Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 18, 1888, Page 5, Image 5

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    .Si OMAHA DAILY BEE : .MONDAY , JUNE 18 , 188&
News From all Over for the Drum
AnKoclnflon llylaws UelCRfitcs
to tlio CotiTontlon A Drummer
Tnkcti Down Tlio Onmlin
BOJ-B Bainplo Oasc Notes.
Amnndctt Bylaws.
TuolioarJof directors of the Commercial
Travelers Indemnity nnd ftoltcf association ,
Consisting of William Corbett , W. P. Hnch-
tnunn nnd W. H. Ultchle , linvo submitted
nmondmcnts to the by-laws of that organiza
tion so they will read , In substance , as
follows : Article 2 , section 1 , ns amended
allows any man of good moral character
under the ago of forty-five , nnd traveling
' north of the 33th degree of north latitude , to
tie a member of the association.
Sections two , three mid four sot forth that
} he board of directors must pass on applica
tions for membership ; that applicants must
submit a doctor's ' certificate , and that they
Jiiust pay a membership fee of $3 nnd advance
52 for tlio first assessment.
Section 3 , of nrtlclo 4 , after defining the
duties of Rucrctary , further sets forth that
It shall be his further duty to make , prepare
nnd fllo with the Insurance coinmhsionor nu
nnnual report at sucli tlmo and in such form
as is prescribed by chapter 1S4 of the laws of
the state of Minnesota for the year 1SS5 ,
tinder which wo are incorporated. The
* portion further defines his duty ns treasurer
of the association.
Article 4 , section 4 , prescribes the duties
of the members of the board of directors as
to admitting members , allowing douth losses ,
palling meetings and transacting nil tbo ex
ecutive business of the organization. .
There wus an addition made to nrtlclo 4 ,
pection 8 , giving the board of directors ou-
Jliorlty to accept resignations and fill ofllclul
vacancies by appointment.
i Tlio followiug was substituted for section 1
pf article 5 :
' Art. 5 , sec. 1. All applications for member
ship shall bo in writing , consistent with arti
cle 2 , and in the manner nnd form to bo pro-
ecrlbcd by the board of directors. Certifi
cates of membership shall issue signed by
i , Iho president and secretary , to all applicants
Ifj fvlioso applications shall hnvo been accepted
! J > y the board of directors. No applicant for
nicmbcrshlp shall bo entitled to any benefits
pr deemed a member of the association until
Ills application shall Imvo been accepted by
fho board of directors ami a membership cer
tificate ordered issued thcrcOn.
! Section 4 of article 5 was stricken out and
1 Rrtielo 0 was amended in substance as felt -
t lows : That any member who has forfeited
Jila membership by reason of the iion-pay-
cnont of an assessment may bo reinstated by
Iho board of directors.
Section 1 of article 5 was changed t.o road
ns follows : The annual meeting of the nsso-
Jblatlon shall bo held each year in the city of
{ Minneapolis , Minn. , on the Dili of July , ox-
rcpt when Sunday or lognl holiday , then on
\lio day following.
Section 7 of article 13 was made to read as
follows : No mombcr of the association is
entitled to benefits from this association un
less' totally disabled and unfit for business
] for n period of twenty-eight days , then ho is
pntltlcd to benefits Ironi the date when his
Blcitncss began.
Commercial Trnvnlors' Convention.
All the arrangements have been completed
for the sixth nnnual convention of the Trav
elers' Protective association to bo hold in
Minneapolis beginning to-morrow. The Chicago
cage , St. Paul & Kansas City railway and the
Wisconsin Central railway have made the
low rate of $7.50 from Chicago to Minnesota
nud return and will each run a special train
through by daylight , leaving Chicago about
7 o'clock a. in. on to-dny. A committee from
jtho Minnesota division will meet these trains
{ Upon arrival , Tlio Minneapolis hotels are
Kflrst-ciass in every particular and will do all
| } n their power to make visitors comfortable
jnnJ the time spent in their midst one of
pleasure. The leading hotels have made the
following special rates : West hotel , $2.50 to
' . BU.50 per day : NIcollot house , ? 2. GO per day
\VIndsor hotel , $2 per day ; St. James liotol ,
S3 per day. . Tno business meetings of the
convention will bo held at the People's thea
ter , and the headquarters of the national o fil
ters and board of directors will bo located
pt the West hotel. The general feeling is
that the Chicago convention may detract
from the meeting , but a largo attendance Is
already assured from the reports that have
come in nnd from tlio requests for rooms at
the hotels. The convention will moot and
organize to-morrow.
Crushed n Drummer.
A Chicago drummer balanced his chin on
the edge of the scat in front of him , says a
writer in the Detroit Post , and tickled a
Bandy-haired passenger's oar with the re
mark :
"You've been in Chicago , of course 1"
"Whore ? "
"Chicago , "
An uncertain look came into the sandy-
lialrcd man's eyes.
