Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 21, 1888, Page 2, Image 2

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His Wife Finds Him Hanging But
Still Alivo.
And Becomes n Having Maniac A
el "Woman Kills Herself at Colum
elS bus Vl llnnts String Up
n Jlorsn Thief.
Cut Down Ton Imte ,
ConnAM ) , Nob. , Juno 20. [ Special to TUB
linn.J Last night Mr. Tumor , who lived
five miles northwest of Corthuid , committed
BUlcldo by hanging. His wlfo went to the
barn and found him hanging by the neck ,
Btlll struggling. She immediately cut the
rope and ran for help to n near neighbor's ,
but when they returned ho was dead. It Is
reported that when she cut him down she
forgot to remove the rope from his neck before
tl ; fore starting for help , which might have
Jio eavod his life. The coroner wns summoned
o K nnd wns on the ground early this morning.
u From what can bo gathered at tills time , it
1 seems the act was occasioned by family
1L' trouble , as It is reiwrtcd that ho and his wife
did not live In harmony. At this writing the
I coroner has not returned his verdict.
LfNCOLN , Neb. , Juno 20. [ Special.Tele
gram to Tnu Hin.l : Eberhnrd Thurbor , a
farmer living near Princeton , this county ,
; * committed suicide last night by hanging him-
eclf with a calf rope in the woodshed of his
dwelling. Two weeks ago n babe was born
In the family , which , with the father , mother
nnd a four-year-old child , constituted the
family. At the supper table last night some
, hot words occureil between Thurber and his
wife , in which she upbraided him for neg
lect of the child and causing her trouble.
Ho left the house In n rage , nnd shortly after
I' the wife found him breathing his last. The
' shock so overpowered her that it ren.ulro-1 all
I'I the vlgllcnco of the neighbors through the
night to keep her from destroying herself ,
I and to-day she Is n raving maniac , und was
brought to this city to-night to bo examined
by the insanity commission. The little
neighborhood Is greatly excited over the
ti- tragedy. _ _ _ _ _
# tiS Nebraska's Masonic Grand Ijod c.
LINCOLNNob. . , Juno " 0. [ Special
S to Till ! HiiE.J The grand ledge of Ma
1 sons of the state of Nebraska , commenced
1a. "
a. its annual session In this city to-day with
Grand Master Milton J. Hull , of Edgar , pro-
\ Biding. At the opening of the grand ledge
session thcro were fully five hundred Masons
in attendance and the number will bo further
augmented to-morrow. The attendance is n
relief from the deserted "nlr of the hotel lob
5 bies caused by so many Lmcolnltcs going to
the Chicago convention. The grand master's
5R report and also the report of the secretary
and treasurer arc in print , nnd nXtho opening
R of the session were distributed to the dele
4 gates. The grand muster's report shows
that thcro are 100 chartered lodges now em
braced In the grand lodge of Nebraska and
there nro eighteen lodges working under
dispensation that will apply for charters at
this session. All the lodges represent a mem
bership of 18,000 Masons in the state ; the in
crease during the year has been 050 , and the
death roll eighty , an unusually largo number.
The report shows that during the past year
thcro have been twenty-live schools of instruc
tion held. Only ono ledge , that of York ,
met With serious loss , all its property being
destroyed by lire. However , the ledge re
built nt once and has now a bettor property
than that which was destroyed. During the
year the order has laid the following corner
tones : The Masonic templn ut Hebron ; the
railroad bridgoovor the Missouri river nt
Nebraska City : the court house nnd school
house at Beaver City ; Grant memorial hall
at Lincoln. In addition two new Masonic
temples have been dedicated in the year.
' New Ho nml House nt Grand Island.
Gn.iXD ISIAND , Neb. , Juno 20. ( Special
Telegram to Tins I3uu. ] General Superin
' - tendent Lnntry , of the bridge and building
I'- department Of the Union Pacific railwaywas
8n the city to-day and located a now round
I'fc. house south of the shops in the east end of
town. The plans Mr. Lantry had
fc. with him call for n twenty-llve-stall house
. with offices , pump rooms , etc. ; also a largo
coal chtito 05x100 feet. The worlc on the
'I ' building will commcnco at once nnd bo
pushed through ns fast us possible. Men are
already on the grounds clearing up and level
ing. The old house located in the Union
Pacific yards on Locust street will bo torn
down and the street opened , much to the
satisfaction of business men here , for these
old dingy buildings have long boon an oyc-
sere to all. Orders were also received from
Union Pacific headquarters to send all the
repairing needed between North Platte and
this point and also on all the branch roads
terminating hero to the Grand Island shops ,
nnd to increase the force as work demanded.
This will KIVO employment to 'JOO more me
chanics In the city and give the shops a force
of about 400 men.
Burglars nnd Boom 1 to ins.
ULYSSES , Neb. , Juno 20 , [ Special to Tins
pBEE. ] Several burglaries have occurred
lierc in the uast two months , the last , which
occurred last Monday night , was the forced
, entrance of S. Roberts' general merchandise
_ ptorc. The thiovcs secured only about 12 ,
'attor which they skipped on foot.
The UJyssos creamery is turning out over
fl.OOO pounds of butter per week , which sells
nbovo the top of the market in New York.
The canning faojtory company Imvo filed
articles of incorporation , and elected officers.
This now enterprise- will bo of vast import-
unco to the town.
The contract has been awarded for build-
Jug n line now $10,000 school house , bonds
lor which were voted the first of April.
Preparing to Celebrate.
'i ; McCoor. J DICTION , " xNob. , Juno 10.
[ Special to Tun BBE. ] Extensive prepara
tions are being made for one of the grandest
Fourth of July celebrations over hold in
Yo'rkor adjoining counties. Although our
town Is but llttlo over ono year old and con-
} alns only about two hundred and ilfty In
habitants , no town in Nebraska can boast
' qf having a moro rustling , wide awake class
of citizens than McCool Junction. Ample
funds have already been subscribed , nnd an
extensive programme arranged. A number
of prominent speakers will bo In attendance.
Good music will bo furnished. A general
invitation U extended to all neighboring
Died of Heart Dlmmwo.
