? 7 VTJJWII * ' * " ' * THE OMAHA DAILY BKE : MONDAY , JUNE 18 , 1888. THE CITY. James Fox , n contractor , died yesler- dny morning nt 816 Fnrnnm street. lie wns thirty-three years old and unmar ried. ried.Idzzio Idzzio Fields , living at 221 Davenport fttreet , reported her four-yenr-old laughter , Blanches , lost yesterday af ternoon. The board of sipn commissioners re ceived a number of applications Satur day for placing signs and they will bo tictcd upon at a meeting this morning. Olllcor Savage caught Phil Corbitt yesterday lugging around a lot of lead il ) po under Buspiclous circumstances. Ho was looked up to tuvait develop ments. Personal I' H. Agor , of St. Paul , Nob. , is nt the Wind sor. sor.E. . C. Mower , of Lincoln , Nob. , la at the Millnrd. Mrs. B. H. Hill , of Norfolk , Nob. , is at the Mlllard. W. H. Kelley , of Lincoln , Nob. , is nt the Mlllard. T. S. Ganton , of Lincoln , Neb. , Is at tlio 1'axton. P. Schwcnk , of Norfolk , Neb. , is nt the Pnxton. F , Fischer , of Valentino , Nob. , is nt the Pnxton. J. M. Tnacbor , of Fort NIobrnrn , Nob. , Is tit the Paxtou. Patrick fuhy , of O'Neill , Nob. , is at the Puxton. T. P. Daulhra , of Guldo Uoek , Nob. , is nt the Windsor. Gcorgo F. Uniloy , of Lincoln , Nob. , la nt the Windsor. F. E. Potter nml wlfo , of Lincoln , Neb. , is nt the Windsor. H. W. Scott nnd wife , of Holdrcgo , Nob. , nrc at the Puxton. E. H. French and wlfo , of Cedar Rapids , In. , nro nt the Mlllard. W. A. Thompson , manogcr of the "She" company , Is nt the Paxton. C. V. Holtcn and wlfo. of Kearney , Neb. nro registered nt the Millnrd. Mrs. Alice Folsom , nunt of Mrs. Grovcr Cleveland , Is registered at the Pnxton. Mr. Max Meyer , wlfo nnd child nro passing these hot days at Mnnltou Springs , Colo. Messrs. J. T , Sweeney nnd N. M. Ayers , of Beaver City , Nob. , are at the Windsor. * President Ucchel. of the city council , de parted last night for Akron , O. , In response to u telegram bearing the nad news of the sudden death of his brother-in-law , Dr. Hrowncll. The intelligence was quite unex pected. _ A Commercial Traveler Drowned. . A telegram was received in the city ycs- tcrdny stating thnt E. E. Nordnkcr , n com mercial traveler , had been drowned at Pen- iler , tills state. No particulars wcro given , " and upon the receipt of the news of the cas ualty Mr. Grccuard , of the firm of Grcenard & Snydcr , * for whom Nordakor traveled. proceeded to Ponder. Tlio gentleman had not returned at a late hour and further in formation is lacking. Nordakcr was tmniar- 'rled , and Is supposed to have n brother living somewhere in Umabn. Heating His AVife. J. Silvcrwiso is n gentleman with moro temper than ho knows what to do with , mid ho frequently gives his family the benefit of the surplus. Ho had one of his overflows yesterday. Ho has a little shop on Capitol $ nvcnuo near Tenth street , anil accused his b' daughter of misappropriating the funds. The accusation was accompanied with an abusive dcmonstuitiou , nml the young woman responded with n blow thnt struck the old man on the head. Tlio mother stepped hi as a peacemaker , but Silvcrwiso rcseutod the Interference with blows. He was complained of to the police anil promptly locked up. ArrenrH of Pensions to Widows 01 Soldiers. Congress has Just enacted that pensions heretofore or hereafter granted to widows of soldiers of the war of the rebellion shal commence at the date of the death of their husbands. This legislation favorable affects nil claims of widows of the late war. whicl have been tiled in the pension ofilcc on 01 ufter July 1 , 1SSO , and which have been nl lowed to commence from the date of filing the claims , but will not favorably effect the cases of such widows ns were filed before July 1 , 1SSO , and which have been allowed pension having already been granted in those cases from the date of their husband's death The commissioner of IMJUSIOIIS gives notice that In the , settlement of claims , under this law , already allowed , no formal applicntiot will be required , and that the services of attorneys tornoys will not be necessary. Widows cu titled under said law need only write u letter giving mime , postofllro address and ccrtill cato number , ami the claims will bu allowcc with us little delay as practicable. This leg islattou was recommended by General Hlucl in his lust annual report. C. S. LVKI : , United States Pension Agent. FIMjKI ) UP AND 1U2M ) UP. Four Men Make n Filth Drunk and Tlion Go Through Him. John Morton fell in with four companion , nblo fellows yesterday -and they celebrated their good fellowship In a round of saloons The four wcro Kd Bryan , Thomas MuVoy , George O'Urolu and Charles O'llara. The ; evidently thought Mprtou was ( lush , and pro tccdcd to get him drunk. Ho was finnll.v landed at the malt house of Mot/'s brewery mid the plotters continued to rush the growler from n saloon at Seventh and Lenv cnwdrth streets. When Morton became toi full to drink of his own will the scoundrel poured the beer down his throat. He sooi fell into n heavy stupor , when the highway men went through his clothing. They drov from an inside poukut n bag and made t division of its contents. The performance was scon by a woman Ii the neighborhood and t > ho notified the