Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 22, 1888, Image 1

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The Convention Dovotoa a Day to
Nominating Speeches.
A Campaign Document With a True
Hawloy's Castor the First Shied
Into the Ring.
Pete Hepburn Follows With the
VirtuoB or Allison.
Dopcvv's Dlsiunl Chinee John Shcr-
niiui I'rnnucH In Hacked Ily PCIIII-
HJ Ivanlii Kornltor'H Speech
Killer niitl Husk.
The Thirl Dny'H 1'ioccctlliiKB.
Cojnrsiiov Hus , Cmcvoo , Juno 21.
[ Special Telcgiom to Tin : Urn. ] Chnlrinnn
l stcc nipped the tonvciition tooidcrpiompt-
ly on time this morning. Thoihst business
was calling the roll of states for members of
the national committee. This accomplished
Major MelCinlej' of Ohio , rises and piocecds
to the platform mold chceis. In u
clear voicu ho reado the repoit of
the committee on plntfoim As Me-
Klnlcy finishes u Maryland delegate
moves the uiianimousndoption of the report
and takes occasion to deliver an harangue.
Grinin , the nnti saloon man of Now Yoilc , is
ready to Introduce n icsolution on the torn-
; > ci anco question , but quick as .1 Hash the
previous question is ordered , put and cairicd.
The resolutions wcro adopted amidst wild
cheering and the cranks arc shut oil. At
11 15 the icgular order of business was do
clarcd to ho
THE i KI snsrvTiov or cAvnin VTES.
Alabama and Arknnsis wcio passed and
Cnllfoinia was icachcd.Tlioro is a sensation as
Creed Hnjmond uses mid aslts for the
present that California's irnino bo passed.
Blaino's ii.iiiio is evidently held
in icservo. Connecticut presents the
imnio of Ilnwluy , but makes no
1 speech. Ihcro is feeble nppl.iuso , whicli nt
onto dies out. Tlio secictnry stops at the
niuno of Illinois and the Gresliam boomers
got in their work. The waves of applause
roll and break against the walls of the audi
torium. Leonard Swell's ' speech is rather
disappointing. With closed eyes the auditor
might imagine ho was listening to a sermon.
IJia first mention of Grcsham's uaino brings
down the galleries of course , but there is no
response in the convention itself. The dem
onstration is not up to expectation and muiks
another step in the' or Tiir. nncsiiiM DOOM.
As Sw olt's speech proceeded the audience
became restive. Tlioro was n little applause.
rinallyloud calls of time came from the
galleries and the speaker closed. Tlioro was
n painful effort to protract the applause at
the end , but it failed. Frank Davis , of
Minnesota , in seconding the nomination ,
scored a greater success. A clear voice , n
line presence , and a well composed speech ,
combined to hold attention. It was i hotori
cil , and its rounded periods caught the
crowd. Hut oven Davis failed to evoke the
expected ovation Davis' peroration
evoked the flist hearty Gicsham
demonstration of the day. The applause
plauso lasted a minute and a quarter hut
on co again it came chiefly from the Illinois
bhoutcrs In the g.illcilcs. Ux-Congicssntan
Lynch followed but in ulo the tta'iio blunder
as T.ii pee lit St. Louis , in loferiing to an
other candidate. Ills allusion to Ilaruson
caused a demolish ation even
MOUl , MUIMI ! > ' . IUN TIIVT I OK OllhlllM. .
As It became evident Unit all the day
would bo given over to nominating spcsohes ,
many of the audlenco suffering fiom the ho it
loft the hall. Lynch was followed by Mo
Call of Mussiohusetts , and Scor of Texas ,
but the audience was plainly bored At
11 ! 25 a motion lor a icwxss until 'J o'clock
was voted down.
When Indiana's name was called n volley
of theois laug out. Ilauison's untno was to
bo presented and Governor Potter was
the man selected to poi foi m the pleasing duty
The most popular of Indlanans himself , Gov
ernor I'oi ter received an ovation which was
luigely pel sonnl in its nature. The Hoosicr
yells wliltli groelod the Hist announcement
of Hauison's name threatened to dislodge
Uio elect i it ; lights. Hut theio were rhul
1 cries for 111 osham during the speech which
Indicated the blttci ness bstwcun the par
tisan of the two candidates . \ bitterness
which threatens to defeat tins candidacy of
both , I'oi tor ended his address amid cheerIng -
Ing , but thodcinonstiation was shoit lived.
At 140 the contention took u recess until u
A uri.ioiiTi'i'i. nui.L/t : WAS nsovviNO
from the lake us the convention was callc d tc
order at 3. it , and Mr , ( Jc'rrell of Iowa , r
bi other of Colonel Gen cl of Omaha , losotc
second Hairihon'g noniinntlon. Neither hi-
sieceh nortlint of Congicssinun Gnllingcr ol
Now Hampshlio , whioh followed , interested
the audience paitleularly until Gallinpot
epi ang the name when the whole convcntloi :
went off as If double shotted Inthico tuv
mondous and long-conlltmcil volleys of checys
yells ana hnndchipplng.
Iowa's name was awaited with interest
and when Hepburn of Iowa made his way tc
the stand , thciowas a demonstration from
the , Allison men which was hearty and spon
tmicous , but Hepburn scarcely did Justice tc
his subject , HU speech was nuricd by u
hesitating deliver , } and too frequent tefer
cnco to his notes. Jn bad taste he rcfcruc
to the various candidates and pave thn Algei
boomers their llrst opportunity to yell.
Uoswoith of Rhode Island , \\hofollowci
lilmyas u light-weight with u slim bodj urn
lilgh-hojeiJ voice. These were tno on1 !
Brooches for Allison.
As the roll call pioccdoJ no re
Eii'jnso until Michigan was i cached.
then got In their deadly work with a vcngo
mice , IVascr of Michigan , with \okc lil > (
a cnl'opu mid the cctlon of a throbbing nil
chine In full motion , piocccdcd to 1'iit ' Gov
ciuor Alger In nominatioii , The dcmontilra
tlon whicli followed was car splitting. Tin
Michigan uulvcisity students slu ickcd thcii
favoi lie call. Alycr clubs ' " . the irallcriei
pounded cacl. ot < icr liaU and broke thi'ii
tanner stalls on the rullintr , nnd the tuumll
brought binllu to the fucci of vurycaixi
of the red ribbon. Hstoppcd after n whllo
and Noycs of Massachusetts nnd Patrick
Kgan of Nebraska followed. Egan's voice
was so weak as scarcely to bo heard. Higgins -
gins of Arl/onn , came next and was howled
off the stage , while In the midst of an auto
biographical sketch. New York's name
brought out n volume of cheers as Senator
Aiiosn TO XOAIIXTE iiEPr.w.
