Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 20, 1888, Page 5, Image 5

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Bovoral Buildings Blbwn Down nnd
Otbor Dnmngo Dono.
A Drunken Alan Tnkcn a Fntnl Bnoozo
on tlio ItnllroAil Track at Ne
braska Oily Oilier Stnto
IjOYelcd liy Wind.
T , Neb. , Juno 19. [ Special Tele
gram to Tiin Dec. ] About 7 o'clock this
evening a cyclone passed over Kearneywhich
did consldornblo damnRo In tlio southwest
part of the city , ivhoro & number of now
buildings wcro In courno of construction ,
three of which were totally destroyed. The
fine residence of D. 11. Ulclcncll , npcnt for
tbo D. & M. railroad , uhlch was partially
completed , was entirely destroyed. The loss
falls on the contractor , Mr. Summers. Tbo
entire damage amounts to about t3OCO. No
hres wcro lost , Tlio course of the storm was
from southwest to northeast.
Tlio Fatal Stroke.
OAKLAND , Nob. , June 19. [ Special Tele-
proin to the IJi'.E. ] Albert Younckins was
tbo man killed yesterday afternoon by ll ht-
nine Instead of Lundccn. as reported last
evening , lie was living on Thomas Green-
wood's form , nine miles southeast , uud wan
hoeing in ttio garden. lie wan killed in
stantly. His boots wcro blown ofT
nml riddled and hli clothes caught
flro. Alter bcincr mostly burnt off the
nro was extinguished by his wlfo nnd lit
tle child. The child was within a few feet
of Us father and escaped injury. The wlfo
saw him fall and rushed to his rescue , to 11 nil
him entirely lifeless. Ho was about thirty-
llvo years old. Ho leaves a widow and three
children , has n brother in Craig , n father
noinowhore in Iowa , and wns a picture of
health nnd In the full vigor of life. Ho vras
well luiowu throughout this section.
For Streets.
Cirr , Neb. , Juno 11) ) . [ Special
.Telegram to TIIK BBC. ] The city council
lost night passed an ordinance changing the
names of streets of the city , which will hereafter -
after bo Imown as avenues north and south
from Central avenue , fonncrly Main street.
The city attorney was also Instructed to
draw up the necessary papers asking for n
free mail delivery.
Held For a Brutal Crime.
OAKLAND , Neb. , Juno 19. [ Special Tele-
pram to Tun DEP. . ] Tlio preliminary hear
ing of the Hill Johnson scandal suit came oil
to-day before the county judge. The evi
dence was found sufficient to place Johnson
under $ lr > CO bonds for his appearance at the
district court. Johnson is a married man
with several chililrcu and was arrested June
, fi for un assault anil attempt to commit , rape
on his seventeen-ycur-old daughter.
Prominent Colimitms IMonccr Demi.
COMJMIIU.I , Neb. , June 19. [ Special Tel
egram to Tin : Bin' . ] The entire community
is In mourning over the sudden and unex
pected drath of John W. Karly , wblcb oc
curred tills afternoon about 3 o'clock , from
injuries received from being thrown out of u
buggy Juno il. Mr. Karly was a pioneer of
Nebraska and and has held many positions
of honor und trust in this city and county.
A Fatal Sleep.
NKIIIUSICA CITV , Nob. , Juno 19. [ Special
Telegram to TUB BEK. ] A man named Lou
Uhodcs , while drunk this morning , went to
sleep on the Missouri Pacific railroad track
in the yards at this place , and when the noon
freight came along it aroused him by cutting
off bis left arm near the shoulder uml horribly
mangling his shoulder blude. His injuries
will most likely prove fatal.
To Ololtrnte Madrid's Illrtli.
MADIMD , Noli. , Juno lit. [ Special Tele
gram to Tim UKB. ] The Fourth of July will
bo the llrit anniversary of the birth of
Madrid and the day will be observed in the
most approved fashion. Vivo hundred dollars
lars will be used for the purpose. Senator
tieorge U. Mciklejolm will deliver the era
_ _
A Now Hcntrlec Kntcrprisc.
Bn.iTitici : , Nob. , Juno 10. [ Special Telegram
to THE Hei : . ] About the first of AugustScott
Brothers & Kvaus will open a large double
dry goods mid grocery store in the Spencer
block on Sixth street , under the name of the
Beatrice Mercantile company. This maybe
the opening wedge for a wholesale house.
Scott Brothers Imvo leased their Court street
building to a now lirm from DCS Moiucs.
City Votes Water KoiiclH.
ANCITT , Nob. , June 19. [ Special
Telegram to TUB UHK. ] The city voted
$5,000 water bonds to-day by a good majority.
This assures the development of the excellent
water power which has no superior in the
stale. There Is much cntln'aiasm to-night
nnil bon HITS are blazing and cannons boom
ing. _
Iowa O. 91. U. A. Session.
WATJSIII.OO , la. , Juno 10. [ Tele-
pram to TUB BBK. ] The Catholic Mutual
Itenellt association of Iowa is in convention
in this city. About sixty priests nnd promi
nent laymen from all over the stutu are in
Hail anil Italn at Madrid.
