Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 19, 1888, Page 5, Image 5

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    ! i WBB |
Annual Communication of the Grand
Ledge at Lincoln.
ttTie Cftpltnl Clty'fl iJcllghtritl Slimmer
llctrcnt itcnntll'iil Onslimna
T nrkNotftrlc Public
Nnincil ,
1029 I STIIEKT , V
LINCOLN , Juno 18. 1
The grand lodge of Masoni of the stnto will
meet in tills city on Wednesday of this week ,
and II U promised Hint It will bo the largest
Battiorlng of Masons In Nebraska. Arrange-
merits have boon made on the part of the
MSROIIS of the city to give their visiting
brethren a royal reception , To-day a custo
dian's ledge Is bolnjr hold by L. P. Gillette
nnd It will continue until Wednesday. Mil
ton J. Hull , grand master of the state , ha *
appointed committees for this gathering of
the grand ledge , the numbers accompanying
the names indicating the ledge number of the
committee ninn :
On Visiting Brothers John H. McClay 19 ,
Lcvl M. Iluper M , Daniel H. Harris 01.
On Credentials John A.lSrhnrUl.Willlatn
N. Uosborough 88 , Joshua Viindorvoort47T.
II. Myers 61 , James H. Dempster 79.
On Accounts-Ellas C. Wilcox .KM , Vnllen-
tine K. Hey 15. Lewis M. Uhccm 3. Charles
C. Klttcnhouio BO. William Wilson 158.
On Charters and Dispensation Julius O.
Chase 43 , Judson Graves 71 , Charles N. Fol-
sona 110 , Churlos H. Willord 124 , George E.
Hawkins 20.
On By Laws Frank H. Young 143 , Wll-
Ham S. UandallW , William J. Hnima 10 , F.
J. Puddoniai.
Ways and Means John B. Dlnsmoro 40 ,
John C. Sullivan 131 , Gcorgo P. Rhcn 140 ,
Joseh | ) Van.Valln 77 , James E. Nrth 58.
On Koliof William J. Outhwaita 140 ,
Dniiiel N. Blood 50. Samuel Goozco 2 ,
Chtirlcs B. Collln 103 , Joel G. McClaro 140.
On Grievances Charles J. Phelps 84 ,
John B. Bsrncs 101 , James II. Hucd ill ,
Henry Crnhtrco 123 , James W. Clmdstuclc
Unfinished Business H. M. Wells 37 ,
William E. Krause 27 , William I. Itamsoy
118 , William L. Stork OS , James Patterson
101.On Pay Roll Francis E. White 5. James
M. Kennedy 125. Kdward C. Jnckson 21 ,
2achous L. Kay 1U5 , Uobort L. Cochran 53.
On Jurisprudence Charles 1C. Coutant
and the past grandmasters present ,
i On Returns Ebon 1C. Long 11 , L. A.
BcrocKB 123 , Edward W. Robinson 154 , John
II. Matthews 155 , Evorclt Cunningham 25.
On Codification of the Law William R.
Kowcu U , Francis E. Whlto 0. Franlc H.
Young 148.
On Doings of Grand Ofllco Bearers
James A. Tullovs 53 , John D. Moore .13 ,
Clark Shelley U , Edgar J. Pease 188 , Johu H.
McCalll 01.
One of the delightful places these hot
mitnrncr days Is the now park opened by the
most wide awake man in the west.-Mr. E. H.
