and left the animal In a pas
ture. Some ono passing by left the gate ;
open , and the horse strayed on to the railroad
track , where an incoming Northwestern
train struck It , completely severing its head.
The animal was quite a valuable ono , and had
been in the possession of its owner lor somu
W. P. Aylesworth has decided to open an
ice cream and fruit stand to enublo hlmsell
and family to secure a livelihood , he being
now totally blind. Squire Biggs generously
granted him the privilege of locating his
his stand ou a portion of the lot occupied by
his oflieo on Main street. Mayor Hohrer has
granted him a license , anel friends are in
every way helping him to got n start. While !
his own act has brought upon him the terri
ble punishment of total darkness , there is
much sympathy expressed , especially for the
family , and the now stand will have a liberal
Mrs. Mary C. Davis , wife of J. S. Davis ,
died at her homo , 812 First avenue , at 1(1 (
o'clock Wednesday evening , of heart disease.
The deceased was enjoying very good health
up to the tlmo of her death which was wholly
unexpected , nnd the blow comes with crush
ing force upon her family and friends. Tue
husband is absent in Colorado and ho will bu
notllled by tele-graph If possible. Ono son Is
also away from home. No arrangements
have yet been made for the funeral , wind
will bo announced later. The deceased wa
Blxty-thrcc years of ago and leaves a large
circle of acquaintances nnd friends.
The concert to begin next Wednesday evening
f ing nt Dohany's , for the benefit of St. Ber
nard's hospital , promises to bo u very enjoy
able occasion. Mr. ami Mrs. F. Masse.\
Howard will prcsent.seeiic.sfrom "Murilaim'
and the "Bohemian Cirl" ! in costume , ns
Hlstcd by the members and friends of the
Omaha St. 1'hilomomi cathedral choir. Mrs
Judd , Mrs , O'Neill and Mrs. Truynor , of this
city , will also take part. Tickets have beei
R placed on snlo at Brachett's , McAteo's ane
Beno's , and the citizens arc all invited tc
? contribute toward the hospital fund by at
tending the entertainment which Omaha ane
Council Bluffs so generously oll'cr.
Travelers ! Slop at the Bochtclo.
Tlio Kickappo Indians , with the !
wonderful medicines , nro hero , come
Broadway nnd Kightli sts.
P. H. Shloncr , of Silver City , visitca ttn
DlufTs yesterday.
W. II. Lynclmnl Is confined to his home b ;
nn uttnek of nialnrla.
; F , A. liurtholomcw anel .A. K. Amlersoii
of Lincoln , were In the city yesterilay.
Mrs. .lohn Dan forth left last evening fo
Montreal , where HIO will spend bouio tini
with olet fricnelH.
Hov. T. J. Mucltay mid family left las
evening fpr Nova Scotia , where they wil
spend a three months' vacation ,
\V. I * . Dannor , state secretary of the "V
M. O , A. , U In the city attciuling to matter
pertaining to the future welfare of the locu
institution ,
Miss Iila Davenport , ofHnrlniton ! , who hn
been vlsltint ; with Alisa NellieSaeuott , lei
yesterilay morning for Des Molnes , wlier
cho will visit for u time ) bcforo returnm
Mrs. Shflton , the accomplished Chlcag
plunlstr. who has boon visitine for bonw tim
with the family of lion , \V. H. M. Puso.\ \
corner Willow avenue anil I'onrl street , lei
for IIPJH ? liiSJ cvejilng over Iho Hock Islain
Mrs. Hunt , wife oiiiie late L. E. Hunt o
the Ogdcn house , has elccided to mnlco he
homo for the nrcbent , at least , with he
father , Mr. J. MllllRan , of Omaha , unel t
that place she and her personal cffeutavci
moved yesterday.
John LocUwood Dodco and Miss Carrl
Dodge , son nnd daughter of N. P. Dodge , ai
expected homo next Monday. ' 1'ho lormer 1
a college ) student at Harvard , nnd the lattc
has been attending school at Korthauiptoi
i O
'I : Tijiton lias bargains in real estate.