"Lot me see , " ho mused retrospectively ;
' "pears to mo I must , have passed through
there. I've traveled u coed deal , I know 1'vo
lieard of the name before. What line of road
is it on I"
"Lino of road. Why , it's the biggest rail-
j-oad center on earth. "
"Not blggcr'n Crcstino , Ohio , is ill" asked
> e the passenger with an amused expression.
j I've seen four trains to once at Crcstine ,
[ ; waitln' to start off. Is Chicago a place where
The trains Rtop for dinner ! "
' "Nuw , " said the disgusted drummer ; "Chi
cage is a place whcro the passengers btop for
, tliiinor , " j
| "Of course , that's what I meant , " explained
I the rcd-lmlrod man gently. "Fact Is , " ho
f , . went on with confidential frankness , " 1'vd
, ti traveled so much and been in so many differ-
t cut places in my life that I don't pretend to
1 , remember moro'nuciuartcr of 'cm. What's
the name of the hotel In Chicago I'1
"Thnro isn't ' any , " said ttio di-umnier ,
Then ho walked forward to the filter , filled
, Ills mouth full of water , gargled his throat ,
whooshed the liquid on the fiuormid hung bis
leg over the corner of the coal box ,
"Who Is that evil-eyed , pink-haired , lumpy-
legged , prairie-earned microbe at tlio other
cud of tlio cart" no usked of the conductor ,
who was passing through the train.
"Do you moan that gentleman looking out
of the window I1 *
' Yu'os. "
"Ho's a llsh merchant from St. Louis. "
Tlio Problem Holvt-cl.
Tlio following problem was sent to TUT
DKU fromGrnid | island mid published tlio
ttu ) Instant without nn answer :
1'laaso decide the following for three trav
eling men who ore soimnvlmt mixed over a
mathematical proposition. When visiting
the Grand Island races Thursday three of the
boys pooled thulr issues and took with
HID pool box to the amount of Ml. 50 , Of this
amount A put In ( HT.nO , I ) , $15 , and U , JO.
They won $25.20 , or tS.-lOearh. After deducting -
ing their winning what do H and O ewe A to
nuilio good their third of Iho original amouut , I
Mr. Grant Wvatt , of Hoclc Port , Mo. , sub
mits the following answer ;
The answer to the problem , which by the
way Is not plainly stated , is. If A tako.s all
the winnings , A owes 1 } $2.00 and ( J owes A
$3.10 , If each takes $140 of tun winnings , U
owes A $5.50 and O owes A Ill.uO.
Delegates to niimicnpollti.
At a meeting held in St. Louis recently to
appoint delegates to represent Missouri in
the Traveling Men's convention to bo held
there this week the following gentlemen
were chosen ! George S. McGraw ( of Gcorgo
D , Harnord & Co. ) , president ; G. P. Gross
( of tlio Kansas City Hardware company ) ,
vice-president ; John T , Noilson ( of Harga-
dine , MciClttrick &Co. ) , secretary and treas
urer , J. P , Gross and C. W. Brown ( of
Jlrown Bros. ) , Kansas City ; J. O. Wilkinson
( of Hargndino , McKittridt & Co. ) , J , W.
Good bay ( of Goodbar.Whltq & Co. ) , Thomas
I. ( of the It U. Patterson Stationary
sornpany ) and B. A. . Shelby ( of Brown.
Da gluday & Co , ) were elected directors.
Ituohara Trevor , of Hareadino , McKUtnck
& Co. , and George S , McGraw were chosen
dclocntcs to the national convention , with R.
H , Cox , of HnrRBdlnc , McKlttrlck & Co. ,
nnd H. C. Johnston , of Brown , Doughaday
A ; Co. , ns alternates. The out-going presi
dent , T , J. Daniel , will servo as n delcgato-
Tlio salary of the secretary of the Missouri
ntato association has been fixed at foO per
month for tlio coming year.
Oiiialm'fl Humlny Guests.
Commercial travelers invaded tbo city in
largo numbers yesterday , and disported
themselves as their particular tastes suited.
The Paxton arrivals were : I. Schwarz ,
Glovcrsvillo , N. Y. ; M. Howley , New York ;
Walter Abbo , Now York ; C. S. Bntidorf ,
Now York ; W , B. Atwatcr. Now York : E.
Haldoway. St. Louis ; G. D. Colston , New
York ; U. H. Blumbaugh , Qulncy ; L. N. nnd
mil.JIIIIUKU x.jt v laiiur. uruun luvur ; Mr *
S. M. Beau , Chicago ; It. D. Brown , No-
braskn ; J. H. Matthews , St. Louis ;
Theodore Scott , .Detroit ; Gcorso W. Fouko ,
Tc.xork.ina , Tex. ; W. H. Borstow , Crete ; J.
