Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 21, 1888, Page 3, Image 3

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Plenty of Bull Influence to Affect the
Wheat Pit
Indifferent Trndlng In Corn and the
Closing Price the Iiowcst of tlio
Bcbslon Onts Qulot The
Cntt'.o Mnrkct.
CHICAGO , Juno 20. | Special Telegram to
TUB Unn. ] WHEAT The bullish Influences
In the wheat market this morning were the
decrease of 1,200,000 bushels In the nmount
"on imssaf.'c , " reports of heavy ruins In the
southwestern whcnt country , with danger of
rust In consequence , steady cables , better ex
ports nnd lighter receipts at primary mar
kets. Thcso wcro sufllclent to to open the
market even u little higher than lust night's
close , which was itself the highest point of
the day nnd then there vita nn immediate ml-
vance of about Jfc moro when tlio deimtnd of
the shorts , InfluOneed by the causes nbovo
mentioned , was supplemented by the bidding
of n couple of local traders who seemed to
want to bull wheat. When the demandfiom
tlio shnrts cased up , however , the bulls
showed no disposition to hid prices any
higher and In fact so many wanted to realize
that half of the early ndvniico was lost before
tlio close. For the llrsttlmo In many days
Hutchlnson was a prominent flguro In the
market. So fur as could bo seen ho was not
doing anything. Probably llko n great many
othtir local speculators ho was too busy with
convention visitors to attend to the market ,
The crowd bcllcvo him to bo short n imrnt
line of wheat , Bloom seemed to bo trying to
sell August wheat nt S3c , hut when it was
not taken he changed front nnd bought u con
siderable quantity at n fraction below that
figure. There wns some good buying for St.
Louis nccount , Influenced , or at least accom
panied , by reports of heavy rnlns In the
wheat country down ttint way. It wn part
of the Door gossip that n good part of the
Belling wns for nccount of the northwest ,
\vlilcli , If true , would seem to Indicate great
confidence in the excellence of the spring
wheat crop. The trade wns in fair volume ,
hut it was dona by ills nnd starts , rictivo atone
ono time and then dying out altogether. A
peed part of the business Buomud to be chang
ing over from one .delivery to another.
Probably the most encouraging feature to
holders was the increase In exports
and it IB wild , in explanation of
the recent falling off in clearances that
it was duo to u refusal of the New
York Elevator companies to do business for
the compensation recently fixed by law in
that state. July wheat opened nt Slfc ( nnd ,
with scarcely n halt , sold up to b2j c , fell to
62c , and closed nt I o'clock at b2 c. Decem
ber wheat opened nt 85 c , sold at 5 > < Jc and
fc5c. and closed nt 85' < c.
The speculative trade in corn wns of a
scalping character chiefly , and fluctuations
were dependent on receipts present and pros
pective. There was a great show of strength
early because receipt's wore fifty-two cars
less than the estimate nnd because grain ar
riving hud a much less proportion of contract
grade In it thnn of late. This set the shorts
to covering nt n lively rate and the market
opened from ' 4 ( $ ? , , 'o higher tlmn last night's
close. With this demand from tlio shorts
satisfied there seemed to bo not much moro
corn wanted nt tlio price , and the market
sfigged for awhile and then declined rapidly
on larger estimates for to-morrow's
receipts , closing at the lowest point of the
session and Jfc lower than yesterday's close
for the most active delivery. July corn
opened at 5lc , sold up to Gl&c. then down
fo 5UJ4c. up to 50& o , down to and closing tit
tO c. September corn opened nt .VJ'Ve , sold
nt 5'2 } c , down to 51c'closlng at Sl fgoljtfc.
The speculative oats market was quiet , nnd
for near deliveries Hrm and a trifle higher ,
but there was no very largo trading and the
market was featureless. July oats opened at
82c. which was Jjc over yesterday's close ,
sold ut . ' 12'4'c , down to 81 c , and closed nt
81Xc. September oats opened at Wc , sold
nt liO c and 20c , closing nt 272GXc.
Provisions continued to show bearish Incli
nations. There was n little more doing , but
the Increased run of hogs , coupled with n de
cline in the same , made the holders of long
property moro anxious to sell. Offerings , in
fact , proved to bo excessive nnd prices suf
fered n severe brcnk. In pork the day's
netual lifeline , bused on lust night's closings ,
was 17J < jC , in lard 12) < , (215c ( ! , and in short ribs
ArTKiixooN Sn"isioN. Wheat lower ; June
closed nt about bOJtfc ; July opened S"fc ,
fell toSl&tjtSltfc , spllt.closingutthat ; August
sold f rom b'JJso toSl WSlJfc , split , closing nt
that ; September closed at alJ < &fb2J < c. Corn
lower ; Junoclosod ntnbout-iOJfcc ; July corn
Bold from 50140 to 40c , closing at 4'J5 < c ; Au
gust closing at 51'40. Oats lower ; July bold
nt : il ? @ 31 o nnd closed utUc ! ; August
closed nt 2 ( > K@:0,5 < c. fork declined 2 > tfo and
closed at $13.50 for Juno , $13.55 for July.
S13.C5 for August , $13.75 fur September and
513.50 for October. Lard was weak and 12. "
( ifl5i5 lower ; Juno closed at 58l3W ! ( < s8. ! .
for July , $ S.20ii 8.2iV : for August nml * S.0 ! !
for September. Short ribs declined . " ( OT'te ,
nnd closed nt ii > 7.H7) c for Juno and July ,
$7,4724 for August and $7.55 for September.
CHICAGO , Juno20. ( Special Telegram to
Tun Hni : . | UUTLK Trade was again dull
from start to Mulsh , with another substantial
down-turn on all classes , the very best steers
sharing in the general decline , or say 50u < 75c
lower than last weak , and the bill It of native
stock Is made up of hnlf-fnt nnd grast-y stock.
Plenty of cattle everywhere to-duy 0,000
fresh nnd stulo in Kansas City nnd1,000 In
St. Louis. Of course these nro largely
Tcxans , but they come In direct competition
with lean nnd fresh natives nnd Toxtins
regulate prices. Native butchers' stock Is
following the , down-turn on , fnt cattle nnd
may bo quoted 50o lower than nt the evening.
