Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 21, 1888, Page 6, Image 6

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    * W
(5 mE OMAHA. DAILY BElflf THURSDAY , JUNE 21 ; 1888.
orricn NO. 12 PKAUL sTUinrr.
XtUrtrcd by Carrier In Any Vart of the City nt
Twenty tents 1'er Week.
TKLltt'llONUS :
Jli'RiiF KOtriri5. No 13.
MmirEUiTon , No.K ) .
N. Y. Plumbing Co.
Kow sprint ? goods nt Heller's.
Permits Jovcd were jesterJnv prnntcil
Klonro Sherwood , of Uo < lluttc , Neb , and
Hnttlo K. Heudley , of this city ; Kdwin I ) .
Wtllikon nnd Huttlo 13. Miles , both of tbls
city.Tho graduating exercises occurring In con
nection with the close of the high school jcai
will tnko plnco nt Dohiiny's onorn house to
morrow ( Friday ) evening. Tickets on &ilc
nnd digram of icsei\ed scats open ntUush-
. ncll's this morning.
At the festival this evening the Catholic
Indies hiivu nrnuiKcd for n spirited contest to
decide , which is the most popular jounj ; man
In the democrnllo or republican club. The
vt inner \vill lituially tuku the cake , \\hlch
will bo annrdcd by ballot.
The sensational squabble between W. T .
McCoy and his w.Tc. Jili/.i McCoy , over the
custody of their little ( 'lrl is still fiosh In Uio
memory of many. It is now followed by
dl vorto pi oceedlnes , instituted by her hus
band , lu u tilth ho claims that she deserted
him nnd has been untrue to him.
MarrlnRO licences have been issued to
Mluliacl I'llub , of Fremont county , nndJano
L. Carey , of Council HUffsj : Ary Hatcher , of
Missouri Valley , and Mar.\ Umber , of Coun
cil UlulTs ; Kewin H. Millikcn. of Colorado ,
nnd Hattie 13 Miles , of Council mulls ; F. T.
Scy bcit mid Ida HVIes , both of this city.
The Council 111 tiffs Music company is the
tltlu of a new establishment Just opening at
-No. 2.4 Uioadwaj . Itill bo under the
management of the well known musician.
Piof. Llpfert. The now music house will
make n specialty of ilallct& Davis and Uni-
ci on pianos , and will carry a full and varied
stock of all things in this Hue.
Tiptoti lias bai gains in real estate.
Union Abstract company , .J30 Main street.
The engineers btriUo for Durlin Bros.
for their gioccries , 6IW Broadway , Ed
Llojd will take jour order. Tel. ii'JO.
Mr. Nugent lias been aiipomtcd local editor
of the Council H luffs department of the
Omaha Herald |
Miss Hattic Gronoweg , the accomplished
daughter of our Senator Oroneweg , is at
homo spending her school vacation.
J. J. Mnlou ney , n well known implement
dealer of Ilcuron , Neb , is in the citv with an
eye to Investing in Manawa property.
Mrs. Thomas Kymi , of St. Louis , arrived In
the city jcstcrdui , and will bo the guest of
Mrs. J. J. Brown for the next few weeks.
Mr. W. C. Long , of Omaha , was In the
city yesterday placing stands of photographs
of the principal peisonages who will appear
in the benefit concert on the 27th hist. , and
arranging other details occuriing in thusaino
Mr. Henry Spctman , of the Kiel hotel. Is
nt home fiom his southern trip. Ho attended
the St. Louis convention , and then proceeded
south , visiting Memphis and Chattanooga.
Tcun. At the latter pluco he visited Conrad
Geisc and his new big brewery. Ho icpoit&
Mr. Gciso well and pleasantly situated.
"Wo have n number of slightly dam
aged pianos and oifrans which will be
sold at a bargain. Call on Mueller
Music Co-j lOIt Main st.
Grand balloon ascension by the
Kickajioos , Saturday evening , 8 o'clock ,
coi1. Bioadway and Eighth sts.
KansiiK Cltj and Oinalia.
Commencing Juno 1 , IbSS , the 1C. C. , St. Jo
& C. , . H. It. Co. will run theli trains Nos.
8 and 4 between Kansas City and Omaha via
Council Uluffs nnd the U. 1 . bridge. They
will airive and depart tliosamcasheictofoic.
Gcu'l Agent.
Held r < ) r Larceny.
Judge Carson will bo called on to day to
listen to a habeas corpus case , involving the
liberty of Ed Vandorpool nnd Finnic Stanley ,
who have been bound over to await the ac
tion of the grand Jury on a charge of having
stolen M0 ! ! fi om C. S. Robinson , of Oakland.
Mr. Hobinson had this money in a chest in
his house. This chest was taken out one
night and broken open. Much of the evi
dence on which the two pnsoncis wcio hold
was the admission of Vanderpool , but it is
claimed that this confession was secured
from him under the hope that ho would get
off easy.
Free Indian show every nigtht for
thico weeks , comer of Bioadway and
Eighth sts.
Buy mantels , grates and hearth fur
nishings of the Now York plumbing Co.
Hupjiy Nuptial Celebration.
At 8 o'clock laut evening St. Paul's Cpis-
copal chuich was completely llllcd with the
elite of Council Hluffs society , who had as
sembled to witness the ceicmonles that wcio
to unite for life the fortunes of Dr Frank
T. Sejbeit , a well known physician , nnd
Miss Ida U.Vlcs , an attractive and deserv
edly popular jounp soeictj lady of this city.
