IDE SPECULATIVE MARKETS A Mania for Soiling Seizes the Wheat Pit. i CLOSING AT A SHARP DECLINE. Goo l Crop Prospects Make the Corn Wcnk-Knceil Oats Pnir 1'rovlslons UiiMrttlciI Cattle and Hojfs Dull. CHICAGO PIIOIUJCIJ MAH1CKT. Ctiictoo , Juno 21 ( SpeMal Telegram to Tin : Hi.K.1 WIIIUT July wheat broke al most n cent durlii'r vostcrdny's short session , from S'J c to Sl'jf' D c. It opened this morning at 80J < c , a still further decline of J4d\c , and In Justflvo minutes sold down to TO CI making a decline of U o from the close of the long session jcstcrday and n break of 12c since the middle of last month. Thcro was a quick recovery of about Jfc from the lowest point reached , then another decline of J-iu to ? yj < cnnd on the next upward wav o Mc ) was reached. Then the pnco fell to M ) ' c nnd stood at SO' ' o at the close of the morn ing session. After the flrst selling furor was over it was evident that more .luly wheat was wanted about 80c than there was for sale and whenever it was sold down to that neighbor hood there was a quids but slight advance. The law of supply and demand seemed to indlcato a price somewhere between SDo and EOj o when the market had once calmed clown. The llrst cause of the break was un doubtedly the prevalent belief that , Lintt , ono of the bull leaders , had sold out all of his holdings yesterday aftcinoon. This trader had n very largo following who had relied upon his Judgment , and ictnined their faith through adveiso circumstances so long as they knew that ho was confident of higher prices. A report that ho had unloaded de stroyed their courage , and whether the ic- port was tiuo or not it was believed , and that served the snmo purpose. It brought an avalanche of long wheat on the mai ket , nnd Hutchlnson & Kent gave an impetus to the downward movement by some short sell ing. 'J ho decline , as will bo seen by thu brief time in which it was accomplished , was swift and constant. From SOX" for July to 71lXctheio was not oven a reaction of 1-lOc , am ! there was no stopping for eighths. When a man offered wheat for sale at the last price named nnd did not immediately sell it , he did not delay , but offered it a point lower until It was sold. Much wheat came out on stop loss orders to commission men. The bieak was only stopped when purchasers of shorts who were willing to take their profits ex ceeded the offerings of the IOIIKS. All the time Jones , Kennett & Hopkins were free buyers of American wheat , and the advance which followed was almost as swift as the decline had been. Bullish influences arc not talked of to dav In view of the overwhelming pressure of local cir cumstances on the other side. Yet there wcro some bullish influences There vveio reports of a rush from the harvest fields in Kentucky , some little talk of bugs in the northwest and some cables said that com plaints wcie numerous In Pianco and there was rough weather in England , but these ex plained the apathy of foieipn bujers by the statement that those markets were burdened by enormous an ivals of gram. It was re ported that tvv cut ) -tin co boat loads were taken In Now York today foi e\poit and this news scorned to have some little strength ening effect. December wheat opened at 8.c , sold at M c-down to bJic ! ami closed atb.i6 < o September wheat changed in its rolatlv o position to other months Pi equently the lange lor that delivery was SOJftViblftfc. The llrst sale olllcially given was at bOVe , but theio wore earlier salts at blc. The close was at bl ' e asked. The soiling mania extended over into tlio corn pit and bioko prices thciu , but the decline - cline was not so sw'ift nor RO great as in wheat. Neither was thoio so much recov ery , closing pi ices being veiy near the bet tom. The weather is dead against the corn bulls. It is the most favorable possible for a growing crop nnd the influence II of it to dav moie than counteracted the effect of the decline of thirty-nine carsascompaied with jesterday's estimates and still smaller estimates for to-moriow , althougn the latter , when they were tlist nmdo known gave some temporary strength to the market. The Blimp dec-lino in wheat was , of course , a weakening factor In the corn mai ket , as the corn bulls had alicady been suffering fiom a considerable dcelino and therofoio were in n position to bo easily affected by the panicky feeling in the other markets. July coin onencd at 40J c and immediately sold down to4b ( rtlfc > JBc , rieoveied to 4 ! > e , fell to 4bjfc , advanced to 4'1' e1 , declined to and closed at 48c. September corn opened at tiOJ c , sold down to 4'J.JfcC and closed at 1 o'clock at GOc asked. The speculative oats market broke with others at the stint and was lather weak all day , but there was a fair iceoveiy fiom the caily extreme depression caused chiolly by the li co pui chase of August , oats by Hutch- Jnson July oats openi'd and closed at Hie , ranging fiom aiSe to 'Mf&m e. August oats opened at 'JO 'bi\ ' sold down to 25j c and closed at 'JiiVi ( ) . ' ( I'j ' , e September oats opened at Jj e and sold at 2 , > Jse down to and clos ing at ! ! , "itfe J'ho piovision trade was somewhat unset tled. Yesterday's break in juices