His toweling form and slmppy piny curls
made a picturesque flputc as ho stood on the
platform. Ho eulogized Chaunroy as n rail
road president who had no wricks sti own
along his pathway nnd who could carry the
granger \otc. It was n bold bluff , but there
was some laughter nt Uopew's expense
ninglcd with the npplauso when Hiscock
ended and n Minnesota delegate promised
5J.OCO majority In that state for the president
of the New York Ccntiul.
M Ii10 Ohio was called and Attoincy Gen
eral Hastings of Pennsylvania began the
nomination of Sherman. A mngnlllccntoico
and a flno phj sique attracted the audience.
The thiid Hlnlno demonstration of the day
occui i ed w hen ho mentioned "Tho beloved
son , James U Hluinc. " Again nnd again the
cheering bioko out and subsided , delegates
Joining in the outburst as well as the gal
Hut tliu speech of the day was yet to come.
It w as reserved
i OH run riruv rouMcrn
tow oik the enthusiasm of the nudicncoun to
the highest pitch yet attained. As ho climbed
the platform steps an immense Iloral emblem
inscribed , "No rebel Hags returned whllo I
am governor , " was placed against the stage
amid thundcis of applause and volleys of
chcei s. The speech was u remarkable one.
It was u succession of oratorical center shots.
Uvciy sentence called foitlij shouts. Bvcry
pause brought pandemonium. Sixteen min
utes the cntiio audience nnd convention gave
itself up to the moment. All attempts to stop
the shrieks , cheers and jells failed. Even
the band could not Do heard amid
inn MAOUU-I.IKI : Tiiusnnn
of the howling multitude. Finally the cn
tiio audience Joined in sinplnging "Maiclung
Tluough Gcoigia , " and were itself in the ef
fort. The ovation was as much to Forakor
as to Sherman , ns much to the American
Hag whicli ho eulogized as to cither , but it
loft a lurking suspicion that the Gaillcld act
might possibly bo in the air. This was felt
so generally that after Langston nnd Nance
had spoken for Sherman and Chillies Emory
Smith had been given a chance to air his
giotcsquo Filler boom , Senator Spioncr was
heard witli Impatience in nominating Jerry
Husk. The friends of all the candidates
weio anxious to adjourn. It was feared that
a stampede to I7oi alter might repeat the his-
toiy of IbSO. W. E. A.
Tim Til I id ) DAY.
The Con\cntloii Settles Down to lliis-
incsR 1'rninptly OH Time.
CHICAGO , Juno 21. Not more than
half the delegates wcro in their
seats when the convention wns
called to order at 10 05. Chairman Esteo
was evidently determined to rush business.
After a short prayer the call of the states for
members of the national committee began.
Nebraska named Judge Hobertson of Nor
folk in place of Chuich Howe. Senator
Quay took the lead of Pennsylvania na
tional politics as ho desoi ved ; Wood of Vir
ginia , who was given the seat in the Ninth
distiict last niglit , icpresents th it stlto on
the national committee. Tills looks
like conciliation , ns Wise con
trols the delegation. New Yoik
was passed in the call. The band plays
u lively air while waiting for the com
mittees to icport , a pause , and Major Mo-
Kinloy , of Ohio , rises. A tempest of cheers
follows the announcement of his name and
a volume of applause accomp inies him to the
platfoiin. lie reads in a clear , imging voice
the declaration of principles. Reference to
the icpublican leaders nnd to homo tula
bring out chteis , but the llrst allusion to the
tariff creates n thunderous round of cheers
amid which the cntiio convention rises to its
foot , the galleries , stage and platform join
ing , hats , fans , oven coats , commingling in
mad confusion.
The issue is fairly Joined. The platform
demands the maintenance of the protective
punciploas such , and the repot t of the in-
tcinaliovcnuo taxes necessary to that end.
As clearly defined is the issue it makes for
a fi co ballot , for coist defenses , for the 10-
Jcction of the llsheiics treaty , for the
Isthmus canals , and for the encouragement
of the shipping interests. The platform is
caiefully worded , and its phrases arc terse ,
pointed nnd citch the audience. Every par
agraph is giccted with cheers.
Tlio llcimhllciui I'.uty'H Declaration
of l'i Inclplcs.
CIIUMOO , Junc'Jl. Tlio convention chceioi :
lustily when Mr. McKlnley advanced to the
platform. In a clear voice McKinley icaO
the committee's icpoit as follows :
Till , l'i VTIOIIM.
The republicans of the United States ,
assembled by their delegates In national con
vention , pause on the threshold ot tholr
piocccdlngH to honor the meinoiy of theli
liist gioat leader and immortal champion ol
llbcitj nnd Uio lights of the people , Abra
ham Lincoln , nnd to over also with wio Uln
of Impoiisliablo reinombranco and gratitude
the heroic names of our later leaden who
huvo been moio lerontly called away fiom
our councils. Grant , Gaillcld , Aithur , Logan
and Conklmg May their memoiios
bo fatthtully cherished Wo also iccall
with our gicctingx and piayer foi
his recovery the name of one of our living
heroes whoso memory will bo tiensured in
the history both of republicans and of the re
public. Tlio name is that of the noblc'holdicr
and favoiito .hild of vUtoiy , Philip 11. Hhcr-
In the spirit of those gi eat leaders and of
our devotion to human liberty , and witli that
hostility to all forms of despotism and op
pi libitum which is the fundamental Idcit of
the it-publican p.ut > , wu hend fraternal con
gratulations to our Icllow Amuucans of Hra-
dl upon their gieat act of emancipation
whicli completed the abolition of slnvcri
throughout the two American continents
Wo cainfstly hope wo may soon congiatu-
latoour follow citUcns of lush buth upon
iho peaceful rccovcri of homo rule for Jio-
WE ArniiM ouit rxswciiviva i\OTIOV
to the national constitution ami toUicimlissol-
ublo union of states to the nutocmmj ii'scuei
to the states under tlic constitution , to the pcr-
suii il i iglits and llbci tlcsof citrons in at li-titt 3
nnd tciritoiics in the vsptcully to
the 6'ipreme and sovereign ilghlof ey iy
citizen , iich or poor , native or foicign bfiin ,
white or black , to cv."t mio fico b ulot in the
public elections and to huvo that ballot dulj
counted Wo hold a fico and honest popa.i ! :
ballet and Jiiat and equal rcpuscntation ol
nil people to bo the foundation ol
our icpublican government and dcmaml
offcctlvo legislation to BI-OIHO tha Inlsgrity
and purity of elections which are the loiin-
tutns of nil public uuthout.x. Wcchaigo that
thepicscnt administration and the demo
cratic majoiity in CQiigrcss owe their exis
tence to the suppression of the ballot by the
riiminal nullitication of the constitution nnd
laws of the United States.
Wo are uncompromisingly in favor
of the American ststcia of protc.tluii
Wo piotcwt against tljo dcstrue-
Jlan piojiosed Di1 the jircsidcnt an 1 hi > paity.