H. Burnott , Hannibal , Mo. ; S. H. Kaiin ,
Chicago ; Lornn Clarke , Albion ; E. W.
Hursh , Ilock Island ; Gcorgo D. Tyler nnd
H. W. Nosers , Chicago ; S. M. Reynolds and
wife , Bedford. Pa. ; Charles E. Hansom and
a W. White , St. Paul : D. D. Howlnnd , Do-
trolt ; E. F. Emdln , Chlcaco ; W. T. Bourke ,
Chicago ; J. S. Hurrick , Sioux City ; Paul D.
Gahaii , Jr. , ChicagojHcnry Fre.v , Now York ;
L. B. Cox , Chicago ; Sol Levy , Plottsmouth ;
J. A.Lydor , Chicago ; N. W. Baldwin , Chi'
cnfro ; Thomas Price , Bennett ; C. S. Mullcr ,
Boston ; A. A. Lcavevrinp , Mondota , 111. ;
J. H. L. Eager , Boston ; T. M. Sacket , Al
bion ; B. Goldsmith , New York ; J. H. Ban-
nerson , St. Louis ; S. Honlly , Chicago ; B.
Ulchnrds , St. Joseph ; W. J. Anderson , New
York ; Thomas Wiseman , Lawrence , Kan. ;
Kobort H. Denglcr , New York ; W. A.
Newell , Now York ; B. H. Picard , Now
York ; Thomas J , Swan , Choycnno ; John
Honuldson , St. Louis ; J. T. Gumbrlcl , Chicago
cage ; B. Ulchards , St. Joseph ; T , H. Green ,
Now York.
The following named registered at the Millard -
lard : W. M. Cosnahnn , New York ; A. M.
Gregory , Chicago ; H. R Fair bunk , West-
chcstcr , Pa. ; M. B. Kobcrts , Now York ; O.
A. Holm. Chicago ; C. E. Vuil , Kansas City ;
W. C. Klmbafi , Now York ; W. D. Hold ,
Now York ; A. E. Stilwcll , Kansas City ; J.
C. Cambum , Chicago ; Ed. N. Welch. Boston ,
Moss. ; A. M. Lyncnuiti. Milwaukee , Wls. ;
J. H. ICentnon , St. Louis , Mo. ; George D.
Orput , Chicago ; J. W. Digglcs , Chicago ; H.
. .T. Mautz , Chicago ; C. F. Blackman ,
Chicago ; H. 1C Finsloy , Chicago ;
Charles Hcldman , Baltimore , Md. ; A. Mar-
" \ Bain , Pough-
Chicago ; II. A.
_ . , s Adams , Now
York ; C. I. Mingle , Heading , Pa. ; J. E.
Bourke , Chicago ; E. Ettins , Now York ; C.
VV. Woodward , New York : F. Goodrich ,
Conn ; C. W. Peck , Chicago ; II. J. Luce , New
York ; J. C. Uichardson , St. Louis , Mo. ;
Charles Pratt. Chicago ; W. M. Cnrnalmn.
New York ; J. E. Spaieut , Now York ; F. M.
Savage , Clnciunati ; F. H. Ginncs , Chicago ;
D. H. Lowcnstcin , St. Louis , Mo. ;
James G. Chcovor , Massachusetts ; B. B.
Brady , Massachusetts ; D. W. Pugh , Now
YorkP ; , W. Bossurt , Kansas City , Mo. ; J.
H. Spring , Now York ; William Leo , Boston ,
Mass. ; L. Rosen fold , New York ; Victor
Lcngfeld , St. Louis , Mo. ; W. B. Furr , St.
Louis : A. D. Grain , Chicago ; Charles Ru-
perti , Chicago ; C. A. Lammors , St. Louis ;
Bon Borgpcld , New York ; C. C. Farrington ,
Chicago ; J. M. Reeves , New York ; Steve
Smith , Chicago ; H. C. Black , Dayton , O. ; F.
Wicklmin , Boston ; C. F. Robbins , Indian
apolis , Ind. ; A. A. Srhuttc , St. Louis , Mo.
Among the Omaha Men.
R. E. Watzko was soiling sugar and rice
along the Union Pacific last week.
G. W. Tracy , of M. E. Smith & Co. , wnj
billed for the house Saturday night.
W. H. Allen was along the line of tlio B. &
M. this last week with dry goods samples.
C. H. O'Brien was selling dry goods for
M. E. Smith & Co. last week in the western
George S. Games was nt hla regular work
last week looking of tor Paxton & Gallagher's
W. W. Pinch was looking out for Paxton
& Gallagher's prune trade at Central City
last week.
J. B' Beall was selling calico on the west
ern part of the B. & M. last week for M. E.
Smith & Co.
F. D. Morroll was out on his regular trip
last week talking Omaha groceries until ho
wus hot nnd tired every night.
J. M. Slusher was along the line of the B.
& M. last week with his grocery grip. Ho
talks of going north until after dog days.