Texiins were also on the down-turn , how
much lower than yesterday salesmen did
not llko to say , but they wcro lower. Veal
calves are down to low water mark and
not glutted. The stacker nnd feeder trade
remains dull. Fancy , $0.00 ; good to choice
{ 5.60ii5.75 ( ; medium , $4.75 ( < i5,75 ; grnssers ami
common steers , $3.f > ( ) @ 4 25 ; cows , ? 1,50@3,50 ;
stockers nnd feeders , $2.yO ( < $ l.lO ; Toxnns ,
4.60J . to 5,000 , btcers , J2.C5ig4.25 ; cow8.fl.Sti ®
Hoas The market opened slow , with a
downturn of S&nOo , later became active and
closed steady with stock well sold out of llrsl
hands. The best heavy made $50@5.75 ; a
few lots at W.M ) , The bulk of the best mixed
made. $5.0535.71) , and common mixed , ? 5,50 ( < i
MX ) ; light sorts , $ " '
Tlio Wi'cU'rt Pack lilt : .
CINCINNATI , O. , Juno 20. [ Special
pram to TUB Dec ] Tlio Prlco Current to
morrow will say : The week's packing la Inc.
west has been 210,000 hogs , against 215,000
last week ami 220,000 for the same week last
year , making a total of 2,015,000 hogs
slnro March 1 , against 2GCO,000
year ago , a doorcase of 45,000
The quality of hogs generally holds uj
well , but n considerable proportion of qulto
young stock is noticeable. The current mar
lctng ! prices of hops have boon irregular it
tome of the loading markets during the
week , noticeably so at Chicago , thu oxtit-nio
jirlco of the week not being sustained at the
clove , although us roinpircd with a week ago
that ii'aikct closes with an ndvanco
of 15o per 1WI Ibs , other mnriuts not show
ing much change. In the provision markei
there has been a further manifestation o :
weakness under u lack of speculative Interest
being developed ami no essential improvemrn
in the demand for the product. The export
movement was fair , about equalling in vol
unio the corresponding time last year in
both meats and lard. The provision markets
at the close arc Inciting in nimncss , with no
Indication * of essential improvement in the
Immediate future.
New YOUR , June LU ( Special Telegram to
Tits Hun. ] STOCKS The block uiarko
opened weak with decline : ) extending to }
point. There was lltllo disposition to tradi
nnd up to noon only 09,415 shares had i hanged
Imnd * . London was weak nnd lower. The
feeling on Grangers was heavy and further
derUnei of K to Jf point was recorded. The
managers of the Granger roads have decided
M mnko a new tariff with rates as high as
Lhose now current ; also to unitedly fight the
[ ow.i commissioners in their efforts to force
n reduction of r.ites. It wai also reported
.hat Corbin and the barons would sec to
t that the coal trade was kept In a healthy
condition. The announcement of Cable that
there was no dissension in the Hock Island
directory and the declaration of a quarterly
dividend of l& per cent started that stock
upward and It advanced 2 points. The ap
preciation had a peed effect on the rest of
the list , and there being little opposition , ral
lies of ty to I point resulted. It was reported
from Philadelphia that the Pullman com
pany had secured control of the Ualtlmoro &
Ohio sleepers by paying $125,000. The rumor
had no effect on the stock and up to 2 o'clock
no quotations had been made. The market
became irregular the last hour , several of the
active stocks advancing while others de
clined slightly. News from the outbldo was
scarce and the buying catno almost entlicly
from the shorts. Last sales showed a not
gain of 1J point on Hock Island , Jf on Lake
Shore , % on St. Paul , > f on Missouri Pnciflc ,
% on Canada Southern , a , loss off } on
cotter oils , Jf on Oregon Trans-Continental.
Heading was steady. Total sales 134iOO ,
GoVEHNMnsTS Government bonds were
IT. P.4s registered. 127 1C. A N. W 1P3U
II. S. 4i coupon. . . 128 do preferred 140
U.S.4'fnrof.'lstrea. 107' , N'.V.Central 104 > {
U.S 41iscoupon..1076 * O. It. N JH
1'acincCsof'O'i 11 II' . T SI' , '
Canada Southern. . 4 ? i 1'nclfic Mull 3.1'i
( "cntrnl 1'ncllle"i1. . O. D.iB 18U
Chlcngo IcAlton..1.CT I'allmnn I'.ilacuCai 15J
C. , II.&Q HIM Heading C.8'
I > . .I/.AW 12C ? , ! ( ock Island lUI'f
n.&it.o is at. us. . r z's.
nrlo El'i dotircferrctl fl'i
ilo preferred M5JIC..M. .V St. I'uul. . . m\'i
Illinois Central llf.U do preferred U )
I..II.&W 10'i ' St. 1' . AM ) .Ti
K..VT 111 ( do preferred 10i
I.nkoShoro M"4 Texas I'aclllc
Mlchlgnn Control. . W. . St. I , . & I1 ! . " {
Mlssoarll'aclllo. . . , do preferred. . . .
Mltsonrll'ftclllo. . . . 23 W. U. Telegraph. . 75H
do preferred
MONEY ox CALL Easy at 1@2 per cent ;
last loan , 1 } (22 ( per cent ; closed at 1@1 > per
STERLING EXCIUNOE Dull but steady at
M.S7 for sixty day bills ; W.SS % for demand.
Chicago , Juno 20. Following are the
2:8(1 : ( closing prices :
Flour Nominally unchanged : winter
wheat , in sacks , ? 2.75@i : b5 ; in bar
rels , < 3.00@4.75 ; spring wheat , In sacks ,
? 1.75@4.50 : in barrels. $3GO@4.)0 ) ; rye , in
sacks , J2.l)03.10 ) ( ; in barrels , 3.10@3.80.
Wheat Fairly active ; opened higher atg }
( > ? oC advance nnd closed j c under yester
day's close : cash , 80J < c ; July , 81 3-lGc ;
August , 81 11-10.
Corn Opened strong nnd % c higher and
closed J < @l.fc below yc"sterday ; cash , 40c ;
July , 40,5 < e ; August , 50 c.
