Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 20, 1888, Page 2, Image 2

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    1-HB - OMAHA BEE : WEDNESDAY JUNE 20. 188&
Jour dclCRatcs-nUargol They come from on-
posincr conventions. The come from six
mom tiers of that state convention tbnl chose
i TO soccdo and form nn organization of Its own ,
and here you have four delegates pretending
ta contest the scats of the four delegate *
with whom I nm associated and who came
hero with the votes of COO of the TOOdeletmtes
that assembled In ourstato convention. Such
nre Uio pcoplo who como here to contest our
right in this convention. When you go down
to look at these district delegates when I
lo'll you th t from the great while district
of Virginia , glvlnnyou your republican mem
ber of congress by 4,000 majority
when I tell you that all the
delegates collected by that eroat district in
Virginia when I tell you that Just three
persons called a convention In that district
two of them delegates and ono an alternate
and they constituted a convention. Mr.
Lincoln was called to the chair , Mr. Pepper
was made secretary and Mr. Pondlcton took
the floor. On motion of Pepper , seconded by
Lincoln , Pcndlcton was unanimously elected
to tills convention ns n delegate. Why , you
have two other delegates hero from an
other republican district who did not oven
pretend to hnld n convention. They have
rortltlod by some manner of means them-
nolvcs as dclcimtcc hero. And this In the
fnco or a regularly constituted convention ,
fully attended and unanimously acting. As
I have been ndvlsud by a member of Ihe nn-
tmnal committee , that it h.ul ngrccd to place
upon the rolls the two de'.egatcs from the
First district , and the two from the
Fourth , whoso scuts arc not con
tested. Now then , hero were four del
egates ml milted on this roll , and four
llok'gatcs , with whom I nm associated , were
admitted to the roll , nnd now I nm advised
'Mint the national committee passed resolu
tions that thcso delegates should exercise.
tlio power and privileges on this iloorof
naming commlttomcn upon the committees
.Jl'ou are about to constitute. So being ad
vised , and my people asking mo to servo
lpon this committee ot credentials , I might
Jiavo suggested that course there even with
cuoh n contest ; but no man who 'knows mo
would suspect that I would vote In ray own
en so , but I submit that It does not render mo
ineligible to sit upon the cases ot those dis
trict delegates.
Tlic Quarrel Wan Disposed of By Tuct-
{ IIIK It Under tlio Table.
CincAno. Juno 19. Mr. Wlso of Virginia
You wore In my district , and I charge you
with the frauds by which I was cheated out
of my soat.
Mr. Mahonc It is as false as you are
Mr. Wise I will put the proper stamp on
that nt tha proper tlmo.
Great confusion then prevailed for n mo-
merit , when Mahono attempted to speak ,
but was Interrupted by universal cries of
"Wise. "
Mr. Spauldlngof Michigan Mr. Chairman ,
J rise to n question of order. I believe that the
decision of the chair was correct In this niat-
t tor , from which there has been no appeal by
fn regularly constituted delegate , nnd I think
'that this is not germane to the question ami
the whole matter should be left with the
committee on credentials , as it was loft as
vnHtatcd by Senator Hoar.
' The Chairman the chair will state that
there Is no motion before the house. This
discussion has been permitted by general
consent , If any delegate makes any objec
tion the chair will rule that the discussion ii
out i f order.
Buttcrworth of Ohio I understand that
the point of controversy is as to the right of
William Mahono to Git as a Judge In his own
case. As this is impossible here there ought
to be no controversy between them. Under
every rule of parliamentary law ho will bo
excluded from the committee while this mat
ter Is under consideration. And beyond
thnt , this convention cannot investigate and
reach a wise conclusion until they
tear from the committee on credentials.
I therefore suggest that this matter go
Vlioro it properly belongs under the force of
the operation of the rule , nnd upon the
coming of their report wo will decide Justly
between the claims coming from the various
jiartics from Virginia.
Stevenson of Minnesota. I desire to so
iniu'iid the rule under which the committees
hie appointed as to make each committee.
consist of one member from cuch state
"whoso delegations ate not contested.
Mr. Willington of Maryland. The com-
fnittoes appointed from the various states
fcim bo recognized except the ono from
Virginia , and that upon the committee on
fcrcuentiuls neither of the contesting dclcga-
tiling bo recognized as entitled to pass on
their own caso.
Mr. Stevenson I think my motion covers
everything that is embraced in the amend-
| uent , and a little more.
Mr. Wellington It covers too much.
„ The Chair Docs the gentleman from Min
nesota accept the amendment otlered by the
gentleman from Indiana ?
Mr. Stevenson I do not. I insist upon the
onclnal motion.
The Chair It has been moved and seconded
ended that the rules bo amended in such man-
fier that no member shall bo appointed upon
nny standing committees from a state whoso
pplcgation la contested. fCries of "No , No ,
IXo , " from nil over the hall ] ,
The chair , not heeding the Interruptions ,
proceeded as follows : The gentleman from
Indiana moved to amend the original motion
to the effect that from the state of Virginia
thorn shall bo i > crmlttcd no member upon the
committee on credentials. Tlio chair will
jUrftt put the amendment to the original
knotlon. j ,
. ' ' Roots of Arkansas I think before wo vote
ppt-n tlio motion wo oughttoknow about how
tnany states Imvo contests.
Mr. Hoar of Massachusetts I desire to call
attention to tlio Infinite mischief which will
result from the adoption of this motion. It
Till enable in nny future convention any
nan who chooses to' got up a contest to dts-
'rmielilso the ontlro state of New York or
i'eimsylvanla. I move , Mr. Chairman , that
, bn i evolution bo laid upon the- table ,
* 'Ihu motion to lay upon the table was then
put and carried with applause.
An Adjournment Tnkrit Until Noon
CiucAno , Juno 19. Davis of Illinois then
( tailed for the regular order of business and
tnovcd that las resolution previously offered
1)0 read.
The clerk read the resolution , which i * as
follows :
KOMlved , That the roll of states and terri
tories bo called for the presentation of oro-
( icnt.als and for notice of contest , and that
pll xuch pai > crs bo referred without state-
incut or dubato to the committee on creden
The chair Do I hoar n second , to the reso
lution o ( Tomd by the gentleman from Illinois )
There were many cries responding in the
HOlnautlvt ) .
The Chulr-rYou bavo beard Ihe resolution
read. As many as favor its adoption will Bay
"nyuj" contrary "no. "
A I'u' ' the vote the chairman declared the
mot ion lost , which resulted in applause and
I cries of "No , No. "
The Chairman The chair will put the mo
tion once again and will ask that the conven
tionotoupon It.
Mr Hiscock of New York I with that the
resolution again bo read.
The Chairman The clerk will read the
The Chairman Gentlemen , yon havu heard
tie resolution to the effect that the roll of
ttrt'-s bo called for the purpose of presenta
tion of credentials and papers and contested
casts. The resolution was carried and tlio
pci-rctury called the roll of state * to which
k)0 ribponsa was uiado.
