_ _ , . _ _ , _ - „ , . „ _ , _ . _ THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY , JUNE 21 188a * ' THE DAILY BEE. > KVHIIY MOIIMNG. TRIIMS OF sunscmrnoN. wr ( Morning Kdltlon ) including Sunday Jlrr , One Vfnr . , . "J JJ } ror Six Months . . . V.ffi i'orThrce Months . . . . . . . v i w Tim Qmnh& Sunday Ilr.B , mailed to any nil- dress , One Year . . 3 ° ° OMAHA OrricR. Nos.MUfinninrAnxAMRTnKr.T. Nr.w YoiiKOrricR. HOOVB 1 AM > ifiTiunuNis JIVIMIINn. WAfllllNOTON Omen , 1XO C13 rot" HTBBJctH STUEET. connnsroNDENcK. All enmmunlrntlons relMIng to news and edl- torinl mutter shouia bo addressed to tlio Lotion Alltniolnpsn letters ami remittances fihotild bo addressed to TUB IIKF. runr.isiusn COMI-ANV. OMAHA , Drafts , checks ana poitolllco orders to bo made payable to the onlcr of the company. v Tlic Bee PnttisMnFcipany , Fronriclors U. ROSEWATEU , Editor. THIS DAIIjY HER. Sworn Btntcmcnt of Ciroulntlon. Btntf of Nebraska , I.- fount y of Douglas , ) " " Oeo , U. Tzschuck , secretary of The Ue I ul > - HMitng cotnpnn ) ' . does solemnly swear that th actualclrculaUon of the Dally llco for the week ending Juno 15,1888. was as follows : Batunlny. Juno 0. . IK.MO Hunilny , Juno 10 JS- Moml y. Juno 11 \W \ $ Tuesday , Juno 12 JJ.oa > Wrdnesany. June 13 18.O17 Thursday , Juno 14 ; 3' ! > . . Friday , Juno .5 .18.31) Average 18.175 OKO. 11. TZSCHUCK. Bworn to before mo and subscribed In my presence this lUthdnyoMnnr- ) . , 1883. . . , N. l . FK1L , Notary Public. Btatoof Nebraska. I , _ County of Douglas , f Bl B > George II. Tzschuck , being first duly sworn , depot-CM ami says that ho Is gocretnryot Tlio HCB Publishing company , that the nctual nverapo dally circulation of the Dally lleo for the montli of Juno , 1OT was 14,117 copies ; for July. IfcM , 14,093 copies ; for August , 18ST. ll.litl copies ; for September. 1837 , H.34SI copies : for October , 1PS7.14.SK1 copies ; for November , 18M. 16.ni copies ; for Dccumbor , JtS7 , IIUMl copies ; for January. ll SS. 18,9)0 ) cop ies ; for rcbnmry. 1B8S , 1IJ.WB copies ; for March , 1H-8 , ly.Ctfl copies ; for April , 1BW , 18,744 coploi ) , for May. IE * 1R.W coplc R TZSCHUCK. Bworn to before mo and subscribed In niy presence this 10th day of June , A. 1) . 18SS. N. 1' . FKIJj Notary 1'ubllo. AVKKAGEJUILY CIRCULATION lS,17o Total for the lock - - -127,225 Mas. Cor.iiY nniiounccs in her an's ' 2'n'tttic that "Firth , Neb , , has an artillery battery composed of ladies. " It might bo well for future political conventions to make a note of this fact. CiiAur.KY GIIEENK tried to climb the ladder of oratory after the manner of liis moro illustrious predecessor. But the convention pulled him down by the tails bcforo ho got beyond the fourth round. Till ! late Emperor Frederick was an author of considerable merit. Ho made u visit to Egypt in 1876 , on the occasion of the formal opening of the Suez canal , and on his return homo wrote a book entitled "My Journey to the Orient. " A TKMU'HONK line eight hundred miles long , from Marseilles to Paris , lias just been completed. Recent experi ments with a thick bronze wire show that the human voice can thus bo as .easily hoard u thousand miles as ono. IT begins to look as if the good things the obituary writers were ready to say concerning General Sheridan may bo indclinilely postponed , for ho is getting better. Ilia mother sustained four such shocks and eho only died last week , at the ago of eighty-seven. Mus. CLKVULAND is an enthusiastic admirer of lawn tennis. It is said that the president refuses to play. Quito probable. Grover , with his two hun dred and - forty pounds of llesh , would look about its well in ono of those lawn tennis suits as a Washington pie woman in a pull-back. TllAlK robbing in Texas and the Bouthwost has recently assumed such prominence- that it may well bo classified as ono of our " infant industries. " But Btranco as it may ecom , that is the only industry not clamoring for "protection" at the hands of congress. THIS Cniiadiuiis suggest that the prcs- idontiul campaign in the United Slated l > o made a war of the roses. That is , the democrats shall adopt the rod rose , while the republicans wear the white rose. No. Lot the democrats Haunt F the red bnndnnn ; the stars and stripes nro good enough for us. IT is said that a great Mormon exodus to Mexico is taking place from Utah. This looks like jumping from the frying pan into the fire. The Mexican people , with all their faults , take anything but kindly to polygamy. It will bo a sorry ( Jay for tlio Mormon bishops and elders who trillo with Mexican prejudices. COMMISSIONER ATKINS , of the Indian bureau , lias bent in his resignation to the president , which should bo accepted without delay. Mr. Atkins has the senatorial bee in his bonnet and is al ready making a canvass of Tennessee. In consequence the Indian service has boon neglected and abuses have crept in during Mr. Atkins' administration. Till' extension of the eight hour law to letter carriers which goes into effect July 1 , will involve , in the opinion of the postmaster general , tlio cmploy- montof at least one-fourth moro than tlio present force at tin additional expense of ovpr a million dollars a year , This shows to what extent that arm of the civil eorvico has been over-worked The new law bhortoning the hours o labor is timely and just. Of all the faithful and Important employes of the government , the letter carriers deserve 310 less considerate treatment than is ? accorded to the other classes of public bervunts. IT is claimed that the eastern trunl lines defiantly disregard the inter-state commerce law. From the evidence taken before the committee' in Now York labl week it scorns that the charge is true , Albert Funk , commissioner foi the trunk lines , testified : "There are thousands of tricks by which the rail roads violate the law und It la almost JR * * * impossible to detect tjiom. Tlobatoiaro granted in the form of disguised allow ances so artfully framed that infringe incut qf the law is most difficult to prove. " These monster corporations observe no law that impaird theii shanco to grab everything in sight. Anjjry NrhrnBknnn. Tlicro Is something rotten In the state of Nebraska ns represented In tlio Chicago con- cntlon. Ko owatcr , of Ornnhn , Is not the only angry protcstnnt. Various