Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 22, 1888, Page 5, Image 5

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Good Scores Made at the State
Shootiuff Tournament.
Sic Only Mlqscft OUR Illrd In ( lie Con
test I'or Die State Championship -
ship Mcolliifj or the As *
Third Day's Shooting Match.
The third day of the state shooting tourna
ment opened up wltti Increased enthusiasm.
The skies wore unclouded , nnd the air hot
nnd'sultry , still the attendance was twice as
largo ns on cither the two previous days. At
the first crack ot n gun this morning there
wcro forty-flvo shooters upon tlio ground.
It is expected that the state shoot for tha
diamond badge , which will ho called at 2
o'clocic sharp , will bo witnessed by
n largo audience. Among the
'arriving spoilsmen this morning were M. H.
Turner , Kile City ; C. S. Dodge , Oakdiilo ; K.
"W. Cook , Arlington ; Robert Shacfer. Kan
sas City ; J. P. Antcll , W. M. Turner , 1'Iatts-
mouth ; \V. L.ilnss , linndolph ; J. K , ICnowlcs ,
Whiting ; L. T. Ktubbs. Council Hluffs ; V.
] J , Notlmwny , Wnhoo ; H. AVhlthnll , Cognac ,
III. ; W. H. Harrison , Grand Island ; Carl
Harry , Hastings ; Henry Smith , Lincoln , and
John S. Hrantion , Fremont.
Tito first event on tlio morning . . card . . was 15
- -
single blue rocks , 18 y.irds rise , io.UO. TUQ
score :
Netlnuvny t 1 1 I 0 i o
.1. Crnblll I U 1 1 1
Ketrhom M 1 1 1 1-0
jMi uado U 1 U I ) 0-0
Den 1 0 1- 4
MrKcrchcr I 0 0-7
llrowtir 1 1 1-7
Hmtill 1 1 1-10
Miller 1 0 o-n
llockwltli 1 0 0n
Har.lln . 1 0 18
Hinlth 1 0 1- 7
Knnpp , 1 0 0- I )
Kennedy 1 1 08
I'annsileo and Ilardln divided llrst niono.y ,
C33..V ) ; Crabill nnd Netlmwiiy shot oil lor
BC'fomi , Crabill winning , ? lj.bO ! , and lircwor
tonic third , ? IO.
The second event was for 11 vo hairs of blue
rocks , 10 yards rise , entrance $3. Tlio score :
Hit. Miss.
Notlmwiiy. . . . M 1
JJrowor IB 3
Miller ii ; 2
Crabill 14 1
IJiUonbonder 12 ! 1
Ucekwith II 4
Hnrdin 15 0
Parma'.co 15 0
Kennedy . ' . . J3 3
Kctchom 11 4
McQundo 7 8
Den 10 5
Small took first money , $17.50 ; Netlmway ,
Crabill and Kctcnem-dlvidcd second , $10.75 ;
Hnrdm took third , $7.50.
The next event was -a team shoot for the
Hollufk medal , won last by Hardln nnd
Petty , the winners to take nil the entrance.
Kntmnco $13 per team , ten bluo. rocks ,
cijrhtcim yards rise.
Tim teams were Pnrmnlco and Brewer ,
Hurdm and I'etty , Kctchoui nnd Towuscnd.
.Small and Nethaway , atul Uuckwith und
There were three ties on nineteen , P.irma-
leo and Brewer , Hardin and I'etty. and
Kotehoin and Towiiscnd. Tlio shoot-off was
miss ami out. Parmulccmid Brewer shooting
' * ' out nil their contestants wore awarded the
nu'dal. It was a close and interesting shoot ,
nnd was witnessed by a largo crowd.
The llrst event on the afternoon card was
0 single blue rocks , IS yards rise , 53.00 en-
truuco. The score :
Hit. Miss.
Afwater 0 3
Don 3 (1 (
Crnbili J 0 3
Butter 8 1
Miller G 3
Bitlpiibcnder 7 2
MfQuado 5 4
l-'icld 0 3
Nolhawiiy 8 1
Hughes 7 2
Huidlii y 0
K ( U-liem 8 1
Hardin teen llrst , Jl'.i.W ) ; Ketchom , Butler
and Nethaway stxoml , $15.00 ; Hughes and
Hittcnbender third , 510 5'J.
Tlio next-event was 8 live birds. SO yards
rise , English rules , § 3 entrance. The score :
Hit. Miss.
Smith C
Nethawny C
Hnnlin 8 0
Bittenbcnder 4 4
Field fi U
Parmnleo 6 JJ
Miller 5 8
Small .1 fi
Petty 7 1
/oiler 0 2
KeU'hcm 5 3
Atwatcr 5 y
Heard S ( I
HutU > r 7 i
( . . .ibill , J 7 1
Den D I !
l\.isun 8 0
' " " " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
Lrabitl.'l-\ . ! ! . ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 2
Hardin took Jiist money on tin ) shoot off
w tli Hughes , Nuson und Heard , $ ( ' 0 ; Hutlcr ,
Crabill , IVtty und Kennedy divided horonU
money , Slid ; anil Smith. Nethaway nnd K
Ciomll divided third , $ . ' 4.60.
The following event was n Hvo bird match ,
B birds , Ml yards rise , modllled English rules ,
ct.t i since f S. The fccoro :
Hit. Miss.
' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
A MiiieV.V.V..V.V..V..V. . . ! . . . . r. it
Kotrlicm 7 1
Hardin 0 'j
Hit'oiibondcr ' (5 ( "
Hutlor fi a
Oabill.J 5 a
h inpoon 8 0
.1 H. binith 0
Field ! 8 0
3)r Miller (1 ( ' _ '
JMI.V 7 1
H ard 7 1
Atwtilor 8 0
lioucral Smith 4 4
liormnn 8 0
f L. Smith 8 0
/oiler 0 a
GilKWold , ( j o
Fiibt inoiioy * 57 , divided by Atwater , Gor-
niBii and Fluid ; second. ? J < .iiU , bv 1'oltv mid
Ketchem : third , J2J.CO , by Dr. Mille.r , Hitten-
brndcr nnd Harden.
