Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 17, 1888, Part I, Page 5, Image 5

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Inaugurate a Grand
PI nniup pii ri
iLtftlilNL MLE
Iron Frame and Beaded
At $1.25
Wo will offer Monday nn exceptional
Inrgaln in Bended Grenadine , A quality
\TO liavo boon selling frcoly tit $2.00 , for
11.25 a yard.
Tills also is n quality that has sold
feadily al $2.00. As our assortment is
limited , wo offer the lot nt $1.2-5 a ynrd.
These are the handsomest nnd most
durable Grenadines mude , and will not
Blip as inferior qualities always does.
Those are our $2.50 grade offered for
this week nt $1.50 a ymd.
French Grenadines ,
Velvet Effects ,
These are something decidedly now ,
nnd nro just the thing for this kind of
' weather. Call and see thorn ut our silk
Formal Dedication Services to Com
mence To-day.
J'erfcctliiu Arrangements For the Ke-
piilillcnn Club aiectlnij District
Court Mutters Sons of Vet
erans Cnmp Organized.
LINCOLN , Juno 10. )
The new First Hnptist church of Lincoln ,
that has been in course of construction thu
past eighteen months , is now completed , and
on Sunday , Monday nnd Tuesday will bo
formally dedicated. Tliocnurch building is
the handsomest nnd probably the most ex
pensive , with the possible exception of St.
Paul's M , K. church , In this city of churches.
The building baa boon largely described
heretofore nnd nothing additional need bo
nakl save that with tbo spires completed tbo
nymctrical appearance of thocdltlconn the
outside is perfect , and with the carpets and
furnishings Insiilo all complete the harmony
or the Inturlor is manifest. The building is
located on tlio corner of 1C and Fourteenth
Btrocts , adjoining the capital grounds , and
ono of the mo Ht central locations in the city.
'Jlio dedication program covers tbrco days
nnd IH as follows :
Sunday , Juno 17 , 10BO : n. m. Organ
voluntary ; doxology ; Anthpm ; scriptural
reading , by the p.vstor ; prayur , Hev. II. C.
"Woods. D. I ) . ; Hymn ; sermon , llov. O. 0.
Tlorco of Philadelphia ; solo , Miss Kthol
3lowo ; Report of building committee. The
Sunduy evening sorvlwm will consist of the
usual services , and tbo sermon will bo
Vroacbod by Hov. H. L , HOUHO of Oinahu ,
Monday evening ut 8 o'clock a very In-
tctcstiilg meeting will bo hold ,
In addition to the usual devotional exor
cises , tbo church will bo discussed topically
ns follows : Planted "For who hath despised
the day of small things , " Major A , Q. Hus
tings ; Growing "Enlarge the pluco of thy
tout , " Hov. A. W. llumar , of Omaha ; Fruit
JU-iirlng "Preach the gospel in the rocions
beyond you , " llev. J' W. Osborue , of Fre
mont ,
Tuesday , Juno 19 , nt 3 o'clock p. m. , a
social union will bo hold by the church ,
Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock , in addition to
the opening devotional exorcises. Miss Kthul
Howe will aing. The sermon will bo dullv-
ored by Hov. H. O , Woods , D. I ) , , followed
by the prayer of dedication by tbo pastor and
the benediction.
Tbo Colorado delegation , In special Pull
man coaches , passed through this city this
afternoon on iouto for the national conven
tion. The bo.\n wura Just down from the
mountains and ona of the most scorching
iluj'B of the year welcomed them on their
Jonrnoy across Nebraska , but Judging from
their ciithuslastlcnpixmrnnea their ardor was
in no way wilted by tlio scorching day that
was a Hit Ing prelude to the days that will como
nc-t wrok in the nuckod convention and city
of Chicago. The delegation was accompanied
by u largo number of friends , und in conver
sation it seemed to bo the general opinion
tluit the state would unite with the Puclliu
coast delegation on all imi > ortuiit question * .
The announcement has l > oen mndo tunt the
state league of republican clubs will meet in
this city on the -ath of Juno to ratify the
nominations at Chicago uud outliuu a plan of
campaign on the part of the league. To pro-
vidu for this meeting , wMch promises to benne
nno of tbo largest gatherings of republicans
over hold in the state , u meeting of committee -
tee from the different clubs in the city was
held at the oftlco of the county Judge last
evening , Charles M , Carter was culled to
the chulr and Klnicr Stophcnson acted as
secretary , Judge C , M. Parker , president of
the Capital City Republican club , was made
president of the day , and a committee on
general arrangements , consisting of O. K.