The evening was oppicsBivoly warm , anil
the very largu number assembled rendered the
rhui ch somewhat uncomfoi table. Every one
was on the inil vivo of expectancy , and their
patience w as i ewai ded nt tw eatv minutes past
eight , as the Initial puity cnteiedthe hand
some Htiuctuio nnd walked slowly up the
nlslo to the altar , whcro Hector Maekoy and
the gioom a and patty wcio waiting
to iccelvo them. First came the boy
choir Hinging the "Krldiil Chorus. " Then
ttiQUshois , followed by Mr. and Mis.Vies ,
the bridesmaids , the bride and maid ol honor.
The bride was dressed In cieam faille , with a
tulle veil , and carried a beautiful bouquet.
The maid of honor. Miss May Wlea , of Chicago
cage , were pink crepe , and cairlcd pink
The bridesmaids were Miss Cora Gray , ol
Holvlilero , and Miss Jessie Gray , of Chicago ,
and wore , lespecUvolv. cmim moire with
white loses , and white moire with white
roses ,
Mr. Mark lit own. of Manhattan , Kan. ,
was best man.
Thunsheis were Messrs. 1'rncst E. Hait ,
James K. Uoxvmun , James Paxton and Alex.
On ai riving at the altar the couple
took their places before the
rector , who , in the beautiful and Impi cssivo
set vice of the Episcopal illual.ptrfoimcil the
marriage ceremony. As the llnul wouls ,
" \Vhat God hath Joined together let no per-
POII put asunder , " wc'iusald , the edifice was
11 lied witn the notes of the "Damascus Tii-
umphal March , " and the luity maichod
down the alslo to their ran luges , Immedi
ately following the sci vices at the church , a
reception was given at the homo
of the bildo's father , * Mr Peter
\Ylcs , on Eighth stioct , whcro the
ncx\ly wedded touplo iccelvcd the congratu
lations of their filcnds under a canopy oi
smllnx and loses. The llorid decorations
wcro profuse nnd elegant. The icccption
was held fiom 0 to 11 o'clock , and the Impm
pair took thoiu.05 dummy for Omahq 'Jho
occasion was a grand social event inc\ery
irspoit , and 'I'm : lii.i : Joins with Hundreds nl
udmii ing fi lend * in wishing the couple long
11 fo nud every happiness.
E. II , Sheafo loans money on chattel
security pf every description. Private
consulting looms. All uusiuess strictly
confidential. Olllce 600 Broadway , coi-
iicr Main slicot , up-stahs.
Buy a uWhlto"sow much. CO N.Maiu.
, B. B. Wttdeworth & Co. loan inouoy ,
Travelers ! Stop ot the Beohtolo.
The Kicknpoo Indians , with tholr
jvondcrful mcuicines , are hero , corner
Broadway aud Eiahth. sts.
The Sensation in the Wording of
the Chnrgo.
Ati Attempt to Dissolve the Injunction
Dentil ol Mrs.V. . Sapp-Sn- -
loons Opening Again A Land
slide Accident.
Dentil Ily Aboitlon.
"Arrest Mrs , Clementine Scott , on charge
of murder. " Such was the sensational tele
gram received by Sheriff O'Neill , as sent by
bherlff Fullcrton , of Hurlington. Mrs.
Scott was hunted up at oaco , nnd found to
bo a middle-aged woman , with twolittlo
chlldion , occupying rooms In a business
block on Upper Broadway. She had been
here about three weeks , and was endeavor
ing to earn a living by following her trade as
dressmaker. The woman was terribly sur
prised at having the hand of the law laid
upon her in such a harsh way , and the shock
threatened to pro\o too much for her. She
became hj stcrical , and went from ono spell
Into another until her condition could but ex
cite sympathy even from those who knew
nothing about the affair beyond the tci riblo
accusation that she had been concerned in a
Sheriff Fullcrton arrived on ycstrcdny's
train , nnd from him and othcis , in addition
to the statements of tno woman herself , it
appears that she will have little difllcultv in
Glaring herself from the honiblo accusation.
The charge is the outgrowth of citcuin-
stances attendant upon the death of Mrs.
' Mrs tl. Smith who
Scott's daughter-in-law , , ,
it is said , died as the result of an abortion.
It Is claimed by the unfortunate Mrs.
Smith's father that Mr. Smith , who is a son
of Mrs. Scott by a foimcr matriage , the at
tendant phjsiclau , Dr. Finuklin , of Donald-
sou , Leo county , and Mrs Scott were all con
cerned In the matter , and that the three wcro
alike tcsponsiblo legally foi Mrs Smith's
death. Dr. Franklin and Mr. Smith were ar
rested jcsterday , the former at his home , the
other In liuilington.