police man on the .beat , but the robbers had lied The officer telephoned the particulars to headquarters , and the policemen in the lowe part of the cit.v were notified to bo on tin watch. Shortly afterward Officers Uloon J3nylo alchtcd the thieves and captured then : nfter u lively chaso. Vor.v little money \\-iu found on the PUI-KOIIS of the prisoners. Mor ton was ulso locked up , but was too drunk to toll what was In the bag or give any uccotiu of himself , OMAHA FINANCIAL AKKAIKH. The Past Week a Quiet Onu In Mono } MllttOIH. * " Local money matters wcro very quiet the ( tastweok , The supply of loanable funds \vus uiuplu for all demands und the uuua rates of S to 10 per cent have been slightly shaded , The indications are for an ens , money market for the next thirty doya a least. Tlio trust companies hnvo n llbcra supply of cash to meet all demands for rca estate loans , and several country bankers in town the past week suy tlioy hnvo lately ro fuscu to accept deposits drawing Interest , u they cannot us the money ut u priilt. There is u disposition shown by BOIIIO city bunkers to decline taking interest bearing deposits nnu the president of one of the loca national ban Us says ho has about con eluded that it is not profitable to paj 5 per cent for inonuy , hold 40 par cent ns a mem1 , und loan tW per cent nt S per cent , n the buluuco Is usually the * wrong way , lutei ct bearing time deposits are us n rule put h \vheti money is iu llburul supply and with draNvn during times of bear-city or Just whei the bunk etui use it to the beat advantage The conservative bankers of the Unite Stutcit long since dvcidod that it was unsaf for Commercial bank * , unless having u suv ings department in connection , to pay iutoi cjt on deposit ccrillicutus , and the tendency eccins to favor the probable enforcement o this rule in Omaha , though U may bo soun time before the necessary action can b obtained. It U understood that a prominent Trus company of thih city 1ms railed u meeting o its director * with a view tq rcaucing itu c Hal stock to the amount now paid' In 10 po jxut. Tito 1Uo ( and cry by custuru liuaucia. onrnah , n to the" lack Of care cxcr- : iscd in placing loans through rust companies In the west , ins mnde It difficult to do the amount of justness necessary to Insure dividends on ho capital now paid in. H is Intimated , how- ovcr , thnt this compnny has not exercised a luo amount of wisdom in placing Its lonns , icnco the trouble. General trudo lins been cry good , and notwithstanding the fact thnt ho season's business has been handicapped vlth the drawbacks nnd disturbing Influences ncldcntnl to n presidential year , nnd a very vet nml backward spring , serious ctotrl- ncntals in nn agricultural district , the foot- ngs of snlcs to date show n handsome In- crenso over Inst year. Collections , which wcro dull , have vastly Improved , under the stimulus of the bright , seasonable weather of the past ten dnys , nnd our Jobbers invo nothing to complain of In nny respect. Eastern exchange has bcnn In nctivo do- nand , fully mot nt the normal rate of $1 per thousand , Mr. Goodwlllle , of Goodwllllo & Good- willlc , Chicago , has bcon in Omaha the past week nrrangnig to locate n branch of their : nnrc box factory. A suitable location has been obtained and n member of the firm will return next week and superintend the put ting In of the plant , which will bo largo and complete , employ fifty hands and bo backed by umplo capital. This addition to our innuumaturing facilities will bo heartily np- predated by many Interests hero which nro now compelled to sciid cast for their sup plies in this lino. STAItUIOD FOUR TIMES. Forbade Tiliior | , Hllcy Slum , Attacks His It otltcr-ln-Imw. In the south part of the city , clustering about the B. & M. round house nnd several factories , Is a locality known ns Gibson. It was the scene lact night of a quarrel in which F. M. Duncan stubbed his brother-ln law , Hllcy Sims , four times. Duncnn has nlittlo girl whoso mother has been dead six years. In order to give her the benefit of n homo ho arranged nbout four months ago to live with Sims. A half brother of the latter named .1. Alex nndcr was ilso at the house , nnd the third man agreed that each should bear a third of the household expenses. Duncan says ho has becti'paylng ' moro than both the other men because Sims has been spending bis money for drink. This state of affairs bred hard feeling to begin with. The neighborhood saloon is run by one Frank Sautter. Mrs. Sims called on Sautter a week ngo nnd warned him not to sell her husband liquor. Last night Duncnn dropped Into the saloon mid found Sims and Alex ander In n four-handed game of cuchro for the beer. When the drinks wore called for four glasses wcro ordered , and two of them were sot down In front of Alexundcr. Ho promptly shoved ono over to Sims. Duncan remonstrated with Sautter , but the snloonlst smd ho ' 'couldn't help a mnn giving away his beer if ho wants to. " Duncan stepped out to tell his slstor of the manner in which her order was being evaded. Oa his return Sims de'rmmlcd to know who was mcdulinir wSVii his affairs nnd why. Duncan was pointed out to him nnd was roundly abused. The men got up sev eral times as if to clinch. Finally