O.its Opened firmer , but closed a shade
eas'er ' ; No. 2 cash , 31e ; July , 31 ? c ; Aug
ust , W > % c.
Kyc Dull nt SOc.
Barley ( ( I@rc. (
Prime Timothy $3. 15@2.25.
Flax Seed $1.30.
Whisky S1.20.
Pork Unsettled , weak and lower ; cash ,
$115.50 ; July.i.55 ! : ; August , $13.05.
Lard Active but weak ; cash , $3.05 ; July ,
August , SS.20mS.223 < f.
Dry Salted Me.its Shoulders. $ ti.00/rr ( > .25 ;
short clear , $7.l."iv ! | S.OO ; short ribs , fT.'J7 } .
Butter Unchanged ; creamery , 15 ( 19c ;
dairy , 15 ( .17c.
Cheese Unchanged : full Cheddars ,
" Hats , 7 } ( ( (7c ; young Americas ,
Eggs Unchanged
Hides Easy ; green salted calf ,
heavy green salted , SjrfQiS c ; light green
fiiitcd , 5MJc ! ; salted bull , 'lltfc ; dry Hint ,
6c , dry calf , So ; deacons , " 0@i5p each ; dry
salted , C@7c.
Tallow Weaker : No. 1 , country , 4c ; No.
2 , 4Jfc ; cake , 4c per Ib.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour , bbls 22,000 17,000
Wheat bu 3(1,000 ( 17,000
Corn , bu 372,000 205,000
Oats , bu 220,000 235,000
Hyobu 4,000 3.000
Httrioy , bbls 5,000 3,000
New Vorlc , June 20. Wheat Receipts ,
103,400 ; exports , 9,110 ; cash \ZQ3i \ higher ;
options were irregular nnd opened at an nil-
vnncoof if.C&lc , sold up 3t@ ' < jC , further re
acted ( @ * * and closed weak at n trifle above
the lowest figures ; No. 2 red , S'JJ ' c in
store and elevator , ( lie alloat , OOj c f. o. b. ;
ungraded red , S91o ( ; No. 2 red and July
closing at b'Jc. '
Corn Receipts , 25,200 ; exports , 33,550 ;
spot dull ; options moderately active , opening
nt im advance of % ( S > Xe , hn a reaction of J
( vdlc soon took place- , closing uoilc ; un
graded , mixed , fi'JCif.'iJhfc ; No. ' - ' , SuJffii.ViJfo
delivered ; July closing at 5lijl < jC.
Oats-Receipts , ! ) 'J,500 ; market 'J4'@J e
lower , closing weak ; mixed western , JJiiJ
! bo ; whltowcstorn , 40 ( l7c.
Coffco Spot , fair Rio , nominal nt $15.25 ;
options 10 ( cS5 points lower , closing barely
steady ; sulcs , ( W.liriO bags ; June , $12.5V < §
12r ( ; July , SlO.ntijll.lS ; August , $10.H't. ' < 9
Petroleum United closed weak atU < c.
Etrgs Dull and weak ; western , l.V MlOc.
Pork Dull but may ; mess quoted nt
$15.-J5M15 50 for now ; S14.00jf ( 14.50 for old.
Lard Uull and lower ; western steam spot ,
? 3.02 } , closing ntS 57j .
liutter Weak ; western ,
Cheese Dull but steady.
Cincinnati , Juno 20. Wheat Quiet ; No.
S red , S7c.
Corn Firm ; No. 3 mixed , 52c.
Oats Steady ; No. 2 mixed , 35X < 230e.
Rye Dull : No. 2 , 05c.
LaU * 3.10. '
St. lAHilx. Juno 20. Wheat Higher ; cash ,
S5'jiu ; July , Sl } c.
Corn Frm ; cash. 45Xc ; July , 404'c. '
Oats Quiet ; casli , 32@33o ; July , 27 c.
Uutter Firm ; creamery 15 ( < ? 19c ; dairy ,
fternoon Hoard Wheat Weak and
lower ; Juno , Sljfo ; July , SlJ c. Corn-
lower ; June , 45(3. ( Oats Easy ; Juno , 32c.
Kaiihns Chy , June20. Wheats-Steady ;
No. 3 soft , August , 82Hc.
Corn Steady ; No. 8 cash , 43o bid , 44 0
Oats Augtibt , 21o bid , 21Kc asked.
Llvorpixtl , Juno 20. Wheat Steady and
In fair demand ; California No. 1 , Us 7d per
cental ; red western spring and red western
\Ylater , Os tdJ ! ( ( ) Sd nor cental.
Corn Steady and ( n fair demand ,
New Orleans , Juno ' . ' 0. Corn Lower ;
In RUCKS mixed , tJ ( i > lc ; yellow , 01&(0ocj
white , ( J7c.
Oats Lower ; No. 2 , white , 441Jc. !
Corn Meal Easier nt fi.SO.
Hog "Products A shade lower ; pork ,
$14,75 ; lurd , refined tierce , ? 7.72V.
Hulk Meats Shoulders , t.5J ) > ; long
clear JS.OO ; clear ribs , .70.
Mllwnukce. Juno 20. Wheat Steady ;
cash and July , "so ; August , 79 o.
Corn Lower ; No , 3 , 4so on track.
Oats Dull ; No , 2 white , 35c.
Hi'o No 1 , lX > o on track.
Hurley-Quiet ; No. S , cash , COc.
Piovisions-Stcady ; pork , cash , { 13.05.
Mvn si'orjii.
Chicago , Juno20. The Drovers' Journal
reports us follows.
Cattle lcceipts , 11,000 : market lower ;
medium to fancy , f4.75'RO.OO ' ; grassers and
common sleors , f3.50fii4.35 ; cows , * 1.50iJ3.5'J ( ;
stoukers and feeders , SJ.30MI.10 ; Toxuns ,
( S 5.20.
Shcop Hccolpt ? , 4,000 ; market steady ;
muttons , i.Cii : ( { " > . ( K > ; western feeuera , f t.25
dfiJO ; Texas. * . ' .50gj.iO : lambs , fioo.j4.50.
National Stock YuriU , Kast St.