They servo the interests of KUIPJIC ,
WBIlI. . St'l ICUTTliU I.STrrtSlsc'k1 ' AMI KICA.
Wo atceut the issue , aud
ly appeal to the people for their Judg
ment. The protective sjstcm must bo
maintained Its abandonment has always
> oen followed by general disaster to all In
terests except those of the usurer and
We denounce the Mills' bill ns destructive
o general business , labor , and the farming
ntcrests of the country , nnd wo heartily
ndorso the consistent nnd pitrlotlc action of
.ho republican representatives in congress in
3pHsliig ) its passage. Wo condemn
the proposition of the dcmocintic party to
[ ilaco wool on the free list nnd wo insist that
the duties theicon shall bo adjusted and
maintained so ns to furnish full nnd adequate
pi election to that Industry.
The republican party would effect nil
needed reduction of the national revenue by
tope-allng the taxes on tobacco , which aio an
arrogance and burden to agriculture , and the
tax upon spirits used In the ai la and for mc-
chanical purposes , and by such revision of
the tariff laws as will tend to check Imports of
such articles as are produced by our people ,
the pioduetlon of which gives employment
to our Itbor , and release from Import duties
these ai tides of foreign production , except
luxurie , the ilko of which cannot bo produced
nthome , thcro shall still remain n larger icv-
enuuthan Isiequlsite for the wants of gov
ernment , of Intel mil tnxes rather than sun on-
tier any p.utof our piotcctivo system nt the
Joint behest of the whisky ilng mid agents
of foreign manufacturers.
Wo dcclaio our hostility to the introduc
tion into this country of foieign contract
labor and of Chinese labor alien to our civili
sation nnd our constitution , and wo demand
the rigid cnfotcement of existing laws
against it and favor such immodl ito legis
lation ns will exclude such labor from our
shores. t
We declare our opposition to all combina
tions of capital organised In tuists or other
wise to control arbitrarily the condition of
ti ado amongour citizens and wo recommend to
congi ess and the state legislatui es in their re
spective jurisdictions such legislation ns will
pi event the execution of all schemes to op
press the people by undtio chugcs on their
supplies or by unjust rates forthotranspoita-
ti < m of their products to maikct.
Wo approve legislation by congress to pre
vent alike unjust bunions nnd unfair dis
crimination between states.
We rcafllun tiio policy of appropriating the
public lands of the United States to be home
steads for American citizens and settlers not
aliens , whicli the republican party established
in IfcOJ against the persistent opposition of
the democrats in congrcsSjWhich Imsbiought
our gicit wcstein domain into mngnitlccnt
development. Tlio restoration of uncaincd
land grants to the public domain for the use
of actual settlers , whicli was begun under
the admlulstiatlon of President Arthur ,
should bo continued. Wo deny that the dem
ocratic paity has over icstorcd one aero to
the people , but declaio that by the Joint ac
tion of republicans utul democrats
about fifty million ncics of un
caincd lands originally granted for
the construction ot niilroads huvo been
restored to the public domain in pursuance
of conditions insetted by the icpubhcan
party in the 01 iginal grants. Wo charge the
democratic administration with failuio to
execute laws seeming to scttleis title to
their homesteads and with using nppiopua-
tions made for that purpose to haiiass inno
cent settlers with spies nnd piosccutions
urdcr the false pretense of exposing frauds
and vindicating the law.
AIIMISSIOV or TtnniToiiir.s.
Thego\einment by congress of the terri-
toi ics is based upon necessity only to the end
that they may become states in the
union : therefore , whenever the conditions
of population , material resources , public
intelligence ar.d morality are such as to in-
suio stable local government therein , the
people of such teintones should be per
mitted , a right inherent m them , to form for
themselves constitutions and state govern
ments and be admitted into the union. Pend
ing prcpaiation for statehood all oflljeis
thereof should bo selected from bonn lido
residents andcitizensof the territory wherein
they aio to servo. South Dakota should of
ught bo immediately admitted as a state in
the union under the constitution framed and
adopted by her people , and wo heaitily
endorse the action of the republican senate
in twice passing bills for her admission. The
lufusal of the democratic house ot represen
tatives , for partisan purposes , to favoiably
consider these bills is a willful violation of
the bacicd American principle of local self-
go\ eminent , and meiits the condemnation of
all Just men. Tlio pending bills in the senate
lor acts to enable the people of Washington ,
Noith Dakota and Montana tciritones to
form constitutions and establish state gov-
cinmcnts should be passed without unneces
sary delay. The republican party pledges
itself to do all in its power to facilitate the
admission of the tciiitoiies of New Mexico ,
W\oming , Idaho and Aibona to the enjoy
ment of self govei nment as states. Such of
them as are now qualified us soonaspossib c ,
andotheis as soon as they may become so.
The political power of the Mormon church
in the territories ns cxcicised in the past is a
menace to free institutions too dangt-ious to
be long suffered. Tnereforo wo pledge the
icpnbllcan party to nppioprinto legislation ,
asseitmg the sovereignty of the n ition in
all the teiritoi ies whet o the same is qucs
tioncd , and in furtherance of that end to
place uiion the statute boons legislation
stiingcnt enough to dlvoico political from
ecclesiastical power , and thus stamp out the
attendant wickedness of polygamy.
The icpublican paity is in laver of the use
of both gold and silver as money , nnd con
demns the policy of the democratic ndminis
stration In its clToits to demonetize silver.
Wo demand the reduction of letter postage
to 1 cent per ounce.
In n republio Ilko ours , whcro
the citizen is the sovereign and tno ofllcial
the servant , whcro no power Is cxeiciseil
except by the will of the people ,
it is Important that the sovereign
people should possess intelligence. The fieo
buhool is tiio piomoter of that Intelligence
which is to pioscivo us u free nation. Theio-
f01 e , the state or nation , or both combined ,
should support fico institutions of learn
ing suttlclent to ntloid to every child gi ow
ing u ) ) in the land the opportunity
of u good common school education ,
oun Mriu IUNT MAIIIM : .
Wo earnestly iceommend that promnt
action bo taken In < ongioss in the
enactment of such legislation ns will best se
en 10 the rehabilitation of our Aineiican mer
chant muiinc , and wo ptotcst against the
passage by congiess of a fr-o ; ship bill ns cal
culated to work injustice to labor by lessen
ing the wages ot thosocngiged In prepniing
miitci mis as w ell as those dii cell v cmplov ed in
ourtwlpiards. Wo demand appropriations
for the early lebjilding of our navy ,
for the consuuetion of coast fortifications
and modern ordmanca and other approved
modem means of defense for the protection
of our defenceless harbor * and citlus. for the
payment of Just pensions to our soldiers , for
iii-tessary woiksof national importance In
the impiovomcntof thehaiboisand channels
of Intel nal. eoastwisoi and foieign com
moi-ee. for the encouragement of the shipping
Intcu&tbof the Atlantic , Gulf and P.icillo
status as well as for the paj incut
of the mutur ng public dcibt.