M.uir.ii ) , Neb. , Juno 19. [ Special Telegram
to THE Uuu.j A very heavy rain , accompan
ied with HOino hail , passed over this section
this afternoon. This assurer bountiful crops.
Central City Affairs.
CIINTHU , CITV , Neb. , Juno 19. fSpeciaMo
TUB DBB. ] District court has been in ses
sion the past week and will not finish before
the latter part of this week , 'i'lio docket was
u largo one nnd contained some important cases , Including the powder stealing
case against Luther Brown and case ; a of cm
bcz/lcuicnt against . Hatiics , Urown was
iu" < iuittcd and Jinnies' C.IRO not decided.
The county commissioners have given ox-
CountyTroasuror , II. Webster thirty days
in which to go over the books and satisfy
himself that the report of experts was coricct.
It is claimed that Mr. Webster was not given
the gaum cuunco to explain the errors that
his predecessors wore und that there were
fthortngrs on accounts of both Mr. Hajdcn
und KatclltTbut that they wore satisfactorily
explained , nml it may bo that Mr. Webster
ran show whcro inonoy was transferred
from one fund to another and not credited ( o
) dm. At least ho should bo given every op
portunity to explain It.
Our electric light plant has so far failed to
malcrlullro , nnd Central City still has to do-
pcml on gas und keroaino.
Crops hero arc line , and prospects nro that
we will have the largcot corn and oat crop
fpr years.
The M. J3 ! college at this place was never
In a more nourishing condition nnd expect to
open this fall with nearly one hundred und
filly pupils. The present management U
very cnlcicnt and is receiving licurty support ,
The Union 1'aciilo Imvo recently built a
new stock yard with side track ono milo cast
of this place , for the convenience of the
Katico Creek OatUoouipany who have been
pjHftifj up largo feed yards nearCential City.
As this point was tlio banner stock place last
year , handling nearly eight hundred cars , the
railroads are giving ihe stock business every
The U , & M. has a largo quanity of ma
terial stored here for its northern "oxten.
t > iou , but it Is understood they will not build
niiy fuilhcr this * cat > on. They seem to ir.ivo
nil the line of road they can bundle with
Thuro is talk of soiling the old fair grounds
near hero and buying closer to town. Tim
old grounds were too fur away und In a poor
locution , A driving jiark association will
probably bo lUirted ulso , to occupy the game
Tlio Fourth nt Crete
CinsTji , Neb. , Juno 10. [ Special to , TUG
UB.J The Fourth oOuly for too year 1SW ,
A.4 \ / W
There is no short cut to n llnlshed production
It is u long road.
The pioneer clears the forest , breaks the ground , struggles with num
berless dilJlcultfos often inclined to lose courage , but never faltering until
at length a busy mart takes the nlaco of idle streams and murmuring'woods.
to make
The Finest Piece of Soap in the World
Is quite different from building u city , hut the process is n slow ono in each ease
Means fifty years of hard work. It is not an accidental combination , but
the result of accurate scientific knowledge applied with riiro skill. That
Can bo easily demonstrated by trying it for Bath , Toilet or Laundry.
SLUGGISH Corrected
will 1)0 celebrated ns it has boon for two
years by the people of Crcto , by the people of
Salltio county , and as wo might say by southwestern -
western Nebraska , upon the assembly
grounds at Crcto in a manner bolltting the
occasion. There are now pledged to bo hereon
on that day four b.inds , two of which uro the
leading bands of the state , and the others
have names of which they may Justly DO
proud. Senator Charles P. Mandcrson will
ho present on that uay. Ho will eomo from
Washington direct to Crete , and will return
immediately after delivering his address
From present indications there will bo at
least < 2 > ,000 people upon the grounds upon
that d.iy. The First regiment of tlio Ne
braska guards under the control of Colonel
Phillips , of Heatricc , Imvo been invited to bo
present. The First regiment of the Knights
of Pythias Imvo accepted an invitation
to bo present and will bo here.
Five companies of the Second regiment
will also bo hure. Crcto will respond as she
should in the way of entertainment.
The famous ilambcau club , which has In
creased its numbers , will bo called to the
front in the way of public drill and public
parade. It will tnko part in the paradu
on the Fourth of July , and will also rive the
best display of flro works tnat was ever
given by any organisation upon the evening
of that day. Captain W. C. Henry , coin-
inander-in-chiof of the G. A. It. of Nebraska ,
will bo present. Hu will huyo witli him thu
stuto G. A. H. band and also ten or fifteen
prominent men from different parts of the
state , who will deliver addresses of from ilvo
to ten minutes each upon that evening.
Taking It altogether tlio Fourth of July at
Crete will bo the grandest affair of the kind
that was ever hud in the state of Nebraska.
St. Rilwnrd Furnicrs' Alliance.
