r THE OMAHA DAILY BEB : FRIDAY , .TUNE 22. 188a clnrcd In the opening of his speech that Pennsylvania did not wint Grover Cleveland In the will to house a declaration which was met with laughter. Ho proceeded to vouch tor the republicans of Pennsylvania nnd ho boasted of the largo majorities thnt stnto Imd given to Hayes , Garllold nnd JJlaino. As the speaker uttered this last name the enthusiasm of the convention again found Vent in cheers , shouts and uproar. The campaign , continued General Hast ings , found the enemy intrenched in tlio sent of power with the prestige of power , with thrt Influence of the solid south nnd with the Increasing democratic nppctito for oftico to Rive It encouragement , though the country was tired of sham , double dealing and medi ocrity. Ho whom ho was about to nominate needed no Introduction. His character , his manhood nnd his illustrious achievements were part of tlio country's history. Ho wns n nmn whoso name wns a tower of strength. Ho wns a man who had never bcun defeated for tiny ofllco for which he hnd been nomin ated. [ Applause. ] Ho would receive the support of every innn who believed thnt ex perience In statcninnship was a pro-rcmiislto to high public preferment , ami that it was not n disqualification to have actively and honorably mingled in n generation of events more vital to liberty and humanity than was ever crowded into an equal period of history. General Hastlng's speech wns admirably delivered nnd listened to with marked niton- w'hcn ho had concluded , Governor Forakcr of Ohio wns presented by the Ohio delegation to second Senator Sherman's nomination. As Governor Fornker advanced up ono nlslo to the platform two of tlio scrgennts-nt-nrms came up ttio other carrying enormous lloral emblem surmounted by a llornl shield. Upon the fnco of this emblem in letters formed by roses on a field of white , wore Forakcr's now famous words : "No battle Hugs surrendered while I mil governor. " Considerable signific ance appeared to bo attached to this Incident by the convention , nnd ns the governor and the floral tribute got on the stage together there wns a thunder of npplnuso. Governor Fornker spoke us follows : Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Con vention : Ohio is sometimes like Now York. She occasionally comes to a national repub lican convention divided ns to her choice for the presidency , and sometimes she comes united. She has so como now. Her forty- nix dolcgntcs nro hero to speak ns one man Jnpplnuso ] and it Is at their bidding , on their behalf , nnd In their name that 1 tnko this platform to second the nomination that lias Just been made. Not so much , however , be cause John Sherman Is n citircn of our state. Knowing him ns wo do , wo should support him with the sumo unanimity , the same zeal nnd with the same determination and integ rity of purpose , no matter from what section ho might bo [ loud iipplause ] . 1'or wo know und pledge for him that which you , gentlemen of Now York nnd gentlemen of all the other states , must recognize and con cede that ho is not FO much n citizen of any one state us a citizen , in the highest scnso of the word , of nil the states of tills union. His name and fame fills the whole land , and brightens every page of American history that has been written since ho entered public life. Nominate him nnd you lined not waste any tlma or biographical sketches [ Cries of "That's so"J. When you recall what has been said from this platform to-day you can appreciate the value of that advantage [ laughter and applause ] . Ho is the imuie- diato friend and acquaintance of all the masses nnd conditions of our people , high and low , rich nnd poor , black nnd white , native and foreign. As it was written in our platform , as it was rend from that desk to-day , nil alike know nnd honor him , because nil alike have n common part and a common claim in his illustrious achievements. [ Applause. ] But no more do they honor him for his distinguished services to his country than as It wns well said by tlio gentleman from Pennsylvania because of the exalted character und purity of his private life. Ho is , In the highest sense of the word , a typical representative of American life , American citizenship and American states manship at the same timo. [ Cheers nnd applause. ] General Hastings well said that ho should not repeat his record to you from this platform. If ho were to de tain you until ho could do so wo would uot gut n standard-bearer until the next term of the presidency commenced. It covers all there is uf republicanism. fApplnuso.l It commenced before the party commenced [ applause ] and it has gone con tinually on Irani that moment until this. There is not a question , nnd has not been in thirty years , affecting the people , internally or externally , that John Sherman has not dealt with , nnd how t In such n way us to command the unbounded confidence , not ' only of the business interests' but of 'every other kind of Interests In the United States. [ .Applause. ] I have not hoard of any breezes signs for his nomination us was the cnso with another gentleman , [ laughter , ] but I have heard , as you have heard , a Mace donian call coming up from every section of .llio United States , | chroro.j Hut Uohn Shormnn is something more than u good citizen and great statesman , something more in the sense that wo wunr , to have something more in the candidate whom wo nominate to-day. We will bo a little partlci. lar in this matter. Ho wi 1 not only cnrryi to victory , but ho will give tlio country the benefit of that victory , not In nny narrower bigoted sense , not certainly by a resoiVto such pusilanimous methods us those known under thu name or guise of "offensive parti- imnship" [ Laughter and applause ] , not tnther by a cowardly ussohsinntiou of individual character [ cries of "good" and applause ] , t Ho method that seems so dear to our ovcrright- oous mugwump friends , but lie will do it in n manly und courageous way. Ho will admin ister our public affairs by republican agen cies according to republican principles. Ho will fulfill the pledge with which wo com menced our platform , namely , that the con- btltutlou and laws of this country shall bo enforced every where throughout our borders. A voice Even in South Carolina. Mr. Foraker Yes oven in South Carolina. [ Great appluusoj. What is tlio use of talk- fug about reducing the surplus revenue unless you first settle it that the people have reached the conclusion they shall bo nllowed to express the conclusions they have reached Yes. John Sherman Is a republican who will ROO to it that American citizens nro protected in the enjoyment niid exercise of their rights of citizenship