lather in- ci eased the general interest , and during the li.orning the cntiru market was Unmoved considerably under shoit btiving. It pork prices weio advanced lOialJ'ijC ' fiom the in side figures , laid T'jCjdlc nnd shoit ribs 7jC As tlio day piogie'ssed , however , the giouml gained was lost in shoil libs and laid vvhilo in poik prices dropped below thomoin- ing's lowest quotations fully lle ( At 1 o'clock lard closed at last night's final prices , shoit libs the same to 'J1.1 lower nnd pork l' ( lower. The late dullness was continued for , lul.tlelivu.v . Poiksoldat fia 10 ( M fi-2" " , , , laid at ? * 10 ( s , 'JO and shoit ribs at J7 ilT'fjC"1" ' ! " ' Putuio pioduets closed at flit ! )7lj ) ! for Juno poik , * h Ofi for Juno lard , $7 II7JS for June MIOI t libs , tl ! ) 4i' ' . lor July poik , frl'Ji ) for July laid , * 7.7J ! * for July September ribs. ribs.AFTHUNOON AFTHUNOON SI--.SION Wheat firmer ; July sold at Kl febOtie , then up to M > i ( if&ls ) e , * | ) lit , fell to I01 f , closing at 80J o , August closing at Sli' ; Septembei clobing v\ith sellers t bl' c ; lo ) embei closing atb3Ve Coin Opened attS - o ; July sold at lOo and ono sale at 4i ( < i/'l.l'.c ' ( > , snlit , closing ut4Uo ; August closing atlU u bid ; September elnsiu at 500 bid , Juno clohrd ut < ! > lC' < 4'\G ' Oats easier ; Juno about an4o ; Jul.v bold at S 'JfOWOJiJe. ' nnd closed nttMIJfo ; August closed at litiOS " ( I'jo , Septennber closed at i'i54e' . 1'oik was ii'sC'- ' ' " bighcr , with modeiato trading , and closed at $ ll ! 10 for Juno ; $1.1 45 for July ; { 13.GA for August nnd $ l ti'Jij for September. Laid was stronger ; Juno closed nominally at and Hcptcmbur Htbli'j ! ; ) car closing at f7.I57K Bboi t ribs advanced Co and closed at $7.4J' ' < 1 for Juno and Jul ) , $7 50 for August nml | 7.tO for .Svptcmbci ; modeiato sales , CHICAGO iavn srocu. CniCAflO , Juno 21 ( Special Telegram to TJIIJ HEU I UATTLI : Trade was slow and uninteresting fiom the opening to the close , A few lots of dry fed steers bold at $5 Su@ 0.00 , or bay tOii oc lower than a week ago , but pcihaps no lower than for the past three or four dnjs. Then thoio were a fo\v lots of nice Juindy steers Unit told up to the past day or two , but this cUss it , scarce and will sell well in any condition of the market. Hut after thct > o two classes , that is nice light and handy stceis and bit" , fat steers , nil else in tha native line ruled dull and if anything lower. Huj crs looked suspicious on every- thins ; that had the faintest icsemblanco to ciassy utock , ami unmistakable giecu stock they would not look nt or raako nn offer so -Ions ns there was anything else In sight , kcnco all giocn stork had to sell right down alongside of t'ood Texans of which there a was pk'utiful supply , ami butchers preferred peed Tc ans at the price as agalust gicea ind grassy natives. Common Texana. Including cows and light can ning stock , sold lower ; Tcxnns , ns the refrigerator trade could use , ruled steady. Katlvc butchers' stock was neglected. Huycrs preferred light Texas cows at t-2.2.'i ( J.50 to natives at even same money. The market continues glutted with vcnl calves , nnd prices arc unusually low Stockcrs and feeders quiet nnd steady. Na tivcs , 13 ' ( "XCBO 00 ; rows and mixed , ft 7f. @ 4 00 ; stockcrs. Ji .V.g.V.W . ; Tcxans , 2 10rt3 ( 76 ilocis Trade opened slow , nml prices finally settled down to a decline of n strong 5c , especially on best heavy , prime packing and mixed. Hest heavy sold at ? 5 ( ViMf ! 75 , largely at 15 70 ; parking and mixed at $5 55 ® 5 ( M , largely at fitt ) ; light assorted , ? 5 50 © 5 CO. There was little or no demand for light-light , such going with the culinary run of mixed. _ _ _ _ _ riNANGIAIj. New YottK , Juno Ul [ Special Telegram to Tnn Hr.n 1 STOCKS The sentiment among stock speculators was more bullish. Prices have declined to n point where there Is little to bn made by selling nnd the bcst'clnss ot speculators arc afraid to short the market and stand on their trades. The bears are also uneasy and are beginning to cover nnd secure their profits before they get away. The bear operators ngiee that the day for 7 nnd 8 per cent dividends has passed and the rule hence forth will boI to 5 per cent. They also recognize the fact that St. Paul has declined to about the same figures as many that payne no dividends and are cautious about follow ing It down further. London set the p.ico by coming in stronger with a fair degree of activity and advances of ' < @K wcro recorded. Towaid noon dullness settled down over the market , trading being confined to half n doen stocks. The Lake Shore developed SMI prising strength Cammackvvas rcpoited to be covering St. Paul and Lake Shore. The former advanced ? 