ST. EUWAKD , Neb. , Juuo 19. [ Special to
TUB UKK. | The Farmers' nlli.inco held a
a melting Saturday afternoon and perfected
their organization , The capital stock has
been placed at 1 0,000 , of which $3,000 1ms al
ready been subscribed. The prime object of
the association U to build un elevator nnd
Rtock yurds , uncj put n man in charge under
thu supervision of the board of directors ,
so that tlio farmers can handle their own
products and get full value for them. Ar
ticles of Incorporation will bo tiled immedi
ately , BO that they can get in running opera
tion in time to Immllu tlio grain this fall.
The oftlcers elected were Wlllllam Flory ,
president ; W. Vi' . Tolman , secretary ; N.
Hasselbjlch , treasurer ; W , Flory , N. Van-
derhoof. Oscar Kng , Frank Uaird , E. T.
Long , directors.
St. Kdward will colohrato the "Glorous
Fourth" In the moht approved stylo2X ( ) have
been offered in troUinir and running races ,
A grand time is ox peeled.
to tlio Imst.
The virus of rheumatism of ton re-
iniiins in HID Hyntoni through lifo\vhon
it dues not cut the thread of existence
tauddonly , ns it IB iihvuys liublo to do by
attacking tlio heart. Era the grip of
thi.s tonaoious disenso tifjlitoiiB , ituhould
bo unloosed by that boiioliolont liberator
from dlbcase , llostottor'a Stomach Dit-
tors , which will free the BUlToremt the
outsut from bubacquunt pain uiul danger.
No purer or ngruoublo blood do-
parent oxistd , ns multitudes of tlio
rheumatic noimiltjic imvo iu > cortuincd
by cortillod uxperiunco. It U through
a medium of the regular action of the
kidneys and bladder thut un outlet is
iiffordod for the escape of impurities
which beget not only rheumatic , but
gouty tillments and dropsical ( illusions.
To those organs the Hitters gives an im-
jnilso , never verging on the bound of
irritation , but butlieiontly vigorous to
cause tht'ip and tlio bowels to perform
their functions with clock-like precis
ion. Use it also for dyspepsia , bilious.
nebs , fever and ague and debility ,
Nebraska ami lo\vn I'pnslonn.
WASIIINOTON , Juno 19.- [ Special Telegram
to THE UEU. ] The following pensions have
been grunted Nobraskana : Original Invalid
John II. Montgoinoy , PawieoOity ; Gcorco
Hobbs , Uoynolds ; David \V. Shultz , Ueue-
Pensions for lowans ; Original Invalid
\V411lam Klliot , West Liberty ; Francis M.
tirown , Newmarket ; Joseph . Itruco , Ma-
.rcnpo ; Simgou. II. Mears , Gaspcrf Henry
Uarron , l irneld"raomas ; Jester , Oaawa ;
Cornelius Hays , Brooks ; John W. Ballinpor ,
Lacy ; G cargo D. Eustis , Carson ; Alex
ander Keys , Kastport ; Freeman
H. Davidson , Nevinsvillo ; Spen
cer D. Morgan , Clarinda ; Charles M.
Hlack , Grinnoll. Increase Matthew D.
Cochran , Vcrnon ; Louis Kerdan. Council
15luffs ; James 13. Drawer , South Ottuinwa ;
William Iv. Wall , Fort Madison ; Egbert O.
Cushman. Calamus ; UobortT. Nowcll , Fre
mont. Keiasue .lames Armstrong , Sac City ;
Edward C. Vennum , Atlantic. Original ,
widows , etc. Mar.v Herding , former widow
of Albert H. Day , Clio ; minors of John H.
Patterson , Hloomfleld ; Eli/abcUi , widow of
John Ar. Datzonbergor , Hopevillo.
Impurities of the blood often cause
great annoyance at this season ; Hood's
Sarsaparilla purifies the blood , and
all such utTcclions.
Patents Granted Western Inventors ,
WASIIISOTOS , Juno 19. [ Special Telegram
to TUB UEE. ] Patents granted Nebraska
and Iowa inventors : Bedford , George J. ,
Annmosa , la. , assignor to A. H. Lockwood ,
East Orange , N. J. , mail pouch ; Bcttendorf ,
William P. , Davenport , la. , machine for securing -
curing spokes in metal wheels ; Bhikcsleo ,
Jared , Story City , la. , can opener ; Cooper ,
Ward , Laporto City , la. , paper and letter
Illo ; Wilson , Joseph n. , Knoxville , la. , as
signer of one-half to H. C. Langebartels.
star road grading machine ; Garrison , Fred
A. , Fort Dodge , la. , photographic cabinet ;
Louise , Herbert M. , Kcokuk , la. , foice
pump ; Tipton , Die P. , Brownville , Neb. ,
curry comb ; Tyler , James A. M. nnd J. S.
Thomas , Plumb Creek , Neb. , four-horso fer
I cheerfully recommend Red Clover
Tonic to those suffering from troublcsof
the stomach and liver. I am now on
my second bottle nnd it makes me fool
like a now man. 0. M. CONNOR ,
Nashua , In. Goodman Drug company.
