Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 17, 1888, Part II, Image 9
PART II. THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE , PAGES , 9- : I I SEVENTEENTH YEAE. OMAHA SUNDAY MORNING , JUNE 17 , 1S88.-SIXTEEN PAGES. NUMBER 305 LACE CURTAINS from NOTTINGHAM LACE CURTAINS. .Direct importation of fine Nottingham lace curtains from Beeston , Nottingham , England. We place this magnificent lot of curtains on special sale Mon day ; and not only are these curtains much better value than any yet sold by us , but we will give away free with every pair up to $5 a five foot cherry , ebony or ash curtain pole with 10 brass rings and brass ends. With all curtains from $5 up f we will free a brass pole with rings and ends. Come Monday and see some of the prettiest and choicest curtains made. Nottingham lace curtains 3yds long , full taped , at 85c , worth $1,35 ; With every pair we give a pole with brass trim mings free. Nottingham lace curtains 3 * yds long , full taped at $1.50 , worth $2.25. Pole with brass trimmings giv en free. Nottingham lace cur tains , 3j yds long , full taped , elegant patterns , at $2.25 , worth $3,25. A pole with trimmings given with every pair. Not tingham lace curtains , 3 yds long , new patterns , full "aped , nt $2,75 , worth $4. With every pair of curtains we give a pole and trimmings free. Nottingham ham lace curtains , > 1A V 5 long , at $3 , worth $4.25. Pole and trimmings free. Nottingham ham lace curtains at $3.25 , worth $4.50. A pole and trim mings given free with every pair. Nottingham lace curtains at $4.25 , worth $6. Nottingham lace curtains at $4.50 , worth $6. With every pair we give a pole ancl trimmings free. Nottingham ham lace curtains , in beautiful Brussels patterns , at $5. A brass pole with handsome trim mings given away with every pair. Nottingham lace cur- taihs at $6 , worth -$8.50. A brass pole ami-trimmings given free. Nottingham lace cur tains at $6.50 , worth $9. A pole with trimmings giv en free with every pair. Not tingham lace curtains at $7.50 , worth $10. A brass pole and trimmings free. Nottingham lace curtains at $8 , regular price is $10.50. A pole and trimmings free with every pair. Nottingham lace curtains at $9.50 , and $10.50 , worth $13.50. With every pair a brass pole and trimmings given free. MADRAS CURTAINS. Madras curtains at $1.57 , worth $2.50. Madras curtains at $3.50 , worth $5. Madras curtains at $6 , worth $8.50. Maddras curtains at $7.50 worth $10. With every pair we give a pole ancl trimmings. IRISH POINT CURTAINS. With every pair we give a brass pole and trimmings free. Irish Point curtains at $7.50 worth $10. Irish Point cur tains at $10 , worth $12.50. Irish Point curtains at $ 12.50 , worth $17.50. Irish Point curtains at $15 , worth $20. Irish Point curtains at $16.50 , worth $22.50. Irish Point curtain at $20 , worth $25. TAMBOUR CURTAINS. Tambour lace curtains at $7oO , worth $10. Tambour lace curtains at $10 , worth $15. Tambour lace curtains at $12.50 worth $17.50. Tambour -lace curtains at $15 , worth $20. With every pair we give a brass pole and trimmings free. SILK CURTAINS. Silk curtains at $10 worth $15. Silk curtains at $18 that others sell for $25.Silk cur tains at $20 , worth $27.50. Odd pairs of scrim curtains with cluney lace at $6 , worth $10. MAIL ORDERS. Our facilities for -filling all orders for goods sent us by mail is unsurpassed , and out of town customers who favor us with their orders receive prompt ancl careful attention. N. B. FALCONER. WHITE EMB. ROBES. In Boxes. 200 White Swiss Embroid ered Robes , with 9 yds of em broidery , at $5 ; they arc worth from $7 to $10. 200 Emb. Striped Sateen Robes in boxes , 13 yds of striped sateen , 41 yds of wide and 4j yds of narrow embroidery , at $5 each , they are worth $12. 100 Striped Mull Embroidery robes in boxes , 10 yds of striped mull , 4 yds of all over em broidered mull , 40 inches wide and 41/2 yds of narrow em broidery ; none worth less than $15. Monday's price $6.50. Mail orders promptly filled. DRESS GOODS For Warm | Weather. j Ecru lace checks , India Linen checks in cream figured and striped India linens all at IDC , reduced from 25c and 35c. As this is only a small lot and they are redicuously cheap , we only sell 14 yds to each custo mer. WHITE INDIA MULL. 32-inch white India Mull that is worth 2oc , we will rush them out at Sc per yard , not more than 14 yards to any customer. White India Mull 32 inch wide , at ice ; the regular price for this quality of mull is 25c , not more than 14 yds to each cus tomer. 