Smith and his wife were married about
two jcars ago. They ha\e been living In
Burlirmton , and nothing appeared to mar the
happiness of the j outig couple until a shoi t
time ago , Mrs. Smith was taken vciy 111 and
subsequently died. She was only twenty-
one j eai s of age. and her husband only nine
teen. Mrs. Scott , the mother of Mr. Smith ,
had lived for some time in Donaldson , Leo
county , and Dr. Franklin hod alwajs .been
their family physician. Mrs. Scott hnd a
i athcr shiftless husband , and was not only
compelled to depend loigoly upon her own
exertions for sceunnK a livelihood for her
self aad children , but lived so unhappily with
her husband that a separation icsultcd ,
Learning of the illness of her son's wife , she
went to Burlington , ana her family phy
sician was called in to attend the sick wo
man' . Mis. Scott claims that she had heard
Mrs. Smith threaten t6 take something and
had tried to pursuadc her not to do so. She
Is satisfied that Mrs. Smith did not listen to
tins advice , but insisted on her course , nnd
that the death which followed was the icsult
of her own act. When Mrs Scott left there
for this city , about three weeks ago , Mrs.
Smith had BO far recovered as to be able to
be up and around. Since taking up her resi
dence hcic she received a telegram , which
was a gieat surprise to her , announcing her
death. This is now followed by her urrest
chai ged with being concerned in the affair.
Mrs. Scott has lolatives m this city , who
aie most highlj respected , and who stand bi
her in this trouble most stoutly , declaring
that the charge is pi cpostcrous. They are
confident that it will be clearly shown that
she had nothing whatever to do with it , ex
cept so far as she had used all her influence
to pel suade the foolish joungwne to desist
from anj nctn which might thus icsult In
death and ilUgraco. The piosccution is
uigcd by the father of Mrs Smith , Mr.
Fullcrton , and while it is not known what
testimony ho i dies upon , the feeling hcio
among those who h.i\e hcaid the details , and
who have kno.ui Mrs Scott , is gicatly in
her favor.
It was a sad departuio last evening , when
Sheriff Fullerton and Mrs. Scott , with her
two children , took the train for Burlington.
Friends endeavored to persuade Mis. Scott
to leave her children hcic for the present ,
but she became so hysterical at the thought
of parting with them , that it was deemed
best to let them go with her.
The Motor llinming in Court.
Among the injunctions secured against the
Manawa motor line a year ago weto two in
favor of the Milwaukee & St. Paul railway.
Ono was issued by Judge Carson , icstraining
the motor company from crossing the rail
way track ; the other was issued by Judge
Decmer , restraining the motor company from
condemning for right of way across their
track. These temporary writs seem to have
been pretty poimancnt as they have stuck
fora j ear now. Yestculay an effort was
made to secure a dissojution. Judge Tliornell
was on the bench , m plaeo of Judge Dcemcr ,
and hearing the matter for him. In nccoul-
anco with the rule ho did not feel at liberty
to hcai aiguments in icgaul to the injunction
issued by Judge Caison. Attorney Holmes ,
it presenting the motor company , desiicd
that Judge Cut son nit with Judge Tliotncll ,
so that both injunctions could bo considcied
at once , but Mr. Haldonc , representing the
i ailw ay , i of used to enter into any such ar
There was a good deal of hair spll'tmg in
dulged in Vailous picllmiuaiy motions
wcio made and papers Hied. At last an at
tempt was made bv Mr Haldouo to get the
hcarmgput olf. Ho wanted time to flic some
nfililuvits , and ho could not prcparn these
until his paidner , Mr. Wright , returned from
Iowa City. When the matter came up the
other day Mr. Wright was hero , but Mr.
Haldenovas lu Nebraska , and Mr. Wright
got the matter continued because Mr. Hal-
ilcuo was the ono to attend to It.
Fiom what Mr Haldeno said jester-
day It appeared that Mr , Wright was the
one to get the facts , while ho ( Haldono ) was
the ono to present the law , so that the right
ono was absent nt the wrong time , or the
wronur one at the light timo.
Arrangements woio patched up so that the
heating went on , The substance of the
'claim for dissolving the Injunction was that
If the Milwaukee & St. Paul had any
Interest in the street sought to be
crossed this interest was liable to con
demnation , the same as any piopcrty ,
and that the company had an adequate icllof
Incouitlf not satisfied with the condemna
tion. It was shown that all the other rail
ways , similiarly located , had entered into
contracts by which the motor line was al
lowed to cross their tiacks , and this railway
company alone held out , i cfuslng to make
any such ngicumcnt. Mr. Hoed , of the motor
company , declared that ho stood willing to
iniiUo a like contract with this company , but
could not get its consent.
Judge Tliornell took the matter under nd
viscment. In view of the Impoitnneo of the
cntcrpiisoand the Intciest taken by the pub
He goncially , it Is hoped that a speed ) do
cislon will bo reached. The crossings mo
ready to put in as soon as these technicalities
can bo disposed of , and then this entcipriso
with the others dependent upon It can bo
crowded along to the satisfaction of the
Dentil of Sirs.V. . P. Snpp
Vcstci day afternoon Mr T. J. IZvnns re
ceived a tolegiaui from W r. Snpp , Jr , who
is now In New York City , announcing the
death of hjs mother , Mis. W. F. Sapp , which
sad cent occui red at 10 o'clock jcsteiday
moi nlng , The deceased had benn a constant
sufteier foi many months , and all that do
tted heaits could suggest or loving hands
could do toaucst the fatal ailment was done.
