Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 19, 1888, Image 1

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    JL HB
Every Candidate's Rod Elevated
Toward High Heavom
Oil Uooin Joint Selected For tlio Tem
porary Clmlrmnnslili | The Out
comes nn Uncertain as Kvcr
The Situation.
ii- Kvcrv Cniulielnti !
> CntcAoo , Juno IS. [ Special Telegram to
Tun Bin : . ] Slorm clouds are gathering over
the city to-night , and thuru Is promise of an
i electrical display to-morrow. Tno political
* . thunder is heard In Uio Irumpof mnrchliig
multitudes , in Uio rnlllo of Itt'O ' drums und
Iho blare of 1,000 irombone.s , cornels and
Fetich horns which nro parading the strccls
nt the bead of visiting clubi mid delegations.
The lightning will come later. Where it will
Mrllio no one nrofcsscs himself ublu to pro-
is * diet. A half-dozen political rods nro clc-
I vatcd towards high heaven to invite the
it , lluld. Every candidate Is an Ajax defying
i 5 Jove's bolt to do Its worst In his
15 case. The lightning rod of Senator
f I' Sherman rises many feet ubovo these of his
, - , ' compotilorB , nnd if Uio Insulators are all
j right and the fastenings firm , It will doubt-
I less receive Iho shock. But professed ex-
I J perls declare it too high to.liold . togcthcr.uud
I ' insist that a gnlo from the Pacific coast will
I level It before the time of Iho decisive boll.
I nro watching the sightly nnd lofty rod of the
Iti Grcslmm boom. It has been materially dam-
l f ngcd by Iho lee great zeal of the shoutcrs
I who have pointed to Its strength and loft I-
I , ness"and who have been attempting to tear
I { down the conductors of competitors.
I Glittering with gold foil und surrounded by
multitudes of Wolverines howling tbcinsclves
! bourse lo cull ullenlion lo Its costly beauty ,
the lightning indof Governor Algcr'a hopes is
, n cousplclous object on the political horizon.
I \ Its mailers have welded it ilrmly , joint by
I joint , and have slrong hopes Unit it will be
I hit hard.
I The plain but substantial electrical conduc
I tor of Undo Billy Allison , of Iowa , is not as
prominent as some others , but its owner
H claims that it is not yet completed nnd that
many points from other discarded rods will
I Jlimlly stretch It high above all the rest.
* A shrill call of "tickets" this morning in
the vicinity of the Grand Pacific drew many
B speclnlors to Iho New York headquarters
I where seventy-two delegates were found
, driving staples into a small but comely rod
I / drawn out of railroad iron and labelled "Do-
' pew. " The tickets were headed "Tho grang-
ore friend , " and read "Depcw and Harrison. "
M Thcro was loud laughter from the crowd
when the conductor was found not to reach
beyond the hotel with its tip pointed directly
m away Instead of toward the northwest.
B INDIANA Clir.CllS bHlill.l.Y
H as she points to the Boosters hurd ut work
m raising Iho Harrison lighluiiig rod. It has
B , many elements In its construction which
I render it formidable as a conductor , and it is
m * planted in n position which Is subject to fre-
H quent a id violent storm cloud centers.
But the hopes of all waver when meiilion
I. Is mndo of u lightning nttractor not yet
10 erected but which many fear will yet soar
IE aloft. Four years -ago it drew toward it a
I Si tremendous bolt of republican lightning
I whieh severed when within a few niches mid
I fulled to make connection. The white plume
K with which it was decorated is worn by hun-
drcds hero und willing hands nro ready to
I null it firmly to the Chicago auditorium at a
I word from James G. lllaine. Thousands of
I throats cheered tumulluously us the Blaiuo
I clubs paraded the streets this evening with
I the banners and plumes of their lender
borne amid torches' and waving flags. No
I other name raised such sponluiieous wol-
come. Mr. Blaino's IViends , however , firmly
Insist that his nomination must not und shall
not bo. Senator Hide , Congressmen Phclps
I and Boulello and Comuilltcemnn Clarkson
I dcnounco any attempts to introduce Mr.
Hlalno's name ns a rellcctlonon his integrity.
Thcro is only cine condition under which it
H could bo permissible , and that is nn absolute
dead-lock , long protracted , rendering any
other nomination impossible.
H. this morning were crowded with Ncbraskuns.
The early trains brought in u largo number ,
nnd the special Irnius containing Iho clubs
will mnko a showing of enthusiastic Nebraska
' republicans , of which the state need not bo
ashamed. It is Impossible for such of those
* wiio will arrive to bo provided with scuts in
, the convention , und there is n good deal of
I"roanlng in consequence.
B cnimcii iiowi ; IN iiuii' : .MOUUNINO.
J The delegation this afternoon declined to
consider seriously his candidacy for renoiul-
' . nallon for the national committee and selected -
' ' lected Judge Uobortsol , of Norfolk , by a vote
of'Jtol , Pat Egun alone vollng for Howe1.
4 Howe is mtiJder than a wet hen. The fol-
f 1 lowing aio Uio oflleers elected by the dolcgu-
H | lion ; Chairman of delegation , O , .T. Greene ;
H Hccrolnry , 0. O. linuss ; member of iialiunul
, committee , William Hobcrtuou. The following -
ing are the oflleers of the eonvonlton : Com-
f nillleo on crodunliuls , Auron Wall ; commit-
tea on resolutions , Patrick Eguu ; committee
I on permuuentorganization , Gcorgo W. HuUt ;
H committee on notilieutloii , H. S. Norvtil ;
M committee on vice president , B. S. Baker ;
committee on assistunt s'crotury'l'M : ' Elusel ;
J committee on rules aiul regulations , C , O.
H } The Iowa delegation made the fol-
H lowing select inns i Chulrman of dclugu-
lion , David H. Henderson ; member of
B nulional couimillcc , J. H. Clurks-su ; commit-
tco on credentials. Colonel P. D. Hepburn ;
resolution * , G , D. Perkins ; permanent , or-
Rnnlzation , G. F. Drakul ; vlco ptvsl-dcnt ,
Cclonol Rood.
TIIU IOWA jun.r.eiATjn.v ,
Scnutor William B. Allinou 1ms reason lo
M bo proud of hi * Iowa supporters. A clearer
headed , shrewder , slicker set of politicians
H nnd n wanner hearted following of citizens of
HI nil classes never devoted themselves to a
presidential usplrant. The Allison forces
HI now occupy the finest headquarters in Iho
HI city , having opened the Indies' ordinary in
HI the Grand Pacflo hotel , whcra Iho Blatnc
H people wcro to be found f Jur years ago.
