* " | * THF > . < * ? T" Cwrw'Wx < ' ' 'rT'3 < ( .1i > iI5 iy JlsIlifll"lf ( ! lr ' % 1 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY , JUNE 21. 1888 THE CITY. The Internal rcVenuo collections ycs- lerdny nmountcil to $7,810.40. , Forest King , Belle K , Trouble nml Miss Edwnrds , the famous running horses , \\cro nhipncd to Chicago via the 13. & M. yesterday. William 0. Frioborp , the gny young man who worked BO many of his unso phisticated chnnco ncquaintnnccs on the draft racket , fully reported in Tin : BKB soinn some days ago , is said to bo sojourning in Sioux Oily , la. Liberal nnd workable grcenlo * of that burg had bettor give him a wide berth. Charles Nelson , living at Sixth and Pacific streets , hud a narrow escape from being suffocated by escaping gas from the main in front of the Pa.xton yesterday afternoon. A trench had been dug , and ho was engaged in re pairing a leak when ho was overcome and fell in a stupor. Kelson was quickly released by his holnora , and carried to the sidewalk whore he was restored to consciousness by u passing physician. Personal I'm-iujrapli1) . .T. P. Ellis , of Pontal , Neb. , is at tlio Mil- lard. lard.C. C. H. Gardiner , of O'Nell , Neb. , Is nt the MlllnrU. F. A. lloilgimin , of Lincoln , Neb. , is at the MillarU. C. 1 * . Edwards , of Auburn , Neb. , Is at the Mtlliml. A. H. Asliliiiul , of Hralnard , Neb. , li at the W. H. Taylor , of Lincoln , Neb. , Is at the 1'axton , N. U. Sanford , of Avocn , Neb. , Is at the Paxton. F. O. Ideal , of Albion , Neb. , Is at the Windsor. S. W. Wigton , of Ponca , Nrb. , Is nt the Windsor. F. P. Jones , of Tobias , Nob. , is at the Wlndior. W. H. Harrison , of Grand Island , Neb. , is nt the Paxton. Charles E. Ohlsen and wife , of Hooper , Neb. , are at the Windsor. Colonel W. 15. Luno anil wlfo , of the United States army , are at the Paston. * Messrs. Ous States nnd A. 1C. Webster , o Lincoln , Nob. , are nt tlio Windsor. Messrs. C. P. Olson ami D. C. Wocdrlng , of Lincoln , Neb. , nro nt the Windsor. Abram Sherwood , of St. John , N. 13. , who has bcon visiting friemts hero and in the west , left Tuusilny afternoon for his homo. J. A. Dcavcr , ono of the oldest Pullman car conductors on the Union Pncilli ; . loft j cs- terihiy afternoon for u month's visit with tils folks In New York. Charles Tternoy , with his grip full of sam ples for his Nebraska , Colorado and Wyom ing customers , went west jcsterdny on his usual ninety day trip. John Sullivan , one of the pioneers of the Bradford , Pn , oil Holds , but now a resident of Towanda , Pa. , is in tlio city visiting Dr. J. N. KInslcr nnd former acquaintances. f Mr. Euclid Mnrtin , resident partner of Parlin , Orendorff , Martin & Co. , accompa nied by Mrs. Martin , started yesterday morning on a ten tints' trip through the mountains of Colorado. William II. Fetter , the energetic joung billing clerk for Purlin , Orondorrt , Martin & Co. , of this city , is about to go on the road , and for a short time cast his lot with the "knights of the grip sack. " M. T. Howard representing Crnno Rros. Manufacturing company , of Chicago , started for Butte City , M. T. , where ho expects to make a large sale to the city. Mike is. a pop ular salesman and hard worker. Lieutenant ArrowMmth , of the Second in fantry , has been granted a leave of ab&cnco of flUcon days. Ho will visit St. Louis , where ho will attend the marringo of Lieu tenant Johnston , of the Sixteenth infantry. At the Hotel Barker J. C. Morton , Es- canava , Mich. ; I. II. Hcaloy , Now Jersey ; J. H. Mills , DCS Moincs , la. ; J. S. Stow , Cedar Haplds : James " Sayro , Utica , N. Y. ; S. N. Stewart and"vife , Philadelphia. Lieutenant Seanlon , Company A , Third rcgincnt , N. N. G. , has bcon granted a. leave of absence for ono month , which