Unloa Abstract company , 30 Main stree
The engineers btnko for Durlin Bro
for their precedes , 5S3 Broadway , E
Lloyd will tuko your order. Tol,290 ,
1 . Wo hnvo n number 'oJslightly ilan
egcd. piuuos and orpau's. winch will I
eolel at n 'bargain. 'Cull on Maollo
Mu'bi6Co.,103Maius { .
The High School Graduates Another
Class This Evening.
They Flnrco n Dpnlson I'nrnior Out
of $ JriOO Dcnth of Sirs DnvU
I'crflonnl Paragraphs
Merc Horn- ? .
Tlio IIlull School Graduates.
The commencement exorcises of the class of
'S3 , of the Council Hlnffs high school take
place this evening nt Dalnny's oper.i house.
The class is composed of cloven members ,
eight young ladles nnd three young gentle
men. The motto is very nppropnito "Koiv-
ng , not drifting. "
The programme for the evening is as fol
lows :
l-AtlT ONE.
Music Selection Orchestra
Invocation Hov. (3. ( W. Crofts
Salutatory Charles J. Huntlngtem
Music- selection , Orchestra
Essay Tides Oinee V. Hellley
Oration Success in I.lfo . . .Kdwin Mitchell
Kssay Historic Centers..Lena M. Wallace
Music Instrumental durt
I' . A. Tulleys anel F. llndollct.
Oration Uo I 'mil A. Tulleys
Clhss History Mary E. Oliver
Music Selection Orchestra
I'vur T\\O.
Essay Music In Nature Edith Fletcher
Class Prophecy Margaret M. Urittoti
Essay Imagination Mary McMdlcn
Muslo Vocal solo "Como to Me. "
Mnry E. Oliver.
Essay The Circle Jennie Howe
Address to Juniors. . .Charles L. lluutinirton
Hesono | Stella Patterson
Music Class Song
Valedictory Iciiuie Howe
Presentation of Diplomas
Music selection Orchestra
An Old Farmer llnhlicel.
The donblo-hoadcd conlidfnco game and
robbery by which an old gentleman ,
Samuel Eastman , living near Denison , was
robbed of $ ' ,500 , has c.iusjil no Jittlo ex-
One ; of the sharpers rcprcs"ntcd himself as
n eastern banker seeking western invest-
nonts anel desirous of buying Mr. East-
nnn's farm. They started out in a buggy to
ook over the farm. In n shady cove in the
linbcr they met a burly fellow , pretending
o ho a Texan , who was fiuying stock. The
'oxan told as a } ole how ho had lost $500 on
vhat ho called a "monte" game in Omaha ,
lo showed the banker and Mr. Eastman
low it was done , and them the betting fol-
owcd as usual. The banker won MO. The
L'exnn seemed loaded with money , but re-
narked that ho always wont prepared to
ako cam of it displaying a hideous revel
ver. Finally the Texan importuned Mr.
iastman to bet , but ho refused. Then ho
generously offered to give Mr. Eastman
11,500 if ho would pick out the right card.
I'ho hanker quietly called Eastman's atten-
lon to the card with the turned corner , and
Jio latter picked it out. The olel gentleman
licked out the card , and it proved
o bo tlio right one. Mr. Eastman
declined to take the 1,500 , but the
J'cxan and the banker Insisted that
t fairly belonged to him. The Texan
utter a little , said It was no moro than fair
hat Eastman should show up that he had
1,500 , for ho couldn't be expected to bet
noiicy aga'nst ' nothing. Mr. Eastman was
inally persuaded to go to the bank , while
ho Texan left S1.500 in the banker's hands
o bo paid to Mr. Eastman if tlio latter
showed up that he had a like amount. The
.Texan went with the old gentleman to the
> anU , secured $1,500 cash , and , returning tc
ho shady nook , it was handcel over to the
> ankor to count , ho buiiii' referee. The
lankcr in turn handed it over to the Texan
, o also count. The Texan jammed the
noncy in his pocket , pulled his revolver auel
lisappcarcd in the brush , leaving the olel
nan Eastman terribly frightened , and the
banker trying to calm him.