this is Duncan's story Sims struck his brother-in- law twice and knocked him down , Duncan sprang tip in wrath , pulled oijt his nockct- kuifc , opened the blude and attacked Sims , stubbing him in four different places. One cut is in the right side of the neck , another under the right arm nnd two in the small of the back. Duncan was scbed , turned over to the police and taken to the ccntr.il station. Sims wss taken home. The city physician was called and dressed the wounds. Hu thought to " cxamino into their nature and extent , but when ho began to probe Sims threatened to strike him with his list. The surgeon gave up the idea and it is therefore not. known how dangerously Sims is injured. HIT WITH RKHR GLASSES. Two Uloody Frays on Capitol Avenue Near Eleventh Street. Frank Lockmit's saloon at 1120 Capitol avenue was the scene of a bloody fray last night , in which Walter Turnham received two cuts. The victim says ho dropped in to get two beers , and on leaving was followed by a chair , hurled at him apparautly by the bartender , Low Hawkins. Turnlmm stepped back to find out what it meant , when Haw kins sluirged him with u beer glass and lied. Tills is , of couisc , the victim's account of the affair , and ho professes to know no reason for the attack. Turuham was taken to the station uud the city surgeon called. The mun had bled profusely , but on being cleaned up only two small cuts were found , one on the head and the other over the right eye. They are not serious. Turuham has been in the penitentiary and the county jail , and it is hardly probable the n > sault would have been made without provocation. A little later Detective Dcmpscy was passing .Tauraul's restaurant at the corner of Capitol avenue and Eleventh street when n man pitched out of the door and almost into his arms. The officer caught the man with ono hand and felt it covered with blood. Several other men followed and were halted. The assaulting party , A. F. Bramble , was arrested , The injured man was Bdlv Ciladdeti , who drives n team for E. U. Woods' ex-press. Ho hud bad cuts on thu top of the head , at the side of the loft cyo nnd over the left cheek bone , which wcro dressed by the city physician , who hud just finished Turuham. The men had been drinking , and became embroiled In n dispute of which they do not give an intelligible ex planation. The testimony of a by-staudcr Is that Bramble hurled a beer glass ut Gladden with the result stutcd. FAMOUS IRISHMEN. Father McDonald Talks of the Schol ars and Soldiers Sent to Europe. A humlnxl persons heard Father McDon ald's lecture at Uoyd's opera house last even ing. The subject was "Tho Footprints of Eminent Irishmen on the Continent of Eu rope. " The speaker was accompanied to the stage by Dr. Murphy and T. J. Moriurty. After a couploof songs Mr. Moriurty intro duced the roveiend lecturer with a fu\v re marks couched "in a facetious vein. Father McDonald said his early lifo oc curred at a stirring timein.Irish history , and lie became an enthusiast for Erin's freedom. In his youth ho went to the continent to study , and ho traversed the country from Belgium to Komo. In his address ho men tioned many of the places ho had visited and spoke briolly of thu famous Irishmen who hud been connected with their history. The catalogue included scholars , soldiers und priests. This part of the address was pre faced by u Jeremiad u | > oii thu condition of the Irish race to-day , and followed by n fervid retoratlon upon the future. The address was interspersed with poetical quotations and evoked frequent applause , The speaker in terjected a number of Latin phrases , and uniformly spoke of thu Irish as the Gaels. THE ARMY L'XIIKR ARREST. Tlio Salvationist ! ) Attract Crowds and Refuse to "Move On. " The Salvation Army stopped on Fourteenth street between Farnum nnd Douglas last night for ono of their customary sticct ser vices. A crowd Immediately gathered , block ing up the walk. An officer ordered Uio Sal vationists to "movo on , " und on their refusal to do so ho arrested their leader , Captain Lewis Cudogau. The remainder of the party persisted In their uxorclces , und officers ar rested nil of them. Their names uro William T , Cioss , C. \ VOlcott , Cadet Thompson , Ed Thompson , James Chestnut , W. H. Pcckham , Oscar Anderson , J. H. Glussuiuu , Cadet Car- Ian , Nallia L'iwis , Sophia Joonson aud Chris- tluo Jcffvrson. The lust four , all women , were released on their reeotjnlzunco and the others were locked up. The Salvationists \voro followed to the sta tion by u crowd numbering hundicds , and during tbo evening several bauds of sympu- ihuers visited them , leaving with repeated promitoi of a "halleluiah breakfast. " The prisoner made the lull resound with salva tion songs and showed their forgiving nuture by praying f05. tietcetivo Cruisby , who was acting jailor for the night , Kngaueil. Saruh' KolhhoU to Moritz Golden ou Thurs day eve , Juno U , ISVs. both of Omaha. Now York jtul Chicago papers please copy , thC'Globo hotel , . UOUXI ) FOR O.VICAGO. Otnnlin nnd Nebraska Republicans Start F > r t tie Convention. It required nine Pullman coaches to ac. comodato the Nebraska contingent to the national republican convention at Chicago , which pulled out