M. C. Jones , of Paxton & Gallagher , was
doing Ills regular work last week. Ho said
hisjgrip was too heavy for the hot weather.
Harry Lodor was soon along the line of the
Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri Valley rail
way lust week selling Omaha dry goods. Ho
had a big run in fans.
D. M. Ersklno was soiling Omaha groceries
from his St. Paul run last week. Ho is
pretty close to the convention this week and
will likely call on the boys.
Isaac Hill talks of going into the ice bus !
ness for the summer season. Ho says ho
will continue to take orders in groceries ,
however , as long as his trudo is good.
W. B. Lamls , who sells Omaha groceries
from Ashland , finds time to write THE BBK
once in awhile about the happenings in his
territory. Ho can sell groceries , too.
Mr. John C. Fctzer. a representative of the
popular Parlin , Orcndorff & Martin company
of this city , mode a successful four days run
last week , making eight towns and doing
good business.
Mr. J. J. Buchanan , an old newspaper man ,
hut nt present having charge of the Nebraska
collection accounts of EnicrsonTolcolt& Co. ,
wus In the city Friday lust. Ho is now doing
the line of the Union Pacific for his company.
J. F. Ferguson spent week before last ' 'in
the house" getting posted. Ho put in ills
solid tlmo lust week selling groceries on the
Grand Island branch of the B. & M. Ho sur
prised the housq witli orders for two car
loads for Broken Bow.
One of Uio oldest , best known and popular
of Omaha's traveling .salesmen is the genial
William F. Manning , representing Emerson
Talcott & Co. , of liockford. 111. Mr. Man
ning has been a resident of the city for nine
teen yeart ) , nnd 1ms u delightful homo near
Hatiscom Park.
W. D. Burgess , formerly of Al McDonald
& Co. , of St. Joe , made his first trip on the
road last week for M. E. Smith & Co. Ho
will work territory along the western nnd of
the Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri Valley
railway in Nebraska. . Ho has'n good reputa
tion among the men and la said to bo a rustler
with u sample cue.
A Now Organization.
The Kansas division T. P. A. , says the
Merchant Traveler , is a thing of the past
and in Its stead has sprung up the Kansas
Travelers' Association , a state organization
which aims nt the betterment socially , finan
chilly and otlicnviso of the commercial men
of that stato. It aims at no chimerical target -
got such us controlling the railroads nnd ho
tcU and correcting all the abuses under the
sun to which traveling men are subject. In
fact they lire modest in thulr aspirations and
conservative In tliolr utterances. They hnvo
had the benefit of the example sot all such
bodies by the National association und they
have learned how great a noise can accom
pany so little achievement. In the light of
tills oxumpla it is to bo hoped the Kansas
association may fird its way to the actual ac
complishment of soinu real benefit to the
fiatcrmty ,
Two Oinnlm Boy * .
The Dcadwood Times of Friday contained
the following : J , R. Halalip , representing
W , A. Wilson & Co. , cigara , Omaha , one of
the most widely Known and successful men
on tho'road , is at the Keystone for a day or
two , with a Hue of samples includidg forty
different brands , all of the Wilson manufac
ture. Ho is accompanied by a brother , J. N.
Halsllp , representing Tuunur & Joy. manu
facturers of hats and cap * , Omaha. The lat
ter visits us for the first time , but ho assures
us it will not bo the last. Appreciating the
value of the Black Hilli trade , ho would
have some of It , anil is handsomely equipped
for competition.
Tried to HulcUlo.
The following appeared in last Wednes
days BKE as a special telegram from Sioux
City ; Irvin G. Rhoads , of Omaha , a travel
ing man for the DCS Moines tank line com'
pany , attempted to commit sulddo hero to
day ut i.oon. He was found 1) lug in some
shrubbery ucar the packing houses bleeding
11 Foot more liijht , a step more tme ,
< > JVe'cr/itHH the health-Jlower duskal the deity"
Is the daintiest of all in appearance nnd is as it looks uncquatcd for delicate
work ; hut it is just as effective for harsher uses.
The exquisite purity of this
Makes it hilly at home in rough or pcntle company. WHITE CLOUD is
foj'nd on the toilet table , in the bath-room , in the laundry , in foundries ,
mines , and mills everywhere , and everywhere warmly wc'comc.
freely from gashes made in his breast by a
broken bottle. When the officers came he
resisted but was captured. Ho refuses to
say anything , but is evidently demented. Mr.
Rhoads has not been heard from since this
sad occurrence took place. , *
Drummer Notes.
Chester's Retail Grocer's association will
celebrate its first anniversary on the 21st in
stant , and expects to have a good time.
Charles T. Conwuy , the soap manufnc >
turor , left this city last week on nn extended
business trip to England and the continent.