The O. K. Mityno diamond badge , cinblein-
titio of the championship of thu state , was
bliot for in the aftcrnuon. Conditions , rll blue
rocks , 18 yards rise , entrance , $7..r > 0 , winner
to lulte all llio entrance moaey next year.
The bcoro :
lilt. Miss.
Hittonbcndcr ,45 ! 5
Tuu'tisoiid 44 ( I
I'armalcu , . . . , . . .4U 1
I'dty 45
1'jnnnlco'i score is an exceptionally line
otic. Ho missed hH seventeenth bird , not a
c'uuu miss , liQwcvcr , ns it wan very porcoptl
bly "dusted. " The eontust will bo i-om
jileted this morniiiB and the tourney close
this evening.
Tlio Amiiia 1 Mooting.
The flftcentli niinunl incetm.c ; of the Ne
biaskti State bjioi tsmen's tissociatiun was
held nt John J. H.irdm's spurting ooila
bcndtitiaitera last night , with YH. . S ,
.Ilni'lii's ' , tlio president , in tlio chair. John
VHld.was opi.ointcd bccretary pie tern. Oi
u cull of tlio roll of the clubs constituting
the association it was found that rcprcscnta
tivis wncpicbcnt frem the clubs of Omaha
Tclanuih , Kouth Oiuann aim 1'oiica. Aftei
the iitidiiiRof thouiinuteaof the last nnuua' '
> ici ting tlxM-L'iioits of committees and a lo (
of gereral inlbi-ollancous business of bu
little Interest was transacted. On motion o
JudKO Uarnos , the nr.M nicetlni ; of the asxo
elation will bo hold nt Norfolk. The election
of oBicers for the ensuing year was tout
into. Judge liarncs , of i'onca , was elected
president , and assumed the chair. H. F.
Loi'ke . . , of . Norfolk , oloctcd becrotary and W.
n v.
When you need H friend select a turo
one. Dr. Jones' Hod Clover Tonic is
the best friend nuuiUind 1msor all dis-
cu&i's of the .livoi' nnd kidneys. The
liost blood puriltor and tonic .known.
We , Goojraau Druy : company.
The Coiincilinnn ntul Mnyor
Very Mvcly Tilt.
A sensational episode occurred in the ofllco
of the gas Inspector at the city hall yester
day In which Councilman Lowry and Mnyor
LJroatch were the principal actors , nnd for n
whllo It looked as though the City of Omaha
would have ( o put on the pnrb o ( mourning
for its chief executive. The cause of the
disruption was an nrticlo published in nn
evening paper purporting to bo nn Interview
bstwcon n reporter nnd Mnyor Broatch.
Some of the remarks put In the mouth of
that city oftlclnl reflected considerably on
Mr. Lowry as chairman of the committee
on grades nnd grading. This raised the ire
of the councilman , but ho did not Ret n
chance to square matters with the Mayor
until nbottt 3 o'clock yesterday after
noon. Ho lound the mayor nt
that time nt his desk nnd asked him
to step across the hall into the
gas InsiKJctor's ' ofllro. The mayor did so , nnd
as soon ns he was Insldo Lowry stopped to
the dear , locked It ami put the key in his
pocket. This looked rather ominous , but the
city's chief executive thought It best to keen
quiet and await developments. They wore
Immediately forthcoming , for Lowry , plant
ing himself snuorcly in frontof Urontch. and
with lire in his cyus , demanded an explana
tion of the remarks damaging to himself.
The angry demonstration rather startled his
excellency , the mayor , nnd ho turned rod
nnd white by turns before ho essayed to an
swer. He liunlly pained his self-possession
nnd assured Mr. Lowry that the whole inter
view was a tissue of falsehoods from begin
ning to end , nnd that the entire iifTuir
originated in the brain of the reporter
who penned it. Ho ( Broatch ) had neither
seen nor talked with any reporter on that
subject , Ho Bald furthermore ho would
write a personal letter to the editor of the
paper disclaiming nny knowledge of the in
terview published. This had n cooling clTcet
on the anger of Mr. Lowry , nnd , after as
suring the mayor that It was well for him
that ho denied the truthfulness of the dam
aging statement published , he unlocked the
door and released from custody the governor
of the great Nebraska Metropolis.
How to Select n "Wife.
Good health , good morals , good sense
mid good ternpcryiro the four essentials
for a good wife. These tire the indis-
l > oiiKiblo3. After thorn como the minor
advantngos of good looks , accomplish
ments , family position , etc. With the four , married life will bo comfort
able and happy. Lacking oitherit will
bo In more or less degree a failure.
Upon good health depends largely good
temper nnd good looks , and to some ex
tent good sense also , as the best mind
must bo affected inoro or less by the
weaknesses audwhimsuttoudanton frail
health. Young man , if your wife is
fulling into a btato of invalidism , flrst
of all things try to restore her health.
If she is troubled with debilitating
female weaknesses , buy Dr. Piurce's
Favorite Prescription. It will euro
_ _ _ _ _ _
Dr. McGrew , kidney , Rectal , & priv
ate diseases. Room 13 , Dushniiin block
AH.sntiltod Uy a IMnkortnn.
.One of the Pinkerton hirelings- named
Johnson was guilty of a most gross assault
on Con Hetzlcr , assistant yardmaster of the
Union Pacific , yesterday about noon , lictz-
ler was on his way homo to dinner at the time ,
when ho was hailed by Johnson near the B.