of the union depot at 0:00 : last night and headed for the Iowa side , where another car of enthusiasts was nlcKcd up and the train sped on over the Chicago , Milwaukee < fc St. Paul railroad. The first nine curs wcro occupied by the Omaha , Lin coln , Beatrice , Columbus , Schuylor and North Bend representatives , nnd there won ? a lurgo number of ladles and children in the party. During the day the local republicans kept open house at the Mlllard , and dis pensed lavishly refreshing punch , fra grant cigars and toothsome edibles. The visi tors during the early hours were composed chiefly of homo statesmen nnd politicians , who quietly talked the situation over and partook of the good things furnished. The many who called wcro divided as to their particular favorite for tlio presidency , but the sentiment wns chlclly of the Blulnc order , which was combuttcd later In the afternoon when O. II. HothncKor and Colonel Howard came m wearing upon the lapels of their coats the regulation Nebraska badge of white silk and silver tnsscl ornament , with the name of "John Sherman" written across the face of them. About this time Hon. George Mclklc- John , chairman of the republican state cen tral committee , put in an uppuaranco with the Columbus delegation , consisting of Gcorgo Bowinnn , George Bnrnhardt , AI. C. Blocdom , Charles Pcarsall , Jake Martin , Judge Post , W. M. Cornelius nnd Dr. Martin. Meiklejohn was pushed for nn expression us to his choice for president , nnd ho replied : "Whoever the convention In its wisdom thinks can win Is my choice. " Beyond this Mr. Meiklejohn refused to speak. The rest of the Columbus men wcro of the sumo mind ns Meiklejohn , but did not sectn to take very kindly V Sherman. A little later the Schuylcr nnd North Bend contingent showed up , the former being H. C. Hussell M. L. Weaver , A. J. Good , S. C. Webber , F. Falkncr , B. F. Arnold and W. H. Sutnner , nnd the Inttcr M. M. Huck nnd C. W. Hyatt , of the North Bond Flail. Being fatigued and In the last stages of drought from their journey the visitors struck up un acquaintance with the refreshments , to'whieh they did full justice. There was not a man amongtheiuthathnd much warmth for anyone outside of Blaine. nnd positively refused to succumb to the John Sherman in fluence brought to bear upon them. At n:30 : o'clock the halls of cheer and po litical activity were closed , and the dozen or moro who were already donned in dusters nnd their ecru shade high huts started fortho depot , where they were joined bv a largo party who hud prcceJed them from their homes. Among those who went on the train was noticeable Judge Groff , Councilmen Bai ley und Leo , John Butler , O. H. Uothacker , Colonel Howard , Frank Hanlon , H. S. Ervin , E. P. Davis. John L. Webster. . ! . E. McClure , George L. Stryker , C. C. Valentino , H. J. O'Donohue , Elmer D. Frank , Brad Slaugh ter , C. F. Goodman nnd others. About (5 ( o'clock the Lincoln and Beatrice delegations rolled into the depot , and then- two Pullman cars were attached to the Omaha train. The Lincoln car was filled witli state und county officials , and they wore iu a happy and musical mood. The sides of their car were decorated with banners bear ing the inscription : "Filled With Stalwart Republicans from Lincoln , Nob. , Bound for Chicayo to Nominate the Next President of the United States-Wo Pledge the Nominee 40,000 Majority in the State of Nebraska. " The Beatrice gentlemen were enthusiastic for Blamo. and displayed his naino on their car decoration , which read : "Beatrice , the Queen City of Nebraska. " As soon as their car stopped several enthusiasts alighted untt began sinking a song , the chorus of which was "We'll carry Jim IJlaino on our shoul ders from Nebraska to Maine. " They wcro interrupted u couple of times by some ono shouting "Three cheers for John Sherman. " There were no streamers or mottoes on the cars occupied by thu Omaha delegation , and this oversight wiu deplored greatly by those who noticed it. REPUIlT.Ic7vXS. Union Pacific. "THE OVERLAND ROUTE , " Will sell tlirouirh tickets at rate of one fare for the round trip , from points in Nebraska , nnd Kansas ) , to parties desir ing to attend tlio National Republican Convention to be held in Chicago June 19th. Tickets good going Juno Kith to 19th. a nil returning June 20th to 2.5th inclusive , with continuous passage only in cuch direction. A SURPRISED YOUXG MAN. Recovers From n Spree to Find Ilim- BClf Rol)1 > cd ol'an ileirloom. Among the "plain drunks" registered at the central station Saturday night was u young mnn well dressed mid having the gen eral appearance of u clerk. Ho gave ttio nauio of August Smith. When ho sobered up In the morning and was let out ho asked the jailor for his watch. "What watch i" asked the Jailor. "Why , tbo gold watch 1 had in my pookct when they locked ma up last night. " But the jailor had found no time piece ; Iu the search of the prisoner which ho always makes before locking him up , und It became evident that Smith had been robbed. Tlio young man had bcon drinking ut saloons on Cuiuing street , uud inunt have been relieved by some ono who noticed his watch and counted on his intoxication to make the theft safe. The hands of the watch are each set