Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 17, 1888, Part II, Page 16, Image 16

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BO pieces first quality Table Oil Cloth ;
IM wide , all now patterns , your choice
3Momlay IGcyard , worth 35c.
' 100pieces "Whito Ground Fipured
TBatislos , beautiful line of colors. These
. Broods make an elegant Summer Dress , Jho , price is only half manufac-
'Jacturor's. Remember , one day only ,
worth loc.
.For ono day only , Monday , wo will
, place on sale 1 case finest quality
crinkle seersuckers in an elegant line
of-colors , sold all last season atl8c yard ,
Tomomber ono day only at Sic yard.
1 case Barker 3G inch BleaehcdMushn ,
finer and better than Lonsdalo , worth
to-day nt the mills Ojc , on sale for one
day only at 8u yard.
Gauze Vests
Monday wo will place on sale 1 case
assorted White Gaux.o and Balbriggan
Vests ; low neck , no sleeves , Jersey fit
ting ; worth OOc each. On sale
at U-JC each.
25 dozen ladies' pure silk mitts in laoo
and jersey , blacks and colors,2oc , worth
60 do/on Ladies' summer Corsets ,
made of a double thick gauze not and
warranted not to break. On sale Mon
day , 76c pair ; worth 51.125.
On Monday we will place on Falo , for
ono week only , 60 do/on Ladies' fine
Braided Jerseys , in all new spring
shades Mahogany , Gobelin Blue , Old
Rove , Grey , Tan , Cardinal , Cream ,
Black , and all at ono price , $1.93 each ;
worth $4.00.
200 ladies satin parasols in all colors ,
worth no to , 82 each , Monday , 81
35 dozen Ladies' Brilliant LlslolTose ,
in blacks and colors , would bo cheap at
60c ; for one dny , 34o pair.
At Away Down Prices !
All at special prices , same as last
week. Now is the time to buy your
Shades. Ac. , ut about half prices. Got
our prices before you buy.
I !
Toilet ; Baskets
1,000 ladies Jap toilet baskets , they
will not last long at the price , 6ft each.
75.pieces fine White Goods , in checks ,
plaidsanil stripes , worth up to 20c , on
sale Monday , Oe a yard.
150 pieces very superior quality of
fine White Goods , in two-toned Checks ,
Lace Stripcsplaids , &c.Theso"good8 are
worth up to COo yard. Your choice
Monday , lOc yard.
10 pieces fine Normandy Val lace
llouncing 42 inches wide , same as usually
sold at 81.o , on sale Monday , only 09e
60 pieces fine Ruchtnjrs , in white ,
cream and pink , worth 20c yard ,
smashed the price for Monday down to
Oe yard.
1 gross Stamped Linen Splashers ,
fringed and largo size , on sale Monday
lOc each ; worth 25c.
15 pieces fine stripe Bouretto ging
hams ; these goods are really worth 15c
yard. Come early as wo have only 15
pieces and at the price quoted , 81c , they
will not last long.
00 pieces MorSe and fancy cdpo lute
bens , in all colors and all widths , Mon
day , lOc a yard ; worth U5e.
Once more wo will place on sale a lot
of line Foullard Silks ; also fancy Bro
cades ; worth up to $1.00 a yard. Youir
choice Monday 37Je yard.
25 do/cn ladies' lisle gloves , in black *
and colors , lOc pair , worth 25e.
The Amount Required to Teach the
Young Idea How to Bakfe.
The Manner In AVIilch the StiulcntB
rrovido Themselves With I.iin-
clieou Tire. Class AVIio arc
A few weeks ngo there appeared in 'Cm :
BEK an article which described the cooking
department of the High school. While the
dissertation mentioned was to a great extent
fact , und the Idea convoyed of the workings
'of this conservatory of cuko construction
.were very nearly trueit treated
itot Of the cost of maintaining thu
.Institution nor did it impart , any information
us to tUo class of people who are benelitted
( by1 the existence- an educational annex like
this ns does the following.
trhe cooking school began operations in
( Ftlbrunry of the present year and has cost
the school board , or the school fnndSV-SW.yi
up'tho present time , und doubtless before the
kalends of July shall liuvo arrived the even
Ul,800 will have been touched. However ,
the computations made are on the basis of
Uie llrst nauird amount.
