MStlP. 5PHE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY , JUNE 21. 188& THE SIIOOTIST'S ' SEC08D DAY , They Make Seine Good Scores Under Favorable Conditions. THE ATTENDANCE INCREASING. tTlio Contest For tlio State Clinin , Ion- fillip Diamond Undue to Take 1'lnco This Afternoon Other Sporting Invents. Tlio Stnto Tournninont , The second dny of tlio stnto trait-shooting tournament opened yesterday under cloudy skies , but with a good attendance , nnd favorable conditions for peed shooting. Tlio first event was a blue rock shoot , 13 yards rlso , $3.50 entrance. Appended ii tlio ncoro ! Ult. Mis * . McQundo 10 IWtenbender 10 Miller , 10 Smith. C. L 0 Crabill 10 Kotrhcm SI Duller 10 Hardln 11 Kennedy , 1U Nctlmway , . . . . 10 Humes 7 I'nrmaleo 9 Potty 8 Itnrdln fltHt money , $1'J.35 ; second money. $7.30 ; Crabill and Neathnwav divided ) third money , 8J.05 , Parmeleo nnd Kitchen. Tlio second event xvus eight pairs blue rocks , 10 yards rise. Thescoro : lilt. Miss. Crabill 8 8 Ketchom 13 4 name's 11 5 1'urmitlco 11 5 Kennedy 10 0 Ni'athaway 11 5 Hardln U 7 Co ry fi 11H MeKutcher 11 H Board 8 8 Smith 0 10 Petty 10 0 Harrison 1'J 4 Hcynolds 0 10 UlUcnbondor 8 8 McICutcher tool : llrst money , J2J.73 ; Ketch- cm utid Harrison , SIS ; thlra money , SU 10 , filiation for by I'.irnwlce , Barnes nnd Ncath- away , Humes winning. The following event was a live-bird match , 8 birds , ! 10 yards rlso , modiilod English rules , fit entrance. ThuBcoro : KURllC * 1 Kennedy 1 Nctlmway II Heard 1 Hen 1 llnrilln 1 Mwntor . . .1 Jinnies 0 Kot cliein 1 1'nrmelee 1 Bmltli 0 lllttciibeii 1 Claik 0 McOuado 0 U'nylor 1 6 Onilill ! 1 - Wilier 1 Hiirdln , Kctchcni , Pnrn divided ilrst money , ? 50.GO. The llrst event in the afternoon was 9 single blue rocks , IS yards rise , nnd 3 pairs 10 yards rise , entrance $3.50. Tlio score : Hit. Miss. Ncthaway f. U l Den . - 0 ( i MuKutchor 9 0 J tarries 0 0 Harrison 7 13 3 O'Neil 9 0 McQundo 13 D liounrdus 4 11 Miller : . 10 5 Koynolds 11 4 Crabill , J 10 ' 5 Taylor 10 5 Crnbilt , F 8 7 Atwatcr 7 8 Parinnloo 10 5 Hnrdin 18 3 Ulttonbcndor 11 4 Bmltli 0 C Ketchom 10 5 Beard 8 7 Nothaway first money , $ ! ( i.fiO : second tiionoy Hnrdin und Harrison divided , ' § 13.50 ; thin ] money , $13 , McQuado. The next event was 15 single blue roclcs , 18 yards rise , ? 5 entrance. The score : Hit. Miss. Notbawny 13 3 O'Neil 13 3 Harrison 13 3 Van 10 5 Clurlc 7 ' 8 1'urinuloo 15 0 UciirJ 11 4 Hat-din 13 3 Miller Ill 3 Crubill , F 13 8 Jjlttoaboudcr 13 8 Uames 13 8 Crubill , J 14 1 ( Taylor 10 5 Petty 14 1 jCcynolds 11 4 ( Smith 11 4 Atwater 11 4 Kctchcm 9 0 McQuado 9 fl 33re\vcr..s 13 H Salisbury 10 5 First money , $11) ) , Pnrmaleo ; second money , MO , J. Crabill ami Petty ; third money , $ M , ir Miller ; fourth money , $10 , llrower. The next shoot was 8 live birds , UO yards rise , modified English miles , & 7.50 entrance. U'lio score : Hit. Miss. 1 Den 1 Kelloei ? 7 1 Nutlmway 8 0 I'arnmlco 8 0 JJittenbondor 8 0 lliler 7 1 lurk 4 4 Itmlm 8 0 loKuteher 5 0i : i C eur ! l Vtwatcr 0 3 Urublll J 7 1 Jeard : 7 1 Ccteuom 8 0 imlth 8 0 , 'aylor 4 4 UrablllF 7 1 First money divided between HardlnNotli- iwayuud lllUenboiiiler , Jill ; second money Hughes. KolloBK and J. Crabill , 3 ; third money * 19..i , Atwutcr. The following event was 7 single blue rocks , IS yards rlso , entrance i2.5U , The BCOlOi Hit. Miss. Bnlisbury 0 3 liruwiir 13 0 FUehott IS 0 lion 7 5 Miller 13 U ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Biiillh. . . . . . . . . .V.V.V.V.V..V.V.V. . . . . U 3 CruWll J 11 1 McQuado 11 l UrablllF 11 1 llunlln 0 3 ' .Taylor 10 3 MiQuituo U 1 Ketchom. . . 