republican ncw8pni > ors of the stnto record tboir opposl- Ion to the delegation ns it will ontcr the convention. The burden of complaint Is that hrough the cnrolcssnesi of the republican' voters who did not attend the primaries n delegation was elected by a packed convcn- Ion \vhoo lenders wcro the solicitors of lirco railroad corporations nml whose mem bers "nro nil picked railroad tools. " The averment In made that "tho delegation docs lot nt all rcprcsont the sentiment of Nc- jrnskix's people , but only the Interests and orders of the railroad magnates , " If the icoplo of Nebraska are In oamctt In their ipposltlon to corporate aggression , especially 'rom railroads , they will not pin their faith .0 any hope of correcting what they call the lacking whereby railroad tools nro sent to .ho convention at Chicago. They will show heir sincerity and good sense by letting the Nebraska delegation do its voting for Dcpow or any other railroad magnate or protege whllo they themselves turn in and support Cleveland and Tliunnan. C/ifcayo / Times. It is not necessary that the people of M'ebrasim shall support the democratic ticket iu order to free themselves from corporate aggression. The remedy does not llo in that direction. The evi dence is that the influence of the cor porations is qulto as potent with the democratic as with the republican party. Wo do not recall any instance in which the former has particularly distinguished itself by championing the interests of the ticoplo as against the corporations , The truth is there is not much to bo hoped for from either party under existing conditions , since both eeem to bo about equally anxious not to olTond cornorato power. A committed of the democratic house of representa tives has been since early in the session considering bills relating to the obliga tions of the Pacific railroads to the Tovornmont , but it is too cowardly to propose any action. There has boon a jroat deal of talk in the same body about legislation for the regulation or suppression of trusts aud similar mo nopolistic combinations , but thus far it lias amounted to nothing. The national democratic platform contains not a single line condemning corporate ag gression. These facts give no assur- incu that anything is to be.expected troin the democratic party for remedy ing the abuses and exactions of cor porate power. The trouble is iu the apathy of the people , and their readiness to bo played upon and hoodwinked by the plausible , unscrupulous , over-vigilant and overactive - active emissaries of the corporations. But there has been a worse situation of affairs than exists to-day , bad as it waste to allow ten representatives of the rail road corporations to go to Chicago from Nebraska , and that blunder has effected an awakening that can hardly fail to bring some compensating results. The lionost masses of Nebraska republicans will , wo believe. , bo less indifferent and more active and vigilant hereafter in guarding their interests. And if they will courageously assort themselves they have the power to relieve the pcoplo from corporate aggression. In Case ol' a Deadlock. A deadlock in the national republican convention is not improbable. The sup porters of the several candidates express a determined purpose to steadfastly ad here to their first choice , and if this spirit is really as strong and earnest as it appears to bo a long struggle is in evitable. But deadlocks must be sooner or later broken , and if there shall boone ono at Chicago the interesting question is , upon whom may the nomination fall when the break comes V In the event that after several days of balloting it should bo very clearly demonstrated that none of the men now prominent as possible candidates could got the nomination , what other dis tinguished republicans are in reserve to some ono of whom the convention might rally V It is doubtless the very general opin ion that in such a case Mr. Blaine would receive tlio nomination. It is also a very common belief that the un yielding friends of that leader in the convention will omit no olTort to bring about a deadlock , with the idea of forc ing the convention to nominate Blaino. If there is such a plan wo do not believe it will succeed. Wo have no doubt a largo majority of the members of the convention are thoroughly imbued with the feeling that it would bo a grave injustice to Mr. Blaine to attempt to force the candidacy upon him. It is not his closest und truest friends who are insisting upon placing Him in a false position before the country , and thereby embarrassing him and the party. The men who will not sco that by the explicit terms of his last latter Mr. Blaine could under no circumstances accept a nomination are not those who have had the best means of knowing him and can understand how ho must regard such blind zeal. But it is the men who by reason of thoii intimate knowledge of Mr. Blaine have the host right to speak for him who will oxorelso the largest intluonco upon the convention , and this will bo oxortet to have his plainly expressed will re spected , Wo do not believe , therefore , that n deadlock would result in the nomina tion of Mr. Blaine , although on the break ho would doubtless receive a con siderable number of votes , There are several conspicuous and worthy repub licans whoso claims to consideration would grow into largo proportions if the exigency of a deadlock should force at tention to them. Ohio has two in McKinley and Foraker , Illinois could ofTer Cullom , Kansas has In galls , Now York could present Hisuock , and still the reserve of good men would not bo exhausted. There is no reason why the republican party should force a nomination upon any ono or select ns its candidate u man under whom it wouli have to fight on the defensive , ns would bo the cube , for example , with Dope was thn standard bearer. The Virginia Contest. The contest carried Into the national convention by the republican factions of Virginia is to bo regretted on several accounts. In the first place it has. pro duced some discord , the effect of which has perhaps bcqu to create antagonisms that may romaln > It forbids the hope of being able to unite the party in Vlr- jlnla for the next election , and thoro- ore the idea of many republicans that there would bo a fighting chance in