The banker expressed regret , and as an
eastern capitalist said ho could more easil.y
ifford to lose thr SI,500 than Mr. Eastman ,
md it was partly his fault that he had been
robbed. Ilo was going to Omaha , and whrn
"ic returned to close negotiations for the
'arm would bring back enough additional
nonoy to make up the loss.
After the disappearance of the two ras-
jals Mr. Eastman made his loss known tc
Sheriff Moonry , who succeeded in tracing
them to DCS Molncs , where they were ar
rested and brought back. When searcheil
the Texan had $ M1 anel the banker $400. Thoi
lad various implements belonging to crooks
.ho Texan wearing a colored shirt front , ad
ustcd so as to bu used as a mask for the
'ace and immediately replace under the vest
The two fellows are to have a preliminary
scaring at Denison to-day.
Grand balloon ascension by the
iticknnoos , Satimlay evening , 8 o'clocK
cor. Broadway nnel Eighth sis.
Free Iiullmi show every nigtht foi
; hreo weeks , corner of Broadwtiy ane
Eighth hts.
Narrowly lOtcapi-d Dentil.
Yesterday afternoon a little child got li
ihe way of a Main street car and very ncarl ;
met its death. The horses were going at tcr
ritic speed , and although thu little ono wa
been by the driver the car could not \ > <
stopped until the child was under the horses
feet. It was knocked down , and when th
car canio to a standstill the wheels wer
against the child's body. It was consider
ably braised , but tlio escape with its life wa
. onsldercd a miracle by those who witnessei
the accident.
Buy mantels , grates and hearth fur
lashings of tlio Now York plumbing Co
E. H. Shoafo loans money on chatte
security of every descriplion , Privat
consulting rooms. All business btrietl ,
conliilcntiul. OlJico 500 Broadway , cor
ner Main street , up-stuirs.
Buy a "Whlto"bow. much. 20 N.Muin
S. 13. Wadsworth & Co , loan monev.
Notes About tlio City.
The South Omaha opera house will b
thrown open to the public to-nigii
for the llrst time , and the South Omah
Dramatic club will hold the boards with tn
drama , "Found at Last. " It is a home ei
tcrprlsa and should bn patronized by a
South Omaha.
One reason why the ordinance for votin
bonds for the L street viaduct is postpone
Is that the syndicate engineer has not sul
nilttcd his plans or estimates to the councl
Assistant City Engineer Lawrence had hi
ull ready a month ago.
"Frit ? , " who so unceremoniously broke u
the council meeting Wednesday night , wi
lined $10 and coasts by Judpo Uouthcr yestc
day. Ho is entered on.tho jail record as "Bi
liouiiuu Fritz. "
Owen Hrady had Watchman Bull , of th
S'wlfT comply , Si-rested for assault and ha
tery. It was tried bjforo Justice Levy , an
the eyldenco went to sbow that Brady W
smuggling In beer to the workmen again !
the rules of the llrui. Hull caught on an
prevented him , and hunco the alleged nssaul
The case was dismissed.
Bon McCoy's suit forSOOOdamages again
the Burlington was heard in North Omal
and concluded yesterday. The jury wi
out all night and were uuablo to agree , nit
being in favor of plaintiff and throe agams
Ttio Hoof and Horn has arranged to ha\
items of interest from tbe convention bulli
tmed at their oulce.
No trace has been found of the two nu
who brolto jail Wednesday '
A wash which will remove the sui
burn acquired by outdoor sports is mae
by adding to twelve ounces of olde
flower water six drachma of coinini
soda and six drachms of powdered bora
Applied to the skin it will make it i
clear and soft as a baby's.
Unltcel States Court.
VEitmrr roil Tiir.'coMhAsV.
The Jury in the casd of Coy against the
Jnlon Pacific Hallway company , for personal
njurles sustained by being struck by ft
rclRht tmln while petting off of a passenger
rain at the South Omalia station a year ago ,
cturncd a verdict for the company.
srcs rou iuvAnr. .