Goodell of the Fifth'ward , A. W. Scott of
the Second ward , and UP' Johnson of the
ess ol Cosl
Monday morning nnd continuing for
one week wo offer our entire slock of
Pfinipols , the largest , best selected and
handsomest assortment in the oily , at
prices you cannot afford to pass without
an examination.
Wo will Parasols that cost
$3.50 $ - - for-$2.50 $
$5.00 $ - for $3.50 $
$7.00 $ - for $5.00 $
$10.00 $ - for $7.00 $
$13.00 $ - -.for $10.00 $
$18.00 $ - for $12.00 $
In this lot will bo found many of the
richest shaded Ombre Silks , Black and
Colored Moire Silks , besides a largo
variety in both plaids and stripes. Sale
commences Monday and lasts for one
Rare Bargain !
Having a largo stock of handsome
Oriental Lace Flouncings , Monday
morning wo will make 3 lots of our
stocic and offer them at
50c. 60c , 75o ,
They como in both Ecru and While ,
and measure 42 to 45 inches wide.
'J hirdjmml , wore appointed by the chulr.
As a committee on music to secure bands for
the duy of meeting , Messrs. Elmer Stephenson -
son of the First wurd , John W. Fawoil of
the Third ward and Wultor Hoge of the
Sixth wurd , were appointed. The picsident :
of the different republican dubs in the city
wcro made n committee on reception The
jncsidents are : G. M. Parker , Central club ;
.r. 1J , Strode , Hlnino club ; Thomas Coriifr
him , Colored Republican club ; Samuel E.
Lowe , YOUHK Men's Uofwblieim club ; W. C.
Lane , First Wind club ; A. W. Scott , Sci-onil
Ward clud ; J. M. Raymond , Third AVan !
club ; Charles L. Hall , Fourth Ward club ;
S. J. Alexander , Fifth Wnrd club ; , F. L.
Lyman , Sixth Ward club. To arrange for
the financial outlay of the occasion Mr. Carter -
tor , chairman of the meeting , was mudo
chairman of such a committee to select four
The district court for this county , that has
boon in session the past thirty days , has com
pleted its Jury and criminal trials and the
jury has boon discharged for the term. There
remains a largo amount of equity business
yet to transact , but the court will take a
icccss until one week from Monday , The
criminal business xvas very light this tor
In the eases of IlonryVrthoniUl and Hortlm
Hobblns , the Illinois particswho came to this
city nnd liavo been living in ndultury , the
former was sentenced to thirty days and the
latter to sixty days in the county jail. WIl
Ham Fearson , charged with horse stealing
and grand huvcny , plead guilty and received
u sentence of one i ear in the penitentiary.
There was an interesting mooting held in
the armory of company 1) . last evening fo
the organisation of n camp of the Sons o
Veterans. There were present to conduc
the organisation General Abbott of Chicago
Lieutenant Colonel Moses P. O'Brien oi
Omaha , Major L. S. Ellsworth of Holdrogo
II. E. Munn of Omaha and others. Th
organization of n cam ] ) was rnado and th
following onicors elected nnd installed
Captain , William B. McArthur ; first lieutenant -
tenant , W. S. Scott ; Hocond lieutenant , A. S ,
Colvcrt ; camp council , H. E. Berry , E
Hcaton nnd II. E. MuFarlnnd. Captain Me
Arthur appointed on his staff , H. H , Hicks
sergeant of guards , J. C. Soacrcst first scr-
goant , H. S. Hcflloiingorquartermaster. All
young mow whoso fathers woio killed in the
war or honorably discharged from the service -
vice are eligible for membership.
The HomcBtako mining company 11 lea its
articles , with its principal jilaco of business
lit Grand Island , Hall county , the object of
the company being to purchase nnd develop
mining lands In the United States , confining
operations principally in Arkansas , The
Ilomostako inlno in this btato , valued ut
$5 H > ,000 , Is the capital stock of the company
nnd Is non-assobsablo. the articles further
providing that the corporation shall Incur no
debts whatovor. The incornorators nro John
Wulllchs. W J. Ouliiiu , W. 0. King , William
H. Coggshalt , S , U , oss. C. W. Urlnmeyor ,
John U. Hlggins , Nettle Watts , Juy E. White ,
G , A. ftlohhrcnstecher , of Grand Island , and
L. D. Proper , of Hear City , Ark. , Charles H ,
Watts , of Hloouilugton , Neb. , and William
AVutts , of Wood UivorrNeb.
Travelers' CcIoUratlcm.
