Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 17, 1888, Part I, Page 8, Image 8

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Tlic Now Homo of ttio Merchants' Nn- Hank n I'nlncc.
Tlio Merchants' ' National bank occu
pies tO'day tlic finest building in tlio
city. The corporation was organized in
October , lf-82 , witli the following oln-
tors : Frank Murphy , president : Sam
uel K. Hogers , vlco president ; IJon 13.
Wood , cashier , and LuUi < 5r Drake as-
Hititunt cashier. Tlicbo o Ulcers , with
John F. Coad , C. C. Hou ol and Gcorgo
W. Doano , constituted the board of di
rectors. This same corps of olllcors and
directors arc its ollleors and directors
to-day. When the bunk was organized
the capital stock was fixed at $100,000 ,
but owing to n constant- and rapid in
crease In the growth of the city and tlio
banking Business of the city and county
it has been doomed advisable by the
directors to increase the capital stock
of the itiBlitutioa until now it stands in
the front rank as ono of the thrco banlcs
of the state , having a paid-up capital of
$500,000 and places it on an equal foot
ing with the oldest bank in tlio city.
During the five years and n half the
bank has been doing business it has
accumulated a surplus of $100,000 which
is hold in addition to the paid-up capital
When the bank was first orgadlzod it
was located in the building on the
northwestern corner of Farnam and
Thirteenth streets. About two years
ago it became apparent to the directors
of the institution that their apartments
wore not largo cilough in which to carry
on their already largo and growing
business , and they began to ilrrango
for the erection of their present new
and clcg.vnt building which is now vir
tually completed and was occupied by
the banking institution last Monday for
the Hrbt time. *
The now building is situated on the
northeast corner of .Farnani and Thir
teenth Btruots. It was begun in April ,
I860 , and at present ovary lloOr in it is
occupied. It is bovon stories high and
is built of Massachusetts brown stone ,
St. Louis pressed brick and iron. It .is ,
with ono exception , the highest build
ing in the city. The basement story is
of brown stone , and is occupied by the
Missouri 1'iicific railway company and
the gas company. The remaining six
btorics arc of pressed brick
with brown stqno trimmings. The
walls are solid masonry and
do not contain a binglo stick of timber.
The floors are laid on iron frames thrco
feet apart anil a foot thick , between
which are laid fireproof tiloafoot thick ,
In Hat arch position. The floors , are
perfectly solid and dead 0411 ! are insured
und luvvo been tested to support 2,600
pounds to the square foot , thus render
ing them stroag enough to have vaults
on any floor.
The main entrance to the building is
on Farnam street , and the banking Iloor
and elevator is reached b\ra broad stone
and marble stairway which leads to a
wide , spacious hall. This hall is lln-
isned in elegantly carved and designed
antiquet oak. At the left of
the main entrance is the en
trance to the banking room.
This room is finished in cherry and all
the furniture in the room is of the same
material. In the south end of tlio room
are the private olliccs of the president
and directors. Next to these are the
desks of the cashier and his assistant.
Then comes the enclosed compartments
of the paying teller , the two receiving
tellers , the discount and collection
clerks and bookkeepers. These com
partments arc largo and opposite to
cacli is a window which affords the best
.possible light for the clerics and book
keepers to do their work by. In the north
side of the booklccoping apartments
are the thrco vaults , two of which are
for the books. The money vault is seven
foot high and 0x7 loot at the base.
The bottom in of solid masonry. The
walls are of railroad iron and brick ,
welded together and lined with steel
three inches in thickness. The vault
doors are of unusual weight and thick
ness and are made of alternate layers
of steel and iron , put together in a su
perior manner and are secured by the
Sargent lock.
Tin ) safes and vaults were built
at the works of , 'and by
GUB Andreon , of this city. In the roar
of these rooms are toilet , stationery and
lunch for the use of the clerks in the
Tlio third and fourth stories of the
building are occupied by the olllces of
the Chicago & Northwestern Railway
company and nave been specially jilted
up for them. The remaining stories of
the building are almost entirely occu
pied by corporations of some kind , and
it Ecoms now as though the entire build
ing would be given up to corporation
headquarters. All the rojoms in
the building are finibhcd in
hardwood and with the latest
system of steam heating , water
Bervlco and gas and cloetrje lights. The
entire buildjng is constructed regard-
lets of cost and for the convenience of
these who may occupy it. Already six-
EOvenUiB of the rooms in the building
are occupied or rented , and some of the
remaining ones have been spoken for.
The building is a credit to the city and
is also a monument of the growth and
development of the business of the
banking institution that built and
own it.
Orders taken for -Itli of July badges
and banners at Mrs. M. E. Mitchell's ,
1019 Farnam.
Brick at wholesale prices.
B. ROth St. and 13. & M. H. It. , Omaha.
Pianos on monthly payments. TIospo.
Brick at wholesale prices.