ho intends to spend In the mountains. Joe claims he is ioliig to look for Indians , but these who are in a position to know , say that the lieutenant has other objects in view which he hopes to accomplish. _ Itlrt Inlay Surprise Party. Miss Lou Simpson , the daughter of Cat > - tam John Simpson , was surprised by her friends Tuesday night with a supper party nt the Millnrd hotel , the occ ision being her tenth birthday. The supper was a very pleasant affair , after which the gnosts all went out to the fort to siKJiid the evening. A Bnmier Kor the Giinrdo. A number of the prominent ladies of the city , among whom are Mrs , Wilson , Mrs. Carter , Mrs. General Brooks , Mrs , Gardner , Mrs. Orr , Mr Sliivorick , nnd others , are ar ranging for a moonlight picnic to bo held next Friday night at Ilanscom park. The chief entertainment of the evening will ho dancing. The entertainment is given to raise wonoi to purchabo n stand of colors for the Omaha guards. Tlio MicMnii Picnic. The Omaha City Mlssslon Sunday school will give a picnic at Hunscom park next Sat urday. Provisions necossiry to provide the children with un inviting dinner will bo so licited from friends of the school. Those de siring to contribute anything of the kind can leave tlio fiiimo at Fleming's ' grocorv store , HOI Douglas * ; at the Mission building on Tenth , or address a postal card to L. G. Chnrlton , 1510 Dodge , and the provisions will bo culled for. Cnrmitl lly a Justice. Mrs. II , Mayor , who lives on Seventh nnd Pacific , brings charges against Justice O'Connoll nnd his son , who acts as his con stable , of actions unbecoming not only In tilHciulii but also in gentlemen. She claims that both father mid t > on cursed and reviled her without any CUUHO whatever but their iiatunil depravity. Warrants were Bworn out for their arrest , and shortly afterwards the bquho found himself a prisoner Instead of it dispenser of the law. Tliero WUH No Prosecution. Sam Hoborts and Fred Kennedy , who weio charged with being the gamblers who fleeced a Mr. Colby out of $ MO last week , were dis missed yesterday afternoon in the police couit for want of prosecution. The trial was originally llxcd for Tuesday afternoon , but us the prosecuting witness fulled to ap pear u continuant-it was given until yesterday - day , This time both plaintiff and prosecut ing attorney failed to show up , and tliu mun wcio iclcascd. on Sunday , Archie McCoy a joung man about twenty- one years of ago , icsldtng with his parents at the north west corner of Eighteenth nnd Plcri'o streets , went to the turnvcrcin picnic to Ne braska City , on Sunday last , nnd has not elnco been hcaid from by his parents or friends hero. Hq was seen on the platform of ono of the curb when the train was but a few miles from Its destination , by a liuu man , but not afterwards noticed on the groundb. Hlb father went to Nebraska City yesterday afternoon , to niako Inquiries f r him. IIoiMisn helper in Wlhpti's boiler works Nineteenth and Pierce. Kum > ISnoiifjli I' < ir I'oiiltrntlary. Deputy United States Marshal Ed Allen loft for Washington yesterday afternoon and will return in a week with PotorOioss The latter was found guilty of perjury In tbo United Stales court hero In February last in suit for damages nguiiiht the United States. Immediately after the retuining of the ver dict Gross was taken with u lit and soon thereafter was pronounced insano. Ho wai sent to tlio government hospital for the in cline at Wusnlnston where ho lius. sincere - mail ed Superintendent Godding of the in stitute Ims announced that ho has recovered , nnd Attorney General Gailaufl orders his icmoval to this couit for sentence. Hi * son , convicted of the sumo chaiTu , is now impris oned lu the penitentiary at Sioux Falls , Dak. TlioGovernor's