wheresoever the flag may float. fApphiuso ] , I want n republican this tune. i want ono of the kind of republicans wo Imd on this platform last night. I want n man who Is not only republican from the top of Ids head to the solos of his foot , but who has been ono all his life. I don't mean to Insinu ate anybody , but I do want to impress upon ygu that John Shcrumn is nil that. Ho has over been ready , no matter how much per sonal disappointment might bo in volved , to support the platform and nominee of the convention. lie never sulks ; ho always Is in line and ready far duty. Yes , ho Is always on duty. A natural born leader , he belongs to a family nf leaders. [ Cheers. ] Ho is u brotUur ef that grand old hero nnd leader so dear to the heart of ovory'man who wore the blue , who once uj lit the Jell Davis wing of the demo cratic party wldo open when he marched In triumph from Atlanta to the sea. [ Ap plause. ) Put your banner Into the hands of John Sherman and lot him do a similar Job lor you now. Ho will uphold and enforce the V.'lsc liiiu patriotic policy of a protective turin . His aim and ambition , ) > ollcy nnd affections , y' ' you please , will lie national. They tnko in outh Carolina , and will mnke it a decent jilaco oven for republicans to live in. Yes , under the benevolent guidance of his ndiniulstration the whole south will bo Kivou an opportunity to develop her ) ' .sources anil build up her Indus trial pursuits , nnd under t > uch provisions m those proposed by the lllair bill to educate 1'tjr children [ Cheers ] until they have been brought abreast in the march of progress , in the development of wealth and power , 'vith tholr slater states in the union. And when ml are abreast there will be no rivalries t > uch ns have existed hcrotoforo , but under the hlexstugs of a common prosperity all this ivic < cod spirit of Ecctionaliam that the preheat administration has revived will be over thrown and the couth bound to the north nnd ovary other section of the country in the bnndi ot prosperity , which nro ever stronger limn any that can bo forged by constitutions ! ' provisions or legislative enactments , all wil bubtartcd with us on that march to a destlnj that Is greater and grander than uny language can describe [ Applause ] , If , therefore , high personal character , long tried and capable statesmanship , unful icrnif and unswerving devotion to the prlu of republicanism , as you have an nounccd them hero , coupled with a guarantee of success at the polls in November , to bo folloiYoa by such magnificent rules ns I have indicated , ore commendations to your favor then nominate John Sherman , uot of Ohio 1 ut o ( the United States. Ho will bo pop- Mar everywhere with tbo people , oxcdpt uly la Jiofland , Quo reason La ucu't bo is that the combination that wns made over nt St. Louis wns put on a free trade platform to march under the ban ner of thnt same old bandana wo knew so well In war times , when It meant only con- perhend loynlty nnd which now means only British free trade. Hut llio day the old ban- drum was nominated the people of this coun- Iry foresaw tlio nomination by you of John Slicrmnn , who represents the flag enthu siastically beloved by the loyal people of this country , nnd every state felt thnt it should jo our banner In the approaching campaign .0 offset the old bandana. At the conclusion of Fornker's speech the greatest demonstration of the day took place , i'ho delegates nnd audience rose to their feet nnd cheered wildly. Seine ono In the nudt- cnco started to sing "Marching Through .icorgin , " nnd the delegates nnd audience olncd in. The demonstration continued for ivo minutes. While old Fred Douglass was getting on the platform n i > crfect bedlnm en sued. Flvo minutes later the cheering was rolng on unabated. The song of "Marching Through Georgia" wns again renewed. The sccno following Fornker's nomination if Sherman has only been equalled in the listory of national conventions probably by ha outburst following the nomination of Cleveland by Daniel Dougherty ntSt. Louis , n ona respect it certainly surpassed thnt , for t came totally unexpected. Forakor's ' con- : luslon wns somewhat abrupt nnd tlio cheers lint followed wore front his friends nnd in .he nnturo of a personal compliment. Then ho convention realized In ono minute , nppar- inrently , ns it never realized before , whnt a ; rcat hold Sherman hnd on tlio convention md upon the republican party and the country. Such a tremendous shout went up hat the banners In thu dome trembled nnd it seemed ns though the galleries would full under the wild muss of yelling nnd nlmost maniacal spectators. This unexampled out burst continued , the demonstration , starting so suddenly and unexpectedly , rendering the whole doubly n marvel even to those who participated most enthusiastically. The governor waited In some embarrass ment , until tbo uproar subsided. Ho cvi- luntly had not anticipated the Incident. Ho .hen proceeded to second the nomination of Senator Sherman. Hon. John M. Langston ot Virginia then addressed the convention as follows : 1 am related to a very large factor in the ) opnlation of our country , so largely bcno- iitted In every word nnd every deed that distinguishes the history nnd the character of John Sherman that I may not on this oc casion pass without bringing testimony of .hut great past before you to-day. 1 have tot only the honor of living in .ho Old Dominion nnd representing in : iart on the floor of the convention .ho people of the old commonwealth that used to bo the mother of presidents and the mother of statesmen , but lu that stain , situ- ited as I am , I have the honor of represent ing the men , women , boys nnd girls that the republican party turned from things to men und American citizens. John Sherman in the house of representatives was tlio man who was engaged In laboring ns a legislator , n our behalf. When the name of Sherman is pronounced in convention with the presidency. I shall need to discharge my duty to second that proposition. Gentlemen have told you how great ho is , md what a patriot and what a statesman ; low loaded ho is to his arms , across his _ shoulders nnd below , with the brok en shackles of American slaves , nnd with fruits of nil his oilier iminlyg deeds r. 7COOOOi ) of negroes to-day in this country ask you to nominate John Sherman to the presidency of the United States. All the poor men in tlio south , so utterly abandoned to ignorance and poverty and degradation the substratum of society , beneath the negro in tlio days of slavery look up to you and ask you to-day to nominate John Shot-man , that ho may aid now in their redemption with the negro. If you give us that paragon of American statesmen , John Sherman , wo will unite Wisn and Ainhono in Virginia. We will carry thnt old common wealth with you to victory , and us she leads on , the confines of our freedom , further south , marching to the music of "Hail Col umbia , " on the day that shall mark your election shall bo found no longer doubtful. Tbo southern states , giving always it may through force and fraud your electoral votes to the democratic party , shall bond their knees nnd give their votes with the republican states , casting their votes for John Sherman. And now , in the name of nil the citizens of my state , republi cans and true in namor-l - the. loyal south , white and black , I second the nomination of lhat grand citizen of our entire republic , John Sherman. FIT JjE Il'SJUm li K S Q U K. Charles Emory Smith Presents tlic Nnmo of . - ' IMill.