Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 17, 1888, Part I, Page 2, Image 2

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    n * " 1
, , A Olam-LIko Sllqnco When Apr -
r preached on Pro'foronoos.
California's Illnlno Itnnncrs nnd Din-
zonry 1'nlled to Awnlcrn Expected
Sliornmn Will
Lend nt Tlrst
Politician * .
CHICAGO , Juno 10. [ Special Telegram to
Tun BRK.I All day long the workers for
r 'Jhurston's candidacy as temporary chair-
'iilan of the convention fmvo been twisting
liuttons off the coats of national commlttco-
Incn , nnd bro/ithtng spices nnd sulphur Into
the eats of influential dclcgntcs. Piomlses
f Jinva been ns thick ns crows in corn time nnd
if ' the supporters of over ? presidential caiitil *
L ilalo have been fed with taffy at the men-
J.lon of their favorite name. Late in the
nttcrnoon the Nebniskn men nnnounccd that
they had secured n majority of the comlttec.
tThci o was consequently dismay when it was
Jino\.n shortly after 0 o'clock the committee
nnd again postponed the selection of chair-
inan and would not tnko up the question
until Monday. A vigorous light against
ThUiston was made by Lclnnd of
'Kansas on nntl-uionopoly grounds ,
' , nnd this , when Joined to the
work of the Pnclflo coast ,
for Ustcovas enough to once more dofcr no
tion. The prospect is that the Thutston
tooin has gone down the laltif front nnd can
not again bo securely anchored. The desire
to win votes in the committco has kept the
ur.t.i.o vTis' MOUTHS TIGHTLY
ns to their favorite candidate. There is n
general dcslro to show the friendly fooling
of the state for Senator Allison's aspiration ,
which will secure him in all probability a
complimentary vote , but outsldo of tnls
everything li hn2cy. Congiessmnn Doiaoy
i ? on the ground working hard for Sherman ,
and General Mandorsun Is expected tomorrow
rowto assist in the same interest , but the
delegation seems to have only ono object in
View nnd that is to get on the winning side
among the first and they "hesitate to commit
themselves for fear of making n political
blunder. Personally four of the delegates
Javo Sherman , four Algor nnd two nro for
Orcslinm , but the vote will bo cast on differ-
foront lines when the roll is called. The
licadquartcrs of the delegation is nt room 113
in the Gratnl Pacific , whllo the general Ne
braska headquarters is located a block down
On Clark strqct nt the Now Gore house.
cmuAuo'8 rnnspmiNo TIUIOSO.
Night closes after a dav of insufferable
licat which has put to Illght the boasters
bout Chicago as u summer rosort. All day
long delegates huvo been arriving , and pors :
jplrmg , and profane crowds have been vainly
seeking for definite political information.
( j.3olltlcal prophesies as to the result to-night
Would bo as valueless as the average weather
prediction. No ono can predict the outcome
Of the coming coming convention nnd most
" 'of the delegations are as uncertain as to the
vote of their own friends on the first ballot.
t IThcro has never assembled in the history of
the republican party a convention composed
cf delegates us undecided us to condidatos ,
, \vith fewer scores to pay oft or tnoro willing
f' ivhon the time comes to unite for the best
interests of the party. This Is an cncourag-
( C ing outlook for republicans nnd ono which ,
fi as it Is apprehended , is doing much to pave
the way for calm dclibcrato action. Even
the advent of the California delegation with
n blast of trumpets and blazonry of Blaine
banners did not excite the expected unthu-
nlusm. Whatever the Blnlno undercurrent
is it declined to manifest Itself. This was
noticed by William Walter Phelps and sev
eral other of Mr. iilainc's friends who saw
the arrival , and confirmed them in their view
thut there
V.OULD n is NO m.uxi : ST\.MIMI > E.
When the Now England delegations put in
an uppourunco this impression was con-
'jtlrmcd. "Mr. Blaine Is out of the nice definitely -
finitely , decidedly , emphatically and hon
estly , " said Senator Hale. "I can conceive
of no contingency other than n protracted
tlcad-lock which would bring his name before -
. fore the convention. That I do not believe
can happen. I think the convention will bo
chort. There will bo no dark horsn chosen. "
Pennsylvania and Now York are looked tons
ns the keys to the outcome. Pennsylvania is
Btrongly for Sherman. Last reports give
-tho Ohio senator forty- five out ofslxtvof
the delegation with the promise of ton more
when needed. New York with her seventy-
two delegates is prepared to cast sixty votes
for Chnunccy Dcpaw if his name is presented.
The other twelve will scatter.
"Mr. Depew will arrive to-night , " said n
_ friend , "and will carefully look over the
ground. If lie llnds the opposition to his
candidacy us. it has been pic
tured by TUB OMUII BEB ho will
decline to allow his name to bo used.
You may state In addition that if Chauncoy
1 , Depcw believes that the use of his 11111110
would loao a single congressional district he
Will emphatically decline to penult its uso.
lie has no political ambition outsldo of pai ty
The story of an agreement between the
Grcsham and Harrison men published In this
inorning'a Tribune Is denounced by John C.
Raw us a lie out of the whole cloth. The In-
dlunans claim thut they have no second
cholro nnd nro prepared
TO 1)UMJII ) lUltllHON.
Governor Sounders of Nebraska , whoso
Daughter married Harrison's son , is working
dor his ; candld oy nnd sluing heavily around
* Jn the room with the Nebraska delegation ,
6x-CiOvernor Gear of Iowa said this evening
' tlmt Allison will bo the second choleo ol
enough delegates to glvo him the nomination ,
f-Vn fortunately for Allison this opinion of the
ulownn docs not appear to bo generally shared.
'ill ' is repot ted to-night that Stpvo Elkins uuiJ
other chronic Blaine boomers nro working
Imrd for Harrison witfi the implied promise
"thut all the HurrUon votes will bo thiown for
Blaine whim tlio moment arrives , to whicli
they bcllovo thu finger of fate is pointing.
Another ropoit that Is attracting uttentioi
i la one which credits ox-Governor Porter , 01
Indiana with a lightning ted designed to at
0 tract botli the Groahum and Harrison light
'nlng in eisoof a continued failure on th <
part of both factions to select an Indlnm
candidate who can secure their united sup
in patience over SunOay for any uows o
more value than mere gossip. A hundro ,
- interviews would only glvo a hundred in
dividual ' opinions , and ua there are not tha
many delegates who are interviowablo tin
information would bo valueless , Put it dowi
us certain that Sherman will lead heavily
that Grcatmm has been bcnously wnVcnei
l > y individual friends and wretched uiisiiiun
agomcnt , tlm1 , Harrison ktoolc is rising urn
that jho Algor cry of "Lumber , Lucre um
> . LJngo ' la favorably Impressing many do'.e
gate ) ef both r-olora.1'
Tlio Temporary Organization.