that stnto this year must bo abandoned. Us determination by the con volition cannot jo satisfactory to all republicans outside of Virginia , and there will thus bo fur nished a cause for disaffection that may mvo a moro extended ill effect than would now be supposed. The republican ) arty needs perfect peace and harmony n its ranks. The contest was foreshadowed mouths ngo. Such republican loaders in Vir ginia asViso and Brady long since declared - clarod a revolt against the autocratic domination sought to bo maintained by Mahono , and they are men of such ability and character as to draw to .hcmselvcs n largo following from the jotter clement of Virginia republicans. They had borne with the tyrannical and otherwise questionable methods of Mahono as long as it was possible to cn- duro them. Last fall Congressman Brady publicly proclaimed his roputl la- Lion of Mahonoism , accompanying the announcement with some very ex plicit and grave statements as Lo the course of Mahone. It was charged that ho was not only un trustworthy politically , but wanting in honesty in other respects. Mahono attempted a defense , but there wore not great many prepared to accept it. The bettor , though perhaps not the larger , class of republicans in Virginia followed the example of Wise and Brady , and the factional fight has been waged moro or less fiercely over since. It is not questionable that the repub lican parly in Virginia would bo very much better olT if it were wholly free from the counsel and influence of Ma hono. If there was over a time when ho had a just claim to its confluence , it has long gene by. lie possesses good fighting qualities , but in all other rc- spoots ho is totally unfitted for a leader , at least at this time. There is no more selfish politician in the country , and none more arrogant and tyrannical when successful. His character and methods are in no small degree responsible for the fact that Vir ginia is now in democratic control , and it is hardly possible that it will bo in any other so long as any considerable part of the republican party in the slate supports Mahonoism. A Serious Ohnrgc. At the last meeting of the city council Mayor Broateh in a communication pre fers charges of collusion between cer tain contractors and members of the city government. In very plain terms the mayor asserts that undue influences have been brought to bear upon the board of public works to favor con tractors as against the city. It is not likely that the mayor in tended to convey the impression that members of the board had accepted money for their votes in behalf of con tractors. Had that been the case ho would have said so in plain terms. In the light of recent action of certain councilmen - men before the board , it isquite probable that the mayor is directing his shafts at them. All this trouble has b < 5on brought about by negligent contractors who have never kept faith with the city. They should bo compelled to be honest or quit. HOWEVISK brilliant John M. Thurs- ton may have been as an orator , his se lection ns temporary chairman was a grave mistake which 'may react bor- iously on the party. The manly protest of Kansas in the open convention was an ominous warning that should have been heeded. But Kansas was not the only state to enter her disapproval. The very fact that in the committee John M. Thurston was saved only by the casting vote of Chairman Jones is the unmis takable handwriting on the wall that the west repudiates railroad interfer ence. But it was California which took the selection of John M. Thurston with alarm. The fact that this corporate lawyer had beaten her own candidate , if only by a single vole , will bo received on the Pacific slope as an indorsement of monopoly. Those arc the signs iu the heavens which the Chicago convention can not fail to heed. The muttoringsof the tempest come from below the horizon zen , but the thunder was sufllciontly distinct to warn the convention not to invite the deluge. By the admission of Mr. Depow's own organ , the Jlutl und Express , his nom ination by the Chicago convention'would seriously endanger the party's chances in California , Colorado , Iowa , Kansas , Michigan , Minnesota , Nebraska and Nevada. To this number must bo added Illinois and Wisconsin , the loss of which would defeat the republican nominee , although Mr. Dcpow would bo certain of the doubtful states No w York , Indiana and Now Jersey. It is folly therefore for the delegates of the "granger states , " carried away by the enthusiasm of the moment , to assure Mr. Donow that "any republican can carry a republican atato , " It is well to remember that delegates do not carry the votes of their respective states in their pockets. It is a long time between now and the 7th of November , and the "granger states' would have plenty of leisure to think over the action of their too zealous dele gates in nominating a railroad attorney for the presidency. ONic hundred and ten railroads for May , 1888 , show a gain in gross earn ings as compared with the correspond ing month of last year. For April , 18S8 , the gain \yasover 8 per cent. There has not been a month this year in which the tondonoy in. earnings has not been up ward and has not exceeded the returns for the months of 1887. This too in the face of ficrco railroad wars , strikes and inter-state and state restrictions. A Sure I'rcillctlon. Olnbe Democrat. Only days until the nomination of the next president of the United States. Only a Frrljjlit Tracer. C'/iloiau Nevt. UTIOA , N. Y. , Juno 15. The Hon , Chaurt- cdy M. JJop.ow came In on No. 4 'to-day and will proceed westward to-night on No. 7. Ho told Ch.arUo.'Y/igglns , tlio yardmustcr , thut ho was not seeking a. notnltatiou train tut ) republican convent ion , but thnt he was going to Chicago to look up some lo t freight cars. Nofln I'rolilb. Allen G. Thurm'nn Is n good man ; but ho will never bo quoted by n temperance society M n proof of IhJ longevity duo to total abstinence , j _ Mr. Sninpson of Oinnh.t. r/if / < Ki0 > Tribune. "Ar.d now , If you lllto , " said the Chicago man to his guest , ' 'wo ' will go and take a look at the gallery of the art Institute. " "Darn the art Institute , " responded the visitor , n gentleman from Omaha ; "what I want' to sco Is your biggest hog packing es tablishment. " _ _ Sizing Up the Dec. Kamna City Time * . Edward Uosowator , of Otnnha , will un doubtedly keep his word and bolt the ticket If DeK\v ) ) Is nominated at Chicago. Mr. Ilosowater Is only three feet four inches In lielght , but his convictions nrcavory positive and tils bump of combattvcncss abnormal. furthermore , the little man has a following. 