with two stones , and the piece is especially valuable to Smith for its nssociotious. It is nn heirloom that has been handed down to him , und ho feels his folly keenly. Smoke Soidenborg'ti Figaro and got tlio best o-cent cigar in the world. Max Meyer & Co. , wholesale depot. SOUTH OMAHA NEWS. Drowned in tlio Lake. The first drowning accident of the season occurred nt Syndicate lake yesterday after noon , nnd Thomas Owens lost his life whllo bathing. IIo wns a young mun of about twenty-seven , and came to the city about seven mouths upo , having been employed as a teamster ever since by Contractor H. H. Steward , who s ) > caks of him in the highest terms. Ho had gene to the lake from Stew ard's camp with several other graders , and on enteriug the wuter was apparently soi/ed with cramps , us ho suddenly disappeared before fore aid could bo rendered. The coroner was nt ouco notified and a search for the body commenced , but at u lute hour It had not been recovered , ' Sunday Lll'o In South Omaha. Sunday In South Omuhu was observed in the old time manner yesterday. The four chinches were well attended , but the worshippers - shippers wen ) few in comparison to the liun- drcds that putroul/ed the fifty-seven saloons of the city. The beer garden on Twenty- fourth street offered music und beer all day , nnd early in the morning the gun club started for Sarpy lake to picnic and to have their usual Sunday shoot. At the bull park 'tho homo team and their visitors measured their strength , and up at Burk's ball court , rivals from North and South Omaha displayed their skill ut hand ball. But it was down in the crowded part of the city that the "fun" was liveliest , uud the streets black with those who fought umong themselves , mid then joined the police in the hunt for the offenders The first row was a political one. In which n copy of the Irish World was produced. Somuouo culled it a scab pai > er und hot words followed , finally ending In the arrest of Jim Howard by Constable Eddy. He was at ouco bailed out , mid the crowd loft the jail to witness an other arrest near the corner of N and Twen ty-seventh streets. This time it was Billy Gold win , u bartender , who visited u saloon in which ho had formerly been employed. For seine reason ho was ejected , uud on reaching the sidewalk was arrested. IIo wns followed to the jail by his friends , anxious to procure bail , and the crowd reached Twonty- blxth street just in titnu to sea the wlud-up of n general light in front of the lowu hotel. How it started no ono seemed to know , but nn Iiinocout bj > ectator named A , H. llarkus was ijoveicly cut about tho. head. The of fenders struck- through the alleys uud lanes , and thcnco over the hill on Twenty-fifth street , closely followed by Marshal MpCracken aud Officer Anderson , > vlio wcro aided iu the cbaso by spnio huud- Continental Clothing House , To the "Wholesale and Retail Trade of tlie West. The opportunity of a lifetime for casli buy * ers throughout the west. Extraordinary closing sale. Unapproachable bargains to close the season in every department. Our limited spnco prevents 113 tncn- ninl trimmed in first class manner an Knee P.ant Suits , embracing three dif Uonlngtbut very few of tlio bargain lota perfect lilting. Wo offer this lot to ferent styles , which wo have marked at olTercd'biit wo guarantee from now un close tit the unheard of price of $ ! ) .60. the extraordinarily low price of $2.50 to til July 4th , greater bargains in fine Remember this lot is nil in double close. Sires from 4 to 14 years. Send llciuly-Mtulo Clothing , Fur-nibbing breasted Sack Suits. for sample suit. You will bo bettor Goods , Hats nml Caps , than wore over pleased with them than tiuytning wo before quoted by any firm in the cloth have shown you at this price before. ing business in tlio west. No old goods Lot 3050. Wo offer 100 suits , which Lot 2311 and 2839. Boys' Long Pant nt any price. The goods offered to you will positively bo tno last of this lot of Suits. Wp offer in this lot which em nt this sale are all now , made up within the celebrated Sawyer Woolen Co's braces two styles. Boys' strictly all the last ninety days. goodl of which we have sold hundreds wool cassimers sack suits , coat , panls during the last two months. Wo offer mid vest , in dark and medium colors READ THE LIST , SEE THE PRICES 100 of the neatest styles of those famous for boys from 10 to 14 years of ago. This It will amply repay the expenses of a goods to close at the remarkably low suit was made to sell at 810 but wo wish trip to Omaha by any man , woman or price of 81'J. This suit is retailed by to reduce our stock of them immediate child wanting $10 worth of clothing. every house in the country at $18. Wo ly and offer them at this sale to eloso As specimens of the different bargain ha've never offered a bargain that has for only SO per suit. Every garment is lots compriheU in this lot , wo mention a given such universal batisfaction as this warranted strictly all wool now fresh few as follows , with a guarantee that suit. All sizes at the same price 812. goods. Remember the price $0. the small number specially mentioned are no more attractive or desirable bar GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS DE