'J his policy will give employment
to our labor , activity to our various Indus
tries , inci eased security to our country , pro
inoto trade , open now and diiect markets for
our pioduets and cheapen the cost of trans
portation Wo alllim this to bo far better
for our countiy than the democratic policy
of loaning tno government's money without
Interest to ' 'pet banks. "
The conduct of foieign alTan s bj the present
administration has been distinsulshed by in-
efticicncy and towarilico Having withdraws ;
fiom the bonute all pending treaties effrctec
by icpi'blK-an administrations for the ro-
vioval of foioign buidens Tind restrictions
upon our commerce and for its extension into
a bcttci market , it has neither affected nor
piepoccJ any others in their stead , Pro-
fusing adheicnio to ttio Manroo doc-
tilno , it 1m so.on with ullo couplacency
thu extension of foieign in Centra
Aircrici. ami of foreign trade everywhere
among our nclghbois It has refused to
charter , han nion or encourage any Americui
oijTfnviKitipn for constmciluu' the Nica-
nu'ii i c.mal , u vtorkofitul importance to
the maintenance of the Monroe docti ino am
of our national influence in Centra
nt d hujtli America , ami ncceesai v for
tha development of nadc with our Pacific ,
vuth bouth A'uieika , und
the further consts of the Pacific ocean.
We arraign the present democratic ad
ministration for Its weak and unpatriotic
treatment of the fisheries question , nnd its
msill millions surrcnd of nil privileges to
, vhich our fishery \J i els are entitled in
Canadian ports urn ir Iho treaty of
1818 , the reciprocate ; larltlmo legislation of
l SO nnd comity of nat ins , nnd which Cann-
tiiiui fishing vessels r : eivc In the poi ts of
the United States.V condemn the policy
of the present admin trntlon nnd the ilcmo-
cratlc mnjoritj In con ; css towai ds our fish-
cries ns unfriendly i id conspicuously un-
patriotic nnd ns tcndli J5 to destroy a valuable
national industry and an indispcnslblo re
source of defence against foreign cue my.
The name American applies nliko to all
citlrcns of the rcpublic and Imposes upon men
alike the same obligation of obedience to the
laws. At the sainotlmecitizcnshlpls ana must
bo the panoply nnd safeguard of him who
wears it , should and protect him whether higher
or low , iluli or poor , la all his civil rights. It
should and must afford him protection nt
homo nnd follow nnd protect him abroad In
whatever land ho may bo on a lawful or-
CIVIL sr.uvicn HKIOUM.
The men who abandoned the icpublican
paity in l SI nnd continue to ndhero to the
democintic party have deserted not only the
cause of honest government , of sound
finance , of freedom and puiit.v of the ballot ,
but especially have descited the cause of re-
foim in the civil service. Wo will not fail to
keep our pledges because they hnvo
broken theirs , or because their cadldato
has broken his. Wo therefore re | > cut
our declaration of 18S4 , to wit : The reform
of civil service auspiciously begun under 10-
publican administration should bo completed
by a further extension of the reform system
already established by law to all ciadcs of
the service to which it is applied. The
spit it nnd purpose of reform should
be observed In all executive appointments ,
and nil laws at variance with thoobject of ex
isting reform legislation should bo lupcaled
nnd that the dangers to free institutions
which lurk in the power of ofllcial pation-
ago may bo wisely and effectively avoided.
The gratitude of the nation to the defend
ers of the union cannot bo assured except by
laws. The legislation of congress should
confoi into the pledges made by a loval people
ple , and be so cnlniged and extended as to
piovido against the possibility that any
man who honorably Woie the federal unl
foim shall become an Inmate of an almshouse -
house or dependent upon private charity. In
thopicscnco of an overflowing trcnsuiy it
would bo a public scandal to do less for
these whoso valorous sei vice prcseivcd the
government. Wo denounce the hostile
spuit shown by President Cleveland in
his numerous vetoes of measuics for pension
lelief , nnd the action of thn democratic
house of representatives In icfusing even
consideration of geneial pension legislation.
In support of the principles herewith enun
ciated , we invite the co-operation of pats lotic
men of all pai tics , especially of all workingmen -
men vvho o prosperity is seriously tlueatened
by the fieo tiado policy of the present ad-
At the conclusion of its reading the plat
form was unanimously adopted.
Connecticut Names Ilawlcy , Illinois
Grcqliuin , Indiana Harrison.
Cmciao , Juno 21. At 11:13 : the loll of
states was called for nominations.
Mr. Waincr of Connecticut , when Con
necticut was called , presented , without
further remarks , the name of the Hon. Joseph
K. Hawlcy.
When Illinois was reached Leonard Swett
arose and commenced a speech nominating
Gresliam for president. At the mention of
Grcsham's name there was loud applause
from the galleries and some of the delega
tions on the floor.
Swctt , in placing Gresliam in nomination ,
said the present convention recalled n scene
enacted in this city twenty-bight years ngo.
J'hat was the second national republican con
vention and the llrst nomination of Abinhnm
Lincoln. At his inauguration the republican
party first assumed the reins of go vein-
mental contiol With unimportant inter
ruptions the democratic party had controlled
our national policy for thiity-two years The
country in I'-Ol stood upon Uio verge of polit
ical and financial rum , and the sharpest and
most deadly conflict of aims evei known suc
ceeded. Wo have had of i cpublican rule
since then , four jeais of war and
twenty jears of peace. Tlio four
jears of war pioduccd heroes , sacrifices and
sufferings without parallel and reunited the
countiy. Tlio twenty jears of peace in
creased the population , internal imiuove-
nients , manufactories , comforting homes and
a general development of nil classes with n
inpidltv unequalled in the history of the
world within the time n imcd Wo have
again assembled to select a president for the
00,00 ) ,000 of free people Who mot in char
acter is the very essence of thcso people !
Who of all the names suggested will diaw
most largely fiom all classes ! \Vlio can best
bring together und reunite the broken fiag-
me-nts of our own party I Who by personal
courage and sublime .confidence in his con
victions is the ideal leader of the American
people ? Who most stiikingly stands for cos
mopolitan Amciican character i Thcso are
the questions of the hour addressed to us all
I suggest the name of Walter Q Gioslmmol
Indiana and Illinois , nnd invite thoughtful
consideration to bonio reasons why ho should
bo nominated.