Shetland pony for sale by George A.
Keelino , Council Bluffs.
Nebraska 1'oHtal
Nuw Yoitif , Juno 19. [ Special Telegram
to Tim BKB. ] The following Nebraska post-
oftlcos will bo discontinued from Juno 80 :
Clifton , Holt county ; Warrltigton , Wheeler
county ; Mlddleport , Wheeler county , and
Saratoga , Holt county.
The following postmasters were appointed
to-day : David McPhcrson , Hcndrlcks , Otoo
county , nun John MoPhersonresigned ; A.F.
Schollonbcrgor , Havenna , Buffalo county ,
vice William A. Way , resigned.
The name of the postofllco ut Spring Creek ,
Johnston county , is changed to Cooks ,
ItsKuporior excellence proven in rnllliousof
homes fur more tliau a iiuai ter of u century. It
Uuseil by the United States Qovarmutmt. En-
dorsodby the brad * ot tli * great uutver Ulas as
tbe tronge.- , jmicjt and most healtliful. Dr.
I'rlo < jrf Cream Jlaklnn 1'owiler due-i not contain
ammonia. lime or alum. Sold only In caiia.
ritici : iiAKiNu I'Ott'uuu tx > . .
New Vork , Oilcisa , St. LouU
Continental Clothing House ,
To the Wnolesale and Retail Trade of tlie West , The opportunity of a lifetime fpr cash buy
ers throughout the west. Extraordinary closing sale. Unapproachable bargains to close
the season in every department.
Our llnillcd spare prevents us men
tioning but very few of the bargain lots
olToroa , but wo guarantee from now un
til July 4th , greater bargains In line
Heady-Made Clothing , Furnishing
Gobd * , Huts and Cups , than were over
before ( ( noted by nny llrm in the clothIng -
Ing business In the west. No old goods
at liny price. The goods offered to you
at this sale are nil now , madu up within
the lust ninety days.
It will amply repay the expenses of n
trip to Oinalui by nny man , woman or
child wanting 410 worth of clothing.
As specimens of the different bargain
lots comprised in this lot , wo mention n
few as follows , with a guarantee that
the small number specially mentioned
nro no more attractive or desirable bar
gains than hundreds of others to bo
found in every department of our estab
lishment during this sale.
Lot 4187. On Monday wo will place on
our counters 400 plain black pure all
wool imported Whipcord Suits in full
weights , suitable for use in this cltmatu
ten months of the year. These suits are
absolutely now , fresh from the work
shop , and never skown on our counters
before. Suits made up in thu very lat
est style 4 button cutaway frock , which
wo oftor in all sixes from 35 to 41. Wo
shall offer this frock suit at$15 per suit.
Wo Imvo not another word to sav about
this lot , excepting this , that we have
sold precisely the same suit ever slnca
our store was opened for $22 , nnd never
less.Lot 3530. Wo offer 150 Mons' Double
Breasted Sack Suits , regular sl/oa from
35 to 35of the celebrated Slater Flannel
nil wool nnd guaranteed full indigo.
Goods made by the celebrated Slater
Woolen Co. , of Webster , Mass. Made
Sample suits of any of these lota will be sent 0. O. D. with the privilege of examination to any address in Nebraska , IowaI
Colorado , Kansas , Wyoming , Dakota and Montana. ' <
" "BOSTON Freeland , Loomis & Co. ]
DES MOINES Proprietors.
Corner Douglas and 15th Sts. , Omaha , Neb.
jargest Clothing House West of the Mississippi River ,
Louisiana State Lottery Company.
Incorporated by the legislature In 1 W. for Kd-
ucfttloual nnd ( Xiarllabla purpose" , nnd its fran
chise matla a part of tha present State Constitu
tion , la 1870'by on overwhelming popular vote.
take place Semi-Anmially. ( June and December )
and its UKAN1) 8INOU5 NUMI1KH DltAW-
INOS tttkeplucaon each of the otUor ton months
in tlio year , anu are all ilrau n In public , ut the
Academy of Music , Now Orleans , l.a.
"We do hereby certify tlmt wo supervlso the
nrranKcmenls for all the MontUlj * and Svtui-An-
nual Drawings of The Louisiana Stuto Lottery
company , and In person manage and control
tlio UrnwlngH Uitmiselves , and thut the snine
uro conducted with honesty , falrnosb. nml In
coed faith to\vnrd : tll parties , nml we authorize
the company to tisu this rcrtltlcatp , with fuc-
hlinllos of our signatures attached , In Us udrer-
tlhemeuts. "
We the undersigned Hanks and Hankers will
pny ull 1'rlzes drawn in The Louisiana Stuto
Lotteries v , hlch inuy bo presented ntourcoun-
It. M. WAfiMSIiKY. 1'res. Louisiana Nat. nk.
I'IKHllK LANAVX , I'res. State Nnt'l Itk.
A. UALDWIN , I'res. N'ow Orleans Nat'l Ilk.
CAUL KOHN. I'res. Union National Hank.