VU't. Governor Thayer was in tbo Mty yesterday inlieturj.cd ( lotno last evc > ff. HO ouma to confer with General Brooke , of the army , in order to ascertain when nnd whcro the yearly camp of the regulars will bo held. It has bcon determined logo Into camp Septem ber I at Kearney. The governor said that It had been decided to hold the stntc encampment of the Na tional Guards nt the same time and place. Part of the governor's business liero nlio was to arrange with the railroads for the prompt shipment of tents which ho will ten der for the use of the various G. A. H. re unions to bo held in the fall at Norfolk , At kinson , 'Broken Bow , and the state line icunion nt Hardy , near the southern border of the slate. The tents nro transported free by the railroads. Smoke Kohlenberg's Figaro nnd got the best 5-cont cigar In the world , Meyer & Co. , wholesale depot. AMU8I3MI3XT.S. "Cinderella's" Secoml Appearance nt the Itnyd I < ast Night. The second , appearance of the girl with the glass slipper occurred nt Boyd's opera house last night nnd was n great improve ment over the first production. "Cinderella" is n neat llttlo opera , and under the super vision of Mrs. lion ton the 500 little ones nro doing excellent work. For Nervous Kxlinustloti Unt > HoiMt'oril'H Acid I'liosplititc. Dr. H. 0. McCov , Algona. In. , says : "j have used It In cases of dyspepsia , nervous exhaustion and wnkofulncss , with pleasant results. Also think It of great service in de pressed condition of the system resulting rom biliary derangement. " C. Leo Slaub , Architect and Supt. , ollico 101 ! ) Howard ; 1(1 ( years' experi ence. Fine , stylish buildings a spoc- ialty. KHPUItMCANS. Union Pacific. "THE OVKRLANI ) ROUTE , " Will soil through tickets ut rate of ono fare for the round trip , from points in Nebraska mid Kansas , to parties desir ing to attend the National Republican Convention to bo held in Chicago Juno Iflth. Tickets good going Juno 10th to 10th , and returning Juno i > 0th to 2oth inclusive , with continuous passage only in each direction. APTUR 1IKK ASSUtMUU HUSBAND. Rosa Cnllniiiorc Asks tlio Court for n Man. A pretty llttlo widow dressed in full black occupied a scat in the police court yesterday morning duringtho ] trial of the ordinary crim inals. She was waiting to present her case to the c-ourt and ask that B. H. Finncy bo arrested and held to answer charges that she will bring against bim at a later date. She was iccommenilcd to Justice Krocgcr's court for jurisdiction. She gave her name as Mrs. Uosa Callamorc , and her home is In Valisca , Crawford county , In. , whcro her father is n prominent mer chant. She was in this city some months ago , nnd while hero mot B. II. Finncy , a telegraph operator nt the transfer. When she went to return to her home some weeks ago ho met her ut the depot and persuaded her to return to this city. She did so and they stopped at ono of the hotels , whore they registered as man and wife , After hor'ieturn homo she began to vcallzo her condition and sent a number of letters to her would-be lover , which were never answered. She appeared in Justice Krocgcr's court yesterday to have Finncy answer a warrant for his arrest and also see what action he will take toward car ing for herself and her child when it is born. Auction ! Auction ! Auction ! The entire contents of an eight room house , 1312 Dodge &l , between liith and 14th &ts , Thursday morning. Juno ill , at 10 o'clock ; line parlor sots , bedroom sets , carpetfi , chairs , line run go , kitchen and dining room furniture. Don't thin bale. & FitE'nvKiVL , Auctioneers. The wife of John Powers , the well known cooper at the corner of Sixth and Center streets , < lid about two weeks ago and was followed in death , yesterday , by her infant son. The