' Mr , Hoar of Musachusetls Mr. Chairman
. , I a l < unanimous consent of the convention
fchnt jn states ana dUtrlct where there in no
) conli. < i the list of the committee on i-rcdcu
L lln ft may bo givou as the election of dele
Mr Hlscook of New York I nudci stand
the i-jvposlUou to be this , that elections that
tittvot > ccn juude in congressional districts
fttiu'l ' to allowed to btand.eiccjit whore there
toriviiitosts the papers that are Involved In
the mitests bo referred to the committee on
J i j Chair The ehn\r \ umlorgtatid * that
the Jut of delegates as compared by tbo
committee , will b ' taket. without
further warrant except whore 'contests on
credentials are prettontcdi
At 3:30 : M. m.t on motion of.Mr : Dumola of
Michigan , the convention adjourned until 13
o'clock to-morrow.
The Men Win Will Act I'or the Differ-
cut Delegations.
CniCAoo , Juno 10. The organization of the
delegations of the northwestern states ia as
follows :
Wisconsin Chairman , John C. Spoonci ,
secretary , George A. ICropp ; committee on
permanent organization , A. W. Sanbornj
com in lit co on credentials , James O'Neill :
committee on resolutions , W. E. Carter ;
member of the national committee , II. C.
[ 'ayno. "
Nebraska-Chairman , C. J. Green ; secre
tary , E. II. Eonscl ; committee on permanent
organization , G. W. Hoist ; committee on cre
dentials , Aaron Wall ; committee on resolu
tions , Patrick Kgan ; member of the national
committee. William Robertson.
Minnesota Chairman , James O'Brien ;
secretary , Charles L. Lewis ; committee on
permanent organization , C. G. Hartley ; com-
mlKco on credentials , II. J.Miller ; committee
on resolutions , C.J.Ed wards ; member of
national committee , H. J , Evans.
Iowa Chairman , Colonel D. A.Hpndcraon ;
secretary , J. D. Glass ; committee on perma
nent organization , R M. Drake ; committee
on credentials , Colonel AV. P. Hepburn ; com
mittee on resolutions , George 1) . Perkins ;
member of national committee , J.D.Clark-
Illinois Chairman , C. B. Fnnvcll ; secre
tary , C. 13. Snlvely committee on permanent
organisation , W. I. . . J-arston ; committee on
credentials , O. J. Lindloy ; committee on res
olutions , C. B. far well ; member of national
committee , George H. Davis ,
The Committee Organizes nnd Con
siders the Virginia Contest-
CIIICAOO , Juno 1 ! ) . When the committee on
credentials mot this evening all the members
were present , nnd Hon. William B. Hepburn
of Iowa was elected chairman over Con
gressman II. H. Ingliam of Pennsyl
vania , who declined the honor. B. M.
Bosworth of Huodo Island was chosen
secretary , Charles J. Dorrance of Illinois as
sistant secretary , nnd Edmund M. Smith of
Colorado sergcant-at-urms. Tlio committee
at once got down to business by a roll call of
states for contests. When Virginia was
reached n contest was announced , nnd it was
decided by a unanimous vote to Investigate
the rights of the two sets of delegates-
nt-largo to seats in the convention.
An hour was given to each side In
which to present their respective claims.
At 9:30 : ox-Congressman Bradley ( anti-Ma-
hone ) nroso to speak. After Colonel Bradley
took his scat short'specchcs in behalf of the
Mahono delegation were made by John A.
Watt , S. Uullen , A. C. Hurri , all of Vir
ginia , and nt 10:45 : General Mahonu took tlio
floor nnd spoke for half an hour.
After tbo conclusion of Mahoiio's speech ,
ex-Congressman Wise took the lioor. The
speeches of Colonel Brady , General Mahone
nnft ox-Coiigressuiun Wise wcro bitter nnd
personal to the highest degree nnd it looked
ns if the principals in the Virginia case
would como to blows. Without taking a
ballot the committe adjourned till U o'clock
Tlio Committee Hears the Woman Suf-
frnjje AdvountCBTallc.
CniCAOO , June 19. The platform commit
tee was called to order nt 8 o'clook.McKinloy
of Ohio presiding. The lirst two hours of
the committee was taken by a delegation
from the National Woman's Suffrage associ
ation , Mrs. Isabella Bcechor Hooker , sister
of Henry Ward Beecher , and Miss Carolina
A. Huling , editor of Justitia , the
Illinois suffrage Journal. The la
dies were very courteously received
nnd wcro given scats near the chairman.
Mrs. Hooker was the first speaker. She
made a brief argument In favor of a plank
recognizing woman's right to express her
opinion at the ballot box , nnd pledging on
army of trained speakers to work for the
republican party if it would give them tlio
desired recognition. If they did so the wom
en would work for them as long as they do-
slrcd it. In closing , Mrs. Hooker presented
the resolutions read by her at thcsession of
the Cook County Suffrage society this after
noon , which were as follows :
Since it is plain in the national constitution
the words people and citizens are inter-
chnngablc , and the citizens right to vole is
guaranteed to all the people of the United
States subject only to qualification by the
several , states wo aftirm tlmtwomen ; citizens
of the United States are entitled to vote on
the same terms with the men citizens , and as
sex is not a qualification , slnco it can neither
bo acquired nor suriendercd by the citl/cn ,
no state has the right to mnko it a qualifica
tion for voting , but tiny state may make an
educational qualification which may limit the
number of women who shall vote , therefore ,
Husolvud , That wo pledge ourselves us a
party in this closing century of constitutional
government to the advocacy and maintenance
of equal political rights as the only basis of a
truly democratic and republican form of gov
Miss Anthony followed in her terse , vigor
ous style , reviewing the action of the party
in previous years , recalling the victory in
1SJ when woman's rights had a place in the
platform , and how its majorities had dwind
led slnco then as women had given their
allegiance to the oilier parties which had
sought their iiid , until at the hist election ,
owing largely to women's influence in the
prohibition ranks that the republican partv
was defeated. "Tho republicans , " she said ,
"iiavo taken n stand upon the liquor question
which has alienated the German vote , yet it
has not conciliated the tcmporunco people.
They are threatened with dofuctlons on nither
side. If they laku proper action on equal
suffrage women would help thorn to win new
victories. "
Miss Huling presented u memorial from
the Cook County women's society , asking
their favorable consideration of the resolution
presented by Mrs. Hookor.
The ladles then withdrew , the commlttco
rifting us they p.issud to the roar of the room.
Several gentlemen then s | > eke in behalf of
the measure , after which Mrs. J. Ellen I oa-
terof Iowa made an appeal for n stronger
utterance on the liquor trallle. Mrs. Foster
was frequently interrupted by voices from
the street , where parades with hands ,
horns and shouting wcro constantly fol
lowing , making it impossible to hear
her. As soon ns It bncamo quiet she
resumed and xvus given respectful attention
to the end , Mr.s. Foster deplored the action
of the third party prohibitionists mid said
that a large number of temperance men
would bo won back by a strom/ plunk upon
this vital question.