gains than hundreds of others tel > o Lot 3. We offer 600 pairs best fancy PARTMENT. found in every dejf.irlmont of our estab Cassimere Pantaloons , goods that wore In this department wo announce the lishment during this sale. made to boll for i7.5 ( ) and $8.this season. sale of 300 dozen Gents' Fancy Shirts. Goods made by the Globe Woolen Co. , This entire lot was manufactured ex Lot 4187. On Monday wo will place on Rock Manufacturing Co. , Ilocknnuni pressly for this season's trade , we hnvo our counters 400 plain black pure till Mill , 13roadbrook Mills , and other man a largo stock of them on hand and offer wool imported Whipcord Suits in full ufacturers of equal reputation. They them nt 60 per cent less than the over weights , suitable for use in this climate are in regular sizes , and as nice styles age price to close them out. All now ten months of the year. These suits are as wo have in our stock at any price. Wo patte.tns , most desirable styles , fust absolutely now , fresh from the work find that we hove a surplus of these fine colors , perfect fitting and perfectly shop , and never shown on our counters goods and wo do not wish to carry them made in every respect , regular prices before. Suits made up in the very lat over , and have consequently made the which wore from $1 to $1.75. Thisenti est st.ylo 4 button cutaway frock , which uniform price of $5 per pair for the en lot in nil sizes from 14 to 1(1 ( and 4 neck wo offer in all sixes from 35 to 41. Wo tire lino. Thobo goods are of the very wo offer at 75 cents each. Order for half shall odor this frock suit atS15 per suit. best workmanship , and equal to any S10 dozen lots no less. We have not another word to sav about custom pantaloons. Price during this Parties at a distance ordering these this lot , excepting this , that we have closing sale will bo $ . lots will please give us size of collar bold precisely the same suit over since o. worn and tills is all that is necessary in our btore was opened for $ 22 , and never order to got a perfect fit. less. In our Boys' and Children's department Men's Half IIoso 75 cents per pair. Wo less.Lot Lot 3o38. We offer 160 Mons' Double ment we offer tin EXTRAORDINARY offer 850 dozen of Men's Fancy Half Urcasted Sack Suits , regular sixes from line of bargain , .particularly in Short IIoso at 75 cents per dozen to close. 35 to 3.3of the celebrated Slater Flannel Pant Suits. Our space will not permit Regular $1.50 goods to bo sold only in till wool and guaranteed full indigo. of our enumerating the different bar dozen lots at the remarkably low price Goods made by the celebrated Slater gains in this doiurtmont , however , wo of 75 cents per dozen , in sizes from 0 to Woolen Co. , of Webster , Mass. Made : will mention one , a lot of 250 Boys' Sample suits of any of thesr ? lota will'tie ' sent C. O. D. with the privilege of examination to any address in Nebraska , Iowa t Colorado , Kansas , AVyommg , Dakota and Montana. OMBOSATON Freeland , ' Loomis & Co. NEW YORK _ . , - DES MOINES Proprietors ] Corner Douglas and 15tli Sts. , Omalia , Neb. Largest Olotlimg House West of the Mississippi River , SLUGGISH Corrected LIVER ! UK MORNING USE OF TARRANT'S BOWELS SELTZER APERIENT reds of people who had nothing else to do. It was exciting , nnd in the excitement yio prisoners made thuir cscapo , although three inuii were afterwards put unilcr arrest for the nsbnult. It was ulso rumored thnt an other man hud his arm broken in p. saloon fight near the truck. No particulars could ho obtained. linuril ol" Trade ? The board of trade directors met again on Saturday night , and considerable business was transacted. The special committee , consisting of Messrs. Edtferton , Heiithcr and Levy , that hud been appointed to act in con junction with the city assessor , reported progress and announced tholr intention of being present at the board of cquiilU.ilinn now in session , and of preventing , il possi ble , any reduction in the assessment. The county commissioners are at work on the Twenty-fourth street grade , and art ) making the additional llfty foot cut near Q street. The committee charged with dis tributing the illustrated edition of the Hoof and Horn , reported progress , and asked members to Iniiid in the names of those to whom they wished it scut. The committee that had visited the city council to urge a speedy voting of bonds for city improve ments said they had been received courteously but the council seemed to DO bowewhut dilatory. They will bo on hand to worry the council again next Monday night. Postmaster 'Cockcnll thought the city was entitled to a free delivery , but wanted the council to see that side-wains were put down on the principal streets , and he and Judge Hcuthcr were appointed a .committee to present a petition. A committee was ap pointed to act in conjunction with the Knights of Labor in connection with the 1th of .Inly celebration , and the meeting ii''Jounicil. Notes About the City. Sunday receipts were light at the yards , .only thirteen cars of hogs and two of cattle being reiwrted. The ball game between the Jotter & Young and J. J. Harden teams resulted in favor of the visitors with a score of 12 to ( i , Hughes of the home club making a homo HIM. Twcnty-llvo