In tlio Academy of Music , New Or
lonns , Tuesday , July 1O , 1888.
CAPITAL PRIZE , $300,000.
100,000 Tickets at Twentj Dollars each ,
Halves $10 ; Quarters $5 ; Tenths $2 ; Twen
tieths $1.
i rniZK oi'j i.ixwi8 . $ nooooo
1 Vlll'AR OK lOd.OOOls . 100.000
i I'uixn or W.OMIS . M.OOO
1 IMtl/.n OK i.5OOOIs . a. , OM
2 I'HIKKS Ol' . ai.OJD
B PH1/.KS OP fi.OiWme . ! - , . ( )
Si I'HIKKS OK 1XX ( ) are . ffl.cWO
100 1'ltiy.KH OK WW ore . M.OOJ
UiVJ I'HIKKS OK : M uro . 0(1,000 (
600 I'lllXKS OK UiM nro . ICO.OiJO
HO I'rizeiof i > i ure . 60,000
1U ) do , ilODarn . nifOO )
100 do , WWiiro . UU.OoO
009 do. lOiluro . WKX )
WJ do. JOOuro . W.'JOU
U.I3I I'rlze.s. amounting to $ ] , nr > l , 00
NoTi : . TkVet.i ilrawlni ! Capital I'rlios lira not en-
tltltM to turnilnul I'rUuti.
| ifl'oii Ci.un KATIESor anr furtUcr Infurniatlnn
dcalroil , write legllily to tinui lor lenml , rli'urly ntat-
lnit > uur rcililnu.'ii. null butu , Counlr , ritrcut anil
Nunibur. llnru raiilil nituni nmll delivery will bo as-
iiinsl br TiHir cnclosliiK un Knrclajio bcailii ) ; your
lull udim'Av
Semi l'O.- > TAI ( NOTK8 , Krpri'i * Money OnlPra. of
New Vurk KxrliunKo In nnllnary loiter , Currency by
Uilircuxut oiiruxpoiue ) cH' . " . ' ' .ll.u
Now OrlcuiM , I.B. ,
\V slilnmon.n.C.
Address Registered Letters to
Nowork'am , La.
VT1T7T ? That the presence of den-
l/iU l > rjJt orals Ili-auruconl nna lur-
ly , who aru In churiioullho ilrawlnt' . l u mianintra
ol abtoluto tulrnviounil Intri't'illy , Unit lliucliHiicoa
aroulliiqinil , unit that no ono call poanlbly illrlno
wlmt number will clruvr u I'rUe ,
"llKMKMIIHItaNo. that thu pnynientot I'rliei l >
New onoan . and Iho Ticket * an ) ulcnutl by Ilio l're | .
duntof nu InitUutlon , wlioio cliimerint rUhti nra
riiciisnlJcil In tlio liluhont < 'ourU ; tbu'riifoni , Iniwsru
ol any Imitation * or unoii ) mum nchiiuim " _ _ _ _
I'eokak 1-oii-lIuilMiM. N V. Soul ) for > ata-
JNO.M.TILUKN , M , n. M.A. 1'rincijmi.
A Ooncontratod Liquid Extract of
Aids Digestion , , ,
Cures JJ/ys ; > / > /srt / ( ,
tHntnytlicns tha fiuntem ,
Restores Sound , llcfreshlny
Priceless to Ifttrslny Mollicr * .
RecopimenfleilliyEniiiiciil Physicians.
For Sale liy ( ill Drnyvl > > ta nnd Jllch-
ardt > on Di-ity Co. , Wholesale Druy-
. t Us. 1 win iu ! > alu tbl. ) tin atlv * iir
( nil inlculiri fur Uunm cure , fix t
rtw ,
_ PROF. F C. FOWLER , Moodus. Conn.
iintl trtinmcd hi first clnsa mmincr 1111
licrfcct IHUnn.Vo otter this lot to
close nt the unheard of price of $ i.50. )
Ronionilior this lot Is nil in double
breasted Sack
I < ot 30W. Wo ofTor 100 suits , which
will positively be tno last of this lot of
the celebrated Sawyer Woolen Go's
goodl of which wo Imvo sold hundreds
during the last two months. Wo olTer
JOO of the neatest styles of the o famous
coeds to dose at the remarkably low
; irico of $113. This suit U retailed by
every botno In Ilio country nt $1S. Wo
have novel * offered n bargain that luia
given such universal snlldftiotioii as this
suit. All al/o.s nt the sunic jirico $112.
Lot 3. Wo offer 500 pairs best fancy
Casslmero Pantaloons , goods that were
made to sell for ST.CO and $ S.this season.
Goods made by the Globe Woolen Co. ,
Hock Manufacturing Co. , llockanum
Mill , IJroadbrook Mills , nnd other man
ufacturers of equal reputation. They
nro in regular sues , and ns nice styles
ns wo have in our stock at nny price.Wo
find that wo hove tv surplus of tneso fine
goods and wo do not wish to carry them
ever , nnd have consequently made the
uniform price of &r per pair for tlio en
tire lino. Those goods nro of the very
best workmanship , nnd equal to nny $10
custom pantaloons. Price during this
closing sale will ho $5.