Changes of location , climate and the most
able medical skill were employed , but all
without more than temporaly benefit. For
some time Mis Sipp had been In Now Yoik ,
accompanied by her sou , and until Sunday
last her iccovory was expected. On the day
last mentioned Colonel Supp was notlftod by
telegraph that a change for .tho wojso Uad
bccunca In hlb wife's condltioh/and ho im
mediately slatted for New York. Hu ar
rived at the bedside of the departing one be-
foio the tinal summons came. ' 1 ho body will
bo intci red at Mt. Yoioou , O. , but on what
day is not .known here.
The life of Mrs. Sapp , for more than a
scsro ol } cars was passed la tills community ,
nnd by this people her life is so well known
that it need bo but referred to here. She was
n leader In her social circle and In all mat
ters of philan hropy where the ladles wcro
called to act Mrs. Sapp was foremost. Her
magnificent chanty will remain it beloved
memory In many hearts. During the years
In which her husband represented his dis
trict in the national congress Mrs. Sapp
passed much of her tlmo In Washington and
in that society , rs nt homo she was a recog
nized lender. By hcr deith many hearts are
called to mourn and the truest sympathy
gets out to those who wcro wont to use the
cadcarlng terms , wife and mother.
Oponlnn Up tlio Saloons.
It seems that the saloon question Is by no
means permanently settled in this city , as
the places that closed so quietly a short time
ago , during the session of the district court ,
nro now reopening ono by ono , and ap
pearances indicate that the majority of them
w ill bo running again full blast. Chief Lucas
> csterJay reported that In addition to the
Mint ( which has not been shut up even for n
single daj i , the Turf hnd been reopened ,
also the "Bucket of Blood'1 on Upper Broad-
Wav. and two places on Lower Broadwav ,
near the Union Avenue ho'cl The glasses
and other parapliciiinlm liavo alsoieaiipcaicd
on the bar at the Palace. Major Hoiiicr in
sists that he w ill not deviate at all from the
stand he has taken , nnd firmly asserts that
every man who urns a saloon must contub-
ute Si" ) a month to the city treasurj- . Chief
Lucas saj s he has received ordei s to close
cverj place that docs not paj' the fine , and
states that ho , will comply with the order In
o\pi.y Instance until It is countermanded.
As the lines aio now scveial da\s over due ,
it is probable that the matter will bo settled
In a very shoit time , cither bv the saloon
keepers coming to time with their "ante , " or
submitting to the major's smooth little game
of "frcc/cout. "
Some of the saloon men take vciy kindly
to the Idea of running temperance ( ' ) places ,
nnd , as a icsult , the lemonade stands are
inpldlv on the Increase. The saloonlsts arc-
cNcecdlnplj' ictlccnt conceinlng their futuie
plans , mid expiess themselves as "waitint , to
see how the thing will pan out , "
Crushed ISy Landslide.
An accident occurred at about 10 o'clock
\ estciday morning on South Seventh street ,
between Sixth and Seventh avenues , by
which John Krineker came near sustaining
fatal injuries. He was 0110 of a party of
woikincn in the employ of Contractor Mooic ,
engaged In excavating for the sewer. The
trench was about live feet deep ami the raid
had loosened the bmk so that it was in a
veiy insecure condition. Foreman Butler
had not noticed any slgn of caving , and the
first intimation any of them had of impend
ing danger was when twentj' feet of the
bank cia hcd down upon them. ICiinoker
was stiuek by the falling mass and sustained
ver.v painful injuiics , his head , shoulders and
arms being badlv braised , but no bones were
broken. Two of the other men managed to
get out of the waj" , and escaped unhuit. The
injured man wlis taken homo and his biuiscs
attended to , and he will be able toicturnto
work In a few dajs. The well known
treachcious condition of wet dirt banks in
this vicinity calls for greater vigilcnce on the
part of gang foremen io.chnrge of excavating
woik. The lives of their workmen aie al
most under their thumbs , and remlssness on
their part in this particular has led tothieo
fatal accidents here within the past j-ear.
Harris Hotly
Yestcrdaj' afteiaoon two sporting icpre-
scntativcs of the coloied population became
involved in a little difficulty as to the owner
ship of some money , and guns weie drawn
to settle the matter. The incket occurred at
the Parlor lestaurant , and the llrst thing
that outsideis knew of the tioublo was when
one of the pair appeared on thesticct and
took to hjs heels with tne other In close pur
suit , levolvcr in hand. The pursued lied up
Washmcton avenue to where ho h\ed and
obtained a lovolver , and then started in
scaich of his cnemv. The low was about to
be renewed on North Main stieet , when
Oftlc cr Olc'ion appeared , and Harris , the
daikcy with the monev and big revolver ,
skipped out atrain , but this time his pursuer
was a blonde gentleman in blue clothes
Quito a crowd had collected to see the fun ,
and theio was a lengthy line of ch iscrs as
the dailicj' dashed into Main stieet and
tuincdthe coiner at the City mills. Heie
the track was lost for a time until one of the
millers told of seeing the fugitive run down
the bank into Indian creek. The trail was
picked up ag un , and Mr. Darkej' was ousted
from his hiding place in the biush. Ho
started up Washington to First street ,
thence to Broadway , and started for the
wooded bluff in the easteiu pint of the citj' .
By this time the crowd of pursuct s had
grown to about five hundied , and the num
ber swelled rapidly , as evoi jonc who saw it
Joined in the chase. The fugitive ran like a
deer , and held a good lead on his puisucrs
which ho constantlj' incteascdi Olcson
began to puff , and "Sliortv" Thomas Jumped
Into the lead. Charlej1 was bound to be in at
the death , so lie Jumped on a hoi so
standing near the sidewalk and
again set the pace for the Held.
