Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 19, 1888, Page 2, Image 2

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The Ohargo Dismissed and the Doa-
6on Takes a Trip.
1 County Karntcra Hnvo n Cctc-
brntlnii A Man Killed Ity Mglit-
nliiB Klrcs nt KtromslMit'K
nnd Fnlrlmry.
Cole KflVcCcrt n Sottlcmont.
NrniuiKA. CITT , Juno 13. ( .Special Telegram
gram to THK UP.H. ] MaJ. A. S. Colc.arrested
yesterday charged with cmbo7zlcmcnt , rnndo
u settlement In full this morning and the
charge against him was dismissed , and ho
fa immediately left for n trip to Washington
I *
Territory. Mr. Cole claims ho Is simply RO-
ing on n visit and will l > o back to face any
further charges thnt may bo mnilo against
Mm , but his enemies say Nebraska City Imi
aeon the hist of him and that his absence may
save him from arrest for other alleged crook
ed transactions which would also implicate
nevcral other of our cltl/ens. Mr. Colo's nr-
rest was a complete surprise to his enemies
ns well ni his friends , n < ho has always been
considered an honest and upright man , with
fewer faults than many who now rcjolco
over his difficulties.
A Heavy RiislnrsN Fnllnrc.
Cr.NTiur , Crrr , Neb. , June 18. [ Special
Telegram to Tun UBK. ] The attorneys for
the mortgagees to-day posted a notice on the
building occupied by H. E. Persons , stating
that the stock of goods and all fixtures had
been taken possession of by them for Car-
BOH , Pierre , Scott & Co. , H. W. King & Co. ,
Sweet , Dempster & Co , of .Chicago , Kirken-
flall , Jones & Co. of Omaha , and the Central
City Bank of this place. The mortgagees'
chattel mortgages were Hied to-day , amount
ing to over $9,001) ) , and n bill of sale from H.
E. Persons to II. W. Persons , consideration
815,000 , was tiled Just after , subject to the
mortgage1 ! named. This caused exclamations
of surprise from everybody , as II * 13. Persons
lw conducted the largest dry goods store of
this city , and was considered perfectly good.
Nortli Bend's IMoivout.
NOHTU BB.VD , Neb. , Juno 18. [ Special to
TJIK 13nE. ] Never in the history of Dodge
county husthero ; been such a demonstration by
the fanners as was ncld hero Saturday over
the completion of the farmers' elevator. The
town was beautifully decorated. Tlio park
was fitted up In grand shape In readiness to
4-eceIvo the lone and sinew of this great
country. Before 11 o'clock the town was
literally filled with people , the ciowdbolng
estimated at ! i,0X ( ) . The merchants' trndo
procession wni ono of the ilnest ever wit
nessed In any town. It was headed by Dr.
Elwood nnd his daughter ns the marshals
of the day , the procession being threc-
Hfpurths of n mile long und representing
pvory branch of trade in the city. A banquet
Nvas spread in the grove on 200 feet ot tables ,
loaded down with provisions in abundance
hnoro than enough to feed the immense
crowd. After the feast Hon. Charles H. Van
"Wyck made ono of the grandest efforts of
Ills } life in Nebraska. Never has ho spoken
before where ho was received with such ai > -
plauso n hero. Ho avoided politics entirely ,
talking altogether on the occasion of the day.
Dr. Abbott of Fremont maUo an eloquent
ppcccli in rcsixmsu to the toast "What legis
lation is necossarv for the Interest of the
ifarmcre , " Hon. J. R. Cantlin. D. M. Strong
nnd others made short addresses. Kesolu-
lions were passed censuring the railroad
commission as u fraud perpetrated on the
nooplo. From what wo have scon and heard
the farmers will elect it legislative ticket
from this county thnt the politicians and
railroads cannot control.
Itoblnson Hold For Manslaughter.
VALENTINE , Nob. , Juno IS. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BEE.I The preliminary exam-
nation of Ilobliiaon , the murderer of Shel
don in the southwestern part of the county ,
was hold before Judge Sears to-day. The
Jfistiraony of Sheldon's wife showed that ho
Imd , In a passion , threatened to kill Hobln-
BOII for past trouble. She informed Kobin-
'gon of it , who hud como to the house dur-
% ug her Husband's absence to do eomo
plowing. Robinson remained to dinner.
JVftcr her husband's return they wont , out-
eldo and bcaan quarioling. Sheldon
Urow a Winchester , when Robin-
eon Btiot him through the body
and again uftcr ho had fallen.
Sheldon'Sj gim wa afterwards found
but" of repair and useless. The testimony
Bhowcd evident collusion between the pris
oner and the murdered man's family , and
the heartlci < sncM ! bctwocn both families and
loighborB Is without a in this sec-
tiou. The murdered man was loft lying in
the rain and mud from noon ono day until
the afternoon of the next , whoa the body
\va * thrown in a shallow gr.ivo without any
preparations whatever. A neighbor by the
iimipo of Gregory , who had plenty of lumber ,
refused enough for a box. Hobmson was
lield for manslaughter at the extremely low
bail of 1,000. ,
t'liiloubtcdly tin Impostor.
YOHK , Neb , , Juno 18. [ Special to THE
gnu. ] A local news Item appeared In Tins
feuNDAY Br.u headed "A Priest On a Spree , "
end mention made of "a catholic dlvino
known among his flock In some part of Ne
braska ns Father Leo. " This pleco of sou-
National news in a reflection on Kcv. John T.
fcoo , of this place , and believed to bo the
G only "Father Lc " in the state. .Father Lee ,
of this city , bus not been in Omaha for some
time , mid Is known throughout Nebraska as
n sober , temperate gentleman. Oil account
pf the similarity in names some of Father
tco's friends might Mo led to believe that ho
Xvas the ono referred to , This , of conrso , is
tittorly Impossible , for the reason that Father was in York all of last week and many
times during the weak In the company of the
Writer. The drunken priest mentioned in
trim SOND\T BEB must bo an impostor , for
the reason that there Is no such man In the
r&thollo clorpy of the etuto , except liuv. John
U' . Leo , of this place.