Amlrus. Tlife park is called "Oushmnn
jurk" and is located directly west of the center -
tor of the city throe and a half miles and only
a short drive from the suburbs. It is doubt
ful it a majority of the Lincoln people , do-
pplto the fact that hundreds have visited the
place , tire really aware that there is such a
delightful place to be found Just beyond the
city limits , and those who know of the
location , if they have not recently visited
it , would realize the * labor and expense ex
pended by Mr. Andrus in beautifying the
Vlaco. There is almost a universal sentiment
that now the park Is offered for sale that the
city should purchase it , and If it did , in ton
yours no city in the west would have such a
magnificent' . Cushman park covers
niiifcty'ncros of ground , the larger part of It
covered with heavy timber , in which black
walnut predominates. There is not a sign of
underbrush , and underneath the dense cnn-
opy of leaves the cool breezes sweep between -
tween the trunks of trees no mutter how
jvnrni the day. Winding through the , uhdul-
ptlui ? ground upon which the park is situated
4s n handsome stream of water fed by the
numerous cold springs thnt aoound. In
this stream a stone dam has been
built and the stream broadened arid deepened
until three miles of excellent boating is
ntTorilcd. A substantial wharf has been
Irailt in close proximity to both pavilllons ,
mid n largo nuuibor of boats nro kept con
stantly on hand. The stream in its windings
Is bridged in different places with wagon
bridges and rustic foot bridges , and shady
drives and by-paths wind around through
the entire grounds. These walks lead to u
lialf dozan springs nestled among the trees ,
and thera is an iron spring and a sulphur
ppring as well ns.ttioso affording clear spring
water. On no day when the park is open
dons it fail to bo noticed that a large number
of people till Jugs and casks with the mineral
waters that possess medicinal properties of
the highest character. Mr , Andrus has
iiullt iu the center of the park a pavilllon
two stories In height , the second story being
jmielicully a largo balcony , and the building
cntlro constructed with a special eye to
roolnoss. In the upper part , the balcony , a
line piano is kept for use at the concerts
Which are imula features of more than
ordinary attractions each day that the park
is open. The concerts there given are
illrectly In charge of Mr. Warner , and the
best vocalists in the city nro engaged , in
udditlon to cither the Military band or Apollo
liaml , ono of which always accompan.vs
nil excursions. Across the stream from the ! a largo dancing hull con
structed especially for that purposo.nn orches
tra is present daily and there in dancing in
tibuiulanco for those who desire. Every nook
Jms its rustle scatuud swings and hammocks
) ibound in abundance and all are free to the
Visitors. Mr. Ajulrus in his management
lias a contract with the B. & M. railroad , the
k-ailroad passing the park adjoining the north
bide of the grounds. Ample platform facil
ities are provided and each day that the park
Is open special excursion trains nro run to
IIIQ grounds , leaving thn city at 'J p. in. , and
returning atil p.m. Those trains have a uni
form rate of furo for all of 1C cents for the
l-ounU trip , and the popularity of the park Is
bvlnccd in the fact that never loss than six
ixnu'.h loads go on the excursions in addition
to the hundred or mora carriages that drlvo
from the city to the grounds. Mr. Andrus
lias Thursday for n general excursion day ,
Saturday for children's day and Sunday
uftcrnoous , the lied Uihbon people , a thou
sand or moru in number , hold their meeting
nt the park. Special days and special events
nro sandwiched between other days as do-
filred. It is noticcablo that the very host
of people patrouUo and appreciate the park
mid Its mamigpmontaud this is largely duo to
the fact that no liquor * are allowed on thu
grounds , and there are no attractions or in
ducements tlipro for disorderly people.
Mr , Andrus hus demonstrated What can bo
ilouo nt this city In the park lino. Ho has
done this with uo great display but with a
real that lias counted. Ho hus showed that
BVUU at Its opening days it Is n paying busi
ness as a private enterprise. In conversation
Mr , Andrufi stated that ho had demonstrated
what could bo done in the way of n park at
the city of Lincoln , and what a magnificent
resort is at the door of the city only needing
development. Ho tlnds the management too
Krcat in connection with his largo business in
other lilies , and ho proposes to sell the
ninety acres of the park Thursday , Juno 31 ,
to the highest bidder , and ho states that ho
( mows for himself the value of the invest-
inont to any active man. As stated before
> J.'iiK BEB bollovos that the city should bo the
purchaser mid the park should belong to the
rlty. and it will undoubtedly bo worth all it
costs , whoever'the purchasers uro , at present
pud worth no small fortune in future years.