Four legs were too much for two , and the
chase was being rapidly overhauled , when
ho loft the street at Geiso s brew eiy and
struck over the hill tin ough the wnovaid.
Olcson abandoned the hoi - > o and stuitod on
foot again with renewed vigor Hisshoit
bieathing spell had helped him out wondei-
fuliy , and ho made t\\o jumps to the dar
kej's one. The fugitive did not know whoie
ho was going and appaiently did not caro.
Down the hill ho tore. Into a swamp and
barb who fence , and the i un was over. The
oftlccr came up and fished him out , and a
passing e\piess wagon was called into use to
take the paity to the city Jail. The inn of
o\er two miles was a lively one , and the rep-
icscntativesor the local pu-ss figured con
spicuously as sprinters , 'i ho nftair occa
sioned inoio excitement th in anything since
the closing of the saloons , and the stopping
of the tiains on the Manawa motor lino. The
nrisonci , Hnnis. had S4-J V > in money upon
him , and was locked up to await an examina
tion A wai rant was issued for the aricst
of the other combatant , Al Homlcison , and
ho was also taken into custody The origin
of the tioublo dates back some months to a
row in Kansas City. It will bu explained
this morning.
Contiauls Let.
The city council met last evening for the
purpose of letting paving contracts , bids on
which had bcija pieviously considcied. The
mayor and a full board of aldermen wcro
Notices were read for laying brick side
walk on Broadway between Bighth nnd
Ninth sticets was read ; ono for piving paits
of Grace and Plainer stiects and Franklin
avenue , aud for grading and curbing the
same. On motion the clcik was instructed
to advertise for bids on the above work.
Bids on paving will bo received up to July
0 , and on the b ilanco to July 2.
Hill of A. Ovciton , amounting to $307,01
for oak lumber , was presented and allow d
On motion contiacts for paving were let to
the lowest blddcis In the diltcicnt nia'eiials
spechled in the previous adveitiscmcnts ,
These aioas follows : Ccdur bloik on plank
and sand foundation , McAdams & A inhcir' ,
cash , $1 5J. ends , elM Cedar blocks on
concrete , George Hughes & Co , U 67 ,
* lt T , cci tillcates , fcl T'J. Hard buined
brick on sand , Gcorgo Hughes &
Co. , $1.M , fJ07 , f-MS. Cj press on
plaint. ( J , Hughes & Co , * 1 ! > % , * 1 , ( , ' , ' , $1 7s.
same bidder for cj press blocks uf concrete ,
? l.bS , : fl 'J7 , $2.10.
Guiding bids had been rofcircd to the committee -
mitteo on sti cets and alleys. The lowest are
J F. Kelley , C. U. Mitchell , Dobson and M.
The following communication was pre
sented : "Tno property un South a\cnuc ,
known as the Dterts propertj' , is to bo occu
pied nnd used for manufacturing purposes ,
aud U is ncccssan that the water mains be
extended so that they will have the use and
benefit of city water. " It was so ordered.
Oa motion the marshal was instructed to
proceed at once to icmovo all obstructions
from the stieets of the citv. This order ap
plies to squatters situated mainly at the
south and west of the main residence poitlon
of the city.
AH Impoitam Klcmrnt
Of the success of Hood's Sai'saparilla is
the fact that every purchaser receives
n fair equivalent for his money. The
familiar head-lino " 100 Doses Ono Dollar
lar , " stolen by imitators , is original
with and true only of Hood's
illa. This can easily ho pi oven by anyone
ono who desires to test the matter. For
real economy , buy only Hood's
SaTsapurilla. Sold by all diuggista.
" wJftTCTOgT"i MjB UU-I&UM Lrmr l
ln mJL M > - > nm < IT VT
LargostStooh , I METCALF BROTHERS. Furnishing Goods ,
Lowest Prices , Clothing , Hats , Caps , oto.
Willidm - MUttTeR MUSIC .COMPANY. " ,
f } SiQtiaQtopf x- Uardman , Evtrdf & Fisher
City fcCourii REAlTfesTATE
" No fl M , MUr > <
Largest Capital and Surplus - Your Patronage
'O of Any Band in the oitt/ . . Is Solicited.
Painb , Oil S ( Qloos Pcrcgoy & Moore's Abstracts of Title
Wholesale. " _ Santa Rasa
No. 8. Pearl St. ARE THE BEST.
i >
. .
lHV'i. ' JiE3S3nCll-i. ! iWliir3ia ftXPZfS
Manufacturer of line Cariinpcs and Duggies. H. F HATTENHAUER lalwnjskeoj ) in stock a largo variety of eastern
1 have nlwajs a full stoclt to fccleet from. . , , make Carriages , whieii I tell at a verj low rate.
Call and examine. Prices Low. Xo * . . 27 1 ; Mj Tourtli Slrcwl. I luiialwnvs roiulv to hnw peed p.
That Kranehl e.
"Yes , the councilman that voted down that
fifteen jear electric franchise dcscivo
credit1 , s.ud an M strcct'merclmnt ycstcrd.ij' .