Two Convicts lCn
LINCOLN , Net > . , Juno 18. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB Bcr.i Two convicts at work on
Clio penitentiary farm escaped at 4 o'clock to
day. They were nt work under the guards
| ilowing corn. * Ono side of the Hold Jolnca
tlio brush on the banks of Salt crook. While
tit this end of the Held they jumped in the
brush and escaped , In liftcun minutes the
fiuthorltlcs nt the penitentiary were notillcd
tnd the guards were sent out on the roads ,
Jjut at 0 o'clock p. m. the convicts hud not
peen captured. The convict * were Ooorgo
topic , who was serving u sentence of two
years for grand larceny , und hud been sent
ttroin Johnson county , ho had four months
yet to sorvet ho Is u carpenter by trade and
JUvonty-ono roars of age. The other escape
vns U. T. Allonpcr , serving sentence of ono
{ your for running oft mortgaged property ; ho
/\vas sent from Hall county and hud four
( months yet to servo.
A. Notable Gnlhorjng.
FIIKMONT , Neb. , .TuneJS. ( Special to Tim
BEE. ] Anulet but notable ten party was
fiivcn Saturday evening by Kov , nr.d Mrs. I.
12. Ileaton ut their homo in this city. It was
in honor of tlio llfty-second anniversary of
tholr wedding. The combined agoaof the
eight persons who sat down was 001 years , or
nn averageof bovcnty-flvo years each. Kov.
Ileaton was ono of the first Congregational
ministers in NcbrusUa and the Jlrst in 1'ic-
juont , coming hero thirty years npo. He is
now seycuty-nlno ypars old and his wife
-vonty-fivo , both bolng still active in body
t.l moid.
The Flro JIiul Its AV y.
KTHOMSBURO , Neb. , June IS. ] Social Tel-
c . im to TUB BUB. ] At 4 o'clock this uftor-
i' ' n lire AVOS discovered in tlio rear end of
V B. Nichols1 furniture store nnd in loss
1 n thirty minutes the building and stock
1v entirely consumed. The loss on the
1 ding te about $ 00 , ami clock f-OW , w.u
l.b t insurance
A Flro Averted.
, Neb. , June IS.- [ Special ' Tele
ji to Tun Bus. ] Mayo * Goorc'o Cross
lanihomc residence , corner of Sixth and H
trccts , caught flro from the steve In the
cltchcn about 10 o'clock this morning , but
uick work on the part of our citizens saved
t , from being destroyed , Mrs. Cross In her
endeavors to extinguish the lire when it was
first discovered was quito badly burned
nbout the face and hands ,
Another Iilglitnlng Victim.
OAKI.ANH , Neb. , Juno IS. [ Special Tele-
rram to Tun BEE. ! News nas juit reached
icro that n man was Instantly killed by
Ightnlng this afternoon nbout 4 o'clock ,
eight miles southeast of hcio near Craig.
L'ho report gives the man' * name ns Lun-
clccn , nnd that ho was in his pasture looking
after the stock , the lightning striking his
' .load. Ho has n family ,
\iCS3 \ Than Twenty Members on tlio
WASHINGTON , Juuo 13. [ Special Telegram
0 TIIK Br.B. | It Is Improbable that tbo
senate ever drapgcd through nday'e proceed-
ngs with u smaller number of senators par-
.Iclpa'tliif. Less than uvcnty sonatOis were
on the door during the entire day , and tho-io
, vho were present were le * < Interested In ttiu
work progressing bcforo them than In lUu
> olltlcal matters ilroecoding At Chicago.
Jurlng the reading of the Journal Edmunds
nnd Fryo sat with their heads together lalic-
ng earnestly , while Mnwley und Mor-
roll were hobnobbing. P.utdocu and Dnlpli
xvcro alone writing at their dusks. Sherman
eat by himself without a senator within
.A'onty feet of him. Ho read n newspaper
Tor soma time , when O.u-ls of Minnesota ,
ramo over. He then dropped the paper nna
put his head down close To tbo n-cntern
itiitcsnmn and they talked in loud tone * for
BO mo timo. Davis WAS oxpialning to the
Oliloun how there would be a brook In Now
York mid a flockovcr which would nominate
; ho wheel horse. These were all of Iho re-
nibllcans In the senate. On the dcmooratio
iko : Cull , Bate , Coke and D.iniol
ird tholr heads togothcr while the
lournnl was being read. Near them were
slustered Jones of Arkansas , MePherson ,
Payne nnd Salisbury. Altogether there
> voro Just eighteen senators present , not
Deluding Mr. Ingalls , who sat in the chair
nnd called the loutlno orders with
monotonous accents und visible unconcern.
In the house it was little bctlor. Very
coon after the work began a vote wns
demanded upon a proposition which brought
nto vote every member that could bo found
u the capital. All told thcro weio just
seventy-eight. As the proceedings pro
gressed that number diminished. At 2
> 'clOck n vote was taken , showing present
.hlrty republicans mid twenty-six democrat : * ,
1 total of Ilfty-Blx. The corridors were
deserted , und as the bulletin boards b.ivo net
ctcomo Into tiso for the dissemination of
lows from Chicago , there was not tlio liMst
"ntercst shown In anything.
Senator Paddock has succeeded in having
.hosenaVocommittee on appropriations in
corporate an amendment m the legislative ,
executive ami Judicial appropriation bill up-
iroprluting $10,10'J for paving and other
vork in front of and about the public biiild-
tiff at Lincoln. Ho culled up In the sonata
.o-day and had passed the house bill uuthor-
zlng tlio sale of a portion of the Winnuhngo
reservation In Neuratkn. This bill pus cii
.ho house on the Sth of June nnd will now go
, o the prViiidcnt for his signatui c. Senator
? addock also secure 1 the passage of his bill
iroviding that in all cases where liomeste.ul ,
irc-cmptfon or timber cultuib or desert land
shall hereafter bo cancelled from conflict , or
where from any causa the entry has been
srroueonsly allowed nnd cannot be confirmed ,
secretary of the interior shall cause to
> o repaid to the people who made such ontiy
all of the money paid out in thu way of fees ,
commissions , purchase money , etc. , and In
all cases where parties have paid double the
ninimum price lor land which Is afterwards
ound not to bo within the limits of the rail-
oad land grant , the excess of ? 1.'J5 per ncre
shall bo repaid to the purchaser , and all
other monies paid in good faith anil without
: raud shall bo refunded where the patent
cannot issuo.