& M. crossing on Eighth street. Tlio Pink
erton man came running up to him und shak
ing his club in Hetzlur's face , commenced to
curse and threaten him on account of an al
iened participation In the riot of the day be
fore. Hetzler assured him that ho was mis
taken , hut tlio Pinkerton , raising his club ,
struck Hetzlcr several savaco blows over the
head and shoulders. To cover up the brutal
attack the Chic.igo man placed his victim
under arrest ana took him to the B. & M. do
pot. The police oRlccrs , however , rolused to
look the assistant yardmaster up , and ho was
released. HeUlcr swore out n warrant for
the arrest of Johnson mid ho was put behind
the bura of the central station.
Vl or nnd Vitality
Are quickly given to every part of the
body by Hood's Saraiiparilla. That
tired fooling is entirely overcome. The
blood i > 5 purifiedenriched and vitalized ,
and carries health instead of disease to
every organ. The stomach is toned and
strengthened , the apieUto restored.
The kidneys and liver are roused and
invigorated. The brain is refreshed ,
the mind made clear and ready for
work. Try it.
Shetland pony for sale by George A.
Keeline , Council Blull's.
C3 Cruel and Cowardly.
People who worn present at the Council
Bluffs transfer last Sunday witnessed n
shocking instance of brutality on the part of
ono of the porters thero. A young sparrow
had fallen out of ono of the nests under the
porch , nnd being unable to lly was captured
by n little boy. Tlio porter , who was wet
ting tlio floor with the hose at the time , so-
cuicd the bird on the promise to return it to
its nest , and then , when the hey was looking
in another direction , tossed it on the lloor
and turned the full stream of the hose on it.
After swooping it several feet lie went to an
other part of the porch nnd left thobiid
gasping on the floor. Ono of the passengers
w ho witnessed the aot picked the httlo crea
ture up , and with n rap on one of the iron
posts put it out of Us misery. Quo ot the
gentleman present remarked ; "If I wore as
big a man Sullivan I should have caught
that porter by the collar with one hand and
turned the hose directly in his face with the
other , followed by home posterior admoii-
tions with the toe of my boot. "
The occurrence created great Indignation
smoiijj ; the score or more of pcoplo who wit
nessed it , and the opinion was general that
the roads nt the transfer should protect their
patrons by the prompt discharge of nil em
ploye guilty of such u shocking act of inhu
An Absolute Cure.
is only put up in largo two ounce tin boxes ,
and is an absolute euro for old sores , burns ,
wounds , chapped ban Is , and all skin erup
tions. Will positively euro all kinds of piles.
MENT. Sold by Goodman Drug Co. at 23
cenui per box by mall ! JO cents.
Prospective Mnmi 1'netory.
Mr. L. P. Vogel , of Boone , In. , is in the
city seeking to organize a company for the
manufacture of a patent building , designed
cliiolly for brick , tile nnd salt.\nrds , Briclc-
maker.s suffer great loss , often ns high as ' ' >
per cent , In times of bad weather , not to
mention the loss of time. In wet weather
the green brick take up moisture and many
of them arc spoiled. The Vogcl
building is designed to over
come these diftlculties , Its roof
is of thin iron in sheets , overlapping each
other. They are attached to an endless chain ,
anil by turning u crank the whoio roof Is
drawn up under theridjjo polo The sides oi'
the building are madu hko u hugo Matted
window shutter. By these contrivances the
building can bo shut up tight or made almost
open ns out iluors.
A number of brickmnkors have examined
the model and pronouncu ittho thing. "
Two of them say they want the new
hhcd as boon us they caa bo hud. Several
capitalists liavo volunteered to take stock In
the enterprise , but more will bo needed.
Mr. Vogel control- , the patent for the whole
United States , nnd is desirous of having the
centralmanufacloo in Omaha. His patent
is til o designed to bo usad for awning * , and
its durability will bo a strong card , There
is Hccminijly n vast Hold for this munuftio-
turing onh-riirise , and Omaha capitalists
should investigate its merits before it goes
aUowtiero. Mr. Vogol's headquarters nro
wl'h the contractors' associutton at room
4us , Poxton building.
Lifo will acquire now zest , and cheo"-
fulnc ? & return , if you will impel your
liver and kidneys to the performance of
their functions. I Jr. J. II. McLean's
Liver and Kidney UaJiu. will stimulate
them to healthful action. SI per bottle.
First Day's Session Opened at the
Capital City.
Discussing the Indention of tlio Or-
phntiH Homo A $5OOOO llunns
Wanted-Cat t lo Dying at Oril
City llrovltlos.
11K9 P STnr-KT ,
LIXCOI..V , June 31.
The Grand Lodge of Masons nro busily nt
work to-day In their first day's session. From
the 103 lodges in the state nearly every ono is
represented , and there are nt least 2JO delegates -
gates In attendance. The report of the com
mittee on credentials was the opening busi
ness of tlio mornlug , and it showed , among
others , the following prominent Masons in
attendance : George W. Llningcr , Daniel II.
White , Chris Hnrtman , Charles 1C. Coutunt ,
Omaha ; Hobcrt W. Furuas , Hrownville ;
Frank K. White , J. G. Hichey , I'lattsmouth ;
Jacob S. Dew , Tecumseh ; H.
N. Ulnko , Hcatrico ; J. L. Linn ,
Humbolt ; J. O. Chase , Fairinount ; H.
M. Wells , Crete ; C. C. Hlttcnhonso.
Hastings ; N. V. Hnrlan , Vork ; Dr. M. W.
Stone , Wnhoo ; J. K. Dempster. H. L. Smith ,
Geneva : Urad D. Slaughter , Fulierton ;
Elmer MoFurlnnd , Hubbell ; J. M. Ueurds-
ley , Weeping Wutcr ; J. H. Agcr , Ord ;
Charles N. Folsom , Ashland ; F. M. Suiter ,
DcAVitt ; A. H. Graham , Wisner ; Lewis A.