Mr. Morris Silvorstone , who is inclined to
pose as a candidate for secretary , admits that
ho is responsible for the § 20,000 fable pub-
lishcd in the Louisville Courier Journal. '
John V. Plaherty writes from Salt Lake
City that ho sees so few Omaha men in that
country that they look old and strange when
they get there. Ho feels that ho is a great
ways from Omaha.
E. E. Allen , representing Janney & An
drews lias been nominated for the legisla
ture from Blairsvillo , Pa. , his home. He is
on the republican ticket , and hosts of his
friends In the Travelers' association wish him
First Vice President M. J. Pickering , of
the national T. P. A. , has written a very
complimentary letter to J. C. Van Pelt ,
chairman of the railroad committee of the
Kentucky division , congratulating him upon
his efforts for the welfare and interests of
his fellow travelers.
E. M. Hayne. aged fifty years , a resident
of Oxford , N. Y. , died suddenly a few days
ago at tne St , Charles hotel , Third street ,
below Arch. Deceased , who wus sup
posed to bo a traveling salesman , and hud
been a frequent guest of the house , was
about partaking of his supper , when ho rose
from his scat and wont Into a toilet room ,
being apparently taken suddenly 111.
Leon Apolant , a drummer , traveling for
tlio wholesale jewelry house of Pluelzcr
Bros. & Co. , of Philadelphia , died suddenly
in Cincinnati of heart disease n few days ago.
He was at the depot waiting to leave on the
10 o'clock train for St. Louis , when ho was
taken violently ill just as the cars ho was to
KO on whistled. Ho wus removed to the
liotol and died shortly afterward.
The commercial travelers and merchants
of Baltimore have organized u club and
named It the Commercial Association of Bal
timore C ty. They have n new throe-story
building , which is equipped throughout in
perfect Btylo und good tusto. A stock com
pany bus been formed and the SCO shares
have all been bought up by the merchants ,
thus placing the club in n good financial con-
ilitlon. J. C. Sintering is president ; S. R.
Trcgallis , vice president ; F. A. Kurt/ , sec
retary , and R. W. Cater , jr. , treasurer.
Clinging to Uio Imnt.
The virus of rhoumatibin often ro-
ivmiiiB in the sy.stem through lifo , \vhon
it does not cut the thread of uxibtciicq
suddenly , ns it is always liable to do by
nttacking the heart. Kre the grip of
this tonucious tightens , it should
bo unloosed hy Unit bonoficioiit liberator
from disease , Jlostettor'a Stomach Bitters -
tors , which will free the Btitlarcr at the
outbet from subsequent pain and dungoi1.
No purer or more ; igroofiblo blood del -
l > urent oxibts , us multitudes of the
rheumatic neuralgic imvo iiscertaiued
by certified experience. It is through
u medium of the regular action of the
kidneys nnd bladder that mt outlet is
afforded for the escape of impurities
which begot not only rheumatic , but
gouty ailments and dropsical effusions.
To these organs tlio Bitters gives an im
pulse , never verging on the bound of
irritation , but butticiontly vigorous to
cause them and the bowels to perform
their functions with clouk-liko precis
ion. Use it also for dyspepsia , bilious ,
ness , fever and ague and debility.
Shetland pony for sale by George A.
Kcelino , Council Bluffs.
Stop at the Globe hotel.
Books with leaves of vollirm wore in
vented by Attalus , king of Portugal ,
about 108 D. C. , at which time books
wore in volumes or rolls.
Indiscretions in cutintrand drinkiny
often cause serious troubles which mug
bo prevented or removed by TAUUANT'S
Stop at the Glebe hotel.
Francis. Duke of Lorraine , who had
married Maria Theresa in 173(5 ( , was
oloctcd emperor of Austria in 1745.
The silk glow of the tea rose is ac
quired by ladies who use Pozzoui'j Com
plexion i'owdor. Try it.
Dr. McGrow , kidney , Rectal , & priv
ate disease . ICoaia 13 , Bush man block
A most intelligent southern gentle
man wears n , string of amber beards
about his nock to prevent asthmatic at
tacks , and anolhoi ; a necklace of coral
to avert an apoplcc\\e \ seizure.
A Seieutillu JB3iicfucU > r.
If a benefactor bo one who "mokes
two blades of grass row where but one
grow before , ' ' ho certainly is a benefac
tor who makes one hour do the service
of live or six. And this is precisely
what Professor" A " Loisotlo , 237 Fifth
Avo. , Now York , does witli his marvel
ous system of memory development. He
makes bad memories good and good
ones better. He is a scientific benefac
tor. Write for his prospectus.
The chances for health and long lifo
of a puny child are thought to bo im
proved by boring a hole in a tree , put
ting a lock of the child's hair in the
hole and plugging it up.
John Gowguo , a printer , published at
London , in 1443 , the earliest English
treatise on bookkeeping.