KOTJUUKS ri'iiuo ,
The governor jesterday commissioned the
following notaries public ; Enoch T. Gadd ,
Lincoln ; Joseph H. Blair , Omaha ; John B.
Urowu ; wanoiu , Chase county ; Haggort B ,
Cochran , Omaha ; Frank W. Bandhauer ,
Omaha : Orlaudo Toflt , Avoca , Cuss county ;
B. II. Smith , Keuosaw , Kearney county ;
Joseph II , Painter , Alliance , Box Butte
Drink Malta it is pleasant.
/Vn / Ingenious Application of I'lioto-
"Wo hoar , eoya Invention , of mi i fen-
IOUH npiiUeutlou of photography made nt
the C'lwiieolude quarries , near Peri-
pue'Xwhere tui iiceidont occurred
caitsod by tbo caving in ol tbo will.
ITivo persons wore imprisoned in the
rocks , and no means were nt hand to
rcscuo them. To find out where tlioy
wore , n shaft twelve Inches in diameter
was bored , nnd down this was slid n tube ,
near the end of which was n small pho
tographic camera , surrounded by a bat
tery of electric lights. The camera
moved on a point , so that it could bo
moved up or down by pulling n cord ,
With this apparatus n number of peed
negatives xvoro taken. The effects of
leo disaster was seen , nnd excellent pic
tures of the faces 01 two corpses were
obtained , showing that it was useless to
proceed further in the excavations.
It Is a Ciirlonq Fact
That the body is now more susceptible to
benefit from medicine thnn ntnnyeca-
fion. lienco the importance of taking
Hood'a Snrsaparllla now , wlion it will
do you the most good. It is really won
derful for purifying1 and enriching the
blood , creating an appetite , and giving
a healthy tone to the whole system. Bo
sure to got Hood's Sarsaparilla , which
is peculiar to iteolf.
A handsome , mechanical clock which
has attracted much attention to a Now
YorJc window represents a perfect miniature -
aturo locomotive , although to the ma
jority of the passers by , familiar with
the American engines , it looks slightly
strange because it is of the French typo.
When sot in motion the drive wheels ,
in oxidized finish , revolve in a very
realistic mannor. The cab is occupied
by the clock movement , the dial being
at the side , on the boiler. Just'in front
of the small bronze bell is an aneroid
barometer , nnd insidolbo smoke stack ,
in plain view , Is a compass.
It's as plain as n plko start that any
article of pastry or food , flavored with
adultornteu flavoring cannot posses the
wholcBomonofes or agreeable llavor of
ono in which a strictly pure Fruit Ex
tract like ono of Van Duzor's has been
used. The Flavoring Extracts prepared
by Van Duzor & Co. are from sound
fruit , highly concentrated , contain more
than usual quantity and nro therefore
doubly economic. Their llavor is sup
erb. Grocers everywhere sell them.
A winter in Southern Europe , as planned -
nod nnd managed bv Dr. Tourjeo , must
bo an ideal trip , whore , added to the
pleasure and profit of leisure of travol-
[ ng in a climate moro congenial than
that of the 'finest winter resorts in
America , is the delight of looking upon
the marvelous works of art and the
beautiful scenery Which that country
. The circular , which in its
oficriptton of the countries visited
rends like a book of travels , should bo
in the hands of every ono. The winter
abroad costs loss than a trip of equal
extent in this country , and under this
management becomes the very perfect
ion of winter travel. Arrangements
have been perfected for an extensive
tour in Egypt and the Holy Land.
Two Now York sisters make a good
living for themselves by going about
among the belles of tbo city and assist
ing them to dress upon special
occasions. They are very particular
whom they work for. Their order
books nro usually full , and their charges
run from 82 and $3 well up into the
twenties , according to the elaborateness
of the design oi' the amount of service
cullpd for.
.Of quaintly carved German nut wood
is the case of n clock , which , besides
tolling time in chimes , hours , halves or
quarters at the pleasure of its owner ,
also shows the position of the moon , the
days of the month and the constella
tions as they appear in the firmament.