Kent , Mindcn ; George H.'Fr.mce , York.
The published report of tlio grand treas
urer showed u balance on hand of $12,801.10
und Secretary Fumas , mumming trustee of
the orphan fund , reported $ lii, > . Tim
membership Increase1 of the year Is 1,312 nnd
the decrease by death und expulsion 571) ) .
The total number of names in the state is
8,007. The committee on orphans' homo re
ported rarly in the day and It led to nn
nnlmatcd discussion of two hours' duration ,
n largo number In the grand lodge favoring
nctivo won : in this direction ut once. Mr.
Ltningcr stated that the best kind of induce
ments had been niudc by the people of Omaha
for the location of the homo there and ho
spoke of the liberal contributions that the
Masons in Omaha would make to build und
sustain the institution. The design of the
homo is to have a plaeo where the children
of Masons loft upon the world can have caic ,
education nnd a home. The discussion re
sulted in the passage of a resolution instruct
ing the grantl master to appoint a special com-
iniltco Unit will have the duty of soliciting
nnd securing funds nnd when foO.OUO is
raised it is left with the committee to do-
cldo whether or not to proceed in locating
nnd erecting a homo. At the afternoon ses
sion the report of the committee on griev
ances was the first taken up nnd the cases
occupied some time in consideration. This
evening the organization of Masons who
have been members qf the organization for
twenty-one years or over , hold n reunion and
banquet at the parlors of Temple hall. The
grand ledge will remain in session another
At the night session Omaha was selected
as the meeting place for next year , and the
following olllcers were elected : Grand
master , George H. France , York ; deputy ,
Dr. J. J. Mercer. Hrownvlllo ; senior war
den , li. E. French , Kearney.
CVTTM : I > IMASI : AT onn.
The live stock commission has received n
communication from A. S. Adams of Ord ,
who states that he has lost five head of cat
tle , one of them n valuable animal from some
cattle disease which he cannot fathom. In
writing to the commission ho desciibes the.
symptoms by stating thut the cattle get dull
and spiritless lying down often nnd , in at
tempting to walk , full blowing and frothing.
Mr. Adams has had a post mortem examina
tion inude of some of the cattle but it throws
little light on the trouble. The commission
bus written for further information und Dr.
Gerth will go to the scene of the trouble at
an early day.
ASsU'I.TINO A mi.t. rOSTr.Il.
Yesterday a bill poster in connection with
Funko's opera house was engaged in posting
bills for the biotherhood on his bill boards
over the city. While ut work on P struct ,
between Eighth and Ninth , a special H. & M.
policeman came along und assaulted him , us
lie states , knocking him down and kicking
him. The bill poster says that ho post
ing on places that ho controlled , und thut
there was no provocation for the assault. The
special went to the county court in the evening -
ing und plead guilty to assault and was lined.
However , young Martin , the bill poster , did
not propose to have the ease settled in that
way and had n warrant issued from the
police court , the trial being set for this after
Governor Thaycr has appointed Mrs. M.
E. Owens , of Creighton , Knox county ,
nintron of the Norfolk insaneasylum. .
Hen H. Cowdry , secretary of stutc , wont
to Columbus to-day to attend the funeral of
James Early , who wus buried there to-day
with Masonic honors.
George Uawson , Huncroft , Cumlng county ;
J. H. Luke , Geneva , Ftllmoro county Ed
ward S. Smithson , Lincoln , Lancaster
county ; Louis V. Huscall , Stromsburg , Polk
county ; John E , Miller , Elsie. Perkins
county , nnd George Walker , Harrison , Sioux
county , were appointed and commissioned
notaries public to-day by Governor Thayer ,
Complexion' Powder is an absolute
necessity of tlio refined toilet in this
climnto. Pozzoni's combines every ele
ment of beauty und purity.
Among ; Strnncers.
A Bohemian named John Schenaro died at
St. Joseph's hospital yesterday. He came to
Omaha from Australia a few days ago , nnd
went to work at the smelter. Ho became
overheated the first day nnd took sick. De
ceased was twenty years old. Ho is thought
to have friends in tlio city , who may llnd his
remains at Heafy & Hcaly , the undertakers.
"Cnsliinerc Iloiiiinet Perfume
is remarkable for its delicate fragrance
which is most skillfully blended. " San
itary Record , London.
"Lincoln Travel Ini ; Blon. "
LINCOLN , Nob..luno21. Wo hereby accept
your challenge to play a championship game
of base ball , as published in Tin : OMAHA BKI :
and Lincoln Journal , and name Saturday ,
July 14 , and Hustings , Nob. , the dnto and
place of meeting None but traveling man ,
actively encaged on the road , to constitute
players In cither club.
ce prorenin millions ot
homes for moi e tnati a quaiti > r of a ccntuiy It
in used by the L'nltvd Stutea O ivenuuent. Ku-
dor edby theliejilsot thugicat uulver.sltled aa
thestront * > + , luirest and moot healthful , Dr ,
J'liwHCl't-rttu llakaiR I'owder does not contain
ammoiUa. llu e ui ulnni. Hohl only in cans.
bt < Lsula
To the Wnolesale and Retail Trade of the West , The opportunity of a lifetime for cash buy
ers throughout the west. Extraordinary closing sale , Unapproachable bargains to close
th0 Rfipi.snn in Gverv
Out * limited space prevents iis'mon-
Honing but very few of the bnrgnln lota
ofToi-ou , but wo Kiinrftiitco from now un
til July 4lh , greater bargain in flue
Kcady-Mmlo Clothinp , Furnishiiifr
Oood9 , Huts and Caps , than were over
before ouoted by any llrm in the cloth
ing business in the west. No old goods
at nny prieo. The poods ofTorcd to you
ut this sale are nil new , made tip within
the last ninety days.