At 10:30 : the commlttco stopped receiving
delegations mid begun the \york of framing > i
The rout ot the evening session was taken
up in hearing the views of various members
of the committee on the tariff , the silver
question , the Chinese question und others.
The expression of opinion on t\\o \ tariff was
unanimous in favor of u high protective tariff
and tliei-o Is but little question but that such
u plank will bo adopted. At midnight the
committee adjourned till to-morrow without
completing their work.
The Cnlll'ornin UHcK'itfon Indulges in
n 15i DemoiiHtratlon.
Cnicjuo , Juno I'J.-rThe Jilaino scheme was
considerably fortified to-night by the grand
demonstration on Michigan avenue , in front
of the Lei and house , whom the California
delegation have tholr headquarters. There
was at an curly hour in the evening a large
assemblage of enthusiastic Hlaine people
gathered about the California headquarters ,
and the Ulalne supporters In the California
delegation at or.c * seized upon the oppor
tunity to make a still deeper Impression
from the Pacific coast in favor of Ulainu's
nomination , despite his letters and tbo ap
parent effort of the lilaino leaders to couh-
tcract the current in favor of Mr , Blaluo's
presentation by this convention. Mr. Creed
Raymond , chairman of the California uelo-
t'utiou , Editor Do Young of the Chronicle ,
Air. Estee , the selected permanent chairman
of the convention , ar.d other leaders' who are
ardent supporters of the Hlaine movumcut ,
appeared on the hotel balcony and
it was not dinlcult' to get IlaiUwiul
to rcjpuud to demands from thu throng
beneath for n apeeoli. Mr. Haymond was
introduced by a member of the California
delegation to the cheering crowd as man
who would do all ho could to make the
nomination of tbo Maine statesman so pro
nounced n demand on the part of the repub
lican iiarty that Bluino's republican loyalty
would compel him to accept , whether such
acceptance would bo a sacriflco of hl
jMjrsonal preference and private dosirn or
not , Haymond entertained the constantly
gathering multitude for more than an hour ,
although the flow of eloquence was several
times Impeded by the nppoaranco on the
street of the great Gresham parade , which
has been ono of the features of the dem
onstrations in the city to-night. During
the delivery of Raymond's address
the crowd in front of the hotel
had gradually increased until the multitude
could have been numbered by thousands ,
After fiirthorspceoh making thu enthusiastic
crowd dispersed with reluctance , shouting
for Dlulno until they were almost as hoario
IR was Haymound when ho had concluded
Ills address ,
Cnllroriiln'n Claim Hccoenlzoil Tor
Permanent Chairman.
CIIICAOO , Juno 19. The commlttco on per
manent organization mot soon after the ad
journment of the convention and California
presented bar claims for the permanent
chairmanship. The claim was considered by
the committee , and without n dissenting
voice , Hon. M. M. Esteo of California , was
elected as pcrninnciit chairman. The tem
porary secretaries , reading clerks and other
temiKirany officials , with the addition of Mr.
Lynch of Pennsylvania , ns nn additional sec
retary , were made the permanent officers
of the convention.
How They Spent the Day In tlio
Scnnto Chiimhor.
WASHINGTON , Juno 19. [ Special Telegram
to Tun BKK. | Joseph Hawley was the only
ono of the senatorial aspirants for the presi
dency who was in the senate to-day when
the secretary read ttio Journal of yesterday's '
proceedings. In fact there were only thir
teen senators visible nt nil about the cham
ber seven democrats nnd six republicans
and Mr. Ingalls in the vice president's chair.
General Hawley busied himself with a few
documents that lay on his desk. Once ho
went up to the presiding ofllccr's uercli ana
held a-whispcrod conversation with that gen
tleman nbout a- bill which ho carried in his
When ho returned to his scat , ten minutes
after the sonata had been called to
order , Mr. Sherman entered the chamber and
nt once proceeded to his seat without notic
ing anyone , or anyone on the floor apparently
cutty noticing him. He carried a serious and
anxious expression on his face. The smile
which has characterized his countenance dur
ing the last week had vanished. Thu morn
ing papers indicated that the Ohio senator's
presidential boom had weakened somewhat
and this is presumed to account for the glum
look upon his faro when ho inudo his appear
ance ut the capital. Ho sat in n listless way ,
with n far off look , and tried to give his atten
tion to the monotlnous proceedings. Occa
sionally Mr. Sherman would cast his eyes up
toward thQ reporter's gallery , which had
two occupants. f
Soon after the Ohio senator made his ap
pearance ho was followed by Mr. Allison , the
Iowa candidate. Ho was accompanied by
Senator Plumb , and the two chatted and
smiled , taking a conspicuous position
in thu center aisle. Edmunds was first to
notice the presence of Allison , and leaning
back ho whispered something to Mr. Sher
man , who looked over toward the two wes
tern senators significantly. Allison's face
was wreathed in smiles. Ho did not go near
his seat , but remained standing for the most
part in the main aisle , talking to whoever
came ulong. However , ho soon loft the
chamber , as also did Mr. Sherman. They
had not been gone five minutes until they
returned through different entrances. Sher
man returned to his seat , but Mr. Allison re
turned to his standing position immediately
in front of the presiding ofllcer's chair. Here
ho held a whispered convcrvorsation with
Edmunds first and next Dawcs. The two
leaned over the desk where Hoseoo Conkling
used to sit nnd talked for some tlmo.
The I'nlmcr House Opened With a
Grand Banquet and Hall.
GIIANU ISLAND , Neb. , Juno 19. [ Special
Telegram to THE Biu. ] The Palmer house ,
one of Nebraska's finest hotels , was opened
this evening by Eno & Moultou of this city.
The occasion , which was celebrated by a
grand ball and banquet , has been looked for
ward to for some time by both the
people of Grand Island and the
traveling public. Not a stone was left un
turned in the preparation for this grand
affair. Special trains were run from Hast
ings , Ifearnoy , St. Paul , Columbus and other
neighboring towns , which made the crowd
very largo. A slight check was placed on
the attendance by a heavy rain , which com
menced at 7 o'clock and lasted nearly
two hours. Every hack In the
city was in demand and before 9 o'clock the
spacious corridors and parlors wcro packed
with end solid mass of pleasure seoitors.
The dining room was opened at 1010 : ! and the
menu never has been excelled. Hov. J. Nel
son Jones , of the St. Stephen's Episcopal
church , gave a short blessing , after which
all partook to their flu of the
numerous delicacies. The room was
dceorateu with abundance of natunll flowers ,
while the walls were draped from floor to' '
ceiling with smylax. After over four hun
dred hud boon royally received the lovers of
dancing adjourned to thu grand hall next
door whcro they wcro entertained until
thu early hours of the morning. This is with
out a doubt thu finest social event
that has ever taken phioo in the history of
this city. Too much credit cannot bo given
to the proprietors for their careful prepara
tion and the skill with which tlwy curried
outtho programme in every detail.