Louis , Juno 20 Cattle
IM Burlinglonl
> .B.SDR.R.
i I
The Burlington takes the lead. *
It was in advance of all lines ifi developing Nebraska ,
It was in advance of all lines in establishing dining-car
service between Missouri river points and Chicago.
It was in advance of all lines in giving the people of
Omaha and the West a fast mail service.
It was in advance of all lines in running its trains from
the East into Omaha proper.
It was in advance of all lines in reducing the.timo of
passenger trains between Omaha and Chicago.
It was in advance , and is the only line by which you can
leave Omaha in the morning and arrive in Denver the
evening of the same day.
It has been progressive in the past.
It will lead in the future.
Travel and ship via the Burlington.
Ticket Office , 1223 Farnam Street. Telephone 250.
Depot on Tenth Street.
C.B.80rffR ,
W.00@4.)0 ! ; stocVcrs and feeders , , S2.30S3.GQ ;
rangers , S'.yO@-1.10.
Hog8 Receipts , 4,000 ; shipments , 500 ;
market steady ; choice heavy nnd butch
ers' selections , f5.55@5.C5 ; packing , $ .5.33 ®
5.55 ; light , @S.40.
KIIIIHIIS City. Juno 20. Cattle Receipts ,
4,000 ; shipments , 2.500 : the best were 10
@ 15c lower , others 25i ( < 35c lower ; common
to choice corn-fed , $ l.)0@5.50 ) ; stocKers ,
S2.00tf3.-)0 ( ; cows , > 2.00@3.00.
Hogs Ucccipts , 0,000 ; shipments , 400 ;
market lower ; common to choice , $3.10 ©
5.00 ; skips and pigs , ? -.50@3.00. }
Wednesday , Juno 20,1SS3.
Tlio market was very lightly supplied with
cattle of all kinds to-day , only iiiuctejn loads
being on sale. Trade wns very dull , although
most everything was sold before the close.
The general market wns about lOc lower in
sympathy with the decline in other markets.
The receipts of hops were almost exactly
the same as on yesterday. The market
opened slow on heavy hogs , and the bulk of
them sold nt u decline of 510o ( , the decline
being the heaviest on mixed packers.
Light hops were in active demand nt steady
prices , but the market closed about 5c lower.
The hogs wcio nil sold before the close.
There were a few hero whictf sold in the
Cattle 400
Hogs 0,300
Sheep ; . . . . . 300
Prevailing 'irlou < j.
The following is a table of pricas p.ild In
thismantet for the grades of stock men
Pnmestears. 1300to 1503Ibs.$5.15 W3.00
Prime steers , 1100 to 130a Ibs. 4.50 (3500 (
Fat little steers , 900 to 1030 Ib3. 4,75 @ 5.00
Common to good cows 1.75 ffiJ.50
Choice to fancy cows 4.00 ( ? il.25
Common to choice bulls 2.25 @ 3.50
Fairtochoicolighthogs 5.25 ( < { 5,30
Fair to choice heavy hops 5.33 ( $5.50
Fairto choice mixed ho s 5.SO © 5.35
llcprcsciuativo Sales.
No. Av. Pr.
23 feeders 1103 3.b. >
28 heifers 037
20 western hay fed 1331 3.C3
23 steers , . . . 1 109 4 , SO
51 steers 1239 5.15
01 steais 1272 5.00
15 steers 1333 5.iO (
Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr.
523 72. , . . -23 ll > ( )
5.25 . .218 200 530
5.25 M. . 240
5.23 ' ! ! 255 200 530
5.25 6'j' ! . .275 200 5,30
5.25 01. . . .3.U 200 5.30
5.37K 71. . . .251 bO 5.30
5.27M 01. , . .315 UK ) 5.80
' ' . .222 100 fi.30
70' . 313 120 50 ! !
5.27 > 77. , . .210 5.3(1 (
5.30 73. . . .231 bO 5,3,1 ,
5.30 (10. ( , . .247 240 53J
5..SO H3. . . .173
5.80 210
5.30 40
5.30 59. . , .24(1 ( 40
5.30 to. . , .233 5.35
5.30 01. . , .260 5,35
5.30 00. . , .271 120 5,35
5.30 01. . , .SiW 120 5.35
5.30 03. . , .2113 1(10 ( 5.3 >
5.iO ! 01. . , .234 320 5,35
5.30 05. . .250 120 5 85
5.30 00. . , .228 100 5.33
530 07. . , .239 120 5.35
530 S .207 40 5.85
530 : : : .201 bO 5.35
5.30 77. . . .218 120 5.33
530 (11. ( . . .27(1 ( 1110 5.33
5.30 57. . , , ' . > 00 bO 5.35
530 73. . , ,23(1 ( to 5.33
5.HO C9. . , .2110 20o 5.35
5.30 ( H. . , 25s 40 5.35
530 " 0. . .233 ll 5.35
5.30 bl. . .193 1(10 ( 5.33
5 30 77. . , .Ib5 1(10 ( 5.35
530 75. . .225 200 5.35
5 30 77. . ,245 bO 5.35
5.30 7 ! ! . . , bOW ) 5H5
47. . , law 80 5.35
ftiiO 70. . , 209 120
5.30 71. . .273 200
5.30 71. . , .251 400
5.80 59. . . ' . ' 53 200 5.37M
(19. . .249 40 5.371 *
IB. . , .270 12J 5.40
5.30 69. . .270 bO 5.40
5.30 63. . .3il ! 120 5.40
530 .275 200 5.10
5.80 6i ; ; .330 1(10 ( 5.40
530 03 . . U 1(10 ( 5.10
5.30 01. . .CM SO 5.40
5.30 59. . . , 90 5.40
5.30 53. . .310 120 5.45
5.30 00. . .S9J 200 5,45
5.I-.0 .207 120 5.45
5.30 6.45
5.30 58 , . , ! 5lO 120 5.4.5
6.80 IU. , , .353 120 5.45
5.80 M , . , .310 5.50
No. Av. Pr.
UU corn-fed 93 S4.00
Stook Sold.