CHICAGO , June 10. The temporary orpai
iiaUon of the republican national convcntio
\\as the first bubiness taken up to night . ! > ,
the national committee.
Mr. Conger of Ohio , moved that the coii
ppilttoo proceed at once to the selection of
K chaplain , temporary chairman , twp seciv
ft A jiei. four reading BCcrctaiHci , five 'assW
ant secretaries nnd tm ofllclal stenographer.
Stephen 13. Elkins suggested delay until
Monday , particularly ns to the selection of
temporary chairman , Mr. Elkins said ho
only asked for the postponement to glvo the
delegation Just arriving n chance to express
their preferences. A number of committeemen -
men opposed the delay on the grounds that
It was unnecessary. M. D. Foley of
Nevada Intimated that tno Pacific
coast delegates were among those
who dcMrca delay. The disposition to grat
ify any reasonable request from the coast
men was nt once manifest. The question
when put to a vote was decided In their
favor by 10 to 13. The selection of the other
temporary ofllcors of the convention was
then proceeded with , Hov. P. W. Ounsau-
lus , pastor of Plymouth Congregational
church , Chicago , was unanimously selected
to open the ilrst session of the convention
with prayer nnd Hov. 0. A. Northrup of
Indiana , the second day. Hon. Michael
Griflln of Wisconsin , was named by M.r.
Payne for one temporary Rcctotary.
Mr Lawson moved to appoint
George W. Clissbco of Michigan.
Both were accepted unanimously.
Per reading secretaries Mr. Hooker named
Henry Ballnrd of Vermont , Conger named
David Liming of Ohio , Iceland named Colonel
Lake of New York , Sanborn of Michigan
named James H , Stone , nnd Littler nddcd
George M. BrlnhcrhofT , of Illinois , The
number of reading secretaries was incrcnscfl
to six , nud nil named wcro selected. Thomas
J. Brogan , of Tennessee , was suggested by
Mr. Brownlow for assistant secretary and
was at once elected. T. Blxby of Minnesota
seta , Henry M , Cooper of Arkansas and
William Nelson of New Jersey , were
also made assistant secretaries. The
list was Increased to eight , nnd the
names of A. W. Munroc. of Maryland ,
J. E. Wiley , of Toxns , John L. Miner ,
of Louisiana nnd C. W. Shlnn of West Vir
ginia wcro added. The selection of an ofll-
clal stenographer was left to the sub-coin-
iniUoo on nnangomcnts. Hon. William
Hnlo of Tennessee , editor of the only repub
lican dally paper published south of the
Ohio river , was honored with the position of
temporary secretary , nud the number of sec-
rctnrlcs was for this purpose Increased to
Dakota's claim to statehood came up in nn
entirely now shape Unllko lust night , it
was now a matter of votes , not scats. Mr.
Now of Indiana moved that the national com
mittee iceomrncnd to the convention that
the ten olcgates for Dakota and six
from Washington territory bo each
given votes exactly as if legally declared
states. Mr. Conger of Ohio , who as chair
man of the sub-comuiittro to prepare the roll
of the convention , had last night opposed the
seating of extra delegates from Dakota ,
hcaitily Joined New in thu request for votes.
He explained thut his previous notion was
necessitated by his position as chairman.
Van Horn of Missouri earnestly opposed the
proposition , sayiug it would bo utterly unjust
to such states us Connecticut , which would
furnish votes in the November election niid
yet might now bo overridden in the conven
tion by Dakota , whoso people would bo pow
erless to elect the president. Thos I. Minor
of AVnshington Territory pleaded that the ex
clusion of Dakota nnd . Washing
ton Territory from statehood was
not the fault of their people
or of tlio republican party. Dakota's claim
to vote in the convention as a state and to be
allowed ton delegates on the roll was then
formally rutiilcd by the national committee
2T to 9.
Mr. Littler , of Illinois , who said ho had
been gieatly embarrassed by the number of
applications to him for admission to the con
vention , endeavored to have the mutter of
tickets reopened. The committee , however ,
after listening n few moments to Mr. Clark-
son of Iowa , on the subject , deemed the Idea
impracticable. An adjournment was then
taken until noon , Monday.
Convention Forecasts.
CHICAGO , Juno 10. One of the develop
ments of this evening is the open acknowl
edgement that the tight to seat In thcconven-
lon the additional sixteen Maliono delegates
from Virginia Is in tno interest of Senator
Slicrmau. TKo fight is yet undecided nnd
-iromiscs , unfos's checked , to become a battle
nto which the adherents of all the presidon-
ial candidates may bo drawn. The follow
ers of Blaine have so far prevented the full
consummation of the Shcrman-Mahono plan
of campaign. It is probable that the entire
Mahono delegation would have been seated
iut for the determined stand taken by the
Jlnlno men under the lead of Secretary Fes
sendcii of Connecticut The heated dis
cussion was almost wholly on technical lines
nnd devoted chiefly to the unit rule question ,
: > ut its bearing could not bo misunderstood
uy the sluowd politicians composing the na
tional committee. Colonel Hooker , national
committeenmn from Vermont and champion
of Sherman , declares publicly that the deci
sion of the committee Is the result of a com
bination of the friends of other candidates
against the Sherman men.
Senator Quay of Pennsylvania , who Is
ookod upon us n leader of the delegation
from that state , is for Sherman , and said
to-day whllo ho did not care to assume any
thing in advance of the arrival of the dele
gation , ho was satisfied that Sherman would
got most of their votes.
Chairman Cooper of the state committee
is also In the city. Ho Is for Bluiiio and S.IVH
on the start there will bo but forty votes
from Pennsylvania for Sherman nnd ten for
Greshnm , Ho evidently thinks ttiero will bo
a break for Blulno , nnd that the Pennsyl
vania delegations , with few exceptions , will
go over with the Blulno stampede.
Colonel William B. Hart , state treasurer
for Ponns.vlvnnla , says that ho does not think
there is nny danger of n break of the Penn
sylvania dt legation for Blnlno at any time.
There Is n mere complimentary vote mount
by the proncsition to vote for Mayor Filler
of Philadelphia. All the dolegatos-at-largo
will bo for Shorman.
The greatest inteicst was developed by the
managers of the different candidates In the
sentiments unil movements of the Pa-
citlo coast delegates. Immediately
upon the arrival of the coast delegates -
gates , they were compelled to
submit to nil sorts of Impoitunltles. Proba
bly the most significant event of the day was
the talk which several Paclllo coast dele
gates hud with Judge GrcHham , In this
conference the subject or Groshmn's tariff
vlows was discussed and his position was
stated. Tlio friends of Gresham have strong
hopes of support liom the Pnclflo coast
should the Blaine movement miscarry , but
tlio effect of the explanation of Gresham'e
position upon the gentlemen pi osont at this
talk was not especially encouraging ; to the
Giesham people.