MCCOOL JUNaTi6NNob.Juuo 20. [ Special
to TUB BEE. ] John Stewart , a prominent
nnd well-to-do farmer living three miles
southeast of McCool Junction , died suddenly
yesterday morning of heart disease. Ho
Jiroso in the morning , was around the house
nt usual , and after eating his breakfast
hitched up his team and started to work , but
before arriving at the field ho was attacked
vlthheart diacaso , fulllnu1 out of the wagon.
iJr , Morris , of McCool Junction , was benl
for , but before ho arrived Stewart had passed
into eternity. Mr. Stewart leaves a wife und
t-ii.0 small children.
Storm at Scotia ,
from , Nob. , Juno 20. [ Special the THE
Hi * . | About 7:30 : lost evening u severe wind
Btcrm from the southeast i cached hero doing
DM. Idcrable damage , the greatest of which
tv > to the flouring mill of Wcelcs Hros. Two
CutvnU of wind apparently mot at the mill ,
t ofcd the engine house and toro down the
fin' ' licstack and did some blight damage to
the main buildiny. No other damage was
doua to tlo town except uprooting some tries
nnd overturning some outbuildings. It is re-
l-oi\cd 1)7 ) trtin men that the wind blow a
] cngcr coaoh off the track en the Loup
I't'y branch at St. Paul. No one was In-
JureO ,
nulled n Ilulnod Iilfo.
CottrMmjs , Nobuno 20. [ Special Tele
pram to TntUEE.l Eva Miller , a prostitute
was found dead in a room on the couth eldo
of Eleventh Btroot early this morning. A
Kroner's hiry was empanelled and rendered
n verdict that she came to her death by nn
overdose of morphlno administered by her
own hand. She came to this city from Wis
consin Inst November , nnd was commonly
< nown by the name of Era Clifford. She
was only twcnty-thrco years of nge , nnd had
been living ns the mistress of n well-known
sporting character of this place.
Another Clinrjjo ARalnsl Cote.
NnniusKA , Citr , Neb. , Juno 20. [ Special
Telegram to Tn ? ; Hr.n. ] Mrs. Ann Mctcherr
-o-day filed papers in the district court pray-
ng for nn order of attachment on any prop
erty that Major A. S. Cole may still possess.
3ho alleges that the major collected for her
n ISSTi the sum of $1,700 on n mortgage on
Uutlec county property which , tip to date ho
tins failed to account for. Ills recent dlfllcul-
: les nnd his present absence from Nebraska
City has somewhat shaken her faith in the
deacon's honesty , hcnco her prayer for nn
order of attachment.
Knjolncd the IlonU.
IlASTtxos , Neb. , Juno 20. [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tim Br.n.j Tlio Citizens' street rail
way company began this morning laying
rack on Second street parallel with another
hie. Worlc wns suspended by a writ of in
unction Issued by Judge Gaslln on complaint
> f J. Fisher , n prominent banker nnd citircn ,
alleging danmgo to property , that the com-
mny is not properly incorporated , has not
icon granted the right nnd Is insolvent. The
luarlng of the case is set for to-morrow.
Strung Up nnd Confessed.
I3r.SKi.nMAN , Neb. , Juno 20. ( Special Tele-
jratn to TUB JUr.K.J For several months
mst there has been considerable stealing In
South Fork settlement , Cheyenne county.
I'ho settlers wearied of raising horses to bo
itiproprlntcd by other pcoplo and organized a
vigilance committee. Suspecting Patrick
VIuLaughlin of being implicated In the thefts
they strung him un to a tree last night and
extorted a confession which will lead to the
arrest of the gang. McLnughliu was badly
strangled but will live.
Creditors Ijclt In tlio Lurch.
HASTINGS , Neb. , Juno 20. [ Special Tele
gram to Tnu UKC. ] C. 13. Shearer , coming
From Chicago , purchased a restaurant hero a.
tow weeks ago in his wlfo'a name , bought
supplies on credit in his own name , sold the
business Monday nnd prepircd to leave
quietly last night. Two creditors forced n
settlement , but Shearer got nwny , leaving
unpaid bills amounting to several hundred
Bis Shipment of Cattle.
CitnioiiTON , Nob. , Juno 20. [ Special to
Tin : Hun. ] Ten car loads of fat cattle left
hero to-day by special train for the Chicago
market. The cars used \yero the Streets
western stable cars. This is the initial trip
Tor these cars on this line , but probably not
: ho last , ns stockmen generally pronounce
, hcm indlspcnsiblo. This shipment is almost
.ho last of eighty cars of cattle that
have been fed at Creigliton this winter.
Copious Tlalns In Kcitli County.
OGAMACA , Neb. , Juno 20. [ Special to Tun
13HE. ] The vicinity has just been visited
with the heaviest rain of the season , which
assures nu abundant yield of small grain.
Dur county commissioners have just awarded
the contract for constructing the now Keith
county court house to W. U. McCartney of
.his place. Work will commence at once.
Appointed Matron nt Norfolk.
CiiisioiiTON' , Neb. , Juno 20. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun Ben. ] Mrs. Mary E. Owens of
: hls place has to-day received notice of her
appointment by Governor Thaycr to the posi
tion of matron of the insane asylum at Nor
folk. Mrs. Owens is ono of Creiphton s most
liighly respected ladies , nnd will fill the posi
tion she 1ms obtained admirably.
A Small Cyclone.
Oni ) , Nob. , Juno 20. - [ Special Telegram
to Tun REE. ] A small cyclone passed
through hero between 0 nnd 7 o'clock last.
night , injuring several buildings , lifting
small outhouses over the top of the houses ,
teariugoff closed shutters from frame houses ,
etc. No ouo was iujurcd. Estimated darn-
ago SoCO. _
A Verdict Vor Hastings.
HASTINGS , Neb. , Juno 20. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEE. ] In the sultof Foxworthy
of Lincoln for $20,000 damages against the
city for personal injuries received by falling
on a sidewalk two years ago , the jury re-
turucd a verdict for the city.
Tlio Past Freight "Wrecked.
ConTis , Neb. , Juno 20. [ Special to Tan
BIE. ] The fast freight , carrying silk , col
lided with an engine on the main line early
this morning , considerable damage icsultitig
to both.
_ _
llonovolcnt Cat holies Meet.
WATEKI.OO , In. , Juno 20. [ Special Tele-
cram to TUB UIE. ] The Homan Catholic
Mutual Protective association In annual con
vention to-day olcclQd olllccrs for the ensuing
year. The report of General Secretary
Sueppel showed a total membership of 1,705.