4 , the latter took the lead and advanced I,1 * , ' on the declaration of 'i per cent dividend and the rcpoi t that It had caincd3 } for the past six months. Cotton Oils were errat.c , declining,1 on a renewal of the icpoit about unfavorable action being taken against the company in Louisiana. Later it advanced 1 point and receded % . Although the market was dull duiing the closing hours , n strong undertone was ap parent nnd last sales on a. majority of nctivo stock were at almost the outside figures of the day nnd recorded advances extending to l1 points. Lake Shore led , Louisville and Nashville 1 , St. Paul -if , Northwestern % , Union Pacific % , Reading % , Uurlington , Cotton OH K. The total sales were V < aU2 shares , including 31,40J St. Paul , U'J.COO Heading , 14 , " 00 Lake Shore , 11.20J Union Pacific. Money 1 to 1J , bar silver 'J2. MAUKCTS. . Juno 21. Following nro the 2M : ! ) closing prices : Flour Nominally unchanged : winter wheat , in sacks , $275it)3b5 ) ; in bar rels. if300@4.75 ; spring wheat , in sacks , $1.7i@450 ; in barrels. $3GO@4.)0 ! ) : rye , in sacks , * 2.'JO ( < iJ 10. in barrels , 3 lOftfS UQ. Wheat Unsettled and lower at opening of session ; feeling bordered on panic ; opening prices were about % @ % c lower and closing % c lower than ycsteulay : cash , 80c ; July , fcOe , ; August , Sic. Corn Opened excited nnd unsettled , rang ing } 4i ( > ' < iO below close of ) esterday nnd closed iWfa under icsterday ; cash , 4SKc ; July , 40o ; August , 40 ll-10c. Oats Tame and slightly lower ; cash , 31' c ; July , 30J < c ; Aug-ust , 20 1-lCc. Hye Dull at .Vic. Barley tc. Pi imo Timothy J2 15@220. Flax Seed $130. Whisky S1.20. Pork Fairly active and quiet ; cash and July. $1 1 4V August , $13 55. Lud Weak and unsettled , averaging lower ; cash , $307 ; July $8.13 ; August , * Dry Salted Meats Shoulders. ? o 00ffif ( > 25 ; short clear , f7)3 ! ) ( < ( ' ! 00 ; short ribs , $74JJ < J. IJuttor Unchanged ; cieamery , 13 ( H9cj dairy , 15 > 17c. Cheese Unchanged : full cream Cheddars , c ; flats , 7 > ja7 ( c ; young Aineiicas , Eggs Unchanged at Hides Easy ; green salted calf , IK@3c ; heavy green salted , S tjio c ; light greeu dltud , 5df > Gc ; salted bull , .JJ/e ; diy flint , ? c , dry calf , Sc ; deacons , 20@i3c each ; dry salted , ( i@7c. Tallow " \Veakcr : No. 1 , countiy , 4c ; No. " > * % ci cake , 4c per lu. Receipts Shipments. Flour , bbls . 12,000 18,000 Wheat bu . 17,000 10,000 Coin , bu . l'J.1,000 bO.OOO Oats , bu . 117,000 155,000 Hyebu . 1,000 4.000 Hailey , bbls . 2UOO 1,000 New Vork , June 21. Wheat ncccmts , 88,000 ; exports , 170.000 : spot closed weak , options active , but decidedly lovvui , closing heavy at the lowest limits ; ungraded red , 1U @ 2'fc ' , No. 2 red , SS'4Cft'5 ! > c in stoic and elevator ' ' afloat fc'Ji'JOe ' f. . b , b'JX1' , ( ( o. ; July closing at b7Hc. Corn Receipts , 30,000 ; exports , 9,100 ; spot lower , options opened Ji' ( tl:4c lower , further declined 'n@le ' , closing at the lowest limits ; ungraded , mixed , 51 > ( r > 5 > fc ; No. 2 , 50' < ' ( ! < -50c delivered ; July closing tit 55' ' cOats Oats- Receipts , 27,000 ; uxpoits , 100 ; ni.uket weak ; mi\cd western , UJc/.J7c ( ; white westcin , 40ii4.'c , Coffee Spot , fair Rio , nominal at S15 00 ; options iKKii to points lower , closing steady ; June , $11 ' .HWl'JiB ; July , $10.006010.75 ; August. ? 'i b.lMlO 01. Petroleum United closed weak at73 c. Kirgs Uull nnd weak ; western , 15 > jglCc. Poik Dull and weak ; mess quoted at $15.5i 15 W ) foi now ; * 1 1 00@14.W ) for old Laid Lowei ; westcin steam s > pot , 53.7JX. Hutler Kasv ; wcstein , 13@l'j c. Cheese Dull. St. lioiiiH , June 21. Wheat Lower ; cash , 84S34'4c ( ; July , b.l'4'c. Coin Lower ; cash , 15e ; July , MJ.j'c. Oats Lower ; cash , 3J c ; July , 2bKc. Pork $14.10. Lai d S7.b7 . Whisky $1.14. Hutter Steady ; creamery 14i17c ( ; dairy , 12 ( 'li.c. ' Afternoon Hoard Wheat Firmer ; June , S3Lc Coin Higher ; June , 44 e. Oats Quiet ; June , 3'c. KuiihUH City , June 21. Wheat Lower No. 2 soft , July , 7l e bid , 73u asked. Coin Lower ; No. 2 cash , 4'O.c bid , asked , Oats July 21c bid. Chicago , Juno 21. The Drovers' Journal repoits us follows : Cattle Receipts , Jl.OOO ; market slow but steady ; natives , f3 J7) ) > jHi3 GO ; i-ows ami mixed , $1 7f @l 'JO ; stockeis , M WJ&AM ; Tex- nns , $ J 20M-1 75 Hogs Receipts , 1(1,000 ( ; ; heavy , fi ( i5ta5 70 ; iiai'king and mixed , $5 5o505 ; light , f5.40a5.W ( ) . Sheep Receipts , 7,000 ; market steady ; natives , ? J 75 ® > .0 ( ) , Texas , fj,0j ( t3 SO ; feeu- crs , M 15 ; lambs , $ -.UyiG.OO ! , National Stock YarilH , Kast St. I oulH , Juno 21 Cattio Receipts , 1,300 ; shipments , ' . ' ,1000 ; market stead ) ; choice heavy nutivo hteers , S5 40jli ) 00 ; luir to good native bteois , fl i oyS 'JO.'butcheis' stecis , fl.tOti5lO ( , stockeis and feedert. , , $ . ' , BOf3,70 ( ; , ningeih , j.'JA d S3. Hogs Receipts , ' . ' ,400 ; shipments , 2,200 ; market stead ) , ehoico heavy nnd butch ers' selections , f5.5" > ( a5)5 ( ) , packing , medium to pnwc , ? o,8H i3 , " ) o , light glades , 2 ' 51 . | \v , K.uisa * City , Juno 21 , Cattfo-n"ceipts , 1,400 ; shipments none , common to choice coin-fed , flWiW5.50 , glass ruutro steers , e , ' 00(11.1.50 ( ; stpi'Kew unU feedei.s , „ > tH ) 3.GO ; cows , * JlX ) ( < j.H > ti. Hogs Receipts , 4.0U3 ; ihipmcuts , 000 ; mniket lowe'i ; lommon to ehuleo , fj 10M 5.s5 ; bkips and OMAHA lilVR STOCIU Cattio , Thursday , June 2.1 , 1S > 3. The reeipta of rattle to day consisted of forty eight fiesh loads. Theio wcro some vuy fair cattle hero , but thotowxio quite a good