Git AND ISLAND , Nob. , Juno 15. [ Special to
TUB HEK.J The traveling men of Nebraska
are making arrangements for a grand cele
bration bore July 4. They liavo completed
their organization and will bo prepared to
entertain their friends with a well-arranged
programme of sports and amusements. The
citizens hero bavo donated u thousand del
lars. They have arranged for a plenio In
the afternoon , und will parade at li o'clock
p. m. The uniform for the occasion will bo
plug hats und linen dusters. A banquet will
bo given in the evening at the Palmer house ,
nnd a grand ball in the opera house will end
the festivities of the day.
Closed I < V > r .Mt > ii lo * .
OAKLAND , Neb , , Juno 10. lSpecial to THE
UKB.J The schools at the Omaha Indian
agency have bocn closed for a time on ac
count of measles , which ara raging among
the little reds to an alarming extent. About
forty of the papooses have died within a
short time. The town of Decatur U having
a rushing trade in colllns , having sold twenty-
I eight insiilo of a week.
Remnants of
Ponpeo Silks , China Silks , Orona-
dincs , Surnb Silks , Koulhml Silks.
Crepe SHlts , lirocndo Silks , nnil nil
other silk fubrics Unit como Ina dress
pattern or less will bo placed on sale
Momlny morning nt from one-quarter
to one-half less than usual prices.
100 Patterns of the Newest
That sold early in the season from $3.50
to $4.00 tv yard ,
Reduced Monday to
Monday wo will offer 20 pieces of
Alex. Giraud & Co/s
Lyons Grenadine Silk
22 inches , satin finish , made especially
to wear with Grenadine or Lace ; actual
value 81.CO ; our price , OSc.
( Where mistakes n > found below , pastors urorc-
quostuil to somt corrections. Any omissions uotoJ
will bo cliuerl ully supplied. )
Unity , Seventeenth ami C.IHI llov. w. I ! . Conolanil.
Services monitnx itnil evening. SunJiiy school ut
Nortliwcit corner Twenty-flr t unil Clark. Services
murnliiK nnil oimlnK. . Mublmlli Pthool ut UIW : p. m.
First , Twentieth and Ciipltoi uvemio-ller. CUarlos
II , Nawimn. Services murnlnic und cveiilnn. Suu-
day uclioot ii.W u. m ,
Gorman 10X1 South Twentieth Itov. K. . . . Frocse.
fcervlucs at Kin. m , Sunday school at 2. p. m.
1) ) inlih. South Twonty-Ki'cond botworn Jjonven-
worth and Mnion llev. K. C. UodboldU borvlces
inornluK unit ovunlni : .
Kimnue .Memorial Hranuollcal , Silicon th anil llar-
noy Hay. J. . Dotwellor , Services mornlns and
ovcnlnx. Huwliijr nclioul at noon.
Ht. Mark's Kviinxollrnl. corner of North Twenty-
lint itnd lliinlotto-Hov. ( ) , II , hchuur. burvlcos
uiornlnK uud OYonlnx. Suinluy xchool nt 2:30 : p , 10.
Danlnh , South Twonty-iucond , bi-twcon Ixjaven-
worth nmt Mason Itov. U. C , Uodboldt. Berrlces
monilnx nnil meiitiiK.
Itmimnnpl llnptlst church. furmorly North Omaha
mission , LMUIriiiunilt'mitri'ot survlcui .Sunday mum-
Intt nt HI M , nnd evening ut 7T : > . buntlay fcdiooi nt
U.IW m.
First , Fifteenth and Davenport Hov. A. W r-umar.
Services uiurnlni ; and waning sunilny tcliool at
li m.
Soulli On.iihu Ilaptlsti meet nt tlio M. K cliurrh
billldliltf for Sunit.iv chnol nt J p. m. mul piouclilnt'
lit 4 p. in. Hov F.V. . I'nilur.
Cnlvnry , Haundcrs near Cumins Itur. A. W. Clnrlc ,
Eomrcs morning and ovcnlru. Mindiiy ttchooliit 1. .
Ilcth-Kdon , Park iuoiuiu und l.oavonworth Hov.
II U Homo. Pert UPS miirnliiir und evonluK , ab-
b.ilh school all. in. V. I'.M.C. i.7.15l : > - lu.
First /Ion liiipUnt ( Inirrli , Mnotcunth nnd Hurt
stroeH HcunUr fcervlrc * Sunday morning at II and
cvonlnu ntn o'clock. T. II. Kwlnn , pn'tor.
North Omaha , 3 n Humidors Hi > r , F. W. Koitor.