It will amply repay the expenses of n
trip to Omaha by any man , woman or
child wantingSlO worth of clothing.
As specimens of the different bargain
lots comprised in this lot , wo mention a
few as follows , with a , guarantee that
the small number specially mentioned ,
sire no more attractive or desirable bar
gains than hundreds of others to bo
found in every department of our estab
lishment during this sale.
Lot-US" . On Monday wo will place on
our counters -100 plain black pure all
wool imported Whipcord Suits In full
weight. " , suitable for use in this ulimntu
ten months of the year. These suits are
absolutely new , fresh from the work
shop , anil never shown on our counters
before. Suits imulo up In the very lat
est style button cutaway frock , which
we oltor in all sines from ; 53 to II. We
Bhall offer this frock suit atSIS per httit.
Wo hnvo not another word to sav about
this lot , excepting this , that we have
bold precisely the bamo suit over since
our btore was opened for $ - - , and never
less.Lot 3330. Wo offer 150 Moils' Double
Breasted Sack Suits , regular sixes from
:5.r : ) to . ' 55of the celebrated Slater Flannel
all wool and guaranteed full indigo.
Goods made by the celebrated Slater
Woolen Co. , of Webster , Mass. Made
nndtrimmcd in class tiuvi'K'r aid
perfect titling. Wo offer this lot to
close ut the unheard of price ot $0.50.
Ilomotnber thjs lot is all in double
breasted Sack Suits.
Lot DOoO. Wo offer 100 suits , which
will positively bo tno last of this lot ot
the celebrated Sawyer Woolen Co's
coodl of which we have sold hundreds
during the last two months , Wo olfor
100 of the neatest styles of those famous
goods to close at the remarkably low
; rico of S12. This suit is retailed by
every house in the country at $18. Wo
Imvo never offered a bargain that has
given such universal satisfaction as this
bull. All sizes at the same price $112.
Lot 3. Wo offer f 00 pairs best fancy
Cassimoro Pantaloons , goods that were
made to sell for $7.50 and $8this season.
Goods made by the Globe Woolen Co. ,
Rock Manufacturing Co. , Ilocknnum
Mill , Broadbrook Mills , and other man
ufacturers of equal reputation. They
nro in regular sizes , and as nice styles
ns wo have in our stock at auv price.Wo
find that wo hove n surplus of these Hue
goods and wo do not wish to carry them
over , and have consequently nuulo the
uniform price of $5 per pair for the en
tire lino. These goods tire of the very
best workmanship , and equal to tiny 810
custom pantaloons. Price during this
closing sale will be S3.
In our Boys' and Children's depart
ment wo offer an KXTUAOHDINARY
line of bargain , particularly in Short
Pant Suits. Our spai-o will not permit
of our enumerating the different bar
gains in this deuartmont , however , wo
will mention ono , a lot of 230 Boys'
Sample suits of any of these lots will bo sent 0. O D. with the privilege of examiuation to any address in-Nebraska , Iowa
Colorado , Kansas , Wyoming , Dakota and Montana.
OMBAOSTON Freeland , Loomis & Co.
NEW YORK . - , . ,
DESMO.NES . . , Proprietors/ /
Corner Douglas and 15th Sts. , Omaha , Neb.
Largest Clothing House West of the Mississippi River ,
hasTUIFI.rn nway his VKlOKof IJODY ,
MINI ) and iDANHOOn.cniuiInc exhuuitlng
drains upon the > 'OUNTAINH of IIFF ,
Drenmi , WBAH.MES.H of Memory , I1ASII-
the FACK. and all tbe Erff'Ef Ti lending to
TION or INSANITY , should consult at once
the CELEBRATED Dr. Clarlie , Established
18M. Er. Clarke has mode NEHYOUN DE-
niljITY. CHRONIC and all Diseases of
Iho CJENITO UKINA11Y Organs a I.Ho
ritudy. It makes NO dlllerence WHAT you
bnvo taken or WHO has failed to euro yon.
B-FIC5I AliEH suffering from diseases pecu
liar to their tax can consult with the assurance
ot speedy relief and cure. Bond 2 cents postage
for works on your diseases.
43-Qeud 4 cents postage for Cololirntnl
Workn on Chronic. Nervous and Dclf >
cntc Diseases. Consultation , personally or by
( otter , free. Consult the old Doctor.
VIionHiuifls cured. OfHceannd parlors
private. AS-Those contemplating Warrlnge
&cnd for Dr. Clnrko'u celebrated B"1' '
Halo and EViiinlc , each 15c. , both 25c.
( etumps ) . Heroic confiding your cnsc , consult
Dp. 4JLAIII E. A friendly letter or call may
jave future sufferinpnnd shame , and add golden
years to life. aBook " I.tfo'w ( Secret ) Er
rors , " 50c. ( stamps ) . Medicine and writings
sent everywhere , eecura from esponarc.
Hours , 8 to 8 : Sumlayt , 9 to 12. Address ,
P. D. OLAKKB , M. D.
108 SO , dart St. . CHICAGO , ILL.
* great Medical Work of thet
ng ou Manhood , Nervous nnd (
Physical Debility , Premature '
Decline , Errora of Youth , an J
tlicrcon , SCO pages 8vo , 123
prescriptions for nil diseases. .
Cloth , full gilt , only SI-00 , hj't
nmll , Bcnlcd , Illustrntltosnmrilc free tonlljouns
nnd middle nged men. Send now. ThoOolJnnJ
J < n > elletl Medal nivarclcd to the author by the Na
tional Medical Association. Address 1' . O. box
1693 , Ilosion , Mass. , or Dr. W. II. I'AUKE.1 , grail
uatonf Harvard Zledlcal ColleBO,23yearii'iiractIoe
In liostuu , who may I > o eoumltcil cunfliltmtlidlx
SpeciallyDiscuses of iUu. ORlcuNo. t L'ul.1m.libt.