Wm. Black , Abingdon , Iowa , was
cured of cancer of the eye by Dr. Jones'
Red Clover Tonic , which cures all blood
disorders and diseases of the btomach ,
liver and kidneys. The host tonic and
appcti/.or known. 50 cents. Goodman
Drug company.
In Durham an eel's skin , worn as a
garter around the nuked leg , is con
sidered a provontutivu of cramp , while
in Northumberland it is esteemed the
best bandage for a sprained limb.
Edward , the Black Prince , the eldest
son of Edward III , was born June 15 ,
1I5SO , aud'diod June 8,1370.
Nipped in tlio Bu < K
Is it not bettor to nip Consumption ,
the greatest scourge of humanity , in
the bud , than to try to stay its progress
on the brink of the grave. A few doses
of California's most useful production ,
SANTA ABIE , the king of Consump
tion , will relieve , and a thorough treat
ment will cure. Nasal Catarrh , too of
ten tlio forerunner of consumption , can
bo cured by CALIFORNIA CAT-R-
CUR10. These remedies are sold and
fully warranted by Goodman Drug Co. ,
ntl , or throe for S2.CO.
When you oomo to. Omaha stop at the
Glebe , the best located S2-a-day hotel
in town. Between .13th und llth streets
on Douglas. _
"Galileo constructed a telescope in
1GOU , and discovered Jupiter's fautolitos
January 8 , 1010. '
Clans are said to have arisen in Scot
land during tlio reign of King Malcomb
II , about 1008.
K 1 * * "
Us superior excellence proven In raiUions of
nomen for more tiiaii u quarter of u century. It
is ussd liy tbe United stutea ( Jovermnnt. Kn.
ilorsotl by thu heaiU of Iho great unlvemltles ua
the strongist. purest ami moat healthful. Dr.
1'rtces Cream lJaklngl'o > vdwdoea not contain
ammonia , lliutt or alum , riolcl only In cans ,
. I'HICK IIAK1NU 1'UWUKlt ( X > . .
new 1 ort. Chicago. St. Loul * .
A visit to our second floor where we keep our Summer Clothing , will
convince you that we are selling more light Coats and Vests.than prob
ably all the clothiers in town together. The reason is simply because
we sell them at about one-half the price. We did not brag half enough
about them last week. Every customer admits that this Summer
G-oods Sale is without -parallel. . Those Flannel and Seersucker
Coat and Vests we sell at 75c , are going off rapidly. The patterns
are so nice , and they fit so well , one could not be duplicated in any
clothing house in the city for less than double the money. Merchants
from the interior send for these goods as they are far cheaper than
they can buy them in the wholesale market , but we refuse to sell them
in quantities , as we only cater for retail trade.
In addition to tlio bargains offered last week , and tlio sale bf which will bo continued
this week , until all are closed out , wo make today one of the choicest offerings of the
season , in an extra fine coat and vest , made of genuine French ilannel , in exquisite pat
terns. These goods were gotten up for the very finest trade and are usually only handled
by the finest houses in large cities , who ask from $8 to $10 for such a coat and vest At
the price wo own them , wo can afford to sell them for $4 ; one half of their real value.
We only have a limited quantity of them.
In Mens' Summer Underwear , we carry the largest line in the city and buy only from
the manufacturers , which places our prices below all competition.
Mens' No via Gauze Shirts at 15c each.
Ealbriggan Shirts .and Drawers , at 25c each.
Fine Balbriggan Shirts , with French neck and finished seams and patent drawers , at
35c each. These goods are usually sold at GOc.
Natural wool summer Shirts and Drawers at 35c.
Fine Jean Drawers , with reinforced seats at 40c.
In our hat department wo offer this week , a largo lot of good cloth summer Hats , in
nice light colors and latest shapes , at 50c. These are usually sold by all hat stores at $1.
One Price Only. No Deviation.
Corner I4th and Douglas Streets. Omaha , ' t
Kaally rtlgnstcd ; of the flneit flavor. A hearty
hoverntjo for a Htroni ; npputltoj n clollcnte drink
for the sensitive. Thorout-nry tested ; nutritious ;
l > alutul > le : unexcelled In purity ; nn unpleasant
after elTccts. Requires no bolllnfr.
In tie realm of dlst&ia the facts of la.
baritones are molt numerous and are dally
accumulating , naif. , ala they become ur.
rible , fateful nnd oTenihalnilns. No f ct of
nature Li raoro pregnant with awful mean
ing tlian tlio fact ot the Inheritance of
dkoace. It meet , tbe physician on his daily
rounds , puralyilng his art and filling him
with dismay. Th. lf > send of the ancient
Greeks pictures the Furlos as pursuing
families from generation to generation ,
rendering them desoltte. Yne Furlcx still
ply their worli of terror and death , but they
re not now clothed la tbe garb of supersti
tion , but appear In the more IntelllglbU but
DO lets awful form of hereditary Jlsoato.