5O-inch cream mull , an elegant quality at 2oc worth 4oc. 50 inch cream India mull at 25c , worth 5oc. 5O-inch light blue India Mull , worth 650 per yard ; on Monday the price is 17 ° ; limit to each customer , 14 yards. Egyptian [ Dimity in cream , pink , blue and garnet at 25c , reduced from 45C- BLACK CHECKED OR GANDY. We show a big line of fine black Organdies , in. new checks ancl plain , at 25c ; regular price 35C. VICTORIA LAWNS. We offer on Monday 2 great bargains in Victoria Lawns at Sj c and i2j c , reduced from i5c and 2oc. CHECKED NAINSOOKS. French Nainsook , in a splen did line of checks , at 12 i-2c , worth 17 i-2c. French Nain seek in checks , at 150 , worth 2OC. . INDIA LINONS SPECIAL At 17 i-2c we will show a line of India Linens equal to anything sold by others at 25c. At 2oc we offer a very fine lot of Sheer India Linens that oth er stores sell at 35c. Printed Checked Nainsook at loc , re duced from 2oc. Mail orders carefully filled. CREAM WOOL DRESS GOODS. 4O-inch all wool cream albatross tress at 5oc , worth 75C. 4O-inch all wool cream albatross cloth at 6oc , worth Soc. 42-inch cream albatross cloth tit 65c , worth . albatross SSG. 42-inch cream batross cloth at 75c , worth $ i. cream French Serge , 40 inches wide , at 85C , worth $1.25. Cream French Serge at 95C , worth $1.25. We also show a full line of cream Tennis suit ing , 46 inches "wide ; cream silk warp Henriettas , cream silk warp Claiijdtte cloth , just the proper thing for warm weather. Mail orders carefully and promptly filled , SUMMER ! CORSETS. A new lot-of Summer Cor sets at 6QC,1 regular price 95c. At $1.25 we show the finest Summer" Corsets made ; they are well worth $1:75 , APRONS. $ _ Ladies' Lawn Aprons at 25c , worth ' 4oc. Ladies' Lawn Aprons trimmed all round with embroidery at soc , worth 45c. Ladies' choice Styles in Aprons at soc , 75c , $1.00 , $1.25 , $1,75 and up to 5.00 each. WHITE LAWN SUITS. Special numbers of Ladies' White Lawn Dresses to be sold cheap on Monday. These arc the greatest bargains of the season and now is the time that customers can appreciate a nice cool White Lawn Suit. Note the prices. $3.75--Ladies' white lawn Suit , full pleated Skirt , belted waist , at $3.75 , worth $5.00. $6.75 White Suit with full trimmed Skirt heavily trimmed with embroidery with Basque Waist , at 6,75 , worth $9.00. $9.50 Special value in solid embroidered White Suit , full draped Skirt Basque waist of solid embroidery. Dressing SACQUES , Special. On Monday we place on our counters 8 dozen Ladies' fine White Dressing Sacques at $1.00 each ; this is one of the best lots we have been able to secure this season. We will also show choice lines at $1.50 , $2.00 , $2.25 , $3.00 , $3.25 and $4.00. Mail orders filled promptly. Children's WHITE DRESSES Our line of Children's White Dresses is very complete in all ages from 4 to 12 years ; we make special mention of a num ber at $1.25 for 4 years. A Gretchen Dress full pleated waist with a rise of 25c persize. Also a very cheap line of Chil dren's Wash Gingham Suits ; ages 2 to 10 years in several different styles. SILKS. 10 pieces black S rah very heavy , 79cworth $1.00. 8 pieces black Surah 21 inches wide an elegant Surah to-make up with black Lace at 890 , worth $1.25. 20 pieces colored Surahsa.t 62C , regular price 890. Mail orders promptly filled. COTTON NECKTIES. Men's printed pique Scarfs at 35C per dozen , worth 5oc. Men's printed pique Scarfs at 5oc per dozen , worth 75C. Printed Lawn Scarfs 7 I-2C , worth ice. French pique Scarfs IOG , worth i5c. French pique Scarfs 12 i-a'f worth 17 I-2C. Odd lots of men's silk Tics at 250 and 75c ; this is a special bargain. MEN'S HALF HOSE. Odd lots of men's balbriggan fancy stripes , British. Men's solid colored ingrain half hose at 250 , reduced from 350. MEN'S SUMMER UNDER WEAR. Men's balbriggan shirts at 25c , worth 35c. Men's angola shirts and drawers at 39Cworth , 6oc. Men's mixed balbriggan shirts and drawers at socworth 75c. Men's French balbrig gan shirts and drawers at 750 , worth $1.00. SPECIAL Men's French balbriggan shirts and drawers light weight very fine at 950 , worth $1.75. Men's LAUNDR'D SHIRTS. SPECIAL ! SPECIAL ! Men's laundriecl shirts , plait ed bosoms , at $1.00 , reduced from $1.75. Men's laundried shirts , fine plaited bosoms , at $1 13 , reduced from $1.75. Jean drawers , in large sizes only , at 6oc , reduced from $1.00. VERY SPECIAL. Ladies' silk plaited hose in colors reduced from $ i .00. Odd lots of children French ribbed cotton hose at 35c , reduced from 6oc. Ladies' fancy lisle hose at 45c , reduced from $1.00 and $1.25. Ladies' C. & G. French lisle hose in tans , only at 65c , reduced from $1.25. 