In Falling Health He Is Compelled 10
Abandon the Ilenoli.
KANSAS Cixr , June 18. [ Special Telegram
to TUB BBE. ] Judge Arnold Krckel ha * re
signed his position ou the federal bemh. :
I'ho document was forwarded to Washington
several days ago , but not until this morning
would the afflicted Jurist acknowledge to the
public that his labors in the United States
court were over. When o reporter called at
Judge Krckcl's residence ho was mot at the
door by Mrs. Krekcl , who looked palo and
careworn. "Judge ICroicol is very sick , " she
said , "and haa persistently refused to say
whether his resignation has been presented.
L will ask him again , however. " "Tho
judge authorizes utu to say that he has for
mally resigned , " she said upon her return.
Inquiry as to his probublo successor
[ iroved unavailing , and the repot ter wont
Jirectly to the ofllco of Judge John F.
Phillips. "I have become disgusted with all
this talk about lily aspirations for Judge
Kiekol's position , " Judge Phillips unid.
" 1 have made no secret of the fact that I
would accept it providing the gmitlcmnn
resigned. If it is u fact that ho li.u > done so
my application will be presented to the
president ut the pioper tlmo. ,1mlgo Krckel
mid I have long been' friends , und the fact
that 1 have called to sea him during his
illness should not bo regarded as uigiiillcanl
of anything but friendship. I cotilil not bo
guilty of the gioss impropriety of going
to talk with a very sick friend upon thu
question of suiccodine to Ills vacant chair , "
An Indian Barbecue.
NEW YOHK , Juno IS. ( Special Telegram
to Tin : Br.K.l Buffalo Bill entertained a
largo number of invited guests yesteidav In
the tcpeo of the Wild West show with what ho
callodun Indian barbccna Among the. party
were thu IJiilie of Murlborougli , Tom Ochll
Iron , Mrs , Teresa , Mlsi Tcsslo Fair. Colonel
and Mrs. John Coukcrill , Mibs Hello Smith ,
MM I'ui'hec'o , duuishtt'r of the cix-govcrnur
ot C.iiifomia , Misb Howard , Bill Nye , James
U. Fair , Jr. , and Piof Hermann.
Indian chiefs wcio picAnnt Most of the
part.s cnme to the grounds In Colonel Conk
orill'H yacht. The harbrnia lonslhted of least
ribs ot bpcf niul chicken and kidney cookiid
in aboriginal style * by Indian wU | wh. ICunh
of the ladles were an Indian npion
Tim Woiniin In I ho Cam ; .
Niw : Yonii , Juno IS. [ Special Telegram
to TJIK Hnif.J Austin Corbin , president of
the Reading railroad , has just relumed on
the Utnbrln. Just before suiting for homo bo
paid u Hying visit to Paris und dined with
James G. Blaine at u fashionable rosUinrant.
" 1 nin a democrat , " said Covbin , "but during
my chat with the Maine man ho told nui
without nny reservation whatever iliatho
was not a candidate , nnd could not ueoept
the nomination. Blaine likes politics , but I
bollevo his wife has Induced him to stand
abide. Although Blalnu's mind is as bright
asovci , ho phowcd Blgns of poor hcaith.
No , ho will not uuti-pt tlio'noinimition-iou
can depend upon that , "
Drugged to Death by n Colt.
ST JosKrii , Mo. , Juno IS. [ Special Tclo-
gram to Tun BISB. ] Abner Unit , sixty-
five years pla , for yuai s a promiuont resident
of Andrew county and ( \\iHo \ wealthy , was
fatally injured thU morning ut his homa ton
miles nbovo SU Joseph. He was putting a
halter on a colt anil in snino way became entangled -
tangled in tlio wpe. .Tha colt taking fright
ran uway , dragging Mr , Hart all over the
farm , up and down rocky bllU , over fresh
ground , through cornholda. crocks , ever
pieces of lumber and through fences. The
unconscious bodv was not found for blx
hours. Ho will dlo to-night.
Died in I'ribon.
Joi JET , 111. , Juno IS. { SpecialTelegram to
THU HUB ] Benjauila T. Hubbard , ex-cash-
lor of Iho Monmouth , III , , bank , who wrecked
that iiibtitut ion by misappropriating (115,000
in IbA died in tUo state's prison yesterday
of consumption.
Proved It was No Steal.
IOWA , CITV , June IS. In the university in
vestlgntlon to-day Prof. Calviu showed bj
expert testimony that the collection of min
eralssold-by him to the state was far mom
valuable than what the state palfl for thfcm
Helnrlohs had charged thut the purchase o
this lollftliou'was a ctcal. Aajpurncd. untj
noit Monday. . . ' . . '
Public Sontlmont Changing Regard
ing the Guilty Party.
Mrs. Itrown Makes n Stntonicnt GIv
IIIR Sonic Family History and
Tells of IlorSiisiilcloiis of
Mr. Drown.
Still a Mystcrjr.
MASON CITY , la. , Juno 1G. [ Special Tclo-
grnm to Tnr. lies. ] H. K. JJrownt who was
suspected by tlio coroner' * * Jury ai being the
one guilty of poisoning tlio Urown family ,
ins engaged council nnd will demand that
ho jury nmko a' thorough examination ,
There has boon quite a revolt la public senti
ment within the last few days , many now
jollovinK that the testimony given by Mrs.
