Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 20, 1888, Page 8, Image 8

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Yesterday's Intcrnnl revenue collec
tions amounted to $8,102.02.
F. Millignn , who assaulted Ofllccr
Btllcs , Montliiy wliilc being tnkcn to the
patrol box , was fined 820 and costs ycs-
tcrilny afternoon by Judge Herka.
F J. 13. DrcAver. grnnd pntron of the
grand chapter of tlio Order of the East
ern Star , leaves for Lincoln to-day to
preside over the thirteenth annual con
clave which opens there.
For stabbing his brothor-ln-laxv.nnoy
Blma. four times Inbt Sunday night , F.
M. Duncan will bo arraigned on next
Tuesday nt i ! p. in. , to answer to the
charge of imtiult with Intent to kill.
Low Hawkins , the bartender who cut
Walter Turnhain1s head open with n
beer glass Sunday night , is to have his
hearing this afternoon at 2 o'clockwhen
ho will answer to the charge of assault
nnd battery. *
The reception awarded Hov. Os-
car.lonscn nnd bride at the First Hup-
tist church Monday evening was cn-
Joyi-d by a largo number of people , nnd
countless complements were showered
upon the young couple.
Charles F. Taylor , president of the
Louisville , Ky. , prcbsnian's union , was
given a reception at the residence of
Thomas Gran villa , No. 14M Twenty--
Eccoad street , by pressmen , stcrcotyncrs
and electrician's union No. 32 , Monday
evening. Between music by the Union
Pacific band , vocal selections by tlio
party nnd speech-making the hours
were whiled agreeably away.
The rumor Unit Mr. Leo , one of the
Salesmen for Max Mayor it Uro.'s to
bacco store , bad skipped nftcr making
fcovcral collections that should liuvo
been turned into the exchequer of that
company , i claimed to be tv canard. Mr.
Leo is not in the city at present , but
the members of the firm say that there
was no chance for dishonesty on his
part , oven if ho had wished it.
General W. W. Lowe was scon yes
terday by a I3KI5 reporter in reference
to reports that ho had accepted an op
tion on his property , nt the corner of
Sixteenth and Iltirnuy streets , from a
syndicate of local and eastern capital
ists , who propose locating a mammoth
hotel thereupon. The general made no
denials of the reports , but said that his
position was biieh that lie was compelled
to refrain from making the terms of the
enlo known for a few days.
Charles Crelghton won the 300 yard
r.ico John Mior the 100 , Jim Hurt the
running jump , Bolen nnd Connors the
three legged race and John Ennis and
Miss Nellie Kiloy the waltz pri/.o at the
picnic of the DurnntHoso company at
Fremont Saturday. Cosgroyo and Wells
guvo an exhibition of six standing
couplings , breaking and making three
full turns nt an average of 0110 nnd one-
half seconds. The best time on record
5s one nnd one-quarter seconds. Tlio
Nonparlel base ball club surrendered a
game to the Fromonts by a score of 11
to 12.
Porhonal Paragraphs.
Tlionms Price , of Doiinct , Nob. , is at the
Fax to n.
J. E. Dwight , of Sioux City , la. , is at the
C. AVisc , of Grand Island , Nob. , is at tlio
Mrs. Franklin , of Lincoln , Ncl ) . , is at the
Millar. ! .
II. . Hittcnbcndcr , or I'onca , Neb. , is at the
P. , T. Giranllt , or Tuhnrmc , Neb. , is at the
A. Hau8slcr'of Chailron. Neb. , is at tlio
E. W.JUlen , of Ponca , Neb. , Is at tlio
K. P. O'Neill , of Grand Island , Nob. , Is at
the Milliard.
Mrs. C. Henry andsoiiof Columbus , Nab. ,
nro at thu Paxton.
II.V. . McClure and wife. of. O'Neill , Nob. ,
nro at the Paxton.
John W. Scott and -wife , of Atlantic- . ,
nro at tlio Millunl.
Messrs , J. W. Dowcose , M. II. Tllton i ml
W. H. Taylor , of Lincoln , Nob. , are at Iho
Colonel Hall , inspector , 1ms been grantcd
a k'avo of absence for twenty days , which ho
will spurn ! in tlio cast.
Lieutenant Arrowsmitti , of the Second in
fantry , has bucn granted a leave of absem-o
of liftcen days. Ho will visit St. Louis ,
where ho will attend the marriage of Liut-
tcmint Johnston , of the Sixteenth infantry.