9 3 KcllOKir 9 3 First money $ \ IJrowor ; second money 115. MrQuado ; third money J10 , Taylor. Tlio next event was 5 pairs live birds , 31 ynrds rise , 101) yards boundary , entry tf7. The ) ilttonbender 11 11 11 11' 10-9 Miller U 11 01 10 11-3 Hughes . . . . .10 11 U 10 11 3 Kotfhom 11 11 11 10 10-3 loii 01 10 10 It 11 7 r.irnmlee. , 11 01 11 11 10 3 Crubill J 11 11 11 11 01-9 McKutchor , . . . 10 11 00 00 00-3 Netlmwuy 10 11 11 01 01 7 Taylor 10 10 11. 11 01-7 The llrst money , $31.50 , dlvhli\l by Crabill and Hlttenbender ; the second money , Jib.IK ) , pividcd between Hughes , Miller and Ketchom ; third money , $13 , divided by Neth- kwuy and Den. The shoot for the states championship diamond mend badge takes place this afternoon , Dny Kvoittti. DAY , Juno 20. Races and winner * to-d ivy : Seven-eighths wile Amalgam won. Tat tier second , Long KuighL third. Time 1 .2T i' . Throo-fourths mlle Holiday tvon. Hudd- bNt second , Hello H third. Time 1 :15. : Oao und one-eighth miles Ucndigo won , Locust second , Tristan third. Tiuiu 1 :55J : | . Mile Kuitlnu won , Grover Clo'voluud vecouJ , Tuliudoo third. Tiuio 1 ; 42) { , Ouo uud tbroo-slxtooutUi uiilca Htsso June won , Lclogas second , Hen All third. Time 202l ; { Omj ana one-sixteenth mllw , on turf IVmtlac won , Kxilo second , Lancaster third , " \Vliccl Cltib Notes. The Omaha Wheel club have a tournament In Ulalr on the 4th of , Tuly , when slow races , track races , hurdle rixccs nnd safety races , will bo Indulged In. The city fathers have invited the boys , and a royal time Is antici pated. Lytlo , Clnrko and Mlltaucr with the best 100 mile record in the club , will repeat the race against tltno on the Hlair track. H. C. Crcar.v. Jim Joseph ) , Guy Mead , W. F. Crcnry , F. T. Mlttnucr nnd Frank Clark visited Hlair Sunday , Thn thermometer was 104s In the flhndc. Perry Hndollct's now safety has arrived and ho will bo with the boys In Hlnlr. The cloth for club uniforms has arrived , nnd Hclin & Thompson have been appointed the official tailors for the club. An Absolute Cure. The OniOINAI , A.HIETINE OINTMENT Is only put up In largo two ounce tin boxes , and Is nn absolute euro for old sores , burns , wounds , chapped ImtHs , nnd all skin erup tions. Will positively euro all kinds of pilots. Ask for the OUIQINAL AUIETINB OINT MENT. Sold by Goodman Drue Co. at 23 coats per box by mall 30 cents. A SMAtiLi lltOT. ristolg Drntvn , Ijlnks Thrown mi Clubs lined. The presence of the Pinkcrton men carne near resulting seriously yesterday nt the Tenth street crossing of the Union Pacific tracks. Fern tlmo It appeared ns though thcro would bo blood shed , but ono police man , Onlcor Itobblns , quelled the riot. As Is usual thcro arc two sides to nil questions , nnd In order to give each party n fair show , the testimony of both nro printed. About 7 o'clock In the mornlngaccording to the testimony of a gentleman named Smith , who Is n guest nt the St. James hotel , a young man was standing on the walk across the tracks apparently thinking of something. The Pinkcrton men , two abreast , wcro marching from their boarding house