-ulclpliiu's aiayor. CIIICAOO , Juno 21. When Pennsylvania was called Charles Emory Smith took thu platform and spoke as follows : My words will bo few and , I trust , to the point. Our state , the greatest of the repub lican commonwealths , has n candidate fore most among the eminent business rep resentatives who have been the architects of her republican great ness and of her imperial grandeur. Pennsylvania is chief in republicanism be cause she is chief in the group of industrial states. Pennsylvania nsks nothing which is not equally for tlio glory of Maryland and Indiana und Minnesota. Pennsylvania wants no policy which is not equally suited to the great farms of tlio northwest and to the min eral wealth of the now south , whoso bound less resources need a now development. Pennsylvania believes her policy is right and is liberal nnd progressive in its spirit , main taining that in the bulwark of protection is found the acme of American greatness and independence. Under this banner and under tlio prince of leaders In 1SSI [ great npplatiso nnd cries of "Hlnlne , IJlnino" ] she gave more than 80,000 majority. Among her own she presents ono who is the peer ofnny leader nnd invites your serious nnd deliberate consideration to the wisdom of this choico. Our candidate it ) the highest typo of the nest republicanism and the best progress nnd prosperity of Pennsylvania , und you will rec ognize it when I speak thu name of Edwin II. Filler. If you ask for his record , go back to the days that tried men's souls , when the gallant defenders of tiio republic from nil tlio north nnd east marched through Philadelphia on their way to uphold the imperilled llngof ourconntry. Through nil these intorvcning years its master spirit has been Edwin II. Filler. Do you uslc of his republican services ? Go back , my old and cherished friend of Now Yorkmy republican friend of Now Jersey , of Ohio and Indinna.ot Delaware mid Maryland , through tlio checkered story of your hard- fought campaigns. An employer whenever never had n difference with his employes ; n republic-nil who never faltered in sunshine erIn In storm ; a leader who would bo equally available ns a candidate and sure as a prcsi dent. On behalf of a portion of the delega tion from Pennsylvania , I present to this con vention the name of Edwin H. Filler. JKUUY AVisconuIn , Through Senator Spooncr , I'rCKcnls Her Man. Cmcino , Juno 21. The secretary con tinued the roll call , nnd when Wisconsin wn1 reached Senator Spooner spoke as follows : Gentlemen of thu Convention : Fully mind ful of tlio disadvantage of the fact that Wis cousin is lust rn the roll call of states I tun to the fact that bar stalwart republicanism has always placed her nt the head of the column when lighting is on Wisconsin has nnver failed you , ami to-day , for the first tune in years of unbroken fealty she invokes for ono of her own beloved and trusted leaders your thoughtful consideration. Those for whom I speak deem this an hour for vviso councils nnd deliberate Judgment in tlio interest of the people and not for compliment to nnj man , The rank and file of the republican party demand for leaders those who have walkm' on the mountain ranges In full viov of the men who have kcp their feet out from the swamps and bogs of life , whoso careers are without am bush for the enemy , who uro stroug in the robust qualities of leadership. Wisconsii sends you such a man. Wisconsin , with en thusiautlo unanimity , have instructed their delegation to muno to you as their choleo fo first place one who by n long life o conspicuous public service in divers fields of effort has proven his right to stand the peer of any man in stainless character , in patriotic devotion to thu bust interests of the country , in political sagacity in unerring Judgment , in norolo courage- many timed shown in the ruth and whirl o battle and ia extraordinary executive ca paclty. His name is nut unfamiliar to the country. It is Jeremiah M. Husk the honored governor of Wisconsin When Uie cloud * which b&d been o long gathering In our political sky , burst upon the country with the fury of n tempest ; vhen the union wns to struggle for Its life 10 hnsworcd the call of Lincoln , nnd leaving hose who wcro dearer than might else on earth but his country , ho found the fronttuid rode calm ami Intrepid on bloody fields where ho missiles of tlio enemy wcro "wearing the nlr witti lives nnd dcnth nnd dnn- ; cr" iibout him , nnd ho turned lomcwnrd only when the angel of pence gave the glad command. Saved by hose by whom ho had led , honored nnd rusted by these under whom ho hnd served , 10 cnmo back with the star of n general upon ils shoulders , well earned In "battle. After detailing the merits of Governor Jusk ns n business man , member of con- rress , stnto onlcial , nnd his prompt action in , ho enforcement of respect for law during ho anarchist troubles , the speaker con- hiucd : The comrade of labor from ils youth up , the fnvorito of ho farmer because a farmer ilmsolf.with n Just sense of property rights ml never the nllyy or tool of monopolies , his career would successfully challenge the lonlldcnco of every deserving class. Tnko dm for your leader nnd the republican party of Wisconsin bids mo pledge you that when ictory shall have been won you will lave installed in the white housu once ngnln nn American president in favor of the irotcction of American labor and the up- mlldlng of American industries ; of cnforc- ng to the full extent of execntlvo power the constitutional right of n free ballot and n air count. At the conclusion of Spooner's ' speech the convention adjourned until 11 a. 111. to morrow. IjJNCOljX'8 V1K\V8. I'lic Bon ofOlil Abe AnilclpiitcH n llc- piiblicnn Victory. ICopl/rfoM W ' ' ) / James f7ortl < w Hewlett. ] LONDON , Juno 81. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to Tim UIK. | 1 interviewed ox-Secretary Kobcrt Lincoln to-day nt his lotel in Grosvcnor Squnre , where as the son oftho nssnssinntcd nnd historical president , 10 nttrncts much Hritish curiosity. "I nm lore to avoid the bother of politics nnd busl- less and to gut a rest ( and here lie laughed icartlly ) . I am not a dark horse. No , I have not yet met Mr. Hlainc. Ho 1ms refused to jo tlic standnrd bearer for 18SS. As u nmn md statesman ho deserves every confidence. believe him sincere In his withdrawn ! . I can readily understand how Hlulne , calling o mind the unparallelled bitterness of the last campaign , would shrink from. indcrtaking another struggle. For the sake of decency and national honor let us hope ho nppro.iching contest will bu at least a clean one , nnd that the clement of personal ibuso will permanently bo eliminated. Still , n spite of everything , the convention may be breed to unite on Hlainc , who is unquos- .ionable . the second choice of nearly every re- lublican. Fnclum preference is very strong 'or Judge Qrcshnm , whoso record is unini- joachablo , and who , perhaps better than any one else , would succeed in reconciling tlic mugwumps. Of course Sherman's strength is very great , but m the ircsenco of such completed conditions all prophecy is vain. I may say , lowover. I don't ' accept the dark : iorso solution to the problem as the result of a light between Cleveland and the repub- ican candidate. I express eohfidcnco that our side will win. I hold this opinion for several reasons. In the first place I think wo shall get back most of the mugwumps. They loft the republican party because they distrusted it. Now , on the same prindipul , if they are as honest as they profess to be , thov must como back to tne republican party. "Consider for example : the civil service ro- rorm question about which the part.v in power lias made such an uproar. What are the facts } A bill was passcd-undnr the republi can administration and I have reason to know that during the last two years of Ar thurs presidency tlio principles of civil ser vice reform wcro carried out with the most rigid precision in my own department. I never knew the political opinions of any man appointed to any position. Tlio examination papers were our only criterion as to "tlijj" can didate's litncsi Hut how has it been since. Mr. Geoigo William Curtis admits Cleveland lias replace ; ! ofllco holders as rapidly as could be donu without interfering with good work ings , but tills is contrary to the avowed prin ciples of tno democrats. It is utter hypo crisy and can not therefore bo accepted by high-minded mugwumps. "I anticipate republican success for another reason ; for , while the democrats have not absolutely committed themselves to tlio doctrines of frco trade , they have made such an advance in that dircetion ns to awaken great uneasiness in the mir.ds of business men interested in manufacturing. Capitalists hesitate to embark in ventures when they have reason to npnrehend that In a few years free-trade legislation may ren der their enterprises valueless. This pro tection element is now very exten sive in the south , and 1 hope it may become strong enough to secure for the negroes a chance to vote and bavo their votes counted , and in such cnso wo would take from the solid south thirty-eight electoral votes which are ours by rights and which wo never get. It is useless to deny thu light will bo hard. Wo shall have against us thu temperance people -u Hh their prohibition Utopia. So it is that the re publican part.v has to suffer for furnishing the. United Status with its apostles of high muial ity. How inucli bolter if they would only content themselves with high license and i.so the revenue in caring for tlio poor victims of drunkenness. I was much interested in rend ing a letter in to-day's London Times whcroin tlio writer preaches a sermon on the failure republicanism. Much what ho s.iys is trim. Neither can I deny that our political method is inucn exaggeration , sham und cunning. Head English history and see if things are better. The nrticlo ends up with a savage tirade against protection. America lias cer tainly no need to como to England for a lesson on that subject. Wo nro fully capable of managing our own affairs. It is easily comprehended why England , having every- tiling to sell and llttlo to buy , de sires to have tlio market ) ! of the world open to her , but wcro she in our place , the conditions being totally different , you may bo sure she would do Just as wo nro doing that is , look out sharply for herself. " Tlio ex-secretary said much mpro that must be kept secret. Ho spoke with' seine rcburvu and much animation. It is evident ho thoroughly boliuvcs in his party prin ciples and in dun time will bo heartily in the presidential canvass. STA NMOY IN DANG Ell. Hit ) Men SlcUaml Dcsorlinji Him Sur- minuted Hy Hostile . LONDON , Juno 21. A dispatch from St. Paul do Loanda dated yesterday snys ; Sev eral deserters from Stanley's expedition have reached Gump Ynmbunga. They state that after traversing Aruwumi Stanley strucli into a rough , mountainous country , covered with dense forests , The natives , who were excited by reports spread by the Arabs , disputed the passage of the oxpcdl tioa and there was continuous lighting , Stanley was severely wounded by an arrow. He was compelled several times to construct camps in order to repel the attacks and were obliged to UBO the reserve provisions that were intended for Einln Hoy. The Sou danese attached to the force had all died or diMippearcd. The deserters intimate thnt the caravan loat one-third of its men and say many of these remaining wcro ill , including the Europeans. Stanley was encamped when the deserters loft. Ho was surrounded by hoslilos and wns unable to send news to Emin or directly to Yambunga. Major Har tcllot lias returned to Ynmbunga where ho wns awaiting the men that Mr. Ward was collecting to form a powerful expedition logo to tlio relief of Stanley. In the sickness nt Yambunga only eighty of l'J5 Xnnziburs survived. Tippo Tib received tVi'j men to form two caravans and started for the lu terlor about tbo end of January. Ward lofi Uoma on May ! W for Leopoldvllle , whoru In was to embark mini and provisions in th Congo state steamer Ennvant for AruhlmL Death ofMHJor Urown's AVI To. Mrs. Hrown , wlfo of Major Drown , locatei nt Fort Omaha , died at the fort last nigh after a short illness , und in conscqucnco th burunude to General Hrookoat the Puxton by the regimental band was postponed. Mrs. Hrowu was au estimable lady , a loving wife and her demise causes mourning among a largo number of acquaintances who had the liiguciit regards for her. MADE OF TinTlUCHT METAL. The Ropubltcnn Party's