Tlio case of Chester Case against the
Anglo American Provision company nnd
thors , the others being the Union Stock
fords companywas on trial yesterday before
udpo Dunely. Case was In the employ of
no above companies nt South Omaha ,
ho 10th of March , 1SS7 , in building a storage
oiiso. Ho sets fortn in his complaint
hat the Union Stock Yards company own
nd operate n that runs near the
lulldlng ho was working on. Ho states that
o was instructed by the companies , In
vhoso employ ho was , to put up flinging
long side nf the building to work on ; that
lie companies did not warn him that during
Upper } ' and muddy weather the railroad
rack along that sldo of the building was
able to slide when trains were passing
vcr it and that said traclt did
lldc , and the cars came In contact twlth the
taping uion which he was working and do-
loltshed it. throwing him to the ground ;
liat In the wreck ho sustained Injuries to
10 extent of a broken leg , wounded knee.
lirco broken ribs nnd an injured sntno ; and
liat since the nccldi'iit he has been an mva-
el anel unable to work. Ho asks the court
o compel the defendants to pay him $12,000
District Court.
Mr. Frank Moores , clerk of the district
ourt , appealed in the court-room yesterday
s usual to read the minutes of Wcdncs-
ay's proceedings. In the left breast pocket
f his coat was a handsome Hag handkcr-
lilef , the will-bo campaign emblem of the
epublican party. Whether tins handkcr-
lucf had anything to do with Judge Doanc's
nergy in the call of the calendar or nets
s not , nor will it probably ever be
novvn. There was undoubtedly something
hat agitated his temper , and the manner in
vhlch ho assigned for trial , passed , continued
ml dismissed cases was enough to almost
ako men's breath away. In reply to
he announcement made by some attor-
uys that they were occupied in the
United States court , ho assured them anel all
ho members of the bar that the proceedings
n the district court would hereafter take
recedenco of any other public or legal busi
ness and that when cases were assigncel they
vould be called , and when called disposed of
n some way and not left on the call from day
o day as they had been for the past week ,
'bo promptness exacted from the members
f the bar at the hands of his honor calls to
heir minds his own unusual promptness in
ittonding court when ho was a member of
lie bar even when he had a case on trial.
A $30 coiT.
The case of Lowe against the Pullman
alaceCar company was called for hearing
fcsterday morning before Judge
) oano. Lowe was riding a Pullman
ar coming from St. Joseph
o Omaha and left the car to take breakfast
n the dining car. When ho returned ho
ound that his coat had been stolen. Ho
isks the court to compel the company to pay
lim $30 , the price of the coat.
The seconei case of Hellman r.gamst Snow-
L-ii for forcible detainer and possession of a
tore building on Farnam street was con-
dueled yesterday before Judge Hopewcll
uul the Jury instructed by the court to lind
or the defendant , which they did. The case
s the same as the one tried Wednesday , in
vlnch the verdict was given for the defend-
THE XOTT ; ovnnnun.
Proceedings were begun yesterday by Leo
M. Wilson against Jens and Anna S. Hanson
o collect $ ; i(7.30 : duo on a promissory note ,
and the foreclosure of a mortgage on real es-
ate in Lowo's addition to satisfy tlic claim.
lIVMAOr.ll $4,000 WOKTII.
Edward and Hachcl Ainscow had property
ivhieh was taken by the city for the purpose
if widening Fiftc'-'iith street , and they claim
hat it was appraised way below its market
value. They therefore ask a judgment against
the city in the sum ofl,000
Ari'cti. riwi TIII : Ai'i'iiusnus.
The appraisers appointed by the city to
npprniso the lands of Henry St. Felix and
Joseph P. Kraicho taken for the purpose of
widening and straightening Mcgeath and
Twenty-ninth streets , awarded them $ : )30 )
each , from which they appeal , and yesterday
petitioned the court to give them more.
County Court ,
D.M.Osborno & Co. brought suit yesterday
against the Western trnnsler & Storage
company to collect $ lSUifor goods furnished
Soper , Wells & Co. allege that the Omaha
Art Furniture company gave their promis
sory note for i23 . ! ) 'i , which they have not
aid , and thpy yesterday brought action to
recover the amount due.