The number of delegates in attendance was
swelled to about ono hundred visitors. The
meeting concludes to-morrow oven ing.
A Swlno
MASON CITY , In. , Juno 20. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BEB. ] A peculiar discaso is
epidemic among the swine in this section and
many are dying. The first symptom is the
tongtm starts to decay and soon the entire
head is affected. .
Changed to a Daily.
WATEUI.OO , la. , Juno 20.-- ( Special Telegram -
gram to TUB BEE. ! The Iowa State He-
porter will begin to-morrow the publication
of nn evening paper , republican in politics.
Tno Colorado Doctors.
COLOIIADO , Si'HiNCia , Col. , Juno 20. [ Spec
ial Telegram to Tim BEE. ] The second
duy's session of the state medical society was
much larger than the first. Interesting
papers were rcail by Dr. J. T. Eskridgo , of
Colorado Springs , on "Certain locali/ed les
ions of the brain and their practical rela
tions , " and one by Dr. S. A. Flsk , of Denver ,
on "Arsenical Paralysis. " The last paper
read was by'Dr. Eleanor Laurney , of Denver ,
on "Somo considerations regarding tlio non-
burvlvnlof the unlit. " Tno annual address
by President Xclly was of great interest. Ho
briefly reviewed the growth of the state so
ciety und dwelt at some length upon the ell.
mutio influence under which the Colorado
physician practiced. Ho observed that these
conditions with each succeeding year wcro
becoming better understood and were noted
by the Increased success of the practitioner.
In the ovonlug a banquet wns given to the
members of the convention nt the Antlers
hotel by the JO 1 pa so County Medical society.
The Crop Outlook.
CINCINNATI , Juno 20. [ Special Telegram
to Tun Ur.B.j The conditions during the
week Imvo generally been f.\vorablo for crops
In the west. There is need of rain in some
portions of the Ohio valley region , which , if
not soon relieved , will lead to bad results to
corn , which crop , as yet , is not in a favor
able condition to a wide extent , but Is pro
gressing well west of the Mississippi. Oats
coutinvo to give high premises , the outlook
being for 750,000 000 bushels. Wheat 1ms had
n continuance or favorablencss for progress
of the srpmi ; crop und maturity of the winter -
tor grain , nnd previous estimates may bo
fully maintained without ground for essen
tial enlargement.
I'olHoncd Hoi-self and Children.
Pjrrsr.oiio , Juno 20. This morning a
woman named Mrs. Johnson , living in a tene
ment In Allegheny City , gave poison to her
three children and then took some herself.
Two of the children and the woman died and
the other child la not expected to live. No
cause is known for the deed.
Weather Indications.
For Nebraska and Dakota : Fresh to brisk
westerly winds , later fair weather.
For lowas Light to fresh southerly winds ,
varying to fresh westerly , cooler , follower
by fallweather. .
B ( . Louis 7 , Den Molncn 8.
Sr. LouisJuno"20. . [ Special Telegram to
TftF. BEE. ] The Whites returned this morn-
ng from their disastrous trip through the
lorthwcst , nnd In the afternoon met the DCS
Molnes club nt Sportsman's park. Joe Mur-
> hy , the reporter , pitched under the alias of
. 'nrqulmr nnd would have won the game had
10 been properly supported , Kcnyon at-
cmptcd to play second base , but made a
ulsernblc failure , muffing three flics In suc
cession. In the first and second innings the
Isitors made eight runs on hits by Holliday ,
tlacullar , Schnfer and Van Dyke , nnd errors
> y Crooks and Kcnyon. The Whites made
'our in the fourth on doubles by Nicholson
and Arundcl and singles by Dolan and Ken *
on. The DCS Moines team wus never able
o score after the second inning. Hngan , the
ampho , gave the game to the visitors in the
ilnth inning by a decision that almost re
sulted in n riot. Ho iravo the Whites the
vorat of It on ovcry occasion. Crooks has
icon sold to Omaha and wilt play second
mse. The score :
Jcs Moines 4 4000000 0 S
St. Louis 1 0140010 0 7
Batteries Furgunhar and Arundcll Kcn-
icdy and Sago Base hits St. Louis 10 ,
3es Moines 8. Errors St. Louis 5 , DCS
MolnusC. Umpire Hiignn.
Western Association Standing.
Below will bo found the standing of the
clubs , Including yesterday's games :
Plavea Won Lost Pr Ct
DCS Moines 3 21 13 .017
SUPaul 30 22 14 .Oil
Milwaukee 31 10 15 .553
Kansas City 33 20 13 .520
Omaha ! 17 IS 10 .450
hicago 33 17 18 .455
Minneapolis -10 10 24 .400
St , Louis . . .40 14 20 .U30
Games Scheduled for To-Day.
Kansas City vs Omaha nt Kansas City.
Milwaukee vs Chicago at Milwaukee.
St. Paul vs Minneapolis at St. Paul.
Washington 8 , Philadelphia .
WASHINGTON , Juno 20 , The game between
Washington nnd Philadelphia to-day resulted
as follows :
Washington 0 42002000 3
Philadelphia. . . . ! ) 4
Pitchers Whitney nnd Sanders. Base hits
Washington 13 , Philadelphia 0. Errors
Wnshington 8 , Philadelphia 7. Uinpiro
New Vork 8 , Boston t.
BOSTON , Juno 20. The game between Boson -
, on nud New York to-day resulted ns _ fol-
ows :
Boston 0 1
New York 0 2411000 * 8
Pitchers -Undbournc and Welch. Case hits
Boston 3 , New York 8. Errors Boston U ,
Now York S. Uinpiro Daniels.
Detroit n , Indianapolis Q.
DCTIIOIT , Juno 20. The game to-day bo-
.ween Detroit and Indianapolis resulted ns
follows :
Detroit 2 20000010 fi
Indianapolis 0 10100000 2
Pitchers Conwav and Shrcve. Bnso hits
Detroit 10 , Indianapolis 2. Errors De
troit 4 , Indianapolis 0. Umpire Valentino.
Plttslmrg n , Chicago O.
CHICAGO , Juno 20. The game to-day be-
i.wccn Chicago and Pittsburg resulted as fol-
Ihicago 0 0
Pittsburff 0 S
Pitchers Krock and Galvin. Base hits
hicago 5 , Pittsburg 7. Errors Chicago 3 ,
Pittsburg 2. Umpiic Lynch.