interment will take place this afternoon at U o'clock in Holy Sc pulchrc. CVNVINOIUM. The remains of Mrs. John Cunningham woio followed by a number of her friends to Holy SepuUhrc cemetery and laid In a neat casket on which abcautiful cross emblem was placed. Mass was said by Father Kelley , of the cathedral , the ladies of that choir assist ing. Mrs. Cunningham came to Omaha from Summer vrllc , Prince Edward ihland , nine months ago expecting to recover her health , and during the short time she lived here her many \ntucs and amiable disposition eu dcared many sincere trlends who remained by her side during her last Illness. The UnlonT'iiiulllo Unilwny. "THE OVERLAND ROUTE , " lias arranged to stop all buburban IraiiiH atQ fatroot , Soutli Omnlia. to hotter - tor accommodate the constantly incrciib- ing suburban travel. THIS CAPr.YIN CONHUSKS. . TiroHalVntIon ( Army Ohlcttaiii Jloaiil From. Captain Cadognn , the war of tiio local division of the blood and lire warriors , called at Tun BIK : ollico yesterday and stated that there was no such person in the rank and Illo of his cohorts ns the one described uy Henry Sims In the account of his adven ture yesterday. Notwithstanding his asser tion there is a woman In the army who looks very much like the femnlo described by Sims , but whether or not nho is the siren who collared the granger's ducats can only bo dec-idea by tlio vU-tim himself. Absolutely Pure- This powilcr nerer vurles A marvel of purity , strength anil \ \ \\Iioleboinui\ \ ( i > . More tcouomic tlmu t ie oiillnury Uniu alul cannot be sold iu ( oi.iiiclUluuni'h ' tlmihitltltudentluM tett.khort velaht alum i phwplialu powiUis. , * u/tl / onluin cam , lie Ai. lUuiNU I'OWUCK U ) . , lOu \SRllbc. , New VorU. T/E. tlSURANGE Iloiuu 03 Trailers' J CHICAGO. Reretenrct Mctrcrtlllau Nuilm.tl liaiik. _ " _ K.U _ UuuA. Co.'lpelliaJtjfietCg. riiiir < "riKKSKii.r. Mir.muv APADCMV A j-cn > k I oii-lluiUon. N Y f-euU fo HOT WEATHER A visit to our second floor where we keep our Summer Clothing , will convince you- that we are selling more light Coats and Veststhan prob ably all the clothiers in town together. The reason is simply because we sell them at about one-half the price. We did not brag halt enough about them last week. Every customer admits that this Summer Goods Sale is without a parallel. Those Flannel and Seersucker Coat and Vests we sell at 75c , are going off rapidly. The patterns are so nice , and they fit so well , one could not be duplicated in any clothing house in the city for less than double the money. Merchants from the interior send for these goods as they are far cheaper than they can'buy them in the wholesale market , but we refuse to sell them in quantities , as we only cater for retail trade. In 4uMition to the "bargains offered last week , and the sale of winch will be continued this week , until all are closed out , we make today one of the choicest offerings o the season , in an extra fine coat and vest , made of genuine French llannel , in exquisite pat terns. These goods were gotten up for the very finest trade and are usually only handled by the finest houses in large cities , who ask from $ S to S10 for such a coat and vest. At the price wo own them , we can afford to sell them for $4 ; ono half of their real value. - We only have a limited quantity of them. In Mens' Summer Underwear , we carry the largest line in the city and buy only from the manufacturers , which places our prices below all competition. Mens1 Novia Game Shirts at 15c each. Balbriggan Shirts and JUrawers , at 25c each. Fine Balbriggan Shirts , with French neck and finished seams and patent drawers , at 35c each. These goods are usually sold at GOc. "Natural wool summer Shirts and Drawers at 35c. Fine Jean Drawers , with reinforced seats at 