Hervlcus uiornlnK und ovimlnK. tiiiiiday scliuol nt
1'nrkvalc Chapel. TvTontr-nmtli mid Martha Mr. T ,
11 , Taylor , nuporliUemlenl. Sunday sch'iol nt .1 o'clock.
rirmouth Conirok'atlonnl church , Kountzo 1'luco :
on bluu tar line * . Hov. Alfiml 11 , I'cnnlmuii puilor ,
bcrvlcuH at lu . . m. and H p. in. riunrtay school at
noon. V. r. H , C. K. at 7 p. m. All cordially Invited ,
bt , Mary' * Avenue , St. mry'it nnd ' 1'wonty-slxth
uvunuei Itov.V Illanl Scott , tiurvlcos morulni ; and
ovonlnx. bunduy fchool nt noon ,
llcthiil Chapel , Sixteenth jind Hlckory-Hor. M. J.w.
Thlnu. Sunday ichool at J o'clock.
Flnt. Nineteenth ami Diivonport-llov.A.F. Shor-
rlll.DII. hurMcus morulnn und oienkiK. Hunduy
§ LIOO ] ! ut noon.
Free Kvnn ( pllcntUorman.TwaKtli nnd Dpreni Itov ,
K. II. W. llruerlivrt. Mirvfcet luornlni , ' mid uvenliiK ,
bunday ichool nt ' ' ' 1 o'rlock ,
Cherry Hill , 1'nntral purk addltlon-Hor.J. A. Mllll-
pin , Si-nlci's luornliu uud uvenlnu. bunduy neUool
lit noun.
llllWdo. Omuhu View -llev II. C. Crane. HorvlceJ
morning und cvonlntf , Sunday school ut noon.
fnrulo.-u , Ames uvonini unit Twunty-ttfth , Her , J ,
A.MIIIiiiaii , bunduy ncbool ut 3 . . .0 o'clock , burvtcos
In the oieniiu ut 7 o'l lock.
I'urklMuiu , Citllfornla and Thirteenth Hov. M. li.
Ilolf hcrvico niurnlUK and uvuiilrm. emulay tcliool
ut noon ,
rtwudlsh KviuiRollrHl Mlmlon , Davenport and
Twi-nty-tlilrd lluv J A , llultnrui. rervlcui mum *
Intf nnuuvculni ; . nunilaytchool J(5p : , m ,
Ht. Paul MI < lonTnlrly , > ( < iOiid ! anil C i HOT. J.M.
Date * . hervlce < IO.JJ a m nnd I p. m bunday school
iip ui ,
Illusion orvlre Thursday nt 7. 40 p. m. ut the res ) .
dunceof Mr.Juun Ktn'jH'tor. ' Hur.Joun Wllllumi.
Ht. I'lilllpn tree ( colored ) 811 North Nlnoti't-ntli-
Ilev , John Williams. bJiiclay school nt ,1 p. m Kvun-
BOIIKUt 4 p. Ill ,
bt , llaruatuii Tree , Nlnctoenth und California llev.
John William * . I'luln celebration at 7' u mj choral
cflcuriiilon ft ll-UOii. m ; Sunday > choululU.4i u , m. ;
Choral evening OIIK at 7J : ) p. m.
Allbnliit 1T c'itvUtli uu.l IhHTurd-Uuv. IxulJ
Xahncr , y. T. I ) , llcnular nervlccn. bundjy school
u U.3Up. m.
st. Johu'it , North Twenty-sixth and Franklin streets-
-\Vllllain ( ) iooJ 1'curnou , rector. Ilol ) loninnnilon
8 u , ui. ; bunday school V.4Ju.iui pruyirund suriuou
II a. m , uiul 7.13 p.m. t > enti Ireo ,
Ilansrom l.irk , ( ieorcla and Woolworth avenues
Hov. u. M. llruwn. M'rvlcos luorulDK und cvenliif.
bunday ichool at Mp. m ,
First Oi'rnmi u r. church , tornor Eleventh und
Center streets hi r lies 10..4) ) a. bi , and 7 4J p , lu ,
fcundiiy tcucHl utV..Jj. ) | m. Her. 0. II. Heckvr.
First , Uivunport between gnventoenth and
KlKhtfonth Hov , T. M. llou 4. bervlecs mo ml nil
und meiilnn. bunrtay school ut i. * ) p.m.
Trinity , blunders und Illnnuy Her. A , II Henry.
Service's mornlm ! und CVC'iilti , ; . duuJjy school HI
.00 p. m.
South Tenth Street , Tenth and I'leroo Ilev.t' . N.
Dawson. services morning and ovoulii. . ouuJajr
fcc-liool at ! 3i p , m.