mid when they arrived nt the point whcro tlio young man was standing It is said that Ser geant Shelly , the commander of the squad , deliberately shoved him oft the walk. To tills the young man entered a vigorous protest , whereupon the Pinkies drew their clubs nnd threatened to annihilate him. Tlio young man still pro tested and was backed up against a Hag shanty and struck with u club. By this time the yardmen in the Union Pacific and several citizens flocked to the sccno and armed them selves with coupling pins und announced their Intention of wiping out the Pinlertons ? , who then drew tholr revolvers. What the outcome might have boon no ono knows , but at thisuncturoOfllcor ] llobbins appeared , and drawing his revolver ordered the Plnkorton men away. They then sneaked. The nbovo Is the story told by the outsldo parties , and much of it is corroborated by the police. Now comes Captain Foley of the Pinkcrtons and states that his men under command of Sergeant Shelly wcro coming down Tenth street , nnd when at the point in dicated they were encountered by some of the Union Pacific employes , who boeon hurlIng - Ing all manner of vile epithets at them. To this volley of nbuso the sergeant protested in a wild manner nnd received in reply an other large hunk of abuse. By this tlmo n crowd hud collected and Hilly East , nn em ploye of the Union Pacific , is said to have drawn a revolver at the sight of which the Pinkertons formed themselves into a hollovy square , drew their clubs and guns and pre pared for a siege when Officer Uobbius , of the police force , and Captain O'Connors came up. The latter ordered hfs men to work und the former dispersed the crowd. Ono of the Pinkertons claims to have been hit with a nicco of iron and ono of the others assorts that ho was bit with a club. The above comprises the statements of both 'sides. Who Is to blame cannot bo de cided but from nil reports it would appear that the Pinkcrton men acted rather hasty to say the least. The young man mentioned is not a railroader , in fuot ho is a plasterer from Council Hluffs. He had as much rightin the walk as any living man , nnd no one , not oven a police ofilcur , should molest him. him.Tho The police say that the Pinkcrtons wcro to blame. Citizens , not railroad men , having no connection with the affair , corroborate this statement. The Pinkcrtons say they were not. Ono thing Is certain. Tno men are somewhat excited , and there Is trouble brewing. The very presence of the Pinker- tons incite these who would otherwise bo peaceful to deeds which would not other wise bo committed. Personally the officers and men of the Pinkcrtons are pleasant , so ciable and very agreeable fellows. No ono who knows Foley would belicvo that ho would sanction any unwarranted proceed ings on the part of his men. All ngreo that the Pmkortons nro not needed. No trouble arises except when they nro present. _ Dr. McGrow , kidney , Rectal , & priv ate discuses , Room 1U , Bushman block Shetland ponv for fiiilo by George A. Kooline , Council Blull's. I1I2NO11 AM ) HAU. United States Court. The case of Henjamln Coy against the Union Pacific liallroad company was called for hearing yesterday before Judge Dundy. The suit Is for personal damages. Coy , in stepping from the platform of the dummy train nt South Omaha in February , IBS * , was struck by n passing freight train and , ns ho claims , severely injured. The accident took phico before daylight in the morning and , according to the statement of Coy , was duo to the negligence and bad man agement of the company's train service at that station. Ho asKs f 10,000 damages at the of the . hands company. _ _ Dlhtriot Court. SEVERAL LASD SUITS. Actions wcro commenced against Individu als and the city of Florence yesterday by Edward Hooves , Henry T. Porter , Cornelius Christian and John Stalon to recover prop erty claimed to bo owned by them In Flor ence. Summons and notices of publication wcro issued , and interesting law suits will bo the outcome , County Court. JUDGMENT AGAINST WIHOIIT. E. G. Howzor yesterday secured a Judg ment in the sum of $23 $ against D. C.Wright. COXT1NUIUJ TO JULY. The action of U , S. Erb et al against the Omaha National bank was yesterday con tinued by agreement until July 10. I.KITEIIS OP ADMIXISTIUTIOX. Letters of administration was yesterday granted to William Morlson In the estate of Alfrudn H , Pinkhain , deceased. WANT THEM TAT. Cunningham Hrothors yesterday brought suit against J. Harris to collect 1100 duo on morchaiidUo. I'ollcu Court. A warrant was issued yesterday for the arrest of John Doe , real name unknown , for stealing a silver watch valued at $7 from Ucorgo Urown. A warrant was also issued for the arrest of P. A. Ocorgo for llghtinu and disturbing the peace with Edward Bostreet. O. M. Glbony. John Hurko , Tom Hurko , Charles Olson , Andrew Huston ana John Dugan were arrested for drunkenness last night and dis charged by the court this morning. Charles Maxoy and Pat Kearney , arrested for the same offense , were llnod { 5 and given one day in Jail respectively. W. T , E. Peterson , Lew Huwklas and W. Turnhum were a < rested for lighting , and their case continued until the 22d. Drink Malto at soda fountain. Two Small Fires. The flre depart raoiit was called out to two small llrcs last evening , The llrst alai m was given ahoitly before 5 o'clocl , and was caused by a blaze In tlio roof of a saloon on tluo corner oLTwolfth and Chicago streets. The flro-was. extinguished Jafter doing only about 50 worth of damage. The building U owned by Fred Krug and occupied by Hart & ICilli- Ban. A stovcptpo passing through the roof was the rauso of the flro. The other alarm was sounded nt nbout,7r : 0 nnd called the department to Twontv-soventh nnd Chicago streets , where n barn owned uy C. F. Courtney was In flames. The nlnrm was given too late to do any good and the structure was burned to the ground. About ? 250 worth of hayntid grain was nlso con sumed. Tlio total damngo Is estimated at $050 nnd the Insurance Is but $500. The cuuso of the fire is unknown. When you need n , friend select n turo ono. Dr. Jones' Rod Clever Tonic is the best friend mankind lias for all dis eases of the llvor nnd kidneys. The best blood purifier and tonio known. GOo. Goodman Drug company. The llixcbuil Pliyslclnn. D. J. M. Woodburn , the young gentleman who has boon Intimately associated with musical matters m this city , also n promin ent member of the Turn Vcrcln , and for some tlmo deputy to County Clcak Itochc , Is about to resume the practice of his profes sion , having been appointed physician at the Husebud agency. Piorec's Pleasant Purpativo Pellets Possess Powerful Potency , Pass Pain lessly , Promote Physical Prosperity. lorlins | ou Sumlny Noxt. The management or the cable Tramway company nro bonding every effort to got the Twentieth street line in readiness for next Sunday. They Imvo some doubt of being successful , however. The patronage on the "stubs" now In operation Is quito large , es pecially in the evenings and on Sundays when pcoplo want n cool ride. It is claimed the receipts ere largely In excess of what the managers hoped for. ' Its superior excellence proven m millions of homos { or more than a quarter of n century. 11 IH used by the United States Government. In- ! dorsedby thoheads of thoifrent universities as the strongest , mil ust nnd mot healthful. Or , 1'rlce-s Crumn flaking Powder docs not contain ammonia , llino nrulnm. Sold only in onus. I'KICIi ItAKINH I'OWDtlt CO. . Now York , * Chicago. St. Louts The best end Barest Ilmedy for Cure of all diseases caazcd by any derangement of the Liver , Kidneys , Stomach and Bowels. Dyspepsia , Sick Headache , Conntipatlon , Bilious Complaints and tl&Iarla of ell Linda yield readily to tlio beneficent influence of It la pleasant to the teste , tones np the syttom , restores and pretends health. It la purely Vegetable , cad cannot fall to prove beneficial , both to old and young. Ae a Blood Purifier it Is nuperior to ell ethers. Bold everywhere at 61.00 a bottle. iCrab Orchard WATER. NATURES' GREAT REMEDY. .A. r csTivs3 crrns r-on Dyspepsia , SM-Hdacli ; , Constipation Crab Orchard \Vntor Co. Louisville , Ky. IVho from FoilTrnortnre or Vice lui-o icrlomlr lnM Ihelr Vlullir or OiUlltaicd Ihrlr Kcrvoui hyiiriu. Incipuluted for lU Muilr Pullet or Uf wui Cut a perfect rt tor tl < m lo Ueillh. Ktrensrth mil Ilokuit Minliwut In iln „ .oxvi v-iiia 3n.MaT33 JTi.d In nT FnucHo'Blul. . Mj lira . " 1 1' NjJ y < ! t WorlJ1' of B.i. | S. Th T/lbnii * 4 K fcf Julr W , "Tiatutlt ! dfi U pll ax" of June , wj Urrt Biodlfal ieurml. F r CouiulutlM IMtll or U F r on wllli < mr Rtorsinlied 1/oniaUloif IJcaru. f U i.uju aikUr rnlottd l jkrouth r.n , vi H Jt ot.Lc. i , . . . fr".r..r.n ! MEN ! , i viiu , ! ; ; . . Ui lrN rTOH. SMUm. ft&4 Dr.lo.d tuj Kii tT U4tfe IrPowtiu ( 'OLDER MEN , , . | , , . ' . . , , . . . . tortlrwtikfU.UauJ wtd Cud * . ! TUnrvm or toUllr Ur.ll f row.rl .1.0 ta MARBItO MEN OR Ul MIRI ) wk < dr.ll Ik.lrwTCftV.or V .r.clllur SPLENDID ILLUSTRATED MEDICAL WORK FREE. FREE CONSULTATION ( by Mall or In P-rion > WITH A FULL MEDICAL CONSULTING ! DOARD OF O PHYSICIANS. UYA.ICOmt RADICALLY CVDCO WITHOUT ePCRATIOV.-n CIVIALE REMEDIAL AQENCV. 1.0 Fulton Strut. New York ail satisfaction In tb euro of Gonorrha ? * and Gleet. T prcicrlbe U and feel ate lu recommend- lag It to all tutTertn. A.J , bTOSEH , B.D. , Dtciiur lll. . Bold by DruggUli' AOVIOB FRES. HOW TO ACT. IfOitVfrorandUanboodRMtoied. l'ro milot. ixcllnt and functional dltor. ( IA ul8tOu > cti Uvdlciael. iM at fr CD appllcatlcn. Continental Clothing House , To the "Wholesale and Retail Trade of the West. The opportunity of a lifetime for cash buy- ers throughout the west. Extraordinary closing sale. Unapproachable bargains to close the season in every department , Our limited space prevents us'nicn- nndtrimmcd in llrst class manner nnu Knee Pant Suite , embracing thrco dif Uonlnc bul very few of the bargain lots perfect fitting. Wo offer this lott. ferent styles , which wo have marked at olToroil , but wo guarantee from now tin- close nt the