Own Council.
CHICAUO , Juno 10. The arrival of J. II ,
Munloy of Maine , and Steve Elkins , ha ;
added a little more momentum to the under
current of sentiment for the Plumed Knight
Both men have been exceedingly reticent ,
and whenever the name of Blulno was
mentioned wcro ready { .o tuui the drift ol
conversation. To a reporter Manloy was
emphatic in saying that UieMtijno delegation
uslilu from the Malno sentiment , wu >
badly split up , as > vas also the entire Ne\\
England delegation. Ho said a meeting
would bo held Monday wiilch would bo at
tended by tlio entire New England dolegu
tion , and it would then be determined wlic
would receive the votes. Ho thought the
six states would bo badly divided. It hai
dovo'opod that Senators Hoar and Qua )
liavo been working In the interest o ;
Sherman , anl thut the majority delegate !
troiu ihruo of the states have declared foi
the Ohio candidate.
The Dakota Delegation ,
ST. PAUL , Minn. , Juno 10. Eight delegate !
from Dakota arc now here and will arrive it
Chicago Sunday morning. They uutliorizi
the statement , that no ono has any authority
i * who iWlr preference U , The dclo
gatioa Is unpledged.
Stilt KlioUtlnK ! ' < > r Blnlna.
YOIIK , .luno 1ft : A special twin bear
. largo portion of Jbfl NpwYotlr dolega
'tlonjoft for Oblcagtf' this morning. 'Jtalsi
li ail on board. 200 members of Ibo * Jobn'J
O'Brien association , Which U-
for-Hls'no. ' . . :
An Assault on a Hotel Employe Re
sults In Murdoiv
Tlio Light Fingered Gentry Active in
Several Nebraska Towns An At
tack on ( ho Turners Crushed
lly a Stonc
Killed AVItli n Poker.
FH'EMOXT , Neb. , Juno 10. [ Special to Tun
BKE. ] Peter Moriarty , an employe nt the
Now Yorkhuuse , died this morning from the
effects of nn assault made on him some tlmo
ago by n man named Wolcott , also employed
about the hotel. The deceased was sitting
at a table eating his dinner when Wolcott
came up behind hint and struck him with n
heavy poker. Ho evidently intended to mur
der him , ns ho aimed \ho \ blow nt his head ,
but Moriarty throw up his mm nnd the noker
struck him on the elbow , mangling It In a
frightful manner. Yesterday the nrm was
amputated , but It was too late to save the
patient. Wolcott has Hod.
Omnhn I'lroinon nt Fremont.
PnhMos-T , Neb. , Juno 10. [ Special to Titc
Bnn.J The excursionists of the Din ant lire
company of Omaha arrived hero to day about
11 o'clock. They were met at the depot by a
delegation of Fremont llromen in uniform
und thu brass band. They wcro escorted to
the beautiful citv park , where a platform for
dancing had been erected. The visitors
nuido this their headquarters during the day ,
many of them enjoying rides about the city.
The amusements consisted of nil sorts of
games and sports , which were entered Into
with gieat rest.
Two liurjjlurlcs at Crete.
Ciir.Tn , Neb. , Juno 10. [ Special to Tim
BKE ] Between 1 nnd 3 o'clock this morn
ing burglars entered the residence of Mr.
Pred Dewlo , B. & M. agent at this place , by
cutting the netting olt in his parlor window ,
nnd stole ? JO In gold from Ills pants pocket
nnd a valuable Masonic pin His pants and
vest were found in the road about ono hun
dred feet from the house. Theio is no uluo
to the thieves yet. At about the same hour
buiglnrs entered the residence of Mr. Chuiles
Bowlby nnd stole n silver , watch valued at
§ 45 and seine other small a'rtlcles. Several
arrests have been made , but nothing dcllnite
has been adduced.
Recovered Dnmnqcu.
HASTINGS , Nob. , Juno 10 [ Special to "Rar.
BEK. ] A dauiago suit brought against Hast
ings by Mrs. S. J. Woigel , wlfo of an archi
tect of this city , for $ ,530 , terminated last
night in the district coui t , the Jury uwai ding
to the plaintiff ? l,000 and the costs of the ac
tion. Onu year ago this month Mrs. Weigel ,
while ridiiiL' in n carriage on ono of the prin
cipal thoroughfares of the city , was thrown
violently to the ground fracturing an arm
and too and receiving injuries to her back
and "side. The accident was caused by a
sudden fright of the hoiso who diew the
wheels of the carriage Into an excavation
made for the purpose of laying a street car
track which hud bcen , caiolessly left exposed.
Jlorsc Thieves nt Ynik.
YOUR , Nob. , Juno 10. [ Special to TUB
Bun. ] A team of horses , two sets of
harness , n pluuton and a buffalo robe were
stolen from the farm of Daniel Gcoi go , n
prominent farmer living near Lushton , this
county. The property was missed jcstcrday
inornimr. The team is described as heavy
work horses , both son el. Ono Is blind in
the nigh eye , right foot cut on wire , and
white hind foot. The other has a heavy
mane nnd white spot in forehead. Ono
Harness is light and brass mounted. The
luuton has ono broken spring. A toward of
15l ) Is oftorcd bv Sheriff Hamilton , of which
York county will ) > a.5."A ) for tlio nrrast and
conviction o ( the thief , and Daniel George ,
the owner , $100 for the recovery of the
; ) ioi > eity. _
DeTemllni : tlio Turners.
NEURASKI CITV , Net ) . , Juno 10. [ Special
Telegram to Tin : Bin : . ] About a hundred
imminent German citirens held a meeting
this afternoon und unanimously adopted a
sot of resolutions condemning an article
which appeared in an oniug paper , the
Times , last night , rcllccting upon tlio Omaha
Turners , who visit Nebraska City to-morrow ,
referring to them ns debauches and Sabbath
depcorators. The editor and his paper were
most severely scoied. Tlio visit of the
Turnois promises to be n very pleasant af
fair , as gicat ptcpaiations have been made
by their tiiendshero for their reception ,
Overrun l > y Thlcvt-s.
NnniiA''vA Cm , Neb. , Juno 10 [ Special
Telegram to THE Bun. ] Thieves are again
harvesting in Nebraska City. Last night
the room of O. O. Hefner was entered and
relieved of n valuable gold watch and sev
eral gold medals , besides considerable
money. The homo of Bunker House was
also visited and relieved of valuables und
an attempt was made to steal his horse but
the would-be thief was detected before suu-
ccsstul. Wesley Spiorlook's residence was
entered un1 some money stolen and. the
liouso of William Brlckiu'll In Gieggsport
was ulso broken into.