They Will Oo.
The Pinlterton force at this point , under
command of Captain Foley , will bo with
drawn during the latter part of this week.
The men are disgusted witn Omaha , so they
jay. anil yearn for the scenery along the
flocks of Chicago.
The 1'nlillo Market Place.
The ordinance making Capitol avonno
from Twelfth to Fourteenth streets a site
for a public place , has been ofilciully tiled
with the chief of police , having already been
paused by the city council and approved by
the mayor.
Licensed to Weil.
Judge Shields issued the following mar-
" rlugo licenses yesterday :
Naino and ItcsIJcuco. Ago.
J Frank M. Whitney , Omaha ' . ' 3
1 Mollla Tablcr , Omaha 21
( PaulKunt ? . South Omaha 21
1 Fanny Dudlcha , South Omaha 20
( Kennedy E. Kutter , Omaha 23
| Mary A. Hoblnsoti , Omaha 23
To Knforao tlio Ordinance.
The chief of police has been oDlcially notl-
fled by the city council to cnforco the ordl-
limico in regard to hacks and cabs btandlug
in front of biiHlnoss houses. This action is
inado on account of a petition of Andrew
Uovins , C. J. Cunnn and others , who complain -
plain that the haclc and cabmen obstruct the
street with their vehicles in front of thcso
places of business so that customers cannot
drive up in their carriages. The chief will
commence to enforce the ordinance this
Two Rmitll
The bedroom of Dr. W. S. McChmahan and
Mr. Johnson , at NrV-JWJCaldwoH street , was
entered POIUO tuna after 1 o'clock j estcrday
morning by burglars and about i 'JO in money
was taken from the packets of the occupants ,
Entrance- the room effected through a
window. It was evident from the way the
midnight visitors acted that they are profes
sionals , and did not care for anything but
money. The watches and small Jewelry of
the men were In their vests and about Iho
room , but wcro not disturbed.
Some rooms over Wild's tstoro , at the cor
ner of Calilwull and Saunders directs , which
art ) occupied by roomers , wcro also entered
oml some mouoy obtained , The police are
working the rases and will bo on the lookout
for this gang of jirivnto house men , '
An Art Society Organised.
There was a mooting hold in Meyer's urn-
B'ohall ' Monday afternoon to further dis
cuss the feasibility of organizing an art
society and , if possible , arrange for an art
exposition to bo held hero this [ all. A paper
was presented to the meeting , subscribed by
between seventy-live and one hundred names
of persons who arc Interested In the orguul-
ration of an art lustttution'aud will assist in
> tb support. TliG following oftlcer ? were
elected to arrange for an art exposition in
October and take farther steps toward the
organization of the society in the city : G.
WLinlnger , president : Miss Mary Murray ,
vice president ; Miss Hall , secretary ; Mr.
Kent , assistant secretary ; Miss Maggie
fiocder , treasurer. Mr. Max Meyer ten
dered the use of his musiu hall for the ex
position. .
Chief Scavoy'u Hlrd.
Chief Seavoy has ovcry reason to bfcllovo
UiAt the party ho-arrested a few days ago On
suspicion of being Harry McDonald , Is the
mun wantcJ nt Fall * City , Neb. , for having
committed an outrage upon a young girl
near D.twson , Helms writttcn Sheriff Hay ,
who offered the reward for the man , to come
and identify him. Sheriff Hay replied to
bring the man thcro and if ho was the
proper party ho would pay the reward.
Chief Scavey doe * not fool that It Is hli busi
ness to cart foreiun criminals about the
state for Identification and yesterday swore
out n warrant for McDonald's arrest on the
ground of vaprnnry. Ho will hold him under
this charge until the Falls City officials can
como down hero to identify him. If they re
fuse to do this ho will bo discharged.
J. D. .Toncn , the noisy ex-"manapcr" of the
Grand opera house has written to Omaha
from Chicago to find out who it was put it In
the papcM that ho had "skipped. " The
young man's righteous indignation seems to
bo at fever heat but Is not likely to consume
him , because , in the same note he asks some
body to sco the merchants whom lie has
bilked and toll them that ho will pay them
some time or other. .Tones' bilking proclivi
ties sncm however , to have bcon the most
prominent in character , whlcli is somewhat
sad to relate. Other peculiarities nro likely
to cause much more trouble and perhaps
make the gentleman's ' stay in other parts bo
bo of considerable duration. AtlcuM hu will ,
scarcely venture to come to Omaha , for some
time. Ho Is now in Chicago looking for a
pass to Now York. Gcorco Francis Train Is
to bo commiserated under the trickster's
management. _
An Absolute Cure.
is only put up In largo two ounce tin boxes ,
and is au absolute euro for old sores , burns ,
wounds , chapped hatrls , and all skin erup
tions. Will positively cure all kinds of piles.