unheard of price of $9.50 the extraordinarily low price of $2.60 to til July 4ll\ , greater bargains in fine Remember this lot is all in double close. Sizes from t to 14 years. Send l\eady-Mftclo Clothing , Furnishing breasted Sack Suits. for sample suit. You will bo bettor Goods , H'tits nud Caps , thnn were over pleased with them than nnytnin ? wo before quoted. by any llrm in the cloth have shown you nt this price boforo. ing business In the west. No old goods Lot 3MO. Wo offer 100 suits , ' which Lot 2811 nnrt 2889. Boys' Long Pant ut any prlco. . The goods offered to you will positively bo tno last of this lot of Suits. Wo offer in this lot which em nt this snlo nro nil now , made up within the celebrated Sawyer Woolen Co's braces two styles. Boys' strictly all the last ninety days. goodt of which wo have sold hundreds wool cassimcrs KHCK suits , coat , pants during the last two months. Wo offer nnd vest , in dark nnd medium colors READ THE LIST , SEE THE PRICES 100 of the neatest styles of thcso famous for boys from 10 to 14 years of ago. This It will amply repay the expenses of a goods to close at the remarkably low suit was made to sell at $10 but wo wish trip to Omaha by any man , woman or prlco of $12. This suit is retailed by to reduce our stock of them immediate child wanting $10 worth of clothing. every house in the country at S18. Wo ly and offer them at this sale to close As specimens of the different bargain have never offered a bargain that has for only SO per suit. Kvory garment is lots comprised in this lot , wo mention a given such universal satisfaction as this warranted strictly all wool now frpsh few as follows , with a guanui too that suit. All sizes at the same price $12. goods. Remember the price $0. the small number specially mentioned tire no moro attractive pr desirable bar GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS DE gains than hundreds of others to bo Lot 3. Wo offer 600 pairs best fancy PARTMENT. found in every doim-tmonl of our estab Casslmero Pantaloons , goods that were In this department wo announce the lishment during this sale. made to sell for $7.50 and $3this season. sale of 300 dozen Gents' Fancy Shirts. Goods made by the Globe Woolen Co. , This entire lot was maaufactui'cd ' ex Lot 4187. On Monday wo will place on Rock Manufacturing Co. . Hoekanum pressly for this season's trmlo , wo have our counters 401) ) plain blncU pure all Mill , Droadbrook Mills , and other man a largo stock of them on hand nnd offer wool imported Whipcord Suils in full ufacturers of equal reputation. They them at 50 per cent loss than the overage - weights , suitable for use in this climate nro in regular sizes , and na nlco styles ago prlco to close thorn out. All now ton months of the year. These wuits nro as wo have in our stock at any price.Wo patloans , most desirable styles , fast absolutely now , fresh from the work find that wo hove a surplus of these line colors , perfect fitting and perfectly shop. and never shown on our counters goods and wo do not wish to carry them made in every respect , regular prices before. Suits made up in the very lat over , and have consequently made the which were from $1 to 81.75. ThiHontl est style 4 button cutaway frook , which uniform price of $5 per pair for tlio en lot in all sizes from 14 to 10 nnd \ neck wo ofior in all sixes from 35 to 41. Wo tire