Showing the number of cattln , hogs and
sheep sold to the leading buyers on to-day's
G. IJ. Hammond & Co 15
Swift & Co 103
Burnsido 01
Kd wards 1
Stevens II. & Co 1
McCloud , Love & Co 22
O. H. Hammond & Co -110
Omaha P. Co - . 514
Armour & C Packing Co 2,0,10
J. P. Squires & Co 1,002
C. Snrlngr . - 121
Davis & Atwood 125
Hrainnrd Hros 201
Ilnlstcad & Co 43
J. Doud 420
Tlmrp 202
Payne 81
G. H. Hammond & Co 109
11 fullest and Lowest ,
The following arc the highest nnd lowest
prices paid for mixed and heavy loads of hogs
on this market during the past few days nnd
for the corresponding period in 1837 nnd ISSii :
Live Stock Notes.
Hogs lower.
Everything sold.
Cattle market lower.
A , Jensen , Western , was looking1 over the
J. Hastio brought in a load of cattle from
Sam Ewing , Geneva , came in with a load
of hogs.
W. J. Anglman , Ncola , la. , was in with a
load of hogs. f
V. G. Kiu-no was in from Albion with two
loads of cnttlo.
C. E. Campbell nnd D. S. Baker , of Fre
mont were visitors hero to-day.
Mr. Uogart , of the firm of Bufllngton &
Uogart , Glen wood , was hero to-day.
J. G. Goadell , Western , came in with five
loads of cattle and ono load of hogs. The
hogs topped the market.
August Anderson , Oakland ; G. II. David
son , Ha/ard : August Arnons , Boolus ;
George F. Uurch , McCool and ( J. W. Gould ,
Springview , were among those who came in
with hogs.
Another hog buyer put in an appearance
to-day. Charles Ii. North , of the linn of C.
H. North A : Co , , Hoston , was hero nnd miulo
nrrangciiiPiits to buy hogs on this market.
Ho buys choice heavy hogs.
Produce , Knilm , Nut * * , Ktc.
Wednesday , Juno 20.
Trade vjjis good to-day. Herries wore
coming in freely but not in sufllclcnt quanti
ties to materially affect prices , lilack rasp
berries sold nt $3.50 to $400 nor ease of 24 qts ,
nml red at W.OO per case. 13 lack berries wuro
nulling at 85.00.
Trade was good to-day , and prices all
around worn firmer. Kggs nnd butter are in
fiilr supply and good demand with quotations
steady. Lemons are higher and a still
further advance Is looked for. Vegetables
are now coming in principally from market
gardeners , and quotations ara only nominal.
131'TTEit Fancy creamery roll butter , 20@
21c ; with solid packed nt 15 < < tlOe : choice
country butter , 13i ( I4c ; common grades , 11@
12e.Enos Strictly fresh , ] 5@lic. !
CiiKitiiiKx 1'crcaso of 10 ibs , ? 1.75i52.00.
Southern cherries $2.7f > per 21 quart cano.
SniAttiir.imiKx $2.50ii ( i 75 per 10 qt case. : Full cream , 13 ( 14c.
UuErs 30o per doz.
POTATOES Choice homo grown , 75@95o ;
Utah anil Color.ulo stock , lK)305o ; low
grades , ft.yv < G5c. ,
I'ori.Tin No dressed fowl in tlio market ;
live chickens , $ 'j.25 pcrdoz ; spring chickens ,
W.fOC 3.25.
ItAmrfiics 10gl5o ( ! per doz ,
STIIINO UHASS jl.50per bu.
( SitECN IJis-1.50ir/2.00 : per bu.
ToMATor.d-J2.50 per crate orS1.73S2.00 ( per
1'ixc Avi',50. : ,
HAXANAS Common medium2.50fiI3.00 per
bunch ichulcf , S1.00tf3.50 ; low grader. , 5.3.00.
Tiiitxii's California , 2l fe3o per Ib.
DATts Persian , ( l4ii } ( o i > er Ib.
CIIIEH Choice jMichigan cider , f .50@050
per bhl. of 32 gal.
SPINACH ? 1.60 per bbl.
lliii-nAitn ! 3 ( aifo per Ib.
ONIONS Native stock.1.25@1.50 ; Spanish ,
] > cr box of 5 Ibs , $1.75 ( 2.00 ; California on.
ions , 33-(4ei > er Ib.
LIMON : - 1.5'JC'/7.00 ' per box ; f.incy , ST.OO ®
S. ( 0
OiuNocb California niver8iilpS3.75@ 1.00 ;
medium sweet Uiverbldes , $1.5(1 ( per box ;
Messina , $3.507.00 ; f os Ansreles. f4.0.i ( < j
4.50 ; Los Angeles NuvaU , ? J.OO ; Idvorbido
Navals , f < i IX ) . .
CAIIIHOUS 3G3J/o per Ib. for California.
CAVi.iFi.qwEi ! Uooil stock , fl.5lKgl.75 per
Asi'AitoraCO@75o per dozeji bunches.
Ci'ctMuuits 50oper do for choice.
CEI.CHV California atpck , * 1.50 per doz.
1'orcous Choice rice com is quoted at 3Q
4oporlb. ; gthor klnda 2l < , ' ( ii3o Jicrlb.
CAiutors New block. , 40 ( 45o per doz.
HtiNB-Gooa stock , 3.00. 3.75 ; California
beans , I3.25Q3.40 ,
Fios In layers , 13@15c ; cake , lOe per Ib.
NUTS Peanuts , raw , CJ7c ; Brazil nuts ,
13c ; nlmomls , Tarragona , 22c ; English wal
nuts , 15@lbe ; filberts , ISo ; Italian chestnuts ,
15c : pecans. 15c.
Hoxcr lfl(221e ( for 1 Ib frames ; canned
honey , 10@l2c per Ib.
PUHC MAIM.E SVKUP $1.23 per gal.
Su.sirv 25e per bunch.
Grocer's List.
ncrixnn LAIIIJ Tierce , 7 e ; 40 Ib square
cans , 75 < c ; 50-lb round , Sc ; 20-lb round , bj/c ;
10-lb pails , b e ; 5-lb pails , S e : 3-lb palls ,
Svuui'S Now Orleans molasses , per bbl. ,
37 ( < ? 4Gc per gal. ; corn syrup , Sic ; half bbls. ,
3Gu ; 4-gnl kegs , 815tf ( 1.55 : sortrhum , 3Sc.