MENT. Sold by Goodman Drug Co. at 553
cents per box by mall ISO cents.
The Telegraph Operator Spirits His
Victim Away.
The woman mentioned in yesterday's Unn
who attempted suicide by taking morphine
Sunday , left Monday night for some
point in Iowa through the assistance of her
paramour , a Union Pacific operator at Coun
cil Ulnffs. She lias gone to Iowa , and will
remain thcro for six or seven weeks , during
which tlmo she will give birth to a child.
Contrary to Monday's report the man is
not married , but is a single fellow. He told
n gentleman yesterday that ho had dc-
cldoJ to keep his mouth shut , and had the
girl taken away to avoid troublo.
Smoke Seidonberg's Figaro nnd get
the best 5-ccnt cigar in the world. Max
Meyer & Co. , wholesale depot.
Ho GOCH to Vew York nnd Boston for
Aid to the Northwest Itoad.
Yesterday one of the leading spirits of
the proposed road to the northwest from
Omaha said :
"Our last meeting was hold the day before
Herman ICountzo left the city. He spoke out
as ho always ilocs and said that ho would go
to New York and Boston to see his brother
Augustus nnd the Smiths , both of whom have.
property interests here. Ho wanted to see
how much each of those , would put up to
back the road , or rather roads , because tlio
plan now contemplated is to build 100 miles
to the northwest and 100 miles to the south
west. Neither of thcso will be started unlcs
the money necessary for the work is paid up
and available. The men going into the
scheme will go in with no tricksters. If
both roads are to build it will require a bonus
of ? 1,000,000 from the county. Aftertho iirst
100 miles are built they can bo hypothecated
to build the rest. The good standing , public
spirit , propoity interests of thu projectors
will bo snflieient guarantee that the
roads will not bo .sold out to com
peting lines , or used otherwise than in favor
of the city. Only such men as Popplcton ,
Thurston , the HarkcrsCreitlitonsMcyhane ,
Murphy , Odlpetzer , Gray , Horbacb , Kount/.e ,
and like them , will have anything to do with
the undertaking. Yes , they have expressed
n desire to do so nnd , at the last meeting ,
while all of tliotn were not present , over
$ i. > 0,000 wore offered. . If Mr. Kounlyc re
turns with a favorable'report , the subscrip
tions will bo taken , and wo will then be able
to go to the people for bonds , and then pro
ceed to build the road right thin fall , and I
think it will bo built. All thcso men can
inako money without putting it in railroads ,
but have millions of interests heru which
need to bo developed , and can bo developed
only by these roads , "
C. Leo Staub , Architect and Supt. ,
ollico 1019 Howard ; li ( years' experi
ence , fine , stylish buildings a spec
ialty. _
Th State Funeral Directors' Associa
tion in Session.
The third annual meeting of the Nebraska
State Funeral Director ! , ' association con
vened in this city yesterday morning with
about fifty undertakers from different parts
of the state present. Tlio object of the asso
ciation Is for the general discussion and bet
ter improvement of its members in thu art of
embalming , preparing and caring for the
dead. The luombura-of thu convention met
in thu lecture rooms of the medical college
for the organization of this session. Mr. II.
K. BurKet presided at the meeting and Mr.
John Hedllno , of Chester , Neb. , acted ns sec
retary. The bciutary's report was read
and some general routine business
was transacted. At thu afternoon's meeting
reports of standing committees were heard ,
now committees for next year appointed , del
egates heleetod to attend the national conven
tion of undertakers to be held in Baltimore ,
next October and olllcors for Iho ensuing
your elected.
Tlio following are the oftlo r * elected :
President , M. Ueed , Hastingi ; llrst vice-
president , F , J. Hwiu , Kearney : bcconl vice-
president , Frol Hrauer.NcbraskaCltyjthird
vice-president. .1 limes A. Tag-part , Omaha ;
Horrclury and treasurer , James lleatnn , Lli.-
cdi. Executive committee , James Hi-aton ,
Fred D.-aucr , D. C. 1 eafy of Oimihn. DeU-
gate to tlit ) national convention , George
Ilrown , Superior ; alternate , M. H. Hlnman ,
Fremont ,
ProffHsor J. A. Clark , of the Clark chem
ical works of Springfield. O. , is present and
will deliver souiu interesting addresses * before
forethu convention on chemical embalming.