' It. 10 , LiVKsr.Y ,
S. 80th St. ami D. _ & M. It. R. , Omaha.
WAY from their WEHSTKR ST. DK-
via thiH vouto. 810 for the roundctrip.
i Apply EARLY for sleeper berths and
tickets at 1401 Farnam St. , PAXTON
Gon'l Wobtorn Ag't.
Telvphono 601.
Grocery ClurkH.
A mass meeting ot grocery clerks will
bo held at Grand Army hull , Douglas Kith and llth , Sunday , Juno 17 ,
at lip. m. AH grocery clerks are re
quested to bo present.
1- $ lO.OO--ioiiml-Tri ! > Convention Tlek-
- CtH $1O.OO.
It is IMPORTANT that everybody
going to the Chicago convention should
call at ticket olllco in Ptixton hotel cor
ner and secure sleeperaccoinino. hit Ions
early in order that there may bo room
provided for all. W. N. HANCOCK ,
Telphono 601. General Western Agt.
Hardwood frames. Hoapo,1513 Dougla
MUCH Tliroail
And Clark'b O. N. T. cotton have bo-
coma v.ery popular in Nebraska.
Dealers call for it.
K llocu , Dry Goods Co.
Saleof 4OOO Yards of Swiss SkirtIng -
Ing aud Flouncing Embroidery.
Kmliroldory mid Millinery Hnlo nt
Stonclilll'H Monday nml Tuesday
At About 15 Cents on
the Dollar. 3
Wo will inaugurate Monday and
Tuesday the greatest slaughter of 44-
jnch skirting embroidery and 27-lncJi
flouncing embroidery on record. These
goods were imported early in the sea
son by us and on account of their late
arrival wo wcro allowed a discount of
GO per cent on them , in consequence wo
will oiler them at prices that will
astonish the trade.
Lot 1 255 pieces of flouncing at 1 ! )
cents , worth fully 75 conts. Wo limit
the palo to 4j yards to a customer on
this lot.
Lot 2 150 pieces of 44-inch skirting
at 80 cents , would bo a bargain at $1.00 ;
in fact wo bought it to advertise at
that prlco.
Lot 3 Skirtings and llouncings at 40
cents worth up to $1.60. This is a bar
gain and ono that should bo appreciat
ed. All who will need skirtings or
llouncings later will do well to Attend
this sale as it will bo to them a big
PRICE. All our $1.00 and 82.00 hats
wo shall place on our center tables and
otter at 69 cents.
In order to close out our trimmed
hats we shall oiler the choice of any in
the store at $2.80. Ju&t think of it , hats
worth up to $25.00 at $2.80.
All our $1.00 ostrich tips at 13 cents
in white , cream , tan , ccrn , blue , black
and brown.
Mall orders of $1.00 or over filled ;
none under.
13 yards of lonsdalc muslin for 09c.
lo yards of scrim for O'Jc.
20 yards of best calico for 99c.
12 yards of sateen for f)9c. )
STONEHILL , 1515 Douglas st.
Ouinlia Dcmocrnta Cheer and
Tor Tlioir Standard Hearers.
Jefferson squuro was nglow wttli lireworks
and llllccl with inspiring music from the
Musical Union and A. O. H. bands und dem
ocratic oratory last night on the occasion of
the ratification meeting hold to endorse the
notion of tlio St. Louis convention in the
choice of Cleveland and Tliurmnn. About
ono thousand persons , including men , wom
en and chihlren , ussemhlcil about the speak
ers stand. A. J. Poppleton , chairman , of
the meeting , was the ilrst speaker , anu
dwelt .it some length oa the virtues of the
democratic purty , and spoke In glowing
terms of President Cleveland and Air. Thur-
man. The latter , lie said , was n.TclTersonian
democrat , horn in Virginia and passing tlio
greater part of his life in Ohio , livery ref
erence to Thurumn'a record in the United
States senate and his bandana was hailed
with npplnuho and cheers.
Hon. M. V. Gannon , upon being introduced ,
said it gave him pleasure to be able to ap
pear and assist in the ratification of the nom
ination of Grovcr Cleveland und Senator
Thurman. Cleveland holds aloft the con
stitutional banner of democracy. Ho is a
man of honesty , a man of nerve
and a man with courage to carry
out without fear or Juvor the responsi
bilities nml requirements of his olllco.
The speaker sandwiched his reinurks with a
number of anecdotes and funny stories ,
which were well received by tlio crowd.
Attorney Mahoney next steeped forward
and congratulated the democracy. In a few
days the people will hear from Chicago , but
tlio party that will make nominations there
has not as good n record for freedom for the
people and equal rights to one and all as has
the democracy. Cleveland's honesty and
llrmncssof purpose , and Thurman's states
manship wcro fully extolled by the speaker.
When J. SterliiiBMorton came to the front
ho received an ovation. Quiet being restored
Mr. Morton gave vent to his views on the
tariff question , and sustained Mr. Cleveland's
policy on this Important subject. Mr. Mor
ton was enthusiastic over Mr. Cleveland's
past record , and predicted a triumphant
ro-olcctlon for him.