"Wo want to ciicour.i ohoino cnteipnso ,
but we don't want a few people to ow n the
town because thov live here. Think
what South Uinah.i was live
joins apo. and then tiy .and 1m icino it will be in Ilftccnc.ns fiom now in
100) ) . 'ihen fiKine up the exclusive
right to light it lip will ho worth no opposi
tion no competition but all to come from
the one monopoly and nt their own price. In
irturn forthcprtvilcKo thc'j' offer to invest
fSW ,000 and put up. i $10.000 bond that they
will do it. They leave a pio\i o
that if they want to sell the
franchise at .my time , they will pive the city
the first chance to buy it , but what is to
hinder them fiom ( Toinp to Boston or New
York and getting an offer for the fianchlse
and then asking the city to buy it back at
the puce ? Eastern men would know it
is worth , nnd probably the citjf would have
to paj * thousands of dollars if It wished
to retain what it now owns.
Let the city buy their own
plant if they can , but if they don't want to
do thnt let them bo caieful not to pi\o away
' "exclusive" frinohise J'hcihtt
anj' com-
pinj' on the ground will do business enough
to p.iv on the investment without the "e\clu-
bive" pait.
Notes Aliout the City.
Stxtj' tiams pi day now pass South
Omaha over the Union lja.cirtc ti icks.
The iipoitiug Sons of Crm aio asked to
meet again next Satmday night
John Ten y was the only pi isoncr vcstci d.ij
morning and was assessed S10 and costs fur
being nrutik.
Membms of the icpublican club met fora
business mecniitf in Pivonka's hall Tuesday
ni.rht.lames ( H.V.m Uuscnpiciidnifr and.I U.
Huon oniciatiug as sccrctm. Hcpoits of
committees wcic ic.ul and appinvcd , and
campaign speeches were made In Messi s.
Dennis , Once , Lane , Llliott and Ihmii. It
was dcteumncd to adopt the lepub
lican platfoim as both constitu
tion and by-laws , and then the
club adjouincd to meet immediately after the
ic ult of the Chicigo convention is known.
Then linal anangements will be undo for a
grand lallv , and ratillc.ition meeting , and the
club will settle down to woilc for the condi
Tonili-PoiRoncd Vooil.
Defective teeth poibon the food. ZO-
ZODONT checks dental decay , removes
tartar inerusted in the MiiU'-os and upon
the burfnco of the teeth , and lenders
them healthful masticators of the food.
Dental impurities also cont.iinin.ito the
bieatli. These it toinovcb.
WII.l. STONL , 111ins }
And now comes a rumor , which.lf verified ,
will doubtless icsult in the promotion of an
other Omaha man It is said that II. H
Stone , general number of the Chicago , Hur
lington & Qutncv , will m a shoit time sever
his connection with the loid The leasoas
for this action on the put of Mr Stone aio
slid to have aiiscn from Inibihtj * to sue ess
fullj' manage the affairs of the lo.ul dining
the great stnkc. Ills succcbsor will without
doubt bo G W Ho'dU'iro , of the 15. A ; M.
\Vheiitho trouble begun Mr. Holdiego con
tended that If the load wo'i the battle wi'h
its enu'inoeis it would win at toor'icat acjst ,
but wncii it cams ho sjttlcldovvn to b4iiiii.M3
and all things cunsuleicd , kenthis end of the
lo.ul in splendid condition. Hut for his un
til lug offoits the b isiuoss of the company
would have suffjtcd much more th in it did
Tno Uiirlington has not a m la in their ser
vice , nor cm they find ono on any other sjs
turn , who could Jill the position of01101.11 (
mun.igor moic ctethtably than he
At'piesont notliinrdullnito is known con
cerning the time wnen Mi. btono btciH out.
In fact , ills not presume 1 that anyone heio
should know. All in/orniiition will come
fiom Chicago.
Mr Iloldrcgo was seen jcstcrJaj' nnd
stated that ho had heard nothing icjanllng
the proposed change , hut was of the opinion
that ho would icmain light whcro ho is.
Tune will , however , devclopo mattcis ,
Ono car of and IHty men were
shipped to Hulo Tuesday ninhl whcroCadi
Strop it , building the to the It.
&M bridge.
Uev. I3o Witt Talmago will s > pf ik at Crete
on Juno is and M. The 15 \ , M. . with its
chin actciistio regard foi the i)11111"1' ) ' wel
fai oof the pcoiilu of Omah.i , lias made n i ate
of one fine for the louml trip
N S Dance , of the i ail way mill service.
has resigned and T. W Salby was appointed
to fill the vacancy Hmiuaisfrom Auior.i
to Arcade on the li & M
A spec-ill It ivtnoml excursion from CUI-
foi nfa went castwaid over the Kock Island
The Walmli has put on a ti am Which
inns bctwojn Omahu and New York in
foi -eight hours.
It's as plain as a pike ctaff that any
article oj pastry or food lluvored with
iulultoratcd llavoriiiir cannot posses the
wholotonioncst ) or u reeuhlo ilavor of
ono in which tibtiiully pure Fruit Ex-
tiaet like ono of Viili Uu/or's has been
iihcd. The Kla\oruit ( Dxtr.icts piopared
hy Van Du/er & Co , arc f om sound
fiuit , highly concentrated , contfiin moro
than usual quantity and are therefore
doubly economic. Their Ilavor is bun-
erb. Giocoib ever.\whoio sell thorn.
to Weil.