Athletics 12 , Cleveland 1O.
uiLAnEM'iirA , Juno 20. The game be
tween Cleveland and the Athletics to-day
resulted as follows :
Athletics I 3 12
Cleveland 0 2 10
Cedar Rapids Greeting.
CEDAU K.u-ins , la , , June 20. The races
wcro largely attended.
In the 2:25 : pacing cltiss , unfinished yester
day , Balsora Wilites won , time 2:22 : ; Daisy
C. second , Black Henry third.
2:25 : trotting class Bawnco won , Nellie
second , Jim Luno third. Best time 2:25VJ. :
2:35 : class Not finished , owing to dark
Nebraska and Iowa Pensions.
WASHINGTON , Juno 20. [ Special Telegram
to THE BEE. ] Pensions granted Nebraskans -
kans : Original invalid Nehomhih P. Mil
ler , Ashland ; John A. Gillottco , Endoll ;
James Dilloy , Culbcrtson ; Levy O. Prouty ,
Ogallula. Increase John Lawlor , Newark ;
Duvid H. Bowman , Omaha ; David Dlngee.
Ked Cloud ; George H. llicker , Dewltt. Orig
inal widows , etc. Michael , father of John
Slavin. Omaha ; William M. , father of Ed
ward 1C. , alias Edgar Stafford , Tecumsch.
Pensions for lowuns : Original invalid
Frank Hoark , Iowa City ; Oliver H. P. Arm
strong , Fnrmington : Jacob Miller , Keosau-
qua ; John D. Smith , Marongo ; Joseph Lei-
pert , Carbon ; Thomas E. O'Domild , Oskn-
loosa ; Hamilton Shoperd , Colfax ; Sidney
Hlchurds , Akron ; Daniel O. Dnwson , Mnx-
well ; Hnrvoy Bnbb , Hecdor's Mills. Uosto-
ration and increase Horace II. Wheeler ,
Fort Madison. Increase Noyce Snyder ,
Salix ; George Maconnell , Indianola ; Pat
rick Welsh , Newton ; Simon P. Moon , Co
lumbia ; Frank J. McKay , Washington ;
William H. Stern , Cedar Itaplds ; Messcr
Jackson , Panoranclmriah ; B. Kilo , Musca-
tine ; Eastman A. Kelsey , Tripoli. Hclssuo
.Tunics M. Tuttle , DCS Moines ; Frank Phillips ,
Burlington. Orginul widows , etc. Ernes
tine , widow of Christian Bacht , Now Hamp
ton ; Mury B. Paxton , mother of Samuel T.
Crawford , Crawfordsvillo ; Mary A. , widow
of Charles D. Wilbur , Irwin ; minors of James
W. Dixor , Ottumwa ; Catherine , mother of
Thomas C. Harrison , Ablngdon ; Alinirn ,
widow of William Wright , Malison ; Ann ,
mother of Basil E. Wiggins. Fulrllold. Mex
ican widows Mary A. , widow of Thomas
Connelly , La Motte.
Proceedings of tlio Knights ,
CINCINNATI , Juno 2 , Tno supreme ledge of
tlio Knights of Pythias adopted the report of
the committee on the endowment rank ,
authorizing the board of control of that de
partment to levy an assessment in addition
to ono per month as heretofore when neces
sary. The lodge adopted n resolution de
claring oxpllcity that no authority ever has
boon granted for creating a ledge of colored
knights and that no colored man can lawfully
bo admitted to any lodgo.
Mrs , Pnrsonfl Arrnntod ,
CnicAoo , Juno 23. Mrs. Lucy Parsons ,
wlfo of the late A. U. Parsons , the executed
anarchist , was being driven about the streets
this afternoon in a buggy , attached to the
rear of which Was n llfo-slzcd crayon of her
deceased husband , She was distributing cir
culars descriptive of the merits of Parsons'
book , "Anarchism. " A largo crowd fol
lowed the conveyance , which was led to the
police station , and 4s occupants locked up.
Slierldan'a Condition ,
WASHINGTON , June 20. The following bul
letin was issued this evening by Shcndan's
physicians :
Very llttlo is to bo said about Sheridan's
illness for the past twenty-four hours. No
unfavorable symptoms appeared , Ho is ap
parently progressing by steady , though al
most imperceptible degrees towards ponval-
Children Cry for Pitcher's ' Castoria.
When Biby WM tick , we care her Ciatarta.
When ehe vu a Child , the cried for CutorU ,
WLen the became Mlu , the duo ; to OutoiU ,
When ehe had Children , eho gave them Castoria.
The Commission Falls to Sustain
Tholr Complaint.
McShmie nml Imlrtl Hnlsc n How Over
an Item In the Sundry Civil Appro
priation Hill They Scalp
Mjr. Sparks.
An Adverse ! Opinion Fltail.
G13 FouiiTRCNTii STUKF.T , >
Tlio tutor-stale commcrco commission 1ms
lied nn opinion prepared by Chairman
Jooley , which ilnds that the complaint of the
Omaha freight bureau against various rail
road companies Is not sustained. The facts
are found established ns alleged bub It Is not
seen how they establish nn Illegal preference
against the city of Omalm. The complaint
s that through rates are made from Chicago
cage to Interior points In Nebraska which are
ess than the rates to Omaha plus the rates
; o these towns. The through Yates nro given
to all such points , and to require thorn to bo
raised to n sum which would equal the
Duiuha rate added to the locals from Omaha
iicyond , would Impose burdens upon the In
Lcrtor places , which the law docs not cntltlo
complainants to do. The commission hi
reaching its decision makes the observation ,
among many others of similar character :
"This case cannot bo regarded ns one In
which Omaha and Chicago nro the business
points exclusively Interested. This case Is
very different from what It would bo If that
wcro the fact. The nature of the complaint Is
such that the sixty-ono Interior Nebraska
towns named In it are the real parties re
spondent In Interest , while Chicago , tliouyh
Its interest may bo large , is Interested only
incidentally , and because the rates made
from Chicago and Omaha respectively to
such interior towns enable the Intter to ob
tain their goods from Chicago direct cheaper
than they can obtain them from Chicago in
directly , through the jobbing houses of
Omaha. The prnycr of the petition can only
bo granted by increasing the rates from Chicago
cage to such Interior Nebraska towns with
out increasing these to Omaha , or In some
other way making a relative difference In
rates ngainst sucli towns which does not now
exist. The parties who would directly or
immediately suffer in consequence
would , therefore , bo the towns whoso
rates would bo thus relatively increased.