After short speeches from several orators
of local fame , and three cheers for Cleveland
and Thurman the crowd dispersed.
For Cash.
Armstrong , Pottis & Co. are selling
a bettor buggy , carriage or phaeton for
less money than any ono in tlio city.
Etchings and engraving. A. Hospc
Good second hand machines cheap.
White Machine oflice.
121 N. 15th st.
NEW YOKK , Juno 9,1SS8.
To whom it may concern :
Wo have the pleasure , to announce
that wo have this day appointed Messrs.
Max Meyer & Bro. our solo authorized
agents for the sale of the Steinway
piano-fortcn for city of Omaha and btuto
of Nebraska.
( Signed ) STKINWAY & SONS.
Wo are pleased to htato that in reaccepting -
copting the above agency wo have made
such favorable arrangements by which
wo are enabled to soil the Steinway
pianos at N. Y. factory prices.
Respectfully ,
Sol Levi , of Plattsmouth , Neb. , IB at the
L. S. Irvln , of Kearney , Neb. , Is at the
Puxton ,
II. H. Howe , of Auburn , Neb. , is at the
Frank Mcliitlro , of OUumwa , la. , is at the
D. S. Elliott , of Sioux City , fa. , is nt the
Hon. J. Sterling Morton is registered at
the Paxton.
Clwrlcs 1C. Jlmisen , of ICcarnoy , Neb. , is at
the Paxton.
A. H. liichnrdson , of Madison , Neb. , is at
the Mllliml.
W. II. Thompson Jr. , of lowing. Neb. , is at
the .Millard.
A , F. Uromlngor , of Central City , Net ) . , is
at the Millard.
\Y , H. Thompson , of Grand Island , Neb. ,
is at thn .Millard.
Messrs , L. A. and Joseph Ochs , of Daven
port , la. , nro at the Paxton.
Messrs. Loran and Luther Clark , of Al
bion , Nob. , uro at the P.ixton.
Uobert li. Windhdin and wife , of Plutts-
mouth , Nub. , are at the Millard.
Special fast excursion traln'via Chicago
cage , Milwaukee & St. Paul railway to
the national republican convention nt
Special train of Pullman sleepers ,
dining earn and elegant day coaches
will Icavo Omuliu at 6 p. in. , Sunday ,
Juno 17.
No transfer at Council Bluffs. Secure
Blcopiug-car accommodations at 1601
Furnnm btrcot.
Young Men's Republican club have
selected this train for their trip.
F. W. NABU , General Agent.
letting Down tlio Prlcrs.
Tremendous bargains from Now
York auction.
Merle silks in all shades 89c , worth
Surahs 24 inches 55c , sold everywhere
nt 05c.
Surahs 21 inches C5c , worth $1.10.
Black brocaded silk OOc , formerly
Satins in all shades 4Sc , coat OOc to
mako. .
Silk plushes SOc , richly worth 31.10.
Colored gros grain silk OOc , worth
Black gros grain silk G9c , sold every
where nt $1.25.
Guaranteed black gros grain silk SSc ,
worth 81 .45.
Black Lyons gros grain silk $1.25 ,
was $1.95.
41 inch bilk warp Henrietta $1.85 ,
worth $3.25.
40 inch silk warp Henrietta $1.45 ,
worth $2.50.
40 inch silk wnrp .Henrietta $1.10 ,
worth 81.85.
4J inch Henrietta OSc , worth SI.05.
44 inch Henrietta all wool 75c , regu
lar prlco 81.10.
41 inch Henrietta all wool 85c , regu
lar prlco 81.20.
44 inch Henrietta'all wool OOc , 40 per
cent under cost.
D41 inch Henrietta all wool 31.25 , orth
88 inch FF cashmcro JOc , sold olsc-
whcro 85c.
33 inch Tolan's rovorsablo diagonal
2jc , worth 28c.
50 inch Henrietta , now shades , OSc ,
worth $1.75.
.41 inch French suitings OOc , worth
41 inch Fcpnch cord suiting 70c , '
worth 81.10.
42 inch French plaid suiting C5c ,
worth 85c.
40 inch French plaid suiting 40c ,
worth 70c.
88 inch Baigo suiting 3Se , worth 60c.
38 inch English cashmere 29c , worth
. ' 1C inch English cashmcro 22c , worth
36 inch English cashmere IGc , worth
86 inch English cashmere 12jc , worth
Gilberts all wool suiting 22ci
Bcbtkid finish cambric 35e.
Tremendous bargains in wall paper to
close regardless of cot > t.
110 S. Sixteenth btrect.
Mathematical instruments. Hospc.