Conscious of its many powers it has no
sido.piecos of any sort.
How to Select a "Wife.
Good health , good morals , good sense
and good tempornre the four essentials
for n good wife. These are the iiidis-
ponsablos. After them conio the minor
advantages of good looks , accomplish
ments , family position , etc. With the
first four , married life will bo comfort
able and happy. Lacking eithorit , will
bo in moro or less degree a failure.
Upon good health depends largely good
temper und good looks , and to sorno ex
tent good sense also , as the best mind
must bo affected anoro or less by the
weaknesses andwhimsattondanton frail
health. Young man. if your wife is
falling into n stnto of invnlidism , first
of all things try to Obtore her health.
If she is troubled with debilitating
female weaknesses , buy Dr. Piorco's
Favorite Prescription. It will cure
In eolid brass the designs for clock
sots nro numerous. Cases of scroll
work somewhat urn shaped , or bearing
shields , or coats of arms supported by n
pair ot hinds , nro much admired. Can
delabra are the side pieces in the more
handEomo brass beta.
, For Nervous Kxliiuistion
Hsu Horl'or < l's Acltl Phosphate.
Dr. U. C. McGov , Alsoim , In. , soys : "j
have 11 sod It in cases of dyspepsia , nervous
exhaustion anil wnkefulncss , with pleasant
results. Also think It of grout service in de
pressed condition of the system resulting
roni biliary derangement. "
Francois Lambert , a blind boggnr of
Chicago , recently brought suit against
his son-in-law for $1,700 , loaned him ,
and has boon awarded 81,510 of his
claim ,
An Absolute Cnro.
Is only put up in large two ounce tin boxes ,
nnd la mi absolute euro for old sores , burns ,
wounds , chapped hauls , nnd all skin erup
tion * . Will positively euro all kinds of piles ,
MENT , Sold by Goodman Druir Co. at S3
couU per box by mall UO cents.
A sparrow has built a nest on one of
the trui'lcs of un eastern railway coach
and makes dully trips from Binghnmp-
ton to Syracuse and return.
, - Tooth-l'nlsonoil Food.
1 Defective teeth poison the food. ZO-
ZODONT cheeks dontnl decay , removes
tartar incrusted in the sinuscH and upon
the burfaco of thu tooth , and renders
thorn healthful masticators of the food.
Dorital impurities also contaminate the
breath , These it removes.
Drink Malta.
It is said that Donnelly's cryptogram
is jiot selling well in England. The
Englibhtnen look on the book as a eatn-
plo of American humor ; und us n rule
they cannot appreciate American
Llfo is burdensome , alike to the sufferer -
forer und all around him , while dyspep
sia and its attending evils hold sway.
Complaints of this nature can bo speed
ily cured by taking Prickly Ash Bitters
regularly. Thousands once thus
ntulutcd boar cheerful testimony us to
ita merits.
Salmon or other canned goods should
not bo allowed to remain in the can in
hot weather after they have been
opened. A prominent dealer says thnt
ho never knew bad results to occur
from sound stutl when the contents of
cans wore tit once transferred to
earthen vessels.
Dr , McGrow , kldnoy , Rectal , & priv
ate dlsoiu > ej. Room 13 , Bushman block
Itsfwperlomoellonce proven in millions oC
homo * for more than a qnwtor nt n century. H
1nscil by tlio United bmtes Government , llu-
rtorsoil 1 > y the lioadg of UioRrent universities us
tlie troufp ( it , purest mid imnt healthful. Ir ,
I'rlcMCrimm floVlnf ? Towrtfcr dooi nrit contain
ammonia , lime or nliim. Sold only In cans.
Now York , Chicago , St. Iuls
" 'ffho Overland Koule. "
Has so arranged its Family Sleeping Cm
service , thnt berths can now be reserved
upo'n application by any ticket ngcnt to M.
J. Grcevy , Passenger Agent , Council 13hill's ,
Iowa. The reservations when made nrc
turned over to the train conductors taking
out such cars , so that passengers can now
secure berths ordered , the same as n Pull'
man berth is reserved and secured.