100 dozen misses' black cotton hose full regular made , sizes 5 to 6 1-2 , at 2oc. Sizes 7 to 8 1-2 at 25c , worth 45 to 5OC. LADIES' HOSIERY. 100 dozen ladies' black cot- con hose , full regular made at i5c , regular price 25c. 100 dozen ladies' full regular made cotton hose at 12 i-2c , worth 2oc. 100 dozen ladies' full reuglar made cotton hose in assorted tans and drabs at 1c regular price 250. Ladies' black cotton hose , split feet , at 190 , worth 400. Ladies' black cotton hose , split feet , at 250 , regular 500 stocking. LISLE HOSE. Ladies' black brilliant lisle hose , double heels and toes , at 39C , regular price 750. Ladies' silk plaited hose in all staple and evening shades % at 75C , regular prjce $1.50. This is one of the best bargains we show at this sale. Ladies' brilliant lisle hose in solid colors - ors and stripes at 49C , worth 95C. LINEN LAP ROBES. One hundred clezen all linen lap robes at 42cwould be cheap at 75c. Fancy all linen lap robes at 750 , worth" $1.25. Fancy all linen lap robes , ele gant damask , hunting designs at $1.00 , worth $1.75. Mailer ders carefully and promptly filled. SWISS FLOUNCING. 42-inch Swiss flouncings at 75c. 42-inch Swiss flouncings at $1.00 , worth $1.26. 42-inch Swiss flouncings in elegant patterns , special value 'at $ i.25 , worth $1.75. 42inchSwiss fiouncings new patterns , won derful value at $1.35 , worth $2. 42-inch Swiss flouncings at $1.65 , worth $2.25. 42-inch Swiss flouncings at $2.oo\vortb BLACK LACE FLOUNC- ING. SPECIAL. 42-inch black Spanish gui pure flouncings at $2.5o , would be good value at $3-5o. 42 inchsilk black Chantilly lace flouncings , $ i.5o , worth $2. 42 inch all silk black Chantilly lace flouncings at $2.26 , worth $3- $3A BARGAIN. 42-inch black Chantilly lace flouncings at $3 , worth $4.25. MAIL ORDERS FILLED' . Orders by mail always re. prompt and careful attention. INT. 33 . * > MBH B DEADWOOD'S ' TIN ORE BELT , Recent Valuable Discoveries in the Black Hills. BIRD'S EYE VIEW OF RAPID CITY. From tlio "O .to City" Through the GulcticH mid Gorjicn ol'tliu Hills Tlic Hctiiilt of Ten Vonrn of Prospecting. Wcaltli ol'Dnkntn. RAriD CITY , Juno 10. [ Correspond ence ) of TiiiBni5. RtipidClty is located in tlio foothills , tit n point whore a nar row g < ip opens into the mountain dis trict. There in u peculiar fitness about this position , and it seems to ho u natural ono from which to view the country. I do not mean by this that it is elevated above tlio rest , but rather that the varieties of scenery and resour ces are illustrated by what is apparent/ to the observer. The city is on a crook which bears the same name , and which is a ( loop mountain stream , whose chan nel is not only nov'or dry , but even in the sun-glnro of summer is hardly less vohiinlnous than in spring. It is Rapid crook which through many by-gone ages has worn the gap before which tlio city stands , which la donoininntod the "Gate Clty"/6f the hills. To the west of Uapid City are the mountains and to the east are the prni- rles. All the rivers of the hills comedown down to the plains through canyons and gulches , 'inil tlio plains form a peculiar topography. They are tables , or high lands and bottoms , or lowlands. As the streams emerge from the mountains they pas the rugged foothills and then they How in between the tables. As tnoy go down to mingle with the Mls- Bouri their valleys widen and present wonderful luxuriance. Such is Rapid valley. Thoothorbtroams have valleys us fair , but you will not see their rich ness as you como in from the east , bo- cuuto tiic railroad pusses through the most barren country of all. The val ley aru rich and many line farms nro there. The tables , too , I ntn informed , ( ire suhceptible of cultivation , and have olready become heavy producers. Great herds of cattle , heavy yields of wheat , barley , oats mid vegetables are the etnplos produced , and all lind a near mpvkct in the mountains. Now , turn to the west. Tlicro the mineral productions attract the cupidity of capital and the desires of industry. In treating of fauch u subject as mineral one should be careful , for there is ate to enthusiasm on the part of the miner , and a disposition to bo in credulous on the part of the listener. TJio ores of the Black Hills have not generally favored the elTorts of labor. They are seemingly ° rieh. but as they did not give up their riches when treated by old-timo processes they got roundly cursed , aud'were in most cases thrown aside as worthless. Rut in spite of the many whose expectations wove not met with success , a , few persistent and patient men continued to experi ment. For twelve years these experi ments have been going on , during which time tlio Ilomcstnkc mines have been the only gold producers. Hut the Honiestako was free milling , and it was only after the expenditure of great cap ital that it was made to pay. NoVfrom the paying Iloinostako mine , which is situated at Lead Cityabout three miles from Dead wood , at the northern end of the IIlllH.there is said by geologists and experts to bo a bolt of ore running in a southerly direction for n distance- lifty miles. I understand that the ores of this belt are all refractory except in certain places , where , on the surface , at least , they are free milling. Bui even where they are free milling great de velopment work had to be done to ren der the gold available in paying quan tities. Such work has been going on for ton years now , and the frflo-mill- ing gold mines are showing up well , and cautious capital is taking thorn in hand. Such are the Ore Kino , the Undo Sam , the Golden Summittho Deacon Jones , the Omega , and two or three others. All these have been passed upon by competent authorities and pronounced very valuable. But the extent of the ore bodies is what renders them remarkable , rather than the richness of the ore. The yield per ton , it is thought , will hardly bo more than $5 , but JIH there is plenty of water power , which is available for milling purposes , the cost of the yield is less than ) ! per ton , and the profits consequently quently largo. It is the refractory ore , however , which is most attractive. This is the ore which I have said was disap pointing. The process of treating was wanting , Lately , however , great re sults have been obtained troni the Dakota School of Mines , which was hint year opened at Rapid City , and which is aterritorial , institution. Tlio faculty of this school have been * u't work on these refractory ores , and Prof. Carpenter , dean of the school has succeed BO far as to show that the leaching process is n complete solu tion of the problem of treatment. Mr. R. D. Chirk , of San Francisco , has ap plied that process to the same ores with most satisfactory results , and in consequence quence operations have begun which bid fair to open up a mineral district of great magnitude and wonderful rich ness. These-are found to run from MOte to 570 per ton , and the cost of their treatment , by the leaching process ia lees than $ fl. so that the profits must bo imnieiibo. This belt of refractory and free-milling gold ores begins almost forty miles north west of Rapid City , and runs to u point about thirty .miles south west , the nearest point being about twenty miles west of the city. There is another subject , however , which scorns to me , upon investigation , to ho more important in relation to thin section than gold , whether free-milling or refractory. Indeed , I "am convinced that it is national in the magnitude of its prospects. I refer to tin. On my first visit to the hills , some years ago , I heard that the miners of the central and southern hills in their search for gold wore impeded by the constant occurrence of a mineral which they im patiently throw aside as "black iron , " and of no value. About four years ngo some intelligent gentlemen concluded to have this black iron analy/.cd in order to determine just what it was. The result of their action was that it was found lo bo cassiterito ( black tin ) , the which hears the metalic tin to com monly