DEN VIS' 111(1 ( C'lOAI ! 1III.I , .
Vcr PliincK Bros. , of St. Paul , Minn. , yes
terday complained that Dennis Cnnnighnm
has refused to pay a cigar bill of $2r5 , and
brought suit to recover.
A. ritorKsrrn DIIAI-T.
Herman Baumcr , White- and Chute allege ,
accepted a draft for .Vl'.i.s , which ho after
wards allowed to go to protest , and they yes
terday asked the court to give them a judg
ment In the sum cited against Baumcr.
Mary Phelps yesterday imido application
to ho appointed administratrix of the estate
of Elkanah G. Phelps , deceased.
to tlie Tinat.
Tlio virus of rheumatism often re
mains in the system through life , when
it does not cut tlio thread of existence
suddenly , as it. is always liable to do by
attacking tlio" heart. Kre the grip of
thin tenacious disease tightens , it should
bo unloosed by that bcnoficient liberator
from disease , Hosteller's Stomach Bit
ters , which will free the Bull'ere-r at the
outset from subsequent pain and danger.
Ne purer or moro agreesablo blood do-
purent exists , as multitudes of the
rheumatic neuralgic have ascertained
by certified experience. It is through
a medium of the regular action of the
kidneys and bladder that an outlet is
alToi'deel for tlio escape of impurities
which . begot not only rheumatic , but
gouty ailments and elropsical oflusions.
To these organs tlio Bitters gives an impulse -
pulse , never verging on tlio bound of
irritation , but sufticicnUy vigorous to
cause them and the bowels to perform
their functions with olock-liko precis
ion. Use it also for dyspepsia , bilious.
ness , fever and ague and debility.
Old linings should bo washed , ironed
and kept in u receptacle devoted to sueli
things. It is seldom these can bo util
ized in n good dress , but sometimes come
in for coarse children's garments foi
everyday wear.
SrECIAI < ailyertls menH , such an Lost , found ,
To Loan , For Pale. To itant , Wants , Hoarding
etc. , will i > e Inserted In tills column at theo \ \
fatdof TCN CENTS PISH LINE for the first In-
tertlon and Five Cents J'or Line for 6&ch Bubsa-
quent Insertion. Leave advertlaemcnti at out
cilice , No.'i f earl Street , near liroadway , Coun
cil Uluffa Iowa ,
( - plain sewing done a
No. 1127 Tlilrd avenue , or by the day.
ITlOlf KENT Good house of eleyen rooms
1 ? Ilcnt I2o per month. Pleasantly eituated-
lawn , L-arden ground and fruit. Apply at olUc
of Horace Kverett , Council IHulTs , Iowa.
HUNT I'urnlshcd and unfurnlbhei
rooms , with modern conveniences , at a
1710H IlENT For the aununer only , one of th
J. ploasauteat mnall residences in tlie city , a !
furnished , bath room , city water , rcutrall
located , exce-llent neifhborhood. Family Bpin
east. Iminwllate posbesplon given. Addret
llesldecce , care lleo olllco , Council jJlnfls.
rpo KENT Immediately , 'for the summer.
J. uood farnlshi'il house. 1U rooms. ; cloiet au
bathroom ; city'Wuter. Apply on premises , 61
Itb aye.
TZ > CD"I If I 1 TTI T
Largest MOCK , 1 METCALF BROTHERS. Furnishing Goods , '
Lowest Prices , Clothing , Hats , Caps , cto.
M 2 < 2S
. .
JLVr. F. RQHRER , Wlllldm Siodantopf ,
i ? laDai xi ssa ? .irSi . . . De l In -f * e i Evertlt & Fisher c25
amm. VWKI CUff & .Countjr REAL fiSTATE _
MUTUAL. UnS IK3. CO. Naw Toffc II . - OJ JHJ M ln SL Council St S | tiag JlliilTs. , ' , A * . , Om * T.t . , v aC \ >
CO "
CO CO "xxyy v uTs
Largest Capital and Surplus CITIZENS STATE BANK/ Your Patronage „ Or >
VT > of Any Banh In the city. | Is Solicited * . '
, & .H..D , Foster , 3W&E. L. SQUIRE'S' '
rcrcgoj . & Moore's * >
Abstracts of Title
Wholesale. ' < % SantD
No. . 8. Pearl St.