ITnls $1,230.01 is divided into several funds
is 'follows : Cost of lilting rooms in base
ment for occupancy , cost of furniture , price
of utonsllw , and thu running expenses.
The cost of lilting up thu room is f'05.57. of
Which Hi'nry Kosters received f 17 for paints
hiR while A. B. Wallace received $ H8.57 for
repairing and changing pas and water pipes.
a'ho ordinary furniture used , that is to say ,
the 'tables and cupboards , cost $17. " > , U7 , of
tvhutti sum tl > was expended in trie imrchasu
Of'hix ash tables , while thu balance , $ IM.U7 ,
was paid to Henry Solvers and Herman
Kroitsehmaim for constructing the other
furniture , which Includes combination tables
kml cupboard shelves for dishes , oto.
a'ho cooking utensils , Including gas stoves
mill ovens , a range and the many
ilttlo articles used in thu , prepara
tion of various grades pf victuals
from bacon and eggs to pound-cake and pie.
aggregates f ( > . Jnrluded In this list wo
linil n bill from H , I . Murso & Co , for Slfl.iiS
worth nf clothing , including crash , ticking
und llanuolH , The gas Moves und ovens
wore purchased at a pnco of $ > , whllu the
rtHiigerutor nutted the party who disposed
of It (17.25. Hy combining the amounts
mentioned , wo Und that the total cost of
lilting up looms , purchasing furnituiuand
Utensils is WO. 12.
The cost of maintaining the school uinco
thu period In February when the pancukc-
luniing , beef-frying pi cross began is fVi4. tl ,
-which sum Miss Clara Mann , the teacher ,
has drawn tUU. ) ; ; Alma Green , a good-
looking domestic , \vho washes dishes , scrubs
the tloor and pollbhcs up the handle of thu
big front door , has been paid for service
during the parlod Indicated WJ.MI. Jolt
liedford , who furnished the conl , has cached
n wui rant for f 7.UT ) . Harris & Finlier , for sii loin
ntciiks , soup bones and i east ing pieces has
drawn $11,22. 1 * . H. Allen , for oysters ,
whether on thu half shell or not , the bill does
not specify , ( \-\b. \ O. It , Moorcs & Co. , for
groceries , * ' , Hi.4f > ; ? it.W ; ) was paid for milk.
tf wo bills , ono for 75 cents and ono for S3
vents expended fur sundries , complete the
list , and the account balances ? 1.230. jl. The
totul turn expended In the purchase of gro
ceries , or rather cooking ingredients , Is
The class engaged In mustering the science
of preparing ample breakfasts , solid dinners
und light suppers , 1 $ compcicd of seventy
young Indies and two young gentlemen , all
but Uveivonf uliom nro students in the High
school , whllu thu dozen specified uro eighth
grade pupils. They lire divided Into four
sections for convenience and devote two
.hours per day to the study and practice of
pooklng , and a short period ot time to the
.tonsuroution of what they have produced.
All victuals prepared are eaten by the party
whose-labor and skill produces it.
It has been stated that the amount of cook
ing donu is very small , and indeed it is , com
paratively speaking. The pics constructed
and the cakes moulded are on a very diminu
tive plan , and one pm made in the High
school would probably contain less material
thnn one piece of the average boardinjrhouso
composition , while the cakes are of the si/c
known as patties. "When soup is inado the
quantity is limited to a pint , and. in i ousting
meats the pieces are quite small. In fact ,
everything is conducted in a manner to entail -
tail the least expense. Hut notwithstanding
all tlieso precautions , it is plain to bo seen
that seventy-two pupils engaged in cooking
at least ono hour each day the remaining
hour being devoted to tiieoi etieal study must
ot necessity prepare in a wcclt's tune enough
food to last u moderate family some length
of time. All of which , us mentioned
previously , is consumed by the scholar.