40c. . Iir our hat department we offer this week , a large lot of good cloth summer Hats , in nice light colors and latest shapes , at 50c. These are usually sold by all hat stores at $1. One Price Only. No Deviation , m Cor. i4th and Douglas Streets , Omaha , CALIFORNIA ! THE LA.ND OF DISCOVER ] ES. M CUI E TOT\ tATARRH ORQVILLECAL ARIETINCf/IEDiiCO.QRQWLLl.fAL / Santa Abie : and : Cat-R-Cnre For Sale by Goodman DruoCo , SOME DOCTORS hnncFtly admit that they can't cure Ilheuuutism nnd Neuralgia. Otheis say they can but don't. At'.i-lo- iiho-ros HayH nothing but cures , That's the swrtt of its mcccss. Years of trial hnve proied it to bo a ijuicf : , safe , sure cure. Concord , N. H . Sept. 3.1W IninynwnlMinlj AtliloiiliuninttaHiioed OH a ] a t lf rl , tliu iihtr liulPK Kudi-ud iroiu ilii-uiniliMn lor JC.IIH uiitl lia\lur bctn Irmticl fur tlin dirvoM ) liy illl'i rent I'lijtlclalin in tliiu Htillo uiul Mabf..i hu. wtm nitliinit CM n temiiorary ulitf Upon my itHixiMiuonlaUoii.iorf 1 of pro. pie tuvMMhl thlH n medj * iii ) tbn MHIO rtnuUa cU.incd f or It. C H. UIUON. DnbiKpio , Iowa. Jan , . Atllll | > llOlMll.lIIIIllIlliUli | l-IIIVll ! IHOf ! ner\o i hfnUrli ? nml 1 ttUunkful lor all tUu HU LI it IMK iloiio inc. sir ? iK-Scnil Gccnls fur t'n' ' ln-iuuifiil coIoieJ pic ture , ' Mix ! li MniiUn. " THEATHLOPhOROS CO. 112 Wall St. N.Y. qnfS CINQStt TONIC without dour. luaUimiHiunti | tItat cme whuitill t'lt-ofiilt . Inill ttllcn , Jnv\nrtl 1'tiiiK , JlihauMIoii , Jn aluablo fur JtI outnatUm , 1finuluinkntttti , and alt pnfns ami ilU- crtlwrji of llio blomucU vtiii lloutlit , &M , at PnvffUts. FLORESTOM COLOGNE : Vo r Kr : yrmit ani J i.itiucof I'tiifunits , J'-c. liri'ctrlvta. THEM ? Will buy ono of our nobby bprlng Suits in WorsteU.I line Casbiinoro , or Scotch Clioviots JAV i MM MB , ( * \ 01 coloi-H and stylos. V m 1A neuUmrffnins tliat , ciinnot fail to bo ! % f npprcciatud by the ( liscorning. W o nro tuvuro thnt IN- IIXI'KNSIVU goodSi nro largely adver tised tills scuion , but all of thorn ciinnot Etniul the Qtest of close in- , spcction. Y\'o nsk our customers toi cMiiuino our stock , nnd thus fciitisfyl thenisclvcfa of its quality uncl our , veracity. . t - , - * etie Beits ! The Grandest Triumph of Eicclric Science Gcctlenca's Belt Dost S'fnHfla Sc'8nl'fica"y ' ' Hade and Practically Applied. | with Electric DISMSES CURED WITHOUT MEDICINES. IT WILL n.n rf"fl/ F/"irClDni ALLEL8E FAILS. _ Ol InO InltJ * Ucrun , U , * V. HCIlUe , JU. If. , Jfturmuiltu 111 , luwui ui luu , * u .ll , jAUUHIlnvo , . . . , WUUMU . . ' . Murray.N pervlllnn.i r. J , Abbott , supt. cltywati'rworlts.Boctiniinci.Ind t Kobt. R. Sampson.Chicago cost office : L. l > . MoMlch l , H. D , Budu.t ) . K. y. " Your belt n i accompllf bed what no nthcr rrnndy haai Headr nervra and oomrartablotlccp at night. " Bobt. Ilall , nlderuian , 16O Kant SKlUStruot , Ho York * IJOlHE'S1ELECTRO i' ' 10 ? ? ! -0-- _ . . . , _ . . . . „ . ELECTRO ESflSKETEC BELT troroetrons or mildQBtho wearermr j div lrei protfocoii continuous current ) conrori electricity thronnh the body on tbo non i. It curea aiscases br ( fcnerotlntc * contlnnoun currentotclocfrlclly ( IO or lOhouniout of t ) thraugbout the b'n n nystcra , allnylnsoJlncrYousneMimmedlittlf- producinft a now clrculnUon of the Ufa forccj-tho blood , Ira- pnrtlnff rigor , etrengtn , energy nnd ko > 1th , wbrn nil other treatment has failed. The merits ol thli ecleu- tinoHeitarobelnBrccoBnlteuandlndortodbythouaandswhomltbai cured. HKFEItKNCta-Any bank , commerciiilntrency or wholesale ho < iso In ChlcoffOi wholesale druggists , SanJ'rancl.ooandChlcjwrt. ttrsend wnpfor 1 IBpft 6llluslratcd pamphlet. fff. Inventor and Manufacturer , lot Wubotb ATcntto i RUPTURE BR. HQHHE'S lELESTBQ.r GHETiG BELT-TRUSS. CHICHESTER'SENGLISHADIA OWD BRAMD ' kTHE ORIGINAL.THC ONLY . . - . . - -.j- iSvBEWAnc OF WORTHLESS IMITAHONS : 'Ii5 ' > ASK DRUGGIST FOR RjICHESTEn'S EMGL w SAFF LWAYSRELIABIE.TO LADIES , , DIAMOND : . : . ; . IHDISPENSABLE.SOLD BY ALL DRUOSISI5 ? > ' on IHCLOSE 4f ( STAMP : ) i ASK FOB DIAMOND DR/.flD.CtHCHESTEffStl.ClJJHV r/OH PARTICULARS / NOTAKEWJ OTHER SEE SltNATURCOII EVCPY BOX. ' /IN LCTTtn Or nETUPN M IL ICHICHCSTCRCHEMICAlCOSOLEPMf VABISCN SQJHILA.PA , SEE SISK'ATUI'COH CVO1V BOX ii-siutiTrD WRITTEN TESTIMOWALS AHO ovtn men LADIES WHO HAVE USED niC rsrrjnE : LlSll.DlAUDKDaKANaPENMYnOYAL PILLS WITH SUCCESS. ( NACQUAISTED WITH THE CCOGnAPHVOF WC CO'JhTRV Will CDTAIN MUCH INFORMATION FROM A STUDY OF THIS M P CF THE CHICAGO , BOCK ISIAHD& PACIFIC R'l Its main lines and branches Include GOTO Ad O , PEOHIA. MOIiNE. HOCK ISLAND , DAVXN- POUT. DEB MOINEQ , COUKOIL BLUFFS , HUB- OATINB. KANSAB OrTV. QT. JOSEPH. LEAV- EJTV70RTU. ATCUISOIT. CEDAR HAPIDO. WATEHLOO , lOKNEAPOLIfl. and 81. PATJI/ . end ecorca of Intermediate ) cities. Choice o ( routes to and from the Pncluo Coast All trans fers in Union depots. Faat trains of FIDO Day Occcbca , clcsnnt Dining Cars , inaeniflcoa. Pull man Palace Blvcpore , and , ( botwccn Chicago , Bt. Joseph , Atchlaon and Kiinsaa City ) Uocliuluij Chair Cars , Seats Free , to tildera of turoush llrst-claeo tlckcta. Chicago , Kansas & Plobrasha R'y "Croat Roolt iBlancl Routo. " Extends West and Southwest ft em Kansas City and Bt Joaepb to HEL80N , BOHTON. , I3ELLK- VTLLE , TOPEKA , HEUINQTON , WICIUTA , HUTCniUaON , CALDWEU * and all points In KAHSAO AND SOUTHERN NBBRABKA and beyond. Entire pasaangcr equipment of tha celcbruttd Pulltnan manufacture. All safety ap- pllnnceB and modem tmprovomonls , The Famous Albert Loa Route la the favorlto between Chicago , Rock Island , Atchlcon , Kancas City and Minneapolis amlBt. Paul. Its Watcrtown branch traverses ths ureat "WHEAT AMD DAIRY BELT" of Northern Iowa , Southwestern Minnesota , and East Central Dakota to Watertown , Spirit I.ako , Cloux Tolls and man ; other towns and cities , Tbo Chart I4no vlft Benoca and Kankakca oiTera tuperior facilities to travel to find from Indian- opolla , Clnclnnal 1 end other Boutborn points. For Tickets , Zffaps , Fclders , ordeslrtd informa tion , apply at any Coupon Ticket Otllco or address E. ST. JOHN , K.A. HOLOROOK , WE A K M B KT ! JfflSSSSSS" fioclv. - - - iOtl. Eiu tiniiOliKt < iTEK T ' 'Tt < * < * " > ftUli pvciScpurpuio , CUftloy r . . uou * liiliiL teething current ! of f \\j \ \ directUimufa ] all wtik parti rtitor * * | u hrallU anU V.f uioui &rrcit2ih. Llectrio -'Mnitnty ] or wefoffit * * few In ck.h. [ our Ml otker Lrlu.Voril cuciper HIurn 117 rurcu m iu-tCmoBini rtaUu i imphlit c , ruinn * hs Ssnden Elect , iu Co. 169 Lisilie el , r ' ron Eed Bttg'i Roach : ? , Ants , Fleas i CH * ' \ An(1 ( "ny ° " 'cl' lnsect , uao InfalliblB 'in'secrPowder , / f \ A l o contracts taken for clean- lug hotelhosii1l"lsan''Prlv te i calcium e from veimlu. SallbfH'tt' ' ! uuainntcoj or no i > ajr. J'rlncliml Uecot-41U South HtU htieet. . . . Surgeon and Physician , Office N.V C5i i. vmhatJ UjujlaaSt. Ofllct telspLiouc t pohiit y uii > mior ne , mifnuH fen ol the nuini'nnis points of euperlorlty joji-ii by the putmiiH or tliu roml between ( Un.iliii < oqun u wiii ruiiiiii 'O ' iuini cfcwii.ro. iumc'il lllufli.tliotraln ! ) nt tin ) t'nion 1'nclllu II ill- nayiuunoct In iinlun ilejuit with thosu ot tlio ( Mil * < iim' \ Ni.iilmcMrni Ky. in cliUun" Uir trains nf tli ! llni ! iiiakp cloao toniiLvtloii nltli tlioto of all ollii-r l : flcni llni' * . I'nj Iniroli , Culimibu . Inillanannlli' , Cincinnati , Nin.i.r.i 1 nils , llntlalo l'tt | l > uif ; , Tiinintn , Monlic'ul , llu-i"n. Si-ir Vurk. rliliiulclplii.i , Iliiitlinuiv. U'aoli- Inutuu.iinl nil ( Joints la llio l.smt. A l lor HclL'tml.l th9 "NORTH-WESTERN" If you wlsli ( ho beet ncioimnudatloa. All ticket npenl * tell Hi Lets % la tills ilnf. if.iii oiiriT , K. r. WILSON. ( i.n'l Manager. ucu 1 1'ast'r Auciit. riilC'Ano , ILLS. W. N. jIAIlCOrK. Hi-n'1 W < > * tviu Atrcnt. 