( aitvlhir street. NlaetoentU and Caitellar Kov.
W F. 1-own. ricrvlcei uioralug aai evduln .
cbool at 1U OJ u. .m.
Boutli OruaUa-llev. J. K , Kddlcbult.
nidrnlog nd orenlng.
CreUbton-Aveuuo Jllnlon , Crelabtou avcnuo and
. T cotyecaad. . J'rcicUiav' .buaJay' ut ,4.Uk ) ps m. '
Wo have received another largo con
signment of Colgate's Cashmcro Uoquct
Soap that wo shall offer for 15o per
cake. In order that nil may bo supplied
and our customers only obtain some , we
will limit the quantity to U cukes to
each customer ; none to other dealers.
Mixtures ,
Monday wo will offer a choice assort
ment of all wool Summer Mixtures ,
suitable lor mountain or seashore
dresses ; actual value $1.25 ; bur price
Ladies' Jersey
At our Hosiery counter on Monday
wo will soll.l case Ladies' Ecru Jersey-
fitting Vests'for 38c ; worth 50c.
' '
Mail orders 'fpr goods or samples
promptly filled. "
Sunday hchool at lOn.m. J , M. Chambers , superin
tendent ,
Norwegian nnd I ) inlsli M. H. church , 2121 S.uindro.
Hov. II l > iMlel"ti burrluM morning nnd evening
gundity Bchool ut 11 in.
Howurd btreot M , K. chureh-Hev. Cuurles W.
Savldite. ben li.cs mornlnn unil evening.
Wc t AlhrlKht PresuylPrian church Services at 4
p.m. t-umlay school at 11 lu.
Wvl'li. 1U1S Cuniluir stroot-Iler. W. Ilnlnnd Wll
llnniH. Services inornlnu nnd evening. Sunduy choo
nt noon.
Pfcond , Snunders Hov. William 11. Henderson
Services morulhu and ovenliu. Sunday school ut
Central United , Seventeenth liotivoon Ilodiro und
C'upltol a\iMiito llev. .lolui Wllllumsojl. borvlcus
UiornlnK und evonlne. Sunduy school ut noon ,
fiouthwe t. Twentieth and Ixjavcnworth Ilov. I ) . H
Kiirr. fcrvlcea morning and evening , bunday schoo
at 1. : lip. ui.
Klrst United , C13 North Illuhtocnth-Hov. K. II
Ornhnra. Sorvlcns mnrnliiK and. evening. Sunday
school at noon. Younu i > oupo' ! luuetliiK ut 7 ,
Park Avenue United. Park avenue nnd O runt Ho
J. A. Henderson. Borrlcos moriituK und evening ,
bunday school at noon ,
Vint German , Klghtconth und Cumins Hov. J. Q
Schalldo. .Service's niornliiK and ovenlni ; . Sunday
school at noon.
Cnstollaratroet , Blrtennth and Caitcllnr Ucv. J. M
Wllaon Services moriilni ; and vvvnlui ; , bunday
school at li m.
Westminster , Twenty-ninth nnd Mason Hov. John
Gordon , ncrvlcus mornlux and ovonltiB. Sunday
school ut noon *
Ilninlltonbirpct , Hamilton neur I.owo avenue Hov
Wllllum J. I'lvlm. rtervlcos morning nnd uvpnliiK
gunduv school at noon.
AmblerI'luco-Hov.O..M.Iorteo. PorvlceSHtll ( On
m. undBn. m. Hundjy school ) at 12.U ) m. l'ni > c
meeting Wodncmliiy ,
IfnllPd freshtprlan Mlislon. Twi > nty.Mxth nn
CnssHev..lulinIHluni8on. . ITOJchlnK'by pustorit
I.JJ u. in , biindny school nt 3/10 p , m.
South Omahu , Tnonty-nlth and J llev. ( J. M
I.cidKO.ork'CS ! ut 10.r > a , in , bunduy school a
noon ,
Knox , 1P10 rako-Uor. Paul Martin. Service
niornlnx und ovenlnK. Hunrtjy school ut noon.
Klnt , DixlKOundbovcntPunth-Hov. W J. Ilnr hi
Services murnlntt und ovenlni ; . bunday school a
uoou , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
ciiuncn NOTES.
At tbe Imnianucl Utiptist , 3100 Saunder
street , tbe thcmo in tlio morning in "Stop * o
Faith. " In tlio evening children's day con
cert by the Sunduy Hcliool. Tbo ovcninf
lirosrammo is ot unusual interest. Publi
cordially invited.
Services at St. Marimbas , corner Nine
tccntb und California streets. Sunday. .Juno
17 , at 11 a. in. , Kov. Dr. Lowls emulating
No ovcnipK service.