A Jealous Youth Cuts Ills Throat.
KKKXKi , Neb. , Juno 1U , [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tins Urn. ] Jesse Sawyer , while
under the inllucnejj of Jealousy , cut his thioat
with a r.-i7or last night Sawyer is eighteen
j cars old. At n birthday party nt the resi
dence of D. N. Wells in the city , another
joung man paid attention to Sawyer's puit-
ner. Drs , Busten , Humphrey und Porter
were summoned und think Sawyer may 10-
cover. _ _
I'rolilliitlonlHtrt at Oakland ,
OAKLAND , Neb. , Juno 10 [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BEK. ] About two hundred
cold water persons mot four miles west of
Oakland last evening and organlrcd a piolu-
bltion club with some seventy-live charter
members. Ilov. Jacoby , of West Point , ad
dressed the ] Koplo on tlio wisdom of prohibi
tion as a principle. Great enthusiasm was
expressed , and the club was named the Pioneer
neer Prohibition club.
A Well DlRKor Fatally Injured.
NKiWASicvGiiv , Nob. , June 10 , [ Special
Telegram to Tim BKH. ] Henry Sands , a
well digger , while at work to-day south ol
the city , was doubtless fatally Injured by the
falling of a rock weighing about three
hundred pounds and striking him at the
bottom of a llfty-flvo foot well. Three ribs
wore broken and ho was otherwise badly
Will Sue For Damages.
NEintXsKA CITV , Neb , , Jane 10. [ Special
Telegram to THE UEE. | Fred Haofnor , a
saloon keeper at Dun bar , against whom a
temporary injunction was issued by Judge
Chapman , was in the city to-dny and took
preliminary steps to bring nn action for
$10,000 damages against several Dunbar pro
hibitionists who instigated the action against
A Horse Tlilef Captured.
GBKOA , Neb , Juno 10. [ Special Telegram
to THE BEE. ] Eli Gcorgo , the horse thief ,
was arrested nt Dashlor , Tiiaycr county , bj
J. W. Botkin and Leo Borland. He had the
horses In the car billed to Chicago to a con
federate. The horses , four in number , belonged
longed to Conrad Labart , of Fillmore county
and Daniel George , of York county. Ho was
brought to this place and lodged in jail. Out
other thief is at largo yet.
Remembered liy His Friends.
PALMTBA , Neb , Juno 10. [ Special Telegram
gram to THE Biiii.J Last evening about twc
hundrfid Palmyra citizens rathcrea nt tin
resWence.of Hon. J , G. Moore and surprised
him With 'many handsome presents. Tlu
occasion was the .fifteenth anniversary of hh
married life.- After a uoat presentatlot
speech by ono of the party , Mr. Moore re
sponded In on npnrourlAio and effective talk.
! T I > -
Me Cook Dclnolrats Ratify.
McCooK , Neb. , Junol 16. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB 13CB.J Tm democracy of west
ern Nebraska Is ratifying the nomination of
Cleveland nnd Thunuan in this city this event
ing , A torch light procession , speeches nnd
bonfires and shouts for Ulovoland and Thur-
nmn made up the mftjor part of the pro
gramme" .
The ttcntrlcc Delegation.
URVrntcE , Neb. , June 1C. [ SpecialTele
gram to Tun UBE.J. About flfty Bcatrlco
people leave for Chicago to-morrow noon.
The Burlington nnd Union Pacific each fur
nish special sleepers from hero , each road
Retting about half the people. The cnrs oil
both roads will bo handsomely decorated
with Beatrice emblems.
Closed Its Doom.
NF.IIUASKA , CITV , Nob. , Juno 10. [ Special
Telegram to TUB Bnn ] The great American
Tea company , which came hcio from Omaha
nnd started In business \csterdny , closed its
doors to day and retiicd from business , not
having money enough to pay the required 11-
Western Money In Fnlr Demnnd nnd
llntes Steady.
CmcAOo , Juno 10. [ Special Telegram to
the BhK. ] Very little change to note In
local financial affairs. The demand from nil
sources was fair , nndttip supply sufllciont nt
loanable rates of interest. Tno inquiry for
accommodations was from miscellaneous
branches of trade , and not very largo from
nny particular interest. The movement of
money to the Interior was moderately fice ,
and chiefly the corn nud oats sections of the
west , Tlio commission houses forwarded
considerable curicncy to their customers ,
and also received fair amounts of money
loaned on grain during tlio autumn and
winter months. Speculative trading in grain
und provisions lias slackened to some extent ,
consequently there has been a lighter de
mand for money from that quarter , though
calls for margins wcio somewhat frequent.
Shlppois of grain and piovisions borrowed
very little money nnd mainly on very shoi t
date papers. Packers aio virtually out
of the market , as their i equipments
nro not beyond their private means.
Lumbermen presented some paper for
discount , but their demands were not press
ing nnd they wcro icadlly uccommodated.
Wholesale merchants wcro moderate bor-
rowcis , though mainly in the way of a slight
extension of paper duo to rather slow col
lection in some bcctions of the northwest.
Hates of interest were steady and unchanged
though rather favoi ing borrowers who w anted
larger amounts than usual. Call loans were
accepted nt fifr"J per cent , depending on the
standing of the borrower. In eastern mar
kets the supply of money is quite liberal
larcely In excess of the demand , nnd borrow
ers aio readily supplied ut low rates of inter
est , ranging at 131'4 ' per cent on call and 4&
r per cent on mercantile time paper. Ad
vices from abroudlndioatcd a good supply of
money in the IcaJjng banks , with no par
ticular inquiry for loaus. . Bunk balances uro
gradually increasing. The season for u gen
eral slatkonlng of trade is approaching both
this country and Kiropq ) , and the rcquiie-
uients of most branches of business will bo
lighter than at other seasons of the jcur.
New Yoik exchange was in better supply
and the demand was only fair. The market
was only mOdoratcljTaefffo and sales wcro
made at 2o'rt40c prArfium per Sl.OJO nnd the
market closed quiet at : ! 0c. Foreign exchange
was offered sparingly am ? the demand was
only fair. The market wps quiet nnd linn.
Sales ot shippers' sixty days documentary
bills on London were made at $4 S5 ( H i-O c
and closed steady at S4. ii.f ( f 4.85K.