InourBovs' and Children's depart
ment wo olfor un EXTRAORDINARY
line of bargain , particularly in Short
Pant Suits. Our space will not permit
of our enumerating the different bar
gains in this dooartmont , however , wo
will mention one , a lot of 2o ( ) Boys'
Unfornicntcd and. not
intoxicating. Acts like
la charm in all cases of Diar
rhoea nnd Dysentery and nil
stomach and bowel troubles.
Grateful alike to women , chil
dren and convalescents. Gives
n delicious flavor to ice-water ,
lemonade or soda-water.
Imported nnd bottled by
MniAiarrrcii , FLETCHER & Co.
Cincinnati , O. For sale by
the foilonlnc iloalera : lilchantHon DriiK Co. , nitiko
llnicoi , On. , AcltiTA. Hi'ller. ( Jlnilstimo Urns. A Co.
I'nink Diillomi.VCo ,11. H. Orottv , nnd nil whnlL"Ulu
tinil retail iliti ixlv.s , Ilijtiur dealers und wluu mor <
cbata cvorywutirt5.
S , K , FELTON & CO , ,
Anil Manufacturers' Actcntstor
Of all descriptions.
Hydraulic Engines , Surveys. De
tail Plans and Specifications.
Furnished on Short Notice.
Correspondence Solicited.
Offlco , Strap's ' Bnilfline , Fonrtli Floor ,
Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y ' ,
Tlio liest Ilouto from Omalm und Council
. EAST = -
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis , Cedar Rnplds ,
Koek Island , Freeport , Itockford ,
Clinton , Dubuquc , VuTCuport ,
KIgin , Madison , Janpsviilc ,
Ik'Ioit , ) VJnona , Ln Croxsc ,
And all other Important point" East , Nortboait and
For throiiuh tleknta call on the ticket accnt at 1W1
Karnam utruut , In Uarker Block , or t Union I'aelflo
I'lillnmn Hloepers and the dneet Dlutnjf Cars In th
world uro run on tbo miln line of the CiilLujo. Mi
waukee IL HU Paul lUllvrur. and et rr utlralluuli
paid to | iaj eait > r > lif courteoui coiulojrc c ( the
H.7MI1.I.EU , Oonoral ManaK r.
J. K TUCliKH , Amlttunllltmcral. Manager.
A. V , K CAltl'K.NTUU. General I' Miiigcr and
Ticket Auent.
( IKO I. IIIJAFFOHn , A3 lstant General
nd Ticket Audit
J.T. CI.AHU. Ocnonil bupcrlntenilent.
Paid Uj > Capital . ' . . $2ri,000 ( )
Surjilns . 50,000
II. W. VATKH , President.
idS. KKBII , Vice President.
A , i : . TMU/AI.IN , 2nd Vlre 1'rosldent.
\V II S. IliKiilv- : ! ,
II. W. YATKB. i.u IB B. UKEI > ,
Cornnr 12th und Kanmin fits.
A General liunklnt' lluslnchh Transacted
ICH. towuu and Water Conn atilci ) . etc.
JUu ConiMpondenco ! Hollclletl.
N. W,7HJinRoIS & GeO , , BAHKRS ,
Tansill's ' Punch Cigars
wera Blilppe < l durlue thn pair
tvfo yuuru , without a drum-
i lurfiiourc/uiploK Koothar
house In tbo world ecu truth.
lullytaaUoeucU n showing.
Olio ncciit ( dealer only )
wanted lu oucli town.
. R.W.TANSILL&C0..55 Stale St.Chicaao.
i A QUICK , rermaoent cure
FOR MEN ONLY/ for lj > i or ralllnu
wealuitw. unnatural lc 3e . lacic of streoiith
.Tleor or aevslopmont. cautea nv Itialaoiretloc
" " " < > < * '
"c""rk M2Dic' , BUFVAU > , if. T.
Knee Pant Sulla , embracing tliroo illf-
foront styles , which wo have marked nt
tlio extraordinarily low price of 82.60 to
closo. Sizes from 4 to 14 yonrs. Sontl
for sample suit. Yon will bo bottot *
pleased with thorn than nnytnIHR wo
have shown you nt this prleo boforo.
Lot ISllnml 2839. Uov.s' Lonp L'mit
Suits. Wo olTetin this lot which embraces -
braces two styles , Boys' strictly nil
wool casatmora sack suits , coat , panta
nnd vest , in dark nnd medium color *
for boys from 10 to H yours of ngo. Thin
suit was made to soil at $10 but wo wish
to reduce our stock of them immediate
ly and offer thorn at this sale to close
for only $ < ! per suit. Kvory irimnont is
warranted strictly nil wool now fresh
goods. Itcmouibor the price $ < ? .