, ETC . o 33 : BEE : S
Manufacturer of FSno Cnriingcs and Buggies. H. F HATTENH AUER 1 always keep in Block a largo variety of eastern
1 linvo nlwavs a full stock to select from. . , , make Carnages , which 1 Hell at a very low rato.
Call anel examine. Prices Low. A'oi. ay to ft I \ Fourlli Slrcot. 1 nmmwnvs ready to show poems.
Wrought and Cast I f " 1 " Bl FOR
i JinUdings , Automatic Jliyhcst Economy ,
- . . Xcw .C Xil Uand LillUII LiV Slmplicit/ and Durability.
Ne > s. 1100 to 1200 , Tenth Avenue , Council BluITsIa. Telephone 160.
"IX r ANTED-3 men to work. 1) . J. Smith , frut1
1 1 grower , South 1st at. _
KENT A splendid , airy front room.
FOR < lt casing room nnd closet , furnished , at
reasonable ) rates. TO Washington , nvo. _
YX7E U AVK two 10-room brick houses to trnde
V ' _ for merchandise. Johnston It Van 1'ntten.
\\7 ANT To exchangeNebinsku or Wisconsin
i i farm hinds for Iliulls or Uiniiha
propel ty or merchandise. O. I' . McKesson. _
T710H SAtiE A Rood , complete bakery. " 13
JJ llroadwav. 1-red Auwt-rda. _
T WlLli buy uooil second-hand furniture , stov
JL and cartels j will pay full cash value. A
Mandvl. ! K1 Ilroadway.
TjlT'ANTED Stocks ol merchandise.Have
IT Omaha and Couucll lilulTs city property ,
also western land to exchange for goods. Call
on or address Johnson & Christian , Koom 33 ,
Cnamber of Commerce. Omaha.
SAIiIJ At a bargain. 40 acres near stock
FOIl . South Omnha , Neb. , Johnson &
Christian , Koom 30 , Chamber of Commerce ,
Omaha. _ _ _ _ _
ASTED-A nrst-class cook at the Crcston
house- . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
A place to cave for horses , milk
WANTKH other \\ork In private family. J.I" ,
lice ollicc , Council llhillB.
You can get it in any amount , on either shorter
or long time , on chattal or real estate security
Has real estate of all kinds. Call on or address
L. 11. Crnftb , KJJ llroadway. Council Illmrs. _
Instructor of Music ,
No. 114 Stntesman street , rouncll lllulls , nnd
Melntierg'uMusic Stole , Dodge htroetOmaha.
Notice to lei ciianis
The Roberts Portable nnd Adjustable
Store shelving is now on exhibition in
J. Neunwvcr's now building on Broad
way , Council Bluffs. The patentee bo-
licits your careful investigation , rely
ing upon your judgment and exper
ience with different systems of tihelv-
ing. Wo believe il to bo the best and
most practical arrangement for conven
ience over put in a building. Please
give it a thorough examination. The
shelves are neat in construction ; can bo
put up quickly and cheaply ; can betaken
taken down , moved and fact up without
the aid of a mechanic. They adjubt
niooly to the distance dcbircd between
shelves and give the goods a grand and
beautiful dibplay. Every wossiblo ad
vantage is combined in this system.
Every merchant should call and see us
for wo have the MEUCHAXT'S FIUKNU.
The Morris Typo Writer Is n practical , well
mailo nnd llnely tlnlsliea ninchliin. anel combines
the perfect lettering , exact atllRiimriit , anil
raplu wiltini ; of a hiKii nriccil writer. Tlio KDI-
fclJN StlMKOUHAl'lI , the ) best apii.irfttns inaele
for inanirolilliiK autoRrniihlo mill type writer
work : Il.lKW copies can be taken. TYJ'C WlUTBIl
BunnUes for Bale Semi for circulars. The Ux-
ceMor Co. , Council Illuns.Ia.