It has been asserted by those who uro m a
position to speak authonatively on the sub
ject , that it was intended to teach only the
pioecss of cooking only the plainest fare ,
such us is found on the table of the laborer
und mechanic , yet in a bill from C. H. Moore
& Co. , among other things are found apri
cots , maccuroni , lemons , butter at ! iO cents
per pound , etc. , while P. H. Allen calls for
S1.-16 for ovsters. Milton , Ilogers & Sons , in
their itcmued bill enumerate French wafllc
i-onR,0 tiatcnt potato mashers utti cost of W.fiO ,
pastry brushes , Hoston brown bread molds ,
two doyen Husslau iron bread-pans , lemon-
siuec/cis , three upple-parers , spoons , table
spoons , pudding boilers , mountain cake puns ,
etc. Included hi the list are articles without
number , which the ordinary fam
ily liavo not as yet heard
of and which our mothers und grand
mothers hud not the advantage. While the
class of cooking done ut present may bu
plain , it Is safe toassoit when any fancy
work is icquircd the cooking school depart
ment Is ready to undcrtako thu task.
The names of the pupils who are taking a
course in this Institution are ; Misses Maude
Church , Isabella Hess , Geotglu Rich , Nettie
Hluh , Floru Adler , Viola Pratt , Anna Mack ,
Miss IJruce , Kll/ubetb Allen , Nettie Hnkor ,
Evu Harton , Alice Hrown , Lillian Hruner ,
Alice Cudy , Minu Charles , Ida Uluckmoru ,
Flo Frost , Anna Hainan , Kdnu Hobuit , Ma
mie Hogun , Ltolo Ki'lmmi , Gruco Lilly ,
Maude- Miller , Kstollo Maekey , Dora Proc
tor , LIdn Kwlnglcy , Minnie Swurtzlaudcr ,
ICuthcrino White , Ktinicu .Stebbins , Dot a
Ore IT , CUSMO Arnold , Mabel Halter , Amv
Huiker , Jesslo Hynio , Cii-aco Curler , Xettu
Churchill , Helen Copelund , Delia Day. Pearl
Hurtnmn , Louise Holtoif , Until Kimball ,
LjdiuMcCaguo , Uoso Nickel ) , Muttie Pol-
u-lr/IcTtnule Smith , ICllu SmltliMaude Ktal-
cv. Persls Hunt. Fannie PiattMarion Crun-
( .on , Cnrrlu Oroff , ( irucu Marty , Hannah
Tiostler , Nellie Hnird , Ueithu Wil'iumson ' ,
Lillian llcuson , Kttiul Milestone , Margin ot
Hrown and May Yatc-s , All of the above ,
with thu exception of the lust nnmcd twelve ,
uro high school students. The male portion
of the class U composed of Will Parker and
Fred Snjdcr.
CAn Investigation of the social standing of
the class1 develops thu fact that nt least 'Kl
per cent are * ho chlldien of well-to-do par
ents , and that u largo part of this IH ) per cent
huvu not only well-to ilo parents , but uiu
what is termed moderately wealthy , whlla
but u few uro In adverse circumstances , und
none can bo culled absolutely poor.
The reader can readily perceive from the
nbovu uhouio obtaining thu benellt of the
bdiool , und tl > u exact cost oi maintaining it.
I'Kl'l'KUMINT 1 > I101 > M.
Said a thief to u wit , "There's no know
ing OIIO'H friends
Until they've been tried and found
steady. "
"Very true,1 said tbo wit , "but all
jours , 1 presume.
Have been tried and found guilty
already I"
If your hut blows off in the street follow it
placidly and with gentle dignity. Somebody
else will thusc it to you.
Fogg explains the cause of the lachrymose
effect of the onion. The turret lies m the
bklu , whkb is laid on In tiers.
Adam \vus not as good as he might Imvo
been , but ) ic never reeled off lies by the yard
ubout the pranks of bis school days.
In the summer , when other people are In
dulging in outings , the baseball man is com
pelled to devote his time and attention to inn
"Have you Browning ? " she asked at thd
village store. "Xo , " replied the clerk ,
"wo have blacking and whiting , but no
Drowning. "
The white horse and the red-headed girl
are fulling into innocuous desuetude , and the
bald-beaded politician and the dark horsenro
coming to the front.
One of the queerest things about agi icul-
turo is to see u congressman plant garden
seeds among his constituents , und then look
confidently lorward to a crop of votes next
"What's the matter , Dmnley , you look dis
contented and unhuppvj" "I am. 1 Just
found u three-cent piece , and when I saw it
on the sidewalk I'm blamed if I did not think
it was u dime. "
A thief stole the fruit trees ono night lust
week that John Cooper , a fat trier living near
Abilene , bad planted during the day. It is
still customary to leave the railroads in
Kansas out over n ight.