J. 8. TI3nHKTf , 15. Ij. IjOMAX ,
Gen. V.&T. Agent. Ass'tG.P. &T. A.
The best ncd rarest E inedy tor Cure of
oil dlicuec canted by any derangement of
the Llvsr , Kidneys , GtoBMh-end Bowel * .
DyipepslA , Eld Headache , Constipation ,
Billons Complaints cuad Malwlmof all klnfis
yield nadlly to the beneficent Influence of
It la pleasant to the taste , tones np the
system , restores and preserve ? health.
It Is purely Vegetable , end cannot foil to
provo beneficial , both to old and young.
As a Blood Purifier it Is superior to all
ethsn. Bold everywhere at $1.00 A bottle.
A party sails DEO.29for the South of FRANCE ,
ITALY , SICILY , nud other delightful resorts.
_ _ _ .nB _ A Second I'-uty for tlio
C.I9 I f 1 TURKEY , The KILK , and
* " the chief countries and cities
of Europe , Balls saino date. Send for Circular.
E.TOURJEE , Franklin Sq. , Boston.
Itoom G3 Traders' llulldlng ,
References Metropolitan National nink.
U. U. Dun & Co. Thu Urndfltrcct Co.
Grab Orchard
, Constipation ,
Crab Orohard Wnter Co. T.nuUville. Kv.
"The Overland Sloutc
Iltis BO niTiuigod its Family Sleeping
Car service , that berths cun now bo ro-
sorvoil upon application by uny ticket
agontto M. J. Greovi Piisseugei1 Agpnl ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa. The reservations
when made uro turned over to thu train
conductors taking out such cars , BO that
passengers can now secure berths ordered -
dorod , the saino as a Pullman berth is
reserved and scoured.
J. S. TKIWKTS , K. I ; . hOMAX ,
Gen. 1' . & T.gont. . Ass't G.l'.Sc T. A
Or the Liquor Habit , Positively Cured b )
Administering Dr. Koines' Gulden
.U can t > e given in a cup ot coffee or tea with
out thoKnowleilgu ot tha person taking U ; abso
lutely harmless , and will etitct a permanent nnd
speedy euro , whether the patient is n moderatu
drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thpusundd cj
drunkards have been made temperate men who
bare taken GoUlfii BDecldo in tllelr coffee with
out their knowledge and to-day believe they
cult drinkluu of their own fiee will. H never
rails. The system once irapresnaua With the
Bpocltlo , it becomes an utter impossibility for
the liquor appetite to exist. For bale by Kutm
& to. ) , 15th und Pouclai . , ana J8th and Ciim-
JngHts. , OmHhtt Neb. ; A , U , roster & llro
J\wn ! l UlutT * . Iowa.
To hare your friends conu > to
As ICubtern Hues will t > eh tickets and run
Union Pacific
"The Overturn ! Koule. "
Until July 1.13H tickets told for tueao excur
sions " 111 ue good thirty days for tha round
trip and can bo used ten cliiys going. When pur *
chusers are ready to return. Ihcsi tickets will be
good live days for that purpose , if purcha era
with to otop short of destination on our llnpa ,
agents will wtauip tickets good to return from
uHl'ETS. Oen. P. & T. Agent.
K. I * LOMAX. AM't .Q , I' , i T. A.
M.MJ . , I 'I HI I .1. I .C.-.U. . jmil H. . . 11,1. , II. . . , . . . J MTOMI1I ? JMI.IMU Ul IWJ tIUJlLUl * WlMMU
Continental Clothing House ,
To the Wnolesale and Retail Trade of the West. The opportunity of a lifetime for oash buy
ers throughout the west. Extraordinary closing sale. Unapproachable bargains to close
the season in every department.