The Catherine ol Mission Supporters
Concluded Its Iiahors.
1SS3 l > y Juina ( lonltn HennetM
Juno 19 , [ New York Herald
Cable Special to TUB HUB. ] Tlio nine
days' general conference of foreign missions
at Exeter hall ended to-day , to which the
United States had scut 1M delegates.
Among the speakers wcro Hov. Dr. Ellin-
wood and Rev. Dr. John Hall , both of Now
York. The following American ministers
wen ; seen among the audience : Dr. Pier-
son , Dr. Murdock , Dr. Gordon , of Boston ;
Dr. Donklouth , F. Emerson , G. Post , D.
Lungford , Dr. Bnardmun nnd Dr. Cham
bers , of Now York. The speakers contended
that mission work was ono of the
duties of the nation and the country
hat refused to obey the Lord's ' command to
preach the gospel to all people would cer
tainly have to look to the morals of its in
habitants. The archbishop of Cantcibury
tent u tclcgrum expressing sympathy with
the meeting , A letter came from Joseph
Cook , of Boston , in which ho said ho con
sldorcd it necessary for ono missionary to bo
gent to every K0,000 unsaved pcoplo , for if
saved the nations don't fall to earth ; thu un
saved ones cspeedily will.
Colorado DnutoM In Kemlon.
COL.OIIADO SrniKOS , Cole , , Juno 19.
[ Special Tolej'ratn to TUB BEI : . ] The elgh
tocnth annual convention of tbo Colorado
State Medical society convened in this city
to-day. The convention was called to order
by President Solly , and the address of welcome
como was delivered by Dr. W , M. Strlcklcr ,
who is mayor of the city , After receiving
of reports of the officers and standing com
mittees , Interesting papers were road by Dr ,
H. F , Lay , of Barnham , on the therapeutics
of fever ; by Dr. B , Tuubor , of Denver , on
tuberculosis of the pharynx , and by Dr. C. .
E. Hovers , of Denver , on the eye practice in
Colorado , Thu reading of each paper was
followed by interesting and at times lengthy
discussions. Those iu attciidancu at thu con
vention number over fifty , and many more
nro oxuocletl on to-morrow's train. This
uvemng a ryiicptlon was tendered the con
vention , by-Ihb president , Doctor Solly' , of
this uty , at bis. residence.
Work on the Congressional Library
Stopped by the Houso.
Some Question ns to Whether the Senate -
ate Will Concur In tlio Action
General Sheridan Ilnp-
idly Mending.
A llntl IJlow lo tha BOBS.
The proceedings In the house to-day re-
latlng to the new congressional library buildIng -
Ing bear a special interest to some pcoplo In
Nebraska who are Interested In the contracts
for granite Iti the construction of this oxpon
slvo building. All of the present contracts
and designs wcro nullified by the action of
the house and a stop put to the work , Mr.
Smith Myer , the architect whoso plans the
last congress accepted and whoso services
were engaged , has boon dismissed , nnd , by
the provision placed in the sundry appropria
tion | bill , the two committee. ) in congress
on public buildings and grounds nro in
structed to act together In procuring plans
for the necessary buildings , which will not
cost more than $3,00l,000 ) , and to rccelvo ar
chitectural designs from flvo architects , the
most available ono to bo accepted and paid
for. The largo contracts for granlto pro
cured by the Nebraska firm nro therefore
abrogated. Of course , the concurrence of
the senate will have to be procured before-
the amcmlmont'udoptcd by thu house to-day
will avail anything. The housa com
mlttco on appropriations do uot
believe that the sonata will ondorsa the ac
tion taken in this matter by thu house , and
that the plans now being worked upon will
go ahead to completion. The vote by which
all of this work was stopped was quito large ,
however 114 to 50 Indicating that there Is a
largo majority of the house in favor of what
was to-day done. The objection to-tho pres
ent plans nnd procedure is that the cost of
the building will bo entirely too great
from $7,000,000 to $10,000,000 whereas it
should not exceed $3,000,000. The action of
the house created consternation among those
who are interested In ttio contracts and work
on the building , ami it Is the solo topic of
conversation throughout the city.
Very encouraging reports como from Gen
eral Shoriduu to-day. This morning , for the
first tune in almost a month , the general's
children , with the little ones of some neigh
bors' were romping around ii > front of the
room wluffe the patient warrior lies aud the
nlr resounded with tholr uiorry laughter.
The goucral listened to the reading of disj
patolics from Chicago and chatted cheerfully
with these who stood about him nnd com
mented upon the sultriness of the woather.
He declared that ho full first rate
and that he was convalescing. His
appetite has Improved , there is a better color
in his face , his pulse has reduced in number
of strokes nnd in fullness , and the doctors
declare that ho is in every way materially ad
vanced. The outlook fen General Sheridan
is to-night indeed cheerful.
Hon. W. A. J. Spurks , 'ox-commissioner of
the land ofllco , Is at the Ebbltt. It is said ho
wants a place in the diplomatic service.
H. O. Hull , of the surveyor general's of
fice , has just returned from Iowa , where ho
was called by the death of his mother. Ho
und his fumiiy will rosideifor the summer at
Boyd's station. PEiiitr S. HEATH.
When you need n friend select n turo
ono. Dr. Jones' Red1 Clover Tonic is
the best friend mankind has for all dis
eases of the Hvot1 and kidneys. The
best blood puriiler and tonic known.
50c. Goodman Drug qompauy.
Annual Meeting of the Stockholders
ot tlio Komi.
ST. PAUL , Minn. , June 10. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : BUR. ] The annual meeting of
the stockholders of tlio St. Paul & Duluth
road was continued to-duy , nud the election
of directors for the ensuing year concluded.
The directors that wcro in office last year
were as follows : W. II. Fisher , \V. II.
Rhawn , James Smith jr. , C. D. Drake , J.
M. Kiirle , O. D. Baldwin , J. A. Gwynuc ,
George F. Baker nnd William Dawson.
The iiowly elected board of directors
for the ensuing year is as
follows : R. S. Hayncs , Thomas
Denny , A. H. Stevens , R. B. Dodson ,
Walter C. Tuckerman , E. W. Pect , James
Smith Jr. , W. H. Fisher end C. S. Day. As
will bo seen by comparing the above list ,
only two of the old directors are retained iu
ofllco , Messrs. Fisher aud Smith. A mooting
of the newly elected directors was held last
evening , when R. S. Hayes was chosen pres
ident of the company with W. H. Fisher as
vice president nnd general manager. James
Smith was re-elected general solicitor of tbo
company. Tlio directors also elected tlio fol
lowing gentlemen us the executive commit
tee : It , S. Hayes , Thomas Denny , A. H.
Stevens , W. C. Tuckman and C. S. Day.