Ttic justification which Is advanced for this
relative difference in rates is that Omaha is
as great a distributing point as Chicago and
entitled to such special rates. It had special
rates in the form of rebates before the passage -
ago of the act to regulate commerce , and
prospered upon them , but with the prohibi
tion of rebates and the giving to the interior
towns as favorable rates as Omaha now ob
tains the field of Its operations is nar
rowed and its business suffers , while Chicago
reap.s the benefit of its losses. Omaha , it is
alleged , is thus robbed of the advantages re
sulting from natural .location and the enter
prise of its citizens in building it up. An
obvious embarrassment in attempting to
provide and protect the claim made on be-
hnlf of trade centers-is that it is impossible
that there should bo any general agreement
as to the towns which can bo regarded us
such trade centers. . Jndced , in the nature of
things , it is quite out of the power of any
one to point out any. test by which wo may
classify those which are and distinguish
them from those which are not. The classi
fication can not bo by size merely ,
for all trade centers arc at some
period small , and If the class- !
liuation is hy , the amount of
business it will sometimes be found
that a small' center is , in some
articles if not in al ) , doing a much larger
jobbing business thtin another which is con
siderably greater. It often happens that a
small town will have a larper business in the
manufacture and ale of some one article ,
and perhaps bo ns truly a trade center for
that article as some other town ten or twenty
times as great ; but the small town which has
begun n general jobbing trade , witn ttie hope
and piospcct of a great growth , is not likely
to observe any justice in being kept from the
fulfillment of its hopes by competitors being
precluded through the more advantageous
rates owhlch are given to the larger town
which it desires to rival. If equal rates will
enable it to compete , its business men are
very certain to think themselves wronged if
they are not given such rates. " .
The commission also concludes that the
rates from Chicago to Omaha are not the
sum of the locals. If they wcro as for ex
ample , if the Chicago & Northwestern weio
to make the Omaha rates the sum of the
rates from Chicago to Clinton and from Clin
ton to Omaha they would bo considerably
above what they are now. What this carrier
does is to make a through rate disregarding
the Intermediate rates in doing so ; there is
ilo sum of rates about it. It does precisely
the sjmo in making the rate to Lincoln , Fre
mont , Blue Springs and other towns named.
This certainly Is not illegal , the commission
holds , unless Omah.i has in law some rijht
to consideration in the making of latcs su
perior to that of other Nebraska towns.
Messrs. McShano mid Laird precipitated n
red-hot discussion in the house this afternoon ,
which is of more than local inteiest to the
people of Nebraska. When that paragraph
in the sundry civil appropriation bill which
appropriates $100,000 for protecting the pub
lic lauds was reached , Mr. McShano moved
to nracnd it by reducing the amount to $30,000 ,
Ilo made a short , but surprisingly vigorous
attack upon the special agency branch ot the
general land oflleo In which ho declared that
he knew of his personal knowledge of ex
penditures from the special agents' fund for
the procurement by perjury , etc. , of false
affidavit ! * , which were used in the persecu
tion of honest settlers in Nebraska , and ho
intimated broadly that more money was used
In persecuting good-intcntioncd pcoplo than
lu the prosecution of frauds. Mr. MeSlmno
has only made two or thren
short speeches since ho has
been in congress , and the ono
ho made to-day was very brief , but it attract
ed nn attention which amounted to little less
than a sensation.
Ho wus followed by Mr. Laird , who loft
his seat on the republican bide and went over
among the democrats to denounce in the
broadest and bitterest terms , not only the
Into commissioner of the general land ofilco ,
Mr. Sparks , but the general policy of the
ofllco , as it relates to spec ! il agents. Ills de
nunciation of Sparks for suspending the
homestead laws wus oxtromoh ( personal. Ho
said that Sparks suspended claims and then
suspended laws. Ilo was glad that these
suspensions hint finally resulted in the sus
pension of the laud commissioner. Hu np-
phiuded the president /or what ho termed a
courage which led hjarto kick Sparks out of
ofllco. ' -
Mr. Weaver of lowajlofonded Sparks and
his policy , and closoi } by saying ; "Thero is
not a land grabber in the country who will
not endorse the remarks of the gentleman
from Nebraska | Mr ? LalrdJ. . " . .
Mr. Perkins of Kansas followed in the
eamo strain us McShjiuu mid Laird mid de
nounced the bystompf detectives in connec
tion with the land ofllce ,
Mr. McShano closed the debate for his
amendment and f > aul tffut lie bcliovcd that
much of this money wept Into the pockets of
special agents and.Jnatf50,000 was enough
to pay for the work lioing done honestly.
Mr. Hundull ftpolto for the report of the
committee and thoiMit that the amount
should bo increased rather than decreased.
Ho said that the responsibility should rest
with thu administrators of the law and not
with congress , whose duty was fulfilled
when it provided money for performing the
work. Mr. Handull said that Sparks was
an honcbt man above temptation ;
that his removal wus a public
calamity. Ho added that the rnmoval of
Sparks was not the the work of the presi
dent , mid that the responsibility was elsewhere -
where ineanlng with Barretury Lamur.
Mr. McShano's ' amendment was lost by a
vote of 51 to Id , The vote wus not partisan ,
Mr. Luird then offered nn amendment pro
viding that the reports submitted by special
agents or detectives for the general laud of-
Moo shall bo opcu to the inspection of these
directly interested , Ho thought great injus
tices wore done by making secret reports as-
Balling pcoplo and their actions. The amend
ment was ruled out on a point of order.
Miss Belle Stewart and Miss Addle Prick
of Cedar Uapids , and D. U. Campbell , of
Contrevillc , la. , are nt the Kbbctt.
Second Lieutenant Charles F. Parker ,
Soc-ond nrllllory , now xindorgolng Instruction
In the torpedo service , will bo relieved from
duly nt AVIllctts Point , N. Y , , on July 1 , nncl
will join his battery. PF.HIIT S. HEATH.
WAIIUNOTON , Juno 20. Mr. Fnrwcll's
1) ) 11 directing the president to prohibit the
Importation of the products of foreign states
In certain cnscs was reported adversely from
the committee on foreign nffnlra.
The house bill npproprlntliiBfoO.OOO to com
plete the public building at WlchitnKan.wns
token up mid passed with an amendment In
creasing the appropriation to $100,000.