A Concentrated Liquid Extract of
( : Hit the tiu.tte > n ,
Restores Sound , Jlc/rcuJtlmj
Priceless to Nursing Mothcru ,
RccommcnflGdliy Eminent Physicians.
Sale bi/ all Driiyf/lMs ntul Jtlcli-
artison Driiy Co , , Wltolcuile Jt'ittj-
{ / / . > ts.
'I ho larstMi , tutirtt and Bum in ( be world
1'aisoncor eccoinmoclatlons uncxt'cllod ,
-Ve\v Vurli tut ! luigui vvlu JLondujilorrv
. Jt'.VESOth DEVOXIA . Ji'I.V 21 t
AMIloiiiA . , IHh
ttvruroor. VIA sit ;
Thu Celoliriited Lurgot and ttnnn I'asJUI.V lltli
' ' ' icnjrer ftranier In A I'd. ttu
Cn'v'oS'Mo'MK tboWorll. bcpt. Mil
Niloou imnsaso to niuwovr. Di'rry. I4vorx | > ul. lloira't
orvuucmtown.i.illuiiil upifurili per ( iluiunir Muuiu-
em. fUunaupwariliforCUvoI Uoinu bi > tonil-clas
rJu Iiutuni tkkuuat roil in ol rntut made available
lor eltliur route , otlerlnji vxciirtlmiliti the orlvllu o
oi ( celiiittUe North unilHuuth of. Ireland , the HlTcr
Jlcrsuy unu | > ltun < iqu Clyde. stcurJk'o J. Anchor
l.lni ! drain pujublo free or cliuu'e , okl nt lunmi
rattt. ror bou of tours , ticket ! or fimUcr Informa
tion appljr to
HENDERON BROS. , 72 La Callo St. , Chieajs.
Or to nay of our local uzeuti.
Home' . ttMtro-JI tl. Il
Tnut.OOffit > lii l. Qu r cI
tinlr ooe In the world Ki-ni
aeootinaoiui Ewtrie * Ha
' "
, - 'nrrvnl. Sc'u"on ) . rowirtuT. Uar&tlV
OotnJortibl * uid -1 elAr . rold frauCi
rv r .P 'OOOO cured. Bt for p pi Uut
Ds. HOHtiE. Itvwica. 181 AVL. .Cairuco.
nVCO Are Ilic
Corlified Checks , Payable at Sight on the
Pugct Sound National Bank Given as
Security ( or Money Invested.
To tlirun rtoMrons of buyliiR property on time , wo
Oder lliu follonrliiK : Wo will nllow Jrom 3 months
tuSyoiirt'time. uccordlKR to the Innil you select ,
wo vtiarita neither premium nor lnti > ru t on time
payments , ami will pirn you n wnrrnntv deed. Wo
Imvo loti lit .10 and * O.1 that are wlrtiln n radius
Gforianml a half mllus of the po tolllic.Vori > -
qulrooiily 1U per cent , as n enrneit money and wo
nlllKlvcfcertlllcd check for the lull amount of eiuli
and uvery Hul ) eiiicnt payment. Thechockl druH n
by the I'liuct Sound Naltomil bank nmlls ninitepny
ableatslKlitand ilrnw jour money HI any
lime tlimiuh by ! > o dolnu you forfeit your rlclits to
piiriliii ; otaiiil. Mnko your Intome. 110 mutter how
small , earn .louiuthlim. Tranicontlnentnlrallroila (
are lieaillnc for Seattle , nnd manufactnrlniMhtlour-
lihliik' . ( iiiiiernl oommerro li In n Plate of mlistan-
tlal | > ro res ion. The dally papers ore Illled with
itecounts of now enterprises , ( 'ullo ( nrrnnd hnr o
cnr clrrlcSeattle. Addren COOK .V MUOItU ,
Who bavo the IAIIKST ! I'llOI'KltTY I.l&l1 In
TpwplppQ Mill "fcip Hpfllpw
Juwululo dull iililolblMluli ) ,
Western Agents for ChlckeriiiK. ICnubo , Voso
and Ituhr llros. I'lnnosj Story Clurk
A riw : luoit * : iir. : .
Moaning I'innos and Organs but Httlo used
which will be sold this week at the following
leducud prlcus unit turuia :
Dnirn Monthly
' " ' " " "
1 Knnbe Square , cost WOO , for'
W t ) EW.OJ 815.00
1 Deciri'r Hro * . Hiinnru ( irand
co > t flM ) , fort&M UO.OO 10.00
1 Iltadliury Siiuaru , test 1(100 ( ,
ror Jl'iii 13.00 10.00
11. P. IhtleSiiuare , cost $ .175.
lor.SUiV 13.00 10.00
1 Stoildard Squaic , cost
for fiim . 10.00 C.03
1 im : rt.c n Square , a splendid
Imru'niu , cost " > tK ) , for $ JU. . 10.0J r.oo
1 lliillett Davis Square
Grand , coit tiKll , for jc c' ! . . . 23.0J I3.0J
1 Mnrshull Wundcl Upright
cu-t ttUO , for IT."i . 13.00 10.00
1 Windsor fiirlght , cost WU ,
for * isr > . 13.03 10.00
1 Klmball Organ , cost Sli5 : ,
for * , ! . - ) . . . . . 10.00 3.00
1 JMi-y Organ , cost i 15'J ' , for
* (0 ( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.00 3.00
1 M.ihoii \ Hiimlln Organ ,
cost jco , for $ 'ii ' ! . 10.00 0.00
Conic caily and take your pick. Urlng this
ad , with J on tn nvold mistakes ,
_ Corner Kith nnd Fa in a in HIH.