Platform Possesses the Proper WELL LIKED AT WASHINGTON. It Kipoolnlly Pleases tlic Southerners Sojourning nt the Capitol N'ebrna- kn's Sitrvcyo pcnernlshlit Of > lice Abolished. Itcpublicnu Principle * Plainly StAtcil. WASIIINOTON' Hrnnxr TUB OMAIU Hin : , 1 613 ForuiT.r.XTii STIIIIT : , > WASIIINOTOX , D. C. , Juno 21. ) More interest was shown In Washington lo-ilny over the platform adopted nt Chicago than In nny other part of the proceedings of the convention. Members of both houses of congress stood about the bulletin boards in cuRor expectation for the platform. Demo crats nnd republicans nllko expected strong language on the subject of the tiirlfT and they were not. disappointed. The republicans from the south arc more enthusiastic over the tariff section of the platform than those from any other section. If possible , the declara tion thnt tlio party prefers the entire abolition lition of the Internal revenue rather than a reduction of the duties imposed on manufact ures , nmlics thorn extremely happy. The re publicans of Virginia and North Carolina are coi'lhU'iit of success on this platform. They say it is lust what the people of their states have been demanding , und that with any peed man at the head of the ticket they are sure of success. The republicans from Ten nessee also speak with great confidence of the outlook on the tarilt plank In the plat form. To-night 1 called upon Judge Kelley , of Philadelphia , the father of the house , and asked him what ho thought of the platform. Ho stated that he had only road and hastily the plank relating to the tariff. In the course of Judge Kol ley's comments ho said : "I endorse that portion ot the platform that relates to the revenues , most onthusinstlcnUv. So far as Pennsylvania is concerned , wit * ' a good nomination , such as Harrison , Allison , lircslmin or any other fair man , on that plat form the republican party need not think of less than 100,000 majority. I will stake my reputation on that. The figures 100 , MM ) "ivon't measure the majority In Pennsylvania ivlth any fair nmn on that phitform. " "How about. North Carolina , Virginia and the southern states ; " "It gives a fair lighting chance to the re- mblicnns with good nominations , for Vir inia. North Carolina , Tennessee and Ken tucky. I am ready "to have that stated as a distinct proposition. I have been in those states and have as largo u correspondence with the people of them as any man hero in congress , and I know what I nm talking about. " "Can wo carry West Virginia ! ' ' "I think wo can , but I do not kno was much about that state as I do about the others I 'iiivo mentioned. " Congressman Wilson of West Virginia , ono of the most intelligent members of the , vnys and IIIO.UIH committee , was elected by CMS than ono hundrcjdjinujoritv and no doubt HMvill bo beaten uojc.t time. Hopubllcans from New Jersey , qwiueticnt. Massachu setts und sections jof-New Yoric speak with enthusiastic praise of tlio paragraph again.it the free ship billffhoy say that tills , as nucli as anything clpi'iin the platform , will secure the doubtful New England states and that. It will very materially assist the ticket in New York. They also express delic'ht over the paragraph minting to the fisheries luestion and foreign > atTnlr.s in general. AiiouaiiiNn 01 it diuVirou { oiNiiAi..iiin : : ( > . In tlio homo to-day. iluring the considera- tionnftho sundry civil appropriation bill , Mr. McShuno .scoured the adoption as an amendment tj the bill iindt'r consideration which recently passed the senate , abolishing tlie otilce of surve.voi-eneral for NohrusiCii imi Jowu and authori/ing tiic plats anil wipers to be deposited with the secretaries nf the two states interested. Owing to the failure of tlio last i-ongr-ws to nppropriatu money to pay the salary of tlio surveyor g-n- cral of Nebraska und Iowa and to conduct the olllce. that olllce lias beiin prntitally abolished , and altlioimh there is money do iiosicd : in tlio pcncr.nl land oltieo tu pay for ; ho surveying of section lines , the work has not been done because it must bo done through the surveyor general as lung as that oftfco exists. The amendment will of course 1 o retained in tlio hill by the senate , and ia soon as the office is abolished by law the unscr- veyod section linoi in Nibrask.i and Iowa will be made under the direction of the general - oral land olllce , Mi. cii/.iMors. : Dick Kitchen and Jno H. Patrick of Omuha are here. Uy direction of the secretary of war Pri vate Wtn. C. Cooper , Company G , Seventh infantry , now witli his company at Fort Washakio , Wyoming territory , is transferred to the hospital corps tia a private. PUIIHY S. IIUATII. AVHSTKKN ASSOCIATION. St. ran I 111 , Minneapolis 7. ST. PAVI. , June 21. [ Special Telegram to TUB Hii.J : : To-day's game between St. Paul and Minneapolis was a decidedly jwor oxhibitioiujf tall playing on both sides. The St. Paul players acted no though they had a sure tiling on winning tlio game , and took mutters very easily. In the seventh inning four singles , a liaso on balls , n wild throw to the plate by Hnlstrnm , nnd a ( ly which To- beau allowed to fall to the ground in ordoy to make a double play , but which caromed to ono side and got away from him , allowed the homo team to pile ui > six runs , robbing the gamp of its interest. The score : St. Paul . 1 0 0 1 0 1 (5 ( 0 3 12 Minneapolis . 0 0000 2 20 3 7 Huns earned St. Paul 0 , Minneapolis 2. Two ba o hits Voacli , Huilly , Hawes , Hronghton. Homo rum Morrissoy. Uase.s on bulls Carroll - , Shnfcr , Enrle , Vcunh , Tovno , Hawes , Haislrom. Hit by Ditcher Sowdoru , Jovnr. Struck out Hv So wile rs 4. by Halstrom : ! . Passed balls Earle 2. Wild pitches -Sowdcrs. Hnes stolen Heilly.Shu for.Jovnc(2 ( , ) Hnwcs CJ. ) Tebcau (2 ( , ) McCnl- low. Left on bases hit. Paul 7 , Minneapolis 8. Fir.stbaso on errors St. Paul 8 , Minne apolis 7. Time of game Two hours. Um pire Powers. MI'\vnuIciM > 5 , Chicago 1 , MILWAUKEE , Juno 2 . [ Special Telegram to Tim Hun. ] Chicago commenced a series to-day with Milwaukee. Stephens for Milwaukee - waukeo and Dwyer for Chicago were the pitchers , nnd they wore both lilt hard. Stephens was supported fur the best , the tlcldors behind him cutting off many base hits. The features'- the game wore two brilliant double plays' by tlio Milwaukee ! ) . Score : Milwaukee . 0 2-fi Chicago . 0 1 ; 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-1 Earned runs Milwaukee 3 , Chicago 1. liases on balls OH .Stephens , I. Struck out Stephens , Hunjiilmn. Two base hits Puttee , Moriarlty. Double . plays Strauss und Cusick , Puttee , .Forater and Ousidi , Ilunruliun , Hcnglo und Schouncck , Uuipiro Hrciuiaii. Time 14 > . Postponed Itnln. Wet grounds prevented thu Kansas City- Omaha game at Kansas City nnd thoSt Louls-Dcs Moines game at St. Louis ycstcr day , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Western Astiotilnllon Standing. Helow will bu found the standing of the clubs , Including yesterday's guinea : Plavod Won Lost Pr Ct St. Paul . 