R. S. Hayes , thu newly elected president , is a
resident of Now York and wus form ,
oily "vico president of a number
of the southwestern railways. Mr. Hayes
this afternoon said that no changes are con
templated In thu management of the road
and that the Improvements which are now4in
progress will bo curried out. Mr. Fisher
will have the general management of tlio af-
fuirs of the company as heretofore. At the
meeting of the stockholders a generous portion
tion of both the common ahd preferred stock
holders were represented and the now direc
tory was chosen by the stockholders of both
securities. There lias been some considera
ble tulk about tlio change of management of
the road for some years past and
this trouble has apparently grown
out of a fooling among the holders of com
mon slock that too many improvements-have
been projected while the road was appar
ently making less money than in previous
years. A great many improvements have
bctin projected , among them n straightening
of thu road , additional now cur facilities at
White Boar , etc. , yet it can't bo said that the
road could havu got along without them.
The fact that the earnings of tlio road
show u decrease for the past six
months of about $15,000 less than for
tbo corresponding time last year , may
have had the effect of creating a
fooling -among the holders of common stock
that their interests wcro not well guarded.
However that may bo , itjs stated that the
season and lakes opqued , earlier lust year
than this and consequently the trndo and
traffic was iliuch more brisk , The same
were at the head of tUo. various departments
lust year us this , .
Dr. McGrew , kidney , , Rectal , & priv
ate diseases , Room UK. Bushimui block
Stnok lo Him Twenty YuarH.
MASON Cmla. . , June 19 , [ Special Tele
gram to Tim liEiij-rttcV- , E. Skinner
to-day informed your correspondent of a
strange freak of miturp , 'Ho was awakened
out of u sound sleep lasti night by n sovcro
pain in the arm , and u ( > on examination ho
found ttio point of a uecdlu coming through
ills flesh , The needle was pulled out and
found to bo ubout three-fourths of an in ch
long and very rusty. Ho remembered run
ning a needle in his foot when he was a
child and after twenty years it now makes
its appearance.
A Natural Product of California.
It is only found in Outto county. Cal
ifornia , and in no other part of the
world. We refer to the tree that pro
duces the healing and poiietratiiig'-C'Uin.
usoil in that nlouaint-ftnd effective euro
fQi * consumption , asthma , bronchitis ,
and coinjhs , SANTA ABIE , the King
of Consumption. GqoJman DrugCo. .
guarantee * und Bells it for 81,00 a bottle
tle , or * 3 for 8250. ; Uy the uw of CALI
FORNIA CAT-U-CURE , all symptoms
of uaturrh are dispelled , and the dis
eased nasal passage is speedily restored
to a healthy condition. $100 u pack
age. Uy matt-Si.10. Circulars freu.
Two Itnnclimcn Killed Iljr nn InfurlJ
ntcil Homesteader.
Dr.xvHn , Cole , , Juno 19. [ Special Tolo-
gramtoTiiK Ben. ] A homocldo occurred
yesterday afternoon In the eastern portion of
Arapahoe county which resulted In tbo
death of ono man and probably the death of
another , and has created no little oxcltomont
among the cow men nnd the homesteader * In
the eastern part of the state which U liable
to increase until more bloodshed will result.
Fred Munslnger , the man who did the kill
ing , is a homesteader and owns a ranch of
1GO r.cres , which was the scene of
the killing. His victim was Bill
Allen , who was foreman of the "Bart"
ranch xvhlch Is owned by the Republican
cattle company nnd is situated about four
miles from the sccno of the murder. " There
has been for several yours much feeling be
tween this cattle comuany nnd the private
owners of land nnd stock in that vicinity ,
which has been prevented from breaking out
Into open war only by the vigilance of the
officers. Munsluger went to Kingston yes
terday morning , and on his return homo in
the afternoon ho found that his fences had
been torn down and his cattle were running
at large. Ho Immediately jumped to the
conclusion that it was thu work of the Re
publican cattle company , nnd taking a Win
chester rillo started to round-up his stock-
In doing so ho had occasion to pass
Bill Allen , the foreman , nnd William Ire
land , one of the proprietors of the Republi
can cattle company , who were together und
wcro also armed with Winchester rltles. Hot
words ensued and Allen and Ireland Indi
cated that they would shoot and gave thu im
pression that they were armed nud abroad
for the express purpose of killing Muiishigcr.
Tlio quarrel grow moro furiou * 'intil Allen
ntid Ireland made u movement to i. IMSO their
guns. Munslngcr got actio-1 tlmt nnd shot
Allen through the right cyu killing him In
stantly. Ireland fired severe shots at Mun-
slngor without effect , and before ho could got
at n safe distance Munslngur succeeded In
fatally wounding him. Muusingor came to
Denver und gave himself up.
Army Ortlera.
WASHINGTON- , Juno 19. [ Special Telegram
to TUB BEK. ] Sergeant GeorgeLefller , Com
pany A , Seventh Infantry , and Private Al
fred White-head , Company B , Sixth infantry ,
nro discharged from the service.
The following detail is announced for recruiting
cruiting- service for the period from Octo
ber 1 , 183S , to October 1 , 1890 : Lieutenant
Colonel John J. Coppiiigcr , Eighteenth In
fantry , will proceed to Now York City aud
rcliovo Lieutenant Colonel Richard F.
Obernc , Fifteenth infantry , ns superintend
ent , of the recruiting service on October 1 ,
1SS8. Ono company officer , preferably n first
lieutenant , from the First , Third , Fifth. Sev
enth and Ninth cavalry , and the First ,
Third , Fifth. Seventh , Ninth , Eleventh ,
Thirteenth , Sovontccntn , Nineteenth , Twen
ty-first , Twenty-third and Twenty-fifth in-
funtry will bo selected nud ordered to report
to the superintendent Of the recruiting t > cr-
vice , Now York City , by October , ISdS.
These officers will be selected by the re
spective regimental commanders actually
with their regiments , and in making thu se
lection special regard will bo had to fitness
for the responsible duty of recruiting. The
superintendent will relieve ofilcors of the
above named regiments of the expiring do-
tall in charge of rendezvous or at the depots
as those of the now detail report , and order
them to rcjoiu their companies.
WASHINGTON , Juno 19. The senate took
up business on the calendar and a number of
bills of minor importance wcro passed ,
among them one authorizing the construction
of a railroad bridge across the Red river of
thu north.
Adjourned. _ _ _ _
WASHINGTON , June 19. The house went
into committee of the whole on the sundry
civil appropriation bill , und after debute the
provision appropriating $500,000 for the
library building was stricken out. The coni-
mittco rose and after passing the bill author
izing the appointment of an additional asso
ciate judge for Dakota , adjourned.
An ugly complexion made Nellie a fright ,
Her face was ull pimply und red.
Though her features were good , und hcrbluo
eyes were bright ,
"What u plain girl is Nelly ! " they said.
But now , as by magic , plain Nelly has
As fair as an artist's bright dream ;
Her face is as sweet us u ( lower new-blown ,
Her checks are like peaches and cream.