Mr. Swctt then proceeded to give the
biogiaphy of Grcslmm , in which ho spoke ol
his humble origin , tils early dcslio for educa
tion , his loyalty as a iopublicun , reviewed
his war hlstoiy , spoke of his oiganiiatlon of
10,000 comiadcs and joining Shei man , his
bravery , promotion , wounds , his
call to Arthur's cabinet , his re
duction in the piico of postage , en foi eing
the btatutcs against the abuse of the mails
bv lottery venders and swindlers , and finally
icgai ding his career as a judge in his admin
istration of exact Justice to all. Ho said
Gieshum had always stood witii
his party , had advocated lib-
01 al pensions for disabled nnd
dependent soldiers , nnd the strength of his
candidacy lies in the public belief that he
will never bieak his promises , and if elected
would manage public affairs with the same
honesty whicli has eharaeteitzcd his past his
tory Mr. Davison of Minnesota , seconded
Giesham's nomination. Ho said that ho
came fiom a state which had no favorite son ,
but which iCBpondcd with spontnncty to the
choice of the nation.
Ho was followed at 11 : f > S by John H Lj iich
of Massachusetts , who seconded iho nomina
tion of Gresliam ,
MeCnll of Massachusetts , also seconded
Judge Grcsham's nomination.
The nomination w as further seconded by
Mr. Hector of Texas , and ho piedlcted n sue-
ccssfnl campaign with Gresliam us the stand-
aid bearer.
Theio being no further seconds to
Grcsham's nomination , the secretary proceeded -
ceeded to call the roll of states , and when
Indiana was called and Governor Porter
mounted the platform to place Harrison in
nomination n round of cheers were given ,
The Grcshamitcs in the galleries cilcd out
the name of their fnvontfc when Porter
mentioned Hmrison as Indiana's choice , to
which ho responded with emphasis that ho
voiced the unanimous and camest sentiment
of thu Indiana delegation in piesenting liar-
rlson'b name , lu nominating Hmrison Gov
ernor Porter said :
In Ibbs us ISbO Indiana seems hkelj to hold
the key that will free the fetters that hav o
been bound aiound tiio republicans for four
years. She is alwaj s a close state , but vvlicn
piopcrly worked has never failed to elect re
publican candidates , She has iieverbccn
better organized than now ; the piclimtnary
woik has never bepn moio complete und the
republican musses eeom to have never Veen
more hlglily nrouaeu and eager for the strug
gle. Glvo General Hcnjamlu Harrison jour
commission to lead them and they will im
mediately full Into line and pi ess
forward with enthusiastic confidence to vic
tory. Thoconvention tlmtlutelj met at St.
Louis disappointed the democracy of In
diana by icfusing to place un Indiana candi
date on then ticket. Thu present condition
ol IndUnalstha republican party's opi > oi-
tunity. licnjumin Harrison was never guilty
ol inuatiotiini ; the i.ajae of Uls ancestors to
gain his public ends. His self-reliance Is his
; rcat forte Ho negotiated treaties with the
Indians while govci nor by which their title
to UO.OOO.OOO acres of land was extinguished
nnd the land wns thus opened to settlement.
In n single one ol thcso treaties the Indians
relinquished lands which embrace a third of
Illinois. Ho fought the bitttlo of TIppccanoo
and defeated the plans of the statesman and
warrior Tccumseh nnd kept portion" of the
west open for the admission of immlgiants.
Ho procured the laws that made the bin den
of taxes lighter , and now to day among the
people , estimating highly the character of
General Hcnjamin Harrison , their latch
stiings are hospitably out to you , nnd their
doois aio waiting to llj open at jour touch ,
to let In the Jovvful air that shall bear upon
Its wings the mcssago that Hen Harrison ,
their soldier-statesman , has been nominated
for president of the United States.
At I'J'-IS n recess was taken until 3 o'clock
this afternoon.
Hepburn 1'rcientn the Name of loun's
r/ivoi Ito Son.
Cincvoo , Juno 21. At 3 o'clock picclsely
the gavel fell , but no wotk was done for
some tune. The convention waited patiently
ns delegates strolled In mid the empty scats
in the galleries began to fill with turdj spec-
It took twenty minutes before the conven
tion came Into vvoiking trim , and then the
chnliman stated that at the time the icccss
was taken the name of General Harrison had
been piesented to the convention , nnd ho
nsked whether thcro were any seconds.
Terrell of Texas was the first to respond.
Ito declared that Indiana was the pivotal
state in the coming contest , and that Hcnja-
inin Hmrison wns the man who could , with
certainty , cany the state for the republican
Gallinger , of New Hampshire , also seconded
ended Hariison's nomination. The first
rcallj' sti iking scene in the convention so
far wns precipitated by the mention of the
numoof JJlaino by Galllngcr at-tho close of
his speech. Then the altoi nates and umnj'
of the delegates sprang to their foot nnd
shouted for nemlj' a minute. Flags woio
waved and the demonstration linally bccauio
rcallj' imposing.
There was no other second to General
' nomination and the '
Hariison's , seeretaij'
pioccedcd to call the loll of the states , and ,
Iowa having been i cached , Mr. Hepburn , of
that state , nuild loud applause , ascended the
platform and placed in nomination Senator
William U. Allison. Mr. Hcpbui n spoke as
follows :
It is the laudable ambition of cverj * mem
ber of this convention that to day we puisne
such a course as to deseive and win success
nt the end of the camp ilgn. Is there such a
couisoopcn to our choice ) Wo remember
that wo enter upon this sti ugglo a be item
partj' we'veio not beaten for want of
number , but for want of haimonv. Wo nro
strong enough to compel a tiiumph , but it
requii cs the united elloi ts of us all to clutch it.
Is it possible for us to-day to name a candi
date for whom all the republicans will votot
If wo do , wo shall succeed. If wo fail to
name sued a one , our flag goes down in de
feat before the orgam/ed appetite for spoils
and its allies. The candidate ; of this coin en
tion must bo of spotless character nnd witli
an unblemished political iccoul. Ho must
be a man in whoso minor of Intcgiit.v
there is no flaw or ciovasso for
the lodgment of censure or calumny. Ho
must bo a man versed in public
business , schooled in the public seivico , fit
ted for the high office to which wo consecrate
crate him bj' broad expcrienfto and observa
tion. " He must bo a man of affairs. Thoie-
pulillcan yarty is one of deeds as well as of
doctrines , results no less than lofty senti
ments Its just pndo and crownimr glorjis
to bo found in the long iccotd of what it has
accomplished. It loves liuortv nnd it creates
free states. It loves mankind and it strikes
the shackles from the bound and makes fico
men. It loves equality and it places the bal
lot in the hands of the humble and bids him
to stand unabashed by the side of him who is
thostiongcst Itlovesthc flag and the union
of the statcsand { it builds nav ie , it call" Into
being vast aimles , and tramples rebellion
under its conquering feet. It sympathies
with the struggling poor and it gems the
pialno with a million happj1 , prospeious
homesteads. It feels the dignity of labor ,
and it protects the nation'sindiislucsnnd the
f.ictoiy nnd the foi go is erected , the childten
are schooled and piospeiit.y smiles on every
home. It loves nonusty and it pus the
national debt. It is filled with an
exalted sense of justice , and in mercy ,
after the sword is sheathed , it icstores its
piostrato fee to the high station of untiam-
mclcd citi7ensliip It is a pirty of lofty
sentiment , and it picseivcs the national
credit , tills the trcasuiy with abundant
revenue nnd gives the nation almost two
billions of eurrcncj' the equivalent of gold.