13 c warned in time , Hiittniiliollnc. Clilcauo iVcti'j. A timorous looking man stopped Into the Grand 1'aciflc hotel yostordny , and circula ted among the assembled delegates. This Is what ho heard : "Ah , governor , glad to sco you. " "Hello Judge , when did you pet Inl" "Come , general , and tnkc something. " "Now , senator , as I was saying " Hut just then the timorous looking man broke for the door as hard as ho could run. An acquaintance stopped him. "Let loose of me , " ho panted. "I'm going out to borrow n title of n friend. I don't Uaro register In hero without one. " How Clovclnnil Cotilil Win. JVciD Yin It Herald. Colonel John Oclilltroo thinks that among presidential candidates Sheridan wouljl have hnd the strongest pull In the south. South ern men like n gallant soldier. Sheridan was bravo enough to light the s'binli , nud ho was brave enough to protect them the pee ple. "Hcsidcs , " said the festive Tom , with n smile , "you know Phil Sheridan has twins. Start the gallant general with those two twins clown south and ho would beat his SheiKimlonh time. " "Hut suppose Mrs. Cleveland should " "Groat Scott I" said Oehiltrco , "In that case there would bo no show for Sheridan. " Bets on a Ccrtuinty. Ktio York WoiM. The following advertisement was Inserted in n morning papers PRESIDENTIAL WAflKHB-I will wager Hint X ( inner Cleveland will not rnrry ono of the four democratic stnto.i in the next presidential election , viz : New York , New Jersey , Connect- tilt , Indiana ; $5UU iisaiuat fc',500. The advertisement was signed Dean , Kicker's , Uroadwav and Thirtieth street. A reporter wundonjajitito the place and found Mr. Dean. ijj g "Does that bet oS" he nslccd. "There's the money . to 1 ] > ut' 1 - ' Dean pulling out "a i-oll of bills. "I have al ready bet $ r > 00 against $1,000 that Cleveland will bo defeated.i illmvc sent a copy of my advertisement to President Cleveland and to William L Scott of Pennsylvania , but they haven't showed up yet. " STATE AND Ncbrnskn Jottings. Johnson county's now court house is well undur wjy. Hain lu the neighborhood of Orleans on the ISth assures n full crop of small gruin. The assessed valuation of Dodcc county this year is { 2,943,000. ugainst 89,400,000 for IbSfTho The state press Is generally in favor of the return of General Van Wyck to the United States senate. All towns in Nebraska will colohrato the Fourth of July. Prom the largest city to the smallest hamlet. Harlan spealcs at Heaver Crossing on the Fourth , and not at Milford as stated last week. An immense crowd is expected to hear him. The Plattsmouth canning factory has com menced putting tii > peas , and will probably bo busy most of tlio time until the tomato Bcason. AVitli a good season it will put up 1,200,000 cans. From later accounts of the Covington robberies - berios committed on Sunday night , it is esti mated that about forty persons were losers by the night's haul. On Monday nicht about ten suspicious characters were run out of the town by seriously disposed citizens. The sheriff of Falls City , Neb. , offers a re ward of 8i")0 for the man who attempted to outrage a littio girl near that city on Satur day. The description of the llcml misucrs exactly the description of the man who as saulted tlio little Hatter girl at Sioux City about two weeks ago. Of recent vcara the cattlemen of Dakota , Hurt ami Wayne counties , Nebraska , hnvo been pasturing their cattle on tlio Wlnncbago reservation. Tlio Wlnnobagos were paid for the ( pasturage , nml FO the arrangement was good for them. Likewise it was good for the cattlemen and the cattle. Now como govern ment troops to expel the cattlemen and their steers. It is , in the government's opinion , necessary for tlio dignity of tlio nation mid the civill/ation of the Indians , that this res ervation grass bo mowed by n prairie lire rather than bitten off by beeves. John L. Carson , ono of the oldest bankers of Auburn , Neb. , and widely known through out the west , has long been u sufferer from gravel and some nine months ago went east wlieio ho hnd n surgical operation performed ami llvo gravel removed from the bladder. This caused a .kind of .blood poisoning to settle in the big too on the right foot , making amputation of that member a necessity. Even this did not stay the discaso and n Bccond amputation was made , the lust ono being about half way below the knoo. These tlirco operations , bumgmado in hucli quick succession , proved almost too much for him , and n long tlmo ho was very low , but has now recovered so far that ho can ride out In his carriage. It. W , livers , warden of the state peniten tiary , sends the following announce ment : Two hundred dollars reward. Escaped from the Nebraska state peniten tiary on the Ibth day of Juno , 18&S : George Cagle , from Johnson county , iiged twenty , height llvo feet tyuht and three-quarter In ches , medium complexion , light huir , bright blue oycs , wolKht 157 , pounds , has ono mole on left check , two moles on right rlicclc. scar on loft secoml linger between first and second , big head and thick lips , 7. , T. Alia- ger , from Hall county , ! aged twenty-eight , height llvo feet eight'inches , light complex ion , brown hnr ! , . liluo eyes , weight US pounds , pigeon toed , jmall mole left sldo of noso. Hoth conviuts are smooth shaved and hair cut short. One hundred dollars will ba given for the nrrcsrnml delivery of either of the nbovo named convicts. Address. Hycrs- villo.Neb. . ' The Fremont Tribtno snyss Tnr. OMAHA. BEK has justcnlobrutedUs seventeenth anni versary. Tun HKK- i * no longer an Infant cither la years or In strength and size. It is now among the great aud Influential papers of the country , ( airless , nggrcssivo and. ubovo all , newsy. It has passed beyond the experimental or doubtful tago. It Is mak ing money , and lots of it. It is now con structing ono of the largest and nncst news- buildings In the country In which to Caper a now era of progress , TDK HKE rep resents the vigor , tenacity , courage and frankness of MrHosowatcr , nil of which traits are accorded him , by both frlcndb and enitnles , and ho has thousands of each Ho has been the supreme Individuality of TUB HER , and has fought against terrible odds during his career , sulllcient to discourage a less courageous and daring man. Its future is assured , and it is much 11101 e roseate than Us past. loxvn. A band of pypsle * is mining its headquar ters near Hock liupids. . Adjutant Gaston reports 181 men at the soldiers' homo at Marahalltown. A boy named Fred Potrio , twelve , years of age , bus bcoa detected la at attempt at hou ebrenklng nt Iowa Falls and arrested. Ho confessed not only to the crlraocharged , but admitted having broken Into other busi ness buildings during the pn t few months. Judge Weaver decided that the joforin school would improve his morals. DCS Molnes claims to hnvo the best en forced Sunday law of nny city In the stnto. Five hundred street lamps nro being placed along West Broadway nt Council Hluffs. Fifteen boys were arrested at DCS Molnes last Sunday for bathing lit the river In day time. Tlio now Iron bridge across the Cedar river nt Waterloo was opened for travel last Monday. Eldora claims to have the oldest Odd Fel low In the stnto. His name Is Thomas Will- nms , and ho bccamo an Odd Follow In 1829. Among the wedding presents received by a recently married couple in Poeahontns i-ounty wcro two bottles of Mrs. Wlnslow's soothing syrup. The Hock Unplds cornet band has boon en gaged by tlio citizens of that place to give oixjn nlr concerts ouco a week during the summer. The report of the Cedar County Old Set tlers' association shows that forty-three members of the association have died during the past year. The postmaster At Mcrroll hands out D.OOO ncwspaners a montli. This for a town of less than 400 Inhabitants. Who says Iowa people - plo don't road I Seven of tlio Crcston physicians unite in a statement that the pond ice sold in that city Is nil right , which has been forwarded to the state board of health. On the other hand , tlio local board 1ms ordered an analysis of the water In tlio pond. Ono statement com ing from Crcston Is that the uneasiness comes from agitation by u i.ow Ice company which gets its supply from another source. Dakota. The Faulkton matrimonial market is boom ing. ing.Tho The nast week was a lively ono in Faulkton legal circles. Sioux Falls Is now using 1,775,000 gallons of water per week. Spcncor wants to loan some neighboring town 400 or 500 dogs. The work otjjradtng tlio streets nt Fnulk- ton Is progressing rapidly. The Dcadwood flouring mills start up again in a few day.s for n brief run. . Ashton wishes to have it understood that she stands in a natural gas region. Vormllllon wants an appropriation of SliiO- OOll to bo used In making needed additions and improvements. The auditor of Harnos county has thus far in the season taken in 80,000 gopher tails nt II cents each ? 'J,400. A bonanza for the kids. kids.A A man named P. S Hlco , after several un successful attempts to buy out various enter prises in Yankton , dcparlcd , leaving tlio hotel man in the hole for ? 10 In cash and a SiO board bill. The hotel man lias sent press ing invitations nil over the country by tele graph to have the gentleman conic back. Deadwooa is somewhat scandalized over the treatment of two or thrco incurable in- sauo women. The county has no facilities for earing for these women , and they wuro turned over to a Mrs. Hcrnard to look after. Ono died recently , and the oeeurenco brought public attention to the manner iu which these unfortunates are being treated. The county poor farm will soon bo ready , it is said , and the incurable insane will then bo moro properly handled. STATION AGENTS OUGAMZE. The Nebraska Division Assumes Tan- KiIc ) Klinne. A meeting of tlio railway station agents of Nebraska was held at the Millard yesterday afternoon at which a branch division of the Railway Station Agents' association was formed under the most auspicious and favora bio circumstances. The meeting was called to order by I. E. Osboru , of Irvingtou , who put In nomination F. O. Paulgcr for temporary ary chairman , who was elected. Mr. Osborn was then chosen secretary after -which the business of the meeting proceeded. Mr. J. F. Ilommol of Kxoter , who is ono of the prime movers in inaugurating the move ment , found it Impossible to attend nnd sent a letter of regret which was read. Tlio letter among other things contained the statement tnnt inasmuch as the U. & M. ofllcials were opposed to thu movement the general onlcers of the organization had requested that no stops bo taken along their lines until a committee had been appointed to lay before them the objects of the society and thor oughly explain its workings , when it is believed - lievod all objections will bo withdrawn. At tlio conclusion of the reading the fol lowing oillcerH wore elected : President , J. F. Ilommcl , of "Exeter ; vice president , P. U. Miller , of Lincoln ; second vice president , E. F. Pontius , of Oakdale ; secretary , I. E. Os born , of Irvington ; treasurer , P. D. Bab- cock. At the conclusion of the election the constitution , which differs from those gov erning the order in other states , was read and adopted. The name of the now organi zation is the Nebraska Division of tlio Kail- way Agent's association , headquarters of which are to bo located at tno homo of the president. The ob jects of the society nro to improve the standard of its members in the service of the various railway companies , to maintain by legitimate means Just compensation for services rendered , to assist worthy members In procuring employment and to render them pecuniary aid when sick or out of employ ment. To reduce to a minimum the rate of premium on the bonds required of its mem bers by railroad companies ; to establish a mutual insurance for the bonelit of its mem bers ; to prevent by nil lawful and honorable moans ail combinations , strikes , etc. , an det rimental to employe and employer. In addi tion to the oflicors already meutionrd there is an executive board of seven members , of which the president , vlco president , secretary and treasurer are by virtue of their oflleo members of th6 executive board. AH ofllcurs are