The senate then took up pension bills on
the calendar and passed all of them , ninety-
two In number.
The senate then adjourned.
WASHINGTON' , Juno 20. After routine busi
ness the house went Into uommlttoo of the
whole on the sundry civil appropriation bill.
In the course of the debate upon the item
relating to special agents , the administration
of the land ofllco under General Sparks was
severely criticised by Mr. Luird of Nebraska ,
but nls administration was stoutly defended
by Mr. Holninn and others.
The debate was continued. Mr. Weaver
of Iowa , declared the republicans hud always
defended the railroads and had followed that
policy in making Thurston temporary chair
man of the Chicago convention. If they
would nominate Thurston and Depew they
would sweep the country.
The committee then rose aud took a recess
till evening. '
At the evening session the house passed
bills authorizing the construction of bridges
ns follows ! Across the Mississippi at Wa-
bashn , Minn , ; across the Missouri nt or near
Sioux City , la. ; across the Missouri nt or
near Poncn , Neb. ; across the Mississippi
nt or near Burlington. In. ; across
the Mississippi nt or near Clinton , la. ; across
the Mississippi nt or near Muscatine , la. ;
across the Missouri in Montana ; across the
Missouri near Winoim , Duk. ; across the
Mississippi at Oquawka , Ills.
Stanley's Death Discredited.
LONDON" , Juno 20. Advices from Zanzibar
state no news has been received thcro in con
firmation of the report of Henry M. Stanley's
death. The report is discredited thcro. Detailed
tailed accounts of the gales which occurred
on the coast of Ireland last month show -iOO
French fishermen drowned aud thirty vessels
Hallway Tclcarnnlicrq In Session.
NDiANHi'OLts , Juno 20. The third annual
convention of the order of Hallway Tele
graphers was formally opened hero to-day.
Two hundred and fifty delegates from all
parts of the United States nud Canada nro
Drink Mnlto it is pleasant.
Thrco Men Burled Alive.
NEW VOIIK , Juno 0. Four men were lay
ing gas pipes in Thirty-second street to-day
when a cave-m occurred. Three were taken
out dead.
I cheerfully recommend Red Clover
Tonic to those suffering from troubles of
the stomuch anil liver. I inn now on
my second Lottie and it makes mo feel
like a new man. C. M. CONXOii.
Nashua , la. Goodman Drug company'
The City Fathers Meet Uiulcr tliuMost
Adverse Circumstances.
This is how it happened dead straight.
The Salvationists made their first appearance
in South Omaha last night about half an
hour before the city council was supposed to
meet. Whether they were afraid of the city
council or the residents is not known , but
they came prepared to boat a hasty retreat ,
as they Brought neither band or baggage.
They came in a wagon , and they didn't get
out of it while in the city limits. Some ouo
must have given them a pointer , for they
stopped in front of the city council chamber
Just as though it was the wickedest place In
town. Songs of triumph greeted each coun
cilman as he approached the corner , and a
short interval of meditation followed his dis
appearance into the cellar or rather city
hall. When the last one had disappeared ,
the wagon drove away and the count-Union fern
n time wore left to themselves. They had
been asked to be there at 7:30 : , so they wcro
all on hand at fourteen minutes to 9 , and the
roll was nt once called. All the members
were present , but it was found that Pcto
Henncssy and Tommy ICano , who were ar
rested for fighting , had kicked out the back
of the cells and disappeared. No time was
lost in finding out whether they had ever
been at a council meeting before or not. but
business went on just as if nothing had hap
pened. When the reports of standing com
mittees were called for , Councilman Bnyliss
asked permission to make a few remarks.
Ho said it had been stated in ono of the
South Omaha papers that the charges pre
ferred against the police judge had been
brought for the purpose of getting the city
attorney in his pluce , in order that ho ( Uay
liss ) might become city attorney. Ho denied
it , and said if the position wcro vacant to
morrow he would as soon take his life as
take it. Ho then moved that the rules be
suspended and that Theo L. Elliott , who had
preferred the charges against the judge ,
should bo hoard.
The motion was carried , and Theo was
hcaid. Ho said he had made the charges in
goodfaithwithout malice , and for the bone-
lit of the jwoplo of South Omaha. Ho ad
mitted that Attorney Eagerton was right in
paying that they should have been preferred
or signed by n councilman and that they
should bo specific , and ho asked that the
council appoint a committee to receive his
evidence and then proceed as they deemed
best. Ho cited the statutes in support of his
views as to how an impeachment could bo
Attorney Edgerton replied in n strong
speech , and inndo n point by showing that
the statutes quoted were for county officers
only , and not for municipal. Ho In turn
cited the clauHcs governing tbo present raso ,
tind Insisted that the accusations should bo
made according to the ordinance. The mayor
and council were evidently of the same opin
ion , and It was ordered that the charges bo
presented specifically by Friday morning ,
and the case bo heard that night.
About this tlmo the rules wcro once more
suspended , but without the formality of a
motion. Officer Lundgrcn ran in a drunk
by the name of Fritz last name unknown.
Ho at once commenced to address these pres
ent. "Ach , Moln Gott , co Is ol gustola. I
vus a burglar. Take all I'vo got. Das Is
richt. Shust do vuy in Soud Omaha. Nim
all was ich hap. Led mo oud. I'vo got
money , Grot do way in Soud Omaha. " The
chair ruled that Fritz was out of order , and
ho was put into the cells at the buck of the
chamber and told to kci.-p his .mouth shut ,
"Keep stllll Vat for I keep still I 1 bet
hundred thulers you know inn. Vat for 1
keep still , I tell you I Das all right. I fix
you. Vero is das bolicoman , by criposl
Soud Omaha. "
The loading of ordinances was then taken
up , and ordinance No. 01 was read by City
Attorney Doud. It was to vote $3:5,000 : for
the building of the Q street viaduct Fritz
evidently thought thut ho was lined M5.000.
"Ach , Gott ein Himmoll , vet vas dot Vero
you vas , Mr. Lighter. Und dis vas Soud
Omaha vcro I lifVero you vas Mr Lighter !
Mr , George Lighter , doio vill bo murder. "
Petitions were next in order of business ,
and property owners asked to Imvo Q street
graded between Thirty-third struct and the
railway tracks.