Brown was only to hide her own guilt ,
' 'omc carry tholr suspicions still further , bo-
llolvng that the whole affair was a put up
ob between Mrs. Urown nnd the hired man ,
2iirl 1'ctorson , to got rid of Mr. I3rown.
Mrs , Hi own mnlics the following state
ment : "I know of no enemy wo have , I
icivo no suspicion of nny ono outside of the
'nnilly. I linvo several'reasons ' for susplc-
ontng Mr. Urpwn. One Is financial dlillcul-
tics , another a naturally sonsattvo und sus-
disposition. Tlio third is there had
several veiled ns well n < a few direct
Lnreats made by him. On the id d.xy of
March , Henry , my boy , fell through the Ico.
: lo and Carl wont down to the crcolc to help
ilm out. I remained at tlio house to have a
good lire and dry clothes ready td chatifcrt
vhen they got back. When they got to the'
notice Hiram said ho hoped to God I'd get
nto the crcelc and he'd ' never lift a flnpcr to
iclp mo out. I replied , 'you need not worry/
f I over got Into the creek I shall not ask
ou to help mo. ' Ho said that If I did get in
10 would not lift a linger or foot to assist mo.
) n Wednesday of the sauio ween he , Urown ,
laving expressed a wish that I see J. H. Cnrr
and ask him some questions concerning the
cliool election , I went to the house without
oiling the family where I was going , but ex-
tectcd to return by 7 or 8 o'clock p. m. Ho
VD * expected homo by 9 or 10 p in. It
iccomlng very dark and rainy , 1 waited
or. a prospective riUo homo. Ho
arrived at homo nnd immediately came
after me. Ho showed no violent anger wlillo
at Mr , Carr's house , but immediately on com-
ng out doors began to scold , finally tolling
mo if I did not stop running around to the
neighbor's without tolling him where I wa
ho would expose me , and if that did not stop
mb ho would put us both where we wcHiM
rouble no ono. May4H. B. Brown asked
no to moi tgago my eighty acres of hind to
also money to pay his debts , duo and past
lite. 1 positively refused to encumber my
and After wo hau returned homo he gave
no considerable abuse because I would not
omply with his wishes. Alter c6ing to bed
10 bc-camo somewhat angry because 1 per
sistently refused , and ho said ho wished we
voro all dead anil ho was gulng to got upnd
till himself. Ho got up. He wanted
no to come into the 100111 , as ho wished
o ask mo a question and did not
visli imyoiio to hear. I refused to
jet up Ho went to the kitchen and loaded
liis pun , c.unc back into the bedroom anil
again .isltcd me to get up. I told him I did
nol wiint to. Ho stood a few minutes , then
) lew out tlio light and-wcnt to bed. Kougti
on rats and p.iris croon were in the house
\fter changing my dress and getting ready
0 prepare supper on the 7th ot March I saw
iliram shut the cupboard door as I came
join the bedroom , but saw nothing in his
rand. About ten days ago 1 heard Hiram
malic the remark that ho missed .Icssc , but
is far as bis father was conrorncxl lu % was
perfectly well aatistlcd. Labt Sunday night ,
befoiowo knew the rcpoijl of the chemist.
Hirnm remarked that ho knew it was poison
before the doctor pot thcie , and he know it
was in the water pall. 1 replied : 'If. you
itnuw it was thereyo'u must know how it got
there. ' Ho replied in substance : 'No
loubt you would like to fasten in onto mo. '
1 haven't felt mj self safe for bOine time.
My children urc all that have kept mo with
liim for three yi'ars. "
Carl Peterson , the hired man , says in ref
erence to the words used by Mr. Urown at
.ho time Henry fell into the water , that at
the time ho wrote the exact language in his
account book. Hiram said. "What is the
reason you did notcomc down J If it had been
you 1 would not havcHtiried one stop to keep
you out. 1 hope to God you Avill get into the
3rock some time. If I got after you , you
would never get out. "
Mrs. Urown at ono time , "whilo she was
visiting with Mrs. Frank Fisher , said in an
swer to the question , "aro you sick ! " that
she wasn't icitlly sick , but had nothing to
llvo for. She sat silently a while knitting ,
Lhcn again said : "I'll Ilnish another pair ,
then some onu clso can do the rest. "
Nebraska tit ( I IO.MI Pensions.
sin.NOTON' , Juno IS. [ Special Tele
gram to THE HUE. ] Original Invalid
Oscar Hamilton , Armada ; Paul Strom , Or
leans ; Kdwin Hughes , St. Paul ; Anthony
Krainur , Bassott ; William \V. Knnwdoll ,
F.xoter ; George E. Gilbert , Dauy Anthony
P. Wilson , Johnson P. Joseph , W. Looy ,
Fiilh. Incicase John Mack , Harrison ;
Abraham II. Scott , Omaha ; licnjniuln V.
Fuathcr "Wnyno . Original widows , etc.
JJelila , mother of Sarvoy Hendorsliot ,
Hralnard : Sally C. Eastman , mother
of Arnold P. Conlon , Clcarwater.
Pensions for lownns : Original invalids-
Harmon IJ. ItullicrltiM , Polla ; Joh'ii W. Uon-
BOII , Klilon ; Munasli O. Shroud , Mount /-Ion ;
John Hlnu. Dunlap ; William .Simons , Fair-
Hold ; David V , Uios.s , Colfax ; William H.
Hopn , Hlrmlngham ; John Sovil , Hig Mound ;
Ottcar F. Ford. Hayard ; Adam H. Uoss ,
Dccatur ; Joel \v. Hummond , Ottumwn , In-
croiito William Harrington , White Oak ;
John Garrit , Hlaiilnnsbiirn\Villam ; | A. Me-
Kco , Lcnoxvlllu ; Juhn Oglcsbco , Wmtcrsut.
Uuihsuc Jonas II Mcanson , Huinbuldt.
Original widows , etc. Ts'anc.v ( J. , mother of
Isaac F. Stannard , Falrtluld ; Lunra , widow
of Joiui Uuvme , Albion. Mexican tturvivois
Summit Kelson , l''ort Dodte ,
llrnovolrnt Irishmen.