The folio wing mairiago licenses wcro is
sued j estciday bj Judge Shields :
Name and Hcsiilenco. . Age.
rred Wikandcr , Omaha . -J3
Ida Samuclson , Omaha . . . . 2S
Jeppo liussmussen , Omaha . . . , , , , , . 27
Mareictho Jciibcn , Onmlm . L'l
John A. McUreeiy , Omaha . 21
Alice U. Coouibe , Omaha . , . 20
AVoith nroitimo to An ) one.
A flashing , crystnlino memory that
caniocnllnnd recount , with piccibion ,
imnrabsions , is worth a fortune to any
one. Prof. A. LoibOtto , 237 Fifth Avo.1
Now York , dovolopsjust such n memory
in anyone , by a miuwolous method of
his own discovery. Taught by corrcsr
pondeuce. Write him for particulars.
W O Albilfiht nndlto to I ) Moirlll , lots
7 ami f , lilk 0 , sub blk 30 , Albright s
choice , \ \ d ] 700
I. W Vmidorbi-rtr to (1.1 ( VnmlrruuiK ct nl ,
Int4. ulkn , ] Ioiboi > h'sSilmlil. vil . . ROOJ
U I. 'IlionuiH nnd uifoto r.S CJntk. lots ] ,
blk fi , lots ir > nnd 10 , lilk (1 ( , lot 14 , Wk. 7.
lot 11 , blk 7. Hlrhmd Hill. d 1,000
H I. Ma\\ull nndlto to A N Mnhci , s '
lot 14 , blk 1 n. bouth Umalia Linil coin-
piiuj's mlil South Uliinhn. w d . 1,000
Union block Vmds compuuj to.l Ka\an ,
lot 4 , blk 17 , fllstiuld fcouth Omnhn , w d. 300
William K. Potter nndifu to S 'I 1'otter ,
lot .1. L' , Illllsiau add No. 1 , nnd lots 1
and . ' . blkJ , Potter's mid. w d. 5 , < V,0 ,
Jell W Hulford to V 1'reliol , s )4 ) lotL'7 , blk
- llnnthornc , w cl . 171
W M WoKeitonnndwirotolCi : llollouay ,
lots I ! nnd 7. and n 5 ft lot 8 , blk 1 , Potter
\ Cobb's add , w d . . . . . 5,000
William C.lbson nnd wire to 0 W McVlck-
cr , lot 17 , blk SO , llanscon place. \ \ d 4'jOO
C W .McVlcker nnd w ifu to l ! K I'rcnch.lati
IS 1U. BJ , J ] , und SJ , blk J , Junction
View Ten ace , wcl . 2.COO
Ten Transfers _ . . . 33.U1
The follow ing permits to build were issued
jcsterdaj bvtho superintendent of buildings :
Tied Hanson , cottage , Iwuity-Ilrbt and
Dorcns $ too
Ur I. Vnn ( amp , two story nnd base
ment Inkk tenement , Webster nud
\\tntii th stroetM 11,000
J W. Hodufert\\o stoij frumo ri ldLiice ,
Nlneteinthnnd Hint J.COO
Gns.Iohiiboii , cottnge , Ttttntj ninth and
Dnpont . . . 400
Met ? .V llro , lejinlrs to boiler hoiiic ,
Sl\tli and I.ei\en\\ortlitrocts . . 700
Five penults , aggiogntlm > . Ifi.lOJ
Completion Powder is an absolute
noccbsity of the lefincd toilet in this
climate. Po77om's combines c\ery ele
ment of beauty und pm ity.
NO nor.
SPiCIATadverti'cmeni : , such as Lost , Found ,
'I o Loan. Tor Sale. To Kent , Wunts , Iloirdlng
etc , will bo Insertid In this column at the low
rnteof TP.N Ci\I'SI'iH : : UNUfor the Hist in-
portion ami I'll e Cents Per Uno for each &ulH >
QiiLiitliibeitlon. I."a\o udvertlsements at our
olllco. No , U 1'eirl Street , near Ilioailwiiy , Coun
cil llluira Iowa.
TX TAN'J II ! > .1 men to A\oik. I ) . J. Smith , fruit
T > grow er , South 1st it.
T'O ' ItKNT Immeiltitcly , for the summer , n
Kood fiirnHlU'd house , 10 rooms ; clo'-ct ' und
bnth room ; city u atur. Apply on premises , SI-
5th ue. .
FOH HP.N I' A splomlld , nliy front room ,
\\lth diessliiK loom nnd closet , fiirnlsheil , at
ruison ible lates 7-M Washington nu. .
K IIAVi ; t\\olO-ioom brick houses to trade
foi iiu'rcliiiiidNc .loliuston A. Vnn 1'nttoii.
. . 'JTUD ' ( Jlils to do dross niiiklnt' . Jlrs.
C. Stott , 110 Ilioudwiiy , up htnirs.
" \\7 ANT To c\th uiBC ! Nobinskn or U Kconsln
fin in 1 iiid > j foi i oiinill liiulls or ( dunlin
piopeitj oriiKiiliindtsu. O. 1' . McKesson.
T/1UII h VfjK Y coed , compkto Imkcry. 711
I I'rmi'1 . \ i , , i , ,
JU lli , im\ „ ! . > . tun i iiuuu rui n uc.
and c .11 i. ° ts. w 111 pay lull cusli % nine.
Maude ) K ) llioadwny.