To-day the delegates will bo driven to Fort
Omaha and thu various places of attraction
about the city.
Absolutely Pure.
'J'nls powder never varlc * . A marvel of puilty ,
Mrt.-iii.-tli and \rholeM < nu'iie > d. More economlu
ttiau the ordinary LlnilH. and cuimut be sold in
com petition Trilli the multitude of low te ti.licin
weight uliiiu or1Uius.phi.te po der . Suhl unlu in
! . ItOVAL. llAKI Ml 1'0 l > tU CO. , 1W Wftll St. .
New York
A visit to our second floor where we , keep our Summer Clothing , will
convince you that we are selling more light Coats and Veststhan prob
ably all the clothiers in town together. The reason is simply because
we sell them at about one-half the price. We did not brag halt enough
about them last week. Every customer admits that this Summer
Goods Sale is without a parallel. Those Flannel and Seersucker
Coat and Vests we sell at * 75c , are going off rapidly. The patterns
are so nice , and they fit so well , one could not be duplicated in any
clothing house in the city for less than double the money. Merchants
from the interior send for these goods as they are far cheaper than
they can buy them in the wholesale market , but we refuse to sell them
in quantities , as we only cater for retail trade.
In addition to the bargains offered last week , and the sale of which , will bo continued
this week , until all are closed out , we make today one of the choicest offerings of the
season , in an extra fine coat and vest , made of genuine French ilannel , in exquisite pat
terns. These goods were gotten up for the very finest trade and are usually only handled
by the finest houses in largo cities , who ask from $ S to $10 for such a coat and vest. At
the price wo own them , we can afford to sell them for $4 ; one half of their real value.
We only have a limited quantity of them.
In Moris' Summer Underwear , we carry the largest lin.e in the city and buy only from
the manufacturers , which places our prices below all competition.
Mens' Novia Gauze Shirts at 15c each. . .
Ealbriggan Shirts and Drawers , at 25c each.
Fine Balbriggan Shirls , with French neck and finished seams and patent drawers-at
35c each. These goods are usually sold at GOc.
"Natural wool summer Shirts and Drawers at 35c.
Fine Jean Drawers , with reinforced seats at10c. .
In our hat department wo offer this week , a large lot of good cloth summer Hats , in
nice light colors and latest shapes , at 50c. These are usually sold by all hat stores at $1.
One Price Only. No Deviation ,
Cor. I4th and Douglas Streets , Omaha ,
For The Nervous
The Debilitated
The Aged
ORES Nervous ProstrationNervoucHcad
ache.Neuralgia , NervousWr ikncss
, Stomach Liver Disease * . and all
affections of the Kidneys.
and Quiets the Nerves.
Enriches the Blood.
AS A LAXATIVE , It nets mildly , but
luroly , on the Boncli ,
AS A DIURETIC. It Regulates the Kidneys -
neys and Cures their Diseases.
Recommended by .professional and business men.
Price $1.00. Sold by druggists. Send for ctrcuUn.
WELLS. RICHARDSON & CO. , Proprietors.
In the realm of disease tlio facts of In-
berltanco are most numerous and arc dally
accumulating. Here , Mn , thry become- ter
rible , fateful and oferwhelmlus. No fact of
nature Is more pregnant wltli awful mean-
Inn than the fact of the Inlicrltnnco of
disease. It meets the physician on his dally
rounJj , parnlTztnc hli art and fllll-is him
with dismay. Th legetul of the ancient
Greets pictures the Purler ai pursuing
families from generation to Rcncratlon ,
renJerlnj them desolate. Tlio Furies MtU
jily their work of terror end death , but they
are not now clothed lu the garb of tupcrstl-
tlon , but appear In the more Intelligible but
BO ten awful fonn of hereditary dUcase.
Modern nclencalicli ! has Illuminated so
many dark corners of nature , has ihed
cow light on tlio ominous nerds of the
Scriptures , "Tlio ulna of the fathers ehall bo
visited upon the children unto the third nud
fourth generation. " Instance * of hereditary
disease abound. Fifty per cent , of cares of
consumption , that fearful destroyer of fami
lies , of cancar and scrofula , run In families
through Inheritance , Insanity Is hereditary
In a marked degree , but , fortunately , Ilka
many other hereditary diseases , tends ta
vear itself out , the. stock becoming extinct.