cars of cattle went cast over the H , & M. josterday. Bishop O'Connor visited St. Bridget's church yesterday , and administered the sacrament and performed the rite of con firmation to a largo number of children. Saturday night the committee appointed by the city council met to confer with the Knights of Labor regarding the -Ith of July celebration. A letter was read from the Hov. Father Moriarity. asking that they unite with the parishers of St. Apnes In the street parade that they will hnvo on that day , and it was decided unanimously to join forces. Among the societies that intend to take part will ho the A. O. II. , the Kmmet guards , the ( Jrcightoii guards and the Catho lic Knights of America. Messrs , O'Kourko , KntTcrty , Jioukal , MadUon and Fleming wcro apHintcd | u committee of arrangements and will meet Tuesday night. The dummy will now stop at the Q street crossing , going east , if flagged tor pas- sengciK. Sunday traffic ) between North and South Omaha is increasing , and yesterday the trains had au extra p.issengor coach added. Absolutely Pure. . Tula powder never v rjes. A marvel of purity , strength uud wlmleioini-iicbs. .Mora economic than the ordinary kinds , and cannot bo Bold in competition with the luultltudu ( jf low tent.aliort weight ulum or phoaphuto poxvdt-rs. SoM inilu in cam. IttivAi. HAKIM ! l'oiiKl < Co. , 1W Wall St. , Now Vorlf. PEEBLESS DYES Arc I bo ItKhT. NERVES ! NERVES ! ! What terrible visions this little word brings before the eyes of the nervous. Headache , Neuralgia , Indigestion , Sleeplessness , Nervous Prostration , All stare them in the face , Vet nil these nervous troubles can be cured by using For The Nervous The Debilitated The Aged. THIS GREAT NERVE TON/0 Also contains the best remedies for diseased con < ditlcr. of the Kidneys , Liverand Ulood , which Mwa\s accompany nerve troubles. It Is a Nerve Tonic , an Alterative , a Laxative , anil a Diuretic. That is why it CURES WHEN OTHERS FAIL. $1.0,1 a EloUle. Send for full particulars WELLS , RICHARDSON & CO. Proprietors , BURLINGTON. VT. EXHAUSTED VITALITY rpnE SCIEXCI : OP urn , the * great .Medical Work of tbo npatui Manhood , Nervous and * Physical Debility , Premature Decline , Errors of Youth , auJ ttiemitold miscrlcsconsciucnf tlicrcon , COO paces 8vo , 125 prescriptions for nil diseases. . Cloth , full Kilt , only $ t.W , _ bj' mall , scaled , Illustrative sample frco to all young nnd middle aged men. Send now , Tuo Gold and Jeclkil .Mcilftl awarded to the author by tbo Na tional Medical Association. Address P. 0. box 1695 , llofton , Mass , or Dr. W. II. PAHICEilrrnd ( uatoof HanardJIedlcalColleKe.aSycarb'i'factlce ' In Jlostoiivlio may hu consulted couddeutluliy Specialty , Diseases of Mail. Ofilcu No. 4 L'uldacu st. MAX MEYER & BUO. l | Western ARPIUH for ( 'bickering , Knalie , Voso tun ) Ilalir llros. I'iiiiios ; story A , l lark Organs. A VK\V HOICK iri"r. : Meaning I'liiuoH mill Organs but little used whidi will lie Mild thin week ut the lolluw ilia leduced prices and terms : 1 Knabo Square , cost jfl'JO , for 1 Decker llrof , Hnuiiro ( Jrnnti co it UN ) , for K J LUOO 10.0U 1 llrndliury Btiuuiu , co.it JIW , tor t\M \ 15.W ( 1U.OO 1 1.1' . llHloSfjuare , co-.t HT5. foriri. . . . 15.00 10.00 1 Btuililitrtl Hiiinxic , cost i'u : > , fur Jim 10.00 6.00 1 imorhcn. : < imiri' , n BjileiHllil barsiiln , cot.1 J."M fir.H ) . . 10.00 6.00 1 llallett liuviH Hiiuuri } ( it-ami , co&t ftlVi , for & 1J5. . . 23.0J 15.00 1 MuiblmllVcuilul Uprlcht costKUO , for175 . . . . . . . . . 15.00 10.00 1 WimlMir I'lirlght , cost } .WJ , forJIM . . . . T. . . 15.0U 10.00 1fr 0.lgau. : . . . . . $ . : : 10.00 n.oo "Jot , " . ' . . . . . : ' 10.00 a.oo 1 Mofion A ; Hiimiln Organ , costiiV ) . for jm 10.00 &m Conii ) eaily mul take your pick. llrlUB this ad. with you to avoid mistakes. MAX flIHYKIl & IHIO , , Corner Kitli and Fnriiuin Hts. S , K. FELTON & , CO. , Water Works CootiviDte And Mnuufactureiu' Agents for * WATER WORKS SUPPLIES , Of oil descriptions. Hydraulic Engines , Surveys. Dc- i tail Plans and. Specifications. Furnished on Short Notice. Correspondence Solicited. Office , tag's ' Builuiui , Foarlli Floor , OMAHA , NEBRASKA , Who \VKAK , NF.I1VOCH. I > F.HM.ITA- TKI > .wholnhlsFOI.IVnni1iaiVOnANCC Has TBin.KO away big VlOOltof BODY , 113FID and 9JAMUOOUcausingcxhnustluc drali.a upon the FOUNTAIKH of LIFE , HEADACHE , HACJIAOHE , Orendfu ! Drenmi. WEAMNliSS of Memory , UASJI. FUI.NF.NS In HOCIKTV. I'lM iES upon the FAC , and nil ttio EFFECTS leading to EAUIY I > F.CAY and pcrhapt CONNUMP. TION or ENSAXITY , ihould consult nt once the CKI.CnR.VTEn Dr. Clarke , Kstabllnhcd IBM. I'r. Ctartia has made NESIVOUN HE. nil.ITV. rESMONIO and all DUcatcs of Uie < JEMTO URIXAHY OrRanu e. Ufa A'udy. It make NO difference WHAT you buve tali en or WI < IO has fulled to cure you. O9-VEjfflALKSimfrerinRfromdlseacei pecu liar to tholrioi can consult with the assurance of speedy rollof and cure. Send 2 cents postage for works on your diseases. "a-flend 4 cents pottage for Cclehrntrd WorkH on 4'tirontr , NorToiiN and Doll- cnlo Diseases. Consultation , personally or by latter , free- . Consult the olti Doctor. fClionniuicIs cnrocl. OfDcrw and iiorlora prirnto. aa-Thoso contemplating' Marriage u nd