elected to servo until the next regular meet ing. Irregular vacancies are to bo llllod by the executive board , Only railway agents whoso regular duty is to sell tickets or to handle freight or who nro responsible for the MUIIO are oliglblo to active membership nnd must bo recom mended by two members of the society who are in good standing. At the conclusion of the reading of the con stitution the following telegram was handed the secretary which speaks for itself. ICvNH , Pa. , Juno 20. J. F. Hommcl , care Millard hotel : Hurrah for Nebraska divis ion. Pennsylvania sends greeting to all members. J. T. CAUI > JF.M ; , . Mr. Campbell Is ono of the cxccutlvo ofll- cers of the Pennsylvania division. The following resolutions were unani mously adoptedi Whereas , The constitution of the Hallway Station Agents association contains no de claration on the subject of strikes ; and Whereas , The impression is being gained that wo are u striking organization ; there fore , bu it Kesplved , Hy the Nebraska division in con vention assembled , that Whereas , The past has fully demonstrated the fact that strikes have proven detrimental to tlio interest of employe nud employer , therefore , bo it Kcsolvcd , That ns wo are desirous of plac ing ourselves In a true position bcforo the public by trying to prevent all unjust meth ods of iirccduro , such us strikes , combina tions , cliques , oto. Kcsolved , That we. ns members of this division hnd association , whose principles are duectly opposed to strikes , btund ready at all times and under all circumstances * to pro tect by all lawful means our employers' In terests ; and bo it f Hither Hesolved , That the delegation from this division to tlio national convention in Chicago cage in September bo and are hereby in structed to use every honorable method to have that body adopt a strong nnti-striko platform ns u part ol the constitution of the Kuilwuy Station Agents' association. Tlio following were then elected delegates to tliu convention : J. F. Hommel , Exeter ; I. E. Osborn. Irvliurlon ; John McCllntock , J. Kniipp and O. E. Card , Omaha ; \V. O. Sc-rlb- nor" Scribnor ; F. O. Paulger , Hluir ; A. Ashald , Hralncrd , and O. Stelnboct , of Oak land. land.A motion was then made to appoint a coricispomlliijr secretary on every road division in the stuto to secure new members , those sccrctaiics logo over their torritoo povfconully within six months fioui dute The net-rotary of the division to have the ap- ( Minting power. The president , vice presidents , secretary and tiraburer Wore appointed a rolibf CJMI- imucu to act iu case uf emergency -in rehev- iutdislrc&bOd members. T.UC delegates to Uuioujro wcro InitiucXed to ask the convention to nllow them to cast the full vote of the dnlegntion providing nny should bo absent , nnd the Station Agents' Journal , printed at Indianapolis , was mndo the ofllclal organ of the division , After adopting resolutions oa the death of Mrs. S. H , Ovcrton , nt Octavln , the convention ad journed to moot at Lincoln the third Wednes day In June. 19S9. The division starts out with splendid pros- poets , there being 10S charter members. A thcro are 52J stations In the state It is ex pected tlm division will soon Increase greatly nnd by the tlmo the next meeting Is hold SOD members are looked for. HAHiltOAD IIATHS. A Committee to Go Ho Tore the Stnto Hoard of Transportation. In response to a call for n special meeting of wholesalers , manufacturers , merchants and business men generally at the board of trndo building last evening to appoint n com mittee to co-opcrnto with the stuto board of transportation to harmonize tlio tariffs of the railroads In ttio state with those of others , only a fair representation turned out. Pres ident Her presided nnd explained the object of the meeting. Ho deplored the slltmicss of the attendance , owing to the Importance of the question , and was free In his statement that the doors of the board should bo closed nnd everything of bcnollt and reward to Oiualm shut down if the citizens did not show a better deposition to lend their aid. Mr. W. F. arinitts , to secure the sentiment of the mooting , nroso ami read the following preamble and resolution : Whereas , The Omaha board of trade , ns representing tlio business Interests of our city , have been invited by the state board of transportation to appear before them nt Lincoln on the 124th Inst. for the purpose of affording said state board such informa tion ns they possess aud of expressing their views upon the formula unproved by said board , looking to n radical reduction In freight rates throughout the state of Ne braska. therefore bo it Kcsolvcd , That n coinmltteo of thirteen to bo selected by the chair , and to bo composed of ono representative from each of the fol- .lo wing mercantile pursuits , viz : coal , lum ber , grain , dry Roods , groceries , hardware. drugs , agricultural implements , produce , commission , packinghouses , boots and shoes , cigars mid notions , and of one representative of the board of trndo at large , bo appointed , whose duty It shall bo to carefully examine nnd compare the newly adopted Iowa rail road freight law , nnd the formula prepared by our stnto board of transportation , with the existing freight tariffs of the Nebraska railroads , nnd deduce from such criticism and comparison , n line of policy to bo pur sued at Lincoln , on the SSth inst. , as being tlio expression of tlio views of tlio merchants , manufacturers and business men of Omaha upon the subject at issuo. That the committee shall report to nn ad journed meeting of this body , to bo held in this place on Tuesday evening next , 'JGtli lubt. , at S o'clock. That in the event of the adoption of their report at fiueh an adjourned' meeting , the committee shall act us representative dele gates aud proceed to Lincoln on the SSth inst nnd press consideration of their views upon the state board at that tlmo and placo. The question occurring on the adoption of the preamble and resolution , Messrs. Her , Easson , Clark nnd Oriflltts presented their views nnd experiences with the railroads and the board of trans portation. The present high tariff was thoroughly discussed , and the popular opin ion was that It would not do for Omaha to nsk too much. However , the railroads wcro censured for the