As Nellie walks out In the fair morning
light ,
Her beauty attracts every eye ,
And as for the people who called her a
fright ,
"Why , Nellie is handsome ; " they cry.
And tlio reason of the change is that
Nellie took Dr. Pierco's Golden Medical
Discovery , which regulated her liver ,
cleared her complexion , made her blood
pure , her breath sweet , her face fair
and rosy , and removed the effects that
had obscured her beauty. Sold by
druggists , _
Humored Death or Stanley.
LONDON , Juno 19. A rumor that Henry
M. Stanley , the African explorer , is dead is
in circulation In this city and Paris. There
is no news in government or iu Congo mis
sionary circles in London or Brussels of the
death of Stanley.
- . .
For Sick Hondnoho or Constipation ,
pleasant and certain remedy.
Supreme Ijodgo of Workmen.
LOUISVII.I.K , ICy. , Juno 19. The Supreme
lodge of Ancient Order of United Workmen
mot here this morning iu annual fiossiouwith
Supreme Muster Workman W. H. Jordan , of
Oakland , Cal. , presiding. About ono hun
dred delegates from all parts of the country
were present.
Wcnlhcr IndlontloiiH.
For Nebraska and Dakota ; Fresh south
erly , shifting to westerly winds , warmer fol
lowed by coldcrlocul rains.
For Iowa : Fresh to brisk southerly winds ,
followed by falling temperature , local rulus.
Given tlio Full Limit.
NEW YOIIK , Juno 19. John R. Dunn , the
lawyer concerned In the Manhattan Bank
ing company robbery , wns to-day sen
tenced to nine years and eight months in the
state prison , the full penalty of the law.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Combines , In a manner peculiar to Itself , the
best blood-purifying and strengthening reme
dies ot the vegetable kingdom. You will flud
this wonderful remedy effective whcro other
medicines have failed. Try It now. It will
purify your blood , regulate the digestion ,
and glvo new life and vigor to the entire body ,
"Hood's Sarsaparilla did mo great good.
I was tired out from overwork , and it toned
me up. " Mits. U. 1 ! . SIMMONS , Cohocs , N. Y.
"I suffered three years from blood poison.
I took Hood's Barsaparilla and think I am
cured. " Mus. M. J , DAVIS , Urockport , N. Y.
Purifies the Blood
Hood's Sarsaparilla Is characterized b
three peculiarities : 1st , the combination of
remgdlal agents ; 2dthe j > ropory r.fdhe (
proetn of securing its atllvo medicinal
qualities ! ! < result Is a medicine of unusuU
etrsugth , effecting cures hitherto uuknowo.
Send for book containing additional evidence.
" Hood'j Barsararllla tones up my nyjtem.
purifies my Mood , sharpens my ar > i > tito , and
BBflius to make mo over. " J. 1 * . TiioursoN ,
JteglJter ol Deeds , Lowell , Mass.
" Hood's Saraaparllla beats all others , and
Is wof tJ > Irs weight la gold. " I. ISAUUIHOION ,
oBauic Street , New York City.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Sold tiy nil drugcUts. ti j six tor $3. Mndo
only by 0.1. HOOD Si CO. , Ixmell , Mus ,
IOO Poses.Ono Dollar.
The Oponhiff Day of the Stttto Shoot-
lug Tournament.
Itnln Stops the Oinahn-Mlnncnpolln
Gnnie l > e Moltics Defeats Mil
waukee Chicago AV'Ins From
8U 1,011 Is-Other Sports ,
Annual Shooting Tournament.
The fourteenth annual shooting tourna
ment of the State Sportsmen's association
opened nt the fair grounds yesterday morn
ing under the management of John J. Hnr-
din. The day was as perfect as if made to
order , and the attendance of shooters from
abroad being quito largo. The sport com
menced under the most Haltering ausplco.v
The first event on the morning's card wns
ton blue rocks , Id yards' nsc , llvo traps , J3
entrance , with fourteen contestants , and
first , second and third moneys. Following
Is the score :
Snllibury 0 110-7
Miller 1 8
Ketclumt 1 7
HiijtlitM 1 1 I 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 7
I'nrmuleo 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 H 1 1 7
O'Nell 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 U 1-0
Harrison o 1 1 u 1 0 1 1 1 1-7
lipynohK I 1-10
Klfi-k 1 111010110-7
Hnblnson t 10001 1000
Don i 7
1'BttV 1 1-10
llobxou 1 U
lloidlli -1 0
The llrst muiioy , $17.50 , wns divided by
Heynohls and Potty ; tlio second , $10.50 , by
llobsou am ] O'Nell , and thu third fell to
The second event was 15 blue rocks , $3 en
trance , same conditions. The score :
Miller 1 1 1 00 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1-M
I'immilcu 1 1111110111010 1 ia
Don 1 0 0 1 ( I 1 1 1 1 u 1 1 1 1 0 10
O'Nell 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t ) 1 1 0 1 1 0 1-13
Kleok I 0 1 I 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1-11
Harrison 1 OU001111U01111 It
Hallslnny 1 1011111101001 1-11
Kotchviu 01011111111111 1 13
m th o 1111010111111 o-it
) etty 1 1101111111110 1-13
Kvynolds 0 1111111111011 l ii :
Hurdlu 1 1100110111010 1-10
The first money , f'JO.-JO , divided botwecn
Miller , Kctohum. Petty and Reynolds ; the
second. S15.HO , between Parmaloe and O'Neil :
the third , SIU.UO , by Salisbury , Smith and
Flick ; the fourth , 85.10 , bv Den und Hut-din.
The third event was S llvo birds , 0 yards'
rise , modified English rules. The score :
J. Smith 1 1011111-7
Den 1 1 7
IIuKhes 1 1 S
I'arinaleu 0 1 41
Sillier 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1-41
Ketchem 1 1-H
C. U Smith 1 1101111-7
O'Nell 1 01
Atwater 1 1111111-8
Hoblnsoii 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1-Ti
Ilanlln 1 1011111-7
J. Crablll ' . 0 100001 O-'J
William Hutler 0 1001011-1
J. llutler. 0 1-fi
1'loek l 0-
First money , $41 , was divided between
Hughes , Ivctchum und Atwutcr ; second
money , ? i.00 ) , between C. L. Smith , Den and
Hai-din ; third money , ? 1 < UO , by Miller.