Our limited space prevents us men
tioning but very few of the bargain lots
offered , btlt wo guarantee from now un
til July 4lh , greater bargains in fine
Koady-Mnflo Clothing , Furnishing
Goods , Hnls and Caps , than wore ever
before nuotcd by any firni in the cloth
ing business in the west. No old .goods
at any price. The goods offered to you
nt this sale nro all now , made up within
the last ninety days.
It will umply ro'pay the expenses of a
trip to Omaha by any man , woman or
child Avanting$10 worth of clothing.
As specimens of the different bargain
lots comprised in this lot , wo mention a
few as follows , with a guarantee that
the small number specially mentioned
nro no more attractive or desirable bar
gains than hundreds of others to bo
found in every department of our estab
lishment during this sale.
Lot 4187. On Monday wo will place on
our counters 400 plain black pure all
wool imported Whipcord Suits in full
weights , suitable for use in this climate
ten months of the year. These suits nro
absolutely now , fresh from the work
shop , and never shown on our counters
before. Suits made up in the very lat
est style 4 button cutaway frock , which
wo otter in all sizes from 35 to 44. We
shall offer this frock suit at$15 per suit.
Wo have not another word to sav about
this lot , excepting this , that wo have
sold precisely the same suit ever since
our Btoro was opened for $ -2 , and never
less.Lot 3580. We offer ICO Mons' Double
Uroastcd Sack Suits , regular sixes from ,
35 to 35of the celebrated Slater Flannel
all wool and guaranteed full indigo.
Goods made by the celebrated Sinter
Woolen Co. , of Webster , Mass. Made
and trimmed in flrat olnss manner an
perfect lilting. Wo offer this lot to
close at the unheard of price ol $9.50.
Remember this lot is all in double
breasted Sack Suits.
Lot -3650. Wo Offer 100 suits , which
will positively bo tno last of this lot of
the celebrated Sawyer Woolen Go's
goodl of which wo have sold hundreds
during the Insl two months. Wo offer
100 of the neatest styles of those famous
goods to close at the remarkably low
prlco ol $12. This suit is retailed by
eVery house In the country nt 818. Wo
have never offered a bargain that has
given such universal satisfaction as this
eult. All sizes at the same price $12.
Lot 3. Wo offer 600 pairs best fancy
Cnsslmero Pantaloons , goods that wore
made to sell for $7.60 and $3this season.
Goods made by the Globe Woolen Co. ,
Rock Manufacturing Co. , Hockanum
Mill , Broadbrook Mills , and other man
ufacturers of equal reputation. They
are in regular sizes , and as nice styles
as wo have in our stock at any price.Wo
find thnt wo hove a surplus of these fine
goods and wo do not wish to carry them
over , and have consequently made the
uniform price of $5 per pair for the en
tire line. Those goods nro of the very
best workmanship , and equal to any 310
custom pantaloons. Price during this
closing sale will bo $3.
In our Boys' and Children's depart
ment wo offer nn EXTRAORDINARY
line of bargain , particularly in Short
Pant Suits. Our space will not permit
of our enumerating the different bar
gains in this department , however , wo
will mention ono , a lot of 250 Boys'
Knee Pant Suits , embracing three dif
ferent styles , which wo have marked nt
the extraordinarily low price of S2.60 to
closo. Sizes from 4 to 14 years. Send
for sample sillt. You will bo bettor
pleased with them than nnytning wo
have shown you at this price before.
Lot 2841 and 2339. Bovs' Long Pant
Suits. Wo offer in this lot which em
braces two styles , Boys' strictly all
wool casslmors sack suits , coat , pants
nnd vest , in dark and medium colors
for boys from 10 to 14 years of ago. This
suit was made to sell nt $10 but wo wish
to reduce our stock of them immediate
ly and offer them at this sale to close
for only 80 per suit. Ev'ory garment is
warranted strictly all wool now fresh
goods. Remember the price $0.
In this department wo announce the
Bale of 300 dozen Gents' Fancy Shirts.