Cinderella ut tlio Itoytl All This
IVeelo ,
The production of tlio fnlry opera "Cinder
ella" at Boyd's opera house this week will
afford the nniusoinent-lovcrs of Omaha a
musical and dramatic treat. This splendid
little operetta will be performed by 500 local
artists , under the direction of Mrs. Agnes
Beaten , of New York. The play will bo ele
gantly mounted anil costumed without regard
to expense , and the effect , under the brill
iancy of colored calcium lights , will undoubt
edly bo very beautiful. Mrs. Henton has de
voted years to this work , and Is entitled to
the credit of first Introducing juvenile operate
to the public , the lirst effort of the kind be
ing the production of "Pinafore" by juve
niles nt Hnvorly's theater , Now York , and
which proved u wonderful success. Mrst
Beaten brings her own scenery and cos
tumes. The idea is decidedly novel in Omaha
and should bo well patronized , as it materi
ally helps the right formation of the young
mind that tends to elevate the American
staco. Scats arc selling rapidly for all the
Tim Ei > i : > r > ir-KE.
The announces a big billTf attrac
tions for this week beginning to-day. In
Curio ball Harney Thclscu , liurnuni's lamous
prodigy will appear in his great act of artis
tic designing in paper with his feet , cutting
na ordinary shoot of paper with his pedal ex
tremities into a thousand beautiful shapes
nnd designs. Zoo Meleke , a native Arab
woman with a flock of Egyptian acting birds
will ulso appear , together with a group of
Parisian flower workers and Professor
Taylor , the magician. In the theatonuin the
great success of three .years ago , "Muliloon's
Picnic" in two acts will bo played by a well-
selected company.
Convention at Chicago Special Ex
The Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul
railway will run a special fast excursion
train of Pullman sleeping cars , leaving
Omaha at ( I p. in. , Sunday , Juno 17 ,
reaching Chicago 10 n. in. the following
morning. The Nebraska delegation ,
btato contra ! committee and Young
Men's Republican club of Omaha have
selected this train for their trip. Am
ple accommodations will bo supplied for
nil wishing lo avail themselves of this
opportunity for a cheap trip to Chicago.
Faro for the round trip $10.00 , Omaha to
Chicago and return. Remember , this
train will start from Omaha depot , thus
avoiding transfer and delay at Council
Biulls. For tickets nnd further information
mation apply at ticlcot olllco , 1501 Far
nam street , in Barker block. Sleeping
car berths now on bale.
F. A. NASH ,
JOHN M. MeCiAJUB , Gon'l Ag't.
"Wcbtcrn PnsfccngorAg't.
The White machine has more genu
ine gelling points than any machine
made for family work. Catalogue free.
AVnntcd to lie Arrested.
Martin licag.m asked nil ofilcer to arrest
him yesterday afternoon and was accomino.
dated. On being searched , the Jailor found
n valuable gold pin. That looked rather out
of place in the possession of u man of Hea-
gan's appearance , and the prisoner is held as
a suspicious character pending develop
ments. _
Proft'Shor AValter'H Miisfcalc.
Friday evening n select audience
gathered at Crnpp's hall on North 15th
street to Ifoton to a snecial programme
prepared by the facholars of Pi of , Wai-
tor. The entire performance WHS a
round of sueross. The little ones did
thonibolves proud , many of them show
ing moro than ordinary ability , and all
bore evidence of most careful training.
The fond mammas present imibt have
boon proud of their little ones. The
vocal oxorciboa wore excellent and the
piano solos well rendered.
Dr. Moore
has jiibt llnibhed on Park avenue the
most complete and well built brit-k
residences now for rent in Omaha. To
good tenants favorable leases will bo
made for a term of years if desired.
Tlio paving of Park iivonuo and Loav-
onworth Htreot makes tlio location of
these houses especially desirable.
1507 Fnrnain bt. ,
Solo Agents.
"Follow the Huah to Utah. "
The round trip /aro / from Omaha to
Salt Lake and return its $47.50. There
is ono method by which it can bo made
without cost. The Salt Lake Improve
ment company will give n rebate of 2J
per cent on all amounts paid for "realty
purchased on Tel-race Heights the bebt
location in the prettiest arid healthiest
city in the west Salt Lake. The sale
takes place Juno 20 and 21. The invest
ment is absolutely safe. Make inquir
ies and go.
Special Prices Montlnyilii rallies' nml
Gent * * ' UnriiiRhltiR Goods.
Bargains in loco mitts.
100 doz ladles' silk lace mitts , all
colors , only 12Jc per pair , worth 25c.
Ladies' plain mitts , pure silk , only 25c
per pair , others ask 50n.
60 doz extra line , silk jersey mitts ,
only 3Uc per pair , actual value 7oo.
Ladies pure silk mitts * in extra sizes ,
duly 5o ( ) jior pair , reduced from $1.00.
50 doz ladles' blade lisle gloves , only
15c per pair , worth 4c. ( )
Bargains in ladies' and gouts' hosiery.
1 case of ladies' full , regular made ,
fancy cotton hose , only 16c per pr. ,
others ask 25c.
Ladies'Hue balljriggan hose , our 25c
quality , only loc.