1) K MM11A1.L , Ilikvt Aucnt (3 I1.VLsT , I'lly l'a fnicrA.'cnt. KOI faiiuun M. , Unialu , Neb. - TUB OK THIS Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y ' , The Best Route from Omnlia and Council Hlufls to = = = = THE EASTs - TWO TUAINfl IUH.T 11171WRUN OJIAUA AND COUNCIL 11I.UH3 Chicago , ANI > Milwaukee , St. 1'aul , Minneapolis , Cellar ItaiiiiU , KocU Island , i'reeport , Itockfonl , Cllnlou , Iubiiiic ) ( | , Uurcuport , Elgin , JanesUllr , Hcloif , \Vluona , Lu Croisc , Aad all other luooitant points Knit , N'orthciis tiauthoatt. Fortlircuehtlckeu call oatbe ticket nefilatlJOI Furuutu U.v , In llarkrr litucx , ot ut Cuba 1'aclQc i'u'ilrnan 8lceicr [ ted tUd flncsl Dining C'iH lu hp wvrldarer IUID HID tuinn Iliiu of ttio CliltJjp , Mil wUJki.o i , at I'uul IUliiT r , und I'tcry ulUqtloaH B.iliUt.KK , Oeneml l Mana r. , J. F ' Clnpb.vrl . 0 Jorral Mnuairer 4. V. B Clnpb.vr , Oebcial I'tutenzet ana General 1'utecge/ MEDICAL AND SURGICAL INSTITUTE N. W. Cor. 13th and Dodge Sts , Omaha , Neb ; 4 CAUTION Designing persons , talcing ndvnntiec of our reputation , nro constantly f-tni-tlnu IJOKUS nicilloal KstnMlHlmicntH to Upcrlvo stran- cn-9 vlsltlnir the city. TIICHO pretenders usually ( llsniipunr In n few xvcoks. lli-ivnro of them their . ' , or runners or IIKCIIIH. 'jc omaliii iM-il- lool mill Mursrlcnl Institute Is the only ( Mtnnllslicd IMctllcnl Institute lit Oinnlm , Dr. MoMcnmnjr , Proprietor. When you inn Ice up > our inliiil to visit ua mnko n incmnrnmltim of our cxnut mldrcHu , anil thus nave trouble , delay or mistakes. FOR THE TREATMENT OF ALL AND DISEASES OF THE EYE AND EAR. DR. J. ff. MclNitl ! , Physician and Surgeon in TWEXTtf YEA5SS' HOSPITAL ASM PKI4 A.TK VI Assisted iiy a Unto of Competent , Skillful anit Expericncsl Physicians anil Silicons. Particular Attention iialil to Deformities , Diseases of Women , lI ) ra es of the Urinary nml Sexuul Organs , I'rhnto Diseases , Diseases of the Xorvons Sjtem , Lung nml Throat Disease" . Surgical Operations , Epilepsy or rit , Pile , Cancers , Tumors , lite. More money invested ; more skillful physicians and surgeons employed , more patients treated ; more cures effected ; more modern improved instruments , apparatus and appli ances tlian can be found in all other intiitnarics , institutes or dispensaries in the west combined. Largest and most complete Medical Institute or Hospital in the west. Fifty newly furnished , well warmed and ventilated rooms foi patients , three skilled physician * always in the building , All kinds of diseases treated : n the most scientific manner. ffc Mannliicliii'0 Surgical Braces for Supporters , Electrical Batteries , and can supply physicians or patients any appliance. remedy or instrutiv nt known. Call and consult us , or wiitc for ciiculais upon all sub- , jccts , with list of questions for patients to answer Thousands tieatcd successfully by conesponiJencc. We have supeiior advantages and facilities lor treating diseases per forming surgical operations and nursing patients , wliirli , combined with our acknowl edged abilitj , experience , responsibility and icpiitation , should make the Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute the first choice. The Omaha Medica1 and Suigical Institute is conducted upon strict business and scientific principles , and patients here rccci\e every advantage that art , skill , science and human ingenuity , can bring to _ bcar on their cases. Their comfoit and con venience will alwayfc be taken into consideration. Should