Hov. J. N. Boyd occupies the pulpit of th
First Presbyterian church , Seventeenth an
Dodge , to-jnorrow.
At Unity church , Seventeenth nnd Gas
streets , to-morrow morning Hov. Marl
Gnriird Androwfc , formerly of Clinton , la.
will preach upon "Doubt und Faith. "
Hov. II. Hurhc-i [ | of Long Crcok , Iowa , wll
preach at the w luli church to-morrow.
At the 11 o'clock service , All-Saints church ,
Twenty-sixth and Howard streets , the choir
will sing the Te'Doum in F , by Dyrcs , uud
the Jubilate in H , by Oarrott , und the nn-
thctn , "Thy Moroy , O Lord , Hcuchoth Into
the Hcavongf" by Uaruaby. At the 7 o'clock
Hcrvico Will bo sung tha Magnificat and Nuno
Dlmittias In F , by Tours , uud the nnthcin , "I
Will Always1 dirt Thanks , " by Caldtu. At
tlio 11 o'clock serviced the Ht. Hov. George
Wortliington , bishop of the dloccbo , will ad
minister the rjtn of continuation. Strangers
cordially welcomed at ull services.
Pastor Lawarof the First Huptist church ,
will deliver in the ovunmg the third in the
norlos of liis Sunilay night .sermons on popu
lar subjects Subject to night : "WhoroDo
Infidels Got Their Morality ) " llo promises
tq uiaUc Komo r viihitions. These Buriuons
are attracting great attention , Kov. Ojear
Jensen will preach in the forenoon.
At Howard street M. K. church Hov ,
Charles W. Savidt'O will preach , anil his sub
jects will bo : Sahhuth morning , "Tlio Hcset-
tlng Sins of the Christian , " Sabbath even
ing , "Tho Fool. "
At the United' Presbyterian chinch , 118
North Seventeenth street , the morning serv
ice will bo coiidni-tcd by Hov. J. S. McCul-
loch , D , I ) . , president of Knoxvlllo college ,
Knoxville , Tonn. Kvoning topic , "Tlio
Haco. "
At Huuscom Park M. K. church , corner of
Twenty-ninth \Voulworth avenue , the
morning subject will bo "God's Grace riuftl-
dent. " Uvouiug , Confessing and Denying
Christ. "
Smoke SeidenborgV Figaro and at
thal)0dtfl-cont cigar in tbo world ;
& Co. , wiiwesalo ijopot.
Bed Spreads ,
Monday morning and for ono week wo
ifler 6 cases extra size line Crochet Bed
Jproads at 49o oanh ; regular price 76c ,
Only two to each cnstouier.
Bed Spreads ,
Those nroUour regular $1.25 Bed
Spreads of which wo have only 3 cases ,
u this price , 7flc , wo will not promise
, hcm after Tuesday. Only 2 to each
Bed Spreads ,
Those nro exceptionally largo and
icavy , with beautiful assortment of pat
terns ; regular price $2.2-5. Price for
this sale , $1.50 each.
Satin Damask
For ono week wo offer 35 pieces , 66
inch , finest Bleached Satin Damask
Table Linen , regularly sold at $1.50.
During this week our price will bo only
$1.00 a yard. See goods in west show
Co-Operation in the United States.
America : The ono fact that btands
out beyond all others in the "History of
Co-Operation in the United States , " a
valuable and timely compilation just is
sued in connection with studies in his
torical and political science by the John
Hopkins university , is that success in
co-oporution depends almost entirely
upon the personal equation in the co-
operators. Wherever these are unl
imited by the truespirit of organization
the resolution to surmount dinicnltics.
the unscllMincbs to nmke sacrificesand
the courage to put the good of asboeia-
tion before sentiment , then there is
hope in co-oper.xtion. But lot these bo
pemons who are untrained in habits of
subordination and unhesitating obedi
ence , co-operation will yield none of the
fruits waich its success is so well calcu
lated to supply to the thrifty laboring
man and the mechanic , "ft is only by
the exorcise of frugality , " said Presi
dent Enrlo , to the National Association
of the Soverigns of Industry , at Wash
ington , in 1878 , "that the workingman
can bo enabled to surround himself and
his family with the comforts of life. Co
operation will not benefit him if ho doori
not cultivate provident habits.