Street-ear Passenger Do you know waht
the weather probabilities uio this morning ,
sirf Citi/en No , 1 huvn't seen tlio paper
yet. but I fancy fair weatlier is predicted ; I
notice everybody bus an umbrella.
In Purls there nre people who make a liv
ing by waking people up in the morning.
Come to thin it about il , theic are people in
this country who make a living ut the MUIIO
kind of business. They also sell milk.
Tins is the order which u little girl brought
into u Lewiston druggist's store tbo oilier
day. It wus wiittcn on u dirty piceo of note
paper , us follows : "Mr. Druggist : Plcuso
send ipecac enough to throw up u four-year-
old girl. "
Speaking of Infant prodigies , the Mx-
months-oM child of Mr. Hurlaps , of Crocus-
vine , has invented tv new lanfruage. It
sounds like Volnpuk , hut as the child's
mother claims to understand it , It must be
mote simple.
HegparWill you plcnM ) give me n dlmo.
sirf I'm deaf and dumb. Gentleman Deuf
und dumb ! Hcggar I mean I am blind. Its
me twin brother who is deuf und dumb , sir.
Wo look ho much u'iko that 1 get mixed up
myself sometimes.
A gentleman , nt the funeral of bis wife ,
wasanno\ed to see the carriages containing
the IricnilK getting terribly mixed up. "I
knew perfectly well , " he said with u tone of
disappointment , "that this day wouldn't geoff
off without somu unpleasant incident. "
The latest Mory from Texas , the paradise
of IjuiH , in of u hunter who en mo across u
herd of ten decis and killed nlno , und
wounded the remaining ono tlnfoitunutcjy
the imagination of the prevaricator bioko
down before ho could add , "all with ono
bullet. "
A Chicago man who hns n now theory of
evolution , sayh "tho Chinaman Mining fiom'
un alligator und the Kiiglishmua from u bull
dog. " There IK nothing leniarkablo about
that. Wo Imvo plenty of Americans who
have sprung from I ho bulldog ; and as for thu
alligator , well , who wouldn't spring from the
ugly monster I
Youngstcrd who suddenly evince u remark-
nblo weakness for licking the index finger
when thero'h u moliissrs jug in reach , must
have had u jolly old time of it in Highhuid
Light , Must. . , last week , A molasses laden
truck collided with a locomotive , staving In
the heads of most of the molasses barrels ,
and making a river of the liquid in thu
Life is burdcjifcomo , alike to the sufferer -
foror and all around him , while dyspop-
sin and its uttending evils hold swuy.
Complaints of this nature can ho speed
ily cured by taking 1'rickly Ash Hitlers
regularly. Thousands \ once , thus
lUlliclcd hear cheerful testimony : s to
its merits.
Marcus U. Mayer writes from Hlo Janeiro
that at Hucnos Ayrcs Puttl drew ? 15(0 ( ) m
gnld to each performance. Montevideo will
bo the next place vUitod , und on July S she
will appear at the Teatio. Imperlulo Doni Pe
dro II. , which will hold $20,000 in gold nt
Paul's prices. i
. Smoke Seidenbery's Figaro , and jjet
the best 6-coiit cigar in. the world. Max
Meyer & , Co. ' , wholesale depot. .
Bill Nye Challenges Sullivan to Talk
into a Phonograph.
Would Not Miss It An Object Lesson
Lovely Woman KatliT's Cra
dle Sonjj Grovor's Joke
Mistaken Identity.
Lovely Woman.
Oh , why down tor checks do the
Tall ,
Oh , is there an ache In her heart , I won
der I
Her shoes nrc new and .1 slzo too small ,
My fi lend , nnil they're pinching her feet
like thunder.
lioslon Courier.
Augustus used to rave and scold ,
Because Sophia was so cold :
Hut since they're wed , lie says with vim ,
She makes it much too hot for him.
Detroit Free Press.
I've kissed her In sonnet mid ballad ,
I've wooed her in madrigals terse ;
Yet every fond pledge is invalid ,
Hccauso her old father's averse.
Texas Sittings.
Oh , woman , gentle woman ,
If you put tlio ballot-box ,
AVe do not care a copper
Who will have to mend our socks.
Washington Critic.
Mistaken Iiiilcntily.
Detroit Free Press : Patient I wish
you would prescribe for mo , doctor. I
am nervous and restlehs and my bleep is
dibturhcd by nightmares hideous enough
for delirium trumcns.