HI Over Iho door is Iho name of the lowii fuvor-
Hl ito , formed by sixty I'lcv-trie light bulbs ,
HV nnd decaraUons of a floral and j > atri3U ?
HI n\turo : uro profuse in every direction
HI wi'hln Iho spacious room. The Iowa brigudu
met at UW : : this forenoon nnd arranged to
moot Uio UubunuoA'.IUon club at 1:20 : p.m.
H &t the Chicago , liurllngton & Qulncy dcMt | ,
and tha lowu corn tnilu , duo a UUlo later , at
tha Illinois Central drn.M. Each train was
HI laden with enthusiasm and rpsplendcnt clab-
Hl orrtliouii of mottoes , flags and unique docora-
thus , Tlio Allisou Glcaclubof Dos Molucs
H arrived this uiornlcg with an uxtc'uslv rejier-
Hl toiro of campaign so.n s , several of.which
H § \vuro iiun to lur-o audlcmces of ladles and
i at tli-s Ssadimtrtcr4 to-day , ll n.
Sidney Foster , of Dos Molncs , addressed
the delegations early In the day nnd wns
loudly ciicqred when ho expressed the senti
ment that Iow8 comes to the national con
vention prepared to co-operate with all good
republicans to nominate the man who can bo
elected ns the next provident of the United
States. There is no doubt that Allison has
grown In strength since Saturday. Ills posi
tion Is a choice one. Ho seems to bo , nioro
than miy other candidate , the residuary
legatee of Bliilnc , and wouUl bo acceptable to
every republican. What Allison has to fear
Is the nomination of Sherman early in the
fight , or n sudden lurch of the convention to
Ulalnocven bcforo Sherman can show his
The morning opened with the Sher
man forces more confident than over.
The decision of Mr. Uepcw's managers to
present his name nnd give him n strong sup-
> ort nt the opening , Is taken by both the Alii-
ion and Sherman leaders ns a favorable
ugury for their candidates. There is no be-
lef tlmt the Depew movement is anything
inoro than n mnsk to hide the real condition
f the delegation. The Intention Is to
Minpllmcnt Mr. Depew nnd hold together
NTow York until the proper tlmo comes to
distribute the votes according to the per-
ioual preferences of the delegates. General
JuUerworth claims sixteen New Yorkers
'or Sherman. Senator Allison's friends
: nako no definite predictions at to the
trcngth of their candidate In the Now
York delegation , but confidently assert that
, ho majority will ultimately go to tnelr can
didate. The Hlatno men admit that nothing
but u protracted deadlock can bring Mr.
Elaine's name bcforo the convention , und his
strongest nnd most influential friends assure
the other candidates that there will bo no nt-
.cmpt to create a liluino stampede. Sher-
min still leads nil the candidates and some
of his friends expressing the opinion that
ils strength is too great nt the outset , and
that votes must bo lost In the balloting and
regained before the looked-for end is so-
'A now question has been projected to-day
In politics , " said Chaunccy M. Dcpew in the
rooms of the Now York delegation when the
anti-monopoly objections to his candidacy
were being canvassed. At the same moment
the same question was being raised behind
the closed doors of the national committee.
Mr. belaud , of Kansas , in seconding the
nomination of Esteoof California for temporary
ary chairman of the convention to-morrow ,
urged the selection on the ground that ho
was no corporation attorney. The battle was
a short and hard fought one. The Nebraska
candidate won by.tho casting vole of Chair
man Jones. Twenty votes to twenty was the
record. Mr. Thurston owes the honor to the
united work of the Nebraska delegation who
have all sunk all other considerations to
secure bis selection.- Late last night the
confident announcement of Church Howe
that thirty-four votes were pledged to Thurs
ton was found to bo baseless. Shrewd ,
sharp work was at once done to counteract
Estec's strength , nnd by changing three
delegates the tie wns assured. There was
much cheering in the Nebraska headquarters
when General Vnudervoort brought in a note
The Califoruianb were speechless with as-
tnnishment ut first , and later there was con
siderable talk of carrying the fight into the
convention to-morrow. The precedent of the
Powell Clayton case was brought forward
und it was urged that Esteo could certainly
win as an anti-monopoly candidate. Hut
curly in the nfternoon Estee announced that
he would not allow any contest on his be
half and the matter has been dropped.
The maddest committecmnu was Lcland of
.Kansas , who is said to have been
the best and most earnest champion of Estco
In the national committee. He said the
vote on temporary chairman was a tie. The
deciding vote was east by Chairman Jones.
The motion to make it unanimous for Thurs
ton had ono oyposition vote , many refraining
from voting. The press of Nebraska has
vigorously opposed Depcw as being a corpor
ation man yet nt the first opportunity Ne
braska presents a railroad attorney for tem
porary chairman. Wo came hero to make
votes for the party and not to drive them
from the piu-ty. Tlio unti-monopoly issue is
an issue , as Mr. De [ > cw has discovered , and
as several other statesmen or the national
committee will yet find out.
The Nebraska headquarters were lively
to-day with crowds wnich tested their capac
ity to the limit. Eight coaches arrived this
noon loaded exclusively with Ncbraskans
and as many moro came in later. There are
fully eight hundred citizens of Nebraska
hero this evening and moro to follow.
the first republican nominee for president is
nt the Gore , the'guest of the Nebraska dele
gation , and will bo presented to-morrow to
the convention by C. J. Grcevo. The event
will bo 0110 of historical interest.
The general held an Informal reception to
day in the Nebraska parlors and
was presented to several hundred
callers. General Ficmont is ses-enty-llvo
years -of ago , has white hair and a close
cropped beard , and wears a grey suit of
clothes. Ho said ho was halo , hearty mid
well , and his uppnnrunco backs up his state
ment. "It i.s a hurd thing to tell just what
the result of the convention will be , " ho remarked -
marked , as ho stopped to shako himds with
n number of callers. "I only arrived this
morning mid havu not been out as yet. I am
u curious looker-on and a very much inter
ested ono. I urn glad U ) have the opportunity
10 uttctid the eonvcr.tion. I was on my way
cast when I fell in with the delegation. "
MIOl'TINO roll llli ; 1'LV.VUII ICilGIIT.