Jlentlou this paper.
K * Llroadway Council niuffs , Iowa. Established
It. ( 'HAUL , Manufacturer.
NO. 101 R. mtOAIMVAY.
- : - - - ,
CARTER & SOS , Prop' * .
AH finds of Steam Bailers & Sheet Iron Work.
Orders by mall for repair * promptly attended
to. Satisfaction tuarnnteecl. lOthAvenuo. Ad
drcbs Ouden Holler Works. Council llhilfa.Iowa.
D. U. McOAHELO & GO , ,
Hides. Tallow , Pelts ,
Wool and Furs.
Highest Market Prices. Prompt
BO And K2 Main StreetCouncil Oluls.iowi.
Big lot of Vclloiv Jcr cy nntl NaiiFaniontl
Grower and Dealer In
Vegetables , Vegetable Plants , Fruits , Etc ,
CoilllCtl lUllffH.
Main St. , Contu-ll
Only Hotel In the City with Fire Escape
and Electric Call Bells.
Accommodations First Class ,
Rates Always Reasonable
MAX Moiiy , - ritorniKTOR
M. B. SNYDEB , A. M. . M. D.
Physician and Surgeon
Discuses of Women nnel Children ,
307 Ilroaftway , Council HhiUu.
Star Stables and Mule Yards
Uroudwny , Council HlutTi , Opp. Dummy i ) pot
norsrs and mules constantly on hand , for
tale nt retail or In car load lots. . .
Orders promptly Dlk-U by contract on short
Ktock cold on comi"011- ' '
Telephone 114. SCIIM'TBH 4 Ilor.r.V.
IJummy Depot Council Illuffs
Unl uUUU 9 UMnrtidy
The Best Bargains Ever Offered will foe given
to our trade during this week.
We shall paralyze prices and surprise the buy
ers. No matter what you want , CALL AND
SEE US. We will give you foetler vahies for
less money than you ever got in your lives
PH From 15 to 25 Per Cent.
Nos. II SL 13 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs.
KSTAIlljlSIlij ( ) 18 I a , INCOIU > OIIATEI > 1878
CO. ,
Especially Adapted f
25 TO 300
POWER , Mills and Elevators ,
Specification ! ) and estimates furnished for complt-tM ateam plants. HoRiilntlon , nnrablllly Oiur-
niitecd. Can bho\Y letters from iiberawln'ie fuel Economy l e'inal with Corliss Non-C oudenalng.
end for Catalogue , E. C. HARRIS , Manager.
/ M Dl M C Hydraulic and Sanitary ICngincer. Plans , Kstimalej ,
HDIDl/I I iDI IN L" Specification" . Supervition of Public Work. Drown
Building , Council Hlufls , Iowa.
riMI PDHDIIT Attorney at Law , Second Floor Drown Duilding , 115
I I IN LL Y DU l1l\L" Pearl St. , Council IJIuire , Iowa.
. 1 * MJM II I ! ! ! .mm IMMNMMMHM
Justice ol the Ptacc. On1c ( over American Kxprett , No , 410
NCPLJMDT " " IJroadw.-iy , Council Bluffs , Iowa. . . < * *
OTr\M | O OIIV/IO / Attorneys at Law , Practice in the Stale and Fed era
OlUINL Ot OlIYlO" " Courts. Offlce Rooms 7 and 8 , Shugart DBIIO Dlock ,
Council lihilTs , Iowa ,
fLJATCM Dentist. Corner Main Street and First Avenue , Councl
Li nAZ-LIN" Dluflk , Io a.
Kpei ialtst In dlseiiHc ? of Ilye , I'.nr , More and
'I'llrout. ( iliiHuus Aicuruteiy I'lescribed. Cat'
aurli treatt'd b\ mull after fir it coiiiuiltutlon.
Main btic t and Hruudwuy. Ucblelcme , tilO limit bt. Iloura-l'.to , a to 6,7. 0 to 8:30. :
( 'eTuncil lllulls , Iowa. .