This entire lot was manufactured ex
pressly for this season's trade , wo have
n largo stock of them on hand and offer
them at 60 per cent loss than the ovor-
ngo price to close them out. All now
patto-ins , most desirable styles , fast
colors , perfect fitting nnd perfectly
made in every respect , regular pricts
which wore from $1 , to SI.75. Thlsontl
lot In all sizes from 14 to 10 and i neck
wo offer at 75 cents each. Order for half
dozen lots no less.
Parties at a distance ordering thosa
lots will please give us size of collar
worn and this is all that is necessary in
order to got a perfect lit.
Men's Half lloso 76 cents per pair. Wo
offer 850 dozen of Men's Fancy Half
Hose nt 75 cents per dozen to closo.
Regular $1.50 goods to bo sold only In
dozen lots nt the remarkably low price
of 75 cents per dozen , in sizes from 9 to
Sample suits of any of. these lota will be sent C. O. D. with the privilege of examination to any address in Nebraska , Iowa
Colorado , Kansas , Wyoming , Dakota and Montana.
OMAHA Freeland , Loomis & Co.
DES MOINES Proprietors ;
Corner Douglas and 15th Sts. , Omaha , Neb.
jargest Clothing House West of the Mississippi River ,
MONSTER NEW BUILDINGS , All Buildings brilliantly ever made in America , val and Performances.
in the heart of the city , illuminated by innumera ued at S1OOOOOO.
within ten minutes' ride of ble Electrical and Gas Jets. Horticultural Kail of un MACHINERY HALL , .
. equalled beauty. l,5OOFoet in
all hotels and stations. Wonderful display of Length ,
through which will ply gondolas
ELECTRIC dolas from Venice.
of Treasures from the War ,
from all parts of the North
Navy and other Departments , west. The great EDUCATIONAL ,
the Smithsonian Institute , and numerous other De
National Museum and Fish of the finest collection of partments perfectly ar
Commission. Paintings and Sculpture dcvotedto Music , Spectacles ranged *
Santa Abio Cat-R-Curo
: and : - -
Pot- Sale by
G-oodman Drus Or , _
Surgeon and Physician ,
Office K. W Coiner ittli acd uouglas St. Ofllce
i' , (03 ; itcoldcucu telephone. oOi
Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y ' ,
The Ucsl Rnuto from Omaha and Couucil
Jllnffs to
Cblrngo , AND
t. I'nul , MlniiFniiolis , Ccilnr JJajilds ,
I'rccjiort , Itockfonl ,
Clinton , Diibmiuc , Duvcnporf ,
Juncsvillc ,
Itelull Wluunii ) Lu Crossc ,
And all other Important points Hast , Kortbeut and
Bontboatt ,
Kortliroiidh tickets call na tbe ticket scent at 1801
Karnuru itroot , In INirker llluck , or ul Union I'aclCc
l ) l > ot
IMIImnn Bloepors and thu llnett DlnlnK Curs la tbe
nurU nru run on ilia inttlu lluu of tUu CblcuBo , Mil
waukcc & HU 1'aul Hallwar. nnrt ovrrr uttuutloali
paid to piiienrfuri t > j courtuou * viuploc * ct the
H. Mll.I.EIl , fTcnci-ul Manager ,
J , K TLICKBtl , AaiUtacKjeneral Manager.
. V. H. CAlil'BN'rBU , Geucrul I'lison ; and
Tlukrl AtuDtV
OKO. K. " " III ) , Aiilitant General ,
OJlJ'llokt. . , , , . _ . ,
J.T. CliAUK. General Euperlnteudent ,
NOB. 3O3-4O4-I7O-CO4.
- - ltrtclh. tle ia
f.lllo l nllrcrwf.tflli , U/C iuc L.
mtntiOTtr ail ctbirttlti. Vrorit
cain pti
Mh .r.opu. , . VJj' . ' loVSt , nim
TheSandcn CUctrluRi.
ICll InSaUci ) . .
OWLER , Moodus , Conn.
Its main llnea and branches Include CIIIOAOO ,
end Bcorca of Intermediate cities. Choice o (
routes to owl from the I'uclflo Cout. All trans-
fere la Union depota. Fait trains of Fine Day
Coaches , elogont Dining Can , waBnlflceni Pull
man Palace Bloopers , and ( between Chicago , St.