At midnight crowds are surging through
the hotels shouting for liluino , At this'
writing the prevailing Impression is that it
will need onljf u spark in the convention to
explode the lilaluo magazluo If Sherman fails
to secure the nomination at nn early stage.
Tim mi-re.mention of Hlulno's name throws
everyone mto paroxysms of enthusiasm. Mr.
Hlnlno's former managers profess themselves
dumbfounded nt the demand for their former
candidate and promlso every effort to nt :
tempt to stay the tdo. : It looks at this writ
ing llko u quick nomination or James G.
liluinc. Many of Gresham's friends admit
his defeat. Illinois will break early from
Ore-shum. Half the dcU'gution are alruady
J ) \V r.UKAK , VIKW8.
Tlio Convention AVeok Op ; > mcl WJtli
yjgoroiiH Work.
CHICAGO , Juno ls.--Tilo skirmishing pre
liminaries to tuo great battle which will ba
formally opa-iod in the convention { o-norro\v \
was unusually active nnd aggressive In hotel
corridors this morning , At an early hour
groups of polHK-lans congregated in the lob
ules talking over the BinuiUon , und though
there was nothing definite whk-h the friends
of uny candidate ) fould use as a basis for their
enthusiasm , predictions and counter pre
dictions were Joudly and vigorously-Indulged
n , TLo doors of the headquarters of vari
ous . tate deUgatifwe stood Invitingly cpcu
and within caier. La'Jgcbtu'ccfcgd'gcu ' -
tlemcn stood prepared to seize upon
wandering ilclcRntcs and Impress upon them
the dcsirnnllity if not the absolute necessity
of the republican convention nominating this
or that favorite son In order to obtain tlio
surest success nttho polls In November next.
As early as 7 o'clock the decks of the Iowa
headquarters were cleered for action nnel
General Henderson was upon the scene dl-
rcetinjr operations. The announcement of
Depcw's eundtducy seemed to have demoral
ized the Allison forces , nnd they predict that
this convention in its pre.icnt uncertain con-
ditipn is a peculiarly ausplcuous ono for "re
serve" candidates , of whom they say their
fuvorito is the strongest.
Senator Teller called nt an early hour nnd
Is still closeted with General Henderson.
The result of tliolr conference cannot ho
learned , but Allison men assert that Iowa
and Colorado are in hearty co-operation.
Referring to the published statement that
Iowa , through representatives In the Now
York conference , had yesterday assured DC-
pew of the votes of that stale , DclcgiUo
Rich of Iowa , said : "Nothing could bo fur
ther from tlio truth. The transportation
question Is the greatest Issue in Iowa to-day
and railroad men are not over popular
there , I assure you. No representative
of our delegation favors Depow. Wo
are gaining strength for Allison
hourly nnd 'without giving you the states
upon which wo count wo are confident of bis
nomination. "
Now York delegates were recipients of n
visit this forenoon from the Iowa delegation ,
headed by a brass band and bearing largo
photographs of Senator Allison , draped with
American flags. It was hospitably received
and the largo nudlcuco which assembled in
the parlors joined in the refrain , set to the
air of "Good Uye , My Lover , Good 13yo. "
Uoth delegations joined In the campaign
song prophetic of the defeat of Grover
Cleveland at the approaching election.
As early as 10 o'clock tnis morning ono had
to elbow ones way even on the sky parlor
floor of the Grand Pacific. The crowd in
creased as ono descended and the rotunda and
lobbies were filled with thousands of men ,
most of them morning arrivals. Numerous
delegations have arrived since Saturday , nnd
by to-night the roster of all the states und tei-
ritories will be complete. The Now York and
Ohio headquarters In the Grand Pacific ,
which Saturday were nearly desert
ed and yesterday had but few
signs of life , were early this
morning filled with representatives of tneso
states. The Greshum headquarters as usual
"lad n largo quota of active workers , mid the
Harrison nnd Husk headquarters were
crowded at an early hour. Not content with
tlio old suite of rooms the Allison men have
moved into the ladies ordinary , and have
elccoratcd the largo room until it is the hand
somest headquarters in the city. Over
the main entrance , trimmed out with
flags and bunting , is the name "Al
lison" picked out with incandescent
leetrio lights showing to splendid advantage
in the comparatively dark hall. Inside
beautiful Hags and streamers adorn the
rooms and circle about huge pictures of
Iowa's fuvorito. Hopes of sinilax , dotted
thickly with roses , crisscross from the chan
Delegate Hood , of Iowa , said : "Allison
has strengthened materially since Sat
urday. Wo have gained thirty-
live votes certain , and , us it now
stands , wo will go Into the convention with
over a hundred votes pledged for our candi
date. Then we have almost positive ussur-
unco from delegates of thn largo states that
they will come over to us nftcr the first few
ballots. If Iowa were n doubtful state , I
think there would bn no doubt about Alli
son's success. Greshnm bus many
friends in our delegation and ho is easily
second choice so far us I cun see. Wo have
not yet considered our second choice , how
ever , ns wo think Allison stands as good a
chance if not better than anyuono of the can
didates , lovya in any evcnt is for the nom
inee. Wo will carry the state if the convcn-
tiontion should nominate u man from the
Florida swamps. "
It Selects Tlinrstoii for Temporary
CIIICAOO , Juno IS. When the national
committee met to-day to select a man for the
chairman of the convention , which meets to
morrow , the call of states for presentation of
candidates was begun. California , almost at
the bead of the list , bad the advan
tage of being the first to name
its favorite. Esteo , of California , was
the gentleman urged by Davis of
tlmt state. Estco was yrcssnted in a strong
speech as the candidate of the united fur
west. Ho was put forward as an anti-monopoly
man of tlio llrst water , and attention was
culled to the quick actipn of the democrats
n choosing a temporary clwirmnn from the
coast. John M. Thurston of Nebraska was
presented in u brief , pointed speccli by Chair
man Howe of that state. Stress was laid
upon his ability as a parliamentarian ,
and upon his brilliant speech seconding Gen
eral Logan in the national convention four
years ago. Lclund , of Kansas , vigorously
seconded the nomination of Esteo for his
anti-monopoly record. Oregon also seconded
him. The vote was then proceeded with ,
resulting in u Ue. Chairman Jones then
e-ast the deciding vote in favor
of Thurs-ton. The nomination was
mndouuunimous , on motion of Hiirnij , of Col
orado , who hud acted with the Pacific coast
men. J. Hale Sypher , proxy from the Distritt
of Columbia , moved that in the contest from
the third congressional district of Maryland ,
both parties bo excluded. Gray , of Mury-
luml , amended by asking that both
sides bo admitted as contestants , jind the
matter referred to the committee on cre
dentials. Conger , of Ohio , moved to lay the
whole-mutter on the tables. Conger's Idea
was adopted and tlio result will bo to admit
the regular delegates recommended by
Gray , member of the national
committee from that state. The Virginia
contest , involving the seating of sixteen Ma-
hone district delegates , was reope.nod by
Ulalruof Virginia , moving a reconsideration.