used for plating sheet iron. The world's tin has hitherto been controlled by capitalists , who own the only mines from which it is produced that is. the mines of Cornwall , Malacca , near the islands of Sumatra and Aus tralia. The Cornwall mines are deep , having been worked 81X1 years ngo or more , and the ores only carry a little over 1 per cent , of tin. The cost of pro duction in Cornwall is great on account of the expensive hoisting works employed. The mines of Malacca and Australia are placers , and the production from them is diminishing yearly. Tin is worth about L'i ( cents per pound , and re cently , during the "corner" caused by the French syndicate , was worth 117 cents per pound ; : > . cents per pound is the normal price. Now , the ores of the Black Hills are found to run all the way from U per cent to the ton of stulT up to SO per cent. Of course , the last is extraordinary and rare ; but I have heard from good authority of at least ono mine where , that is the percentage obtained. But take the minimum and consider it the average , Two per cent to the ton will give forty pounds of ens- iterite. From this ! K ) per cent of pure tin can bo saved , or thirty-six pounds. This is worth 20 cents per pound , or Sii.ap. The cost of mining , ' milling , re ducing and refining is shown by Prof. Carpenter to bo about fcUW per ton of the stud' , thus giving a profit of $ ( ( .71. This is far in excess of the profits of Cornwall mines. Now , the ore bodies are beyond question exceedingly large , and are pronounced to bo so by Profs. Carpenter , Blake , Riotte , Vincent , Dr. F.tmnons and several others who have made careful examina tion on the ground , and whose reputa tions extend to the two continents. Then again , the ores are found to bo rich on tiie surface and the expense of hoisting is therefore saved from the the cost of production. Now when it is considered that America annually im ports bar tin and tin plato , amounting in value to $30,000,000 , from England , and that no tin is produced on the American continents , the importance oi the tin llelds of the Black Hills can boappreciated. _ But there are some points in relation to the past experi ments on tlio tin ores winch have boon unfortunate nijd dilatory in olToet , although amusing. One was that the minors know-nctlling ) of thp methods of treating , njul finding that tlio cassiter- ito was assocililpd with mica , which was much unlike thp granite association of the same mineral in Cornwall , they concluded that no.v machinery must bo devised to work it. The result was that the now f angled and expensive contrivance failed and the supposed mica impediment was not removed. But Professor Car penter , of the } School of Mines , in ar ranging the tin machinery of his lab oratory of that'institution , took a very practical view of the situation and con ceived the idea of trying old-timo methods. Two months ngo thin old-stylo machinery was completed , and the very first test was eminently successful. Mica , f-o far from being an impediment to reduction , was floated otr'ns readily as the other refuse , and every particle of the cassitorite was saved. This re moved the last practical objection to Black Hills tin , and , as there are mil lions of dollars in bight at the mines , on the surface of , locations and in many shafts , cross-cuts , drifts and tunnels , the speedy production of metalic tin may bo renMinuljly expected. Itissnfe to say that , if the facts thus vouched for Uy eminent authority whoso reputations are at stake on this issue , are true , tlio Black Hills aru destined at no distant date to figure in the world's aIIairs as a populous and wealthy section. llyilropholiitr ' OMAHA , June 15. ] To the Editor of the BKH : As thowarm summer months approach , tha philanthropic of our city fathers will begin to think of the ordi nance , that uveryj dog must bo imix/.lod pro lone publico. The annual tele graph ; account > f men and animals bitten by rabid dogs , appear in the pa- porn. The police urednilyeullod upon to shoot any dbg tht ; { has been unfortunate enough to have an attack of colic , lits or other harmless affection. And whisky , dog hair and mud stones are recom mended as remedies. One would'suppose- rabies or hy drophobia was the commonest of dis eases ; but the truth is that not