97 23 H .oil DCS Moines . 81 21 13 .017 Milwaukee , . . M 20 15 , f > 71 Kansas City . 8i 20 18 .520 Omaha. . . , . 87 13 VJ .4SO Chicago . 80 17 10 ,47'J Minneapolis . 41 10 23 .490 St. Louis . . . . .4Q 14 2 < J .850 NATION A li U-3AGUH. AVabblngton 0 , Philadelphia B. Ox , Juno 21. The game between Washington and Philadelphia to-day resulted ns follows ! Washington . 0 00043000 0 Philadelphia. . . . ! 21000010-5 Pitchers O'Day and Olenson. Unio hits Wnslilngtou 11. Philadelphia 7. Errors Washington 0 , Plilladolphia 5. Umpire Colly. Chicago t , Plltalinrg O. CIIICAOO , Juno 21. The gnmo to-day bo- wenn Chicago mid Pittsburg resulted ns fol owsj game called in the sixth liming rnln : Chicago . 0 0 1 0 0 0 I 'ittsburg . 0 00000 0 Pitchers Vnn Hnltron nnd Morris , llaso ills Chicago 5 , Pittsburg 0. Errors Chicago cage 3 , Pittsburg 3. Umpire Lynch. lloston , Now Vnrk U. HOSTO.V , Juno 21. The game between Hos- on nnd Now York to-day resulted ns fol- ows : loston . 1 00020100-4 Now York . 0 00000 i ! 00 2 Pitchers -Clark.ion and Kcofo. Hnso hit * Uostou 10 , Now York 5. Krrora Dostoti 2 , w York 0. Umpire Daniels. Detroit 12 , liullnnniiollH 2. DETIIOIT , Juno 21. The game to-day bo- .ween Detroit nnd Indianapolis resulted as ollows : Jolrolt . 0 0-12 ndlnnnpolis . 0 00011000 2 Pitchers Ucitzoin nnd Henley. 13nso hits Detroit 14 , Indianapolis fi. Krrors De troit 7 , Indiunnpolls 14. Umpire Valentine. AM12U1OAN ASSOCIATION. Attilcllcs ( I , Itrooklya ! ! . PititADin.i'iiiA , Juno 21. The game be tween Hrooklyn and the Athletics to-day resulted us follows : Athletics . 0 10000032 0 Hrooklyn . 0 2 Cincinnati ! ) , Ijonlsvlllu t > . CINCINNATI , Juno 21. The game between Cincinnati and Louisville to-day resulted as 'ollows : Cincinnati . 2 0 Louisville . 0 * 15 Iliilllmorc 11 , Cleveland ( i. lUi.ui.Moui : , Juno 21. The game between Jnltlmore and Cleveland to-day resulted ns lollows : inltlmorc . 0 1 0 2 f > 1 1 1 11 Cleveland . 0 1 Nebraska nnil lown I'onsloiis. WASIIINIITON , Juno St. [ Special Telegram o Tins UIK. ] Tlio following pensions were granted Nebraskans to-day : Original inva- id .loci A. Pratt , Lincoln ; Evurd S. Child , Vrapuhoo : Joseph T. Ross , Wood It Ivor ; tohu C. Uamsdoll , Norfolk ; John T. Hurch , Stcclc City. Increase -Scdgwick W. Pcttis , York ; Oliver D. Waterman , Culbcrtsou ; Cyrus P. Ncllloy , Omuha. Original widows , etc. Ulclmrd , father of Thomas F. Gray , Wuhoo , 1'ensioiis lor lownns : Original invalid ; iias M. Carter , Ilcbpcr ; Jacob W. Kogurs , West Union : Hird Hrowu , Davis City ; Lo- cii70 Dow Marshall , ' Ochowcdan ; James Hall , Columbus City ; J. II. Woolworth , CSus ; John Lava , Hamburgh ; James A. Button , Abingnoii' ; David J. Spencer , Silver City ; William R Wilt-ox , Genoa ; Isai'.c Sliuster , Vernon ; William H. Cannon , Alicrton. In crease James II. Alvey , Wilsonville ; Jolin C. Winimer , Crestou ; George Windolf. Mc- chanicsvillo ; Andrew J. Murjihy. Yale ; lohn Shcpjiard , Icnnlum ; John 13. Cole , Lansing ; Henry Pi-ntii rrapli , Highland Ccntro. itoinsuo Marslial fttoaioy , Altnona ; Andruw Ferguson , Crawfordsville. Original widows , etc. Anna , wi low of Pliilo C. Williams , Clinton ; Susan , mother of James C. HIT on. Given ; Lirenzo , father of War- cn Spaulding , Mtupiokcla. M i-xican sur vivors William M. Henry , Humcstou. . . Ho Will Pay Hiq Fare. Ei.Kiioit.v , Neb. , June 21. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : liii : : . | Wlicn the Union Pa cific passenger train No. 1 arrived at this station to-night a hntless and very much ex cited Herman jumped from off the top of the io.ital car. Ho run along thu depot platform ihoutinp in his mother tongno that ho had ) tcn robbed , but before he coulit give u com- iruhcnsive account of llio ufl'air the train mn had departed and ttikeu thu robbers , eight of them , with it. A mnv .suit of clothes md S10 in cash was what ho was touched for. He will pay ins faro hereafter. l Jly tliH Cable. A horse drawing n light buggy in which was seated a lady took fright at a cable car nt the corner of Twelfth and Hurnuy streets last evening. The vehicle was overturned , ind the occupant was pitched to tlio puve- ncnt , fortunately escaping with a few iruiscs. The horse dashed on up Harncy itrcot , and succeeded in reducing tlio buggy to kindling before being stopped. Postal dimmer WASIIIXIITOS , June 21. [ Special Telogrum to Tin : Hisi : . ] John II. Guyhurt was to-day ippo'nteit ' postmaster nt Montrose , Leo county , la. , vluu John Clark , resigned. AVoallier Inilicatli.ii ) . For Nebraska anil Dakota : Light to frcsii northwest winds , cooler , fair weather. For Iowa : Light to fresh easterly winds , coolur , fair weather. AN AMERICAN BEAUTY ABROAD How IliH HollncsH CarcsHciI an Ameri can Girl and Oavc Her a Modal. It is tin event ihvarfln < r nil others of the week in the woman's world tit'Wnsh- intfton , says a letter from tlio cnpitnl , thu roccpiiun of the mudiil from his holine d the pojio by u younj' ' Indy well known in our society , nnd honcefortli to bo known us the foundress of n divinity destined to work n world-wide- iiillueiico in Cntholio circles. Miss CaldweirsiHuniiicoutjjiftof ? yl.000 ( ) ) 1ms hecurcd for lior this honor , but that the holy father is ( jonitdly disposed toward other American tfirls , as well , would appear from the following extract of u roucnt letter to a friend in Wnshiiig- ton , written from Marseilles by .Miss Florence Audunroid , only child of the lamented Colonel Audonroid , of tJon- orul Sliormnn's xtulT , and who is a Pliil- adolphian by birthright on both sides of her family , and by birthright a beauty also. Miss Audonroid writes : "Early in December wo joined the ranks of the many bound for the 'Ktor- iiul City. ' Wo intended to remain only u month , but when wo arrived found many friends there , and two of mother's great ones attached to the court , and I was persuaded to relinquish part of my trip for the pleasure of joining in the social whirl. I really think I saw Konmn bocioty under exceptionally good oircumstn'ncos , for ono of my warm friends , the Coutossa , is a grout favorite of Italy's fair queen , nnd through her influence I received many attentions rarely bestowed on young girls. In I'omo they don't RO to dinners or lunches , but miiku up for it at Hi-as' and bulls. The palaces are so spacious ono is never crowded , and then tliure is always