Elliius and Luwsoii of Now York , joined in
opposing strenuously any consideration
whatever. Hci'onsldorution was defeated
Cti to 11. After some desultory discussion re
garding n few minor muttcru , the committee
ut 1 : 'M adjourned.
Til U llSTO.v'l'IU-ISIDK.S.
Cliuli'inaii .IOIK-M Cast the Vote That
Saved Oil Iloom J tin.
CniCAce ) . Juno IS. "Judge" Thurstonwho
hud been selected for rccommcndutii.n to the
convention us the commttoc's choice for tern
j'orary chairman , was being congratulated
from ull sides nftcr the adjournment of the
national committee , Tito Culiforniuns were
flmuly dumbfounded. Their opponents ,
however , were no less surprised , the close
ness of the vote being almost wholly unex
pected. It was pretty generally conceded
that the amount of strength gathered by the
Californlaus and the number of votes they
mustered was , under the circumstances , a
tribute to this Pacitlu slope nothing short of
that accorded by the democrats at St. Louis ,
Nevertheless the const men were sere and
their eastern supporters not less so , Every
body elbe thought the Estco men
hud mndo a magnificent fight considering
how they hud been handicapped by their late
arrival , this convention being in the matter
of preliminaries relatively a full week ahead
of the democratic convention , whcro the
Culifornians achieve * ] their triumph largely
by being the llrst men on the ground. Hero
the Thurston men from Nebraska had been
the curly birds und the opposition to Thurs
ton had attempted to center on Patrick Egan ,
who could , almost undoubtedly ; have hud
the honor , but felt obliged In loyalty tx > his
iCjJ ° W delegates from Nebraska , to give way
to Thut'i-on , the n 3t , fuvorito of the Ne
braska delegacy. SOUKS talk of carrying
the light into Ibo e jiV iJ'lQy was heard after
the meeting of ilib nuuoifal cominitvJJ " S
over. No one of prominence would commit
himself , however , until the matter hud been
thoroughly discussed in private by these wlio
had stood for Estco. Cyrus Lelund , of Kan
sas , la said to have been the best and most ,
earnest chamnkm of Estco in UHS national
committeeHoBuid : "Tho vote for temporary
ary chairman was a' tio. The deciding votes
was cast by Chairman Jones. The motion .to
mnko it unanimous for Thurston had ono op
position vote and many refrained from vet
ing. The press of Nebraska has vigorously
opposed Dcpow ns being u corporation man ,
yet at the llrst opportunity Nebrnsua pre
sents a railroad attorney for temporary
chairman. Wo came hero to mnko votes for
the party und not to drive them from the
party. "
The consensus of opinion from the people
In the corridors was Hint Estco would Imvo
won nn his presentation as nn anti-monopoly
candidate , but the friends of too many favor
ite candidates for the presidency united
largely against such pronounced recognition
of nn out arid out Ulalno delegate ns tlio man
from thp slope. As It was , the verdict seemed
like n reaction against the Calltornlan's too
previous shouting for Ulalno.
ATI KfTort to Prevent Ills Taking the
CHICAGO , Juno IS. Late to-night it was
rumored that an effort would bo mndo on the
lloorof the convention to-morrow to prevent
Thurstou from getting the coveted
temporary chairmanship. The nntl-
monopoly delegates say they will cer
tainly make u light in the convention
provided they can get nn available man to
stand against the Nebraska railroad nt-
tornoy. No ono has n word of objection to
Thurston personally , but they see n chnnco
to make capital in opposing him on account
of his business connections.
JIc Will Kccclvc Greater Honors Than
Oil Koom John.
CHIOAOO , Juno 18. M. M. Estce , of Cali
fornia , will undoubtedly be permanent chair
man of the convention. He will have the
distinction of supplanting no less n man than
Warner Miller , prospective republican nomi
nee for governor of New York. The republi
can leaders were determined not to
bo behind the democrats in St. Louis
n affording tokens of appreciation of this
.Dower and good will of the Pacific slope.
Stephen H. Elkiiis said to-night : "On my
arrival here I saw mi inevitable crash com-
tig between the friends of Estco nnd Thurs-
ton. I tried to bring about a compromise but
could not. To-day in the meeting of the
committee the crash came und it was evident
that hurd feeling was the result. "
ami Combination ) * An
nounced IJctwecii CnmliclntcR
CHICAGO , June IS. It bus been a day of
rumors concerning combinations. Tlio
Depow people hold out offers of the vice-
presidency to Harrison , Allison and Gresham.
These candidates woulcllike to enter a bnr-
Knin by which Depow should take the
second place on the ticket. Sena
tor Faiwell hasbeen t trying to
form n combination with William W.
Phclps and ex Senator Platt for the nomina
tion of Morton for vice president when Depew
is withdrawn. Nothing was accomplished in
tills direction. The friends of Harrison
"were in high spirits this morning. An un-
dcrstahding had been reached with New
Jersey by which Harrison wns to bo first
for president and Phclps for vice presi
dent. The presentation of Dcpew lias taken
away the New York contingent which
was reckoned on and - a combination was
abandoned. The Sherman mid Allison men
have also taken a hand in these treaties with
state leaders , but the prevailing feeling is
0110 of caution and thero' are no assurances
that any combination has been formed.
New York's decision , to present a favorite
son has brought a lull upon the field and it is
now the belief that nothing of real im
portance will develop till after a
ballot has been taken and a show of strength
brought out. Depow's candidacy takes
from Sherman temporarily at least , ten or
twelve votes in New York which follow the
leadership of Warner Miller , and the growth
of the Hlulne feeling bus taken from him the
largo vote promised in Massachu
setts by Senator Hoar. Gresbam
lias undoubtedly gained to-duy.