ono in ono thousand physicians has over seen an undisputed case of the disease. A superintendent , for fifteen years , of the "Homo for Lost or Starving Dogs" in London , never EUW a case of rabies , although 1,500 dogs , many of which are 'sick and starving , pass through the in stitution per month. Dr. Billroth , the most poled ol sur geons and pathologist , doubts that he ever saw a ca&e of hydroprodia , although ho has reviewed scores of sup posed cases. Another aufiio.rity made post-mortem examinations on three dogs that were killed by n skillful veterinary surgeon , on account of supposed hydrophobia. In the brain of onu ho found n tumor canned by a pistol wound , in the second a bony tumor at the base of the brain , and in the third an inflammatory con dition of the brain and an ab.scess in the ear all conditions that cause convul sions. Prof. Dick , of the Edinburgh veter inary school , maintained to his death that hydrophobia or rabies was an im- ntrinury disease , caused by fright. A noted French surgeon remarked that ho hud seen many cases of hydrophobia or rabies following gunshot wounds ; by which ho wished to imply that hydrophobia and tetanus ( look-jnwj , were one and the same disease. The symptoms and course of thp disease are alike , the difference being in the causes only one a wound , the other a dog- bite. bite.A A man mimed Stephens , to prove that hydrophobia was an imaginary disease , allowed himself to bo bitten forty times by "mad" dogs. A gentleman was bitten on the wrist by a dog. Severe hydrophobie symp toms followed. But ho speedily recov ered when ho was told that the dog lived and was in full health. A lady was bitten on the thumb. Three weeks later the wound opened and suppurated ; the arm swelled and the nervbni } manifestations pointed to "unmintakublo rabies. " The lady , after suffering severely for a fpw weeks , re covered , and the doir died six years later from old ngo , A son of Erin was bitten by a pot fox. Hydrqphobia followed. But lie soon ro- ' co'vcred when the impossibility was explained - plained to him of the disease originat ing spontaneously in any animal. A few months ago a Texas gentleman was bitten by a tame fox , or wolf , and he became nervous. His physician diagnosed rabies , and took him to M. Pasteur in Paris. Tills noted chemist pronounced the disease an undoubted cas-o of pscudo-liydrophobln , Thp pa tient was inoculated a number of times , and returned to Texas , where ho in tends to establish a "Pasteur institute. " Pscodo-hydrophobin in plain English means imagined hydrophobia. From the following'wo may conclude that hydrophobia is a very rare disease , and that many ailments are continually being mistaken for it. It should bo known by all : That of one hundred dog bites , ninety- nine will not be followed by rabies. . That rabies is inoro frequent in sum mer than in winter. That dogs are afllicted with many dis eases , the most rare of which is hydro phobia. That if forty days have passed since being bitten , without symptoms devel oping , the danger is past. That the saliva of meat eating pni- mals alone can produce the disc-ate , and That of a rabid animal the saliva alone can produce the disease in others and only when brought in contact with an open wound. That any bite , oven of a healthy human being , may produce fatal blood poisoning. That mad-dogs do not fear water , but are unable to swallow on account of muscular spasms , That the disease never orgiimtcd spontaneously. A "mad" dog must have been bitten by a rabid meat eating ani mal within forty days. That bites from animals.not meateat- ing , can never cause rabies. That milk from rabid cows cannot produce rabies nor the meat. That human beings cannot convey the malady by any means whatever. That frothy saliva in may bo caused by fatigue , bad teeth , or eating " . " "dry grass. That dogs allllctcd with hydrophobia become paralyzed , but never have "fits. " That human beings affected with hy drophobia do not bark or bite , any more than do horses , cows or poultry. Such symptoms in themselves point to an imiiL'inary disease. That you stand u greater chance of be ing struck by lightning than dying of hydrophobia. Now a few words regard ing mndstoncs. A madhtone is it very porous mineral which , when placed on any moist wound , will adhere