The first event on tlio afternoon card was
ten pairs blue rocks , 13 yards rise , entrance
, $3.50. Following Is the score :
Wilier 1 01010111010101 01111-13
1'arinalee.l II 1 0 0 1 1 1 I 0 I 0 1 1 1 11 1 10 14
Crablll , J. 10001010111 00000 0011 8
HalUbury.l 0100100101011001111-11
Fleck. . . .1110101010101010101 l-K
Hmltll.C.U 0100111011010101100-11
Hobsoil. . . ! 001100 I ) 1011111 01000-10
lUiynoMs.l 011101010111011101 0-1:1 :
Hnrrlsou. . ! 110011111111010011 1-15
( VMel..l 0001 1100000101 UIO 111R
Hughes . .10101000001110101110-10
Den 10 1110101110101 001 11 13
Robinson.1 0001 11) ) 001001011111 0-10
I'etty . . . .1 0 1 1 I 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 01 1 1 0-ir
Ilanlln..1 1 1 1 I U 1 1 1 1 1 1 l u 1 00 1 11-10
-ICetrliem.l 111111110111111011 1-18
CiablllU.l 0000101100000101101 B
Ketchem took first money , flS ; second
money , Harding , & 13.iO ! ; third money , ffl , di
vided between Harrison mid Petty ; fourth
money , $4.50 , Paruinlce.
The second , twenty single blue rocks , IS
yards rise , entrance $ . " > . The score :
Hobson..O 11111010101111 1JO 10-11
Hutlor. . .01111110111101101101-13
IteynoUH.l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 ( I 1 0 1 11-10
Swoop . . 1 0 1 1 U 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 10 1-11
Totty. . .0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 OO-i ;
SalNbury.l 101111110111101111 1-17
SmlthC.Il 0 1 10 1 0 1 0 0 I ) 1 1 1 U 1 I 11 0-12
Klcek , . . . .01001111101001110101
KobliiHon.l 1-10
O'JsoIl. . . . ! 110111111011110111 1-17
Ilanlln . . .1 01010 11111110 ( I loll 0 13
liojiartlilH.l 1 0 1 II 1 0 1 0 ( I 1 U 0 1 1 1 1001 11
Mi-Quad . .1 II 0 1 0 0 1 II 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 11 0 11-12
Den 11100111101110111111 1-15
Harrison. . ! 0 I 1 1 1 0 0 U 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0-14
llutlHiV.O 100100011100011011 1-1U
Crablll . .101101101101001 01000 H
Miller . . .1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 0 1 1 11-18
Kotchom. . ! 11100111101110101 00 H
1'imuulce.l 1011010110111111011-15
Miller took llrst money , f.12 ; the second , , divided between Salisbury and O'Nt-ll ;
third money , $10 , divided between Ucynolds
and Robinson.
Tlio third event was a llvo bird shoot. 10
birds each , ! ! 0 yards rise , modified English
rules , $10 entrance. The score :
Miller 1-10
Den 1 l u
Kutchom 1 1 1 1 1 1 ,0 1 0 1-H
Hutler. W 0 011010100-4
HlichBS 1 1 1 I 1 0 0 1 0 1 T
Hmltli , J. II u ] K
I'annuleo 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 l-H
.loilfiS 0 C
OrUwoM 1110101101-7
Atwater. 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1-H
IlarmM 1 110111010-7
Cniblll 1 -
Hiinllu 1 1 II
lintlur , J 0 1-u
Bmlth 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1-u
Miller took first money , f4l ; Hardin , Cra
blll and Don divided second money , f33 ; Par-
malco third , $15.50 ; fourth money , ill , ( livid ,
cd between Hughes and Barnes.
Tha first day's shoot was an unprecedented
success , and Manager Hurilln may well con
gratulate himself ever theachievement. . Tim
attendance to-day will bo much larger than
ycHtcrduy , mid the contests uccordiuglymorc
Among the sportsmen present from abroad
are B. S. Reynolds , S. B.FIeok , R. P , O'Nail ,
chief of police. Grand Island ; W. T. Den ,
Brownvillo ; C. L. Smith , DOS Molnes ; Wil
liam ami Jacob Butler , J. M. and George
Crabill , Cal Hobson und George Gray , Clu'r-
inda ; George E. Atwutcr , Judge Barnes , F.
M. Dorsoy , William McQuudo undStevo Bit-
tonbergcr , Ponca ; R , B. Wood , Chicago ; H.
W" . Graves , Minneapolis : II , H. Wilson ,
Davenport , und Frank T. Carson , Kansas
Postponed By Haiti.
MINNEAPOLIS , Juno 19 , SpecialTelegram
to TUB BEI : . ] The game between Minne
apolis and Omaha was postposed on account
of ralu.
Den MolnoH 4 , Milwaukee 1.
Mii'WAi'KRit , Juno 10 , [ Special Telegram
to TUB BKK. ] Milwuuheo and Dos Molnos
ilnUhcd their scries to-day. DCS MoiuuR put
Smith in the box a second time , though Ken
nedy and Wells were both on hand to go In
the box. Shonkol wont into the box for Mil
waukee for the first time in three weeks. Ho
was not hit hara , but his support was
miserable , the Holders making horrible
errors , Smith pitched a fine game und was
well supported. Score by innings ;
Milwaukee ) 0-1
DissMolnos 0 0 1 1 0 2 0 0 * --1
Earned rims M.l ! raukeo I , DCS Molnes 3.
Bases on .mils Oft Smith M. Klicnkel 1.
tr.teK out Petteo , Alvord , Van Dyke.
Trtitlley (3) ( ) , Homo runs Holliduy , Passed
balls-Mills 2 , Tratlioy 1. Wild pitches
Smith 1. Umpire-Powers. Time 1:45. :
Ht. Paul 4. KniisiiH City 1.
ST. PAUL , Juno 19. [ Special 'lolograin to
TUB BEE.J St. Paul took its third pamo
from Kansas City to-day through tha ina
bility Of the visitors to bit Duryea when it
would count. Outside of the lirst Inning
McCarty pitched the prettiest of any
visiting pitcher that has been BCCU here this
year. St. Paul o&rued its run In
the first innlnc on two singles
and an out , but after that
the visitors' errors allowed them to score
three titaes. Kaii as City's ron wa * waup
on n bine on ball * to Manning , sn out , A t A
of third and Shafor'a wild throw. 8cor t
SUPftuI 1 01dOOOOft 4
Kansas City.i..O 1
Huns earned St. Paul 1. Two-b s
lilts Kcllly , Johnson. Double
-Plckott , Slinfcr nml Morrlstey.
Hasos on ball * Manning. Struck
out By Duryea 7 , by McCartr 19.
HOBO < stolen Hy Murphy a , Morrisijr 9 ,
Manning. Left on boscs-St. Paul 6 , ICnnsM
City 8. First base on errors St. 1'nul 8.
Tlnio 1:45. : Uniplrs Fossondon.
"Western Association Standing.
Holow will bo found Uio standing ot th
clubs , Including yesterday's panics :
Plavoa Won LostPrCt
St. Paul IW 23 14 .Oil
Dos Molno.i 33 L'O 18 .CM
Milwaukee iU 19 IB .6M
Kansas City ! W 80 18 .CM
Omaha ! 17 IS 19 ,4W
UlnciiffO 35 17 18 .455
Minneapolis 40 10 24 .400
St. Louis 3'J 1 * 23 .863
flnmo Scltetlnlo Tor To-Day.