line. Those goods arc of the very wo offer at 75 cents each. Order for half Blmll offer this frock suit atlo per suit. best workmanship , uud equal to any $10 dozen lots no less , Wo have not another word to snv about custom pantaloons. Price during this Parties at n distance ordering these this lot , excepting this , that we have lots will please ( jive us size of colltxr . will be3. closing sale - . and this is nil that is in bold precisely the tame suit ovei ; bince worn necessary our btoro was opened for S22 , and never order to ( jot a perfect lit. less. In our Boys' and Children's depart Men's Half Hose 75 cents per pair. Wo less.Lot . ° > .r 3G. Wo offer 150 Mens' Doublu ment we offer an EXTRAORDINARY offer 850 dozen of Men's Fancy Half Breasted Sack Suits , regular sizes from line of bargain , particularly in Short Hose at 75 cents per dozen to close. , ' ! o to B5of the celebrated Slater Flannel Pant Suits. Our space will not permit Regular 81.50 goods to bo sold only in all wool and guaranteed full indigo. of our enumerating the different bar do/.on lots at the remarkably low price floods made by the celebrated Sinter gains in this dcnartmont , however , wo of 75 cents per dozen , in sizes from 0 to Woolen Co. , of Webster , Mass. Made will mention one , a lot of 250 Boys' Sample suits of any of these lota will be sent 0. O. D. with the privilege o examination to any address in Nebraska , Iowa Colorado , Kansas , "Wyoming , Dakota and Montana. Preeland , Loomis & Co. NEW YORK DES MOINES Proorietorsj I Corner Douglas and'15th Sts. , Omaha , Neb. Largest Clothing House West of the Mississippi River , 1 quote tlio above subject not for an argument , but for a business principle which 1ms been our trade murk daring our business career , and has helped materially to build up our vast trade. When a man purchases a Suit or Clothes with the understanding that satisfaction is guaranteed lie feels perfectly safe as to the quality and good service of the garment. THE MISFIT CLOTHING PARLORS 1119 FAftNAM STREET , 1110 is the only house in the city that has pursued this honest business method , and have therefore gained the couli < lence of the public. We have lately received from prominent Merchant Tailors throughout the country an elegant assortment of fine custom made clothing which we ofler at the following SPRING SUITS J CORRECT STYLES ELEGANTLY MADE and TRIMMED $ 9.50 buys a Seymour Sack Suit , which was made to order for $20. 11,50 buys a One Button Sack Suit , which was made to order for $22. 13.75 buys a Straight-cut Sack Suit , which was made to order for $28. 16.00 buys a Railroad Sack Suit , which was made to order for $30. 2O.OO buys a Four Button Cutaway Suit , which was made to order for $40. 24.00 buys a One Button Cutaway Suit , which was made to order for $5O. 28. 50 buys a Bannockburn Cheviot , sack or frock , which was made to order for $60. SO.OObuys a Crepe Worsted , ( imp. ) 4-Button Cutaway , which was made to order for $65. NOBBY DESIGNS AND BEAUTIFUL FINISH. $18.00 Buys a C'assiniere Prince Albert Suit wlilcli was made to order for $37. $22.50 Buys a Cheviot Prince Albert Suit , wliicli was made to order for $45. $85.50 Buys a Corkscrew Prisice.Albart Suit , wliicli was made to order for $50. ' $30.00 Buys a ETobby Pin Check , light color , which was made to order for $6O. $35.00 Buys an Imported Worsted , satin lined , which was made to order for $7O. $4O.OO Buys a Clay Worsted , silk lined , which was made to order for $80. A HolMy < tn < l Complete line ofraiitdloonsfi'otii $2.75 to $10. All altcrnlloiis to Improve a fit done free of chttrqc. 