Beyond a doubt "tho underlying
causes of all co-operative failures are
hick of intelligence and of the spirit of
co-operation. " Thin is the story that
runs all through the book under con
sideration. Hero we find the subject
of co-operation treated in a purely his
torical manner. Beginning with the
Now England states , the subject is fol
lowed in its inception , development
and present condition in the bovoral
divisions of the Union. It is treated of
in detail in its distributive , productive
and profit-sharing phases , and every
where comes to the name conclusion
whore the co-opurntora nro possessed of
the requisite intelligence , the hard
sotiBO to choose competent men forman-
asjor.s , nnd the wisdom to accept mod
erate terms , they have succeeded.
Whore they have boon lucking in these ,
where the iHiinngument has fallen into
the hands of dishonest or inelllclent
men , where attention has been turned
to politics Instead of economics , or
whore greed for largo returns has
choked ( liberation , they have failed.
Among the examples of the survival
of the fittest may bo cited the Nntiok
( Mass. ) Protective union , incorporated
in 1HGU under the state law , its object
hoiiiLr declared to be "to reduce the
coat of living. " It started with SJOO $10
Hhures ; it has now $ (1,000 paid in capital
in 500 shares , distributed among 673
shareholders. The business of this has
been under the management of one man
Tonne A. Flngg from its beginning ,
and ho has seen his trade grow to over
$100,000 a year , oven while not belling
to make a largo profit "wo pnifor to
benefit the consumer" being the motto.
Although the par value of shureu is
only 910 , it in quoted at $ ' ! ( ) . which is
not surprising when it is considered
thnt in 1SS > the prollt on each share i
was $7.50. ( joods lire sold to every ono ,
whether stockholders or not , discounts i
being given to memborj.
One of the oldest -juccetbful pro
ductive cooperative associations , "with
out dividundtj to labor , " is the Somer
set , Mtiis , , Foundry company. It was
orgnni/od in 1MI7. Its capital Is
$ ; ! 0,000 in ? 100 shares , owned by forty-
eight stockholder : ! , thirty of whom nro
in the business , and such ure given
preference in hiring men. Kquul wages
lor equal work nro iiaid to nil emi -
i > ioos , whether stockholders t > r not ,
it is declared "
but that "ntock-nwning
improves the finality and increases the
quantity of work accomplishednnd. thin
goo * far to nri'ount for the success at-
taiicd. | | ' .According to. the reporf ( or
Style 1 Made of Strlucd nnd Polka
Dot Kmbroldory , pkirt made with
jlcntod ) front and short apron drapery
and long full back drapery , plain
lolntod basque , with pleated vest front
f plain Linen do India.
Style 2 Front of skirt isinndo of Em-
iroidorcd Linen do India , with short
apron drapery of same material , back
ins embroidery , shawl drapery , stylish
embroidered basque with- vest front.
The above two suite are actually
worth from $13.50 to $15.00.Vo oiler
choice for the week at $10.00.
Style 1 Plain full skirt of fine Km-
broidcred Linen do India , edged at bottom
tom with wide embroidery , and cord
stripes above , hamlbomo embroidered
bubquo with pleated vest front.
Style 2 Front of skirt has two deep
embroidered llounccs , bnck has long
straight pleated drapery with panels of
wide embroidery on either side , stylish
solid embroidered basque.
Each suit is worth $18.00. Our price ,
however , will bo only $12.00 each for
ono week.
. Agents for Enttoricks Faltcriis , De
lineator and Patterns receiyeit for Jul7 ,
18SO , this company has boon turning
out nn annual product of 875,000 , nnd
since ] SSO has been paying a dividend
of 10 per cent.
Amoi'fr the productive associations
with dividends to labor , that founded
by the Knights of Labor and known as
"The Boot and Shoo Company of Lynn ,
Mass. , " allords a successful illustration
of its kind. It was organi/cd in Ihbo.
Its capital is $9,000 , in $100 shares , in
the hands of about sixty persons. Ten
shares is the limit anyone can own.
Over forty shareholders are employed
in the business , and are given the pref
erence in securing work. All work
men must bo Knights of Labor , and
all those who are not shareholders are
encouraged to deposit toward ashnrc.
The net profits on the first year , after
paying the opernlives "tho highest
scale of wages in Lynn , " were $1,01)0 ) on
a capital stock which was not raised
from S ,000 to 88,000 until three months
before the accounting. Profits are to
bo thus divided : 10 per cent goes U :
the sinking fund ; 5 per cent is paid or
the capital slock ; 10 per cent oi
the remainder goes to the Knights ol
Labor assembly for a co-operative fund
to bo used in assisting other co-opera'
live enterprises pot1 cent is to go t <
capital , 45 per cent to labor , in proportion
tion to wages. "Wo are perfectly satis
fled with the results , ' * says Mr. Hiohan'
Naglo , under whoso management the
association was organized. Hero is i
field of labor in which the Knights o
Labor can do a mighty sight more for
the workingmen than by landing thorn
countenance in the study of socialism erin
in the maintenance of strikes.