GO doz. Indies'blk colton hose , war
ranted not to fado. rust or crook , only
89o per pair , worth ! )0c. )
Ladies' lisle thread licso. extra long ,
will bo sold in this sale at 29c per pair ,
others ask OOc.
Bargains in Parasols ) .
100 twilled satin parasols , elegant
handles , only $1.25 , worth $2.50.
100 bntin parasols , fancy linings , only
$1.25 , reduced from $2.00.
Ladies' satin parasols , nicely lined
and trimmed in silk lace , only $1.50 ,
worth $3.00.
Ladles' satin parasols , nicely lined
and trimmed in silk lace , only $2.00 ,
worth $1.00.
Ladies' satin parasols , China silk lin
ing and trimmed in silk luce , only $2.50 ,
worth 85.00.
100 silk sunshades , 24-inch , at $1.60 ,
never bold for loss than $2.60.
, Bargains In Corsets.
Our grand closing sale of corsets com
mences to-morrow morning.
Stock to bo reduced at once regardless
of cost.
See the corsets wo will put on sale to
morrow at 50c.
Bargains in gents' furnishing goods.
100 do/.on gents' unlaundrled shirts ,
never t-old for less than 60c. our price
to-morrow only 2'c ! ' each.
Boys' fancy bhlrt waists , well made ,
only oc each , worth 60c.
Gents' best linen collars only 8c each.
Gents' linen cuffs onlv 1'Jjo , others ask
Gents' gatizo underwear only 25c.
worth 40c.
Bargains in wall paper.
I0th street , near Dougln
A Uvcly Tongue Debate ut the County
Commissioners Mcctint ; *
The Saturday's proceedings of the board
of county commissioners was enlivened by a
wordy war between the county clerk and
Commissioner Anderson over a request of
the former for additional clerk hire in mak
ing out the tax list. Chairman O'Kccffo
presided , and all the members wcro at their
dcsics. .
HCommuulcations orofcrrcd to various com
mittees John Hantier's in reference to the
loss of twenty acres of hi.s farm by high
water , and commencement of work on the
roads ; S. McClencghari in reference to lay
ing out a new road in Valley ; I. N. Watson
and W. S. Hell in reference to correcting the
numerical indexes ; application of Theodore
F. Elliott to be awarded the contract for
burying dcnd soldiers ami sailors ; bill for
burial of John liuckley , ami Mrs. L , . A.
Mucy's claim for nursing ana caring for
him ; claim of the Pauly Jail , Building and
Manufacturing company ; HauL'h Kctcham &
Co. , iron works , complaining that the archi
tect of the new hospital building was dila
tory m furnishing them with plans
and specifications ; hko complaints from
the contractors , Hyan aud Walsh ;
objections of property owners for location of
road No. 40 , D. ; Women's Christian Associa
tion , requesting u pass to San Francisco ,
Cnl. , for Mary O. Sullivan ; P. T. McCarthy
asking transportation for a poor woman to
Chicago ; Kev. H. A. Slmflul , asking for
transportation to Flint , Mich. , of a needy
and deserv ing woman ; several requests for
the opening and establishing of new roads.
Heports of Committees Allowing several
claims against the county ; approving the
bond of W. W. Furciuhcr , justice of peace of
the First ward.
Hcsolutions Adopted That all road grad
ing or UiriiDiking now in progress , or here
after to be let , shall bo worked and liuishcd
as ordered by the county surveyor ; appoint
ing IJ. F. Ford constable of Douglas precinct
A Horse Frightened Ity a Grip Car
Thrown T"hrc i Person1 * .
The father of L. C. Encwold and the lat-
ter's two children wcro thrown from n car
riage yesterday afternoon and had narrow
cf-capes from fatal accidents. They were
driving nn Dodgu street between Fourteenth
and Fifteenth , when the horse was fright
ened at a passing cable car and shied. Ono
of the children was thrown almost under the
wheels of the passing car , bdt the gripman
htoppcd with a suddenness that sent a shock
into the adjoining stores. The girl was car
ried into u Htorc and found to have one knee
nnd leg badly bruised and discolored. Her
lip was cut by the teeth and her head bruised.
The injuries nro bathed and bandaged , and
apparently are not serious. The gran Ifather
was bruised about the head , shoulder and
wrlHtH. Ho clung to the reins , and his head
was so caught that , had not the horse been
caught on the instant , his neck would prob
ably have been broken. The carriage struck
another vehicle and overturned it , but with
out special damage.
"Follow the rush to Utah. "
Sewing machines for rent. White
At Chicago Cliloiico it Northwestern
Tickets to Chicago and return for
8D.75 , round-trip from Council Biulls ,
June litth to lth ! ) inclunivo.
General Western Agent ,
1401 Farnam St. Telephone 6U1.
Artist materials. Hospe. 1613 Douglas.
C. Leo Staub , Architect anil Supt. ,
olllco 1(110 ( Howard ; 10 yeni-n' ' experi
ence. Fine , stylish buildings a spec
S licet music nt lowest prices , Hobpo
/ n Mil
White machine olllco , 121 N. J5th fat. ,
fir stamping , embroidery goods , fancy
poods , and supplies for tiroBomo work.