ST. Jo-tKi'n , Mo. , Juno 18. | Spt'cinl Telegram -
gram to Tun UEK. ] Two hundred delegates-
of the Ancient Order of llibcniMlii. were in
session at Mclnurnu's hall in thts city last
night and this morning. Tj'ib" convention
elected the following ofllcers for.tho ensuing
year : State delegate , Kdw.tfd Kelly , Kansas
CItyBtato ; sccrcinry , Patrick O'Null , Bt.
Louis ; btato treasurer , William J-Knvirs , Kl.
Joseph. The convention n'djouned to meet in
Sedalia the third Sunday in Juuo , Ib'JD.
Army Orders.
WASHINGTON , Juno 16. [ Special Telegram
to TUB Br.u.1 Private Charles K. Urown ,
company U , Twenty-first jn'fnntry , now supposed -
posed to ho with his company , } st discharged
from the service of the United States.
Private Daniul A. WuiUcn , " company H ,
Seventeenth infantry , now with hU com.
puny , having enlisted while a minor without
the content of bis parents or guardians , " Is
Jail Delivery.
CiiEVEHNn , Wyo. , Juno 18. [ Special Trfo-
gram to Tnr. 13 Bi.J Early this morning
John Gchin , Chus.Valler und Ed McPhersoi :
broke out from the Larauiio county Jail ami
successfully nmdo their csc po. Uuhm am !
Waller wcro to have boon taken to tlio Joliet
penitentiary to-day to servo scntemiea for lar
ceny , Mcl'hcrson's trial for murder was to
have commenced to-day. The men escaped
by cutting open the cell door and rawliug
through a ventilator on the roof of tub jail.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla.
When Baby \raa tick-wo gave her Ca toria.
When ibe tna a Child , sho'criod for CutoriAf
Wheii the became.Ilia , the clang to Castorla ,
' '
Wlioa'sii'e tid CWlifftO , tic gbT * tb aCastorU-
WASntNOTONTuno 13. The scnnto won
Into secret session at 3 o'clock and took up
nnd ratified the treaty providing for the ad
justment of Venezuela claims.
Among the bill * passed were ones author
izing the sale of a portion of tboWinncbago
reservation In Nebraska ; authorizing the con
struction of a railroad bridge across the Mis
sissippi river at AUnn , Wis.
The conference report on the Indian appro
priation bill wns.prosentcd . nnd agreed to.
Adjourned. u
fi House.
"WAsniNOTos , STurto 18. After the passage
of some unlmporlartt bills this morning the
house went into committee of the xvholo on
the sundry civil nrproprlation bill.
Mr. Lawlcr secured nn amendment allow
ing 20,000 for repairs at Iho Chicago post-
ofllco and custom houso. Ho wanted $50,000.
After a debate on the now congressional
library the committee roso.
Mr. Pocio of Arkansas presented the conference -
forenco report on the Indian appropriation
bill. Agreed to.
The IIOUHO tlion adjourned.
Three Itnmlroil Houses nurncd.
Pirrsnuno , Juno IS. The town of Dubols ,
in the northern lumber region , was almost
wiped out of existence by tire this afternoon ,
Three hundred houses are in ruins , 4Ch)0 ) people
ple homeless and the flro Is still burning.
Later The flro could not bo controlled
until It had destroyed the whole business
portion of the town and several hundred res
idcnccs. The loss is put by' the
insurance agents at $1,000,000. and
this Is likely a largo esti
mate. An area a inilo long and an average of
almost half a milo wldo is a complete
ruin. Uluckoncd walls nnd piles of
conls is all that Is left of one of the most pros
perous towns within a hundred miles. Three
thousand people arc homeless and destitute
to-iilghtund in need of imuicdiatu aid , or tlio v
must suffer. Thq flames spread so rapidly
that many of them es'caped with barely tlio
clothing which they wore.
An Address or Sympathy.
LONDON , Juno IS. In the commons this
nftcrnoon Mr H. Smith moved that an ad
dress bo presented Queen Victoria and the
emperor of Germany , expressing deep concern -
corn and condolence on the death of Em
peror Frederick. Gladstone seconded the
delivered an eloquent and eulogistic review
of the deceased monarch's life. The address
was adopted. In the house of lorjls n Similar
uklrcss was moved by Lord Salisbury and
seconded by Lord Granvllle.
A Kcspltc Granted.
ST. Josnrtt , Mo. , Juno 18. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun Hnn.l Sheriff Andraldo re
ceived this afternoon u telegram from Gov
ernor A. P. Morchouse in answer to a peti
tion htutlncr that if the sheriff would advise
espitlng Hronek for one week it would
bo done. Sheriff Audraldo at oaco replied
idvislng the respite It was given to nllow
ho condemned man sentenced to he hanged
Pi Way next an opportunity of hcaung from
his parents in Euroife.
Two Chiiklfriii Perished.
WAunriui.n , Mitf'h. , June 18. Last cvcn-
np the Spaita hotfcUburnod. The building
, vas owned and occ1i | ticd by Edward Ulow-
cr , whoso two children perished in the
lames. Several Uin | were badly burned
while trying to save , Uio children. The lessen
on the building is tjljtng. |
Grain in Sight nnd Store ,
CHICAGO , June ] 8 The visible supply for
.ho weak ending Jutit. ' 10 , as , complied by the
seoietar.v of the CIUCUKO board of trade , is as
follows :
Wheat , Oj,221 OXbushels.
Coin. l-b.\nK ! ) > .
Oats. r.,7ll 1.000.
Kyc. JW.O.IO. i it
Barley , ISOOCO. n r
No Mootlnt : Yesterday.
ST. PAUL , Minn. , June IS. [ Special Tele
gram to Tnu IJr.K.j There was no business
meeting of the St. . Paul & Duluth diiectors
to-tiny. The time was spent in examining
proxies. A meeting will bo held to-morrow.
Supporting a Family On a Small Sum.