man ) ( ommon and grass cattle among the offcrlugs. The market was fully 100 lower on good cattle , vvhilo common cattle arc very blow sale and it is hard to say how much lower. Tnin finss cattle are almost utibalabls. Common butchers' stock is also very dull and low , logu. | Tiie receipts ot hogs were 103 loads , as Boilington ButlltlH Bami. The Burlington takes the lead. It was in advance of all lines in developing Nebraska. It was in advance of all lines in establishing dining-car service between Missouri river points and Chicago. It was in advance of all lines in giving the people of Omaha and the West a fast mail service. It was in advance of all lines in running its trains from the East into Omaha proper. It was in advance of all lines in reducing the time of passenger trains between Omaha and Chicago. It was in advance , and is the only line by which you can feave Omaha in the morning and arrive in Denver the evening of the same day. It has been progressive in the past. It will lead in the future. Travel and ship via the Burlington. Ticket Office , 1223 Farnam Street. Telephone 250. Depot on Tenth Street. against 133 on yesterday. In addition to the fresh receipts there weio about twenty stale loads in tlio hands of scalpers. The general markets was 5c lower than yesterday's mar ket. The hogs weio all sold bcfoictho close. Sheep. There were no sheep on the market to day , and only ono load was icepived , which was shipped direct to Swift & Co. Receipts. Cattle 1,000 Hogs 7,200 Sheep 273 PrcvnilmiT Prlcui. Thofollou'lng is a tiblo of prices paid in thismirKOt for the grades of stoclc men tioned. Pnmestcers. 1300 to 1500 Ibs.$1.15 fflfl fiO Pi line steer , 1UK ) to 1 iK ( ) Ibs. 4 50 fffil 50 Patlittlc steers. 900 to 1050 Ibs. 4 00 3W.75 Common to good cows 1.73 ( ? W 50 Choice to fancy cows 3 50 ( ii4 00 Common to choice bulls 2.21 ( 3.10 Fair to choice light hogs 5.21 ( $530 Fair to choice heavy hogs 5.35 < < tr 15 Fairtochoico mixed hess 530 ( j 33 Itcprchcntntivo Sale * . CATTLE. No. Av. Pr. 1 cow 5)20 ) $1 75 4 steers , grassers 1173 3.15 14 cous lOiJ 2.11 1 heifer 700 215 istag 1250 215 1 cow 1050 2.00 21 feedeis 10M 2.75 7 cows lObl 200 1 cow 640 300 ficows O.'O 300 1 cow " 00 3.(0 ( 19co\vs 101 ! 300 4bfecders bOt .500 1 heifer 70i ) 3.2ri 1 cow 1CJD 3'-- 8co\vs 1115 350 'Jheifeis ( j'M ) .150 S2westein , Imj led 1167 3 Ii5 bl vvc'itcin. haj fed llbt ) 30"i 1' ' . ) mixed 'Hi 3C,5 , .Ihoifeis HO 3.75 3i.westeni , luy fed 1310 4.00 cisteeis 181'J 4.10 3 veal calves 1WI 450 2bstcets ll.7 ! 4 (50 ( ficalves Ib4 450 30 steers ' .Ms 4 CO W steels 13.0 531 SOstccis : 1270 5 il 15 stceis 13sJ 5 31 nous. lilvu Stock Sold , Shovvins the number of c Utle , hogs and sheep sold to the leading buyers on to day's inurUet , CVTTLC. SwiftiICo SOI O. H Hammond & Co 218 J. Kith , 8 Mo.loJd ! 20 i AunourOP CO , , 21 1 Chut eh , . . . , , . . . . , . 8 I'all&Co , , 20 J U Hill , (54 ( iioas. Armour-Cudahy PaeUingCo. , 2,517 .Swift.Sc Co 8i4 J. P. SqUire vt Co . . . , , 1,049 Cleveland P & P Co 809 C. H. rfortu &Co , 802 A Spring. , . , . , IPS nevUbtem&Co 257 Glbbs & Wliite. , 181) G. Y. BaitleU & Co , 2Ji Hnlstcad & Co 023 E. L. Lambert 245 J. Doud 301 Tharp 010 Itinlnnid Bros , 135 K Cole 31 Dehr 05 Highest nnil Ijovvost , The following aic the lilghest and lowest unccs paid for mixed and heavy loads of hogs on this inaikct during the past few dnvs and for the coi responding period in Ib37 and 1660 : _ J JtmoJSSS. | .lime lW. ! | Juno \ M. _ o 'JO © n f > 7'5 4 fw © 4 80 Sunday 5 M GO 5 5-1 4 41 © 4 75 n r.7',5 * y ti o ai ( ij n ro 1 4D © 1 75 3 70 ( S 3 71 5 2i 0 > f > 5U * ' " 8 WJM ! i 77'5 Sunil.iy 4 fiO'Cft 4" 7714 .i ffl tt : i 70 fi 2U QJ il 50 4 GO © 4 WO 4 41 4 ( 5 20 W .1 5.1 Suniluy 3 70 do 3 75 n fi 2O n 40 4 nn 55 4 TO 11 fi 21 < tf > 5 4Ii 4 tei'M 4 ! M ftft , } 70 r , is r > o ) 4 M < fo 4 Itt > 4 3 ( ! 7' 8 n 70 s i dn r > 45 4 45 5J 4 75 a no < a : i 71 Sunilny 4 M ( TJ | 4 ti n ci a : i 75 n : w fft r. no 4 50 1 81 B 70 C8 ' 1 N ) : w fA n 6-i SniuUvy. ! l 70 © .1 75 r , : w & 50 4 40 © 4 S7 > 5 Sunday hive Stock Notes. Hogs 5e lower. Common cattle slow. Mr. Butler , Cicsccnt , In , was hero with hogs Chris Koch , Milliard , was heic with n load of cattle. John S. Woods , Dawson , Mo , was in on his llrst ti ip with a car of cattle. Simuel McClaiugnn , Valley , was in with seven lo ids of cattle of his own feeding. .Too Miller , Valley , cnmo in with three loads of western cittlo of his own feeding. Hake Hi os sold IdO head of distillery cat tle , which weio fed b.y them at Nebraska Cit v. II H. Miller , Winside , was in and mar keted tinoe loads of 1,189-lb stceis , of his own feeding , at $4 CO. H L Harna , Wisnor , came in with two loails anil a load of cattle. One load of hogs sold at SI 45 , the top puce. H L Hitisli , of the Hiush Like Cattle coinpanv , was tit the yaids with four loads of cattle shipped fiom Denver C II North & Co , the Hoston packers , bought hogs An this unit ket to day Their piesence heio will be n help to the hog mar- uet. uet.A. A. W Heahin , Coitland ; C C Smith , Milford - ford , Fred Dior , Hrownlk-ld , Goo \Vilghts- inan , Ainsvvoitli ; Mr D ivvson , Hiomlield ; Mr Hailies , Columbus , Mr Halnes , Giesh- am , v\eio among the number who came in With llOtJi ) . OMAHA WHOIjHSAI.n MARKKT. Produce , Kruiti. , N'uta , ntc. Thursday , Juno 21. nt'TTPii Fancy cieamor.v loll butter. 