Doctor Possibly your heart is dis-
oiihcd. Do you lie on your right side ?
Patient Great" Scott , doctor ,
thought that you know I am running an
independent newspaper and have to lie
on all sides.
A Cr.iillo SOUK J'or Knthcrfl.
Jfrwfrm Citititer.
Hush , my baby , don't you cry ;
MainniuM coining by and by.
She bus gene a shopping , Uear ,
Do not cry for papa's hero.
Mamma's just go no down 'the street ;
Gone to mutch a ribbon , sweet.
Shopping diyti ; are dreadful days ;
Mamma hates them ( e > o she i > ujs. )
'TIs so tiresome turning o'er
Fabrics In a dry goods &toro ,
Ladies do not hko to uhop ;
They at homo would ruthar stop.
And they're always grieved I know
When they mustu shopping go.
Do not fret my little one ;
She'll return by bet of bun.
( So it is to bo supposed )
For the stores will then bo closed.
"Grover'8" Joko.
Chicago Herald : The Haptibt breth
ren who held u convention in Vv"abhiug-
ton onjojuda hearty laugh ut the- ex
pense of one of their number , Ibuae
Waters , the piano manufacturer , of
Now York.
The president gave an audience which
lasted several hours to nuch of the dele
gates as chose to call at the white houbu
and pay their respects. When Mr.
Waters stopped forward to grasp the
president's hand ho remarked :
"Mr. President , my name is Waters.
I am the worst prohibition crank in
New York city. "
"Well , " said the president , solemnly ,
and. with marked emphasis , "you look
it , and I may add that your name fully
heart , it out. "
Would Not Miss It.
First Pabtor Do you attend the
church conference to-day. Urother
Second Pastor No , I'm 'not feeling
very well , and I've decided not to leave
tho'houso unless some matter of great
importance calls mo out.
First Pastor Kr , 1 suppose you know
that the case of Brother Ilarkins for
undue familiarity with suveral hi&tersof
his congregation is to be tried in the
conference to-day ?
Second Pastor Wait a moment ,
Brother Haggs , and I will get my coat
and hat.
The Wicked Little Girl.
Boston Globe : "Ma's up stairs changing
" said the freckled-faced
ing her drcbs , -
little girl , tying her doll's bonnet
strings "and cabling her eye nbout for a
tidy large enough to servo as n shawl
for that double-jointed young person.
"Oli , your mother needn't dress up
for nio , " replied the female agent of the
missionary society , taking n solf-satis-
licd view of herself in the mirror. "Run
up and toll her to come down just as bhe
is , in her everyday clothes , and notto ,
bland on ceremony. "
"Oh. but she hasn't got on her every
day clothes. Mti was all dressed up in
her now brown silk , 'cause she expected
Mibs Dirnmond to-day. Miss Dlmmond
always comes over hero to show off her
nice tilings , and ma don't intend to get
left. When ma saw you coming she
baid , "tho Diekonsl'and I guess she was
mad about something. Ma said if you
haw her now dross she'd have to hear
all about the poor heathen , who don't
have bilk , and you'd USK her for money
to buy hymn books to bend 'om. Say ,
do the nigger ladies tibo hymn book
loaves to do their hair up on and make
it M/.v.y'i Ma bays she guesses that's all
the good the books do 'em , il they over
got any hooks. 1 wish my doll was a
heathen. "
"Why , you wicked little girl ; what
do yon want of a heathen doll ? " ir-
quircd the missionary lady , taking u
mental inventory of the new things in
the parlor to got material for a homily
on worldly extravagance.
"So folks would bond her lots of nice
hiugn to wear and fuel berry to liavo
tor going about naked. Then she'd
have hair to friand ; I want a doll
with truly hair and eyes that roll up
like Deacon Hliderbaek's when lie suvb
amen on Sunday. I ain't a wicked girl
nither. 'cause Uncle Dick you know
Uuclu Dick , hu'b been out wet-t , and
bwoarri awful and binokes in the hoiibo
ho says I'm a holy terror and ho hopes
I'll bo an angel pretty boon. Ma'll bo
down in a minulo , to you needn't take
your clonk on * . Hho bald she'd bo * my
cars if I asked you to. Ma's putting on
that old drebs she had last year , 'caiif-o
bho raid she didn't want you to think
she was able to give much thin timoand
bho needed a new unit ! worse than the
( luccn of the Cannon Ball iblands needed
religion. Uncle Dick says you oughts go
to thoiblaniis'caube you'd bo bnfo there ,
and the iiatifsM ba berry they was such
Minion ! anybody would send you to 'om.