exorbitant rates they wcro now charging , nnd it was pointed out that they weio exacting a rate of 1U cents per ton a mile on Hrst-class freight through Ne braska , whllo cast of the Missouri a rate of only 3 cents a ton per mile was charged. It was also stated that the state board of trans portntion was legislating against Oinaliu in the interests of Lincoln , Fremont and other points throughout the state. Finally a vote being taken thoGriflltts resolution elution was adopted nnd Mr. GrifCtts was ap pointed chairman of the committee , which , Hrady , J. G. Chapman. William Fleming ; hardware , C. O. Lobeck , W. J. Hroatch ; drugs , E. E. Hruco , F. Wcllcr ; agricultural implements , C. Parker , Euclid Martin ; com mission produce , Edward Pcycke , U. F. Traxall ; packers , II. II. Mcday , E. A. Cn- dahy ; boots and shoos , W. V. Morse , F. P. Kirkondall ; notions , Moritz Meyer ; live stock , John G. Uoyd. The committee will meet at the board of trade Friday afternoon ot 4 o'clock. Life is burdensome , alike to the suf ferer and all around him , while dyspep sia and its attending' evils hold sway. Complaints of this nature can be speed ily cured by taking Prickly Ash Bitters regularly. Thousands once thus alllictcd bear cheerful testimony as to its merits. Docs Are PrntcotocI , Children Not. OM.UU , Juno 19 , [ To the Editor of THE BEK. ] On Monday , Juno 11 , ISS i , my boy , aged seven years , was bitten by our neigh bor's dog , who owns two very vicious and cross ones that havo'been tbo the terror of the neighborhood. I called a physician who attended the child , and after cauterizing tlio wounds advised that tlio dogs should bo killed. I asked Mr. George Eiclmcker , who is the owner , that ho kill the dogs. This ho llutly refused , and has since then said that lie would not kill his dog for any child. Not wanting to take the law in my own hands , I then tiled an information with the city attorney. I appeared before Judge Herka on the day und hour set for tlio trial with nine witnesses , all respectable citizens , all of whom had been attacked by these dogs , nnd who are anxious to have them killed. Wo waited one whole hour for the defend ant , and when the Judge called the case , ho , the defendant , had not appeared , tlio Judge theicupon forfeited the bond of the defendant. 1 then emphatically protested that 1 did not want the bond for feited , but that wo wanted the dogs Idllcd , us wo did not want to run any moro chances of Doing bitten , .ludgo Horka made light of the matter and said the owner , and not the dog , was sued , and that I uliould lilo another in formation , which I did , and the trial was set for hearing Tuesday , June 10.18S8 , at 10 a. m. Again the witnesses ami I wcro on hand , rto- tormincd to have protection , when the city attorney told mo ho had ordered the dogs taken away , which , as ho claimed , had boon done. I then demanded that my witnesses bo heard , to prove the dogs vicious , and that 1 wanted an order issued to havn tlio dogs shot on reappearance , for I honestly bcliuva that they are hid away in the city , for the excitement to blow over , and then lo bo brought back ngnln , thereby Jeopardizing the lives of our children. Lnris Hcu.iiii , STIFFNESS * WOUNDS , CUTS , SWELLINGS DRUGGISTS AND DEALEnS. THECHAS.A.VOGELER QO. BAtm MQ. in offering to tuopublli uieiiwly WJ- intended for the preservation of the health and Impjilncss of e\ fry family tlnoughout the land. Jt HAVE lla'J bf"1 < t' ' ° r ° Bhlv toatcd by thousands of prominent physl- claim who cheerfully testify to ita N 0 elHcacy Coughs , Colds.llonrsa ness , 1'leurlsy , Client J'ulni Htiutlru , llhcuiiutlMii , Lumbago llurkacko ami Kldni-y Dlwaaua. Ot count ) w Jffrr to HI.SKON'H I'neir.ii. n hcii'iitillp Combina tion of well-known mmlkal in- Tn Kredlt-nts for the prompt lolluf IU ofuihorfuml pulna ot utcryda- ecriptlon within thu reach of un external application It ii clean- ly. convcnlwit und rcrllablt ) . In bujlniftxslc fo lKJ ! > eON's ami re- fusu utl other plasters. SIDEWALK PAVING Pertinent Remarks Concerning the City's ' Sidewalks , The Old I'lnnk SUlcwnlk Muit Go Ono < > r tlio I'ftvora Mnkcq | \ IL Stnctiucnt of Pacts for rubllcntlon. A stroll about the business part of the oily shows every day an Increased activity amoui { the pavers. In almost nny direction can be seen now sidewalks , among which the granolithic pavement semns to predominate. In another month Omaha will bo second to tiono In street and Mdowatk paving. It Is n settled fact the old plank sidewalk must go , In every few cities can they bo found except In the lumber countries. The wrltorol this article , while sti oiling about the city recently , had his attention attracted ton Rang of men who wore laying a Krnnollthlcside walk on ono of our prominent streets and stopped to watch the operation , which Is qulto Interest * lug , and when llnl.ihctl makes as linn a sidewalk ns CHU bo found anywhere. Whllo watching the paving process the writer made the no qualntnnco of one of the men , to whom thn writer Is Indebted for the following narrative which Is wholly true , and can be gulistantlatort , Tli * ( outlcman In quaatlou Is Mr , John FrloJ , of No. iJl.lCnss street , ho works nt present for the Van Court nnd lloneillct Turing company , Mr. Tried , Ims lived In Nebraska forever novuii rears nml tor nearly four years ho hns lived Iu Omnha , for three years ho hns worked fur the Omaha Hail ) Wire eompmiy.havlng recently left their employ , to work for the Paving company. Mr. 1 rlcd says : "For moro than tlvo years I have boon n terrible stilTercr.mv head soomucHo bo aching constantly , especially between the eyes , nml my nosw would stop up , tint on ono side , then on the other , of ton both nostrils. Then 1 begun to notice singular noises In my eats - roaring or buzzing Bounds they appeared to mete to ho , and sometimes Rounds like whistling and hammering. About this tlmo my throat also began - gan to ulvnma n great dual of trouble. I would always be hawking ami hemming nnd trying to clear my throat , often raising little hard lump * , sometimes of a greenish , nt other times of ayeU low Ish color 1 would often have pnlns In the clic.it , er- toudlng to the right nhoulder blnde. When drawing n long bronth I could hoar n kind ot wheezing noise In my chest. And sometimes U would scorn to me us It I was 'ircathlng through a sponge I scorned to be able to hear the air passing through. 