It is indeed a paitv in whicli ennobling senti
ments abound ; but thoj'hnvo been followed
bj giand achievements , ns in the economy of
God fulfillment follows prophesy.
Have wo among our number some one
who in his public service has been a con-
tiibutor to this rehearsal of republican en
dorsements ? Some one who , in the legisla
tion of tliis generation , bus aided in writing
this iccordf Some ono whose rccoidcd
votes show that upon nil questions that for a
quarter of n contuiy have tiled the
courage and tested the wisdom of patriotic
men ho has been upon the right side the
rlgli side as time has dctei mined the
right in the honest conviction of the icpub
lican paity of this daj I Gentlemen , the
state of Iowa bids mo name to vou this
man lit to bo your candidate William H ,
Allison , of Iowa. Of all living men
ho is the ono wo most do
honor. Iowa asks his selection.
It is the prajer of that htato
that has been moio true to republicanism
than all the others that have been truest.
All the otheis have somcalmcs wavered
Iowa never. In all the otlicis at some time
in jour history HOIIIO part of jour ticket has
mot dcfeatln low a never. In twenty foui
je.un of consecutive victory no man has been
inducted into a state olllco or boon acciedited
to the national senate wlio did not follow
.vour flag and match In jour column Por-
tuiuitely for our candidate in the tcpublic wo
iccoginzo no light of pedigree or ancestij' .
Theio is no priinogcniluio nor entail In the
honois of the state save tho'o of wortli nnd
genius. In these ho is higlilj endowed. Ho
was culled to the public scivicoin tha early
dajsoflbOl , The times needed high cour-
ngo , hopefulness , intcgiity , practical com
mon sense and unlimited capacity for work.
His early life and cvpciicnus had taught
him that thcso qualities were thu
antidote for the ricers of lowly
birth and humble foitunu Ho detci mined
to deserve much at the hands of the people ,
and tlioy , recognising llio value of his soi-
viccs , huve been honpicd by his piuscnco
in thu congress for moio than uvcntj fl\o
jears. Twcntv-live jears of most ovi ntful
historj' , and eveiy page of the legislative
portion of the recoid Win J. Allison has
helped to write. H is In tl.cso records that
you will find the attestation of his worth.
When he entered congress ho recognized the
penis of llio situation A continent at war ,
for llio human liberty of of man , the issues
Ho know that it was only by the use of all
the resources of the nation that success could
bo won.
So wo find him in the legislation of that
day aiding , by maishallniK the men , and
gi anting the treasures of the nation with
unstinted hand to meet all the icquisitions
. And when
of the commnndcr-ln-cuicf.
peace was won wo find him striv
ing on all occasions to paj' , so fast
as payments can be made , the just
claims of tiio heroes , mutilated and war
Worn , who by imperishable deeJs had saved
the state. When ho enmo Into public life the
country was reaping the fiuits that followed
that woeful expeu'neiit , the tariff otlWO
' 1 ho conditions hnd not changed for the bet
ter from tliose a little eailicr desciibed by
President Huchnnan In an annual message ,
when ho said : "We have possessed all thu
elements of material wealth in rich abund
ance , and jet , notwit ) standing all these ad
vantages , our country at this moment is in .1
dcplorublo condition In thu midst of mibur-
passcd plenty , in all the pi eductions of agrri
culture aud In all Uio eleiacUs
wcilth , wo find our innnufneturics sus
pended , our public works retarded , our pri
vate enterprises abandoned mid thousands of
useful laborers thrown out of employment
and reduced to want. The revenue of tno
povcinment , which Is chiefly derived from
duties on imports from abroad , has been
greatly i educed. Under the circumstances
n loan may bo required bcfoie the close of
.your present session Hut this , although
deeply to bo regretted , would prove to bo
only n slight misfoituno when compared
with the suffering and disticss prevailing
among the people "
This picture of the languishing Industries
would seem to bo dark enough , but the con
dition was apgiavated b > the fact that ? 00- ,
000,000 of gold yielded bj California hnd been
sent abroad to pay for the- Imported neces
saries of life that should have been produced
at home , aud the country was thus without n
currency In the protective legislation of
that cm was laid the foundation of that
prow th in wealth and prospciltj that Is the
wonder of the nations Hollovinp , to the ut
termost , that the American citi/cn who
labors is entitled to better compeiiR itlonthan
was clscwheio paid the Inboier bellevlnir
that this people ought to bo independent of
all markets save our own for the neces
saries that wo could produce ho bo-
c inio n champion for the protection
of American labor and Amciican industiies
Ho has been a constant , unwavering fiieiul
of that policy tothisdivy , and 11 mis in that
policy the hope for that public quiet and in
dividual contentment that Is only cnjocd
whcio the indusliies of a nation aio dlvorsl-
lied and all Iho people mo satisfactorily cm
plov cd , and that alone gives promise of a
table gout. Ho stands on the line of tin iff
defense in the nottliwest. If jou drive us
from that line by jour nomination today ,
wo go In an utter , boneless rout , beaten by
the strategy ot the campaign before the bit-
tie oiKJiis. Your patience will not penult mete
to stale Is detail the Impoitnnt measures to
which ho decided giving foi in. The consti
tutional amendments , one and all , ho aided
in flaming ; the currency legislation , and
those laws of honor that prescivcd the na
tional ci edit ; the resumption of specie pa\-
mcnf the silver coinage act ; the stoppige of
Chinese importation , and all othci Icgisla
tivo cffoits approved by the republican paity
of todaj Allison's hand has aided In scan ing
to us Wo , of Iowa , know Hint in heio
naming our friend wo place him in generous
livnlrj with most lllustimus iinincs bher-
mnn of ripe expeiience , sagacious methods
and honest pui poses ; Ben Hairison. the
worthj' son of an ancestry i enow nod for
woi Hi , Gicsham , the soldier , the statesman ,
the just judge , v.u led bus been the charac
ter , but never varj Ing the pure qualitj of his
extended seivico ; Algor , who has no cue
miesHiivo his countrj's enemies , nnd who
.wins llio love of men , whether ho leads them
in the lieice shock of battle orgnides them in
the quiet walks of peace ; Now Jetty's son ,
cultuied , eloquent , wise , how contentedly wo
could nil follow him as our leader , Uusk ,
f cat less of duty , the clamor of the mob has
no fcais for him ; and Ingall" , how the af
fections of my old comiadcs How towaul him
as their champion who never falteis in his
strife to secuio the redemption of the pledges
made to the bojs who woi o the blue
The candidate I have named , we , of Iowa ,
commend to jou. A man of that calm pose
of mind , who sc"ks the methods of Judicious
conservation and jet who has on all occasions
the courage to do thought ; who excites no
anger and has no enemies ; who is sagacious ,
conservative , veised in the details of public
business , whoso integrity is above the i each
of calumnv : who has the icspcct and confi
dence and kindly icguid of nil whoknowhim
end on whoso candidacy all classes of icpub-
licans can unite , and so uniting ho
will lead a haimonious pirtjr to a satis-
fj'ing victoiy. Wo cannot tell j'ou of
nil that would bo done weio ho
to dlicct the administration of affairs ,
but vveru lie so empowered wo could tell jou
some things that would not bo done by him.