NO. 4. I < . A. NO. IfiS-PJlOI'OSAJ.S I'OIl
Aimy Supplies -Olllro ot Purchasing and
Depot C'nmmiis.iry of snbiistimco , IH. . Army
Omaha , Nch. , May ' > , IbtK Scaled proposal * In
triplicate , subject to the uiiliil conditions , will
bo received t this ollk'o until 11 o'clock a.m. ,
cuntrul standard time , on Monday , tlio - > th day
of June , IhSh , ut which time mul plnco thuy will
l > t < opened Inlho pri'Sonci" of bidder * , for the
turniitiiHK and d'-llvcry at Omaha , Neli.iho fol
lowing army supplies , vlr. : Yinagar : baron ,
In cukf list ; Hour , family ; hams , K. e. , and lard ,
Tim rlfiht Is reserved to reject any or all bid * .
lllank proposals and epi > cllleations showing In
detail the articles nnd quantities required and
giving lull Information an to condition of contract -
tract will bo furnished on application to this
olllee. J. W. It.YUimillH , MaJ.undU.S. , U. B.A ,
m '
KM V sT'I'pM US Depots , Ouurtormaster.
Ollico Omaha , N b. . Juno juth , 1S8S. Benled
proposals Indnplieate will bo received nt this
oillco until tiatm day , Juno " 3rd , 'of. at 10:1X1 : n.
m. , at which time and place thov will bo opened
In the presence of blddor.s for Government Sup-
plliN vu ; Carpets nnd mlHCellanemis ollh ofur-
lilt lira. Lists giving hjierlllc.itlou * . quantities
und uthor Information furnished upon applica
tion to this olllie ; nest quality of articles re.
qiiirod ; uioforenre Klven to articles of domestic
production. Hidders mo roqnebtod to attach
ropy of this advertisement to their bids. JOHN
BIMPriON , Capt. & Ai.s't. Q inr. , I' , S. Army.
TSJ"O. 3-1 , , A. NO. 15H. PROPOSALS I'OH
-Li Army Supplies. Headquarters Dept of
the Plane , Ollliu of Chief Commissary of Sub
sistence , Omaha , Neb , May -I , 1H > * . Sealed
proposals , In tiipllcato , subject to the utmul
conditions , will bu iceelved at this oillco until 1-
o clock m. , lonual standard timo. and lit the
oillco of the LoinmlBiary of hubnlKtcncu nt
C'hoyenno Depot , \Vyo , , and the olllces of the
acting commissaries of kiibslxtenco at 1'orts
Sldnoy , Neb. , Douglas , Utah , Nlobrarn , Web. .
Uobiiiaon , Neb. , and MfKlnny. } ' , > Vyp. , unm
11 o'clotk a , m' . . mountain sfaildard ilmo , oh
Saturday , the Jrd day of June , let * , at which
thue and maces they will ba opoiied in the
presence of bidden ) , for the furnishing and do
livery of flour for issue as a component of the
ration. The iljjht la icai-cved to rojict any or nil
bids , lilanlc proposals and specifications show
ing in detail the quantities requited iimlKluni :
full Information as to condition of c ntracts , ill
bo furnished on application to any of the abovu-
mentioned oflli as. J. W. IIAlUllliKH , MuJ.unil
0. b , L' . S. A. , Chief O.S.
Itemarkablejor powerful sympa-
tlietlc tone , pliable action uud ibT
EOluu durability , jj years re ordT
tiiiTlieat jjuarantxa of tha excel-
lento cTfiieae Instruments.
Knco Taut Suits , ombrnoing tliroo I r-
foroiit styles , which wo liuvo marked nt
the oxtraoriliimrlly low prlco of $2.50 to
closo. Sixes from to 14 years. Soiul
for sample suit. You will bo bettor
jilonsoil with them than any tn Ingvo
imvo shown you nt this prlco before.
Lot28ilnml2S3l ) . 13oys' Long Pant
Suits. Wo offer in this lot. which em
braces two styles. Boys' strictly all
wool easslmers sack suits , coat , pants
nntl vest , in dark nnd medium colors
for boys from 10 to 11 years of ago. This
suit was tntulo to soil at $10 hut wo wish
to rcduco our stock of them immediate
ly nnd olTor them nt this sale to close
for only $0 per suit. Every garment is . . .
warranted strictly all wool now fresh
goods. Uemombor the prlco SO.
In this department wo announce the
sale of ; tt)0 ) dozen Gouts' Fancy Shirts.
This oiitiro lot was manufactured ox-
prcssly for this season's trade , wo hnvo
n largo stock of thorn on hand and offer
them at CO per cent less than the overage -
ago price to close thorn out. All new
patto.tns , most desirable styles , fast
colors , perfect lilting and perfectly
made in every respect , regular prices
which were from SI to 81.75. Thisonti
lot in nil sixes from 11 to 10 and i neck
wo oiler at 75 cents each. Order for half
dozen lots no less.
Parties tit n.distance ordering these
1 lots will plcaso give us hlzo of collar
worn and this is all that Is necessary in
order to got a perfect 111.
Men's Half IIoso 75 cents per pair. Wo
offer 850 dozen of Men's Fancy Half
Hose at 75 cents per dozen to closo.
ilejiultir 81.50 goods to bo sold only in
dozen lots at the remarkably low price
of 75 cents per dozen , in sizes from 9 to
For [ Medicinal , „ . and Family Use.
Us Death to } Sure Cure for
Betd Only In Bottlet. For Quart Mottle. '
For Sale by Onceri
For Sale by and Wine Merchcnlt
Druggist ! Cccryxhera.
'fe.L.te > 3 FPCcr / * - t * ' .j. ' . * mcTlU-rJfStJf
This U to certify tliat I hare Kamlncd tha sample of DKLLK OFEOUP.DON W1IISKKV receive. ) frorJ
Lawrence , O.-trom & Co. , and found tbo earao to bo pcr/octlr free front F-JFO ! Oil and all other delotcrloul
mbstaucoa and strictly puro. 1 cliocrfully recommend the ajxmo for family and Medicinal jmrposcn.