Ho bays ho neversuen aheillbon hungry
enough to eat you , 'loss 'twas n blind
ono , an' you'd bCt a blind pagan's tcuh !
on edge to he'd never banner after anymore
moro missionory , Unolo Dick'b awful
funny , and makes pa and ma die laugh
ing bomolimes. "
"Your Undo Richard is u bad , do
waved wretch , and ought to have re
mained out wo&t , whore his style is ap
preciated. He sots a horrid example
for little girls like you. "
"Oh , I think hoV nico. Ho showed
mo how to falido down the ImiiibteiB , and
ho'b teaching mo to whibtlo when ma
ain't round. That's a pretty
you've got , ain't it ? Do you buy all
your good clothes with inibfaiouary
money ? Ma bays you do. "
Just then the freckle-faced little
girl's ma onmo into the parlor and
kissed the missionary lady on the check
and said she was delighted to see her ,
aud they proceeded to have a real
sociable chat. The little girl's ma
can't understand why a person who
profcbses to be bo charitable as the
agent does should go right over to Mibs
Dimmond's and bay such ill-natured
things as she did , and bhe thinks the
missionary is a double-faced gossip.
A Proposed Matcli.
The following letter is self-explana
tory : To Colonel John A. Sullivan ,
Boston , Mass. : Sir I see that at your
testimonial recently in Music hall , you
guarantee to lick the next man you
stand up against. I also notice with
pain for Mime time you have been tin-
uccessfully looking for your peer , and
like Goliath of Gath walking up and
down before the regular army and beg
ging in loud and ungrammatical terms
for some gentleman to como and tread
on the tail of your coat.
The only bling I know any thing about
is your best weapon'and so 1 shall not
name the sling. I want to meet you on
equal terms , and so I propose only such
conditions as shall bo fair for both of
UH. I hate to see a man making a
wreck of hlninclf while waiting for
some one to mgct him , and so I liavo de
cided to challenge you.
I have boon only waiting till I could
train down RO line that removing my
spectacles and the cotton fiom my oars
would make half dillercnco in my
weight , and now that I have reached
that point 1 yourn to get hold of you.
I now challenge you , John Lawrence
Sullivan , late of England and France ,
but now of Boston , Mass. , to meet mo
anywhere in the United States or any
foreign monarchy , where fair play will
he assured to both , either in a sixteen ,
twenty or twenty-four fool ring , with
bare knuckle.s , to talk into a phonograph
graph to a llnish , for $ P > 0H)0 ( ) a side , the
gtito receipts and thu championship of
the world.
I select as my timekeeper n largo
four-pound Watcrbury wati-n and name
as my seconds Noah Wobbler and Lydia
H. Pinkham.
In cai-o wo are broken up by the police
before the contest Is finished , the pureu
shall go to the one haying the best of
it at the time of the into'rforonco.
As my bottlo-holdor I bcleet ex-
Governor St. John , of Kansas , and as
sponger I shall bring an acquaintance
of mine who borrows my umbrellas and
sells them. <
It shall also he the duty of the agree
ment that the press bo freely and fully
rcprchcntcd , each rorresponduntto have
Ills oxpeiibcb iiiid to and from the con
test by the loiing party , whether the
place'selected be in this country or in
All kinds of talk shall count. Every
thing goes slang , blow , brag , bluster ,
old lectures , bounnd-hand re.iponbon to
loasts , italicised wind , old Fourtlj of
July orations , contempt for other pu
gilists and impassioned appeals for bumo
one to lick will n'cnru. Each man * ball
strip at less than 185 pounds and bo al
lowed a bale of tin full and u box of
bronchial troches.
The free Hist will bo suspended , with
the exception of members of the jircss ,
the princO of Wales and such of your
favorite wives S3 you detiro to favor
with tickets.
The time occupied shall ho MX days ,
or to a flnifah. straightaway or cat h-aB-
catch-can. No profanity will bo al
lowed and no language to be used which
the press shall consider improper for
Each contestant shall ho entitled to a
copy of his remarks mudo during the
encounter and may copyright baiuo for
publication in book form afterwards.