Vou would not find in his letter of accept
ance an able argument against the fitness of
n presidential Incumbent for a second tcim ,
follow cd bj j'cars of peisistent and utisciu-
pulous efforts to secure a second term Vou
would not find in his ollki.U utterances un
counted plednes for civil sci vice i cfoi in and
tin n long joins of constant pi ostitu tion of the
civil sci vice to all the viler uses of partisan
ship You would notflnd him stnving to de-
stioj' the silver coinage of tiio nation nor to
rctiie tiio gieenbicks so dc.u to the people ,
nor yet to strike down the manufat tin ing in
terests of the countij' in behalf of an old
cncuij' and our piesnnt commoiciil iival.
You would not find him usui ping the fnnc
tions of a co ordinate of the
go\ eminent , and hundicds of times
tliwaitiiig the legislative will bj
a iccklcss and wanton use of the veto poivcr
that is shameless in view of the tiaditions of
the republic. You would not sco him sneer
ing at old veterans , nor heaping insults upon
them , nor jet belittling and minif\mg their
service nor refusing to pcimit agiatoful people
plo to show their gratitude You would not
ilnd him filling the rcpiescntativo places of
honor abroad with men who have no just con
ception of what this government is , who
know nothing of the indissoluble cohesion
of these states and whose onlvclalm tore cog
nition Is to be found in paitisan service. Yon
would not Ilnd him ictuining ichcl llivs ,
these honoicd trophies of pi and violation , tj
rebel in chives. You would not find him
palteimp about homo nile in II eland and
then consenting to that paitisan conspiiaoy ,
justified only by the footpad s logic , that
disfranchises dUO.OOO fico Amciican eiti
zens , ictains them in tcintoiiil vassilago
and keeps the n.imo of Dakota fiom the
shield Unit designates a stalo. You would
not find him contentedly and complacently
accepting the fruits of Unit oigani/cd system
of violence , fraud and outi ago , that pi nctl
cally disfiaiichiscs thiec fointhsof n million
of southern voters , that thwa'i ts the popular
will , makes a presidential election a ti nvcsty ,
tiansfeis the political powcis to an mine tup
uluus minoiity and woiks piesnnnt wionp to
the political rights of ovcij honest vntu in
the land Hut jou would alwa\H find him
tmo to countij1 and the piinciplcs of our
paitj , v. iso in detci mining the better couiso ,
couiagcous in pui'iiiing it , honest In the ad-
ininisliution of public mTuiiK , calm , deliber
ative , eoiiscrv.itivo and honest , giving the
eountrj' an adininistiation would meet
the dcm mils and secuic the benediction of u
contented people
During Hepburn's speech every rofoinco
to the 11,11110 of Allison was hailed with
chccisbj the fiicnds of the Iowa states
man , and the Hpuikot hiniRolf was eompii
incntcd with a tound of npplauso as ho
closed his ptCKcntntion nddicss
Mr. Huswnith of Rhode Island seconded
Allison's noniinntlon Ho said that lihoilo
Island has no candidate whose nomination is
neccssaiy to make sure her icpublieanism.
Anj candidate who ts nominated hero will
scccUohcT vote in November next Hut
wmlo this is line of Itliodo Island thu
speaker percoivcd that in other states it was
not so. Soiminy states weio doubtful
the piublem of the selection of the best can
didate is difficult It is not a question alone
as to who can can y Now York , Now Joiaoy
or Indiana , hut a question ns to who can
carry them all. It is a national not a local
question Who is it that can teach the 10-
pubhcan heait the most suiely and sccuro
ttio votes of all nf the doubtful states and
hold all Uio old icpublican states , ' The
speaker's answer was that among all
who huvo been mentioned Hhode Island's
choice wns the conscivalivo and re
spected son of Iowa Lot it bo ic-
membcred that on such u gathering us this
judgment is often led astray Ho cautious
und judicious lest wo ninl.u u mistake. H
was not biillinnc.v HO much us ccitainty that
was wanted , n candidate who could get all
the votes of the lepublican nasty as well as
the dissatisfied democrats , who am angered
already v.ith the ndmlnistiatiun of Graver
Cleveland. With Allison the future is not a
hope but u icality
Theio vvc-io no further seconds to Senator
Allisons s ninlimtion and thocillsof states
was proceeded with.
Cnmliilatn Hccolvcs a
Giatlfjini ; Uceeptlon.
CHICAGO , June 'Jl - When Michigan was
icaehcd Chaiiman Herr of that delegation
aiose and said that M.diican hud a candi
date who would be presented by Mr. U. 11.
Titi/cr of Detiolt ,
When Mr. Pra/er mounted the platfoim
thcic was aciy from the gullci ice of "What's
tU matter with Alucf < " tmd JLo popular 10-
* ponso , "He's all right , " in an cvldcntlj
convulsive choius , nt which the convention
exploded In n burst of lauplitor. In present *
ing General Algor's ' name , Michigan , Mr.
Prarcr said , came Into the republican con
vention for the lint time in its history to
nsk n favor. Michigan had always
proved true to the republican party nnd !
alwajs would bo true Now , when the re
publican purty needed help , Michigan coma
hero to provide the waj s and means of turn
ing the democratic party out of power.
Michigan had no charges to bring against
nny of the men who wcro pioposed for the
nomination. Tho-'weio nil true nnd tried
republicans but the nvallibillty of the man to
be selected must bo considered. The candi
date which Michigan would propose wns n
man whj could icceivo the vote of the rich
and of the poor , of the white and of the
black The rich men ti listed him because ho
wns a man of business and force , and his
honoi nlw aj s was and alwaj R would bo un
questioned. If the gentlemen thought ho vvni
not the f i lend of llio poor let them go to De
troit nnd eater the jwor men's homes and
mention the Michigan candidate aud they
would find next to the name of God was the
name of General Uusiqll A. Alger.