20(7 ( ? ) 21c ; with solid p-uked at Hi/lle ( ) ! : ehoius country butter , 13 ( illo ; coiiunon grades , ! ! ( > 12c. 12c.Ean Ean Strictly fresh , 15@lCc. Cm nuiES 1'ercaso of 10 Ibs , SI.,1@2 00. Southern cherries $ J 7.1 per 24 iU.ut | case. STiiAWiiKituirs f , ' 50C * , ' 7.1 per 10 ijt case. Gun si : rull cream , Uiil4e. ( HI.I TS'iOc per do/ . POTATOES Choice homo grown , 75(38,1c ( ; Utah and Colorado stock , 00i 05c ; low grades , .W OSe' . 1'otiTUi No dressed fowl in the innrkot ; llvo chiekens , SJ 2.1 perdue ; spnng chickens , S2 'Ocg.l.e.'i ItAiiibiti's 10@llc per doz. STHISO Hiuvs Jl .10ier bu. GUI-UN I'KAS $1 50@2 00 per bu. TOMATOES j2.r > 0 per ci ate or $1 75(32.00 ( per bu. bu.PINK PINK Ai' 2.1CS2 50. DANAN Common medium , $2.50g3 ( 00 per buncn ; choice , M 00i ( < 350 ; low gi adi-s , JJ 00. TutMi's Califoinm , 2U&3o perlb. DATI s Persian , 0 } ( i 7i ) per Ib. CHICK Choice Michigan cider , f 1.50(30 ( 50 pcrbbl of 82 gal. SPINACH $1 50 per bbl. KiiuiiAiui 2a2' ( < o per Ib ON-IONS Native stock , ? 1 35(3 ( 1 50 ; Spanish , per box of 5 Ibs , 51 75 2.00 ; California on ions , 3 > . ' , ( u4o per Ib. LUMO'NS- 50v > 7.00 per box ; fancy , JT.OO © 8(0 8(0On On KNOBS California Uiversiilc , } 75@4 00 ; medium sweet Hivei sides , f I 50 per box ; Messina , 5.1 .10@7 00 ; Los Angeles , Jl 005 * 4 60 ; Los AngelCb NuvaU , ? 4 00 ; Hivcrsido Nnvuis , | t ) 00. CAisaviiLs 3a3l ( o perlb. for California CAILUIOWEU UooJ stock , f l.OOQjl. 15 per AbPAiunfB C0@70 per ilozcn bunches. ' CuctMiiufj 50c per doz for choice. CfcLi Hi California stock , $1 50 per doA PorcoiiN Choice rice corn is quoted at 35J 4cicrib. ) ; other kinds2 > @ 3c perlb CutuoTS Now stoc-k , 40W41c per doz. lUANs-Good stock , CO@J 7.1 ; California beans , i , ' 258 40 Pias In lajors , inWl5c ( , cake , lOo per Ib. NUTS Peanuts , raw , 0 > iv.7o ; Hr.uil nuts , 13c ; almonds , Tarragonu , 2Je : English wal nuts , 15jf ( ISc , niberts , Ibo , Italian chestuuts , 15c ; pecans. 15c. HO.NEV lC@81c for 1 Ib frames ; canned honey , 10@12o per Ib. Ptiic MM'I.U SVIIUP ? 1 85 per gal. SALbii'i 23o per bunch , Orocer'a Ijlst. REFINED Lvitu Tierce , 1Kc40 \ Ib square cans , 7 0 , 50 Ib round , 8c ; 20 lu round , S./o ! ; 10-lb paila , 8 'o ; 5 Ib pails , 6) 0 : 8 Ib pails , bjtc , Biiivi'S Now Orleans molasses , porbbl. , 3trfiOc ( per gal ; torn sjrup , 84oialf bbls. . 80e ; 4 gal kegs , $1.05@1.05. Boighum , 3Sc. bacon , 10KS10Xc ( ; bacon sides , O O' c : dry salt , SX@S > 4c ; shoulders , 7@7 e ; dried beef , 10@llc. CANVBD Goons Oysters , standard , per case , $3 20@3 3.1 : strawberries , 2-lb , per case , $2 G0@2 70 ; raspberries , 2-lb , i > er case , * 2 ) Q 2.70 ; California pears , per case , $4.70@4 80 ; apricots , per case , S42.1Qt431 ; peaches , per case , S,1OiTiS ( 7.1' white cherries , per case , ? 5 Wt ) ( ( ; 00 ; Calilornia plums , per case , 1.50 @ 4 00 ; bluobprrics , per case , $ -J 00ftr2.ll ) ; egg plums , 2-lb , pur case , ? J 50 ; pineapples , 2-lb , ] ) er case , S..20rf.1 ) 75 ; 1-lb salmon , per doyen , $1 8i ( ) l.b5 ; 2-lb gooseberries , per case , $3.80 t < 200 ; 2-lb stung beans , per case. ? 1.75 ( ( § ISO ; 2-lb Lima beans , per case , iff ( > 0 ( 1 ol ; 2 Ib marrowfat peas , fj.50 2 00 : 2-lb early Juno peas , per case , J2.b.1 ; Il-lb tomatoes , fJ30 240 ; 2-lb coin , ? , ' .20C i2 30 ; sardines. nnioi teil " 4 , 12ful1c ( per box ; domestic Jf , 0) ) ( aO' ' e ; mustaui , Du. K. C. WEST'S NEUVE twn nnAiN TKBAT- HENT , a guaranteed speclflc for Hveterla , Dizzi ness , Convulsions , 1 Its , Nervous Neuralgia , Headache , Nervous t'lostratlon caused by the lite of alcohol or tobacco. Wakofulness. McnUl lepies lon , Softening of the Ilrnln , reiultlnK In Insanity , anil leading to mlxeiv , decay unit doiitli , Premature Old Age , nnrrenne i , Ioss of 1'ower In cither sex. Involuntary Losses nnd Rlicrmatorlia'n caiiBod liv ovor-etertlon of tlio brain , self abuse or over-Indulgence. Each box contains one month's treatment tl 00 a liox , or blx boxes for $ . " > 00 , sent by mall prepaid on re ceipt of price. WE GUARANTEE BIX BOXRB To cure any case. With each ordrr received by us fet tlx boxes , accompanied with $500 , wo \\lllsenilthopurchaser our written gmiranti.'o to refund the money If the treatment does not enoctactiro ( iuarantees issued only b'C. I\ ( JOfDMAN. ) DnidBlst , Solo Agent , 1110 Taruam Omaha. Neb "Tho Overland ICoiifc. " Has so arranged it& ruinily Cur feervico , tliat berths can now bo ic- served UJJOH application by any ticket atfcntto M. J. ( .iicovyPn < < seiijor Agent , Council Blullb , IDU.I. Tlio leoorvatioiiH when mailo aio tuined over to tlio train conductoin talcing out such cws. , bo that pabtcngcrs novy secure bortlis or- uoicd , the Miino as a Pullmiin berth is icscrvcd and seoured. J. S. TKIIItlSTM , 1 . Ii. KO.MAV. Gcn.1' . i-T. AKimt. AHs'tG 1' . A. T , A OMAHA , Nii { . ' JinCIOUS ! AHD PtllSISTEHr Aihuillslnjj hiis ahriijs i > i-ovci ) siiccesstul. Ucforo pluclni ; 11117 Newspaper