I am no pugilist , but when pugilism
gets within the roach of a common con
versationalist and conservator of gab , 1
think it is a shame you have romainct )
unchallenged so long. 1 may bo qp
match for you , but if you will meet inq
on the above terms and the boys will
see that wo liavo fair play , . ! will guar
antee that I will make it interesting
for you , and that so far as I am con
cerned it shall be no hippodrome.
UlLI. Nl'K.
Uright Children.
Boston Transcript : There is a Bos
ton kindergarten whore the teacher is
very particular in instrueling the chil
dren in correct ideas of form , and often
roiwats her object lessons in this
branch. She always begins by holding
up a rubber ball and a string.
"Now , children , what is this ? "
"A globe , " the little ones will
The other day she held up the famil
iar ball and asked as usual :
"Now , children , what do I hold in my
hand ? "
"Chestnut ! " said a prompt little boy
in ono of the front chairs. .
A Catholic ludy In New York lias just
given f.0XX ( ) to the American Catholic uni
The reflex influence of foreign missions fs
illustrated by the fact that u young ludy
fiom the liiunn church , Austria , came last
year to Amci leu to labor for the Bohemians
in Cleveland Ohio.
, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Hy the comnromiso with the heirs undur
the "Clark will , " Hartwiek Hcmtimry ,
Hiirtwlck , N. Y. , receives over ? : )3UJJ ) ( This
is the oldest theological school of any de
nomination in the state.
lihtillo university is making on earnest of-
foil to help indigent students It has ITS
students , owns property worth ; iiJOt ) ( had
an income of ffl.OJO lust year , but its salaries
are paid by the freodman'H board.
They liiivo In California H'.l churi-hi's , with
7ii.ri ( ) members , ( MX ) of whom were baptueil
during the last year ; contributions to re
ligious objects last year , { IU,294.UI , an average -
ago ol about f'J.TO u head.
The San Fram-isco theological seminary
expresses its gratitude to Mr , W. S. Ladd ,
of 1'orllund , Oro. , for Ills magnificent gifts
of ffiO.UiMJ and In endeavoring to mnltoup an.
other t-IO.lXW by contributions on the Pacillu
The plans for the new building of the Phil
adelphia theological seminaryImvo been con-
pleted and thu contract let ; the structure tn
bu completed within nine months. The
buildingis to bo of btonu IQSxllil feet and
three htorlos high.
Tliu fifty-eighth session of the as
sembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian
rluirch met in the city of Waco , Texan , on
Thursday , May 17. There were nbout 220
delegates in attendance , independent of the
various members of the ditiercnt boards.
Thu total cost of the Sandwich islands
Missions lor thu tlfty years fiom 10 to IbTO
wasl , iO,0H ( ) During the next two yearn ,
IbTO 71 , the commerce of the United States
with ttio inlands amounted to over $ ' .I,0X ( > , UOO.
The net prolltn on this equalled thu cnllro
Jlftiears cobt of thu missions ,
The American Sunday School union organ-
i/wl laM. year l.WW schools , with 0,8'JiJ tuuch-
urs and 54,1'- , ' scholar * . Schools uidod first
tune , ! , .r > h , having iriOJ5 members. Schoolu
( piovlously i ciioi ted I uidcd , U,715 , having
iiiy/jS-s members Hiblcs distributed. ( i.MiS ;
Testaments , 10:02 ; : ; families visited , Ul0. (
The number of students in thu eight PrcS-
bytciian theological ( tomim-rles are icpoitctl
us ( HIT. Princeton , l.VJ : Union , 13. ; McCor-
inii-U. 111) . Western , 7i ; I ano , M ; Auburn ,
M ; San Francisco , 10 ; Danville , 10. The
property owned by these eight aggiegatca
i",2lllwiO , thus : : Princeton ,
Jl.fioo.oou. McCormlck , $1,100,1X10 ; Auburn ,
ti'XoOi' ' , Western , f . ioou : I.aao , WOO.oiK ) ;
banvlllc , i'Joo.tOO . ; Sun Francisco tfOWW.
A clergy man'whoso balary 15 110,000 a year ?
and upuura. never preaches from the text
about thu camel mid thu eje of u ; .ccdl .
- J