The New York sUiJK'iimi ket exhibited con
siderable activity darmgtho latter part of
the week , but the feeling was somewhat un
settled nnd pnces irregular E.uly in the
week the market was inclined to quietness ,
with tiadingconlined largely to Wall sticet
opeiators. Outside speculators were not in
clined to give the market much attention und
as the season is nppioachmg when the lead-
ngoperutois take a vacation , prospects aie
lotveiy favorable for nn aitlve businehi
until the closu cil summer. The eainings of
the railioadsuio fairly satisfactory , but opei
ators nrogluncingahcad and anticipate lui-
thcr decicase owing to the unsali ( factory
condition of crops and thu disagreements
among manugcis relative to fi eights. The
action taken by the legal authorities of diftor-
ont states regarding the equalisation of
transpoitution charges nlbo had some effcit
in an indiiect way. Trading dtmng the
week was chtelly in specialties , Heading ai.d
St Paul leading , und prices inled decidedly
lower , In some cases reaching the lowest
llgures In several years. Foioign operatots
were not disposed to do much business and
in most cases f.uoicd the soiling side of the
market. The aggregate sales on the Now
York stock exchange for the week weio
l,4ibXX : ( > shares.
In Chicago less activity was noticeable in
speculative itircles dm ing the weuk and n
nervous and unsettled feeling prevailed dur
ing the greater portion of the time. There
appeared to bo less interest manifested in
the leading articles especially by parties who
have been credited huietofoio with trading
in large quantities Prices have lluctuutod
considerably within n small iingo
and favored buyers to ROIHO extent. Trading
wus credited largely to local operators , oid-
cr- > from outside patties bUng smaller m tlio
uggiegato than duiing thu previous two or
tin co weeks Advices from the growing
crops were somewhat conllicting , though
they were taking into consideration the
backwaidness of the season. The National
Ciop Itcport ind'c itcd lo than an nvci.igo
yield of winterwheat und a lair yield of rye
and barley. Spring-sown crops were ro-
poi ted In good condition. The weather has
been more favorable for growing crops ,
though some local complaints uro received of
dunuigo by storms in some sections und
drouth In others. Advices from abroad in
dicate thut the crops uro somewhat back-
wuids , and in some countries the yield ot
the lending cereals will bo some
what lighter than hm year. The
arrivals of grain nt the principal
western markets have been moderately free
and shipments quite liberal , .noro particu
larly fiom lake ports. The supplies of
wheat , oats and barley have decreased ,
while the stocks of corn und r ) e uro some
what enlarged. The arrivals of grain ut the
seaboard were liberal , and the export movement -
ment was fair , though considerably less
than reported ono year ago , Foreign mar
kets , as a rule , have .given shippers very
little encouragement \ fcd prices Have exhib
ited u further shriirtciiKiJ. Piovlsions have
ruled rather quiet und dull with prices on a
declining sculo in Jsyjnpathy with lower
prices for hogs and grain. The arrivals of
livestock at the principal western maikots
were moderately frei Th packing of the
west is rather smaller than at this time lust
jear. . a *
A Now Version ortfioShnotlitKAinong
the Dad Dlirkloa.
H. St. Glair wus ot'rebtcd jesterday on the
charge of shooting with Hitcnt to kill Allco
McDonald the nlghlAiefoio at the disreputa
ble house at Klovenih Street and Capitol
avenue. Allco was ujso locked up to insure
her presence as a witness. She seems tc
have relented toward * her Jealous lover , nnd
now offers another explanation of the shoot
ing. After St. Clair struck her with a stick
the inadauio of the house blew a police
whistle. St. Clair skipped out of the buck
door and was followed by another darky.
The fugitive becuuio angry , picked up a rock
and tired it at the other coon , striking him in
tha back. Mr. Other Darky thereupon drew
his gun and II rod the two shot * ut St. Clair
but without effect. The story is not over
burdened with plausibility.
Sudden Death.
Ellas Solomon , of the firm of Solomon & .
Nathan , doing business at Plattsmoutu auU
Fairmont , died suddenly at Eureka Springs
Ark. , on the morning of tUo 15th inst. Hi :
remains will be brought here this afternoon
and will be interred on Monday morning ir
the Jewish cemetery. The deceased leaves
a widow , who lias been u cripple fof year *
and two children.
Omnhn Dropa the First Qnino to the
Toll Eudors.
Chicago Iofnnt9 St. Louis nmt St. Paul
lrnhs Kansnfl City A Change
In tiicStnmllngarthc Tennis
Other Spot-is.
"Western Association StniulltiR.
Another week of suiprises lu the Western
Association. The DCS Molnes team cuds the '
week In third place nuil Milwaukee lias
forced to the front. St. Paul 1ms passed
the three crack southern teams ami is now
In second placo. Omaha hai dropped from
second down to fifth. The team ti In bad
shape. Coonoy , O'Connell , Hums , Shnnnon
ami riynn , the heaviest hitters , nro all
'disabled. As the team stands now they
caunot bo expected to win. Wild pitchers
and catchers playing In positions they nro
unlit for the error column foots up quite
heavy. As the t.iblo stands now It is no
body's battle.
Below will bo found the standing of tUo
clubs , inchullUK yesterday's games :
Pla\cd Won LostPrCt
Mihvaukco 3J lt > 13 .5113
St. Paul ! U S > 0 14 .f3
DCS Molncs Ill IS 13 .50
KunsasOlty 30 20 10 .5:5
Omaha. . . . . Hi ) IS 18 , W)0 )
Chicago SJ ! 11 IS .4,37
St.Louis ! W 11 22 . j
Minneapolis . .3' ) 15 2 .3b4
GiuiiRS Scheduled for To-day.
Minneapolis vs. Omaha at Minneapolis.
St. Paul vs. Kansas City at St. Paul.
Milwaukee vs. DCS Molnos at Milwaukee.
Chicago vs. St. Louis at Chicago.
Minneapolis 7 , Oinalm .
Mtxxc\ , Juno 1(5. ( [ SpecialTelegram
to Tun Bui : . } The homo team had no dlfll-
culty in winning to daj 's game froih the
Omaha club , owing to the superb pitching of
Winklenian , who held the visitors down to
two hits , Lovctt pitched n fairly good gaino ,
keeping the hits well scattered except in the
first inning , when ho was batted for two
c irncd i uns. Broughton's catching utul the
I "ft Hold work of Buins wci o the features.
I1 the first inning Jovno icachcd second enD
D iran's error , Patton made a single , stealing
second , Hawcs' double bent them both home ,
Hawes scoring on Winklcman's single.
Burns , In the third , muffed Walsh's high lly
and. two out , allowed the runncd to scoie.