The possibility of the support of a man
with a wife and two children upon $7.50
a week has mot with much questioning
since the statement was made that the
problem hud hcen bolved , but an inter
esting experiment in New York has
demonstrated the utmost achievement
of economy within tlio proscribed limit.
For n family of four the rent was SI per
week , fuel CO couth ami lighting 12
cents. Tlio food expenses were com
pressed toW.18 per week by the most
careful management. A bill of faro
contained two staws for four bquaro
meals , each made of 10 ce'nts' worth of
meat and bones , a handful of rice and
Hour worth 1 cent nail a little salt and
poppor. Each stow eaten with broad
sorveil for the next meal in a warmed-
over condition. Pour more of the prin
cipal meals were provided from fried
salt porlc at a cost of 14 cents , boiled
beans furnished two meals for 1H cents ,
u pot of roast beef , three pounds , : Si (
cents , anil 5 cents worth of potatoes
made n royal Sunday dinner. UrJiul
and molahscH formed the luncheon
in thomidtUeof the day at a cost of 85
cents , making the total expenses for
food ( luring the week W.48. Coinforta-
b'lo clothing wan provided at SW.fiO per
week , and it is Baicl that even with the
addition of a few luxnrioh of fooil the
family are able io ( leo-ilt$7S ) ) in a pav
ings biinlc during the year. Whether
Iho story adequately fulfils the condi
tions for a wholchomo living may per
haps be qucstUmod , binco nothing in
provided for the ' -wear und tear" in
every household , but is useful as an il
lustration ofeconomy. .Sciontisth have
decided that the average workingman
requires daily in his food not less than
four ounces of protuids , two ounces of
fat anil eighteen ounces of carbohy
drates , lire-nil , oatmeal , milk , HUgnr.
potatoes , beans and lard at a cost of 1-J
cents will supply all the food absolutely
required by ono person for living. At
the Increased axpoiibQ of 10 , ! > 0 cents ,
more elaborate ilreti can bo made with
HO ounces hread ( < 2 ounces codfish , -
ounces lard , 1U odnl'os potatoes , 1 pint
milk , 1 ounce sugiir'miu ' ! ) cups tea. As
food is the most euonnivo factor of liv
ing , it is capah)0)pt ) ) the most intelligent
soloiitioii anil defends moro upon indi
vidual taste and judgment than on other
conditions of Iv/o1 / binco rent anil
clothes txivo freed' jhoro for extraneous
oircumstances rfita less yielding to
choice. The intftljigcnt workingman
gains by iv carofulis/uily of a bill of faro
It. is useful for him to know that among
vegetable fowls inuommon ur > o oatmeal ,
beans and potafod are tlio cheapest ,
that ono of the grt test dietary needs
of the worlcingimyi } sa sulliciont supply
of an inoxj > cjibivi't jjvhoJe.vomo fat and
that cheap meats may bo as nutritious
as costly cuts. ThO'-prevcntion of waste
by judicious cooking is an important
matter for the coiibiderution of the
worhingimmin which hocttn bo helped
by his wife's carefulness. It would bo
difficult to e-stimato the iwnount of
waste in American kitchens caused by
ignorance of the true value of food , but
it is known to bo necessarily largo.
The average workman is not ready to
bo convinced tiiat u dinner of roast pork
is moro extravagant than a meal of
simpler nnd more digestible food , nnd
that by a diet of cuko und pie ho will
ronuiro more food to supply the needs
of his system thau 4 > y a meal of soup and
bread. .Ono of the roibjjiouury aims of
the public cooking school is the sinipli-
fyingoftho tastosothat the living of
wb.workingman wilt bo less 'extrova-
gant-and-more ? wDMcsomo.
The Burlington takes the
It was in advance of all lines in developing Nebraska.
It was in advance of all lines in establishing dining-car
service between Missouri river points and Chicago.
It'was in advance of all lines in giving the people of
Omaha and the West a fast mail service.
It was In advance of all lines in running its trains from
the East into Omaha pr6por.
It was In advance of all lines in reducing the time of
passenger trains between Omaha and Chicago.
It was in advance , and is the only line by which you can
leave Omaha in the morning and arrive in Denver the
evening of the same day.
It has boon progressive in the past.
It will load in the future.
Travel and ship via the Burlington.
Ticket Office , 1223 Farnam Street , telephone'250 :
Depot on Tenth Street.
Queer Gollapso of the Bacos at
Kansas City.
The Chicago Maroons Again Victori
ous Over the Milwaukee Team
The Denver Club Disbands
The Shooting Tournament.
KnnsaB City Uncos Declared On" .
KANSAS CITV , June IS. [ Special Telegram
to Tin : 13m ; . ] It became evident Saturday
to these interested in the Waldo park racing
meeting , that , if tho' races were continued
it would bo without bookmakers
and at a loss'to the association.
The booknmUing privileges were sold
to Ira Urido and Mr. Barney Wolf , by whom
the privilege of booUmakliif ? was sublet to
fifteen llrms. Messrs. Dridc and Wolf paid
$ ,000 for the privilege of the first live days ,
and were to pay $4,000 for the four days of
next week. There was a good deal of growl
ing amonp the bookmakers all last week.
They all lost heavily on Derby Day , nnd the
attendance was not largo enough on the otliur
days to allow them to win even. Saturday
afternoon Urldu and Wolf hold
n dnnying for positions in the betting stand
at which they lound that only two or three
of the "bookers" intended to remain until
to day. They then determined to quit.
Secretary Woodcock , who recognized that
this would end the meeting , tendered his
lesignatlnn Saturday night. ThU morning
a formal demand was made on the holders of
the boojc privileges for the payment to cover
the real of the meeting , which was refused.
An effort was then made to induce a local
pool seller who has been making books nttlic
meeting to take the privileges , but ho de
clined. A meeting of tlio olllcers of the
association was then hold , and it was do-
rldcd that the only court-o to bo followed
was to end the meeting , as the attendance
would nut justify tlio association In running
it without tiny money from the bookmakers.