1119 PARNAM STREET. 1119. Three Doors East of I2th Street Omaha , Neb. Mail Orders Promptly Attended to. Ilfmark-able for powerful iympa- tbetlu tonu. pllubta action und Jl > aolute ( luralillllr. 3J years' rtcord tin beat KUarnntaa of the excel- lance of tnesa liistrunimta. ionul Haul. U , S. DEPOSITORY , OMAHA , NEB. Paid Up Capital $250,000 Surplus 50,000 II. W. VATKS , President. LLHiriH. llKKD , vice President. A. K. TOUZAI.IN , 2nd 'lc President. > \V. 11 B HudriEJ , I'ushto W. V. MOUSE , JOHK9.COI.MS9 , II.V , VATEU. J.KWIS S. lltew , O.Uce-A E-Touz 'N- Banking . - THE IRON BANK , Corner 12th and Kurnuin S. K. FELTOH & CO. , \Vaiei1 \ Ws Couti'dctors ' And Mnmifacturers1 Agents for WATER WORKS SUPPLIES , Of all description ! . Hydraulic Engines , Surveys. De tail Plans and Specifications. Furnished on Short Notice. Correspondence Solicited. Office , Straus's ' Bnilng , Fourth Floor , OMAHA , NEBRASKA , E.T.Allen , M. D. , Homoeopathic Specialist , EVE THROAT tit AND NOSE , Bptctaclts Accurately 1'ietcrlbiKl. BL'lt , , O31AJ1A NOWS THE TIME To liavo your friends coiuo to KA.VfJA.S AM > MMIUASILA An Kastcrn lines jvlll Hull tlckula and run SEMI-MONTHLY LAND EXCURSIONS OVEltTIIK Union Pacific "The Ovorluiiii Until July 1 , Jg8S , tickets hold tar Iliono oxcur- ous will ba ( jood thirty ilaya for tliu round trip and can Lu usud ten duyti golui ; . When jmr- rhasers ure ready to retui n , tliem llcltott will be good live days for that purpose. If jiurchnxuri ) wish 10 stop ahoi t of ilcMtluatlon on our llnuj. ngcnurlll Btwnp tickets good to return from xucli point. , a n. P. .igmt & OMAHA. N U OW 3O &AYS' TRIAL. THIS HEW a , J' > 1 dlitfrcnt froin T | uthrrii < cup > bi | > c. wllli ticlf- Kdjuil'nir ' Hull In cinUr , ad pti M'f to all | j ltloiu of tb toJjr. vrlilln lioliiiili > cup preaeea hack per * , i. the ) Ieral T It ltJ w-curtlr d'f and nlifUt. auil a. radii. * ! curoortaln , Itlirair CaraWoaml rhrau. Heiitby rnall UrcuUr.Jreo. , ftlTuirtM IBCM Ui.UltXtaU. Or tUo Liquor Ifnblt , Pogltholy Cured L/ AdmluIstcrJiigDr. Jlalncft' Guidon Specific. It can to given In a cup of coffen or ton with out the Knowledge ot the person luting It ; abso lutely harmless , und will effect a permunent nnd upeeay cure , whether the patient la u moderate drinker or nn alcoholic wreci. 'Jhoueands of I drunkards have been wade tumperato men who have taken Uoldeu Hoeclllo In tnelr coireevHU - out tliuir knowledge and today believe they quit drinking of their own fiee will. It never fnlli. The xydtem once impregnated With tha BpoclUc , It becomes an utter Impossibility for the liquor appetlto to exist , I'orsulo by Kuhn & Co. , 16th aud Douglas uts , aim 18th and Cum < Ing BIS. , Omahu , Ntsb. ; A. i ) . J'osu-r i ; llro. , lena JUOICIOU8 AND PERSISTENr' AUvDitisliig JIM uhuiytf prote * Bucot-eaful , llofoio iiiacltnany Nowepapor Advcrtlilnir consuft LORD & THOMAS. m iincuTifiiM ; niMS , < l I * 9 < U il l l' Slrwt , CHICAGO. " DREXEL & MAUL , ( Fucceiaois to John (1 Jn obi.i Undertakers & Embalmera M the old nanJ , ll')7 ' ritrnain St ( ) rd"r b | lOlldtcd nud promptly attftUjd 'I'uli ilint'.H to.NO "j