In this department wo nnnounoo Iho "
sale ot ! ! 0 ( ) dozen Gents' Fancy Shlrta ,
This entire lot wns manufactured ex
pressly for this season's trndo , wo have
n largo stock of them on hand and offer
them nt 60 per cent lesa tlmn the ovor-
I\KO price to close thorn out. All now
paltoJtis , most desirable styles , fast
colors , pot-foot fitting nnd perfectly
made in every respeet , regular prices
which wore from $1 to $1.76. Thlsontl
lot in nil sizes from 14 to 10 nnd 1 nock
wo offer nt 75 cents each. Order for half
do/.en lots no less.
Parties at n distance ordering thesa
lots will please give us si7.0 of collar
worn nnd lliis is all that is necessary in
order to get n perfect lit.
Men's Half Hose 75 cents per pair. Wo
offer 850 dozen of Mon's fancy HnU
Hose nt 75 cents per dozen to oloso.
Regular $1.50 goods to bo sold only In
dozen lots at the remarkably low price
of 75 cents per dozen , in sizes from 9 to
TED , who In nil FO 1,1/7 and JUJVOHANVE
hu TRIFLED away hU VIGOR of BODY ,
MlNl > and MANIIOOn , causing exhausting
drain * upon the FOUNTAINS of IiIFE ,
Dream * , WEAKNESS of Memory. BABH-
the FACE , and all tbo EFFECTS Icadlnsrto
TION or INNANITT , ihould eootult at ono
the CELEBRATED Dr. Clarke , Ettabllihed
U61. Cl. Clarke ba made NEBVODH I > E-
niLi-nr. COROKIO and on oueuos of
the GENITO VKIDTARY Oraani a Life
fltndjr. It make * NO dlOtorcnco TTIIAT you
tuore taken or TTIIO bu failed to euro you.
HrFEXXALES lUlForlng from dlieaici pccu *
liar to tbelr aox can cotuult with the assurance
of ipeedy relief and euro. Send 2 cents poitags
for works on your dliciuos.
Off Bend 4 cents postage for Celebrated
YTorim on Cbronle , Ncrron * and Deli
cate Dlfeason. Consultation , pcnonaliy or by
totter , free. Consult the old Doctor.
Vlioniauda cnred. OCICpnand nnrlorx
private. i-Thoso cnntemplatlna Marrlaza
Bond for Dr. ClnrUe' * celebrated gniao
Male and Frmalc , each 15c. , both &c.
( stamps ) . Befoi confiding your cato , consult
Dr. CIARKK. A friendly letter or call may
ure future suderingaud shamo. and edd roldcn
jears to life.Book "Life's ( Secret ) Kr-
roro , " 50c. ( stamps ) , llcrtlclno and wrltlngi
cent everywhere , iccuro from exposure- .
Houn , s to 8 : Sundays. 9 tn 12. Address ,
186 SO , Clark St CHIOAOO , ILL.
' great Medical Work ot thong
ng * on JIanhcHxl , Nervotu and
riijrelcal Debility , Proraaturo
Decline , Errors of Youth , and
thereon , BW page * Bvo , 125
prescriptions for all diseases.
Cloth , full gilt , only $1.00 , bj
wall , ncalcul. Illiistrotlvoeamplofrco to all young
and mldillo asocl mjn. Bend now. Tto Oold and
Jewcllnl Uedal awanJeil to the author by the Na
tional NcJIoal Aisoclatlon. Address P. O. box
IS93 , Ilotton , Man. , nr Ur. W. II. I'AUIIE.l , Krail
uatoof Harvard Medical ColoL'e'riyc ) ra'iactlce ] )
In D > ton , who may bo ronnultol conlUeutxlly (
SpecialtyDisease * of Man. omcaNo. 1 EulflnculU
"The Overland Itoutc. "
lias so arranged its Family Sleeping Cai
service , that berths can now be reserved
upon application by any ticket a ent to M.
J , Greevy , Passenger Agent , Council Hlufls ,
Iowa , Tlic reservations when maJc are
turned over to ( lie train conductors taking
out such cars , so that pastengcrH can now
secure berths ordered , the same as a Pull
man berth is reserved and secured ,
j. H. TKnm < ; i'K , K. ii. IOMAX.
Uen. 1' . it T. Afient. An > * 't (1. I1. & T. A ,
Keir.arlcablo tor powerful aymp >
thi'llc tonn , pllablu action nil tib-
toluie cluntbiTTtr. . ' years'rtcord.
the bent uaraulee ot the eitel-
lince of tneso Inntrumenta.
sol BatUfactlun In tb
euro o ( flonorrlicra and
CJlcct. I prescribe Hand
Icel sato In recommend
ing It to all cuHereri.
4 , J , STONKII , M.D. ,
Decitur , III.
rniCK.SI.OU ,
ji.rtl Sold by
E.T.Allen , M. D. ,
llomccopatblc Hpeclnllst ,
fc'pectaclM Accurately 1'reecrlbcd.
Hon. 3O3-4O4-I7O-C04.