\\7AN HID Mocks ol merclmn lUo. Ha\o
V Omalm and ( ouncll lllnlls cltj proportv ,
abe western land to u\chanta for K < > "ili Cullen
on oi address .Iiiliiirfoa \ Cnrlstlin , Kocm . ! " > ,
LU unlii'r of ( ommercc. Onrnliu. _
FOH S MKt a 1) ) unaln 10 acres near block
jards , hoiith Olimli l , .Neb , Jolinson
riirlstlan , Hoom J. " ) , Ch unber of Commerce ,
Oinili i. _
WANTr.I ) A llrst-Uass cook at thoCreston
honsu _
" \\7ANTIJI ) A jilaca to can- for horse , milk
? > and lo otbeiurK In piUato famll > . J I- ,
llio olllte. Council mull's.
Von can Kit It in any a-uount , on either shorter
or longtime , on chattal or real Oitato secnrltj'
lias real t stutu of all kinds. Cull on or addrcai
L. II , CiaftH , U ) llio.ulway , Council 111 nils.
Instructor of Music
No. Ill htrcet , Council Illufls , and
Melnbeig's Music btore , Doclgo btrcetOmahu.
Notice to Merchants
The Roboi'tb Portublo and Adjustable
Stoio hliolviny is now on o\hibitton in
J. Ncuin.yoi-'b no\v builainy on Urund-
way. Council I31ull8. Tlio p.itontco M > -
licits your careful invcHtigutiou , rely
ing upon your judgment and exper
ience \\itb dilTotont bybtems of hbolv-
inpr. Wo believe St to bo tlio beit and
inost pi act kill arnuigcincnt for conven
ience over put In a building. Plousc
tjivo it a tboiouifh oMvnniiation. The
bhclvcs are ni'iiL in conti'iietioii ; can bo
put up quickly and cbeuplj ; can betaken
taken down , moved and not up without
the aid of a mechanic. They adjubt
incoly to the dibtunco dc&ired between
shelves and gno tlio goods a gr.ind and
beautiful display. Kxery woaiiblo ad
vantage is combined in this s\htem.
Kvory merchant should call and bee us
for wo have the MiiiuiANi''b ; Fuii.M ) .
- : - - - ,
AH Kinds of Steam Boilers & Sheet iron Wort.
Orders by mall for repairs promptly atteu-leJ
to. batlsfactlon tuarauteed. loth Avenue. Address -
dress Ufilen Boiler Works.
KSTAIiLlSllii : ) latii. INCOUl'OUAlUU 1878
CO. ,
SIZES FROM E&pcclally Adapted for
POWER , Mills and Elevators ,
Specifications and estimates furnished for complete stcnm plants. Hegulntlon , Durnblllty Guar
anteed. Can slio\\ letters fiomtcrs \ where fuel Economy Is equal with Corliss Non-Coudtuslaif.
Send for Catalogue , E. C. HARRIS , Manager.
Wrought and Gast I IS FOR
\ltull \ < lin ( ] , Automatic IHyhctt Economy ,
. Xcw Xd irund lUIIUllvIUU Slniplicitu ami Durability.
Nos. 1100 to 1200 , Tenth Avenue , Council BlulTslH. Telephone 1GO.
DR. C. B. J U DD ,
No. 60S Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
WANTED Good Salesmen on large commission or salary.
Call 011 imoIILICII , 5t8 : HroiKlwuy , Avltoru you will receive
tliu Highest Cash I'rloe.
Star Stables and Mule Yards
Uroadwuy , Council llluird , Upp. Dummy Depot
and mules constantly on hand , for
ealoatntnllorlncar load lots. . , .
Orders inomptly tilled by contract on short
htock sold on commission.
Telephone ) 111. bfllMITKIl .It IlOr.nV.
Dummy Depot Council IllulTs
$15 ,
Tlio MorrlH Tjp Writer IB n lu.irtlrul ,
madu .aid tlni'I ) niilshcd niiu him . .uulcoiaDliies
the pi'ifwct , V.H , , txiict alllKiuniiit , itnd
iiiiilu w ililnuof a lil li mltoilMllur Tile KOI-
fcON MIMI Olill.VI'II , tlie Ini < t upiiiruttis madu
for miuilfoldlni ; uiitoKrnpbU and t\p vrltir
work ; , lo l ropltman be t ikon ' 1 \ I'll WHITKU
Biijpllei ( fur suit ) B-nd 'IhuDx-
colxioi Co. , Council ll
Jluiitlon thin puper.
OFFICER & mil ,
WOUroadway Council IllulTs , Iowa. EstaulbUBj
K.7. _
_ _
It , ( ilt.VUL , .M.iiuif.utuier.
KO. 10 1 K. JJItOAlMVAV.
I U AM ) 1)1 ) AI I. It IN
NO. 521 MAIN RT. ,
A Tull Absortmcnt of Hnrne i Ooocls Con *
bluntly on Hand ,
Kcpalrlnj , ' Neatly nntl rioiiiptly DOM ,
NO. 2O5 MAIN ST. ,
1511 DOUGLAS Kl' . , OMAHA , MOU
D , II , McDANELD & GO , ,
Hides. Tallow , Pelts ,
Wool and Furs.
Highest Market Prices. Prompt
KO and 2 Mta Strcut.Couucll UluOi.Iowx U
of .It , 7