Albo good girls furnished priviito fami
lies. Telephone 4211.
$1O to Cliioau" < mil Hot urn. $ IO.
Round trip tickets to Chicago account
of the national republican convention
at TEN DOLLARS , will bo sold by the
Burlington Route Juno 18th to 19th.
Good to return until Juno 25th. The
Burlington is the only line running
solid trains out of its own depot in
Omaha and other Nebraska points
direct to Chicago. II. L. HAMTicket
Agent , ollico 122tt Farnum street ,
Omaha. Telephone 250.
A Ituttoiiliolo lioiiijuot
will bo given away to qvory mirehabor
of a cigar Sunday at Erlich & Langbtad-
tor's , 1205 Farnum st , , under U. S. Na
tional bank ,
AiiutIon , Sale
Of clijittel mortgage goods. The en
tire furniture of the St. Cloud restaur
ant will be sold Monday morning Juno
18 , ut 10 o'clock , corner 10th and Lcav-
enworth. This is all now furniture.
Don't miss the sale ,
& FmmvuLii ,
Auctioneers. '
Jtnydnn Urns.
Letting down the 'prices. Special
bargains on Monday. White checked
dress goods reduced from Ho down to 5c
per yard. Plain white Victoria lawn
dress goods. Come in and sec the bar
gains wo are offering nt lOo , 123c , 15o
and 20c poi1 ynrd. Scotch zephyr ging
ham IHc per ynrd. Imported chain-
brays at 10c per yard. Apron checked
ginghams 2Je per yard. Remnants of
sateens , white dross goods , lawns , etc. ,
at prices tt > clean thorn out nt once on
Monday. Lawrence LL. ynrd wide ,
shooting 5o per yard. Fruit of loom'
and Lonsdalo blenched muslins at 12
yards for * 1. Double width pillow case ,
muslin and sheetings at factory prices.
Now line of cretonnes just
opened. Red , white and blue bunting
for decorating purposes at 6c per yard.
All linen crash for toweling in plain or
stripes at 6e per yard , 10-inch checked
glass toweling at Ojc , 18-inch chocked
glass toweling at 8c per yard. Fancy
tlgured curtain scrim lace striped at lOo
per yard. Fancy rod bordered table
linen at Soc , worth 60c per yard.
Cream colored table linen nt20c per
yard. Turkey rod table linen llc ) , 22o
26e , 35o , 40c , 45c and 60o per ynrd.
Special barcains in thrco lots of lace
curtain to close on Monday nt $1.40.
$1.75 and $2.25 n pair. These you will
find to bo very cheap. Two yard wide
table damask at 6lo ! por. yard. Where
can you match it ? Still Bolter. On
Monday wo will olTor two yards wide
bleached table linen which is sold by
others at $1.60 , our price lot down to
OOc per yard. 8-4 all linen napkins $1.25
per dozen. Fancy chocked napkins nt
20o per dozen. 6-8 fancy red bordered
table napkins at 81.26 per
dozen , worth $1.75. Wo are
oll'ering great bargains in our linon.
Linen department Another lot of
those largo Turkish bath towels just re
ceived , 21 in wide , 61 in long , 25c each.
Special bargain in 25o towels. Our
trade on white bed spreads is increasing.
It will pay you to c.xnmino our bargains
on Monday in this lino. Largo bjzo
spreads at 09c , 75c , 85c , OSe , $1.00 , 81.25
each. Hayden Bros letting down the
prices on fancy bordered and fringed
table cloths. Mosquito netting in all
colors. Special bargains in odds and
ends in our wall paper department on
"Follow the rush to Utah. "
United States Court.
Justice Miller yesterday rendered a decis
ion in the case of Archibald L. Yule , trustee ,
against the West Point manufacturing com
pany. The plaintiff asked for the foreclosure
of pJOQjOUO mortgage bonds issued by the de
fendant , and the court issued the decree
preyed for.
The case of Thomas H. Snydcr against
Elisha B. Graham was for division of their
partnership interest in a Wyoming cattle
ranch. The decree of the court was that the
paitncrship be dissolved , an accounting had ,
that Graham should bo held for certain im
provements on the ranch property now held
by him , and that Graham bo allowed for
extra services in the amount of the bills sent
in by him as a member of the linn.
Judge Brewer will hold court to-morrow.
District Court.
Hinriehs & Co. yesterday brought suit
against Jacob Hobinson to collect $ -176 due on
merchandise furnished.
sr.viuu : , HCAVV SHXTHXCI ; ' ' .
Hefore .ludge Groff , Peter Burco , con
victed for attempting to kill his wife , was
sentenced to fifteen years in the penitentiary ;
William Woods , for shooting his fathcr-in-
law , four years ; Joe Hoborts. for attempted
criminal assault on an eight-year-old girl ,
nltecn years ; William Johnson , crime ueainst
nature , life ; Charles Anderson , stealing a
horse , ono year ; John Evans , burglary , ten
County Court.