"I dell you it cost scvendy-flfo thalors , you
see , uud dond forgot , " said Fritz
An application of cold water was
tried , uud the result was the
following impromptu speech , "bun of a
gun , Illx you to-morrow. I bet jou , jou get
three months you bet , und don't you forgot
it. ( moro water ) D m South Omaha , jou
throw vvutor to inlno face , to unno ojc * , I
but you hundred thalors , son of u gun , I bay
bill of court * 35 if I eit hero all night 1 brtak
your nock , I shoot your head off , I bet you
The finance committee next reported fay
orably on a number of bills , und on motion
Messrs. Smith , MoMullen und Doud were
appointed a commiltuo to Und what tbo total
indebtedness of the oily would bo July 1 , and
to draft an ordinance for the Issuance of re
funding bonds to cover the same. There
might uavo been other business transacted ,
but owing to the erratic fcpeecu6s of
Krltz the reporter could not
catch on , nml sympathising with
him ( the reporter ) the mayor suggested that
n now hftll bo obtained for the future meet
ings of the council. Ho was ably seconded by
Councilman Bnyliss , and probablv the read
ers of Tun HKI : Imvo heard the last of the
cellar. A motion to adjourn wns carried ,
nnd after the members of the council had
put on their coats , mid the city marshal had
collected the fans , they went homo nnd loft
Fritz in the dark , still calling , "Vas dot you I
Mr. Lighter , voro you wns Mr. Lighter I
Ach incln gott und dis is Soud Omaha , und I
llf hero. "
Drink Malta , ilo contsabottle.
The Flurry Which the hatter's hotter
Caused Tncsdny Nligtit.
CMnyor Hroatch was seen yesterday by A
HKG reporter , who read to him the follow
ing , nn extract from has communication
sent cm to the city councils "I
mnko the assertion without fear of contra
diction that influences arc , nnd have , from
tlmo to tlmo , been brought to bear upon the
board to favor contractors as against the
city , nnd these by members of the city gov
ernment , who are paid to guard and protect
the city's Interest. "
Mr. Broatch was asked if ho would nama
tno members of the "city government" to
whom ho referred , but ho said ho would glvo
no names.
Speaking of the fact that ho had been or
dered to appear before the council to tell
what ho claimed to know , Mr. Uroatch said
the council could not order him to go before
them , nnd would not go before them unless
ho felt so dleposcd. If they should request
him politely to do BO , nnd
In n manner becoming to the
official position of both parties , ho might
think differently of the matter. Dut the
council could not ccmpol him to do what it
had no authority to order. Ho adhered to
his statement In the communication in sup
port of the statement of the chairman of the
board of ptibllo works , that he had been
overruled by n majority of that in his objec
tions to paying $110.47 for street-sweeping
not done by contract. Some of the papers ,
ho said , had claimed that ho had accused
certain officials with bribery. Ho had done
nothing of the kind. What ho did say was
that undue Influence had been used by coun-
eilmcn , and ho stuck to thu assertion ,
snt. iiinMiion's viuws.
Mr. Holmrod , ono of the members of the
board of public works , was Incensed over the
' letter. Ho it
mayor's pronounced unwar
ranted and n covert attack upon him nnd his
olllcial integrity , so us to give him ( Mr.
Uroatch ) tin excuse to nominate Hodman ns
a member of the board of public works.
Mr. Helmrod said , by way of explanation
of the bill for stn-ot sweeping , $110 of which
wns moro than Mr. Bnlcombo nllowed , that.
the amount was S2.2S5.34 , There had been
some complaint that the street sweeping was
not well done. Ho admitted that fact , but
took circumstance into consideration. .
As a consequence of his o ndmis- |
sion , and that of the other mem
bers of tlio board , the payment of
SH20 to the contractors was questioned. Mr. I
Hchnrod says ho went over all the items
contained in this bill. Ilo found that in j
instances the streets had been swept and the
dirt was left piled along either side of the
street. In such cases ho joined with Mr. >
Balcombo and refused payment. In other
cases the dirt had been hoed into heaps , but *
several days had elapsed before it wns ,
carted away. But ns the weather was had , i
and had been bad for weeks , raining nearly
all the time , necessitating slower work and ti '
larger number of men , ho cut on * half the I
cause of the sweeping , on the ground that j
the contractors had done all the work in as
reasonable a period of tlmo as could Imvo
been expected. In another case , where
Sixteenth street liad not been sprinkled |
ono night , the dust was raised he also al- j
lowed one-half for that though Balcombo
didn't allow ono cent. Mr. Heimrod said
that it had rained during the day , but the
evening sun had dried some dust between
the tracks which a big blow afterwards
raised. The annoyance was only a short ono.
The worlc was done anyway nnd Mr. Heim
rod said that the contractois were worthy of
nt least half the price. Of the 120 questioned
Mr. Heimrod refused to pay &J04.
"Mr. Hroatch talked about my being in
fluenced. There isn't anybody who can in
fluence me , nnd Uroatch knows that. Ho
told mo to stand firm on the city hall ques
tion and I said it wasn't necessary for him
to loll mo that , and ho pronounced it a steal
at the time and what did ho afterwards do )
AVhy , ho went nnd signed it himself.
"Broatch himself couldn't influence mo
and ho ought to know it when I refused to
vote as ho wanted , mo to for the scullawugs ,
Morrow and Wiggins , for inspectors. "
Drink Malto.
A Cherry Vender's Fnkc.
Warrants wcro sworn out yesterday in
Judge Berka's court for the arrest of John
Doe nnd Hichard Koe , real names unknown ,
for stealing $5 from a little girl named Joslo
Homolky. The party for whom the warrant
was intended keeps n grocery store on Fifth
street , south of the Union Pnclllc depot.
The little girl went to the wagon to purcjiaso
some cherries. She handed the man who
gave her the cherries n Jive-dollar gold picco
to pay for the fruit. Ho put the money in his
pocket , refused to glvo her any change hack
and Jroro away before anyone could bo
called to nmko him settle and give the child
back her money.
Special Ofllccr Solon's 'Gallantry. '
Special Officer Frank Solon , who lives on
the corner of Tenth nnd Davenport streets ,
had some difficulty with his wlfo last evening -
ing and the neighbors say he gave her n tcr-
rib'o beating. His wife's sister , Mrs. Hoar-
ley , heard Mrs. Sloan's screams and came
rushing Into the room. She trlod to stop the
brutal attack when Solon struck her in the
face , Inflicting n blow that swelled her eye
shut. Mrs. Gardner , n neighbor , who saw
the fracas , fainted dead away. Mrs. Henr-
ley will swear out a warrant for Solon's ar
rest this morning.