Oregon , Colorado , Minnesota , part of Mis
souri , Illinois und West Virginia resolved to
stand faithfully by him. With Husk anil
Ingalls out , he will get most of the votes
from Kansas and Wisconsin. Harrison is
looming up as a formidable candidate , and is
now next in strength to Sherman. Connecti
cut 1ms decided to put Hawlcy's name in
nomination. v
Shouting and S'nxin ' ; ; tlio Pralac.H ul
CnioAfio , Juno 18. The California delegates -
gates and coasters generally have enjoyed
thouisclves to-elay in parading the streets
with the Kansas City republican club and the
T.opeku flambeau club , which were mot this
morning at the union depot by the California
delegation and portions of the other Pacific
coast delegations. They escorted the Hlaino
men ull over town. The coasters were , mar
slmllcd by E. P. DanclllT , of the
California delegation , who made nn adinir
able field marshal for the occasion. While
the main body of delegates were engagcc
in this missionary work for the Maine states
man u few leading spirits were busy with
more practical work. The committee ap
pointed by the Pacific coast meeting of yes
terday , which held u stormy session , it
which Gugo took Issue vigorously with Sen
ator Jones of Nevada on the interpretation
of the Hluino letter , nnd claimed that the
nomination of Hlaino might be tnudo in such
n inunncr as to enable him to uecep
without discrediting his motives or
his words , was again In session
this morning. At this meeting , althougl
Senator Jones opposed any agrcemcntuf Ursi
elioic" for Hliiine , st was practically agrew
that Hluino was the favorite candidate of the
Pacific coast und tacitly it was uiulcrs-tooi
that such a recommendation should bo made
tlio proposed meeting of the Pacific roasl
delegations ut 1 o'clock. The matter of second
end choice was also considered by the coin
mltteo , und upon a vote taken General Alger
was mentioned us the probable residuary leg
utce of the liluino htrenth of the Pacific-
coast. For some reason there was no meet
ing of the Pocino coast delegations nt 1
o'clock nnd they sulKiequenUy proposed a
meeting at ft o'clock , which was also a fail
After it had been discovered that ull at
tcmptH to get the Paoiflo coast or the Cull
fornla delegates together Senator Jones
said to nn Associated press reporter , " 1 do
not suppose that concert of action on the part
of the Pacific coast delegation is probable before
fore one ballot at least has been taken In thu
convention , " He did not believe that it was
possible. | o unite the Pacific coast dolcgatior
for Hluino. Ho did not think Sherman wnuli
bo nominated and had no Idea of the Pacific
coast delegates going over to Dcpew , Ho
rather thought that the situation showed that
the nomination would go to Allison or Har
rison. "I think , " said iio , "that this is in the
air , " but when presspd for reasons only said
"Well , that Is my diagnosis of the case. "
The Culltorniu delegates this evening took
a conspicuous part In the great Hlaino dem
onstration and parade through the pity. Tlio
Topeka flambeau ejlub and the Kansas City
republican club formed in front of the In
land hotel , where they \verp joined by the
Californium ) with their bunncfb and cheers
for IJlalno ,
Missouri Has a Candidate 3Jra. La-
Kin ItRcclvcs an Ovation ,
CHICAGO , Juno 18 , At a meeting of the
Missouri delegation this afternoon it was do-
clctcd by a vote of SI to 5 to place before the
convention us n presii'cutlal candidate the
name of EarSenator J. H , Henderson , of St.
Lou id. Colonel Dyer , of. St. Louis or Con
gressman Wuracr,5pf Kansas City , ' \yill mitko
the noinlnatlny gp scU.
Quo of Ihjj.incld nts'oMbe dny Was tLcfo-
narknblo ovntlon to Mrs. John A. Logan at
he Grand Pacific.
She culled to makan visit to the wife of
Stephen H. Elkins and ns soon ns it became
mown that Mrs , Logan was nt Elkins' room
she was surrounded by a number of such
listlngulshcd lenders ns Chouncey M. Depcw ,
Thomas J. Plutt , Frank Hiscock , 11. F.
tones , Joseph H. Manly , and J. S. Clnrkson.
J'ho long procession that followed Included
joncral Green H. Haum , J. V. Fnrwoll , At-
ornoy General Michcncr , of Indiana , United
states Senators Aldrlch nnd Hale , G. A. Ho-
sart , of Now Jersey , Samnel Fessemteu , of
2onnctlcut , Walker nnd Emmoiis Hluino ,
Uchnrd Kcrms , of St. Louis , nnd Colonel
Crocker , of San Francisco.
Senator Quay did what ho promised for
Sherman in the states' delegation to-day. In
he caucus ho polled thirty-six votes for
Sherman against fourteen votes from Phila
delphia for Filler. Depaw und Greshnm
each got two votes , Quay says Sherman
will have slxty-llvo of Pcunsylvunlirs votes
when Filler drop-out. The fact that the
lallotml commtttccinan was not named by
the caucus is construed as meaning Unit Sen-
itor Quay will be mndo chairman In case
Shcrmuu is nominated.
The New England delegations wcro In
caucus twice to-day. At the llrst caucus the
candidacy of eVery aspirant was discussed ,
and It was decided that Now England could
mnko itself felt by presenting n united front.
At the second caucus the feasibility of voting
with Now York on the llrst ballot was con
sidered , and a majority of the Coniieclicut
men strongly urged this course of action.
The conference committees were appointed
to talk with the managers of the various
booms und report the situation lo u meeting
lo bo hold to-morrow.
The Texas delegation nt a mecllng to-day
decided to present the name of a presidential
candidate to the convention. They will
present Judge C. 11. Habino or Judge
McCormick- of the United States dis
trict courts. This action caused u vust
amount of comment.
A Shout. For Their Nnmcsnke.
FIIK.MOXT , Neb. , .Tune 18. [ Special to Tun
Bii : : . ] Fremont has contributed n delegation
of about seventy-five persons to the crowd in
Chicago , all bent on participating in tlio great
political event. The suggestion that General
John C. Fremont bo placed on the republican
ticket is cordially received by the people hero ,
not only because ho is u great and good man ,
the first candidate of the part } ' , und that ho
would more than counteract the sentiment of
Thurmnn's nomination , but also because our
own beautiful city was christened in honor
of the great "Pathfinder. " Local undo be
gets the hope that ho nominated.
A Mcetiiifi of Seven Men.
CKD.VU CI'.IKK : , Neb. , June IS. fSpacial
Telegram to Tlic Bin. ; | A democratic meet
ing was held hero to-night at Saylcs hull.