In regard to profit sharing between
those who furnish the capital and thoao
who do the labor , u noteworthy oxain-
plo is given from the northwest. In
1882 Mr. Charles A. Pillsbury , of the
famous Pillsbury milling firm , determined -
ined to try tfio profit sharing plan in
the establishment of his company. Of
the -100 to COO men employed In the
mills , about -5 per cent were made eli
gible to a share in the profits after 10
per cent hnd been dcdnctud as interest
on capital invested. These man wore
those in rcaponbiblo positions or whoso
work could bo properly classed as skilled
labor , und second , those employes who
had boon in the service of the firm con
tinuously for llvo year. . At the end of
the IIml year the amount sot apart to ho
distributed among the oniployowns in
excess of 810,000 , and beingnpportionod
among about 100 moil , gave to each nn
average of $100 , which was said to bo
equivalent to about ono third of tlio
wages received by each. In 1881 about
the BUino total was distributed tonn in
creased number of inon , and in 1885
$40,000 of the profits were again divided
among about ono-third of those on the
pay-roll. In 1880 thu firm struck u bad
year und there wcro no profits to di
vide , hut each employe rccohod a frank
statement of the situation , ami , as all
had been paid their wages promptly
and without any reduction , tlioy no-
contcd it gracefully and loyally. The
Pillsbury company still believes that
the best results over obtained in its
business may bo expected through the
profit-sharing co-operation it has
adopted with its employes.
The history of co-operation in the
United States demonstrates that the
want of bound legislation , the lack of
general information respecting the pos
sibilities nnd limitations of cooperation
tion , together with the mischievous in
terference of selfish and pestiferous
agitators who Book to sot class against
class and breed discord whore there
should bo a harmony of interests , alone
stand in the way of the moro universal
adoption of u system which is so bcno-
Finest Imported
All Next Week
25c an Ounce ,
During tills week wo olTor a special
bargain in finest Hngllsh Perfumery ,
mamifneturod by Low , SOMS& Hnydon ,
London , Knglnnd , nnd ono of the oldest
extract innnufnclurora in the world. Try
it nt 23c ( in ounuo ; it is half price , nnd
cqtiul in qunlity to the best iniulowhich
soils tit CUo.
Ladies' ' Pocket Books ,
Preparatory to taking inventory of
slock , it becomes necessary for ua to
clean aa well us to reduce our extensive
stock. To effect this wo have not taken
the cost into consideration , and now of
fer you a Too purse at U8c ; exactly hall
Ladies' ' Pocket Books ,
These are a direct Importation from
the French manufacturers ; made of
finest finished leather outside , while
inside they are beautifully finished with
real kid. These are n regular 81 quali
ty at CUe cnch.
Call and examine our Boys' ono piece
Linen Kilt Suits , ages 2 , ; t , 4 and ( J yra
at 81.50 each.
For tills week wo offer 100 rolls of
straw matting ut lo ! ) n. yard. Wo are
nlso showing a complete now nssortmont
of hnndsome _ dcs-ifins in Jiipunosc , Chi
nese , .taintless and Damask Mattings.
iicont where successful , and which only
fails whi-ro it seok.s to accomplish the
imnracticablo. or falls into the control
of weak , shiftless and dishonest innn-
Absolutely Pure.
Tnls powder novcr varies , A marvel of purity ,
Ktrcngtn and wlioliiRnmeiiM-iS. Moro economic
than thu ordinary klmlx. mid cannot bo sold in
competition 1th the multitude of low tost.short
weight alum or phosphate powders. NoM utilu in
CIW * . ItOVAL , lUlUM ! I'UWDlill CO. , 100 Wall St. ,
Now Voik ,
Norlhvrost Corner Fnrnnm nnd PJlii Sts.
I'ald Up Ciipltul $500,000
Surplus I'linil 100,000
BAJIl'lil , 13. HOilKUS , Vlco.l'r < ld < mt.
HUN U. WOOD , Cashier.
AKI ! , AsMtant Cashier ,
Accounts Bollritndiind prompt uttuntlou given
to Imslno9.s lull listed to UH care ,
I > KV AIR Jtirm : < uitA.'roKg. :
Made from ANMIQUE OAK I.uxurn , Charcoal
filled , best that canbemade. W.I U WltlOHT ,
Muu'frs Auont Mth HI , bot. V'arnum A. Harue/ .