a quantity of that important article , man. " 1 waa presented at the court in Jan- miry , a few nights after at the iourt ball.dancod in the "WalU d'iloniii.'ur , ' which always follows the rojal quad rille , with iv Duniali prince , who io one of the king's eluunborlains , air1 was spending bomo time in Homo. For seine weeks I went night and day , having a glorious time , such as the Homiius say no American girl hits over befoiv uu- joyud , and receiving nice attentions nnd courtesies from old men of rank and auhiovomont no lobs than from those nearer my own ago. Ueforo Iniiv- ing I hud an audience with the holy father , who , as I Knelt before him fainoothed my hair and fuco. . held iny bunds , und talked to mo in a low , sweet voice. As I ros > o to go ho had mo recalled - called , again smoothed my face , and finally guvo mo u beautiful silver medal to wear for his sake. Ho ia a dear old iaiu , but very feeble THE RECORD OF DEACON COLE , Moro NnmoB Added to the List of Victims. AN EDITOR HORSEWHIPPED. Nebraska City Furnished n Sensation Uy nil Oinnlm Imily Donne Col lege Commencement Fnlnl Wreck In lown. Moro About Deacon Cole. -NnmtASKA. CITY , Neb , , Juno 21. [ Special Telegram to Tun lir.R.I The case of Major Cole becomes hourly darker. The amount in which he Is said to hnvo defrauded the Widow Molchair Is now put at about ? 2,500and dates from 13S1 la 1885. Ho has left nothing to at tach. Cole secured a pension for ono Goulds , berry , and of the amount borrowed * 200 , for which ho gnve his note. The note fell Into other hands nnd Saturday the holder learned of Colo's difficulties , presented it for pay ment nnd received ns nn equivalent a deed to n lot In Nebraska City , which since Colo's ' departure proves to have been mortgaged but a few hours previous for nil It wns worth. A short time ago ho collected $ 'W > 5 for Work & Co. , of Chicago , of which ho paid over $100 , saying the party was good nnd would pay the remainder In n few weeks. The agent of of the company was in town to-day nnd dis covered the fraud. Fnnnio Onwthorne , n poor shop girl , loaned Cole $310 of her hard- earned money , and to-day wns compelled to tnko part of his law library in payment. Mrs. Sibley , n widow , loaned him $100 , but Mrs. Cole to-day gave tlio family car riage in payment. Last Satur day Cole made several unsuccessful attempts to dispose of a $1,000 note and mort gage ho hold for an eastern Ilrm for collec tion , offering it for $ , " > 00. Several other east ern linns nro losers moro or less through Cole , but the exact amounts nro not yut known. Mrs , Cole is prostrated with grief. She did not learn of his rascality or Sunday's arrest until she saw it in Tuesday's papers after he had left tbo city , presumably to visit friends nt Puget Sound. Telegrams have been sent all over the country asking for his arrest , but no trace of him can bo found. The TJOIIU I'lnc Cliaiitnnita. | Loxn PIXR , Juno 20. [ Special to the Tin : Hr.K. ] Tlio session of the Long Pine Chnu- tauqua commences , luly 13 , nnd continues until the -4th , nnd thu pamphlet programmes issued under the direction of Kev. J. O. Evans D. D. , superintendent , are now being distributed. The president of tlio Chautuu- qua , Hov. Ocargo W. Martin , A. M. , is the prime mover nnd organizer , and its success lias been duo mainly to his unceasing efforts in that direction. According to llio pro gramme tbo assembly will be represented by a goat many very prominent teachers and lecturers. There will bu Hovs. J. G. Evans , D. D. , of Chicago.I. ; D. Stewart , 11. Dunn , D. D. , of Michigan ; Eli McClisli. D. D. , of Illinois , and .1. D. Maxllcld , of Omaha. In connection with these will bo lectures from Judge W. H. Morris , Uov. .lohn Askiu , Mrs. Mary T. Lathrop , Prof , .lame.s Lisle , Hov. L. T. Merry. H. A. Sliorey , Miss Ida Evans , Uev. T. C. Webster , Pi of. O. E. Halter , Prof. G. W. Kcod , Prof. C. M. Slovens. Prof. 13. A. Whitman , and General H. C. Uiiist-ll. There will bo present on Grand Army day Governor .lohn M. Tlinyor , Colonel N. C. Henry , Kev. L. F. Hritt , D. D. and Captain C. F. Hoyd. On July 2'J , patriotic day. General Charles P. Man- dcrson and John I. Nesbit will preside , nnd Prof. . ) . M. Hlose , formerly of Pennsylvania , will preside over the musical department. Everything about the Coining assembly indi cates that these who will bo in attendance arc going to have an'intellcctual nnd recrea tive feast. One thing particularly must be birnu in mind , and that is the Long Pine river is the only stream in Nebraska where there is good trout lishing. Six years nco the htato put into tlii.s stream r.O.OOU of tlio finny tribe , and now they are Irom eight to fifteen inches long , so all who think they are good trout fishermen can have a grand opportunity to pass their time in that kind of diversion and bu well rewarded for their pains. Hundreds of tents arc being loused and small cottages are in process of erection. Donne College Commencement. CHKTK , Neb. , June 31. [ Special to Tun Hun. ] Tlio commencement concert of Doano was given last evening under the direction of Miss Decker of the musical department. It was largely attended and was very line. This morning llio graduating exercises of lliu normal department were held in the Congre gational church. There wuro two graduates , Miss Getiave Andrews , of Syracuse , nnd Miss F. G. Lee , of Exeter. Dr. Sherrill , of Omaha , presented the diplomas. Immediately after wards the exercises of thu senior class of the college wcro held. The first speaker was T. II. H. Knight , of Melrosu Highlands. Mnhs. His subject was "Socrates. " Tlio high char acter of the great philosopher was well sot forth. His adherence to principle and calm indifference to consequences deserve the highest praise. E. H. Dean , of South Horn ) , followed with un oration on "The Mission of the Crusades , " showing how the civilization of Europe was stimulated nnd broadened by their influence. J. T. Houho now spoke of "A Dream and Kc.ilitv , " comparing tlio dend missions of the Jesuits with the live and ever increasing modern Protestant missions. Miss Hcrtha Kaytior , of Hellevilo , concluded the pro gramme with an essay entitled , "Thoy That Walk With tlio Wise Shall Ho Wise , " show ing tlio inllucnco of men nnd books on char- actor. She then delivered the valedictory addresses , after which the diplomas were presented by Hov. Lewis Gregory , of Lin coln. The exorcises wcro intorspcnicd with excellent vocal and Instrumental music. Tlio annual meeting of the alumni wns hold this afternoon. Thus closed a very successful year for the collage. The prospects for next ynar are good. A class of fourteen was graduated from the preparatory