Three speakers came out from PluttsmouUi ,
C. W. Shermaneditor of the Journal , Hon.
J. C. Gilmoroaud Mutthuw Goirii > g. After
trying until 10 o'clock they managed to get
seven men and four small boys together.
Geirlng addressed the nudieneo for about
thirty minutes and then adjourned the meet
ing for ono week to see if they could not get
enough people together to elect oflleers for a
permanent organization at this point.
Marriage of MIH West to an HluHtrl-
* ISHH Frenchman.
[ Co ) l/ri'o'/t / / IKS/ji/Jamc Goitlon Dennett. ]
PAIIIH , Juno IS. [ Now York Herald Cable
Special to Tin : Hii : . ] The religious mar
riage of Miss Flora Snekvillo West nnd M.
Gabriel S.ulozen , who were civilly wedded
took at the Passion-
Saturday , place to-day -
ists' church in avenue Hochc. The church
was tastefully decorated. The altar was
ablaze with lighted candles , bright with
rhododendrons , white azalas and snowballs.
While the organist played a wedding march
the cortege entered the building. At the
head walked Sir Lionel Suckville West and
the bride , looking lovc-'ly in n white peau do
sole dress , with u long trail and high-necked ;
the front of the skirt was covered with tulle
und white gros grain ribbon bows
nnd orange blossoms. A spray of orange
buds was fastened to the waist by a hand
some pearl brocc'u , the gift of Joseph Cham
berlain , M. A. ; on the right of the eorsuRO
another bunch of flowers was held by u pearl
heart.tho gift of Loud Malyncaux , of the
British embassy at Paris ; the neck of the
gown was fastened by two exquisite diamond
mend swallows with spread wings ; along
tulle veil was arranged becomingly over her
head with a tiara of orange flowers , while in
front of the tiara glistened the bridegroom's
gift , a magnificent diamond star , lichini
came thu bridegroom and slstcr-iu
law , Mine. Maurice Saluuson , Lord Lyttoi
wearing the Order of Hath with Miss Vic
toria West , Miss Amalia West , M. Maurice
Salauson , ( General Salauson , M. Eugene
Salnuson and wife , M. do Corcclls , Count
do Uoun Uonnoy mid the six children of M
and Mine. Maurice Salauson1 Mgr. Sliiban
dier , bishop of Soissons , who ofllclatcd , was
assisted uy his vicar general. Ho made ai
eloquent uddress , exhorting the bridegroon
lo follow Ihe example of his forefathers , am
eulogizing the gallantry of Gon. Saluusoi
in llio Crimean campaign .and Franco-Prus-
oian war. He congratulated the bridegroon
upon the selection for his wife of a daughter
of au illustrious and noble family. Then
turning to the bride the bishop said : " .
havu only to look at you , mudnmolscllc , to
see you have combined all the graces oi
French , English and American women. "
After leaving thu church breakfast was
given ut the residence of M. Louis Salausai
nt Hou du Four , wheru the young couple will
reside next winter.
HI ill o IliH ItilU1.
Crry , Juno IS. [ Special Telegram
to Tun Hr.i : . ] James C. McMillan , n pntturi
maker in the Fort Scott machine shoys , was
run over by u Fort Heott train at 10 : ! 10 o'clock
this morning nnd ills left leg was cut off close
to the thigh and the whole left side of his
body fearfully mangled. McMillan has been
accustomed to ride from the union depot to
the yard on the trains , all of which hereto
fore stopj > ed n few minutes in the yard. The
time was changed yesterday and MeMilhu
boarded the fast tram to Memphis , which did
not stop at that point , und In his attempt to
jump oir ho was drawn under. McMillan is
a single man. Ho was taken to the city hos
Over a Woman.
KANSAS CITV , Juno IS. ( Special Tele
gram to TIIU HUB. ] Alfred Harvey was
stubbed in the throat und left shoulder by
Hobert Jordon in u tenement house at Tenth
and Dripp streets about II o'clock last
night. Jealousy over u woman named
Josephni Juukson was the cause of the
trouble. All the parties concerned are
colored. Police Surgeon Ewing ultcndciJ
Harvey ami pronounced him fatally injured.
Ho was removed to the city hospital and
was still ulivo at noon. Jordon was
arrested by Sergeants Flahivo and Harring
ton at U o'clock this morning.
The ; Oldest Conductor Dead.
CITY , Juno 18. [ Special Telegram
to Tnu UiK.-\VillIamC. : ] \ Ware , the oldest
conductor of the Fort Scott railroad , died ai
his residence , -J2Q West Flftconlh streel , at 1
o'clock this morning , of brain fever. Ware
has m.1-vcd the fort Scott railroad for twenty
yearo. Ho willbo buncd with Masonic honors
at Fort Scon to-morrow.
V. > fcin.NGTO.N , June 13. For the -past
twenty-four hours General Slieridun b'us
been comfortable , HU appeUlo Is good ani
' '
ho is gaining strength. . - . - . '
GoiiEnny's Dead Emperor Buriocl
With Imperial Honors.
AVUllnin Weeps * on Sight of tlic Ittcr
of' Ilia Ocnei Pnt-out HlH Demeanor
meaner E.vcitcs Favorable
Comincnt Tlio Sccnr.
Uncle to Mother Earth.
tC < > p/rfu'it | / ' ItfSliu James ( Janlun Jlcmirff.l
POTSDAM , Juno 18. [ New York Hcruld
Cable Special to THIS Bun. ) Frederick , llio
speechless emperor , who wns never crowned ,
was burled to-day in Friedensklrcho. The
emperor drove up lo Iho palace so qulelly
nnd so swiftly ho nearly eluded nil Iho eyes
watching for him. Ho wore n cloak over a
general's ' unWorm and tossed it off by a
quick , impatient motion of Iho shoulders. It
fell almost to the ground. Ho was palo and
his face revealed new lines , indicating
anxious thought und great firmness , mingled
with good nature. Ho nlonco entered Jnspar
hall and slood neur the foot of the eofllii. Thou
came Empress Augusta , who wns brought
in her rolling chair. Tlio little six-year-old
crown prince und his brother wcro led be
fore their crniidfuther's eoflln. They gazed
wislfully nt it nnd then left the room , all
present reverently bowing to the Infant heir-
npparcnt who was clad In n black woolen
suit , black cap and black gloves. Then nil
the invited princes nnd personages enlcrcd
Iho hull. Among whom I noticed Mackenzie
in a court , dress , surrounded by a group of
friends , and as fur oft as
possible Bergmann with his group
of ladmrers 1 also noticed cx-Minister
Puttkamer with his long white beard , whose
dismissal was the last political act of .the
dead emperor. Puttkamer nnd Bergmann
shook hands cordially und took places near
the coffin.