A distinguished scientist truly says : "No
organ or tcxturo of the body U exempt from
the chancn of being the subject of hereditary
disease. " Probably more ehronlo diseases ,
which permanently modify the structure
and functions of the bodyare moroor less
liable tn be inherited. The Important and
far.reachln ; praetleal deductions from such
farts affecting to powerfully the happiness
of Individuals nnd families and the collective
welfare of the nation are obvious to reflec
ting minds , and the best means for prevent
ing or curing these diseases Is a cubject of
lutt use Intercut to nil. Fortunately nature
has proilded a remedy , which experience
has attested ns Infallible , and the remedy Is
the world famous Swift's , a pure
vegetable compound nature's antidote for
' all blood pnlsoni. To the afflicted It Is a
blestlnit nf Inestimable value. An Interest ,
loir treatise on "Dlood end Blcln Diseases"
will to mailed free by addressing
TUE a win BrEriric Co. ,
Drawer 8. Atlanta , Qs.
Do not buy / / / more "I'oor itubbar
Inn init youi' money itt
"Spiral" Cotton Hose
, cli 'ttper ' and hfttcrtlum the
bcne rubber frone.
Jlada on the sa.r.e principal u the rnhber-
Ined ho-o used lu 1'iru Ucpji'tint'iitshldi last
for yrara ,
'lha rotten durkmisrdlnnlliuhlierhuhedraus
In water.ii'r ) r r xnonel. in n ulck nbsorlia
oil , mid behiK ( onHneil by rubber Meliorates a
snlptuiroiia irus quit klv rvatrnrliw the best ruli-
br hose. The "sp' ' ! ' . ! ! " hose , having no nutbldo
coveriiiB to Imprison the moiituro.TI.L DHV
i.ncc A TOWH ,
There are Imitations so buy- only that nhlch
ImHone red line runtiliiK thrnuuh It. ami ulilch
Is bwnded "Spiral. " patented .March yoth. 1K ) ,
If your dealer do s Jiot have It In block , let him
gel It.
Sample mailed to any address for 0 cents.
See ! Manufatturers ,
231 Devonshire Str < e ( , Tits tern , Maes. ,
' . ,22 ? Lake Strict , Chicago ,
Will buy one of
our nobby Spring
Suits in Woi'hteil , !
line rnsSinuTO , or
Scotch Cheviots , !
in all the popular
colors anil sty Ion.
Rcsil liai-aiiih"that {
cannot fail to be
njjijreeiateil by the
discerning. W c
nrc nwaro that ix-i
HNI'JIN'hIVi : } rOOlsl (
tire liuyely ailvci1-
liscd tliis ? soaj-on ,
hut : ill of thorn
cannot stand tlioi
© test of close in-
'spcRtion. We able our customers to' '
examine our stock , and thus satisfy
of its quality and ou'r
JeiBlers imfl Music B8te.
Western Asents for Clilrkeiins. Kuabu. Voso
nnd llnlir Ilios. 1'inucsj Htory A : t lark
McamiiK ri.inos mid Organs but little used
which will luold tills week at the follow Ing
i educed prices and teiuib :
I ii/mrn | ( .
1 ICnabo Smiaro , rest fOJO , for
SB I „ ir > .00
] Dcc-Ker llros. Square ( Jrnnil
tnitilMl , tort-'Kl 10.00
1 llnullinry Siiuuie , cost $ IIX .
tor tl.'iil I5.0J 10.00
11,1' . HntotStiuurp , coat i.l7' > .
lorl . .J ; „ 15.0(1 10.00
' " " '
( nr < ? | IW . . . . . . . . . . . . . ia.00 r..oo
] KmciMli r-'iUurp. | H splendid
iMiuHin , test $ , VKi , for J II . 10 01 r..oo
1 llullelt Dnvis Siunio
( i i and , ro-t $ 'M. for $ . . . -VOJ 15.00
1 Mnr.sliiill Wenilel L'nrlKht
co-,1 tM > , foi-fltr. 13.00 10.00
1 Wlndsoi I plight , KO ) ,
tor $ Nr. r ISO ) 10.00
1 Klmball Oicail , cot i\ \ > .
for M- > 10.00 : i.oo
1 KHtey Orciui. f' > t tWl. for
HU 10 ( X ) : i.oo
1 Jl.ison , V llunilln ( Irt'a" . .
coi-t t''V ) , for $15 10.IH r .no
Comii ly mid take your pick. Hrlnu this
ad. uith you to luuid nilniaki's.
flIAX .tllOYKU Jt nitO. ,
CoriiiT Kltliniiil F.iriuitu His.