Joseph. AtchUon and Kansas City ) Ilocllnlng
Chair CUB , Beats Free , to baldeia of turouga
arot < loea tickets.
Ohlongo , Knnoaa & Nebraska R'y
"Great Rook latnnd Route. "
Extends "Wttt and Boutnwcit from Kansas City
and Bt. Joseph to WKLSON. HOaTON. , BELLE
nxrroOTNBON , CALDWELL , und ell points in
and beyond. Entire passenger equipment of the
celebrated Pullman manufacture. All aafaty ey
pliuicM end modern improvements.
The Famous Albert Uoa Route
Is tbo favorite between Chicago , Ilocfc Island ,
Atchlton , Kansas City and Minneapolis and St.
PouL Jts "IVatertown brauch traverses ta erout
of Nortberu Iowa , Boutbwestem Minnesota , and
East Central Dakota to Wntortown. Spirit Loko ,
Blour Folia and many other towns and cities.
The Suor * , Line via Ueuoco and JTankakoo offers
superior lacllltlm to travel to and from Indian-
opolio , Cincinnati and other Bout-hern points.
Vor Tickets. Maps , Folders , or desired Informa
tion , apply ot any Coupon Tick t Olnce or addresi
" : er. Oen'l Tlrt. ft fug. Afft.
cxnoAoo. ir.r.
matui Pcli > t od uuctlon l d'tor ' *
- " iu i.
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago ,
Tlicionlr road to tAke for Don Molnos.Marilialtows.
Cu'lar ; lluulds. Clinton , llllun , ChH-UKO , Milwaukee
uml all iiolnti Kn t , 'rollidiienplo ntNo'jrj kii. ( ! eli > ,
niilo , Wyoinliiu. Dtuli , Miilio. Novuit.i , Dri'iiiinVu b <
Inutoii und Cullforiiln , It iiirurx supurlor udruutaicci
not pu lulu by nnx ntlior Iliu * .
Auioniiu fowof Iliu niiuiiTiiuj points of superiority
oiijoywcl hx tun pHtrons or tlil rimd uolvmon Dinnlia
Kin ! Chtfiivi ) , ma IU tuniu train * u Ouy of DAr
COACIIKS , wlilcli urotlioltnoit tliiitliiiiiinnnrt and
Ilioeqimlof wlilcli cannot bo luuinl uUowliere. At
Coiindllllutri , tliotrulns of Die llnlon I'jclilo Hull.
wujri'Diinoct In union ilujiot with Ilioio of the < ; iil-
cuiio& Nuilunuilnni Uy. In Clilcavn thu IralnH o (
tills line i mi k n dote uonuectlon with ihuto of all
oilier Ksstern llni'i.
Kor Di'lroli , Colunibui. Indlnnunnlli , Cincinnati ,
Nlliuoru Kiill . HuKalo. | 'ltt buru , ' 4'uronlu , Molilroul ,
llostun , NIIW York , I'lilluilvliilirH , llnHlnioio.Va li.
liititun , iin-1 all polnti In the hust. A Us lor ticket * via
If you vrl li the Liot uwmiimoJutloii , A ) | ticket
ceiitt MI I ll < kets via tblt UIH * .
jf. .iiiionirr , E. i' . WILSON.
Ut'ii'l Muniiger. liuu'l 1'usVr Agent.
, .
W. N. UAUCOCK , liun'l Wfitorn Aifrnt.
1) . K. KIMIIALL/l'ltkul Aiient
O , r WKs'J' . Clly ra > enger Agent.
1101 ritrimw ht. , Omulin , Neb.
nigO hn given cnlrer-
iM eatlttactlon In ths
curs o ( Oonorrhoj * and
Ulcct. Ii'rrccrlbtltand '
( eel sale In rccowm nd-
Ing it lo all tulferers.
Dec lur , 111.
Sold \ > y