IT WAS A iMi'ur.ssuvn MOMINT :
when Moltko arrived ntid stood within tlirco
feet of the corpio. Ho was most visibly af
fected. I noticed him gaze intently at the
eoflln while the choir chanted Bach's choral
Bald Uafo du Mich zu Loebern Frcnct. "
Tlio field marshal's baton which ho
hold in his right baud rattled
against the buttons of his uniform. ' Ho then
sluiok Ins head as if ashamed of his motion ,
but a moment afterwards tears stole down
the corners of his eyes , which ho wiped away
with the tip'of his gloved lingers. General
Von die Golo/ then whispered , "I never before -
fore saw Moltko so orokon up. "
The scene in the palace court yard was
truly beautiful. The weather was bright
nnd the air cool. When the imperial eoflln
appeared the officers made a signal with their
swords and the inuflled drums of twelve in
fantry battalions
110U.UD A S.U.I'Ti : TO Till * DEAD ,
each in turn. Then a trumpet sounded Iho
funeral dirge. The emperor was standing
well erect behind the coftin on a wide wooden
incline carpeted with black sorgo. On the
emperor's right hand was the king of
Saxony ; on his left side the Prince of Wales
nnd Prince Henry. As the dirge ceased Iho
king of Saxony moved back a few paces and
motioned to the emperor to take a ulace
more to the front. The emperor declined
with a modest smile and stood side
by side almost arm in arm with the King of
Saxony. Every ono noticed this und it made
a most excellent impression. Immediately
behind the bier tiled Marshal Yon Blumen-
thal leading Ihe late emperor's charger with
n plain military saddle. This chestnut gold-
inp is the ono Unscr Fritz rode nt the battle
of Wtt'i-th , u line , wull bred animal but stiff
in the knees with old ago.
as the emperor ascended the stops leading to
the church door ho removed his white plumed
helmet and seemed very much affected. His
bearing was modest and ho seemed the dull
ful , affectionate son , rather than the mon-
arch. Ho walked slowly up.tho aisle , halted
in a military position , always side by side
with the king of Saxony. There wcso not
over three hundred persons inside tlio church
as Hof Prcdiger Kocgel pronounced in a
loud , clear voice the words , "Was gott Unit
das 1st wohlgethon. " A bright ray of
sunshine streamed through a small round
window near the roof of the church and fell
directly upon the emperor's head ; the effect
was exactly like thai of an cleclnc light on
the stage , llbrought the features of the
emperor Into most striking prominence. As
the beautiful choral service ended u platoon
of foot guards in Iho church yard discharged
Iheir rifles. Then after n pause a second
platoon llrcd a second salvo but nt n greater
distance. Then a third salvo further off
still. The effect of this dlminuend saluting
was most effective. When the salutobattery
of the Hold artillery commenced firing it sa
lute of 101 guns , the bells in ull the churches
Everyone now prepared to leave the
church , but the emperor remained motionless
with eyes fixed on his father's bier. Mo sud
denly stepped forward and placed himself
bcsiclo the coflln und dropped upon his luiccs
and kissed tlio covering of it und
remained in silent prayer for
several minutes. As ho raised his head I
noticed the eyes hud an unusual soft and
melancholy expression. Ho walked buck to
his original position. The muscles of his
cheek moved nervously , and nt last , unable
to overcome his emotion , ho fairly wept and
placed a handkurt-hlof to his eyes. 1 tiovor
will forget the moment. H caused the deep
est sympathy. Everyone present was most
visibly affected. The Empress Victoria then
appeared from n siclo door and was conducted
by thu hof marshal to the coffin. She knelt
Tlio "king of Saxony , Prince of Wales ,
Priue-e Henry done the same. Then the
Princess of Wales and other princesses knelt
nnd prayed and immcdiutcly afterwards
wcro conducted to their carriages. Tlio
Princ-css of Wales loohed'oxquisitely beauti
ful ns she wullied slowly and gracefully
down the aisle. The Marquis of Lome , in a
Highland Argylc.hlre militia uniform , at
tracted considerable attention , bul ho did not
venture lo wear the kilts but merely the
TuUcn all together the funeral of
Kaiser Frederick was. mosl Im-
impressive. I imagined ovcryono sccmctl
ns if ho was going lo the funeral ol ones own
father or brother. The muslo was ex
quisite , and all the arrangements In jicrfcai
laste und simplicity , and the religious ser
vices , though brief , went straight to the
To-day I-Jtnperor William H revealed him
self In an entirely .now li'ht. Ilis-wholo
demeanor , bearing -and expression was UUo
that . . ' . .
OF A MAX Tli.V VEAI1S Ol.tiUit.
Ho to-day gave oVider.oo of n 'warm gejicrou' *
heart , modestly'mingled wilh a qniot.dignity
tliat completely charmed every erie , near hi in
and recalls Uio Uucioj-uljialurepf
His proclamation "An Mcln Volk" Is read
with genuine joy by nil pcaco loving Germans
and removes the terrible imxloty that dark
ened nil minds. Any ono who stood near
AVllllam II ns I did to-day would feel con
vinced that the promise of his proclamation ,
"Kin Lerochtcr und milder furst mid frledcn
den zu schlrincu , " Is given from his heart ot
hearts and ho holds it sacred.
nt the funeral ceremony , the recent excites-
incut and anxiety having somewhat pros
trated him. Ho was represented by Count
Herbert Von Bismarck.
It was accepted as n good omen that In
front of the nltar at the head of the coftln by
which the emperor stood was n mnr-
jlo nngcl of peace bearing1 In her
lap n book and trumpet , being the
line work of art which wns placed
over the vault , there Frederick H. and his
queen and the late emperor's ' two young sons
arc Interred.
Knizcrlno Augusta , mothcrof the deceased ,
could not bo present at the service in the
church , but witnessed the procession from a
window In the Sohloss.
The private nuturo of the funeral wns
maintained throughout , admission even to
the park being accorded to very few persons.