PUOVIMOXS Hams , lO Oll'oC ; breakfast
bacon , IDJ lOJi'u ; bacon sides , Otff'.l c : dry
salt , 8KGfSc ; shoulders. 7@7)ic ) ; dried beef ,
Goons Oysters , standard , per
case , $3.200(3.35 ; Htrawberrles , 2-lb , per ease ,
S2.W@2.70 ( ; raspberries , 2-lb , per case , ? 2.00 < JS
2.70 ; California pears , per case , $4.70@4.bO ;
apricots , per case , $1.25i4.35 ( ; peaches , per
case , t5.oiMi5.T5' white cherries , per case ,
$5. < 0 < fc < ; .00 ; California plums , per case"jl.50
fe4.00 ; blueberries , per case , ? 2.00n2.10 ( ; ; egg
plums , 3-lb , per case , 3.50 ; pineapples , 13-lb ,
per case , $320 ( < t5. 75 ; 1-lb salmon , per do/c'ii ,
&l.SO@l.b5 : 2-lb gooseberries , per case. $2.fcO
( ji'J.OO ; 2-lb string beans , per case ,
l.SO ; 2-lb Lima beans , per case , fl.
imported Jf , 13@15c per box ; domestic
( ail' c ; mustard , 9J < J ( < iWc.
\u-Granulated , f > K@7c ; conf. A ,
0c white extra C , G wOXc ; extra C ,
O e ; yellow C , 55it45c ; cut loaf ,
So ; powdered , 7@So ) : New Orleans ,
COFFEE Ordinary grades. 10@17c ; fair ,
7@lSe ; prime , lSi ( l'Jo ; luncy green and
yellow , 22 ( < 23c ; old government Java , 26@
30c ; interior Java , 25-i'2Sc ( ' ; Mocha. 2S(230cj (
Arbucklo's roasted , 31 'fc ; McLaughlin's
XXXX , 21tfc ; Dilworth'8 , 21c ; Ued Cross.
Ulc ; Alaroma , 31 } c ; German , 20c.
WooiiBXwticE Two-hoop ] ) ails. per doz. ,
? 1.40 ; three-hoop palls , 81.0V No. 1 tub ,
57.00 ; No. 2 tub , 0.00 ; No. 3 tubs , ? 5.00 ;
washboards , electric , $1.50 ; fancy Northern
Queen washboards , ? 2.73 ; assorted bowls ,
t.3.75 ; No , 1 churns , $9.50 ; No , 2 churns ,
S8.50 ; No. 3 churns , 7.50 ; butter tubs , 1.70 ;
spruce , in uests , 70c per nest.
TOIIACCO PLI-CI L.orillnrd'8 Climax , 43c ;
Splendid , 44u ; Mechanic's Delight , 44c ; Leggett -
gett & Meyer's Star , 45c ; Cornerstone , 3flc ;
Drummond's Horboshoo , 45o ; J. T. , 42c ;
Sorg's Spearhead , 45e : "Cut Hate , " 2Uc ;
"Oh , My , " 27c ; Piper Heldsiuk. Olc.
TOIIACCO SMOKIXO Catlln'B Meerschaum ,
nic ; Ciitlln's Old Style , 2Jlc ; Sweet Tip
Top , 32e ; U. W. O. , 17e ; Hed , White and
Uluc , ibc.
, ni.i.iis : 30-lb pans , 5I.25CM.50.
SALT Per bbl in carload lots , 1.15.
KOI-K Soven-sixtecnths , 10i10fi ( } ! .
Ox v Mixed , Of " Mo ; stick , DfeflKc.
PICKI.UMedium" , in bbls , $ l.0 ( ) ; do in half
bbls , 3 50 ; small , in bbls , 57.00 ; do in half
bbls. $1.00 ; gherkins , in bbls , 3.00 ; do in
half bbls , 4,50.
HOLLAND iiniinixns CS@70c per keg.
MAI-LI : SUUAK IJricks , 12 > c per Ib ; penny
cakes , 13ctl4c ( per Ib. ; pure maple syrup , 1.25
tier gal.
HIIOOMB Extra , 4-tie , S2.00 ; parlor. T-tIo ,
jtainted handles , 2.2.5 ; No. 1 , $2.00 ; No. 2 ,
$1.75 ; heavy stable brooms , 4.00.
STAKCII Mirror gloss , fioGraves' corn
Gfo ; Oswcgo gloss , 7o ; Oswego corn , 7c.
TEAS Japans , 2J ( 55i ) ; Gunpowder. 20 ®
COc : Young Hyson , ja&fiSc ; Oolong , 20@05c.
POWDDK AND SHOT Shot , 1.30 ; buckshot ,
1.55 ; Hazard powder , kegs , 5,00 : half kegs ,
2.75 ; one-fourths , 1.50j blasting Kegs , $2.35 ,
fuses , 100 ft. , 45ij7ric. (
Nos. 303-404-170-604.
fi'iti ( /yimll.tul rr.
I U . lfiClriir .i rlyilM y. lo > t
ra.inli < xiil , < tc. I win MiiTu tuluulilo triullfe ( walnl )
toiitnlulni : full partU'ulara fur lionio uiriinu at
cliiitr , * Ailduxw ,
PROF. F. C. FOWLER , MooUus. Conn.
r. it. I'Ai.Mrn. K i1. IIICMIIA.V. j. ii
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
ODlco-Uourn VI. Onnoiltu K > diuniiu Iliilldlrn : . Lnloa
_ _ Muck Vurd , houlli Ouiuliu.SflJ.
Liye Stock- Commission Merchants ,
Ittirkft furnUlii-rt free on uppllcatloii fctockeri and
fiiitor ! ( urnl > lic < l nnunod UTIUD Uu'vrvncvtOniu -
liu.S'alloiul Hunk liinl huutli Oiuuhu Knlluuai , Llituu
block V nli , South Uumliu.
Liye Stock Commission ,
( loom 1H , Ktcboniie Hutlclliv. I'nloa Etort Vardi ,
buutli Uuintiu , Nub.
Commision Dealers in Live Sock ,
Zoom 't ! , Upiumltu Kicluiigo HulldiiiK , Uulou Stoclc
Vurdl , houlU OuiuU'i , Kt'ti.