Auvcrtlslnfr consuH. LORO ( U THOMAS , AIIVKKTISIVU ILLVTS , 411 lt > UanJololi Si , t. CHICAGO. NOWS THE TIME To have > our friends rome to KANSAS A\I > MJCEASK/V ; As I'nstern lines v\lll sull tickets and run SEMI-MONTHLY LAND EXCURSIONS OV I II Till ! Union Pacific "The Overland Koiitc. " Until July 1 , Ihti.ttiUots told for ( huso oxrur- rlons ulll Lu goDil thirty ilajs for the round trip anil can bu used ten duj H ( 'oliih. hc-n liar- chaucis me it-ally tn icluin , thrs'3 tickets u III bo ( , oed llvo dujs foi that purposo. If pmchasers v > lbh to btoji slurlof ( Ustlnutlun on our 11ms , iifiinth111'stamp tickets good to return fiom Midi point .1.8 'JlUlllRTS. Uen I & .T. Agent. K L.1.UVUX .Vs OMAHA. N151I II 1'AIMEH V I' IIICIIllAN J U 1J. A.SCUAIU ) . P , RIQHMAfS & CO. . \ > m Stock Commission Mentals , Office Uoom24 OpMnlto nirlifiiizu Jlulldlni ; , uuloa McCOY BKOS7 Live Slock CoDimissioii Mcrcliauls , Uarkvt furnii-liiiil free on appllcatlun Stockcm anil fccilBf furnUlii'd on itooil tcnu llu'erc'iink ( Hun. hit I.ailnuftl linut Hii.l boutli OmuJia .Nalluuui , tuluo block V , rils , huulU Uiuuha NORIMERWESTERF'IELp& " MATucy Live Stock Commission , Uoora IS , KxcbunKO Uuildini , ' , Tniuu block Vurdi , buutU UiuaLtt , < stL > . ALEXANDnn Commision dealers iii Live Sod liooiu.- . ' , Opjiosllo Kxabange llulMlnKf Uutou Etock iBoulh Omalju.Ntlj , UNION STOCK YARDS CO. , Of Omaha , IMei THAT PROPOSED RAILROAD , An Interesting Exchnngo of Opin ions By Several Gentlemen. THEY MEET AT THE UNION CLUB. Tlie Urgency of lie Nortliwi-st nml Southwest Outlets Piitly 12\iiliincil niut the Cost and Profits Intel' i\tilalnctl. : Mr. I'mticls Smith's InMtrr. Prank Colpctzcr presided over n party of Union club gentlemen vv ho gntliot oil about the eotiMiltltiff tublo In Uio readiiitf rooms of the club lust nlpht , to agitate the subject of building a railroad to the iioilhvvcst niul southwest nnd furnish Omaha with bettor rnihonil facilities Mr. Colpetzer s.ild ho would like to see u permanent orpnnlrittlon formed , mid not immediately decide upon vvliero tlio rend should bo built to Mr. A .1. 1'oppletoti was of the opinion that It \ MISusto of time to 01 onto an oritmii/atlcm nntil It was deilnitoly known \\hether the county would subset ibo funds to\\aids it Dr. MllUr , taking up Mr Colpot/ur's sug- ccstion that the line of the ro.ul should not bo decided upon us jot , was of the opinion that tlio people , \\hcn uskeil to subscribe funds for the load , the tlist iiuestlou they would ask was in what direction It v\ns to fso Herman Kountzo finorcd the bending of the elToits of the organisation in ono dliection , niul to fully deiido whether the loud was to bo built to the noith\\est or southwest. To build two loads at one time would not bo u feasible undeitakiiiir , and ho informed his hem IMS that Ins bi other was not favorable wholly to an organisa tion of local capitalists. Ills bi other was of the opinion that the llnauclal magnitude of the undei taking was such as to i.tll for the aid of outside capitalists , and a subsidy fiom the county Mr Kountso stated that he was unable to see Mr. Francis Smith , of Hostoii , In pel son , but bad received a letter fiom that gentleman , \\lio questions tlio feasibility of Omaha capitalists putting $1,000,000 in lailroacls to tlio di'ti intent of local improvements , and the asking of the county lor a subsidy of $1,000,000 tnoie , theieby Increasing taxation to the discour agement of manufacturers who would other wise locate. in Omaha The picsent lacilitics furnished Omaha bv the lailroadsas dwelt upon , and Mr. Smith expiesses himself fully satislled that a load , us contemplated , could not compete successfully w lib them In conclusion the lioston gentleman counseled his Oumh.i h lends to go slow in the pro posed enterpuso and to put theii money into local improvements , encourage the locating of manufactnreis and wait upon the rail roads to glvo them the desired relief they so uiueli hanker after. Mr PopploUm confessed that Mr. Smith's letter was teiso and to the point , but pointed out the fact that the railroads , in competing for business , were nisei Imiimtlng against Omaha something that Mr. Smith was possibly not nwam of , Mr. Popplcton stiongly favoicd the building of a road , say two hundred miles in length , to tlio not th- vcsthich , ho thought , would icpay all the capitalists taking slock in It. Dr. Miller favored the building of a rail road to the nortluvbt , saying that after the ro.ul pcnutrated into the north for a distance of one hunched and Ilfty miles a new country , jet undeveloped , would be found , and would bo wholly controlled by the road. If Omaha is ever to occupy that community , now is their oppor tunity , and he expressed full eon- Jidenco that other loads would not build after them , as some lears had been cxpicbsed that thej would , Mr. Kountzo admitted that no trouble v\ould bo oxpeiienccd in placing the bonds , provided it could bo show n that the i o.ul was making runnintr expenses , hail enoucli to keen it fully stocKea and in good icpair and pay the llxed charges on tlio bonds How ever , lie questioned the safety of building such a load contemplated , basing his views on the fact that If thuio was any money in it thooldei raihoads would nave built it bcfoio now. now.Dr. . Miller thought now would be a good time to build , as all the huge loads had abandoned constiuction tlnough Nebiaska for this i car. Pushed for a reason why the li. & M. had ceased uoilc , the doctor said that the most potent was the money mat ket had all the i aih oad bonds it L.II cd to handle. Mr. Barker , in speaking of the cessation of woik , sud he had it from good authoiity that .1 had been inspired from state interfer ence with the load. Mi. 1' . K. Her said that it was evident that something must bo done , and that ( Illicitly , and If it is found impi.ictic.ihlu to build a road ho suggested that stcpa he put foi waid to icaih some equitable airannc incuts with the i.iilioads now lunning into Omaha and Nebiaska. Mr. Iliirbiugh insisted that state legisla tion and the decisions of the supiemo couit had injmcd i.uli oad building into the state , for had it not been lor these distuibing f.ic tois miles of new load would have been built this bummer Ho next gave some mtcicsting statistics as to what the piobablo expunsch and receipts ot such a road contemplated would bo , and intimated thoio was no eaithlj show for a man putting nis money in losing it , pi ovidcd the road wus eonstiuc ted and run on an honest and business piinciplo He advised Omaha capitalists to subseubo liberally to it bofoiu asking eastern specu- latois to take hold , as it would inspiio conil deuce , and discouraged the idea that $1,000- 000 could bo i aisc'd among Omaha capitalists alone. Mi Col ] otser asked Mr. Kountro if there wuro not men in Omaha who could put money in the road and wait a lew years for itiiutuin Mr. Kountso icphed that ho did not feel Justified in answeilng tlio ques tion , and Mr. Colpct/er said that when ho was asUcd to take stock in the road it occuri cd to him that the impetus itould give Ins business and Omaha that ho would gut eveiy cent of it back In thicoyeais. Mr. Hniker said that for the inteiest and vvclhno ofOmalia it was nccoss uy for the road to uo built Mr Her agiccd with him Dr. Miller asked Mr IConnt/o if ho would head a huhscnbtion for tlio building of the load , pi ovidcd the county voted a subsidy of ? l,0l < 0,0 0 Hefoio ho could answer it. Mr. ( JolpeUer modified it , by asking"Mr Kouutrc , in .voui judgment do you think it would pay the people of Omaha to build the roadf" Mr. ICountso icplied that ho was not piepaiedto answer for the community , but expressed Ills willingness to himself Mib- scubo towaid it , ami thought it would bo mnviso to build two roads at ono time. Ho favoied a noilhwestcrn road. Mr. ColpoUcr said ho would like to sco the matU-r icaclibonio dnfinito shape , mid Mr , Her fnvoiL'd tlio building of the load to the southwest wheio the pioducts Omaha is aftci aio located. Thcie was a diveisity of opinion as to Mr llei's favoiitlsm , many lavoimg a northwesterly direction The ( , atheung icsolved itself into an in- foimal one , and after a thoiouyh discussion and uNc'lmtii.0 of opinions on the most favor able direction to bo ti.ivcisul an adjoin n- ment was ouleivd for a few dajs , Appetilu nnil Health restored by TAHKAVl'b SHIIiil : Al'KItlKNT. Heal IJht.itcs TriiiiHfern. A T Smith and w f to Mrs r Uiundrh et nl lot in , 1 aii mount I'lnci- \ . d 5 j 'jyt Jnobti'vriwonti ) V (1 l.iintij. lots J,2J , t. 6 ( ! , 7 mid M , till. U , I leileuce , q , c. d . . 1 JnO Ilelmott and Wfto VO I. uitry. lot 21 , bIkKJurWievsd ! . . . . . . 1 Homir ( / U\\U1 to \ \ I , fiuillchs. lot g.blk 7. lots ( i anil 1U , bit t ) , lots 7 , f. 10 mid 11 , WkH. IKufehti L ) man a will. vv.el . 6,400 ] ) 1 Inlnjbon midvtf to llomu Investment ( ' ( i , lot J. folk 15 , Albright's annex , w. U , COO W M Holers to .1 8 llujjcra , lot 1 , blk V , Mci'onm r'b udcl , V U . . 10,500 0 12 Majne and \\t toJi ( oil Letts tl ul.lots 1 and It. lilt c , C H Miijnua IlrU 4dcl , Yullev , vv.d . . 300 Gee 1' 1H Uh 1 1 H ! to KdWitrd ( .uilnu , lots 1 and | 8 , blk f , t'l .Mujne'a nrs.tHkd , w d. IV ) U in U Albright nnd f to ,1 W Hell , lot It , blk.i , Matthiin skubr il . . . COO Will ( ulli-n to MM ( Donald , lot i , 1)1 ) k n , Umulia VlBW , .il . . . . 2,100 Kumli Onmlm J.uiul ( o to S M .Sultnum , lot ! i , lilk i bouth Oinulm. vd . . IKJ J M builiiinnftiiltoJ M. .Muhlhill , lot 1 , Wk5).loc7. ) blk 1'J.lot 8. blk ID , South Omaha , q c d . . 1 GioN'llitkHetaltoJMuUlhlll , lots J , i and K , BiMtnam hub . 1 GcoN IlkkHctaltoJ JlulMhtll , lota'J , J3 and 13 b\vUimni' cub . 1 Gee X Hklcs ct ill to J M \Mtnani , lotO , bile 41 , lot 11 , blk 4V , lot U , blk 40 , lot 11 , . blk 4 . South Oniubtt.qoil . . 1 J .Mulvlnill tt ul toJ M bw etuuin , lots 1 , a and 6 , bwBtnam'B sub a c A . . . . . . . 1 J MulvlUill e\ alto J M Swttnarn.lots 14 , 17 and ID , Betuaia's iub , o , Q a . . . . 1 J M fwclnnm to ( ! co N Illclss lots 11 nml \i nml Id , Sntlniim'sonl ) , q rd . . . . 1 J M f > wctm m to lpi N lltcki , ( i , 7 nnd 12 , Snctnam'sMib , q c d , , . J Mulvllitll ot nl to ( ) eo S Hicks lot 8. Tilk 12. lot 1 , Hlk ! > , lot H , blk 40 , lot 7 , bile 41 , foath Umnhn , q c d 1 J .1 Moncll nnd wife to t Maitcrs w U lot " 4. Wh 1 , Mining plnct' , \ \ tl . . , KO S lx wo to r II Umi- , nil of 1'nrlc plnco . . 