until its pores are filled with moisture. It is supposed by those who place faith in it , that it ohsorbb the poison , and that it drops oil when the poison has been "sucked" from the system. When it is understood how rare hydrophobia is , and how many diseases are mistaken for it , it is easily con- ' cuivcd why all owners of "real'mad - fitones' ' can mention innumerable cures , many of which were "given up by the doctors. " W. G. K. SAVAGE CHINESE. Kxccutlon of a Murderer liy lliu Bile- Advices have been received by mem bers of the Chinese colony at San Fran cisco to the ollect that , unless executi vu clemency in manifested , Chang Saii-Vin- Ti/.u , who is well known among his fol low countrymen hero , will on Friday next ljo put to death by the horrible process known as "slicing. " Tlio method employed in this execution is to fasten the miserable offender to an up right slake , securely fasten his hands and feet , and slowly slice largo portions tions of flesh from difTorent parts of the body until death puts an end to the vic tim's sutTcrings. At first the pieces sliced are small , a portion from the arm , another from the leg , then u linger or perhaps an car. Then the breast is sliced until the vital parts are reached. As a method of torture it is inditurihablc , tlio time elapsing before death int9rvoncs run ning from three to six hours. Chang was a member of the Chinese colony hero some years ago , but returned to his native- land in IbbO. Ill-luck seems to have como upon him , for ho was glad 50 find employment us a day laborer in the department of the Kokian , in Shuns ! . He was in great financial straits and made several applications for a loan to C'lmng Wangta , a wealthy second cousin. His iinportuniticB finally began to border on , and Wangla secured his arrest and communicated witli the authorities with a view of obtaining ; ! public prosecution. ,1 ' Friends , however , came to the pri. - oner's assistance , and as a result of influential intercession lie was r"e- -Y , leased from custody. Smarting with a ,1 hciibo of injury , however , ho determined to have revenge , and the day after bio release lie purchased four ounces of nT- " sonic. That night , in disguise , ho managed to enter his cousin's house and mixed the poison with a pot of Hour. The next morning's breakfast was pre- iiared from this flour , and two houra f ' later six out of the seven members of the family wore dead. Suspicion at once fell upon ChangSsu-Yin-Tiy.u , who nt once decamped. His whereabouts were discovered after a long search , and ho was arrested , tried and convicted. Strenuous olTort.i wore made by his rdl- ativcH to have the punishment fixed nt imprisonment for life , but the court held that the law which makes the mur der of three or more persons in the same family punishable by death by the slic ing process should be rigidly uphold and enforced , and that there were no extenuating circumstances in the case. llatton'H ICscnpo. Tlio Now York World hays that cx- Pofitmnstor General Frank Hatton ifl hack again in New York lifter an ex tended tour of the west. When ho loft here a little over a month ago , lie moved his family back to Chicago , whore ho hud only a short time previ ous broken up his home to come here > to edit the Press. Mr , Hatton has been traveling about the young western cities in search of a good opportunity to either purchase or establish u news paper , and during ills trip ho has been reported as purchasing over half iv newspapers , It was announced positively a few weeks ago that ho bad closed negotiations for the purchase of the Omaha Republican , which ho was to conduct asn HUermah organ , hut it ap pears that the negotiation fell through , and Mr. Hatton has now mndo arrange ments to edit a republican-morning journal that is soon to be started in Miuneajiolis by A. W. Bluthens , Into ol the Tribune of that city. Guilty on Charged. NEW YOUK , Jjiio 10. Tlio Jury in tlia Din * " * Do Har cube brought In u vordlct of guilty ut noon to duy. Hank Statement , Niw ; YOIIK , May ] fTliu ) weekly banW statement shows the Wiscrvc incicitxcd 61 , 153 , < XX ) . The bunks now hold V- Vi.uMii.i.iox , III. , Juno It- ! The bualncs * part of tlio town was destroyed by fire thU ( iiiormntr. Amout ; the buildings burned the OdU-FellQwtj' ball und the opera