you conclude to vitit us for treatment or conespond with us. you will find that these statements of our position , location and facilities are not overJiawn in any particular , but are plain imvaniMicd facts. Only Reliable Medical Institute Making a Specialty of "DTP Y\r A TTR1 T&TQ & JrJKJL V aL = L Hi JJJ.ro All IMood Diseases successfully treated. Syphilitic Poison removed from the system without meicury. New restorative ticatment for losb of Vital I'oucr. I'crtons unable to visit us may be treated at home by cones > pondenoc. All communications confiden tial. Medicines or instruments tent by mail or express , securely packed , no marks to indicate contents orsendor. One personal interview prcfened. Call and consult us or send history of your case , and we will send in plain wrapper , our BOOK TO MEN , FREE , Uj'on Private , Special or Ncivous Diseases , Impotcncy , Syphilis , Gleet and Vaiicocclo with question list. My Reasons for Writing a BooK Upon Private , Special and Norms Diseases , , I have for many j cars made a specialty of dibcasci , of the uninary and tcxual organs have become a recognised authority upon the ( .uLfject , consequently I icccive an im mense number of letteis fiom physicians and allhcted persons , asking my opinion and ad vice upon indiudual cases. For the benefit of mch persons , I h.i\e written .1 book , giv ing a general description of the most common diseases and conditions , my trcatnitnt.suc- cess , advice , ete. After reading it. persons will have a clearer idea of their condition nnd can write true more intelligently and to the point. It will therefore be seen that our object in writing these pages i not to furnUli reading matter to a chish. of persons who read out of mere idle curiosity.but for the benefit ol the many who arc suffering to agieater or less degice horn diseases , or the effects of diseabes or abuses , of iho sexual and uiinary organs , Not a day passes but we receive many calls or ielteis from peitons bulferinjj from thib class of diseases , or their sequel. Many ol them ate ignorant of the cause of the difliculty that has wiecked their constitutions , thrown a cloud over their bright pros pects and Is shortening their days , finrulcal oncTJtlons for the euro of Mure f.lp , f'luli 1'ojt , Tumors , Cnnoars , fistula , Cataract , 6tmfinrulcal ! ( ( - , - . ' i , Vuilcoitle , luvuiiuu. Nulls , W em and llefoiinltlua of tiio lluumn body Wtint t " " ! r tU " u. Mo4.t. He vl. Illoo.l. . Hkln. Bcalft Btotnar ) . . L.ver. . KM- nnv" IlladiJer. NM"CS lione * . c tr. . ni J-arulysH. Kiillep.y intsi. SeiofuU. Urolisy. JlrliTIlt Tape \Vorni , Lkeis or Vovvr boiua , Uysp 'P < i.i or Oastrilia , llaliliieis , liczoiiw. etc. DISEASES OF WOMEN. lid * hpaieil neither tlmo nor in ) ii y to perfect iiiini.i > ir , ana in tuny Miippiiau npjili.tuco and icmcily of value in tbl * aopattmeuf of Medielno ana buueiy. Wo claim superiority ovornny iwrulM or am 1st In tlioet. . nml tlio tliouBaiula whom wolmya cmeil , niter othrisliavu fnliO'l. ulwiunlUtoom < lainis 'Ju tiobeafllutua with J.o nriil Lar Uls- piibi ! * . woblmnly bay. call ami ( omuli u , net u ocu-ntltlc opinion , tliuI U w ioiu yuu like , una It > oii oie un Inte will luturn to ua for tifaliiit-nt anil cure. . dm bouk , lie K ) a nml < liar : nnd their ill e iioa.Jn 1'juUi ' livj i iux , with nuini > rous illu * . . . . . : : aie \\rltteu for tlia in < ueUol'i ! intlenu aiyl phjjij-ittiw who wrltw UH in itriaul t > & , i by icndlliB Ihoiu c iri-fullvpliyxlclun ami | ) itlont will have a cloir iimleMlaucUiiy unil \e \ < rlly iu-twtoiisnioralntflll.Wtlr. { WRITE FOR BOOK ON OldEASEb Oh THE EYE AND EAK , FREE. A < l li'Cs ! all IcJleiM to OMAHA MEDICAL AND SURGICAL INSTITUTE DR , J. W , McMEHAMY , N , W , Oor , 13th & Dodge Sis , , OmaIiaH9lj ,