J. 1 * . UiuxuM. M. I ) . . Analrtlcal ( 'liiiTniit , l.oulsrlllo. Ky.
ESgtOS. & CO. , AKCIUS lor Oinalin , i\cl > .
OF Till !
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul fl'y ' ,
Tlio Kouto from Oinulm and Council
lllllITH ( O
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis , Cedar Jtuplds ,
Ruck Island , Itorltfcml ,
Clinton , Jiiliiiie ) ( | , Duu'iiporl ,
Jliidison , Jancsvlllc ,
lleloil , IVInonn , Ln Crossp ,
And nil other Important points East , Northeast and
t'orthroiiRh tlckotn rail nn the ticket aeent at 1901
Kurnam ntluot , In lliilkur llluck , or Hi Uulon ruclflu
I'ulltnan Sleepers BIH ! the flnetl Dining Curs In tlia
morld ururun on the mum line of tha Cliliairo , Mil
traukeu h. tit. Paul Jtallnar. and CTLTT nlteulMnli
paid to pjatoiifuri by courtuoui viuployc * cf till
K.lllLt.lCll. Denernl Manxger.
J. K TUC'KKlt , AmUtuntdpnural lliumfcr.
A. V. n CAUI'KXTElt , Ucneral i'asboaser nnd
Ticket Agent
OEO K. 11KAKFOIII ) , Asslitant Oeneral raiteuge/
and ticket AIM nt
J.T. Clu\UK. ( Jenoral Supcrlotendeat.
no not bun fH'lf ' inoro t'l'uoi'7lnbbci <
Hose , " but jtiil your money In
"Spiral" Cotton Hose
Llffhter , citrate ) ' anil In-ltcr than the
bese rubber hose.
Made on tlie aiiio prlnclpHl a the rubhcr-
t ned ho.-o ii.wcd In 1'lro Depdrjineuta , n titt h labt
for years
The cotton dtickii lined In all rubber hose draws
In water. uherimT ) ' ' . il , in : v wick nlnorbs
oil. and brltiK conllivil by rubber uoiiarate * a
HtilptiurouB ias , null lily ( stroylna thu biMt nib-
bjrhose. 'Ihe "Splial ' lioa > ) , liHVliiBiio ouuliln
cinpilny M liiiiirl.viii the inuisturu. will , uy
There nre Imltntlona so buy only that v/l Mi
has ono red Hue itinmuK thrmmh 11. und \vlil > h
is brundPil " . > iilral " l'a' ' "tC'l Manh : xjth , .
If your dealer does not hiuo U In stock , let him
Ke it ,
iixinplo tunllcdtoBtiy address fob Ccoiitc.
Sole Manufacturers , .
234 Devons-hlreStnet , n kton , Mass ,
222 Lak Street , Chicago ,
And Chicago ,
The only raad to tnko for Dos Molnoi , Mnmhaltowm
Cm ur Iliiiihl * . ( llntun. lUon , flilratfo. Jlllirullkct
ami nil jioin's ' Kail 'lulhopuoiilo of Ncuraaku.Coltx
limn , Uyoimni : IJtuli. Iriuho , NuvitdH Urenoii , WM U.
IIIKIUII nnd ( iillfurnla. It onora aupurlur udvautiiEt *
not pusululo by unr other lino.
Ainoiuii for oi iho niimcrou" polnti of fluporlorltj
cnjuypil uj the pntrnns of tins react brtivoon Uuiuhk
nnil i nli'itno. 1110 IU three trulntt n duy uf DAV
I UAI'IICM , nhlih nru th * fluent Unit liimntn urt und
luBmiulty rnncniutu. Its I'AIiAl'KHLKISPtVliUAUB.
? . ' ( ! ' . ' ! . ? . ' " W ? ! ' ! > .9 ? ? 9 ! f."rt Jnd rluguiuo. ll I'AIV-
U > t DltAWlNU IIOO.M f'AllS. iiii < iiriiii < -il hy 011 * !
iinilt | wld lycuf.UrateiI'M.A'IIAI/IIININU | | CAItS ,
tliiiciiiiulof wliklKHiiiiiit lie found cNewhoro , At
oilier Kustcrn lines.
ror lfrolt | , Columbus. Iii(1unaiioll ( | , Cincinnati.
fslnaura Pull * , lluilalo. ritninirB , Turontii , .Montreal ,
Iloiton , Nvir Vork , rnilndiliihlu , UalitiiioroVu.h. .
liietun , liuj all points In the I'n.t. Ask lor tickets Ha
It you wlih tha deal aiujiiuuudutluii. All ticket
iiienls sell tickuls Tlu thin HUH.
if. iirunriT , a r. WIIXI.N.
( ifii 1 llanator. dun I I'j'.vV Atrent.
( IIICAK ) , MM.
\ V11A1IUICK ,'l Wusiern Atnt
1) I. Ki.MIIAI.I. , Tiu'tidit
rj r WKST. nty r net Avunt.
1401 Fninani St. , Omuliu ,
Bed Bugs , Hcahs , Ants , Tltn
And uny other Imettn , u * <
r. ui'wH'JKuUJ'jiriiKit'H
Infallible Insect Powder.
Al o coiitrautH taken for clean-
inpt ) iotfJciusi ) > UAiiiinljiilvutt ) n-iUU'Ucesfrom
vermin. S.itl fft' ' ! tuiiruiitc'i < il or no pay.
I'rlu.-liull ) ! nui tlobuutk lotl
ir. , i.
Surgeon and Physician ,
. W l.u. . ifl iUlf ar.4 /'luUsi 1 rit. Olllct
e , h'ji Jlc.ld ugj tulei > Uoae , 'M.
- 33K-A.Nns -
Incomparably thu