Hugh G. Clark sets forth that C. E , May no
owes him 5 85 on a promissory'note , and ho
yesterday asked for a judgment in that sum
against Maync.
TWO jrnoMEXT.s itKN'nnitnn.
Judge Shields yesterday granted the fol
lowing judgments : Atlantic ! Cigar company ,
$27UD ( ! , against Dennis Cunningham ; Bank
of Omaha , SMO.'J'J , against Fleming ct al.
Bronze ana gold frames afHospes.
"Follow the rush to Utah. "
A Priest on a S | > re. .
A Catholic divine known among bin Hock
in some part of Nebraska as Father Leo fell
into the hands of a confidence man named
Jumctt Martin nt the races Friday , and came
very near losing all the valuables on his per
son. Martin succeeded in getting him al
most dead drunk , and was discovered by of-
liccr Ormsby und Sigwart just us ho was
plundering the priest's pockets near Cum-
ing'n saloon. Martin was put In jail to ap
pear for trial yesterday morning. Father failed materialise to testify m behalf of
the state , and nn oftlcer who was detailed to
hunt him up found him again drunk in a sa
loon. Ho was taken to the central station to
bober up tmfllclcntly to give intelligent testi
If you have a gasoline stoyo that does
not work well have it repaired or ex
change it for ono of our Perfect Penin
sula Gasoline stoves. Omaha Steve Re
pair Works , 810 N. 10th fat.
Hallct-DaviH pianos. Hospo , solo agt.
ItPtiiuvctl tj 11 OH Howard Street.
Among the live commission men who
recognize the need of n market in
Omaha , is the enterprising llrm pf P.
Rocco Bro. & ( . 'o. These gentloiiicn
have secured magnificent quarters in
the now Mercer block , which they have
lilted up with every convenience for ac
commodating and caring for their Im
mense stock of fruits. They occupy the
whole four floors and the basement , the
fifth Iloor being for the reception of
storage. They nro the only exclusive
fruit house in the city nml handle moro
bananas and oranges than nil the other
houses combined. 'Ihoy average from
,8 to C carloads ot bananas per week.
They have fitted up largo ripening
rooms for bananas , each with a capa
city of ono carload. They buy their
oranges and bananas of llrbt hands ,
having a buyer constantly in Now York.
They thus save middlemen and secure
a benefit to their customers. The Cali
fornia fruit season is just opening , in
their house can bo found the most
tempting supply of all of these popular
fruits , fresh and wholesome. These
gentlemen have boon in business in
Omaha for over : $ years , nro men of
largo experience and well unuwn , and
being nn exclusive fruit house can otTer
superior advantages to buyers over the
regular commission house. They have
n brunch house in Kansas City under
the llrm name of Rocco Bros. & Co. , of
which Mr. Frank Rooeo nnd Mr. C. H.
Nunomachor are the managers. Mr. P.
Rocco takes care of the Omaha house.
These three gentlemen comprise the
llrm who own nnd opera to these two
commission , hotibos , nil well known to
the citr/.cns of Nebraska. The
business is a credit to themselves and a
great boon to the lovers of good fresh
The internal revenue collections yes
terday wore $0,078.07.
II. St. Glair , who tried to shoot his
mistress , Alice McDonald , at Eleventh
street and Capitol avenue Friday night ,
was arrested yesterday. Tho" dusky
cyprian was also locked up to insure her
presence as n witness.
The contract for plank sidewalks or
dered by the council during the six
months ending July 1. was awarded by
the board of pubho works to
Upward Burns Following are the
prices , said to be the lowest the
city has overbad : Four foot work , 181
per lineal foot ; six1 foot , 27i cents ; eight
foot , 86 } cents ; ton foot , 45 cons ; twelve
foot , 64 } cents ; sixteen foot , 73 cents ;
eighteen foot , 81 cents ; twenty foot , 90
conts. I2xtra : Lumber , $10 per thous
and feet ; nails , 3 cents per pound ; labor ,
81.76 per day.
Fire and Police.
At the meeting of the fire and police board
last night Chief Galligan reported that ho
had an old hose-cart and 700 feet of pretty
fair hose that would answer the purposes of
the residents near Corby street and Sherman
avenue who volunteer to organize a hose
company. The matter was put in the hands
of the committee on property.
Ucnucsts for leave of absence made by
Captain Burdish , of the hook and ladder
company , and James Connelly wcro referred
to Chief Galligan. -
The board accepted an invitation to par
ticipate in the Fourth of July celebration.
Assessing tlic Piano 1'laycrH.
Judge Berka is putting screens on the
creatures who lay claims to manhood but
earn a. livelihood by playing pianos In houses
of illfame. The police arc pulling such fel
lows and the Judge is assessing each of them
for $ ( i. Ho puts them on n par with the
women who pay a monthly line of that
Sells Hrolliorfl' Hippodrome , Mcnng <
trie And Circus Announced
ns Coining.