Army Notes.
Tlio order of merit of Forts Nlobrarn and
Omaha , nud Forts Du Chcsno , Hobinson and
Si3noy having target practice during the
month of May has been officially declared ,
Of the cavnlry.Troop A , Ninth Fort Niobrura ,
Neb. , has the best record , 73 ; 19 and Troop E ,
Fort Du Chesne , Utah , the lowest , 121 ; .
Among the infantry , Company F , Second ,
Fort Hobinhon , carries the palm with u rec
ord of 100 , nnd Company I , of the same
regiment , has the lowest. 1"H. ;
Lieutenant Colonel James S. Brlsbln
has been transferred from Fort McKinney ,
W.vo. , to Fort Koblnson , Neb ,
Second Lieutenant Daniel L. Hownll ,
stationed at Fort Larnmlo , Wyo. , has had his
leave of absence extended seven days.
Lord Salisbury Trying to Pull Hla
Party Together.
nut I/lttlo Trtttli In the SonsntlonnI
Humors That Are Plj-lng Around
No Danger That the Minis
try AVIll
Troubles or the Ministry.
( , Coj/rfi/iJ | ; / iSSS by Jamt * ( fortJim ItcnnM. ]
Lo.xnox , Juno 20. [ Now York Herald
Cable Special to Tun Bin. : ] Humors of
nil kinds nro flying In the nlr , but I may assure -
sure you that thete Is not much in the most
sensational of them. That the ministry have
had several bad shakes lately It cannot bo de
nied , but nobody will resign. It cannot
fairly bo snld that it has come to bo ncoav.
sary for that. No government expects to got
so important n measure as n local government
bill through parliament without being de
feated on some clause or other. How many
defeats It is bound to take without caving in is
not accurately defined , but it is doubtful
whether the government would abandon
office , oven It the whole bill were dofoatcd.
Lord Salisbury , at the outset of the session ,
gave the public to understand that
ho would not , and there is no
proof that ho lias changed his mind.
Ho nnd his colleagues are sere at
the recent reverse In the house of commons ,
but they can console themselves , If they
like , with the reflection that they have
brought the most of them upon themselves.
t As for Mr. Bclfour resigning , there is cer
tainly no thought of It except in certain
newspaper offices where tno zeal for news la
moro ardent than the love of truth. Bulfour
could not with any decency desert his col
leagues , At the present moment thcro nro
no greater risks than there were. The gen
eral position in Ireland is not much worse '
than it was , although public feeling is cer
tainly not becoming moro favorable to the
policy of coercion nud imprisonment. Bnl *
four has gained grcnt applause for his firm
ness and courage , and now , If ho were to fly
from his post , ho would bring great contempt
upon himself. Some pcoplo say ho has hud
moro praise than he deserves , but ho must
know perfectly well that thcro is no escape
from his post jiow. Whatever happens ho
must stand fast , nnd you may safely regard
reports of his resignation as entire fabrica
All the same the ministry is weaker than
it was , and day after day its condition pal
pably changes for the worse. Lord Salisbury
has called a meeting of his party for tomorrow
row , which is in itself a sign that something
is going wrong. Tlio object of the meeting ,
as I understand , Is to pull the party together.
That is nn admission that it has shown a ten
dency to go to pieces. The truth is that the
King Ilarman bill offended many of the
slaunchcst supporters of the government ,
the local government bill has estranged many
more , and the minor blunders of the govern
ment have put the whole party in a false po
sition. If the talk which is current in the
house of commons finds any expression at to
morrow's meeting , Lord Salisbury will un-
poubtcdly hear a good many unpleasant
truths. But at these party meetings every
thing is generally cooked before hand. There
arc people who arc looking for baroncclcs or
peerages always ready to move resolutions
of unabated confidence in the best govern
ment that was ever seen. Sometimes an
independent member may speak his mind ,
It is just possible that ho may inako his un
welcome appearance upon the scene to-mor
row. Aye , the election will give an oppor
tunity for protesting against tactics which
select candidates who have little chance of
success merely on account of their supposed
claims upon tlio paity. Thcro may , ' per
chance , bo an attack upon the Churchill
party , but I Imagine it would not pass un
answered. It would scarcely add to the
peace and repose of the happy family. Wo
shall sec.
Perhaps the Irish members were not well
advised this afternoon in pressing Balfour
to state whether there was any truth in the
story that ho had resigned. It gave him the
opportunity of turning the laugh ngainst
them. Kx'ory occasion of this kind 11 eagerly
sei/ed by his admirers as affording fresh evi
dence of his wonderful genius mid pluck.
Mr. Sexton was not ns skillful as usual , but
now that ho has returned to worlc there it
not likely to bo any lack of wit or dashinif
raids from the Irish quarter ,
Kehclllon In China.
SIIANOIIAI , June 20. An alarming rebellion
has broken out among the people made dee-
porato by the floods in Honan and Hnnlun.
It is reported that the troops have joined the
i cbcls and murdered the government officials.
Drink Malto for the norvcs.
Mrs. Joseph Lotz , of San .Toso , Gala. ,
has diapo.-ed of her luugnillcunt St.
Bernard dog to G. 13. MeDoufjall , of
Sau Francisco. The price paid \vaa
$000 : Tins dojf was Beourod in Franco
from the kennel of Huron Rothschild
by MIES Matilda Lotx , the nrtist , and
was brought hero in September , 183U ,
when hlio presented it to hoibrother' *
wife. The dog1 is a handuoino specimen
of his spocicB. Ho was very much at
tached to Mrs. Dotz and alwaj-H uccom-
paniod her in her walks. Ilo is bup-
poscd to bo the only thoroughbred on
tlio Pacific coast. Ho IB called Jumbo
II. and wns born in November. IbSO , at
Eastwoll Park , Kent , England. Ilo is
by Champion Cadwallader , out ot Abasd
VI. , both of whom have llrot-class pedi
grees. _
There has been caught In the Bnyor
river , near Dunlap , J . , n mounter tirtlo
which had the iiifccnpiion "L. II. Reese ,
April , 1617 , " cut in its sholl.
\ Balm-
\\at-IQUIDfortb5 \
CoinpUalon , A