McCullum , in the fourth , reached flist on
Wilson's muff and scored on Broimhton's
double. In the seventh Patton made a double
and scored on two outs. In the eighth To-
) cau made a sini'lo , stplo second and i cached
lomu on McCullijm's 'liit to Bums. Omaha
did not score until the sixth , when Miller
reached liist on Hnwos' error , Naglo was hit
jy the pitcher and both scoicd on Wilson's
ine hit over Tebcau's ' head. The score :
Huns cat ned Minneapolis * I. Two base
hitHawcs. . Broughton , Patton. Bases on
b.ills-OT Wiiikulnuii 3. Stiuck out-By 10 , by Lovctt 2. Left on bases
MinntMi lisO , Omaha 0. First busu on cr-
101 s Minneapolis 5 , Olnuha 4. Time 1:50. :
igo IO , St. Ijouls 7.
CIIICAOO , Juno 10. [ Special Telegram to
Tin : Bui : . ] The very good playing of the
Muioons lately is beginning to bring its ap
propriate le ward in the way of of u greatiy
increased ulteirJnneo. The St , Louis team
to-day did not support the exceedingly good
pitching of Staloy us they should have done ,
and were defeated in consequence. The Ma
roons on the other hand did beautiful execu
tion in the Hold , only making three actual
tluldlnx errors a muffed ball by Schoencek
fiom Hanrahun'H throw , a fumble by Hhelms
in right fluid , and a slowly handled b ill by
Sprague , constituting the list. Spruguo gave
live bases on balls , and did not socm to bo up
to his usual woik. The splendid plu.tlng of
Hunrahan and Stalei's pitching nnd good
catching by Aiumlel und Dugdalo wcio the
main featuios. Thoscoio :
Maroons . 2 it 1 1 0 0 0 0 n 10
St Louis . 0 00020005 7
Biso hits Maroons it , St. Louis 10. Kr-
rors Muioons b , St. Louis 7. Pitchers
Sprague and Stuley. Umpire Hugan ,
St. Paul 11 ! , KaiiKMH Cltj I.
ST. PAUL , Juno 10 [ Special ' .telegram to
Tin. HUB | St. Paul had no trouble in si/
ing uji Con way's delivery to-day , and they
kept the Kansas City Holders busy chasing
leather. The cowboys put up a very poor
fielding game , besides appearing to bo with
out diiectlng head and giving u very poor ex-
hlbltion of ball flaying. "Cyclone" Jim
Durgea pitched another great game for the
homo team , holding tno visitors down to two
safe hits , both of which were for two bases ,
The St. Paul boys have struck u gieat bat
ting streak dui Ing , the last week , and the
gilt-edged twirlers of the opposing teams
have no terror for them at present. The
feature of to day's game was the terrific
slugging of Hellly , who made hits in as many
times to the bat. ono of which was n four
bagger. Attendance 1,110. The seoro :
St. Paul . 1 0224201 0-13
Kansas Clty..O 00010000-1
Earned runs St , Paul 0. Two-baio hits
Murpny , Johnson , Conway. Homo rnn
UeJlly. Bases on balls Durgea , Cartwright ,
Ardnor Struck out By Dur ea 7. by Conway -
way 2. Pu 8cd balls ( iunso'i. Wild pitch
Durgea. stolen -Hi MurpbJ , Car
roll , Durgea , Cartwrighl , Johnson. ' Loft on
bases St. Paul 0 , Kansas City 2. First base
on errors St. Paul 5 Unaccented chances
Conway , At don and Cartwrlght. Time
1tt. . Umpire Fcsscndcn.
, Itoa MolneH O.
MIM\AUKKK , Juno 10. [ Special Telegram
to TUB BEE. ] Dos Molncs made its Ilrst
appearance hero to-day before n largo crowd
of spectators. They put Smith in the box
and Milwaukee put Stephens in. Dos Moines
played loosely In the first inning and Mil
waukee scored throe times on a base on
balls , ono hit and two errors The locals
could not hit Smith to any extent und the
visitors did but little bettor with Stephens.
They failed to make hits nnd wcro shut out
Inconsequence. The score :
Milwaukee . 00000000-3
DosMoinos . 00000000 0-0
Boso on balls Off Smith 2. BtrUck out-
Stephens , Holllduy (2) ) , Slmfor , Alvord , Van
Dyko. Double plays Petteo and Strauss ,
Maskroy and Stephens. Wild pitches-
Stephens 1. Umpire Powcm. Tlmo 1.15.
New York 4 , Detroit i.
NEW VOBIC , Juno 10 The garao between
Now York and Detroit to day resulted M
follows :
Now York ,0 00009002 4
Detroit 0 00001000 1
Pitchers Kcefo nnd Gruber. Base hit *
Now York 8 , Detroit 2. I'.rrors Now York
4 , Detroit 4. Umpire Lynch.
" \Vn ililnutjn'5 , IMttsliurj ; 1.
WASHINGTON , June 10. The game bctvrcon
Washington and Pittsburg to-day resulted
as follows :
Washington 0 001801 5
Pittsburg 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 1
Pitchers Whitney and Morris. Base hits
Washington II , Pittsburg 3. Krrors
Washington 1 , Pittsburg i. Umplrcr-Kclly.
Philadelphia 8 , Imtlminpoll.q 3.
PHit.umrittAJuno 10. The game between
Philadelphia and Indianapolis to day resulted
ns follows-
Philadelphia . . . 8
Indianapolis 0 20000100 3
Pitchers Qloason nnd Shrove. Base hits
[ 'hihidclMilii 10 , Indianapolis 10. Krrors
L'hlhulelphla 8 , Indlnmipolls C. Umpire
Boston S , Chicago H.
BOSTON , Juno 10 The game between Bos
.on nnd Dull olt to-day tcsultod as foi-
ows :
Boston 0 000200000 2
Chicago 1 3
Pitchers Kndbourno and Van Haltren.
Uaso hits Boston 11 , Chicago 10. Krrois
Boston a , Chicago C. Umpire Valentino.
Baltimore ! , llrooUlj n 1.
BU.TIMOUK , Juno It ! . The gaino * oe-
: wcen thcBaltlmorcs nnd Brooklyns to-day re
sulted ns follows :
Baltimore 0 4
Brooklyn 0 01000000 1
Cleveland I , Athletics 11.
Cir.viiAxn : , Juno 10. The game between
Cleveland and the Athletics to-day resulted
as follows : "
Cleveland 0 00000100 1
Athletics 8 3000000 0 11
St. Louis t ) , Cincinnati 1.
ST. Lot-it ) , Juno 10. The game between
St. Louis nnd Cincinnati to day resulted
ns follows :
St.Louis 0 00304200 9
Cincinnati 0 10000000- -1
Kansas City 5 , Ijoiiisvllic O.
KANSAS CITV , Juno 10 Tlio game between
Kansas City and Louisville to day resulted
as follows :
[ CansasCity H 00000100 5
Louisville 0 * 0
Crnno 13ros. 11J , Harding II.
The game between the Cranes and Har-
illns at the bull grounds yesterday resulted
in favor of the firmer by n sroro of 12 to 11.