At 10 o'clock this morning the pool rooms
hero and all over the country were notilled
not to soil pools oh the races at U'aldo park ,
a'b they had bcon declared on * .
Cnloi o n , Milwaukee .
Cinc.\o ! , Juno IS. | Special Telegram to
TJIK Uuii.J' The Marooiib added another to
their rapidly growing string of victories
to-day , when they won the llrst gumo from
Milwaukee. Tholr Holding was decidedly
ragged , but as their victory was fairly c.iined
at the bat there is notliinglobohiiicl Suraguo
wa Very Wild , giving four bases on balls
ami hitting two of the visitor * , but ns iibual
his delivery was hard to hit effectually. If
ho would only auqulre moro accuracy of de
livery Spr.ifjuo would speedily rank among
the best pitchers playing ball , In a manner ,
It may bo rfaid , . that Hanrahmi lost and
then rowon the game. Ills fumble
and quick Wild throw gave Milwaukee three
runs in the sovcnth inning but in tbo next
inning he fully redeemed Inmsiilf , when
witn Htieims and I'Oiig on bases bo stepped
up to tlio plate'uud cracked out a ripping
three bagger to right , bringing in two runs
and scoip.lio. \ . vanning run himsclt u
moment later on Stephens' wild pitch. lie
had proviousjy im\dp \ a home run on a Hcivo
drive to center. Ho was directly the incaiu.
of giving the Maroons four oi their Hvc runs.
The score : .
Milwaukee 0 0010030 0-4
Maroons 0 0 1 1 0 0 'J 0 0-fi
Huso hits Maioons 8 , Milwaukee ( J.
Errors Maroons IS , Miltvaukeo . Pitchcru
SprUguu and Stephens. Umpire lingua.
AVostorn Association Standing ,
Holow will bo found tlio standing of the
clubs , iucludiug yesterday's Rainess
Plavea Won Lost Pr Ct
St.Paul 85 21 14 .000
Dos Molncs 33 1'J 13 .503
Milwaukee 33 19 14 .57r >
Kansas City 07 SO 17 .MO
Omaha 37 18 18 . IbO
Chicago S4 10 18 .470
Minneapolis 40 10 UJ .400
St. Louis 3S 14 ' . ' 4 .MO
GUIIIC Schrdiilo for To-Day ,
Minneapolis vs Omaha at Minneapolis.
Chicago vs. St. Louis < it Chicago.
Milwaukee vs DM Monies at Milwaukee.
St. 1'aul vs Kansas City at St. Paul.
The Drnvor Club Disbands.
DEM veil , Juno 18. [ Sj > cclal Tcloijrsin to
TUB BWJ. ] The Denver club , which re
turned from Its eastern Vnvr Saturday morn.
Ing. waa cllsl/tindetl this afternoon ana the
jnobabllltles are Denver will huvo no moro
base ball this sceson. The club will go to
eithcv Wichita or Fpit Worth , Tex. Sttio
chances are greatly in favor of the former
place getting it. The club was disbanded
simply because of the failure of pouvor to.
give the club proper support , and there beta ?
no grounds on which they could play. It Is
understood Manager McClintock will go east
nnd assume the management of ono of the
clubs in the American association.
O , Philadelphia .
WASHINGTON , Juno 18. The game between
Washington and Philadelphia to-day resulted
as follows :
Washington 1 00010130 C
Philadelphia..0 001 0 0 0 0 'J 3
Pitchers O'Day and Oleason. Base hits
Washington S , Philadelphia-S. Errors-
Waahington 2 , Philadelphia 5. Umpire
Boston - , Chicago 4.
IBOSTOK , June 18. The games bctwocn Bos
ton and Chicago to-day resulted as fol
lows :
Boston 0 10001000 2
Chicago 0 0000 a 101 4
Pitchers Maduen and Krock. Base hits
Hostou 7 , Chicago 1) ) . Errors Boston 0 ,
Chicago 0. Umpire Valentino.
Boston. . . . ! 40002000003 0
Chicago..0 20210200000 7
Piti'hcrs Cliukson for Boston and
Ryan and Van Haltrcn for Chicago.
Base hits Boston 13 , Chicago 10. Errors-
Boston 0 , Chicago 13. Umpire Valentino.
Cleveland y , Athletics 3.
Piiii.Aiici.i'iiiA , Juno 10 , The pa mo bo-
twccn Cleveland and the Athletics to-day
resulted as follows :
Athletics 0 00010300 ( I
Cleveland 0 08000000 2
The Shooting Totirnnnic-nt.
This morning at the fair grounds ,
the fourteenth annual tournament of tne
Nebraska State Sportsmen's association
opens , and will continue four days. The entire -
tire affair is under the management of J. J.
Ilurdln , the veteran spoil and crack shot ,
who , in order to make things as interesting
as possible , has secured over three thousand
live birds which will bo uaoil in addition to
the clay pigeons and blue rocks. Already
the shooters are coming In , and not loss than
twenty nro registered at the Mlllnrd.
The shooting , whluh IB conducted untor the
National Gun association rule , begins
tills morning at 9 o'clock sharp. The flrit
contcbt will bo nt ten Hlnglo blue rocks , No.
2 is at eight liv < ! birds , thirty yards rlso. . No.
! l IK tlfteun single blno rock" , while No. 4 Is
ut ten pair blue rocl < . No. C
is at ten llvo birds , thlr'y yards nso , is ex
pected to bo an inlou.sUnir one , ns is also No
ID , at nine binglo and thrco double pair blur-
On Wednesday the champion ( earn gold
medal of the association uill bo shot for. Thu
medal Is now in tlio pn spsslon of the Om.ilm
team , who Have hold It two Tlio Lin
coln and Tokumali clubs ure miM to have ex
picsscd themselves as going to L'dptnro It
thin yearwhile Omaha is equally determined
to retain It. ,
On Thursday tlio Muvno dmmond badge
hold lw John Petty , of Omaha , will ho shut
for. Pifty blue rocks , IS yards rise , nio tno
birds to 1)2 shot ut.