Of Omaha , Limited.
Dealer in Agrictillnrallmplcmeiits , Wagons ,
Orrlagia nuJ ll > t l ( > Jiites Plrrct.bcHTccuStUaua
IDtb , Onmbn , N
AgTicnltnralImileineiitsVa ! , ousCarriaps ,
, Etc.VliOlc nlo. Omnhft.Xebrft kK.
Whclcsilo lfnlrm In
AETicnltnral Implements , Wagons & Buggies
Wl , KS , 6 anil IWJ Jones Street , Omnhn.
P. P. MAST & CO. ,
Manufacturers of Buckeye Drills , Seeilers ,
Cultivators , liny U kc . CUIcr Mill ? unit l.utxm 1'ul-
_ VI-HHT.I. Cor , lltli nnd Xlcliolnibtrcclt.
W'JN ON A ! M P LE'ME NT coT ,
Agricultural InnileiiiciitsYagoiis , , & Buggies
_ Corner lllh nnd Nli liolss SlrooH. _
J. F. SEIBERLIrtX3 .V CO. . .
Akron , " Ohio.
Harvesting Machinery aud Binder Twine ,
\V. H. Mciil. Mannior. 1213 Lcavonwortli ft , Otuilin.
.Mnniifncturcrsnn I Jobbers In
Wagons s , Buggies , Rakes , Plow Etc ,
Cor , Dili tui'l I'ncldc Streets. Oninlm , Neb ,
Artists' rflntorlnla.r . .
" r
A HOSPE , Jr./
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1513 Dounlnt Mirct , Omnlm , Nebraska.
Doots nnd Shoos *
( Successors to Itci'd , Jones A to. )
Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots and Shoes
Jor lloMon Uubiicr Shoe Co. ll ( , 1101A 11W
ll rney bt. , Uuialia. M-braaltn.
W. V. MORSE .V CO. .
Johhers of Boots and Shoes ,
1101 , IIUT-UOJ Uo"i9 ] St.Omnliii Manufactory , Sum
mer' t. ItittOll.
Succcssorsto A. T. Konyon Jt Co. , Wholesale \ Itctnll
'Booksellers and Stationers ,
Flno AVedillna Stationer } ' , Cnmmerclnl Stationery ,
Ui''J Douglas Street. OuioUa. Neb.
Coffo88poo8 ,
Omaba Coffee and bplco Mllli.
Teas , Coffees , Spices , Batting Powder ,
FlaTurlnB Kxtrnctt , Laumlry Illue , Inks , Klo. 1114-
lilltllnrney Mri-i't , Oinahii , NeHmtkn.
Crpokory and Classyvpro.
Arcnt for the Manufucturcrs and Irapnrtcis of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys ,
Ktc. oal co. 317 S. 13th H. , Omaha. Ncbra ka.
IniDortcrsand lolbersof
Greenery , filaware , Miurs , Silverware
Ktc. 1511 mrnnni St. , Now I'axtoii llulldln. .
Commission and
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
Specialties nutter , Kpgs , riiec'e , I'oiiltry , Game ,
1112 Howard StrePt. ; Omalm.
Biicccssors to AlcSbanc & Scbroeder. )
Produce Commission and Cold Storage ,
Omaba. Nubraaka.
Flour , Feed , Grain and General Commision
Merchant. CorrP"pomIencc solicited. 1014 Nortli ICtb
MrcetUmuba , Neb.
Coajtjgjoko and Limo. _
OMAHA'C'OAL. "co KE"srLiivTE "co.
Johhers of Hard and Soft Coal ,
a South 13th Street , Omaha , Nebraska.
Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime ,
And Milliners of Coal. Coke , Cement , 1'lRftcr , I.lmo.
Drain Tile , and SOwcr Pipe. OBtce , i'axton Hotel ,
Farnam St. , uuiuba , Neb. Telephone 611.
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
211 Soulb 13th fru , Omaha. Neb.
Dry Goods and Notions.
" "
M. E SMITH & CO. ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions ,
1103and HOIDoimlasCor.llth St.OmahaNeb.
Importers and Jotte in Dry GoodsNotions ,
Gents' Kurnlshlnu ( looils. Corner llth and IJaJutiy
Me , Omnba , Nibnuka.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
Kiirnam Street. Omaba. Nehmika.
Ouiaba , Nebmiko.
PAXTON , GALLAGHER" " * : co ?
Wholesale Groceries and Proyisions ,
706 , TOT , 700 and 711 S. 10th St. , Omaha , Neb ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
> th and Lcavenwortb Btrecti , Omaha , Nebraska.
Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate ,
MctnU , F licet Iron , etc. Agents ( or Howe Scales ,
Mlamn'o\MlcruudIyman li.irhed wlro ,
Clmiibu , Nebrauku.
Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop ,
Mechanics' Tools and IluCalo Scales , 1405 Douului
btreet , Omaha , Nebraska.
Wholesale Hardware ,
lOtli and Homer Hi. , Orauba , Neb , Western Auenti
/orAumln .ilerCu , Jenerson Hteul Null * ,
1-Hlrbanks totaudurd Hculcs.
Wholesale Manufacturers of
Saddlery & Jihte of Saddlery Hardware
And Leather. liQJ.HM un.l HU Httrncy St. , Omalm ,
Hopvjr Har
Heayy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Springs , Wiuon Stork , Hardware. Lumber , Etc. IKi
uud 1211 llarnujr StreetOmuha.
I , Clu.
W. L. PARROTTE afco. ,
Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods ,
1107 Ilarnor Strf U Omaha. Mfch.
Office F.xturos.
JUnu'u l 'ten ol
Bank , Die and Salooa Fixtures ,
Mantlet. RllcboarJi. UntkCniPt , IWurf KUturos.Wall
( 'u L'M , I'urtitiunv HttUiiifcrl.Couuterii , llttraatl Wlna
I. oolut , .Mirror * etc , latiorr auJoraLf , 17MunJir i
bouthljth fct.yaj ha. 'Ulcplioue Uil.