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago ,
The only roml to takn for lie * Mnlnoi , Mnntlmltntrn
rcitiir KttnliK Clinton , Dixon , Chicago. .Mllirmiltoo
nuil nil point * ln t TolhoiM'iiplu of Nobrnsku.Culo-
inilu.yoiulntf. . Utah , lilatio .Vcvatln , Ur < > con , Wash-
InKton uiiil Cullfornhi. U olTur.stiuiiurlor advantages
nut nos lblo Ity nil ) otlior lint * .
Amuimii row of tliomim < voini > < > lntiof mipcrlnrtty
enj' ) > i > il by tlio piiIrons of thU runI hiaivi-an Oumlm
nml Clilt'iun. mo IH llimi ) trains n day ol DAV
( OAfllKi , whlcli uro Ihp ilncHl Unit hmiinn art utnl
liiKciiulty viini-nMtu. ll I'AI.ACIISI.l'.l'.I'I.NdOAILS ,
* hli li urn minlil < of oniutort "nil I'li'k'mii'u. 1U PAH-
UmilltAWIMi KOd.M CAISS. iins riii > ml by nuy ,
11 nil Its nlilnly < > il I'AI.ATI XI. bl.N'lNC OAKS ,
the cqiml of wlilLli ontinut hu foiintl olsHwliortf. At
Council llliirri , lliolrnliiH ul thu Union I'.iolilu lull-
way connect In union ilrpot with UIUHU ul the Ctil *
cas' > \ N'orUiiTp > tnni lly. In CliKiiKo Ilin trains of
lhl line iiinko clii-n cunnootlun nltli these of all
otlii'r lantern lliiuH.
Tor leln > lt , < Mlnmhn . Indlunniioll" , Cincinnati ,
Nliiitora Kulln. Ilunalo , I'llUbnn ; . 'iVinintu , Jlontrciil ,
llualoii , Ni > w Vmk , I'lilluitelnlila ' , llnllluioru , Wuili.
iKKtun , nnil nil imlntaln thu luiat. Ask for tlckoUTla
If you nlsli the h i > t accommodation. All ticket
neontii Hell ticket * via thin llni' .
II. Ill UII1TT. B. P. WILSOtf.
Ucu'l ilaiiuisor. ( iun'l l'uj vr Agent.
ruicAno , n.i.s.
W N. IIAUCOCIC. < ! pn'l WL-itcrn Auont.
U.K. KIMIiAI.I.TicketAuent
0 y. WUbT , t'ltjr I'Aiiongcr Agent.
1101 Kurnnrn St. , Ouiulia , Nob.
Health is Wealth !
Dit.H. C. WBST'B NKRVB AND nn\iw TntAT-
MENT , a fjuarantpod snocjflo for Hysteria , DttzJ.
UII-B. ConrulNlons , Fits , Nervous Neuralaln.
lleadnclio. Nervous Prostration , caused bylno
use of alrobol or tobacco. Wnkefuhiesa. Mental
Duprcsilon , Softening of the Drain , resultlnB In
Insanity , und leailliuj to mlsarr. decay ntid
death , riomntiireOld Ace , liarrenness , Losaot
I'owar In nltber ear. Involuntary l.o.nei imd.
Kpermatorhrea caused by nvor-exertlon of tlio
Lrnla.self-abuaBor ovrr-lndulzence. Uncb box
rnntalns ono month's treatment. $1.00 a box. or
nix boxes for fcj.CX ) , sent by mall prepaid on re
ceipt of price. ,
To euro any case. With order received bf
us for six boxes , accompanied vrith 45.00 , wa
will eend the purchaser our written guarantee
to refund the inonoy If tbo treatinant does not
effect n euro Onarantees ISJiieil only by C. F.
OUOUMAN. DniKclat , Bolo Agent , 1110 Faroam
Strert. Omahx Nob.
"Tlio Overland Itoutc. "
Tins BO iiiTfin ud its I''iunUy SI coping
Cmsurvlco , that berths nun now bo ro-
burvod upon ! i ] ) | > UinUon ; by nny ticltot
u 'ontto M. ,1 , ( iroovi 'ntasongor Agent ,
C'ouncil IJlulId , Town. TJio reaorvntiona
vvliun made nro turned ever to the truln
conductors taldiif ; out sui'.li earn , so tlmt
passoiif'orH can now nocuro bertha or-
tlorod , thu Haino as a Pullman berth ia
reserved nnd scoured.
.1. K. THIIHKTH , K. ti. TjOMAX ,
Gen , I' . ScT. A ent Ash'tO. l . * T. A
O.MrtMA , MO II.
Ktelly I'lue tpj. of tbo Dim-it flavor. A hearty
tieveriign for il Htroni ; npput tu : a delli-atu drink
for tha idiMltlvu Tliorouuhly tuitud ; nutrltloui ;
liitlaUblu ; unexci-llud In purity ; no unpietuunt
oftw ellect * . noqulros nobolllnjj.
U'H.lilJU A : SOX.S ,
Advurtlslntf hat ulvruys p'oroa
Bucoeisful. Dcforo placing * nf
Newspaper Advertising coasut
U U a ull k Unb CHICAGO.-