1 Sftmucl fotucr to M Jnmlson , lot 18 , Hills plncc. \ \ d . . .f ] , JOO 11 llnwlcy nnd liusl > < unl toe r I'ottcr , lot 17. blk J , lllllolOoiulil , d fi.000 \V K llawlrv and wife to rr I'ottcr , lots i | 7 , H nnd t > , blk " , Kxrhango place , ftmtn l | ( iinnlin , v0 8,500 I Tllurkloy to A Cl'owoll. lot 6 , blk ill , j | Oinnhn , ncil . 1 'I J ( Inrd nnd vIfo to i : iVrtln. lot lie , ( li c's ndd. \ \ d . (1,500 ( K I ciTin nnd v > Ifo to J Oaril , lot UU , ( Use's ndd. vd , . . . . JUXX ) 1' II II ( . 'lurk to l Nelson , ct nl , lot 15. blk I. \VS * Sldiv \ A 400 1' H II tlnrk to P Nelson ot nl , lot II , blk U \\ostMdc , wit . . . . . . . tOO W I. Sclbv nml ulfp to A 1) Cntnnilngs , 8'4V i7ft < ! udlolnlng , lot 4. llnrkcr's allotment , w it a'fl 'Jhlrty-ono trnnsftrs , aggrogntlng. . . . $62,67 Permits. The following building penults wcro Is sued jcstcrday by the superintendent of buildings ' 1 rank Jclon , cottage , rourtcponth , be- Ui \Mlllams and I'louo t 900 VnclRV IMn-k , cottngi1eitlle'ld nnd llf. ti'Rjith . . . . . 400 Mr * Krlccwlo liimsloi , Improvc-monts , IVilti-r lietwu'ii Sintnlli and Klgh- ti'i-nth . . . . COO .Inhn Mt-ltisilorir , Imiirovcmpnts , Sixth lei tpii I'li-rroand mUslon . 300 Hum n \ SlH'imiin , ImpioNe-nuMit" , I'wpntil fomth nnd fatd\Mll . . . . MO MlditPl Hrlley , kltdluii , U2 ! Miormuu iiMiiuo . 200 G Holitiinlth & llro. , two story ttnino block of lints 1\000 \ \ S PoiiplPton , two story blUk real- dome , ( fuuiulii nnd 1'aclllc 4,500 A. 11. JnhiiMin , cut im > , ( limit butwccn Twintv ninth and 'Ihlrlhleth MO ( Jpoigii N Hli'kM , two btorv fiaino doable ( Iwclllng 'llilitj-Hr-t nil ll'oppk-ton . f.,000 tt , \ \ lluibaiik , two stoiy dwulllng , blimu's Jil iidiUtion . . S.C50 riprpnpcriults.nggipgatlni ; . . . . iM.WiO _ _ Lumber. " _ OMAHA LUMBUR CO. , All Mi of BuiMiii Material at WliulcsalB _ lgt _ _ ' Street and Uulon I'ttclllc Track. Onmlit. ' LOUIS BRADFORD Dealer in LuniUer , Latli , Lime , Sash. Ioor , lite. YnrJs-Cornpr 7th ami Dourlnij Cornel ill li ami C. N. DIETZ. " * | J Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber , I Hill unit Cnlirorn a streets , Oiintm , Ncbrn ta. FRED W. Lumber Lime Cement Etc Etc , , , , , , Comerfih nnil Doucli tU..Omahn. ! T.W. HARVEY LUMBER"UoT To Dealers Only , nnm Street Onmhn JOHN A. WAKEFIELD. Wholesale Lumber , Etc , Imported nnd Amurionn I'nrtlund Cement SUti Age-ntfor JlllwHiikco Ilydrnulic Cement and CJulncy VVtillo Mine. CHAS. R. LEE. Dealer in Hardwooil Lnnioer , Woort Cnrpela nnil Tunnel Kliiorln : Dili and DonglM Notions- J. T. ROBINSON NOTION CO. , Mosaic Notions and Furnishing Goods 411) ) nnil < OTi Bcnlti 10th hi , Oiniihn. Olla. CONSOLIDATED TA JK LINE CO. . Wliolsale RefinGu and LnMcating Oils , AxloJrca e , Ktc , Omuha. A. 11 UlillO ] ) , Mnnogcr , V1NYARD & SCHNEIDER , Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods , 1105 lliirnoy Strnel. Omuha. Paints and Oils. "CUMMINGS & \Miolc.-nlo l > ciiart > ln Paints , Oils , Window triads , Etc , ill1' Firna-n Mroet. OmahaNob. "CARPENTER PAPCR cc. Wholesale Paper Dealers. Carry n nice Hook of Printing , Wrapping and vyrltli l'lT St | cnil attention ulvon lo i ar Inail nrilom Printers' Mntorlnls. WESTERN NEWSPAPER Auxiliary PnWisliers , Dealers In Tyin , I'nc iinil I'rlnlf r 'bupplles. tat fruutli Ktli-'iriet. Oninlia Qubbor Goods. OMAHA RUBBER c6"7 Manufacturers anil Dealers in Unite Goods 311 Clothing uiul Luallicr Uclllun. 1XW ( 1 iirniira " F ittlngs , Pumps , Etci A. L. STRANG CO. , Pumps , Pipes and Engines , CHUHCHILL PUMP CO. , Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , U. S. WIND ENGINE i PUMP CO. , Steam and Water Supplies , Halllday Wind Mill * 518 and yyrnrniini \ bt , Oranna. _ BROWNELL TcO. , " Bnjdnes , Boilers and General Macliinery. Sheet tron * , . , . MQ , , . lu. , _ Smoke Stacks , Dollars , Etc. _ H. K. SAWYER , Mannfactnring Dealer in Smoke Stacks , jiB , Tmika nnd General Holler ItupnlrliiK. 1318 Hod CD Mrci't , Oiuuhu , N l > _ _ _ SoodB. PHIL/S TIMMEL It CO.T " Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds til nn < liiJom | | > ii Mr , < t Ounilin Blorogp , Forw rdjjig & Commlaalon ARMSTRONC , PETIS ft CO. , Storage , Forwarding au Commission , Hraric'i liumoof HID Ilcirni r JliiRirr < 'o Iluvulcaul nliule < alu uml n tall , i. J lllOiinii HU Uanl Sirtel , Oiimliu Tuleiliiiiiu | ! * " 7VJ OruworQ. " ' 'STORZ& ILER' , Lager Beer Brewers , 1021 North lllgthttculli btrect , Omulia , Neb. Iron Works. _ ' _ - , - _ - . - . S'TEAM BOILER WORKS. Carter , V f on 1'rop a .Manufacturer * of "II klndf Steam Boilers , Ttnls anfl Sliest Iron fort V\'ork byulti JtU ) auil II. X M V1UHI.I.NG lUONVV OIIKS. Cast Iron Bnilflins fort , Engines Ilr s Work General 1 oumlry Macliiueuud ilLickiiulili VV ik OIK o anil \ \ irk , L 1' . Uj , unit l.iu blrctt ( Jmuhu. OMAHA WIRE A- IRON WORKS Manufacturers of fire and Iron Railings Dusk Hull ! , VVIiiilvn Ounr li Flow tr StnixUVlr eilfiu. Kla U > Notlli ICtli BUcel , Omulia. OMAHASAFEnntl IRON Man'fre ' of Fire & Burglar Proof Safes Vaulti. Jail Work , Iron an > l VVlro feucliu.BUiii. UU > .