I ) LlllDUJ
Lumbar *
" " * *
OMAHA LUMBkri"co" . ,
Ail Kinfls of BnlUImE Material a ! Wholesflte
_ _ 15Ueiri-tfinj L'nlon r.ieinoTruck.Onub * .
" *
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , liiiic , Sasii ,
Uoor * . Utc. Tnr.ltyrnpr tlh nnj Dou'Ui ( Cornel
JMll Allll IKlllRUl.
C. " N7"b IETZ , *
Dealer in All Kind ? of Lumber ,
Uth nml California Streets , Om li , No
KREb W ,
Lumber lime Cement Eto. Etc
, , , . , ,
Corner Cthnml nonEli\sSt . .Omi ha.
To Dealers Only ,
gfflco.lKVI Knrnnm Street Omaha.
Whotesalo Lumber , Etc ,
Whlto I .lino.
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber ,
\Voo.1 C rrot nml 1'nrquot rtoortni Wh nml
Wholesale Nolions and Fiiriiisliing Goods
4tl ! nntt ( ( V , H ( uih ICtli ft. . O.tiahn.
WnolsaleReflned and Lubricating Oils ,
Ailo (1runi > ( > , Ktc. , OmnbR. A. II. Illfhop , Mnnngcr
Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods ,
11(15 ( Ilnrncy Streot.Onmliit.
_ _ Palnta nnd
Wliulo'nlo Denlcrn In
Paints , Oils , Window Glass , Etc ,
111' Fnrnnm Street. Onmhu.Nob.
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
C rrr i nlco itnck of 1'rlntlnK , Wmiiplnp aml.Wrltlni
l' , tr. Bi't'Clal Hllcnllon glTt'ii to rnr Inail ontvri.
Prlntora' Materials.
Amiliary Pablishers ,
Dvdlfrsln Type. l'rc > p > nnrt Trlntcrs'Supplies. 50J
t-outli ltli Siruot , Onmha.
Rubber Goods.
Hannfactnrers and Dealers in Rubber Goods
Oil Clothing mid Leather llcltlnir. 10US Fnrnnm Street.
Pnmns , Pipes and Engines ,
! tcam- ' 81' Etc'
Wholesale Puuins , Pipe , Fittings ,
3tcamnnJ W tor Siippllos. TTomlqiinrtcn for Must ,
Fooat A Co'a gooilii. 11111'nrnnm St , Oinnlin.
Steam and Water Supplies ,
tlallldny Wind JIIIN. P18 nml PW Fnrnnm St. , Omaha.
U. K. lto s , Actliitf .MiimiKer.
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery ,
Sheet Iron Work Ptcnm I'uinp , Sn r MlHs. 1J13-121S
Lunvennorth Slrei't. Omnlin.
Smpkc Stacks , Bailers , Etc.
Manufacturing Dealer in SmoKe Stack
lirltuliiiigs , Tanks nn < 1 ( .cnornl Holler ItcpnlrliiK. Uli
Duilk'n ftrcpt. Umnhit , Null
Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds
Oil nml Pl.l.loncH t-trpi t Omnha.
Storage , Forwarding A Commission
Storage , Forwarding and Commission ,
Branch hnuso of the llomiuy iliiKuy Co. Ilimtilcaal
nholuaalu uml rctnll , IH I rilOnii.lm \ liuril iitruut ,
Omaha. Teluiiliuno No.7. < U.
Browors- _ _
* "
Lager Beer Brewers ,
JKl Notth Kljthteonth btrcet , Onmha. NVh.
. _ . Iron VVorka.
Cnrter A Fen , 1'rnp K. Jlaniifiirturcnof ull klndi
Steam Boilers , Ms and Sliest Iron Wort
Work * South 'A'lh ' uml II. k M. Crosiini/ .
Wrought and Cast Iron Building Wort ,
Knplnes , HrnM Woik.Qeiioral roiimlry. Xluchlnonnd
JIluckBiiilth Wurk oitlto nml Woikn , II. I * . U/ .
nnd mil Mreut.Oinnlia.
Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings
Desk Italia , \Vlndn < r fnnnl . Howcr HtiimK , Wlra
bltn , Kto. 121 North ICth Slrcut.Uinuha ,
Man'frs ' of Fire & Burglar Proof Safes
raultvJnll Work , Iron ami Wlra I'Vmlntf. Klk-ni. Kto.
U. Amlroen , I'rou'r Cor.llthand Jacknon HH ,
Iron and Wire Fences , Railings , -Guards
and Scrccnn , ( ortinnks , olllco * , lorp losiilcncai , etc.
Jmpruvi-d AwnlnjH. lx > : krmth | Mm hlncry uml
lllucktmltli WorkB. WiKiuth lull J-t.
Fire and Burglar Proof Safes , Time Locks ,
Gcnura ) Aiti'iiti for Ili > hnld hula 1 Ixck Co 'a
VaultD uml Jull Wuik , H15 Farnnm tlruut , Omaha.
Millinery nnd Notions.
' " *
Importers & Jobbers in Millinery Notions
iuth lltli Uri'Mt
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jcarn I'nuls , biilrtt , Ktc llO-'timl 1101 Douylat Street.
Ouiaua , Neb *
_ Corn loo.
* " " " *
EAGLE Co7"NTcE Wo"m < si
Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Cornice ,
John KpOBCtcr. I'roprlelor iOI DoiVo and 101 and lOd
Konli linh fatrcut , Omaha.
Paper Boxes.
Proprietor Omaha Paper Box Factory ,
Noi. 1317 and Hl'J Douglas Ht. , Omaha , Neb ,
Doors , Eto. _
* ' 1
M. A.sBROV' f , CO. , . *
Wholesale Muuu" .cturcri of
Sasli Doors , Blinds and Mouldings
Branch Utiico. mh nod lianl btrccu , Omaha , Nsb ,
' '
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds.
V u | 1)0119 ) , Hlalr Work ami Interior Ilarit Wool Hii
u. IS. K. Corner hlh uud l-turenworth StrteH ,
Oioaha , Jjlcb.
Maaafacturers of Moulding , Sash , Doors ,
Acd IlinJ , Turnln2. Stair-work , Uack ana OSgg fl >
tlu i , 'AUi u > a I'o pUtoa Avetiut.