.Modern science , which has Illuminated so
many dark corners of nature , has shed
new light on tbo ominous words of th *
Scriptures , "Tbo sins of thg fathers shall bo
Ylslud upon the children unto the third and
fourth generation. " Instances of hereditary
disease abound. Hfty | > er cent , ot coses ot
consumption , that f part ul destroyer of fami
lies , of cancer and scrofula , run In families
through Inheritance. Insanity U hereditary
In a marknd drgree , but , fortunately , Ilk.
many other hereditary diseases , tends to
voar Itself out , the stock becoming extinct.
A distinguished scientist truly sajs : "Ka
organ or texture of the body Is exempt from
the chnnco of being the subject of hereditary
disease. " Probably more chronlo diseases ,
which portuanently modify tbo structure
and functions of the body , ore more or less
liable to be Inherited. Tlio Important nnd
for-reaclilng practical deductions from such
facts-affecting so powerfully the happiness
of Individuals and families and tbe collective
welfare of tbo nation are obTlous to refloa
ting minds , and the best means for pre < ent >
Ing or curing these diseases Is a subject of
Intense Interest to all. Fortunately nature
has provided a remedy , which experience
has attested as Infalllhl * , and the remudy It
the world famous Sniffs Specific , a pure
vegetable compound nature's antidote for
all blood jiolions. To the afflicted It Is A
blessing of Inestimable value. An Intnrrat *
Ing treatise on "Blood and Skin Disease. "
will be mailed free by addressing
Tux Bwirr Srxciria Co. ,
Drawer S. Atlanta , da.
ItB mala lines and branches Include CHICAGO ,
and Bcaroa of Intermediate cltlao. Choice of
rout.a to ana from th * Faclflo Const. All trans-
fen In Union depots. Fast trains of Fins Day
Coaches , elezant Dining Can. mag-nUlceni Pull
man Palace Blecpen , and ( between Chlcaao. Bt
Joseph , Atchlsou , &nd Kansas City ) Kocllnlna
Chair Con , Bsata Free , to colder , of through
Chicago , Kansas & Nebraska R'y
"Great Rock leland Route. "
Extends Weat nnd Southwest from Kansas OH ?
and Bt. Joseph to NELSON. UOHTON , . BELLE
UUTCIHNSON , CALDWELL , and all points la
and beyond. Entire passenger equipment of th.
celebrated Pullman manufacture. All Bursty ap
pliances and modem Improvements.
The Famous Albert Lon Route
I. the favorite between Chicago , Bock Island.
AtcnUon. Kansas City and Minneapolis and St.
Paul Its Watertawn broach traverses the great
of Northern Iowa , Bouthwaatern Minnesota , and
East Central Dakota to WaterUrvrn , Spirit Lnko ,
Bloaz rolls and many other town , and cities.
The Short Un. via Beooca and TT.nVnVee offers
superior facllltlo. to travel toood from Indian
apolis. Cincinnati and other Southern points.
for Ticket * . Map. , SVldurg. or dssireci Informa
tion , apply ut any Coupon Tlcfcet Ottlcu or address
Santa Abie : and : Cat-R-Cure
For Siilo by
Goodman Drug Go ,
Bed Bugs , Roaches , Ants , Fleas
And uuy other Insects , use
Infallible Insect Powder ,
Also contracts tftfcon for clenn-
IHK hotels , hospitals nnd private residences Irom
vermin. Satisfaction Kiinrantend or no pay.
1'rlnUpul Duiiot 410 South lath Street.
"Tlic Overland Iloulc. "
Has so arranged its Family Sleeping Cat
service , that berths can now be reserved
upon application by any ticket agent to M.
J. Grcevy , Passtnger Agent , Council Blull'n ,
Iowa. The reservations when made are
turned over to the train conductors taking
out euch cars , so that passengers can now
secure berths ordered , the fame as a Pull
man berth is reserved and secured.
J , H. TKUHKT8 , B. It. IjOAIAX.
0 en. 1' . & T. A gont. AWt 0.1' . i ; T. A.
Big G hniElrrn tinlm *
sal satisfaction In the
euro of ( lonorrho'a and
Gleet. 1 prescribe It and
loci sate In recommend *
lug It to all sufferers.
a.J.STOXKli , M.D. ,
Decslur , III.
Irrti Bold by
NOB. 3O3-4O4-I70-6O4.
Tnld Up Cupilul $250,000
Surplus 50,000
U. W. YATK * . President.
LKliH. . ItKEii , Vice President.
A. li. ToL'ZAi.if.Siid vl * l're IUent.
W. II 8. Iluunt-i , Cushlo
niiitcioiia :
W , V. MOUSE. JoiiNti. COLLINS ,
H. W. VATES. Uitvis S. HEED ,
Banking Olllco-
Corner J2th und Farnam SU.
A General Hmikluf Ilu liiu Transacted
Are I bo IIEftT.