To Cliisguw , Hclfust , llnhlln iniil I.Ucniuol
From New York Every Thursday ,
Cabin piiffcnfro $ l" > nnd S.VI , iiccnrdinu to lo 'atlon
of Mate room , Kxcurnloii ji' ( > to { JO.
Steerage to and from Ktiropu at Lowest ratej
( Jen'l Afc'fnls , Kl llio.ulwuy , New York.
JOHN lllilXMIN , ( Jen'l Westuiu Auent ,
i ID ) Itaiidolpli Ht. , Chicago
1 IIAItltV i : MOOItr.S , Atent. Omaha.
Cabin Uutos to Gliibgow Kxhi-
_ W rr nt l aljinliildy jitire
t'otou , from which the excess ot
Oil lias been rtmoud. It liaiMrre
lima the itrtvgth of Cocoa mined
\\ltU htarcli , Arrowroot or Sugar ,
and li therefore far moro economi
cal , tolling I'll than one ttnt a
cup. It ! Utrliclom , nourlthlnc ,
ttrfngthcotng , rittlljr dlgoBted , nnd
admimUjr adapted for Invalid ! BJ
well a for ixriotu in health ,
Sold lijr UroffrieTtrnilero. _
W , BAKER & CO , , Dorchester , Mass ,
. _
Ot. fflfflS VUTU. - 101 Wf8AU AYL.
Its main llrco and branches Include CHICAGO.
and scores of ictormcdlnto cities. Choice at
routes to and ft-om the Pacific Cocst All trans
fers in Union depe'i. Ftut trains of Flee Dr.y
Coaches , decant Dining Cars , magnificent. Full-
man Palace Sleepers , and ( between Chicago , St.
Jccepu , Atchlaou end Konsaa City ) Reclining
Chair Cora , Coats Free , to holders of througb
first-class tickets.
Chicago , Kansas & Nebraska R'y
"Great Rock Island Route. "
ErtendB West and Southwest from Kansas City
and St. Joocpu to NELEON. HOHTON. . nELXE-
nuTcimisoN , CALDVTELI , , and ail points in
and beyond. Entire yiaseeneer equipment of the
celebrated Pullman manufacture. All s.tfoty air
pllances and modern improvements.
The Famous Albert Loa Route
Is the favorite between Chicago , Rock Island ,
Atcbleon , Kansas City and Minneapolis and St.
Paul. Its Watertown branch traverses the great
of Northern Iowa , Bouthweetern Minnesota , and
East Central Dakota to Watartown , Spirit Lake ,
Sioux Falls and many othei towns and cities.
The Short Lluo via I'eneca and Kankakee offers
tupcilcr facilities to travel to and from Indiana -
a JI&1U , Cincinnati and other Southern tiolnta.
For Tickets , Maps , Fcldars , ordeclrod informa-
Uou , apply atony Coup lu Ticket Offlco or uddrcsa
Qcn'l WunnKcr. Ocn'l Tkt B > Pacs. Act.
Certified Checks , Payable at Sight on the
Pugcl Sound National Bank Given as
Security ( or Money Invested.
To the c rtPKlrom of buying propcrtr on time , wo
nflur the iDllDWlnuVewlllulluir ( rum 3 months
tcifijroiim1 tlnip , uccnritlni : in thu land > ou fcli'it.
\VoflmrKunclther premium nur Inlcro ! on time
inyiiicntH. nml will nlvo > uu a wuirunl > dortl , We
liuvu Iot at 5O un.l HU.1 Hint arc within u railliu
utonennila liulf inllun uf the poct'Ofrlce.Vurt
qiiiiunnly 10 ! > fr cent. HP nn curnt'i't inonpy and wo
nlllKl'Ctertilleil theck forlhu full amount of 1'iicli
aiulc nrTiiiiUi > egupnt imment TJicclii'tklndrawn
bv tlin IMiBct Soiinil Nnilunul Imnk aiulla iiiadenay.
ableut light and you can draw your moncr iitunr
tlmotliiiiiijli bf hudoiiiK juu forfeit jour rlclin to
purcliannlunil , Muku ynnr Itironip. no mailer liow
email , purri mmelhliif 'rrHtircuntliifntulrallroadi
for Si-nltlu , and niaiiufucturlnKlvtlour.
iniic , ( iencrul rnmmi'rin Is In a rtutonl xuhrtan-
tlal protTo nlon , 'Jhe rtullr impem uro tilled n Itli
accounts oj new entHrprl e * . Cnldr * c HTD find hcirre
ruiri-lrok-Hcaltlc. Ailrtrcn COOK . MIIUKIi ,
Kbo have thn l.AIKilihT 1'ltUI'KUTV J.lKT In
The lament , laiieil and flne i in the world
I'aR&tncer accommodations unexcelled.