J'ho late widowed empress is greatly pulled
down and her nerves unstrung bv all that she
has gone through , so she was not equal to
the exertion connected with the public cere
mony , and whilst tlio service was being per
formed she , with Princesses Victoria , Sophia
and Margaret was at the partsn church of.
UornsK'dt , whcro ICnlscr Frederick had n
model farm , and where he was , as It wcro , a
country squire and lord manor , but it wns
nftcr the functions of the church of the
| ) lace were over that her majesty cnnio
thither with her daughters
rou oxi ; i.\sr ritAtiu
by the side of her husband's remains. An
eloquent sciitcnco In Chaplain Kocgol's
nrnyor Is much repeated , "Give comfort to
our emperor and empress whom thou hast
made to puss 'to the throne over two death
beds. " Perhaps the grandest sight
was when most of the mourners
hud emerged into the bright sun
light and t.iken their stand in
irregular and picturesque groups on the steps
of tlio terrace running along nil the eastern
front of the palace and directly opposite it.
Further on the soini-cireular edge of the
spacious flower-potted lawn stood n magnifi
cent array of troops of all arms , gigantic
foot guards in conical brass head
pear of Frederick the Great's times.
Then tall green rillemen ; then n model
battullion of the German army ; then n sqad-
ron of life guards , wearing black cuirasses-
presented to them in the days of the libera
tion war by the C/nr Nicholas ; then as many
dragoon guards , successors to the men who
rode the famous Balaclava charge nt Marsla-
tour , and batteries of artillery , all stand
ing as still ami mute as marble clU-
gics Hut no sooner did the twelve
colonels with their precious burden.
of eoflln appeared at the central exit from the
palace and approached the hciirso than with
0110 accord anil as if by electrical machinery
this semi circular array of soldiers presented
arms while the bands burst , forth with the
solemn strains of "Jesus Hofugo of My Soul , "
the dead kaiser's favorite hymn.
Tin : ruuss nnroiir.
Porr.'mM , Juno 18. Prince Uismnrck and.
Count Von Moltko and a number of foreign
princes arrived hero this morning. The rail
way stations atHcrliiiaud Potsdam are closed
against the public. Crowds have gathered
outside these buildings and soldiers and po-
bco are posted all around the stations to keep
them b.ick. Fredurichshron ulai-ep is
jimmied like a fortress. At 1) ) this morning-
bells lolled and the ministers who were to
olllclatu at the emperor's funeral took their
places around the eoflln in the
palace. The choir sang the hymns ,
"Soon Thou Callcst Me to Higher
" "Jesus is Trust. "
Joys , My Chaplain
Koeglo then blessed the corpse und mourn
ers , after which the choir sang the hymn , "If
I am to Dio. " The commanders of the
twelve regiments of which the late emperor
wascommandcr-iu-chlof carried the coliln to
the bier. Eight majors then took the horses
by the bridles and the procession started for
the church.
A second mortuary service over the re
mains of the emperor was held at Frieder-
ichskron castle last evening. Dr. Koegle ,
court chaplain , officiated. At the c-oncluslon
of the services the eoflln wiws closed and
was then placed upon the same sUite
bier used at the funeral of Emperor
William. At 11:15 : this morning Potsdam I
was in mourningund emblems of grief were
to bo seen everywhere. All the way from
tl'o castle to Friedorskirscho , where the
funeral was to take place , torches and
crescents wcro seen. Everywhere there
rose h litre fhig-btaffs und poles bearing ban
ners with mourning devices. At KKiOtho' '
troops assumed their positions , and various
dignitaries , deputations and warriors' asso
ciations proceeded to their places. Core-j
monies ut Frlderichskron castle began with '
the performance of Uochs' "Huld rufnt du
mlch sen haben fncilcn. " Then the chorale ,
"Jesus mclno seuvcrsicht" was sung. An
the lust strains died away Chaplain Kocglo j
nro o and offered prayer. The chorale "Wen'n. "
Ich einmiil soil Bclintclon" was then sung , of- (
tc > r which the coliln was removed from tliol
Ci s'le and placed In the funeral car , the choir ]
meanwhile1 singing "I know that my redeemer j
llvcth. " The procession was then formed |
mid moved to the church. Upon arriving
at I In ; ch'-irch the mourners took the scats
n ( signed them. After service Chaplain KOI' .
j.'le pmnouncrd the benediction. Thorowim
no sermon. After the firing of u vi4loy
and minute guns by Hie troop * all the mourn
ers took their departure. Heforo loavlnir , the
widowed empress bi'iit over the eottln mid
took a solemn Jei'.vool' herdoud husband's
A I'roolnu ntliui to tin ; Peoplo.
liimiN , Juno IS. The Emperor William
issued a proelatnation to the Prussian pee
ple. In It his majesty says that tins grnvo
has scarcely closed over Emperor William I
before my father , Frederick 111 , is culled
nway. Emperor William showed herolo
ehritttlun resignation. IIo remained faithful
to his kingly duties in tlio few months al
lotted to him. I hiivo taken the
government , looking to the King of
all Kings , uid : pi-.iy God. llko
my father , to bo u jutrt ami lenient prince ; to
foster piety and fear of ( iod ; to guard the
peue-c'j to promote the welfare ) of the land ;
to be u helper to tlio poor ana distressed ; to
bo u firm guardian of right nnd progress.
In my kingly duties with the people , who In
cyod and in evil days have Mood true to theli *
kings , I count upon the people's fidelity , and
conscious of my purpose1 , reciprocities It heart
ily us a true prince U ) a true people , both
equally ready to maUo biierillcca for tha
l''iiiHi-nl ! Knrvle : N at Various
WAMiiN'iiTox , Juno 18. Tl o president and
members oi his cabinet attended services nt
the German Lutheran church in thla city
this mornins in memory of Emperor FreJor-
Icklll. Mun y ilistinguifcliod | > enplo were In
uttunduncu , including nearly all tlio people of
the diplomatic corps.
LOMIOX. Juno 18. A funeral sorvlco was
held at Halmoral ensile to-day for Kuipcwuj
' Gimui.TAit , Juno IS.linuto guns worej
'lircd hero cut of respect fur the late Empc o
Iiiiticntli : > nr.
For N < .bns.l < aa.nd Dakota : Li tst to fmfc
bouthcrty winds bei-ominK wudtcrl
cooler fair weather. . . . - '
Iowa : Frc-fch. . to' 'tnislj1' southerly -
6lauottu-y ! toinpcriiture , loii i rain's. .