OF run
Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y ' ,
The Best Route from Omaha and Council
BliifTs to
- = = THE EAST = s = = = -
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
St. Fault Minneapolis , Cedar Rapldi ,
Kock Island , Frccport , Rockford ,
Clinton , Dubuquc , Darcnport
Elgin , Madison , Jnncsvlllc ,
Bololt , TYinonn , La Crossc ,
And all other Important points Kast , Korthiost ana
For through tickets call on tbe ticket ngrnt nt 1M1
Farnam street , In Barker Ulocr , or at Union t'aciat
1'ullmsn Sleeper * and tbe finest Dlntni ? Cars Into *
world are ran on tbe main line of tbo Chlcafeo , lul
waukue A Hi. raul Itallway. nod every utUiDtlosits
paid to passengers by courteous employes tl to *
U. MILLRR , flcneral Manager. .
J. F. TUCKCIl , Asslttant uennril Manager ,
A. V. U. CAUl'KNTKlt. Uonorul raasencer ana
Tlrkct Agent.
QKO. K.UBAFFOIID , Assistant General i
anil Ticket Agent.
J. T. CfiAKlt , Ooncrnl Superintendent.
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago ,
The only road to tnko for Ioi MoInoi.MnrsliaHowsi
( 'oiiiir Unplils , Clinton , DUrm , CliUaini. .Mllnnukee
und nil points Unit. TothuiiooiiloofA't'br.iaku , Cole
rado. Wjmnlnv. lUnh , lilnhr ) . Noviidu. Ori > tton , Wush-
InKton unit California , It oilers superior advantages
not poMlblu liyuny ( dliorllno.
Among u few of iho numerous points of snpnrlorltr
( njojrpd by Dm patrons of this rimil between omuha
nnd Chicago. io It * tliroi ) triilns n tiny of 11AV
COACHUrl. which nro tlm finest that hnniiin art un-1
Ingenuity ciinrrcutu. Its I'AI.AOISI.KKI'l.NOCA111 ,
nhtrh nro niodoU of rnmfort and rlujmnco. Its I'AH
IXIlt DKAWINU 1IDOM CAIIS. uruurpnmed br un <
nnd Its wlilcly Lulnbriitrdl'AliA'1'IAIi IllMMl OAIU
thucquntof which c.innot Ito funnel uNcurhuru. A
Council IlluITi , thntntlnn of tlm Union I'licUto IK |
way connuct In union depot with tlMno of tbe Cb
rituoA Nortliwontcrn Hy. In Clilcaaci tlm trulnH .
thl < line muko clostt connoctlon with thoio of A
otlier ICuuti.Tii llnin.
h'lir llotrnlt , ( > liimbus. InUliiiinnnlls , Clnclnns
Nluuoru Kulls , Ilnrfitlo. I'llUlniri ; , Torontu , Montiun
lloitcm , NIIW York , I'lilluilpliililu , lluliliunru , Was'
Inuton , uu J all pulnU In tlio Uuit. Ask fur tickets \
I1U |
If you whh the bckt itcoummou'ation. All ticket
nnoiilH "oil tickets vlu this Mil" .
ll.HI'Ullirr. 15. J' . W1I.HON.
( iua'l .MunuKor. Uou'l l'u 'r A ent.
cinoAno , n.i. " .
\V. N. UAUVM'.K , I.Vn'l WiisUrn Airrnt.
I ) . K. KIMIIAI.I..TII kia A ont
0. K. WKrl'l1 , City I'aiimitf
1101 Farnnm Bt , Omaha , Mob.
To liuvo your frlcndi conio to
As Kastern lines 111 tutll tlukvta nnd nm
Union Pacific
"Tlm OvorlniHl lEoulu. "
tlntll.Itily I , ISd1 * . tickets Mild ftr lie ! oxcur-
Blnns will bti ( jood tlnrtjr iluys for tlm rouud
trip und can be used tun cliij'H w > lni ; . NVlfii iinr-
c huJtbrti urn ready lo return , tlicwi tlcjiotx will bo
coed Mvo duyo for Iliat If ] iuruliasor.i
wish to ntoi ) ( .hort of diMtlnutlon un imr Hues ,
UKi'iilH will Hturnp ticket ! ! coed 1" n > tuni from
S. Oun. 1' . AT. ; Afiont.
. .
D.5 Ji0 > uvx .j , _ , , ti. a
E.T.Allen , M. D. ,
Homoeopathic Specialist ,
Hpsctaclta Accurateljr i'ttscrlLscl.
ir. j. _
Surgeon and Physician ,
Office N W Cujnur JUbiirJ Jhju&jUsSt & , OHiea
teluplionc. ii4 ; Uoaldunce tulepliom. Mj.
weakness , unnatural IQMHM , lui-k of atrenvtu ;
vlicor or development , cauoed by indlscretloa.
excesses , etc. ruluaUf touts nt IfaltJiSnt.