The spcnkei was hcio Interrupted by an
outburst of stormy applause. The Alger
cij , wltiili has been heard frequently
aiound the aieetsof Chicago , of "What's
the matter with Alger , " was snouted front
oiiegnlleij' , only to iccelve from the oppo
site I'allcry the answer , "Ho's all light , "
whllo ono enthusiast In the upper tier of gal-
lei Ies divested himself of his coat , and ,
swinging It aiound his head , pioposed three
chceis for AlRor , whicli wcio given with a
will. Continuing Mr. Prazler pointed out
the Hticngtb Unit Algcr would secuio from
the soldier voto. Theio was not , ho said , a
soldier in the nation who was better beloved
by the tank and llio of the Grand Army of
the Republic than iho man whom Michigan
picscntcd. His bravery was written on the
blood stained pages of history. Michigan
presented a business man. This was to bo a
business man's campaign. If the battle waste
to bo fought on the ground of piotection , lot
the lawjeis look after their fees after
the contest , hut let business men do
the light ing now. In conclusion Mr Frarcr
alluded to Algci's vvinm filcndshlp for
General Locnn , and declared a nmis wno was
tine to his fiieads could bo tiustworthy to
his country
As Mr. Purer stepped fiom the platform
airain the Algcr ciy went up mid it was some
moments befoio the uproai < ould bo checked.
Mr Chailes.l Voyes of Massachusetts foi
lowed Mr l'iaei in a second of the nomina
tion of Gcnciat Alpcr Ho thought that it
was cinlncntlj * becoming that the icpublican
party had decked this building with the stars
and stiip-s in the fncoof the adoption bj' the
democratic party as its banner of an old
man'K ' snuff lag Hut no candidate , who had
or would bo presented to this convention , had
a better chum upon the Imnnei s w lilch deco-
into these halls than had the soldier wnoso
nomination the speaker was pioud to second.
Ho combines in him tlioso qualities which
iceommend him to the hens ts and convictions
of | > coi > lo Ho Is a man with the couiago of
his convictions and the executive ability
to fully meet evcrj' lequliemont of
thopicsiclencv. If piotection is to bo the
issue , who is better equipped to sustain that
issue than one who knows all the piactical
details of the question. Gcnoinl ) had
saved the state of Michigan from the enemy
and lie could icdeein the i ountrj from the
mlc of the democratic paity at Washington.
The speaker was glud to extend the hand of
fellowship aud aid from New England to the
giand noithwest. bomo people tnlitod of
nominating a man fiom a doubtful state.
What the convention wants is the m in who
can make all the states mi vthing but doubt
ful , and Gencial Alger was such u man.
Patiiek Hgim of Nubiuska also seconded
the nomination and referred to Algcr as a
man who would maintain the honor of the
honor of the United States at homo and
nbinad , and who would icscnt any indignity
to the Amei lean flag. Ho seconded Algcr's.
nomination because ho believed that when
nominated Geneial Alper moved with the in
domitable clash , peisovcionee and good luck
whicli alwnvs eliaiacteri/cd his undoi takings
in win and in commerce us in politics , carry
the cause of his party to a gloi lous victoiy.
[ Applause. ]
Mr. Hstco of Noith Caiolina also seconded
Gencial Algcr's nomination Ho spoke of
the love of Uio great generals of the war for
Algcr , of Lincoln's tsust hi him and of his
deeds of chanty and gcnoiositv. Glvo us
Algor and next Novembei wcjwill take the
democi.itic paity again us wo did jeaimifeo
at AppomatoN.
Mr. Ijjrgcis of Arl/ona then took the plat
form witli a bucf speech in suppoi t of Alger.
mn-KW 'i HOTTED our.
Cliannccy Is tinF.ivcirlte of HlH Own
KlK State.
Cincvoo , .Tuno SI , Theio Doing no fmthor
seconds of Algor , the call of stats was
continued , and Mi. Hiscock of New York ,
proceeded to place Chniincoy M. Depew in
nomination. When Dcpow's name was men
tioned the entire New York delegation lising
to their feet , checied for a long timo.
Mr Hiscoclc then ascended the platfos in nnd
presented the name of Ch.iuncoj M DepoW ,
That name , ho said , would bo an Inspiiutioa
to the counti y. His name was dear to all re
publicans His counsel had led them and
would guido them , Ins eloquence hud clcctti-
flcd them and would continue to iiiHpiro
them. Hisbioact and statesmanlike uttcr-
terrances had long command ! cl the respect of
the people , not of New Yoi k alone1 , but
vvhoievcr hcnul. As chlof magistrate of the
republic , his snpeib abilities , his matchless
executive equipment , his thorough Knowl
edge of nflaus , his broad eompioheiision of
public Intci csts and the nation's cap.icitlos ,
Ills peifcct integiitj' , Justness and coiiBlJ-
eiation of the nuhts of men , his fidelity to
republic , in pihuiplcH would nssuio an ad
ministration piomotivo of national develop
ments and jii ogic'sH. If ho weio nominated
the lepublicnn paity would not bo compelled
to make a defensive campaign Ti uo , ho was
the pi csident of a gi eat i ailroad corpoi iitlon ,
and theio was not a fiumei , fielglitci , me
chanic 01 common hiboiei in Now Yoi k who
would vote against him for that In conclus
ion , Senator Hist CM k foiinallj picsentcd the
name of Clnnincc \ M DC pew , us Hie choice
of the New Yoi h clolepation.
Senator Uiscoc lew as frequently applauded ,
the New Yoi k di legation giving the euo to
the convention As ho closed , ovury man
fiom New Yoik lose and gave tlneo cncois
for hci favoiite son , and tlicjcliceis vveio
' timed back fiom Ihogallciicti with inter
Mr Hartley of Minnesota , was recoirnl/ed
and mmuulii } , ' the platform , he said Miniio-
sot f seconds tno nams of ijlniuncej' M. Do-
PC w Nommatci the pi cat man of Now York
and don't bo nfialtlof tliti grangers of thu
northwest Minnesota will give Depow 0-
000 majority The hpcakei said hctciimo from
the gi c.i test gianpei dislilel In tlmnoi tlnvcut ,
und it would give Dcpow 15,000 majority.
of tiio Olilonii'H Name
C.uiM'ri an IJiiparnllc'Ic'il Scone.
CuicAno , Juno 21. When thu state of Ohio
was called the llrst rcallj' gieat dcmonstra'
tion of the convention was made. Delegate *
all ovci the hall climbed upon chalis , waved
American flags nnd shouted at the top of
their voices. The galluiles joined in and the
applause became rapturous. Some ladles la
the galleries , who hud brought white silk
umbrellas trimmed with small American
Hags , opened them and tw 1 1 led thcso string
ing banners around and around whllo tha
shouts Increased in volume. The scene con
tinued for some time and was not oven
equalled by the ono which soon followed
when General Hatting1) , of Pennsylvania , in
piescntini ; the name of Shoi man , Incident
ally icfcitod to HI , line
When this demonstration finally cauuo to
an end the Ohlg delegation gave way to
Pennsylvania , und Adjutant Genual Hust
ings was presented to the convention to pie-
bcnttho immooT Senator hheiinan Ho WUB
given a rousing Aolcomoas ho proceeded to
put Ohio's favonto in nouUuattou. Lie do-