This was the greatest kind of a surprise
| > arty to the knowing ones , as Hardln had
Imported n battery from Chicago for the oc
casion , and n walk-over was expected. The
liitchor that was to annihilate the Cranes
lusted four innings , the score nt that stage
of the game being 0 to 3 in fayor of the Hitter.
Hockwell was then put in the box and for
the balance of the gnmo held the Cranes
down to tineo runs. From this out the game
was close und exciting. In the sixth inning
the score was a tie and again in the seventh ,
each securing ono run. On the Ilrst half of
the ninth the score stood 11 to 10 in favor of
the Hardins , and the Cranes in their half of
the inning , with two men out , silled in and
mudo two runs , winning the game nnd Ilrst
place in the city league.
The standing of the Omaha City league up
to nnd including yesterday's game is as fol
lows ,
Game ? Played. Won. Lost. Pr. ct.
O'l ane Bros ( i 4 a .t'07
.letter & Young 8 n. 3 . ( i.Ti
.1 J. HarJin . ' . .4 2 3 .500
Council Bluffs S 4 4 . .r > 00
Mot' Bios fi 2 3 .400
C K , Mauio 3 0 3 .DUO
Council Bluffs foi felted n game to South
Omaha Juno 10.
Ilentrico 21 , Blue Sprint : * n.
BHATRK iNcb : , June 10. [ SpecialTcloginm
toTiiu linr 1 In a game of bull between
Beatrice and Blue Springs played hero to-day
our boys were vu torious by a bcoro of 21
to. ) .
Conclusion of tln > ilnno Itnceb A
Very Small Crowd.
The Juno racing season of the Omaha Fair
and Exposition association closed yesterday.
Tno attendance was very small indeed. The
management expected n good orowd but
weio disappointed.
The til st race was the 2:48 : trotting , nnd
resulted as follows :
Susie Kcavos. . : 1 1 1 1
PetoGuidncr 2 2 5 2
John A U 4
Forest Wllkes 5 5 'i-3
Harry D 4 4 3-5
Twilight Dlst
Timo-2 : : ! ' . ! ; 2:404' : ; 2 : ; .
The second contest wus the free for all
trot , and was a contest for gore nnd plenty
of it. McLeod driven by Al McCos1 , Klin-
wood Chief , by Ills Papier Ma ho Neebs or
Nlbbs , nnd Longfellow Whip were the stai t-
er.s. ML ° oil won the llrht two heats , with
Klmwood Chief second , and Nlbbs , who bud
$ TiK ( ) up on the horse ho was diivlng , looked
nick. But the next two heats wei o won bv
Klmood Chief nnd McCoy gritted his tei-th
The Until heat was a daisy , McLood going
under the wlro about sixteen lengths alieiul
of H. P. M. Nlbbs , whoso face was a study ,
The following Is the race by heats :
McLeod 1 132 1-1
nimwnod Chief 2211 -s
Longfellow Whip 3 U 2 3 2-3
Time 2 23. 2:34 : , 2U9K : , 3-2i 4' , 3 : nf.
The Novelty race came In next ami was
decided In Uio following manner : Barkis
won the half mlle in , .11 , Forest ICing the
inilo In 1:4iS : , and the mile and a half in 2,47.
A GOO-yurd dash between POIID.I and Dan
Wagner was won bv Ponca In : ! UJf.
A gentleman's roadster's race In which the
first pri70 was a set of harness ; souond , n lap
robe , and third , a whip ; donated by the
Columbus buggy company , wus won by Joe ,
John T , second , Sorroll Dun third. Time
Invents at KIIIIHIIH City.
KANHS Cm , Juno 10 At Wuldo paik the
weather was warm and tno track rather
Six furlongs Jim Repotta won , Only Dare
second , Champagne Charley thlid. Time
l:15tf. :
Ono inllo BonnioKing won , Berlin second
end , Lucy Johnson third. Time IM'iif. '
Ono and ono-qnaiter mile1 * Whoeior T
won , J. B. Clay second , Autocrat third.
Timo-2:12. :
Ono ami ono eighth miles Lewis Glark
won , Lulu May second , Kstrclla thlid , Tlmo
-1 : .Wf.
Half imloChllhowlo won , Gloekncr second
end , J. T. third. Tiino-0 & 0.
At KlHM'I'SlM'lXl B.1V.
NEW Yomt , Juno 10. Fully 13003 people
attended Uio races utShcop hcad Bay to day.
The track was heavy.
Threo-fouiths milo ; Pontlao won , Brad
ford second , Ma netUer third. Time 1 17'f
Threo-fouiths milo : Avrania won , ham
Wood second , Holllday third. Time -1 1U
Ono and ono-eiirhtu miles : The Bard
walked over ono milo ; Hai-eland Hist , Locust
second , Bertha third. Time 1 44Jf.
Ono nnd one-fourth miles : Ordway won ,
Lolojfos second , Dry Monlpolo third. Time
not given ,
Ono mile : King Crab won , Charley
Drcaux second , Salvinl third. Time 1.4'W
Milo on Turf : Inspector B , won , Clioctaw
second , Lancaster thud , Tlmo 1 43 .
Crete Chatitnuqun.
Ilev. J. K , Ensign , state agent for the Crete
Chautauqua , reports that : ho has iccontly
visited Fremont , Nmth Bend , Si-hujler ,
Columbus , Central City , Grand Island and
j'ullerton , nnd held public mooting * in the
Interests of the assembly. All these t ) ace.s
are planning for largo excursions , nnd the
indications are that the attendance this i oar
will bo three times-as large ns List yeari But
ample provisions have been made -to take
care of the crowd at Crete.
The Hall of the HOUBO "Dooortod and
Llttlo Business Douo.
HnmlnllUcports In F < noroI\Vcbrnftkit
Fort Improvements Tlio Money
AVIIl Ilo Forthcoming Military
nml Mlscellanoous Matters.
Deserted Legislative Halls.
613 FontTnUNTItSTltKBT , V
WASHINGTON. D. C. . Juno 10. 1
There- was nothing In Washington to-day
to iclievo the extreme dullness and Intense
heat. The thermometer registered almost
100s In the shade dining the cutlro day , and
the proceeding * in the hotivo were in keeping
with the weather. A short tlmo after the
house met theio was n call , when ovciy
member about the cnpllol was nm in Only
ninety woio found. This number dwindled
as the proceedings continued , until there
were but from forty to sixty present. There
being no quorum it was Impossible to pass
upon object lounblo legislation , and every
thing had to bo douo by unanimous consent.
This proceeding is expected to continue dur
ing all of next week , when there will bo less
than n quorum.
lit u , coNfiunsstoN.vr , OMTLOOK.