The untilounair will doubtless bo of mi-
usual interest to bportsmon.
KVOIIIH at Hri lon Ilrncli.
YOUK , Juno 18. Three uuartor mlle
Alvcda won , Hlo Grande second , Bars Viol
third Time 1 : lSf.
Three-quarter mile Wondormrnl won ,
Oracle second , Cnlo third , Time 1 MsJ .
Sovcn-eighths mile -Cardinal McOloskn.v
won. Bonnlo S niomd , Charley Arnold
thiid. TJme-l:33. :
SovPii-elKhlliR mile- Bright Eyes won ,
Qiiibblerbccond , Little MioCoy third. Tlmo
1 .31 # .
Ono und one eighth mile Tattler won ,
bccond , Supervisor third. Time
, Ono mile Aura wonWilfred sccondTrue- ,
. 'Aliio--ll5.
born thini. - - :
Ono of tlio Most Notaliln I'Vuturi-H til'
the Loin ) Sinr State.
A letter from Ilrncuctt , Kinney
county. Tox. , Juno S. to the St. Louis
Olobo-lJoinoonvt , 8ys : : A visit to tlio
orator of nn extinct volcano is homo-
lliing of n novelty in tbo state of TO.XUS ,
but un exploring party hml tliat plcns-
uro u low days binco. Leaving tbo
town of Urtickott nbout 0KO : o'clock in
tbo inornlnjr. tb j' drove over n fairly
goo < l road to tbo Maui > o i nuifh , nnil
thence up the Pinto crook towarO Pinto ,
or "Painted , " mountain , which in tbo
volcano , or what \\iib an active volcano
'J'ho north nnd south siilof of the
crater < ire Jlllod high un with wulla of
rdtrjfti Etoncs , us nakou now us they
were ntfoa at'o. Tlio east faido of tbg
crater has boon blown oil bodily anil
the stones thrown miles away. The
distance across the crater is probably
over a thousand yards , , and as years
have passed since it was notivo , the
orator itself lias become BOtno-
whnt filled tip , though the plnco
whence issued flro nnd lava is an dis
tinctly marked as if the eruption oc
curred but yesterday. Black rocU.8 ,
IIURO in their proportions , Ho in do-
taclied masses on the sides of the orator ,
showing what a mighty power must
have been exerted when the flames is
sued from the heart of the mountain.
Altogether it is an immciiEo affair , and
well worth the visit of the student of
This volcano belongs essentially to
the Mexican group , and was noticed
many years ago by Iluinboldt. The
route going and returning looks across
many an acre covered with lava and
blackened scoria-attesting tbo volcanic
character of the region , though this is
frequently relieved by patches of verdure -
duro and tracts of practical fertility
along tlio Pinto , as if nature were de
sirous to compensate by these offoHs
for the barrenness which surrounds the
mountain for many miles. Among the
notable features of western Texas the
extinct volcano is not tlio least , and will
attract portions who have a dcsiro to extend -
tend their knowledge as far as may bo
into the regions of the dim past. The
mountain itself is distant twenty miles
from the Avacho range , and is worthy
of moro study than has yet boon be
stowed upon it. It can bo soon for miles
around , standing boldly" out on the
A Jjlviiifj Ijarilcr.
Of the natives of Now Georgia or
Kubiana , says the Westminster Review ,
Captain Choyno Uvera that liuman
llcsli forniB their chief article of diet.
The doctor avers : "It is dillicult to
speculate on llio reflections of tlio vic
tim as lie liven from day to day in con-
stantexjjectaticm of his fate. " There
is reason to believe that this expecta
tion docs not produce the agonizing
terror which most Kuropoans under the
cireuinstuncert would experience. In
the time not very far distant , when
cannibalism prevailed in Now Zealand ,
it was , occasionally , at all o vents , the
custom of a chief wit tin starting on a
war expedition to take with him , fastened -
toned together , it miinbcivof men whom
ho already hold as captives ; thcbo men
served as a living lardor. Each of them
knew that his time lobe killed and
caton would como ; novortholets with
the certainty of this doom before him
ho partook of oaoh of his follows whoso
death preceded bib own ; and Captain
Wilkcs. in his account of his exploring
expedition , btatecl that King Tliakam-
bcau approiiriiited onu of the small is
lands of tlio I 'iji group us a human
nrcfccrve. Kvory man imprisoned there
Know that ho would ultimately hor\oas
food for his majesty , and such alike
wora the loyalty and indilTunmco as to
death of thubo victims that when ques
tioned by Cuptain WillcoH tut to tlioir
feelings on the matter , they oxjiruhiod
a kind of in their fate ,
mid uod words to the effect that it was
quite proper that tlio king should thus
bo provided for.
In Their Knrly DnyH.
Senator Vance was a hotel clerk.
Secret ry Hnyard was n cleric in Now
Judge Kclloy , father of the house ,
was a jowislor.
Tom Heed of Miunovusapaymaater
jn the navy.
Leland .Stanford was a. country lawyer
Sonntor Dawcs was a school-teacher
and country editor.
Senator Merrill of Vermont kept a
country grocery store.
Senator Stewart of Nevada mined
with a pick ui.d bhovul in I ulifuiinu.
Senator Cullom was famoub as a coru-
in early days in iUiJiOis.
risiwyor "boiiglit his timo"
wlion oightecn years old and run a saw.
Justice Bradley taught a di irict
school every winter from his bixlut'iith
to liia twenty-first year.
Bancroft , the historian , once thought
of entering the ministry , and prettified
several sermons.
I'rosidont CJovoland once compiled
the "American Herd Book , " and ro-
ccived $ * ! ( ) for the service.
Samuel J. Kandall , whom nobody
supposed had a war record , was a pri
vate in a company of cavalry.
Senator Sabln w.Hh 'his tro'tBcra
tudcd in his bqota , tuotl tu stand on tlio
fatrcotb of Springtlold , Mass. . ij.ll .day to
Bell cordr\vood that he had chopped und
hitulou twelve- "