department , most of whom expect to enter the freshman class next fall with others who have prepared elsewhere. _ An Kdltor Hortioxvlilpped , Ni'.niUhKA Crrv , Neb. , Juno 81. [ Spccla to Tin : Hr.n.J Henry Huckins , edilor of the Times , was called upon by Mrs. G. W. Covoll , of Omalin , to-day between : i und 4 o'clock who wrapped Him over the head three or four times with a horsewhip. Huckins succeeded in wresting the whip from her hands before she did him much damage find the Irate Indy [ withdrew ] from the sanctum , still mnd but possibly some- whnt mollflod In spirits , for her Intentions wcro evidently peed oven If she did fall. The nnimus of the attack upon this Journalist rests In the fact thnt n letter wns written to the Omaha llcpubllcnn from this plnro two or three weeks ago , said to hnvo been bv Huckins , stating that "Mrs. Q. W. Covoll , accompanied by her adopted daughter , of Omabn , wcro visiting relatives and friends In the city. " The item mortally offended Mrs. Covoll , nnd upon her nrrivnl hero to-day she inarched to tlio Times cftlco and proceeded to chnstlso tlio supposed writer ftsbeforostntcd. Huckins takes the matter cooly , denies hav ing written tlio letter or the Hem nuil further than this deponent snycth not. _ ww v Kenrncy Ucpiibllonii.t. KnuiNEV , Neb. , [ Spccinl to TUB Uisr . ] Last night tlio republicans of Konrnoy or ganized a campaign club , ntul pro- mirations wcro made to ratify the Chicago nomination of the parly. Over 0110 hundred names were enrolled and the organ ization wns christened tlio Konrnoy Hopubli- can club. General A. H. Connor was elected president , nnd Mlchaol J. Saundcrs , recently ncting postmaster under Cleveland's admin istration , was made secretary. Hon. John M. Thurston was unanimously elected nu honorary member. It was resolved to Increase tlio membership to over ono thousand , mid after singing "Marching Throtich Georgia , " and "John Urown's " Uody , the club ad journed to uwalt the nomination. Put Sotln In the Water. KKAHNRV , Nob. , Juno 31. [ Special to Tun Dun. ] The section boss of tlio 13. & M. railroad drew n Keg of water from the tank for tlio use of his men , and upon drinking it a peculiar taste was noticed. Investigation revealed the fnct that fully n barrel of soda had boon dumped into the tank by some mis creant , with the evident purpose of fouling the locomotives using it. No ono hero sus pects nny of the striking employes of tlio rond. There are four of these men In our city , nnd wo have no bettor citizens m the community. Until recently the railroad com pany has employed n watchman nt the round house nnd the tank. Funeral of .T. AV. Knrly. COI.U.MIH-S , Neb. , Jur.o 21. [ Special Telegram - gram to Tm : Hii : : . [ Tlio funeral of J. W. Early , whose sudden death was mentioned in TinHii : : : , took place nt 3:20 : p. in. to-day , Hov. Powers , of the M. E. church , deliver ing the funeral oration. Tlio Knights of Pythias , Masons. Odd Fellows , G. A. U. nuil liremcn , headed by the Columbus baud , with , members of the different lodges from Fro- inont , Sch'jylcr , Albion nnd ninny other places made the largest procession known in our history. Tlio Masonic order performed the last sad rites at the grave. Tlio schools weru closed nnd nil business suspended from 1 to 4 p. m. Ontr-SiimltM'laml. CnnimiTox. Neb. , Juno 31. [ Special Tele gram to Tni : Hr.r. . ] Creighton society ngnin loses two important factors in tlio positions of Prof. A. D. Ong and Miss Ida H. Sundcr- lund , who were married this evening. The ceremony was performed by Hov. J. Preston at thu residence of Mr. A. D. Holbroolc. It was the most brilliant gathering Creighton ever witnessed. Prof. Ong has been the principal of the high school hero for two years and Miss Sunderlund has been visiting her sister , Mrs. A. D. Holbroolc , for a few months. Her home is in the cast. Jester Hilton. u , Nub. , Juno 31. [ Special Tele- grain to Tun HII : : . ] Mr. A. II. Jester , ono of our prominent citizens , was married to Miss Daisy Hilton and loft for Kansas City to-day. Tin ) newly married couple were ac companied to the depot by thu band nud about a hundred citizens. A lilir Transfer at Lincoln. LINCOLNNeb. . , Juno 21. [ Special Tele gram lo Tin : HII : . | Cushman park , three miles west of this city , sold to-day at auction for S10,0M. ( The property was purchased by Milwaukee parlies , and is considered a great bargain. A big brewery will bo put on the property. _ Katnl Wreok on tlio Northwestern. DI-.WITT , Ia. , Juno 21 [ Special to THE UBI : . ] A freight train on tlio Chicago & Northwestern road was derailed about a mile west of hero yesterday afternoon between ! i and -I o'clock. Six cars were badly smashed up and a tramp , name unknown , was killed. The wrecking crew was at once ordered from Clinton but the wreck was not cleared away in time to allow the west bound pas senger to pass nnd it was delayed about half au hour , going round over the Hurlington , Cedar Hapids it Northern by way of Tipton. Klcetod Oflleei-N and Adjourned. WATCKI.OO , Ia. , Juno 31. [ [ Special Tele gram to Tun HnK. ] The Hainan Catholic Mutual Protection Association of Iowa ad journed to-day after electing the following officer * : President , Hcv. James Haron , Lemurs ; vice president , W. K. Corkoy , Hurlington ; secretary and treasurer , John Suppol , Iowa City ; directors , Gcorgo Ham mur , Iowa City ; Hichnrd O'Hriun , Indepen dence ; Lewis II. Kurtz , Dos Moines. It was decided to hold the next convention in Fort Dodge next June. Means Bomethliii ; for Waterloo. WATIIW.OO , Ia. , Juno 31 , [ Special Tele gram to TIIK Di'.n.J President Fish , VIce President Harriman , General Manager Jef frey and their party , consisting of twenty of the most prominent Illinois Central otllclals wcro tendered a grand reception by tlio citi zens of Waterloo to-night. Thoofllcers are hero in pursuance of a plan which includes the location hero of the Central's Iowa head quarters and the bui ding of largo and repair shops. Cornell Confers CCDAU HArin. " , In. . Juno 21. Cornell col lege nt Mount Vcrnon to-day ut the thirty- first commencement exorcises graduated n class of twenty-four. Masters degrees wuro given to tlio same number and tlio honorary degree of doctor of divinity to Huv. F. H. ClicoriiiKton , Los Angeles , and the degree of LL. I ) , to Hov. J. W. Mendcnhull , editor of the Methodist Heviow. ICobbetl liy Circus Thlovex. MASON Crrv.Ia. , Juno 31. I Special Telegram - gram to TIIK Hiu.J : To-day during the cir cus parade several residences m the suburbs of tbo city were broken into. Freight Agunt ( Jrippcn of tlio Milwaukee had $ IX)0 stolen from Ins house. No arrests liuvo been inudo .Magnolia . , Balm