.Vew Turk tuUlutgow Tin Lonilanilrrrv
_ . . . i AxnioiiiA . . Jl'I.V Ulli
IVllM'hMA , . . . JllXhlmth I DKVIINIA . . .Jl'I.V tint
KlMIOI-IA . ' . ' '
In.VJth t'lllCAt-hlA .Jl'M'SJlli
NnvVoHKio Uvmpmii. viAUi'ti : :
TbuCelehriiteJ | l.urjost anrt llnrtt I'as- Jl'I.V ilth
suaiuiliiji I senirer Stouuier lu A I'll , Hli
CITVOf HOIIKI jlieAVorl.1. ti'l'l.Mb '
furelllicrruutculTerlnx enuri'luiilsls tliu
i > t H'clu tbcNurlli tied ! -iiiIh ( uf Irrlund. the Hirer *
Morntiy mi'4 iililuri > aqucUlile. Mcerxvc ill Anchor
l.lnu dMlti puynlilu liue uf clmr c ruM at lowc't
rutfi. Tor boo * ol lours , ticket * or further Informa
tion apply to
HENDEEON BROS , , 72 Li Salb St. , Chicago.
Or to any of our local UKDU.
Bed Bugs , Eoahs , Ants , Fleas
And any other Ineectg , use
Infallible Insect Powder ,
Alho contracts taken for clean-
Ins hotels , hospitals and private resilience * from
vermin. KatUtartlon KiiuranteeJ or no pay.
I'dnclpal pBDOt-llii South Wth Street.
Surgeon and Physician ,
Office N. Vf Corner lUh and Uouglas St. Ollico
telephone. 465 ; Itcaldeoce telephone. 563.
3'A .ih. tt.T.
N. W. Cor. 13th and Dodge Sts , Omaha , Neb.
CAUTION Designing persons , taking ndvantaun ofnur reputation ,
nro couNt Aiitly ( .tnrllng bogus MeUlonl KsiabllHhincntH to deoolvo Htrnn-
vl.slttnt : ttiti city. ThoHO iirntonitcrn usually disappear In n fbw
n. U"waro of tlicin or tholr rininnrR or ngctiiH. 'J ho Oiiinhn Alnd-
Icai nnd Hnriticnl ItiBtltutn ii the only nntntllihcd Mcdloal Inuitmn In
Omnhti , Dr. Mc.Mcnnniy , Proprietor. When yon tnnko up your mind to
viBlt us nmkc n tnomnrnndiim or our exact nddrcsB , and thug save
trouble , drlny or nilwlnkos.
D1UJ. , .uj B and Surgeon iii
Assisted by a Number of ComiiciGnt , Skillful and Exrtncel Physicians and Snncons ,
Particular Attention paid to Deformities , Diseases of Women , Diseases of the Uriuary
anil Sfxiul Organs , Private Diseases , Diseases of the Xcrvoiis Svstcni ,
Lung nil 1 Throat Discuses , Surgical Operations , Epilepsy or
IIN ? , Tiles , Cancers , Tumors , Etc.
More money invested ; more skillful physicians and surgeons employed ; more palienl
trca'ed ; more cures effected ; more modern improved instruments , apparatus and applj-
a tiers than can be found in all other infirmaries , institutes or dispensaries in the wc'tt
combined. Largest and most complete Medical Institute or Hospital in the west. Fifty
newly fmniflieil , well wanned and ventilated rooms foi patients , three skilled physician *
always in the brilding. All kinds of diseases treated : n the most scientific mannev.
Supporters , Electrical Batteries , and can supply physicians or patients any appliance.
iemeilyor _ instrurmnt known. Call and consult us , or write for circulars upon all sub.
jects , with list of questions for patients to answer Thousands treated successfully ty
correspondence. We have superior advantages and facilities lor treating diseases per
forming surgical operations and mimng patients , which , combined with our ackn6wU
edged ability , experience , responsibility and reputation , should make the Omaha Medical
and Surgical Institute the first choice.
The Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute is conducted upon strict business anil
sc'entilicprinciples , and patients here icceive every advantage that art , skill , science
and human ingenuity , can bring to bear on their cases. Their comfort anil con
venience Tvill always be Uken into consideration.
Should you conclude to visit us for treatment or correspond with us. you will find
that these statements of our position , location and facilities are not overdrawn In arfy
particularbut are plain unvanishcd facts.
Only Reliable Medical Institute Making- Specialty of
AH Blood Diseases successfully treated. Syphilitic Poison icmoved from the system
without mercury. New rcbtorative treatment for loss of Viial Power. Persons unable
to visit us may be treated at home by correspondence. All communications confidirj'i
tial. Medicines or instrument's tent by mail or express , securely packed , no marks (0 (
indicate contents orsendor. One personal interview preferred. Call and consult us at
send hUtory oiyour case , and we will send in plain wrapper , our
Upon Private , Special or Nervous Diseases , Impotcncy , Syphilis , Gleet and Varlcocelo ,
with question list.
My Reasons for Writing a Book Upon Private , Special and Neryons Disease ? ,
I have for many years made a specialty of diseases of the uninary and sexual organs
have become a recognized authority upon the subject , consequently I receive an im
mense number of letters from physicians and afflicted persons , asking my opinion and
ad vice upon individual cases. Kor the benefit of fcuch persons , I have written a book , giv
ing a general description of the most common diseases and conditions , my treatmcnt.tuo
cess , advice , etc. After reading it , persons will have a clearer idea of their condition
and can write me more intelligently and to _ the point. It will therefore be seen that our
object in wi iting these pages i not to furnish reading matter to a class of persons who
read out of mere idle cunot > itybut for the benefit ol the many who are suffering to agieatcr
or less degree fiotn diseases , or the effects of diseases or abuses , of the sexual and uiinarv
organs. Not a day passes but we receive many calls or lettcis from persons si.fferlnj ;
from tills class of diseases , or their sequel. Many of them are Ignorant of the cause of
the difficulty that has wrecked their constitutions , thrown a cloud over.their bright proi
pects and U khortening thir days.
Biirclcal operation * for tlio cure of Hare Mp , Club Vest , Tumor * , Cancers. TlMula. Cataract.
Ftniblsiniis ( C'roks-Uyest , Varlcoctlo. InvertedMails ; , Wens ttud Deformities of the llumun l > od #
performed in the mobtfctlrntldo manlier. . , . , . , , , . , , . , . ,
We treat chronic disease * of tlio IiiuiRH , Heart , Head , Illood , Rkln , Scalp , Stomach , Liver ,
neyB. IliaddiT , Nerves , bones , etc. , as I'uralyMs , Kpllepsy ( Hts > , Scrofula , I/ropiy , Wright's Ou
Tape Worm , L'lceis or Fever sores , Dyepopala or Gastritis , lialdness , Kczehm. etc.
Treated carefully , skillfully nnd scientifically by the latest and inout approved methods
years devoted u law portion of his time t ? the utiulir ami treatment of thlsclwas.of dUJuses. arid
has upaied neither tlmo nor money to perfect himself , and U fully ( .uiipliert with ovcry luetrumsnl
appliance and remedy of value in ilil * depaitment ef Medicine and Surgery.
We claim superiority over any occullxt or aurlst In the wst. RJi'.l ' the thouxandB whom we liay *
cured , iiftc-r others have ftilled.siibaluntiate our j'latma. 'lo those ulrilcted wl'u 15y ami Kar dtB.
rates , woblmply say. call' ' uscientinc opinion , thirn vl lt whom you like , ana it
you are nn Intelligent percon you Illieturn to im fortiealmeiit nud cure.
Our book , describing the lire anil Kar and Hieir ( ll e. t.ea. iu pliiln laiiKUUire. with numerous lllu -
trutlor\sare written lor the benefit of jutleiiM uu-j phyelclans who write ui ) | n regard to cH eis VV
leadlUK them c iefully pujvlclaii and JiatlMit .will Uaye a dear ' "I'lentundim ; and cun deljrtbtr ;
cases to u mor IntHflgeritly. WRITE FOR BOOK ON DISEASES OF THE EYE
Addrckn all letters In *
-OR.- i
OR , J. W , MoMENAMY , N. W , Gor , 13th & Dodge Sts , , Omalia.Ralif