Aftorn weary interval wo nro to hnvo
with us once moro n touted exhibition
in every way worthy of patronage , and
ono whicli possesses the rare merit ol
I giving moro than value received in return -
, turn for money invested in admissions.
Wo allude to the standard nnd over
welcome exhibition of the Soils
Brothers. Their show , nl\vnys redun
dant with pleasing features , comes this
year with thoportontiousaud nttrnctivo
Addition of a Roman hippodrome , re
producing the exciting turf nhd gladi
atorial sports of the golden days of
Rome , including chariot races , liberty
races , Roman standing races , flat races ,
, steeplechases and jockey races. An
other remarkable addition to the al
ready multifarious attrautions aVe the
remarkable and original feature exhi
bitions of Captain A. JL Bogardits and
his four wonderful sons , champion wing ,
fancy and rillo shots. Concerning little
Harry , the youngest of Captain Bogar-
dus'sons , the Providence ( R : I. ) Jour
nal , of n recent date , speaks as follows :
Harry Bogardus , the twolvo-yonr-ohl
son of Captain Bogardus , the pnonoino-
nal marksman , who is now giving ex
hibitions of his renmrknble skill with
the rillc nnd shotgun at Keith's Now
Gaiety Museum. Young Hurry is a
wonrtorful shot for FO youncr n lad. Ho
was born at Elklmrt , 111. , and Is a bright-
eyed , pleasant-featured IHtlo fellow ,
quick in perception , bright and aotlvo
of manner , and n talkative companion ,
who is observant and critical of passing
events. Ho began shooting nt the ago
of six years , and displayed wonderful
accuracy of aim even at that ngo. . The
skill which ho displays is intuitive , and
ho bids fair to boon rival the "old man"
with , the rlllc. lie shoots from all
conceivable positions , and is a "dead
shot from tlic word go. " Tuebday ,
Juno 2(1 ( , is the date at Omaha.
How the GninlilBrH arc Putting Up
Tliolr Money.
At the races yesterday the pool sellers
posted a bulletin announcing the odds on tlio
choice of the Chicago convention for
presidential nominee. The book QS mndo
stands as follows , all odds offered being
against and not for the candidate : It to ti
against Bhiino it to 2 ncrainst Sherman , 15 to
2 against Harrison. 10 to y against -Grcsham ,
14 to 2 against Lincoln , 8 to 2 against
Allison , IS to 2 against Algcr , 20 to 2 against
Dcpow , S to 2 against the Held. Sherman
stands first , Blaine second and Allison third.
Kimball pianos and organs , Hospongt.
"Follow the rush to Utah. "
Sowing machine supplies , all ma
chines. Catalogue free. White olllco ,
11MN. lo'th.
Safe Uur larH Caught.
At an early hour yesterday morning
Charles Wilson nnd John Kyan were cap
tured by Block Watchman Drlscoll in the
act of robbing the safe of the Omaha Coal ,
Coak and Limo company , " 0 ! ) South
Thirteenth street. Ho was joined by Ofilcer
Havey , and the burglars landed in jail. The
thieves got SID.fiO , and most of it was found ,
on Wilson. Hyau was janitor of the olllco
and had the safe combination. Wilson was
bound over to the district court. Kynn
claimed to have been in a drunken sleep , but
he will be tried to-morrow afternoon.
With Matches.
Children of J. G. Johnson , living at Clark
and Eighteenth streets , wore playing up
stairs with matches yesterday afternoon and ,
bet the house on fire. The department put
out the lire with trilling damage.
"Follow the rush toTJtah. . . "
Pianos tuned at HOSDO'S lfll.1 Doug st ,
Every Evening at 8:30. : Matinee Saturday.
Grind Spectacular Production of the Beautiful Fairy Opera.
of BOO Juvenile Artists , under the personal
With , n iiliciioinennl ' cast super
Mllg < AGNES BENTON of New York , originator -
nator of Juvenile Opera in America.
The Delight of the Children.
The Marvel of the Adult.
Magnificent Scenery.
Gorgeous Costumes.
New and Sparkling Music.
- THK GHK AT - .
P. T. Barnum'H Famous Prodigy , the Cutaway Painter.
Native Arab Women , with her Flock of Ksyptlun AttliiB Illrils.
The Mirth Making Magician with hUMurvulb of Mecca.
SYNOPSIS Act 1. Home of Mnliloon. Mirthful Mo-
mentb. Muldoou'b Spree. "Oil , Think of Your Mead in the
Morning. " The Chriktcning Act. let ii Muldoon and
Mnlcahr on Skates. Mr. and Mrs. Muldoon and Jcrrcy.
The I'icnic Grounds IJancmg , Singing , I-ots of I' un.
Gucitb and 1'incieen , in Abundance. TUEOKEA1'
I Wll OK : A.1 3 SC uii.iT3D IOC E3 l 2