for Dr. Clnrkc'H celebrated RuUIa Elitlo and Femulc. each lie. , both V5c. ( stamps ) . Hofoiu confiding your case , consult Dr. CB.AHKE. A friendly letter or call may lave future hullcringand shame , and cdd Eolden years to llfo.JBrBook "K.lfe'i * ( Secrel ) Er rors , " 50c. ( stamps ) . Medicine and writing sent everywhere , fccuro from cspotiurc. Hours , 8 to 8 : Sundays , 9 tn 12. Address , F. D. OLABKB , M. D. oaiOAno. ILL. Itomarkable for powerful sympa- Thetlc tony , tillable action and ab- 5oiutB auriibTllty. ! IJ yeara record. the bflst Kimrnuteopf the excel- Toilto oFtnese Instrument : ) . Certified Checks , Payable at Sight on the Piigct Sound National Bank Given as Security for Money Invested. To tlioso cleMrom of buying property on time , wo nfli-Hliu tollnwlHK Wunlllulloir Irmii 3 months to fi yc n > ' llimi. iicconllnn to thu Iniul > ou H'lrtt. WuflmrKO nulllinr iiriMiilum nur Interest on time liniments , and will iilvn > ou \vnrrniity ctccil.'u IiHYulotiifttW.'iOuiid < l.thnt aruwltlilmirHdltis tifonunnd K liulf mlliM uf tlio poht'Olllcc. Wen * qnlrti only 1U per cent HS uu eurnt' > t money ami wo will ulvccorimi'il check lor the full uniniiril nl I'iciti nixl uvfrj Mitw < | li ( > iit rnjrmunt 'I hecln'CklnliuwM liy ihn I'ui'ct Sound NiiUoniil hunk uniUi > inato | > ny. nuluut Hluht unit you can draw your iiioni'y Htuny tlmullioiiidi by podding juii forfeit yuur lit-ht * to ( turcliiiiiulunil. MHko ynur InroiiiH , no mult * rliow mmll.eimi KiiiiotlilMir Trunrt'ontlnciitiilrullrnnda lire liuulliiK IIT Heattlr. and iniuiuliirlurlniil"tl < > iir. iHhtnir. iii'iiviHl rimuncrro Islii u tlntuul mlmlun. Hal | ir < > ur i < i < ) ii. Tlio dully tiiiii | < i urn Illli-d lth Ucniint 'iriiiMr cnli > riirleiK. CiiMn inrfiind lmr e ciiri.circletfi-uttlo , Aililri'fh COOK .V AIOOIIJ : , Who Imvo Iliu I.AHUKh'l' PIIOI'KUTV l.lbT III SEATTLE , W , T. Thu IttrKuiit , lattcrt und tlnutl In the world l'a eniier nccoiuniudutlons uucn cllcil. .Vuw YorktuUlu > icu\vvliil < uaUandcrrv t'lllCAFSIA. . . . .Ir.VEZld AXniOIIIA Jl'I.Y llth Fl'IINLSMA. JI'.NK llll lt.MINIA ) . . .Ifl.V'Jlil KTIIIIII'IA. . . . .ll'l.l 7tb CIIICAhnIA . . .Jl'I.Y Itotll NEW Vuiih 10 l.ivi.iii'cidi. VIA gi'i BNOTOWN. TbaCuk-hruted | l irirest and llnest ! ' I Jui.v Iltli HH-ntmlilii kcnvci Meuiner In Al'O. ( til CI'J'V 01-HMi : | thoWuiM. it-cpt. Mil Huloi-n - IIIUBUVU to Olni ow , Dcrry. Liverpool , llelfnd cir yiii'ondcmn , J.VJUIH ! upwurdu per ( ilur(0 | > T Me.liu- cri. dilnml uimnrdii lor Citvul Itomu. Scdind-clu.a tM. lieturn lfckci utriduel mtcniiidanmllublo lor eltlu-r ruutii. nnvrlnu uiuur > lonliit I'm ' Drlvlluve < il KH'HiK the. North nndKouth of Ireland , the Hlvur * Mt'uu > and picturcHguti Cldo ttt'criii. " ! * ' . Ancliur J.luu drutu I'Uyntilu irt-o of c-haiKu. tulii ut loneit. rates. I or boos of touri , tU kem or further informa tion iipuly to HE1IDER01T BROS , , 72 La Sails St. , Chicijo. Or to any ol our I'/c.il at'tiiu , 35f. . ir-firii ; . . , v.- d. Ou nuiitatha "calr on lalbouorldiniDcraUnK a conllcuoiu KlttlHa d > uaaiutM I , Scientist , Powerful. Durable , Ld BflecllTii , Aiold rr ud . jI SH inSbWfotliii.T ! ( " ' ouulfiBClA"i'H. ' .Ds. liURKE. luvEHrca. isi WABASH AV& . CHIOAOO. JUillCIQUS AND PERSISTENT Atlvurtlslug 1m * alwuyu p-oveu successful , ilefoio I'lacluirany Newspuper AdvprtHInK * on * LORD & THOMAS , CIIJCACO * IVE you buy one of our nobby Spring Suits in Worsted , fine Ouisimore , or Scotch Cheviots , in nil the popular colors and styles. Real bargains that cannot fail to bo appreciated by the discerning. W o are uwuro that iif- ixi'KNsivi : goods are largely adver tised thitf season,1 but all of them cannot stand the _ Qtcst of eloso in spection. Wo ask our customers to examine our stock , and thus satisfy theni-clvcs of its quality and our veracity. Do notlmi/ ( inn more " /'oor Jtnbbr.i * JIosc , " but jwf your inoncu In "Spiral" Cotton Hose , ; chMtncr nntl belter than the best rubber hose. Mailo on tlm wirim prluelplo ns the rubber- Inoil ho o ubeil In I'lro Departments which last ; The cotton iluck used In nil rubber hose draws inutiT , whtroMT exposed , nsn wick nbsorbs oil. nnd beltiK coiillui'il by rubber iieneratcs a KUlphmous PIH. iiuleklv destroying the bent rub ber lin'-o. The "Spiral" hose. InivliiR no nutRlda covering to liiipi-lsnu thu mor.sttiru. xviu , imv 1'uy < > nly that which him one n-d Hue runnliiK tlinuiBli It. and which Is branded "Spiral , " patented March IlJtli , 1BW. If your dealer dues not Imvo It In block , let him Sample nialldl to any address ford cents BOSTON WOVEN HOSE CO. , Sole Manufacturers , 234 Devonshire Street , Boston , Muss. 223 Lake Street , Chicago. A Concentrated Liquid Extract of MALT and HOPS. Mds JljcKtlon , Cure * nu/tpeiwlH , Mrciiuthttm the Hu lemr Kct > to\'cs Sound , Itefrcshlmi ' f feen. 1'rlcclcnn to Xttraliiy Mothers. BccommcnilGdliy Eminent Physicians For Sale. 1I \ H DrnfiuMsaml Jtlch Dt'tiu Co , , Ifholciitla Dmy * 21.828,850 Tansill's ' Punch Cigars wcro ehlriiofl during the paafi two youru , without a drum , iiuriu our tun iilov. KootLer IUIUBO In tun wnrld can truth * fully mKn ucli a uliowim. Ono luiont ( dealer uulyl waulwt Iu ouch tuwu. .W.TANSILL&C0..55 . State St. FOUNTAIN CUT AND InCornpeu-ably the Bait