Dos Molncs vs. SU Louis , at DCS Molnos ,
Hot urn of tlio Hall Tonni.
The Omaha team will bo homo on Mondoj
evening next , nud on Tuesday will begin o
series of three gauics with Uio St. Louli
Whites. The probability Is that several now
plavors will be engaged In tlmo to take part
In thcso games , and the gcnornl expectation
Is that the boys will again strlko n winning
pncc. The management hope to bo nblo to
again put In their full strength at Kansas
City next Thursday , when Shannon , O'Oon-
neil and Flyim will bo nblo to play , There
Isyotnorcal grounds for discouragement ; ,
the ( cam is but a few games in the roar , nud
it Is certain that the hard luck that has boon
following them for the past throe weeks
cannot go on forovor. Once back in buap6
they will redeem themselves with a rapidity
that will put all the croakers and malcon
tents to shame. The Omaha club Is tin *
questionably ono ot the best in Uio nssociu *
tlon , which is fully attested to by tuolr
standing In spite of cripples and sickness
and the toughest kind of tough luck.
Diamond Flashes.
Ilcaly has been released , but Casslun is
still on the pay-roll.
How much of an Improvement over Cost
fluid is this man Magic.
Tlio Cowboys will bo hero for two games
on the glorious Fourth.
"Columbus " the mascot "ho
, , says guesses
Sclco will take him along hereafter. "
.loo Quinn , of DCS Molnes. has tbo Charley
Horse. The whole town Is in mourning.
In tlipro too much Oshkosh about tha
Omalmsi Nupcl was with them last year.
Pitcher Dunn , of the Chicago Maroons , ha ]
been sold to the Lima , Ohio club , Consider
ation , 500.
Shannon hai about recovered from his
Into indisposition , and will rcjoiu the team at
Kansas City Thursday.
The Denver club has turned up Its teen to
the daisies , and Bailer. Gonlns and Krca-
moycr have gene to Wichita.
Walsh is putting up a rattling game for St.
Paul , wiiile both aowdors and Mossltt are
already favorites In London , Canada.
The .T. .1. Hnrdlns and Craao Brothers ,
who arc tie for the lead in the city loagtio ,
play at the ball park Sunday afternoon noxt.
If "Spud" Farrish don't hurry up nud wfn
a game with the C. E. Mayncs , nla proatigo
as a great base ball manager will ba uts
The St. Pauls , ranked all along as ono of
weakest teams In the association , is in the
loadwith DCS Moiucs and Milwaukee- oloao
second and third.
How is it possible for the St. Louis Browns
to pluy .loo Herr , who is ono of the regular
Western association team ) It strikes a man
up a tree that this matter should bo looked
into by the Western people.
\Vaslilnglon a , Philadelphia 7. ,
WASHINGTON , Juno 19. The game between
Washington and Philadelphia to-day resulted
as follows :
Washington . 1 14000000 6
Philadelphia. . . .0 10303011 7
Pitchers Uilmoro and Casey. Base bits
Washington 10. Philadelphia 8. Errors
Washington 0 , Philadelphia S. Uiaplro
Kelly. _
Boston 8 , New Vorlc 7.
BOSTON , Juno 19. The game between Bos
ton and Now York resulted
to-day as fol
lows :
Boston . 1 10213001 8
Now York . 0 7
Pitchers - Sowdors and ICoofe. Base hits
Boston 8 , Now York S. Errors Boston 14 ,
New York 12. Umpire Daniels.
llultimnrc 1 , Brooklyn a ,
BROOKLYN , June 19. The game be
tween the Brooklyus and Baltluiores to-day
resulted as follows :
Baltimore . 0 00000010 t
Brooklyn . 0 10001100 0
Rain. '
KANSAS CITT , Juno 19 Louisville nnd <
Kansas City gami < p oiicd on account ot\ \
KvmtH ut Coney island. 0"I
NBW YOIIK , Juno 19. At the Coney .
Island Jockey club IBCOS the BOvon-olghUnf
mile race was won by Reporter , Brusfott
second , Gypsy third. Time l:02Jjf. : J
Throe-quarters of a mile Bradford won ,
Inspector B. second , Volunteer third. Time
-1:1-1 : % . "I
Throo-quartcra of a mile Eoliau won (
King Crab second , Cold Stream third. Tim 41
-\U \ ) { ,
Olio mile Defiance won , Boll B. second ,
Prlnri ) Royal third. Time 1 M'JJf.
Mile nnii one-half Terra Cotta won , Eurus
second , Diinbovnu third. Time 3:47 : ,
Ono mile ami a furlong Joe Cotton won ,
Richmond second , Yaliuut third- Time
Ifi7. :
Five and one-half furlongs America won.
Barefoot second , Avon third , Time 1:11. : I
Tlio Iowa Circuit. " 1
CP.DAII UAI-IIIH , Iu. , Juno 19. The first
meeting of tlio Iowa circuit was held here today
day , Hon. Churle.sM. Smith , of Enrlvlllo ,
111. , acted as thu starting judge. Eight boats
wcro required to decldo the race in the 2:43 :
class , won by John C. In best tlmo 3:01 : f ,
Arbagutil second , Prince third , Welch mail
fourth. Thu ' - ! : ' , " ) < : hm was won by Razor U ,
In best tlmo3:2'.l'j' : ' , Hmidryz second. Putrlclt
Quinn third , General Hancock fourth. Four
heats were run iu the 'J : 'JS paciug class , and
the rat-o is undecided , * * *
Tito Cold Water Campaign ,
Thn prohibitionists held a meeting last
evening at their ununl place , Dr. F , D , Wil
son's office , There was a full attondanca.
Measures wcro taken to make an aggressive
campaign. The executive commlttoa ap
pointed vice presidents for every ward In the
city and arrangements were made for organ-
izlut ; fauburuan clubs through tUcso Ofllccr * .
' "
Kclimldt Mali OH Denial. " \
Last evening a reporter of TUB BEE mot
Mr. Schmidt. tJjsThntconlh atrcot lauadr.v.
man concerning whom some pretty damag
ing ropoits were printed yesterday. Ho says
they do him a great injustice and are o tissue
of falsehoods from beginning to end , To
Hutisfy the rcDortor In regard to his paying
his employes tholr full wages bo oxhiuitod
receipts from each of his employes showing
the payment of all wages up to Juno 4. th
time they left him.
Dr , Kaufiuann'sljecturo.
At Kxpositioa ball last oveuloe Dr. M. L , .
Kaufmunn , physician , lecturer , Bntbropolo
gist , i > reuolo'ist ( und anarchist , spoke buforo
a handful of pcoplo on the capital , labor und
strlko problem. His speech was in reply la
a late sermon by Rev , A. W , Lamnr on the
sumo subject. Ttiero were a few good polutu
in tne talk , but it would have been groaUy
Improved by condensation. His ilciliiltiou of
capital was good but tritennd the urcaubl :
to Ins speech was too long and was UUlla *
mainly fox tU dullutsa ,