The delegates have all left for the conven
tion utul the politicians who did not preccdo
have followed them. Very little was said
about the work at Chicago during the day ,
although the only interest manifested lu
mi } thing was In the approaching nomina
tions. Nobody cares about what is being
done In congress now or what will bodono
dui ing next week. The house will consider
the sundry civil nnd naval appropriations.
and the senate will devote Its time to the
legislative nud judicial appropriation bill.
U ho bulletin boards will bo the attractions
next week nnd the prospects nro that If the
\\cather continues as hot ns it has boon to
day there will bo very little accomplished
nnywheio in Washington.
The .sundry civil appropriation bill , which.
was i oioi ted to-dny by Mr. Kandall from the
committee on appiopriatlons , contained , ns I
predicted last week it would , piovlslon for
the Improvement of the thrco mllltniy forts
in Nobi aska. The bill docs not specify the
MOO.OOO for Nebiaska , but it npproprla'ei
the money and the improvement will bo dl-
tccted by the seciotary of wur. .
A provision was placed in the military ap
propriation bill during Us consideration In
the house to-day which is of local interest to
Oinaha. It increases from StoOO to $1,200 the
sum to bo expended ut each military bar
racks for the construction of stewards' quar
ters. Where the bai racks are located at
cities with 50,000 inhabitant * or uioio , the
amount shall bo $1,200 , and where the popu
lation is less than 00,000 the expenditure )
will bo $600. There was also insoitcd in
the bill an amendment appropriating1
& 1M,000 for the puiposa of ammunition
to bo used m firing morning and
evening salutes at the military posts through
out the United States. The morning anil
evening guns woio silenced somutlmo ago
by order of the secretary of war it will bo
i cmembercd , because there was no money
with which to buy powder for the purpose.
Kcprcscntativo Hayes , with Walter T.
Chester of Iowa , called on the president
Senator Allison was the only Ibwan about
the capitol this afternoon. Ho was busy at
woik in his committee room.
Kcprcscntatives MiShuno nnd Laird fur
nished the only Nebraskans In congress
to duv , with the exception of Senator Pad
dock , who caino over to the house a short
time and was in consultation with the mem
bers named.
Major Frederick Bcntcen , Ninth cavalry ,
has been ordeiod to report to the army ro-
tning board ut Lcavoirworth , Km. , for ex
amination for retiring. Phiini S. HUATII.
Peddlers Downrc.
After several attempts the council has
finally passed tin 01 dlnnnco tilitwdl tnx all
itinerant dealers whether on loot or tiuvol-
ing with a w agon. A snnlliurono was declared
Illegal a few weeks ago , nnd a second was
voted down in council. Each time the fact
was announced and the peddlers were made
happy , but the law is now in force again , and
1'iulnj live of them were run in. In view of
the i ecunt uncertainty they were pardoned
by the major. The oidmunco rends ns fol
lows j. Auctioned s licenses for one joar ,
pujablo in advance , $10 , one day $1 , pcildlcM
on foot fil for onu joar , 810 per month , and
ti per dnv ; retail peddlers with wagon ? OQ
per j car , ? * 15 per month , and $ y per day.
NotoH About the City.
Mlko O'Horno has sold his Twenty-second
street lesidiTieu for $1,800 and is looking out
for u now site.
Mllco Burho was ordered out of town Fri
day and did not go. Ho was run In agaiu
and put to work on the streets yesterday.
Knights of Labor arc completing arrange
ments for the Fourth of July celebration and
thu piogrammo promises to 1)0 ) u good ono.
Friday night n lump exploded In Hunt's
hall and sot Hi o to the building , but It was
extinguished heroic any serious damage was
W. B. Chock , station agent for the B. fi
M , lias boon appointed to the position of as.
Distant stock ugc'iit for the same company
and will uo succeeded by H. J. Gchr ,
A B & M. car loaded with highly smelling hogs and decorated with crnpu , passed
thioiuh thoinids Fiiduy. A placaid was
att.u'hed itniiiiuiicing that it contained thu
bodies of ncabs who had died May 30.
The strike on the B. ft M. is responsible
for the huistlng of another of the South
Omaha otdiimnccs , nnd the burst Is a seiious
one. A Burlington swiUhmnn named Hunter -
tor had n stock jnrdu Hwitelinmn nrrcHted for
calling him a si-m > , and the case came under
the head of 01 dm ance No. 0 , regulating the
penalties fui misdemeanors. Attorney Unco
timed the point that the minutes of the vil
lage ( ouncil at which the ordinance was
passed failed to record the vote as required
by law. 'I ho Judge sustained the objection ,
dismissed the cnso , nnd declared orafqauuQ
No. 0 to bo of no effect.
I'ort Oinalia.
The right wing , -composed of Companies A ,
B , C , 13 and O , under tlio command of
Colonel Joshuuh Tick her , left the guirlfon
yesterday nioiinngiit fl o'l lock for six weeks'
target ni attlco nt Ut'llovuo rlllo range. Col
onel Fletcher will bu in command of the
ruiigo , Lieutenant Plckoilng will ofllciato a <
adjutant and Lieutenant Van Lieu will act
The left wing of the Second regiment ,
which hus Just completed its six weeks' tar
get practice ut Bollovuc , will start o\\l for
Poll O-'iahu this moinliig under tlio com
mand of Major ICdmoiul Butler.
I'l ivato I Bei nstoiri of Company IT , now at
Uolluvuo , wus surptised to discover yestor- .
du that nemo light tlngcied man hud pro. ,
p.ned hunsolf foi the march .Sunday inonilnb
by taking unto himself $17 of Bernstein's
imrd earned cash. 'J'he money was in Born-
liiHido jioulcot and was taken in Iba
of the night.
'Jluty Wont to tlio
OHAIU , Juno 1(1 ( To the Editor of Tin
Bin : Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock J wnt
to the city ticuHurcr's oftlce to pay sewer
taxoi. I found the oftlco closed , and while I
uaitcd about llftccn persons called upon a
similar errand. I waited there twenty nun-
ulni and was Informed that the oftlco was
cloned on account of the race * . 1 work for
my living and for the living of my family ,
us also do the other parties who were wait
ing. It Is necessary for us to lone a lialf day
In aider to inako a second visit. In the city
trcasui er paid for going to the races I
1533 North Eighteenth Street.
The 0. V Muyno's tiavo accepted a pro ) o
Eillon to iiluy two Fouith of July gum i
aga > ust the Corn Palace club ut Sioux ( ity
ThoC. U. Muynos and Ilia Council Bluff *
clubs open thu Manayia park with a guum I'J-
inoriow afternoon. Tne Mayues will have
as tli'Ur battery Salisbury and Bvcillu of tUQ
oM l.'njoij PutUlu nine.