1 began to fear Knit I was going into consumption. I was moro firmly convinced of this when , before long , 1 com menced to cough a kind of hollow cough. Tim sharp pains in my chest would extend arountf to the hmiill of my back. "Try to prevent It ns 1 might , I was forever catchnlg fresh cold. I never was without them. Mucus would rim from my nose , nnd qulto fro- ( Uiuutly my nose would bleed. At my work I have to stoop over quite frequently , ami when I did BO 1 would become illr.zy ami everything hoomeil to swim before my eyus. At night my sleep did not refresh mo at all , and In the morn ing would feel as tlrod and languid as nhonl \ > ent tobed. "My stomach wan nITcctcd. too. I would Bit down to the tablu with what seemed n good dp- petite , but after a mouthful or two Jiyappetite would leave me. Kverythlng would sojm to sour on my stomach. Tiiero would bo almost constant belching , a disagreeable , bitter taste In the mouth , mid at last I got so 1 didn't care to look at food 1 lost llo-Oi and strength rapidly and was al ways feeling tiled ; had no ambition. Kvory Mtep ItooU and whatever work 1 might do wan done vitn nneiroit , and after woiklng a whlln or walking a block or two my head would persplra ami mv limbs would ache OB It 1 had doue some veiy heavy work. I had heard considerable talk about thcsucc ss of Dr. McCoy lu such cn.ios and road nevernlof the testimonials published in the dully pajiers nml concluded I would try him. It was with small hopes , however , for I had tried HOVSP dif ferent imyMrlans and tried about a barrel of patent medicines and was about discouraged. [ visited his olllco In Ilamgo Work and consulted him. After a ratoful examination he told mo I had catarih and that ho could treat mo suc cessfully for It. 1 was Impiossed with the Idea that he know his business and started treatment and I have not been a bit sorry that I did , for he has inncly n new man of mo , I hnvo no moro of tlwbymptoms I told you of , and In ithort , I fuel better todav than I have for live long years , and I owe It all to the skill and success of Dr. McCoy , and do not hesitate at nil toiovmimond him to anyone who IB HUUcrng * | from cntnrrh. Mr. Tried , whoso poitr.ilt glares the column above , resides at No. 121.1 Cass street , and Is wllllngto rorroborato this stutumeut to auyono doubting it. TWENTY-ONE QUKST1ONH. A Few Symptoms or Dlnnaso That May Prove Serious to Vou. Do you have frequent fits of mental depres sion ? Do you experience ) ringing or buzzing noises In your caw/ / Do you fuel as though you must suQocato when lying down ? Are you tumbled with a hacking cough and general debility ? Aio your eyes generally wo.ik and watery and frequently InllamciU Docs your voice have a husk , thick sound and niiusnl sin tot twang/ Isj our bi euth frequently olfomlvo from HOIIIO unaccountable uiusui1 Have jou udull , oppressive headache , gener ally lointod over the yp&/ Do you have to hawk and cough frequently in the ell 01 1 to clear jour throat ? AID you losing your henso of smell and Is your sense of taste becoming dulled/ Does your nose always feel ttopped up , forc ing you to breathe through your mouth/ Do you frequently fed ili/zy. psitlculntly Whenbtooplngto pick nn > thing on tholloor/ Does every little ilruf t of air and every slight change of temperature ghe you a cold ? Aie you annoyed by a c instant do-.lro tohawlc and upltout mi endless quuntlt ) of phlegm'/ Do you rise from bed in tired and w eak UH you wete thenluht before nml fcul us though jou wanted to llothoiK fore\er ? ] H yoiit throat filled with phlegm In the morn ing , which can only bo discharged after violent coughing and hawking and spitting ? Do you occasionally wake fiom a troubled sleep with untiirt and fed an If you had Jubt escaped a horrible death by choking ? llixvojoulo.it all Intel out in your calllngor biislneub or formed pleasures , all ambltlun gone , nml do you feel liullllcront whether to-morrow llmis you alive or deuii' Are you troubled with a discharge from the head Into the thro.it , Bomotlmus watery and ex- ces-dve , somi'timeH mucus , thick , sticking to whatever it toiuhas , bometlmi'H ' bloody , itud nearly always putrid and ollenalvov ' 1 ho above ai o HOIIIO of tlio m.uiy symptoms of ratuuh und the bfglnnliigof lung troubles , Not one nisu in a bundled will have all of them , but ovotyominirected will have a few or nun ) of them. The greater or moro oeiloua your symp toms , the more damci < ) u your condition. 'Hill rlasHOf illsrusoU Heated vury successfully by Dr. McCoy or his associates The many oai > ui re ported through the columns of the dally papeia piovcs tlilH.iuid uurh statement published Is sub- stiiillidly the snme ad given by t lie patient cured. Dr , McJoy ( und hlri associates UNO no si-m-t nos- truuiH , but cure disease by their Bklllfnl wiiiibl. nation or the best known lomodU's , aplled ] ) In Ihu most approved muinirr , and by using the latest and most highly locommomlcd upi'llanccj ktuiwn to tliw profi'SHlon. They thus produce re- tullH tliut siu'iik for tlieiiixi'lvi'S In ( lie many pa tients ( .tired , und WH usimit ) our ru.xleis that tlu-so eminent physicians have achieved a nuc leus In curing nlseuae which few or no other doc tors cull duplicate , DOCTOR J. CRESAP McCOY , Late of BelloYiie Hcspital M Yorif , HAS 01'1'IOIH No. 31O mid 311 Romero Butldinff , Corner Itfttenth and llarnsy * ts , Omuha , N l ) . , wheie all rurable cases are treated Wl'll HUCteM , Medical dlspasi-.s treated eklllfully. Consump- tlon , llileht'H dlHrusi > . Dvtipep la , itheumatlnm , and all MMtVDl'ri DIHK'AHKH. All dhoaionpa- iiillur to the sexes a vpecUlty. CATAUKll CUItl'.D CONSULTATION at olllco or by mail. II ortiu ) hrnirb-u to II u m . i to 4 p. m , 7 to 8 p. m , Suiulay olllce hours from U a. m , to I p m , CorrtMtiondeiue retelvoi , prompt uticntli'ii ' Man ) diseases ura treated nii 'fs fully by Dr. MiCoy through the mulls , and U Is thus poxtlMa for thciMi imablp to make u journey t'J oblulu ifUSClTAL TUlJATMKNT AT TIIKIU 110MKS. . , , , No letters answered unless accompanied. by 4o In utamp * . All uull fchould bo addrbsted to Dr J Mi.Ccy , Hooiu * aill aud UU , lttiui Uuiahii ,